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4 A l a me da San Nik fed FIVE SOUTHERN PACIFIC EMPLOYES LOOT CARS Plead Guilty to Stealing Freight While at Work £ on Ferry Boat , 5 HOMES ARE SEARCHED f Detectives Recover Goods" Taken by Breaking Open _ Shipments OAKLAND. July 18. — When five em- . ployes on the freight ferry boats of the Southern Pacific company pleaded J guilty to charges of petty lar«eny in ; the police court today It was disclosed" I ! that they had been systematically • 1 looting cars In transit, and the railroad i j officials believe that thousands of dol lars' worth of groods were stolen In this manner. The men who admitted their guilt • were Frank Hammerbergr. Joseph Mo- I resl. Frank Viera, Gustave Blank and ' M. R. Rourke. They will be sentenced tomorrow. The investigation of the I wholesale robbery of the freight cars ' is being pushed by the railroad detec- , ' tlves'and the police and other arrests ; are expected. With the aid of search warrants con • siderable plunder was recovered from the homes and rooms of the five men ! who pleaded guilty, all of whom \u25a0 worked as 'deckhands or firemen on , the freight ferry boat Transit. In cluded in th« stolen property recovered , were several cases of champagne, cognac cigars, pigeons, sauces, catsup and numerous articles of clothing. .-. According to Captain Mahoney and Detectives Horgan and Kelly of the Southern Pacific company it was the practice of tlie thieves to pry open the doors of the freight cars while on the ferry boat and help themselves to what struck their fancy. In addition to the ferry robberies Captain Mahoney reported to the police today that a freight car had been broken open near Shell Mound park. A rifle, pistol, pump gun, suit of underwear and a pair of roller skates were taken from- the car : by the thieves. FORMER HOTELMAN OF SAN MATEO IS ON TRIAL William McMahon Accused of Receiving Stolen Property SAN MATEO, July 18.— William Mc- Mahon, former proprietor of the. Garden City hotel of this place, was given a hearing by Judge Carson this afternoon as codefendant with his former part ner, LA, Jacobs, to answer to -the charge of buying and receiving; stolen goods brought by the'W. ; A. Emrnett grocery and proi'lsibn company of Bel mont- McMahon was represented by James T. O'Keefe of Redwood City.- "A plea of not guilty was entered. Jacobs has left for parts unknown and his partner took the stand to ex plain the presence of several hundred dollars' worth of goods taken' from the; Eramett store by a former clerk, Henry Hampton, and found in the hotel when the' sheriff recently took possession. The hotelmen had been declared bank rupt McMahon declared the^ goods were purchased from a driver who is also missing. The hotelman declared, however, that he was not aware the goods were stolen. Upon' the hearing Judge Carson held the case over for Judge Buck of the superior court. District Attorney Joseph J. Bullock conducted the case for the state and placed upon the stand for the'prosecu tion Mrs. Winnie Lewis, the house keeper at the Floral City hotel, who stated she had seen the goods delivered. W. A. Emmett took the stand and tes tified to the loss of the goods and his partner, James H. Doollttle, gave the same testimony. " ~- K.VGLES TO GIVE BEXEFIT FRUITVALE. July 18 — Fruitvale aerie Xo. 1375, of Eagles, is arranging to give a benefit entertainment for . a member of the Order long ill t Lyle S. Van der Grift, a member of No. 7 : of Oakland, formerly in the real > .estate business In Fruitvale,. • chief organliv* of Aerie No. 1375. For six months" hij has been totally incapacitated, by ; In flammatory rheumatism, with wife and chlhiren dependent on - hlmT A $300 lot in the Fruitvale: boulevard -.tract. ."at MeJrose has been donated* to. the; local aerie by Charles F. Lee;" vice president, of the aerie, and-willbe given away in connection with the entertainment,'.