Newspaper Page Text
PAGES 45 TO 52 SMALL EM CITY HKAIj ESTATB «. H. CMSSBX A CO.. ss * II * t «*• **ar l«rki H ; choice b-jtMt«e l»t, ST:ex I*o to reef etrtc*; Tor hI« «he«»; « uin« over tl» mort«fj?« will ufc« \% 1 $Jr.T»-41»\rtj et, b«ar M:Ua«r«; 3 flats oc 8. « «»4 I r*o3U aad beta eecu; stwritty reoted tar 8415 jw» taoath; Cue b«»!a?r4 «I.s»—^\tltoa «t. h«ttr««ii V*a 3** a «aJ TVlh aiort: nbvuatliU l%pt»r*ni«at>. S boa*«s end S flat*, »(ea<Hty rgatM tat $134 $t*r aioath; worty*s» «3,8 m caa trmr.ln; 37 .-Ox 55.«00--Vraj:ec st. clow ta Swtt; 2 itood flats •Jf »-T roaeiA, wlti a Uioothly tacoa»« of fS«: Cn» r»atl»c dlstrtet; mort«*se of •« 00 **\u25a0 «"?»*"»: »ot *>*ll<>. 5720 *3*<X>o~-C*x** oa Lajruita »t. clow to Halclit: ?uh&uatlal rr^d«tt-v at 8 r»>taa and b»t&; ac» tnoaUoa fur a tvtftesfoual man; easily r*sit» now for $50 tier tsoutti: saaay lot. $T^t»— ttaUer st. aear Masoate er.; sw*il Mssid««cv, t ctot7 sad ba>eai«et; S rooau aa4 Mtk, occupied tiv *m*r and in sploa- _ *W coadltloa; oxtra lai»» saany lot. «T.OOO--Mak« «Cwr as property must be sola: 3 Sats aa 3d ay. cloe« to Udden Gate park; la p*rfe«t order and well rsotod: CicrtcaM of $2,009 caa r~u.*ia; fall slie saaax lot. 4140 W.CoO— l4th st. ts«t dw to Market; r-wd 2 story hocse or « roooss aad bath, v~;tu staUe snd wotk shop la nar; full also \u2666C.wOO — Sitmaie ay. u«ar rr*derick st; 2 new, modera Cats of & rooais sud bath eaeb, crvriook-tac the park paahaadle; reats $cd per month. 10.000— 18 th st fiats; 4 aad 3 rooms and bath eaca; la good condition; brick foundation. etc; renta $33 per cscntfc; ssnny. fell stsed lot. 96,030 — SpleixUd new reeideace oa Be!v«dere st. not far from Haisbtt S rooms aad bath, making a '-cosy, modern home;, rood, scnay Jot, 22x100. $S,KK»— H st atsfl 30th ay.. facing GoWea Gste I ?srt; !..'D-;.-<jcje. 2 story, Ecsiisb base- j ra«nt; new and perfect ia »»ery Je- j \-*U; frtjiisu appearance; wjo: wili m ike • K-ral terms; key oa premises wr m onr ! iraach office, 19th ay. ami M at.: eves for iupectlaa every Uaj, iacludlng Sua- ; day. 4056 ! Price reduced to $3,000: must be sold to close ' aa estate: good lot on Brannan et near 6th; 23x73; a good, opportunity. 4163 For full particulars of tiie above and for the Eeal Estate Record, containing a list of property lor sale ia all parts of the city, apply to G. H. CMBSEN A- CO., 20 MONTGOMERY ST. JACQUES * THALER, REAL ESTATE. C2O CALIFORNIA ST. $49,000 — Reats 5*. £00 per anacm; 3 story brick; leased to one tenant for 10 years; se- cured; elegant corner, close to Washington and Impont sts.; lot 35x75; a good loaa will be granted If desired. $32,000 — Beats $373 per month; mortgage $10,- 000; leased to one tenant for 10 years; secured; 2 story brick store and roaming house; close to Jocksoa and Kearny. $85,000 — Thre« story brick on Dupont st near Washington; leased 10 years for $30,600; lot 29x60. $20,000 — Cbo'.ce building lot on Dupont st near Jecksou; 30x55. $IS,OOO cash snd atscme mortgage $5,500 will bny 6 Cats, 5 rooms and bath each, on Franklin et; corner lot. 27:6x100; Just c-ocapleted aud renting for $3,030 per an- num; will gu&rantee lease for 10 years, secured, at rental of $21,600. $€.500 — Corner lot on Jones st; elegant marine view; 27:6x100; lot contains perfect coa- f crete foundation for flats or apartment brcse. — Residence, $5,500 cash and assume mort- gage; $3,000 will buy this bargain of 12 ruums, 2 baths, 3 toilets; between Van Net* ay. end Franklin st; lot 30x137:6; reduced from $12,U00; big sacrifice. $3,500 — Marine Tiew corner lot on Leavenworth st; 40x97:6; pick this up quick. $3,SOO— Lot close to Howard and Sth sts.; lot 32:3x60; a positive snap; mast b« sold at once. JACQUES & THALEB, 220 California Bt ,C. C COWGILL. 4 Grant aye. Pbone Temporary 8964. $26,000 — Twelve 4 aad 5 room Cats; two cot- tages of 2 and 3 rooms; rents for $4,200 per encum; low rents; lot t£>xlls; east of Capp; will sell for part cash. $2,300 — Lot. 25x90, on the ssnth rtde of Lom- bard st"; I£s west of Jones; an excellent buy. 515.00 — A 14 room house on southwest cor- ner Broderlck and Waahlogtoa sta.; lot 2S:4x 106:3; a snap. A fine marine Tiew; lot 127:6x187:6 oa north- east corner of Leavenworth and Lombard sta.; at a bargain. $5,350 — Oa southweat corner of California >t and 2ist tv.; lot 85x80; will subdivide. $750^ — Lot on south line of A st near 19th ay.; 25x120; terms. . " VOX RHEIN REAL ESTATE CO., 53 Geary St. REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE — RENTING. $7 000—20 foot frontage; Sth aye. nr. Lake st; with well built house of 6 rooms and bath; key lot $7,000 — Point Lobos near 2d ay. ; 4 good " flats of 4 and & rooma. renting for $90 per mo $7,000 — 82:6x117:6; Church near 23d. with well cobs true ted bouse of 9 rooms and bath. CC.7S0 — GroTe near Devisadero; 3 nice flats cf . S-&-6 rooms, renting for $75 per month. 3C.7SO — 27:6x100; Union nr. Pierce; 2 modern . fiatc of 5 and 6 rooma and bath each; rent- ing for $70 per month. $6,230—25x100; B cr. 3d ay.; lmprorsmsnts . store and Cat. ranting for $61 per montb. ' $5.250—32:6x100 — Cor. Lake aad Sth ar. -• $4,500—30x80; Doboce nr. Guerrero; spleadld locality for flats. .^^ 6UKSET HEIGHTS HOME ~~~^ Eltaated ca a rcscjr earner, south of Pas- hanfil*. commanding superb Tlesr of city, bay, oce's.n, Marin and Alameda counties, on a lot lC.34xfi2.l9xtUxT7; Is aa 8 room residence, ready for immediate occupancy; 3 additional rooms Is basement with heating furnace, gas. elec- tricity; 2 sundecka, 4 bedrooms, 2 toilets; bath; flowere. shrubbery; library paneled in redwood: contains large open fireplace; gas grate in tilnlsg room. Can bexjiad for part cash, balance C>4 ppr cent bank mortgage, or will rent it for $75 a month. Look at it and make us an offer. . MASON-McDUFFIE COMPANY. . . 202 California Bt . , Temporary 1011. $4,750—10 room- house; lot 27:6x100; M st, oth \u25a0 and 10th ays. * " $20 000 — Fir.c income- property: Sutter st $2,500—6 room house- on Clipper; lot 25x114; near Cburch st • . - • \u25a0 \u25a0 • $650 — Cottus-e and lot 25x120; 45th ay. $2 OW — Cottage; 6 rooms; lot 70x50. jx'ooti — Wtller ft; 66x85; snap. \u25a0 i j2 500— Richmond: lot 05x105. tIMVi — 4 lote on 17th ay.; 100x100. |7;yi_Pa.r"ist.; 25x100. $2 500 i room cottage: 19th st. 5B00— « low; corner: $300 cath. ' CEO. W. 11. PATTERSON. 1017 gutter st $10 per month end. V* cash will bay the re- raalßinir 2 lots for $»50 on Scott st bet Lom- be-d and Chestnut Theee are the cheapest in the neighborhood at easy terms. Our rep- resentative W in be on the around today from 13TH sv 141, nw California— Pric* $3,790; eooer Cat S r. snd b.. rents $25 per mo: low- e? fiat. 6 r.. rents $25; mortgage of $1,860 re- main Address W. H. BERTSCH. owaer. 1352 Fro°tvalf ay.. Froltvale; teL Merritt 406. rfiinn- 2 beautiful fiata, . 5 and 5 rooms. 7 ft * b^oentr^»ent walk: nicely tinted, all open pTuffißtagT np to date; Just completed. 562-SO4 Clipper gt near Castro. .>- . . •? \u25a0 LOT BC100: N. Green st. near Mason; houseand let^72xl37* W- DeviKsdero st near Turk. Anoly B. 14. 410 Kearnr Bt «\u25a0; -so— Hoes* « rooms. - basement; '. hardwood **Vo«s7 Wto ride lake; 60 feel : weat of lltb av7 oVerlooktog Presidio. D. Lewis, bnilder. i7^sO-Sutter rt. Cate. near Brodfrlck, 5 and 6 $SS^**?