Newspaper Page Text
12 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL SUMMARY OF THE ; MARKETS Wall street stocks rather higher on the day. Coppers higher: Call money still low.; Bank of England rate of discount unchanged:- , Silver as before quoted. Sterling exchange slightly higher. Small shipment of specie to Hongkong. * - Comstock shares firm but irregular^ Southern Nevadas lower. Farmers selling new wheat at concessions. . Barley quiet and steady. Oats and corn '[dull. Beans firm. Choice hay advances to $20 per ton: =; Feedstuff sunchanged^- Dried fruits strongly held at full 'quotations. / Fresh and cured meats as.previously'quoted. ; - - . .?Y V; 1 . Potatoes, onions -and vegetables plentiful and weak. Poultry market oversupplied, with -large, stocks carried over.'^ fr Butter and cheese slightly lower, and eggs weak. Fresh fruits in large supply and light demand.--- \u25a0 CROP PROSPECTS JUCD OTJSIXESS A Cheerful Re* nine From Xew York on Current Condition* An estßorltatlve statement from New York en prevailing badness condition! says: "Tie crop ootlook at present Is tt« best fes fere of eacoerageme&t. The conn try has now haC £ aoctb of fin* trowing weather, thai d> ing tsneh toward recoverlag from a Very back wart sprint. The wn«at harrest Is now wen advanced and promise* a yield of over C 30.000 ,-000 bushels. While this is about 100,000.000 bushels less than s year ago. It is still a good average result : last rear. It must be remem bered, tartar produced a bnmper crop. The ont loox for corn la for a yield of 2,660,000.000 bush- Hs. a decrease of 500,000.000 buthels compared '\u25a0< i tli last year's bumper crop. There are no ln dicationf anywhere of crop failures. The Ken *ral outJook is for a full average yield. Even •\u25a007 ton does not promise a short crop. , The bright feature la the situation Is toe certainty <>f a large demand for all of oat agricultural pi"odacts both at hone and abroad. The wheat Kltortrfge in Europe Insures a pood demand for uny surplus which we may have of that com modity. There is also the prospect of a larse demand for cotton. Prices of all agricultural products are high and most be yielding the farmers large net returns. The only nnsatlsfac tory present feature la the crop outlook Is that both cotton end corn are st- least from one to three weeks backward; they are. therefore, par tScn'.arly exposed to the danger Of early front, and a late fall wltn good weather during the in- Mtvtl will be seeded to secure a good yield of these crops. * "The stock market ontlsok Is unsettled for th* reasons above mentioned, and we cannot advise purchases except on pronounced reactions. The cpoers.l business situation shows little change. <>ur Iron ssd textile industries continue active and prosperous. .In other departments of indus try there are signs of reaction with no general weakness. The reduction la the price cf copper was significant and timely. There Is no doubt that the high prices of commodities and labor are exercising a deterre&t effect upon business, the extent of which has sot jet been foreseen. I'ntll conditions beoom* more settled, favorable nock market operations will &ay« to be con dncted with exceptional prndeace. The market weems liable to another attack of Indigestion, through excessive security issues." Merchants' Exeluase Officers The newly elected board of . directors of the merchants' exchange yesterday elected the fol lowing officers: . C.S. La umelster, . president; H. X. Wendllng, vice president; F. B. Ander son, treasurer; X. O. Friedlander, sacretary. EASTEJXV MARKETS -\>vr York Money Market \u25a0 NEW YORK, July 18. — Prime mercantile pa per, 5%@6 per cent; sterling exchange firm. with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.bG&5 fg.4.8680 for demand end at $4.8355@4.8360 for Of day bills. Posted rates. $4,84 and $4.67%. Commercial bills, $4.83%. • Bar sliver, 6S%c; Mexican dollars. E2T»e. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds Ir regular. . / ; Money <m call easy at 2%®3 per cent; ruling rate. 2% ; closing bid 2,' offered at 2%. ' Time loans easy; 60 days. 4%5*4% per cent: 90 days, SQSVi; six months, 5%«£6. Xcvr York Financial .Votes NEW YORK, July 18.— Bank of England rate nn"baaged. Beef sellng at highest prices since Vjirz. AU pressure for immediate 4eliveriea of Iron orders has disappeared. The Iron Age says the pig iron markets all over the country are lifeless., No danger of reduction of copper dividend rates 00 present price of copper. -\en- York Stock Market NEW \ORK, July 18.— Such participation as was attracted la today's stock market eeemed „ •!« ta given reluctantly and with reserves of suspicion ana hesitation. The sadden repulses •to which the market has been subjected several tun recently, after a laborious lifting process, . . have had their influence In discouraging th« par wiit of the advances. The market closed In the midst of such a relapse j-esterdav and th» languid interest of the early market today was tLe -consequence. Selling of the kind which broke prict-s and was not pushed today and «I>ccially Dnlted States Steel ahowed evidence of support which recked Its headlong decline. .The eoaree of yesterday's was not disclosed, bot it wae supposed to have to do with special Inci dents in the steel trade. % Speculators had aban doned hope of an increased disbursement to Amalgamated Copper stock holders. Some sat isfaction was derived from the manner of de claring the 2 per cent disbursement for the quarter without qualification, in place of pre • viou« distiaction of m per cent regular and '\u25a03 per cent extra. Advantage was taken of the subsidence of the selling pressure of yes terday's lf.te dealing to resume the organized attempts to lift prices. St. Paul and Northern . I aciflc, especially the latter, took the leader ship. Simulative gossip persisted of a coming large <HKtr!bution of Northern Pacific out of the nro r-s^d disposal of its Burlington enuity, in spite »f the emphatic disclaimer of J. J. Hill of the • truth of those rumors. Money on call continued io « ork eofcler. The sustained strength at the laf* of Northern Pacific and one or two other *toeks did not conceal an irregular movement in the general list. Bonds were irrejnUar. Total sales. $718,000. Lnued States bonds were unchanged on call. Xew York Stock lAut E. F. Button & C 0.," 4&S CaUfornU street, ciembers cf Uie New York stock exchange fur nish the foUowing list of bond and stock sales yesterday: Kales J STOCKS I High! Low) Bid ) As~ Adams Express . ..... ...... uo 173 Allls-Chalmers 10 .]o>4 J Do pfd 27 2S 82.200|Amal 2 Copper ... 80& HS\i, 9Q% 00% :::::::^ rr PP n fd Su . g !!.:: ::::: :::;\u25a0 15^ \i* Atner Can Co ...;. 51/ ,51; I Do pfd 53** 53S C & F Co. 43% 43^ 43% 43"^ 2,400 Acier Cot Oil ... 32% Zl% S2Va ."3 Do pfd $6 . {»y Araer Di*t Telg 20 40 '. Amer Express ..210 220 ....... A iiicr <; Tarine C«< s*: -614 ....... Amer Ht L -. 41T 4s: -- Do pfd 19 20 100|Amcr. Ice Recor. 58 58 56' 68 • Amer Linseed ...1 ...;. 10H 14 .-- Do pfd 23iA 30. Amer Locomotive ......."... 5S 59V. Do pfd ..... ..... 104 ' 106U . 11.000 Umer S^i R Co. 118% 117% 117% u7^ SOOAjner SugaV'.'.'.'! 122«4 iiiii 122 122^ ....... Am Steel Fdries. .'.'.'.'. ':'.'.'.'. '7 X Amer T& T Co.. '.'.'.'.'. '.'.'/.'. j»7 mii' Amer Tob pfd \u25a0. ..... w\4 87U 20C'|Amer TVoolea ... 2X 274 2«^i 27^? - ....... i l>o pfd ?. &£ Zl% 2.Boo, Anaconda 57% 37 571Z 571! Atlantic C Line.. ...?. tW B*iS S,2f"OJA T & S F 02' i 91% »2u >&£ 100 l T»o pfd 03--4 93% 03 84 1.100;Balt & Ohio .... 87% 97 97% »7% •----••I.; !*»»" • — 8* S8 5,000j8 R T ......... 58 5C?4 5«?% .V>« . (Brooklyn : Cn Gas 105 \u25a0 112 .......(CanHda Sontbern ; ..... ...... 64«4 <au 2.2«o[Canadian Paclnc. 177 176 176»i 170 •* «O.C * O 34% 34Vi 34M, 34% I Do pfd ... ...*....'........ 53 > 2oo'C <; w 11% 1114 11 11% .......) Do pfd "A".'.. ..... J ..... 47 52 Do pfd "B" ..... 15% 16 ..! Do debs' C 4 -66 I.OOO'C &*i W ....:.". 150 149 149 1149% 15.20GJC AI * 5tP..... 133% 132% mi; 133% - :..( Do pfd ...:....-... 147 14»' ,V><)|Central . Leather.. 24>4 23% 23% 24-" SOO Dopfd ....;.. 91% 91% 81 92% ....... (Chi Terminal ... ..... :.... 5 6V.' 1 Do pfd 12% 20" iChi Un Trartlon. .......... 3 4\u25a0• ... D« pfd 16 IS 300 CCC &St L... 65% 68' CS*i «9' ' 2001" Do pfd '.:.;.;\u25a0. IC3-. 101 . igo va .. irtOjOlo Fik-1 & Iron. 31% 31% 31% 32 J I>l pfd. ."...'.. C 270 jColuin UC& I. .......... 24 IKiOColo Sontbern... 24 ft 24% '24V> 25 ..) Do Ist pfd.;.. ..... : r,9^. «o-j? 200j 'Do 2d pfd.... 45% 45% 45% *4S ' ..; fConsol Gas ..;. ..... ..v. . 119 ' 120 •'• .......Corn ProducU... ..... ..... 17% IS ' lOO.DeI & HndsonK mii iJiji 171; 171% jl» L & \V ...; . 4»»5 '. 471 \u25a0 JHOJD •& R" G .:... 2S»* 27% 27% 2814 , J Detroit Cn 8y... ..:.. ....: 57% 74- ; . .-..'.. ...{Diamond Match.'. . r. . . . ;: . . 12S - 129 ' " iK£-.V..|DiKt Securities T.'. ..... CT.% B6 '<\u25a0 ...... .jDnlutn SStA.. ...;*. ...... 11 - 12 - .......] Do pfd........ ..... ..... 20 ;| 21% Ktw Tott Stodc List — Coctlaced ' Sales \ , .STOCKS .\u25a0 . | Hlgfa| Low j Bid | Ask 1,500 Erie ..;..;;.... 23% 34% 25 23U 600 Do Ist pfd.... 88% 50 59* 68% 400 Do 24 pfd. ... 41% 40 40% 41% 100 Fed MA S pfd.. 84 84 84 86 600 Oenerr Electric. . 137% 155 * 187 " 138 800 Do 'ftlghta :...-. .1H 1 1H 1H .:.:... Gr Cons M flftP^.... ..... ltt 130 1.300 Great • Kor Ors. . 8S 6TU 68 58% 12.200 Great Nor pfd..\ 136% IMS 186^ 186»J ....... Greea* Can Oop. ..... ..... 16 16% ....... Havana Tob Co.. ..... ..... 13 .13% <Dopf4 X 20 ...i.^, Hocking Valley .. ..... ..... 80 ' 85 Do pfd..... ..... ..... 86 ••- •• " "Hart* Central i ...... 141 144 •* 1,300 Isterboro Metro. . 16% l«»i 16 16% 800 Do nff1.. ....;. 45% 45 44% 45% lat Jfarine .... 7% 8% Do pfd ................ 