Newspaper Page Text
The emancipation of San Francisco i depends upon the results of the primary j elections on August 13. Electors not J registered on or before July 24 cannot : I vote at the primaries. REPUBLICANS REGISTER TODAY VOLUME CIL— NO. 43. Mayoralty Convention Plans Are Disrupted Government Quashes Southern Pacific Freight Tax BOARD ABOLISHES FREIGHT TAX ON THE COAST LINE Interstate Commerce Body Gives Decision Against Southern Pacific UNJUST TO SHIPPERS Toll Collected by Railroad Is Declared Illogical and Arbitrary AIDS SAN FRANCISCO (J-der Issued Means Saving to the Businessmen on Eastern Goods - , ; ; \u25a0 £ £ ¥ T rrCI be ordered, therefore, J jj that the defendant, the ) \u25a0*\u25a0 rnt::hrrn Pacific company, -j \u25a0ball strike from Its tariffs nppll- | eih!« to coast tine fau*ines* that j parajrrr.pli tjuotrd In this opinion. entitled, 'toll at San Francisco, ; CaL,* and shall cease and . desist from makioc aar chanre for 'toll' ! at Kranrfsco, CaL.' vrhen »uch toll chanre J» not actually paid br tbe carrier."*- — From tbe decision of • «e interstate commerce commt»- " sion. •--.'» , WASHINGTON, July \ 12.—The in{ terstate : <»nunissiaß. *. today.*, in an opinion by Commissioner Franklin K. Lane, decided tie- San Francisco toll case, which involved the right of the Southern Pacific com pany to charge as a part of its rate to San Francisco a state toll of 5 cents per ton. From the statement of facts it appears that the Southern Pacific com pany enters San Francisco by. two lines, one from the northeast, known as the Qgden route, which reaches San Francisco bay at Oakland, and traffic by this route is ferried transbay, landed upon the wharves in San Fran cisco and hauled thence to its station and yards. The second route, known as the coast line, comes from the south east, following generally the lino of the ocean shore, and enters San Fran cisco by the all rail peninsular route, landing its traffic at the railroad com pany's station. The Ogden line Is much the older of the two, and was, until merged "with the Southern Pacific com; oanv, known as the Central Pacific rail road. The coast line, by which'freight is transported to and from San Fran cisco without crossing San Francisco bay or the wharves or water front "of San Francisco, has been open only since June." 1901. v The title to the land •which consti tutes the water front of the city and county of San Francisco is vested in the state of California, and the general charge and management of this water front and of the docks and. wharves erected along the same are under the control of the., board of state harbor commissioners, which is vested by law \u25a0with the right to collect charges for dockage, -wharfage and tolls, and to fix and regulate the rates of dockage, wharfage, cranage, x tolls and rents for the use of the same. *In accordance with this power the board of state harbor commissioners has fixed a sched ule of tolls'upon merchandise passing over thes* state premises, ranging pro portionately downward from 5 cents per ton to 1- ccnton 400 pounds or less. The opinion continues: "Traffic mores from the east via the coast line into San Francisco, > and is there delivered to the consignee, to \u25a0whom is presented, an expense bill showing 1, among other items, the arti cles carried, their weight, the rate of transportation, total freight charges, and, in addition thereto, under the heading t011.