Newspaper Page Text
HORSE OWNERS EMBARK IN SELLING RACE WAR De Arman Acquires Lord of the Forest and McCaf ferty Loses One ; J. R. Jeffery SEATTLE, July 18. — In spite of a considerable fall of rain during the night the track at The Meadows re mained fast today. This proved the undoing of many students of form, who were deceived by the appearance of the course. Two well backed favorites were among the winners, and all of the choices were fighting for the money at the wire with the exception of Gos siper, which mare had none of the speed that had won many a race for her. She was accorded heavy stable support, and her defeat "was costly for Ben Lev}', in whose colors she is run ning under lease. Lord. of the Forest. one of the horses on which Jockey Borel had made a poor showing, won with ease in fast time with Jockey Gross up. A selling race war broke out today. C C. Blum bid up Fastoso 1300, but failed to procure him. U. 25. de Arman ran up Lord of the Forest from $600 to $1,400. and Owner Gabriel let the horse go, but claimed Nonle Lucille from C C McCafferty for $925. Harry Mack and D. S. Fountain also had claims in for Xoale Lucille, and under the new ruling of the Pacific Jockey club, the disposition of the mare was decided by lot. Bevera.l book makers arrived from Batte today and reported the game there to be unsatisfactory. The num ber of books, they said, had been re duced from nine to four as a result of the 6 11 a attendance and light play. They averred that much dissatisfaction existed among the horsemen over the programming of the races. College Widow, 118 pounds, is top weight In the Woodland stakes, the f eatore of Saturday's card. The Call's Form Chart of Races at Seattle SEATTLE, JtGj 18. — Seventeen tli day. Weather cloa«y. Track fait." H/H." Egbert. pr*- sigteg Jnflge; Arthur MeKnlght. starter. , . . , , - 1279 FIEST B^C^-^Slz and a half ror loafs; selling; maiden 8 year old*; value, $250. ~~~~ Inflex.l Hot—— | Wtj St. Str. Fin. | Jockey, j Op. 1154 |Tetam» |102| 4 TTi F" iDaTta 3 T-S 11*6 APeourt — :... 104 1 12 28 R«tti* 6-5 6-5 1251 B&ttlEl M 104 6 02 8 1 Garytn 6 8 TB3 Bisaago 90 6 4 1 4 3 Mentry 12 15 1268 Lucky 3U4 106 S 6 1 55 Gross ....... 20 SO 1219 Weathertard 10$ 2 8 2 62 Alaii« ...... 12 20 12*4 Anopcs ....108 8 7 5 TJ . Palms ....... 8 , 10" 858 Gold lA&g* 87 7 8 8 | Hoi comb ..... SO 40 Tira+—:24. :*B*4, 1:14%, lrtl^i. Tetanus, 1 place; 2-5 show. Arcourt, 1-2 place; 8-10 snow. Bazzinl, 4-5 show. Start good. Won first four driving. Arcourt . 1«4 . to the stretch; where he stopped a« If ghort. and Tetaans outyaraed Mm. The others were of little acconat. -• .'.' '-- 1 OOA SECOND RACE— Fire and a half furlongs; Belling; 4 year olds and upward; Taloe Index.) Horse— |Wt| St. Strl FliT | • Jockey. | Op.' Cl. . 12C2 I Bologna 107 1 1~1 T~2 I*. Sullivan...! .2\u25a0 .2' <1274) i Water Thrush : 107 8 6h 21 Palms ....... 3-8: 1206 IHirtle 107 2 2 1 .3 3 Riddle 80 30 1274 jDarld Boland '.. 108 9 4 1 4h Byan 4 0-2 1100 (Ambitious 107 7 Th 5 1 Howard 12 20 1274 Hersaln 107 6 8 4 6h Mentry- 10 12 (1158) Mischief 109 4 3 1 7 h Wilson ...... 10 7 S7l (Jack little 109 S '.-"- •'-<-\u25a0: 84 Leeda ....... 80-40-. 1214 ißcbiana 107 5 61 9 Hayes 80 : 40 Time — :C3%, :45%, 1:07. Bologna, 4-5 place; 2-5 show. Thrash, 4-5 place; 2-5 ahow. Hlrtle, 5 snow. Start rood. Won easily. Second handily. Third stopping. Bologna outran her field all the way. Hlrtle showed a nice turn of speed, but stopped nearlng the finish. Water Thrush and DaTid Boland finished welL \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''. . \u25a0t noi THIED RACE — One mile; selling; 3 year olds; value $250. i ~ Index.! Horse— |Wt| St. Btr. Fin. j Jockey. 1 Op. CI. 1250 ilrish Mail 104 6 HTS l"h Inlanders ..... ~~S~ 8 1256 JPeligroso 107 4 6 3 2 2 Gross ....... 2 2 1244 |Taos 104 5- 4h 3 1 Gargan . 8-2 8 1232 'Red BaU 107J 1 8h 41 W. Ke11y.... 5-2 18 5 1256 ! Royal Ascot 104 3 lh 51 Mentry 6 10 12M Koaal 102 8 7 6 2 Bunbam ...; '25 GO 1251 !I>oe Craig 104 7 6 1 7 A. Wright... 8 20 12*4 'Cnen jO7 2 Polled up Lenderwlg ... 50 100; Time — :iSH. :50K.-1:J5, .1:42%.,. MaU, 5-2 place; 6-5 abow. PeMgroeo.- 4-5 place:- 2-5 show. ' \u25a0• Ta»». 1-2 -.bow. Start good. Won first four driving. Irish Mail was waited with \u25a0 for five" furlongs, then took the "lesd and stalled off Peligroso's rush. Taos mored up with Pellgroso, \u25a0 hut met with interference In the last furlongs. • " - • * \u25a0 1 OCO FOCBTH RACE — One mile and 100 yards; selling; 3 year olds and upward; value, izo£ .. - \u25a0\u25a0••.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'•' : Index. ( Home— |Wt| St. Str. Fin. | Jockey. | Op. CL "l270~]"Fa«oso 107 3 1~% T~4 (Palms I 3 7-2 12.10 iß^Jmont 107 4 2% 2 2 Clark 7 5 1278 iKsbelita 100 7 8 1 3 2 Mentry 8 10 1270 I.raMi .....105 2 4 2 4h W. • Ke11y. .... 8 7 1249 Pacific© " ..107 5 54 53 Gross '15 15" 12.12 Jingler 107 8 8 3-61' RUey 20 40 1270 Tarrfgan 107 11 6h 7*4 Garsran 8 10' 1223 Inrictus ..1107 6 7 4 8 1 Manders .... 10 8 1270 SBonar 107 9 11 4 9 4 Archibald ... 10 20 1223 Hippocrates 102 1 8 1 10 4 Jackson ..... 10 15 90S Wcreee . 105 12 10 1 118 McClaln ..... 8 15 1177 ] Bessie Vasey 1108 10 12 12 Hunter 15 10 Time — :24y, :49»*. 1 :15>4. 1:41%, 1:47%. Fastoao. 8-5 place; 4-5 show. Redmont. 2 place; 4-5 show. Is&belita. 2 "bow. Start good. Won ea-lly. Next three ' driving. Winner bid: np from $200 to $500 by E. C. Blum; retained. Fastoso took the lead 'at will and gal loped in. Ifabellta made an early more and stopped. Redmont was game. Leash ran well. 1 9ft*^ FIFTH RACE — Six furlongs; selling-; 4 year olds and upward; ralne $325. Index.j" ' Horse— |Wt| St. Str. Fin. I Jockey. | Op. Cl. 1242 ILord cf the Forest 109 1 3 4 f5 Gross ... Xl-2 6 1245 lAunt Tolly 107 3 2 > 21 R 7* n •••..•• 6 " 6, 1169 "Conic tiUcUle 10S 5 4 2 8 4 Hunter ..... 12-5 11-5 <1271)iTltn« 11 .'. 104 2 11 4h Mentry ...... 3 9-2 1235 ISalable ; 109 6 6 1 53 Palms 12 10 Il«i3 Tarora 107 4 7 6 1 A. Wright... 3 7 12C6 Rerolt 107] 7 81 7 (Manders ...... ,10 15 Time — -^4. :4S. 1:12%. Forest. 2 place: 4-5 show. Polly, 2 place; 1 show. Lncllle. 1-2 show. Start good. Won pulled up. Next two driving. Winner bid up from $600 to f 1,400 by U. Z. de Annan and sold. Lord of the Forest lay off the pace for half a mile, then , breeied In. Pony ran Tltns II down. N'onle Lucille finished well. \u25a0.•\u25a0..\u25a0.\u25a0. . . \u25a0, -. ... i~«rt4 SIXTH RACE— Fire furlongs; purse; 8 year olds and upward; value $325. " Index.) Horse— IW St. Str. Fin. | Jockey. | Pp.- Cl." 1271 'Hereafter «« J \\ \ 2 ga^ls 17-2 - 8 1266 I Grace G --••- &> 3 24 2 6 Bnxton ..... , 3:. 8 1271 tCommon Sue 91 6 33 32 Ryan ....... I 6 \ _10 • 1041 Goenlper 105 4 42 4h J. Clark..... 3 ! 5-2 1263 Mechlto ......"".. 91 7 7 51 G. Nlcnols... 30 100 1263 BeUe Klnney - ......105T 2 61 612 A. Bmith.... 5. 5 4n Barm E „*.::."!. 9*l »-' P3 7 W. Ke11y.... 12 30 Time— :23, :48, 1:CK). Hereafter, 1 place: 3-6 show. Grace, 1 place; 1-2 show. Bue, 7-5 show. Rtart rood Won "easily Second easily. Third driving. Hereafter outbroke, outran and out lasted his field. Grace G hung In the final furlong, wben she looked to have a chance. Cos- . siper showed scant speed. Laura E acted badly. . \u25a0','.: :-\u25a0 MANILA BANKER GIVEN SIX YEARS IN PRISON Judgment in H. O. Mul ford's Case Is Affirmed by Court of Appeal MANILA. July 18.