Newspaper Page Text
10 DAMAGING TESTIMONY IS GIVEN AGAINST HAU Admits Calling Mrs. Molitor to Paris Through Telegram BUYS FAtSE BEARD Constantinople Journalist Describes Orgies of the ; Young Student KARLSRUHE, Germany, July 18. — Considerable progress was made today at the trial of Karl Hau. the former professor in George Washington uni versity, who is charged with the mur der of his wife's mother, Frau Molitor, at Baden-Baden. Hau, who was closely Interrogated by the presiding Judge, finally consented to answer some of the questions on which yesterday he kept silence. "When the Judge called the hand writ ing experts to identify Hau's writing in the dispatch sent from Paris, calling Frau Molitor. to that city, Hau, antici pating the testimony, arose and admit ted that he wrote the dispatch. The Judge inquired whether he sent It off, but Hau declined to answer. Phillip Uhlig, a merchant of Frank fort on the Main, testified that he saw & man on November 6 in the Frankfort railroad station wearing a false beard and moustache. The Judge here asked Hau to put on similar disguises and Uhllg then recognized him as the same man. C. A. Bratter, a newspaperman of Constantinople. testified that Hau played the role of a man of wealth, epent money lavishly, chartered a yacht, organized revels at the hotel with dancing girls and boasted of his wild life as a student. He claimed to have an Immense income and showed a passion for collecting precious stones. The testimony at the afternoon ses elon was considered damaging to the prisoner's case. Dora Metzger, who .conducts a confectionery shop in Baden-Baden, testified that on the day of the tragedy between 3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon she walked with an escort In the vicinity of the llolltor villa. She noticed there a tall man wearing a' black beard, which both she and her escort regarded as false. His peculiar behavior attracted their at tention. He stood watching the house for a quarter of an hour and seemed agitated. A, number of Hau's fellow students at Freiburg university testified to Hau's uncommon intellectual ability, but also as to his moral delinquencies toward women. Several of them swore that Hau did not want to marry \Lena Mo litor after their elopement. I A teacher named Stau, a friend of the Hau family, swore that Hau senior asserted that his son Karl declared that he never thought of marrying Lena. PISTOLS AND KNIVES DRAWN IN CONVENTION Railroad Lawyer's Attempt to Address Republicans ' Causes a Riot MUSKOGEE, L T., July 18.— An at tempt by Henry Asp, a railroad at torney of Guthrie,' to address the re publican county convention here today converted the meeting into a howling, fighting mob. Pistols were brandished, knives flashed and chairs were wielded right and left, resulting in bruises and minor Injuries to several persons. Tha authorities drew pistols and threatened to shoot Into the crowd if the fighting did not stop, but failed to quell the disturbance. United States Deputy Marshal Bud Ledbetter appeared on the scene and practically took charge of the meet ing. Ledbetter. who is a democrat, saved Asp from being mobbed, and pre vented bloodshed. The railroad law yer, pale and trembling, was taken away from the meeting under guard. The trouble started when » Asp at tempted to address the meeting before the organization was perfected. The Frantz and antistatehood forces were victorious In the test vote for temporary chairman and the other ele ment then subsided and quiet was re stored. DISCIPLES OF NEW SECT TO GO AS MISSIONARIES Claim That by Mirafulous Gift They Will Be Enabled to Speak All Languages SPOKANE, July 18. — Leaders in the "apostolic light" -mission In this city have announced the names of nearly 30 residents of Spokane or vicinity who have declsxed their. Intention to go as missioiffries to China, India, Africa and other lands. No provision is to be made v for their support, and they are expected to take little or no money, except: that re quired to pay their passage on the ships. They are not to study the lan guages of . the lands to which they go. The claim is* that they have received ,\u25a0 the miraculous gift of tongues and will be enabled to speak ; without study. One missionary has already started for South America. CALIFORMA.\S IN'XEW YORK NEW YORK. July 1 8.— Calif ornlans are registered at Xew York hotels as 1 follows: | San Francisco — L. H. Butelon, Hotel Victoria; A. Backerbocker, Hotel : Al bert; Mrs. J. Wester, Hotel Belmont. ';. Los Angeles— Miss Hernandez, Grand Union; G. J. Van Horn, Hotel - Marl borough; Mrs. A. F. Hayden, Hotel Vic toria. • Oakland— H. Gantz, : Hotel Wood ward ; Mrs. A. Conlon,' Cosmopolitan; ,S. H. Hebron and wife. Grand ; Union; Miss A. Tiedman, Cosmopolitan. . * Pasadena— N. . Elliott, Hotel Prince George. San Rafael— E. B. Strong. Nether ' CALIFORXIAXS IX PARIS " PARIS, July 18.— A. F. Sahleigher, Mr. and \Mrs. • Henry Hlghton, - E. A; Montgomery, Miss Scoofey, Mr. and Mre. John . W. Buttler, 1^ Mr. and Mrs? Veldhlmsen iind Mr. and Mrs. H. Wate let and Miss Alexin Banning ""of Oak land registered at the "Call-Herald] bu reau today. . • . » ; RECEIVER FOR ASSETS CHICAGO. July 18.— Frank Blackmail of Sioux Falls, S, DV who; on July? 15 was appointed. receiver of , the Campion mmmg 1 and trading company by Lthe United States : circuit\o>urt;in^the dis trict of .South ; Dakota," '. was \ appointed receiver today of, the Chicago assets .'of the company by Judge C C. kohlsatt in the United States circuit- court rin c Chlr. cago. The company-has 6,000 acres of mining land in the Cape-Nome'distrlct In Alaska. MANY PROPERTY OWNERS NEGLECT TO PAY TAXES Sums on^ Delinquent List for State Reach Total of ; ;v..5'167i822-;'; v ..5'167i822- ; ' SUTTER IS LOWEST Amount Unpaid in ' San Francisco is $48,850 and in Alameda $14,721; SACRAMENTO,- July 17.— A full summary of .the delinquent taxes of the state for the fiscal - year 1806-7 has been received- by Controller Nye, and 'it -appears the state government has -fallen short of collecting, the full revenue' due'ltsbyi $167,822.05. "-'Speak ing of the • deficiency, ' Controller Nye Bald: "Of course- this whole afiount Is not lost, because . the greater part bf will be paid ultimately, with accumu lated interest; , in ' fact, the state and counties . suffer .little or nothing by nonpayment of .'taxes at the proper time,- while tax payers suffer heavily for their forgetfulness or delay, be cadse if they, wish to retain thelr.prop erty they must pay not only the taxes^ but "delinquent penalties, \u25a0 interest charges nnd costs. . "In the year of 1905-6 the total-de linquent roll on state taxes for Sacra mento county amounted to only $478.89, while for 1906-7 It is $2,277.86. As compared with this, San Joaquin ha? a delinquency of $635.06 and Yolo one of $372.61;' 8utte county's delinquency, Is $703.73 and Colusa'sis $523.76. : The smallest delinquency of all is ; that of Sutter county, which amounts to only $26.77.- Even ; little Alpine county, which has a mere handful of tax pay ers, reports a delinquency" of $67.52. "The big delinquencies are found, as might be expected, in the three great counties— San 4 Francisco, Los , Angeles and Alameda. They report the follow ing, for ' the : fiscal : . year Just expired^ San Francisco, $48,850.41; Los Angeles, $39,569.46; Alameda. $14,721.05.: With these three exception^ there is no county .which reaches the $3,000 mark, although Santa Clara comes near it with $2,985.05, Fresno with $2,898.77 and San Diego with $2,847.70." RICHARD REED SENT TO FOLSOM FOR TEN YEARS Receives Maximum Manslaughter Sentence for Killing El Dorado v County Justice of the Peace PLACERVILL.E. July 18.