Newspaper Page Text
OFFICES AND STORES TO LET Ir JJI! >tl7!'t 17!', Jn ' I ? rjre eta We; over hauled and stableman furnished If <leslred: I r^at reasonable. H. P. Smith Co.. 7th and j Harrison ets. "• — — , , ; - 6 V - sxlss «» rear itnet; escel!ent for ] auuaty, box factorr or winr business; ctllott i ?^?v- /^w^S.^"- n>Dt «^«»d to $150. BALD- WIN & HQWELL. 31S-3C4 Kearny s^ , ?I \n r . moaUl ~ofß~ ofBc * s - Dihert & White bldrr.! i sfijoinlng Cell tldp.. 10 3d Et.; most centrally i WHITE.'V^ ; ,^ eTatOr - * tC - UIBEUT % I LARGE store to loese fcr nmni-.facturing or M-stai-rant: pood looatlon. Apply tv 164 S-ll- vt-r t-t. near 4th; rent $40. A LINE of tnodrrn -late jrlass -window stores ; Rhcln Real Estate Co.. 53 Geary «t. F ?t Os> T suite: fomisUetl and unfami^ed: lofa- ! ion i^gt: reaßonablo. Whigham. 1615 Fillmore. | SMALL or ltrge stores; cheap rent; good busi- netig Ftrcot. C 26 34 Bt . *"2_, M-*EKKTM -* EKKT Rf :-: front rooms,. Sd floor; rent yis: fine loc« t ion. . E A_XS!^ L ' ET — Oakland 12 NEW stores at Melrose. Wj-maa block; ter- rnina! of S. P. local: first class location for «ny kind of bnslness. - ji HOUSES TO LET A LARGE modern resideo^e: unobstructed rua- rjie view; 14 rooms, including double parlor, lante dining room, billiard room. 5 bedrooms Bad 2 Berriuits' rooms. «wwlng room, laundry. 1 W!tol:«>a. 2 baths. 3 ioilpts; rent $150 per ttonta, better terms on long lease. Call bet. 2 and 5 at 2502 Broadwnv-, necr Pierce et APHBCRY. 557. comer Hsiput— ll .rooms: all ""!a£ rooras. large and scr.ny; rent $100. _<|O9 Buchanan «t. nr. Cnlifornia, S rooms! SS r *Tl- r Jt- : « r<len fron * «"d rear: tey In o'flce; 1 Ltr^t ' BCCKBEE & CO - IZOS Sutter| FOR lease^ — 8 room honse nnd burn on large piece of ground ne*r Inglt-side: rent very rea- \u25a0 oooDwry E g5 W G\ R^' 6t . CHRISTE^ SEX & HOrSE of 6 rooms and beth f.nd bis yard; rents refiaced. 1612 Folsom *i. bet. 12th and 13th. TO LEtf— Furnished BEOADWAY near S^tr^tT^d^rn^re^MeTcX 12 rooms, 3 baths: garden; beautifully far- : nlsapd: marine view; to lease for 9 or 12 months from October 1,1907; ccn be seen by ! S O3^ 1 ??&• SHAINWALD, BUCKBEE A CO.. 1366 Sutter st. .• j TO let — For 3 months, furnished house of 6 rooms; choice' location, overlooking Duboce PtTk-; rent reasonable to satisfactory tenant: reference* required. Apply lmmr-diately by letter. A. S. G.. postofnee box 2614. SttUon j B. gan Francisco. Me ALLI STER et.. 851 H, nr. Bcchansin— Newly lurplshed house. P r. and bath: rent $100; or *rH sell re»«aoaahle. Tnqpire twtweon 10 «n<l 2. HOUSES FOR SALE — Faralnhed SIcALLISTEH Bt, 851 V.. nr. Buchanan— Newly furnished 8 r. bouse and bath: cost J1.250; will sell for $700; make oCer; rent $75. In- <}clre between 10 and 2. 5 STORY furnished bouse: 12 rooms; Western Addition; jrocxl location: furnished for private home: marine view; sunny verd. Address box 3045. Call. * FOR sale — Well furnished. S room house; large, sunny room*, suitable for roomers; reasonable- oi-ll moruinrs. 4Sft Barflftt st. i_ HOUSES FOII SALE FOR eale — Elegant 8 room bouse; corner. Es- pecially desirable for physician. Modern In every respect Apply en premise*; 1 block from Gntad station. 1441 Grand «t. Alameda. HOUSES TO LET — Oakland BEND for iet blp new free catalog of vacant b'-uses. stores. epartrarct«, for rent Rin« np rent <!«T)B.rtn*e-nt cad have it mailed or call for It AUSTIN. 101S Broadway. Oaklaad. BKKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO.— We have the be*t warehouse in tte west (only covered vr.ns ueed>: reduced rate shippers. »C 8 Broad- •n*»r. Or.Jcland. HOUSES TO LET — Alameda ALAMEDA — For rent — Handsome borne on Sooth bay shore ; large j-roands; lawn; oaks, palms: building newly painted; modern plnmb- inc: 12 rooms and 2 baths; fine beach. W. F. OIIPMAX, 46 Market st, S. F., or 1270 V>>her «t.. Alameda. HOUSES TO LET — Alameiln— Fnrn FOR rent — Well fnrnlshed residence; irodern: 10 rooms; jrardeai garage; sunny side Central ay. ; near Morton-- station ; pond cook will re- main. Apply or write, 1519 C*ntr«J ay., Alaineda. FOR rent — Fnrn'.shed house; large grounds; near T:rs: S-Vi: 1139 Broadwsy. Alnined*. HOUSES TO LET— Berkeley FOX reat — Modern 6 room honse; completely furnished, including piano; $60 per month. HEDEMARK-BRADHOFF CO., Inc., 3303 Ade- Hne et.. Berkeley. Cay. • \u25a0 HOUSES TO LET —^B^rkeler — Fnrn. TO Jease — Fnrnished, 1 or 2 years, the desirable ', 10 room Berkeley residence SE. cor. Dwight way end Benvence ay. Apply one week on preml»e« to owcer. afternoons only. HOUSES WA.VTED WANTED— Completely well furnished residence, cboct 14 rooms for 0 cionths for adnlt family; tnert be good location. MADISON & BURKE, 30 Montgomery «t RESIDENCE cf 12 to 14 roome; fnrnUhed cr cnftn-nlshed; rent bo object. Apply 1102 Mc- Allteter rt. HOUSES TO LET — Out of Town BEAUTIFULLY fnrnished 5 room and bath cot- tage; 3 mlsntm' walk; nicely located; $45 for roomer laonttts; also 4 room furnished cottage, ebont came location, $25. J. E. LEWIS. Kentgeld. Maria cmraty. HOUSES WANTED—C ountry iIODEEATE vixed boose In country about 1 boer from city aad accessible to station. Send pertlcclars and rant to 2517 Broadway. 8. F. COTTAGES TO LET 8 BOOM cottage, new, $15; half block to car. Sett owner today, 1265 45th ay. sear H st COTTAGE of S rooms for rest $15. Inquire 566 40th ay.. Richmond. In rear. APARTME.VT HOUSES COLUMBUS APAKTMENTS. NE. cor. Pacific *sd Larkin sts. — 2, 3 and 4 rooms and bath: make reserr&tloas today between 12 and 2 'ca premises; s.ll rooms outside and sunny; rest $22 aad op, according to size and location JACKSON epartmests, NE. cor. of Leavenworth *c 3 Jackson sts.; wmlklag distance to business center; light, sunny; marine view; sew 2 end 3 room apartments; gas stovee: wall beds; rest $02.50, $33, $37.50 and $40. IH MEBODINE APARTMENTS ~ JJW. cor Clay and Polk. 3, 4, 5 room apts.; furnished or cafurnished; taodernly equipped; reservations made on premises 1 to 3 dally. APARTME.VT HOUSES — Oakland WILL tmlld to suit apartment boose of 46 rooms asd s. central rooming bonse or commercial botel of 100 to 160 rooms. CEO. W. AUSTIN. 1018 Broadway, Oakland. . ' HOTELS . ™~ HOTEL ROBINS. "~~"~~ Post st. sear Jones, Sntter st cars. Plume Franklin 2870. Krw, modern downtown cote! ; 140 rooms, 7." private Appointments and fcrnishlngs strictly first class. European plan. V.e'.ct $1 per day cp, «rlth private bath 51.50 up. Mostoly rates to rx-naancnts. M. JOHNSON. Prop., formerly of Johnson's Uestsnrsnt HOTEL rENTOX— 259 7th et below P. O-: 150 double, new and modern outside rooms. ei;us.l to any $1.50 room In city;, rates Ssc to COe day. $2, $2.50, $3 week. Howard or Mission Et cars at ferry to 7tb rt. A nice place for your family; save money; reading room and prxlor. 4AA— NEW WESTERN HOTEL— ' st old location. NE cor. Kearny and Wash- • lngton sts.; fireproof brick building; steam "• b«at; electric lights; hot s«d cold water; re- turn call bell*; rstes $1 p*r day and upward; epedal - rstes tor week or month. ' ""BOOMS— 60c TO $1.60 PER DAY— ROOMS. . PLANTERS' HOTEL, •.;-.»