Newspaper Page Text
Interstate ... _ OSlEound Mt Kx. 17 22 lack Pot — OO.Roval Hawaiian OS — .Wnnie C/>n». — 121 Ruby Wonder. 20 25 Kw«h MCo S-.—,S -.— , Olfß Val &R M. — 25 I'?** Cwt.. — I.2s! Spider Wasp..' 50 - — Min»r PMrmz.l.3o — iToano-Prisco .: —- IS NfT«da Hi 115.6.00 6.MIVuItBT« ....'.. — 25 No* UIU« Ex. — 45) w.lker L Hi*. — 12 San Francisco Mialaa" Exchange 8:15 a. a. Regclar Eesslcn \u25a0^ 'Booth m'.ifOO Marflower. blO 40 oocxi Booth Mt.'OOO Flw G R Kng 20 .'•no So Belie Mm. 41:2000 Portland 2S VX) C*!«<ton'a ... 40.21<» Grandma IS 2<-00 Blue Bell ... 12! 500 Jumbo Ex ..1.62»i - 500 Old Con M...5.40'2.V)0 Granny CM. 21 C<Oo Blk Bntte Ex OSJIOOO Do. \u25a0 10..... 21 100 Gld Qm M.B.42VitICOO WT Ex, blO 24 \u25a0i* I ** Lone Sur ... ia'2ooo Adams .;."•" 14 ''"\u25a0Cms Frr. «10.2.70|in00 Black Ants . .064 '.X-00 Blue Bull ... 33! -, 11:30 a. m. Regular Session S<TO Com Fracaon.2.6<ii XX) R*4 Top Ex.. 23 1000 R«d UIIU. mo &I!K<X) SJtrer Pick ..61 !4.r^» Johnn'e Coa 12i 1000 Jim Bstler ' ..1.05 "*» Adtna 13HII0OO Mobwk C Let* 2» »<« Do. a 20... ia'looo' Do, b 90... 31 500. Do, \u25a0 3 IS; 100 Gld Cca M.8.37^ l (>n 0 Atlanta, a 30. «0» 9CO Gld Con M...6.55 - v nno Black Anu .. 06! 500 Flownce Ex .. S3 r<f<O Blue Bull ... 31 SOO MacNamara '-:. -2Z. T«0 Com| COO Com Frc,510.2.52'A l'-fXt Craefcrr Jack. 20, 1000 Red Hills. s3O Si 2<o Flor*Dc* . ..5.42>/4!2000 UtuUn; Ex .. 12 mo tild con M.S.ST^ieeoO Grsnnr G M. 20 — fO Great B#nd... 7s:3"00 Do. b 10....* 21 "•"'lO Grt Bccd Ex. 14 1, 2000 Triangle 21 .•no Ja»o Ex.. 1.77*, 1000 Do. b 10.... 22 ••00 sS^Coldacld. *!4 2 p. m. Session ' i^O Booth -V); 1-000 Mayflwer. M 0 40 Booth 31|S000 Flor G R ting 20 R«0 S»o B*>lle Mia, 41(2000 Portland ..... 23 s«v> Caledonia ... 41 14000 Bine Bull ... 33 2"00 Blue BrU ... IS.2£K»O Grandma .' 18 -xO GlcJ Con M... 8. 431 600 Jumbo Ex ..1.824 20.-0 Blk Botte Er OS 2500 Graccj- G M. 21 V* Gld Con U.S.^hU&OO Do. a 10.... 21 JVVJJ Ixme Star lUIICOO Red Tp Ex.blO '24 i^° c<im Frc - 610.2. 70.2000 Aflatni .....';. i 4 2000 Blue Bull ... 33)1000 Black Anta ..064 CLOSIKG QUOTATIONS NEVADA Tooopab . Dlst/let Bid.A»k.l Bid.A«k. Inf. Ton — 01-^!p«rmastPr ... — IC Jim Batlcr.l.tO 1. 07 \u25a0-.'. Rescue Cob .. 17 IS Ma«-Namara.. 28 2*! Ton X SUr. . — 23 M«Bt Mid Ex 04 OOWest End Con — ©y otto Ten .... — «j| - . - Golfifield Dlftrlct A<ism« ....'.. 13 15t.i;crt Bend Ex. — 14>4 Atlanta «o tCHibernia 06 07 HUok Act* .. Os'j no:juaibo Ex . .1.774 I.M T;lk B Bonaaz t« WjKendall 31 — Blue Bell ... 17 19 Kewanaa Ex.. — 30 l"!ae Bull ... 3" 31 bone Star ID M r*x*n 46 4j ilttycf 07 OS COD G5 — [J!id Pawnee... n; fiji, « oluci Mt..2.53 2.s74'Mchawk Ex .. O*\i — I^lej- — I.2ojNerada Boy ".. eta' 10 I'm B Btte C. 24 26JNer Goldfleld. 25 — I'Jxie ./ ; 06 06«^:Potlatcb S3 — I""»Pire — llilted Hills 51 53 Ilotence ...5.40 5.42 Vi'1-fd Top Ex.. 23 -"M *iold Bar Gld — SOSilrer Pick .. «W - t>l <il<i Con MJs.33 B.37mst Ire« :..... — : 93 • •la Portland. 21 22 Wonder ...^. 03 Great Bend... 72 7*!reUoTr Rose.. 05 - — Bullfrog District r-!s Ballfrn*. — O3T.!tUe Blfrp .. f>l 02 l^inip Clare. — MjMajflower Coa 37 S3 lilt* IteUy .. 03 —jMUt Shos Ex. OS — Llfrj Nat Bk 22 23,C)risr Bollfroj. -07 '— «.<»l4 Bar 70 — IVeUey View... . — 04 Li« Harris.. V 2 031 Yankee Girl .. 05*4 0«J Manhattan District . ' Apr F~s! Ex. 01 f2!Uan Ut Joe.. 02 CO <.eld Wedge.. t« — !V£an Mm Ncr «6 08 •iranny G M. 21 23,5 tan Red Top. 02 03 Man Broncbo.. 07 07^ | Man Whale .. 05 — Man Comb ..-02 OSlMnetant Man.. — 24 ;!"* Co^'^J'. 03 .tCjrine Nut — 07 Man Dexter.. — 16| Yellow Horee.. — i« Mac HumbWt 03 — (Sri Hnaphrey. — 07 OUier Dlstricta Argocant .i..«.» -iSo Belle Mia. — « t . * Oomstocks I- 1 i"n Coa .-.-......,,.. » 32 REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Eliia A. B*nm et al. to Rudolph W. Banm *i *j-. lot 1» SE line of Katoma «tre«t. 133 SW "T Third. SW 40 by SE 80. and eerea other I>i»Cps; $10. Alexander R. Eanci to Eliza Bana et aL.Iot la NW line of Market street. 150 SW of Mar stall square. STY 23 by XW 100. and one other P'ece; flu. . v Home realty company to Julia Smith, lot 52 block 2. College Hill; $10. Robert J. Smith to Julia Smith, eatne; p!ft. Fernando Neleon and wife to Theodore Wetzel and wife, lot in E line of Fifth avenue, 223 S of B meet, S 25 by E 120: $10. Edward Ginley and wife to Lena Koplan, lot In w line of Eighth arcane. IS3 jf of Clement street. W 120. N 32:3. E 120:24, S 25:3: *10. A. P. Jacob* and wife to I. C. Walker, lot In k line of Palm avenue. 503:4 N of Euclid, X 30 by E 120: $10. Joseph Wellt and wife to William J. Hroslef «od wife, tot In X line r,t A etreet. 82 :« W kit Twenty -fourth \u25a0Tedae. W rs hy N 100; $10. .-\u25a0;-\u25a0 I'^ter Carfapui to Vittorta Carfagsl, : lot a.t N E corner of L'cion and liucLansn etreeta. E 30 by X S7:«; rift- . ' Ja^jea Sarthon to Catherine Sarthon, lota 5 and 13. block 51. Taul tract homestead, and four other j-if-N-s: yift. R«al Estate Derelopment company to Charles' r<-iok and wife, lot In £ line of Caroline street, 275 X of Twenty -second. X 25 by E 100; rrant. Seonrity sai-ing a company to Saa Francisco Fas and electric company, lot In X line of Sac ramento street, 90 E of Montgomery, • E 25 by N tsO;aJ;iO. - Amelia A. Freuler to John Ftenler, lot In KW line of Clay street. 375 SW of Fourth aTtnue. SW 25 by XW SO; grant. \u2666 Anne T. Tubbs to I». G. Ehm. lot In E line of riortda street, 50 V of Nineteenth, X-25. by E 100: *20. P. G. Ehm to Charles Fcbn and wife, same: SHU* ; Albert Meyer to Wtlhelmlßa Cassln, lot in E line of Twenty -first a»enue. 275 S of H street, S 37:6 l>» E 120; |10. Julio* Schenkle to Peter J. Schenkle et al.. ;ot la SW line cf Fifth avtnoe. 50 XW of L «reet. XW 25 by SW JOO. asd one other piece; -fto. . : Real Estate «nd Development company to 1 Marie Schnlz. lot in E line of Texan street, 516 S of Twentieth. J? 2S by E 100: grant. „ Hope estate <-ompany to William T. Cleary and wife, lot In X line «f Camel stree";, 175 E of Cole, E 23 by >* 144:4 4-16; $10. I'ope estate' company to John E. Cebard Jr. •nd wife, lot In S line of Carmel »tre»t. 2O8:I0*i E «f Cole, E 23, S 131:9, W 14:3? i. SW 12:89*. N 13»:Mi; Jll). I'upe estate rompany to Frank J. Yemish and wife, lot in W line of Scrader atreet, 210:7 S «>f *ieTent«nu». S 25:1, W lb0:l«i, X 25, E 17*:5>i; 110. : ,\ Tb<mia* K. Turcr and wire to Charles Frank lot in S line of Valley strtet, 130 W of Sanche*.* W 75 by S 114: 110. - - Mary P. Hagerty. to Ella M. Zviertcß. lot in ** line of Liberty street, 130 E of Sanchez, E 23 by S 114;. $10. Eliaa Miller to Jotm Frealer. lot In E line cf Th»rtT-fir*t aveuoe, 200 X of V etreet, X 23 by E 120; $125. . . fcM-iyai.iui F. Edward* to George A. Edwards. lot la X Use of California arenue, &0 W of lork street. W 23 by X 100; $5. < ".isrlf* Wollpert et tl. to Samuel Splro et al., lot la 8 line of Jarkson street, 110 E of Kearny. E 21:8 by S «S: S i Katharine McOrthy and basbtrnd to Theodore H. Hfin. lot In X line of Twenty-fifth avenue, 120 Wof Folsora street, W25 by X 85; *ia . WilMam Cleary to Thomas Maday, . lot •in E line of Ninth avenue, 250 X ot Point Lobos, ,X 25 by E 120; $10. . John C. Coleman et aLtoßol Getz * Sonn, lot in SE line cf Edlnbnrßh street. 100 SW of Japan arenue, PW 25 by SE 100; $10. William W. Bednall and wife to Maximilian M. Ycraybowirt, lot Jn W line of Utah street, 10rt 8 of Eighteenth, 8 23 by W 100; $10. Jimx H. Gnennaue to William J. Guesnaoe, lot in E line of Church street. 76:<J X of Twenty eighth. N 25 by X 100; $10. Pauline Rlspand aad husband to Uati» Ris naud. lot la W line of Stelner street, 258:6 I of Waller. 8 30 by W Sl:3: gift. Ada B: Honeyman to Nora Foster -et aL lot In NW line of KortT-thlM aTenan. SW 207:0, X 100, E ST:6, X 225, E 120. S 323: -$lO. . Minnie Xissen to James F. Roach, lot In W : line of RlUwnrrh street, 23 8 of Jefferson are- , nue. S 2." "<t W 70: gift. Lena fktlan to James P. Roach, lot 240, gift map Xo. 2: $10. \u25a0 r D SamncU aa-V wife to X>. Samuels realty company, lot in 8 iLc of Buith street. 