— H. O. MuUord, former cashier of the defunct American "bank at Manila, was sentenced to Im prisonment' for eight years and ten months today -on. conviction of having falsified notes purporting to be part of the asset* of the bank. .WASHINGTON. July 18. — The Mul ford referred to in the Manila dispatch appears in the offlcial records here to be H. O. Mulford, who went to Manila in IS9B as a major in the volunteer Nebraska regiment. After being mus tered out he engaged in various enter prises, among others founding American, bank In Manila, oorf r which he was manager. He ; was charged with embezzlement . and gross mismanage ment in making loans of 'the bank's funds to Chinese- arid irresponsible characters without sufficient security. His embezzlement was fixed at $40,000 and on December 17. 1905, he was sen tenced to six years' imprisonment. He appealed from that : sentence and It Is understood that the action today was on the appeal. Meanwhile, he has been conducting a newspaper in Manila. - PARASOL ' PENETRATES EYE NAPA, July 18.— Mts. Agnes L. Rose berry of Pop« valley may Jose her right «ye as the result of. an accident. on £he mountain grades.. She was "driving in a cart with her nlece.when' the vehicle ran Into a fallen tree. > Both ; were thrown out. Mrs. Koseberry fell upon an open parasol ' she carried, the end entering her mouth and - coining out *>*«x her eye. Seattle Selections J. R. Jef f ery First . race— Bakerglleld, Rustle Lady, Bessie Welfly. - Second istic ' Charleas Green, Dr. Rowell, Lovey Mary. Third ract — Crlyll, Maud Holler, Bes«!e Vaser. . Fourth race— Linda Hose, Rnda b«k, Senator Warner. Fifth race— Padflco, Duelist, JlaKlrr. Sixth, race' Judge, Jack Adams, Lent Reed. :..'\u25a0\u25a0_.•'•: , -. - • : :, - Entries at Seattle Rrct race—Sir and a half fnrlong*/selling: 1252 Bakcrsfleld ..1071 1269 Be*s!e Welfly..los 1252 Descartes .. .107] 1212 Oarobtxra ..... 105 1185 La4y Kent ..105 1214 Pepper Pod ..100 1269 Hustle L«dj-.. 105 1203 L. Wrooa«man.lOO 1275 Booaet ......105! .... IVamway ....107 Second race—Six and a ball tartans*, wiling: 1240 Old M!*« ...107t 12T4 Katte B«U ...105 1275 Chas. Green..» 7 1255 M. Dan«hter..lOs 1250 Black Cload..lo7| 1269 Usrtj Mary ..105 .... Royal Scot .'.107| 1118 M. Antolnette.lCS 1261 BatUe Carr..lOs| 1249 Dr. BowsU ..102 Tlitrd race —Serea fnrionga, sclUng: J226 Storma 10S Z261 DangTOos - Girl. 103 1177 Bensie I Vawy.lOS 119T Ramcna ll' ..103 1?«1 Mand Mnller.loB (1170)Crlgn ........103 1241 Sontfaern LadjlOS 1275 Suavita ......103 Foorth race — Srrea farlongm, selling: 1255 JackfoU .....111l 1290 Metlakatla ...104 3276 El Chihuahua. lll 3251 Seren 8e115.. .103 1262 Rndabek ....111 1258 Ronsnm ...... 08 1215 Gentle Harry. lll 1251 Elota ........ 38 1264 CoL Bronston.lo9 1165 Cbristmastide 98 1262 Unda Bos* ..109 12C8 Sen. Warner.. 95 Fifth race— One and a sixteenth miles, selling: 1269 Dnellst ......1091 121« Prestolos .....109 . . . . McO. Priace..lOOt 1235 , 1kk1 ,.:.... ...107 1249 Pacific* .....109 1252 Onr Sallle ...107 1252 Jlngler ...... 108| 1270 Moor ....... . . 104 Btith racs— On* mile, selling: 1264 7ndg» ...... .1101 1253 l>m Reed ...107 1258 Dewey 110 127« Prestirs .....105 1272 ArostelhM ..110 1253 811. .Wedding.. 105 1276 Jack Adams.. lo7 1264 Toacasta 102 1273 Red Bernard. 1071 1272 Santa R«y :\u25a0:'.. 100 REVENUE CUTTER TAKES TWO JAPANESE SHIPS Both Ve^els Are Equipped for Sealing in North ; Pacific WASHINGTON. July 18.— The state department has been Informed that ! the revenue cutter Manning has seized, two Japanese fishing: schooners, the Nltto Mar v and the ,< Kalmo, near the - boat land within about a " mile :of ' Seal Island of St. Paul. Both .vessels were fully equipped for sealing and. there was evidence that; they had been ;. ply- Ing their . trade In v the "chape of fresh sellskins in the small boat. The seized, vessels were taken to Unalaska and left*, in, charge of the United States marshal. The crews were taken aboard the "• Manning - arid conveyed, to Ungrl, in charge, ofa United - States marshal, -,-; where they will be tried before , a United : States commissioner upon a charge of vio lating the sealing regulations. The Japanese government has been notified by,, the ; state . department,"- but as the case ' appears , to be: an^ordlnary one of Is not expected ithat any 'diplomatic Incidents will result. WIFE BEATEN WITH SHOE Annie Elizabeth Erklers 'began suit yesterday, for a divorce from William Erklers, whom she married In August; ISO 3. She : alleged in '\u25a0: her ; complaint that \ in . February, '1906,' Erklers '.beat her on > the head: and shoulders -with the heel of a shoe.*j \u25a0-""\u25a0' " 9 ; -' Other,r<llvorce j suits \u25a0 filed were ; Julia Lawson ' against ?\u25a0 ." A rthur v l.' Lawgon,' failureT'to; provide; "yVilllamfJ."- Bfddle agalnat Sadie ; Florence Biddle, - deser tion; . H. J. Berkeley against 4 Linnie Berkeley, desertion. ss y J T^EB^^^ yJR^ JULrr ±v; ivui. SANTA CRUZ COUNTY MAY HAVE AUTO BOULEVARD Commercial Bodies Unite • for Betterment of . the Roads R. R. l'Hommedieu H. A. Van C. Torch iana, president of the Santa - Cruz promotion committee, has to - R. ; ; P. Schwerin'.^. presi dent *of ; the AutomobTle club ;of Cali fornia, telling^of „' a movement that has been; atartedv for the, toetterment of roads. I *, Torchlana -writes: '. : > ... The commercial organizations of Santa Cruz county I hare ; formed •a * central •- w»mmltte« \ com posed'of the Watsonrllie chamber of commerce, the . San > Lorenso '.Taileyj chamber 'of j commerce, the Pajaro | Talley chamber of comtn Y:ce and •. the Santa* Cms board of trad*, for the purpose of promoting the r Interests s of' the j county at t large. One lof its first I works . will be . the ' inauguration of. a morement for good roads. ,*.:."\u25a0\u25a0.;•."':-'.•-•" ; ';'\u25a0"> Our- Idea ! 'ls* that ; ;«'sbignwayißtiould'be- con structed ' from county ' line \u25a0 to ' county line,! and | in addition s thereto; we; haye'entiered intocommunl-^ cation with. the commercial associations; of Mon terey county for," the purpose iof •\u25a0 arousing ; inter est •in- a ; similar morement there, | in order. : that a highway iof first - class • construction j may be built from thn Santa Clara connty line.-- through the Santa " Cruz mountains, pass - Santa '\u25a0 Cruz.' WatsonTllle and : thence | through I Castrorille and Monterey to Pacific OroTe.- . '\u25a0. ! "1 ' ' • If ereryautomobllist .would frankly j state his opinion ; about . the- rery unfortunate condition jof the average . road ' in .: California •; and » the : great benefit which would, be deriTed; by. the^ regions and \u25bcalleys of Santa Cruz connty «nd, Monterey connty -If a first ' class ;\u25a0 highway .- were * built we beliere It wonld-go far in arousing^ public opin ion in faror of a bond issue for such road con struction. :>,-;,-":.'•,* «'\u25a0•'• ! : //r : >'.:-^: \u25a0•• "v": .\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:-'£. ': \u25a0 ; \u25a0' The Santa Crua association" has- com municated: withe the Santa; Clara, coun ty authorities for the purpose' of;hav ingr -Ta * road \u25a0 constru'eted \u25a0 ,rOn the^ Santa ; Clara' side"' and haa met .with great en couragement. v y • ? t :\u25a0\u25a0':; \u25a0\u25a0• >.' \u25a0:.;=\u25a0 -\u0084-. The association also; Tias sent a com^ munication to? the 'board- of super^ visors of Santa Cruz county "In iwhlch it/says:" ".'.'•\u25a0.. '/\u25a0;. ' \u25a0\u25a0;•;• ";\u25a0 .':' 1 "..'-.- ; \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0'"'..'",\u25a0.\u25a0" "- ; '. It is the opinion of the committes" that' the first matter to be | attended to *is the permanent ltnproTement of our . main highways,' said : high ways . connecting " the - different citlea : in . ' this county. ' ,' ;: . S- \u25a0,';".\u25a0'.