21% 21% 100 lat Paper ...... 14*» 14? i 14% 15 ' Do pfd.......'. ..... ..... 7114 72 Int Power .;... ..... 43' 59 Int Pump 23% 29 ....... Do .pfd. 71 74 i. lowa Central .... ..... ..... 18 19 .' Dopfd. 38% 39U KCF SAM pfd ..... ..... 72 75 1,300 X O Southern.... 26% 25?4 26U 26% ...:... Do pfd. 50% 57H .-. Knieklce 30 ..... ...:... LE& \T ..... \u0084 18 21 Do pfd... 55 63 .* Lehlgh Valley ..... 63 63% Long Island 45 55' 400 L 4'N .... 110% 116 116 117% ...:... Mackay .: 66% 69% w Do pfd 66 66% ....... Manhattan 130 135 . .. Metro St Ry. :........ 91 100 Mexican Central. 21 21 21 2HI 200 Minn &St L .'.*. 42% 42 41 42 ....... Do Ist pfd . . . \ 81 ....... MStP& SS M 107 103 ....... Do pfd ....." 135 ho - 500 Mo Kan & Texas 84% 34% 34% 34*4 fOO Dopfd 66% 66 66 i 66% 600 Missouri Pacific. 76% 75% 7!5U 7« N C & St L .... ..... ..... 120' ISO National Lead \u0084 61 62 Dopfd .....-' .-... 98% 09 ! 200 XRft of M pfd 81% 51H 51 52 NaO Biscuit 74 74% ;• ..Do J»M •• 113% 115% Cons Copper 14. 14s 200NewhouseCop.... 16% 10 15% 16' •"•;^ N / J Central ... .v 17.5 185 400 N V Air Brake.. 118 115 115 117 600 N " T Central ... 113 112% 112% 113 200N TC& St L... 39Vi 39 88% 30U Do Ist pfd ... ..:iO7- 115 Do 24 pfd.:. 75 85 ....... N.Y H.& H ... ...; 162 I«4' N V Ont A W :::.. \u25a0<& Sit; Norfolk A West 75 78 Do pfd 70 85 I North -American. ...;...... 68% 70 54, 400, Northern Pacific. 136% 132% 130U 136% •• Omaha t .... 130 133 \ „»« P« 150 180 ...Pacific Coast : 97 99 Do Ist pfd .v: 02 102 .- Do 2d pfd ...98 103 100 Pacific Mall .... 29«- 29 29H 30 • B^SS P * nn U R Co.. 123-% 122% 123 ii 123% : 200[Heople's Gas ... 81% »1% 01% 5)2% IP CCA St L ..... 60 73 I Do pfd ....- 90 05 ..:.... PUtsburp Coal.. ..... ..... n% 11% Dopfd ». 52% 55 ...Pressed Stl Car :.... 35 38 , ...."... Do pfd R0 \u25a0 92 100 Pullman Car Co. 161 ' 161 : 160 1«3 Ry SS Co .1 40 42% Do, pfd ;.. ..i,./ J(9% 91 48.500 Reading 103% 10i«4 103 103 ii • Do Ist pfd .. ......... 80, 82 Do 2d pfd "... ........... 80 «2 100 Republic SAL. 27% 27% 27% 2R ....... \u25a0 Do pfd- :.:..:'. :.:; . '..;.. 83 i» sm, ; 500 Rock Island Co.. 22 21% 22 2t'U * 100 £ , D .°J rfd •-••••. «U 47% 47 47% SS3 & I Co.. 67 67% Dopfd 95 97 SL &SV Ist pfdi... .-. 63 67 100 Do 2d pM ... 32% ,36% 3G 36% St L & S W... .......... 20% 21% Dopfd.. ........... 62 .53 5,800 Southern Pacific. 81% 79% 80% 81H ... — Dopfd .:.....:. :. 111% us 200 South Railway .. "VO 19% 19% 20 i 100 Do pfd 66 66 66 C6J4 Standard Oil 504 506 ... Term Coal A Iron .".-..*. ..... 143 150. IP Land TCo ... . . 70 -79 Texas Pacific 30 • '31% Third Aye 104' lio'- Tol Ry & T Co.. .......... 23U 26 400TO1 St L A.W... 27% 27% 26% 27 Vi .900 Do pfd ... 49% 49% 49% fto Twin City R T... 92% 94 ..' Dn Bap A Paper ;... 6 -6»i Do pfd 57- .58' 132,500 Union Pacific .... 144% 142% 143% 143% Do pfd ;.. 83 85, irnited Copper V. ..... ..... 04 B3 .^United Eds of S F ..... :.... 2« 28 .....:. Do pfd \u0084.i.:'. 42 44 Do 4s ...:,... 72 ,72% ..Utah Copper .............. 28 29 ....... U S Cast I Pipe. ..... ..... 35 36W ....... Do pfd 80 S3 ....... U-S Express ... . ..... ;..-.. 108 ' 112 II S R & 00n5... 51% 153 ...JUS R A Ref Co ..... 14 17'- (Dopfd ........ ..... . 45% SO . 400 U. S Rubber 35. 32H 34% 35 2<K> Do Ist pfd... 99% 09% 98 fI!»V4 1 Do 2d pfd CO 67% '\u25a0 45.600 US Steel Cor... 36% 35 36*4 36% 4,500 Do pfd. 100% 99% 99?, 100 V, Va-Car Cheta Co 26 -2<5% ..'.-.-... Do pfd ..: ..... 101% i(a- Va C I A C Co.. ..*..-. ..-.--.-.' "CO- 63 . 300|Wabash 13% 13% 13% 14: 200 Do pfd 25 24% 25% 25% ... .. .JWells-Farpo' Ex \u0084...280 300 \u0084 ...... .j Western Union ". . . .V.". 77 ' 79 • ' 200f\Vestlns:house '.... 146 145 145' 14C ' ....... W & L B ....I 10^ li% Do Ist pfd .............. 26 27; ....... Do 2d pfd..... .14 17. Win Central 17. lfi% .......I Dopfd 40 41% 431,200 total shares sold. . Xevr York Bonds L S ref'2s reg.. 103 [Japan 4s cert. .... 81". I " Do coupon ....105% Japan' 4%s certr. 00% Do 3s-rejc......102V4i Do 2d. series.... 8S ....103 .JL &,N unified 45. .97% Do new :4s reg.l27UiMan con gold 4g.. 97% Do \u25a0 coupon .'. . , 12SVi iMex Central . 45. . . SI v Ainer Tob 4s- ..... 70% - Do Ist lnc .21% • Do, «s ;....;..104- Minn & St L 45.. 87 Atrh gm 4s .... S»8 IM.-K>& Texas 4s. 95 % Do . adj -4s . . . . . 88 :L-Do * 2ds >. :.. .'. .... 85 % Atlantic CL 45.' 95 JNB of Mcx con 4s 81 Vi Bait & Ohio 45.. SSTsiN V C gen 3%5. . »0% Do 3%s 00> IN j C. pen 55.... 122% Brooklyn. IlTc 4s 79%iNor Pacific '45.-.. .100% Central of-Ga 55.103%| Do 3s ..........71, Do.2d 1n?....'.. 6S % Kor k Wcon 4s. 05' Do- 3d* 1nc......' 54 IO S Line'rfdg 45.-88% Ches & Ohio 4%e.lOOTi]ra cony. 3%s ...; 84 Chi & Alton 3%5. 67%|I{eading'pen 45... 04V ; C. B & Q new 4s/91%15'1. &-IMlcon 55.109 : £ C: B^l £tPac.4s. 70 ,jSt L *:S F f K 4s/ 73% Do c 01, .55...... 87% StfLS W con 4s. 74% C.C.C" i SLgn , 4a; 9SVi Seaboard : A - L l 4s. 70 : Colo*lnd 55,,^r^A.64.- So Paclnc . 45. . . . .- 87 ' - Colo Midland' 4s:." 67,,. .- Do Ist 4s cert.. 01-: Colo & ".So 4s.Cr,;.'«<%!So Railway 6«. :.M06% DenT&'.Klo\O -.4s. JI3M, Tex. & : Pac " lsts. ".112 - Dlst'- Securities Us. 82% JT0!. 1 St • L & ) W[ 4s 74% Erie prior lien 4s. 02 ] Union -Pacific' 4s. \ 39% Do J pen .. 45 .-. . : '.' SO% iij .» S . Steel . 2d ! 5s .v 06 % HocktVal i 4.%5. .; 101% IWa bash fists . :.\.\Uh Japan .Os r . :: . .-. ."'.' ti3\i,iWeßtern' Md 4s.'.'. ;73% Joi*anß«,, 3d 'ser.' OO^lWls 1 Central. 45.. ".'85 \u25a0 • New '\u2666 York -Mining:- Stocks • A Arias " Con \u0084 .../"'; 00 Leadvllle .• Con ... - 09 Alice ..NJ.75 Little . Chief . ... . . : 00 Breece ..v.,.'...V .. 2<)iophlr ..'......'..;. 1. 53 Pruns : Con ''.\u25a0\u25a0.::.';• '45|1*Gt051vr.".T"...;.... -12 ! Ccan~ i Tunnel- : .'. :. ' 2>!Savace " X .v.; ?:...'-..: \f\S On Va- Mln Co.v «SJ Sierra f Nevada 1 .;:• 40 Horn .1 Silver .'. /. I' 1.43! Smalt \u25a0 Hopes .'...•. '30 lion^-Sllver K':.\ ..*2.2slStandard ..".'. ::...i:3O Boston Stocks and Bonds ' \u25a0 -« Moner— " Mining— ! Call l<ians .. SQO Adventure ..;..';. 2% Time loans ..-.5%©G% Alloue* ;\u25a0....-..'.:.. 45 .Bonds— .-, . Amal ; Copper -:.:. 90»i Atchison 4s ..... 80% Arl«: Commercial.". 65% Do.adJ 4s .... KS^lAilantic ...;:..:.. 12% Mpx Ontral 45. . .81 ft | Hinpham ". . .... ...-.: 13Y \u25a0-\u25a0 Railroads— \u0084, r \u0084]lintte Coalition v. 2.1 ; Aicbison \u25a0 ......./92 ' Cclumet & rArls::iG3--4' Do. pfd--. „..:.; !!2%.Calumet ; & Heela.&l.V n.*ton- 1- Albany. 2l 7 -,- (Centennial >..;.... 2:»% Itoston - &r.'M«lno. lr.ft Copper" Range . . . 7IMA ,I«*ton-. Kiev ....1359; Daly West ..V.. = ;.*lsis I'itclubiim pfd .':.I2S ; Franklin ........: 14 M»x, v C«ntt-al .:... 20U Granby . .. ........120 \u25a0 NY. N H & U..114U li=le>Royale ...... 1O V 180 •-•133H Mom v Mining ...: j% \u25a0 MisceUaucous— --. -nrirhlpac ......... 14% Amer Arpe : Chem. l?%]Mohawk ......: . »uti ; Do, pfdr. :.....: 61 JMontCoal & Coke/.-i}! Amer;Pneu Tnbe.'-- 0 "(Nevada :..:.-.':'. rr 14 * Amer /Sugar ...t.122 * North Butte -'.'7 l". .* fe2 -> *Do pfd . . . . . ". 125 v Old - Dominion V.7. * 4S»i Amer?Tel &, Tel. 107 Osceola ..... 127 Amer rTVdoJen-"..2sy> Parrot .*. U» Do pfd v.\ ...... 90%lQulncy ' . . . . ... . . ..lie ' THE SAN FRANCISCO ' CALL, , FRIDAY^ JULY 19, 1907. Ed .Elect, 11ium.. 208 Shannon .....:...r*l7% Mass ..• EJeetrlc: . '.. / 10 r Tamaraek *tU.".T??. 105 -> - D0< pfd". :.\u25a0......: 56 v Trinity^\u25a0.^:vr.7.-.~::22% Mass -Ga5*:.. .V..66% United Copper 1...: 64 United -i Krnit r. . :10f1% U.S. Mining .". . ; r: ,4B% Dn iShoe, Mach.:.-59 - V 8f0Ur:..'.r.....Ul8 f 0Ur:..'.r.....Ul w. . Do pfd ...'... "...26% Utah vvri~.r.~* .;.".." 4f1% U S 5tee1;. ...... 30% Vict0ria V..V. .."..% .7 • -•Do • pfd 'JV.v; ??:'\u25a0 99 Ts Wlnona -*. ;r. : . ."i'.T- S\£ \u25a0;'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ' . <: \u0084 .IWolverine ... ...... 160 ; ..;;,:" ;^; \u25a0: ;the,_coppee*stoc]CT'. -.^ ; ';\u25a0."•';'; 1 \u25a0 BOSTON, " July 1 18. — Short selling ", has "\u25a0 been no^ tlceable : th* .last •- two : days * and • ths buying ' has been good. — Amalgamated - Copper \u25a0 nas placed on an . 8 ' per cent basis i for \u25a0' the • first time ' In \u25a0 Its 1 his tory. -The •" regular dividend -"ls 'now,. 2 'per' cent per quarter. > ~ The ' last was 1 % per ' cent and .. % per 'centTsxtra.'. Altogether, news Is \u25a0 much more bullish \ on \ copper, and the ' stocks .: are .considered cheap.:.: :.'... ,: -\u25a0.: , J.. 4i,-.ij f. •-•;-'., .-^ \u25a0:\u25a0.;',. : - \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' .'\u25a0?. . London Closlnir Stocks ; f ' Cciit- for money.: 84% ! m,- K'&^ Texas. :'.'i\" Bs%' , : Do '. for: sect. .84 3-16 N .: Y .- Central . :. : . . 116% Anaconda_, ....'...11% Norfolk** We5t. 7. '77 14 Atchison ....... :.;»4% -Do pfd V;...:.;." 86 -. Do' pfd .'.......-90 , Ont & .Western... 37 • Balt.i 0hi0. .-..;:! 88% Pennsylvania ~..T.. 62% C»n-'Pacine - . . . ..181 - Rand r Mines*;'...'.* 6% Ches •&- Ohio.. .-..;88 • Reading - .'...;.;... 82% Chi •; Great West:. 11«4 So s ßailway . . . . . ; -20% CM." Mn.*St~P.l33% vDo-pfd: .":...... 69. I»6 Beers .1:. .•..:. -22U Sc Pacific '..'..... 82% Den .4 . Bio . G. . . . 29 .: Vu\oa . Pacific -. .... 146 % • Do. pfd :.......; ,74 , -Db ; pfd '\u25a0-. ..::.:. :: 89 \u25a0 Erie ........ . 25% U~S- 5tee1........ 37% v,Do. Ist; pfd :..-.. '61% -j. D0: pfd .;..... T.. 102% Do 2d.pfd \u008443 IWabash .......... 14% Grand Trnnk \u25a0;:. .'29% 'Do 'pfd ........ 26 • \u25a0• m ; Central . ..... 14fl Spanish 4s i '\u25a0 03% LoulsviA; Nash::. 119% ; ' , - Bar \u25a0 silvers-Steady ; 81 % & ;'per ounce. -Money— 2 per. cent. - , •* The rat* of discount In "> the open market for short bills Is BU@3% per cent and for three months' bills 3% ©3%, per cent. \u25a0'\u25a0 Coadltlost : of . < he Treasury 25 J4 60% «% 85 . 