— Richard Reed, who was convicted on July 10 of manslaughter for killing C. S. Her sey. Justice of the peace of Georgetown township in May last, was sentenced to ten years at Folsom prison by Judge J. E. Prewett today. "While Intoxicated Reed picked a quarrel with Hersey. The Justice armed himself with a repeating 1 rifle, but Reed grabbed a shotgun and shot him. Her sey died ten days later. MIZXEK WILL WED "WRITER NEW YORK, July 18.— Mrs. Helen Green, a writer of Broadway scenes and theatrical life. Is to become the bride of Wilson Mizner. ( ,Mizner and Mrs. Green said today that they would be married within a fortnight. _ Miz ner Is now the proprietor of a' hotel. It Is understood, that after; the wed ding Mrs. Green will give up her liter ary work. MEETING NOTICES SAN FRANCISCO lodge x of perfec- JtW tlon No. 1, . A. and A.\ S. R. of ' Free Masonry — Twelfth and thlr- «A teenth degrees, FRIDAY, July 19. ff\ 1907. at 8 p. m., King Solomon's/ JU; halL 1739 Fillmore st. ' M'/lk lIENHY ASCKOFT, Sec. Atj44V 2220 Point Lobos ay. T^iaQuSv. KING SOLOMON'S chapter No. 95, J^^BL R. A. M., 1733 FUlmore gt— W.H$$S Stat«>d mpetlnK THIS (FRIDAY) JxWki* EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. Xj&hM HARRY UAEIIR, Sec. CALIFORNIA commandery No. 1, K. T. « Stated assembly . THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING tt 7- o'clock, Albert Pike Ipfll . Memorial temple,* 1859 Geary Bt Order ~. of the temple. All fraters cordially invited. By order RALPH L. HATHORN,' Em. Com. WILLIAM R. JQST. Recorder. -;.: FIDELITY lodge No.- 120, F. A A. «-' \u0084 M.— Special meeting THIS (THDBS- #V DAY) EVENING at 7 o'clock. Third VoV' degree. Master .Masons cordially in- /\2r\ vlted. *By order of the W; M. - -\u25a0. 'V-T- *- \u25a0 FREDERICK BARRY, Secretaryr 7 " JEWEL lodge No. 374, F. & A. -M. — . m ' First deKree TODAY at 1:30 p. m. A Masons cordially invited. v^^ B. CROMWELL, W. M. /V^ R. C. JOHNSON, Sec /^T V HFRMANK \nfiv* K. Itf tn n iHifHtUn I"., New Era hall. 2121 Market aJß^Bßsßfe' Bt. — Officers and members are re- *SgS9SS? - ooested to promptly attend next « >^*«*W*^- meetlng on FRIDAY EVE., July 19. Initiation. ' refreshments.' Sojourning . brethren cordially Invited. P. - GRETHEL, N. G. , M.R.JAQER. Secretary. -\u25a0 \T.r. APOLLO lodge No. 123, I. O. O. --'^tOßabL^' F.— Third degree THIS <FRI-""S§BgE«a. DAY) NIGHT. July 19, 8 o'clock HkSSScS? • sharp. 431 : Duboce avi Visitors cordially • invited. - --- - \u25a0\u25a0*•.»' A. H. CADY, N. G. W. F. KORCROSS. Rec. Sec. PRESIDIO : lodge No. . 834, I. O. ' O. F. — Installation of officers •SSS^staSS-- THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING at f£&Ps§? 2190 Geary st. near .-.-.T^WW . , Visiting brothers cordially invited. " HALL SANDERS, N. O. ' W. H..SHAPPE. Sec HARMONIE lodge . No.'. 15/ K." of P., -~ ; . ~ : S W. . cor. Geary x and ' Gongh - sts. — ! rrj ' \ Regular^ convention': THIS v (FRI- « bxfU ' ; DAY) ; EVENING •at . 8 o'clock. Members. are reqoested to attend. '^chaiiS Visitors'* are \u25a0- cordially \u25a0 invited. ' j/ Bi=s^ \p LOUIS BOLTON, C. C. HENRY WILLWEBER, K. of , R. & S. CALIFORNIA . harbor ". No. 15, «"- ,^ -. ~ AJ<A. «f \u25a0 m *\u25a0 t> —sit. Wbj \> » ficers and members are re- HTranti^ quested to attend the pLL^gg**" • • funeral • of . onr late - brother, ( ÜB^"^^^ - CAPTAIN • LIND O. FOSEN, j - this "day, July'l9,' at 1:30 * o'clock p. m. from • the Western :' Addition , un- dertaklng parlors, i 1724 Devisadero st - Inter- - ment in Odd ' Fellows' ; cemetery., ' - ; JOHN= McFARLAND, Capt R.N. PIPPEY, Sec ; ! 7 ; CALEDONIAN - clnb-^-Regular meeting Jf JSJC THIS EVENING, July 19. at Roesch Ks3m£ haU, Missioa and 15th st«. TSMfItT ;* • : - . D/: D.- McRAE, Chief. , /^jgfr" - \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 C.-:MACDQNALD/ Sec./ • ..^- A REGULAR meeting of the Hoard of; Medical - . Examiners . of . the State of California will be .held TDEBDAY, the 6th day of, August,; 1907, \u25a0 at the office of the Secretary/ 1879. Sutter st, . San Francisco, CaL, at 9 a. m., for the; pur- pose -: of * considering ' applications s for -\u25a0\u25a0 certifi- cates and Buch other bosinessas may; properly come before: it Applications for certificates ' must be filed; with 'the Secretary prior to; July. 23, 1907; ; The examination ; will take .place in Cooper Medical College, corner Sacramento and Webster sts.; \u25a0 San t Francisco/ August ,6/7 and 1 8, •< 1907, : at 10 a.i m.i&aa**ai*An9i **mtfn> fcifsjW.B BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS • OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, r \u0084 - ; CHARLES L..TISDALE, M.D.. , -' *- • ' - ••Secretary. - Dated San : Francisco, > July 12, . 1907. : " ; ANNUAL MEETING — The 1 regular annual meet- ing of the etock holders of the MONTEREY COUNTY WATER v COMPANY . will *be j held - at the offices of the company/ No/ 58 Clay st.*/ San < Francisco. CaL/; on MONDAY, * July 1 29, ." 1907, at 11 o'clock «v m., for the purpose of electing . a - board of ' directors | to , serve for I the ensuing year : and \u25a0 for the transaction of such other business ; as . may,; come ;- before > the \u25a0 meet- • ing.'.* Transfer books. will be closed on Friday, July 28/1907/ at 3p. m.> W. H/HANNAM, :' Secretary/.- -.':-•>;.-,•\u25a0;^f ,;.\u25a0-\u25a0.-/;>.;;-\u25a0. . \u25a0 ONLY. LOCAL -MANUFACTURERS. • : —~- PASQDALB'.CO.. \u25a0- 1100 WEBSTER COR/ J TURK. :.-'i' PHONE WEST 493. \u25a0 ARMY. NAVY/ BOCIETY GOODS. ; '; REGALIAS. FLAGS.^ BANNERS. ; i \u25a0 , BADGES.- CAPS, UNirOBMS.- THE -SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, JTJLY 19,| 1907; MKETIXG - JVOTICES^— Continued "/\u25a0 MASTER t: MAUINERSV l!K-« ?: :: i • .NEVOLE>*Ti. association— All affih^,.-. mombors are respectfully re- M^t^9B»!*-a»_. quested to attend the EWJ^G**^ funeral 'of our late brother, I KA>J<3c4ift>v LIND C. FOSE.N\ '.I-Vldny/ !&3*SkSS^*' July'l9/ at f I:3o :p.'m.'/,from; iF^l^T -;••\u25a0\u25a0;.' .'. \u25a0 . the 1 Western Addition under- . \u25a0 .•' ':. " \u25a0; -\u25a0"' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-?\u25a0 u. . .'\u25a0 taking parlors/ 1 1724, ; Devlsadero - st. -.; between Sutter and \u25a0 Bush. ; By: order -of •. the presldent." .. \u25a0 L. TP.AUNG. • Sec. ._ \u25a0_ . ;_ . _ -y_ ._\u25a0 \u25a0^AOTORjrEYS^ i J i^'^. i '^_l ADVICE FREE^-DIVORCES A SPECIALTY. . \u25a0 - Quick, \u25a0 quiet; no ' charge: unless : successful; Collections/ wills,' deeds.' etc. ; detectives. - . \u25a0 Open evenings..- LEGAL "ASSOCIATION/ . 1363iWebster st. cor.\O'Farrell near-Flllmore/ LOE WY : & : GUTSCH/ attorneys ;' r now. located at \u25a03d and Stevenson sts., i Cal.- Demokrat; building. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law, W/T. Hess, Notary Public. 2053 Sntter Bt/ nr. ' Fillmore. : .-..' ADVICE FREE ON ALL , LEGAL . MATTERS/ :. Divorce costs $12; damages, collections. All cases no charge : without - success; open \u25a0 even- Inge. 1720 Fillmore st bet Post and Sutter. . .ROOM 4, > FIRST; FLOOR. , J : AA— DIVORCE; "costs' JI2; quick, quiet; advice , : free; no charge unless successful;- titled real x estate restored ; bankruptcy ; probating ; of : es- tates; general practice. 1023 Market st.^r/12. ADVICE: free: : divorce costs = $12; . quick/ direct; labor liens and collections;; bankruptcy and at- : tachment*. 2128 : Fillmore nr. Sacra'to; \u25a0 rm: 1. COMPLETE divorce f0r.?25;-no delay; courteous treatment;: square dealing; please see me first ; Room 3, 2036 Sutter st near. Fill more.' ; ', ,y.: MARTIN STEVENS; attorney; at law.' 1033 Gold- en Gate ay/ bets Laguna. and :\u25a0 Buchanan | sts/ ' \u25a0-".\u25a0- • ; ALF GROVES. - .^, CALL BUILDING. '•--'\u25a0'- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS ' KATHERYN KIMBERLY— LegaI work a spe- . ; dalty. 