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4 NEWS OF FOUR OF THE COUNTIES BORDERING ON THE BAY AERONAUT AND WIFE ENVELOPED IN FLAMES Badly Burned by Explosion When Preparing for an Ascension WITNESSED BY CROWD Two Men Also Injured in the Accident Near Martinez > SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL, MARTINEZ, Aug. s.— Pearl Frisby, «n aeronaut, his wife and two men were baflly burned yesterday at Fair view park, a mile from here, when the srasoline tank exploded while Frisby •tvas endeavoring to inflate his balloon. Frisby and his wife were so seriously burned that their recovery Is doubt ful. John Martin. Frisby's assistant, and P. Murphy of Richmond were slightly injured. The accident occurred In the presence of 1.000 persons who had gathered to witness the ascen sion. The balloon ascension had been widely advertised " and a large crowd had collected to witness the flight through the air. Frisby was inflating the big bag and throwing gasoline ort the fire, when suddenly the pan from \u25a0which he was throwing the gasoline caught fire and the flames instantly were communicated, to the gasoline tank. An explosion followed and Frisby was enveloped In flame. While the vast crowd looked on with Horror Mrs. Frisby rushed to thfi assistance of her husband and attempted, to quench the fire. She, too, was soon enveloped !n flames. John Martih. Frisby's assistant, hurried to the res cue and was followed by P. Murphy. After a battle with the flames the aeronaut and his wife were rescued. It was found that they had been so severely burned 'that physicians ex pressed doubt as to their recovery. None of the . spectators was injured by the explosion. MAN ACCUSED OF PADDING RELIEF BILL LOSES SUIT Colonel Waite Wins in Ac- tion to (Recover Fee From C. C. Henion BERKELEY, Aug. 5. — Colonel Henry de H. Waite, former commandant at th«> Btate university and now a member of the law firm of Keyes. Waite & Martin, •won a victory in court today that brought smiles to his face. He had transferred a claim of $30 attorney's fees due from C. C. Henion of San Francisco to C. H. Patterson, -and Pat terson appeared as plaintiff in the suit. The court found for the plaintiff. " The case occasioned a lot of comment when Henlon filed, a cross complaint several . weeks ago alleging that his failure to pay Colonel Walte's bill was because of > "Walte's failure Id make srood a lot of alleged promises to Henion "Waite, according to Henion, had Baid he could collect a big bill from the relief committee in San .Francisco last y«ar, because- he knew former Mayor Phelan and other relief officials Intimately. Henion that Waite'a influence with these officials t had pro duced .nothing, and so he declined to pay "Waite.V charge .„ of |3Q for .ser. vices rendered. Colonel Waite testified today that he withdrew from Henion'n service after he learned that the latter's bill was padded and that the 530 charge was made for trips undertaken by him in Henion's interest before the discovery of the padding. MHS. ELLA \u25a0G. JOYCE i)K A T> OAKLAND, Aug. s.— Mrs. Ella G. Joyce, 42 years old. the wife of James A. Joyce, a dry goods merchant of this city, died this morning et her, home, SlO Fourteenth street, after an illness of 10 days. Death was caused, by ap pendicitis. Mrs. Joyce was one of the best known members of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, The fu neral will be held . from the church Wednesday morning. The services will be conducted by Ilev. Father Dempsey. Mrs^Joyce has been a .resident of Oak land for 33 years., lravj tig been married to James A. Royce, Ju,st a quarter of a century ago. -She leaves six children, Charles C, Lillian F., James A.- Jr., William J^Ella O. and Irene Joyce. Besides her husband and children she leaves f opr. sisters. Mrs. James Nolan, Mr*. L. Kehoe, Mrs. E, Dolan and Mrs. B. Skalll. XURSES IX SESSIO.V OAKLAND, Auk. 5. — Delegates from all parts'; of California assembled this afternoon- at the Ebell clubrooms at 1230 Harrison street to attend the opening session of the state convention of California state nurses' association. The convention opened with a recep tion to the visiting nurses, and was Tollowod by a meeting: of superinten dents of nurses* training schools. Mayor frank K. Mott will address; the visit ors at the opening session tomorrow $nornln.s and hts address 'will be fol lowed by a response by Mrs. H. W. Pahl, president of the association. VETERAX KXGI.VEER DIES ; OAKLA-VD, Aug. 6.— Willis K. Dun can, a veteran locomotive engineer on the Southern Pacific, died this after noon at his fcbrne'at Ninth' and Frank lin streets after a long illness. • Duncan was Injured In an accident at the Web ster street bridge three years ago and had been railing Fine* then. He was a rhember of Leland Stanford division No. 283 of the brotherhood of locomo tive engineers. Duncan was 60 years old and a native of Vermont. His wife, Mrs. Marie J. Duncan, and a step daughter, Airs. William Culligan, sur vive. REWARDED FOR BRAVERY- BERKELEY, Aug. 6.