™-*to st near Kearny. «Jwi7 ko— Befur«« lot 25xT5; aear • Cortland aT., « Wt. BMIL KEHR- \u25a0^g « TC0.,,1225-30 nnaw»re'st. . CITY lU3AIj lIPTATE— C-tntlnara\ lUVl.l>\ri>' & nowrit, 81«^24 Kesroy »>t. neal F»tate Agents - irA An«loneej< Care Klren teatiutf of nnd th* etrfleetion «rf testa, Ttfep»>»»at> ¥cttip^v«r.r B?10. Free wre Cp;W»!? t>9*.?9 id »:rf Crr;»r»o# Vault*. Memartu vi «•« »! V. «m? E#tst9 Oe*nJ te?4s»<^-=Ptr«t tha« ©ffamls nothln* better ol \u2666lie R'..T-J;pf i lars« !«t, <W <?t«l d««M» frt*tnjf»i lnq<l a'l-i tatpruvrmcrit* cast); ttMtt-lb (.30>ront mnut b» grJJ at ocoe, *o o*?r<*t toe 547 t 3035 $20,r.0a tfi<*rts*tn «a J'wAsta. sfe->vlrj| r-ttA tnvo«tm«>a: <ti 92?»« 600} 1M)h« ».t (iftd; tenant pi^a taseo U4 mftVpjt ftU »*M«r», SNAP. }?,ftsW=_S3 ttoi t«n J»pb«»a, . U Mwfc t rw\ L*r- Wil full flp!»!h; et^iicnt *'.te for Rats or apsrtrsumrf: »teadx reatlnjr dlftriet} ifele Is c bw» fcuy at ih!n flsure. (1603.) f4»flß>— B Cw iltt'.p hs»y window Otrt close to S4th and Do;o;r«i reats #4S.W). u»T«f been j-sl*«t; «w pi'Ki «y»r llnpj lat SSxioQ; 4 and 6 Moms nnd l»tth *>-.r'.i. Ct>44.) ?12.tW^-Bv«s«fT>d fr»vT» $1S,OOQ; owner ' roslone ta wiJ; ci^radM rp«lic«»','e o; tt uuußtuiiy l«rr*< rpoain ra;t. b-«,tbi commands un«w- ctCltA tn.«r!n« rl^n*; cl-iS* t5 Msuwlo eed FrodarlcS. (1553,1 •;\u25a0- ?lCqo*— -3 6^t» cl«»« fat JMdj aail Octsvla, over- look JefcraiKi »a««ro: nmttnind sploafild vlow of tt« citrs lit ST:O il>'ii>!c frootoro; S. 0 p.s.l 7 raatss aua fcst'i ova. iISS3.) $:S,ooo— SpJeadld lUvjlUus ta Clay st. b<m^: Brodrrlclt: 4 b(K'.roon»». rt»coption Lsll. itlnlrw rvtm. etc.; ops* Croplaocs; tec M feet fmnt O<Ts.i $T.7sO— Good liou»« la Tlcrco it.; 8 nl^ light rooms and bat.»i: close to Union »tre«t cars; aa«> r^aWoafos t« tM sides; mnst be seea to bo a??r«plst*d. (I£4S.) 58,500— We hljthly rcoomaiead .tbosa Sats; la Oth jit. i£ blocs fwa KHJa street and Qoldea Oate park; lot 25z120; 5 and 0 rooms aad bath MCh; owaer noarasUU-ut end anxloca to s»ll; will accept e\treat«3y cesy terms; coit)>lc of thousand cash; rcnUns ilavv for fST.SO. U52A.) I JIC.OO0 — Beats fcIO a tccmth; Waller nenr Staa- yaa, S ntures and 3 fl»t«, 5, C :iml 9 rooms aa<s bith each: lot SOsltxi. r!479.» ; $23,500— -Rents fSCO per month on le^se serurtd t-.!th c«s^ and ban': ss^nrltie«; 2 stores » : 1 rooms above: Go" Jep. Oate near FUI- tanre; lot S7:BxIS7:S; on best part of ' tUIs bnsy tiioroufhfsre. (1D40.) $12,000 — 2 fine flats, 7 and 8 rooms and bath each; lot ST.: 120; 2 frontages: close to Hayes and Buchanan sts. (1026.) $5,100 — Benry st" close to 14th and Noe; 2 fiats, & rooms and bath each; stable in rear; rents $G0; lot 23x115. (LIST.) $3.100 — Comer of 21st and Eureka sts. ; 50x 07:6. (1172.) $16,000 — Geery near FiUmore; store and 8 rooms and bath; lot 26x137:6; rents $250 per month. GOOD BUYS IN BCH.DING tOTS $930 — This is worth $1,150 to yon: snnny side 21st ay. near Clement; 20x120; good car lines. (1853.) . $1,250— £100 cash, balance $15 per month; easiest terms anywhere in Richmond dis- trict; why bny a lot way oat by county * line when these line lots on the sonny ride of Clement on good car line near 25th are offered at these ridiculously easy terms ? $3,759 — Best part of Presidio Heights residence district. Clay near Cherry; 27:6x127:6; splendid lot - for home or nice flats, and an unusual oSTerlng at this price. (1041.) $7,000 — tO feet on I-eavenworth near California, double frontage; splendid site for apart- ments; California 6treet cars within 100 feet* of. lot; offer wanted." (1030.) $1,500 — Filbert st close to Lv0n..25 feet front; also corner of Lvori, 30 feet," for $2,750; 2 lots in Filbert. 30 feet, for $1,750 each; look these up. (1923.) $1.650 — Vicinity of B st in Oth and 6th ays.: 25x&5; fine bulldlas lots; good car lines. $I.OCO — And np; Vi cash, " balance monthly; vl- V-.v v " clnlty of Lombard and Stelner; 25x100; immediate possession given. SEND FOR "OUR LIST" PROPERTY FOR SALE BALDWIN A HOWELL. 31S-324 Kearny st - BALDWIN & HOWELL, 318-324 Kearny; st C. P. McLEOD COMPANY. Inc., 2&57-S9 Mif alon ct. near 22d Phones Market 93 and 94. Real Estate "Sign of the Ranting. Insurance. Red Shield." Collecting. LOTS FOB REFUGEES $27S to $400 dose to Mission st; fine lots, en. 25x100; sew- eers laid and water pipes in; terms 10 per cent down, balance $10 per mo.; no interest nor taxes. WE WILL MOVE YOUR COTTAGE FREE ON THESE LOTS. Only 100 lots left Get right oat after these Quickly. $30,000 Nice lot on Jones st nr. Ellis; 37:6 ft front; carry $20,000 mortgage at 7 per cent (13813) $2,900 Came ay.; 1% s. cottage of 5 rms.; built 1 yr.; lot 25x100; terms. (13S0) $2,600 Nice 4 rm. cottage on Butler st. close to can; $500 mortgage can stand; chance for you to get a nice home cheap. (13795) CHEAP LOTS $300—5400 - Easy terms. (IS7SS— IB7BS) CHEAP DIRT Lot fronting 58:6 ft oc \u25a0 Mission nr. Concord. We have the whole block here. . (1374) $12,250 Clay Ft. nr. Taylor; lot over 40 ft front; goes clear through block. (1373) $3,100 Sacramento st nr. Jones; nice lot 23x60. (13723) $2,800 Nice cottage on Butler st, containing; 6 rma., with lot 23x70; $1,700 cash, balance $15 per month. (1370) $4,000 Elegant cottage on 26th st; lot 23x114; con- taining 6 rms.; $1,600 . cash, balance $20 per moath. (1369) $6,000 4 nice little Cats, 5-5-4-4 rms.: resting for $S0 per mo.; lot 60x100; close to cars. (136SS) C P. McLEOD COMPANY, Inc. . 2587-89 Mlsaion st near 22d ' Phones Market 03 and 94. GREATEST BARGAIN . OFFERED IN .YEARS' $12,500— Business , property " near Fillmore • and Ellis sts.; store and 2 flats; rents — store. $55. . tenant pays water, < flat of 5 rooms rent .-$35, $43; same tenant 3 'years; top flat 6 rooms, rent : $60; tenant wants lease; total rents $150 per month; t/ailding ', first \u25a0 class > in \u25a0 every > respect; \u25a0 a sacrifice at -this figure; cannot' be dupli- cated at Sl7.tX». APARTMENT^ lIOUSE- \u25a0 SITE $IC,SOO — Near C4lifornla .end'*Taylor - sts.; 50x 120; on- tl*e- bill*. overlooking . the 4 entire ' • city;"- very " cheap \u25a0st this . figure; : should easily be . worth.. ssoo _\u25a0- per front- foot • '"'W.'.-E. BOODY & CO.. *S7O-Bnsir'st • W. B. McGERRY &~CO., r 45 GEARY ST. $7,250 — Two modern flats ' on -Tremontv ay. near Frederick at of 0 and 8 rooms; a bargain. $6,750 — Reduced: store" and 6 room Cat on Oak st. , close to Devlsadero ; rents • $78 ; : make offer; must be sold.: $3,250 — Reduced, from ' $3,750; mortgage of $1,700; cottage of 6 rooms and bath. BERRY. METZLER .4 ' PHILIPP. - - 207 Monadnock Bid*;., -opp.* Chronicle Bldg. \u0084 - Phone Temp'y 3515. $40,000 — Stockton st - nr. v Broadway ; • 81:8 1: story modern bldg. ; rents $250 ; mtge. . $15,000 ; . large lot - - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<-\u25a0• - - $10,600 — Grove- at nr. \u25a0 Devisadero; 2 , elegant flats of • 6 and 7 rooms; modern;- lot 23x137; renta $110. w ' If you have any city, or. >coun try property you wiah to exchange, : we can . suit you. FOR- sale- — 2-flat cottage/- s 'and .4- rooms' an< baths; all improvements;. lot 25x100; In Flori- da, st nr. 21st. -Also 12 story: house;. s and 5 rooms and '-'baths; all *" Improvements; "lot . 25x100: : In Hampshire " 6t. near r 21a t "Apply 82 Dehon et near , 16th" and - Church* from 1 to 4 p. Btvi«; \u25a0\u25a0.: . .s\u25a0..\u25a0'-.'.-sB,Boo—Rlpley. s \u25a0..\u25a0'-.'.