00 B of Grant arcane. E 54:0*4. S 6ft, E 11:5&, S CO, W 46. X 60, E « Inches, N 60; $10. Brtsy Lanky t» George W. <VDonn«ll. I»t In . X line of Geary street. 63:9-W of Webster. W L-7.-«, X 137:0. E23:9, 8 22:6, E X:9, S 115; BulldiDpr Contracts, VaryM. Wilson with J. C. McLeod. R..Ze "losk-T—To erect a six "story brick building in; X Hn* of Turk street, 112:0 W of Taylor, ' W 25 by X" 112:6; W.oSO. Hyman Bros, com pany with John G. Sutton oompaty — To erect * six story and basement brick bonding In SW line of Third street, 143 XW of Mission, XW 70, SW CO, XW 60. SW 47. SE 130, XE 107; $2,000., HaUlhan & GeU with Frank Cartena— Brick work for a one story frame building in X line ' f Broadway. 6S • W of • Dupont street, » W ! us*. X 157.-«. E 57:4* i, SE 12:8%, S 123:10*4; ! Chinese reform assoclattoa with C. D, Ran kln — AH work eseept - shades, « elwtrie fixtures, street work and sidewalk for a three story and ha^emeot brick baflding on E line of Waverlj place.- 62:4 S of Washington street; S 50 by.X 55: J7,183. »• \u25a0\u25a0 -••" \- • 'V Antonio Quarenta and Palma Rlcillo^wlth Ma- i rino Inda and Soter* Izta — All work for t tlif*; *tory frame building in X liae of" Green street, 35:9 Vincent, W2O by N, S7; $4,400. * Ran Francisco ras and *!« trie company with Farfflc rotlisr mill company. A. C. Ehilouon, W. B.* Ahbott— Steel and metal work for sta tion. A bclldingat NW corner;t»f Loaislana and Twenty- third streets, W. 200 by X 438; f43,877. FOURTEEN' PERSON'S ; PERISH COPENHAGEN. . July 1 8. \u25a0—" Fourteen persons are S reported : to, have, been drowned at. Ma retrand,, Sweden, s by . the capsizing of » sailboat.^ Only one of the party escaped.? Nixon Is Keeping Hands Off Combination Fraction Senator Denies That- He^ and: Wirigf ield Are Aiming to' Gain Gpritrol ;'-of the Mine v United States Senator Nixon gave out the statement in Bush street yester day that* there was no truth In the sory that he and George Wingfleld were striving to gain control of the Combination Fraction mine. The re lations with the owners of the prop erty, Senator Nixon said, were entirely friendly. - "We have good properties" of our own to work and they take up all our time," he explained. The senator also expressed the opinion that brokers who are discrediting the mines of Gold field and other Nevada camps -in \u25a0 order to reap * profit are driving business away from San Francisco to' New York. Mining stocks were low yesterday. The* best prices obtained,' as compared with the best prices of the day preced ing, were off as \u25a0 much as 35 points. Combination Fraction sold at $2.90 Wednesday. The best price for this stock yesterday was $2.65;" Florence went to $5.75 ."Wednesday, but touched no higher figure than 15.45 yesterday. Gold field Consolidated ,j Mines went. 30 points below Wednesday's best record.' OPPOSES THE BLEACHING OF FRUIT BY SULPHUR Sonoma Grange Against Any Change in Recent Pure Food Ruling SPECIAL. DISPATCH TO THE CALL SANTA ROSA, July 18. — The Sonoma county Pomona, grange has i pone on record against anyefifort to change th<s department ruling -on "the use of sulphur in drying and-, curing fruits. The Ponoma grange Is composed of members from all granges in the county, and Is a representative body of fruit growers.- ! • " • '.', The discussion was brought about by the receipt of a request that the grange adopt resolution* favoring a change from the recent ruling which would permit the use of a greater quantity of , sulphur in handling dried fruits.' It wis the sentiment of the grange that sul phur was Injurious If used in large quantity and , was of value only in bleaching fruit. This bleaching. In stead of adding to the quality, actually detracted therefrom. It was -argued that by strict compliance with the law the demand for bleached fruit would be done away with and the natural fruits would . become acceptable to buyers. STANFORD STUDENTS MAKE' SURVEY OF" MINERAL ZONE Professor A. F. Rogers Leads Party on Six Weeks* Trip Through the Tesla Coal District STANFORD UKIVKR6ITT. July 18. Professor A. F. Rogers of the geology department of Stanford university.' Harry Johnson, '06 .and W. O. Clark, assistants, and a' score of tanned and bearded students scarcely recognizable by their undergraduate classmates, re turned, to the campus today after a seven*, weeks' survey 'ln the Tesla coal fields. ' The party.- known as the geo logical summer school of the univer sity, has been engaged- in compiling data In Alamcda county in the district south of Livermore. An area of. 60 square miles, with Tesla as a center, was plotted and sur veyed by the party and accurate maps of the geological formations were drawn. This was the first survey ever made of this mineral ' bearing district. The data obtained" will be forwarded to the federal authorities for publica tion as an official geological survey. BCSides Professor; Rogers and Assist ants Johnson and Clark the party was composed of the fohowing students: C. I. Chandler, L. ;R. Gay, G. J. Jameson, TV. Koerner, •J. R. Pemberton, Edgar .Sopery C W. Henderson, 'Basil Prescott,' H. W. . Beckwlth, fX. B. Starnes. Harry Ross, Luke Severy, a. D. Hughes. W. H. Ochsner, A. A. Mathewson and . Arthur Luhrs. POSTAL RECEIPTS SHOW. . . GROWTH OF SAHTA ROSA Large Gains Are Made in Amount of Money Received at Postoffice BB in the City SANTA ROSA, July 18— The . growth of Santa Rosa during the .last three years is tersely told in the, figures from the local postoffice. > ; The .receipts for the month of June during the four years from 190* were ,$1,586. " f 1,650. $1,707 and (1,804. respectively. .The re ceipts for the quarter from' April 1 to June 30, Inclusive, . for the same period shows the following increase: 44,719, J4.977. $5,791 and" $6,068. The larger Increase last year over the other years is explained by the fact that it *-was Suring'this quarter that all the financial institutions: of the city replenished -their .stocks of stamps after the losses of April 18. Despite the* extra large receipts for. that period the indications all point fo an Increase of goodly proportions this' year -over that of \u25a0 last year. TURN* TinEVES DURING OUTING 1 SANTA ROSA, ' July 18— Roswell Rogers and ' Hollett, ; sons, of San Franciscans ' who are ' camping '* In the vicinity, broke ; into • Camp Meeker railroad station this .week and I robbed the place of $165 and a gold watch. They came to Santa Rosa and' had H good time ; buying whatever -struck their, fancy, and then went to Petaluma, where more of, the money was -spenL' On their return a railroad detective who had been investigating took them; lnto custody, and ': charged . them V with : \ the offense. -They broke down and con fessed, :. returning $135 . and the .' watch. The boys we're taken '\u25a0 before' Justice Cunningham of . Bodega and held' for trial before \u25a0 the 'superior, court: .'They are now in jail here In default of bail. TO MEET HARBOR-COMMITTEE OAKLAND. July . 1 8.— The -chamber of. commerce ; has * invited Tth'e 'harbor league and. the merchants' exchange to send committees to ; meet the i harbor committee \ of „.'• the « » state- legislature, which will be In session at the chamber of commerce in \ Oakland at . 11 ?. o'clock Monday morning; A - general invita tion bas been extended •to citizens : In terested \u25a0 in : l Oakland's \ water • front Uto attend the; ; 6ession. The iiegislatiya committee" will", hear from .Oaklahders touching^ihe' harbor., and water-front interests on' this : side of the. bay. ARTIST ' I'.VDER " THE " KNIFE BERKELEY, I ; July 18.-f-Oscar Maiirer. the artist, :' was \ upon ' f or 'ap^ pendicitis in", Roosevelt^ hospital yester day.. HJs, condition- iiVreported to bt «atl6factory. a * ' THE/ SAN- .gBANCISCO /CAlfe h /f^^;; BWMiM^iS&ti These were^the thre^ stocks that' were raided most* extensively." ."^ ;" ~ 7 ','- 'i '• * J When Goldfleld Consolidated opened yesterday, it figured at $B.4o.'^ The price slid downUo $8.37% and .went v $8.45,^3 : net; gain 'vfo^;the;,day. :^C6m-. blnatlon F"raction- openedvat; $2.65' and went down to $2.62*4"; .