*., the., amount .which.. the consignee would have been,required to pay upon the shipment' had the, ship ment moved by the;transbax route In stead of by the coast line. In, other words, the rate to San Francisco""is identically the same oy both routes; bat when the traffic moves across the*bay from Oakland to. San .Francisco".:the Southern Pacific company" collects a toll which turn pays to the state for the use of,its wharves; whereas If the shipment xnovee by the coast line and enters San Francisco without crossing the bay, an expense bill of i precisely the samej character.. and; in cluding a charge far toil, "Is presented to the consignee. _Thus .the . question Continued oa P^e 7, Column 3 The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEPHONE TEMPORARY S6 SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1907 WEATHER CONDITIONS - YESTERDAY— CIear; maximum temperature, 62; minimum, 52. ' rORECAST TOE-TODAT-r»!r fog la the mornlss; -• somewhat warmer; frean west wind. P«*e 9 EDITORIAL Go ahead, prosecution, name a clean mayor and give cs a clean gOTernznent.' Pare 6 Official disturbance at Sacramento. Paa-6 6 The best : guarantee of peace. 'Pare, 6 A foes about population figures. ' Far« 6 GRAFT City treasurer requires c* tees of Schmitz, '\u25a0 Gal- Itpher and Boxton on bills " against munici pality-, s PPcm * c 2 Attorney Delmas attacks credibility, of Mayor Bcxtos as a witness la the Glass trial antl former boodllnc 6nperrisor tells how be ; was caught by. prosecution, - siren " immunity - and placed in executlre chair. . Pare 1 Three Commercial bodies select delegates >to mayoralty eonrention,- bet labor council - follows example set by bundle; trades and declines' to Real estate market . shows Improvement, east ern money is obtained for rebuilding and rentals decrease. \u25a0':';\u25a0. .>< • i **«•,* Woman witness in superior court tella "who's who at. the Presidio gate." .. P«*» 9 Focr more insurance companies probably : will lose their licenses for riolating [ new law \u25a0 pr> hibitin.s transfer of suits - from the , scpetior cocrt. • P=eo 9 BoHdiss trades officers, ecu tractors ! and real estate men trree that wages of some workmen most b« reduced. . *•*• 7 Board cf supervisors is asked by school board ;to make up deficit:- In school funds and end : wraßFle between school board, teacbers . ant> nspaid merchants.' Par* 14 Captain James H. 8011, commandant \u25a0of Yerba Bneca, comes out second best in fight for social eopremacy with- the pretty: daughter ' of j the Island blacksmith.' \u25a0{-'\u25a0 -'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0',' \u25a0\u25a0- /. Pag« l4 Western! FaciSc lets- contract- for *4,000,<)00>o cosstxact ". terminals!' ia T this "Htj^Jr "- < Pax* . lf \u25a0*. Ctrl'^BirieK ; .bi^^, keeper; for 'H-rHackfcld *« Co^f fc* arrre t*d *m\ efia rs«* of ; forging ? 13 /ehVcfc a a3r«rry«f!=g:' *2/K>o and ier» *jlj23e- c= • wine «n;l women, r \u25a0"_-, VT- V , . >'-- y , T~,J *>£-,\u25a0' £'ii- -*V "Bf < 14 ~:<J«ar«lsni«ij - r ii*d ' regaHro * repalte ' attack 's it iraa?iß«ri'«i«nyXinade^at*^ybreak. >:V:: V : i;3Pa«« % - - D."". 1. , Mahbney!