--£ COR. 2D AND FOLSOM STS. 150 neatly furnisbed outside rooms; hot and cold 1 water- la every room; electric lighted: weekly rate $2.60; first class cafe In contraction. : OOTEL VOBDEN, 758 Howard bet 3d and 4tb; bot-cold water sad: steam beat in every room; \u2666levator servJee; rooms 50c. 75c. $1 per night « peV CHRISTENSEN & SHAW. Props, rirst class grill and cafe In connectloa. EOTEt. OISOYA. 100 fine rooms, 25c np dally; 11.71 OP weeldrs 4 St. Mary's pi. cor. Pine s*a4 Ketxnx. noi'ELS — Continued HOTEL OXFORD, Cor. Post and FranSlla. offers special Indnce- meats for the rummer season, on the American or Kuropean plan, giving the best meals and n-rviee in tl:e city for tV* money; all outside rooms. CHAS. E. COOPER. Manager. • i ~ —"HOTEL HOLLAND"— "^ : . . Ellis st. bet. Powell and Mason. . * - —NOW OPF.N— First cl.i«-s family hotel. ; — ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF— 13S Rooms — 00 with Batb. FT. GEOBGE. PTII.AND HOWARD STS. 600 WELL VENTILATED SINGLE ROOMS. ! 25c AND 35c PER NIGHT; 51.25 to $1.75 PFR WRKK. HOT AND COLD WATER. READING ROOM. j KOYAL HOUSE, cor. 4th snd Howard— Jn«t opened; European plan; ratrs BOc. 75c. $1. 51. 50 per day; reduced weekly rate*; reading room: hot and cold water In every room: baths. i HOTEL ST. JAMES. Van Ness ay. at Fulton St.: central to all parts of the city; 200 rooms. 50 baths; rates $1.50 per day and upward; every coqfort and convenience: European plan. . MECHANICS HOTEL— IOO, nicely . furnished rooms $2 to $5 per week/ The best hotel In San Francisco for the ruoney. 279 13th st'.. near glass works. -. ' \u0084 ..... THE MARLBORO. 1544 Polk St.— From ferries take Sntter car. trans, on Polk: European plan; single or ea suite; $2.50 weekly; special rates monthly. • HOTEL MARS. 341 Golden Gate— New brick building; newly furnished: modern in all de- . tails: hot-cold water: room* from $3 per week. HOTFL OAKXIN. 45 Franklin, now open: new. modern, fur. rooms, spts., offices; .walking dis- taace to business centers and theaters. THE KOZY. 2034 Mission st.; elegant moms: running water and batb: $4 weekly and up; take MlMlon st. car: phone Market 4046. NEW Golden Gute botel— Elegantly furnished rmms. BRCNS BROS.. 1137 Folsom st. bet. 7fli and Bth; formerly 164 4th »t. STANDARD HOTEL, corner fith and Folnom «ti«.: \ 400 single rooms. 35c and 50c per night; $1.50 and $3 per week. < TIIK NORTHAM. .1656 Devisadero st.— Xowlr ft-rnished suits and olngle; mod. conveniences. BAKFRS' F.XCHANGE. 6"25 Clay «t.— Lodgings by day; week or month. P. LIPPERT. Prop. THE LINCOLN — Just opened: elegantly turnl«h<>il rooms; modern conveniences. 363 Golden Gate. THE MADRONE. 1600 Fell cor. Central ay. fac- . ing panhandle: sunny rooms: excellent table. CASA LOMA. NE. cor Fell and Flllmor-— Jiut oppned; phone in every room: Minor room*. HOTFL APCADF — 100 room*: running water: 75c to f1.50 .per day: transfent. Irtl 3d Kt. i TnF. PTOVKER, 143 3d st.^-Oiit«-i<l* ronm«. $3 and $2.50 per week: transient. 50c and 7K<\ ; THF. LARSON. K« Eddy ;t.— First class In de- 1 to!!; rates to Induce Domini -lowii town. ! HOTFL CABI.INO now open. MRS. A. B. HrBBEL. 1154 Market st..north side. HOTKL NEVADA. 525 Van Ne«*: sunny room*. ; bath; *1 per night. $20 i>er mouth. HOTFL TY-ROXF.. 9->7 GMtlon Oat* ay.; fuT nN>>M moTnw: t»|ngl«» or h«>n«« kpentng. * FLATS TO LET BALDWIN & STETSON. 