- $8,800— Rlpley et near Folsom, -2 'flats, -.4 * and ! - 5 ? rooms," bath .and Abasement;? lot, 60x100; '- 3 ', .'. frontages;«s*wer.ln'both-streets.''; > Apply:S43 j ..'• Preclta-aT." near Folsom;: easy terms. - ; SAW SUNDAY, iAUGTJST ;ll^fl?07: CITY REAI, RJTATB- Contlna*iL M ISSIQN^ ReM n*tn.b>. " . T>. COFFIN A CO.. Ss2fl SIl«BloT st. near 22d. $250 — 2S<l nt. t\ont Howanl ) car fitted up with 3 roomsl lease of let for 4 ypars; {!S niontli. . ;.-,.\u25a0\u25a0 (3564> W. 300 — Marina Rt. hpar Prane-i cottarp of 0 \u25a0 nnj. ted buthi new| lot 25x100. (SSfifl)-:' $I,ooo— Ban Bnino hvv near lnth: oottaKo of - ; . - 4 ra<x Imthl new» lot 2BsIOO (382P> «I,(ssB— ltinks *'\u0084 near Joffereon", • cotteie of 4 Vowns ah.) bathl bt 25sT0j «500 rasli; bai«nee easy. . . (S43d) 9S.oPO— Gate ft. »)«*r fcujfenU a«.l eottas^ of 4 Vum\* end btth! l> foot Imr-omouti lot B5«70! t5OO CBSh. 520 month. . (0433 V 92«0w— Aaaoy««r nr. . Bear Cortlaad rt.j cot* V \u25a0 Ucf tif ii ro»nis-ar,4 batk| lot 87tCx70; l)6Vf eftsS. . ; "<• (MM) \u25a0 ?3,iGO---C«vief st. Hcftr Mtr.«Soa *t { sbltißlr.l hna^atoW, 4 raeras mid bathj. l«i 33x100; ?soo dewd. . (3554) *2.ISC— a«teg Hi, near Eugenia ar.: . cottagp.4 *?\u25a0»»»« »hj Xmv\i n foot baeomwitj Jot 25s TO* $3W rt-nrn. I^UO month. (0431* f^SOo— (S*t\tt iteay rurb aiul W»lo Ht. ; cot- tnjM»'B Mom« r.nd b«tl»;: lot 03^?0; *«00 »?.3^, 1530 Month: 044 P«r c«nt. (nr.4f»i SB.3oo— iNftnJw it. ;iiMf l»er»U; cottne* 4 vms.' nnd tmths let SfisJW.- , . - . (382(1) Q2AZd— O4tt* ft. trarilHlm nr.; tottags 0 Mnw« itr.4 botaj Sot lUBxTO; half caa-s. M,6so-^-V«l!e» b:. np*r Buncaw; cottano 4 >**iAafl RSi batis; T fact basaaiaat: lot Ssx»*. (8558) \u25a0 K2,*<i" --XvTf.r.M tt. neir Dcnaiarton; cottaco * rooms r.r.A bothi V foat basament: lot Sft S «f:«. (3478» $3,TDI>--M»a?i>« Bt. neap 20th : 2 Ba t», 8-4 tana* np.d bntl>; lot- 28x103. (C4i7r- fS.JPO— Mil Rt. liea; Castro; cottaes 4- rooun end br«!»! mo-lora; lot 235114; -SI.OOO uown, S5O moat)'. - - - (SS7OV. f s,Boo— l'n-uttaa nmir JpC«tsoq, 2 flits. 4 rooms and bath oich; lot 80xT0;Sl,500 ca»h. ?3.830— UUriland or. uear -MlHsion; cottagp," 0 rooma and batb: liljh bsßetnent; street work Aoup; Jot £0xl(Vi: near cars. f6455) • ?I,7&a— rat? Oak* n<»<»r. S2d: botwn, C rooais aail ostli: modorr: lot 10^:117:6. 52, 5 CO — K!l».i!j«tth «*. ne-ir Dietnond: fine ho««e, 3<> rooms.- nn>l batb: 0 up »nd 4 down; f "Oil »icp tv.# sam? ns 2 fiats; ; Hcnme W. lot I'Ci-.IK: a'l moxlem cnovpnlcnees. fl.CCO— Hl'l »^. uenr Sine!>oz; cottaje, S' rooms ccd . liatb: lot 23x114. (3."KJS) Q4.IC0 — Gates at near Jefferson, bouse, fl rma. and bath; lot 73x70; half. cash. (0429) 14,100 — TJtah et. near 24th: house. 7.. rooms and bath; lot SSxlOO; roar house of 2 rooms. ?4,2'0 — Army st near - Church: : cottage*. 5 moms and bath; 13 foot basement: lot SG:?xll4. . (3524) " |4,C50 — Snn Carlos "ar. near 21st; bouse, 6 rooms aad bath;' modern and up to date. 14,730— West ay. near: Holly- Park; 2 flats. 8 and 4 rooms'. and bath; modern: lot 20x47; $2,750 canb. . (3538) 94,730 — 25th st. near:Chnrch: cottage, "s rooms and bath; lot 25:4x114; 5300 cash, bal- ance 61£ per cent- . (6449) $5,000 — Prospect ay. near ' Eugenia; cottage,'. 7 - rooms and 'barb; fine condition; lot 23 :4 x 70. with extra . lot. * - • (3575) ?8,200 — Satoma' st.»near Mth; 2 flats. 6 rooms _•.;•'• snd bath; modern: . up to dato; .11 foot basement; lot 20xS0. (3546) $7,000 — Gnerroro st near 25th: house, 8 rooms and bath; lot 25x135; half cash. : (3534) $7,000 — Church st near 24th; bouse, P^ronms and bath; Rood basement;. -lot 32:6x117:6. $7,200 — Guerrero nt. near 25th ; house, 8 rooms and bath; lot 25x135: balf ensh. (3535> $7,600— Folsom st near 12th: 2 fiats. 4 and 5 rooms and bath: new and modern: street work done; lot 24xR0. . \.'. (G505) - $3,500 — 30th »t. near Sanchez: store and 2 rooms; flat of p rooms and bath and reAr building of 4 rooms and fcath; lot 25x00; $«13. .-.-, (64431 $9,000 — IStli st near Sanchez; 2 flats. 6 rooran, and bath each; new • and modem: lot 25x114. . ,-, (6427) $11,000 — Oak st. running through" to:. Lily, ay.; 2 flits on Oak of 4 rooms and bath; 2 oa Lily a y. of 0 and 7 rooms and . bath ; modern and uptii date; lot 27:6x120. . $12,250 — Guerrero st. near 24th; 2 flats, 5 and 8 rooms anil: bath; ~< new and ' modem: lot 25x125; street work done; fine locality. $12,500 — SOth at. '.near San Jose ay.; 2 -flats. 7 ami- 8 rooms and bath: modern: lot 23x 12C:6: Income S100: :mortgnge remains. $14,700 — >*oe if, nenr 24tb : 0 flats. 4 rooms and bath each; - modern; lot 20x104; income $154. : . . \u25a0 $10,500 — 14th st. near Howard: .' store and rear house of 6 rooms;. also rooming house np- etatrs of 22 rooms; lof 26x75; Income $225; new nnd modern; all rooms Ilßlit and sunny; $4,000 mortgage. : (3542) Lots. • . Lots. \u25a0\u25a0 : -Lots ' $400 each; 2- lots, E line Banks, 150 N Ersrenia: 25x70; $100 down. . $450— E line . Moultrie, 100 S Towhatan; 50x70. - (3550) $150 each: 8 lots. S Una Seneca.. 125 SW San Jose ay.; $00 down, $10 month; 6 psr cent. (3502) $450 Inside: $500 corner: 5 lots, comraencln" corner Putnam and Jefferson; 25x70 ouch; terms. (6473* $550— S._ line 30th, 82:6 E Castro: .15x 18". \u25a0- (6439) • "f 550 — S line Lower Terrace, second lot enst Junction Serpentine place: 53x07x44. (3522) $550— W line Putnam, 85 S Cortland: 25x 70. -'vf»M^i»a l *Tft'WMPJs3B^ ' (84*?.) $550 each; 2 lots E line Nevada. 83 8 Cort- land; 25x70; half -cash. • f64551 - $550 each: 4 16ts, E line Moscow, 200 W Per- •la;' 2sxloo; $50 down, $10 mon th: 6 per cent' -r- • .. . .. ."-.- ; {048 D - - $550 — Inside; $700 corner, 7 lots" cotnmenelns corner SRth ay. and X st. Sunnct dis- trict; 25x110; corners 30x110: terms. . • $650— Rotteck tt. near Sprtngdnle: 2.1x102- $2OO- down, $10 : per month; OVA per cent '.'\u25a0"\u25a0-.' ' •'\u25a0'\u25a0(6490V i " $650— W line Chapultepec, 825 N Esmeralrla- 25x70; $200 down, $10 month; 7 per cent. . ' . (0425) $675— Sllae: Valley near Castro; 255114- $2OO down. $lft month: 0% per ci>nt $C 75— Fj -line Kan***. 50 S"2f>th st; 25xl00 : $2M down. $10 month; 8% per, cent $700— X 'line Botteck, 130 from Sprlnsdale; 50x100. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:"\u25a0.* (3572) $700 ench: 2 lot*. \u25a0 X ltae Danton, 22S from Sprlngdale; 25x100. • (3574) $700— E line Moultrlp.. -113 N; Cortlaad- 25x 70: $450 down,. sls month. (6465) $750— a line ; Cortland, 75 E; Nevada; 80x84- half cash. \u25a0 \u25a0 . (6479) •"• $S5O— X line Serpentlns, second lot B Junction =S - : Lower Terrace; 36:6x46. ; \u0084(3520) $S5O— N ;. line Alvarado, 105 W \u25a0 Castro; 2Dx 114; • $50 down. SlO month. $I,OOO— X line 22d. 225 W Castro? 23x114; $50 down.. $10 month; '7. per. cent (6407) - $1,000 — S W ' comer . Cortland and ; Putnam - sts. • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - -'40x85;'. half. cash.--'. .-. '- . \u0084 ,- (6477) ' ' $1,000 — SE corner Oortland \u25a0" and •. Netada sts • 40x83: half cash. .--t.- ,-,.--. (C4SI) $1,050 — S line, Jersey, • 159:6 W;Diamond; 26x 114. • \u25a0 \u25a0•-.-. -. (3558) ll^OO-rS.line.Cortlana, 83» WKlslo; 25x100* $500 down. . - - (6407) ' ; $1,200—8 , line 22d.'. 130 ; W ; Castro; j 25x114 ; $30 down; $10 month; -7 per cent. (6411) $1,250 each; 2; lots,' N line-22d 225 KNoa- \u25a0 . 50x114.., ' -- . -." ; .;, ,*.