— Chief of Police Vollmer was presented today with a handsome gold watch, the gift ' of Colonel A. Andrews of .the Diamond palace* In San Francisco In recognition of Vollmer'B bravery In saving the lives of two San Francisco girls In the Russian river, near Monte Rio, last month. The girls were Vivian Free man and Cole Hervins. Acting Mayor Ferrier made the presentation speech. El Plxmo Beach Hotfel, camp and cottage.llfe. Finest sea- beach on," Paciflc Coast .* for surf bathing. Take Southern Paciflc Coast BLAMES LANDLADY FOR ARREST FOR INSANITY Berkeley.,* Contractor Says She Separated Him and Sweetheart AFFAIR COMPLICATED Troubles Begin When Key Route Train Strikes Prisoner OAKLAND, Aug. 5. — To the propen sity to "butt in," alleged to haVe been shown by his landlady, Mrs. L. D. Tur ner of 1936 Berkeley .way. Berkeley, and her supposed ' desire to Separate him' from his- sweetheart, Miss Helen Taylor, Howard Mendel, an electrical contractor, ascribes his arrest and de tentipn on an, insanity charge. Mendel said .that since his conva lescence from serious injuries received when struck by a Key lloute train re cently, Mrs. Turner apparently had been divided between her convictions that he was Insane and her anxiety to,, break., up . the attachment existing between him and Miss Taylor. : The climax came a few days agD, Mendel 'said, when, overcome by the heat of the day and the heavy gar ments which he wore, he fell In the street in a faint. . He said he was given a dipperf ul of whisky and two injections of morphine to revive him and then vras taken to his rooms. The efforts of a fellow lodger to help him, he said, only hurt the, recently knitted fracture of his ribs" and to gether with the whisky and morphins and the pain, caused him to rave a little. At this juncture. Mendel de clared, Mrs. Turner called in Dr. Rob ert C. Hecktor, who swore out an in* sanity charge against him. Mendel asserted that since June 2. when the accident occurred, Miss Tay lor had shown her devotion to him and upon her testimony he relied to be cleared of the insanity charge. Mrs. Turner said tonight that she had nursed Mendel without pay and given him food and lodging gratis for many weeks, b«cause he seemed poor and helpless. She showed scratches' on her face and arms* where Mendel, ac cording to her story, had wounded her in his Insane frenzy during the last week. She endured his irrational be havior until her husband insisted that Mendel be taken in charge by the au thorities. Mrs. Turner denied having interfered In any of Mendel's love affairs. Sh3 explained that Miss Helen Taylor, mc c tioned by Mendel, was a recently di vorced woman whose married name was Mrs. Helen Martin. Mrs. Martin had visited Mendel at the Turner home and the landlady's sole interest in these, visits was to see that they were con ventionally correct. Mendel, she de clared was practically penniless anl had won thfe pity of the Turners, whicit accounted for her permitting him to re. main In the house without paying." - •'\u25a0'- ADDS TO CARRIER FORCE OAKLAND, Aug. 5. — Arrangements have been completed by Postmaster Paul Schafer for the Institution on Wednesday of an ew carrier: service, which will cover the retail business and factory districts with more expe dition than at present. Twentycarrlers will be transferred to a. new branch postofflce, station D,' which has been established In Franklin - street' near Eighth. . \ IXDORSES : CARXIVAL PLAN'S OAKLAND, Aug.*s.-— The city council officially Indorsed^ tonight the plans; of the director general and executive com mittee of the Alameda county exposi tion and carnival to be Held in -Idora park from September 23 to October 6. About the Bay LYRIC ORCHESTRA'B CONCEHT— Oakland. Aug. 5. — The Lyric orchestra hag rilans In band for a concert to, be. *iren aoffit Id Washington 'mil. H. G. Roecker Is conductor and J. Coombs acslstant. Tbe officers are: President. R. DruUe; vice president. A. B. Klchter; secretary, F. Uain mann: treaenrer, O. Morfenler. AGES WOMAN DIES Su*DDENLT^Oak!nntl. Aug. S. — Mrs. .Helen; Stirera, 05--.Te.ars of age, wbose home was at Lincoln and Milton nveiiiii-K, in Fruit Tale, died suddenly thb afternoon. As Kb<» had not been attended by a pbysii-l-m tbe case was"- placed in the hand* of the coroiter. Mrs. Stivers lea toitr husband nnd family. ; COLLEGE INSTRUCTOE -WEDS— Berkeley. Ang. r>. — Alfred J. Cbamprenx. a m«?m!>cr of the department of astronomy, end mathematics of the unlterslty. a r praduate with the. claw of '04, w-as married last WVdneßday .to Mattle \hti Tislier -at " Gtlroy. \u25a0 After a wedding tour iat rarlouß rOa*t resorts they will make their borne In Berkeley. >'. . ' AFTER ALLEGED ' EMBEZZLER— BerkeIey, Aug. 5. — Policeman Bert Kraser left' today for Sockford, 111., to bring 'back A. E. .Wilson, a contractor, who is charged by E. E." Lnnib and othert with defrauding them. Wilson Is said «o have taken money with which he was expected to. pay hills. for building material and to have disappeared with the coin. ACCEPTS THE PASTORATE — Berkeley, Auft o— ner. I. N.-McCasb of De« Moinps. la., lias wired the trustees of the First Christian church that he will accept the. pastorate here and will preach for tbeiii on September 8. He wai a pastor for .10 years In I>pr . Moines. During the last two years he has been superintendent of the antifaloon league ot lowa. KAME FOR NEW FERRY BOAT Oakland. Aug. 5. — It has been decided tbat the new ferry utearoer, which Is being bull t for. the Southern Pacific company, shall be. named the "Melrosp." The new boat will be of the same type as the Berkeley, but will be • slightly Mnalliir. The machinery for the steamer Is already in Oakland, and the boat will l>e rushed to completion. I W. B. LOMAX ARRAIGNED-Oaklami. A«r. S.