1024 Post St.. Near Fillmore^ 2604 Gonph: S rooms and bath, $47. K>o Noe r.pcr 22d: cottage, 7 rooms. • 1543 Powell: 3 and 4 rooms. $20. 10R Devisadero near Duboce: $35. 517 Phot well; upp«T. 5 rooms. io;o Cole near Parnassus: 4 rooms. 532 Hnro near 6th ay. ; 5 rooms. 22T»s Mission near 19th; 7 rooms. 2273 A Geary, ; rear cottage; new; $20. A— LANGTON st.. 136. nr. Folsom and Bth— N»>w upper 4 room flat: bath, etc^s rent only »27. Apply SHAINWALD. Bt'CKBEB A CO.. 1866 SiittM- st. above Van Nesii ay. JACKSON and Baker sts.. NE. cor.— Artistic sninrle flats of 4 snnny room* and bath: beau- tifully finished: rent" i™ hour Me: onen all day. WOLF & HOLLMAN. 920 O'Farrell st SEND for our large printed H«t of flats for n>nt. C. P. McLEOD COMPANY. Inc., 25R7-SS Mission st. nr. 22d. Phones— Market 83 and 94. COLE. 443. bet. Oak and Page — Elegant new flat of 10 rooms; natural wood finish ; rent rea- ecnnMe. FEDERAL st. bet. Ist and 2d. — New 4 room and bath flats. M'EWEN BROS.; 475 Pine st. near Kearny. 30TH ft.. 202—6 rooms and bath, $25. Sutter 5t..~1917 — 2-and 3 room flats. GEO. W. n. PATTERSON. 26TH st. . nr. Garfleld "square — Modern flats, 3 «nd 6 rms. and bnth: rents reduced. G. H. CMBSEN * CO. .; HARRISON St., 2179, opposite 18tb — 3 and 4 rooms to let. SIS and $20. Apply G. H. UMBSEN COMPANY. V. 23D St.. 4075. near Castro — Upper part of bouse to let; 4 unfurnished sunny rooms for bonse keeping; separate back entraace; rent $22.50. LOW rents: new flats; 4 or 5 ranny rooms. 664 9tb sv. bet. B snd O sts., Richmond . district near Golden Gste Park. Owner on premises. BAKER st. 1020 — Very desirable, sunay. com- pletely fnralshed flat, 5 or 6 rooms; reat $60. Call 10 to 12 a. m. \u25a0 __^_ 19TH St.. 4004, nr. Castro — Lovely upper, mod- era, sif-iny 5 room flat; large storeroom; $30; water free. * : $25 — Low reats: newtflsts. 4 or 5 sunny rooms. 664 9th ay. bet B and C sts., Richmond dis- trict nr. Golden Gate park. Owner on premises. 22D et.. 2503, cor. Florida — Beautiful new corner flat of 6 .rooms; up to date; rent reasonable; water free. -. • CENTRAL ay.. 932 — Unfurnished 3 room flat; $12 per month. CHENERY st. 153. nr. Fairmount school — 5 sunny rooms and bath; modern; yard, cellar. CLAYTON st. 734 — Upper, new 6 room flat. $50. M'EWEN BROS.. 475 Pine st near Kearny. DUBOCE ay., 629." off Stelner— 6 rooms; first class; facing Duboce park. . FILLMORE and Hayes — Modern corner flat, 7 rooms : and batb ; reat reasonable. - \u25a0 FILBERT St., 1265-67—2 modern flats, S and 6 ] rooms; reat $45 and $40. - . FRANKLIN and Lombard — Fine cor.: marine view; 5 r. apt Ing. 1454 Lombard n. Van Ness. GUERRERO. 436 — Upper flat 7 rooms; all sunny. GOUGH st. at McAllister — 3 and 4 room flats to let Keys at 707 Gough st ." . LBT me furalsb your flat T. P. DEGNAN. 18th •n<l Mlsstoo. the furniture man. \u0084 LAKE, 740, near 9th ay.— Lower flat of , 6 rooms and bath;, rent $32.50. ' •" . .- MISSION. 1918— New; 5 rooms; $35; come to- day. 11 to 1. \u25a0 . \u25a0 - \u25a0 .* MASONIC -^v., 811 — For rent,' 5 room suany flat; t rent $42.50. \u0084'- \u25a0 MOSS, 14, nr. Howard and 7tb—^Nlce new flats, 4 rooms and batb; all modern Improvements. SAN JOSE ay., 114. bet. 23d and 24th sts. — To let, sunny corner fiat; 6 rooms and bath. . 