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SANPIPER TURNS FORM FLIPFLOP AT MEADOWS Wins Galloping When An- other Jockey Takes the Place of Mentry F*y <J- R. .Jcffe*-y SEATTLE. Aug. 5.— A poor card provided racing today that was very commonplace. Picking winners proved perplexing to the talent, only one fa vorite Being successful. In the opener, a plunge developed on Del Fountain's Senator Warner, but the killing failed principally on ac count of the incompetency of the ap prentice rider, Charbonneau. Runsum, \u25a0which Senator Warner had supplanted in favoritism, beat the barrier and won handily. In the second race a 2 year old field \u25a0was sent six furlongs, for the first time In the west this year. Sanpiper, which-, had disappointed the talent mis erably, as an, odds. on choice in cheaper company with Jockey Men try up last FrixJay.-tDok the measure of Willie T. the evea money favorite, with the greatest ease. Ben Levy, la .whose colors the colt runs, bet only $20 on hinj as against $2,000 on the occasion of hijs- recent • defeat. No action was taken on the colt's reversal of form, though it was intimated that there \u25a0might be developments. * Pay Me. awakened In the third, w!n nins as a long shot In a hard drive with Royal Red. a. supposed "good thing." Stprma,. the only Euccessful favorite of the afternoon, held her field safe throughout the fourth. Leash made a futile bM in the stretch. KB A. J. Jackson followed up his suc cess in this race by winning the sne ceeding event, with Calmar. at 5 to 1. As Jackson bet on both of his horses ho had a profitable day. L. C. Ackerly, the favorite, ran poorly and finished outside the money,, as horses from, the Ross stable hare done heretofore when held at short odds. , - \* > * Givonn.l Balerio, after having'' re ceded in the betting on account of havln« Ryaa up, coupled with a big plunge on Lacene. won the final race in a furious drive with Sir Preston. Storma was boosted to $605 by C. C. McCafferty, but was retained. Trainer Yon Bokkelen claimed I'm Joe. W. G. Yanke will not try to bur htm back, as he did when Phil Reilly claimed the horse recently. G. H. Keene arrived today from. Den The Call's Form Chart of Races at Seattle SEATTLE. Au?. s.— Thirty-second daj\ Weather cloudy. Track fast. H. H. Egbert* pre «iding Judge; Arthur McKnigat. starter. . v 1370 FIBST BACB— Six rurlpngs; 'selling: 3 year-"old«; value >250, " ' : ' T Index.! Horye -. *'. .. \ iWtj' StT —*,£- Fin. J Jochey. | Op. CI. - ....]H>7 1 llii IMaaders 3 14-i5 hi?? ;Ba3;a<U 10T 5. 4% pi W. Kelly. 15 15 J^i i^ 0 ? 10^ Warner 104 3 32 $2 Charbonneau . 13-5 5-2 }3S£ iMih SUU-. ......109 2 63 4 3 Mcßrlde 20 20 'oti CUrfnmastide 108 9 5 4 5 1 Moriarity .... S 8 13T.3 Duke of Orleans 109 4 2 h «. »i Seoga.. 3US ... !P^Pnwtl> 107| T 7 7 BUac ,\ 50 :1W T.uxf~:2iy i . :4Si4. l:l4'i. llaDsum. 1 place; 2-5 show. BanjAdx, 6 place; 5-2 show, ""* War nor. 2o show. Start good. Won cleverly. Nest two <triv«*. Runsam.' away welL was ner«r seriously menaced. Dute of Orleans and Seaatop Warner were contenders for four — — Ifitj^j^— t !ff.-. sto Pf' p^' **"* Baniada. finishing strongly, boat tfrem-both.' '" 1 o^"^ o^— S' 1 ftirtongs: sellic?; 2 year olds; value $250. ".-\u25a0-'- F? lßd L^.i \u25a0'. / '"HoTse. " IWtj St. »4 Fia,~l" Jockey. rpp-'ci.' V?'- 'Sanpi per jIOS j 2 Tl» 1 2 " \\tenders 8 7 <l%9><Wim«-T Ki9 1 22" 2S ilcßride 7-5 1 w*6.jßi«rt ]ii2i 3 32 3i -p*^.::::: '3-7-2 1-.^, St .Bode 99: 4 44 43 . Gilbert ...... 10 15 13C2 (Sichtly ..1104 5 5S 520 Eettte ' ' ' 6 »>» ireg iSadie H ...ilOSi 6 6 « "/. A . Wright...: 15-30 Tlin^— f24% : -48% : 1:14 Saapiper.-5-2' plac«; 1 show.' Willje. 1-2 pJause! " 1-5 show! Import. 1-2 thow. Smrt good. Wi.aj wislly. Next three driven.. Sa«p}i)er woa galloping. Willie f and Import ba.t speed, trot ftn.Tort stepped at th» head og thTinjetc^ . 1 372~ THIKI> CE ~~ (3 * e "*? d "* n eSsl)Ltn «nJ3esrselllngT"4~ycar olds aa4 upward; "value! " |2so" » Hcffse. jWtl'St. \ r ~Fta. ~\ Jbct«y. | Op. cT. 3-?42 ;Pav Me jlOTj 4 2 4-"^^l b~^PaTms~TT7TT "10 10 135J7 iEoral Bed ..:... 10?} 7 61 2-3 Leeds ..-.M 6 18-5 . 1a43 .Jiagler 10Si « 5 1 3 2 Riley s in »W ;Moor 107 S S +2 Davis"::::: 6 S 135h- Bonar -. ? 10S ?. 4!i ."4 Kwh l"-5 12 S IJM7- !J«rnsa* 105 3 75 61 Mentry " I " ' " "I « "2|-iv:spia!» Biv W7 2 ft 7 2 Mander. "! 10 10 1317. JoUg H ....: ...|lo7| 1 3b. 8 [Hayes ....... 8 12 Xlm<*~ :23*~. 740. l:15\ 1:42, I:SSVJ. Pay lie, 4 plaw: 2 enow. Ro^al Red. «-5 place- t-5 show-. JSngier. i-ii show. Start good. Won first two driven. Third handllr \u25a0 Pa y Me lay oa tie pace for sis (urlonss. mflv«d ap grndu^Uy. and in the stretch ontlasted.' Royal Red. wiuch aJsa finished well. Vlrgina Boy had Bpced, but quit. • i3y3;~FOLBTH~RACr,-;^Ule and lOOVard*; selling; 3 year olds aad opward;" value, $250. lafl**-t '__' '.??^ c - "TWtj St." '%' Fin. "1 Joclcey;^!^." CL {107 1 13. 12. iMcClaia ..... S-5 "s3 U34l)!Le«sSj :....... 107 3 21 2 2 Heljresen .... 7^2 23-5 1361 ICroix dOr .T 109 5 36 alO • W. Kelly 13-a W55 rm.Joe 110 2 4 1 4 3 Mcßride .:::: 5 1 1354 ;Avalon lloj 6 5 6 5 6 IMaad«rs . 20 •«( ..\u25a0\u25a0 iThe Ma^r lICOI 4 6 6 ' IHyw T ...... 15 to Time— :23«i. j* B %: rt l:l *v I:4<W4. 1:47. 7-10 place f'l -3 show; Leash, 7-5 place. X-5 nhow. Crois dor. 2-O show. Start good. Won all out. Second drlvea -Third casilv Storma bad the speed to co to the front and lead all the wajv Leash made a bid at the head of th<» etretcb. Crolx dOr was a contender throughout. <^\-/° 1074 TirfsTRACB-^Flve and a half furtonge;, purse; maidens; 3 year olds and "upward"- IP it vaioe. $250. . \u25a0 \u25a0 - r \u25a0 ' tndcx-l Horse. |Wtj St. ' %, Fin. | Jockey.' 1 pp." ' Ql] 1340 jC*lmar 1021 1 \ \ i~S !3lcClaia .... 5 5 1384 iBeIUPo • Mil 4 22 2»4 Palms 15 12 1.-J49 iScbool Belt ....100 3 3n 3% Davis iZ'.'r.i '\u25a0 10 20 1353 jL. C. Ackerly \fJ2 2 414 43 Mcßrld* .... 7-5 U- 10 13*0 jLuefcy Lad 101 5 81 5 1 A. Wright. 8 10 1340 Blsagno 102 9 61 61 Mentry .... 15 30 1331 iArcourt 104 7 7 1 71 Rettip 5 « 1279 Baizini ...102 10 10 8 1 IMaDdcrs '. . 10 20 3&6 'Saw McGlbbea ....:... .;102j 3 9 1 9 5 Oroes 8 r> ... Comnor ........ ...JIOm C 5 1 la Dorwy ...... 40 ipo %lm*—-;M, :it'4. 1 :07. Caluiar. S-5 place: 7-10 show. Bellaco. 5 place; 5-2 show. ScDOoTßeif 3 saow. Start fair. "Ron easily. Next three driven. Calmar got a flying • start and was ne^r ia <Uns«r. BeUaeo was second throughout and School Bell third, h. C- Ackerly could not g«t up. • i :'•- :,.. .. , - \u0084 1375 ISTa BACE— Fire farlongs; purs«; 3 year olds and upwardj r vi I lue^ ;r |2s6r" ""'." lnAhx.l "~ " " Horw. |Wtj St. % ' Fin.' | " -'."1 Op" 'eg 1359 Givoaoi Balerio. . '....1".'..'....'... 11l <J aT J~i R Tan . \u25a0'i'" »\u25a0; .- A " 10M Sir Preston 10& 2 14 25 (Leeds *.**.'.*.*." 15- 60 1347 Contestrtx 103 2 3h 3li Palms ..... 8-5 B^s 1326 Altanero ......103 5 6 1 4 3 RetUg « 12 1345 Lacene - 105 1 42 5V> MVndlrs '" \u25a0 4 2 60S Anna Karenina. 88 3 61 6h ' Gilbert' 15 SO 1032 Golden Boy 1W 7 72 7! B. Wilson"" 20 t* 983 [Wee La>» M 8 8 g- Lenderwl^"" *& "j 25 Tsta--:23%i, :478i. 1:00^. Bolerio. 1 plac«; JU2 show. Preatoß, 15 pliwTeT&oW. Coutextrix" 1-4 *how. Start %*<X., Wofrfiwt fonr driven. Balerio, in forward contention throughout . outlasted the pace maters. Coptestrix stopj>ed badly. Laceoe wag cut "off early. " : *^i H GAMBLER WILLS HIS FORTUNE TO A CHILD srCCIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL REXO, Ke%'.. Aug. s.