Newspaper Page Text
It is the duty of every honest rcpiib-' lican to assist in the election of anti machine delegates on August 13. . Reg istration is prerequisite to participaion » in \u25a0 he primaries. REGISTER TODAY V VOLUME OH.— NO. -42. Prosecution's Plan for Selection of Mayor Is Rejected Boxton Confesses in Court His Acceptance of bribe From Halsey RECEIVERS WILL STOP UNLAWFUL TRUST METHODS Bonaparte Throws Light on His Novel Procedure in Prosecutions CONTROL TEMPORARY Uncle Sam Not Going Into Business of Running the Combines LAW IS INADEQUATE Attorney General Says Sher man Act Alone Would Not Avail SrrciAL, D.ISPATCH TO THE CALL WASHINGTON, July 11.— At- ! ; tomey General Bonaparte de clared today, that the government had no idea of going into the busi ness of running the trusts through the medium of receivers. Inci dentally, he discussed the effect of prosecutions, under the Sher man antitrust law on prices . of commodities..' ".'^^«,^ '*What is the significance of the policy adopted by the department of Justice. of receivers for law.break-^ ing monopolies?" Bonaparte was aske><3.' "It must be understood In the ftrst place." he replied, "that the prayer for the appointment of the receivers as part of the relief prayed in . the ' bill Rgrajnst the socalle<l tobacco trust is not an application for relief prior to the final decree in the case. To use a technical term, it is a 'prayer for ordi nary and not for extraordinary relief. "The theory is that if a' court of equity finds a.' corporation or cluster of corporations engraged in an unlaw ful business It will utilize all of its accustomed agencies to put an end to this unlawful business. Such illegality of the business, however, consists not merelyin the fact that .It ifi carried on but in its being; carried on under clr ' cumstances which make It an unlaw> ?ul monopoly, or an attempt to attain ;in unlawful monopoly. The court is to be asked to appoint an officer who will temporarily conduct the affairs of the corporation or corporations involved so as to eliminate gradually- the, unlawful features while preserving, so far as possible, the legitimate interests of all concerned from injury during the process of adjustment. - * •The prayer for this relief. If sus tained by the courts, will, it Is hoped, prove a practical and effective method . »f insuring obedience to the law- In cases where there seems to be much danger of evasion. Its embodiment in the bill Just filed has no other signifi cance than to show that the subordi nates of this- department are giving • . their best time and .thought : toward makfbg its work effective in attaining the ends of the law. "The government' has no Idea of go ing Into the business of running trusts. The receivership application is .merely a means of relief, a temporary means of relief. Just as any receiver might be called upon to administer a corporation in the Jurisdiction of the court for the purpose of attaining certain temporary ends. It is true that it is a new de parture In equity, practice, " but there are analogies which sustain It. Still there are some interesting legal ques-" tions involved." '^ "Do you' think that the Sherman law is adequate to enforce competition?" "I do- not/ -was. the emphatic reply. "I think that the . Sherman law^ is one of many different means working: to. this end, but standing^alone and with out any; other . measures of legislation or administration tending to counter vail the tendency ;; toward combines both of capital and labor,' for the Sher man law applies to both ; the a.ct Is . not sufficient. I may add that r I thlnkjthis is the general- opinion; among all well informed persons." PRESIDENT'S * LATEST SCHEME May Advise -That the Government Purchase Railroad "^Shares \u25a0 WASHINGTON*. July 11.