138 WASHINGTON.; July \u25a0 18.— Today's treasury statement: . Available cash balances, $246,838. 626; gold coin and bullion, $66,530,634; * gold certificates, $89,851,180. 2Vew > York \u25a0 Cotton I Market i NKW » TOBK, - Julf - iS^-Proflt I taking sjid ! fresh short selllsg sasusd upon the opening of i tb* market tbis morning. In \u25a0 which prices . wars carried down , 14 to 16 points. This movement was '. predicated -on , what , appeared to b» ' ad vane* information regarding the - supposed bear ishnees .of \u25a0 the Giles \u25a0. report, \u25a0 due at - noon -. to day, vnien It was : announced, making the con ditlon -76.2 against 69' last month, there was \u25a0; nothing - further doing, "" as "it proved to . . have : been thoroughly ' discounted. - The ' situation and outlook of • the crop * and th* market position remains unchanged.- -\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0Option./ Open. 'High/ "Low. Close/ July -.11.80 c 11.90 c 11.80 c 11.70 c August '. ...... :..11. 68c. 11.68 c 11.40 c 11. 48 c September 11.56 c 11.61 c 11. 40e 11.40 c October - ...11.86c 11.87 c" 11.68 c 11.09 c November -. .."...'•:.... ". . *< ...... 11 ;<5Rc December ..... ...11.©5c 11.97 c 11.76 c 11. 76 c January ........12.02c 12,03c_11. 81c 11.82 c February ........ .... 11.8Ce March ..;.,..;.. 12.08 c 12.09 c 11.92 c 11.82 c April ........... .-..........,.;.. 11.06 c May ............ 12.21e 12:21 c 12.20 c 12.06 c \>w Y*rk Grain and Produce NEW: YORK, July 18.— Flour— Receipts, 11, 000 barrels; exp0rt5,. 4,625; sales, 4,500 barrels; quiet, unchanged.:' ' Wheat— Receipts. 2.000 bushels: exp0rt5. . 7.698 bnshels: -spot. : firm; No. 2 red, 97% c elevator and 98'ic f. o. b. afloat;. No. 1 northern Duluth. $1:11@1.11% to. ' b. : afloat. Further bullish northwest crop n*ws , and - firm cables advanced the market ;%e. against which It turned weaker on depression in Minneapolis. The market closed %©9»c, net higher: July closed 98% c, - Sep tember f1@1.00%, December $1.04@1.04%, and May $1.~«7^1.07%. . Hides— Quiet. - - Hops -and wool — Steady. Petroleum — Firm. Svgar — Raw, firm; fair rsfinlng, 8.83% c: cen trifngal. 96 test. . 3.83% c; . molasses sugar, 3.08% c; refined, steady. ' ; • Coffee closed stealy with a decline of 6 points to an advance: of 5 points. , Sales. 18,600 bags j July.^September and October, f1.65c; .December, 5.70 c;. February. 6.75 c;. May, 5.85 c; spot, quiet; Rio N0».7, 6%c; Santos No. 4, T%c; mild coffee, dull; Cordova, 9@12%c. . <,'\u25a0> : Butter ; and egg*— Unchanged. \u25a0 • \--) ( ';\u25a0: ' \ ' \u25a0 DRIED FRUITS \u25a0 Evaporated Apples— The : market •' shows ' firm ness on-spot. Fancy, Sic; • choice, BV4c; prime, 7?lc: poor to fair, C@7%c. • Prunes — Firm. Quotations • range .from 4%c \u25a0 to 12% c' for • California and from 5%c to 9c for Oregons vp -to 30s and 40s. \u25a0:\u25a0.-: : . Aprlcots-^Unchanged.^ • -. ' PtacheH— Quiet. : Choice, -•11%(ai2%c; extra choice, 12%(513c; fancy, 13@13%c; extra fancy. 14©14% c. ». . . Raisins — Firm on -spot," with* loose muscatels at 8%@10c;- seeded raisins. 7% @13c; London layers, 11.«5@1.85. - :.;.;,. ' \u25a0, ... New .'York - Metal (( i Market NEW- YORK, -July: IS.-^-Tha^London . tin " mar kctrwas hisher wlth-spof-at, £183~10s and fu tures at ' £ISO 10s. Locally ' the . market was steady, > with spot at 40.40@40.60c. : • " ' \u25a0 Copper, unchanged *at .S6c for , spot In Lon don; futures .'declined .£1 * 10s .to £87. :•. Locally the market was weak and quotations were large ly nominal, with lake -quoted- at 21Q22c; electrolyte, - 20.00Q21c, and- casting :at \u25a0 20Q 26.26 c. .... '.-,. . •.-.. , , .-».- \u0084.*;«' . ';•<-'\u25a0 -\u25a0• :7i - Lead unchanged at £20 in ' London and * 5.15& 5.25 c iocally. , -.- - -. " .; . -.. i-» - Spelter was weak at • «.05@6.10c .locally and unchanged. in London at £24." \u25a0 :,, . . Iron was higher lnithe Ix>ndon marketm; Stan dard foundry, 56s : 3d, " and -| Cleveland Varrants 56s' 6d." Locally ; the market .was without further change. ,v CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Future. Grain and Provisions ..CHICAGO.. - July^. 18.— The, • wheat market opened strong on : active : buying •by > commißslon houses and shorts, - which was- based \u25a0 on « claims that the wheat crop of > Manitoba : had - been se riously* injured' by dry weather.: - For -a time offerings were light. Toward 3 the i-: noon : hour small holders took advantage •of k the bulge ' in prices "to sell out and 1 aecure - profits and cash houses also sold - freely, . presumably \u25a0 against purchases In • tho : country ;• > This : caused '\u25a0 a quick decline. The \u25a0 market. , however, ? soon » recovered from -the - slump - on - renewed : buying \u25a0 by r shorts, many \u25a0of whom • had • apparently • oversold -on ! the market. The market closed -strong:- Septem ber opened' a : shade .to M <H\ic higher at 93% c to \u25a0 93% c, advanced to ' o4%c and then declined to 1 93c.,, .The .close was : at 94@94%e. • 4 : -^v -r: . Corn was steady.: September - opened a- shade lower. to a shade higher, sold at's3%c'and then declined to • 63c. The \u25a0 close \u25a0 was at 53% @ 539& C. -.".'„- .••• ... ' \u25a0/ " ." •' U. •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; .-\u25a0•;(-. .-.. Ther- was active trade- In •• oats. '\u25a0.- September opened to %@%c -hlghor at 38%@ SR^c. : sold-between \u25a0 38Uc and 38%c@39c • and closed strong at'3B%c. : \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -' '\u25a0\u25a0 -. > .. t ' were steady.' September pork 1 was up 10c, lard, was up 2%c and ribs were a shade hljrher. .. ,j-V. ..:.;....-\u25a0 : .\u25a0 -. .- ..„.:-\u25a0•••• '• . The" leading futures' ran zed : as f ollows : P : » y* ' , Articles. . ' Open. 1 \u25a0 nigh: . ;; Low. i Close. .'-Wheat—. ./-.. .: " \u0084.-., .'-,.: '...\u25a0\u25a0 -..J, ;%\u25a0- .• . Ju1y.....'.:.. "91 , . 00% "OOU 01% September.".: - 93% > 0414 C 93 ' ,04% December--. .. •\u25a0- 07%- - 98% - - f>6% May i. .-.:-.'..:.\u25a0. 102% . 1.02%: 101%, '102% \u25a0 Corn '\u25a0::'\u25a0>>\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0 .>-. :\-: «-\u25a0•,\u25a0.-•.-, \u0084 :\u25a0:-.;, Julr;-rr.vrt-.7.': *53%; 5314. rr > 2%-."""52 ! 54 September. \u0084' S3>i ,". -53% . .53.. December.; ..- 51 y» .51%. \r>oV;\ r >OV; " 50% •May : r.V.;Vr 52% 62* iF V.51%r ' ) 52% • Oats— \u25a0 ": :-': -' \u25a0si \u25a0 I :•-\u25a0'.- - - .w= May......... -:41%- :-" 41% , t4l - September •: . \u25a0 88% . ' 30 •\u25a0 tj - -'\u25a0 ,".SV4 ' . 38% July . . ..'. . .".' =i_ 43% : -. 43% :/ \u25a0\u25a0. 43% : :43% December • ... ;.SO % -,-. 39% ,• 30 .. \u25a0 = 39% 7 -Mess pork, per -barrel \u25a0:.*- \u25a0 : -.\u25a0\u25a0-, \u25a0 -.. September: :.16.45 --16.45 •. 16.42%' • 16.42% i^ard, per.- 100 pounds—' *\u25a0•*-\u0084\u25a0.\u25a0.- : \u25a0\u25a0•;?.-,;..„ September .. 8.92% ; "8.05 ' -8.00-- - ';8 95*" 0ctf>beri.:.....8.97% , 8.97%v.:8.97%. "8.97% - Short ; ribs, . per. loo. pounds — _'. : .-..:.- September .. 8.55-. 8.60 .. 8.55 ; 8.57%' October "..-.. 8.50 ;\u25a0' .8.55; "8.50 8.50 ' i\- "'\u25a0'\u25a0 Cath V GralnVand i •>•,.' - The leading" cash ' quotations f were •as : follows: Flour— steady. ;"' No. : 2 'spring; wheats 99c@51.01; No. \u25a0; 3| -94@99c: ; No.^. 2 : red/ 00%<a91^ic; j N0. « 2 c0rn.' 53% r453%c; '. No. -2 • yellow, - 53% c; >\ No. . 2 oats. *43% c: No>, 2; whlte,^47%c; iNo.S3>whlte, i 43ffi46%c : \ No.'; 2rrye,-;2 r rye,- ; 85c; \u25a0 good \u25a0 feeding » barley. 50@55c:. v falritocholce. maltinß,l6o@63c;sNo. 1 northwestern ; flax ; seed/: $1.22% ; > prime i timothy seed, 54.05 : cloref," * contract \u25a0?• grades.'.. $15.50; short - ribs,-; sides 3 (loose).' $5.37%@8.62% ; ; mess pork, per barrel, $10.25@15.37% ;* lnrd, . per.i 100 i pound*. *.: $8.72% ; ' sfort • clear « \u25a0; sides vj (boxed)," i $8.75(39: whisky," basis of hleh:wines,^sl.3l. -« J '.Articles:--' \u25a0 . • • : Receipts." Shipments. 1 ; Flour, .barrels ;:......... -.. r 17,300 \u25a0 :<-;.20.f>n0 : wheat, bushels r.~?rr;":rrr.*r* 31,200 \u25a0 .pa 5.8(t0 Corn,' * bushels.^. .:.*...-. ."... '.279,900 : \ :'"? 507,000 Oats. ( husbels - . \?r.L T. XiVl . 160,500 .' J % 116,900 Rye, bushels .V^r.-.;.:".:;-. "3,000 • .•?";: .V.";'.":. Barley,, bushels -r;r: :'..'/..: 12,100 r. ;.. 2,200 Barley.ybushela - iTTVf.V.'rir: 12,100 Bui t cr, . Cheese ,- and . Eggn f•• On the - produce . today i the '•butter -market i was steady. >. Crea merles,"-* 21 <fi2sc:'» i dairies. .7- 18% % 22% c ;; eegs firm : '\u25a0- at > neart.'i cases ! included,"; I3ft| 14%c;": firsts, 14%c;>. prime firsts, r ;l3%c.' Cheese steady;> 12@lfc. . "y , ; .V *' Eastern ' LI vent ook Market -"• CHICAGO, i July Z 18.^^Cattle^-Recelpt*. • 6.500.'. Market' weak.* Bpeves.-$4.60@7.25; 'e0w5.H $1.50 @5.25: : heifera.l »2.«0@5.G0; f ca1re8,i»5.50(a7.25; good .. to ;prlme steers,* ss. 7o@7.2s; -poor to me dl'.im. |4.60@5.65; stocters aud feeders. . $2.80@ ; 5.10. '.f.- , /;. "'.:"\u25a0 ...• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.;.\u25a0_. T -.-i \u25a0),'- .-\u25a0 >-•:.-.;;.'••;•,'\u25a0\u25a0 f-.Hojjs— Receipts. -25.000. •.".: Market .' steady Hto strong.** Light.. $5.70@6.10; mixed. : $5.65@G.05; heavy. $5.25@5.87% ; nr0ngb,"=: $5.2505.85; t pip),-. $5.40@6.05; good, to: choice heavy ,T ss. 7s@s.S7J3.' i:-Bbeep^ReeeliHs,*; 10,000.'^Market*woafc.'-SiNa tives.'t- $3.75(?j(i : • \u25a0\u25a0- westerns,' j ; $4@6; r"* yearlings," $G@7; lambs, ; $5.75@7.60; ; westerns,"^ $5.70@7\- l<os Ansrclcs ;. Market LOS: ANGELES,, July:: 18.— Brisk itrarjiog; wa» the ; feature -at > the.' produce? market i today. -y Eggs . were-; firm a eren \ at -fi, the,' advanced v, price/ * tli In being ; because^ receipts I yesterday s were ; not V equal ;to • the ? demand;'? As » high S asl 27c i was J paid for a ; first I class | consignment \ toda y't but I the \ average price :• Is * 24c/i A "; sharp \ advance \ln \ butter jls i ex ' pected " before ?, Saturday.'