* tho" date of which will . be fixed when r ttie sale of tickets"- has ' been r completed. There are 600 .ticket*,, of. which about 400 have been sold. s . GEORGE "W. SNOOK DIES , OAKLAND, July ' 18.— George ~WT Snook, a brother of former District Attorney Charles E. Snook, , died last night at Livermore after a long ill ness. Snook was formerly a deputy in the office of the state superintendent of public Instruction at Sacramento. He retired last January. A wife and three children survive. The funeral will ,be !ie!d\ at 1 :S0 o'clock tomorrow after-" •• >on from the home of iWilliam ''\u25a0§. • .ook, 1422 Arch street, Berkeley. \ I STANDARD ; -ALKALINE I J natural : %ATER| ji Deligh.tfu.l *». t^ ww * M »**£ l(^ --- - Cure :| pHighly; I I Medicinal l^^^^^^l and | I Qualities LlM^jiSJ Gout I News of the Counties About San Fracisco Bay Major G;G. Pape to Command Berkel ey i Guardsmen MAJOR GEORGE O.PAPE. WHO IS TO TAKE COMMAND OF THE MILITIA COMPANY IN .-^BERKELEY. /. - - :' . BERKELEY, July, 18.:— Three officers of the National guard company In Berkeley have resigned their positions, and^MaJor George C. Pape, a prominent business man, is to be asked to assume the -leadership of the military organf izatlon. The company has not yet been admitted to the service • of ' the state, being short the requisite number of members. ' : . ;- Captain R. RusselL First Lieutenant X..' L. Perkins and. Second Lieutenant S.'"Wooldridge are the men who have socrificed their places in the hope of persuading the young men of the town that a new start is to be made in the organizing. of the militia company.i The desire to secure a man of prominence at the. head of the company led to tho suggestion that Major "Pape take com mand, and 'it-, is 'expected -that he will be chosen captain at a meeting next "Wednesday night. He was for seven years -connected with the national guard of New York state. MOTHER WINS SUIT TO CAIN HER INFANT SON Caretaker Tries to Retain Child on Order of. the Boy's Father OAKLAND, July 18. — Habeas corpus proceedings were Instituted today over the possession of. Theodore Edward Rose, a chubby baby 15 months of \u25a0 age,- and the youngster % gazed in wide eyed wonder while -the question -of his !custody was being^discussed*" In court. ** The I mother of ; the . baby, • Mrs." Maud - Rose, : "complalned thai she ; -had been refused-the baby by Mrs-. -Brandes of 1405 Seventeenth street, to whose care she had intrusted the child- while Ihe was at work earning her living.' She said ttiat she asked for her boy, but that ' Mrs. Brandes refused to surrender him. :>ii ' \u0084 'During the proceedings it developed that 'a suit for divorce was pending be tween the mother .and Antone G. . Rose, and that the father had Instructed Mrs; Brandes to keep the child at his exr pense until the suit was settled and a court, order made concerning the youngster. Judge Ellsworth gave the child into the keeping of the mother. As Mrs. Rose reached to take her child a small Teddy bear rolled from its lap to the floor. "Do we get this?" asked Attorney "Dawson, the mother's attorney, of Mrs. Brandes, as he. picked up the fuzzy ani mal. But Mrs. Brandes said "No," and carried the little pet away with her from the court room. GAMBLERS RETURN TO SAUSALITO POOLROOMS Confidence of Sporting, Fraternity- in Ability of Operators to Protect It Is Restored SATJSALITO, . July 18.— Returning confidence was evinced today In the .large-number .-of, gamblers .who, came Jover.Jtoday to wageron horse races' in [Jthe'» poolrooms. .For, a while after the raids ' the") patronage lOf the > gambling 'rooms ' f ejl ' off, but : . the j absence of in terferenoe' lately has ' had the effect of increasing' the' number of visitors. 