— W. B. Iximax. who , Is accused of having forged tbe name of Attorney Abe P. I^each to a cherfc for ?ZVOO. which he cashed at the Central bank, was arraigned in department 2 of the police court tbla morning on a charge of forgery. The preliminary examinnlimi uns set for August Cfl. )/ira»i bns been released from -jail tm $2 000 ball: furnished by Leola H. Miller, Mary E B Elson and W. G. A. Miller. INJURED BY EXPLOSION— OakIand. Aug. T>: Three men; all employes of .the, Southern Paciflc company, \u25a0 were , Injure*! by \u25a0 tbe exploolon of a chemical engine during- the fire "drill at* the West Oakland yards Saturday. 11. D. Monroe suffered a • fracture of one of the bones of his haiui. and H. Taylor and H." Roeder were cut and bruised. The accident Is : believed to ' baVe ! been caused by the denting of the machine as It was moved about during the drill. DOfi "ATTACK S YOUTH Ben Simon, a printer's apprentice living at 4913 California .street, was bit ten yesterday ; afternoon by • a vicious mastlßV which, attacked him while he was slttln g 6n\the \u25a0 front steps .of his home.' . Simon, .who Is IS years old/ was taken \ to the office of ; Dr. Fassett for treatment -and i then'.' sent back home. He stated that he noticed children teasing the dog, whlchran across- the street and' suddenly snapped at%hls hand. '. HI* > wrist .was fearfully lacer ated. HI9EGHH& EARTHQUAKE RECORDED ALBANY, K.y.."Aug.:' s.—ThVselsmo graphi at .the State museum registered earthquake shocks at 1:59! o'clock this morning, >, lasting / 10 ... The record -wae : not' sufficiently jmarked' to deterraineHhe i location ".of • the ; disturb- THE: S^N FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY^ AUGUST 6, 1907. Professor Puts Peahui as Energy Producer Above Porterhouse Berkeley Savant Is Ghampiori of the Goober BERKELEY, Augr. s.— Peanut mer chants, Italian vendors of the succulent •'goober" and all who deal -In the fa mous edible of 'the^circus and railroad train \u25a0' "butchers" afe expected now to rise up and call Professor M. E. Jaffa blessed, for Dr. Jaffa, the eminent food expert of the stat« v university, has ! just issued a scientific- bulletin- oh nuts In which he declares, .unequivocally, that there is more protein in 10 cents' worth of peanuts than in a porterhouse steak arid six times as much energy in the "goobers" as in the beefsteak which housewives pay a small fortune for. \u25a0Professor Jaffa/ is an authority *on the values of foods. He has conducted elaborate! experiments- during the last few years, u&ing different foods 6n dif ferent human 'subjects, and his bulletin, just issued by the United States agri cultural department at'.Washingtori, is In part the result 'of his experiments. Dr.\ Jaffa discusses the alleged indi sestlbillty of nuts in hts bulletin and incidentally gives a knockout blow to the old fashioned notion that *alt, eaten with nuts, makes them more easily digested. Some of*Prbfesisor Jaffa's paragraphs on nuts, Including his. declaration that peanuts excel porterhouse steak in the matter of energy producing material, are as follows! \u25a0 \u25a0 - Wljen ronsldprlnjnuto it Is. readily observed that 10 cents will Jmij- about the same amount of nut ' protPlri as animal protein, except in tho ease of <-hwp and sklra milk. If .spent for ppanutfe It will i purchase more than twice tlte protein anil *ls times the enentjr that oolild be bougUt for the same expenditure for porterhouse steak. It is of moit> than passing Interest to note that 10 cents' worth of pPnnUts 'rill contain niore than fouf ounces of prbtcih and 2, 11T calorics of enersr. which lo more protein energy than !s rum tKlied b}' rations regarded as ade quate for a day. \u25a0 , \u25a0 \u25a0 . Although peanuts supply proleih and energy for a smaller sum than bread, they arc out ranked by dried bcnnsi. which, at 5 cents a pound, will supply for 10 cehts more than 200 proms of protein and 3.200 calories of. enew. If more pi-aunts and dried beans were used by frultvians theif diet ; would be . enriched and the cost decreased. * .. . . ; With the exception, perhap*. of dried beans and ehpese no' food material has the reputation for iDdifcestifolllty that has been accorded to nuts. Discomfort from . them is largely due to Insufficient mastication , and ;to . the fact that nuts are often eaten when not needed, as after a hearty meal or late at night, though it Is undoubtedly true tlint nut protein :as ordinarily eaten is not so easily or bo completely digested as meat protein Very likely the concentration of nuts with but 3 to 5 per. cent vcater, as compared to raeatcou talning from 50 to 7Q per cent water, is a con tributing eausrv IT cartful consideration were jjlveu to this matter,^- and If attention were paid to . the proper use of nuts and tlielr correct plac? iv the ' diet, there would be less unfa vorable oomraent on their dtge'stlblllty. Results of investijratlonß .carried on with fruit and nut ctiet at the California agricultural experiment station afford- tentative . conclusions rfrarrting the thoroughness of digestion which slK»uld be- of value, to those' who -wish' to Use nuts as a "staplo. article, of, food father than an occasional article of diet. la riew of the. facts resulting froni the experiments- regarding com position and digestibility . of .' the diet used by the subjects In these • experiments, it 'Is . e»i dent that- nuts .iuuxt. be. rejtanled ,ns the main sburcf * of " protein •' f of \u25a0\u25a0 the : fruitarian. -' ' -; . . <? TtoTSttidies tritn- fruitarlang hare alt Indicated that \u25a0 ivat protein ;ls , fairiy well' assimilated, ''anil that .'this Is true with, the" arernge healthy person Is well illustrated by' an ; experiment with a nniTersity : s^titleqtj.who. \u25a0 thou(rh-- entirely un-. nccnstohled to-sucll fire, gradually (hanged froni an ordinary mixed diet, to> one of fruit and nuts, which he followed for a \u25a0 time without apparent loss of . healtU ,or strength. - " ;. • v There is a popular ;belief lhat a little salt .with nuts .presents the digestive disturbance re sultine'frflm eating them. To most: persons salt undoubtedly adds to the pain taliility uf the nUts. but no investipatlons have 'been found on record which demonstrate any, actual ' Improvement la the digestibility of nuts due to salt. • - GAINS CHILDREN FROM CUSTODY OF HUSBAND Oakland Couple- Separated and Others Seek the <! Breaking of Ties ' OAKIiAND, Aug. s.— Leonora (J. Heynes was awarded an', interlocutory decree of divorce ".today .from 'Charles L. Heyties on the ground of extreme cruelty. She was given 'the custody of their .two minor children, and allowed J25 a. month alimony. \u25a0 A* final decree' of dfvbrcfe :has' been granted Anita I.*t Humphrdy fromTJ. G. Humphrey on the ground of willful de sertion. .'' ' , \u25a0 :"•"\u25a0' Suits for divorce on the ground .o" cruelty have*/ been filed by -Etta L. Thomas •, against Ellis I. , Thomas an-J by Bertha : Jane. Ballard against Albert Bloom Ballard. ;/.. ; > \u25a0 Divorce! proceedings' have been in stituted by. Minnie F. Walker- agalnsf Launcelot H. for hesertiort.and by John M. 'Leayitt against 'Olivette Leavitt. ms£msd(Bt&: \u25a0 \u25a0•;.\u25a0'•; G UARDSMEX I RKBIGX OAKLAND, A\ig../5.— Captain Fred Petersert and .Second; Lieutenants Meyer Hermann of Company A", -Fifth infantry, natlohal' guard, haV^ ', resignedr^frbm the. company, and as* soon" as -they can settle up the affairs of the organization will ; deliver the I property of - the* com pany to a board of survey, have been connected with Company A for. the lastr : 15- years, \ and have rec*O?ds ; of ex^ Cellent service.; 3h recognition of -their work for the natjonal • gyard ,they = have been, offered/positions with "the .same rank on the staff of Colonel D.' A. Smith, commanding officer of the Fifth regi ment., \u25a0" ;-. \u25a0 .-.' ." . .' \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : - : - \u25a0 .'- RENO WINS IN ITS v.; ; FREIGHT RATE FIGHT REN'O, NevV, Augr. \u25a0 5.— -"For various reasons ; Heno will not be "able to get the- class \ rates'" which the : Nevada Com mercial league- rfcQUfeiMsd,:,but:the "com pany stands ready, to = make commodity rates ohj every i 'article which jitt is de sired to; have "^distributed - throughout the state' and these rateslwillibe on a parity" with;; -those '* Which Sacramento and other, outside '. places yiave:to:, pay," said District' Frelght^'and • Passenger Agent E.WV:.Clapp.:. upon« his. 'return from a; conference with* higher; officials In" San" Francisco jyeßterday., - ; Clapp.lias,ibeeh' instructed .toY pre pare a: list of commoditlea. which" Rend merchants, wish to? distrlbutejahdTwhcn thtslls done -Uhe; merchants -Tvlll have an' equal chance with \Sacramento'mer chants;, and merchants > of •. other' 'places who have- claaß; rates." ;;Thls^ Is ipractl-' cally/'a 'victory > for Vßeno, as It- gives the result sought, for. $ ."-'-.\u25a0 FREIGHT! TRAIX BUR.VED LOS .. ANGELES, /Aug. 5.— A - freight train ; was 'wrecked; on the'' Santa' Fe road "^between [\ this-; city,-; and-» San, -Ber nardino^ tonight. 'It; is- reported? to 'have been \u25a0.cdestt-oy^d^byif fire. Telegraphic^comrnunlcatlbn^hasr been n-terrupted;'v ' '?*\u25a0'_• v. '"•" ' : --\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0; — "V-;' *"" ' : :'~ \u25a0-\u25a0';" PROFESSOR it. 'E. JAPPA OF BERKELEY, WHO SAYS THERE IS MORE FOOD VALUE IN TEN CENTS' WORTH OF PEANUTS THAN IN- A PORTERHOUSE BTEAK. Society in Cities Across the Bay OAKLANt). Aug.' 5.-— Louis Risdon Mead and his bride, who was" Mlsa Mac Sadler',, after* " their Wedding trip .through Alaska and Yellowstone park are In" Spokane. They will return to the v bay. cities in a fortnight, when they Wlir be the, guests of Mrs. Mead's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sadler, at their -Home" In \u25a0 Alameda."' A series of affairs is being planned in honor of the attractive bride. . Mrs. M. t>. Merrltt, who with her son and^flaughter has been In Los Angeles as the guest- 6f friends, has returned to her home" in Lino en street. Professor -I'Vank Soule and. Mrs. Soule, who . left Berkeley several m6nths ago for Europe,' have' been spending the summer in Switzerland. They;4re plannlngto be in Egypt dur* Ing the winter season, returning to the bay cltle9 late in the 'spring. ; Mr. and Airs. l Phllip r E: Bowles are homeward^ bound after several j months of European travel. They have visited most of the places of interest In the old: world. since leaving Oakland;. Dur ing their absence the famlljTof George McNcar Jr.