\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 \ \u25a0\u25a0'-'•,'"'* \u25a0 For this - purpose the - chairman ?of - the 1 com mittee, under - a resolution - unanimously^ passed, has : appointed TV. S. I Rodgers of * Boulder Creek, Dr. P. K. - Waters .of \u25a0 Watsonrille \u25a0 and J. .P. Twist of Santa Crus as a : subcommittee, ; whose duty it will 1 be to inquire; into the, I possibility of ' the • construction 'of a ; msin • highway ! running from county •\u25a0 line : to county : line. A from • the Big Basin park -through Felton: to Santa. Cruz, ; with a road from Fel ton through Scotts valley to. the Santa ; Glara . county line, from Santa Cruz to Wats«nf Jlle and ; from Watsonrille to the ; San Benlto county line and ! Monterey county :line.;> | . j The idea of the committee is that a perma nent highway should be "constructed— a highway which would be ' a credit ; to • the ; enterprise of th* citisens of Santa Crttz connty 'and its board of . supervisors, - and \u25a0 should be ' put \u25a0- into such a perfect condition : that it would Justly deserve the name of an automobile boulevard and attract a large travel to our, county in winter as well as. in summer. ; % . • : .• . ~ -:\u25a0. .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 If this boulevard be constructed. 'lt will .benefit not only ;the automobllists, ' but every one who has \u25a0 to ' use ; " the highway.-. .;•' ' ; _•\u25a0 "': : ; ;.'.-;'' -' The -Llnz-Sanborn .automobile*? com- : pany has- delivered -41 -Maxwell ; cars within • the : last 12 days. .: Twenty-four cars are now. on the 1 way to this city.. "j MANY ACCIDENTS END IN INJURY TO WOMAN Collision at Powell and Sut ter Streets Attended by • Probable Fatality ; Accidents; piling one ;Upon/theioth«r would 5 have' made a- comedyl yesterday but for a probable fatality which at tended them. A broken ' trolley, pole, a runaway Sutter street car 'with no air, for Its brakes, a collision at Sutter and Powell , streets, the subsequent running away of the; Powell street car 'minus Its grlpman 'and with the grip attached to the : cable, culminating - .In serious Injury to' an aged woman, , Mrs. ' Kllen McDermott of 2510 '; Charming \u25a0 way, Berkeley. Injury < more ' people was averted by the , derailment of the away cable car^two' blocks down the hill from . Its starting point.' - .- The power, on .the Sutter, street; line was shut off for more than two hours yesterday afternoon while workmen repaired a trolley pole. ; . ,1,1-j Car -1663 stood at [the top of the In-, cllne, above !P6well ? street; alii this time, until the air in Its s reservoir had given out, allowing.' ;.Uhe car to roll back down the V hill. . 7 The, motorman i.was powerless to stop it, his air brakes being -useless,-' and , he -"'lmmediately Jumped.' Car 501. of .the Powell^ street cable; line .was crossing. Sinter, street Just at the time the .electric car * was gaining good . headway ' that .point," and'the two cars came .together with a crash.' '.. '\u0084-/ ' '-' "\u25a0;.-\u25a0 -:: . " : \u25a0 \u25a0''.-:\u25a0'."• '.T.. T . The grlpman on the cable car, In the excitement, .failed ; to release', his cable clutch, ; and the grip , in the ' slot ; kept the car on; the tracks. j:Af this time the electric power, was • turned on i and, .the controller "of ; the Suttef ; street Tear be ing open, the car backed ••" away > from the car It had \u25a0' struck./. The;' latter} on being , released ; darted \u25a0 away 'down the hill, the clutch still' holding- to the cable. and Jammed down 'to, the Ihighest1 highest speed./ Meanwhile' the ; grlpman had alighted 1 to "view* the wreqkage - from the ground 1 and- Mrs.? McDermott,"^ who had been riding inside the cable car, had got as far, ; as the'steps'onherjway out.;-' In Jumping after. the car had again started' upT her clothlriglwas on a Jagged-. piece .of the ;, wrecked'" side ) of the car and. she 1 was dragged -.for Val most a block. ; : ' - ? The career of the runaway ? was brought '.to ; a stop ; byj a -.workman } " In front of a buildlng^who" threw a plank across 'the rails. cMrs/^McDermottiwas the only passenger.' \u25a0 She <, was > picked up' unconscious "\ and _carrledito^the|re celvjng hospltalt'-whereßhe was treated for, a, broken i'arm.v abrasions^j and bruises, . shock and ; concussion ; of '.the brain. ; She lis '\u25a0: 70 ,: years .old J and may not recover. 1 -- r-*'-ir -*'-i \u25a0.''^\u25a0'^ "\u25a0 \u25a0 -"-V •'.-.''• ;: . SUCCESSFU^OPERATION PERFORMED ' ON O. A. HALE Well Known Businessman Undergoes Ordeal at Hahnemann -;.; Hospital Without \u25a0 Serious "EfFectsT 1 ' O. A: Hale, a ;member/ of . the- firing of Hale'-*. Brothers ;: and ? one ?i ; of r.- the'ftbest known i buslnessmen^of . ? thei city,'! was operated r, on ;". f 0r, ." appendicitis : r .by • . Dr. James ;W. -Ward at the Hahnemann hosf pi tal : yesterday ; afternoon. '% The^ opera^ tloh.i though; an ;_unusually;dellcate; oriel* owing V to \u25a0 the "condition^ of the" patient,"; proved Tsuccessf ul;? and: last night •:• It -was announced • that ! Hale i was out j of ; danger.*/ r.V *];)\u25a0:','<:'\u25a0: -Wv — ' ! .':V 'vj Haje was T stricken 'days ;*a"go,* being.: forced i to'.leay c*> his ) desk, though he * ref used-i toT glvel- up v until h the % last minute. ," v Dr.; Ward - discbyered? that : the dlseaeeihad ] gained -great ! headway,* aAd for'thls ', reason Hal e's 'friends had grave f ears, f but \the(Buccessful! ; operatlon!re« moved all ; doubts.?,-? It ,*: is ; likely? that Hale", wiirbercompelled V, to. ; , remain^ In the; hospital :for,at least a" month. ":'\u25a0'-.; i-" San Jose '• Reaches Port The_ steamer San ; : Jose, ' Captain Thompson/ arrived i latel last* night after a < trip; of :;26r'days)frbmh'Ancon^; jjThe vessel-, brought jl2 icablnl and ; , 25 * steer-;' a ge p a s s e n gers. l-v'v^ f \u25a0*\u25a0 *{:'% . " ; ' - ~ ? -• "'. •:;; *?'%.% Shipping News and Gossip of the Water Front p^permen Appeal to Harbor 1 Board /•. ><j --.'.foi? -a Mew Schedule of Tolls / ..Lf Repriaeritatl yes : of >. the % lumbermen's "association appeared before the l harbor commlssiohers yesterday at the regular meeting of the board to protest against the! enforcement 'of, the toll* charge? on" lumber. left on v a •; wharf .- for. more than 48 : hours. } In o the-jpaate -jpaat some^"of '. th'a lumbermen j have been allowed ,to "1 use" the ' as ft lumberyards/. .;\u25a0 Wharf space ' Is ' now ' more \ valuable^ than;: ever ' bef ore : for • the : purpose r of ; , making j the r available ; space ?go as - far 1 as ', pos sible ? th'e* rule limiting, Uhe time \u25a0: thjat any- freight. may rema4n r on'«tate>prop-'! erty ha» been enforced j for all shippers? After,* 4&f -hours freight * so '•remaining will ; be wanehbusediati the? expense; of the owner, p ' In the \ case <"of - the > lumber men-thb cbmmlssloners.f eer that to"per mit certain' firms ito use -state ? property ; for j lumberyard ? purposes ; would * Inflict a: hardßhlp'-on' their business competl- 1 tors', who maintain yards Vat- their; own : expense.. : '" \u25a0"-\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0.- \u25a0/\u25a0^-: / ' '''>v-'-:";v.>- ; :'\u25a0-'\u25a0> J3": -_' \u25a0 The lumbermen- have been the loudest protestants against ?the~ enforcement of this ! rule. In stating ' the case " yesterday \u25a0N.JAV" i Harris;- president of the a.ss6clation,^sf,ld: .-^v T ••;\u25a0'* " r ~ ."We do hot want 7 to create : the Im pression that we tare 'antagonistic to this -.board." \u25a0" i~"'.,; >rr ':.' :"-'."' ! " .""' ',-. ; * 'President Staff ord interrupted ;him with : "This board^- wants to :goi. on record now ' as : being "antagonistic': to nobodyV but for the-beneflt of- Mf. : Har ris' I' wlir say; thatfahybody * that! feels like" being antagonistic * will": find thi3 board not: disposed^, to- back away.". 