—John. —John P. Quinn, a gambler of the old school, who has a fortune of $1,000,000, every cent having been gained ' through games j>t chince. has willed his entire estate t«stittl« Harry May, the 8 year old son of James May, 'local snorting man and president of the Eeao athletic club.' Quinn has -been a gambler since his j early youth, following the roulette j •wheel and the faro bank for many [ years- He has been very successful! and on several occasions has won sev- j eral thousands of dollars in a night's | sitting at the tables. He now owns the games in the Palace gambling house. on« of the largest, resorts In .Nevada. Although past 60 years of age, he still follows of chance with zeal; He has no known relatives to lay claim to his fortune, which Is mostly cash^ the remainder beJng: rfeal estate in the prin- J cipalcities of the coast. , I a fancy, to the little -son of James "May, Quinn made out his will today, bequeathing hia entire estate to the bright little youngster, who. when he' arrives at the ase of 21 years, will have a fair sired stake with which .to etart Ufe's journey. ;.. • i Jarre* May. father of the boy. is now j in San Francisco in ah effort to bring the Gans-Brltt fight to Reno on Labor day. j FIXED FOB EPE22II»G- : -Oastland. :Aos. 5.— r B Etm», a cbenffeur. was fined :*5 ta tb« r-ojice court thi» norninp for mef-JioK - the •f-peyd JitnJt, . : Seattle Selections By J. R. Jeffery First race -Dr. Schurff, Lustls**:, Judgr. Second race— Mary B. Clark, Plekaway, Martrnmas. Third race— Doc Craljj, Weath erford, Rosal. Fourth reee— Kckersall, Dcvrey, -Ml«s Rtllle. Fifth race — LJsaro, Tint re Xoun, Gosslper. \u25a0 , Sixth race— Bucolic, Aunt Polly, -Vonie laioUlc. . ver. He Is BtlU on crutches, the* result of an auto accident. - ' -* ; - OUle Johnson; .who Is about* tQ re-> tire, has sold to Matt Reiss his["inter est in the horses he. has. been train ing. Joe Tighe. will succeed Johnson as trainer for Reiss. C C. McCafferty is training Vox Populi for Dr. Childs. LogistiUa has. developed an. osselet. on one of her^legrs. which probably ex-; plains. ,\ her indifferent. ' showing. . here. 7 Trainer Hoag will try to keep, her -in trainiag for the. "1909" handicap. Entries at Seattle FIRST EACJE-Slx furlongs; selling: 1304 Judge .......115? 1322 Pelham ......107 1250 Lustkr * 110 1298 Miss Raphael. 105 1335 Search. Me ..UC UK>4. StL Wedding. 105 1.360 Dr. Schart*. . aOTf 1542 Lady Kent ..105 1305 WUlie Gre«.lo7J 1?41 CrtgU ........lOa SECOND RA.CB^-SeYen (tirlong*; sell (as: , 13C? n«J Bryßar<LlU| 1361 Majctlnipas ...107 1335 Canardo \u25a0 11l 1344 I'iekaway ....107 000 Capt. Fowee. .110J.1333 Mary B. Ciari?.los. 1147 Midiaont .....107i 1363 Mettakatla ...100 THIED RACB— Oae ralJe: selling: 1M37 Seren Bc!l8 ..122} 1321 Weatherford V.IIO 1337 Eosal 122 13«5 G*p. KUborn.'.llS 134Q Cadet II 119 1.152 D<k Craig 119 13W Anopus .119 1362 Floreya .. ....IU FOURTH, RACE^One mile: seUißg: 1355 Dewey ...... 110} 13« Miss RIlHe 103 1355 Bckersall HO) 1330 Edith James.. 105 (134S)J. B. Smith .'.1071 1256 MH. Dauxhter.los 1361 Foncasta. .^.LQ7i FIFTH RACE — Five an<l a half furlongs: ~\ 1359 G. , Balerto. ..109! 1307 Entre Nous ..107 ( J 321 > Two Bills ...,109!C:336)Gossiper .107 O3s9)Betsy lOTj 1174 Royal R0gue. ..104 1322 Hirtfe ...10TK 1340) Mechlin ..100 iS67 Lisaro lOIj SI3CTH RACE — Six furlongs: 1567 Bucolic ..... .1G0W 13681 Meada .. .107 3337 Stilicbo ..... 1091 11C9 Sahara .107 ISo2 Aunt P011y... 107 1344. Water Tbnwh.lo7 1368 Tarp 107J(1383)May L N . 99 J245 Netting :Jo7| 1343 Pepper & Salt. 93 1343 NonJe Lucille. 107| (Meada and Sahara con-pled as the Mack entry.) LOS ANGELES TO HDLO A LARGE SANGERFEST . SPECIAL DISPATCH TO TSE CALL LOS ANGELES. Aug:. s.— One of the most important musical events ever held o; ths Pacific coast will v'btOthe greac international linger feat, which will be ; held here in October. 1908. It anything , like the" plaas which have hfcen prepaicU are carried out, there wiii'>e <v remarKafrJe gathering of vij calists and other mll stela "«-T»^Wfef Although this gathering- will be of German of isin and wiUaUractprlri' cijkaUy German etngars and rriernbera of the Sangerbunds throughout "\u25a0" the United Statop, itr.wUl not? be. confined to German* by.' any. jneano. Arratjße incnta have been made for the attend ance not • only- of I come 'of the great singing societies of Kurope.-.but^ 1 novel feature , wUI be i the attendance .o f forna of the great European* masters of 'voc%l music who, win:cqms a? th«: guest?; of the' society whtch has charge of the arrao g c m c ntn t s.' \u25a0^SSf^tSS^mUSflfmKSM. In point of numbers of participants the sar.g€rfe«f will' eclipse: all, similar events iieia on the coast. Th^fupd for. the entert& pf the visitor? already amounts, to 1 "more than $10,000 and with the.year :<t is expected tha^ this will: be multiplied. v mahy times/ A^CrWRLLS'INrROVKS LQ3; ANGELES,', A\xs'. S,^- A. G. Wells, greneral managerc of ; the'-Paclflc ; coast division of ; tbf; Santa Feriwho.'.waK stricken a, f e»-;day« \u25a0SgQ, I "with^app"^rfdl'{ citls and! operated upon in a local hos pital, js cpnßldsr^dv9ut of •* danger.* ; THE SAN FRANCISCO GALL, TUESDAY; AUGUST 6, 1907; SHIPPING NEWS AND GOSSIP OF THE WATER FRONT • Brings BigjShipment of Raw Silk From the Orierit The Japanese liner Nippon: Maru, Captain Filmer, arrived yesterday aft ernoon from the far east with 144 passengers and 2,581 tons of cargo. Tho latter included 1,617 bales , of raw silk; an unusually' large shipment. "The silk brought by the Nippon, is valued, at. ?M3*.900.\ ; .. - ; .V-^ : : ; i; :\u25a0 *: : ' Among the*- liner's : . passengers* was J. Wadman of \ Qh.iQ, " who' : joined! the; steamer at, Honolulu* and ts. hastening to his. \ home \ in i an. ' effort; tq reach : the bed.s,lde of adying daughter-:^ Ih ; order, that he might travel ! on ; the Japanese liner.: Wadman. paid the, /$200." flnel. im?: posed for violating-the coastwise 1 ship ping taw," .which ' forbids ~ foreign ; ships earrying^rsish.t or'passengersibetween' domestic' ports. As,' ; th.© '\u25a0' .'Nlppon.Vi.was late in: reaching the dock ; the customs plHce4- the •.cutter 'Hartley j at. Wadman'^ disposal -:atnd. ; handled him' at Mission street wharj in : time \u25a0 for : him to c^ch. • the overland : train." . r Dr.M/J; White of! the United States' niarine hospital service, , who • ha§i}beeu stationed lat : Hongkong, iw^s ; a passen-' geron the, Hnsr- Df. -.Whitet has 'been' ordered to and^will leave : for the northern port thi? evening. White was accompanied by ; his . wif e. whp will visit relatives in this - city for a few weeks before joining her husband at his new post. V Another passenger on' the Nippon was A. H.. Sea ver, ; who is to be chief engi neer of ; the. new turbine liner that will soon be in com.Biis^ion between this port and Japan under the Toyo Kisen Kai sha flag. Seaver was once, chief en gineer of the! Hongkong Maru, but has not been here for f our years, - His' new steamer will? be- an oil burner and he b,aa co*nx4 here to find, out all he; can about liquid fuel. ; '[:3MfSs&Bj§s&Bm Leung Sik Ying, a Chineae govern ment stud.ent, was a passenger on' the Nippon. He. will blunder the .care: of the Chinese consul at this' port and expects! to take b. course at the Uni versity of California. Two days after leaving Honolulu tha Nippon llaru'? steam steering gear we.n.t out of . commission and for the remainder of the .voyage, j the liner was steered^ by- hand with the after wheel, the steersman receiving his directious from the bridge by telephone.' g The Nippon's passengers included: FrtOT YPkohataa'— Miss G. Blascheck, Mrs. J. L. Brower, J. W. Cdmmack. S.