*;Daisyj had fa net loss of It Vi Tpolntß^between .the.vopeh--" ing and ' the ; closina*> sales.' ; , The!pric& went from :$2.30 .t0;; 52.17 "4; v Florence was. fairly -steady, "ranging ' from | $5. 4 5 to $5.42 "4.; St. ; Ives '; held I steady;; at to 94 cents. '•" Silver, Pick : lost- two pplnts in ' the ' selling*. ' The._volunie "of '.busjihess was fairly, good. Thereiwere ; sold about 9,000 shares of * Goldfleld ? Consolidated Mines. .The c market was without" spe cial features other than those indicated in -the- foregoing so far -as .the sotither/v Nevada Stocks" were. "concerried.';';:!:.;"" " , In the Comstock shares Belcher, Best and Belcher,- \u25a0 Bullion,; Caledonia,*/ Choi-' lar, ' Crown "-Point, - Poto'sl -..Yellow Jacket- all gained."'^:. ..Ov^rman;'r°Sletra Nevada, Union/ Consolidated and-, Con solidated' Virginia dropped prices'; The most of the; activity;' in 'all* theie Bhares took place after the "'regular/call board' and in the informal \u25a0\u25a0seasion.-'-'i;*i MRS. HEYDENFELDT IS GIVEN DIVORCE DEGREE Says Family^ Forced -IJer" to Go to Work When She Brought Suit , OAKLAND,'- July 18.— Mrs.; Margaret M. Heydenfeldt, a daughter "of -"John Lynch, late pioneer coal-dealer of. this city and formerly connected with*- the Chinese lmmigration-ibureau ;"of .*; Saxi Francisco, j was granted *an interlpcU'; tory decree' of divorce today from Oxen O. Heydenfeldt, a \u25a0 son of the late Solo mon'Heydenfeldt, one time chief'jus tice of the supreme court" of Cali fornia. Mrs. . Heydenfeldt charged i that |{j her husband had neglected her, had caused her : much- anguish by creating-dis turbances at a ; millinery -store 'where she was employed and had been so ob streperous that ' he > was ? ejected . from the shop. % Mrs. Heydenfeldt:sald'ithat she' had incurred "the displeasure of her relatives by bringing .; the 1 divorce suit and > had been compelled : - to ? seek her own.-livelihood.. -livelihood. .(She* .separated from her husband, she ' declared, af ter he had made so much trouble at their rooms at .562 Eighth : street ! that^they, were In danger; of - being ordered \u25a0 out. After she' obtained employment at. 1169 Washington ; street .Heydenfeldt: con tinued his . annoyances, accusing her in public of ; associating_with other-men. No alimony .was granted. - .. JOSEPH LIPPMAN DIES IN A REDWOOD SANATORIUM Pioneer Jeweler of San . Francisco; and Mason of High Rank Succumbs to . ' Heart . Failure REpWOQD._OITY,^ f July^ IS-rrrJoseph Llpprhanroneof. the oldest Jewelers of San Francisco, well' known as 'a* whole-" sale dealer in ~> gems ' and *a . high , rank ing Mason, died yesterday '\u25a0; in a* local sanatorium after • five days' illness. He had passed: his eightieth birthday re cently/ Heart failure' was the cause of his demise. .. , ; Prior to the disaster last year, Lipp man had carried on'a large, business In Montgomery -street,. San Francisco; He " first located in San' Francisco in 1851, when the gold rush was 'at its height. . ;,- l /'. Lippman was a, native of Germany and ' came to this " ; country ; when a young- man. He Is- survived by two sons and one vdaughter-M3eorge and Fred Lippman and • Mrs. ; R. A. Donald son of San Francisco. *;. * v The funeral will taKe place tomor row under the. auspices of the local Masonic lodge, with 'the Interment at the "Woodlawn cemetery. '•\u25a0 CONTRACTOR IX COLLISION* BERKELEY, July 18.— T. R. : Hutch inson, senior, member .; of the Hutchin son construction company, of .Oakland, was struck by a San Pablo! avenue car in West .Berkeley;- this afternoon and by a seeming miracle. 'escaped serious injury. -, The carriage in which he t rode was. smashed. • Hutchinson | was thrown out and: bruised; He; was taken' to his home at 13 13 Madison \u25a0 street, Oakland, where Dr.- W. Bell attendedhim. . ROAD MAPS FOR - SAX; MATEO . REDWOOD ; CITY. ; July,, IS— The 'en. Jtire- s system } of ; road -, records \ f o'r»"San ; Mateo; county iisto-be overhauled?and the data filed >upona : ) basts similar, to, that in."en*ect"iaSantaClara county."'At, thej last ; session of the county \u2666super visors R. V.' Chilcott,a young engineer of this . city,- was .appointed ;to;; to ; compile a new roadfiook,' dranghtproper ihapa" and compile a register ; of all' road :pro-', ceedings in '\u25a0- this county. ; : --; ; : ''.-.- ; .i* .-:"', ti FIND LOOT.I.V STAN'S POCKETS OAKLAND, July;. 1-S.— Ernest- Gibson, a middle- aged man, ;.was' arrested;: In' West'TOaklandvi lak't^ nlght^v* dn'Vcs'ua-" plclon.ot belns?a^thl«f.'-ftjWbenr'ne-waa searched the : police dfound^'ln^hls^ribck-" ets ay lot \ of .identai'^gqld^ a'rid^ dental Instruments,.; valued"',? at"' s.loo, r This property > was \u25a0identified 1 today by Dr. E "AL- W. ' Taylor ; of, ' Berkeley;, as \u0084t hei stuff which: was -stolen '"from/his 'olnce: re cently. .'.' \u25a0'\u25a0••; .;;v >"\u25a0•\u25a0... f ..'::\u25a0\u25a0 .-.;.'.:..."'\u25a0\u25a0 ;: : ;';< o f FRATERNAL OFFICIAL \ DIES AIiAMEDA, July 18.^-Dayid \u25a0 S.::Stan ley, \u25a0 . grand % treasurer iof .1 1 hs '. Order ?• of Pendo, "died' euddenly-j last viilajht ; : of heart: disease.: at his <bome,; 1611 Coni r cordiav'street.',^. He was jar- printer.i byj trade, 64^ years ; ,of iage^arid.isfaurvived by a'wlf e and \u25a0\u25a0 son 3; As Stanley Jiad' not been' attended *; by^ a'^ physician rprlor "to his 'death,' ah Inquest" is , to ibe 'held. .c. c - KI LLED B Y LEAP, FROM TRAIN" :"; OAKLANP,- July ' 18.-^-Steve Stolich. r aged 31" ' a> vineyard X*' laborer,"; leaped from.lthe Livermore ~i local ,i train 7 near Oakland i today/ % Hel b truck . on : , his head and iwas 'kilted {Instantly. Stoiich > was despondent] because :'of", ill t health;' - ' ' ''\u25a0>Thejbody.;Was!fouhd*by[ railroad Hs'iir-' veyors and was: takehUo. the morgue at Livermore.'vi Stollch-: was /unmarried. \u25a0 i- DEED LOT TO.HOME FOR AGED -: OAKLU.NI>.- July Vllß*— A.; Ki, P;5 Hafi" mon Jr.'jand' his tWife; filed ;today.afdeed transferring itTieJ property I at "thef south east V corner;| of felTwerity-second ?V and Webster .'stfsets £tcT;> the : h6me ilork the aged ' of > the': Little I Sisters •of \u25a0 the \ Poon The lot. ls 135x176. feet in dimensions. - v USES CLEAVER INV ATTACK : BERkELE&T^JuIy iiIB!-fAh"; Hong, : » Chlnese\mercnant," '..was^attacked? *bj liUng s Bomb,; member Sof highbinder tong, to jflay and- sustained' several cuta." Lung Broibi used * a butcher's I cleaver on-^the * merchant.*. The, assailant J hia"s disappeared.": '\u0084.' ..\u25a0 ..'\u25a0'. ./ -~ : \u25a0>.. S AUS ALITO'S FIRST BANK \u25a0 : SAUSALITO. July.*! 1 g.^Sausaiito's first* bank-, will j.befopened^fdr; business August fj 1? "It z will i. be TJ the Bank . of 4Sausallto,l>*ar"cornmerclal ' and savings i institution;^ with .- a: capital '; of $25.000. ; ' J.VE.1 Hall.. cashier 'ofj the; Sea board; bank "of > San* Francisco,** was oncii of the pleaders* in; its* organization.' 'It is .understood '{ that If F. .A.'; Robbins slated f.for,*; the 'presidency and E. FJ Rayburh , is to ; be\caihier. : COUHGLIJirv HE3ADS XE\V BUREAII. OAKL'A2s*D, July ÜB.—Deputy*:'Super intendent s of ; Streets Joseph 'H.l Cough' lin has lbeen 'placed i in charge ;of-4treet excavations' . in 'the s reorgranlzatlori^'jof theistreet departments ; Thi^-la ajhew bureau. \ -Certificates. of; appointment' of the i newly; deslgnatedfernploj'es' of : the department J jvers .vissued'- today." \u0084;•..' ATTACIvS ; SMALL ..BOY V^OAKIJAND. July 18.-UCornelius Me Carthy,i a T race* track follower.;*' has beei arrested r on^complain t ' of ! Tracy ; Ea to r of 2050 JTin'ibn street.'and charged .witl having aitacked' Eaton's .'sohiVlOryear! old. \u25a0:• -* : &'.-*£<:Si \u25a0\u25a0^\^~.-.-^?i \u25a0':»«. I'- WANT rRBDIICED / SLQEWALKS»i, .^ The Buper^MsbfsV'stV^tcdmniUi^rfe ported j yesterday I ia~t avor i of frea'ueins the wldth'i: of v'SWewalks-r.laiiJjecLongr avenue, „ between Piedmont .' and ; Fred erick streets, tovlOiteet.^- >*-^;- i MAR^AGggGENSESI . fol'owlog .'merrlagV:.' licenses * were_lsen«d ': In this city Thnrerfay, -July ,18:,>.c-. r**>s 7 John T;E. RTehaittroti: 0 40.