1 It was finally agreed that Ihe lumber men; should submit: to; the 'board' next Monday a: schedule'; of i tolls 'that they would : consider fair. The hoard 'twill consider this ! schedule ". at " an* s lnformal meetlng^to be held at noon bnTuesdayJ 'The* contract forjiulldlng a shed"over, section 2 r of the seawall was ' awarded to the American construction company. The shed .will c05t;|11,993;i •.. /":. ; ".The commissioners denied the , appli cation of J. Falvre : for '\u25a0- permission to establish a fruit ; and ":. candy , stand '- In the Key Route waiting room at the ferry depot. • "'-..\u25a0./\u25a0'- ''/'.',._\u25a0, ; '\u25a0:] -, ; The American-Hawaiian r : steamship company asked the; board to reconsider its denial of »\u25a0 their "request to 'use' 1 a machine for straightening twisted iron on' pier 23. " -~*r~~". \u25a0''. •. l'.\XJ." ' Out of Frying '- Pan > Into .- Fire .When. Chief Officer John :Dohm.;of the ;Koßmos liner. 'Anubls 2 returns "., to Hamburg he will • have [, an interesting story, to tell of \u25a0 ; the ways of the San Francisco police department.- Dohrn visited -friends In the; Mission? Sunday evening I and " lingered ' with '; them .; until after, midnight, when he started for his ship,' where his duty reclulred his pres ence at 6 i o'clock. In the morning. : At Seventeenth and Mission .streets; un- ( certain 'of ; his way,:; he :! inquired of Ia! passing pedestrian : ; the direction 'he should take to reach -Market street. The passing \u25a0 pedestrian furnished,- the information. As : Dohrn started > away, his informant pulled' from: under, his coat i a section sof rubber ; pipe with which he struck , the mariner across j the mouth, p Dohrn saw , the , blow } coming and , threw up his hand as ' a , guard. The pipe * was • stuffed, " and In % addition ~to &'/:> split i lip - Dohrn/ is now nursing , /a sprained ;" i:v^.;-' J';-' w :'"'. ' ' ~ ißuti ßut ~ v ttie>- worst -;. was to "comer Dohrn fa voided, further "attention , at | the hands of ; the 'footpad by; running awayv He jran?untll : he saw^a policeman.- 'He told ; the • policeman v: that , he\ had ; been assaulted and pointed the direction In whlchUhe footpad- had disappeared. ; vl 1 \u25a0 with ; me,' we'll get ; him," '.said the cop. A The guardian of the peace led the bleeding/.Teuton to v ;., a call, telephoned for a' patrol wagon and 'sent him \u25a0\u25a0 to 'the Z Seventeenth street - v station as a "drunk.',' At 4 o'clock In: the .morn ing • Dohrnlwag transferred' to the cen tral I station, " and .until about , 9 olclock was" kept-, in;, a v cell with J drunks, vagrants ' and other human' derelicts. » ; He was turned; loose at 9 o| clock, and all the satisfaction Jhe goC he says, was the information* that the man .to whom he had for. help 1 was -probably, a' special;? policeman. ; Dohrn -is'- Indigr nant;>ut ; not having a ; Japanese ' sense of > dignity! has ' no ; intention "pf"troub ling ' the " German embassy at Washing-^ ton " with; his ; tale .of woe. Wounded Seal In the . Bar .. ;As ,' '"Bill" t Thomas, night watchman at J the ! Spreckels ' towboat . office, was en- Joying: nisi pipe Wednesday evening at Pacific'; street ;fwharf.\ : he* heard . aVcom motion ';\ In *,• the •) water. Visions "of Sy. a Carnegie*: medal \ bearing the • Inscription /'Bill : Thomas, vherb,"^ inspired hlni to hasten:: to,^ the edge " the) wharf. .In the. dim' light he saw. what; appeared to be v a' man) struggling, In the > water, ] and making ' a ,valn> eff ort ! to : climb.' on to a floatln g b-; t ender. 'l'i C Twice Vi thie \u25a0;.- body, dragged i Itself/ partly,; out of < the : water and', twice ; fell back ; with , a * splash.'- BUI went>for.s a? rope J and* lantern, .'and \ihe rays •of | the lantern' showed him , a ; great seaU; apparently Itwounded,-!;. trying" to flndsa^placeHto rest-^.ThomaSitrled. to catch the I, seal, ; but ? only succeeded i n frightening ii it. away.* v,;re pal ring * the^; f erry .V slips -' saw ; the : seal yesterday/mornlng, but :they,' too," failed to' effect;a, capture/^ :,[: y: : :^ : '.\. '"'•"\u25a0\u25a0 ;>-\u25a0 Have Bonded Dock : and \ Steamers T ;The - i 'Alaska* Pacific r.i company"; has bonded'-the; Steuart 7 street t ( wharf '< and the ' Wation -and : Buck man \u25a0to enable f. them I. to'- handle -\u25a0- :. transit" goods tfromt ,Puget is Bound.- ;?-<Goods shipped'; 1 In 'bond* from' Europe ! and the orient -•will * be s brought 5 down? on 'every, trip of ttheßeißteamersA;*.Thei goods will be f appraised >. and -iduty. s paid . at ]fC this port, which H will " add \u25a0to the revenues of Ithe portiquite ; conslderably.%;:*As \u25a0 far, as iaddltlonalirevenue~ Unconcerned/, the new - arrangement f.-T amounts C-: to • th e establishment 1 of *a; new bonded line of steamers.^'-, a •-[ \u25a0- .-' : ffv 5 . '\u25a0'•'\u25a0' :-*\u25a0*:* ::. Liner .:" America Maria '\u25a0 Sails^ \u0084 ' v' The * Japanese Jllneiy America. • Maru, Captain', P. : H.v. Going, -salle"d;, yesterday for the orient 1 with : about ; 4o {cabin pas-" sengersV' about '. 100 ' Asiatics j and a, large cargo.*, -VAmong the i passengers .were: ' ; For Tokobema— Dr. :T. Ichloka, Otto Lager felt and , Atsutami i Sakato. , \u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0 ;\u25a0-_ ... \u25a0\u25a0 : - . i ; , Manila — Mrs.' AngusU Beaumont, * William IA. Brown, > Ralpb * Buckland.'. George -O. - Clarke Cap tain Cary 1 1. s Crockett,"- Frank O. Qearhart.T Louis A. . Henderson, " E. *? Ford ', Hlckman,': Mrs. i A.~- 8.; Lan ler, J."» B. Nelson,", N. • Albln I Nelson,*^ Mrs. i G.\ A. % Prtston. ; Pondano * Rsyes.'s Louie •: 1. > Schell; Mra.^- M.v? H.V Strauss,'? Fenton t Strauss, \u25a0. F. - M. Woodard tnd Tgnacio; Tcjsa. ;v- --;\u25a0? •>- .-; j; \u25a0; . .-\u25a0 -\ i \u25a0..." Hongkong-— Baron Itod *, i Baroness \u25a0 yon Bethune, > George i Hesse, : Mrs .. Paullae Hoffman,' Mist I Ir»M I KUne, ' J.^ 0.1 Kniesche, •% Otto I Kruger, Mr.*: and x Mitt Yon > Kunowskl, > Helnrich - Lclim kuhl,*s Miss ? Elfrieda • Lehmkuhl, * Miss • A.r Porter. 1 Miss M. A. iPorter and Captain Baron Ton Sole macher.':':.T !4 /^ :i ':' ; ".-;* r ts' .r":-,.;.. r " : -,.;. '""•"'._' 7,- : - . v -. -;.'T '.-' ;.: V ;:\u25a0\u25a0 will :i Begin : Work -.;• "Ve^t Week \u25a0':;-':.* ' ,;-^.The'VpreiiminarV^Vranarem«ntsv hav ing ibeen'completed.l the* worki of ;build ing I: the 3 new ,v. Oakland- f erry s slips for the >Wester"nT2 Pacific * railroad /company 'wUljbegin|nexti,week.!/;Mole,TSllpsiand 'depot^twhen'cornpleted,: which Vwlll be Inf. about n fix :S months, will have cost about i $175,000 £ and the \ Southern? Pa^ clflclwlll; have ;a' new Tcompetltorjlnltho field for the \ transbay \u25a0; passenger; travel^ ; Wtter Front JTotes; ; i;' iThe; army" transport ',Crook;i left-*. St.' Michael rfinVrS. 1« 'or * Seattle..- ; . 'jp-The '«* tinker j> Santiago, ;;with f. 11,000 barrels Tof ioll,'; arrived .yesterday 'from Monterey. ? In > tow.: of -the ' ; tug ' Fearless: -; Lendall^M. -Gray, .." manager of; the Kosmos '; line, 1 has * gone -_to Europe *on business. \u25a0„" He , will "return in ; September.' ,-\u25a0', The I Kosmos \u25a0 liner Mera is due from Hamburg: \ July ,\u25a0 24 1 and '< the? Anubls will sail' Mondays tor^ the; sound. : X , . • .-Receipts • of ; lumberiyesterday by sea amounted:" to" 2,4sß,ooo feet" COAST SHIPPING NEWS f - \u25a0\u25a0'.%'* *!' "'\u25a0 ' ' ' \u25a0"\u25a0""" " ' •'.