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8 SPORTS Championship Will Be Decided In or Near This City By R. A. Smyth After an almost interminable discussion, Wfllus Britt and Ben Selig. acting for Jimmy Britt and Joe Gans, drew up a set of articles last night and opened the bids made for a meeting between the lightweights. Three bids were received, and one of them will be accepted tomorrow night. From appearances the managers of the boxers are inclined to accept one of the bids for a meeting in or near this city. Jim Coffroth offered 70 per cent of the gross receipts for a fight at Colma on September 9. , Jack Gleason offered 75 per cent for a fight at>the baseball park In this city on the same day. In addition to a percentage, he guaraulaed that the share of the fighters would not be less than $25,000. 1 Jim May, the representative of the ;Rer 4 o Athletic club, made a fiat offer of la J2C.000 purse for a fight at Reno ou 't September 2. On« of the curious things developed iby the tiresome discussion over the Articles of agreement that the men Eigned was the fact that Britt tried to g-et away from making a ringside \u25a0 \u25a0weight. He wanted to weigh in three hours before the fight at 133 pounds, ior. If the fight be held at night, to ;weigh In at 6 o'clock. Scllgr held out jfrota first to last for IS3 pounds, [stripped at the ringside, r.lthough at jone point of the discussion lie told Britt ithat he could take any one of the three (weights suggested provided he named It lest night. Britt likes the substantial meal that he can enjoy if the weighing in is at j ringside, but he seemed to overlook the ifact that every ounce that Gans weighs lover 132 pounds makes him so much :inore formidable. Britt appeared to be •afraid that Gans might be defeated by I.Memsic at Los Angeles and had a clause inserted in the articles provid ing that If either contestant engaged 'in another match before their meeting 'In September and was defeated he should forfeit $2,500 to the other man. Britt was anxious for moving pic tures of the fight, but Selig shied at these, saying that Gans had an un pleasant experience with them in the past and lost money. Britt said that \u25a0while he received $14,000 for the fight ers' share at Colma he received twice this amount for his Interest in the moving pictures. The articles signed by the men last night follow: This agr*enj*nt made and watered into th!s IMth day of August, by and betww-n Bon Selis. teprcfcentlnp 3ue Gans, and W. V. Uritt. rei> rcsontlns Jtmrole Britt. wltoeswth: Gang and Britt hereby agree to meet In a boz- Ibj contest, the number of rounds of which te be determined upon the acceptance of h'.a for same. Contestants afrree to wriph la tt 153 pound* at tbe ringside, stripped. Soft bandages to be allowed, subject to the approral of the referee. Contest to be for the llghtwele'it champion ship and straight Marquis of Queensberry rules to gorern same. Referee to be selected as the club promotlcg the contest shall decide. Both contestants to post a forfeit of $2,500 with Harry L*ap cpoa the signing of tbete agreements, said money to go as a forfeit to carry out all the provisions of this agreement. i If either contestant engages in any contest after the. signing of this agreement and is de feated he is to forfeit $2,500, as above men tioned, and the other provisions of this agree ment will then become null and Told. . If moTlng pictures are taken of the contest tbe combined interests of tbe contestants shall be Toted as a unii. This contest to take place not later than Sep tember 30. 