OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, July 14, 1907, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1907-07-14/ed-1/seq-16/

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* I I KDER our. new government
I I Vlth °^ reat Britiln . lam
; confident > that within five
rears tail the material losses
'of the. recent war will;- have
been made up. and the Transvaal will
etart on a career of prosperity'suchfas
•»-lt never knew before." -
It was a gallant enemy of the British
\u25a0who made. this, prediction, noVless 7a.
pereon than General Lbula Botha, . vrho
la the two and a half. years' : struggle'
between the little African" republic and
the mighty forces of Great Britain "gave
a valiant account of himself in the'field/
and added much to the .^of
Irfjrds Roberts and Kitchener.'
But now a new regime is being Ynau-,
gnirated. -. England recognizes the valor
\u25a0of those she defeated, only; after- an'
gexpense of JSOO.OOO.OOO ; and'the* loss .' of
\u25a0 106.000 men killed and /wounded. She
Jtrants them to be>as /good 'subjects VaV
they were enemies, and' to assure this'
klnfl of a Permanent /peace, biieed- on
mutual goodfeeiing/'has extended per
haps the most liberal peace'terms'ever
crant ed to a; beaten' foel
The ve'p'. flreV the appointment
ct General Botha to be 'the 'neV premier,
«f the Transvaal.' is: ln.its'clfianact'bf,
magnanimity. ' The Boers h'av«- r greatesti
confidence" in; him- They, know that /he
xras In 'closest relations' 'with-, their .
great heroes— Kruger, Joubert," ' Cronje
and De/ Wet. : , ',-..- ;.
. They believe in his devotion .lto . the
ißoer,; and- trust him that In all' which;
Idevelops in" the future. he will' Bee/ Jus
tic* done the farmers 'who x humbled:
Bailer.' Methuen" and Gatacre, andfbnly
finally yielded -to the \u25a0 prowess "; of : Bobr>
;«t»; «t» and Kitchener./ ~-~i " I :'. \P / :
In acme respects it, ls, not Burprislpffi
that • the Boers are • receiving /generous'
treatment now. for it is) signlficant/of ;
cfeanged cP^itJcal^conditions^lia [\u25a0-; Eng
toftft i2&t : the \u25a0 caa who'ls'at^UiS'bUm
ras • prime minister, "Sir, Campbell - Ban
! nerms*n,",-was a- most opponent
< of ; the Boer war,' one /of ; those Englisli
"men .who'caine*- Into \u25a0 disfavor.fo'r'-a'.tSms
i*'.' Thie/. liberal -victory : : him
* ' n l° po wer .: and -with i the fulil sympathy
of King Edward : he has addreesed : him-!
eelf . =to 'the ?Boer problem ag.'one ;of
the. most important;ißsues*,of,his^tertn.
\u25a0\u25a0Friendsin, Power • ' ; ; '/j^yo.
'Those .-special': objects,^of ; Boer£dls
, like, LMilner. vChambeVlain^'aiid^ Jame
. son, t have j passed -'f rom~ power. ':\u25a0 -They
; l^ vv J e .'3? A^T t^°^ r J n administering?th«
. government^ of that charges
all"/ its - troubles^ to • them. " Sir : Camp
".bell- Banne'rman^.Jjelieves that^ all >frio
tf°n^between;Boers, and Britons ' might
H ive : - '\u25a0 b K c "? ?™ lded ibaA the J former.