1 ; \u25a0Much-.dißsatisfaction , Is - \u25a0- being!; ex-, pressed those : iftterested in 'driving outv theT; pool rootis. .' The .prosecuting Officials, hpweyer,!'explalh' that 'they are doing all. that" is possible- just now. CUPID CAPTURES SONGBIRD OAKLAND. July .18.— Hope Mayne, .a pretty \«oubrette", In the, Idora Park opera company,' has 'announced ,yiat. she wfll forsake: the,. boards" after the-pro duction' of ' Geisha" to , arrangerf or her .wedding..'; which .will take "place September' l.-' -Miss' Mayne's name has .beeniclpselyi.llnked , with thatof: Arthur. *Br"TarpeyV Boh of M.' F. Tarpey,;for merly a prominent" democratic „politi cian. Miss Mayne. has : persistently-'de .cllned»tp 'disclose the . lden til^o f r her nance. ~Tarpey live^ In t^Alameidaif but he "is^hotiat home/,; betng^on a'lbUsiness trip In Nevada. '. 'Vi - &T335 ISAJT WIFE CALLS HUSBAND TO ACCOUNT IN COURT Mrs. HoracevM. : ; Howard Says ; He Threatened to Kill-Her : - <; ; SHE -WANTS ALIMONY Claims He Called Her Names Saturated ; With • v ; Liquor, .4S OAKLAXD, July 18,— Horace M.'How-; ard," proprietor of an automobile estab lishment in the down town district, .was accused by - his wife, /Anna May,* How ard;' of haying made threats against her* life .on several occasions while i liir; toxicated, ' as, sat forth in a complaint in ' the f suit : for divorce hefcrd before Judge Ellsworth 'today. ~ - : ';"; : ' Mrs.;- Howard testified that h e called her uncomplimentary : things and 1 " also that he told » her -he .was; better .than she. "While - intoxjcated, ' she"..' said"' he often .threatened.; to: kill her andVhim^ self, and his actions toward her, were i s p violent' that she; continually i feared I for her life while in : his " presence." mony., was Introduced:; to' showY : , that loud; and angry Stalk 'cariie from ,j, the Howard apartments many i times 1 while they were together, and; that on ? such occasions Howard was .almost .invari ably intoxicated. It was also \u25a0asserted' that he ordered her from the dinner table one evening, and. that she obeyed thro.ugh f ear. of him. ' i . , : • Marie Hondaa, wife of Jean Hondaa, a rancher living ; near , Hverriiore, has filed suit for y separate ''maintenance after 24 .years of married life.' They have three children/the eldest belng/21 years of 'age. _ Mrs. .Hondaa' charged that her husband had recently become so addicted to . liquor-; and so . savage while' under Its ; influence ; that , she ".was compelled to leave him. B Before thiß, : she .. charged, ' he struck . her, once', so severely "with his fist "that she was. in bed for three days. § He always called her" vile names whenever^they. met, she said.' After leaving: him, "she alleged, she frequently' went back to : the house to take care of '^the 'stock! and."; the chickens, which he'neglected, and when he saw her he would order her to stay away, -as he liked to live . alone;: much better. She said he sold part , of the farm equipment to secure money 'for drink and asked- for a restraining or der to prevent, him disposing of the rest of it before the termination of the suit. She also asks $75 a month as support for herself and. the three 'chil dren. The. case was continued ; until Monday. . . < Society in Cities Acrbsstheßa/ : OAKLAND, rJuly < 18:-^One of '• the >. lA teresting engagements which; has-been announced .^ that :-. of Lawrence"; S. Hotchklss , : and>", : .Miss . . i Bertha ;.;;. May Wheeler, a charmjng" 'daughter], of W. P. \u25a0\u25a0-. Wheeler; 1 a Vretlr«& pioneer" merchant of this city. Although no date has been named for the- wedding . it -will be '\u25a0\u25a0.. an affair of, the winter. '-„ Miss "-Wheeler- is an .unusually pretty r girl,, with v a' host of friends to wish her happiness. :' The Wheelers are /one of the oldest, fam ilies of Oakland. : v Hotchklss is,a young business man s of ; the city : who 'has cently been made a partner , in the in surance I firm ; : of. I. ,H. Clay"V & : Co. He Is the ; son? of . Mr.