- ... (ruin ' $1,250— N line \u25a0' 22d. I 225 I W , Sanchez; " v 25x1 14 • '\u25a0-$55O'down. f sls month;' 6i^ per cent $I,3oo— E' line California ar.. near Esmpralda: \u25a0 25x70r560n down.. sls. month. -v (6457) $1,600 — W-llne Clayton, ' 507:6 'N 17th* ;25tP0 51,650— N line Clipper, 135 E 'Castro; : 3oitU4'- \u25a0 $300 down, $25 . month. .; • . - \u25a0 C 3570) ' $1,650— W line Sanchez, \u25a0 26:6 . S '"\u25a0 Hahcook- •-,--: 25x105. '\u0084-\u25a0'. -\.'_- : . ; mjrn, 1 ; $1,750— y- line Carolina, 45 S 23th ; 2 lots, 44x - ; $2,400— E line • CaMf'ornla -ar.^ near Virginia \u25a0 ST.; 50x70; ; $550; down; $15 month* 6% . ' \u25a0; per ' cent'" 1 - \u25a0\u25a0 •- '- .'';..-- .((HSO) $2,500— SI Id h: Carl, 65'EiWlllard;' 2lot* "5x -. 100 each; . -.\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0 .: ' - -. -. «•»••'.' 3 fftiaav \u25a0 $2,550— 5W- line •Gilbert -155- NE. Brannon- . -^25x80: half down. -bal.- 3. months.^ (64f?3) . $5.000— X line- Guerrero,',' ls2:N 17th;' 25x100' $450 • down. ;.\u25a0- • \u25a0 " (3360) ' $5,100 — E ltae JCue/rero, . 127 -X . 17th; 25x100 $5,600 — Northwest: corner :2Cth' and Dolores st • t ;\u25a0 v- BOxIOO. •>\u25a0";:<;..• \u25a0 . MG44I)" ::; DERoco & MORRissr, --\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ' . - Real - Estate, . . -" 525; Valencia at. $8,500-^Fine Clayton i • st. - near park- 8: rooms, s.-." :;.. '.- -.- ; .. -,„ .:_ -.. ' -*$7,000-^Flat, 7; rooms, 2 stores; California st near \u25a0 25tb ar.- I \u25a0-;?^#iaßSßS9fC.- r .-•\u25a0"-•-\u25a0 ; . • :. < $6,760^-70x110;- corner lot, ' 7 -room cottage- Shotwell nt. - \u25a0.-,-,. .-.--'\u25a0 $6.500- : -2 - flats. 4. and 5; rooms; -lot* 30x122^4- 664-6 Shotwell st. ~- : "'.. . _ , -. $2.loo— Xorth .-\u25a0 Clinton park, 80 - feet ; east of Guprrero: make i offer. •\u25a0 .- . s ,• . ". : . *.- $500 — Admlnlatrator's sale;>lot"and"ccttagel">2 rooms; .' : South . ; Montana st.,'^27s* west . of j Ply- mouth , st'v .'\u25a0>'.., : '.-.-, "'..,\u25a0--' . ,-. . •; $,oo<^-Chpapl6t on -easy -terms; 43d and 1 4-JtJi Jay.-,:, Point .I^obos 'and - A> st. ; > majnilil- cent " vlpw I of. ocean | and I Golden i.Gate I park.-, Will be on pround ,Sundaj-,AAug. : li:;t : , ..-:• \u25a0 vr CHANCE -HERE FOR. 'A HOME ;j; j We" are. notVi offering, beautiful ; cottages of 4 and 1 5 * rooms ; I healthful \u25a0\u25a0 locations : .' all - modern : on \u25a0 eagy - terms. - with - small deposit J down.""/ See our '. lots,. 1 : whlch.» we v are'- sacrificing on Ftnall nionthly».paj-ments. - Apply T early, as . only ' a few;left,-^to .\u25a0-\u25a0-> >..•\u25a0",-, \u25a0-\u25a0 •- - < -.> :< --> :\u25a0:. ., • , «\u25a0 . - . KYAX'S I LUMBEP.:OFriCE, - / Army , at. '\u25a0 opp.; : 26th % and 5 Bryant; \ ' ; PARKfiIDE corner; cheap; ; T \u25a0 Bt.l near 24th ar. ; '. -part leash. ; 11 48^Masonic \u25a0 ar." "?\u25a0:/..'„ \u25a0 . CITY RCA I. KPT ATS— \u25a0Coatlnn»d. [ '\u25a0 """"'" : ' LYoSTXTIOAG; " - \u25a0' - -»-"- " \u25a0\u25a0,-\u25a0 - 03C . Market st; • . PARK RESIDENCE. > . . -$0,230 — Nfsr. Sbroder and Benlah sts.; a hand- somo, modern " 2 story bouse \u25a0of 8 ' rooms " and bath! excellent neighborhood; close to park; lot \u25a0 25x125. ,'-.::. ' r" • •-,\u25a0 ;•/\u25a0;'.\u25a0 -\u0084'•. ,+ '..-. \u25a0 ?\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 CHEAP— MISSION' FLATS— CHEAP. . , $7.000 — Modern, braud new flats Just being r completed ! sth cr. "nr. C st. ; rent \u25a0 $75. ' Ta«*e fiat» are sabstauttallr built -In every sense - of tfa« word; Rrtlatloaliy flalsaed interior; lot 23x120; '4 nnd 5 roornn and batli each; -dirt cheap at this price. ' - IXCOMB MISSION BAHOAIX. - I $— N*«nr ( Bhotwell end SOth sts. ; 2 " flats of 4 and 3 ' rooms ; also cottage (4 rooms) In rear; lo: ~80sl22:6: rented v«ry , low for 84S per month : v small . amount - of- money spent on this proporty wcmH l»rln«( bLj return*. \u25a0 PARK RESIDENCE. . ?8.000^ — 3d nr. ur. B at. ; s uew modern rest- tlsnce of 7 roomsanA bnth;-. lot : 25x120: this ts an artistic, coay little homo near Oolden. Gate park, . which fact n lono . chostld sell the plase at Lhia prl<«i. . CHUAP -•'CORKER BUILDINO LOT. ~ •a.CCO — SW, cor. nr. Devlsadoro st. and Da- boc« . ar. ; eisa COxSt ; Irregular; i swell nelgbbcr- hood. ' -'• " \u25a0 - PARK LOT. ;• \u25a0:,. -, ..\u25a0..«',... •I,76o— Baenn Vista- a*. . nr. Conxress; swell bul'.dtajt lot; panoramic 2Sxi23:o. - , A BAaOAI>~LOT.''. (1,800-— lOth- ur. I et; lot 25x190; level. BAHGAIM rx»T SOUTH . 02* MARKET. SI ."10 — N'sar 4th and - Bryant Hts. ; ready to build uj>aa; would pay <17 per cent If Im- proved. . . ;:'..,... -\u0084 ..... •-> • -CHEAP MISSION '\u25a0 LOTS. ?560—K»ar Mission et. tad at. Mary's ay.; larire lot 50x110; make ua an offer.- $3OO ccc'i — K«ar Montana ; and Plymouth sts.; lot ' 25x123 ; Real , estate bemeaiead aasoclatlon ; $30 cash,'" balance ' $7 per.-' month; no. Interest. - $230 each — Saryent - Bamsell - lot; ' -. 25x100 : City land essoclatlcn: $25 cash, balance . . $7 per mcath;- no Interest. • • \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0 CHEAP RICHMOND ' LOT $1,730 — A st. nr. 4th ay. ; : level lot " ready to build upon; size 20x100. CHEAP MISSION COTTAGE. $3,600 — Nr. 24th and Castro sts. ; 5 room cot- tape in fl.-jt class condition, v TUIs la a bargain for . any one wishing a - nice home. NOW OBNEVEB. • "» "• ! \u25a0 WB WARNED. XOU That an ! opportunity to buy a lot In the West- ern addition for $1,000 would be a thing of the pant: >•:•; -'V-;- i- 'The last $1,000 and $1,100 lots are sold. $1,200. CHEAPEST LOTS NOW $1,200. \ - t \ ' •_• EASY TEEMS. * The last addition of the Pope Tract is offered for sals. .Over $400,000 of these lots sold to In- vestors and Uome seekers. -Nice profits made by those who made early purchases -In this beautiful tract. Protected : from the fog aud wind; grand panoramic views; streets are bituminized: granite curbed ;, sewer, water and gas mains, laid. Small cash . payments, balanre monthly;' Take Masonic ay. cars,. : get off &t Cole : and Carl f sta,,.- walk 3 blocks south. Office open every day, including Sunday. . . • ; : V ' • , ." \u25a0\u25a0-.•-\u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0: : lyon* & hoag, r , • C 36 Market st, '>;. Or. :'> \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 >' s - ; - .-, • SEAIXWALD. BqCK^EB ft Ca, K> . 1338 Sutter et. f - \ { - - ; - - ' DO AX & ; OLO VEB • 3073 16th st. nr. Mission Phone .Market 5433 88,000— 25x100; Mission stnr. 16th." $3,750—50x100; 22d St. \u25a0 $2.000—25x50 ; - San ' Cerlos ay. • nr. \u25a0- 18th. $2,100 — 25xS(»: Lexington ay. nr. 18th. ' $1.200 — 27x116; Falcon av.,- on car line. $000 — 26x114; -Jersey st. nr. Diamond. $1,100-^-25x125; -Bernal av.'.nr. Coso. . 11,000 — 25x100;. Crescent ay. nr. Mission. $1,200— 25x100: Rlchland ay. nr. Mission. *2.750 — 23x100; Waller st. nr. Belvedere. $3,250— 30x100; corner In 20th Bt. $1,800—25x100; Hampshire. st. nr. 21st $800— 255125; Sanche» st. nr. 30th. $1,150— 26:8x100; York st nr. 25th. $2,200— 26:Sj:100; Bryent st. nr. 25th. : $1,000 — 25x120; 13th ay.- bet. I and J. 87,500— «Oxl05: Capp stnr. 16th. $1,100 — 25x100; Boe worth nr. Mission. $2,100 — 23x101; Lotta nr. . Parnassus. $1,500 — For 5 lots, - Nevada and Union; make an offer. ' • - $450 each — 4 lots, each 55x100; 29th nr. Dia- mond; $30 down, $10 per month. $3,100 — Modern 6. r00m Cottage: $000 cash, bal- ance easy; nr. ,29th and Mission. . $2,100 — Modern 6 room cottage, Elsie st '-• $I,63o— House. ' windmill and barn; lot . 