- Fewkaw-a,' H. M. Lorbee, K. Wobarisaka. Mrs. M. Shibata, Mr», A. Tani. H!_ Blascbeck. J. D. Brown, K. P. Casev* Miss M. L.; Harris, A.. L. Lut teroth. Mrs. K. Richards, T. Shibata. B. Shtoada. Mrs. if. TaipasakL C. Braua, S. R. Barry, &. Ijljinjurt, S. Matsuno. <\u25a0 A. {I. Searer, H. YosUlda. M. Takata, J. L. Brower,NMra. S. R. - Barry, J. J. FeitU, S. Kurosawa. \u25a0 X. \u25a0" Mori vraki. T. SWbata, Miss R. Snmashe, Miss R. P. Warlow. . . Kobe^-C. PI. HUL Shanghai— Miss C. Chittenden. - Miss E. A. Ltod, P. Shepherd. in liriHlHlJW^') l !** i(lii|niill Hongkong — Mrs.vL. Borg. "Miss E. Klnktld, D. Pincdendolas, Wv B. WlHoo. W. 3. Haynes, Leung ijlk Yinj. W. Riesboe.n or. M. J. White. C. E. Iteartt.' E. R. McCullough. Mrp. W. Riesboe, Mrs. M. J." White, P. Klnkald, O. W. Nesl?it,, Mrs. E. Russell, H.. Saten, Mrs. B."§b3£q.~' " • • , — Honolulu— J. Wadmaa. K.iFocbtennaan, L.'de Ke.rser, S. P. Gardnor," Mr*. V.. H. : iTes. WTi ale Takes Spin Around the Bay A great whale, crusted with barna cles" and full "of life,' was 'among 'the arrivals yesterday^and during vits * v'slt to. the harbor .Qau,sed' much" 1 excitement and some consternation. ;\u25a0 \u25a0 ; Its : first ap pearance was "off ' Meiggs : wharf , where the big fish came the surface ~\ 'and attempted' to scratch off its barnacles against the anchor chain of the schooner ; Martha ,W. ; Tuft. Its next appearance -was about' 10 feet astern of the Merchants' exchange boat, in which Mikft Pitzge.rald ' was returning from the army transport Crook, just arrived from; Seattle. Mike said that he had counted it 69 barnacles when the whale dived.r creating a" wave that almost upset the Whitehall boat. Captain. .Sandstrom of the I tug ' Sea Fox was towing; the bark WilscQtt;,. from Oakland,, long- wharf to Filbert; street when' the whale appeared right ahead, steering a course straight for, the tug. When.'. about 100 yards away the whale spouted ami |in his excitemerit Captain Sandstrom replied with one ; whistle and put his wheel hard aport. The fish performed a like oJHce. with his tail and the leviathan passed clear. - The, whale next, vi^ted. the Salva doran warship President, caref ully: iri specting,^h.e^Utle. vessel, and rubbing off about 10 square, feet of .fresh, war paint.: Thomas Crowley, vhead of the launch trust, was returning from the President and declared' that the whale passed within , three feet Vof :i his boat. After- that : the whale 'disappeared and ErQbably we^nt tQ s.^a'eu the. eb,b tide. Brians Cargo of Coal The British tramp \u25a0 steanier : Yeddo, which arrived yesterday afternoon ' 32 days from Newcastle, Australia,' brought 5.803 .tons of coal. Captain Fr'ed r S. \u25a0 Cow-l^y, master 'of "the tramp, 1 * acted as his own purser, and made a poor Job of it t as -he i was shy many of tha Bumerou? papers that . the cusV toms officials require for : the govern ment records, : ' : ; Z\ ;" "1; ' ; ./\ r J . His ' failure \u25a0to have.' the documents caused '; him 1 ; sev-eral " hours' : delay ; and much ; clerical'; labor Cats high The Yeddo" br«USht*- ope-" pa'ssenoef, Captain, formerly; mate " of ; ; tho British *hip Vg&o'arbank, Jwho ; is '. going to ."Victoria • t,i\ 4 take command •-; off the British birk. Sar4hana, a. .vessel owned by t.h? owners of -'the Yeddo.- Mftrcleui;. Frpin ; Lfaer PresldeHt . The.;, P4ciftCl ; §t?ar(iship com-" pany 1 * liner. President, - the only vessel In the coast trade- that can 1 talk, re ported: ; itself r twice yesterday \u25a0,' hy , wl re? leas., 5 The President"; l.ef t : ; Victoria •'•• at 8 o'clock '• Sunday. ; evening and will; be here either- : late tonight or early tor morrdw; morning. The. first message left :th"e':: President at X 12:30 a. m., and reported "-: having : :: passed '.;Tatoosh : aU well.. •'-, Thi ?,econd message' : left i the President lat 10 :: a: ' m. ' and \ told ; of the 9team«V;»:^havin.s ; -^Bassed.'^.lTHJarnookj Hereafter \ the ; President will f report- by wireless all vessels* spoken while \u25a0at aea.^ . .' ; ' ."-* :^-';.\- \u25a0-\ .'\u25a0\u25a0'•. : .;..-. N". ' ; . Probably a, Ca?e of : Nose Bleed . Much : excitement was - caused yester day at;^the chief .wharfinser'aiQfflce by the ; report*^ f rom ! , the -. belt railroad that a &rca.t poo} of 'bloo^ -h.kd . been;clisppv erfcd on a" platform ; at ii the rsid^e- of the. apron/, of the J Lombard '-: street? freight slip; - U vvai ; \u25a0suggested ;tnat; murder, had been.- done durlngJthe.nlght^and th&t;- trie/>o(Jy.: of *thet vtotirri^l-jad .been thrown -Into "th© bay..^ The "n^attei'^wa? reported ' to. the- police, who ' investi^ gated: and diagrhoEed th«? "caae'Jaa; siniple nose bleed. ....: ;; : •:*'-' Preparing for .-Voyage* South Ther: little _' steamer . President, wliich was converted" in; a few; days, largely by the aid "of ipaint,' : from a , salmon tender", into : a -Sal vadpran : warship,', will sailf f or Acajutla oin 4 ;few : days; The war J- pain tetl,',;yellow-,J{ynn.eledj u ;g'qpig^s g^nboat^fui^ed ;.aboutUh*eS bay|yest er day; ad justing compasses,*; and ] howr. j|oa at anchor in/ rhan^of war\fow: looking every- inch, a' ; righting : imnchlne— of the Central An>erican- type, v/ - " "Water 'Froat' Notes . The. Panama liner :^San"; Jose,;"Captain .ThprnbsonS sailed^yesterday -' (qj --.the >, --\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 . \u25a0 ,\, isthmus with a full cargo and about 20 passengers. i The liner America ; ; Maru," from this ' port, arrived Sunday 'at Yokohama. <: !'• ;The; overdue "BritishTship; Holt- Hill [passed Carmanah potnt yesterday , at I 11:15 o'clock a.; m,^* \ • | The liner Mariposa^Captain wiir sail at 11 o'clock Uh'is , morning for Tahiti. "\u25a0 :' '- : : -\u25a0\u25a0".: .-\u25a0 \u25a0'. :" Transport Logan \u25a0; Sails The'Logan had* a lively ; sendoffi yes terday— the transpornt { ; dock \u25a0;;;-. being \u25a0 thronged 'with; officers; and -their "wives •!fromlthe; Presidio. j_A ilarge numberof the ; society contingent \ from town was also ' present. : The dock looked : like^the : scene of a -'society '' function, the . ma?iy{wpmeja|be ing handsomely: gowned.' in calling; at tire,, with a sprinkling/ of big picture hats. The' cause of all > this excitement was the departure :i for) thej Philippines ofY the -Twenty-ninth J infantry and v a large number of casuals .who' have^beeh living here for some) n q}me/~ -The {de parture of the vessel- fvas: enlivened by the"'m~usicJQf i thV.T w enty^n|ntb.;infan^rjr band, : which played s sojme dozen \u25a0;selec tions Just prior tolth'6 transport put ting out into the stream.; ' \u25a0: Before the steamer's departure it was inspected by General ,I'unston and his aid, ; Lieutenant Evans. • V: . Vi^Haßßll : r The transport \Varrenj .was; expected to] sail early this morniaig for .-Manila dir^Qt." 'vr- °V:' iv : , - ; :, v ; :-', - . .- \u25a0', .\u25a0 The transport Crook airrived; in /port yesterday at 12 o'clock ifrora; Alaskan points'. It brought » T\umJber,9f casuals who had made the-jtrip jfrom^ here; to the north via Honolulu.