\ have been occupying ith« Bowles Rome in Boulevard terrade. • Announcement Is made of the.en gagement of Warren, S. Osgood, Bori of F., S.Osgood. a prominent druggist of this city, and Miss .'.Ethyle, Scott, the pretty ; daughter of Mr; and' Mrs; Alex ander §cott *Qf -Por'tlfendi* Ore. -No- date has been. ~jnzi*i f p r,/the : wedding, . wliich will "be 'Jsoleradlzed;" In "\u25a0\u25a0-.the "\u25a0 northern, city.- Osgood 1 is a graduate ;of .thß TJni- : \'ersity ; of Calif ornia and^ a student in Cooper 'medical college of San- Fran cisco. , He Is a member of the Phi Chi fraternity and -of the Omega Upsilor. Phi. His fi&ncfee is a girl -of ; consider able .musical ability and popular. The Scott family is prominent in Port land. . • . Mrs. Martin,, wife- of Captain Martin of West Point,; is the guest of Mrs. CM. Sadler at her residence in /Ala meda.*. Mr. and Mrs. Sadlef : are plan ning a series 'of nearby trips for-Mrs. Martin, who Is a sister of Miss Wood, Mlsß'Mae Sadler's maid of hbhor at the brilliant y chufch ;Weddlng \u25a0 of, June, wliich made her the wife of Louis Ris don *Mead." . *", \u25a0 > ".'-.- Cards are out announcing the mar riage yesterday of Emll Ffitsch and Mrs. Theresa Salisbury. ' • * - • Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sherman. Phelps, the 'latter once Miss Winifred Yelland, are spehding ; tire summer in the!Yel land. bungalow a't'Brookdale. Since her marriage the /talented -young' matron has resided at Wlillts," coming to' Oak land on frequent visits -to her mother, Mrs. R. D. Yelland, at her: home in Seventh avenue. . : '^ :':? vW^^SM The marriage of ; Miss ; Lillian War--' rington and"; Grover C. . Elam will" be one of the notable events of the .fall in the college [town. Miss ..Warrlngton Is a gracious girl ;>wlth a host of friends in the bdy pities. Since the announcement of .'her engagement she has been honored with several charm ihg: affairs. " ; - .;. '\u25a0 - . •»\u25a0 '•' \u25a0; •\u25a0•;. :\u25a0\u25a0':\u25a0 J ': •-^ - , \u25a0 » -.• •\u25a0' ALAMEDA, Aug. s.— Mrs. K. E. Johnson has 'returned \u25a0. "-f roin \ a - four months' tour of the.Brltlsh Isles. Hef daughter, Miss Ruby. Johhson; who ati cbmpanied her abroad, stopped over 'oft the., way home to -visit.- her. brother* Percy Johnson; at;Calgary,,B.C.'. The Charles.: Fosters/ of 1011 Grand street have returned ; from their. sum» mer-outing, which -was spent at Linda Vista near San Anselmo. '-• , : T . ~ '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 Mrs. "James E.r Hlgglns- and her .artn Ward ihkve' -returned .from \u25a0• Redwood grove, near GHrojv where- they passed two mortthfc. '. ' c . '\u25a0'\u25a0 - ' ; j8 Miss Edith and Miss j Edna' Kersey of 2413 r Eagle avenue, departed > Saturday for a visit of six weeks- with friends In Seattle and 'Portland. ''. Captain i K. \u25a0 yon Otcrendorp left Sat- 1 urday on the:'steanicr" : Alameda %t6t Honolulu, 'where he 'will jbeuthe guent ': ; for six weeks of his 4 granddaughter," Mrs. A. Berndt.: Captain yon endorp : was for" many years •in com mand of Pacific liners. , \u0084 . ;, Miss \u25a0Edna'-Schulte' of, 1612 ; .. Chapin strPet. has ;: returned H- f rohi. Monto : Rio, tv h « re s h o wa s . t h e '; gu e.*» t o f M rs." James Hambly ; forX.aKweek. [•;\u25a0 . . - t . , . !/iMiss Belle- Rosenthal ;t of i^l 410 : ; Oak street has ?; returned ' f rom .^South Caro^ HhalTwhcre- she" spent: the "greater : part of sixmonths.. \u25a0 : ALLEGED' DEFAULTER I-V . COURT OAKLAND, Aug.* 8.-^-Joseph M". Smith, formefly "e.ftiployedla^ "ft: collector f6r, the FirbfnatlOftal bank^Vh'6 ift accused of haying; misappropriated ,f4,'sOO of the money , entrusted ;to;'hls /care, was; ar; raigned ' this morning Jnij- the,' police court. On a .of : felony, embezzle*, mehtl ; ' As no* complaint^had -been ifllej by. the \u25a0 bank v t 6fflcials thjer case was'; 6dn-" tinued : to, AugUßti expending^ the .fljins of a complaint. .^Sniith - has-*^confessed. TRAIHT W RECKERS : FO I LED , PITT9BURG', 'Aug.- B.^lt-VMas^'heen le<if ned 1 . that 'an.; at tempt* was <niade fj'es terday 'morning Uo'; wreck --"tlijtf f- 'North Chicago": limited on : the ,; Pennsylvania "railroad 'just.: outside:; "of * 'SpHce^bars "had \u25a0 been. y nailed^ ;'to.».!a Me and .; rested ' on .'each Hofj" the" 1 track 4 t^but; : tlTe'<eh6rmous weight ; of -ths^mogul^englnei:Tdfawing the ;-train , prevented ] the derailment, ; .' . \u25a0 - ' ':' '\u25a0 : '% GIRL'S PICNIC ESCORT RUNS OFF WITH PURSE Miss Agnes Lang Loses $8 ,-as^Result of Faith Jn New Friend. ' OAKLAND. Aug. ; v s.