^.: Dealers \ Altleti_ ass", to what, ; the :.' new i figure t, should f- be/* bat '; most t of them , favor • raising ': the % price - 2 while | oth ers ;want' It', raised ?7%c.» Northern'seheeseSatd \u25bcanCed ;\u25a0£ V4"c i* today. 'The ;• condition '; of -=\u25a0 the j po tnto market .; is not ' satisfactory^ because," much of 1 the \u25a0 best < stocks ; were < shipped \to I other i mar kets k where i better I prices X prevail,":- leaving 3 only a- second i grade , stock \ here."? New , sweet : pot&toos from V Coacbella ) were offered J today ? t or 1 the i fltat time iat 10c 1s = pound. Ths \u25a0 demand " for , poultry exceeded j- ths <\u25a0 supply "and ' prices stiff «ned «m c0rd1ng1y.;,;,•;•.„..,.,;\u25a0: >\u25a0\u0084 . ... ... ; •->. ... -,; Produce - receipts— Eresl '.'.- 229 •' cases: butter, 10.800 » pounds ; £ : potatoes, * 1,087 i sacks \ \u25a0'. onions, "The < following ; . prices V Indlests ths i srrera«e condition of; the 'market: • ' \u25a0 " "\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'- '* : Epgs— LocaKranch eandlsd. ssleeted, 25c j local ranch, ; ease connt, \u25a0! 22«." \u0084- . . Butter— Creamery «xti«s.sT%e; creamery firsts, \u25a0; Boc;£dalry^24OaJr- - - " • -\v \ Cheese — Northern & fresh, • l«e: anchor : large. 18c: anchor Yotmr America. 19c: band cheeao, anchor,,brand.,<2oe; 1 eastern; singles. v 18® 19c:, eastern \u25a0 twins. • 18c; eastern > Cheddars, ie©lß%c; eastern . long bom, • 19o ; : eastern daisy, ; 19c : I Swiss Imported," 880 ; - Swiss ' domestic, 23e ; ) limbnrger, 13C." \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0":\u25a0 '.\u25a0.;;\u25a0'\u25a0">\u25a0';-•\u25a0 \u25a0,"•«'"\u25a0.---.-•\u25a0 • >\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0'"•:;•:.\u25a0• :..\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.;• :Potatoes"(*ewt)— New 'stock Burbanks. ; :f2.2s @2.50; -- nsw sarly v rose.' '• 2.25 ; ' Bliss •. early •, trl umph * (new).l J2.28." \u25ba, \u25a0•: ' -,-.. . ". -, ;--\u25a0; Onions — Imperial -i Bermudas, . $3.50 • sack; ; sil ,versklns, t; $3.25^. new (-. red, * $8.50 ': per \u25a0- 100 lb«; garlic. *.B®9c:,CMU<;svaporatod. 11012 c; sun ««ed. 14Q15c;r ground. ,12% c; Mexican ; bulk, ; \u25a0\u25a0 Beans :(a ewt)— PinkVNo. 1 ,. $3; Lima ; No. 1 li«ss ; 9o;:'Lad)r:',Wftablnfton}Ko.>l,'' $3;- Lady Washington '- small • white .No. 1, - $3.40; * black e J«. "^5-60@6.60; ' garran»a«, . $3 .8018fc . lentils, 12%@15c lb.v',.:: '.- ; • \u25a0•- -- ' ' -I--. :,<= : ' - Poultry— Buying . prices^ Uve v weight, a * lb— Br?u?».;B r? u ?». ; 111 1 lb .' to « 1 \i '. lbs, i not wanted ; ; 1% <to 2% •- lbs. » 18c; i fryers - under ' 3 Clbs. J 18c 1 roast ; ers,'- 3ior ; more ; lbs, t 16c; c hens. 12c; \u25a0 sUgs and old roosters, - Bc ; « turkeys, '^ heavy, 17c : ? turkeys, lights not wanted;' ducks,- lie: geese,*- 10c; squabs and pigreons, $1:00 . to : $1.76 •a • dosen. v ', ,~ : - V .'Poultry,- selling .prices — Frozen .dressed . east ern; stock, a *lb:-:H*ns.t=ie@17c;- young; roost ers, .19%c;> fryerv- l»c;- broilers,- 26c ; Uorkeys. old:totns,-21%c;»young toms , 22c; hens, <27%c; geese,:- lTc;'duckis,-^lße.r»;, .. ' i ,;goney (a lb)— Comb water white, 1 lb frames, 15@16c; t light amUr, : 13@14c; extracted - water white. 60 lb cans, ,7©7%c| Might . amber, . 6o. lb MISCELL-AXEOUS HABKETS \u25a0 - .- Vofdfjni j Fulbks . \u25a0 'i \u25a0 '. -."> -\u25a0 ;\u25a0- Lnrsßrooit*'-' r u ,' : - '-;- July. r :"«s«pt.'-^''- : Deo; C1051n» : ;..r.. ........ ./T 2%' 7 Z%~ 76% -' L^-- - ' :\u25a0' " / .O:.' ;\u25a0 .Wh*«t— • , < July. : Nov.-Feb. Openings ....;.. .«27 25 - '.-. 23 70 Closing .................... 27 25 £3 70 •f Flour— \u25a0 - ..,..\u25a0-."\u25a0\u25a0"-\u25a0 . \u25a0 - . Opening - .\u25a0.'.'... ; . . . 84 85 " 81 30 Closing ."...............-.... ! 84 85 ;. ,31 30 Liverpool Grain ; Market LIVEBPOOL, : July 18.— Wheat— Spot quiet No. 2 red winter, I :7s- l%d.- Futures steady; July 7s/2%d.r. September, ,7s 3%d; De cember, 7s . 5%d. :.•'.'\u25a0 .-,: . -''- Corn — Spot quiet.' Hess dried, . ss;ioldi old north ern, 5s 2%d. quiet; July • nominal; September,: 4a 10% d. . ., * . :;\u25a0•.;.: -. - ;: St. Lsnls Wool Market ST.' LOUIS. July IS.— Market steady- : medium grades, combing f and.' clothing, 25@26c; light fine, 22@23c;7heaTy'flne,-17@18c; tub washed, 24@S6c. \u25a0 i } '\u25a0 - :\u25a0<;>-:\u25a0 \u25a0 - • , Xorthern AA'heat . Market _v ;\u25a0; . •r^~:i^.' OREGON J -'-.-^"'-"''.--. ". i ' PORTLAND,- Ore., -July 18.^-Club,< S6c; blue stem, 88c; red,' 84c: valley, -B«c.. ': - . .'"'WASHINGTON ' TACOM A, July 18.— Market unchanged ; blue stem, 86c; red,. 84c; ; club, .82c. Xorthern Basilicas SEATTLE, July ,18.— Clearings, V |1,690,514 i balances. $189,712. •• r : TACOMA, * July , 18.— Clearings, |835,963; bal ances, $57,472. , . \u25a0 ' - PORTLAND, \u25a0 July : W.— Clearings." $1,241,140; balances, \u25a0 $189,230. ; . : --\u25a0'... :.* -.- , SPOKANE, July IS.— Clearings, 1865,127; bal ances, $113,801: \u25a0•\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0-.- •: -.-\u25a0\u25a0-. , LOCAL MARKETS .. Exchange nnd Ilulllon The America Mara. took: for Hongkong a treas ure list of $28,500, consisting of $28,000 In sliver bullion and $500' in Mexican dollars. : "-'-'.:;\u25a0 Quick ". exchange , on . London -is higher. , The Bank \u25a0of : England rate ' of. discount ' remains un changed. ' .- <\u25a0 • '.\u25a0 j -. '.:\u25a0•: '.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 LOCAL ' ': • :"\u25a0'\u25a0_\u25a0:.: Sterling exchange, 00. day5. ;..... — <<J4.84i4 Sterlings exchange, ; sight. ;r:..V:.- \u25a0— .©4.87% Sterling exchange,-, cab1e5.'......."-, — <gi4.BS% New Tork | exchange.-slght. ;.'.".:. — : @""io'-. New- York: exchange, telegraphic. . ' — ' \u25a0 @ : : 12% Silver, -iper 0unce...'...". :.\u25a0\u25a0-...'.".'.• 68%@" — \u25a0\u25a0 - Mexican, dollars.-; n0mina1.. !...... — &jj •— •'\u25a0-. r - - j > CONTINENTAL ' . New York . on "" Paris. .'..-.. .'.. y . .....:.'.... 516% New York . on Mexic0. .'..:..... \u25a0' 2(10% Paris . on ; London : -..".-. ,\ ... : i ..'.•...'..;;.., 25 A 6 Berlin on London: .V; .~.v:v: :~. . . .::". .... .20.40% \u25a0/'.; AMieat and Other Grnlnsj •• Wheat— Paris 'and ','* Liverpool , futures were both, higher. \u25a0 Chicago -advanced ' ; %c. The San Francisco ' market was • quiet ' and ; not - materially changed. " It f-waß.f -waB . reported on ,'change that some fanners who \u25a0 arc"' in * heed of , ready.'monpy , are ac ceptioe the bids of. millers and selllns new, wheat at from2%c to sc:per ctl below;the old grain. The I official | report | of. the", minister lof agricul ture; of n Hungary - for July ; places i the yield •\u25a0, of wheatiat .117,600,000 . bufhets, ) compared -with : a crop. last, year of. 190.000.000 and 157.000,000 two years -, ag0.1-.Thls •_ estimate - is s considered '. < very bearlsh.vas; lt, shows *' much larger > yield ! thau was ' expected, and , as .a. -result: there -was -.'.free selling. in Budapest, the curb.Bhowing;a- decline Of I%C. -. *~ '•' \u25a0'•\u25a0 -;':•\u25a0'. - '.? ' \u25a0\u25a0•;\u25a0\u25a0 :.:,.• '--. CASH ; WHEAT i' •"\u25a0 V '- .' California club, $1.52%®1.55: '•\u25a0 do - mlllinp. $1.57%; California white. Australian, $1.67%® 1.72%; lower, grades of California, $1.25@1.42'%; northern 'club, nominal; northern blues tern, nom inal; northern red, nominal. . .: '.'_..• 10:30 . a. : . m. ; Session ;. No transactions. . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0"\u25a0."•' • Barley — There were sales *of \u25a0 feed yesterday within the * quoted \u25a0 range : for , good . to •' choice. Otherwise "there was notbtog • new, . Receipts were very, light. '\u25a0. = \u0084.."'-"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..,>-.>-:; :; : >.- ,^ -\u25a0 \u25a0r~~ ;- - ;-,.; ~ CASH - BARLEY - : - : ~ \u25a0 - r . ..Good to choice feed. spot,-.51.22%@1.26U: common to 'fair, $1. 17 %@ 1.20 .per ctl;: brewing and shipulng, $1.27% per \u25a0 ctl ; chevalier, $1.25(& 1.40 . per ctl. ..;;.\u25a0.,,.. ..: \u25a0 • FUTURES' \ . 10:30 a.m. \ Session : Open.' High. Low. .-Close.. December ; . . . . . . .$1 .27,! $1 .27% \u25a0 $1 .27 • $1 .27% : OatSr-A'gale.of choice white at $1.45 was re ported on yesterday: ; Otherwise ;,= there was nothing new, the market still being dull and devoid of , feature. . .- ->r •• ;.,?-' / \u25a0'- • • =\u25a0 . v - ; Good 'i to : choice red , for seed. $1.50@1.55: : for feed.', $1.40(^)1.45; ; common . : to , fair. . $1.37% ; white. $1.40@1.55: ."old blaek^ for seed. - $1.60® I.7s: i gray.; nominal at $1.3501.42%. / . .- s. C»rn —^There ; is :. nothing .• whatever.: new ,to re port'ln this market. -It continues very.*dull.> >.' \u25a0 California v small round . $1.00@1.65; large yellow, $1.50(^1.55; white, nominal; west ern state, sacked yellow, guaranteed dry. $1.50@ 1.55 spot and $1.50 to arrive; mixed, to arrive, $1.47% ; vwhlte Egyptian, ' $1.33 ; brown Egyptian, $1.25. \u25a0-_\u25a0 ' ' ": '\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0< ' '-.:\u25a0 \u25a0• ' > .:: «."\u25a0 ;'-\u25a0-./ \u25a0 :"-•• -' Rye— 51.45<ai.50 per ctl for. California." .' Flour Aud Farinaceous (Roodn - . > '• Flour— California family I 1I 1 extras. ?.'55.20@5. 70 net,' without' discount; bakers'* extras." $5.20@ 5.45 ;" superfine, • $4. 10@4.30; '. Oregon ? and -Wash lnston.per bbl, $4.00(§;5.20 for family and $4.25;f orient off. . ' \u0084\ : \u25a0•\u25a0 :.-.- ._. C Varlnaeeous :• Goods— Prices <in '\u25a0[ packages, * net cnxa, no ' discount, are' as \u25a0 follows: Graham 1 flour $3 per 100 lbs: rye f10ur."53.40; rye mea1.; 53.20; rice \u25a0 flour," $7.20; • corn -. meal,"> $2.73 : 1 extra-; cream d0.