\ The Crook will sail for Manila August 10 with^ the Twenty-fifth infantry.the negro troop er? \u25a0 \u25a0 : -mtX.e.d. up in. "the VBrownsvilJe troubles. ;. COAST SHIPPING NEWS Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific SAN DIEGO, Aug. s.— The new Ameri(?an \u25a0 Hawaiian steamer Missourtan arrived totfay from Sallna \u25a0 Cruz with n cargo \u25a0of New - rprk freight for Californlan and Hawaiian ports, >wUich had i been • brought across , from > the Atlantic, by . the ! Tehuantepec road. ' ;-,' ' \u25a0 SAN PEDRO, Au?. 5. — The steam .schooner Westport, Captain ; Hansen, after takSwr on 240 tena of railroad Iron at Redondo, called at \u25a0 this port for oil and then cleared , for Union iandine. The schooner Omega, Captain: Nyman,' arrived, 10 days from the Columbia river, brirsfittg 600, j 000 feet of lumber consigned to the Sostliern Pa 1 ciflc lumber company. ." : V , r * | r The steam schooner Norwood, Captain; Martin. ! flnfshed discharging \u25a0 a lumber cargo and! cleared ! today for Cray's ft arbor to reload, taking freight I and passengers for San Francisco. ',- . , : ' i . The . Norwegian tramp steamer Skogstsld, '. Cap tain Rynulng. is scheduled to clear • .wartn.esday for Victoria. B. C, fox oinlers. . -.:•\u25a0: v. i The, steapi schooner Olympic, Captain JHansen, i finished discharging a lumber cargo for; the E. i K. Wood lumber company and cleared toroght for Bellingliam. via San Franciaco, to reload. * : ; The ; Merchants* ' independent steanj?h(p com pany's; steamer :F. A. Kilbum, Captaini McLel : land, V arrived '•• tonight from . San Frane;peo \u25a0. and I way ports with a cargo consigned to the Crescent \u25a0 wharf 'and warehouse company. The 'Kllburn 1 will clear on the 'return trip tomorrow.' r : \u0084 The . schooner Ales T. Brown Is nut t^o days from Elaine 'with a full cars? ot lumher con signed to wholesalers at this port.;' : The : schooner Annie O. : Smale,' Caption Col !"^ Everett, has been, chartered; to * load a : lumber- cargo if or San Pedro. •-, \u25a0 ,; ": -.\u25a0\u25a0 , • i .The steami schooner S. ?P. Phoenix. Captain ! Odhing,"'flafshed- discharging^ -carpp ofirallroad ! ties ' and : cleared : tonight for 'Eureka'-toitfiload. 1 : The \u25a0 schooner i C.> A.*"Thay,* Captain Peterson, finished - d hsctiarglng -a , lumber caiirp \u25a0 for t the :B. X.- Wood. lumber companj'and sailed- tonight; ln ballast for Hoqulam to : load a return ; cargo for thisport" :; '."-\u25a0*\u25a0;• ' ; '.^ : - ASTORIA; Aug. 5.^-The. oil steamer Atlas, in ballast for. PpTt Harford, arrived , from . Portland this afternpon,3nd>went direct to sea. \u25a0 . I The/ steamer:- Redonda; left \u25a0 today .'; f or \u25a0 Puget ! sound - with :i freight'- aud passengers. • aiid \u25a0> had in tow the Chinese Junk .Whang Ho, which is to be placed on e\hlbltion : at .Seattle. \u0084' : - The tug George 'R.Vosburg, with ; the' schooner Antelope to tpw.-left Sunday for • Nehilem. ii" -\'> ; : The motor schooner Delia left Sunday for N'es tucca'wlth a cargo Pf general merchandise.. • The. stqamer Alliance left Sunday fop Coos with' freight and -passengers.' ' - \ "-' Thftsteam schooner Excelsior, with n cargo of lumber for San' francisco, went to sea Sunday; inorning.' .'; _': ." . , .- ' '.'-: '\u25a0The steam schooner Nome City arrived Sunday evening from \u25a0 California \u25a0 \ o %& lumber. .' ; ; . ' ',: Captains | Ho\yg and Wood came , iuslde- on \u25a0 Sat urday fron?- the .pilot schwner after having bpen there \u25a0 for > llv days on the . lookout for incoming vessels. It Is the rule , amoug the - pilots . now that 'a.fter • 10 : days on i th? \u25a0 schooner wlth<"}t: get ting a vessel 1 they shall -be relieved by otberipl-' lots, j Their- being, there that period Jof.;- time , without » getting \u25a0 on : board an Incoming vessel ; shows ; that thft. bar. piloting is not as profitable as some would wish to make It, as the expenses go co. Justttiie Bame. •: ' -• . .< - \u25a0 The steam schoou^r Charles Nelson arrived this afternoon frorn" California to load lumber. - n-t • :-\u25a0 SEATTLE, * Aug? \u25a0 S.rTrThe transport Dlx : ; salls tomorrow/atinoou. : .wlth' the largest shipment of provender* and. \u25a0 a -general ; cargo tukvu from Ajat tie; for \u25a0 army ; use ;\u25a0 in .'\u25a0 the s Pliilippines j for a many | months. The Dix, carries about 8,000 tons..-. In T eluded in | the 9 shipments I were 500 I army I mules and >16 r saddle" horses. \u25a0 : About • 1,000. 000 f eer 'of j lumber^ is ; intended -for the construction \u25a0of new barracks at ; Honolulu* : V- ; - : - ' . ' "The steamship .Northwestern is in port for » the first/tlmQln five months..; The Northwesterq'iias bfpq repaired^: holes -having been punched In ifdes by V the.- rock"; at -Be'atsohs Inlet", vXanuqebe isiiuid. '• and '« ls ready • for sea. It is . sclieduk-d ' to sail Ausust 10.- - - •- . ' . " '\u25a0>• . r , The overdue ship Holt Hill ia reported passing the cape ' today 'at "niiou and towing : up the Btraits of Juan deFuca- for Tacoma, \u25a0' ".: Arm >•, Trans p ort s i Burnside is ! at; Seattle. ; The Buford {sin port. .: .. - '\u25a0 The Crook \u25a0 sailed = August 2 from Seattle.' ; ; The DiS has left' Honolulu for Seattle. l.'V •-: The Kilpa trick; is at .'Newport News, : Va. "'.,' The I liOgan is ;' in \ port. >' : . Tlie'Me^a Ist at NeF York. Qut of commla s!on. -\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'• .%'•-\u25a0 "-/- '•"'\u25a0' .\ '\u25a0\u25a0"•'- ' '•-:\u25a0;.;• "" '. \u25a0 TUg : Ingalls ' !s ' at .' Newport News,'- Va. '\u25a0 'The* Sheridan' is a,t Mare island undergoing re pairs.'..'.'!..''. -.. y ,~: ,".-\u25a0-"- -\u25a0\u25a0'- ', . . .\u25a0.'-.-..-..\u25a0... / . The : Sherman sailed July, 30 from Guam for Manila. •\u25a0• •' . ." \u25a0* \u0084 . ..\u25a0 "\u25a0 '\u25a0•\u25a0.-..-"•.!-* - : The Thomas, • homeward bound, left Nagasaki July-22.- .' ' ' \u0084-:. - The Warren \u25a0is in ' port. , \ The Overdue List •Bpltlsh :.bark' Dtindnnald, , out 171 days from Sydney.-: for -falmoutlv-PO' per cent. , • ; \u25a0- : ' .: Italian? shipOrplia. out = 153 days' from Walla roo, for Palmouth",'; B- per ceut. ' .~ " . .:. Noirwesl^Hf Jjai-kiiTfiTH. out 147 .days from Jiew. Caiedimia,'- for j. tiara t>urs. 2Q j per ccut.' .' .*"-• Swedisliishlp Gripen." out; 117 days: from 'Baliia Bianca.- for . FalmoutU.' li! '\u25a0 per, cont. - >\ «.--\u25a0\u25a0'•" ' -"\u25a0 • • ..British ship M."E.iWat»bn, out ''l4s -days from Iqutquo. ; for 'the 1 channel. > 0 per cent. -''.: ' .v • \u25a0" ' .. : -• Gprraan;slilp Slanj;>out 185 days from' Loudon, lor ; lVrtlanrt.TOr.-.;6--pM f cent. ' Norw*p:iaa ' bark » ! Guiana,- out "130 ' dpys from Mobile, ' for Bahia - Bia nca ," 50 per cent. " NEWS OF THE OCEAN AVHlMjpart :*or. Alaska The; steamer ; Tailac \ is ; under charter for .: mor chandi6eifrom, port " to ?Kome. .;-\u25a0;• •;::'-' '\u25a0-- ' ITlie 'Alamcda's: Cargo * Tl;o : steamer . Aiime^a' ssiled: on Saturdar for Honolulu with a; genetal; merchandise oavgil'val »\?rt. Sat. |174,?.37.ra«(}' Inclqdiu's^the 'MJoxriust: «:bh:s'Boi.v.'.43 i ctls.r.v«-.-;,410,ii ? s beans,. \D,4OT 'itc\ s antl''4O4 es : bre i<l. aO.SCn ; iujy huttev, % ia,250 ltm -. olfam^rgarine." 4202 1 1bs \u25a0. ami \ dnmi \ eUf-esa. 102 cs eggs.; sSTca canned good?, 2,Bitj Hjsftlrieil fruit.. 4<«V lbs raisin?. -1.104 'lb* .BUt»,v&,o93'j)hs and \u25a0 54 1 cs : table s roeil3,'i7,(sT7 ; lbs oleomargariae? 7.077 }b* cociasli: '-. v.:553 : lbs 1 tind ; is ! pigs assorted dried ; fifili; v .