*\u25a0 ~ '""' " ' "\u25a0 " "' ' Items of Interest to Mariners "of the ' Pacific v - SAN PEDRO," July 18.--Tbe steamer Coos Ba j, Captain'; Zeh,' i arrlred \u25a0\u25a0 this £ morning \u25a0 from : San Francisco and way ports with a good freight and" passenger :, llsf It will , sail on the return trip tomorrow.' v ( .. ".'. .'-'\u25a0;"--. \u25a0 • '. -• '\u25a0 '\u25a0 ; " -\u25a0\u25a0':\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' - '• ' \u25a0< The j schooner . Caroline,' Captain .Westerdahl, has 1 arrired-r from -the ' Umpqua: rlrer. : bringing 500.000 feet .of lumber consigned ; to the Kerck ; hoc company. . \u25a0 • ; . -- ,';-The steam schooner Pasadena.' Captain Kalnin. arrlred this, morning. from Eureka ria San Fran ! Cisco bringing 500.000 , feet of , lumber consigned j to .the E." K. ,W r ood lumber company./;, 7 *Tbe ' North ! Pacific steamship company's Steam ship i George W. Elder.v Csptaln '\u25a0 Jepsen.' cleared today-;: for s Portland \u25a0 rla . Eureka : ; and San Fran cisco with a large. freight list and many passen- I gers;v ;^.- v •• ;-. -\u25a0:";;\u25a0.-•.--;;: ,\u25a0<-\u25a0 t: The \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 steam schooner Signal. v Captain" Green, ! will \u25a0 flnlsh : discharging a . lumber cargo tomorrow | for;-, the -Kerekhotr-Cuiner, mill and, is i scheduled to clear tomorrow . f»r; Kureka and the* Uwpqua river to reload."-" :",; -.'.The . schooner* A 1 vena is on \u25a0 th» ' way here from Astoria with a:cargo of lumber.- ' * . v '.•.^The stesm schooner Vanguard, Captain. Odlund, . arrirwi v; today -' . from r Eureka t with V: 2,000.000 shingles ,;\u25a0 consigned . to the - Southern . California lumber company." 1 . :\u25a0> :'\u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0:•'-, • '..The; power steamer. Orient has ; been -chartered by* the .Nelson 'narigatlon' company and"*will en ter ;. the : passenger . and ' freight business . between this - port \u25a0 and , Long \u25a0 Beach. ..;-': ; ,'\u25a0 . \u0084 . ' \u25a0 . " '. * .After discharging a portion of a lumber cargo at Redondo the steam schooner Cheballs, Captain Klttleson. >- srrived : here • this ' afternoon - from Grays Harbor with 400,000 feet of . lumber ; con^ signed to the San Pedro lumber company.' ' " \'-w. ' "•\u25a0 PORTLAND, July 18.— The American: steamer W.--S. v Potter arrived here today with 45.000 bar rels of oil for: the Associated oil company. \u25a0 | Special ; Agent | Lewis H. ( Eddy \u25a0 of the depart ment of commerce and labor is in Portland gath ering - statistics \ and ' data V relatire 'to : shipping out of this port. He In making a list of all the docks ' and -- wharres along the Willamette and collecting other data which will be forwarded to the department -in Washington. * ' • .<- . ' The British steamer, Stratbnairn left ; today In ballast for Seattle and sound points, where she will" load .lumber. -\u25a0\u0084:--: ....:> •. :< .The schooner, Llllebonne, which has been tied up at the, Oregon .water power docks for several months,; received an order today, from San Fran cisco to sail Saturday for tiiat port. . The Lllle bonne - came here from - Manila, -. where ' it \u25a0 had been engaged \u25a0. for four, years,' expecting; to enter the Pacific coastwise lumber. trade, but dull con ditions ; here prevented. \u25a0 ; She ; will go « to San Francisco in ballast under M. C. Har rison & Co., the owners. ;\u25a0=- SEATTLE,- .July ;lß.^Csptain- John" a. O'Brien, 'master of the steam-hip Yucatan, ' Who was stabbed ' Jul y. 9 on board his vessel, arrived today from -Valdes.' The- Tucatan came in charge of Captain . Frank ! Moore. .• \u25a0 . Captain • O'Brien is recovering •\u25a0 slightly, from . his wounds. Joe ' Car bona, the man ' who r atabbed Captain - O'Brien, is in; jail at Valdez. He .Is held also on a charge ;of \u25a0 having < killed Tony Da Pascal : at Catalle duriDg a flght. " ,• >:The ; Kosmos liner Theben "arrived today from San Francisco. The Theben : will , discharge Its general cargo .at Seattle and Taeoma and will clear for : South >: America and" Hamburg on July i 2s.-*.''" •^iV^^tkSsSlS^'- - \u25a0"\u25a0 The' five masted schooner -George E. , Billings arrived today, 17 «lajs from San Francisco. : The Billings brought, about 600 tons* of cement. Cap tain \u25a0. Blrkbolm^reported- foggy, weather, and' baf fling winds' during the trip. ;:',' -.'•"-. 1.-.;.: Army, Transport* \u25a0 ' The Burnslde is, tt' Seattle. \u25a0 « The : Buf ord • in homeward bound. r \ The Crook left St.. Michael Julr 16 for. Seattle. The Dix left Honolnln June 23 for Seattle. .The Kllpatrick-ls at Newport Newi.yVa.'^, The. Logan, i«; in port.'- v>.'. \u25a0The Meade la at New. York. Out of commis sion. - '•."\u25a0\u25a0-.••- r-*»t — '\u25a0•-;, -\u25a0 ''. ..7he; Injrallg Is at Newport New«,Va. . The Sheridan la at Mare Island undergoing re pairs.:-: ",•\u25a0••«:-/;._?\u25a0:.;•. -. . : \u0084• \u0084 • -.The' Sherman sailed Jnly 14 from Honolnln for Manila.-". : ;7. -.....::\u25a0 -.-..".-...'.'.\u25a0 ' i -'The * Thomas ' sailed . from \u25a0 Guam ' June \u25a0 26 for Manila.* - \u25a0-,- - -:.'.- ...-,-- The Warren is in port., j The '; Orerdue } Umt ' -British bark Crlffel, ont 147 days from Sydney, for Qneenßtown, 25 per cent. • : ' ;\u25a0--' British - bark Dnndonald, :• ont 152 days from Sydney/ for Falmouth, 60 per cent. ; . ' .\u25a0 French, ship. Dugnay. Trouin,' ont 129 days from Teh lo, for Harre, 6 per cent.v •• \u25a0 - .^ ' \u25a0 .British ship Loch Tay, out 140 days from Gee lonir.^ for. Glasgow, - 6 per cent. -: . ••'-:'-\u25a0 Italian ship Orealla, ont 135 days from Walla roo.-for Falmouth,' 6 per cent. " . • . • :. \ ' Norwegian - bark ? Tercia, ont ' 129 days : from New Caledonia, for. Hamburg.' 2o per cent. -- . German ship Ostara. ont 185 days from Ham burg, . for Santa: Rosalia, ; 12 per cent. . : Swedish ship Grl pen, out 99 days from Bahla Blanca, for Falmouth. 12 per cent. A -'British ship M. E., Watson, out 12T days from Iqniq'ue.- for the' channel, <J per cent. . - : French* bark^ Nenlily. out \u25a0 115 days from ; Syd ney, • for • Falmouth, 6 per cent. SEWS OP 4 THE OCE A.N EnKflß'd , 'or : 'Lumber \u25a0-.' The ' British ' steamer \ Bessie - Dollar, at Grays Harbor, was chartered prior to arriTal. for lum ber from \i Pnget f sound . and \u25a0 Grays : Harbor •• to Shanghai or' Taku.jr .;/ - ; " .• v Exports for the Orient .The . -.' Japanese > steamer -America '•: Maru sailed yesterday; for Hongkong and way ports via Hono lulu with a' general merchandise cargo, ' rained at 1328,033,: exclusive ' of - treasure, '. and to-be . dis tributed : as follows: - For Japan,* 1102.226; Phii ipplne;islands,^slßs,9o4; China. $25,045; Vladl- Tlstok.'v 16,677; Korea, 1 5,481; -. East Indies, 13,600. : The . following . were • th« , principal ex ports: - ; - v'\ '\u25a0.",•'..«;• ' -s '.•\u25a0..\u25a0-.-.:-' ",".\u25a0.*\u25a0 \u25a0"',•-.• ''.!:•'\u25a0 To Japan— B bbls flour, 34 ctls oats, ? 627 • gals wine/ 227Vfbs butter, 22 pkgs groceries and pro- Tislons, 3,123 ; : cs - ; canned - goods, 64 *cs t table preparations, '4l,9oo lbs lard. 1 250 . lbs sugar,' SS2 rolls and 5 ca \u25a0 leather, 45 ; pkgs agricnltural : im plements, 1,593 lbs tallow, 17 pkgs car material. 15 bdlsvlron,: 101 pkgs paints. 119 pkgs pipe, 28 cs t' typewriters,-. 233 * pkgs ;-\u25a0 machinery. 80 \u25a0 pkgs -electrical locomotiTes, \u25a0• 837 pkgs electrical goods. 11 cs boots and shoes. 27 pkgs drmtß, 13 cs arms and ammunition, .1 \u25a0. pkgs bicycles, | S , bales cotton. 