313 Monadnock bldg. ; tel. Temp. 3737. PUBLIC Stenographer— Rates reasonable. 1768 Haight st. ;' phones Fell 13 and j Page 6031. S Mabel B. . Newman,pub. sten.. Hotel Dale/: 1037 --Fillmore: man.: and mim. work done; reas.""-: \u25a0 ' .- NOTARY » PUBLIC ;• ADDIE L. ; B ALLOU, formerly! 707- Van Ness av.^ removed to 1122 Market ct. opposite 7th. • " PENSIONS PENSION Attorney E. . A. BDLLIS, 1541 . Stelner - st: past commander Thomas post, G. A. R. ••. V ; ;PATENTS V ' H- Y^y^f-.l Dewe* Strong & ; Co. — Patents, caveats, „ trade- . marks,. Infringements ;: guide, to Inventors, 100 mech. movemts. free. 1105 Mer.^Ex. •bIdg.,S.F. \u25a0 CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, patents,' late examiner U. S. patent of flee.' 814 (Call) O. Spreckels bid. i PATENTS guaranteed; handsome: 68-page guide- book free. E. E. Vrooman, box 40, Wash., D. C. FRANCIS M. WRIGHT, formerly examiner U. 8. patent office. 025-927 Monadnock bldg. -: \ DENTISTS DRS. C. W. i DECKER. ~ T. H. MORRIS. ' * L.-T. CRANZ. SURGEON DENTISTS, ISI6 Sutter st. above Van Ness. . Rooms 1-2^-3-4-5-9-10. . PAINLESS dentistry— o^d j established, ; honeat, reliable; reasonable' prices; perfect work; free consultation. VAN VROOM, 1501 FUlmore St., corner O'Farrell. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. 615 Fillmore 6t near Oak. . .: '' : BARTLETT,: DR. U. GRANT, extracting speclal- Ist; gas given. 2103 Fillmore, NW. cor.* , Cal." NEW YORK DENTAL'PARLORS. \u0084 "^ . Dr. E. W. Perkins, 1102 1 Valencia st* cor. 22d. DR. W. A. MEYER, form. Callaghan building,' now 2156 Market st. near Church and 14th. DR. KNOX. dentist 1615 Fillmore St.. formsrly Grant bldg.; all work first class; prices low. C. W. RICHARDS, D. D. S./ 205-0 Central bid;., cor. '. Suttoc and Polk, for. Mutual bank bldg. DR. SIMMS, formerly Parrott bldg./ 855 Market et, now located at 1214 Polk cor. Sutter, r: 301. DR. R. L. WALSH, 872 McAllister nr. Laguiia. • Platinum fillings, . BOe; ' crowns, $5; . plates, j $7. . DR. H. CRAIGIE — First class dentistry at rea- sonable prices. 691 Folsom st. cor. 3d. • HILL. DR. LUDLUM, 1443 Market st, : now : at '432 Webster st near ; Oak;; gas given. , DR. J/ J. . LEEK, formerly i 1126 r Market now 824 Valencia st. between 10th and 20th.- " -_.;' .'-'.'*;-.- j'PHYSICIAXS;; \u25a0/; v r : ;,,;- DR. GERBER,; naturopathtc physician, 1253 ' Oc- tavla — Eye/- nervous, chronic ; ills/ diseases wo- - men; new methods ;- headache ;> constipation," ln- dlgestlon. croas eyes, etc. Hrs; 11-2;. West 4527 DR. WONG. HIM, r r <'\u25a0\u25a0'.:\u25a0"'' _ HERB DOCTOR, - Permanently Located • 1268 O'Farrell st bet. Oongh and Octavla. '. DR. FREDERICK XV." D'EVELYN. . permamnt office Central bldg.; c NE. ; cor. Polk and ; Sntter Bts.; tel. Franklin 748; hours Ito3. . ? % , SEE MAIN CHY/ - ,' . Chines? Tea and Herb Sanitarium, ' 719 ; Sacramento ;>t.,~ . San Francisco.' • -: • ,/\u25a0'.:-' DR. J. S. H ANLON, , / Formerly Scobie Hospital/now 629 .Van Ness ay.; tel. Franklin 15.: H. A. HESS, M.D. (Pacific Hospital surgeon)— l to 8. 6 to 7:30. 749 Hayes;ftel. Market .242B. DR. E. F. WEST, formerly of Cl'lA Leavenworth . st. is now at'llls McAllister: phone Park 722. DR. . F. C KECK returned and resumed praetlca, cor. McAllister and Steiner sts. Hrs/ 2-4 p. ro. X-RAY and Flnsen Light Laboratory/ ; 999 Stelner = st; ' corner \u25a0 McAllister. ;. OPPENHEIMER CURE FOR - ALCOHOLISM? ;..•\u25a0-; 2063 MARKET < ST. '. .'\u25a0 . DR. F. THOMAS (formerly Donohue bldg.) now : 816 Turk st - Tel. Franklin 1500. - ;'-: * = ; :, DR. KARIN KLINT, 10C6 15th st near Church; 2 to 4.7 to 8. ;'.\u25a0\u25a0.-"--\u25a0•:-.\u25a0 -\u0084\u25a0.' %.- AUTOMOBILES FORD RUNABOUT. vj 4 cyl., has top. 3 . Inch tires, \; . .and been run 2 months only.'-i -"i : Owner can use the money to better/ * ;v. \u25a0 \ advantage than the car; price $600. I •i-SEE THISAT ONCE. : . PHENIX AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE, -r : 45th and San Pablo ' av.^ Oakland;: ADTO CAR runabout, '06/ almost new/top .$750 _ Light, tonrlng car, finest condition; snap. * 075 Ford, 4 cyl; run about! top, fast; bargain 00<i Reo, '06, touring car, best condition; buy 700 -'05 Pope Toledo, ; fast and fine; birgain; 1.050 PHENIX AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE, v^ • \u25a0\u25a0*.. 45th -St.;- and -San r Pablo ay./ Oakland. '. .; \u25a0 BUlCK : runabout, fine; condition; used 4 months; '- $800. ss t >^;.^. ; -,X.>- 4_>,..-:3.- : ,--:-. 'v , : . \u25a0 .. -' -4 \u25a0 cylinder -i Rambler, '06; . top . and 1 lamps; - good : bargain \u25a0 at . $1,400. . 4 , cylinder. Winton,t good condition; \u25a0 $1,400.'/ Howard - Anto C 0 . ,; 404 . Golden > Gate a y. / AUTOMOBILE - bargain ; '-:". 1907^ 32 - horsepower touring car at half price: must sell .'O6 Frank-" 1 In,' model X Winston and 2 Pope-Toledo touring .- cars; all In? A ; No. 1 condition; ,- F. \u25a0 0. , REN- STROM CO./ 424 Stanyan st, .;;:;-:; r \u25a0/ i AUTOMOBILE bargains— Pope-Toledo ', Limousine • '06 r Royal " Tourist; •'< 20 j h. » p. > Franklin/? and others. .\u25a0: Pacific Garage s and Livery ' C 0. ," Pa' -clfle Polk:st; ,-'.'•' / ' - ; i l - \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '. :-:\u25a0: RENSTROM. GARAGE.: 424-434 :Stanyan"»Cphone Park. 476/ Automobiles bought/ sold/ repaired; tupplles ; touring 1 cars : for.; hire ; at : all hours. >. AUTOMOBILES REPAIRED." \u25a0' LILIENTHAL EROS'. 1 ' GARAGE. - -\u25a0'" - - :i ; 8176 21ST ST. , . ~ PHONE > MARKET : 53Z '\u25a0 T R/H/MORRIS-^AUTO BROKER, a. , : ISIB-1820 Telegraph 1 av./ Oakland,' Cal. ;*> - ..\u25a0.. '-. :-..^/ ' Phone \u25a0; Oakland : : C747.i - • AUToMoBH.B : bargains; ' Reo, t Premier/ Cadillac, • • Peerless, Pope >». touring a cars ; [.< can „• be \u25a0' seen;. ; Frank; O. \ Rentsrom '.Cfl., , 424 ; Stanyan st; • ,; - PULLMAN - automobiles .. forj immediate ' delivery ; 'on exhibition': at; the; salesrooms; of tbe?F.".-O.' . v RENSTROM ;' CO.; 424 < Stanyan st:/~%- v ; '; NEW Universal ' Carburetors; \ positive guarantee or money back.: L. '\u25a0 H.V & : B. ~ I/. BILL, , 132 Valencia *ÜBS£gS&&; : ,•--' I:, ..." ". \u25a0-.-' * 'TIRES? REPAIRED,:::: / ':'\u25a0 Stevens & Elkington '. Rubber; Co.,^s20 s Polk^st.' AUTOMOBILE repairlng:T^toraee battery ' cbarg- . ing. • repairing. y, I. L.i pg I JONGH/ 448 s Fulton.*, SAN- FRANCISCO £:. VULCANIZING S CO.'; -{425 : -.-.Valencia st. y? Anto tire ' repairing our specialty ."; •\u25a0•;;''automobile;.; repairing; \u25a0\u25a0•"::--\u25a0 ;:"'\u25a0' y M. . L. ;\u25a0 Wllbert ' & / Sona.Vi 18th ?, and \u25a0\u25a0 Mlsalon.% > FOR sale— Ha'.f ;; lnterest 3 In i garage ' and x three cars. P/, P.- box, 127/ San -Ma too. • . • AUTOMOBILES * WANTED WANTED— Second hand? auto/ Call l'nOS3MSth- 'st? ; ..". :r ../'-; architects" 1 .:" ."; :'.: '. ;J/; J/- ;;^ N.';-* HIRANO.'f Japanese J designer :! and :i bulldluff \u25a0 '- contractor, q IS2I I Sntter at. : > tel. i West 1 7968. v« \u25a0:_ .;_• ; .* ' :'\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0,';,::.;Art^.' glass';;: ;" .- : .; ;.-. . -:^ PLAIN, leaded /and:; aft V glass;/; N.'.--HURRELL;' :.: 212 . Gonph st.) between : Oak and ; Fell.Ttis 'l I 'H ,1 : : "AA^-Callfornla^Art \ Glass\B.'f tc\ G.*i Works/; a3S ; Howard < st. ./ Phone-- Temporary 11817.1-'^ \u25a0 t ?. ':\u25a0 -\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0':. '-. - ;TV' , ANGLEJ: LAMPS V,/';,;;.;-; :'-;..: 'ANGLE LAMPS best' lamp's for reading.^ BOESCU LAMP. CO., i Coast 'Agents,*; 1135. Mission *4. \'. •"\u25a0'^ ;i; i: ->BPSINESS> CHANCES r-'r -' .'.'; /; : ; " \u25a0•'•' \u25a0' '\u25a0•' ?\u25a0 '. '?. ?'