— Miss Agnes Lang, who lives -at 2000 Folsom street, San* Francisco, reported to ; the . police today that Walter Connell, whom she met at "a \u25a0picnic at. Shell Mound park yesterday 1': and 'afterward *-: accompanied . to' Oakland for,! supper;' kept her purse. coritainlng_sß, ( which flhe had given him i" for. safe keeping.' He had escorted her • to the -Southern Pacific apron and thereV disappeared, suddenly. , Miss Rose. Stevens, Whase ait 170? -Pacific street, cauned^ the arrest ; this morning, ofOscar Pearson, a Pull man : ear porter, , whom she charges with having stolen $20 from a trunk in her ' fbom.v. The money was .stolen while she wds absent from the hduse. The Wo man alleges that Pearson Was se«n to leave • the ;room' shortly before she re turned. \u25a0;_ . :. : \u25a0' Ray Canfleld,' who claims to be a farmer, was arrested today," on com plaint of Charles \u0084Wald. tvh'o charges • Him .w^th haying stolen $4.50 from him \ In a saloon. LARRY SULLIVAN FALLS OUT WITH HIS PARTNER Tries to Discharge Corps of Clerks' and Is Arrested for Assault SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL -REJvTO, Nev., Aug. s.— Larry M. Sulli van, "member of the brokerage firm of Sullivan & Rice and the man who Is supposed to be putting up the cash for the 535,006 purae, for the Gans-Srltt fight in. Reno on Labor day, was ar rested today for assault with Intent to kill. after a fierce quarrel with his part ner. Graham' Rice, which probably will result ,In the dissolution of .parttier *Mp" O . Sullivan 6wns a minority share of the stock In the Company, hi* share, wtth that In his wife's name, amount- In^itd 38 per cent of the capital stock. Rlc*e became'dissatlsfled with Sullivan's actions. bt late and tcld thfe proomtef that he would have to mend his ways within U8 hours. A. quarret fensued at Rice's home, where Rice lies ill with fev&r. .: Sullivaii went to the office and attempted to take charge against or ders; from Rltfe. He encountered insu bordination •.\u25a0 and -vwhen"' he discharged theimany clerks they refused to go. B.; M.TPond, ;Rice'B secretary. . drew a revolver .to keep' from ' being, ejected bodily. IrwJ h^ M.' He rzigv treasurer of.the/Ne vadaiMiriMfir News; a. publication issued by, th<> company, refused to grive up the keys, to ."his .private safe and\ Sullivan attacked. .him, beating:, him, severely. Herzlgr, who is a cousin of Rice, swore to' a warrant charging' Sullivan - with assault with intent to kill. V. Sullivan was arrested and' released \ on his own recoprnlzanco to appear for hearing to morrdw morningr. ,v, v ! Sullivan attempted to procure a war rant' for the arrest ; of Mrs. Rice, who had given Pond the revolver with which the latter threatened him. MISSION BOARD WOMEN WILL LAY CORNER STONE First Chinese Convert Will Place Copper Box in '\u0084 Building- Niche The meeting of the Occidental board of _ missions of the Presbyterian church in the ledtUre room of Calvary church yesterday; was the"- largest held In the past 16 'rhonthg. ". Durlhg the session Mrß. H. B. Plnney, the president, ati» ndunced ' that ;, at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon /the / corner, stoiio of the ;bbard*s" new 'building' at 920" Sacra mento street; ."which is to replace the one destroyed by the conflagration last year, will be laid.' r ; A^ the clergy^of the city have been Invited- to 'witness 'the cer^mojjles. The copper, box Whiclt'.wlll be placed In the stone will be deposited by ; Ngo Wing, the board's ; first • Chinese \u25a0 convert. It Was she .who. 12 yearflago/ placed the box in the 'corner st one -o( the building thatv' was •:. deiitfoyed. .After tile cere mony there will 'be areception^at the Grand \ Central hotel \u25a0to 'a number ' of the missionaries who soon; will depart f or -t stations in the far east, and' to Mrs. .-Roberts. .. . > \u0084- i • \u25a0 ; :'\u25a0\u25a0* The new,buildlngswlll. be larger, than the dld-onet,. The plans call? for four stories and. basement and the structure .will/, be 'ready :; for l\ occupancy -In the early part' of January. . .: iAt'^he morning -seaslon Mrs. Hbra burg? read ah -interesting letter from Mrs.': Webber \ telling vot ? the* work ; fee ing donelhindrthern Korea/ There present during the day three^presidents ot presbyteries, :Mrs. John Dunston of San J66«v Mrs. 'John Gamble of Oakland ;and Mrs. H V 'K. dlrc^oryiof this ; city. • Mies Gllchrlst, secretary, general' of Arizona, also was present.-.' r .'.di-i:Ar " \u25a0 -'. •'\u25a0 \u25a0".-: - • :\u25a0:.'\u25a0/.-:: During f the afternoon the^. meeting was. addressed' by Rev. Dr." Kittridge on the^corifefence held last May In China and- by*,- Rev." 'Dr.' Sharrocks,: who spoke 'Of the "W6rk* In ."-JCorea. . v Fol lovMngsthis;the kindergarten vchildf eh sang and -a trio of the ! elder/girls also Bang-several songs i^ln -English, r c^^ 1 \u25a0The next meeting ' Will be held In Cal vary , ; > church on the first Monday ;in Beptember}|j)BH|B*wß^Sl^^^^j@^SjteMH CAPITAL PLANS PAGEANT \u25a0 IRRIGATION VISITORS .SACRAMENTO, Augr. 6.— Among the plans /of j. \M9 l - committee ;*6f '; control ; of the"; national > irrigation congress is one 'for --.a'j grand, t pageant. -Ti Arrangements «wer« ibearun ; today and • Steps i taken ; for a\"> military I display i on i ; the arrival .* of Governor; Chamberlain, 1 president, of; the congress ; Go vernors ". Sparks *of Nevada, Cutler i*of itt^ah, -; Kibby ;\u25a0 of * Arizona farid | others.* 1 ;! It. is -planned UolhaVe a -parade ari^d magnificent reception,; a'cayalry es corta'ndi full salute of 19 gjuns for^theVvisltbrs..