*>-• : bblß 'i and • 1.9 tierces lalmon.T 21, "40 lbs l:ird. v 705*lhs ; :^n!;ar.ii2.3 ( J5,p;sffre3U 'fruits* 131 pkgs vee«str;b'.c--. iiOpbgs i>ot«(Ofs -^5 : i->Sss oiiioas! 1 ,007^- JUfi," fresh meat;: 634 - ; Ihsr 'and -2 ; "c? iyeVu fish, 4.713 lb» auilT' cs (irosspil . poultry. 14G = ptgs \u25a0 grocw 1 !? 8 - o u<l provisions, : 4.001 x - ibs - an,l 1 i cs . eur.dy., ,7.1 10 V ib* c'alT?e.» 544 fts ; oho'poUt», 4,-JCo .'. lb? i ietx.l Vi ; cy Mtwcfe, ; Z>3 * jikjs ; prepared fi5h," 2,045 lbs* \w\t,". ",Z\o .lbs _iiivl,4 cj- i<agt'c,^74 cs ; tables pvepa rations." lo,4tK)'JUs' and c ?\u25a0 ci'salt; 5. m c I ' s iaad i CI. \u25a0 cs , wlno. ', ilO ga !s ;. and U73 C-s : Tl(Uk.3'..r'Cs^ gals and =!'P*.*"!oortnl.24§?Jsi>j;g S b«er, 4 c«:bvjinli'. 31'cs ;lIqi?«/*, ; charanastie. 4(t \u25a0 • gali - anil .V) ; eh .: pin. ; A ' es f m Infra 1 f \va t«>r, •'. 402 gals' A n<l '\u25a0 *> 'cs -I spirit*.'.-' 251 / pkg* < «!r,v .' eopdu, :^; t blips oil -clottilnc., Hides' l^'ts.: curl 1 fhocjt.^iq'cs' \\iW~ 1 '.S3« ! ib^' i»rßf s. ..; l.QWj lb« ' copper, VlO ' bdla briV3tn<' < -;-!2o':)hs,- .i?uu).l'- s'ltoranMlf* rai^l \u25a0 10 li\-SP" psrts.' C-;",tia'.o*; bigs.'.r lt(i jpi:gs\dn:ga, S4U likes t-aJdlerjv an(i,?har»< I »s.":.iso / csvand. 4 ltj .bb!» oil, . 0 '«•* • ; ai jrtilnes; » lo* cs 1 typewriters,", 130 pkgfi paiutH.'S 2i6 ; kegsi wblte Meart; \u25a0 3G : pfegs :n;t Jl». •J5 i-nlla andil cs ]patb<>r.;s4:p!{gs o!eotrlc^l-jr«ods, 1 1 .005 \u25a0 lbs ':, tobacco';' 24 cs • «.'iga rs and cigarette*, 4 Weather' Report -; United State* ; department -. of . agriculture- Weather bureau.' San , Fraocigco, t Aug. 5, 1907. - i RAINFALL DATA j Past ; . Seasonal ; I --Station*— '• 24 hrs.- . to date.'^Normal. \u25a0 \u25a0 Eureka : .....'. .0.00 -\u25a0 - Tr. 0.11 ; Red81ufff.. ..:..... 0.00.-i, \u25a0•>\u25a0 Tr. • ~ 0.00 i Sacramento :.-:;r;..V.. 0.00 \u25a0- 0,00 0.90 j Mt. Tamalpals ...... 0.00 \u25a0 0.00~ 0.01 San'Franclsco r'...Vv.0.00 "-.' Tr.:^ 0.01 5an'J0ae...... ;;... 0.00 - Tr. .0.00 Fresno ... :..... ...V 0.00 -\u0084.. ,'\u25a0„• "it,-^:i 0.00 In4ependence ;i. "..:.., 0.00 Tr. 0.00- I San Luis.Obispo ".:'.'. 0.00 I 0.00-?- 0.03 I Los Ange.1e»i ;....... 0.00 0.00 0-00 San Dieg0 ;..;.V:...,; 0.00 .0.03 _ r 0.00 . . STATIONS. |\u25a0' <g v H •?\u25a0'•• .f .- ||! - , ..'•\u25a0'..\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0:-. ?..';. 1 ,,"?. : : \\- Baker ........ 29. 52 80 50 N Clear .00 Eureka ...... '.29.96 ' 58" 52 'W Clear .00 Flagstaff .V.:.29.83 76 48 SW Xlear _i*.ol Fresno .t: ; . ..29.78 100 c6B S - Pt.Cldy .00 Independence .29.82 92 , 62 SE "Pt.Cldy. .00 Los Angeles ; ; : .29 .02 SO 64 W Clear .00 Modena: . . 5 r;'.. .29.80 -84 50 W : Pt.Cldy .00 3Jt.j.Tan>alpals.29.94 67- 49 . SW- Clear .00 North Head T. .29. 95 .? 60 J54 NW , Clear :' .00 PUoenix -...;:. 29. 76 IC2 SO NW. Clear. .00 Ppeatello > ,-. . . .29.52 S6 •52 SW, Cloudy -.00 Pt'tK. -Light.. 29.03 BS 52 SW. Cloudy . .00 PorUand ..... .29.04 74 54 NW . Clear -.00 Redißluff :.:.29.76 96 42;SE Clear* .00 Reno *-;'.-". :\\rr.2?. 7B 00 : 56: W Pt.Cldy. ,oo Roselwrg jr. . . . .29.88 '88 52 , N Clear 1 .00 Sacramento,... 29. 82 84 -58- 8 ".Clear <? .00 Salts Lake. .-.29.82 88 58 N «?W^r : .00 San Piego • \u0084 . .29.94 72 66 W J Clear ".00 San ' Francisco. 29. 92 V 6B: 54 W : ', Clear .00 San Jose '..-:;.29.90- 84 56- NWV CTear .00 S.- Lois 0bi«p0:29.96 72 fro W i.\Clear : '.\u25a0' .00 5."E.:Fara110n.29.90 49 .;S \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 Cloudy .00 Spoken? .- . . . ... 29.2 9 .6 4" -72 59 7- 8W Cloudy ' , .00 Tonopah ; : . . . .29.54 f, 84 »; 60 VSE Pt.Qldy .00 Walla •.'.... ..,29.69 84 : 58fe6 Clear . • .00 Winnemuceai;.29.Bo .9o 74 :.W; Clear" .00 Ynma. \u0084..,...29.72 106^78' fiW.i: Clear.; .00 --V- \u25a0\u25a0.* %:;a i"..--^ •\u25a0:• synopsis,- ,:•\u25a0 •\u25a0: \u25a0;',\u25a0„ \u25a0,-:..; ".; The :^ pressure •" has fallen steadily orer the northern I hajf of , the coast,, and conditions are such ' that s. southerly winds will :J: J prevail v over most , of j California and there may Jbe showers in the mountains: Somewhat cooler .weather, may be 'expected r Tuesday.- :; Light , thunderstorms have occurred ;in the valley of the Colorado. \u25a0 ;••»\u25a0- ', ; ;v ..FORECAST v San Francisco ':\u25a0 apd , Tieinity— Cloudy Tuesday; possibly sprinkles . in : morning : lipb t south wind. Santa Clara -valley— Cloudy. Tuesday ; , light 6outh wind changing to northwest. \u25a0' - Sacramento valley— Cloudy,* cooler Tuesday; possibly showers ' la the mountains; light - south wind. /-\u25a0-.:..:'. .. .- :V --.. .* - '\u25a0";-.'\u25a0"'':""'-• ' \u25a0- • v '-,'. ' $an/Joaquln' valleys-Cloudy, cooler Tuesday; possibly showers in" the Sierras; light south wind. . Los : Angeles aad. vicinity — Fair Tuesday; light south; wind.' .- \u25a0--\u25a0.- , A.' G. McADIE.t District Forecaster. Morementi of Steamer* /./'\u25a0 -"'-\u25a0'\u25a0 \u0084.'. -. TO ARRIVE , '/ •' From U : I-\u25a0-'\u25a0•' SteamerI -\u25a0-'\u25a0•' Steamer •\u25a0 | Dne Seattle .... ......... ..jMeteor ........ Auk. 6 Nitrate, Port •'•'• •••• \u25a0•• Cacique . . .... . Aug. 6 WUlapa ' Harbor ...... D; . Mitchell . : , Aug. 6 EeJ EiTer; P0rt5....... Argo .......... Aug. C Seattle: & Tacoma.:... Watson :.:... .lAug. 6 Coquille River .. r .Elizabeth ..... Aug. 6 SanPedro :..: .....'... Norwood <...'.. Aug. 7 N«w York via.Ancon.. City, of Sydney. JAug. 7 Humboldt . . . . . . . . '.-.'. . . Pomona • Aug. 7 Puget Sound Ports -..,, President. ....". Aug. 7 San 4 Pedro' & Way Ports Coos Bay ...... Aug. 7 £allna- Cruz '.......'... Missouri '....".. Aug. 8 Point Arena & Albion; ; Porno Aug. . 8 San Pedro ;:.:.......: P.-Al.Kilburn.. Aug.. 8 SsnDie-j-o & Way Ports Santa Rosa Aug.- 8 Grays Harbor ". .... . ...I Santa .Monica. . Aug. :". .8 Coos Bay ....;...... '..{M. F." Plant, .., Aug. 8 Humboldt "..... .iViicguard ..... Ang.' 8 Hujnb01dt :. ......... ..'City, Topeka ...Aug. 0 Hilc = .:...... Enterprise . . . .. Aug. 3 Seattle ............... Am. .Dnperre .*. Aug. 3 Humboidt ......... . , . Pureks. . .'. .1 ,' , Aug. 10 Grays ' Harbor ......... C0r0nad0 ; ...... Aug; 10 S«n Pedro ........... . jKoanoke ...... Aug. 10 Ctaju Hie RiTer ,....".... 1 Monterey \u0084.'.... Aug. 10 Seattle :.........'..';... Anubls ........ Aug. 10 Hn^et Sound -Ports ."U.. Umatilla ...... Aug. tl San Pedro & Way Ports BonKa ........ Augr. 11 Mendocino & - Pt. Arena Sea Foam .... Aug. 11 Pcrtlapd • & Astoria.:.'. City'* Panama.'. . Aug. 12 Portland '& Way Ports. G;-'W. Elder."." Aug. 12 Grays Harb0r "..;:..... Crntralia ..... Aug.' 12 Portland &- Astoria.:.. Note? : City *.... Aug." 12 Dieso & Way Ports State' of Cal. .'. Aug. 12 SaiiPedro ..,'.:....... Hanalel .....:: Aug. 12 Seattle &"-Tacoma.:. .. Bnckman \u0084':... Aug. 13 ;• \u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0--;\u25a0-.,—.\u25a0.-.. xo;SAJL: \u25a0:.-; \u25a0\u25a0.''* . t ;.' \u25a0•'\u25a0. ; Destination I .Steamer I Sails |Pier Aneust &^— .'. \ \u25a0 \u0084 " - San Pedro & Way Portslßonita \u25a0 . .I. 4 pro H Astoria i& Portland.... lD. Freeman. spm 2 Humboldt ........... .(City Topeka. 10.30 a . 9 TahitJ ......... . ..jMariposa .." f il am ; 7.1 V- August 7— '\u25a0 . '.','. : I - - - \u25a0\u25a0"-••'\u25a0 >"" ' Lcs Angeles -Ports... .. | J.^Higgin*. . 11 am 2 EeJ| River, P0rt5...... , I Arpo 11" am 10 Humboldt. ?.: . . ... . . JEurf ka" .:. .. & am 13 Orsys : Harbor >rv. ..."'