1907. If the parties to this agreement do not agree as to an offer or pune upon or before August 10 then these articles shall become null and mid. W. F. BRITT for Jlmmle Britt. BEN* SKUG Tor Joe Gans. Witnesses— Sam Berger, H. C Fisher, E. M. Graney. San Francisco, Aug. 10, 1907. * • • • The match makers are as busy as bees trying to bring some of the heavy freights together. Greggains has offered Mike Schreck a match with Al Kaufman, Billy Delaney's big protege, and expects to bring the men together this month. He applied to the super visors yesterday for a permit. Kauf man is anxious to fight Tommy Burns, If the latter cannot be sent into the ring with Jack Johnson. Kaufman be lieves he can lower the colors of the lighter who put it on Bill Squires and has been after him for some time. There has been some talk of pitting Kaufman against Squires, but Delaney Is not giving • that serious attention nt this time. When Squires landed .here Delaney tried to get him on with Kaufman, but the Australian would not entertain the proposition. Delaney \u25a0wanted him to prorepse he would give Kaufman preference if he were suc cessful In his meeting with Burns. He \u25a0would not agree to this, so Delaney •^Brill not go out of his way to help the visitor to a match at this time. • • • Manager Coffroth said yesterday that _ he had not clinched a m«.tch between Burns and Johnson. CoffrOth wired his eastern representative to obtain 'Johnson's best terms for such a match ,and with that Information in his pos session he intended to "make an offer to Burns. The latter has placed a high 'valuation upon his services, according to some of his friends, as he wants to be sure of $20,000 as his share be fore he enters the ring. If his theat rical venture i« not a success he prob ably will come down in hi* price. • • • Kyle Whitney, the best of the boxers developed in the four round game, jseems In line for a big match. Coff • roth has a promise from Mike (Twin) Sullivan that he will meet the crack welter weight and It is planned to put them on some Saturday afternoon In 'September at the Meadows, Coff roth's place near Colma. The intention Is to put the winner of this fight on later In the year with the winner of the Ketchel-Thomas fight, which is sched uled toe Labor day. This would be tan especially attractive match, as the winner could'clalra the welter weight championship without any one disput ing his right to the title. 7 • • • Paul Martin is to box again on Fri day night before the California club In Dreamland pavilion, his opponent being Tonyny Woods of North Beach. :Ed Carter has been given another i match . with Harry Riley. Billy Snail ham. who graduated from the limited ronnd fights into the 20 round game, ;Ib back' again where he started. He has been given a match with Joe Riley. • • • The management of the Coliseum rink is trying to have the next fight staged there. It is claimed the Coliseum can be arranged to seat a. crowd .to better advantage than was done last Wednesday night. Kfi DON'T WANT THE FIGHT San Jose Native Sons Aroused by Promoter's Scheme _ SAN- JOSE, Aug. 6. — The Native Sons ere up In arms against a proposal to .raise a fund . of $40,000 to bring the JGans-Britt fight to this city on Admis •slon day. Tbe order Is planning; a big [state celebration on that day, and ; an jenterprlsing promoter thought that It '•would be a big stroke of business to p-jll off the mill at Luna park or some 'other convenient, place. A vigorous taboo has been " put on the scheme, however. Dr. A. C. GaPtori, chairman of* the general arransrement^ Gans and Britt Agree Upon Terms for a Match committee, declared this afternoon that under no circumstances would the Na tive Sons tolerate any such thing- here. He said that the. order was 'planning a celebration that would be accept able to the better class of people, and that a prizefight could not under any, conditions form a feature of it. JACK JOHNSON COMING WEST Heavy Weight Boxer Eager for a Chance to Meet Tommy Burns NEW YORK, Aug. 6. — Not until this afternoon did Jack Johnson, the big negro heavy weight fighter, know that he had been offered a bout with Tommy Burns for the heavy weight champion ship of the world at Colma on Admis sion day, September 9. It did not take Johnson long to accept, and he Imme diately announced that he would start for San Francisco at once to sign articles and post a forfeit. As soon as the Burns-Squires fight was over. James Coffroth' the coast fight promoter, began 'laying plans for a 45 round bout between Burns and the negro pugilist, but not until yes terdaj* did Burns agree to fight the conqueror of Bob Fitzslmmons. ROAD AGREES TO PUT NEW RATE INTO EFFECT Louisville & Nashville Com pany Officials Notify North Carolina RAL.BIGH, N. C, Aug. s.