~;53.40;' oat; meal. $4.10:; oati groats, t 54.30; hominy,'- $3.40@3.C0;, buckwheat " flour, . $4; cracked .wheat. ;> $3.50: farina, *v $4.20: ;• whole wheat: flour. $3.20; -. rolled oats,-,'. bbls. : $6@7.25; in sarks, j $0.50<&6.75: i r011ed ; wheat. ": bbls, « $4.30; In j sacks, > $3.80 ;< pearl barley r> $5.40 ; I split peas, boxes, $0; green peas,' $s; per. 100 lbs.. /-. %\u25a0/ Hay nnd 5 Feeds tuffs \u25a0'' Hay — The demand i for the'veryVchoieesti wheat is -bo brisk I and I the ; receipts of » lt* are ; bo '\u25a0 small that the r.price i bag , again \ advanced ,i to : $20, : : at which ; figure several ' cars t sold ; yesterday.-. .\ TUe medium and { lower grades , rema in : unchanged.' \u25a0"**< ~g \u25a0"i The ; northern steamer .yesterday i brought '• down light ' arrivals * of ,; f eedstuffs^ \u25a0. These r descriptions remain : us . previously ; stated. • ; • v Bran— slo©22'p* r; ton. - ':"\ - V Middlings— J27@3o per 'ton. V r "Khorts—*ton.;:" f T!. > Feedstuff s— Boiled \ .barley; '\u25a0[ J27@2S; * " mixed feed,"? ?21 @24; \u25a0 oilcake meal,< nominal; :. co'coanut cake or. meal r at t mills.': $25 \ ln ilO and $23.30 ;In 5 ton , lots ; ; Jobbing,' $26 ; corn * meal," • $32 ; . cracked corn,?; %ZZ;p broom •, corn^feed."^ 9oc@sl, per ctl; alfalfa | meal, carload 10t5," 520.50; Jobbing, $21.50 per ton; mealfalfa^; jobbing,; s2l.6o. i \ ,/ Hay—New^ wheat, r sl2@lß ;. old crop^-Cboice wheat, f $18@20 ;\u25a0'\u25a0 per \u25a0 \u25a0 ton ; \u25a0« good S: wheat.'i $15@ 17.50; i other 'grades ; wheat/- $10(gl4; .wheat ,and oat, - $10@16 ; I tame oat.'^ $10@16 ; ".volunteer I wild oat/sloftil2; alfalfa, $S@l4; stock, $B@lo per ton. ">J -T. .. \u25a0\u25a0 ::~-.-U ••<••.!\u25a0 :",-~ ::-;*\u25a0- •^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0r"" \u25a0\u25a0,-.;\u25a0.. *?:: Straw-r-60@00c per, bale. ..' '. '•".'.'•', ' > " " Btnnn and Seeds :;.\u25a0 Dealers , con t latie •. to i report 7a ; steady ,to 'I firm market for , beaus,\ with \u25a0\u25a0 all '\u25a0 prices unchanged, r ' — BeansUper ctl)— Bayos,is3.2s@3.3orpea." $3® 3.23 ; small ; white,' f 2.Ss623 r J large white;; s2.(>o(<j! 2.70; s plnk.l $2.C3@2.75; r red, « $3.25@3.50; : 1ima*/ $5.20@5.30:".red; kidney*."' $;Sblaekeyev $4.90<&5;~ butter, $4.50@5V horse r* beans, >$2<§B 2.25 ; is cranberry - beans, . -\u25a0'\u25a0 $3.75@4 ; f-i Garvanzas, -.:, Seedß-^-Brown , mustard,' ? 2(g2 %c N yellow : mus tard.*' 6c:* flaxseed, 4 52.90(33; ; canary,^ 4V4@4%c; alfalfa,-' loc ; 1 rape,-» 1 14 @3T£c ; ; timothy,- nominal ;, hcmp.l 4% (§~k;- millet, » 2%c • pcr ' lb; - broom i cor» seed^slß(f<;2o'per}ton/;C- -*-..-- -^-. .---;• t :< f Dried peas-^AU kinds 'are nominal. "->. : Potatoes, Onions and Vegetable* • f .There \u25a0 were } cont lnued * heaTy | arrivals fof I pota toes* frwn jl var^cms * sections J and ? with 6 a 2 heavy cartr-oTerLfromitlie'^preceding; day; in •first; hands the j market-, was decidedly 1 weak .It with; prices; low and I unsettled. ;•\u25a0 Receivers "of Routhem 1 stock 1 wer« still? ask ius!s2.soa^ cental^ and Seven jhlsrherlfor the I best|lots,lwhlle 'nothing I from? the) riTer 4 sold OTerj 2c.«aij pound j and t the slatteKprice swag j really the I top I for I general : offeringrs.-feTfee i red iTarleties wore .reryt dnu -jearly^ rose * being ipnictlcallyjqn «a.labie. M Conditions I In | the i onlon\ market awere similar to those; in; the potato, line and 'there was no stability; to prices for; anything. -,\ rjr-- .: ', . s Kverything f in i the iregetable * 1 Ine > was ' in i free supply, and ; of .-; the •' principal *t descrip tions 1 were ; still * pointing | downward, fr Tomatoes, 3 peppers and •: egg \u25a0 plantlwere all i lowtf.j and ieates of all.other descriptions at the outsfde quotations were limited- .\u25a0\u25a0-..\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:.\u25a0..--. \u25a0\u25a0 - \u0084.\u25a0...'•\u25a0\u25a0•.•:.'.• •.•\u25a0^l -Potatoes' (per! ctl)— New crop- Burba nks, $1.75 ; i early ; rose, : nominal ; \u25a0 garnet chiles. $2.25 :- f - . Onions— New - red, - r $2.60©2.85 • per : sack ; < new yellow, -$2.85i33: per; ctl;^: Australian;^ $3.50 psr \u25a0 cental."'. ;•.-• : :.. ."•\u25a0.--. : -.. ..v -\u25a0-. r^^^\u25a0\u25a0f- : - '-.-.;, : : ;,;.; .--'>'. Vegetables— Asparagus',-' 6@loc ; per '* lb*: V rhu barb, • ?1@1.25 per. box; > green peas, >2@3%c per lb; f tomatoes./ 50@75c j for ' small: and t $1 .50@2 for. large; boxes:; string* beans. l%(33%e> per lb; ; wax I beans, 1 2®4c I pcr ' lb ; lima I beans, 1 8@9c psr I lb; snmtner,: squash,.- 50@75c • per box: ; etfg -plant, $1.70^2 per box; green peppers, $1® 1.50 for, bell and t"3c@sl ', for > chile: '- cucumbers, , 50@75c » per box; ' okra. ; $1.25Q1.00> per -box;: garlic.' ,3Q 4c per lb. for new;. cabbage, 151.50l $1.50 per ctl; caull- 1 flower, v sl@l.£s per : dozen; ' green -. cosn.i $1.60Q ; 2.50 . per .-.; sack and .$3 ; per j. crate; "marrowfat squash, 2c per lb. :.- :, Poultry and •- Game - There was continued all ' around dullness !n the poultry; market . yesterday i and -j the I only ; articles that received f any . marked • attention j from ; buyers were small broilers: and extra large young* chick ens, t which iras - usual- were In \ limited - supply. The market was badly overstocked with 'medium slsed' chickens, mich as small young roosters; fry ers ' and ; ordluarj^hens,* and prices • for : those , de scriptions i were weak f; and r ; Irregular. I', Atl ith« cjose ' there * was - an : unusnaUy : heavy _• surplus ' re maining. In 'first hands. . . (per dowsn)— Hens.- $4.50@5 for. small. $5.50(30.50 for large for extras; old roonter*. i J4@S: s ronnjr roosters. . Se.CO^'.SOriflo. extra -larse. $B@9; ? fryers. ;\u25a0 $4@s: v larsre hrotl f;rs. i $3^3.60; a small 3 broilers, ,- «2.80@3; •\u25a0> ducks, jr>@6 j for. yonng | and " $4^4.50 -for ; old; * piseons, ?1.25@1150: >; squabs. ,. $1.75@2; s geese. • per pair;, goslings,*: $1.75 per ; pair. : .- : !\u25a0 ;-'.-. ; r ' -' Game— Nominal. ! ' . X , • • Butter, Cheese and I TSxte 'The market for eggsand dairy produce Is run- R ing along in the same old monotonous - groove, the bulk < at ; the \u25a0 trading • from day -to day being local * In , character and confined to the filling lof small \u25a0 orders for ; Immediate : routine • needs. %- All of the strictly fin* butter. that comes, to hand Is readily ;, cared , for : and . what > local 1 chees* arrives flads a ready, market at sUff prices. The feeling in eggs is one of easiness because of tha compe tition of ensap eastern stocks, which, as already stated. Is In • burdensome supply. nThe , btst ; but ter: sold off %c a pound on the; exchange yestec-' day, . and .there was a ' tlmllar • decline In • fancy flat \u25a0 cheese.' L , :\u25a0 '•'\u25a0: •> - . , . . Business on ;the exchange was as follows: 2 Butter— 2o; ; cases^ot. extras ( atr26%e;-80 at 25% c and 10 at,2o%^f. r -:-,-\u25a0 7 > Cheese — 60 fancy flats sr- 15c iand 25 at 14"ic. — Eggs— 24c bid and 25c asked for extras. "-•-' Receipts were • 32,200 1- lbs r butter, - 4,300 * lbs cheese and ,700 cases eggs..' ".:., ._• .: '• \u25a0 The s following: are the official quotations as established V by ,' sales,': bids and ' offers "on the fionr ..of., the i dairy, exchange: ? / ' * '.- • Butter-^-Fresh creamery,? extras, ' 25% c; per lb, P. 1 ? 1 ] "&0 flr 8 * B .^ 25c.H fflrm ; - seconds. 24c. firm ; thirds, \u25a0; 23c, firm; packing stock.' firm at 23c ; for No. 1 snd 22% c for- No. 2; eastern. ladle packed, extras. 1 21 %c, ; firm : do firsts. '\u25a0 21c, firm. - vheese-^-Fancy California new. flats,» 14% c per lb, > firm ; •- firsts, \u25a0. 14c, "f firm : ' new young r Americas.' fancy, 16e.* firm; .firsts. -15c.' firm; fancy, Oregon, ; lo%c, • firm; ; New -York storage, fancy, 18% c, ; firm.>> \u25a0 ''\u25a0-: \u25a0\u25a0• •- . \u25a0 \u25a0'. : .-. "\u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0 .-\u25a0 . . ' j - Eggfl^-Califorala -. fresh . extras, 24%e per "doz, steady; firsts," 24c, 5 \u25a0: steady; _ seconds, . : l9^c, steady;, thirds -19c. steady; fresh eastern, steady at 19% c for firsts and 17c for seconds. \u25a0 7 \u25a0, DMdnoiu and Citrng Frulti , Yesterday was 'one of : the dullest "days experi enced; by wholesale fruit handlers in a long time and except for the usual spurt In. the early trade buying: in all lines was confined to tlie narrowest possible ; limits. -\u25a0 Quotations varied -but -slightly from the last report,', but with receipts up to the average ,It • was . Impossible ' to « effect ? clearances and ; large \u25a0 lines :of \u25a0 small •. tree * fruits . bad \u25a0 to be held, over .'''.Berries from 'some sections continued to 1 arrive *In \u25a0:- poor i condition : and ; prices - bad • a wide range : in \u25a0 consequence. Canners and syrup makers : were still \u25a0\u25a0 liberal '\u25a0 buyers -of soft : stock and . kept i the . market \u25a0 well . cleaned - up. Melons And- citrus ; goods were in \u25a0' free • supply and T easy at unchanged quotations... -• v v.. \u0084 •. -..-, Berries — Strawberries,— $s<§B " per ~ chest "for Longworths, : $B@lo for Cheneys and $s@B ' for the -large varieties: raspberries, $s@lo per chest: blackberries, $3@5 per. chest $4.50 @8 per chest for red and $2@4 for black. \u25a0- ;•.'\u25a0: Cherries^— Sl .25 per box- for packed and 10@15c per ?Ib; for," loose." ::;:,... ....-.- \u25a0 ;\u25a0-• Apricots— for boxes and $1.50@1.75 for crates;. ln Imlk. o@7c per-lb." -.'.'» >• / . Apples '< tper • box>— Knncy. . $1. 