— President lloocseveit is - considering * the' ad visaoU-i Continued on 1 Page 2, Column 8 The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEPHONE TEMPORARY S6 FRIDAY. JULY 12, 1907 WEATHER COJTDmoXS / 'TESTBBDAT — Cloudy; maximum temperature, 62; Tnlnlmntn, 82. \u25a0 POBECAST FOR TODAT— Fair: feg v ln morn ing; light west triad*; brisk la the after noon. -\u25a0- • *«*« 11 YOUR. NEWSPAPER FOLLOWS YOU Have THE CALL mailed to your VACATION address. Change the address as often as you wish. If paper fails to arrive regularly and on time advise The Call's Cir culation i Department promptly. EDITORIAL • Appljing the new antitrust law. - P»re 8 x Bocten Is swing things. \ '-. '.\u25a0-':[ '_.. \P«*e 8 "\u25a0 Unhappy .futnre of. the Berkeley boy. Pae« H A fictional' real estate transaction. Face 8 GRAFT \u25a0 Chief of Police Dlnan refuses to take orders from Mayor Boston and details DetectlTe Fan ning to remain at old esecutire office. .Pare 1 Mayor Charles M. Boston confesses In open I coart his acccptajjce of a • $5,000 bribe Trom Theodore jV. Ilalsey of the . PaclSc States ' telv' phone iinil telegraph , .company j and forges tie first link in the chain of evidence against Louis Glass. .. . Pag« 1 Mayor Boxtoa discbarsea enip!oyes of Schmitz because they fall to report for duty at new head quarters. ' Pipe 4 Superrlsors officially designate, quarters for new mayor to make \u25a0 Boston's . occupation legal. ' .-,... l;n.-'.l-- .'..'.. P»T».4 Cmnmprcial bodies and union : labor ' leaders reject plan proposed' by ":• graft prost-sutlon lor selection of new mayor by i a committee sof thirty. - - . - » - — \u0084-. Pa»e 1 STRIKE SmiATlOlir^ : ; .- • . '^fil Chicago • officer* jof telegraphers* ' onion J call off mass . meet int. ' fearing * statapede ', would ! r4 »ult, «n<! action «t Commissioner Nelll is uwslt ' -SuperTlsorßV. street coniinittee. recmnmends that' permit - be . graateil t»'; the^SooUiern : Pacific] foj spur i track ~ - along ' ' iiortiV', Point , and!:-- Beach rtreets. - • \u25a0 .' _ , : . . , Pag* IS I Soldiers j of coast defense barn much powder in mock defense, of Golden gate. * \u25a0\u25a0 Pajre.l6 Court inTcstljrates charge 'that' agefl "woman whp. bag $19,000 In ~ bank was abducted' anl held a prisoner 'for three ' days. : \u25a0 Pa»« 11 _ Captain Mooney .'. "calls .-"down" . President Hagerty . of the .police - commission for sot., ad dressing him by his _. title." '\u25a0 .; Pare 11 - Wife, of . Lieutenant • ti. ..E. , ITanson of . the Twenty -sixth .^lnfantry, is j granted. '.dlTotce': anJ rumor -connects her name with that of Captain Daiton of the i quartermaster's department in new romance. . Pago IS Widow of .Dr. l Nicholas Richardson is marrldl In secret to ; Lloyd - Bowman, . ' a . cItII , engi neer. \u25a0 \u25a0 ' . ' Page 1 - L.. C. Pistolesl. is expelled from San Francisco yacht-club because of unkind statements' lie made. . . t Page 16 ' Robert Watt, . leading " plcnecr capitalist 'anJ banker/ dies suddenly at his borne in California street. ' ' \u0084\u25a0 v t Page 16 SUDtRDAX '•\u25a0 . Alameda county, automobile j association plans campaign to secure legislation to regulate ' mo toring. . Fag* 7 " Coroner's jury finds • that Captain Walston of the 'whaler California ' was alire^ when " thrown into Ute bay by thugs and that death was due to drowning. - - \u25a0' '• " i Pag* 7 Mrs. Ilenry^ W. • Deminj* of ' Oakland - seeks dirorce on ' ground *j that husband Is untidy in personal habits. \u25a0'"\u25a0 \u25a0 Pag* 7 coast" ' - ••V--.'