8 ' cs sheetings, 1 52 pkgs -rubber ,; goods, 12 bales To Phfllppma Islanfls— - Wjls flotir, 590 ctls rye. 1.960 1 lbs : peas, 48.55.1 lbs . beans. ; 142. i 27 lbs ; ham * and bacon, - 19.664 lbs : coffee, . 8. 1 53 , cs . canned goods,- 195 •cs salmon, 127^ cs^exwacts 192 pkgs groceries and provisions. 4.100 l^'»nd 12 cs -t codflsh." 30 cs » baking f powder. \u25a0 1.759 lbs paste.ll,olo cs and 164 galswhisky, 50 cs grape Juicu.- 528 gals wine.' ls cs molasses, 15 cs syrup, 22.380 lbs dried- frnit, : 9oo > lbs hops." 63,052^^ lard, 35,573 lbs table . meals, 2,610 lbs and 45 cs spices, ' 130 ; cs ! table ' preparations %65 pbgs agri cultural implements,: 20; cs asphaltum^ia bdls brooms;: 39s pkgs wagon material. 238 pkge card \u25a0ssS£'lß pkgVelectrical g00d5.. 20 pkgs machin ery " 380 I bxs soap. V 4 , cs sewing machines, ;l.BK ft lumber" 200 bdls , shooks ? 12 bales house. 330 c« hats,' B9 pkgs \u25a0 dry \u25a0 goods. \ 39s : pkgs :. wagon mate rial! 271 pcs and r 194 pkgs castings.^' 93^cs boots and shoes, 2 cs arms and : ammunition.-. 100 bales cotton,^ cs and 15 bbls oil. 1 25 cs >hoto^gopd». 58Vpkgs drugs." 7: bdls •- Iron. i 15 \u25a0\u25a0 rolls- and , s cs leather" 15 pk?s mlllwork.UO pkgs rubber goods. 1 flask 'qulcksilTer, 25 pkgs saints; 100 rolls sJtf * To I.BT3 ;ib«Lneart barley °- 102* gals wine. : 1.400 lbs ; dried flsb," 1.287 lbV'cheese."!24B pkgs fresh'frnits^B pkgs grocer esi.nd'proTislon-, .15 <a fanned- goods.^6o. cs salmon'- 26 pkgs \u25a0 salt flsh, i 16.651 - lbs : and 5 . cs dried froit/ 250 lbs codnsh. 970 . lh. ginseng. -112. 1G4 • lbV^plg ! lead.:: 5 pkgs machinery,^ 1 cs -arrit*r« '-14 DkRS wagon material; > \u25a0-\u25a0' :\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0:£•"• .^To viadlTostSk^SSO lbs lard. 4M lbs coffee, 122 lbs breads ßl 'lbs cheese,' 65 pkgs vehicles. !T^^orel-lso"b^fflou^ ? 246^^d:;92^ V«nn«.d eoods"=l7 olcgf groceries tnd : prorliiont,' 1 v cs° whisky.t 10 1 es s canvas, • 7 ... pkgs electrical : l^ dried fruit, 140 i lbs ! raisins/; 22 cs salmon, 1 Cs honey, } 12 cs sewing machines. p>- ; SHIPPING 1 INTELLIGENCE ,y*~Sr -"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-' ~ ARRIVED J-.-CiV'- • : - '-\u25a0'\u25a0' '\, ;• Thursday, Jnly; 18.:- -s: ;5 Stmr fcity of ;' Puebla, •.Jepsen, .40 hours ; from **Stmr *Rosccrans, : Holmes, i 10 ; days , from Hono lulnrivia i GaTiota 24 hours. \u25a0'^- -* : - /^.^ - if Stmr * Porno,"' Matson. ?14 ,; hours : from . Albion, Via Point .Arena Uo^ hours. *~^y* "y .. \u0084, - _- * Stmr ; Ravalll. * Kelson; ; 38 \u25a0 hours z from > KureSa. § tmriHornet,*iMarxen,.loo hours from j Olympla. tmr'. F," A v Kilbnrn,';- McLaren,.' 34 : hours * from : Ban- Pedro. "- '•'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 " : <' : - '\u25a0"\u25a0""- t^Z.?.- '\u25a0 :': '- S'-''?^'''' '\u25a0. ..;\u25a0' Stmr M ; F ; Plant, ; Nelson, /40 hours from Coo« ' Stmr Pomonar-Swanson., 19 hours from Eureka. \ Stmr \u25a0J. B \ Stetson, Bonifleld.'i 40 hours ; from ; Port JLos i' Angelea.'i?*-*^^*^- 'i .2 Stmr, Colonel EL Drakfc i Felton, . 3 days from Seattle^uprl v " ;:^; :^' r V \u25a0' : Weather \u25a0-- United States Department of Agricoltnre-^- Weather Bureau,* San Frand»c». July \9; 190 T. -.'"' '•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'- -,' -'\u25a0\u25a0•>??" .>•..\u25a0-'»•\u25a0-:: Past-.: aeasontl. v«Nor- Stations— r 24 hours, to date. ' . cul. Enreka .:...:... .0.00 Tt. ! 0.C4 Red . 81nff . . .. . . . . . . . . ; o.oo ' i .^Tr.'-- 0.00 Sacramento .......... 0.00 • 0.00 0.00 San, Francisco:'.;:..":".". o.oo ' • Tr. -\u25a0 -- 0.01 5an; J05e... ........... 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fresno .............; 0.00 -'O.OO^--. 0.00 San Luis Oblgpo 0.00 0.00: \"0.01 Los ;Angeles.. .:.-.;... O.OOrx. t 0.00 San . Diego. ::. . .V. .". . . o.oo* .'.-\u25a0>*-' O.OO.- ' 0.00 STATIONS. | \u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0^. : f ??• -,; ':\u25a0 . t S.. ; i ':'.- : : \u25a0\u25a0 .. -. \u25a0 - ' \u25a0:- 13 \u25a0 •o'- - ' • •»- : - - FlagsUff.; .....29.60 02 42 SW Clsar Tloo Fresno ...... \20, 63 100 <«4N 1 Clear ..X» Indep*ndence,;.2»;7o: 94 - «4 ; BE * Clear J.OO Los 'Angeles.. .29.82 :80 60 "8W O«ar.. ; .60 Madena :.::'... 29.78 '88• 48 > KB =• ,-Cle«r r : - 00 Mt. .Tamalpais:29.B4 80 .70 ,h'W /Clear ; ;,00 Phoenix :;:..-; ;r.29.68; 100 [71 .'"rW «. f Pt.Cldy .00 Pt. Reyes Lt..29.80 M. 50 8 ,>Fog .00 Redr81uff . : .V..20.62 ;W, 70i.SE* !*JPt.CMy | .00 Reno .........20.72 88 «W W Pt.pdi-.00 Sacramento:vr.29.7oc.9ot«o.:'BW« Oeerji .00 Salt -Lake.,; ..20.76 ,88. 64 W - Clear , f.OO San \u25a0< Dieg0... *:.».82 i,72 ,60 NWi Clear- • -.00 San Francisco. .29.82 62 50 W Pt.CWy : .<« San' .-Jose..-:."-r.2a.80 :84 BiXW ICleaT'- ".00 San-L.r 0bt0p0.29.88 , 74 52 •SB .Clear- :.00 SE. Farallon... 29. 85 : V65':60 ::&vn.~CUM& '..00 •Summit ........... 71 47'NB -CTear ; Xto Tonopah \u25a0; ..:T;2».70* 8« - r -64^8E)' Clear . : »0O Winnmncca ..29,72 WJJ64: SE, Cloud/. , .0Q Ynma :..... ... 29. 66- 106 . eSiS^f-Oar-f : .00, \u25a0'\u25a0 >. fSeteral feft of snow on highest point* :«na in canyons. ... "•\u25a0 •' . \u25a0 ; z.:n^.\-.- :.-;..,J'.:..BYNOPSIS-..* J»*"-cr: .:. . CThe j pressure- has,-fallenn»teadUy -r»r?f . tb» southern ' half, of . the ' Pacific^ slope. -. Reports : are mfsslns from' the' northern stations and evidently unsettled weather and thunder stoftns = pre»»n ,la the Blskiyon and ; Cascade*. Cloudy weather pre- Talls .in. 1 Nerad* and ' -conditions are itaTorabte for thunderstorms 'In, the : Sierras, Friday,' The temperature has risen slowly la the irrcat ralley of California. V v Afternfton temperatures are about the 100 degree point. ' \u25a0\u25a0•i \u25a0.• .* 'ci.~ ."~. "~ . .-.>.'.•.,.\u25a0 FORECAST a >-- -v- . -' ' Tot. San -Francisco— Cloudy. "Friday: ,^«y«sjj northwest ' wind. \u25a0 ,' ' •;' 1 ',3 * » Santa Clara ralley — Orercast in" morning, fair in " afternoon: \u25a0 light . south : wind; -* . - :-.- Sacramento \ ralley — Cloudy/ Friday, possibly showers in > mountains; continued wsrm;.l!;ht south wind. " ' \u25a0 " '. \u25a0\u25a0[\u25a0 Ssn Joatjuln Valley— Fair Friday, -continued warm; light north -wind. \u25a0'->.. .- Los Anjeles and Ticiaity— Fair Friday; light southwest wind. •"-' ' - \u25a0". , , ;. 'A; G.- MeADlß, : District Forecaster. Movements of Steamer* ' TO ARRITB O -. .' ;. From . \u25a0-> I Steamer .* f Daft. Coos Bay ............. M. F. Plant.... July: 1» Japan via Honolulu.... Am. Fhiperre . . July. 1^ Seattle ; .". . . . . . :-......] A. Janregnlberry Jtily , 19 .New York Tia Ancon. . San Jose ... .".-. July 19 San Pedro .^.......... J. B. Btetson.~ Jnly'l9 San Pedro ............ Norwood ...... Jnly 20 Ban- Pedro .......'..... Vanynard ..:.. Jaly.2o San Pedro ........ .". . . O. *W. Elder. .. July 20 Snn Pedro & Way Ports Coos Bay ...... July 21 China & -Japan........ CWna Jnljr 21 numboldt ' . . . .{Eureka ........ Jnly. 21 Mendocino * Pt. Arena! Se a, Foam Jnly. 2 1 Wlllapa Harbor (Daisy Mitchell.. Jnly 21 Willapa Harbor ...... Cascade ....... Jaly 22 Snn Pedr0r........... Ycsemite ..:... July 23 Kel RWer Port» Argo ..;....... July 23 San Pedro '. . : . .....'... Ctehalis ,:...... July 22 San Dleco &, Way Ports Slate of Cal... Joly 22 San Pedro-.. ....[Hanalei ....... July 22 Portland '& Astoria. ...lCosta Elca ..... Jnly 22 Grays Harbor ...|Newburg July 22 Portland * Way PortsijUoanoke, .."..... July 22 Humboldt Pomona July 23 Yokohama ... .*. . :. . . . : M. S. Dollar. . . Jnly 22 Coqullle Hirer '....... Klixabeth ...;.. Julj 23 Hamburg , tt Way Forts M era . . . v. ..... July 25 Seattle & Taeoma. WMson ........ July 2.1 Portland ' & Astoria. ... Cesco "...... .'