^ and -Mrß:j T.. S.: Hotchkiss.' ' After the '\u25a0:\u25a0 wedding;' Hotch'r kiss and his bride will- reside: with, his parents until the completion of their own home. \u25a0 \u25a0*\u25a0 . • \u25a0-- •' Mrs. John Fillius was a dinner: hos tess Wednesday > evening, .entertaining a dozen 'friends at .''LaCapriciosa, 1 '- her beautiful home overlooking, Lake Mer fitt, in;honor of Mr. and; Mrs.'; Nicholas Neary of San Francisco and. the hostess' sister, Mrs. Carse of Council/ Bluffs: Covers •' were : laid for y Mr. /and!; Mrs.' Neary,' Mrs. Carse, Mrs?- Daniels, .Mrs; W.^H. iWood of | Sari! Jose, Mrs., M/IP. Creighton,' Colonel J. : X.l Ritter;and Mrs.. Ritter, Miss : Marion Fllllus,; Mr. arid Mrs. : John Fillius. V f ."•';\u25a0 v , \u25a0Miss Grace Pauline Meeker Is at Long Beach,' where 'she? is enjoyingi^a sum-, merouting, ui atter'a ; short : sojourn in Mexico.. Bef ore, returning to , heri home in Oakland ;>she;wilK;visit ! " in Los* An geles, Pasadena; Sftn Diego, and^ other places of "interest; in the r southern part of tlie state.. " '' : , • ; ; . ;. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.'"..• % '. \u2666 \u25a0 ' ',• \u25a0/ \u25a0•.. • ; ..; Mrs. fDella, Bruniag will : preside i at* a pretty.. /luncheon, at;, her ; home in -Ross - .Valley ; 'i tomorrow., af ternbonV when * a « coterie i of ;\u25a0 young 2 friends ? will ibe - her,^ guests. r/"Among;-,theV, Oakland folk : who • havei received^ cards', are- Mls"s Blanche Laymance arid"; her'; slster, l! _wlth the'Misses \u25a0 Heltmarir their housef guests from Sacramento. •- - Mrs. Bfuhing .< was a former. . Sacramentq , i girl,'-v whose charming, manners hayeVwonherVa host of : f rlenda : since ,- her ". residence , in Hhe .bay "cities; '. \u25a0"'\u25a0;'. ~' % '"\ :~s ; *{.?\u25a0''\u25a0'.'. Mr. v and . Mrs. '^William 'ißeec«,'7.who have been 'the L guests iof^Mrs.^Reece's parents, Mr.; arid Mrs.''X)lbert,'. will retu rn to \u25a0 their;, home,' In } Pennsylvania late in the | month. r : Mr.'* and , Mrs.', Recce haveibeen spending :their.hbneymoohjn California: After,* a? f brtntgtiit i' in ? t Ybf ;i sefni'te^valley they 'Bpent'several days in* the ; : north ' and V are]; planning -\u2666 to return east by way of r Los? Angeles. Many-dc ; lightfur affairsi^have \u25a0•'': been ;' ; given '/-.[ \n honor- of - the t beautiful ' bride,\\ .who \u25a0 was formerly. Miss i*_ Olive j ; DlbertlV.'i The Reeces \ are ; planning! another^ '.visit; to California "next! year. -'- . ' i ; '\u25a0•!\u25a0•- -1 ?'. \u25a0" •\u25a0! SAYS LIAR : CAN'T COME ITO ' , BELIEVE }HIS OWN Professor John Adams of Psychology Class Declares: That Such Self - ' \u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0 Deception . Is ; Impossible ; • '\u25a0 BERKELEY,; v July \u0084•: 18.— Prof/i: John Adams informed/ his l.class ; in r psychology at the '; unlverslty^siimmerj! school today that % real .' selfi deception! is s f practically Impossible, declaring! that ! the- old ? 6tory about the'liar^telllng! his! taleiuntillhe came to < { believe i[lU himself v;was] founded on' error. -Robert' Louis ; Stevenson-, i said DrV' Adams, ohce i found- aTcolm in* hls!old clothes;'? and . .was \'i6}\ pleased f-that '\u2666 he hid s other- coins: in ;hlB old Clothes/; faiop^ ing : to' repeat i^the *i pleasurable"f experi ence of unexpectedly ,'findihglthelmohey^ He; t alled,\ because! he { could* always ' re^ meniberXwhere?he \u25a0hadihiddehUhe; coins- Self , deception 'wasSimpossible; to 'the novolist,'; asfitlisltofaH?Qthers:^^ ".- 'V. .; ; Dr. 