^ : Japanese spy .captured while making drawings of - Fort ' Eocecrans. . Page 3 Warm contest* are i expected In ' election', of Yousg Ladles' Institute ;\u25a0 at Stockton and ''many candidates : are In the, field. '.;' .-' „ - . . Pag* 7 ' Monster serpent . Is - seen In ', Walker - lake \u25a0 by two flshermea. •'. " -^ . \u25a0 •- • _ - Pag* 11 Educators *In * session in Los Angeles : launcb moTf ment to - form |an j \u25a0 international rassocia tion. • • : Pact 9 \u25a0 Grand parlor ; of \u25a0 Natire . Daughter* -of • Golden West" In "assembly \u25a0at • WatsonrlHe Indorses woman's \u25a0 suffrage^ • ' . . - Fag* 4 bOBIESTXCV, '••;\u25a0 - .- Hay wood calmly > takes ' stand \u25a0at his trial la Boise and • emphatically denies -that he plotted the . death .. of ' Steuninberg . or . any ; "otber crime. '-^ '....".' . . '.Page 6 \u25a0 Santa Fe to build branch making a direct Jliie from New Orleans to_San; Francisco. ' Pag» 11 Attorney Ccneral Uonaparte explains that gov ernment does "not aim to run .trusts through. receiTers, but \u25a0 merely; seeks -temporary control to"' stamp out-, unlawful methods. • ""Pajrel SPORTS / ' '.' \u25a0 ' .'-^ San*- Francisco defeats -.Portland lin: 12 - Inning baseball ; gatae and . Oakland ' wins from \u25a0 IJos Angeles. ." - .- '• . . . . -' .- \u25a0«• : - ' Pag* 1O Seattle racing officials suspend \u25a0 the mare , Net ting and ; her trainer. : B. F. Clark'.'-' after } Netting had won the third race at odds Of 50 to I.'; Page 10 • Lady Ance, winner of the Jamaica Mike :it Brighton bearh, runs six furlongs In 1:11 4-5.7 P.lO ' Many * sufprißes Mn ; the national *p»lf champl6)i cbip- tournament ", at «* Page -IP ; : Brltt , and . Nelson ; are^ the latest exponents the outdoor training ; system. -. . .Page" 10 LABOR -.- HeJpers* union decides to obtain new. meeting haIUV '\u25a0<\u25a0 -'\u25a0~£BSg£lßS&m .' Page 9 j Printers -will carry American \u25a0 flags in ; parade on- Labor; day. '; . , ,r : ;.\u25a0 ?.'-, ":,-?\u25a0 Page' 9 :"7 Gas , workers meet and \ issue - denial • of /«tory that . they contemplate strike =In sympathy j with' carmen. . ' " Ptge 9 JIAHIXE : .will- compel : hay an-1 lumber dealers to \ move their" freight from wharves with' little .delay.' ' .'. \u25a0<• Page 11 \u25a0 Only., feature, of -the ; day i at ,. local stock ex- J changes 1h rise , of %40 \ points \u25a0•• in ; Consolldatei] | Mines; shares.' Page' l6 SOCIAL r-Weddlng^of .Miss Alice ;B o r^l; and AyJetf Cot- j ton Jr. will b« celebrated . in ; this "- city; .iv | October.' " ' ;\; \ s Pag« 8 r^^£W!^^^^^^M^^^MMiS^}: Snapshots la^en^citei day at x the Temple -\u25a0 Shedth'--Ijfael<fduring /the\He^mg'-bf..tKc Class case?] In the group picture^ redding from left to right, are: D. M. Dclmas, of counsel . for : the defense; 'LouisJ Glass, ]i»h6 is on trial \u25a0. on an accusation ; of: bribery \u25a0 in , the telephone -cases, and a detective named Daily, .xeho is ac tive in . behalf of- the accused. xC The- portrait ; is that of.. William Thomas, one of the attorneys of the Home > telephone company. .Tvho'&as a witness at the trial yesterday. ,-J' : \u25a0 I', -' ' , *"«„ . "'' * :\u25a0 \u0084 ~*~ '' " v * -rJ : \u25a0' ; "\W>-^.