* it-rotmed democracy, girds r on armor * for ' contest" against \u25a0 McNab V wing -£~ of party. "Fij* 7 , Japanese ar.d Amerlcaa mcrchints of ''San Francisco '• to hold a peace feast -ia : the j near future. " \u25a0~~ r ~ ' ' Page 3 SUBCRBAV " ' Frank . Ellby, drirer for ' Hayward express com pany/is arrested for cruelty to animals. ' Paga 4 Coroner's Jary, finds that ; death of three babes In Miss - McPheeters* "home" ia OaVlacd w»r» caused by iispure food. ?ig« 4 COAST . Xatiocal * Edacatlonal association adjourns at Los Angeles after, adopting resolutions ia seTenl Important problems of the day. ' Page 10 Toung Ladles' tostltnte elects Miss " Mary Coscannon. of , LtTermore grand president. Page .7 '-• Grand parlor,' •N. D. G. -W., in session ;at WaUonTille, takes firm stand agalast scheme *o \u25a0tste dlrlslon. ' Page 7 : - Vice President ; Fairbanks' addresses \u25a0 ; large crowd of Christian * EndeaTor delegates it Seattle. ' Page J . Chief of . Police ' Carroll 'of San Jose ] receives anoßymons \u25a0 letters \u25a0 threatening ' Ms life r " as '_ a result of the " beatieg • he ; gare 'Actor George Henley. ' . Page 1 * Army '\u25a0 officers ] at . Fort Rosecrans, San ; plego, discorer elaborate plans of fortifications : among personal elects of their Japanese cook. Page 1 DOMESTIC ' ! Cross examination cf ', William -D. Haywood 'concloded and after a dynamite ; expert shall bare testified defense in Boise trial will rest its cas«. - - Page 3 Interstate commerce comnlssloa abolisßes practice of ' Southern : Pacific company *in charg ing j state X toll of scentss 'cents a' ton- on* coast line freight carried from the east to this city.. Page 1 SPORTS •-. Seals abet oatßeaTen aad 'Angels glTe.Com inuters'a serere drubbing. - Page • Many cf the wise- bettors rasa on the favor- Ites, ' wbo get . the ' tacney at Seattle. *' Page ' I ; '- Jadges 'of : wagering • expect ' the opeahig 'price :on Kelson and Brltt to be erra nosey. - Page S L-IBOR » * ' : Police ' CoEdlesicner Hagerty will represent local \u25a0 intcblaUts ;at national ' coßreotSoa ' ia St. Loals. ' -s: - ' —.Page 7 M AniXE ' Engineer's poor \u25a0 - guesswork . responsible '* for steamer. Mexican's " detention at Magdalena" bay. 1 waiting for'fneL "Bf 9 j MIXING . i Red Hills becoces stir perfonnerlfor a, day la mining stock ; exchanges, more than - 147,000 shares being feold. . : * P*f«il* THEGALL!S BRANCH OIf^ICES Subscriptions and Advertise^ menU will be received in San ' Francbco at following of flees: lesi FILLMORE : STREET.. ' " - '* Open> until - 10;- o'clock '; every } night." fSIBf S18 S'AXiXESS "i'AVEIOJH - " -;. Parent's i Stationery^ Store." V : Z2OO FILLMORE STREET - - "^ .Woodward'a Branch.'- 533 1 HAIGHTrSTHLEET ; Christiana ? Branch^"'; SIXTEE?fTH . Ajn> MARKET STS. V Jackson's ', Branch. '; ' OT4\VAiENCIAV STREET. . , ; - :Halliday's,Btaaonery, Store. ' V ; 1108 -VALEXC^ STREET • ". ;: Blake's 'Baxaar.' 3011 I«TH , ST.* COR. \u25a0 MISSION ; " International f Stationery /Store. 271S fjiISSIOW- STREET" " i Newserie. : i?'*^ i ' v : ;; '. • '" IMI CHURCH STREET George ? Prewitf u\ Branch. . ~; SAN^FR^NGISCO, v Labor Council Repudiates Scheme of Prosecution Three Commercial Bodies Appoint Delegates as>Requested by District The chamber of commerce and the Merchants', association de cided yesterday to accept the invitation i of ' the graft) prosecution \ to ! send "delegates to' a to select a : hew mayor, JbuV; the San i ; Francisco . board of i trade i riiposed '- conditions whicht'amount to ! a * re- I fusab to co-operate, -and the labor council, ') fearing that : it would be r outnumbered since the building: trades council^ has* refused Jto"- par! ticipate, declined the: invitation byVawte^ of 69,t0'58.v- All^of the 6r- gaulzattpps' invited!' >jtAkeiP«rt*ifl|the ...-\u25a0.-. ii-.^-vii ; \u25a0\u25a0-.:-i^.!tt>.-»-*sfci ! :,«-^5. s 5r t j*vwc pxopo&ed i- con^erenctii bav«^ now final action. 