- 2004" Godgh Jst.'' ' and \u25a0 Joanna yancey^.3o,' '- : fierke!ey. * \u25a0 \t:' i; - John McMnllea; «lff r Cole \u25a0 *t;',. and Anna -\u25a0\u25a0 'I. *StotbOT», 20." 526 Hertnann- rt. \u25a0 " '- '-"\u25a0* i I Henry H, Moke, 36,\and'yioml E. Darb, 32, both of Santa fltosa-. r - ;; * ; " : :-: 4-^4 -^- ~ I ! Miltoß A.*- Hnrat»hrie».- S3/ Kl9 l Pletce 'lit^-Tand ' !Ha Han M. Rlir>rdan.';2a.'-833A Fourt*»eatb " sK «' Judas iC. : • Wern*t,-^r43r s and»"Bertha*iZiboJ"d,' « 34, both of Oakland. \u25a0 .?i<: .?•'. r isic '- 1B1 B Elam \u25a0 Pettersoa. * 'SJr 302t Laanran I *t.\ ~ and Alma -1 StrandDiufg. Slv'<22lSrßtichanai» .**.'..•\u25a0•• • !.\u25a0* Christian :A. Zlmtne-tnann,- l a3;-,522* Twenty^ ~. ; «evcnth \u25a0 are., and Eroa-E.. Uelttmann, 18, \u25a0 1306 Callfornla/stii^..^^ , v^:-">-" : .'i"-.'.i'"' i" l William J. -Mnrpby, 27.. F0rt Dade.-and Lotta Dwyer, 24, • San- Krancisco.-. ,*>•-;-•..•• John : McDonaW.-'4«,-- Rochester,- ->'. • -V.,-, and \u25a0 Ethel Hall, 29, Pennsylvania. --• r; : :, i~ .'• Homer O. Lamb,; £5,. and. 8. / LlUlan Rosen, 21. both of.Lakeport.r-:, - .-\u25a0•-. -•..;-.. 2 Ste»e Schrlckoff, 20 t .. and -Mary • Fadeeff, " 21, both «t 9kn Francisco. '\u25a0 v-_r— .. -:~^. • .. -.- '\u25a0'Clyde-F. -8entcm'.. 24,, J500- Franklin 'st, 'and ! EthelS. Coe.- 21, l^a AngeJes..'.," -:.:"\u25a0 - Claude A^ M.orrlson, 25, .aSSO'Stelner st_ and Mary M. Stllier.- IS. 1221 Pierce St., .. .\u25a0-„• • Dominik Gatti, 21. 325 Bay St., : and Vivian ' Schafter. 20. 716- Bay st. \u25a0 ; . !,-::; - Nicholas Wonder. 32. 905 Rhode Island it,', and Anna : Borland", 37, 3621 Twenty-fifth st; - i James :A; Farrell., 25, Oakland; and- Manlllla E. Gisehel.' 2B, Ban Jose. . - • is.-. > \u25a0!. Irving Chambers,- 23. r. Petrolla, and 'Emily , Nlcholi, 20, 65 Carmellta'; st.,- San Francisco. , . \u25a0 : OAKLAND, July IS.— -The following ! marriage licenses ' were issued today: . \u25a0 '. . '. ' ;'~Elmer S. .Hunter. "38,- and Grace T. Crow- . ley. 23. both of, oakland."sfe-JE«M^«W9ae;^a-i:, -j Bernhard Anderson. 33, and Eda Erickson, 26, both of San- Francisco. ', .'•:; .\ - >- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:, \u25a0 '- 1 John * A . ' Holmes. .43,',' Portland,' .Or., and . Emma I. Cook. i<*. Oakland. , ; :» ,\--' ;:•. >- William Gurr, 2S, and < Hedwig. Noschka,. 22, l both of Elmhnrst. - ,- . . ' Arthur. R. Whalen* " 22, Oakland, and Lotta Drake. ' 22, : San Francisco.- '. \u25a0\u25a0'•.- : . William G. Watts, 2S. and Amelia Williams. 18. i both of San Fra ncisco. •• - > - .- . : . z.'t-'-s, "\u25a0--?;>.'•? - .' . *• Charles D. Everett. 29., Oakland, .and Carolyn X. Boyer, 'lB, Sacramento.' . •"•' Clement M. Carter, 34, and Clara D. Phillips, ' 20. both of San Frahclsco. : : - \u25a0. , I • Morris' Climan, 30,. and Fannie, Levy, ' 23,' -. both of Oakland..' .\u25a0,.; , . ' \u0084 - - BIRTHS; MARRIAGES, DEATHS - Birth, marriage' and death notices sent. by mail " will not be inserted. They must be handed In at < either of , the, publication offices 'and .be indorsed , with ' the • name and . residence of : persons author- ized fi to \u25a0•\u25a0 have . the \u25a0 same : . published.' Notices - re- stricted simply to the 'announcement of the event I are publlsbtd once In this "column free ot charge. MONMER— In '; thls^efryiv May 16,: 1907/ to .the : /„ wife: of i George ',£L" Mounler, a; daughter. MUNTER— ln ; Grldley" Cal.'r to" the wif e'.bf Bef- , nard Munter,"' a t daughter. ; / ' . : MARRIAGES" / STANTON— HAWTHORX— In this city, July 12. 100T, , by the- Rev. fM.- : H. -Hebe,, John tan ton of , San Francisco and : Bertha - Haw- thora of Lancaster, Pa. \u25a0 ,: " . " \u25a0 - ':\u25a0>, \u25a0 deatiis '.\. h l ' ; ' Ahem; Daniel A.'. .. 21 I. Martinho, A» F....:;' T25T 25 Beaudet, ,: Tbeopnil. . 52 J Myers, Jacob : .'.\.. ... 65 '] Bennett, . John ..'...'0 Page, Wilfred '.;.:.. 58 ' Blakeney. Thos. J..i 75 Sawyer, Mary 8;.:.77 * Cullcn. James J at Saoret, =* Delia .\u25a0'....".— '-' Doe,'- Alonzo - C.'/.V. 04 Schenkel," Julias \u25a0v:'.;*'-" ' : Fosen, Llnd 0.. ...\ 3» Scblvo, Ger0me......; 73 • Glaser. Arnold '....40 Sunley, David 5..:. C 4 Henkel, Anna .... .'. 45 Talllc-ur. • Louis .'..'. .'37 Hlgglns, James:;... — Tantx, Johanna It. M. 2*l ', Jenkins, May ,: :..; : 17 Tench. John . ... . :. ; 73 ' Johnson, John C -"9 Yen ItegBmortel,Hen- -' Joseph, Amaro .....".". • rlette -....' .'.'.35 " Kearney, Mary '. ... SO j Watson, Ann ; . : .'. . . . — Knox,- George. T..;.. 81 I Weber, Peter r...;.30 ' AnERK— In this city, July 17, : 1007; " Daniel .i-i A. Ahem,' dearly ; beloved son •of I Daniel -J. : * -rand .Catherine Ahem;: and ' loving . brother f of -'\u25a0 Jeremiah ;J., :J Margaret and Lee Ahem,. Mrs. -iGeorge^Kline,',.- Mrs, f Tony Sousa, - Mrs..-' AI *. Cooney anil the late John Ahem, a native of . ' > San ; Franci«o,i Cal.;" aged . 21 years 10 months !\u25a0';. and- 20' days.. :,-, .f.*;;':. i'--,,-.---'.', ;.,.\u25a0;-\u25a0!-\u25a0.-- r v '•-. Friends and I acquaintances are \ respectfully \u25a0 >":. Invited ; to attend - the 1 funeral tomorrow I (Sat- I ;-iurday),''at:;9:lsra.xm.; -iurday),''at:;9:15ra.xm.; v from - the . parlors iof .' "the United s undertakers, 2608 Howard > street • ' near » Twenty-second,> thence f to ; St. Peter's ",-' church, , where \u25a0\u25a0 a 1 solemn : requiem high, ', mass il '-\u25a0' f or -.• tbe v* repopß,' \u25a0 of i' bl& • soul .will -»be ' ' \u25a0'\u25a0 bra ted, at. 9:45 a. . nj.. Interment ' j Holy^<"ro88.' l cemetery.., ;-'".' . ..-.;..:.. --\u25a0,• j BEAUDETt— "jj"?this city, July 17, 1007,; The- • r ophll . Beitudetr/* bejoted _\u25a0 httsband of - Evelina :: . ';' Beaudet,' father <of -Evelina .C, Camille <T. ' '\u25a0 : and DeweyvJ.>Beaudet,*andilfrother of Jullaa • ; Beaudet .'; of -S Glen ' Fslla, N. . Y. ; . Narciaco. ''Chrlstlarr brother, Montreal; -Frank Beaudet of v ' /Maine,'; Flortntlns Beaudet end tEldrich, Order ' ; of Dominican,'* Quebec; ,• and- tbs- late '-Vlctorine \ :'ji IJeaudet. ' , a r native j of -St. « Jean *de : Cbailion, •""..Can., , aged--" 82 "years , 3 " months and 26 days. . -jfA '< member '• 0f. ,, Oqlden ', Gate-. . conncll >'<»; j» 551 j »j; National • Union;. jGsceoJa-. trlbe^.Ko. .'-Tl.-4;ln*» , : -proved \u25a0 OrUer'-.«f 5 Red:- Men,- « and J carpenters' \u25a0reunion No.' 4^3.";-^;* -'•'. 'i~' ;: j-r- ;i»i-.v \u25a0:?*\u25a0 \u25a0-»» ; Friends and .JacQualntances are , respectfully ' Invited -to * atte."i<l • the .' funeral tomorrow ; (Sat- • \u25a0 urday); "s July? 20. *at *€:15 -\u25a0 af: m.^ -from bis 1 late residence,*; 63»Beraal "avenue,- thence *to 1 ; ;. 8t. b Peter's \u25a0< * churfch.^tf Alabama. . street: near -1 ; Twenty-foorth,--: where .a, -requiem -high ma»ii . . :fpr» the repose :of:hlß'soul-wlttib«--c«le-)rattd . at 9 o'clock a. .m. : .Intermont -Holy Croti ecm- 8 "\u25a0 : etery,'- by- special!' ear"«"on-'llJ3o itrala-Jfrom' - .; : Twenty-nfth-;ftadiValentift-st-«et«. \u25a0'\u25a0'-•-• \u25a0\u25a0:;--=/ :i ' BENNETT— -In x this city,' 1 July.Ue, v lb07» ; John 1 • Bennett,^beloved ' ton. ,of; John = and 'Eliiaheth ' Bennett," and ; brother, or. Mrs. 'Herbert "Algeo "of .Washington;".* ' native of Wasniogtoa,'; aged ' -. 6 - years • 8 mm tha .and 3 days; ;;:;". .-,-? L>v. n'• ' ''y,--". Remains >. at vthe^mortnary . : chapel ' the " Golden' Gate ;nndertnkjngconipany,..247s Mis-* ! C»lon street 1 near; Twenitt-nrBt.";^;;-.--;^j:r^ . BLAKENEY— In^Auburn, I Cal-ii Jijly *' 17, : -.1*907; J ; Thomas *J lx Blakeney. Ec nattre \u25a0pf \u25a0 N«w *. Yor'tt, . '.-' aged "< 75 .-' years."<r.-A ( member \u25a0 of > Lincoln: • po*t • /;No/v : l;>G. s i-A.^B;v%s" ; ;->- -.:,-- '.DfJs,:^:.^,..' v Friends,;.; acflaaintanees •ahdv-comradea ' cf •\u25a0 the G.-;A.« R.?are ' respectfully. ; jnvited to ; |t- " tend the i funeral v tp-norrow iSatorday);:: at* 2 j ' ; p.* m. ,» from y the. parlors lof Porter & White, •;".i 1531 t Golden t Gate "!\u25a0 avenue - earner y of c Scott ' >: street.? Interment National, cemetery! . \u25a0\u25a0\u0084 . - • • . CDLLEN— Passedtaway^in^tbU :clty,*' July i IS,' t\u25a0\u25a0 1907. . James . J.