— CIVIL ENGINEER WINS A BEAUTIFUL WIDOW Mrs; : -Nicholas ; Richardson ; Weds: I^o^^Bbwmari" \u25a0 '. ' . : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- : - \u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0.--.\u25a0•.. -. 4 - .\u25a0\u25a0-.'. \u25a0'\u25a0:>: ":\u25a0 \u25a0- '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ' Secretly,- at" some ! town within: a ready,- rddiusi of ;thel '.bride's' home at Soquel; the i beautiful "young- widow • oif . | Dr. -. Nicholas '.Richardson, -whose:- first marriage? was! performed ( at 'the death- 1 bed, other: husband, became the -bride of. Lldyn Bowman, a University or Cal- *, ifornia^ graduate -and a civil. -'engineer, whose' 'employment, with., the 'Southern Pacific 'coiiipany took him. into {Santa Cruz." county. , Two- months^ag-o' - Mrs. Bowman was married for the second timein her brief span or life. This sec ondlyeriturc will greatly, surpt-lse tlie bride's ; friends, ,w_ho .'have -yet to Uiear sheiis ; won from her ; •. .'. .-,;\u25a0.' . ', The! bride ; before 'her 'first marriagre was Miss Elise 'Gr'e;ro!'y. A "a~ daughter ; of t Mrs.i H..K... Gregory, _ofj Oakland "and a §franddaughter \u0084 of;;"; Rev.. Dr. McGlure, assistant' rector of, Trinity-; church and formerly . head of ; McClure's.' academy; near .Oakland.^ She isva sister.- of' Mo- Clure' Gregory,- who • marired ' Miss : Anita Lohse" of Oakland.^; >. ' ./: . . "£i '•\u25a0'*% .'. ,As^ &' girl .Miss Gregory, was. popular, In San' Francisco ;arid^transbay< society." About ' two} years 'ago - her? engagement was, announced' to/Ur/v Nicholas ardson- : 'of- the tUnitedv States , /marine i hospital "corps." Shortly^beforethe date'i of their marriage * Dr."; Richardson *:be-" came, ill. .He was taken \u25a0tb,th'e, Gregory, home . and 'there ;his fiancee i was ; his de-, voted : nurse for several',.ihonths^biit-de spite the' care, he it: was ap parent: that;his ailment was a fatal one' When-: Richardson's ;\u25a0< physicians j* '. ? an-. nounced that .Ihere'- was no.hope- for theit\patlerit,Mlss .Gregory'v insisted that amarriage ceremony, bo performed, and early.'in' April of; lastVyear they 4 were married. -Within^a- fortnight- the' bride was-. a widow.-;. .. \u25a0, , . : ; \ • .She -was iand-. with'her. mother traveled 'for time. \u25a0 Later the '\u25a0-- suriimer v she went .to' visit her ; hus band's -family,in "the southern : states. Since* the ; early{ spring. Mrs.- Gregory and her "daughter. 'have'been^at 'their ranch -near Sbquel,- where;th'e* latter for a. .tlme^busied herself * within the many household duties, of .the, ranch} in J order to '•. divert *.her; mind froni her grief. Bowman was -stationed: at ! a . surveying 1 camp, a few-;mile3. west, of Santa "'Cruz arid near" Soquel,' however,,- and * he", sue-, ceeded in ; porsuad ing j the *.'; beat! tlf ul young -^vidow 4 that .' slie ' ; vra \u25a0 not 1 ncon solable.. , ; :'..'.",: '..' .", — ". .: " r J ust - where the - ceremony., took ; pla*oe they! refuse to divulge,* and lit "was only! by a' chance meeting 1 with 'Mrs.-4Bow »-jii-.-*'v*T-r~'<»-i!»*---*"-.— «i •-»\u25a0 fr—^armebiar&Mgtir'f-ttsla man and her husband that sonio of . her friends .; discovered :: the t fact/* that "slie was" no , longer,-! Mrs. i Nicholas! Richard "•A-'cVi.:.'-U;-., ''in^V^H^-;^. -,\u25a0.;\u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 Mj|f of: Police \u25a0: |efies tangdon arid M Boxtoh Qinaii/Ref uses/tp ; T^kfr -:Orders;;^rom,Vthe -; J \u25a0'~~i 3 EatesfcMayor r ; . ;\u25a0;-'.