1 clal organizations Have acted .favorably ; andXboth.of the;.labor'bbdleiihave'de clined/ '-• The :, prosecution «.was • not " pre paredjlastVnight to say what •it would pursue-to secure "a mayor.. V; • The "chamber- of | commerce and' the Merchants*, association included In their ; letter ' toy.Dlstrict /AttorTiey*' Xangdon the ,su ggestlo n ; that ' a - two - thirds' be -.required "to i elect '^the '' new - mayor? j This, .'Langdonvreplied, • he considered .-a, ! detail^to, be 'decided by] the conference | itself. :'A3 ; delegates*, the chamber -of commerce i named Charles H. \u25a0; Bentley,' James "McNab : and > William vG. • Mugan? The Merchants', association selected 'An-; drew ,M.^, Day is/, F. : W. '\u25a0po_hrinaiui7and I CLVK. S Mclntosh. : The- San Francisco, board, of; traded went on record yestef-. day, as > unwilling to 'participate* in, the conference * unless its rnembershlp^/w-as* enlarged to" afford representation "to professional men. _' Although; the cha'ra ber of commerce referred to the'.advis ablUty,of recognizing the profeVsional men, : it did not name it as a ; necessary condition. - 'r-' V - ' '\u25a0" ; i Members of the Merchants*^associa tion and the-, chamber.' of 'commerce I were inclined » yesterday -to resent* the ; inference 'that their- bodies "were"; in ac cdrdj^wlth the - sentiments expressed ia the letter'" sent- by/ the merchants', ex change,; through y its ''president, "E. R." Lilien thai, refusing to 'take \u25a0 part ' in v the conference - unless «-15^ more delegates'; to be -appointed^by'a committee vcom^ posed of 'Judge de Haven,' Judge Beatty and v? Benjamin \u25a0l's. lde .'\u25a0 Wheeler. .\u25a0 i were added. L^ President" Bentleyi of ; the " cham ber -.of i said * that ';' the\ refer ence^ in'; his " ; letter- to; District Langdon : to a two- thirds .vote ' as .-neces sary < to ;. a \u25a0 . choice ' f or> mayor * was -' in tended.merely- as \u25a0'&] suggestion.': ."I, believe - that r factional differences should be i buried," v . said Bentley, >. "and let .us : get \u25a0-. togeth'er^in; a spirit- of > fair ness. The -\u25a0%' suggestion, " that -a ;f; f two thirds vote be -required tw'as Intended Bimply . to ; prevent -a clash" of 5 factions. In this way, -if I two- thirds '(oil the »dele£ gates could jtgree on'a man -for; mayor, he -certainly- would^be^properly '-repre-' I sentative'of t aU^ Interests.".^ ;- ; _ _ The deleg*ates*c chosen s on :• Thursday ! by the real "estate'lb^^^^^l^Hoag;* Samueli. G. * Buckbe^^aj^Jpj^ld«Rich7; together -wi th ; those . selected . yesterday, j will ";hold themselves :in readiness i to > answer any call ) which - District "Attor- ! ney ' Langdon , \u25a0 may^^ake^JlianKdOn I was .not* preparea^toy^^^^t|riight j what course -he would :puVsue''lnJView' of the fact that labor : Interests have refused i'to|^^^S^^^^Sii^^e^ofphT commercial .-bodies "have sent - Veplles which amount itoV refusals." HFlt^^M^been suggested, that^ other commercial » bodies ''could'substituted for > those which to participate and . laborVdelegates * selected , v at h large, but "the \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 graft <j prosecutors * saldS that they had not considered that ' phase lof i> S^e sC^IJ not \ make] aj decision|bef ore ' Comthraed on Fage 2, Colamm S CHIEF CARROLL'S LIFE THREATENED IN LETTERS Beating IHe Gave Henlej^Belieyed^ to} Be SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE : CALU 1 \u25a0 SAN; JOSEy - July- 1 S^Chief \ of] Police Carroll - has j received , several I anonymous letters^ threatening ?: him' -with 'assas sination :f: f during" the last '"three 7 days, j The missives- were:, apparently. writ- • I ten ,^ by i; men;; perfectly l sane"': and " : ln \ eanjestlv^Carroll^; attributes 1 them -to the beating;-;. that:: - ; ht '. "administered to ; Georg9 ?Henley 4 * several jTda'ys .ago in" £hls ; office /; in'f/i the ; Vj city,,,.; halt Henley,', though ' married, had 'ibeen pay ing attention- to "the .: pretty daughter," and ''when Carroll '.