50x100; 'Allison et. 3 blocks from Mission; $000 - . down, balance easy. $3,100 — Two -4 room on - lot 25x114; - Alabama" st. nr. 25th. $3,250 — 3 room modern - cottage, . 0 foot \u25a0 base- ment . driveway ; lot ; 23x114 ; Valley it. v. , $3,650 — For a . fine 2 story modern 7 room •< resi- dence In 20th st. nr. Diamond. , - $4,500— 2 flats, 4' and. 5 rooms; S years old; 22d : nr." Vermont. :. . $3,ooo— New 5 room : cottage, Crescent nr. =M1«- slon;- $300 down,; balance easy. |7_oo0 — 2 flats Just completed, "6 and 6 rooms; Eureka Bt. nr.' 20th. , : ;!&t9*V»&&S&*& a $ $0,500 — 2 flats, 4 and 5 rooms, and 4 room tage; la fine condition; Wood st. nr. Qoary; • this - Is surely,-- a • snap.' \u0084 \u0084 ,; - v $7,230 — 47x114 ; tfn 24th Bt. nr. Church. 2 atory \u25a0i". business block and rear cottage; leased : before i the - fire : at ; $05. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<-•, . DOAN & ; GLOVER 8073 16th 1 st^nr. Mission ~ ~ MADISON -' & BURKK -'. '. ESTABLISHED JANUARY. 1883. . REAL ESTATE, AGENTS, 80 Montgomery «t $70,000— Large Mt, 2 frontages; close to bank- , ' ' . ins •\u25a0 aistrict ; . . California \u25a0 and Montgom- ery sts. :\u25a0 \u25a0' ' \u25a0", . ~:'. ;,-: ; $12,600— Howard st. ; 3 flats, 6, 7 and T rooaw and bath., near, 23d St., renting as be- > foroUhe, are for $130 per month. :'.,.:. $12,800- ; -Corner « Dupont *\u25a0- aad . Greenwich; * large . - lot with 8 fronts; fine for tenements. - Mus t be \u25a0 sold. ; .-^aBBMs^HBVKMBMWi $12,500— Fulton st. - corner: . 4 - new t flats, : 4-B rooms and> bath: rents $140 per month; large : lot. • Cash - $2,500, - -.- balance -oa mortgage. <: * - - "\u25a0'':- $9,500— 14th \u25a0? st ; •4 ' new > flats \u25a0 rcntlnj; low at :>\u25a0\u25a0 $110 per month. •' , \u0084 • r $9,ooo— Two flno flats, -6 nnd 7 rooms and bath; - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 California' st near Broderlck. " - v $B,ooo— Choice residence, «« Grove *st . near Ba- ker; :\u25a0.. only . , 2 blocks i from Golden Gate '.'- park; 11 . rooms,; bath,"i etc. : , .'\u25a0 , - $8,500— Vallejo' st" residence near* Lacuna; ' 1 rooms : an^ ' bath: : electric '• lights ; and fix- '; - tures; evf-ryrpartf up'to ; date. -.;i.':.^py $7,500— Richmond; new flats: 2d ay. near Point , : Lobon ay.:. rents ;; ; mtg.'. s2.soo. caa \u25a0\u25a0-"reinal"-'^--" \u25a0••\u0084-'. %" ; ; - ;.'. \u25a0: .: : \u25a0 ' .: $7,ooo— California st. residence near Baker st: \u25a0w 3 rqpmi .. and bath ; . best borne street in : city ; . possession ; at : any time. \u25a0 -'\u25a0 •r- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 - $4.230— Cottage. . Eighth a y. near California it; \u25a0 - - V 5 i rooms ,- and , bath. -'.».'\u25a0\u25a0 \ v $3,C00— 19th r st. cottage; near Diamond; 5 : -..-' v rooms; lot 50x135., -\u0084..,.-- / : /-,-. . :\u25a0—.-- LOTS. ;,'-.- \u25a0 •:. Presidio heights, \u25a0 Jackson, Washington^* Clay . and •California Bts., , In? slues to suit.;."; - $2,200— 215t av. : near » Lake st. ; choice ; 605120. Lots to suit, ; Filbert st. near;.Webster,U4sxl37:6. SAN BRUNO HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION - AND REALTY i 2578-2580-2582 San: Bruno Avenue, $750— A'3 ! room cottage on Silver ar. . , ' ; $I,oso— A" 3j room cottage on SlPlman st. "<s2,loo^-A 6 room 'cottage on Woolsey st. v > $2,500---A^ 4 room cottage on Gerard st • |.f $1,200^A-4 1 room cottage 'on -Hamilton at ""1; • J 51,450^-A 4; room, bungalow on; Holyoke St." A-r -? $5OO each— 4 lots on Flora st/ i-f: :-; «... -: --;;^C." -$625 each— 2 lots on 'San i Bruno' ay. $330 each— 2 lots on Steuben and San' Brnno ays. ; V S33o ' nach— 2 lots on < Campbell ay.;-- Rafs ; tract. SAN BRUNO • HOME BUILDING -ASSOCIATION V : :\u25a0.-: AND REALTY COMPANY. . r ."; - '; '-. NEW \u25a0 modern 8 i room i and *• bath '\u25a0, and ? basement v,* residence ; J Clayton 3 near {.Waller ; v houses I built -', by j day'6Vwork ; 'complete : la' all , respects; now V open 1 for s Inspection ; i Ual f i cash, '; balance I mart \u25a0:•; gage; look' lt over, and see us at once.- , -..-.-• - •-'""M'EWEN'BROS.747S Pine st. MISSION :> and *3 Bos worth 5. sta.— lo ' lots; f level, , H sewered;; easy ;. IT7T ; Page- «t."&* $450 :- cash, V $10 5 monthly: I lot 25x120 ; > new f SOth : ar.': boulevard aad UU, «t« '.v Box , 600, \u25a0. Call < otflce. •v._: -'•>/.^ ; :>~."C" £ --i.'. : \' a "- ""--•"\u25a0 .i-^-'"*'•:,\u25a0':•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:. i -^-'"* '•:,\u25a0':• \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. : "\u25a0-. '\u25a0>:;>'.-' CITT REAi; ESTATE— C»ntlwn^d. SHAINWALD. BUCKBEE & CO., REAL ; KBTATE < AGENTS, 13C0 SUTTER ST., NEAR VAN NESS AY. ' $55,000 — Northeasterly snnny corner In the best • -part of-. tba Western addition; 'modern -2 .•-.•..story'- and 1 attic mansion; .12 rooms and S < : - .',;"; buthroomsj" : hau«s - particularly, well adapted, for. entertaining: very, large- lot; 100 feat frontage; large ballroom in basr- rarat; owner ;wUI give terms -If. desired, ' or- Will wxchansg . for property li the burned district » or ; tat marine view ; resi- dence lot*. \u25a0 127,500 — Residence ta best; faction of Broadway:. 13 tooms and 3 baths; bouse built by MATHEWB;-lot •40 foet front by • full depth; jrranrt unobstructed -marine view; modern and up to dato lo every respect. (22,500 — New Pre«W!o hoijrht* : residence of 11 rooms = and 2 baths; larjrn lot, 43x127 :8}4 ".'•" fsct: .garago la' rMr;vhonss -Just being completed and 1«: without flouDt one of - -lbu bcatbullt and finest arranged bonses In the city; flalshe<l in hardwood throujh- ( • - ont; grand marine: view. -' ; :. '- $17,000— GREEN it. near HYDE; lot 34x69 \u25a0 feet: 0 new modern flats of 4 rooms and 'bath each: total /c-nts $180; large base- -\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' m^nt. • . $15.000-^ln vicinity of 22d and Guerrero sts.; i 8 modem flats of 6 rooms and' bath each; /' i rnnta $120; can be raised; lot 26x100 ft; ' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 about 2 years old.- : $12,000— PAGE st. -nsar. MASONIC ay.; S new . \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 flata of 5-0-C. rooms and b»tb- each; lot 26x100, fe»t; rents $112.50; modem and up to dato lv : every, respect. '.. ' $10,000 — Sntter, st. neat- Goujh; modem" 2 «tory residence of 8 rooms and bath; lot 23x110 feet; rents $87.50; n bargaia. "V $9.2so— Washington st. near Polk: large lot. V 45:10x127 feet; grand site for apartment house. ."\u25a0 .< \u25a0*\u25a0,"» $— Marine view residence lot on best block la Valle.lo st; .this choice lot must -be - sold; a : bargain. : J3.CO0 — Clement st. near 2d a». ; modern cottage of 5 rooms end bath; key lot, 25x100 feet; B one of the best buy-, la Richmond d!«trlet; rents $30; make offer: mcrt be »old.