.been; taught Ja^loyaUy; to t the -British
' sovereign' and ; been}'made to Vunderstand
l . h ?^ •^ hh t e 'J.' t^ c ?- ct ?^°' ' theYsoyerelpn'V
" r "sPr*/* € ?-. tt ' L M>! r * ; ? <, w 6r«, un lu,Bt,^.they; could
get a s : hearing 'and ".'redres's'V'f rojn ; - th« v<
crown. 1.;:.'"';;1 .;:.'"';; \u0084". '\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0,' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'•\u25a0 \u25a0' :'-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - '
'The', main cause^of the ; war : was -a":
b .? l . ie , f . that r.what 'the^ Mllners.^ Cham-'
berlains and Jameaonaj'<lid,v the y crown =
ha<l - ln , 5t 15* te<l - ' \
d<J «*ainV.hioiself"fo^^the^tks^of'sSow--;
l a«^at^his:'was;a:'wrongMdea- '%*£\u25a0 CJ;
'• II ra °=inot:be thought tha.t the Boßri^
who sp^nt^two Jand/a- half .years in tthV;
field battling: fo^prim:iple^and who' in*
that time loit^a'milles," wealth "and evoa ;
countir.ih v aVe'b^enVecon^|led"in^a;dayv"
It has;. taken\ careful^ and : \u25a0\u25a0. JudiciouV
w<^^ \u25a0-, JsH,*>* h «l ll .. b "eF aliyictoryithat]put
Int ?: tbe r s**M»,-,°/ : Power\the [old English
: tri^?;°S. i tk® waita ff ortunato
• ;^, h *::^ or .t?oX|"Eng:ianliJ /to 'establish?
a^air : and:equable'form:bV;governmenT
\tor i: the « Boers v had Cno /sooner;, been "i n
: auffurated j: than ?1 the;; farmer* I of - the
veldt' seat >oc» of tiLcAc j txusU4 r l^iex* '!
: ha.a.-; 'J.'-C't Smuts, f^wno ? was l'statV; at
.\u25a0 torney • f ,ir-.. tSo^Sauth^ African •; republh
}; and ;; ass {a tan t •/fftneral ? Vu r-
V ; lsißi trie lwar,.^an^Dr: \u25a0 En^i«bnr^; cd
.*» ltor?; of *'yplfcsten/£ formerly" "* President
ji .vrlth'itha\cbnfldettt';pßOxolee ! f' thit » what
>V^r rnew/arraa'iremenV . 'mlsht ' bV 4 m«.di
v'problemlr. was^ tn '^th« r hands '^of - thtii
:\u25a0 friends; -'^s f.^'-"^ :"-i- -\u25a0;-''. \u25a0':." - \u25a0'\u25a0
- :YThVntßrlUlo 7 ; by * send
i"dele^itioiij to e thV TransvaaJntf
- reports, therbMtLway'v la 7 whjcbiCthejre
r public v under,'* proper * Eng:iisir r dlrectlo"r
J coujd^be^rwitojed '* toTthe J.
. ;'Sorne*o<'itheold'Hae'reactionartea.Ve
; seated- tne"amomit Cof • seif-fVovernmeaii
t^ay»eneVoußys % nkland:badjfd
:- ii I **kk 191 99 k ."!* 1^ a ere ?sent r f com
[ i Soujh 'At rica vv t to s London' to • tell [the mln
\u25a0; the i Boers 7anys powers -'ofl'self-'sovern
meht^h"atever.\'- ??. \u25a0 x ". C. r SV-.' ;: : ?. :*v \u0084*
v~ : \But^tiie|irar^inentaJdid^hbt*av^l^for
le^tless .foe onSKe field of 'battiel knows
.fbravej f^o« i with:who'm^th*e} fortunes of
i rrar i have . ,j e^| t , jn'. :/ A ' j 1 .j j^ s . pl e as ur e
; was 'set 'on*- iffiylng /such .. treatment Mo
, tlie_Boers r as .Jwould^ _kee"p'i them ;satJsfl«d
\u25a0 and ; happy. \u25a0for^all? time find; pfecliids
'\u25a0 ti^t"wojald;Be^ure3aU^hl3 S and^at the
;:sam« r 4«^ej>' i safoe:'uai!d?;the%intefesTs of
[ ijrltaln^asUntf^etedJ.tofth^^
>\u25a0 cellor.vi _l*ordH lioreb'ur.n;; wh 6;. has : ever
- been;knewn^aß''ravfrlend orthe'burghers *
J , tackt t^lir^uatrjcin 'fall ithat^ is 'esseri'-i
Tbe r« }l [P r pVislon • f or ; ;a ; representative
fiS22^^6^i^^s^^\ b "; f o r
'I^SSJI^J? 1 ?^? b^"»* theVcrown! -
J^reovwv^tlw tpeople Vare^ B'™*^ tho i
! K l> ?^f^?< l | [it \workß" ;
( prej udlc?|to^the? bjwt * In itereets [of Haa
• upper, house", by ., f t£S*cr owiiVwM*virtuaily • .