-_\u25a0; heard lof I this h"e sent for Henley and warned him }to - desist. '; ? ' : The interview '- led to a vicious right '.' ... ''.'..-; s . ,'.'.'\u25a0\u25a0' S^ FRANCISCO iGIRIr^v^r "VIS ''DROWNED^ IN^CREEK Miss Mabel V Murphy Meets \u25a0 \u25a0 Death \u25a0 - \u25a0' While r En joying' Vacation - '' :-\u25a0-\u25a0'•: -\u25a0-\u25a0'• - : '" :,' 1 \ t "fat ;Glen! Ell«i; ; ; ;; ; ':\u25a0 b "< ' ; :_ SANTA i ROSA;? JuIyr 12.-^£iss > Mabel Murphy, -\u25a0; a^'* resident 'J'. of \u0084 San^ Fran--' Cisco 'who: was 7 spendng [ her vacation at* : ; j Gleny^Elien,^/wasi.V accidentally drowned itbday^irhlleibathinß.* in ,* So noma* creek with J a party ; of "girl com panions.^ The ; girls -had /gone- to »alr^-" mote •: place % for ;,wadin g and -bathing.' Miss IMurphyiwent ? beyondsheri depth?, She^ha^beeoauj^^th^^ter^for. fflS^^^Snutes^before jbody : was recovered.^' .. '.' , \u25a0 •-. •**'>\u25a0. NEW/ RAULRO ADS \TS\ MEXICO E^ : PASa|Te«| Jj^^^^^BMlons we>e JgrenTtedJyjest^^^^^^^^^^ Chihiuaiiua^'lKxlcofforUwbjl^llfoads^in Josephj: .^^(^.recelTed^ csoncessTonJ|otbu ild i from; Parral|toJ San jSsTdsli^?«oT&elh'taridrp^biotdiivaa'' PrietolwasTglven^permitjto build|from Allandet tot Jlmlnex.'«P ßoth * men i repre t«l^|Amerlcantcapltolists.-;.. /- . }\u25a0 ; Seiches ; ip ' a: Call artist at the- Class \hribery: trial. ...The three portraits in : a ro» (from left fright) arcVio&c ofi William, Walconu- lVillum l )Vanfe ond C«ef?e A. Kohn, the three jurors mho have dodged the camera men. On the right is Charles Boxton in the n>ilness chair, telling the shameful delai]/ of bribery ttith his ej« cast Vjdo&n. ; The j>ther_ portrait is that of Judge Rhodes of San fcse.'an interested spectator* £,'i.B&o sat- by the' side. iof* Judge ! lJanlor.i ,: \u25a0 .y. y Delmas Attack Credibility of Boxton as a Witness May^-^Tells Stoiy . of SHameV at; Glass vTrial i; <S^ ithere -;remanied ; to pr f Charles Boxtprr the • faintest": color of^ acclaim^tojdecency 'or - inte^ity' when he took :the' witness? stand .in^tlie',Glalss^frialiyesterdayrm p\vji : aßmissions^uhderJU \u25a0Delphin V MriDelmas/bf ; tHeVdefendanVs » counsel. \u25a0 : Delmas ; made - hot tjbe'slightest(attjenipt^to criminating story " ; ,told!-by Boxton -Thursday afernoon,. but contented Himself vWith an ; attack on" tHe' ; credibility VofitlTe:witness, ; so ; success fullyTcbnducted(thXt;whe^ the stand it was as a'ebn fessedrperjureras/well!"as,bribe taker and as an admitted tool of the graft;prbsecutorsr ;"&'\u25a0 .-.;/\u25a0'.'.. " ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- " i'"\-" iY^ji^"^^ >D% Through pounded that bppo^unitie¥ ; fbr^ times \u25a0 by : Assistant* P|strict :? Attorney .Heney,- 4 the'e witness was; led 'by ; .pelmas'mt^ h cu^tion*Vfirstjsecu^redV:a^ the Doodiing^uper^sorsr^Boxton was" forced >to ; telL'the story: of the first great graft dertbuementwhenhe was cau William^ ingr a issob}bribet at {the > home \ 61 Golden :;M.vßb^%He^a^/driyen^: ;M.vßb^ % He^a^/driyen^ ihtbtthe adrhissibn- that he had ac cepted • a \u25a0> written i immunity V con tract from- pistrict ; *Attbrney Lang don': to save himself Rafter turning state's ? evidence, {and * he .confessed the shame of theempty leadership he^has l assumed^under'thejtitle;oi mayor of San -Francisco. / }. Most-damagihg 'of ; all' to^the effect '1 61 (the .