'Adams? said^thatVdeceptlon\was not always '\u25a0',} immoralji; as; igood^T enida Vometimes;wereTgairiedi by _the l : teacher '^In;|decelving^hls|^puplls hew?thought v or.'greater. activity. * : 7.' [ DEATH TAKES PLAINTIFF IN SUIT AGAINST WOMAN : \u25a0 -' ; \u25a0;"\u25a0:.., \u25a0..-'. : :^ ! . '-\u0084 \u25a0 ".',. " : \u25a0 . ... :.'-. \u25a0\u25a0-;• Defendant, However, - Files an Answer to Charges Made by Him; ;• DENIES ACCUSATIbNS Eliza •; McMeekin Declares : That ' She Is : Guiltless . r ;^o^Wrbn^6ing?l^^i': July' lß.—^ An answer.; tb r a suit by! John; Tench; Tof Ala-; meda against Eliza McMeekin was filed todayMn^thev superior court, .''although' the. death. of . Tench occurred yesterday. jThfti litigation between the two arose last year" When Mrs.* McMeekin Twas' a'c-* cused^ by Tench of having^ used an un^ due amoifnt" of lrifiuence ; oyef his 'sister, TamperkncetTench/'with'the^ result; that his- sister,'- it- was' said,"; gave ;a deed to his home; to : Mrs.- McMeekin and 'also to have turned-over her -bank book to. the woman,'.'":; l^. • .' \u25a0 \u25a0 •'\u25a0*. \u25a0•\u25a0" "\u25a0.' — ;?^ e nfh7alieged.'tha^tihe\:had'ari agree* mentVvvith^ his,- sister,', by . the j terms 'of which!; he^wouia-'giye, her • his"; earthly possessipns'in: return Tor care'he should receive at ; her .' : hands during his life. He said; he "gave her. a deed, but "on the con dition that she should not ".f. le-it for record;during his'life: Iri-jtead of re ceiving good (bare from.hia : sistfcr; r he complained .that- she used-": him very despitefully.' and;' often wished, in Uhe presencejof' company, he were dead, so that! she". might ,haye- the - property to herself.^Ha said in- his complaint. that onceldurihg^hisi illne"s3 he ? fell j out of bed ;arid ; she refused to help him back again. untir;he 'was chilled to the bone: However,' his sister became^", sick and enfeebled Vandj.- secured the'- services .of Mrs. McMeekin as nurse. " \ ' during • this period prior to the^death of his sister, when her" mind was ; feeble, ''that Tench accused Mrs. McMeekin of persuading her to give'her adeed to the place and to turn -".ver the bank; account..;. As Tench maintained that his? sister had forfeited her right to.: these! possessions he* began, suit, 'to get -them., back from Mrs. McMeokm. The answer filed by Mrs. McMeekin to day-enters a general denial to the ac cusations. ;\u25a0 ;y FUNERAL OF BOY lIUXTER .- OAKLAND,^ July 18. — Funeral serv ices over ' the body of ; Ludwig . NusV baumer," the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nus baume'r, who was killed while -hunt ing, at' Castella,.. were, held this.morn ing at c the Oakland crematory; chapel. Rev. C. H.iHobart omciated. Howard Metcalf, Carl -Whitmore, E. K. Mere dith,. Adolph- 1 Ehrhorn, Herbert Stein and Lionel; Barneson, ; schoolmates' of the '* r l youth; served as - pallbearers. Among the ; many floral tributes: was a shield of < the Kappa Alpha Beta fraternity; of Elliott school/ Menlo Park, of. which' young Nusbaunier. was a member. \u0084 Frank Onslow, ,'Carl 1 E. Anderson, v J. . de i' P.!- Teller and Henry LC Perry,, the .Golden Gate"' quartet, sang several., numbers. r -sV* *? it v . -r*- --» - 1? - h About- the Bay U \u25a0 z --\u25a0>:.- v - • \u0084 • \u25a0 . .. — ~ ~r-: — "~ V tT o ,¥^«. stbuck BY WAOON— Oakland, July ls.-T-Misg Emma' Ca ton, llrlng at Twentletli arenue and Eait Tvrenty-first street, | was struck by a. wagon In Tentb street near -Broadway, this morning, and badly bruised. t WOTTLDBE SUICIDE aECOVXES— OakIand. July -18.— Mrs. Mabel Dillon, who attempted »ul clde by chloroform last; night .because lier husband deserted her, so far recoyered today that' toe -was \u25a0\u25a0 allowed to leaye K , the receiving hospital : to go home. . , ?£sj§fe /\u25a0\u25a0TAKEN BACK TO FORT BBAGG— AUroeda, July 18. — F. A. Korman, who, was employed In a Park street drug store as a clerk, was .arrested here last eTenlnjj on a warrant from Fort Bragg charglng.hlm with felony embezzlement.'