\u25a0 ' -''.Chief. /of ,: Police ,Dlrianagain% placed himself \u25a0 on 1 as -^recognizing; none, but Eugene -E.^Schmitz as ; the ; mayor, of this.* city .when lie, refused yesterday.- to j act •upon', a '-..letter,.; sent .him f-by.*'Mayorf -by.*' Mayor • Boxtpn^ to*' assign -Detective*; Sergeant PeterVFannlns.-to:'some other; duty than Attendance; ati the; mayor's f * - j vlThe" letter r from- Mayor i Boxtoh . was as'follows: *' v : ; , : \u25a0''\u25a0>;.-/« ;;'. ; -'VV ':' ; -v'' ; * \u25a0 \u25a0 ;v_Yolu'}'aro'; v_Yolu'}'aro' hereby ">.notined.:that^ the services of. {Detective. Sergeant '-Peter Fanning, ';. heretofore^ assigned N for/duty. \u25a0to the " office "of \u25a0; the /mayor of the city and .county,;. of ; ; Sany. Francisco,} are V no longer^ required '.in' said office,":; and* you are:hereby..dlrected H to assign "said de-; ,tective sergeant „. and, such \u25a0 other Jpolice officer "or/; officers V as : . may : havc \ been \u25a0assigned; to- duty; in said office ito\ other police duties." A-;.'", i. "..-\u25a0' . ''.' .'". \u25a0 /The 'chief' instructed r Fanning jtor re main at :• they building *at. Post; and Franklin' : streets', ?. where . Schrnltz r had his .office, andton/being. questioned* as to. Boxtoh's/, letter -and,: lii6 ( refusal£" to act ,upon-it,. said:. .\u25a0-'. •%--.:'; * ; --.-..-;'Vf* : ." : "I pnly'jrccdgnize.\THE mayor rof .San' Francisco' arid his office is at; Post and Franklin; streets.' -Besides I have complete' control of; -'the police de partment, had \ the • mayor "cannot X di rect \u25a0me what ; I :; shall do witn ? ; any officer; .The rmayor^ can x only 1 ihter fere in; case of » tumult or riot.; Then f any orders he may give .1; would have to obey." V "','* . -'Fannins:' (ailed at police' headqiiar ters;later,land|when: asked af(there^was '^^prop^tyXb^ vCoii«imeaj"oij|P«jßV^4,'i^liima^«n"v Coii«imeaj"oij|P«jßV^4,'i^liima^«n" Mayor Forges First Link in Chain of Evidence Against Glass Heney: Sweeps Aside; :t^ • ' The new mayor of San Francisco, has confessed in open court his acceptance of; a $5,000 ibribe from Theodore V. : Halsey of the': Pacific* telephoneand telegraph company. \i V - 'He handed me an envelope; -\u25a0'. iHe" said^lie was. sorry iat-the way things j had /gone ; t arid^tHat\it\.was-the"best.-lie could dp for me. rl put it in my. pocket and opened it when I •? goV home. There was $5,000, in currency in it.". . }\u25a0. .>. . These : were -the "",• damning^ words : in I which - Charles Bbxton,>f ormerly dentist, 'recently „ ; supervisor, present mayor, lemblazoried his own -.sharrie on ,the , records of I Judge -Lawlor's court yesterday, at -the "same time thrust- 1 ing : Halsey's name into the mire; witH; his own; and forging j the first) incriminating Hnk^m Louis Gks^'the- defendant injtheicase^on.trial.. . '. . When 'Assistant . District^Attorney * Heney ".turned to ; DelpHih • Mv P^^rms* \u25a0 ; \u25a0fH e !.Vl^I^S-/^jj9roey^.fory,tteVdt^ fense, a rnomait)later ' and^sai^jy^akelt^^witnesSj-'he had fulfiHedi the \u25a0 first of Boxtpn; hej had; traced t^ |coinpany ? s;application'f6r*the^ : sale. i of a franchise, :Step;by step, from 'the ; time '; it.