— Governor Glenn received a telegram late today from the authorities of the Louisville and Nashville railroad saying that they would put the 2% cent state rate into effect August 8. This Is the last railroad to surrender to the state laws, and on August 8 each- line in North Carolina more than 60 miles long will be using the state rate. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Aug. s.— No of ficial statement was issued tonight . of the conclusions reached at the confer ence today between Governor . Comer, Attorney General Garber and the as sistant counsel employed by the state administration to assist in enforcing the laws affecting the railroads as to the next steps in the case against the Southern railway. The governor 1 and the attorney gen eral left for Montgomery late this aft ernoon. While the governor would make no statement, his advisers let It be known that they were deter mined to enforce the state laws at any cost. They said that if necessary an extra session of the legislature would be called or troops would - be called out to see that the state's com mands were obeyed. MONTGOMERY, Ala., Aug. s.— After going over the evidence with regard to the duty of the ' Southern railway to provide a depot at Gaylesville, the Alabama railroad commission refused to consider It further today on the ground that, as the company had no right to do business in the state, the commission could not tell it to do or not to do anything. ST. PAUL, Aug. s.— Judge E. Vandn vente"r in the United States circuit court Issued a temporary restraining order today prohibiting the secretary of state of Arkansas from forfeiting the right of tfie Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad to do business in that state. .v. v AUSTIN, Tex., Aug. s.— The railroad commission today issued a general or der to the railroads of Texas, their officers and employes, that the, penal provisions of the anti free pass law will be enforced against -all person.* giving "or receiving free, transporta tion or free services except those ex pressly exempted. The commission also declares that prosecutions. will be Instituted in every county in the state through which a railroad runs) of which an employ© gives free transpor tation in violation of the act. GREAT DERRICK TOPPLES " INTO SEA AT SAN PEDRO Three Men Engaged in Harbor Work Have Narrow Escape From Death SAN PEDRO, Aug. 6— A steam rigged Barnhart derrick at work near the sea ward end of the government:break water on the outer harbor here became unmanageable this afternoon with tho weight of the boom and the high wind prevailing and was carried over into 60 feet of water. .B. F. McMullin, engineer, was In jured in jumping, his back being. badly strained. \u25a0William Hart, fireman, and Government Inspector Haskell were severely bruised "when the tender on which they. were standing,. turned over. All three had very narrow, escapes. The loss will exceed $10,000,: which will fall on the California Construction company, ' contractors. ".>' There was no insurance. ~3|258 TWO RAISIN SEEDING . PATENT; SUITS DECIDED United - States ' Consolidated Company , Is Given Judgment Against a : • Fresno l County Concern LOS ANGELES, Aug. E— ln the i United : States . district ;. court today i Judge Wellborn rendered recisions- in [ two cases of similar character,' up holding the' rights of'a patentee whose designs were alleged: to ; have been -in fringed; upon} by numerous fruit'pack ing concerns^and others in' the> raisin districts. The , complainant i was ;\u25a0: the • United States consolidated raisin i com pany, and its right ,tothe> exclusive right, of a patent; for; seeding J raisins was affirmed In Its actions against the Selma* fruit .company;: and the "Valley foundry! and . machine works. < The. court held that the patents were valid r. and , that both i respondents % had Infringed. Other actions :of. the -same import- are still 'pending. \u25a0 JAKES CAKHOLL OWZtf DEAD— Napa , Anp. s.— James; Carroll Owen died: ln this city > Unlay. He; was ia i natl»e ; of : 1 1 limits. 