. Before coming to this city recently ! Korman \u25a0 worked In a music .store In Fort Bragg. '. . :y:: y : .-. 'l\ WOMAH ; INJURED BY- FALI^-Oakland, July 18.— Mrs. C.t H. i Ulce, mother of Dr. J A. J. Kice, 13 In a serious . condition at • Providence 5 hospital as the result of a fall downstairs at her home, 1381, Webster street. Airs. < Rice/ who Is 7S years of age. tripped while on the stairway and shat tered.the twnesot her left hip:: \u25a0;;>/' ,\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0::.*.. WOMAN BANE, BUT , ILI^-Oaklahd, ; July ; 18/ Mary . E:- Kendall, an ; aged woman " who \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 was i de tained . for suspected insanity, was found on ; ex-^ n mlna t lon i today \u25a0to be ' su ff erlng from : a •'\u25a0' severe affection •*• of j the ear. -p Judge i Ellsworth," f after discharging her. as sane,- recommended that she bestntito'thejCounty.lnflrmary.:; . - ; v. r-i .•••;«•\u25a0; WATEE COMPANY; FILES NBHIEF— OakIand. ' July. 18. — City Attorney ; J. E.% McElroy has been served with a copy. of the brief filed by the Con tra I Costa water -. company, > respondent . in an : ap peal :,t: ,to f the : supreme court : in .the suit : that ; waa instituted * against . tbe < city \u25a0 seven '« years : ago in contesting ; the .water £ rate | fixed ,by the council. The<brtef : consists t of.', two s- large : con talnlng together. nearly. Boo 'pagfcs. ;\ ," - ; r. LAXTNDBY -, GIRLS ''\u25a0 RELENT— Oakland.- I- July 18, — The clerk of police ; court r>*o? 1 has received aI. letter- addressed <;to.L: Judge 'Mortimer \u25a0;\u25a0 Smith ask Ing i that :.. the charges ]of ' battery < and \u25a0 peace disturbance \u25a0\u25a0' against ), Ellen t Deroe, v Cecil. Brlggs and \u25a0 May \u25a0. Hampton " of t the laundry,^workers', un ion. *b« \u25a0 dismissed.". "-' The ' letter ' bears :. the . names Of % Sadie :' Maestrettl % and X Minnie f Christiansen, who r caused V the '. arrest", of s the a trio '.< because ' of tronble t during, the 'recent laundry.; strike. . ''' . This is unquestionably^; tfe; most si^cessful med^ in use for bowel complaints. It- can always^ be \depended upon,, even in tKe most sey ere j and d^gerous) casesl ;i -S If' is equally vvaluable for cKil- .';. dreii; ; arid \u25a0: is; tKe -means of saying^ * year, \yheii Educed \\atK; water is pleasant to take. Price, 25 Cents; Large Size, 50 Cents. Berkelby^Girl Is Presehted With Dog Ttiat Saved Her From; Drowning TLDA WATERMAN -OP BBIiKELEYAND "PAT," THE BULL TEREIEK, WHIC . SAVED , HER FROM DROWNING IN A POOL NEAR ST. HELENA. ' : BERKELEY,^ July 18.— The dearest wish of little Wylda Waterman's life was realized .today when she received from Jesse Burke as a'gift the sturdy terrier ' which' -saved __ her •' from death by dr6^vnJng near Dr. Burkes sanatorium. ne£fr-:/ St. Helena. ;/ Miss Wylda was proirilsed the dog for* "her very own" ; last:- month.*' Now the ter rier, .has' actually -come \u25a0 into ' her. pos session;, and animal "was . on parade,^ the /admired | of :!Miss .Water man's;;playmates jarid k an':objectjof : in-, .teresj»tojall of.her;friends.*« i /l~ :^ , T'Pat" ' is." the " terrier's \u25a0 name.*" "He wears -a' handsome 'colliir,^ on. which . is REALTY SYNDICATE BUYS MORE LAND IN OAKLAND Acquires Property Near the • : Key Route's Broad way Terminus July 18.— Transfers of 250 feet; of- property .!ln"j Valley street, north: of the own ership , of : Frank ; C." Havens 'and F. •M. S^mithjlto'the {Realty syndicate [were placed on record ; today. ; The same per sons transferred to the syndicate an other:: piece fof property, in the .west sidef bfj ßroadway, s 157 "i t eet : north" of Twenty-second j street.