.:. Jrtly 24 Piiftet Sound Ports .... President ...... Jnly 24 Honolulu \u25a0 .'.-\u25a0.'.\u25a0. . . :': . . . Hilonlan • . ... .-. . July 24 San- Diego It Way Ports City of Puebla. July 25 Point Arena & Albion.. P0m0 ........... July 25 San-Pedro .... .... r. A." Kllburn.. July 25 New I York Tia Ancon. . City •of Panama July 25 Humboldt : . . .......... [City o* : Topeka . July 25 BvlUngnam .|Corouado ...... July 25 San Pedro & Way PorUlßonlU \u25a0 Joly 25 t- \u25a0--\u25a0 \u0084 -:-: .- TO~SAIL; .\u25a0->'\u25a0. : ...-.\u25a0: \u25a0j Destination ~ | Steamer | Sails |Plar July 1»— . . ~T " ".' ' '. Los-Anjreles Ports.... |J. Hlrrtes.. 11 am S Grays Harbor iCmtralla ... 3pm 10 Grays Harbor ...Westerner- ...'. WUlapa narbor *. J. B. Stetson 10 am 2 San Pedro & Way Ports Bonlta ..... X am 11 Coos Bar .........;.v. M, F. riant. 4pm 8 /-July 20 . Ncme & St. Michael... San. Mateo.'. 12 m .... Grays Harbor- ........ Norwood ......... Id Humboldt • . /. . ........ Vanjrnard V. 1 pm -2 . Hnmboldt .:.:.:...... Korth. Fork.". spm 2<> Humboldt /\u25a0."..... Pomona "...~. 10.30 a >9 Portland & Way Ports. G.-W. Elder. UOp 13 Los Angeles Ports.. ..*. F.vKflbum.-. 4 pm 10 Point Arena It Albion.. Porno '.. 6pm 2 Seattle & Taeoma. ..... Rnckmaa .. I.Bop 20 Pnget Sound - Ports. ... Sonoma .... Spm » Astoria ft Portland..... Columbia ... 11 am 24 Grays Harbor ......... Tamalpais ..2 pm 2 July 21— ' . • - . -;\u25a0•-".\u25a0'--.••"' San Dlero & Way Ports City Puebla. 10 am 11 : July. 22— .'; \u25a0 . . - Seattle '"- k. Taeoma....'. Eureka ..... 11 am 3 Grsys Harbor .'. Cbehalls 16 Humb01dt......... City Topeka. 10.30 a 9 Los 'Anjreles .......... Boonoke , ..; lpm 13 \u25a0-- Jnly 23— • \u25a0 • \u25a0 ;.-\u25a0 :>•\u25a0 - - -\u25a0 - -• - " Huinboldt '\u25a0•'. Eureka..... tin 13 San Pedro & Way Ports Coos Bay . : 9am 11 - July 24— Point. Arena Sea Foam... 4pm 2 Los Angeles Ports Ranald .... 4 pm 10 . July 25^-T- - " " . ..:- "-( San Diego & Way Ports State of Cal. 10 am 11 China 4 Japan...."..:. Siberia ..... lpm 42 New York ria 'Ancon.. Newport - ; .t.'. 12 -in 40 Astoria & Portland.... Costa Btca.. 11 am 24 Willapa narbor ....T. D. = Mitchell '. Co«tnllle KlTer ........ ElUabeth ... 2pm IS '.\u25a0July -20— . . .- ;-. ' , Grays Harbor ........ Xewbprg .... 3 pm .10 "\u25a0.,-:'-.\u25a0 TO SAIL FROM, SEATTLE "^ :1 . \u25a0 Destination t " Steamer | Dat* Skagway It Way Ports. I City of Seattle. Jnly 20 Nome & St.- Michael... Victoria July 20 Skagway A Way Ports. Farallon July 21 Nome & St. Michael... Edith ......... July 21 Nome' ...:../......... Montara ....... July 22 Valdes & Seward i Yucatan July 24 Nome & St. Michael... Mackinaw ...... July 25 Valdei & Seward.. '.:.*. Bertha '.'..'.7^:. Jnly 25 Valdes & Seward.. -.;.". Jeanie .....V... July 25 Kkajrway 4 ,Way, Ports. Spokane "...;.v. Jnly*26 \u25a0\.» FRIDAY, JULY 19 \u25a0 Sun rises ": \u0084s:oliSun ;sets ...;7:30 Sun and .Tide United States Coast and Geodetic Snrrey — Time ' and ' Heights of Tide at Fort • Point.": For , city : front (Mission street wharf) add 25 minutes. ;, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' Time Tlmt Time : Tims ; J*ly — Ft -Ft Ft Ft H.W L W HW L W 19.. «:27 3.8 11:23 2.1 0:05 • fi.3 ..:.. ...... v: LiW.;-.. H.W - L W H W--* 20.. 1:02 ; 0.6 8:00 3.8 13 28 2.4 «:5* B,T 21.. 2:03— 0.1 0:12 x, 4.2 1:28 . 2J» ,T:45 B.» 22.. 3:00-^0.6 10:12 4.5 2:29 "2.9 8:83 > 8.1 23.". 3:52 —1.1 11 K>7 4.8 3:26 3.0J 8:30. 6.8 24.. .'4:40—1.4 11:85 -5.0 4^4 3.0tlO:2I j 0.2 Time Ball United States Branch Hydrocraphlc Office, Mer - ( chants* I Exchange, San Francisco, Coi., Julj 18.T1907.;' '\u25a0\u25a0•'• "•-•'\u25a0••• ;.. "."\u25a0.'•.;>. ; Thp time ball on the tower of the F*rry bolld ins - was ' dropped ' today - exactly at I nooa, rac (lie Standard Time. (l2oth. Meridian), or 8h. . 00m. . 005. Greenwich Mean Time."- 4 ;\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0-•-. "'-• ~**~ . «,••. •- •\u25a0 .-,. :.- ..- .;!-.; c>* • j. "C^BCRNKtT.- Wj. ; . ... . U. . S. < Branch • Hrdrosraphfc \u25a0 Offlee A; brtncii:. of ~ the Uniteil r^fUtes n jdroirrapaic Office, located at the Merchants" Excaan**, Is maintained \u25a0: in San Francisco for -tbe .benefit, of mariner*, without regard-to nationality of ex pease. - Narlgators. are cordial Jy Invited: to rislt i the ' officer: where complete" sets •of - charts and sailing directions of the world «re kept at hand, I for. comparison and! reference.''' and: the ila t est information can always be obtained regirdlnu 1 lghts, i danger ito narUratloa. and All \u25a0, matters of Interest "to ocean commerce." " *\u25a0'- —'\u25a0*•?£"\u25a0» ».<?« i--**-'^'!' t' "-" \u25a0-" "" '\u25a0-'•\u25a0 J. C BtJRXETT.' -i. .'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: -.' \u25a0 Lieutenant.,U. S. N..ta Charge. Schr \u25a0 Santiago, Farley, 14 hourm \u25a0\u25a0 from , Uob> terer." In tow tnj Tearless. ' ;." ' Schr A B Johnson, ' Johnson, 5 . days ' from Ab»rde«n.'4~ - v'":?*;^ \u25a0>?'\u25a0:-:•;...'. r.-'r 'c; «.--\u25a0-» j • , \u25a0 Bartce • Rnfus E. - Wood, Knacks, . 98 boots fmta Eureka, bound j for \u25a0 Port . Los "• Aagtlea, > pat T in toswait'for atmr;rrancls'H.;l*gjett.'v- .* I ; .-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0',-'\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0 i CVEARKD ."".'.'.'\u25a0•'\u25a0.\u25a0J'.lr-i \u25a0 ;: , -,-.- -\u25a0 "--ThanMlay,.Jnlx.-18. Jap Btmr : America Maru, = GoiKg, HoDgkoo^; W H "ATery. ;-• .;., r ;"-' »».,-> \u25a0 -"-\u25a0 .' - -Stmr Bonita." Bowen, Ban' Pedro; f.C 8 8 Co. i \u25a0 Schr ll ' C Wrl^b t. • N ielsea, M ahnlon* ; Charles Nelson: Co..'- \u25a0 - .•:'•*•\u25a0' - '\u25a0-'.'\u25a0 v*- ;;? s r'-,* CLEARED AT MONTEREY , ' 1 .Thursday.' July 18.. v " Stmr '.' Cata&U,'-' Kort, '" Honolulu ; Associated oil 'ca.;:'./ \u25a0 ."."'..\u25a0 .\u25a0::.;."\u25a0. .^.- ; •."."•• ;"*'\u25a0 \u25a0 - - .. . :-;\u25a0-• S,< .-.SAILED.--. . •..-. L \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'':- \u25a0\u25a0- -.*\u25a0: - ;' - - Wedaesday,-; Jialy i JT. -J Schr ' Roderick - Dha. '. Anderson, Portland, tia tow of tv« Sea BoTer. • -:t -\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0*:\u25a0- ?*xt*-". ' ' V \u25a0•:\u25a0'- \u25a0*,'- v ' v -''i:'- \u25a0\u25a0Tharnday.'.Joly l 18; : 'Stmr Hoqulam.Tßfinsrtofln;. Hoqniaaa. .. i* Stmr Bouth' Coast.-' Panls«n, ; Caspar. - 1 " \u25a0-j < \u25a0- Stmr \u25a0 Prentlss/ SebiHlnsky,' Eureka. "— ' ' i \u25a0'\u25a0• Stmr Argo.' H»n»en,'Eel "riTer; \u25a0 *r - : \u25a0": Stmr vJ\u25a0 B \u25a0 Stetson, i Eonlfleld. WUJspa. . ' *- • ; , : " Stmr "Argyll."} Johnson, * Port: Harford. ..." : I : Strnr,, Stat^ of " Calif orals. Glelow, San \u25a0\u25a0 DiefC<v. §3 Atmri Enreka^" Noren,"^ Eureka. -.Stmr; Atlas, -Badger, Portland, 'with bnr^e 9Ula.tow.-r -,v": ".•-• "•. t r. , 'Jap sttnr 'America Mara, Coins, nonsrkon?, ttc. i'. Schr . Santiago, Farley; Monterey, in 2 tow tug Fearless.*?,. \u25a0\u25a0- v- •-•-•,\u25a0\u25a0./•- .v.;. 11 vt,<^-.>.'".--.-.....-.v t,<^-.>.'".--.-.....-.t ,<^-.>.'". - -.-.....-. ..-.. . J -; Barge i Sants Faala, . Pelle, Port Harfori, la tow \u25a0 stmr : Argrll. ;. — i t - r \u25a0' » : Barge * 81;-. Stannard." ' Portland. * to "'- tow stmr Atlasx .-"r: •\u25a0'\u25a0•.-\u25a0\u25a0;"\u25a0-- - " :: ' t ": \ ..\u25a0 --[ . y. %J TELEGRAPHERS DEMAND RECOGNITION OF UNION Refuse Compromise Offer Repudiated' Later^ by Pres ident Clowry LEADERS UNDER FIRE Find It Hard to Check the Growing; Dissatisfaction of Strikers .