Th«- San Francisco: SuadajP Call,
-ttrr-i U iTTri'i in ii~Tii<fliWM|''(lW«j |
I per and Icrwnsr houses W«w» •&\u25a0£ tit '
- Jointly, and "then . thV{-roW;«*^s»~«^. 1
appointed \u25a0by ~ th* cnrara " floor** •aa :
vm or c._e ._ tluuj that of jt' rrnrmnritittpg iMu :
. owes his choic».to pepo!!** vCS.^ 'V' '
rTlie-NcwJPaities %y.
' Under ti» ttew oonstlttttlss.- b*v s**.
tie*, gjiickly: started up. Ons t> kaeva
r as ' the ."hat • yolk," -a ; Boer, -way ; of mr- •
• lnsv.~tha l peop!e. t *,iTli«-ott*«Sjrvtkaoi»a»«s '
the is eojapoaed oil «h« '
; old, element*^ho s thlnkjth« oira»w of •
;tho arreat f n;inßS should control tA« 4*t
tlnJcs of Ui« country. v: - - \u0084;'• . i
, ;- - When " the .rota jof 2 th« • flrit «hwtlon
. was counted It was found; that. th« "fc«t
\u25a0 ' volk"^ party:' had^ elected 57 ; swmWs
; and vthe^"progreß»lves~r' 21. - Th» o«Sm»
.votes; were - scattered among- i a : number
/ of -;sn:aller t< potUlcai;;j>arUes. \tnomf '\u25a0, ©f
,T7homV stood . closer." to i the" Boers t&aa
-the ! mlne owners and henca .preferred
to: act;wlth>th«-, former."' ",
>Botha\ufff6sen{|for>t<»'orianl«e a
ministry., and -chose- General^ Smut* 'a»
rean^ iln his choice "h«
was r entirely;, unhampered ran'd^one !of
* his -.selections • were ;Vetoed> b» >th»
-:crown.^Tet^:so. dellghtetl were the
Boers -that:; General;, Delarey.T. General
, Beyers • and.Mr.VSchalk.Euraer.- Boer
pleaders, pronounced It the old head-
: quarters staff of , the republic^lnstalled
into ; office as ministers of, the^kla*.' '
\u25a0•v>The'.l» «men; picked - for the*. - upper
• house. byj.lx>rdiSe!bourne:havc nbt been
venUrely!Batlsfactory;tO!theißoe.rs," since
for. the. most. pa'rt;they are united: to
the. party,;- that the : Boers! defeated 'at
-election, but it. Is". sl«nin
.cant ;of- the ;.relatJona estab
li3hed'*by-th«;hew constltution"~that no
serious i protest 5 was * made against the
., ''That" England [rejoices: In- - ihe \u25a0; hearty
co-operation < th« '.Boers -. have * xlv*n ". to
r the."pe'ac«;"cause ; iis : Bh6wn*<bj^.th'9 mar
lnificent..receptions just accorded \fre
- raler .Botha on -th*, occasion '•* hl»"ra
.cent.viait-as;one of the delegates to^tho
; colonial! council. nn-,whlch: England en- '
. tcrtainediithe-Ms^ menVbf- berivmrious
..dependencies.., 1 ; .;•\u25a0- -- -.;\u25a0\u25a0*• \u0084.--- ,
•\Botha > was fby all odds \u25a0 th« ' ltoa'of the"
occasion./; He • was f wined , and dined -by
among^the; people \ was \u25a0 the of
Riotous, demonstrations xot? popular t »•
gard. .^Hevexpressed^himself ias'aatoa
-shed Ut 'the, welcome *he ; received f and
f wa S : particularly , touched ,' by j the (coup- '
x teslesi extended to 'him 'by* his oon
/The: peaceful of "the Bo*r
jproblem^lsjM^hopefui 'a I symptom, of
lnternaUonaligood wUl r as ap«ic«^on
i f erence./. It ?shows;that?nauonl^ww
gtnnlns v to /understand i ihm,Vt*vaMwm£&
•heaJsj VOJßU»>.««J«*«* thAa*ta!»?^ ;

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