- :> \u25a0 $4,500— 19TII AY. near CALIFORNIA \u25a0 ST.: new reaidonce of 6 rooma and bath: high basement;: will sell en terms; lot 25x120 feet ; house \u25a0 modern and up to ; date =iv - every ,- way. : . . (4,23o— New 2 story residence near Greenwich and Gough sts.; 6 rooms and bath; mort- gage' s3,3oo can remain.' \u25a0' \u25a0 -\u25a0' $2,ooo— Richmond district : house of 6 rooms , and' bath; lot 25x120 feet; one of the ' \u25a0 • ; ; '. . best > buys in this district ; ' large base- ment. • -- $I,ooo— 2lst aT.near California st; 23x120 ft; price reduced to . effect quick sale.: BHAINWALD, BUCKBEE 4 CO.. KEAL ESTATE AGENTS. - 130 C SUTTER ST. -NEAR VAN NESS AY. OSCAR HEYMAN &. BROTHEB, 2380 Pine- st near Fillmore st. $300 BUILDING LOTS ( $300 BUILDING LOTS - Large ' building . lots In Ocean View corner Ori- zaba and Minerva Eta.; fins lots; close to ear line; .ready for building; on $10 monthly pay- ments. • • . - . \u25a0;. .1 - \u25a0 -'\u25a0- — ' -' ; ' $375 each— A -few lots left; on' Munich .st be- tween Braxll and China avenues; $10 monthly. $450— 25x178 feet; only 4. 0f these large lo*i . left; on Guttenberg . st. and Bellevue • are. ; ' ride to Six Mile house on Mission st. and waUt I.' Mocks east \u25a0_\u0084.; v V . .^ • $600 each— A few large lots on " Railroad aye- . nue and 26th avenue; $10^ monthly. .. - - $600 — For the whole - piece— looxl2o feet, piece including comer; $10 monthly.; Inquire branch office 2674 San Bruno -av. . • (700— 24x130 feet; . fine building lot on nollday ay. ; 1% blocks south of Army et; $10 monthly.-' . (850 — 26x100 feet on Gladys ;st near West ay.; only 1 block from Mission st. RICHMOND DISTRICT - . Graded lots on -, Point Loboa, - 34th, - 83th ; and 86th ays. ; ; easy monthly payments; • grand ma- rine Tiew: large lou; car passes directly In front of property. The choicest lots for sale in that locality. See them . today. (I,4oo ' each— On easy ' monthly paymentt; \u25a0\u25a0 2 fine building lots between Hyde and Larkla . sts.. Pacific st. and Broadway; an excellent location for cheap flats. - ; .'\u25a0'\u25a0' COTTAGES 4 room- cottage;' just completed, on San Bruno ay.; 3: blocks south of -Army st; lot 130 feet deep; (25 monthly pays for it; \ 2 new 4 room and bath cottages; full plumb- ing} gas; only 200 feet from the car line; on 41st ay. near Point Lobos : ay. ; $25 monthly payments. „' RICHMOND BRANCH OFFICE, . 80th and Point Lobos Avenues. •-.•;• -Go to onr branch office, r 2574 Son Brnno ay., knd our - agent L.' Weinsteln," will show yoa building . lots from • (273 up; all ; on easy " pay- ments. \u25a0 . OSCAR HEYMAN . 4 BROTHER, 2350 - Pine st. . near Flllmore at. \u25a0\u25a0"' TUCKER. LYNCH & COLDWELL^ lac, ' REAL ESTATE, RENTING, : INSURANCE. ;• V >\u25a0 S3 POST ST.- •. : \u25a0 PHONH TEMP. 610. (7,000 — Rents $960; 24th at business ; property; Imposing 8 story frame building, same as new ; right in th 9 heart of - Mission retail center; old tenants and old rents; a bar- *<•'\u25a0? ' gafn.":..f . -. . \u25a0'\u25a0? •\u25a0\u25a0 • -' (XsoO— Rents d.140; Sntter st; 40 foot front- age;. 2 flats and 1 bouse; it's a bargain and, mutt jbe I sold; I any , reasonable offer will be submitted. v'.vr- - —-v.- — (8,600— Rents (1.020 ; ' 2 new, \u25a0 modem, np -to date flats of C-7 rooms and bath; not far .i from ' Baker and : Fulton' sts. : < big key. lot, - BO;all rooms bsre '. fall, sunny exposure j -mortgage can be arranged.-"^ ry "V *'" > $10,330 — Rents $1,200 net; under 6 years'. secured • lease to one -tenant; handsome, new build- I \u25a0 - ing containing 2 stores and 4 room fiatj • \u25a0 \u25a0 best business block oa Devltadero tt ; lot ; \u25a0 27:0x106. • . - :•*,, :^U". \u25a0- -\u25a0.\u25a0'\u25a0•> \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•-. (33,000 — Rents (1,620; - enormons lot, 40x187:6; • vicinity Sutter and Devlsadero sta; highly - v Improved . with < 8 ' substantial . frame build- - - Ings, store, > cottage H and 4 j modem \u25a0 flats ; '" recently, painted and renovated. -" ' (22,500— Guaranteed *, rents : (4,338 ; : big • new : . Im- \u25a0 • , posing 3 story frame building of: 24. rooms and large store in best of permanent- re- tail centers ; -\u25a0 extra .: large " lot : • Improve- ments \u25a0 cost . $12,500 \u25a0 to .build - before : the >•: fire; mortgage $7,500 can remain or be in- /\u25a0:, _>creased.:; \u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0., .^; ;. ; ;.. \u25a0•• ;.:*:;.-.; r. ' ', /special. :'•:: 30 per ceat laterett 30 per.eeat Interest. -Fire years' secured lease;: we are authorized to offer one of. the best and most permanent : income properties in Saa Francisco In trade for an equity, in down ' town . unimproved . property ; . free particu- lars atofflee. • " - - '.: -\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-.."\u25a0"\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0 •\u25a0 - TUCKER, LYNCH t COLD WELL, Inc., . r 63 POST ST. v - 3 AN BRUNO. HOME BUILDING ASSOCIATION ; AND REALTY* COMPANY.. 2378-2680-2582 San Bruno. Avenue. • . -.' BUT A FARJI— BUY'A FARM— BUY 'A FARM. $325-^-A five acre ranch; $100 down and $10 a mon th/BWaa)BßßßBMKSK^fl^^*MßfC3Brtiaffl|a \u25a0 : . (630— A i tea \ acre ranch ; , (200 down ; and $20 a month.. "\u25a0- ' -- -•'\u25a0'.'\u25a0'> >-•-"'\u25a0 »''.\u25a0;• "-." \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 '• x p^&*s££!i We have 35,000 acrea of the very best of grape land tna t we have Just placed on > the market •at the ! above ' sized ; tracts ; and * prices; • this i land ' is withia'three bours% ride ;of San Francisco. .- '- 1,000 acre ranch, j nine miles \u25a0\u25a0 from ' Santa Ross, for (20'anacre.v?.-, '.\u25a0":.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:, •\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0_ .;"\u25a0*" = ..-; \u0084;••s- lo,ooo mansion In Santa Rosa we want to ex- change for city property.v- t-m-v . SAN- BRUNO HOMK BUILDING y. \u25a0. AND COMPAN Y.I ~ . • .". LOT* for \ sale ; ii 1 843 1 Howard ~i st'," aext •to Home '»• telephone ' « building; '-72 :6x155.'v '- Inquire ' "W. ; !KITZXIILLER.iKentfieId,^ Marin -county. . .*; (1,850-^Large lot,- liJS blocks from 15tb v and . .Market ' sts. "".' Apply . ; owner,', 122S: Flllmore' st:; ,'room ?1^ \u25a0 .-'.-. ': .'.. t i.-:.'^i;..- \u25a0\u25a0: I : ." "\u25a0"'_. "T : '\u25a0':.''-':'- i- l-'A'- FOR ! sale— New 5 room \ cottage ; * basement and yard; lin the.Rlchmonddist'2 Box 1642." CalLrv $1,750— Cottage . of :4 * rooms ; ?\u25a0> lot \ 23x120. • - 470 :' 3oth .: av. , 1 Richmond.*?: Make ? an ,' offer. < - * - . \u25a0- 1 CABBY 1 4 AH E RN— See us for ; bargains ' la real ~"-\ estate. ',--: 1169 .\u25a0-. Valencia*'a *' \u25a0t.'j-..;^^-;,^; .•« ..;\u25a0;.- - - I : PAGES 45 T0' 52; : : . 1 ' "*.' CnTRgAt ESTATK— -Coatlocgd. , : J. W. WRIGHT t CO.,^ \u25a0 - : • •" ; 2400 California I st.» near Fillmore. v • • REAL ESTATE.- . INSURANCE. $liS,CoO— Rents -SI4S per month; 3 modern flats - of 7-8 rooms and bath; best part of Clay St.; lot 25*100 feet. " - - " - $3, C0O — Rents \u25a0' $6S; 2 fiats of 5-6 rooms and ' bath ; Clay and D«vlsad«ro sts. ; lot 27 UJi 128 feet; lot cheep. at $3,500. :.. . . - $7,000 — Rent* $73; 2 modern flats of 0-7 rooms and bath; on Green st near Stelntr; lot 25:Ux87:6 feet; $5,000 cash." >- , $10,000 — Beuts $100: 2. flats. of 6-6 rooms and '. bath; rear cottage of S rooms; Clay. and I: '.'-\u25a0-\u25a0 Devisadero sts.; lot 23x11' 7 feet. \u25a0, , $7,200 — Reats $05; 2 flats of 0 rooms aod bath; Oak at near Devisadero;, lot 23x75 -feet \u25a0 $3,000— Residence of 7 -rooms and bath; near Market; end 17th ata. ; lot . SOxlSO *\u25a0 feet. J $5,250 — Bents $03: residence of 10 rooms and * * batU ; \u25a0 near Golden Gate park ; lot 27 : Ux 100 feet. . 