\u25a0' ''\u25a0 *•,' £,~ '",* FOR, \u25a0 *^frt E"^ \u25a0 '^ • "\u25a0* '''' : ' ' --''• *"'\u25a0"\u25a0 v STOCK 'OF \u25a0MERCHANDISE*," CONSISTING OF, OROCERIKS AND CANNED GOODS. LIQUORS," FURNITURE, i FIXTURES, I CARPETS, SILVER- WARE. CUTLERY/ TABLE LINEN. - RANGES/ COOKING -tTTENSILS t^ASH & REGISTERS. ?4£E AND OTHER PUOPERTY (AS PER IN- VENTORY) 8 CONTAINED lIN THAT CERTAIN RESTAURANT. LOCATED 'AT 1050 GEARY^ST. NEAR VAN: NESS ?AV.r \u25a0•.;\u25a0- :- -\u0084,>»-\u25a0 .The undersigned, representing a committee aa- r pointed 1 by: the creditors of the Pacific Cafe Op., a corporation known as the "SEVERN," offer for sale > the property; above • named ; : FREDA Y, the 19th 'day of JULY, 1907, 'at 11 ' -•:- ' ; - \u25a0 .' . . ' : \u25a0•; o'clock. a.' m."" \u25a0 .: . \u25a0 t - '- r " "' '--\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0• 'AT * -' • ,'.."-- " ~ SAID PREMISES/ 1050 GEARY ST. = ,; I Said . property will be ' sold on sealed ' bids, to be I presented Ito Julius Dohrmann ! and D. • A/ Cur- tin, at room ; 823, | Monadnock , building, i up 'to 10 o'clock a.' m;>on said 19th day of July/ 1907, and must *be • accompanied : by > a < certified check , for 10 '\u25a0 per ; cent i ot: the amount offered. " returnable only ,f In \ case : of « rejection, \u25a0=- which . bids , will -be opened at said premises,* 1050 \u25a0 Geary st. .-: The undersigned reserve the rUfat to reject any and all^bldS. ':-v v -.?-• w-.-_ >\u25a0'."':\u25a0„ •\u25a0•.-\u25a0 -. ; : - • •'\u25a0-. -.W-'^ TERMS CASH.- i'-tv :••..'. '.- ' -' Place \u25a0 open • for « lnspection. >- Further . informa- tion and lan I Inventory >of the j property;; may jbe had'.atsthe office of said ' Julius Dohrmann, care Nathan> Dohrmann A Co./ : 1548 .Van Ness av./or at \u25a0 the v office loft D. A; Cortln; '<\u25a0 room >r 323 Mo- nadnock building.* \u25a0 • : .- ~r^v-~ ' \u25a0 \u25a0_ : . - \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0:-, 7*: 1 JULIUS DOHRMANN. . \u25a0 •-.:, ; . p. a. CT7RTIN. \u25a0;: ' \u25a0\u25a0•-_. WANTED-^-3 partners i with \ $600 each tto go to \u25a0-• S. America ;:mt-n' with some engineering, lum- ; bering and agricultural: experience;: big fortune \u25a0> awaits the , right parties; must- be ready to : leave jln ; about : 6 weeks. : Address box -. 1659, "Call -office, at * •\u25a0 J ': FOR 1 sale cheap— Restaurant 111 Powell st, \u25a0. near James Flood bldg.; cost $1,000 to furnish; - long lease, 1; low ;< rent, i : fine ;. opportunity : fully - equipped I to'f start business ; • must be sold | this •,-"" week.%; D.; r A/ CURTIN, ; 323 Monadnock bldg. FOR sale— 42s : shares of fine capital stock of a ->^ well i paying . electrical machinery \u25a0 company ; < es- t ablished 1001; doing , a Oourlshlng business; '1,175 shares issued;, five directors.. Apply room ; : 84, .Marson ; building. > 1380 Sutter St.: \ : WOOD . carving , and - ornamental I plaster and ce- _,% ment i? shops;.: benches, /tools." . alii. kinds ' of '•models; large stock. >: A splendid opportunity at -'•a very. low figure; cash or easy payments. 650 Hampshire st. -, bet j 18th and 19th. • v $2, 100— A j complete new 1 bathhouse,; its , building \u25a0 ,' and • lease , on \u25a0 the; ground \u25a0 tor sale; ; an * average •': of \u25a0' $200 . monthly', net gain ; location 16th . near ; Misslon.V For particulars write or apply, F.T., i.2072 Bush.stV/;/. - ,/.;. \u25a0./.'.-.• ":: FOR sale— The best restaurant in' San Mateo; an ." - opportunitynfor .• a\u25a0> good > restaurant man or \u25a0* woman ; ;. a . thorongh ' inspection \u25a0 accorded. ~ Ad- dress P. ; P.; box 602.' San Mateo;/, 7 / \u25a0 FOR . sale^-Stable > business in the busiest • part of .':' the mission ; large ; barn. ' 37 stalls ; , 2 shops : , lone ' ground 3 lease; $2,000. \u25a0 Apply "Capp,** 2007 gutter st. cor. ? Fillmore. ;.:\u25a0. ' . -.,--:'\u25a0 FREE^-The" story of Wonder, the greatest mln- 11 .;-- Ing ! camp iln-Nevnda ; > write I today^ to i Western . ' Mining Bureau/ 069 \u25a0 Broadway; • Oakland, CaL LUMBER -In 5 any ; quantity : retailed at I wholesale : prices; boy direct? from the . mills/ ;' DOLAN / BROS. CO./ agents.vl629 Market st/ : : a?^ CREDITORS', sale of lumber: large/ completely stocked yard will . be sacrificed. s Inqulra 1620 Market St., :. .., ; \u25a0\u25a0-'.-. ..'--.\u25a0 \u0084 $100 Invested now will double In 4 months; writ- ten guarantee. R. F. WELLS. 2301 Pine st. DRUG store for sale; ' best opportunity in the - city. -.;* Address box ; 2869, Call office. : MUSIC \u25ba* and « variety ' store for sale \u25a0\u25a0•" on '. account retiring from, business. 288 Noe st -, . HOAG I press ! stock. : for sale cheap ; . party going \u25a0 east. R^F/WELLS/ 2301 Pine st -\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0 J LODGING' HOUSES : FOR SALE ':\ CRANDALL," 1400 McAllister it; bny« "and ! selU furnished flats/ lodging houses. List with him for^qnlck : returns. > 1400 McAllister St. •' \u25a0: • : ; '\u25a0___[ ;;'V HEALTHY baby boy and girl ; fall snrrender.' DR. FCNKE'S Maternity Villa, 1416 Bta st; Alameda/: - , v~ -.'.-'".. '\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 :\u25a0 «- , : ACCOUNTANTS— Certified Public JOHN^R. RUCKSTELII Call building, room" 368; :: accounting ..- systems: ~. Investigations; audits.' • CANDY'AND CAKE FACTORY WE sell, ' wholesale and \u25a0 retail, fine ; tea cakes, lee • cream <\ cornucopias. ' BENKYODA : & CO., 1533 Geary? st.; phone West 7537.' V BAR /ANDJSTORH FIXTURES ', v? rV: J. RUBEN-^Offlce.t* store; bar fixtures, show- : cases ; all > kinds woodwork. x . 694 ' McAllister, it." Standard * Furniture '& '* Fixture 1 Mrg; i Co. ; estl- matea given.; 851 Bryant st; phone Market 8724.' BRUNSWICK-BALKE COLLENDER' CO.. 17-27 ','\u25a0• Franklin st^ nr. : Markej. * Phone t Special 1457. N/Y. FIXTURE C 0.." bar, store, office flxtnres. showcases/grill work, etc. 8411 10th nr. Mission CALIFORNIA . Home Industry, \u25a0 214 Bth st. — Bar \u25a0'- and 'store flxtnres, showcases always ' on hand. J/MARTENSON makes office, store and bar flx- \u25a0 V.tnres/218 18th st bet Mission and Howard. WILLIAM P. SICKE, saloon and store fixtures; eastern prices: short notice." 804 Qoagh st \u25a0',";.." • '\u25a0 CLAIRVOYANTS '/'; THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE REVEALED. : Famous : woman psychic ' and palmist ' has perfected . a system \u25a0by \u25a0 which : she reads . your /life story. y^ ..-v .- \u25a0' "::'\u25a0 '\u25a0 " Men and . women in all walks of life dally \u25a0' \u25a0 consult * Mme. . Craig, ; permanently \u25a0 located .' in , ' private : residence, ' 1201 . O'Farrell st. < . : If marriages, sickness, death, changes, tray- - els/, divorces, separation/ law ; suits, \ business :. transactions, wills/ deed a, mortgages,' lost lor ' stolen property, hidden treasures, 5 lost \u25a0or ab- sent friends Interest you; if you car* to know . what you should do successful and whom to avoid, when to buy and when to sell stocks; \u25a0 \u25a0 etc. : -if ;\u25a0• you : desire . to ;.; have \u0084 yonr ..: domestic \u25a0troubles removed, your lost love restored/ your \u25a0'.-. bitterest enemies converted into stanch friends —rin a • word, - whatever may be . yenr \u25a0 troubles; ;.-; suspicions '-\u25a0- or \u25a0 desires, »- call ; on ;\u25a0 this ;\u25a0 gifted .' .-: . wf man • and ! - she : will : send you • away ; happier, - wlserand ; bolder, than,- ever ;bef ore. v- . .:. THE White Mystic- of 'lndia.' ;V:; V: v . ; J * .ORMONDE,* formerly 10 years on Market st: a clairvoyant .with power; genuine/; reliable, eon- ' sclentlous; ; past, present, : future; ) business | ad- ' vice; love,-: marriage/ divorce;: removes evil In-" , Ouencee ; '* tells your > fall name; ;\u25a0;• born •in ;-.the .