- .was",- first,; filedV to j" the date'rbf* its passage: ;H e -had shown" the ' interest '•",takeiv : bylvHalsey , in its : defeat ; ; had disclosed ; the * de— tails/iOfj-many;- of v Halsey's^ claii-* destine /meetings with the' various supervisors ; 'had brought \u25a0 forth a 1a 1 .picture; of, the,; final j'meetirig \in Halseyjs office, - and ; as :; a J climax had/ drawn- out • the> admission of the paymenb- and. -acceptance \6S thebVib'e.,^^To.corrobbratelthe^evi ilence '.already^ obtained 4 -and tq : show . that : H alsey , was acting uh der the \u25a0 orders : . of -Louis i Glass in paying - the £ money -to ; Boxtoh -is the' : r task -vthat^ remainsv- for tHe State. \u25a0 ••' .';;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0;\u25a0' ';\u25a0 '.;:: : ': "."\u25a0'" '? ;' " . :''" . \u25a0 ' > \u25a0 Boxtoh \u25a0."tookVthe" .witness } stand ; att 2 :40 - o'clock ' yesterday.; after nooivan^;itvwas;nearly;tw6]hours slater 'tKat* His {direct exariiiha'tion, teeming." \vitlr rr absorl)ing \u25a0 interest at every o'point/'vvas^coiTipletefl. pujingiitsjWafly^st^eslhevvvas^to all^outwafdjajipeafances collected andfself ;'possessed, anclwa^aAwill^ iing^i&e^^d^pU^t^eJf^YftHat Continued on ]Pa«e]2;[Colnnui;i^ ; ; - sunder the vague titk of "Conscience in rArt," O. Henry tells , a clever story next ) Sunday/which is one of the best of "The Grafter" series appearing in j|& THE SUNDAY CALL .**. Imp^tiiieDit Question No. 7 For-tKemost original or wittiest -answer to this'gues-. £ - and the: briefer the better—-The Gall will 1 pay!; EFVfc" DOpAF^.v'; For the next Rye yanswersrThegall will pay ONE DOLLAR each. Prize winning answerVwill be printed next Wednes day and checks;mailed to the winners at once; iMakefvpur answers short and address them to ; IMREI#INENf \u25a0 QUESTIONS, _;.' \u25a0'-__ w^_ *-- , \u25a0" , , - <^\''l''.;'; PRIZE -ANSWERS- TO>T\THAT. IS SOCIETYr». t-. $o prize to L€e E. Wallace, Auburn, C&l* / * A good joke on^our^ grandfathers. $1 prize to Ceta Ryan. 3lio Clay street. Saa Francisco. A bubble with a hole^in it. i $1 i>rlze to' Mrs. Fred; Kemllns.'272 South Second street. San Jose. Cal. A consolation-prize* to women—-for.:matrimony. , .$1 priie'to-D. S. Wilson,.C32:Guerrero street,;Sani'-Francisco.. \u25a0x ;Heaven for-a -woman —the tother,place for her,husband. ":: -;?1 prlre' to AIE.; Wilkinson, C 37 First street. Saa Francisco.' " Much on" earth; \u25a0 little : In' heaven. V t ",*"^ - $I'prize'! to Mrs. E. * Panlee/, Presidio of Monterey. 1 CaL " " , Society's a mig'hty-horde^~SjHQ9^Bß The\borers andltheirTprey, the bored. PRICE ITVE CENTS. PLAN TO END GRAFT REGIME TURNED DOWN Directors of Commercial Bodies and Union Chiefs Refuse to Act GIVE MANY REASONS Business Organizations , De . mand Inclusion of Pro fessional Men LANGDON SURPRISED Not Ready to Advance Fur* ther Ideas for Munici pal House Cleaning The plan of District At torney Langdon to call a con ference of 15 representatives of labor and an equal number of delegates from the. com mercial organizations to se lect a new mayor received its .death blow yesterday, when toth sides repudiated the pro ject. "The result came as) a- surprise to » the graft prosecutors, who believed that they had offered a fair /means of solving the difficult problem which confronted the city. At a caucus held yester day afternoon, representa tives of the commercial or ganizations indorsed a letter sent by the , merchants' ex change to the district attor- j ney, proposing that the mem bership of the conference be increased by 1 5 members to be selected by Chief Justice Beatty, Judge de Haven and President Benjamin Ide Wheeler of the University of California. This modifica tion was construed as a re fusal to co-operate. In- the evening the building* trades council rejected' the invita tionito send delegates to the conference on the grounds Cou tinned on Paje :, Column 4