^- Through these d?als, added to^lts present " holdings^ the Realty syndicate has obtained posses sion virtually ,of the:* entire, 'block bounded. by ;'• Broadway,' Twenty-second, yalley .andtTwenty-third, : the block ' in which' thd Key, Route inn is situated, at the Twenty-second- and; Broadway ter minus of ;the;Key, Route. ' .7 ; if- These? transfers ) are believed to have a' I bearing . ; upon the ; moves of! -;that company>toi, acquire a- right of. way. from •Franklin street to Telegraph ave nue^ f or ! v- its y \u25a0 electric system. J_ The Qlosejrelation r .betweenr the: Key"; Route and' the i syndicate,, interests is an "'im portant *- factor ' in .the activity , which : is being, manifested • In' the vicinity ! of' the Key^'Route- terminus. \u25a0'\u25a0-.. --' ' \u25a0 a plate containing a record of "Pat's" achievement, .when he rescued Miss Wylda from > a deep pool In which, she was drowning. \ - The little girl was spending' the sum mer with, her mother, Mrs. J. E>. Water man, wife of a prominent'Berkeley^re alty operator, in the -vicinity of Dr. Burkes •sanatorium. ;Miss "Wylcia. while playins.near 'a deep pool of water," fell in. ; No one ; was about; and the child's screams brought no t assistance ' until Pat, , the rterrier.^ jumped In. grabbed the girl's. skirts r in^his; teeth, , 'swam Wl th' her j to -the' edg-e \u25a0 of . the * pool, '- Kold" iiig' her up tlhtll^petlple^'eamo y t6 - the aid of both dog'and. girl. ' '\u25a0\u25a0 •• .-\u25a0.*" PARASITE FROM SOUTH AFRICA IS A FAILURE Expert to Renew Search for Enemy of the ) Black BERKELEY; Julyr 18.— Discouraging news greeted . Prof. Charles Lounsbury, ait; entomological expert .from -South Africa; when' he ; visited the college " of agriculture and* learned from,- Dean .Wlckson, today that the parasite sent from Airicato this state six years ago h^ad "almost completely . failed in its work J of combating the rava'gea of the black ' scale. ?>? > -Professor Lounsbury is the govern ment' expert in Cape Colony.' • Black scale, is a pest there as' here, and '"in 1907/ Professor \u25a0- .Lounsbury .sent the scutel^lista, a parasite, to: be "tested In the orange* orchards 1 of California, it having worked fairly a well in South Africa: ' , The expert 'will, now "seek ,to discover another, remedy for the scale, and 'the^ tour. of the '\u25a0-. world which he' la now i making, will be continued, with that end "in \u25a0;_ view. Dr. Lounsbury has just come from Brazil. \u0084He will "remain in this state for- several weeks. OAKLAND, July 18.— BanR clearings for the week, that 'ended at noon today were J2.676.788.35. > . Ma r i n Contra Costa WIFE THREATENS LIVES OF HUSBAND'S PARENTS Nellie Kucks, for Love of \yhom Reno Man Died, TRIES TO USE WEAPON Tragedy Prevented by Quick ; Action in Disarming < the; Woman OAKIiANp,.. July ..^lS.r-Olrs. .;Nellla Kucks.- wife . of Charles. H. Kucks Jr., who killed Edward Ferreil last Novem- ber In a saloon in Reno ""because of Ferreil's attentions to Mrs.,Kncks, was arrested last' niglit? forbltying created a' disturbance and threatened the mem bers" of ' Kucks family 'with a re volver-/at their home." 1017 \u25a0 Myrtla street Had it not been for the quick ness of her % husband In wrestins the .weapon from the" frenzied woman mur der probably would -have been done. -Young Kucks' and his wife have not lived together since his recent pardon' from the state prison at. Carson, to which he had been sentenced for IS months'for the'slaying of FerrelL Ths woman - visited' the home of Kucks' parents last night to recover some Jew^ elry and a fox terrier which she says her:husband withheld from h«r. Kucks Jr. and his father say th-^t Mrs. Kucks waa intoxicated and that when they ordered her to leave and r«-~ , turn' when she was sober she became abusive, and opening a purse, drew forth a pistol. Before she could u« I the revolver she was disarmed ' and turned over to a policenian. - Mrs. Kucks^ was married twice,- her maiden name having been Nellie Tlch ner. Young Kucks -conducted the Em* pire theater In Twelfth street prior to April 18, 1907. JAPANESE FORM BAtH TRUST iaf — * — — )- \u25a0- - m - , --H-, \u25a0 -v,f— > — i . j &• in — «*v.. t ;i ; OAKLAND. July I?.