. ..jXonroodi ".... 18 Mtsiean ; Ports ;,..."... V. Curacao .... 10 am 17;" Point t Arena V;..'.. .. . . Sea Foam.. ;4 pm -2 Los: Angeles Ports... ."y Hanaiei ' « . . . . 4pm 10 \u25a0-August 8— r- \u25a0 \ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.- ' .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.•-:' -. , •;- • : ,-", Sau. Diego *&. Way PortslSti^te ©f- Cal. 10 am 11 i China & Japan. ..(Manchuria . 1 pm 42 CbqiilUeßlverj. :.".:.. llEHiabeth ... ...... .... August Q*-r' }'- Hiimbold t r v ..... C. -\u25a0. . - ,' , j Pomena . . . 10. SOa . 9 San Pedro &' Way PorUiOotui Bay . .'• Apm 11" WiUapa Harbor ....... |D.~ Mitchell.. ...... .... .1* August 10' — j.,. .\u25a0 \u25a0-.-\u25a0. '• : . : Coos Bay ;M.;F. Plant. ...... 8 Humboldt- .'."....-. .."... i Vanj."uard r.'. ...... '2 Portland &. Way Ports. RcMnoke '... 1.30p IS Les < Angeles Ports..". .. F.v Kiiburn... "4 pm Point Arena &' Albion.'. Pwno :.... '..'• 6 pna • 2 Seattle -'&'. : Tacoma. '. . r.jWatson T... . 1.30p 20 ; Pnget Spuad Pot tf!. ....jl're^ident '\u25a0\u25a0'.. ll^am -9. Astoria : .&: Portland... llCosta Rica.. 11 am 24^ .Apjtust U-r^- -" .: .1,.--- : . \u25a0" .San Diego & Way Ports! Santa Bosa. 10 am 11 '-. "Aujrust -12—^ ,-' -\u25a0!\u25a0-- \u25a0- \u25a0 - . •\u25a0 J -S Lor Ane'eles Ports ..... 1 0. W. Elder 1 pna 13 firaye , Harbor ......... |S. Monica. .. 4 pna 2 ; ;J; TO: SAIL. 'FROM /SEATTLE \. • ""• '.<.'.?,\u25a0 -DestiDation : t |;,>: Steamer | >Dat« Skagway & \u25a0 Way • Ports : | Fnrallen . ;". . T . Aug. 0 ValllM*, 4» i Seward . . '. , . . .Sjra.tog"a ... ... Aug. S Skagway, & Way, Port*. Spokane: ..:.;. Aug. 9 S)f ogway, & Way : Ports. liclphi'n. \f. ... ;. . Aug.-. 10 N'ome;'&-St. i .-Miebaei:vi. Senrbwestern .. Ang. 10 Valdcz*&>Se ward .'.-\u25a0.:. Portland .....". Aug. 10 JCcmc r& ; St.* Michae l:".". Hrafies ' .". .'iv.. Aug. -10 Skagway &' Way Port*." I Cottage City ..Aug. 13 N0m«?;& St. Michael..":! Victoria ....;.. Aug. 16 V'aldez' & Sewardl. *.'.', '.jyjjcatan ...... Aug. Id Nome'& St. .Michael. .Joiympia ...... Aug. 20 Valdez <& -Seward. *.'... .[Bertha ......:..' Aug.'2s Nome, & St. Michael.'lfiades ...:.'. Aug.;2s Sun 'and .Tide 1 / \u25a0' ! V TUESDAY," AUGUST 6 j .1 ; ; — _. ' \u25a0\u25a0 1. - ' Sun rises '.-: '..'.,.•".". -.s: l7|Sun : sets . T. . :. : . .: .7:14 United s State? Coast and Geodetic • Snrrey^Tirfte and HelgUts of Tide *at * Fwt Point. For city front (Mission street wharf) adrt -5 minutes. , ', . ITime .- Time : ' Time . Tjiae 1 ";'- Aug] -— Ft ±±- Ft-: t«4r- Ft \u25a0 — -1 Ftr ' . |L W . H W : L'W -. H W| '.-; \u25a0-. 6.. 3:56—0.111:10 4.4J 3:20 ' 3.4 9:24 5.3 .•7.: 4:30 --0.8 11:47 4.8 4:05 ,3.3 10:03 5.3 ;' 8.: 5:02 12:22 .4^ 4:48 ; 3.1 10:41 5.4 9.. 5:35-^0.3 12:52 4.0 5:27 2,0 11:20 5.2 10.. :6:075=f1.2 lUS 4.0 6:11 :: 2.7 I*l :sS 6.1 11.. 6:39 0.1 1:43 5.0 6:54 2A ..::. ..... •HWLW H W L W 12.. 0:83 4,9 T:18 ,0.4 8:12 -5.0 7?40 8;! Time Ball United States Branch Hydrographic Offlee, Mer chants' 1 Exchange;- San Franciaco, CaJ.J \u25a0 Augij'st 5/-1007.-- \u25a0:-:-- .. ' \u25a0-•-,— ;- .The * time ball on the tower of the Ferry bnlld irig, was dropped "*\u25a0 today: exactly , at •: noon, \u25a0- Pacific Standard Time'(l2otbi Meridian), or Bhj" 00m. : 00*s. Greenwich' Mean \u25a0\u25a0 Time. ;•:> iJ, C. BURNETT^' \u25a0;..;< ;: Lieutenant,' O.-S.M.,: in CUar*fe f '; U.; S, ; Branch; HydrpgraphJc Office < A "'-. branch 'of ;\u25a0 the United 5 States " Hydrbgraphic Office."^ located ,-• at ' tha \u25a0 Merchants',- Exchange, '; is maintained Vin^ Sari, Francisco? for ;-, the beneQt ; of mariners, 1 -: without • regard ' to , nationality, and •• free of espe'use. ~ -,N'avigaters ; are > cordially;, Invited jto vipltithe "office,-? where/ cpnipletg'set^' of 'charts aud 'salllqg:directi<>ns,of ; werl«t;ar« kept* at hand;? fop comparison • and " reference, * an4 s the lat est i lnformation | can : always b« Bbtained regardlug •ights,' danger Ho -navigation and all- matters - of Intorestto ocean commerce.- - --.- - r ' . :•'.: vJ. C. BURNETT, , Lieutenant ,'• V.' S. ; X. , in Charge, 70 plugs' agricultural implements, >23 cs : arms and ammunition.. XS4*os soap, j24Bvpkgs : wago9 Mi terial.V-J2 pcs -' Iron.? 6 Iwils steel, i 06 . pes and -25 btll«spii>e.";2l;pSgB machinery. : 72 lbs opium, ."132 pkcs ; roofing. '.-'. a. v :; • -\u25a0-. \u25a0\u25a0" ..;..- .•'...\u25a0 to Mariners t Captain Fretwnfst of \u25a0- tlie;BrltUhjsfiip,Water loo repopts *.'t<»' the "-> Branch ; : Hj-drograpUii; "* office that ou ! July WV lOO7.^ wtjen •. in « latitude .- N; 22 •leg.VS :raln.. ! lonsiturteSWtl36;Ueg.'^6iJnln..**: at U ]).' > m.; .- lie *pa ssed ..very >. close Jto > a .' pa rtly sub . merged : ! object / of ;? targe dimenslens.v btTlng '. the appearance of a 'vessel -bottom up. \u25a0 ; f^J.i g.vr BURNETT, Lieutenant : 'U. "S. ;X.V in CUarge,,; SHIPPING ' INTELLIGENCE .:\u25a0'£.-\u25a0•:] ..,.,, arrived;;.^ ..;... \-. "'X~A 'I * -.'Sunrlaj-,- Anprust 4. Stmri George - : Loomi?. : McJ-Cellar : Jr., , 30 \u25a0 hours fnim^OaTlota.'- : : ;','•*•>. ; •< : -.'_ -.- \u25a0 \u25a0 .: .--\u25a0.\u25a0-. \u25a0•' Monday. . Aujrast 0. .•iU.i'S ! stmr ; 'Crook. ' William's .' 3,d37* from-.Se attle".*-"^' I ' -^SflfiplßSSiSEir ' "-'\u25a0 -. :; ' " \u25a0"=." \u25a0' * - !\u25a0\u25a0 Stmr Knlton, .' Larsen.\ 3o - bours :-'from '; Eureka. \u25a0'.'": Stmr . Roanui?.'- rV'inham.V 3Ja dayg_ f ronj ' Tort lwi,;vla*Euro'ia}B hours. ...... Sttpr 'Cascade.! Asplnnd, '-\u25a0 63, bours froqi TVH- Ij I'm: :""•• '\u25a0-.:)'.-':-' :\u25a0- -:"-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -.•'-\u25a0-'. .--'--:. -->-.'• ' * - Stmr * Scotia;) Xelson.'J 88 < hours : f rom : EurcVa. iirStmr.-MMandaJaj'.i! Lofstrom.:.-34 ;,,honr!i -" from Crpsceot'Citv. ; bound; south, ' put; in": to land >.?*»\u25a0 s^nsers- 1-^1 -^ ; '£-\u25a0'. ?'\u25a0 "1 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0':.-".\u25a0'- \u25a0- \u25a0-- \u25a0. . \u25a0'-\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0': - - ' -xStmr ;-V.Sanioa, < Klink^Ci :40; hoars f rom : Siu Pedro.- \u25a0--I'S v ... ',?•-> ; y \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:'.'' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-:.-*\u25a0 S '..'• - ; -' W Btmr i Hanalel. " McFarlane,'; 40 . hours ; f roai San Pedro. - ' - j -TiStrariCoos Baj.-Zeh, 60 hours from San Pedru. Stmr Del Sorte, Sanford, 33 hours from Cres cent City. X . Stmr J Marhotter, Nygraa; 44 hours from Sao Pedro: . . , •'Stmr.'Gaalala, KJellin. J2 boors from Fteh ermans bay. . . \u25a0 Stmr Enreka. : Jteren. 23 boars from Knreka.\ ' Stmr Asuncion, Bridget, . 2s uonnt fiom I'ort SjiiiJ-nis. \u25a0: ,,-..'"-. •'-'-\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 : ; -\u25a0 Stmr 1 State . cf ' Oallforala, GMo*v, 43 h*«rs from San Diego aad way ports. \u0084.: Stmr. Coos Bay, Zeh, 60 noar« from San Pedro and \u25a0 way < ports. - . . Br-stmr Yeddo, Ctwley, 32 dajf from Xew 'castle,', Au». .• •-:\u25a0\u25a0"; '\u25a0• -Jap. stmr Nippon Maru. - Filmer, 27 ' days li ' hours £ 25 : minutes, , ?ia .- Yokohama 17 day« ana - Honolulu - 6 days \u25a0\u25a0 «n4 , 14 hours. \u25a0 . . '-'\u25a0* Bsrge Three, . Kirkwpod, 30 houre from Port Harford; in tow " tug • Sea King, Point Richmond direct. \u25a0\u25a0- <^nM«MNdSHI|^' ; Schr, Monterey, Berg, 14 nour» from Monte-, rey, , in tow tug Defiance. Schr Lily, Gunderson, 5% days from Cmp gua'riTer. •> - ' Schr C. T Hill, Erickson, 4 <Jay» / from Co quille river. 