*'* -..(".:\u25a0 i. '",":. *:\u25a0,*\u25a0 * ;\lnf addition .' tb^the. ;esc6rt" : it is prd posed*/toJhave7 a* force **!of ". cavalry <.' and Infantry; ihf the^parade,^ as well as^Spahi lsh-'lwar,' veterans,* - : several. , hundred strong. ' ; v k 3BMBBHHBSBKv v *\u25a0 C - OAKLAND COUNCIL SELLS BIG PARK BOND ISSUE Securities Awarded to Two Banks, Which Offer Same Premium OAKLAND, Aug. s.— The Oakland Bank of Savings and the Central bank have purchased the $992,000 park bond Issue'which Was offered for sale by the CJty council tonight. The Oakland Bartk of Savings wag awarded the entire is sue on its bid of par value, accrued in terest from January 15 to time of de livery and $520 premlcm. The Central bank's bid was the" same. W. W. Garthwalte of the Oakland Bank of Savingr3 said that the bbnds would ba 1 divided equally with the Central bank The First national bank bid on a 30 days' option on half 'of-. the bonds at par value, accrued Interest and $5,000 premium. The same, premium was of fered for the other half.. The council decided that a flat offer was better than an option tender. for the reason that an option might not be taken up. The council ordered the opening of Fourteenth street from Harrison to Alice, but sustained a' protest of Edson F. Adams and Others against its open- Inp and wldeiilrtg from Alice street to Fallon. TELEPHONE GIRLS SAY WORK WAS DENIED THEM To Meet ' Today to Consider Resumption of the Strike The strike of the telephone operators and the linemen of Tocal 151, which was declared off last week, may be de clared "on" again, for • the operators claim that the telephone company did not live up to a verbal agreement and humiliated the members of the union when they applied for work yesterday. The company officials claimed yester day that they knew of no agreement, either verbal or ' otherwise, with the union, and stfch applicants for work A* appeared yesterday, were put through the regular series of interrogations such- as all applicants " for work are subjected Mo. The . officials further claimed. that the company was In need of no more linemen, having filled up the ranks from the new union recently formed under charter of the American federation of labor. The members of the telephone op erators' union reported at the tele phone offices yesterday for work, but wefe Informed that they would be re quired to make formal application. The nanies lof a number were taken and they "were Informed that when needed they would bo sent for." '\u25a0• " • 1 The operators decided to hold a meet ing this afternoon for the purpose of reconsidering the action of last Friday by 'which the strike -was' declared off. The members Of electrical •workers' union, local N0.' 151, will take action in the matter at a special meeting to be held tonight. The position of*lsl Is peculiar in the fact that the union struck against the telephone company and its action was declared unconstitutional by Its na tional officers. The union refused to rescind its strike action and the na tional body granted «i charter to the dissenting members of 151, who there upon Went to work for the telephone corporation, under sanction of the in ternational body, which .meantime re voked the charter of 151. Superintendent Phillips of the tele phone company said yesterday that the action of the operators' union as a body was a matter of entire Indifference to him.' He hoped to see. he said,- many of the old employes back at the switch* boards again. "I made no promise to take one back or one hundred. We- ccarn r use mor« operators and would be. glad' to have our former employes return until the ranks are filled up again. That is all there is to it. We will certainly not take on 'any help without asking the usual questions which any prospective employer has a right to ask of any prospective: employe." HIGHER COURT DISMISSES MEN HELD FOR ROBBERY Two Defendants Are Allowed to Go, but One Is Prisoner in Pesthouse When Police Judge Shortall held Ed ward Eldrldge, Edward Turner and Joseph Ferris to answer for robbery last April he said: "We had, no testi mony against these defendants until Turner t6ok the stand. However, they will be held' SO days awaiting their trial, and, of course, that will be some punishment." • .\. Judge Shortall's prophecy of "some punishment' 1 has / been than ful-' filled. Eldrldge and Turner remained In- Jail until yesterday, when 'Judge Cook, on motion of Assistant- District Attorney Haniey, dismissed the charge against them. • Ferris !s;not only still In ,i custody, , but is In the pesthouse. having caught ;s the smallpox while a prisoner" In the county Jail. ./•Eldridge, Turner, Ferris and Joseph McConlsky* were accused : of holding up Frank Stone, a. carpenter, on April 25. and robbing him of $15. ? McConisky was , not- held t6f answer. ' When; the cases of Eldrldg'e and Turner w#re called yesterday for trfal Assistant Dls. trtct 7 Attorney Hanley announced" that the evidence/at hand would not justify further proceedings.' The transcript; of the preliminary" examination contained little testimony and most 6f, that was conflicting, v -Judge Cook; granted the motion ito dismiss. .SIOK .HEADACHE AADTrb'O! tSe«e T £iUl?PUlaJ >^lrlf\| fcIXQ Tuey also rcHeva DI3- WPB& i*7»e>i *> \u25a0 tress Jrom Ir/spepalA, In- *Kr I \u25a0 TkL dlgesUoa and Too Hearty I\/£* D Eatlnff. A perfect rsm- Xl !