13@1 .r,n : . com . choice, 60?fi$l:; crabapples,'7s@9oc for small and $1.25@1.50 -for- large, v ' . -'- ' Pears-^Bartletts,? $1.25@2' per box'; . in bulk, $35ffiC0 person: -. -\u25a0 .;- • • < . ; : Fies — Drawers and.simrle layer boxe*.' flO@7sc; double ' layer; boxes. ;Bsc@sl: :large boxc3. . . : Melons— Cantaloupes,' $"J.50@3; for* .pony and S3 @3.Co,for}standard,crates: river, nutmegs, $2.50 per. box; : : watermelonß,;si:so(g3 per dozen. ' ' .--\u25a0• Peaches— Free; boxes. > 50c@$l; -lugs, ; $1.25® 1.40 for. small and $2- for large.:' ; '\u25a0-. .\u25a0:,:\u25a0 :\u25a0.'. \- Pluins^-7r>o(gl.iO per^liojc' or orate; larpe I ' boxep. -51.50@1.. i>;iptr. ton,- 530@37.50; ; prunes. $1.25@1.50 per orote. . Grapes—; per crate,* as .to variety. .- - Citrus- - FnTltK :-\u25a0 (per r' box)— Seedling - oranges ' $<f£2.fifl: ,Valenclas. $3..'.o«s4:^Mediterranean i Bwepts,. $2.50^3; lemons.- s4@s ; . for fancy, $2.30 @3.G0 <for,< rboice-i nnd * $i.,"0@2 »-for t : standard; grapefruit,:; s3@3.2s for : seedless; limes, $4Q5. f .-Tropical — Banana*.- $1^c1. 75 per 'bunch for ; Hawnliah f and - : $3@;3.50 ' for Central Ameri can ; ; pineapples, r $2:5Q@4 j>er \u25a0 dozen. -? /- • Dried ' Frnltii. ; Knlalnn. Nats" and ' llnnrj i'.CKvery thins V continues^ flrm;-:/wlth -prices ' un changed ? and \u25a0' holders ; Ueetlnlng •to make ; conces sions. \u25a0-:\u25a0£* :~*--- r-u.'-."'-"-". •\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0;•\u25a0-;•\u25a0->\u25a0 • \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .j ..-,.<• j.;. \u25a0-"-! Fruits— New' "apricots,"" 23@2Cc': evaporated apples; spot/6%^57M(C;. peaches,' old 1 , 10@12%c; new' crop, l.lVl<&l4c:^new . : crop : flgs • Z^StTtr prunes,- 4 6lze basis. 3% @4%c; ; large sizes. . 4U @sc: .^ FutureV deliveries of ..the 1007 , crop-are selling .to packers \ ; at 4% @oc , per lb, \u25a0*, 4 size basis. >...;-. '.' : .:\u25a0':..;...... .-: ..-. . ; .- -- . . Raisins— Nominal, cleaned' up.- Quotations -for the l»07i crop are >7@9c for -seeded. 6%<5?7U C for.-, loose «%(g9. for seedless 'snl tanas,-=,51.50@1.70 'for London' layers and S^ia 3.50f0r clusters: - ::^ < : ". ,,,. \u0084.,.\u25a0 .-*-** : "\u25a0\u25a0 Nuts— Almonds, • nonpareils,' 17%@lSc; I • X • L 16%<sJ18c;;ne plus ultra, '16@18c;5Drakes.' *13% @14c; Languedocs,: 13%Q14c; hanlshell, : OQlOc Walnuts 1 (jobbing prices* — Softshell, 13(310 for No. 1 and' l2@ 13c for «No. 2;ltalian chestnuts s@Sc- per 3lb.'. ..\u25a0-"\u25a0\u25a0 V : .. . : ' '-;\u25a0\u25a0 Honey — New., white, comb; :10@17c; water white extracted,- ,7%c; > nmber, A 5%<2;6c per , lb. \u25a0 . '. : ' '*•- \u25a0 ProvfHiona L - \u25a0 .-.Trade" Is normal : for. thl3 time' of. the year the market '- rules . steady .:. and quotations rim alonz without: change from day to day/,".- - .>•*,. Cured Meats— Bacon, :13Hc"per.Ib for heavy ir»'^44ls%c* for! liirbt; medium. 10% c for light 17@17%c r for- extra. tlsbt- and 19@21c for supar cured ; ; dry > salted -sides, ,14c:- bellies. 14%iai5o eastern I sugar | cured I hams. 1 174517%e: California hams,* lo%o: = mess, beef. \u25a0,s!) pen. bbl : extra mess $9.50; ' family, ; $10: ' prime i mess pork." $24 : ! extra clear, r $27 ; < mess," $25 ; \u25a0 pig : pork. ; $28 ; pigs* feet ~ $5; smoked beef, ;i4c per; Hi. \u25a0- . - \u25a0 ; Lard— Tierces quoted :at .9%c for California compound, r 9%c for 1 eastern cempound and 1 1 %c for - pYre; - half"* barrels,"* pure,' 11 ->4c; 50 \u25a0 lb - tins ll%c;:10 Ib:tlns,";l2iic;-5.1b tlns,l2a,c; : 3 lb tins, 12% c. :\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0»-•-". '',. Cottolene-^-One i half barrel, ll?6c; '. three half barrels,' 11 Vic;: one tierce, ll%c; two tierces, : lie; nve tierces, 10% c. Hides, * Tallow, [..Wool astd \ Hops , Hides— Culls " and , brands 'sell \u25a0 about r "%(aic "un der quotations.-.:- Heavy - salted '- steersi • lie ; me dium, 10c; light,' 9%c; cow hides, o%c for heavy 9%ct. for? light; "stays: Sc: salted,; kip. 10% c; salted iveal,yl3c:. salted calf.: 13%c;- dry" hides.. 19c: h dry . kip,' 18c; . dry "calf, 23c: > nheepsklns. shearlings, v 20@50c '> each ; \u25a0 short • wool, , 60@S5c each; medium; 90c@$I;: lons > wool. '$1.15@1.50; horsehides, shH. :$3 for \u25a0 large, $1.75©2 • for me diuui nnd $1(51.5u. for small;:- horsehides." j, dry." $2(§ ; for : larpe and $1.25((|2 \u25a0 for . medium,' 50c ©$1 > for small and \u25a0, 25@50c ' for \u25a0 colts : deerskin*, dry s Mexican.^ 36 %<gsnc; -pickled: do, -33c: -dry salt-do,; 29c: Mexican dry hides. 19c:'drysalt <10. 1 5c ; ;'. do."j 17c ; - noa tsk liib, prime » angora, 75c; , extra > large .'do.:. $1.50;. • larger 35 <g 45c; - me dium.^ 30&3."> c; small, ;20<S2oc. ': Tallow — No. ! I' rendered. ?s@sVic; No. : 2, 4@ 4%e: 'grease/ 2@3%c. " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-. V j -: -v '.;\u25a0'•\u25a0-' :\u25a0!-. Wool — Sprlnc * clip, ' Humboldt ; and ' Mendoclno, 8 • months,-; 23@24c ; :>\u25a0 do. ? year's • staple. . 24@25c ; northern tfree,* 2l@24c; f do.4 defective.^lS(<£2otr: San ' Joaquln i and \u25a0 southern," lSglGc ; ,'. Nevada, •15 QlS%Ciper'lb..'' .\u25a0--;.\u25a0;> :,.-:.- • --.-r -.v -\u25a0/.:\u25a0." \u25a0'Hops — Prices?. to cnnvers are as follows: 1906 s@7c for \u25a0 fair to; choice : \u25a0 1907,-. 10@llc per lb. : Meat-. '- Market Prices seem pretty ..well --estabilKhed,'- for -they ! have i made ' no \u25a0 change 1 for.; some ' time." i" Arrival's are kept without bounds and stuck Is not allowed ; to accumulate. >.'...\u25a0.. rr I.'1 .' . * \u25a0- : - . ;\u25a0- >HRESSED* MEATS r * Slaughterers'. x rates -. to . dealers are . as follows: *-. Beef — 6%@7c • per lb , for; steers , and 5%@6%c for-cows: .-:.,---\u25a0,;..::\u25a0 • '.-__' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;-\u25a0 ._\u25a0...- >- , r ... _.-. - -.Veal— 6% @Sc . : for :- large' and 8%@0%c for email. . \u25a0 ' ;\u25a0.* -»-,'- <\u25a0 ;?. Mutton— lo%c 'for; wethers,; 9% @loc: for ewes. - ; Lamb T : -Sprlnß:-12§12%c 1 per. lbr - •-• r ~i ; ; Vr v> \u25a0"•Dressed 'Hogs— ll%(fsl2c per?lb.- ' •\u25a0-. ' -^v,. \u25a0 '- - : : \u25a0- •-\u25a0 '-rl-r 1 -' j : -J LIVKSTOCK 'MARKET : ',*- - ' : . - >\u25a0 Thei following.' quotations - are 2 for '; good, ~ sound livestock," delivered inlSau' Francisco, .less 50 per cent « shrinkage < for i cattle : %< "- i *•: \u25a0. '\u25a0' -"-V. !;>! ;>- -' • \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0s Cattle— rSteere,".- No. I/* Bc; ' second quality,'- 7@ 7%c; ; third? quality." 6@r.%c; cows and heifers. 7(gi7%cifor]No."'il, second -quality ; 6c," third qual ity . : s%'c;>bulls;'and' stags." 3@3%c."V.i-,v- \u25a0- "'. .-.'• .>>\u25a0\u25a0 W Calves^-5c % peri lb i for ; light. , 4 %c : f or "medium • and '; 3%c; for j heavy i (gross, weight);-" . , >•\u25a0 :?. Sheep-^Wetherß.-is(B6ciper: lb; - ewes, * 4% a ! s%c, (gross weight): .-' .. •\u0084 - . -^ Lambs — Sprlujr., 6<s?6'Ac. ' -' -"' : £B>*9el .^Hogs— loo to 200 H». 7%c!per 1b; 200 and np^ ward, i 6% (gfTe ; | boars," s0 • per; cent: : stags." Zo6£ 40 per \ cent 1 apd ; sows 1 10(^20 ;; per ; cent< off ij from above quotations.. '\u25a0:-- •^•'\u25a0.;^ • * -',\- .' •' General Merchandise Bngs— San £Quentin,*J7%c:<Rraln bags, June- July,- B%c; \u25a0 wool , baßs." 42'.4@44V5<"; | fleece twln^' 1 lc ; i f ruit i bags, 17 % «f S^c ,• for; cotton \u25a0 and i %¥> % B»ie^f_or.'-juH». — - • . "- ..• -«~j ; - - «>>al^-Penn!«ylTauia i an tlirncifp l ess.'- $15: ,Wel •' •llnsjton.;sl2<i>eriton:!New .-WeUla.ctoa,' $12: Coos S Bay.S slo; s ßichmond.^ Jl2;-l Cumberland's $14 in bulb a and % $10.23 iin \u25a0 sacks; '; Welsh anthracit*-. .?iri;fcoke;«sl7fperftton^.inll.ulk~and-^lO"tD sacfe.*;Jßockyimonntnln3nominftl:V; - " '-.'\u25a0'".- V /\u25a0i; Oil— Quotations -'are * for ; barrels: 'j Linseed,'; 57c • per] gallon ; for] boiled ( and t Csc I for J raw : ; cases,-; 6c , more ; Jcastorl 011.-s iv * cases,-* No.'* I;"i7sc ; % Bakers', j A A,*i cases,'! $1.25@1.30 ; Uucol.t 50c 1 for- boiled ) and 48c { for j raw ; I China | nut."i cases.** Ss»^J>oc j periital- - Ion : ! cocoa nut oil | In .. barrels.^ 67 V. @71c \u25a0 for i xxx, 65@0S%cj for.' Xo.'i 1^ and 02 "4 @ 06c ; for : No." 2, ac cording to quantity; extra' bleached' winter spern: oil/; 65c; f natural jwlnterj sperm joll,'? 65c; 5 natural , whale, oil, 53c; estra winter • strained lard oi!,. ' 85c ; i No.*? 1} lard 1 ojl,^ 68c : | pore> n ea t ft 00 1 oil," 75c J , No. : 1 \u25a0 neatafoot oll,is7%c;?herrias: oiU-lOcj'sal raon oil. 35c; boiled nsh oU. Sse: paint oil. 35c. . ! Coal Oil. - Gasoline, etc.— Water white coal oil. . from vtank wagon. ? lOQllc; i special, do. w%e. peart oil.: In • cases. • 17c; astral. ' 17c; ' •tar.'i 17c. extra star. 20c :, Elaine.: 2Cc : eoceae. 1 19 c; stove gasoline. -In" bul*. lT%c.*ln;cases 24c;No. 1 en; glne distillate, Iroo , barrels or drnms. 8c; >o. = . do «He.-CBjse» 6%c mote; benilne.' tn v »>nl«..}2»< \ In cases 19c; 86 degree g aJollne, la butt, 30c, la cases s 36c.' : r: ~ \u25a0'.."-*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' -" .'-«,/ "\u25a0.Turpentine— -83c per gallon to e«s«si and 70% c , In dm ms and Iron barrels.; '-_.-«,, ! Rosin (per bbl of 280 lbs>-^E. $7.«'» '. t 7 - 58 ! i G, $7.70; ' H. $7.80; <\u25a0 I. $8.50. '\u25a0'- Red \u25a0 and White Lead— Bed 1 lead. B%©»c • psr lb; 1 white lead. 5 B@B%c.*; according to • quantity. • ' ,: , Sugar —^The '• .Western : sugar ; refining company quotes as follows. «terms net cash:, Cubes and A I crushed.' 8.70 c ;, powdered,, 6.05 c;^ candy .-granu lated, ' 5.55 c; fine fruit or coarse granulated. 5.45 c; beet granulated: (loo lb bags only). 3.35 c: conf ectlonersV A; 5.45 c ; magnolia A.' 3.03 c; extra C. 4.95 c; golden C. 4.85 c; D,* 4.75 c; H. A E. crystal domlnot, 8.85<: tablets, half bbls, 6.95 c: boxes, 0.20 c per lb. Barrels and 50 lb bags 10c. : half bbls 23c and boxes 50c more per 100 lbs for all grades. Ifo order taken for less than 75 bar ;. eels , or , i v : equivalent. *- rjr ' "\u25a0 Receipts '; of \ Prodneio FOR i THURSDAY. \ JULY IS Flour, qr aks...: l.aiflfFeed, 5k5........ 