75 \u25a0 ronrs =of * i-cc-. lie came acres* 'the plrtas to S'lKun In-IKX!,* n'i'i ** a <"arpealcr\bt;lli tUo arm "-aucsc '. Li tSuiTzKi'- THE SAN FRANCISCO GALL- TUESDAY;: AUGUSTS 6/ 1907. M'CARTHER HOME FIRST IN SARATOGA HANDICAP Wins Feature Race at the Spa From Stablemate, Running Water SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL SARATOGA, N. V., Aug. s— The Saratoga handicap, the feature of opening day, was, won by McCarter, while the". Newcastle horse's stable mate, Running -Water, was second. Dandelion finished third. * , Dandelion was heavily backed be cause of his recent Impressive :. victory and also his sensational. race when he ran Ballot to a nose. •£; The' Saratoga "steeplechase, 'Which carries $5,000 in added money, was won by J. E. Widener's good "leaper."VEl Cuchlllo, held at 3 to 1 in the betting. The . Flash stakes, the $6,000 2 year old fixture of the Saratoga meet, - went to Fair Play. The Hastings youngster was | much j the best and : won easily., by a length yand half. . " A record-breaking crowd wag at tracted to the course.' The weather conditions were, perfect and the track as fast as human skill could make it. Summary: First race,' six furlongs — Tom McO rath won, Jacobite second. Green Seal third. Time, 1:12. Third : race, »the Saratoga steeplechase, about two miles — El Ouchillo won. Thlstledale second, St. Volma third. Time, 4:10. Third race, the Planes stnkns, fire and a half furlongs — Fair - Play won,*: Jim Gaffcey second, Sir denes thirds Time. 1:00 4-5. Fourth race, the Saratoga handicap, one and a quarter miles— McCarter, 111 (Miller), 9 to 5, won; Running Water, 115 (Notter), 9 to 5. sec ond; Dandelion, 117 (Radtke), 11 to 10. third. Time, 2:05 3-0. Gallivant; Ironsides and Ked Leaf also ran. .' . . Fifth race, one mile— Tom Dolan won. Work maid second, Arabo third. - Time,- 1 :"9 4-5. Sixth race, - fire and a half, furlongs — Aim<?e C won. Red Bonnet seconJ, Oaatessa third. Time, 1:07. ' SIX SPRINTS ON CARD AT FORT ERIE COURSE SPECIAL- DISPATCH TO THE CALL FORT ERIE, Ont., Aag. s.— Weather rainy. Track slow. First race-^-Slx furlongs, selling;, S year olds and upward: ': Odds. Horse and Jockey. Wt. St. %. Fin. 5-I— Trackless (Schiller) ...1«7 3 33 12 3-I— Awawexang (W. Ott) ..104 S 42 .22 12-I— Nettle Carlta (Delaby) . 90 4 2 % 3 4 Time, 1:13 2-5. Mary Curtis. Lou Niffen, Dul cina. Autumn King. Lucy Carr. Austin Allen, Gladys McConnell, Elkslno, finished as named. Second race — Four and a half furlongs, sell intr, 2 year old fillies: . Odds. Horse and Jockey. Wt. St. % • Fin. 4-I— Whlskbroom (Murphy) .. 93 1 14 18 5-I— Wild Cberry (Shilling) .103 5. 2 % 2 % 3-I— Margot (McCarthy) 96 83n32 Time. \ :54 1-5. ' Kitty Smith. Supine, Pigmy, Cuscowilla, Lady Handsel, Aromatize, Culture, finished as named. Third race— Four and a half furlongs, selling, 2 year old fillies: Odda. Home and Jockey. Wt. St. % Fin. \u25a0 8-s— lnauguration (McC'thy) 98 6 1 h 1 y» -. 15-I— Guarda : (Schiller) ....: 883\2 4 2 % 3-I— Baila (Shilling) ...;... 112 3 ; 3 I^3 3 Time. • :55. \u25a0 Blanor Fay, Fandango,.' Lenore G, ' Little Minnie, Gertrude Lee, finished as named. - Fourth race— Fire and a half furlongs, purse, all ages. •";•-'-/ - ". ' \u25a0 Odds. Horse and Jockey. Wt. St." «4 Fin. 1-I— Frontenac (J. Lee).. 1 . .104-2 2 b 1 Vt 30-I— Ben Still (E. Martin) . »0 1 1 3 2 7-2— C. Eastman (F.Burton)lls 5 3 h 3 2 Time — 1:08. Light Wool. - Usury, ..Meddlesome' Boy. Sally Preston, Humorist, finished ::s named. Fifth race — Six furlongs, selling, 3 year olds and upward: \u25a0 . . Odds. Horse and Jockpy. Wt. St. % Fin. 2-I— Edsely (P. Riley). .. .106 3 IV, 1 % 6-I— Bellmence (C.H.5hi1)..102 0 5 % 2 1% 3-I— Oak GroTe (W. 0tt)..102 2 2 % 2 n Time — 1:14 1-5. Reticent, Monere. Demurrer, Haber, Penrhyn. Berryman, Prollflc, Consider ation, I finished as named. . Sixth race— ll He and a quarter, purse, 3 year olds and upward: Odds. Horse and Jockey. • Wt. St. \u25a0 % \u25a0 '• Fin. 5-I— Woolstone (C.H.Shll).. M 1 1 1 1^ 4-I— Uolinda (J. Murphy).. 108 6 2 1 2 n 2-I— Doubt -(E. Martin) .... 