1 ' CLEABED ' Monday, August 6. Stmr Bonlta, Nicolson, San Pedro, etc.; PC <3S S Co. , Stmr Daisy Freeman, Johasoa," Portland ; Free man S S'Co. •-.\u25a0_.: - \; Stmr San .Jose, Thompson, VAncon and way ports; P MS S Co. SAILED . '\u25a0';\u25a0<-. .\u25a0 - \u25a0 , Monday, August 5. \u25a0- US stmriLogan,- Stlnson.- Manila. ; \u25a0 U 3 stmr ,Warre». 'Hornsman, Manila. - Stmr San '. Jose, Thompson," Ancoa , and waj 1 ports."-: .'"•-:. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0..-\u25a0: \u25a0 .- . \u25a0;. \u25a0Stmr George Loomis, McKellar Jr., ,>— — »\u25a0 ! ,- Stmr Newburg/ Norbenr, Grays \u25a0 harbor. .-i Stmr Santa Barbara, Zadart. Grays harbor. .' Stmr.. Wasp, '-"Wshmaa, Urays naroor. . Stmr .Daisy Freemin, Johnson, Portland. : \Stmr 'Samoa, KHnkner, . Caspar. : Stmr Mandalay, Lofstro'm, San Pedro. Stmr Siata Crtis, Carey, Monterey. = Sttar Bonita.-Nicolson, San Pedro anfl way 1 ports. ..:\u25a0-.* \u25a0_• _. , . : . -\u25a0. : . .Stmr J Marhoffer, Nygran, Everett. ',' Stmr Roanuke, Dunham, San Pedro." '- -" U Schr James A Garflcld. Dannevl?, Cuos bzy. \- : -''- ,-:/:\u25a0, \u25a0\u25a0". ' -ePOKEN- :"\u25a0- - . -• \u25a0 T July. 15, in lat 11 >f, ion 27 W. Br ship ! Monkbarns, from > Antwerp, ." for — — ." I June 15, in lat 28 N, Ion : 21 W, -Fr ship [ Berengere, from Glasgow, for ' San : Francisco. July . 19, in , lat 19 N, lon 25 W, Fr bark I Guethary, from Antwerp, for Oregon. I - -TELEGRAPHIC POINT LOBOS. Aug. 5. 10 p. m.— Weather foggy; wind W; velocity 12 miles per hour. DOMESTIC PORTS SAN DIEGO — Arrived Aug s— Stmr Missouri, from Salin* Cruz, for San Francisco. -- \u25a0 :- MONTEREY— CIeared Aug 4— Stmr W S Por ter, for Nome and, St Michael.' ST.- MlCHAEL— Arrived Ang S—Stmr San Mateo, hence July 21. _ • ' .-• I Sailed \u25a0 Au? 2— Stmr Pennsylvania, for Seattle. ! TATOoSH— Passed In Aj'g o—Stmr0 — Stmr Colonel I B. L \u25a0 Drake. : hence Aug 2. for , Seattle. P»3»e«l ; out^-Sttnr Santa Clara, from Seattle, for Skag wayv: - . .* '.* ........ Passed inwardjAug 6~Br ship Holt Hill, from Greeenock, 1 tor Vancouv er, B C. " \u25a0Passed Aug 5-^-Stmr President, from Vis torta, for San - Francisco, and at 10 a m waa off Tilla rnook. • ' :\u25a0. . - , REDONDO— Arrived Aug s— Sehr W H Smith, from Tacoma; stmr Maverick, hence Ang 2. Sailed Aug s— Stmr Maverick and stmr West port, for San Franelsco; schr Louise, for tnip qna river. \u25a0 ' . BELLINGHAM— SaiIed Ang 5-G« gtmr Mera, for ' Tacoma . • . Arrived Aug &~-sclir Albert ' Meyer, hence July 17. Arrived Aug &— Schr Albert Meyer, hence July 17.. . — \--'. . NOYO— Arrived Aug s— Stmr National City, hence Ang 4. - CLEONE— Arrived Aug s^-Stmr Xoyo, hence PORT ' KAN LUlS— Arrived Aug 5— Stmr Northland, hence AHg A. \u25a0 \u25a0 - . Sailed Ann s—Stmr5 — Stmr Santa Rita, for Honolulu. PORT LOS ANGELF.S— Arrived Ang s— Stmr Helen P Drew; from Point Arena. Sailed Aug s— Schr Ethel Zane, for San Pedro. , >'QME^Sailed Aug 3 — Stmr Victoria, for Se attle. .\u25a0-'-\u25a0-. - VALDEZr-SaiJed Aqg 4— Stmr Bertaa, for Seattle:. ;'^«MnM«|okPHN«'*9B* SlTKA— Sailed Aug 3— §tmr Cottage City, for Seattle. , WBA^GELL— Sailed Aug 4— Stmr Humboldt, for Skagway. SANTA. BARBABA^-Arrived Aug s— Stmx Santa Bosa, tesce Aug 4, and sailed for Stm Diego/ • «--... . BANDON-^Sailed Ang 4 — Stmr , Elizabeth and schr Oregon, fiw San Francisco. - - COOS BAY-rArrived Aug s— Stmr Alliance, from Astoria. -•\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0-Arrived -Aug s— Tag Colnmbla, hence An; 3. Arrived Aug s— Schr- Novelty, hence July 11. NAK?CEK -Arrived June 15— Ship Charles E Moody, from Nanaimo.': June 17— Bark James Nesmith, from Beljinghara. * '•\u25a0 FORT BRAGG— Arrived Ang B— Stmr Co quille River, hence Arcs 3. Sailed Au? 5-^Stmr Arctic, for San Trancisco. SAN PEDRO-r-Sailed Auj «^-Stror Berkeley, for San Francisco, Arrived Aug. 4^-Schr Omega, from Colnmbia rjvert \u25a0 stmr Westport, \u25a0 from Berlondo.< , EUREKA-^-Arrivefl. Aog s— Stmr , Norths Fork, henc« • Ang 3; stmr.t Newport, '. hence Aug ""2; «tmr. Sonth*Bay,vhenee Aug 3; stmr Vanguard, hence *Ang 3. .;-- >- -i- \u25a0 ' -•^•, . Sailed , Ang s—Stmr5 — Stmr • George TV -Elder, fer Astoria. ,-\u25a0\u25a0—*..' : . . Arrived' Aug 5--Stmr George W Elder, hence Aug. 4; stmr, Pomona, hetice An; 4; stmr Ab erdeen, lieace .Aug 3; stmr Eavalli, hence Au? 3. '"ASTORIA— Sajlefl Aug- s— Sjnjr Redopdo. for Tacoma: CJjinese Junk Wsang Ho, for — . ;\u25a0; Arrjved Aug s— Stmr Charles Nelson, hence Aug 2. - \u25a0--.'« \u25a0 Sailed Ang 4 — Schr Antelope, for Saa Fraa- CiSCO.' '\u25a0 :' '-. \u25a0 - :-. \u25a0-•\u25a0. . \u25a0 EASTERN PORTS NEW TORK — Sailed Aug 4 — Br stmr Schny kill, for Yokohama. MHI t'llii mm\, . BALTIMOEE^-CJeared Aug 3— Stmr A G Lindsay, for San , Franclaeo. Arrived Aug : 4-r-Br ' slmr, Kpighi of St George, from Antofagasta. \u25a0 -- ......__.- \u25a0 \u25a0 • . FOREIGN PORTS iCAEMAXAH-T-Passed inward Aog 3, 11:15 a m— Br ship HoltHllL' from Greenock, for Van couver, B C. - VALPARAISO— Arrived A«g 2— Br stmr OaU blalr,\ from . Baltimore. \u25a0 -= ST. ; THOMAS— Sailed Aug 4— Br stmr Fem dehe.-for San" Francisco. SHIELDS— SajIefI Aug S—Swed ship Clan Mecfarlane, for San Francisco; Fr bark Charles Gounod, for • San Francisco. .VICTORIA— Arrived Aug 4— Br stmr Eart of Douglas, hence Aiig 1; G*r stenr Anubis. from Seattle. A»i? Z — Br ship Hyderabad, from New Westminster, for \u25a0 Valparaiso. -.- Sailed -Ang 5-»Stmr;NortuwMterH, for Seattle, drydocked, • and not Valdex, - . \u25a0 , SALINA CRUZ— Sailed Aug 4— Stmr Alaskan, for • San : FraocUco. \u25a0 -:..... . YOKQHAMA-r-arrived Ang 4—^Jap stmr Amer ica Mam, hence ; July 19, - ria Honolulu. \u25a0 NANAlMO— Arrived Aug s— Schr Minnie* A Came. hence Jyly 20. .-.: -.-\u25a0'.. % PORT, SAID — Arrived Ang 3— Ger stmr Tan nenfels, from "New * York. -.-.-.-. • SHANGHAI— Arrived- prior- Aug s— Br stmr Kalibia, f rum Portland, Or. - . Aug 2— Br *tn» St Pat rick; for/Boston and • New York. ;•--;'.';: ' '\u25a0\u25a0-:\u25a0\u25a0 OCEAN STE^VMEIiS -ST. VlNCENT— Arrived Aug 6— Stmr \u25a0 Salatia. from Kan' Francisco. : via South American ports. • COBRAL-^Arrtved July 31— Stmr Isbria, from Hamburs. for San Francisco."-. . . - CHERBOURG— SaiIed Aug s— Stmr.Liluecber, for New York.. . \u25a0':' >' \u25a0 ~.s \u0084 : v SHANGHAI— Arrived prior Ang s— Stmr K«» jtria,. fro}a Portland, Or. • : BOULOGNE— Sailed Aug. 3— Stmr . Fried«rtch der Grosse.-, for New Xorfe; stcir;On>sser Kur furst. for ' New York.- \ . ... LIVERPOOL— Arrived Aug . &— stmr " Corsican, from £ Montreal and ' Quebec, ; .-\u25a0•: -. Arrived Ang 4— Stmr Columbia, from 'New "York. : : •NEW TORK^ Arrived Aoj \u25a0 s— Stmr Mlnne haha, from \ London. • \u25a0 - Arrived - Aug s— Stmr • Hamburg, from Naples. TBLEPHO'B BOYCOTT SPREADS ;-; HELENA. Mont., f Aug. 5.^-Twenty telephone '* operators ? went (;• oiKOstrike today ;1 in . 'compliance with : the" request of \u25a0\u25a0?' the Montana \u25a0 " federation *of \u25a0> labor. The \u25a0 strike was ;- ordered vas -, : a : sympa thetic movement for the linemen. Butte and ; other.t cities ;are , without telephone;: service-, for; a similar? reason. Th^i^oc^y^Mpuntainl Bell "telephone company .