457: Wheat, ctls".... 22S Shorts, sks ..... .'65 Barley, ctls .... 645 Wool. - bales ;...'..-- 33 Oats.' ctls -.:.,. r. 45 Screenings, sks. . . \u25a0- 40 Corn. T ctls -.".V... lSlUay.' tons ..V...": 745 Rye. ctls M.... "63|l.eather,^ rolls: ... 23 Tallow, ctlss.rrr v2O Hides. \u25a0 N0....... 640 Supar.^ ctls •.".".:.. 4,000 Pelts, bdls . . .... 775 Beans. : sks '\u0084...^ -70 Llm«. bbls .. 855 Bran, sks .*..;..»" 190 Wins, gals ;..... :15.450 Middlings, "ski .. . ' ' 100 Lumber. M ft. ... 40 Potatoes. : sks ... 8,660 Quicksilver. . flasks 40 Onions, sks ..... -250 BGB OREGON . Flour. V' sks.... t,062 BraaT sks ......" 2.443 Wheat, ctls ....14,080 Middlings, sks .- 947 Oats, ctls ...... 562 Short*, sks ..... 625 THIS STOCK MARKET G«n ersil , D««lta« In Tonop sb s sin d Gold - fields— Comrtockui : Irrerolar '• Bnslasss ' on ' ths ; stock ' sad < bond * exehangs yes terday was abo«t equally dtr Wed . between bonds and stocks. , with trsnssetlons llffht *as a rule. Thers was a higher. bid of $27.00 for Associated Oil. z There was . no '. farther sdvaacs -in Alaska , Packers, r and \u25a0 interest . in -• It was . languid. . The recent ' rapid ' advance *In - the - stock Is \ said to have r. been -a " rally - for \u25a0. taa - benefit *of • brokers who held -. some of the ; stock, ?• and snglneered sorao profltabla sales. .-\u25a0... • The ' feeling -In ' th* '- Comstoek - mining shares was Irregular, some ; advancing : and others' falling back. There was continued activity in Caledonia land several 'other premlnsnt^stocks. - - The \u25a0 Southern \u25a0 Nsvadas wera ' distinguished by a general . decline, embracing both Tonopahs and Gnldfields, and being. partlcnlarly; sharp in: the j higher priced -leaders. --Tbs decline -was attrlb utefl to lack of supporting : orders from outside ' sources and \u25a0 contlnned hints' of impending labor troubles in' Goldfleld: \u25a0 •; --\u25a0•.-..- ; The San Francisco ' stock " and sxchanga . board has ' reduced lU ' commission : on stock sales from 1 per cent to half of .1. per cent.' • . The i Overton Gold , Mlnss -of - Slsklyoa county has. levied an assessment of 2 cents, delinquent *ugnst 20. ; : ..\u25a0\u25a0.,•» i - STOCK AKD ; BOKO EZCHAXGB THTJBSDAY. J Juiy^ l9—lo:3o s. m. CNITED ; STATEB ' BONDS - Bld.;Ask.V •' - Bld.Ask. 4s qr ep new.l 29 ,— . ISi.qr. coup... .— — ' MISCELLANEOUS -BONDS ' Ala AW Bs. — — ; Oak Tran 55.i02% — Asso Oil "ss. 80 , — Do" Con 6s. 100 • — Bay .'OPOc'Bs. — 99' Ok Trac C ss. — . 00 Cal CO 6s. — 103- O -W gtd 6s. — 9S Cal GSt E g '>--.- . Oceanic S Sa. 42 — . m * ct OsTT"»TB Om Cable 6».108%112 Calst C-ss. 93 101 Pae G"lm 4s. — 92% Cal* Wine ss. : — ' 99.- P;E - Ry 5a..101%102% CC Wat 58.100 101 Pac'L&P ss.— 100^4 1 Do"p: m'jrts —*" »7 , Pae TSIT'Su. — 103 Ed" LAP 6s. — .115 P. 4 C H 65.101 102% ; F-ACH 68.103. — P &O R 65.102' .i Geary st J 55.%52 ;\u25a0"— Powell, st 6s. — 107% H.C A S'6s. 98 r — * Sac" EG4RSs: 97% — Hon-R T 6s. 105% — - PF 4 \u25a05JV55.112%113% r. = Tahoe R5s — ISF.O * 5J5«.102 — LA \u25a0 Elec ss. — - 100 - »-. Do 2d mgss — — LAG- 4 Elss —' — ' ST4SCR 4%s — 95 L A.Ry-55.:109 Sierra R Cs.. '— 100 LALVjrtd ss: — • 105^ S: P of A 6s ' LAP- lem ss. 102% — , -(100Q)- ....101 — LAP Cal 6s. —'100- (1910)' ...;101% — Mkt"st;C 65.108 — S-P of!C 6s • iDalcm 58.102 - —.- - (1912) ....107 — ' MV& MtTss.lO3 — SPC 1 eg 5#.114 117 * NR Of .C 55.112 — " SP" B R-65.123%12S NPCR 58.100 — ISPRR Ist r4s 91 02 N(! Ry ssf. — 105 -ISV :W> m*4s 84U 83 NC P C ss. — _99 tSlfcn GiF, Cs.loo — N: F.I Co, ss. — - 97%!1l G"4 E ss. — 100- O GL&H Ss.loo .— IUR of SF.4S. 719» 72 Oak Tran 6s.ICS«; — |Val Co ;P : 65..— 100 r 1 ' ' ;\u25a0- .WATER STOCKS Contra > Costa -^~lb2 ' |S ; V Wat Co. 20 ' 20« Mar In Co . . — 62 | I AND ELECTRIC -Marte! Power ,^-i' ''-^ : .|Pac*L Co/.. . — «5 Mnt E L etfs- 4% — '.Stkn G4E. 52 — ;, Dotex'Ctfs'l2%— I \u25a0„* .: '.\u25a0'..': .'\u25a0,; V/r ;=u»sorance. -.' E :" ;- '...: Fireman's FuaJ ;: ... .. .1'...'. .'.123 ; 130 \, . BANK ; STOCKS \u25a0:. AthiNtl "Bk/ ••— '. 135 Lou.: P 4 : A.120 140 Anglo-Cal . . — — Mer Tnist . . — 215 I>nk;«f Ca1.315 •— - Merch Ex '••.. — 215 (wil - Safe Dp. — ' 125 '* S F National. — - — rirst NatnL.2oo — . | / SAVINGS '; BANKS - Ger S 4 L:"-:- 2850" Say"4 L So.. — .120 ' Hum 5.8k.2100.. ' Sec Bay Bk.."— \u25a0 — Mat S»t Et - '9O '. Union M 'Co. — 3250 S.F .: Say U. — J 630 :'3QggS£^gsS§Ba -> . . . STREET ; RAILROADS . California' ..'.— ', 140 (Presidio ",.... / 25" Goary ...... — 41 | " • "powder Giant. Consolidated C 0... — , 79 - \u25a0 '.'•';< SUGAR Hawaiian Ci'.7S% "— ' (Oncmea S C. 35% 30 Ilo'nokaa S C 10 .11 IPaauhau S C.14% IS Hutcn.S P C 14% — . Union S Co.. — 44% KHauea S C.--1 -' 2% Do pool ... — — \u25a0MakawellC. 2S 30 ..'.\u25a0.. ".'••'f MISCELLANEOUS Alaska PA. 47 43 - |Oceanlc S Co. — — - A^so Oil Co. 27% 28 - Pac Aux F A ltj — Cal FCA.101%103 Pac C Borax.ls2%— ' Cal - Wine . A : ; 80% 82 Pae T4T pfd — 95 MV4 "MtTm. — . 110 Do com ... 7 13 SALES Morning Session Board— ; \u25a0 • 20 Alaska ' Packers*. Assn ........ 49.00 \u25a0- ;:- 5 Associated, t)il.-. 27.00" 50 Associated : OH ..... ...... V 27.23. , . • fis Hawaiian Coml & Sugar Co:. 79.00'/ $2,000 Contra : Costa ; Water 55. .;..-.. ..100.50' $5,000 Hawaiian Coml - & Sugar ; 55. . . . as. 50 ' $2,000 Los Ang-Pac R R.lst con 55. ...103.00 $1,000 Northern Ry \u25a0of Cal sss . . . .112.00 , $2,000 Pacific Electric Ry 55. :...*..... 101. 50 \u25a0 $4,000 S F 4 S J Valley C 5 ........ ..112.50 : $2,000 S P, Arizona^ (1910>.. ....... .101.62% $I,ooo. United R R ? of : 5 'F45.. ...... <72. 00 \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 'Street — •'- •" v \u25a0 ' • , • /- 35 ' Alaska. Packers* Asan ........ 49.00 $10,000 S P R R Ist- ref de 45.......... 92.00 .\u25a0.\u25a0•'"'. '.'\u25a0'-\u25a0 . .'Afternoon Session .:' . \u25a0".. Board— V - /. — \u25a0 \- \u25a0\u25a0 . "10 Cal j Wine t Assn 81.00 • 23 Hawaiian Coml 4 \u25a0 Sugar Co. : :.*\u25a0 79.00 • ' 100 Hutchlnson S P C 0;.... .;..\u25a0 15.00 "20 Sprizy;:. Valley. Water C0....V... 20.00 ; . -i 10 Onomea Sugar Gfl. b 6......~. .:. 20.00 "\u25a0\u25a0sl,ooo Los Ang-Pac R R Ist con 35 .".'.'. 103. 00 - <: $5,000 United i ß <; R . of S : F \u25a0 45. . . ... . . 71 :75 - . \u25a0 : \u25a0 Street— * " \u25a0 '\u25a0-'\u25a0'-:' ' •100 Pacific. Lighting :........."...;. 65100" Unlisted J Securities MISCELLANEOUS. BONDS " Bid. Ask.]' ."-\u25a0'•\u25a0 Bid. Ask. Cay-CPC- 6s. — J.lo3iaiSF & XP ss. 100 104*4 Cal'NW Rss — 108 S P. Coastß4s — 93' Marln^-W; ss;— :100. ISlsnd El'Ss.-.^- a2^ Ria I.WVksss — 100 |S UE Te1. 55. ..- — ttUii; SF. Drydk-5s — "100 gutter; at rlls» — 105 - SF G&E4%B>-. :03 I \u25a0; j.. i'y MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS / Ala Sug : Co. 10 — vlN..Cal'p : "Col 22« A 25 Cnl - Cot - Mils — ' .00 . . . iOrphenni • - Co.. -15 * — Gf Jockey :d."-'— 150'tpsc CC«s'Co.lso 175 ' C«l'T'l.&:T*— -:250 }P« e G&E pfd. 30 4O Cnutes Co^.;, \u25a0 ' j 4 .|S*F^ Drydock.* 50 Cyp -V> Imp.* — , 5 \S¥ & ' SJ Coal — 20 I>pt :• Pw com "—" — 02 S^Crna'P Cm'so — Ilono'PJCo.'.'— 22 Stsnd -P Ccm — • J« "Do "\ old : pi. 21 — (Truck : Elect.: 14^4 13 : Do new pi. 21 . -'— \ . : . SALES \u0084-' :'";\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0 : Morning Session , \u25a0 -. Street— \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'. ; •' . . 70 Santa c Cru«i Portland; Cement;.. 50. C0 " California /Stock nud Oil Eichnnxr .\u25a0\u25a0_ \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0. Bld.Ask.l . • Bld.Ask. Asso;oll'ct.26.oo 27.0UiUcci:of --W-W — .', 06 Caribou .rr.r:. ".;:.— \u25a0 B.23iP!edmont ...'; 12 :; — Cbl Crude ..06 07jPlnal :..;;.. —22.00 Claremont ... — 75 .Sovereign . ;v. . \u25a0• 19 :: Fulton^ .....". \u25a0— - 2.00 Sterling. .:....1.75 — Graciosa' .'..';' — 6.00 Wabash... :;....- — 'I'OO Linda- Vista ."V 12, V— Wolverine ;.;. 33' -^ , official; sales' j.t 200 SoTerelftn ...'.,:.. ..":.'....•...'.;"....... .19 : io^Associated :. .\u25a0. ..... :;...*..;. i . . .v.rr: .\u25a0.27.00 Mining; Stocks ' BAN (FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE \u25a0 Following. were. the*sales on San' Francisco «tocir~ and -exchange 'board; yesterday: •" . , : , .^COMSTOCKS ! . T "' Regular Morning;: Session . 500 Andy's \u25a0 -. V.Y: V. • 20! ;; 1 00' Mexican {....'; G7 700 Caledonia .V. 321 2«1 Ophfr ...:... .2.10 200; Caledonia v ,V..\3lf 200'qpMr" .V. .-.%.. 2. W .'soo 'Challenge \u25a0".".:; 'IS 50<> Overman ..... 21 1000 Chollar ...... ;1»; 1» 400 Potosi ....... 14 "600 Con -Imperial. 12 200 Potosl ....... 13 J4OO ConsVa<M-Co."\GSt 201/ Savag c' .1..\~. 73 • 500 Esche«pier-i*;-.~ . , 43'i' 4C0 Sierra , Nev ,T:; s• 43 iOOO Gould- &* Cur."^.l7 f ; SCO. Sierra, Nev...... 42 000 Gould S & J . Cur. V>lC|;7OO Sierra Nev .v. -II 1500 J.u»»1eer. ...... 021,100 ITnion-Conv.. .\u25a0 33 JICX)J ICX) Mexican jV.'.V. 100 Yellow - Jacket.l .CO v; . , y. - \u25a0\u25a0'", Informal • Session \ " 2500 'Alpha V;.'.1V^. ;05| 400"Crown . Point.. 24 -;£OO Andes!; ;r;;;.v. 21|'600 Exchequer .... 60 1400 Andes, ....... 2C| 800 Gould * Cur. IT 300 Belcher ..... 33 .500 Hale A Norc. 60 400 Belcher /... . 35 200 Mexican .....68 400 Best A Belch. :" .85 lSf>«> Mexican 87 * 100 Best A Belch." ' S< % . S?CO Mexican 88 '100 BestTA Belch. ,S7> 400 Mexican ..... 9tt 100 Best 'A Belch.' 38! SCO Ophl r ......2.07% 200 Best A " Belch. »O? 4W) Ophir ... .2.05 IfOO Bullion ..:.-..'< 26| 400 Overman ...... 20 1300 Bullion ...... iS 200 Overman ..... Vt \ 200 Caledonia ... "S3 SOO Potoal ....V.. 14 500 Caledonia ... 34 300 Potosi 13 1300 Caledonia ... 3012000 Potoal ....... 17 KOO Caledonia ... 35! 