84 2 3 1i,43 4 Time— 2:oS. Bernie Cramer. Dorasette. King of tbe ' Valley, Imbodcn, Ancestor, finished \u25a0as named.. Seventh race— Six furlongs, soiling, 3 year olds nnd upward: ; : . .. \u25a0.";/' Odds. Horse and Jockey. Wt. St. % Fln.i. 10-I— Kohnoflaw (W. Ott)... 09 .8 5 1% 5-2— Hartlne.,(C.n.SbMlnjr).lo2 3 2 Vj 2 1 5-I— G. Mcßrlde (F.Burton)lOO 7 6 2 3 1»£ Time— l:l4 1-5. Royal Lecend. Blacklock. Laura ' A; Melting. Nellette. Lamp trimmer, Cyclops,' Apple Sweet, finished as. named. PORT Kill E ENTRIES First ' race, seven •- furlongs, * selling — Taunt 07, Nellie .Racine . 97, \u25a0 St.. Jeanne -97,' Theodocia: 97, Beatrice H. 102, Dele Strome 102. Little Lighter 107. Deriigre 107, Ayrwater 104, Fire Alarm 104, Moongold 104; Punky 109. , Second race.-«teep!echase, short course — Rus sell -A- IG2. O>ell Leath.lso.-Sam Parmer,l43, Mall Box 130. Snowdrltt 130, Croxton ISO, Fly- Injc Plorer 138. Third ' ; race, ' fire ' furlongs, selling — .Marion Moore ; 100. Shirley.' R 100, » Miss Mazzonl 100, Moliere 100, Tourmaletta 108, GilTeUcar 106. Wlnhetka 97," Alreolar-07. • — Fourth race, one and a sixteenth miles, selling — Hnrmakis - 102, Charlie Thompson ,105, Peter Knight «9, -, Reveille ; 103, \ Light Note : 100, Fac totum 104, Matabon 93. ;"\u25a0•» • . - Flfth ; race,;elx furlongs, celling— Wedding Ring 107,, Annie Mack 107, Sweet Fla»la; 107, Plan tasanet 112.-. Merlingo 112. : Caramel 109. Comic Opera 109. Brlercllff 109. New Year II 109, Jig rer 108. Marimbo 104/, Venus 102. \u25a0\u25a0 Sixth race,' flye' furlong*, '".selling— Tomnabat 106, " Bercoo 106, 1 LlMerlne 103,' Orlamlot - 10<? Toplofty 07, Kitty Smltli 9T, Ena 07. Lattice 100 Herenth race, sir '\u25a0\u25a0 furlongs, * selling — Reactluu 104, Oberon 104, JackKercbeTille 109, Careless 109, Arby Van 109. Alsono 109, , Koly. Poly 10T. Prince '<\u25a0 Sllycrwlngs 107, i'Apple .- Swept '"* 102, . Don Fonso 112,j Kricula 107, Era • Clalr 107.: x FORT^ERIE SELECTIONS ..„•'- By : the , New . York Telepraph . First ' raee-i-Dele S trome.": St.' ; Jeanne. * Deri ijrre. Second r race— Dell . Leach, ; Russell " A/ Flying Plover. 1 _:^: .\u25a0'\u25a0.-\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0' \u25a0 \- r \u25a0 , : - \u25a0:\u25a0:'\u25a0 \ ":\ •. Third race— Marlon >toore.MoMere, Shirley -R. Fourth race— Peter, Knight, Hannakis, Charlie Thompson. ~ \u25a0 v .. \u25a0 \u25a0 .' Fifth race^-Merllngo, Vrnus, Jigger. Sixth race^-Orlandot, 'foranabat, Kitty • Smith.' Seventh ; race — Prince ; Silverwlnpi, Careless, Oberon. . -, , . ALICE POINTER TAKES THE DOMINION PURSE BUFFALO, N. ,¥., Aug. . 5. — The G rand Circuit :_i meeting X here ?•\u25a0 opened l-'Cz today, under - unfavorable a lights rain "falling throughout! the four .races. : ,^' The -rain j did not 'affect the ' track and "• fast ? time ;. was ' made \u25a0\u25a0 in the 2:12 ;• pace c forithe;; Dominion^of Canada purse of ; $10,000. ;' Reproaches; winner, of the . Chamber of: Commerce stake/ proved ..aTdlsappoihtnient^ being unplaced. Alice: Pointer 'took -the race in- straight Cheats/ ; ; - ; ' Beatrice! Bellini, choice In the ; 2:16 ":trot, J ;>Justlfled -her backers; winning; in heats. "'/-Results: - \u25a0\u25a0' First : race, 8 year, elds, >tUe; Preparation, purse $1,000— Belle : Bird * won i two straight ? heats , and the race 1n2:12%. i 2:13%.'- .; : v - - \u25a0 Seconds race.i. 2:12 pace, V Dominion of Canada pace, i purse ; $10,000 — Alice v. Pointer i won \u25a0? three straight ; heats . : and : the ; race ; in - 2:05^;h 2:07'^, -. Third race. ; 2:lo : trot, ! Lafayette \u25a0 hotel,- nurse 52.000-^Beatrice Bellini won three straight heats and'tbe race In 2:11',i.i2:08%,";2:10.'-: : :~i Fourth 1 race/1 2:00 j pace.r pursa - $I.(loo— Judex won, three Btralgbtiheatßilni2:lo, 2:0"U *2:11U: 4 Bodner 1 - Wv Lee^of r , CosjAn'jJreles an>J Cuyler_ Lee. spent last' Sun Jay in ['. Cuy ler .life's Cadillac. , J^BHHHBS';- \u25a0. > ;•,,,„ Automobile Road Racing Events Are Planned by Santa Cruz Motorists for Next Month C. A. BKLDON'S PACKARD CAR WHICH WON THR ECONOMY GASOLINE TEST ON THE ENDURANCE RUN TO LAKEPORT, ABOUT TO START FROM TIBURON. C. A. BELDON IS AT THE WHEEL. KAISER'S YACHT METEOR IS BEATEN AT COWLES Racing Program V. Under Auspices of London Club Opened COWLES. Isle of Wight, Aug. 5; — In a light breeze 30 boats started today In half.a dozen, matches under the aus pices of the; Royal London yacht club, opening!; the week's yachting, pro gram. The most' interesting event was the handicap 'for big schooners, in which Emperor —William's American built Meteor started at scratch against the German yachts Susanne and Clara and the British yacht Adela.