*.?•\u25a0 JC* edy for rjizanesa. Nausea, H PILLS, DnnrsUieea. Bad Taate ! Ja'.7 *ff| ta tod UcxXX OcMod S^'^i^H Tongue, pain la ttoaa©,- I '.«JTTJBPm UVKR. The? regulate tl)6 Bowels. Purely Vejretable. MO. PiLL SMALL DOSE. SMALLraiCE" ICARTFR^J >V. Genuine Must Bear. . mirn^ , Signature »B IREFUSE SUBSTI7UTESI: ALAMEDA'S MAYOR SAYS CRITICISM IS UNJUST Addresses Council in Regard to His Absence From Meetings VaLAMEDA. Aug. s.— The city council tonight directed the city attorney to prepare ordinances to call a bond elec tion on the following Items: Park and playgrounds. $125,000; site and build ing for new school. $50,000; electric light plant Improvements. $50,000: Webster : street roadway. $37,000; fire department Improvements. $25.00*0: Bay Farm island road, $13,000; free library improvements, $3,000; total. $305,0(10. City Attorney 31. W. Simpson was re-elected by a vote of ?6? 6 to 2. Council men Noy and Bullock opposing. -..Mayor Taylor appeared, and in a brief addres?*presented criticisms of his absence \ frprrt council meetings. He said that he took exception to the statements Which had been made pub licly on that subject.' The mayor thought that his presence &t all meet ings . was unnecessary. He announced that a mayor's office would be fitted up in the city hall in due time. SAYS HE BOUGHT SALOON THAT DID NOT EXIST Hotelman Asserts He Was Handed a Dummy Bar and Stage Liquor v OAKLAND, Aug. s.— Peter Flexel. former proprietor of the American hotel at Alameda point, who was charged by Carl Rlchter with having obtained money by false pretenses, entered a plea of not guilty in the superior court today. \u2666 Rlchter, who bought Flexel's Interest In the American hotel recently, alleged that Flexel had misrepresented matters to him before the' deal _ was made by giving him to understand, that the hotel had an Alameda. liquor li cense, when it had not. In the preliminary hearing .Rlchter testified that Flexel had arranged, a* dummy bar in the hotel, and. when the prospective purchaser visited the place there was a crowd of thirsty men standing' in line waiting to be served by the drink mixer. Since Rlchter became proprietor of the American hotel a few months agr^ he has been arrested by the " Alameda , police for selling liquor without a/ license and for operating a nickel m the slot machine in his place. He was found guilty on both charges and fined. DROWKS IX THE COHTJl3IA~Spokan*. Aug. 5. — Robert D. Mitchell, a ranker, llviiig near Spokane, and V«m Wllcot of this eitv. were drmrned jeaterday In the Coluiabia rlT*r near Bridgeport. Douglas county. DR.-I»IEHICE'S REMEDIES l Do You Think : For Yourself ? . . \u25a0 • \u25a0 < . Or. ca you open roar, month liks a 700x1* bird and gulp down whiterer food or raedl- clne maV be offered you 7 • 1 I V \ *** \u2666 • \u25a0 CA-?*oVj.rtSAn intelligent thlnkme woman. In need ofNttjjef frora weakness, nervousness, pani and suSuWns:. then It means much to you tbat theresQftrtg trlfj? and trt»a _hnr,<~t F*djHn" ot «».-}io cpvypwf^^ sold b7 druggists for I^e core of woman's ilia. ' The makers of Dr. Pierces Favorite Pre- scription. f»r tho cure of weak, nervous, run- down. oT€>r-worked. debilitated, pain-racked women, knowing this medicine to be made up of ingredient*, •rery. one of which ha.-i th» strongest possible Indorsement of tbe leading and standard authorities of tha several schools of practice, are perfectly willlne. and In fact, are only too si ad to print, as thordo. tbe fonnuU, or list of ingredients, of which It is composed, in plain EngtiaX on erery bottle-wraypef. The formnla of Dr. Pierca's Farorite Pre- scription will bear the most critical examina- tion of medical experts, for it contains no alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or hablt-formlns drajrs. and no acenfc enters Into It that is not highly recommended by the most advanced and Radius" medical teachers and author- ities of their several schools of practice. These antborltl»< ryoamend the Ing-red tent* of I)r. 'yje'ee's Favorite Prescription for tha cure^of exactly th>> saTrif BilTncnt> forwh|,'h Lhh woriU-fnm»»<] rne<ilclne I* acivised. -'\u2666 \u25a0:+ : * -.\u2666;\u25a0; -r«*» " Noother medicine for woman's Ills ha* any such professional endorsement as Dr. Plerce'a '\u25a0 Farortte PrescriDtlon has received in thenn- j Qualified recommendation of eich of its : several ingredients by scores of leading medl- j cal men of all the schools of practice. Is such an endorsement not worthy of your consideration ? ! *•:- + .* * f I A booklet of ingredients, with numerous anthoratire profeslonal endorsements by th« leading medical. authorities of this country, will be mailed free to any one sending name and address with request for same. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. " . . The Ktovr mtor* that carries \u25a0 I toad line •( f Fbwnes Gloves I in to h# depended on, f^ S. c Los Angeles Times San Francisco Office 789 Market Street ARTHUR L. FISH, Representative Telephone Temporary 2121 lIP ONG TENJHEW^ g^S TEA AND. HERB DOCTOJ timzm&m DR - wong woo