^ Cullen," dearly beloved . hrother ' of Jennie,. -Joha -C., c&>. and <; Rene ' j , ; Cullen i and ": Mrs.- A . •- R:: Dente; >ay na tlve* of ' ' .: San k Francisco; ;j Cal;, rjaged ; 34^ y ears ; and 6 „\u25a0\u25a0;. months .'-:•-.<•;. <•;- -i"-. ' --\ "\u25a0:'.\u25a0«:,\u25a0::\u25a0' ?i\ \u25a0>-?.., £? "<*\u25a0;,\u25a0*-=-\u25a0'* j : jTheifaneral'-wlU'tateiplace tomorrow (Sat- • \u25a0: urday),:at lOrUS'.o'clockia;- ta.',i from his late • "' residence, i 1343 » 0ak , street. - Interment private,- •' Mount ~ Olivet v c«m«tery,-f by * special car - lea*- ; .^ ing >\u25a0: Twenty-fifth-? and Valencia -streets i; at .X,: 11:40 a..';m.;'--;i.^:.-:;;ij-k';;'. " : r :': : i.".'.\t-'-. : :, \; •\u25a0 DOE— -In . ' WatsonviUe,^ 5 Cal. 1 , . July * 12.- 1007," •' Alonzo C. 4 Doe,t beloved .brother of Mrs. -Ella r J. - Jacbba; and ' uncle \u25a0? of : Mrs.^ Ida \u25a0] F.'r Mor- *. "• ton ' and* Estelle \u25a0 L. » Jacob*, a na tl ye \u25a0 of ; Low- \u25a0 *. - ell.'< ' Mass;.' aged h 64" years. - \u0084-. :- \u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0... \u25a0 < '",--\u25a0\u25a0 Friends 5 and acquaintances \u25a0 are respectfully '" :>i Invited *.' to a attend *z. tbe ?\u25a0 f nneral .*. today p, (Fri- •v day t. at s 11 '& o'clock va.TS m.",, . from ; the • parlora C, O f Halsted-* C 0.," 824«FiHmore street. winter- : -\u25a0. meat i Cypress * Lawn^; cemetery ,j by; carriage;- $ : VoSEN— In I this v city?- July.' 17. ; 1807»'.*LInd ?6? ' f. ; Fosen, ; beloved : husband \u25a0 of '. Mrs.'i.Tinav Fosen," ' \u25a0/: a! native ' of 3 Norway.i aged , S9 - years -. 9 ; months I and ' 22 ; days-t A- member •of • master ; mariners' t benevolent f association.; California harbor -No. I . ;15 and i San i Francisco ; aerie : No.t 5,'J ¥„% ©.* E.* f \u25a0C \u25a0* -. Friends * and * acquaintances « are | respectfully ! • invited \u25a0> to 1 attend ;? the is funeral \ sen-tees r to- • \u25a0 ,day (Friday), i J-ayaSv? at •l:3o:o I clockrp. i ra:. J: J at the parlors of the Western 'Addition funeral . v ; directors,^ 1724 "• Devlsadero ~f street f. between : V<' gutter « and % Bash.?^ Interment % Odd : Ftllowa', v£ ctroeteor-'.r*'',^-';';-'' x* : / ------' *,'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' ".'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0>\u25a0' \u0084-,*: vl'< : GLABEE^-In i Spokane;;. Wash.;, Jnly ' 10,' ; 1907,* '! •v Arnold f- Glaser, -- beloved : husband ' of \u25a0• Phoebe ' r Glaeer, \ beloved* father = of • Gladys ; Glaser, ~ and -- 1.-'N* -'-'- .":- .--\u25a0\u25a0-' ' \u25a0:-:- -"i '. -'I r, 'II Llil|»li|ii lll Irl \u25a0\u25a0 brother of Simon f and 'Isadore' Glaser, a' na- ;".' tire" ot; Germany,; aged; 40 years.? v, ;. HENKELr^iii' this * city,; July i 17,;- 1007, Anna," ;-* beloved I wife I otA the , late .Charles ! Henkel; *\u25a0 a » v natlTe . of • Gertnany; -• aged ? 45 ; years.- (Saa^An- ",'\u25a0 Calaveras ; county,', papers ' please ! copy.) • ':- '- ?:j Friends ? and * acquaintances -are • respectfully '. ;• inrited > to 3 attend » the \ funeral i tomorrow,- (Sat- * urday),t »t' ; 10:45 : a." m.r-£ from \u25a0 the ' parlors : of \u25a0; H. fF. :\u25a0 Suhr -& t Co.f* ?Sl9 Mission ' street i b«v w : tween-' Twenty-fifth j and £.Twenty-stx!3i. - Inter- nment - Cypress Lawb '; cemetery .'1 .'\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0;; ~-"""- HIGGINS-^ln '\u25a0*.* Berkeley. " ; CaL; ' July It. \u25a0 1907, -" f James jHlgjrins," beloTed > husband : of : Mary His* V •' Bins., and - f athor of J . W : ,Hlßgins, HlRgins of , Stock- \ .'. ton, ; James \u25a0\u25a0 Higglns of .'• San : . Francisco, 1 Carol >-' '- 8.~ Higgios of, Paris.- France,; 'Mrs; J.A. Stew- art - of, Stockton/, Mrs." M . K> Hale lof Berk*-] - loy.'J Mrs.-". August 'LV 'Poehler "of "> Henderson,- ' ... Minn.,- and- Mrs. f August . Ktinz i of- Los Gatoa, ;' Cal.; (Stockton ;papers. please copy^) .' JEXKIXS^Int tWi r city.r July ;'l7, C 1907, "/May" .; . Jenkins, "" dearly \u25a0•'> beloveds 1 daughter of 'John V , and '* the \u25a0 late \u25a0 Sarah ;•- Jenkins, and \u25a0 sister |of i Addfe, Sadie, •- Elsie .. and - Frank - Jenkins. \» a j ; 'native: of San -Francslco," Cal., aged. 17 years C and \u25a0 2 :. months/ ; if. . .' \u25a0• - -' .1 : : _\u25a0. ' ,'" \u25a0 ' "-\u25a0 Friends r and : . acquaintances : are respectfully ." *.; inTited 'i to ; attend the ', funeral : today (Friday >, '- .' Jult -' 19, ' at' 0 o'clock J '%'.'> m. , frpta * the ,' parlors 5 : of Valente.' Marini < & ;.Co.V' 344S Mission street ; 'between Thirtieth street and^Cortland arenno. i; to;St.f John's church,- where mass 'for: ' : the .- repose ~of r her-: soul * will be . celebrated.- .•' - commencing ?at - 9 :30 va. m. I Interment ~s Holy. ", i- Cross, cemetery. •«—.\u25a0'.^:— \u25a0';"• _*-\u25a0• "i". Tr* JOHNSON— In . city. . July \u25a0• IS, 1907, - John MC. Johnson; \u25a0 dearly \u25a0 belored hnsband of .Mamie - "Johnson; and \u25a0 devoted father of . Mabel,* LUlle. - .Ethel -rand:- Helene : Johnson; a 7a 7 native . «if •-•, ILtueris,*.' Norway r aged 4S years fl montlrt an-J, ? \u25a0•"4; days. A* member, qt San Francisco aeri&'XoV' - %' F^Or-'E. ; < Knights of > the Royal' Arch afid" . -Bald- Eajletfib«>No-i73; Imp.- 0.-R.> M.y r " ; of ..funeral'., hereafter. -.x. x Rem»ln3-at i'j the; parlors, of Porter- &- White, IKJI- Golden - 'Gate avenue.7- :\u25a0". ', \u25a0'• \u25a0'\u25a0 - : -'"\u25a0"- "*'- Ar-iA r-i JOSEPH-^-In - Rodeo; Contra Costa" coiinfy7- T CaV." - "July* IS, '' 1907, -'Amaro-. Joseph," -beWved ''has-. ' 'band of -Ollnda: Joseph, !'and father. .<jf Mrs.' A." - s Silva" of .Oakland. Mrs. A.'. CJareria of \u2666Hn'ole,"'- '. 'Mrs: \u25a0 Mary i Fnrtado • and-'ATa«ro, -.Fran^. Man- uel,' Joseph; Fred, Franci3 and" A"nnte' Joseph*. 1 \u25a0 all .1 of Kodeb, ; a ; native : of .Portugal,' aged •; 73 .•;•. years. '-.ii"->.'. ' -" '"'• : - . • " -, '"-'".. - \u25a0"\u25a0**\u25a0'• -\u25a0"•' . ". .-Friends - and r acquaintances - ar« trespectf ully \u25a0-:, invited attend - the 'funeral' tomorrow "(Sat^ \u25a0* !urday)iVJuly..2o.'4leaving; Rodeo .on .-.the. 9:23 ' " ' ' a. - *m. £ twain \u25a0*. for '\u25a0 Martinez, ;.-\u25a0 where \u25a0 : services ". 'will . be "held '; at ; St. • Catherine's . chnrcb, - Mar- >.'tlnez.VCal;;.-at*lo a; • m. ' Interment . Catholic -•>\u25a0 \u25a0':;.\u25a0 •'\u25a0-;'-'•.. -'•' : ' KEARNEt»--In thls-city,' July IS. 19Q7, "at-. St.' C^tijerlno'i home, Mary 'Kearney,- late. of , -V. Santa'- Cru», Cal., a native of Ireland, aged ,/' BO,, years. i .-' :-. \u0084 , \u25a0'.-.- .:'."/,; •\u0084 \u0084 KNOX*~In \u25a0 this* city. "July , 17, 1907, at his late -;• residence, -2142 Pierce street, George T.Kwa. " b«loved husband • of : Estelle - Knox. • and ' fattier \u25a0. : ot: Mr».-"A.« C- llnsworth,- Caroline and Geors& ?•: J; AKno^,-. and^ the ; late Emil Tempest Knos, ;ag«d SI years.-- :,-:\u25a0\u25a0..' ;.. \u25a0 • - \>. . : >: :-' '" \u25a0. v - Friends and' acquaintances are r respectfully *~ Invited ; to attend the funeral tomorrow (Sat- '- urdayi, " at : 9:30 .-a. .. m., r from \u25a0 St. Domlnip'ii \u25a0 church," where a -requiem mass for the repose •of his soul will be celebrated^ Interment pri- vate, Santa Clara,' Cal. '. ' ;..'/\u25a0•. . . " '. MARTINHO-^ld - this", clty.l July" 17, 1907, An- • thony F. -'Martlnho^ beloved' 'son. of -Mr.' and Mrs. r Antonio S: i Martinho, ' brother of. Angie . Martinho, and ; nephew - of Professor John L. de Frvitas and JiUiju-L. and Adelaide L. de Freltas,,.a^native'V of ,• San -Francisco, '-' Cal., aged -3 years 3 months "and- B. days. ">-• "Friends and r acquaintances are 'respectfully inviredt* attend the funeral tomorrow (Satur- ; day),. July 20, at 1 . p.* m.r. from his late rest- ",* d.ene.e, i 2V6Q Union. ; street, thence to St. Vin- cent -de- ; Panl's church- for Services.. Interment ; -' Holy rQroas cemetery. -. \u25a0" " .y. y - ,-'\u25a0'. '\u25a0 \'-. MYEHS-^-In ;thls : city, July 17. 