^ The Susanne beat the Meteor by three minutes. The Clara was third and the Adela last. , The royal ' yacht squadron regatta will begin- tomorrow and will last four days. The most important races .%vlll be for.lthe cups offered by King Edward and Emperor -William. There are twelve competitors for the latter, the largest entry of the whole meeting. \ t \ ,.'".' King Edward, Queen Alexandra, , the prince" of Wales and other members of the royal family, after the races today, went on. board !the Dreadnought 'and sailed for.: Sandowne bay : .to\ witness a. sham 'attack on the battleship ; by sub marine '\u25a0; boats, i and target practice with ltSibigiguns. i \^j : \u25a0 HAYWOOD, BACK AT- DESK; HOLDS ALL DAY RECEPTION Long Imprisonment in Idaho Peni- tentiary Reduces Miners' Offi cial's Weight 30 Pounds DENVER, Aug. s.— William D. Hay wood, * secretary and ' treasurer of the western federation- of miners, was; at his desk in the headquarters of the federation this morning. A" constant stream of visitors poured through the room, offering greetings and their con gratulations on his acquittal of the charge of complicity in the 'murder of former Governor Steunenberg of. ldaho. Hay wood expressed his pleasure at his reception on his arrival last night: He looks well, although he says. he. is 30 pounds lighter than when- he -was arrested. He expects to remain in Den ver for some time arid as soon as pos sible will take up his work where he dropped it. \u0084 MAXSPIELD IMPROVING NEW YORK, Aug. ; s.— Mrs. Richard Mansfield: has telegraphed." from Sar anac lake to former Judge Ditten hoffer,- counsel for Richard Mansfield, stating that the rumor . that \u25a0 Mansfield had. had a serious:: relapse Is untrue. She ! says that he: had a badrattck of sciatica, due to the damp \u25a0 weather, but that he is improving. PI SIX MINUTES AND THREE-FIFTHS OF A SECOND ||| fe^ \u25a0B- GAtirORNIA-NEVADA AUTOMOBILE COMPANY mm I'd IN NEW QUARTERS— I3S3 BUSH ST. BETWEEN POLK AND LARKIN JPI [^4 By R. R. I'Hpmmedleu Automobile events are coming along on the high gear. One event is no sooner, proposed than another is an nounced. From now until the rain sets in it will be one round of pleasure for the automobile owner.'. The Lakeport run -and the Wilier hill climb are mat ters of history, and as an aftermath the California-Nevada automobile company, which handles the Steams I car, has challenged the White company to race its steamer over the same course for a 5100 sliver cup. The White company has accepted the challenge and. both companies. will use regular stock cars. This will mean another, trip' to one of the .most tiful spots in the country. .-; - ; Next Sunday there is to be a series of automobile races on the track at Concord. Reports from those who have seen , the track at that place are most favorable. The track is said to he one of the best, for automobile racing In the state. Many ; of the local owners are going to put their cars in the con test. Yesterday Ti- was announced that there was to be a great automobile day at Santa Cruz September 21. One of the'main: events. will be a 150 mile road race. .The races and .other automobile features are being handled by several enthusiasts who -are 'forming a new organization. . It is likely to be the greatest in the history of the automo bile game, up to the present time In the state.. Some very handsome and valu able "trophies .. are to be offered. ' The races are Ito be so attractive that every one v who has a car with any speed will takefpart. *tThe"' road^ race will be run withlno limits to speedJVV. "•^.ThoseHwhoyare handling the eve"nt have" I ; laid .out a" ,15' riiile course, /which Is" to* be