-\u25a0 orient T.wlth the power ' of ' any i 10 1. mediums; • readings $1. ' 1310 Devlsadero st. between Ellis ;,-' and; O'Farrell/. >, :.;-;-. •/' -'..;.:/\u25a0\u25a0. ,'•/ \..->v-.-,:" MISS ZEMDAR, younjr, ! gifted, clalr/ and palm. ; . I r have astonished thoy sands with •my wonder- \u25a0\u25a0; fully.:, correct • horoscope : of a their i lives/, past : present > and \u25a0', f v tnre. -\u25a0>, I \u25a0\u25a0 correctly .x, treat '\u25a0 your . love ' affairs,-: domestic troubles, business • and -.;' financial success; hours 10, to 9;' L. 60c. G. $1; I:, open "Sundays; 1260 Ellis st. near Laguna. ->. • • 'AN EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY; 1 . FOR ' $1/ .X; TWO ; SITTINGS. • - FOR $1. ~ ; J.PALM- AND i CLAIRVOYANT' READINGS, v ;\u25a0-'.\u25a0 Prof, • S. \u25a0 Maher,;. known - the = world s over \u25a0 as . -"; king of,- life readers/* hleh ' priest -. among * the \u25a0"^mystics ; of ? India.-- 1393 ; O'Farrell -nr.' Laguna. SHERMAN, £. CLAIRVOYANT, v PALMIST— HIS i" \u25a0 extraord lnary * clairvoyant .. powers.-, combined V. with • his •' superior : knowledge j of occult - forces, ?;•-' enable >. him ' to read *\u25a0 human ? lit* e > with ! accuracy \u25a0 v from , Infancy to old \ age.' '<*. 1068 Brd wy.. \u25a0 Oakld. MRS.i GENTßY.i divine; healer, .clalrr.*; palmist; • pnnti and present* revealed; • consultation^ free. V2OlB Sutter,; st. -between Steiner . and | Fillmore.i * MISS M. WILLE. : 1505 : Geary— Crystal se«r and s ,*. medluct ; t can '\u25a0 be ; consulted on - all : business ; af- fairs of llf«; hours 10 to 8 p/, m/:;;-.-~ : \u25a0 .•" MME. EUGENIE/ scientific palmist/ card reader; \u25a0•-» reveals f nets. that astonish. yon. i!4Cs .Valencia. $1 .READINGS I thin I month; ; lucky I numbers and V, charms. ; MME/ LELAND, Jl6 Golden L Gats aT/ MADAM • SCHAEFFER, , clairvoyant" card reader,*; '.-.water seer.'. 7o4 Lnguna bet Grove and Fulton. MISS ; MORRIS/ card reader and clairvoyant, 059 ' ;\Webster, st. \ corner j Golden '\u25a0 Gate ; av.Vi room ill.- MME. LOUISA, "' Spauißh clairvoyant, ; card reader/ :;;Rooms,l and 2, -1037A\ Golden Gate • ay. C , ;. -\u25a0_ -. MISS WARD/, clairvoyant and " card reader. > 906 "r McAllister., nt.", y room 5 48,1; top ; floor; •-*: - , ; --- \ ~. CHEAPEST i and * best ,- in ; America, ;.Th« -Weekly Call;! Sl 'a 'year/.-^^\u25a0\u25a0VJ^'-'v •-'\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0:/\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0**' \u25a0\u25a0 :. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;. \u25a0\u25a0 ,;,..- >}^^:' ' ; .-vSPIRITUALisM^ : ,'' '\u25a0-\u25a0 '.;;\u25a0}' i '\u25a0 MRS. T J. J. WHlTNEY.*: tranc* business medium «'s'.;^>'-#AND LIFE f: READER. -.-v. .- -:V -\u25a0\u25a0-: : Spiritual ; messages. • • ; 1164; O'Farrell st'ci CONSULT 8.1 8: GARRISON ; circles every, nlghr/. ; ; f chairs 25c; i chargtei reasonable/ H 719% > Franklin fe|gtl bet; j. Golden Gate ]and- Turk, yr , ,- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0';\u25a0 "--\u25a0: \u25a0;>.;-. MME. M AXWELL-^-Test I Fri. ( 2-S p. m. ; convinc- '?'; Ing ; messages ; i rdg.T daily ; : qnes. ) 823 A \u25a0 Church. 1 * MRS.-i ROBINSON ; < readings * daily : -circles Sun-~ ct; day, t Wednesday.-; Friday/, 25c.'.", 751% ? ; Webster/ MRS.? SEAL,.** spiritual I medium ; \u25ba' readings i dally/ \u25a0ag, 780 ; Me Alllster . St. ; ; circle ; Thursday. 8 ; p: '. m. ; ; MRS.*?EVERS— .Test 'smedium;5 medium; readings ; dally. cy 1217 u Webster » st; s ? nenr :- Eddy.'" \u25a0 ; : ' \u0084< \u25a0"- \u25a0•>;->\u25a0.% ; .:.;... r : ' PALMISTRY^ ; p A^-rßcturned—H/ JEROME f FOSSELLI, , sciehtiflc 'ili palmist, 'i 1810 , Webster.i S.i F. ; ; phone ,West 419." ; MME/ DA VISON, I'formerly.slo.1 ' formerly. 510 . Post st , , left the '--'city ront July ?l;i^---:--':j..--/-- \u25a0\u25a0'::r,^~-'^ ; \u25a0'• .:*:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0:-r±..-x Z : i-~t-i&&; PAiLMISTRY-^Oaklsmd .; 7-i?& OAKLAND'S^ palmlstf and t card* reader; = ladies^ ':-'- 25c ; \u25a0 gents/ Ooc/« 856 Broadway,'^ suite 1 IT, Oak.' rrtn'-TfcTrt sfIsTWC iift['sm»irniH-f— 1 sffiiirrn-si t-aifr-n Tan nwinihi feu 1 1 n isss t I ' -:';/,;/; '"'-'•/.''"',\u25a0 BICYCLES^.; -'', . AGENTS ' for * COLUMBIA "i^ind ;-. RAMBLER bl- •: . cycles, c C. • M.^ CHRISTOPHER.7 530 \ Stanyan/ 3.<W.~ CORNELL,, sporting; 'roods*/ agency iSnell j> bicycles; motor cycles: repairing.- 1104 Valencia/ '\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0_ ~^j; : V y CHIROPODISTS^ - r -l''i:lhi'~i ALL foot - aliments \u25a0' posltlvel-t ' cured painlessly. '\u25a0':\u25a0'- Dr/ Duncan; ; expert \u25a0 chlropoqlst - ISSO \u25a0 Ellis .St.- •/ -'.;' -'; V" ifcASH ?4 REGISTERS ; J,? CASH registers, - 621 sizes, i of ; all prices, for all kinds of business, on liberal terms. National •*' Cash j. Register C 0..: 1283 Golden' Gate av/-. - - ,' -•\u25a0•; •'.'. .'V-"- : . '.. ",.:" ,.: ; \u25a0\u25a0;'. "HEIDELBERG"." and other high grades , in ' lots -to Bnit,' at WHOLESALE prices. ; I '- A. \u25a0 BREBLAPBR.T 214 California ; > Temp.^ 2330. I "£cb'NTHACToi^'}ANp'i'BuiLDEßS'*j t, LARSEN i& « DUE, contractors i and 'i repsJrers-^ .\u25a0 Carpenter ft work <'of -> all t i kinds > and - Jobbing ':-. promptly attended to. 3174 J 24th Bt ; phone \u25a0;. Slarktt'.SSOS. .^ .-.- ..- / : .~~ : v,. : " ;\u25a0 :^ :; \u25a0 McCULLOUGH CONTRACTING : CO. 1 , 'i 2023-2033 j I Market— Buildings designed I and . erected qnlck- \u25a0ly.; economically; no- f'waltlng-for^mlllwork." P. de ; NOOY, A VAN DAM.. carpenters, contract- " y> ers; cab.' work. . 1284 A Eddy. Tel. WEST 4624. CARPENTER,*' cabinet work,' store and office Vflttlng. PATBRSON.: 165 Franklin at.- ,-,'. ANTI WALL PLASTER CO.; no more cloth; use : Antiplaster. board. 1923 Market st/ .- --• '; . :^iXiy:*yi contractors ":._\' ': ,' '\u25a0'\u25a0 . '. •' - O. A. JOHNSON/ carpenter,:? builder. " cabinet H maker. J Jobbing. "2627 1 15 th st. be t. Marke V and il_Chnrch:- phone Market 5809;. 11- to- 1- o'clock. [ ''\u25a0";;-- [j, ARTISTIC : designer.; ln" dress- making will be .:.. prepared .. to take ' engagements - again - Monday, - July 15, ;..: by - day. : MISS HARTMAN, 1244 '/.Ellis: st. ;/..:;. \u25a0...-..- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;•\u25a0, . ..- . \. :.'...:.,;-'.;..-; \u0084. SUNBURST, accordion, knife pleating. . buttons, ;\u25a0 buttonholes/ lining, notions: mall orders solici- ted. . STEELE'S, 1420 Post; phone West 6428. McDowell's Dress' Making and ' Millinery School. ' 1215 ; Post i st ,- near ? Van Ness. Branch ' 1018 Washington st. Oakland. Patterns cut to order; AGNES OSTERGREN, 917 Page; first class even- - Ing : and \u25a0 brides' dresses; - all: work \u25a0 guaranteed.' ,;^: -C^>' LADIES'.' ''TAILORS , : . M-.-J ;''J- LOUIS LINDSTROM, , ladles' -tailoring, formerly . > Donahue \u25a0 bldg.^now \u25a0 1304 1 Post near Franklin. B. KAPLAN, up to data Ladles' * Tailor. 1277 j---» Bills st.;- ::,.-\u25a0 \u25a0.-\u25a0'-\u25a0"-\u25a0. : /.- r'.-'V- .. '.'.•\u25a0'-\u25a0 .-.-FURSj: G. BARE," furrier/ formerly Lachmann & Co.; now | ': 1515 Bush ' st" cor. ...Van \u25a0 Ness : ay.. * upstairs. " .-* ' B. I KANTNER,-, manufacturing ' furrier,"- formerly 122 Stockton gt..- now 1718 Van Nasa ay. EDUCATIONAL \u25a0;' HEALD'S. 1451 " Franklin - st. *> San \u25a0 Francisco. Cal.— Soon In ' new building in \u25a0 McAllister ' at : bet' Van Ness ' ay. and "- Polk ' st. \u25a0 business, shorthand/ engineering, r- E/ P. HEALD. Pres. i A— ASSISTS to . shorthand places; Metropolitan (CaL) B'sn's Col.; 925 G. G. ay.; penmanship, . Esplna ; ; drwg. evs. ; v day * $10 , mo. ; - eva. • $3.' ' FNGINEERING^-Civll. i elecl.. mining, mech.. . survey, » assay; cyanide; : day,' : eve. ; est/ 1864. Van der Nalllen School. 