1 $2,730 — Bents $23; cottage of 5 rooms: near j Church and 24th st».; lot 25x114 f?»t. :. t $3,23o— Renta $40; cottage of 5 rooms and < bath; Post end Drrtasdero sts.; lot 26x100 " feet; .redaced for quick sale. 1 $12,300 — Stores aad Cats en Sacramento st near Flllmcre; rented for $110 per mo.; large lot and a 'bargain. .' t $4,250 — Two flats of 6 rooms each; Church and - ICth . ats. : this le a pickup. " (3,230 — Neat little 4 room cottage, well fur- , ulshed; on 30x120 foot lot; nice neigh- borhood; marine ' view; \u25a0' l j block from ; main car line; (730 cath. balance - like "rent. . \u25a0 $3,730 — Neat, senny cottage of 5 rooms and , bath; only # -block from Ualght and Aahbury • sts. ; modern, well ballt horn«. Will lease for |4O per month. (5,600 — Fine business corner in Mission: store and flat above; rested for $45 . per mo. $12,000 — Renta $120; S new. modern Hats of 0 rooms. and bath each; ueir Gaugh aail Green sts. ; lot , 23z£J feet. $30,000 — Kent $302.50 per mouth; splendid north- , ' east' corner on Gougb at of 0 new, aaorl- - ' era. : up . to ' date Cats of C iu<l 7 rconis aud bath each; lot £oxllo feet. $35,000 — U«u;*«l- very low for. $3,432 per aa- nuni; ijoics »>u*?neas cornn-, 1 black fmm { Marlurt st., uf 4 stores :<jj«l Sj*** fiats ;. lot j fc-jiiu:) feet;. Lank m-r;»^t>c uZ ;lj.oou can remain. $12,000 — Rent $130 per month; S new,* modern. ' , up to date : flats of 5-6, rooma and bath each; every -room light and sunny;' fine key lot SSxIOO feet; choice residence - \u25a0 location la the Western addfUoa. (10,600 — Rented extremely low for $1,470 p;r annum; 3 palatial flats of 7-8-8 rooms and bath each; lot 30x137:6 feet; every room flooded with ssnthla*; gas end elec- tricity; porcelaia baths; marble steps and marble vestibule; fine Western- addition location. "\u25a0«-.\u25a0 110,500 — Beat $207.50 per month; tunny corner on Hayes st. of 6 new, modern, v? to date Cats of 6 rooms and bath each. - • (3,ooo— New, \u25a0 modern/ up to date cottage cf 4 rooms and bath; fine key lot, 27:6x120 feet; can be bought on easy terms; wall located In the Richmond district; close to electric car line. . $1,000 — 3 room cottage; lot 23x100 feet: $100 cash. $10 - per month; Excelsior Home- stead, near Mission st cars. LOTS- S93O eacU— Two lots, 23x120 feet each; \u2666Point Lobos and -23d ays. (7S0 — Choice lots; 23x100 feet; level and / ready to 'build oa; $10 month; north of ; ' park. " \u25a0*\u0084-.. ' JT. W. WRIGHT tt CO.. 2460 CALIFORNIA ST. * \u25a0 • FORTY THOCSATO* DOLLARS. ', FOKTT , THOUSAND DOLLARS *. • worth of lots sold In one week. EIGHT: NEW HOUSES EIGHT XEWHOCBKS in course of constraetloa. TWO ELEGANT FLATS TWO ELEGANT . FLATS started on H street -*'.. '\u25a0 .VThls is going some. Banders and some teekers look into this and get your, choice. MONEY AT 6 PER CENT . for baOdtag porposea. All the street work la doa*. '. / ' Owl car service. Lots on easy terms -.';''- ' Lots on easy terms Lots ion easy terms THIS BLOCK IS LOCATED oa the Ellis and H st car line, between 12th and ISth ays., H and I sts., facing Golden Gate Park, and affording a grand view, and . in In close proximity to the -Af Dilated -Colleges,' Polytechnic High School. Grammar . Schools, Masonic Hall and Churches. LIPMAN A- HIRSCHLKB, 1880 Sntte* st Phone .West 1673. near FlUmore. Branch office open dally, including Sundays, 740 H,at near Oth ay. Phone Park 543. DAVID BUSH 4 SON, SW. corner Sntter and Flllmore sta. KM Pacific Heights Bargain. 12 room new and modern residence; 2 baths, hardwood paneling and beamed celllags; hand- aome colonial design; suany key lot; marine view; 40 feet front; easy terms. $1,000 cash wlir buy a fine residence, modern and np to 'date,' and lot 68x63, . on Claytoa> st ; price. 0n1y. 57,600; balance may be paid la install- ments. -' \u25a0' $730— Lot 23:4x73; on Crescent ay.; good build- Ing lot-. . >'' $I,9oo— Lot 63x80, with new modern coital* of 5 rooms aad bath; reats (23. $4,600— 3 modern np, to data flatt of 3 aad 4 cewms aad bath; lot 29x57; rents $43. .- Reats $176' per month; 8 choice flats; Ptae 'a*. aear Franklin; price (18.000. j \ - I' DAVID BTJSH * BOX, :; -, BW.' comer Batter and Flllnore sta. -\u25a0 . GRAND MARINE. VIEW BESTDBNCB . ; \u25a0 \u25a0 '. Comer Lot. : Modem .- tad - artistic i residence of ' 10 rooms, with-; natural) wood- flnlah;: bard wood floors ;. gar- den roof; garage; -flower, garden -and lawn. Be sure -and see this bargain. Best location In the CltT ' '\u25a0'•'* '• \u25a0 '-'-"\u25a0 :^-~±^"WSBBKBA . .':..-:. •;-•\u25a0 ; PAYS 17 PER CENT. '% $9,500 — Only $8,000 cash required; 3 ;b«antlful ' .flats; western' addition location and facing city square; chance. for quick profits*-' . • -. \u0084. . - -.-.---\u25a0 ANOTHER BARGAIN $10,250— Ren ta . $125 : a month ; S modern flats. backing up to -Mission -st - BUBNHAM&' MARSH -COMPANY, ; , - ' \u25a0 . - -- 1840 Flllmore st - .^-" SOL GETO ft SONS. " Real Estate Dealers, 607 Devlsadero at near Hayes. ' v'» We have lots In Ruanet, Richmond, Oc»instd«, Excelsior Homestead ; and • Ocean View districts ; also 3to 0 room cottages. \u25a0-;\u25a0 ' \u25a0 . \u25a0 I Pricea rang* from $200 to $1,300; graded aad ready to build en. - ' \ . \ '>': All fsold'oai easy: pftymenta. i Branca office comer 47th ay. and H tt. Ocean- aide. Open dully and Sundays. -;c; c ' ; .. SOL GETZ 4 SONS. i-. .v; v _. • --607 Davlsadero st' Bear Hayes. ~ ~ •-" RICHMOND = DISTRICT. V " . \u25a0•* * Lota and cottages; " prices -and •.terms '\u25a0 to ' suit "' $1,000 — California .'st ; - you " caa \u25a0 bnlldr" at once. $1.300 — Lake sfinear 19th a v.;- exceptional buy.. \ $830— Terma; near j Fulton and 10th; , close " to >.-- -park.'."/;. -.:-/.\u25a0\u25a0 . -.-.: - -. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .. (1,150^-Eaty «s termt: s North California tt. *>; Many,' others; cheapest- to. be; had. "\u25a0 CHAS. v E. -- TARRANT. \ , 5720 ; California st" '/.; \ .;-:\u25a0'•""-;.;\u25a0/ Open sSundays.^,5 Sundays.^, ,!_\u25a0\u25a0."\u25a0\u25a0": \u25a0:\u25a0 ROTHERMEL i & ? CO.Vr 2091" FiUmore f st.. ; near ' - California ; V country aad city real estate. Get \u25a0 new catalogue. — - \u25a0•".., . .. w& te^nnlte ' CITY RKAL.;ESTATE--Co«MaiO«*«. NEW. mod«ra flat on Alabama, st.' 4 and * rooms ; lot 25x100.: \u25a0 easy , terms ; \u25a0\u25a0 94,300. :Lots, cottages. Cats' ou easy payments. \u25a0• .- . Write or call for • catalogu*. .- \u25a0 . • - SCH WEINHARD A. CO.. \u25a0 V ! ' .3255 U2d st. neat Valencia. ".','•. '-:\u25a0\u25a0 . OWNER- nearly .completed 2 ' flats of 3 and 4 rooms, batb.- bay wtudorrs in front aad.rear: I 1 oa Noest b«twe«n v 25th rand: Clipper;- 'price $4.500; mortjragaof $1,500. '. -.- -.•-. • -- \u25a0_ -. J. A. : ADAMS, knrveyor. retaoved to 773 Sfaxktt ' at Keotdence 1454 Sth ay. - '- ••\u25a0»t^-"'. ": COUXTKY RELS.I. ESTATB - NEW LAND OPENING!! SACRAMENTO VALLKW IRRIGATED LANDS. » CALITOUNIA'S NEW AWAKENING I • Sacramento -valley's richest- lands open-, far settlement ' All under a .thorough system of ' irrigation. A never ~faUln< : supply uj water , taken Crota -; California' a larjes; aad gt»ade»t water way \*: • . . ' " •"' > •\u25a0 ' ' ; THE.SACRA3IEXTO RIVER, \u0084 throsgh our government, aided -\u25a0 . - * ' -GREAT. CENTRAL CAN AL." 1 An - abundant water - supply furnished \u25a0 settlers . at the nominal rate of $1 per acre per annum.. No waste or poor. land. Every acre being rap- • idly brought \u25a0 under - our system of. Irrigation > canals. - . . \u0084-\u25a0..