— The Alameda, i county, bathhouse owners' association..; has been formed by Japanese engaged-'. In that' line of business and articles of incorporation will bo filed soon. »Th« | purpose of the organization is given. as ' the promotion of mutual protection ; and for social and moral improvement, ; but one of the directors has been heard r to refer to it as a "trust." 1 . . .•-.. Tmun Trusses fitted by expert fitter. Os goods' Dept. Drug Stores. Oakland. Ca.L Price $1.50 to $5.50. . • REPORTS OX POLICE WORK EERKELiTT, July' lß.— Chief of Po lice Vollmer'a- annual report show* that the police' found and recovered stolen property during the year val ued at 114.421: The amount of license money collected by the department wa« J23353.50.; This amount does not in clude saloon licenses. The fines and forfeitures of bail, money amounted to $3,913. • What: ; Woulcl r If ttiree good physici^is should pronouiice your ; case hopeless. .If they^ should decide that you , could not live longer than • six weeks. And; if yon should get well, after- us- - ing only $12.00 wortb of ' Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and l v < Nervine, what would you advise a friend in like con- "I have to - thank you . for gavta* •\u25a0 . my wife's life two years ago. We han "\u25a0 continued with the doctor until th« . third doctor. Ilka the two previous ' ones, said that nothing could De done " for her; that she had oetter be takan home from the hospital to quietly w*it \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0»- . her time, which would not be over t weeks at the most. 1 brought her home. • and then I thought probably Dr. Miles*., Heart Cure and Nervine • might help - her, so I got a bottle of each and \u25a0 some Nerve . and " Liver Fills — and commenced to nve them to her. , We soon seen" an improvement, and encouraged by.thl3 we continned giv- .: ing the medicine. We gave ber eleven bottles In all of the medicine, v She takes it occasionally now If she f««ls the need. I am in the ministry, aad - " . nave been for 44iyears.*'- - . » . . .-: r iv :-- -REV.--P. .MHXIOAN.-. ••-• Genda Springs, Kana. v ' . -Dr. Miles' Heart Cura Is sold by . your drugglsV whtf wIH ouarantsa that : .the first bottle will benefit. If It falls - ' ' he will refund ytfur money. ' Miles Meidical Co., Elkharl;in<i . f-813 Glay^t. OAKUAIVp " The Celebrated Chinese i -Tea and Herb Doctor^ ALL, PRIVATE DISEASES OP -BOTH SEXES ' ; : SUCCESSFULLY THEATSD the California; promotiom committee ;: \u25a0'. (ORGANIZED lMt3> <" -*\u25a0 PROMOTION :,Th» act of ptonatlu- \u25a0'<». raneement; ENCOURAGEifENT.— €«atan* Die- tlonary. , . . " • ,The California - Promotloa commute* has for ltW>Ject the PROMOTINO o« CalifornUTas I It; has nothing to aeU.' : \ ". '' . \u25a0 '', -" - Its enersle* are deTotcd to fosterinc all thtnn :. It give* reilahla informatioa on r ererr sntvltet ' connected ; with tbe indastrtP. of CalSoraSrl irglTes-CXCOCRAOi£UE.NT to th"^StaWlW . J . > It is Mt nn employment agencr ,itt, nn ,k i» i • I •• It presents th« opportunity aadnJwdTta aU :fleM3 ; of bustnesg and profesalonal a«lrit» - 1 The^eommlttee U • .upported^bV pop^?' n*. " \u25a0 I %£s£& i a make9 :•*? >^v *«Ti£ v • | Affiliated with the coa»ajitt*e ar» 180 con»- ! merclal . organizations .of v the sut« J membership ot o»«r 20.000 ;>-••. "? *' 1 r Meetings arc : held MmUnnuaily la "0 dlfftrtat i J Headqnwers of ,tbe-cotninltte^ar»*Bia"Wt«la«l sjjoaref , Francl9CO *' Calif oml* bulldSs CntoS CORRESPONDENCE INVITED.