^testimony 'he; gave Thursday ; was -Boxton's verifica .tiont of I hisVsworn (signature' on fan affidavit ';' drawn 'October, 29 "of : last year, fin i \u25a0which '^ne^statedi under, oath ;lthat -'he -had -* never K been guiity;bf;a;felqny;or(crime(of,ariy kind^ariytirhe^butlparticularly. Asia \v member : of ,: the board jof supervisors.^ \u25a0~^This^affidayit>^ v was one j of- several " filed -in - answer; to pistrict Attorney^Lahgdoh's ?iri^ junction suit last.O ctober to pre ventfADe'Tßuef from securing con : •» > I ***^'-''*?'*"*'^ * \u25a0 "*\u25a0* •''\u25a0-" ~^~~~ trbl lof ithe I district s attornej'. s ? o ti Cwttbraedi^ea 'TwjSSpSi^D^SuiS)i >The - J apanese^'cmperqr s garden partj the highest social function of the yeai [ in; Nippon. Read of the one which jusi J occurred and \u25a0 those present in THE SUNDAY CALL , Impertinent Question No. 7 Why D& You Work? For, the most original or-wittiest answer to;this ques rtiqn—and'the briefer the better^TheGall will \u25a0 pay El YE DOLLARS.: For the: next Five ahswefs^eC^llw^llpaxPNEb^ vPrize: winning answers will beprinted next Wednes day and : checks mailed to the winners at once. iMafeyoifcanswers 1 short and address them to prize: answers to >what is society r» , • - "A grood.Joke*on"our grandfathers. -.' /sl"prixe to*C#t* By an.'.'3llo Civ street, San Francisco. ;• ;A"bubble*with>.hole*in'Jt.- *',^ % .^^ S^^H^prkefto^ilri. Wed;K«alin«. 272 Sonth Second street. San J«e. Cal. .^VA^c6pBOlatlon:'prizV"ito^women~£orfmatirtmbny.; ' fl-.prlsefto D. S.lwn«oo, 632 Guerrero »tre«C San Fnoeism. Heaven'for.ia'Woman—the other place for her-husband. , i $1 j prlieTto A>JEj'.W!lktn»w», 237 First street. Saa Fraacisco. ' \ Much' onteairth,': little -la: heaven. '^^ tlpriseJto^kM<K.£Pmrdee. PrwUloof Monterey. Cal. •; v Society's; a mighty' hbrde-^- * *.The{boreja*andj;thelrJprey»ithe=bored. . PRICE FIVE CENTS. OFFICERS' COOK AT SAN DIEGO A SPY FOR JAPAN Newly Drawn Plans of the Fortifications Found in His Effects ESCORTED TO LINE Work Indicates That Menial Is an Engineer of Large Ability SECOND'ARREST MADE Soldiers Tell of a Third . Brown Man Caught Sketching SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALf. SAN DIEGO, July 12.— That some one connected with the Japanese govern ment is determined to secure plans of the fortifications at Fort Rosecrans has /been made certain by the develop ments of the ; last few days. {This evening a second sub ject qf'tneCmikadlf^\vas .es corted off the reservation jtm? der^guard and told to keep aivay. The Japanese who-was ar rested on Tuesday evening made the plea, that he was traveling and sketching for 'pleasure^ The officers could get nothing more out of him, and after destroying the sketches that he had made they had him escorted off the reservation.- He was a stranger to every one about The Japanese arrested to day-has for some time been the cook of the officers' mess and has been going in and out at pleasure. - Some days ago he was caught by an officer making a sketch from" the top of Point "Loma, arid two or three other; sus picious circumstances led to the "determination -to s earch his Quarters. Th is was done Contlnned 01 Pace 2, Cololbui <