1907. Jacob = ? Myers,*, dearly .beloved father of Mrs. Matilda, Steinbach, -Mrs. - Julia-. GosUner," Mr«. M. . A. Bloom, Mrs., Max.Cohn, Mrs. Philip < Hure- . wltz and ": the " late * Ben Myers; : a . native ;of " Cermany, ' aged* fs'- years. .- '- -..The ;\u25a0 funeral \wlll 'take "place today (Fri- day), \u25a0- from -' the . residence of • his daughter, Mrs.; Max Cohn,. 1958 Post. street. Please omit ". Bowers. ;' lnterment ~ Salerno cemetery, via the. \u25a0'•\u25a0H':4ortra\ta ' froni-Valencia- street depot-i \u25a0 , '. PAGE— In Berkeley, Cal.. July, 17. 1807,"- Wilfred : Page, husband of *Emma C.: Page, and father of. Wilfred Jr., Edith; A.,- Roy, Marjorie E.. Elizabeth : and ; Geo»ge -B. Page." a native ,of .Valparaiso,;. Chile,^ aged ;5S years 5 months \u25a0and 4. days.' "f'- ~v\"-'" ' ' : - • ' "'' The services \u25a0 will .take place today • (Friday), July : 19, 'at' 3 o'clock p. m.', at 2000. : Bancroft , way,' Berkeley* Interment private.^ - SAWYER— Ia thisclty. July ; 17; IW7. r Mary :.- B.; ' beloved wife \u25a0\u25a0 o t t Ue late Tnomas ' Sawyer, and "• mother, of ' Joseph," Thomas iE.- and 'Wll- ': Ham "\u25a0 P. Sawyer, a native of 'Albany, K. Jl., \u25a0: aped >T7. years 6 months and' 22 days. ' - >\u25a0 • '• *-; Friends : and «\u25a0 acquaintances \u25a0 are ; respectfully v .invited to attend tbe -funeral tomorrow ( Satur- , day), July. 20, -at 10 a.- m.,'." from, the parlora : - of; the Henry : J.-\ 'undertaking . com- ; pany;: 1314 Webster street.' \u25a0 , V", \u25a0'.;\u25a0.\u25a0 SAURET '(nea McGrath)— ln this city,' July 17, •j 1907,'Della, beloved wife of Constance Sauret,' . daughter of John and the I late Mary McGrath, \u25a0 ; and sister -'of 'Mrs. George E. Collins, a sa- :' tive of .-San- Friwjiseo, Cal." • \ - .* Friends -and * ff<jiuiitntauces are \ respectfully . invjted \u25a0 • to ' attend : * the *\u25a0 funerals today ' (Fri- U\ day);v July .'lo,''at- 9' o'clock J a." m;,- from • her •.- late residence, 34.V De Long avenue," thence to \u25a0 s . St.- Agriea :church,: "where... a requjem-. high ' mass for the'repAse >ef-her soul-will -be-cele- . brated at 0:30 o'clock.* Interment* Haly ; Cross .-cemetery.,'....- -. r .i.~}- \u25a0 • - \u25a0\u25a0' •;•!. .-- -: : .. ECHENKEL— In this city, July 16. . 1907." Jullna . : - Schenkel. beloved ' husband > of ' the 1 late - Mar- . paret Schenkel, beloved father of Peter, Julius Jr. • and ; Charlea '• Scfcenkel, . 'and brotber .-;; of •V Charles ' Schenkel 'Sot Philadelphia, •• Pa.; • and the late Peter Schenkel, the late Emma Hahn :. snd the lute. InsUara tichenkeU a .uatlve .uf ;Baden,. Germany.;- A \ member of St. : Peter's "D.R.'K.;;Undetstuetzungs. vereln. and the Third Order of St: Francla. (Philadelphia, Pa., papers please ! copy.) \u25a0..; \u25a0 • -\u25a0\u25a0 -,\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . .Friends 'and acquaintances - are respectfully - invited' to: attend the 'funeral today (Friday*, July 19,: at 8 a. m.;. from, the* parlors of Gant- * ncr, Brothers,'. S4(>o l etreet between - '- Church, and: Sanchez, thence to St. Anthony's i church. . Army.istreet > near Folsom, -where a. '-' requiem-- high rnasai for . the repose of his soul' will be celebrated, commencing at 9 a. m. , Interment? Holy Cross cemetery, by. carriage. SCHIVQ-^ln this > city, July 17. - 1007;- at the - residence of his son, : Stephen D. Schlvo. 1J25 -. - Green - street, •; Gerome, : beloved ' husband •of ' Clara - Schivo. and father -ef Stephen -D:. < Jo- ,. »eph," Antone, Frank, August and Peter Schlvo, Mrs. Louisa .Thlele 3 of Angels' Camp;': Mrs. Amelia de Martini of Stockton and Mrs. Flora ' Gallano of - San - Francisco, a. native of Italy, aged 73 years J and r 0 months, r (Butte, Mod v, :"-L; and' Petalnma; Cal.;' \u25a0 papers . please copy.) ; ; ." : The ' funeral > will ; take place .t omorrow. (Sat- "i urday), 'July; 20, - at ' 10 o'clock a. . m., from •'-'. > j *'-'- iMMft^ TEIiEPHO\E «^"l«^ \u25a0 A 'PATH TO EVERY PLOT City Office, Grant Illds., \u '\u25a0'.•-.. j Market." and 7th Sti . . \m^M l WOODLAWN |^#JGCMETERY B*ri y |Mateo 4 county. - Fines} -and best equippe<tißeceivingr -Vault": and Chapel. Masonic Cemetery Association. Office, 1154>O > Farrell st. '..•.-,- \u25a0_\u25a0'\u25a0!* '.- . \u25a0;.-; *_:- . : r-;; ililMS. GODE|I) ; -.V-\TJndertaUer ' and , Embalmer [ * .: ' ' 2l23jßjish?Street^ Near Hllmbre \u25a0'.\u25a0i'-.-f-xFomeiiy.'at Sos*>lontgoSery-%T»r:; .-,',.-, '•'\u25a0 "•: -i ;»»-;-*, And: 810 iVan- Nep»av.-i"tr->- •" f.*,~.T • Finest private- residence accommodations. 4 Lady attendant. v- Carriages- and ambulances -to hire. Tel; West 2699.. . :,'..;:. \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0;••-: .-jj-r ARTY & McCORMICKi^ "' >'' * : FUNERAL DIRECTORS^! *.. :|: | -\" 01J5 VAI.ENCIAIST» -MEAR2OTH Formerly j, oi' McFadden^Mcßrearty-i r Green, ' 'i-t • V^elephonei Market 07. ,-^i ', . y^ENTlilMAßiNl^xio! . UNDERTAKERS;, -,. ...... ':, ; 344S .MISSION' STREET ••/. V•' . ; 3Vear Thlrtlet h.; " Tel; Market SS2. . i funeral; directors.^ . • r ' 656 .Valencia "st: bet. } 17th and ? ISth. ; H. J.; Gallagher UWertaki^C6^ 1314 :£ WEBSTER I st/; -bet.' Ellis and OTarrellt' i T«Kt West :«*25.' DANIEL:. P. DONOVAN,"- Pres. Itf & I Manager ; J JOH N;• DOUG HERT X*. Vice ; Pres." RF. GREEN & GOi " -.'j :,- r - -jFTJNERALiIMRECTORS. . - ,Vv y^NE.' cor.* Sixteenth! and > Guerrero • ste. . Formerly '- of ? McFadden, . 1 Mcßre«rty 2, &\u25a0_ Green, ::-.-.,- \u25a0 - ..Telephone Special l . ls67. £S*gs£3SSßs3 ' -^. - . ..--.- ' -\u25a0.- \u25a0„ -\u25a0*r -' \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0' -:t :-- - - ..\u25a0..'..;... \u25a0\u25a0 TELEPHONE VpAHK :13.: 13. •. \u25a0:»' < \u25a0,': \ SAMUEI^McFADDEN{iS: CO. : \u25a0 -^fi FUNERAL ! DIBECTORS; ' * " .''\u25a0• .:'-.' '1070 Halght .'«t. v near ' Baker. ; : ? .", Sake ; Halsbt street * cars. '-:.. , \u25a0 . .-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ' ' \u25a0„ ' ' ' * . 1 ." \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'- — x —.« tfce parlors of Jalim 8. Gedean." SOS Montgrxa- «»ry «Tpm;e. thence to tbe Italtaa chorcn ot St. Peter and St. Pad, Dupont and Ftlb4rt streets, STANXETr— In"/ Alameda. f. C*Vr ' Jmy i'l". ; 1907. ' Da v i<] ' Seymoa* - Stanley, - beloved , bnattand :ot \ Eva : 31:. and ; father Jof \u25a0 Chester. L." Stanley, a "".native of.New*Yorlc, ag»d 64 years 10 month* -and 2 days. .(Chicago. 111., and Ssn Jose aad Sacramento papers please < copy.) "V ' . - Friends '- and acquaintances - are rMpectfoUy invited * attend tbe \u25a0 funeral services Stra-* -'day,- Jnly 21,: at 2:30 p. m.: at the cbapel oS . ; Oakland . crematory,. O akland. ..-v . '--'* TAIIXKUE- In this city,' *Jnly r i7. *l«o7. '"Louis - Tallieur. beloved .brother \u25a0ft Pierre Talllear, r Marie ; Jeanne \u25a0• Garaaud and-'Josep*llD« ' Porte. ,:, and brother In : law \u25a0 of- Angnst« - Gam and ; aad - Pierre Porte, ." a . eatlve .©f Bass-Pyreaees," * ' France, - aged ' 37 - years. .»- -.-.v-/-. - ,i~ .. -^_-.. - \u25a0', : : - Notice "of* funeral he'realttr.' ---Bsmalaa at . the parlors of Jullns Godtao, Basa \u25a0> atreetOEßßSS^|fBl^^atSPßtMßf^ l 'Pw9lßiMß , TASTZ^Ia" Tfafa- Grande.'- Saa Mat«o '-. ctwary. • '-: Cal.; ; July 16, 1907. Johanna . |L . V.. d«arly * - beloved . wife of Adoiph Tantz, - «n»l > mother ! of . .^the late Helnrlco H.Tanti. a native of <?•*• -; many. -aged "S3 years ? aad 2S : days.' -''.•» •-'-'-- - Friends and acquaintances arc r*9p*etfajly "invited ".-to attend -t the- totttrar- today -'<Frt- - day), • July. 19.- at 1:30 p. m,, from,', the; par- :-•; lors -of :H. =' F. 1 Snhr ft Ox.- 29l» : - Mission : - i street between -Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. •' • Interment Holy Cross cemetsry.^by 1:45 "p. m. . train - from Twenty- fifth., and, V a lead* streets. TENCH— In AUmedar CaL. 'July I*.* 1807." Jotm " Tench.; =b*l*Ted-j lrasbaad J«f Teaco.' * a native of Manchester, £sg., aged' 73 yean •9 months and 12 days. v; is.* .\u25a0i.V**.l*XJr!«~-" T Friends acd acquaintances are ;resp«€tfuUr - t Invited to 1 attrnd \u25a0 the \u25a0\u25a0 funeral tonorrow f (Sat- -'.'