14TH st. J 279, . nr.. Mission — New modern I flat, ; 4 rooms and bath; light and sunny; $30. . CHEAPEBT and best ta America, Ths vT«*kly Call, $1 a year. . ; '. \u25a0\u25a0 - ' * \u0084: FLATS TO LET— Fnralshed \ LAUREL st, 897 corner Sacramento— 7 room j sunny, furnished Cat; baby grand piano; rent $30; key at 399 Laurel st; further particulars SHAINWALD, BUCKBEE & CO., 1868 Sutter street " * • . . \u25a0 • COMFORTABLY furnisbed flat of 7 rooms and batb to lease about the middle of September for 2 years; references required. Call from 10 to 12 a. m.. 2304 Franklin st -.. 2D av..l4i. nr. Point Lobos— Modern flat of 4 * rooms completely furnished for bouse keeping with \u25a0 piano; rent cheap. ' \u25a0 . SAN CARLOS ay., 876 — Furnished - lower flat of 3 rooms; yard and carpenter's bench adjoining; reasonable. Apply 12 to 8 o'clock. \u25a0 . A FULLY furnished 3 room * flat; adults only. Call before 12 o'clock 7SO Fulton st rCRNISHED flat of C rooms and batb to let; will sell if desired. Apply at 110 Capp'st- FURNITURE. almost new, and piano; 7. rooms. Apply 563 3d ar., Richmond district. -' FURNISHED flat for reat; *4 rooms; reat $20. "1103 Chattanooga. - - ~^fi *-\u25a0•"•-."\u25a0. ''^f±'-is' '\u25a0- HAIGHT st, 1368° near Masonic ay.— 6 rooms, furnished. $65. * . ' NEW. sunny, upper flat,' 3 rooms and bath;. new. furniture. 1650 Baker st; phone West 2014.* \u25a0 NICE sunny 6 room*. furnlEhed flat to lease for terra of years. 2630 Post st.; $55. * 1 FLATS FOR SALE— Fnrnished LOCUST st^'4l4, nr. Sacramento— Modern ! flat;' 3 rms.. batb,- laundry, etc., 'complete; .rent 0n1y. 517.60. .'.' . $350 — Modern, --euany. comer flat of 4•< rooms,* bath, completely • furnished. , 1470 : Halght st 2 t0.5:p..m. .: .. \u0084 '. - .''::: c- -••" . EIGHT room' honse. furnisbed complete; 6 rooms rented; cheap.* Inquire 309 Hayes st.,' 10 a. m. . to 4 p.m. '..'. -\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0'''_-;\u25a0\u25a0'.':.\u25a0' '.:-.- . .':\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 '\u25a0 * ' FOR - sale — Furniture : of 4 rooms. Including ;• piano.' very cheap, $150. '1370 11th ay., Snnset. FUENISHED flat- of '4 \u25a0 rooms for sale; top flat; modern;: $30.'. 877 A Dolores. ; -*- •>,\u25a0;\u25a0. \u25a0'.'\u25a0 WELL furnished 5 . room flat; cheap > rent; : rsre , ' bargain ( offer wanted."- 577, Hairht st i THE SAN FRA^GISGO GALLr SUNDAY, AUGUST^ lly FLAT.S TO I^ET— Berkeley _ .\u25a0_ WHEELER M.. JOO6, near Ashby station— New moderu ranny upper flat in beautiful Berkeley. • close to Key. Route and i. V. and Oakland sfrfpt cars. - " \u25a0 '. . "•\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0• \u25a0- '.*\u25a0•' \u25a0 - . FLATS i'WASTED'. 4 OR 5 room apartment <>r flat."' furnished: Box 4101. SIS Van Ness nv.- FLATS WASTED — Furalshed WANTED «p rent—NlCPly fnrn'Micd ' flat of 6 or 7 rooaiK from . month to month. Address P. O. Box 204. . : \u25a0:\u25a0'§< ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING ALVARADO St.. 537— Newly furnished \ house keeping rooms : gan. bath: v.-ashtraj-«; near 2 car Hoes;, reasonable. Don't -mies" this for "the winter. » - . .-. \u25a0 . \u25a0* . ' '-.-. BARTLETT. 434. bet. £oth and 20th— Larse sunny bay window room; large < kitchen; coal range; gas pUte: bnth. ;-, •;. •-. GERMANIA ay.. 50. noar Ftllmofe and WalU-r— 'i sunny, unfurnished rooui3; use of kitchen, bath; gcs. * -, GREENWICH St.. 2767. near Baker— Three fur- . nlshed bouse keeping rooms; rent- $l3;- Union • Bt. cars. \u25a0 \u25a0 . -, ; . . . .' . : :• .