51st A. Telg.. Oakland. PHYSICAL : culture; \u25a0 women,' '\u25a0\u25a0' children. Audl- . torium ' building/ cor. 1 Page ' and ; Flllmors st«. MISS \u25a0 CLAIRE -E. DONOVAN. /*' \ \u25a0 :.-> "' PROF. T. : A. ROBINSON, Individ.; lnstr. math.V bookkeeping. Eng./etc; day, eve. 290 Page st. HEALD'S Engineering School. \u25a0 295 ; Locust ay. cor. - Franklin st ; . all branches ; day. and eve. GUlTAR,>: mandolin,- piano, singing; : new : classes : ; forming; 8 lessons $3. 892 Ha!;ht cr. Devlaadaro SAN-FRANCISCO Business College now located at 733 Fillmore near, Hayes;, day and evening.* THE BERLITZ^ SCHOOL; OF, LANGUAGES— - : 2531 • Washington nr. Fillmore: send for circular. R. PFAENDLER, pianist; pupils taught classic -\u25a0 or 3 popular. 385 . Fell st. v Phone Fell 1437. , YOUNG ', man"' (French) -: will exchange . French lessons for English., 424 Montgomery ay. / -i- '\u25a0";\u25a0" \u25a0-; '.\u25a0'-\u25a0... S/C.BALDWIN. . ;- -;>:' Banjo,' mandolin guitar. 1374 Hayes 'st.-. YOUNG : man '<\u25a0 (French), will exchange : B'ren;h v lessons for/ English. 424 Montgomery ay/ j, ; ; ALL court reporters recommend | Gallagher-Marsh Business College/ 464 Devlsadero Bt - .. • . . MERRILL-MILLER \u25a0\u25a0 College, pleasanfly : located -> at 738 Fillmore «t. : day and • «Tenln». . - - .;- r- EMPLOYMENT "OFFICES ~ '?'• JAPANESE Hoosecleanlng Agency furnishes best ;\u25a0 help with care, by hours, days or weeks; / cooks,- waiters/ house cleaners \u25a0 window wash- ers, etc. H. : X . ODA, 1721 Post at. ; phone West 4634. -\u0084-: ; ,-- : .\u25a0.;., A — JAPANESE , Chinese , association - furnishes '-,'\u25a0 best of -'. help vof \u25a0 all - kinds; - capability '-- and .' qualification. guaranteed. < OSCAR HATSUMI, 1513 Geary i st ; \u25a0 phone West B6SS. \ - . STAR employment office furnishes Japanese and ; Chinese help with : care. \u25a0 Tel. .West ; 167. -.> W. KADOTA; 1608 Geary st\ near . Buchanan. * ALL KINDS of Japanese and Chinese workers looking for ; Jobs ; city or; country ; j 1748 \u25a0 Sntter St., San Francisco. Telephone West 2803. -, '; CHINESE. and Japanese employment office, 862 : Cth' et.; tel. Oak 3101. B. HALL. Oakland. Oal. H. W. HONG, ; Chinese employment office, 837 Webster at, Oakland ;; phone. Yernon 241. JAPANESE and Chinese Labor Bureau — Address \u25a0 -'. 1612 Lagnna at ; » phone West 1731; : > -. . : EMPLO'tHBNT \ WANTED— FemaIe V NEAT, 1 steady woman would like general housed rework In small 'American family ; willing to be- obllglng. 2983 24th st/ near. Harrison. -\u25a0 :. . - YOUNG I Danish | glrL 2 months \u25a0 In this ) country, -wishes situation/: \u25a0' Address ANDREW RUSOM, \u25a0i ; Hamilton '< Bt. near ? Dwight. - city/ ;. : : - WANTED— Work -by the day ; , private ' family. \u25a0 : t .-> - 7 EMPLOYMENT I\VANTED---Maie FIRST CLASS cook, wife pastry cook, best ref- u erences,'- economical. • steady.: reliable, ' wish po- (.v. Bitions. "Apply >•:\u25a0 ANDRE, > 544 Franklin \ St. • Market*2932. ;.;--;- \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: FOREIGNER, speaking: German, Italian, French, , ; will v teach v those , langnages •in exchange for reading aloud English. « Box . 1563, Call office, ; 1651 FiUmore st -- v GOOD - Japanese ' couple ' want ' places; - man - as , cook,*;wlfe -.wait/at -.table., and'- do housework: , ; both J speak -English ; wages - $60 • vp. ' 1432 : Webster^Bt;- „" ; ;..v ; ' :-\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.;. '*\u25a0-•{\u25a0 \»; \u25a0 CHINESE f cook wishes ; position .In - flrst class V family ; I references ; wages $45 ; fare expected ; - city or country. Address 307V4 Sth St., s Oak- i i SV /- \u25a0* .-.: \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0:. \u25a0' ': \u25a0 \ .' : ,'L >. CHINESE first .; class - cook, <. speaks English, 1 T y wants : place in hotel, •. boarding house, ' family ; city or country. ; Address 364 Bth st. Oakland. LICENSED ;-\u25a0 plumber, / flrst - class, v wishes work i-fromiowners and builders, city or country; all t-i necessary t tools. „ • Box 2874. , Call i office. • : ; JAPANESE s boy, -wants : position as v cook ' in \u25a0 any a.ikind of. family;; wages $8 or 9 per week/. 2983 "Sacramento St.; phone "West 804. •-\u25a0 \u25a0 : PLUMBING J supplies; f experienced j man r wishes v . position as ; stock ; or order ; clerk/ - H. . KLAUS. \u0084/2 479- ;H oward 1 st/y.'sr^'-j ;';/,\u25a0 \u25a0 •;.-\u25a0>•: 'ri- ,-:. : -,:: GOOD 4 experienced ; bar .-* keeper, >. German,- good 3*, mixer/ wishes situation," city or country. Box ::>150l; Call : office.; :/,,;: . . ... -.-..,' \u25a0;...„\u25a0 DRAUGHTSMAN-— Topographical:- or : mechanical ; 1 tracer; > long experience ; In both branches. . Box £< 2868AOall ; office, y, : ; COMPETENT grocer \ desires ": position,:: oatsMe ;\;San Francisco preferred.'^ Box 2573/ I CaU office.' POSITION i wanted | by '"firsts class ; Chinese -cook -» Apply - 827 -^ Washington j st-*^-/ ~- MSANTA^ CRUZ -EMPLOYMENT ;^ IF .1 yon", want i work 5 of . any "description/, male or <:; female. i write = to; J.*. W. : SIcCUISTON, 206 ,Pa- clflc<av.;'Santa*Crn3.-' : " ->-\u25a0:.- . . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0.\u25a0'• \u25a0.';'.'\u25a0'\u25a0..--.; HELP WANTED— Feniale ' f : WANTED^- Yonnsr women to learn" * telephone , op- .•V ers.tlngu paid * while learning; salary • increased f j \u25a0fterj first I two 1 weeks > and i further \u25a0 increased ;-. , after .work i becomes efficient. /V <" ' y-, " -'.;:. Daily;,-- luncheons j furnished * free, '. .;\u25a0 *ad x . rest grooms • with \u25a0 matron , In , attendance; ~ : ,>' ; Permanent - pointlons ; s good chance : for -' sd- ••-•\u25a0\u25a0 vancement 5 Apply Ito '\u25a0^^\u25a0*atmm SH MMHsMbJ PACIFIC .TECEPHONE .'AND, TELEGRAPH CO.,* #^V;T" ?*• 821 T Hyde.; near, Center. . v_v WANTED-7-Thoroughlyiii experienced, young lady \ -' for £ ribbon i. department ; * permanent • position ; ->: apply sat J once. *' LIVINGSTON - BROS., Geary .1; and : Fillmoro ! sts. ' - - _.-• LADIES I looking | for * help I call I at ; the I Mission ; employment & agency/ ; 3522 1 20 th •?: st; : r\ above ... Mission. / ,\ , EVERYBODYf-Pfbutablea vacation; i. pick .< hops.' •f/Horst,i2339 Mission," 1228 FUlmore"; open dally/ HELP ; WANTED — Female— Con.' GIRLS TO SEW ON SHIRTS: SPECIAL^ AT- ; W^ NN L E iR^G? CLEAN N W^K THE MOST MODERN AND CLEANEST FAC- TORY ON THE COAST.- APPLY TO WIL- LIAM <HI NDSH AW.. CARE LEVI STRAUSS A CO., CORNER CLINTON PARK AND^VA- | LENCIA (BET. 13TH AND 14TH). ',-'-•\u25a0 . _ \u25a0 -• ( ' • '!-.:\u25a0\u25a0 OUR NEW FACTORY BUILDING. WHICH 13 THOROUGHLY LIGHTED, VENTILATED AND HEATED. IS NOW- READY FOR OCCU- PANCY; EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERI- ENCED- SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS WANTED ON OVERALLS: - GOOD PAY; - STEADY WORK; PAID LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS * CO.. -VALENCIA BET. ISTH 'AND 14TH. ; \u25a0 APPLY MR. D A V IS. WANTED— Lady i , to represent a. corporation which" has - a remarkably fine * and agreeable .• proposition \u25a0 which . appeals to : the \u25a0 masses ; can * make from $50 to $200 per week, accord ing to »> ability. / Address - 1 sales . manager, 306 San .Pablo ay.. Oakland/ CaL -: ; WANTED^-Woman - for -general housework; no ': objection, to woman with a child; "wages ; SSO; ,' good 'home to right party; : no children In the ' family. Call after 10 a. m.- 1210 Valencia st.- ANT intelligent . person may earn good , income /\u25a0 correspond." for newspapers; exp.: nnnec. Stad for., partlc. - Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. WANTED— Salesladies for lace and notions. Ap- ply Supt's. .