\u25a0.nrdsy). ;"Jnlj;2o, at . -*3. 'o'clock* p. - 0., from .tfi-e " fnfleral "chapelr of* Smney"'** Gallagacr, , .23^5 San^.Ols.M.aTenn*..^ .„.» rVAN - , BKGEMOHTEL^Is" this : cItT.T Joly.'' IS. : jj 1 1907s '• Jtenri<»tte Van *- Regwnortel/ ' eoutla '"of ' !Mr3 r "Reiae"'Lie;*Pre-ux,".a 'native of , 3rvs««n,' ;B«!s3um. agripd '85' years * T, , months- and -IS ..•days, v .-.- .\u25a0•-.-.• ;v,m'.".':;: \u0084- \u0084^. jf-^ , vErteodsiar* \lnvtfed 'to; attend ' t"i«"C-f-»n*ral , Jtotnoriow-.i (Saturday), .at ' il , o'clock ->."\u25a0».. jfroai-'the^-parlora/vcf-nalstta".* Ce., '9H •Klllmore": street. Crematjon. l."O."£X;F. «m«- - tery.'v }?&£ IC^'f^- ;.:"* V, - ,'r-.-rr \u25a0 WATSbXpiB! Oaklaad. •" CaL. Jnly-V.lT.^l'wj.' • at V.• her,, late 1685'^Valdei strsetSntar . . • Twenty- tourth. . Ann , Watson. I btlo-wd i wif • of ;.,vther.late 1 G««rg? .VVatson. aa<S .mother "of :An»- ,."bros« 'A.' Watson. .JJaggle 11. Ctr-riPt^-.LooUa - fP. >Aforri-s Ocneviere Bsker , and -G*jr?l« 'C. • : ,Rya»i <j": \u25a0-..,•. -.- .:r--rti"j •-'-\u25a0\u25a0 :..•\u25a0 -• . ; ;,*?riends;a-rj-.respectf-Ulyr "anted. te'aU*«ttd - tfte-> funeral - services i Saturday ,-\u25a0 JulyC»).'-at * St.-Maty t s cathedral, corner of CFarrelT street - and *Vaß< Ness • artanc. • San . rraacJico. whert mass foritbft.repossief her saaj will be cele- brated at 0:30 a. to.. lnterment private. Ple*a* j . omit f10wer5.. . ..... v .. > «•;« "%-fT * --*•.' WEBER— In Sonoma. CaL, July !«,* 1307J" Peter -.: Weber. •; dearly • beloved \u25a0 son- -of Catherine and - the>lat« George Weber, and devored . brother * of Henry - Weber . and Mrs. \u25a0 John ' K rentak. • a native of San Francisco, CaL,' aged 30 years 8 months and .10 days. ' A member of San Francises parlor Ne. 4a. N. S. : G. W. -^ '-- Friends ' and acquaintances are' respectfully • ' Invited to . attend the funeral service* ; to- day (Friday),^ July. 19., at 1 o'clock p. n.. at the«parlors of Valente, Mario! & Co,. 344$ Mission street ' between Thirtieth street aad Cortland ;avenue. tader the auspices nt Saa Francisco -parlor. No. 49.- N. S. O." ;TT." \u25a0 Ia- - tennent Mount , Olivet ' cemetery. ' j~ j \u25a0 To "officers and .' members of Saa Francisco :„ parlor No. 49, N. S.G. W^^-Too ars. hereby requested to attend the 'funeral of onr Ute 'brother, Peter W«ber. today . (Friday!, at 1 P; 3: • h - ir P. from the . pariori of .Valentf . V £L" rtnl * C°- 3 **3 Mission street • between * Thirtieth street and Cortland avenu*. By order JAMES O'BHIEN, President. ;-, PAVIP , CAPURRQ, Becretmry. *?*. at ? v - \u25a0'"-, , OCEAX TRAVEL ' . ' I. • : — '••.,..'' "v-- — '^STF^S^s. ' Steamers Leave Broadway Af/1 VA LOW - BATES, tnclodraa: Y^/V^W^l VA PBRTna AND M2ALS. 1 ( \aSI) j SPECIAL ROUND TRIP \JX-V * . ~~}£¥' . For Loa Angeles) 9AM, DIEGO XJ£JSjJ>^ SANTA' BARBARA City of PneblaT. .Every Sunday. . 10 a. m. State of California.... Every. Thursday, 10 a. m. FOR SEATTLE, TACOMA,. VICTORIA : AND VANCOUVER, B. C- PUCET SOUND AND ALASKAN PORTS Sonoma July 20/Atur. 5, 3 p. to.: Aug. 20. Ham. President.... July 27, 3 p. m.; Aug. 10, 11 a. m. Umatllla .'.::.... ..A0g:. 15, 11 a. m. BOUND THB SOUND EXCUBSION.. 11. DAYS round trip. , Including . berth and : meals, \u25a0 S4O. . FOB- EUREKA ; (RUMBOLDT BAY) City of Topeka.July,22, 27. Aug. 1. 10:30 a. m. Pomona ....July 20, 23, 30, Aug. 4, 10: aft a. m. FOn GUAYMAS, MAZATLAN, LA* PAZ, ELVSENADA; SAN JOSE DEL CABO, ALTATA, MAGDALENA BAY/ SI EX. Curacao.: ..:..•... 7th of each month. 10 s. m. ALASKA EXCURSIONS r 1, LEAVE SEATTLE AND VICTORIA 5p0kane ,.......'.... .'. . . . . .... .July . 26, Aug. 9 '. yi NOME ORjST. MICHAEL. ':<.„ 5enat0r... .!.V..'...'..1:...........8e'pC«. Oct. T President' "..'... ..:...... .Sept." >28 Montar* :....... July 23. Aug. IS.( freight only) : Bight reserved to change this schedxtle. :\u25a0'\u25a0;\u25a0'.', TICKET OFFICES:* SAN FRANCISCO— 3 Market at.' and Broadway \u25a0 -, .Wharf. ' Telephone Temporary 432, . - -OAKLAND...: 96S:Broadway San Francisco Freight Office— Broadway Wharf. CD.;- DUNANN.G. P. A., San Francisco. Toyo Kisen Kaisha (Oriental - Steamship Co.) nave opened their ] permaaent ; office at \u25a0 Room 240, Uames Flood Building S. S. "America Maru" (calls at Manila), Thursday, July 18. 1907." . S. 8. "Nlppoa \u25a0< Mara" (calls at Maalla), Thursday. August 15. 1907. . S. S. "Hongkong Maru" \u25a0 (calls at Manila). Thursday, ' September 12, 1907. . Steamers . will . leave wharf, corner First and Brannan streets. 1 p. m.. \u25a0 for .Xokohama aad H*M*tons-, calling at Honolulu, Kobe (Hioco), Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting at Hon#- kong with steamers for Manila. \ India, etc. - No cargo received on board on day of .sailing. Bound trip tickets at. reduced rates. . For freight and passage apply at office, Jimea Flood bollding. - .-,--\u25a0-. .-.-.. .. -.-. ...- •', .. -\u25a0•- W. -H. AVERT, " , Assistant General Manager. ' oeEAN!£s.s;eo. (SPBECKSLB UNB) KOKOLULU— a. S. Atameda salli Aag. 3, 11 •- a. r m." Bound 1 trip. 1125. ..'*.*/\u25a0 , * TAHITI. SOUTH BEAB— B. S. Msripoaa sans 1 1 ' a. ra.. Auf. 6. Round trip, first class,' $122. ' HONOLTTLT/— S. . S. Sierra sails Aog. - 24, 11 •Si m. Round trip, $133. . , .- • - Passenger Dept.; 673 Market st; Freight Office. ./ .... . \u00845S Clay at. Paone Ttmp..1231. ; ,- • I Compapie Generale Transatlaritiqus r - DIRECT LINE TO HA VBE-PABIS Sailing - every . Thursday Instead \u25a0of \u25a0 Satnrdav, at: 10 a. m.. from Pier 4J. North vlrtr: toot of. Morton street." •'-"-•-- 'V '\u25a0=";•' — , \u0084\u25a0>..>.- ,- First class to' Havre," $7Q aa<J upward; second class to Havre; \u25a0 t*S and • upward. OBXEBAL AGENCY- FOR vUXITSD ''BTATE8 I AKO • CAIT- ADA, 23 Broadway (Had*on buUdlaj ), New York. -'-. 3. : F.~ FCOAZI, Qaaager PaclSe Coast, 630 Montgomery street;' Sa». fraartsco* Tickets sold by all railroad .ticket agt a ts. -.*- .?; MiiweleraPacHiqliilfo^ :2 i'iiVV: . 'sHOREv 'DIYISJOJf ~Ts d:-JS;Z For • Snnaallto, :31111 Valley, Saa • Raf « e i " .WEEK l-DAYS^ET.«nr." SO minataii from; 6:15 * to": 9^4s,' aJ' 5 m:;' hourly.- until 2:45 p. m;;* then -"every. 38. mint»te>a,-jBtH 7:45 p.rm.l 8:Q0."l©:15 »B4j.ll:6s j».'iju\' ". *- • SU^'DAYS-rl'v«n- 39;- mlpute* \u25a0 frpm 6:ls "guim.- until -8:1^p.':m.;,9-0(),'»8:lJ. •9:45.16'X5!ana:11-M J p.,m- w --«.»«\u25a0 YvW- \u25a0* i.For Fair Jax-rWeek ; day» — 6:15, «;*.v 7:lß.v'B:ls:a.rni..\!*;4«.;S:ts, 3j45.;4:ii '4:45 and 5:15 p/nfct* Sundays— B:ls, •:!« •.10:ll", ! "10:46.Ul:4*sa^in.VlS:48iTl:45,-J:4sr .4:15," 4:45 s and t 8:15-P»i»n- V-.*T~ •*»•\u25a0»»:\u25a0 ' :?For,San Quentin-—Daily-^-B:is ;» : |j 1K46 a.m;,ilS:45 f arid^J:4s,p. m. \u25a0» -— ' B;ls ;a.;ra.:dailyrs;<s;p. m. dally; «. cept Sunday and 8:15,only " for * Camp Meeker^ Monte Rio, Cazader o and^way-statlOQi^.V^;- - .; - ,- ? . -",9:15:a:-ni.\Sunday. only and 5:13 p.- n . dairy- except \u25a0* Sunday, for. Laganitaa,- Camp ';•; Taylor, < Potnt _-Raye» :,' and = way stations. -.*"* ".t;r;"* r " ,*•"".' - 0,_.» •To Sausallfo'.only. -V^-.. .'-.:\u25a0'-; . ' ..' \\'ESTEB3f : ri)IVISIOX " ?i j;»- -r For Tlburon, Belredere' and Saa Rafael - x.Ti26. < i-Mr9;19.'11:99 «:'m., 13:J», fso 5:10. v *s:so, Js«:3o-p:"'m;ida!ly..--.'J s«:30-p:"'m;ida!ly..--.'- i ;• -* * \u25a0:n :3O a.'-; m-i daily for. Petaluma,- Baata^ Bosa.% ClQverdale. TJXlah; -WJlllts.' Sher- wood." Sebaatopol] and yrsy ' stations. ** V ;: ;.- 8 :00 ' a:'; ni.- daily:, for. Petaluma, Santa Rosa,' Camp ?,Vaeatioxv Glen Elreni and way i stations.. - f -i :-f;-r, -•!-.' ? i :. • 3:30 1 P.^ m.\ dally, ; -ft>r .P^aluma.-. Santa Rosa. Cloverdale,- fUklah,' Guernevllle-- Sebastopol and -way;. station*/ ;.: .' -. - v; 6:10 p.. m.t daily for^P* talu ma, 'Santa Rosa, iulen - Ellen, . Sebastopol and " way stations. . . .: . -\u25a0, \u25a0">\u25a0- '\u25a0'.' ' .-. "-< L .. . -' \u25a0 / \u25a0.\u25a0-\u25a0:' 9:15- a."mv Sunday only; f or ; Petaliima. Santa'; Rosa, Glen- Ellen and way :ata^ tlons.- -r.--;:. •-..\u25a0-":"."-' .*'r."".""^r:- \u25a0 - '\u0084.-\u25a0.. ; \u25a0.