- PINE St.. 706. bet. Powell aud Stockton— 3 sun- ny rooms, bath, laundry; furnished house keeping: rent reasonable. , \u25a0 - UNION st.. 2354, near Strlner — 1 .very large, 1 small iinfurn!M»xl house keeping rooms: 4 win- dows; lower floor;. separate entrance; $12. j BAKER st., 2114, bet. Washington aifd Jackson. 2-3-6 house keepg. rms. ;'unfur.*, furn; low rent. BARTLETT St.. * 251— Floor of 3' unfurniKhed house • keeping rooms \u25a0. to let for •2 \u25a0 adults.- BARTLETT St.. 413. nr. 25th— 2 furnisbed house -keeping rooms: cheap. : '. -• CALIFORNIA St.. 2315. near Fillmore — Elegantly furnisbed sunny corner suite for house keeping. DOLOP.ES st., 984. nr. 23d— 2 sunny house keep- lng rooms furnished; bath. -gas. : V- . DE LONG ay., 72, nr. Masonic and Frederick st. 2_ unfurnished rooms for house keeping." -;.;. EDDY st., 027 — 2 connecting 'rooms complete for. house keeping; rent $4.25 week. - : . . > FLOOR of 3 unfurnished house keeping rooms to let for 2 adults. Bos 1670. Call, 1051 FUlmore. H St., 4i521 — 2 2 room flats;" fta»; grand .ocean view; $15; both $26; on car line.- • \u25a0\u0084. H st.. 4621 — 2-2 room flats; -pas;* grand ocean view; $15; both $26; on car line., * '.\u25a0'' OAK St.. 410 — Well furnished light house keep- lng sunny, rooms; mod. convenience and bath. O'FARBELL st.. 1626 — Sunny, neatly, furnished room for light house keeping- BIVOLI St.. 30; noar Cole — Upper floor of new house, 3 rms. kitchen, bath; unfurnished; refs. SACRAMENTO St.. \u25a0 14558— 2 or 3 unfurnished front rooms suitable for light house keeping. VALENCIA St.. 1245, nr. 24th— 2 front rooms nicely furn. for housekeeping; bath, gas, tel. 2D aye., 143. near California st. — Nicely fur- nisbed house keeping rooms; gas. range; $lf. '\ 21ST St., 8338. above Valencia— Furn. room, lighthouse keeping. * ' ; 24TH St.. 8819 — Nicely fnrnished house keeping room; front and ba^ck rooms; bath and gas. 24TH St., 3825 — D<We parlors completely f ur- nisbed house keeping; modern. OAKLAND HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS PARLOR suite that can't be beat, SO2 Madison Bt., near train, near town; another very cheap. Phone Oakland 8875. \u0084 -. . ROOMS TO LET— FurnM and Unfurn'd AA— ROOMS $2.60 to $7 PER WEEK — ~~ New 'Waldorf, cor. Sutter and Pierce; from ferries teke Sutter st. car; electric lights, hot and cold .running water;- baths; everything • new and elegantly ' fnrnisbed; 2 blocks west of Fillmore st.; strictly first, class.^— COLE st.. 126 — 2 large sunny front and back at- tic rooms suitable for 3 or 4; $7.50 a month each; closet, gas, electric lights, running water; also 2 large corner front rooms,* $10 and $14; phone, bath, modern. UAYFIELD rotming-bouse, 230 Grove st. (oppo- site Vaa Ness theater); 84 -rooms; bath; rooms 50c per night; $2.50 and $3 per week; person- ally conducted by J. N. LEDKRLE. manager. BRODERICK St., 239—1 large, sunny, front un- furnished room; light house keeping; also a newly furnished, eunny. front bay window room. Telephone Fell 1174. AA — A nicely furnished -froat room; hot «nd cold water; sunny and every convenience; dose to Market; $2.50 a week. 2SO 2d st. CALIFORNIA St.. 2311, bet. Fillmore snd Web- ster — Sunny, furnished room to let; quiet aad reasonable. ' . k '~- ' ELLIS st., 1036—1 nicely furnished room; 3 blocks from Fillmore; price very reasonable; mechanics preferred. GROVE St., 817 — Large, sunny, front rooms, newly furnished; running water; fireplaces; rent "reasonable. GUERRERO St.. 207 A. 2 blocks from Market — Bunny, front bay window room; housekeeping; bath, laundry; in prlvato family. '\u25a0 HARRIETT St.. bet. 