covered 10 times. A petition is 'the \u25a0 supervisors ' of ' Santa Cruz courity : asking for permission to hold the race on ' the • roads there. . Twenty-five deputy sheriffs, armel with stop watches, cameras, flags and any other implements that they may ,believe to be of advantage in holding up? and getting evidence on speeding automobiles, will take'the road between San - Rafael Sausalito' today and .will : lie in wait' for . benzin^ buggies .whose .'drivers are " exceeding the • speed limit. War againstj all auto 3in gen eral arid .speeding aptos in particular .was- declared "by the Marin county board 'of supervisors yesterday and \u25a0the army of ; deputies was the result. ;Twenty miles an hour on straight stretches "of 'the county road has been the, speed limit set by the ; supervisors for some time. Finding that, this law was being x violated- by almost . every auto that found" occasion to ; pass this way, despite glaring white signs posted at the roadside ; warning their against such'practice, the supervisorial board waxed wroth' and arranged the special meeting which was held yes terday. .The cameras in the hands of the dep uties will be >used;^ to clinch." cases against- drivers who speed by heedless of .the call to halt ' arid ; are subsequently arrested. Each photograph _so taken will "' become a matter of record and LOS ANGELES MAY YET PUT BAN ON FIGHTS LOS ANGELES, Aug. 6.— The fight against pugilistic encounters in this city was renewed in the city council today, when Councilman Wallace in troduced another antiboxing ordinance. The measure does not prohibit pugi listic encounters, but if it becomes a law it will remove all the attractive ness which the game might have to those interested in the sport. It pro vides that all contests shall be limited to 10 rounds, that there shall be no third. man in the ring and that there shall be no decision. The measure is patterned after the law which obtains in Philadelphia, with some modifica tions. This is virtually the same measure which was defeated here some months ago. but just now there is a fair chance of it being enacted, although the pro moters of the fight game here are fighting hard to kill it. LOCOMOTIVE BLOWS UP; FIREMAN LOSES LIFE SAN DIEGO. Aug.-, s.— Engine 724, drawing a freight train whichjeft here over the Santa Fe for Los Angeles this morning, blew up this afternoon .two miles from \u25a0El Toro. Fireman O'Connell was so badly in jured that he died soon after the ac cident Conductor Phillips and Engineer G. P. Luce were badly injured, -Engineer Luce losing both legs. The* conductor was riding on the engine steps at the time of the explosion. All of the injured live in Los Angeles. GIOLITTI STAATJS FIRM ; TURIN, Aug. 5. — The Stampa printed an interview today with Premier Gio llttl in which he was quoted as reiter ating that the government would not change its policy owing to the anti clerical agitation in. Italy. He added that the strictest orders had been is sued to prevent violence and protect churches, convents and other religious property, but the government would not Intervene in any fashion. kept. in a gallery for future reference in case the same machine is held iip a second time. The supervisors explain their action against the auto by declaring that few business machines frequent this side of, the bay and that as a consequence teams, which are. required to be on the roads, are in danger from machines whose occupants are on pleasure bent. They declare that all culprits gathered in \u25a0 will .be . harshly, dealt with regard less of : who they may be. Edited by R. A. SMYTH CHAMPIONS DROP BACK INTO SECOND POSITION /Detroit Takes Lead in American League Pen nant Race AMERICAN LEAGIB Clubs— Won. Lent. P>t. Detroit 57 33 .«ttn Chicago 59 S3 .<WS Philadelphia 53 37 .53* Clereland 53 41 .37.": New Tork T. 44 49 .47;: Boston 3S 84 ,4i:t St. Louis 37 o« .39* Washington 23 63 .308 WASHINGTON, Ausr. s.