• office bet. . 8:30 and 10 • a. m., " HALE BROS.', inc.. 6th and Market sta. GIRL for light housework, care 2 children,, Ap- .- ply,' between 0 and 10, F.- M. SMITH. ' news >. stand, : S.*> P.; depot, 3d •\u25a0 and ; Townsend sts. WANTED-^ \u25a0 experienced waitresses. Bartlett - Springs ; ' salary $30 and - fare. . Apply - Bartlett . Springs company, 701 4th st. \ corner King. LADY with business ability can earn from $200 to $300 monthly.. Call room 17,* U. S. National /Bank building, cor.. Fillmore and Bush sts. WANTED — Young girl to assist with baby; good vhome, small wages /references required. Apply B 48 Cortland ay. off Mission near 31st st BOOK KEEPER and typewriter . wanted. See < 1 MR. GRAY, at ' Columbia Phonograph Co., 951 /Van : Ness / ay. corner O'Farrell st. , WANTED — Makers for wholesale millinery. Ap- ply immediately to HOLM & NATHAN, south- east corner Bush and Polk sts.-.- - . WANTED— A- middle-aged ' woman „to do . light • housework and assist with baby; must be neat and refined. ,851 Guerrero st \ GIRLS for housework call at the Mission Em- ' ployment . Agency. 3522 20th st. above -^ Mission. . -- . WANTED— Teacher for district school. \u25a0 Addre» BOYNTON. I'lrst - National Bank - building. \u25a0.Berkeley... 1 . -..,.,•'- . - : ' -y .-'... WOMAN for housework and cooking; small fam- ily; Menlo part. Call afternoon. 1223 McAl- \u25a0-- lister st. -.-;'.:; ': ; \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 .'. ;\u25a0:--"-. . - • . FIRST.CLASS millinery trimmer; yearly posl- •-; tk>n \u25a0 and best . salary. Box 1562 CaU office. school teacher to give lessons at home; B primary grades. 580 Bth ay., Richmond. MADERIA Millinery- School; private classes. .' 1869 Buchanan, apt 7; hats trimmed. SMART traveler; good address and business abil- ity. Address box 2570, Call office. WANTED— LadIes to have CORSETS mada to ... order; $2.50 up. "09 Laguna at' NEAT woman, good cook, small .- family; ; sleep .% home. 580 Bth _ ay., Richmond.. -.. .. \u25a0 . - ~ ~~ f* PLAIN Beamstresa. 27 : 4th st ; THIS ad and -50c will give you - cabinet photos. ; DONNEL. 2262 Mission st GIRL to do -housework and plain cooking. Ap- --. ply v 2700 st. WANTErj — Chambermaid. Hotel Netherland. \u25a0 7th ; and ; Market sts. a WANTED — Laundress for Mondays. Apply at 1090 Page st • - / BARBERS AND SUPPLIES BARBERS^-Now is thl time you need to IN- CREASE your BUSINESS. The AMERICAN VIBRATOR will help - you PLEASE your ; CUSTOMERS as well as to INCREASE your - RECEIPTS. This vibrator enjoys an INTER- NATIONAL reputation . for the HIGHEST ;; EFFICIENCY and most SUBSTANTIAL "CON- STRUCTION of any PORTABLE VIBRATOR . . on the market today at any price. Call •at .. onr store and we will be glad to DEMON- STRATE the workings, of this WONDERFPL MACHINE. .; Sold at one price the- world ' over. -- $35 ' each, : complete applicators. \u25a0•- Jnst. arrived — A large ' shipment of BAR- BERS^ CARBORUNDUM HONES, .the kind that always give SATISFACTION. Price $1. DECKELMAN BROS.. Inc., BARBER SUPPLIES, Phone Franklin 2870. 162-164 Tnrk st . - EXPERT GRINDING ' OUR SPECIALTY. BARKER chairs $5 monthly. Barker vibrators $5 monthly. Barker portable vibrators. .$4 monthly. '- Old chairs of all makes cheap. . 68 2d hand Koken hydraulic chairs cheap. -x JAMES BARKER. - s MR. DRAKE, Mgr.. 1618-1620 Franklin st. near Pine. 2 CHAIR '; barber shop .- for sale; 6 nice living rooms in rear, .with a little house; furniture cheap; at once. 2982 25th st, near Bryant BARBER, used to wait on the best of trade, de- . - sires . to run hotel shop; rent* or bny 2 chair shop oat of city. Barber. 1153 Octavla st. " WANTED — Position evenings, Wednesday, Sat- :• ruday - and - Sunday, by good steady barber. Box 1568 Call office. ___< FIRST : CLASS " barber wanted Friday evenlnsr. '.Saturday and Sunday. 1010 Clement st/, Rich- mond district.' ' , / BARBER wanted to run a small shop at 24ft V Ocean .ay.; rent $4: per week. Including board •; a-ad lodging. ' • • FOR' sale— First class 7 chair -nhop: centnlly -located. -Address R/H. McGOWAN, SOl Ful- \u25a0 ton st -.. ' ;\u25a0'/ •..;.. WANTED-MJood : barber for Saturday and Sun- day, 9 a. 10 p. p.; $5. 553 Torbst. FIRST CLASS barber, , steady; $18 and percent- age.' 1942 Devlsadero str corner California. SHEERIN'S union laundry; barber shops, bath houses.' 760 McAllister st Tel. Park . 316. WANTED— First class ..barber; best -of wages, steady; Job. 1872 ; Union st near Laguna. FIRST ' CLASS \ barber \u25a0 wanted Friday evening, : -Saturday, and Scnday; $10. 1401 loth st \u25a0\u25a0 WANTED^ — 2 barbers for Saturday and Sunday. : Falrmount shaving parlors, 3233 22d st. : WANTED — Good barber for Saturdays and Son- . days; $7.60. . 1154 Folsom St.' cor. Bth. BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday. Ap- V \ ply ' 3218 TAdellne , St., " South Berkeley. BARBER for Saturday and* Sunday/ $3 and per- r centage. .'. 1457, Octavia st cor/ Post." ...;\u25a0 BARBER for next Monday; must be steady; $20 week acd commission.* IS2O Post at WANTED — Barber.; for ; Saturday; \u25a0\u25a0. $6; hours 8 \u25a0\u25a0.. a/ 9 p. m... 442 .Van Ness ay. - 3 BARBERS wanted' Saturday and Sunday. Sur- prlse shaving pattors, 3192 . 22 d st. > BARBER wated -\u25a0 Saturday fed Siinday. 256 . •NoeiSt.inear / Market; a wages;sB. . WANTED-^Barber at 2592 16th st / v r s GOOD ; barber; * good - wages; : Saturday and Sun- day.;29Bs Mission St.. near 2Cth. BOY; wanted. to shine shoes in barber shop and do porter work. 2423 Sutter • st. .; \u25a0->> -,;<- .;} , BARBER, for Saturday .and Sunday ; ruarantee .; : $8./, 2954 26th gt , cor. Bryant , BARBER ".wanted: for: Saturday; 'good - ; wages- _'. short \u25a0 hours. ,* Bl Sacramento st, * WANTED— Barber: -young : man; steady work i CaU 1405 Park , st./ Alameda. . . , *' .WANTEDr-Good barber "Saturday an*l Sunday ;* good =, wages..: 1515; Ellis st. . .-.-* WANTED^ — -A ! good "\u25a0 barber .-' Saturday. . aad Snn- : day at ; 1109 * Buchanan : st , • , WANTED— S * barbers for: Hotel West ba'ber ' ? :- shop,^ 160 ; 3d st. ; i 2 steady; - r GOODJ>arber wante<l; $1S per week." Addlt 450 V , B st; San ; Raf ael/ ; CaL •. VI ttj ANTED— Good barber for Saturday and Snn- />- 3375 * Miss lon i st/ ." BARBER wanted Saturday and Sunday r tB aorh 'St/corner San^Oße ay.. ' .~ " . I 379 ; 10tH • st's cor. l Franklin. . Oakland ; first clasa V barber! wanted- steady. \. . BARBER; wanted. 705 Broadway.. Oakland ' fo- \; Saturday s and. Sunday/ *\u25a0;, ~~ '.' "*- BARBER wanted \u25a0 Saturday and Sunday- S3. - SOi -- Castro ; nearj ISth ; st . ;\u25a0 \u25a0 - ; \u25a0 ; \u25a0 Ssgt!it^'y P^rt or whole. BARBER ' for ..Saturday and Snndav *S '.;\u25a0 17W> • Market ; st." . ; 7 • ;--' GOOD ; union s barber ..wanted at once; steady.' Fl VallnJla" V s^ S *"**' Bte . ad y» =513 and com^SOo" 'APPLYI at ', 1202 -Alabama "st. ;• steady Job • S°O '"\u2666iwrjwwtu'r v'.';> i'" ,y^,;.'. \u25a0}_\u25a0 :. . \u25a0'. 'Tr WAXTED-^Barber >" for Saturday/ * 2105 T2d st , B .W EX , wanted :i "teady. 542 Washington st, " ' valk.ltt.Qu. \u25a0 "" HELP WANTED— MaIe i , -r MURRAY. Sk RKADY. \'-; il' Leading : Employment and Labor Agents, Whlto I«alace Hotel Building, Hth and Market «ts.. San Francisco. Phones Market 656 iad 637. • , BRANCHES jfr - 6th and Franklin sts/. Oakland. rPhoce 7361. Oakland. 137-129 So. Los Ansreles st. Jjo* Angelefc . no! NO! no: \u25a0HRSKSsy TIMES ARE NOT HARD - WITH US. - •>•- >\u25a0' -WE HAVE ORDERS FOR • °. 467 ' men* for all fcinda of work h» different, parts of California. Nevada. , Ariiona, New • Mexico/Oregon and Washington. Wage* al- ways -the best paid for the class of work CERTAINLY WE HAVE WORK ON THE GREAT WESTERN PACIFIC. FREE FARE— FREE FARE. .