6th and 7th, Harrison and Bryant — Large modern furnished front room;- . reasonable.' LARGE, well furnished sunny room in private borne in Western Addition, for gentleman; every convenience; references. Box 2352, Call. LA RCE furnished sunny room In private family, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Apply 1116 Guer- rero st. •\u0084\u25a0\u25a0'--,: MINNA St., 315, near 4th— Nicely furnished room for 2 gentlemen; hot -and cold water; electric lights; private family. v SUTTER St., 1722— Nicely furnished room suit- able for gentlemen or quiet couple; . running water.*"- ' "\u25a0 \u25a0\u0084*\u25a0'-.\u25a0_\u25a0>\u25a0 ;\u25a0 \u25a0 . • BRYANT, 2266 — Sunny front rooms; runulrV " water; gas' and .bath;" $10 and $ 12. ' ; . .' BRYANT St., 326A — Two nicely. furnisbed rooms; rent reasonable. \u25a0"...* " CLAY st,. 2454— A large unfurnished room. : DAY, 115, near Dolores and 29th sts.— s6; fur-- Dished front. room; kitchen if desired. -,- .-.. FAIR OAKS St., 31— Sunny furnished room suit- able for 2; $10. FILLMORE St., fsB— Sunny . furnished double room; reasonable. S. \u25a0' ' • GOLDEN .GATE ay., 1031 A —Nicely furnished front parlor, snltsbl* f or ' 2or 3 persona. -. .. . GUERRERO St., 1123 — House keeping rooms; clean, sunny and well • furnished.' ..-'->. HAIGHT St.. 779 — Sunny | front j room ; bath ; private family; rent reasonable. \u25a0 MAYBELLK. 211 Tan Ness— Newly f nrnUned rooms; also transients^ Phon* Market 4544. 3 MISSION sU. 1945, near 10th— New building, new furn., clean rs., reas. rent. Phone Market 4361. OAK.' 4I9 — Well furnisbed sunny rooms,* en suite and single; modern conveniences; bath, phone. O'FARRELL st,- 1458— Sunny rooms, newly fur-« nlshed throughout; reasonable. • ' >r .-"'.*, ,;- •,- PALMER St., 246— Nice suany furnished room to .'ltt. ;*.;\u25a0 . . •".*. \u25a0 '; \u25a0-.-..;••-..\u25a0 '; -.-'.\u25a0. " .:. \u25a0 POINT LOBOS ay., 1616— Furnished room, coal . stove, $10;'2 unfurnished rooms, $10.. '..-\u25a0 SUTTER St.. 1723— Nicely, furnished room sult- able for 1 or 2 gentlemen; $1.50 week and up. ST. KATHKYN, 1574 Folsom st.~Flne furnisbed rooms; water, baths, elec. lights;. reasonable. ; . SUTTER st.,7 l723— Nicely furnished ! rooms suit- able, for: 1 or 2 gentlemen, $2 week and. up.'. .T. T SCOTT 5t.,. 2040, near Sacramento— 2 small back ' rooms for bouse keeping; phone West 2014. THE KEAUNY, 712 Kearny; transient looms, jl dally up; $4 weekly up; running water.,: . ..-. •".-, TO let — . 1272 A Green St.- near Larkin; sunny, , furnished room; ; gentlemen only; , references. .:, TURK St., .816— Parlor- suite suitable, for a number of gentlemen; also a. single r00m... '. TURK st., 1205— Large front, furnished room - suitable for 2. .. \u25a0' . . , >.; * -• : VAN NESS ay., 2300. nr. .Vallejo St.— Beautiful - front room. in family; references; gentlemen. • WILLOW, st:, G36, - - near- Lagtina-7-Nlcc. room,. . $10; -modern," etc. ; convenient" toVFillmore.. - ( YORK 5t.,' 1323 — Sunny ' furnished room suitable ** for 2 gentlemen; rent reasonabler^.*" \u25a0/•'\u25a0:\u25a0 •\u25a0 15TH st..- 2245, near Noe — Pleasant 1 front- room - \u25a0 with use of bath ; reasonable ; gentlemen | only; 18TH st.,' 3549, bet. , Church and Sanchez— Large sunny room. for 1 or 2 gentlemen; bath.rgas.'