-. »To Ti->oron ©nlT. on week days. \u25a0 j \u25a0 .' ~ - . . Ticket offices: 1 "Terry « bolldlßg, • aad* General Offices. "James Flood building.: s -. "- , ,».,-, ••:,-v: ,-v c JAS.\ AGLKR,, General Mani«'r. J. J. GEABY. Act. Gen. PtMcsger * Frtlght Agt. 4 ' tULTLWXV TRAVEL TruM mats iM tf% n# /8/gSrW San Francisco l-^CS^y J Fbox Juv» 13. 1007 - V&s=-2vQ/ TERRY DEPOT >L^JX^_ Foot of Market Street Xca TO ~ OASXAyP HZa— ArrlT» : 7Joa> Btehmond.B«»ie!ak, adsnn. Sac- ~ ramento. aad Way Stations-. 7.45» ; IM* Elmlra, VaeaTtlle. Ramsey < 7.45» :< Eoarrflle. Red Bhiff. Dumniair ?.««» T.«a Haywaid,sU«.S*aJose 7.03« - !.«« Vailejo. Sapa. Calistoira. Santa . \u25a0 • • Rosa.Martinex. fau Ramon — *2U i 740 a Nllea. Pleassnton. Ll*enaore. i r- • Tracy. Lathrop. Stockton — _ 12*9 iM* Shasta Kxaren— (Via Davt».) i *r.-. n*UUaia«, Bartlett Springs. Willows. X*J Bln«. AJhland. '\u25a0\u25a0 Portland aad East — t23» , SJDa SlanlnetAntioch Bxron Tner. : I Stockton. NewKian.Losßanos. Mendota. Armona. Banford. 4-M» Vlialla. Porter vllle :—-: — -- *•«• Ute PortCosia. Lathrop. Modesto, Jl Marred. Raymond. Fresno. Hanford. Vijalia.Tular*. B*!"- •rtfleld -...,","\u25a0 ,-- *•*•» • U9a Newark. Saa Jose. Los Gates. - V*rigbt__r>j_ :— * — *.*•» ' S.OQ« Nlloi. ,LlTarmor«. Stockton, (•Milton). ValloT^^rin*. .„ • lon«.Saeram«ato.Bea Blmo— «•"» »^ta Sonora. Tnolumn* a»d A nsrala.-. 4.8»» -».«• Atlantio Express — Ofdeo .^_ T2»9 iM* Tnckae. LaJ» TaJioe. Reno, " . Tonopah. Goldfleld. BeattT — J-2S* 1.40 a Bichmoud. Tort Costa, JUrttnea. m and Way Station* - ... \u25a0 - *> 4 *» 1 lt.N* Th» Overismt Llmltad— Omaba. }.*_—" \u25ba Chicago. Denver. Kanasa OBT . «^»» XtM* Vailejo. Mar« Island, Kapa_— . U2U 1040 a I** Anmjes PasMnger— Port ' Costa. Martlnee. Bt«>O-T»«»v Lathrop. Stockton. Merted. Fre*no. Goshen>a« - ford. Lemoore. Vlaalia. Tulara. " Baltsrsdeld. Loa Aowl«« — -— ,• ;•\u25a0"» \u0084 • IZM9 Mies. San Jose and W»yBtaUon» l.«» \u25a0 Ul» Kawari. San Joaa. Santa Croi; BonldCT. • C»ek. - Del _,^ : ; - ' Monte. Paclgc Gro^ - TO>» . 1.08» Banlda. Wlutertv Bacmnjfljito. . - Woodland. Knisthts Landings ,'.' '»• Mary *vill* and Oro^Ula* -^~ »•««• ' IJtp Yosemlto ValteT Tia Rarnoiwl— :: i m -Z> ' « WawoaaßcnU: — \u25a0-\u25a0 .. -• — — *•*** 329» Port Coata, Marttn««. Brno, -—- •« Itoiuto. Msrred. Fresno VLU9 , 329» ; San Leandro. Kil«s. San Jo»-— - *•«• JJ9« Via Tlboron. Wert Nasa. St. . Helena. CaUitoga -^ \u25a0\u25a0- r M^ 5 * 3.40 a Portland Exprwa. (Tia Da-fl»>. Williams. Willow*. Bad Blnn", 1 \u25a0 Ashland. 'Portland and Eart 1^« iM» V»ll*jo. Martin*-, 8»n Ramon,. > . Nap* CalUtog* Banta Bow~ ••«»» «.W» NUet, Tracy. Stoci ton LoA-~~ n2U • *2»9 China and Japaji Fast Man— Ogt!«n,Pu«blo. DanTar.Kanjaa . City. St. Louis. Chicago. Mar:in«r.- Stockton./ Sacra- . - men to. R«no. Spark* — .-— . •*•**» - . 4^Ja Ban Leandro. Baywarfi. JWe*. i *«-2»« • Pleasantan. JJrirmen ...... \u25a0\u25a0 * Utoa • SM9 The Owl United— Kawiaan. Loa • - Baacs. ileadota. ']fiejro. Ttj. ,_ \u25a0 - J lare. Bikersiield. Loa Angeles 1.4«* -' S.ooa yewarlc. Saa Joie. Lo» Gatot. - • • Wrlgot.^ ' 1.-—-. *W» ' S 29v San Leandro. Niles, San 3o*>~-. IM* - SMp "- Valle'o. Port Costa. Benlda. BnU t ; ;#; # j; too. Sacramento —^- hjm* -^ SJB» Fast Mall— Ogden. Cbeyenna. -..-.-. •*\u25a0 Oaana. Chicago . — A— «-«^ . . ' «J0» Harward. Kllas and San Joao — •\u25a0\u2666*• IM9 Goldfleld Pau.— Port Costa. Be- - nicia. Saljun. Elmlra. Dtxon. Paris. Sacramento. Tmcke-s t, . Laia Tahoe.Wad 1 -worth. „ Hai«J-.Fallon.Tonopah.Gold- - \u25a0* . Held. Beattr. and K«»ler . 7^a " 7.00 a Vailejo. Benada and Way Bta- tions. Sunday 0n1y.., : H^Sa U0» Oregon- Exprwa— Saciamento. MarysTlll«, Redding. Port- land. Pnget Sotind and Bast. ».<*• COAST LJJSTE »-(TWra and Townwqd. BtrwUL "; •.10a Valencia St.* Saa Jom and Way \u0084 . Stations \u0084 : , \u0084.- . . . . - •Jo* Jl J3» Sunday Excursion— ranta Crui. Boulder Creei. Laurel. I*l •\u25a0 m Mont*. 'Monterey ,. — _~— , «<Ljo» I.Ma Valencia St. Redwood. San Jo**, Morganhin. Gllr or. Palaro, WauonvUle. Santa Cros— Lanv rel— Bonlder Crsek. D«l Mont*, Monterey. PsnflcGroT«j™. — ILZOa LN» Tb« Coaster— San Jose, Salinas. Paao Roble-9 Hot Springs. Santa Margarita, can Lnis Oblaro. Goaaalnoe. Santa Barbara, San - BuenaTantnra. \u25a0. Otaard. Burba nk, I^s An ?«les It.Ua < 8-Ma Dal Monto. Pacific GroT«. Surf... t ti.*. Loinpofi. -^ \u0084 \u25a0 . ...'\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0 —^_ . IHS» _ I.oos San Jose, Gil roT." Salinas. . P&so Robles Hot Spnags. Saa 1 Lois Obi -po— Los G a tos . Alma, Wrlxat— txo» P'nos— Bant» Crux. Laurel, Bonlde? Creek— o. Del Mootd. Monterey, Paciflo • " GroTa-.. ~^~:~ ....;\u25a0\u25a0:. i.w» >•-.. to J9a Valencia St. BurHngame, Saa Mateo. Redwood; -Palo Alto. San Jose— — — .— — — - — *.<*a UJDa Valencia St. Cemeteries. Baa Jo» and Way Stations.^, tM* :'\u25a0 1.439 Valencia St.. Cemeteries, Can Jom> _: .\u25a0\u25a0.....^.-. l«.8fla 1.49* Santa Cna. Laurel. Boulder Crwlc ..,.. ... \u25a0 .... .. !..., , >7JO» \u0084 3.84* Del . Monta Express — Valencia St.. San Jos*. QUroy. Castro- V Tille. Del Monte. Monterey. Facli'a Grove. 12.Kj - J.lSj : South San Francisco. San Jo*a. .Tres Ptno» . ~ W-35* 4.80b Suoset £xpr«s»— EfPasQ, Ho«a- toniJfaT Orleans— r*-~ . Fa3oKobl«9>Ho« S»rinB».Baa» Barbara. Loa Angels* . 12.40» . ti2B» Valencia st..'{fan Jose and Way . \u25a0 - -.; . . > Stations \u0084 1 \u25a0 . ttM* '\u0084 4.4«» Valencia BW. Saa Jose and Way - . ... Stations " , .1 \u25a0 ' ~ I^*s> • \u25a0 15.00* Valenda ?«.. Barilnffaste. Saa . Mnteo. Palo Alto. San Jew. Lp# Oat«s, WrighU-x-i_— -~~ 1»-05* U9a San Jose. WateoaTlU*. Eaota Crag J-20» $.«• Valencia St. San Mateo. Red- ' wood, Palo Alto, San Jc*a SJtp tl.«os> ValeneU Si.. Sat* Jo*» aud Way - \u25a0 Stations..; ;_. -_..„ .„„ ..,. . tt.44* . t2fy Valencia St.. SQUta San 7ran> .. . ci»eo.BftnJose . ....- . §M» - 7.0O» Kcw Orleans Exortes— San Jose. Salinas,-* Paso Robles Hoi Spring*. Ban Lnij Oblapo Santa Barbara Los Aogalesw. tJ«a T)eml»*. ElPaso.New Orie»ni__ U. 4»» . a 7.0Q» Del Monte. .Monterey, Padflo Gtot*— Lompoc™ \u0084. ,-, — !1.1S» • 9.00b Valencia St.. Ocean View. Palo , '\u25a0 - Alto. San Jcsa „. , W_U-- 7.3»»- 11.45a Valeada BU Palo Alto. Saa Jose. ' t*J«» ' . tI M 9 Baeram^nto pj*? pframers.^. tf.o«-» ' Cnfon Traosfer Company Meats toHoct ' baggagsand checks oa trains of Sonthern- Paciflc and dallvar to residenc*- T^y are . authorised to chock baggag* direct from reg'djwee^ -• \u25a0\u25a0- • ' \u25a0 - - _ _- - '" \u25a0 . OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY '.-.., (FootofilaiiaJStrwS) ; > ?»u3o.wi)ft.n.»a.H--'^pßS| A for Morain* P for Aftaraooa . * iSuaday Axcasted. . tSosday only. • vMT; TAMALPAIS RAILWAY \-' ; Via Saaaallta Fwpry— root ef Market St. L y - S* B Trn. j'^yffm '| Ly»Taaaalpair PAY PAT g i IBLMli'fl PAY PAY 4 , o. UA 7:15 A VgW^ll t^3A Tirt A M A s-JJ A ll:W a iv» P :"tM'f 9MA tSF 13:1* P 4;U P 1 :• SAToa- VtM P X: '^T'l. «ilB P TlrcZ C^T J^*P isasJKeWsr* 4:W p S^ T 1. \u25a0 '\u25a0 DdXT OFTICB AT BAU3AHTO TZUT '\u25a0 •'•? BAY AX D INTER UI.B AX ROUTES • MARE' ISLAND NAVY YARD ; SVALLEJO AND NAPA . ' '-"-•\u25a0 XATA \u25a0 VALLEY BOVTB - - MootScello S. S. Co. «nd Kap* Vall«y E«ct»le- • X. ' E. Co. . Cltwe eonneetloos. - - r ..: v B— RUUXD TKIHS DAILY— « .. » Boats I*av» San Fraaclseo 7:00, *9;i3 a. n>. ', .12:30 boob, 3:15,. 6:00, *B'^o p. m. * "^: San -Francisco landing and offle«. Clay street "wharf, aortli end Ferry trcildtng, Market :' strwt I ferry. Mmls a la cart«. . ,' \u25a0 Phoa<* Temporary 40A. . tvyLandsyavy.Yapi Jtrxt- '____ ocbax Travel \ SEATTL-E, TACOMA, ; '-'. : PUGET SOUiVDI ' ". A> D ALL POISTS IX AUSKA \ . VTtraoglt - Fretglvt - aad Paaacngsr Bataa. -\u25a0- ' „. Elegant 3*eel StMDen,*BMM9I| 1 i Spaclal . rooad "trip •setiwloo • rate* b«twe«a > S*a Fraocl»co aad Pog*t «aad points: aUo Vie- - ' : toria aa4 V« acottver. B. C, Juae. , Jaly, ; Aagrul ': and i .; BUCKMAN AiND WATSON > .. Sailing. Ev«ry B»tnrl»y at 1:30 p. a. Alaska j PactSs 3. S. Co.. SUaart «tro*t . wkart, W.V.WXLLS.Utmt.I. 13