^Yesterday's developments In the strike oit the telegraphers were the refusal of the keymen to accept a com promise said to have been offered to them by the Western Union and Postal telegraph ~ companies, further expres sions by members of the union of dis satisfaction over the course of the east ern executive officers and the 'final de cision of the strikers to accept no com promise that did not Include absolute recognition of the commercial teleg raphers*, union. From' Chicago New York advices of Importance were, received "at th« I meeting of the "telegraphers In :Oak land. It vraa reported officially that a strike vote would be taken in Chicago; Sunday and passed upon by the na tional board next Tuesday. Efforts by some. of the eastern officials to hold off ift* meeting In "Chicago until th© ar rival,of the executive boiird now her« were futile. The Chicago' members of the union want to strike at once to aid the -strikers here. who. they say, have been unsupported too long. ' E. J. Nally, vice president of the Postal, with headquarters In New York, notified Superintendent Storror In this city;. that he was at liberty to re engage all the telegraphers ' who bad gone out on strike if they would make Individual application for work. The men 'would have to promise to cease agitating for unionism. Nally claimed he took this' action at United States Labor Commissioner Neill's request. Nj The compromise said to have been ottered the strikers through the na tional executive ' committee provided that, should the men return to work at once as Individuals, they would be given as -Individuals "a raise of 25 per cent in their pay. It provided also, it Is claimed, that some of the strikers more active in the .fight than the rest would not be given work. The offer was voted down unanimously. As soon as news of this action was wired east President R. C. dowry of the Western Union de nted-emphatically that any advance in salaries had been promised the strikers. Superintendent I. N. Miller Jr. in Oakland also denied that any conces sions had been offered the union. "WVstand just where we did the day the strike was called." he said. The' growing feeling of the men against S. J. Konenkamp. deputy presi dent, and M. J. Reldy and J. M. Sul livan, national executive officers, is be ing held in check with great difficulty by President Samuel J. Small, who re iterates that the fight will yet be won. and urges the men to remain in ac cord with one another and present a solid front. President Small said hla plans to leave for Chicago at once wera delayed, but not changed.'^ffiHQSßß -"I expect to leave .in a few , days." he said, ."but not until every effort has been made to settle the fight here." TWO FISHERMEN LOSE THEIR LIVES IN; THE SEA ..-VANCOUVER. B. C. July IS.— Two fishermen lost their lives on Monday morning In what la regarded by steam shlpmen as the worst storm that they have ever seen In the northern end of the' gulf, of Georgia. Their boat was lying on its side more than half full of water and tossed like a cork in the heavy seas that ,w«Te running. '. On the \u25a0bow. of the boat "was the number 1487. No information could be obtained re garding "the Identity of the cannery from which the boat had come. SPOKTEN July 0. lolit 44 N. lon 28 W. Br ship An» trallaa, from T*com«. for Queenstown. TELEGRAPH IC POINT. LOBOS. July 18—10 p. m.—Weataet foggy: wind SW: Telocity 8 miles per hour. DOMESTIC PORTS BOOTH BEND—Sailed July 17—Schr • James A GarfleMU for San Francisco. Sailed July 18—Stmr Helene.yfor San Pedro. SEATTLE—Arrtfed July 18^-Stmr Bertha, from ValdM; stmr. Tallac, hence 'July 13; C•\u25a0 r stmr' Theben. hence July 14.. Sailed' July I>—Stmr Santt Rita, for Port Harford. July 17—Stmr Dolphin, for Skagway. ArriTed July IS—Schr George E BU lings. bence.Jury I.'MMM^toMHWMhi - , SAN PEDBO—ArrtTsd July 15—Stmr Pasa dena, "from Albion. Saiiad July IS—Stmrs Signal, Norwood. G W Elder and \u25a0 Coos Bay. for \u25a0 San Fra nclsco. BAN i DlEGO—Sallsd July 17^-Schr Wawona. for Willap« harbor. . ""- EUREKA—Arrired July 17—C S stmr Ma drona. from. Port Harford: stmr Lakme. hear* July 15; stmr Charles. Nelson,' from San Pedro. - Bailed July 17—Stmr* Pomona and Westport; for San Frsmrlsco. • BAN DlEGO—ArriTed July IS—Stmr iHelen P Drew." from Ban Pedro. • ASTORIA—SaiIed Jaly 17—Stmr Whlttier, for PdrfHarford. l .Sailed July I*—Br stmr Strathnalrn. for Mel bourne: stmr.Wbittler, for Saa Francisco.','. ' SANTA /BABBARA—ArriTed July 13—Stmr Manda Ist, from Saa Pedro. TATOOSH—Passed July IS—C S relief lisht ship SeTenty-slx, hence July 13. . Passed - July \u25a0 17 —Schr.; Geortre E BHllnm. hence July 1, for BslUngh^m: Ger stmr Theben. hence July 14. for SMtttls; schr . Prosper, from Taeoma. for Port Los Angeles. Julyl* — Stmr - Yucatan, from" Nome, • for \u25a0 Seattle; stmr Montara. from Treadwen. for S«attle. * v - \u25a0 - - Passed' oat \u25a0 Jaly 18—Stmr • Santa Rita, from Seattle,, for > Port Harford. COOS >BAY—ArriTed July 17—Schr J M Weatberwax. hence July 1. PORT CLARENCE—ArriTed July 15—Ship James Dratnmond. from Nanaimo. PORT LOS ANGELES—ArriTed July 1»— Stmr Alcatras.'- from - Greenwood;'. stmr Fair Oak*, frota San Pedro. r; BELLINCHAM—Arrtred July -13—Stmr Con> nado. kenc« • July .15. \u25a0> - OAVIOTA—ArriTed July 17—Stmr • Rosecrann. from Honolulu. «nd sailed for Saa Frascisco. EASTERN PORT 1 JiEWAYOßK l—Sailedl—Sailed July 17—Br staar Cnar cus, for .Valparaiso. . ISLAND'PORT HILO^-Salled - Jnly \u25a0 17—Stmr Massachusetts 'for -. "^epnaChsffaHaMMMHMBBHHH -\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•- FOREIGN PORTS ' ' 'ACAPCLCO—SaiIed Jury IS—itmr Axtec. for San Francisco. . HONGKONG—ArriTed -July 18—Ger stmr ; Jinmantta. - from ' Portland.'Or.' PUERTO MEXlCO—Sailed July 13—Stmr Ha wait an. for Delaware breakwater.. . _ " : VALPARAISO—ArriTed July 11—Br stmr Ca pac.- henc« ? April' 17. \u25a0 July 14—Ger stmr Seton, from. H*mb»rg..' for \u25a0 San Francisco. - « NAGASAKI—ArriTed July 17—Br stmr African Monarch, from Kobe. \u25a0BP9HP*IUMSI ' • KOBE-^-Sailod July 12— Ger stmr Ets, for '\u25a0' Hoartong. -;TMMvH^ff4lMß|^H \u25a0' HlOGO—ArriTed June 11—Jap \u25a0 stmr - Chia»a Mara. - from Honolulu, and' sailed June „13 for : Molt.^;- -•\u25a0*\u25a0 \u25a0"; : •-.:-\u25a0 "•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'.-\u25a0 "• '\u25a0' ' GIBRALTAR—Passed July 17—Br stmr la- , dramayo. from ~ Yokohama. \u25a0 for New York.' £ COLON—Sailed July 17—Stmr Panama, tor \u25baNew York- . '±~ \ '\u25a0'\u25a0- OCEAN STEAMERS , - KOBE—Arrired Jnly 12.—Stmr Ets. from San '\u25a0\u25a0 Francisco, t \u25a0 \u25a0 f- HONOKONG—SaiIed July IT.—fltmr Athenian, for VancouTer. Tla Hlogo and Yokohama.* VALPAB-USO—ArrtTed July, I*.—atmr Setos, from Hamburg, ttc, foe San. Franctaeo. NAPLES—ArriTed July 13—Stmr MolUe. from • - cArrtVed July 18^—Stmr" Carpathla, from N«w t York, iliiiwi^lM^^^lwS^Wp^MwsjgMMts^BHßa , ANTWERP—ArriTed July , IS—Stmr Menom inee,~ from \u25a0 Naples. " : - . \u25a0 -... ». NEW .YORK—ArriTed July. 18—Stmr Ftedsrich der Grosse.; frmn Bremen; stmr Teutonic, froia Queens town; -stmr Koealgea Lulse, from Na ples. \u25a0'\u25a0 ' '•'\u25a0 - " '\u25a0- - " \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 '"-' '.''-\u25a0 '"\u25a0\u25a0' ' . Sailed July IS—Stmr L« Br«Ugne,.for HaTre; ftmr AmerUa, for 'Hamburg;' stmr Cedric. for •-•Arrtred *'iuly '-I*—Stmr •: Deutachland, frwaV Hambur*,~*Tt« Southampton. * \u25a0 - i; " \u25a0z - NAGASAKI-rArxiTed July 17—Stmr Africaa Monarch. '\u25a0 from Portland.. Or., for Newcnwang. . - 'ji?j ; ', _ * Mfmwraada % ,-. . Per stmr Hi;Plant-^Tuly 18,:9:35 p: m. 12 miles'B of Blanco,'-passed:stmr;Francis;H Lex; jrett, with log raJt la tow. from Ajtorli. tor San Francisco. 9