\u25a0 700 laborers, drillers,* teamsters, blaeksautsav \u25a0 foreman, etc.; wa?e» $67.50 to $150. FREK FAKE. COMPANY WORK ON THE 3.T. H. B. THE BEAUTIFUL ' SANTA CLARA VALLEY. '_.„_, MAYFIEXD— SOUTH— MOUNTAIN VIEW. 350 teamsters. laborers, ' trackmen, graderi, etc., $67.50 to $75. \u0084-— FREE FARE FOR ALL. WHERE IS GRASS LAKBT ON THE OREGON LLVE. OREGON. \u25a0 . " ORKGOJf. WE WILL SHIP 1 100 DAILY. FREE FARE— FREE FARE—FREE FARE* . SHASTA AND SISK.IYOU COUNTIES. 2.400 laborers, - drlllersT^eamsters, carpenters. , blacksmiths, tnnnelmen, etc.. with wagea frona $67.50 to $120 and $65 to $150 and found. FREE FARE AGAIN AND . < BOARD YOURSELVES. 1.100 Italians, -Greeks. SpanUrda.* Mexicans. Austrians, Slavonians. Htndooa 'etc.; for rail- road work. $87.3p and , $73. ' Fn« far* and • board yourselves. ' - SJfS .SECTION WORK. New orders come in dally from all parts of to* coast for section work. for. laborers, trackmen. foremen, painters, carpenters, etc. . WE WILL PUT YOU TO WORK. MURRAY & RKADY. 11th and Market sts., San Francisco. . ' 6ta and Franklin sts.. Oakland. COME HOME— COME HOMB TO SLEEP. 600 SINGLE ROOMS. 600 SINGLE - ROOMS. \u25a0 ' 25 CENTS PER \u25a0NIGHT.' SI.23 PER WEEK.; INCLUDING. BATHr Coffee served free to - each, roomer between 3 v \u25a0 a. m. and 8 a. in- *" FACING AND ADJOINING OCEAN SHORB • R. R. TERMINAL. - OUR OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOCSE, 11TH. MARKET AND MISSION STS. LATE ORDERS. SPECIALS. MEN AND WIVE 3. Man Jind wife cook for 15 men. Oregon. . fre* fare, $03 and fd.: laborer and wife or ftremaa and wife for. a lime eo.. man general work or fire, wife to cooi, 5 men. $2.50 day and fnr. ; ntshed house/ no objection to 1 or 2 children; farmer and wife,. far» $1.25/ $ BO and fd.; man' and wife, cook 12 men. fare 20c, $50 and f d. FOREMEN 8 rock foremen. W. P. R. R.. $73 and fd. and $3.50 day: tunnel foreman, good wagea; fore- men section and extra gangs, see boss here; free fare. \u25a0 ' . TUNNEL BOSSES ;> . $200 MONTH 2 tonnel bosses, not far away. $200 month; se« boss here. • -.-:«*•*!"? FOR A POWER COMPANY FREE— FARE— FREE 10 teamsters, $60 and fd. . \u25a0 -20 laborers. $67^0. 15 drillers aa«l miners, $90. - 3 " blacksmiths, camp, $105. MORE SPECIALS LATE ONES 10 laborers, factory work,' fare 13c. $2.33 day. Cboreman, private place. San Mateo Co., see boss here. $30 and fd. _ Lime burners, continuous" kiln, Monterey Co.. $00. Driver grocery wagon, $40 and fd.; grocery clerk, MO and M. TEAMSTERS— FREE FARB , SAN MATEO CO. 20 teamsters, scraper and wagon, $73. OTHERS \ ' \u25a0 • . '\u25a0 \u25a0Bench hand, city, H day; 0 carpenters, city, $4 day. \u25a0 . s. COOPERS. 4 coopers, oil company, near city, $3.50 day. 6 coopers, slack work, good wages; see boss here; >' - • POWDERMEN 4 powdermen. good company, $90. AGAIN YOUR FARE PAID— W. P. R, R. ' 10 pitmen steam shovel, $75. 15 Jack men. steam shovel. $73." C 0 laborers, $67.50; 13 teamsters. $73. . DO YOD WANT WORK IX IN. -H» THE • • . THE THB WOODS? -SAWMILLS? YARDS? LUMBER COMPANIES .\u25a0.-..' :.\u25a0--..- OP." • ' MEXDOCIXO COUXTT. • —-FHES r — — PARK- - - :,- -~AGAIX 143 laborers' teamsters, fellers. -.crosscut saw- yers, swampers, etc, $40 to $60 and found. FARE REFUNDED. 50 teamsters for wood*, $o3 and fd.; 73 labor* ers for woods and yards. $50 and- fd. - FRESNO DISTRICT. , FRESNO. FRESNO. 40 men for the woods ia the Fresno district. • $50 and found. tSjIWKjRffBsBSSMfBa EDGERMEN — 3 edgermen for Hnmboldt coua- ty; free fare; see boss here: big wages- tSBHSffI \ A GOOD ONE FOR LUMBER PILEBS. - 4 ' -A. SNAP. '\u25a0;•-\u25a0; 36 men to pile lumber in Tuolumn* comity. 30 cents per thousand feet, and 25 cents per , hour for off time. . \u25a0 We have other Jobs In Sonoma. Santa Cms. Monterey. Shasta. Slskiyoo. Calaveras and Ma* rin counties. Ask us to tell you. SOME LATE ORDERS. " LOOK— MECHANICS— LOOK. FOR A BIG MINING COMPANY. 4 machinists. $3.83; 3 boiler makers. $3.83; 3 blacksmiths. $3.53: all same place. \u25a0 4 blacksmiths, city machine work, $4 day. - i MINERS. MINERS.- \u0084 MINERS. 5 machtnemen. fare $1. $3.50 day. for a bly power company aot far away. 10 miners. S hours. $3 day. fare . refunded. 6 hand miner*, south. $3 day. " OIL COMPANY WORK. 25 laborers for & big oil company, south, $2.30) t» $3 day. f/rrmgWjK'MMiV" 1 . Ground foreman for quarry, fare paid. $3 day; glazier, city, $3.50 to $4; batcher, some slaugh- tering,- close by. $50 and found: cook for 13' men. fare 50c. $40 and found; laondryman. institution, fare -50c. $43 and found; horsa shoer. see boes here. $3.30. Fireman and engineer, factory, clrwa by, $S0; - camp blacksmith, no shoeing.' $3.30. - NEW ; ORDERS ALWAYS COMING. NOW It - CAN "YOU DRIVE?' . FREE FARE FOR . TODAT." 40 teamsters for worts 'on toe Western Paclfi9 railroad.' free fare. $73. 30 teamsters for Santa Clara county. Mayfleld -~ and Mountain View, $73 and free fare. '• IS9 , other Jobs for delivery wagon, \u25a0 tracks, lumber wagons, ranch " teamsters/ etc.. with wages from $0O to $105 a month/ 130 to $73 and found. • ' * ,-:\u25a0-> GOOD THINGS FOR LABORERS. ;20 laborers, , risht bere In toe 'ctty, for break- ing up log raft, $3.30 day./. 15 laborers for Ws oil company,' far*" 73c, $73. 25 Italian laborers for gang work. Saa Mate« . co.. steady. $2.50 iin r 111 1 ITKlliTnflßjf H[i| . 10 laborers for a large company's stone yard, - \u25a0city, steady .work, $2.30 day. . . \u25a0 ,740. other jobs in factories, warehouses, lroa works, quarries, - new : buildings. . etc., wag»« ' from < $67.50 . to $75 ' a month, $40 to $60 and found. . . - -- ALL ABOVE AT « MURRAY & ;RE:U>Y*S. '\u25a0' 11th and Market - sts.;- Saa Francisco. ' ' 6th and • Franklin sts.." Oakland. - LOOK— TELL EVERYBODY^ "7^"- SCO FIRST CLASS ROOMS. WHITE PALACE - HOTEL. r.ll CLOSr.o. - - .^flß%ppil 50c. 73c ' and ;$1 day. including; batnsv 250 : ROOMS FOR . MECHANICS. ETC., $2.50 PER WEEK. INCLUDING BATH 3. WHITE PALACE HOTEL. 11TH AND, MARKET STB. ; .nOTEL." ETC., DEPT. "~" COOKS. WAITERS. BCTCHERS. ,32 cooks, - Jobs, hotels, ranches, camp*, res- taurants/private places. $33, $30, $63 to $ICO month. • IetMsBHRssPsBMPsMBBTCI^MsjtaBVsOTI ; 42 waiters, city ; and country hotels, restaa* . rants.. etc.-j^MBjBBBJ^nfsBSBMnBBBBHaCBBjSBCBJM 3. waiters, same place, Monterey county, $40 nnd fouiiiLjnpßJßaHHpdbßSVßß^iggMßjßjJliMisißJßJßß ' 85 -. dish washers, vegetablemen, - porters. : kitchen , bands, city and country ' hotels and X restaurants. $20 to $73 and found. - Kitchen crew, country notel," s2so and found. - BUTCHERS. \u25a0 . - Butcher. ; shop and slaoghterer. ' faro 13c/ $30 - and found; "2 .butchers., country Jobs, wigoa work; 3 aausatre makers. -\u25a0\u25a0-«\u25a0-. '.-- / ~ y ' LAUNDRYMEN. ! ;.., 28 ' lroners, : starchera, :. washers, polishers, etc., i country laundry." top wages. THOCSAND3 Of other Jobs too numerous to advertise. Call.' : . read » our \u25a0 dally.- bulletin board."'. Get* onr dally *\u25a0 MURRAY & READY. .' _ HtS and ; Market < sts.. v San , Francisco. CtU and FrankUn sts.." Oakland. FOR THIS OFFICE* « Live rustler Inside work and ship men* ner\ ' for \u25a0 thiflV>fQce. •teady.'VßßßßHteMhH MUKRAY: & READY, :11th and Market sts.. 3. i\ WANTED-^-First class, experienced book ke«per- 51?.* ;"i h r, r n ? ;d " "PP l^' • * lTei " references au-i . . nul_ details of -. experlen^. >\u25a0_. Box^ 2867, Cell. ' AVA.VTKU— Ejcpericnced salesman for men's fnr^ f 3h^ ',*!!!!** ********** Apply 3.' N. WOOD ;&.Ci>..' »jo , jlarketist. , , x EVERYBODY— ITofItabI« .vacation: Dick tu^ Horn. 'ZZX> Mission/ 1223 FUto^re; o£n fe RANTED— Roomers; first class hoos*; 29. niaht" week./ Mechanics' . 819 HowaM «t! LOUIS.' the bat maker., cleans and blocks »n.I . \u0084 . mm.