40C Savage ....... 72 200 Caledonia ... ; 37J-3WV Savajse \u0084.- ra SOO Chollar ...... 13* 500 Sierra Nev:... 40 100 Chollar ....... 151 500 ITnion Con ... 33 \M>O Cos Va:M Co. '> 6S>! 800 Union Con ... I.i 200 Con Vt M Co. 67: 500 Utah .::...... 07 100 Con Va JJ Co. 6G! 100 Yellow Jacket.l.os CLOSING QUOTATIONS AlDha ....... .05 Ot>|JDStic«' ....... 01 OU Alta .....:..» — ' 02iKentncx ..... — lo Andes j : ;.-«*» 21 23iMexlcan ».... 68 ft) Belcher .r... 34- 80: Occidental ... '38 — Best A. Belch- 9O ftJJOphlr -• 2.05 2.10 FnlUon ..*..-.-. 25 2C: Overman ..... 19 ' 20 Caledonia-... 35 37 Potosi ; 18 20 Challenge ... 21 -HRkh Enreka..s.oo — Chollar »....>. 13 UlSavage ... 71 72 Confidence - ... 66 — Scorpion - . : . . . 07 08 Con Imperial. 01 \u25a0 02lSe» -Belcher .. 09 — Con 'N. York. — 04lSi«-rra Nev ... 38 40 Con Va M Co. 68 68lSilver Hill ... 51 j6O Crown Point.. 23 23iSyndicate ...:' 10 i-i Exeheqner. "... 50 — (Union 'Oon ... 32 33 Oonld A Cur. 1C lSUTtah ...::.... C 603 Hale A Xorc. SO 62 l«llow Jacket-1.00 — Julia ......... C 5. — U \u25a0 . TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS : "yßetolsr Sesslon-^iSO to 12:30 1000 Adams .. 13(1500 Great Bend .. 75 SOOO Apr Fool Ex. 02J1000 Grt Bend Ex. 13 1000 Atlanta, r 5. 61U00O Hibernla ..... or 3500 Atlanta ..... 61)1000 Jtm Butlor ..I.OS •000 Blue Bull ... 31!tl>00 Do. s 30... .1.0* 2000 Booth ........ 50 1000 Kendall ...... 31 1000 Booth :. 5112000 Use Harris .. 03 1000 Bullfrog Mln. 161 500 Man Dexter .. U 1000 Bfg N Star.sS (XSi 500 Mayflower Con 3* 2000 California - ... C 6 1500 Mayflower Con 33 * 1100 Com Fraetl<m.2.e3 500 Mlnai Pedraa.l.3o 100 C Do, s 10,..2.«» 1000 Mohawk Aax- 02 100 Do. s 5.... 2.03 4000 Mohawk Ex .. C» ICOO Commonwealth 2a 600 Do,, s 0..... 09 500 Cracker Jack. 20 500 Mtg . Sao* y Ex. 10 100 Daisy ... 2.30 3000 Mustang ..... 24 600 Daisy 2.27% 1000 Mnstans Ex .. 11 600 Daisy 2.25U000 Nevada Boy .. 10 SOOO Dm B Btt* C. 251 1000 Nnmet .....~ 01 U<oO Dmdfld TrngL 21UC00 Orlj Bullfroj. C 3 10C0 Esmeralda . .. 10J4COO Orts Man .... 10 -200 Florence G1d. 3.43:1000 Palace Gld .. 12 . 70C norence G1d. 3.40! 1000 Pta» Nnt .... 07 = 100 'Do, s 3.. 5.37% [0000 Bed Hills .... 30 . 1000 Gold Bar .... 78 2000 Do. s 5 59 1100 Gold Bar .... 73 500 Red. Top Ex.. 24 2000 Gold 8ar,.... 72 2000 Round Mt .. 73 1000 Gold - Sceptre. 10(3300 St Ive* ...... »*•» 10T0 Gld Calumet.. 09! 200 St Ives ...... 90 800 Gld C0n. M... 8.40!2300 St Ives ...... J»4 - 500 Gld Kewanas. *il 500 Do, 1 10.,., •\u25a0*& \u25a0 30© G Bend Twins 14*500 SUver, Pick .. «3 1000 Gold Wedse.. 7J IHOO Tramp Con .. 48 2500 Great Bend. .. 7fcl(ioO Valley Vinr... 03 .. Informal Session — 12:30 to 2 p. m. 2000 Adams 13! itCO Granny O M. 21 1000 Atlanta a 6:iSn;o Great Bend ..\u25a0 71 1000 Blue Bell ... w TJISOOO Grt Bend Ex. 15 3500 Blue Bull ... 31 1 2000 Great Western . 02 101)0 Blue 8u11... 30,2500 Grnwtr Clinton -32 1000 Booth ~,. 51ii500 Grnwtr Cllatoa 53 2200 Com Fractlon.2.sui2r.OO ilui Butler ..l-«5 \u25a0 500 Com- Friic..2.57%t 500 Jim 8ut1er. .1.07% ' SBOO Com Fractlon.2. oo 5000 Johnnie Con... 13 400 Com •Frac..2.«2%1U 1 00 Jumbo Ex 1.80 HOCO Comet ; 02 4500 Lone SUr .... £i» a.OC Comng. Nation Lucky Star ... IS IMC Cracker Jack.^ 20;SCOO Lacky Star ... ,IT 1000 Cracker Jack. 19'-IQOO Lucky Star ... / 19 800 Daisy 2. 12% 15000 Man Comb ..03 7000 Daisy 2.1012000 Mayflower Con 33 500 Daisy 2.15 1000 Mayflower Con 4t> 2000 Daisy ..... 2. 17%i 2CO Midway .«...1.13 1500 Dm B Btte C. 2611000 Midway "....1.12x4 4000 Dm B Btte C. 251 500 Mohwk O Leas -" 10U0 DUie 07i5000 Montgmy Mt.. 13 5000 Falrvw G Bid 22 1000 Mustang ..... 2* l«.CFalrvw G Bid 2i;5000 Mustang Ex ... li» 8(^)0 Falrvw Bid •20|2000 Ncr Goldfleld. 24 -600 Florence ..-.5.37%|1000 Nev Goldfield. -i 5 ' 800 Florence 5.4U 100 Nev Goldfleld.. 25 * 500 Florence 5.45 1000 Ort« Bullfrog. UT 2200 Florence .... .5.50|2000 Pine Nut OT 200 Florence ...5.42%11».C00 Red Hills .. 31 7000 Florence Ex.. 321 3000 Red Hills ._,.. 52 5000 Gold -Bar .... 7U115G0 Rescue Con .'. 17 .800 Gold Bar .... -73i2000 Red Top Ex.. 24 500 G Sceptre. s5 lOiSCOO Silver Pick .. 6t> 5«65- Gld Con M... 8.40| IMO Silver Pick .. «l. 2000 Gld Con M.8.42\i12000 St Ives 34 r 20 Gld Con M. 8.37^ t3£o Tramp Con .. 47 COO Gld Con M...8.43 1000 YeUow Rom.. 09 'SCO Gld Kewanas. 791 •..-"/ • CLOSING QUOTATIONS CALirOKNXA -V — B M. Ask. I • Bld.Ask. Argonaut 4. 53 Cltaton 51. — Cen Eureka.'. . — 40 Grnwtr M'Hiwtc ?0 ' — Crackrjk G M - 10 — | Southern Belle — 40 .-. NEVADA , ' Tonopaa District Belmont — \u25a0 3.43 MacNamara .. 2S SO California ... 06 07 Midway 1.12 1.13 Cashboy 06 07 Midway Ex. . . 10 .—. — Esperanzs - . . . 01 02 Mlzpah Ex — "J3 Eureka'-Ton.. 00 — Montana 3.27.^ Golden Anchor 11» '21 Mont "Mid Bx. 04 03 Golden - Crown .OS JolNurta" Star 24 \u25a02« Gold Mountain. 02 03|Ohlo Tonopab. .03 in Gold Mtn Con "—" — : 021 Paymaster-... — 02 Gypsy-Qn Con 01 02; Red Rock- Ex. — \u25a0 til Home ...'..'.. 06 OS^Rescue Cons... ' 17. *1S Indiana Ton.." 01 02tTonopah Ex.-..1.551.70 Jim -Bntlerr. .l.o3 l»o7|T<>u ofNeT.. — 13.50 Jim Batler Ex — 10] West End 85 86 .\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 Goldfield District Adams ..;... 13 141 Great Bend... 74 73 Aloha ... — 131 Great Bend An - — 12, Atlanta ..... 64 65i Great Bend Ex 14 13' Black Ants... 05 07 « G B.J Twins — 13 B B Bonanza. 08 07 Hibernla^ 08 07 Blk Bntte Ex. .OS 09; Islam M C 0 ... — 3S Black Rock... 04 06| Jumbo .......4.20 — Blue 8e11..... IS 19; Jumbo Ex .1.77 1.93 Blue 8u11..... 31 32f Kaiser Goldfld. — lfi Bine Quarts.. 10 — IKavanaushGSd -— 13 Brooklyn .... — 041 Kendall . . Zl _S2 Botte Uoldfld. 03 —Kendall Ex... 02 04 • Booth 52 —jLone Star..... 20 21! C O D........ 50 — iLoa Di110n.... 07""" 10 # CODMAL — * 05! Lucky Swede.. — 15' Columbia .-\u25a0.. 43 55|Mayne — "OS Columbia Mtn GO C3iMay Queen.... 17 19 Colum Mtn Ex — 06|Mdnst Pa«Tnee 04 05! Com 2.6(JiMilltown MCo — 23 \u25a0 Commonwealth . 28 20 Mllltown Frac. 03 04 : Coming Nation 13 141 Mohawk . 17.00 —,' Conqueror ... 12 — | Mohawk Anx.. — 02' Cracker Jack. 1» 20; Max Con Leas 25 30 Daisy .. .2.15 2.l7|Mohawk Ex... 08 0» , Daisy .'Annex..* 13 — [Mohawk Junior — 03 ' Daisy Ex <?2 03i Mohawk Ledga 13 ' — ! Dfid-B B Con. 24 26} Nevada 80y... 09 11 i Dfl.l Triangle. 20 22', Nevada Goldfld 23 20 ' D1xfe.. ..:.... 06 07(NeT Sunshine. 25 23 ; Dominion ..... — 04JOro .......... 22 23 i Esmeralda ...'lO — [fhiginal Velvet — 1» > Florence .....5.45 5.50101 d Gold Mines — m Florence Ex. .- 32 — f Palace Goldfld. — . 12;'. Frances-Mh,wk — I.23iPotlatch 23 Frisco .~ — 10|Red Hills 51 53 Gen Wshngton 03 07 Red Top 4.20 Gold Bar Gild. 30 — Red Top Ex.. 23 21 Gild American 10 — Red Top Frac. 09 10 Goldfld Bank. — OS Ruby G M Co. 07 'OS Gflil Calumet.. — .*O9 Sandstorm .... 47 GiCon Mines. B. 43 — {Sandstorm Ex. 04 Goldfld Comb. 17,, — Sndstrm WEx 04 — Gldfld Eureka. 09 —Silver. Pick.... 60 81 Gldfld Fissure — 06: Sliver Pick Ex 04 03 Goldfld Herald — 02. Slmmerone v,r 20 — Goldflil L Star — 20|Spearhd Frac. 10 Gfld Mof N.. — I.7otSt Ives ... ea ft-- Goldnd N SUr — OOfSt Ives Lea*. . — If"' Gfld Portland. 21 22, Sun D0g...... — 0:1 Gfld Re»l King ' — . -181 Treasure ..... OS — Gold Flat.'.'.. — 05! Verd» ........ — 02 Gfld L Strike. — 20^ Vernal 17 Gfld \u25a0 Kewanas. ,7S SOj Woa-Jer ... . . .. 02 OJ GldUd Tomboy — 25t Yellow Rose... . 0»! .-'—'\u25a0 GohiUd Union. — "01 j Yellow Tiger..- ' 18 ' — Grandma .... IS 18| Yellow Top.. •...'—_ 05 Bullfrog District Amethyst .... 23 — | Gold Center. . . — \u25a008 Biff Bullfrog.-. \ 02 O-TGolden Scepter .0& . 10 Buns Mt Gold — . OGillap Hoolhran. — 04 Bonnie < Clare. — 55 Houu^tke Ktos 91 9-t Blfnr Annex..' 01 — Lice Harris ... 02 O-'l Bullfrojr Cons. ' — ' OOJ Mayflower Con. 33 " 40 . Blfrs Daisy.. ©S 10 Mayflower Ex. — Mt Bullfroc Ex..- — 07 Montana Bifnf. 04 05 BlfrK .M Co N 15- 17 Montj^mry Mt — 13 Bifrg Natl Bk . 22 ,2.'.tMont-Shoßh Ex OS 10 Blfrg-N SUr. 05 . OO|Nti;rcet .:..... (>o ' Blfrc Snnset.. •OH — [Original Blfrg. 07 0s Blfrg Victor.. :(O — |Rhyollt» Twnst 03 Blfrg. Winner. .— to;simsh Natl Bis 01 03 l»fn Blfrs An. OS — tstelnway .....* 07 — i Gold 8ar..:.. — \u25a0 '70|Tramp Cons... -*T%'4S \u25a0 Gold ' Bar Anx — OS|Valley View..-. C 608 Gold "Bar Ex. — lOjYankee Girl. . . 03-06 "'\u25a0'- I "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .' • ..'I Manhattan 2 Dlatrict April/ Fool Ex 02 , 03) .Man Little Jo« ' 02 03 AtUn A Pac. 02 041 Man MCo Nev (W 07 Comet ......:' 01 02! Man Mammoth — 0« \u25a0 Gold Wedge.. oft oS|Man Re<l Tup. 02 OS Granny, G M. 19 — |Mau Rnss — - 0.1 Illndocraf t v: . — O.S;Man Sedan — 03 Indian. Camp. 00 (Alan Smitli M. — •'..03' Jumpinc Jack. 10 .-"— (Man Sll Pick. — ' on Little Grey.:. — 20, Man Shonbar.. — 05 Man'Belmont. 01 02|Man Ver»l«». ... 03; — Man Broacho.' 07 08)Mmeral Hill.". 04 — Man ' Buffalo.. OH — Mnstanjj Man.. 2:! 24 Man • Central.;" '— • (>2iMnstanif Anx.. v — 02 ManiCoM.... — ; .".OiMn^tansJiiT. .. 10 11 Man Comb..:. 01 02 Oriclnar Man. . 10 H Man :Cre»cent. \u25a0-£—. 05;I'lne Nut .. OH 07 Man' Cowboy.. ftt ttT.sPioe Nut Ex.. — or," Man: Dexter.. 13 HjSeyler Hmphry C.l JW Man Gold Nug — W> Stray Dor.. 4. . 17 — Man Ivanhoe. 25 — -\ Thantsglvlnff.'. 45 ' Man Hnmboldt 05 Orti Yellow Horse. .04 04 Man f Jackson. 02:*. — {.-';, . / --' „; :.. Otter- r'«?r!cts "-\u25a0? Alice \u25a0 of -Won ' — tO6t Nevada Wonder 13 Bine Jay Won 10 •\u25a0 — (N Star Womb: r. (Vl Cyms Noble.. .—. — , lwiPlttsb-S .r«ak.l.:!s l.4rt • Kanle'v-Nent-V.' l7- I Ramsey Com.". 60 :61 .Fvw- G.Bsnldr VO 22lRe*s<- Ri» «o-<i SK -Fvw Hailstone «H Vfi." RR Gold Stand "-XJ- 15 'Goldyke'Reef:" 12 — IKmin.l Mt....: 75 Stocks an 3 Bonds . Member . Stock ' and Bond Exchange. - 438 Call- fortla- st.*- ' Phone .Tempurary - 815. {V Member Saa iTaaclaco Mialas Excitsaj^ -