— Detroit Jumped into first place today by winnloz -both game* of the double header. Washington's three errors la tl># first same were costly, while- Donovan held Washington safe la the second. Scores: First jrame — R. B. E- Washington 2 -S » Detroit. .....8 TS 3 Batteries — Graham. Gehring, Heydoa and I Block; Slerer and Payne. Second came — K. , H. *\u25a0 B- Washington 2 -32 Detroit S 12 1 Batteries — Smith and Heydon; Donovan and Schmidt. , NEW YORK. Aug. s.— New Tort ontplayed the Chicago Americans today, sendiajr tbe vis itors to second place is the pennant race. Pat terson was batted oat of the box in toe first inning and Whits was relieved by Walsh In the third. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 4 « 0 New York 0 XT 3 Batteries— Patterson. White. Walsh. Bush. SnlllTan and McFarland; Hogg and Kleiaow. BOSTON. Ang. 5. — Boston won today's gam* In 12 Innings. Pruitt's lack of control did not count in tbe ran setting. Boston saved the zame by pattlntr Hoey and Grimsbaw to hnt for Cricer and Prnitt and won in the twelfth with a batting rally. Score: n. n. c. Boston ........3 14 1 St. Louis „-. 2 10 O Batteries — Prultt. Wlaler. Criger and Shaw; Dineen and Spencer. PHILADELPHIA. An*. s.— Philadelphia took both games of a double header from Cleveland today by hard hitting. Scores: Flrat same — R. H. E. CleTeland .: : 2 T S Philadelphia 8 S 1 Batteries — Joss and Clarke; Plank and Power*. Second game — R. H. K. Cleveland 6 10 7 Philadelphia 12 13 5 Batteries — Bernhardt and Clarke; Bartle*^ Hope, Waddell and Powers. NATIONAL LEAGrE Won. Lost. Pet. Chicajro 71 25 .T4O Plttsbnrjr B» S3\ .«1* Xew York 55 3S .501 Philadelphia 50 40 .s.*^ Brooklyn 42 53 .44C Cincinnati 42 - 5.1 .442 Boston 38 55 .4ii*» St. Louis 23 73 .ICS CHICAGO. Aug. 5. — After Ames' had el^en Chicago a Rood lead by his wlWnrss he scttl**! iltvwn and pitched a fine game The T!sltr>r» hit Taylor and tied the score and won in the ni:iS>. Score: r. ii. r. Chlcaeo 4 « " New York :. Z 1t "t Batteries — Taylor and Moran; Acm auit lir:-* nahan. ST. -LOUIS. A«ff. 5. — Philadelphia m-»«!o;f""^ ont of fonr over St. I/>nl.* totla.r. wfinips » *! •" less game. In which botlt pitchers wore liit f f'r. ScOre " i:. n X St. Louis 2 *T Philadelphia ." 11 ? Batteries — Lush and Xoonati: Bruwa ai.l Doolo. RAILROAD MOTOR CARS BEGIN REGULAR SERVICE No Longer Doubt of Ability to Kesp Schedules After the Omaha Tests OMAHA. Aug. 5. — Motor car No. 10 left Omaha at 9:03 o'clock this morning as the last of the second section of the overland limited train No. 1. maninrr the run. of 290 miles from Omaha to North Platte in eight hours. The time of the overland limited as sched uled is eight hours and thirty minutes. The run from Omaha to Denver, 55S miles, was made in 21 hours 22 minutes, being delayed-west of North Platte six hours and 34 minutes by washouts. This car will go Into regular service between Carr and Denver August 3. and is expected to perform a dally service of 172 miles. There is no longer any question as .to the ability of these cars to perform the service required. dr. xiii^a. vjUI jL\l Tie Leading SpeclAllst. '*'*•• vlt For over 17 jears I hare confined my practice to the special ailments of men. For inch disorders as SPERMATOR- " RHOEA, VARICOCELE. LOS 3 OV POWER. CONTRACTED DISEASE. CONTAGIOUS BI.OOD POISON AND REFLEX DISORDERS I na« methods which absolutely and for all time CURE. These methods are strictly ' original with ma and knows to no other specialist. COXSULTATIOX FREE Weak and nerrooK men, or those suf- fering from any private disease, should call on me at once. I make absolutely NO CHARGE " for it friendly talk, and . my.^adrlce- win. be Taluabla, whether treatment Is begun or not. Writ* if yon cannot calL Hours : l> a. m. to ."» p. m.: evenings, 7 to 9; Sundays. 10 to "1 only. 1603 FH.L.MORE ST^ CORXEU GE.IRY, SAX FRANCISCO qjL FiSfilSG, - Ml HUNTING, - r^ lV l SPORTINGand id -CAMPING GOODS SHREVE& BARBER CO. 1023 MARKET ST. ' jj^a^i! M£HANDWOME». \3— Big Ofor annatar»J fiX£&f blbt <**r»-\£ <ll»eh«r£««,lna»miii»:ion«. MZ>tf G«»r««u«d M irriUtloo* or qla«raUon« X- -jf j*X' '* "'}**"• •< aatoti m«Bbrtg^ EFT.!™ Ems CHt.Hiau.Ca." Sl« wViw^SL"**?* VrtJ^awsiun.o^W^ Sold by Xtrumnml i-T?THhi -itßrffl b? •*»"»». 9r«s«M jo»' "*-X^!3^Ky^P S.«-W.«r»!>«>ttl-Wri.Ts i £3SS' r V. G» CUouSaf nnt oat«a t« vii.t_