• ; From $100 to 5500 aa acre being made* land*. : . \u25a0 -..,-. Good neighbors: the choicest fruit and alfalfa. , land la the state;-- a healthful: climate aad a prcsperoua community. -Soil*- a rich black eedl- 1 ment loam,' level without stones or all all; heavy and never fa Ums crops a certainty. *\u25a0*#\u25a0 The highly productive and well knowa." grata < farma of G. F. Packer aad the lato Senator , Bogss and Doctor Glenn la Co!usa"and Glenn counties at last subdivided into 10. -v and 40 acre tracts. Prices, including water. - rlgat,' averages $70 an acre and sold on ea*y terma. Railroad ' and steamboat transportation avail- able at all seasons of the year. • -• - \u25a0 For further particulars writs or call on .. C. M. WOOSTEU CO.. 1666 O'Farrell st DON'T FORGET. HIGHLAND SUBDIVISION O? ADAMS POINT Is still tiie cream of California residence - property. WE HAVE A FEW LOTS LEST. ?*V4? COME AND SEE CS IF YOU WANT A BOMS- SITE. J. H. MCDONALD tt COMPANY. 1062 Broadway. • HOMES IN SANTA CLARA VALLEY. Beautifully located in the richest portion of .he valley, adjoining on« of the best towns la ie country: good schools. postofSce and store*; XX the Southern Pacific main line. Jt.SOO — 10 acres, lij miles rrotn depot; oa good \u25a0 road;- planted to apples with Tines be- tween: a good Income property. $2,600 — 13 acres, 2 miles from station, ta vine* (resistant), 3 years old: beautiful loca- I tlon and an ideal home place. $2,300 — 10 acrea located 2Va miles from depot; 1 pretty spot for a- comfortable home ; a good 1 4 room cottage and .2 bams oa the place. $3,000 — 15 acres *v of a mile from depot; all in domestic vines. 3 years old; beautiful location and an ideal home place.* • - C. M.. WOOSTER CO.. 1666 O'Farrell st $1,830 cash — A real bargaia: a 6 room cottage with 7 foot basement; all famished with good piano, pictures anil everything complete for a family* of 7; on sunny side of street; enameled bath and waabstand: patent toilet: large pun- try and closets; cement sidewalk; etottrie lights; city water: lot 73x105. with streets front and rear; % block from good car service ; ' this is strictly a suburban home with all city advantages; $1,830 cash; $1,650 payable $23, .per mo.; if you are looking for a nice quiet suburban home, already to step into, thia la it; buyer deals with owner only. Address box 13SS. Call, Oakland, and I will call on you. FINE MOUNTAIN RANCH. $11,000 — 1,263 acres, with all Improvements; modem cottage - and a 2 story house: barns. etc ; 60 acrea French prunes, also variety of • other fruits, oranges, apples, peaches, figs, etc.; plenty of redwood timber, tanbark : and \ oak trees: will carry 100 head of stock and , sood for ho«rs; plenty of deer aad trout fish- ing; 14 miles inland from Stewart* Point, in \ Sonoma county. Thia place htm cleared as h!;h ay $4,000 over all expenses and never less taaa £2.500; crops n»ver fall there. aapssja|jssjsjßn THE ALDEN CO.. 463 10th St. Oakland. COUNTRY BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. $2.000 — 1 f-i acres fine land near Mountain View. $3,000 — 20 acres 4 miles from May field; T room . hon«*'; barn. \u25a0 " $3,000 — 20 acres 4 miles north of Napa; 3 room cottage; good water; 1 horse, carriage, ; wagon, cart. etc. . $7,200 — 36 acres 3 miles north of Gllroy; t* room - hard finished bouse; barn; a good bey aad an ideal location. , " Call or write for particulars. { a If. WOOSTER CO.. 1868 OTarrell st. "~~~~~ ATTENTION! . ' \u25a0 Here is what you are looking for. A' 5 or 10 - •ere fruit, vegetable or chicken ranch, only 25 miles from San Francisco, haviu? rail ami water communication; located only a tvw \u25a0 miles - from San ' Rafael.* and caa b<s bonsrht for $100 or so down, balance monthly or year!/ ' as yoar crop pays; plenty of water, and woM ' - enough to bum and build yourself aa artistic 1 log house. For $130 yon can make \u25a0< first pay- ! meat oa 6 acres aad build a small boose; 3 acres from $300 to $730; rich. - l artU* land, i Box 3165, Call ofSce. - - \ BECK ranch, of 437 acres, more or less. coa« ' talnlng a . large . area .ct rich aXtnrtal soil far farming -. purposes; seven v crystal sprlags oa? ! pure mountain water, : and the celebratsd. oarx ! sandstoas in its . western part; . mast be sokt 1 within 80 days: the. ranch la .situated ass* San Leaadro and the Oaklaad boulevard, now ' under construction. Trustees for tale. Attor- neys Bodfiah & Schillias. 1304. Webster st, : San Francisco. . \u25a0 , <w $375 boys ' one of oar 6 and 10 sew tracts ct rich, level land la -Alameda county; 2 rail- roads and 2 stations on the land; surrounded) by 'fine orchards and nurseries; -pay (23 'aad; -secure S acres, /.balance 'small monthly . pay- ments; buy . before ., the raise next month; w« guarantee to please yon. ''4bsmmsjs^sjbsmlbbj| RICH VALLEY LAN!) CO..' 848 Market St. CALIFORNIA land .sl ' acre, , balance ' entire par- ' ehaa> $1 week for -each 3 acres; aA-taxes: aa . Interest; S acre tracts.: level, rich; clear; ready to plow ; * under - Irrigation ; perpetnal ; watet - right: Immediate po«»essioa given: particulars.' \u25a0 - maps, photographs • tor 2c stamp. -Strvtasoa \u25a0 '.Colony, room 26. ,703 Van Ncsa ay.; Saa'Fraa- . i< elsco. ..-. -, . '.-.\u25a0. . :\u25a0_.-: ,c .-\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0. m \u25a0-.. MONEY MAKING .little- farm; wry level, witi best cf soil, canals, market cllmat;. water: very easy terms; land is cheap: electric S. R. CAPT. OBERMEYKR. Van Ness 4 Grave. 3. F. (1 ,000—160 acrea first class grape or early fmlt mail h warm belt Contra Cost* county: per- manent pore oprinc water: timber. L. D. - MATTHEWS. 819 15ta at.' Oakland. - \u25a0 \u25a0 ' $7,600. '$2. 000- down, time to suit oa balaacs— Improved .dairy ranch of 140 acres, half bot- tom land; San Joaquia countj: or would rent . some : for casb rent Box 15. Gait CaL - - 163 ACRES. 3 miles from Oakland. (30.000 ($lB5 - pp- t«r»»; l-H muh: mnst be sold as a whols." ! ; GILBERT WYMAN " owner.- 27U»« ar. udt ; \u25a0": lntu »t. ; Froltvale;- phone Marrltt 8842. \u25a0' \u25a0 (32 ' per acre— loo acres la San Benlto egmty. 3 miles ; from Holllswr; suitable for alfaifa. '"fruit and irram (29).^GEO. W. A USTIN. -.. ;• 1018: Broadway., Oakland. FOR sale— Sor rawest Texas farm^ lands,^ town aad suburban property; ' highest references; " .-.' correspondence solicited. B, W. SPARK 3 .tt ' CO.. Sktdmore.' Tex. 1, - " \u25a0 ' FOR, farms, stock xanches. orchards . and Ylne- i yard and timber lands, call or send for n*w - descriptive catalogue. ROTHERMEL 4 CO.. - 2001 Flllmore at. , . . '. ' • $250 down and $250 -a year for, 2 years.*- wOl * ,;- buy • a " choice •10 acre tract nesr Gait. Sacra- mento comity. Cak - Box ;15,; Gait .Cal. - IRRIGATED small farms; garden soil: low price; - easy > payments: book free. -Write CM. \u25a0": WOOSTER COMPANY. '.I6«a O'Farrell 5t...; " FOR sale — 50 acres resistant Tineyard, 4 aad 8 : years old; 0 tons. per acre:' sett wtta or wftsV J 'J ©at' crop. * Box S4S. St. ~ Helena, , Cat . _v