} has i applied :. for,; a temporary injunction^restraining* a boycott: of the company.v and Argument thereon * will be J had 'before' United States Judge Hunt ; tomorrow. \u0084'-..?''i ?s^(S There' is no need of anjone auffer- , ing long with ithisf disease,* for, to - :: efiect a q^ick cure : it J3 only neces- sa*^ to take a few doses of. . 0o!ls 5 Sbolera and -.Diarrhoea; ' Reni.e'dy ; \u25a0 In fae^in^most cases ons dese is It sever, tails and ccn tc • 'relieeL'upen *in 'the incst ; severe . and - \u25a0dahgeroys cascs-'r It iscqually val» ; ti'abl-; for 'chtldren- and h the means \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 of savlngtbe lives of many children *? • each year. ,l ntn tr ' c world's history no medicine has ever met "with' greater; success. PRICE2SO, LARSE SiZE 50c. ANTITRUST LAW NET FOR LOS ANGELES COALMEN District Attorney Seeking 3 - Evidence of Combine Among Dealers PRICES ARE ALIKE Simultaneous Raises Rouse Suspicions of Illegal " Agreement SPECIAL PISPATCH TO THE CALL LOS-ANGEL.ES, Aug. s— Bellevlns that r there la a combination among the fuel . dealers of this city and vicinity such as is declared, onlawful by tho Cartwrisht antitrust law. the district attorney has * been working for weeks i to obtain evidence that would Justify a criminal prosecution. '•^•5j There la more \u25a0 than a suspicion V?st a working agreement exists betwega the producers, and the retailers .by which the latter actually control *th'p price of, coal and that "there is a <:*• tain specified percentage of the sto^s receipts which finds its way lato'thft pockets of a few who are believed'*to be In control of the coal business herm it has been even suggested that ; _'\u25a0 a small retailer who has the temeftty to sell at rates below what the * *£?* leged trust specifies is cut off f*fbm*all sources of supply. .1^; As expected, a vigorous denial Kas been made by the coal merchants t|iat' there Is any, combination, but what.att racted attention to the business*^".ls the facjt that dealers, large and sm^Jl. and all big companies havei malntaln.f4^ for months exactly tne same schedule of prices, •When . -my - change was . announc«d^ and -such changes g»nerally have , been : adyances-^-the action of all who hanai© coal In this city was unanirnoua '.and simultaneous- ;. •"' . Along the same lines the djstr.fct attorney will investigate the lea trust. : in whleh, it Is said, there Is evidence ! ol a combine which ,ls even more 'of ' a close corporation than the alleged I fuel trust.. ..^v AMERICAN DUCHESS FITS V -, HOME FOR CONVICTS* WIVES Takes Two Houses in * London apd Bishop Will Dedicate ThenTCV to Charity LONDON. Aug. s.— The Daily Mirro publlshes a _ story of the benefactions of the duchess of Maryborough in :; tM» half of the -wives and children of con victs. 'viaSKHBHHBBi :.-'-' The duchess, It says, has taken two houses in London, which are being c6.ra fortably. and itastefully- furnished.- .Ono will be for u tb« wives of prisoners serv ing sentences.^B^9R|HHH^:- - ~ The bishop of London Is to dedicate the two h-omes ' probably in September. WICKERSHAM'S XETV JOB SACRAMENTO. Aug. s.~Forrner As sembly man - TV. ; H. : Wickersham of ' San Pedro, "who has h«l<3 a clerkship ,tn the * office of Surveyor . General ,Klng-« bury.bas been appointed to a position under, TCorney",' Pendleton. the., n£w collector ,of «customs tor • Los -Xn gcies distrtet, Donn-J." Shields "of Los Angeles, who was assistant secretary of tho senate dnrlnaf the last rsesston, iikes the clerkship vacated by ; TCtck ernham in the QfQce et the surveyor general: STOCKTON HAS 32,307 STOCKTON, Aug. 6,— According to the population count of the new -city directory. Stockton has 33,597 people. . MEETIjrG NOTICES. MISSION »mm»n4err X 0.,41. K. T-— Stated assembly > THIS <TUESDAY> *jSP EVEMXO at $ o'clock. Mission Ma- Us) sonic temple. .Order of th* Red Cross. . *^ AH fraters cordially taTited. By order of ' F; W. WILLIAMS. Acting Em. Commandar. - A. HAWKSLSY. \u25a0 Begprter. - ." CALIFORNIA chapter No. 3. B. A. M. - fc '*'-. —Stated mewtin-j THIS ITCE3DAY) £\ % > KVEXINO. An-just «, at 7:30 o'cloclt. *v/riV 1 ' : in King Solomon^ hall, 1739 Fill- /V^' i more »t. >uWJi !**\u25a0*> iXS'immysmaKXS£.'--^r :V ' FKANKUN H. DAY. Se-jretary. V ' 833 FUlmora art.' PARNASSTTS lodge. C." D. F. A A. M. - ft 12tli and I sts. <Snas<?t)^-TUlnt di>, jfr\". •Tree THI§ (TUESDAY) EVENING. \u25a0%fr»V' Masons inflted. - --• AY. A. HOYT. Secretary. ' .-^r -j V Golden Gate Iod?e N>. 30. F. AA. Ht.^~ •,- State* tneetißj? THIS (TUESDAY) J\ EVENING at T:3«i o'clocli in. Kin-j V o y Solomon's hall. lT^ Flllm->re st. 7V^^ EDTON L. METER. Secretarr- . > PACIFIC l«d*?e No. 136. F. '*"• A,' M.. '• > ' • v 1759 FlUmore ; st. — Stated .mtatlng #*** * THIS EVENING Sp. m. • -| "Vf^tV GEORGE PENUNGTON^. fi£v\ .' .' ' . ' \u25a0 . -Secretary. \u25a0*;" .* ORIENTAL lot!?© No. I*4. F. ft A.- • M.— Stntetl -m-^tlnsr - THIS (TUBS- §\ ,- DAY) EVENING at * o'etoc*. Caltary VyjV' ball, Flllmor? anrl JseSson sta. /V>A -A. S. HFBBARD. SecreUty. • ' X.-" 1 ' UNITY lodge No. 131. I O. O F.. j,-^£fc/ Ml?s!'-m Mj«3n!c temple. tW* Jfl<!.«lon st.— lnitt-Jtion THIS 7 fTCESDAY) EVENING. Local . K Y^, aad fUltttts ' brptlxtn ct-t-tfiallj* ; lnTltwd t»'b« present.- -\u25a0 \u25a0 - C. G. ABBEY.^N. '6^' 'W. O. ZAHN. Becorfllm Seex^ary. - ?*; THE American - Sblpmasters* Association ot tfie Paclflc ' Coast wtll hoM \u25a0 tieir annoal .: meeflnac • t w: the ' purpose of > electiajf oracer» on TfES- DAY. Ausu*t ft. at S 0.-m.. at tatit hall. j*(J Market st. ALEX BERGMAN. Secretary. CEMENT ' WORKERS.** aoft*« — A - spe<*-i*l «»n«»d meetln* will U Held •fDuhoc-? b«U, 4C5-Dn« boc* - af., for eltrtloß of delegates to eon- Tention of"A. B.^of c \u25a0\u25a0Tr. ~ • \u25a0..-\u25a0*(- • -\u25a0\u25a0-.- - , ;L. FLAHERTY. BuMnew Agent* '"~ ONLY LOCAL .MA-VrFACTUUERS, - •« -P. PAPO^ALB CO.. : \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0'•• - 1 1100 WEPSTE» COR. TCRK. , . . PHON E. WEST- 403.- ARMY,. NAVY. SOCIETY* GOOPS. REGALIAS. FLAGS. BANNERS. BADGES. CAPS. . - i : UNIFORMS. ATTORXBYS ;" , ADVICE FREE— DIVORCES A SPECIALTY^.'. F Qnlci, qntet; no elJ3rjt« nnlesa «ue«»ss^l. *, : CeU«ctiPn*». trills. <!»««•», etc.: «U»tecttw9."' : Open •T*nia»s. LEGAL ASStKIATION. * Wfi3 XV«lMt»r st cor. OTangU aeac FlUinot-*', ADVICE {FBEE ON ALL LEGAL MATTER?! Divorce . costs $12; d-traa ?•?<(. roUecttons. .-"-AU cases no cbirse wittiqct »u<j««s: . \u2666 I p» i a' e*tu* ; lngs.^ 1 1730 Flllnmr* *t. rw>t. Itjut aad Suiter. \u25a0 ROOM 4. FIRST FLQQR. AAwDIVORCE: ce#t 512: cpijck. quiet; adtliw '\u25a0fref:,na clsaxee \u25a0tmle* 1 * rj^efsaful: title to r?«l estate r«9tcr*4; ba.a%?«ptef :: nrobattne of \u2666•- , tites: f*nir«l practice. 10SS MarSst st.. r.- 1"2. COMPLETE <UTOre« for $23; so delay: coort^on-* treat Kent: »quar« dealtn?; ple-tse see me lirsr. . ; ns-w 2. K-I Snttet nt.ufar FilJ*aow. lIARHia ft IIKSS. JitwrneT? Jft law. ye.T.Mzsa "Sotary PbUUc.iKK Sutt«r st. -ar. FlUpjof?.." MARTIN. STEVENS- attenwy At la-r. JC33 C«W- ,ea Gate Lasnna and Bnchanaa »ta^ \u25a0 --- \u25a0 - - -A LF GROVES. - - •• V • CALL BriLDING. : 'PUBLIC .STENOCnAPHERS KATHERYN KIMBSRLY—Leear work, a »Ue- -Ctalty. 1 31S Monsdnocfc Wz.: tel. T?*3!*». 3727. ri.'BI.IC Stenosrap"ier— Rates reaaonaM*. . . 176S ~ llatrht 1 st. : ; pfcen •?•< ; Fell Vi and Page aoSl.a . SoTAßVPfSiic^^.. -. ADDIE L. B A LLOU. formerly 707 Vaa N*m »„ remotxl to 1122 M»rSef at.* oppoatty 7th. -\u25a0-"- See Pages JO and / 1 1 for Adill- , tional Classified Ads .': 9