- ROOMS AXD BOARD '"/„ AN: exceptionally .comfortable 'home's offered a ' few , people ' In first ' class : private . house, ' 1717. Jackson near Van Ness ; , suite : of * rooms, ; with ' bath; also, single rooms; thoroughly good table;* * - every ' comfort , snd ' consideration; fine ? billiard * .room; also' splendid : accommodations "t for 2 bachelors. Phone Franklin 2516; i>,^-.- ".."*, BOOMS : wanted— 2 young, f single gentlemen ;, in business require , 2 , nice rooms ; (private '> family only) in select part of San Francisco; v board not v essential, but ' would be agreable. * Box '2435, Call. office. •" :. ;~-.. :, .^.;' \u25a0'\u25a0 -\u0084; \u25a0: . \u25a0 <\u25a0\u25a0 .'.;,,/* CHEAP,' clean '.beds snd ; good 'meals. '\u25a0':• 1443 Har- rison st. bet. lOtb and 11th sts. : -."-',..; : rr?. X li FELL ! st.;r 1710--Flrst ' clatts , board :in - private ;. family ; ; sunny . room ; \u25a0 all ; conveniences. ~£sc-g£.rz i . FURNISHED room with board la private family, «8. lit ; Cortland ay. bet. 30tn : and 1 31 st bts. -BOOMS AXD 'BOARD^Contlnued \u25a0|; KEITH HOUSE— JUST- OPENED. ; - - Runny outside rooms; flne .tabl« ; board.. 2624 California \u25a0 st. . Tel. West 3674. Proprietors, '< 3m H - and ALMA E - KhITH - \u0084. -\u25a0:,. LARGE , alcove front room, with or without board. - 1140 Guerrero st. . ; ; . v PIERCE st, 261. cor. Pase— nooms with or •m \ without board at very reasonable rate. , :. 1 SACRAMENTO 6t.. 3664 A —Rooms, . board aad '.washing for 3 or 4. worklngmen; $6 a week. : FIRST CLASS board in private family; sunny f room:'all convenienceg^lTlO Fell :st. . *":\u25a0: .• * / ROOMS TO REAT-~AJaiinedn LAKGE eimny , f i:rni6hed room;, use of bath- ; - c'.-*-ap. \u25a0 2523 Clement ay. --.... ' ROOMS AND JBOA R^--^oant.ry^*-. . LARKSPUR VILLA; sood fishine nnd ba thins: • \u25a0 ratoa reasonable. MRS. P. SMITH, prnp. . Rooa IS WASTED- -House Keeping J v WANTED— Before September }. In the Mission. 1 or 2 unfurnished light bouse keeping rooms; positively state price. Address A. RENNISON, - 2BfiS Mission st. -*-. --:a.\ .: - 1 """"""""^^°"*^ """"^"''"•— — *^""" ' ' S EWIXG MACHINES , \ '' DOMESTIC— Best cheapest:' all kinds rented, repaired,' exchaneed:. needles and/supplies, for all makes, f .- W. Evans, tgent. 1658 O'Fsr- rell st. near FUlmore; phone West 3601. ~ SINGER.. Wheeler & Wilson, sold only by Slnrer. Sewing Maeliine Co.-, A. C. BROWN. • selling agent. 361 McAllister st." nr Polk. NATIONAL. Automatic. White. (Standard, other 1 \u25a0 make's, rented.' repaired, etc. I. S. COHEN'S . SONS. Phone West 5761. 1616 O'Farrell »t. ' WILLCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine Company— Located at .724 Turk st. near. Van Ness ay. I ,- ; Manufacturers of the genuine Automatic.-. . A. F. NELSON'S fewinc "machine emporium— New dropheadg.- $19.50:* rented and repaired. : 3260 22d st. bet Mission and Valencia. \u25a0 20 SECOND HAND machines to be sold Immedl- • • ately. 'P. H.' SHIRLEY. 1122 G. G. nr. .Webster. ; CHAS. PLAMBERK. 3312 16th st. nr. Dolorei; \u25a0 all kinds for sale; repairing guaranteed. • ALL makes of new machines at half, price next > 10 days. 612 Van Ness." nr G; G. nv. • :; * * - TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES ' '\u25a0\u25a0 : MONARCH Visible typewriter— ln the. Monarch 1 Visible ' Typewriter all of the writing Is in full sight all of tho time: other makes, sec- ond hand, at very reasonable prices: we rent. \u25a0 repair and Inspect: before purchasing ring up West 5609 or csll at J628 Devisadero st. I W OI'F & ISENBRI'CK. dealers. . ALEXANDER & CO.. typewriters: air makes ' rented, including Smith Premier; desks, chairs, -'etc. :\u25a0 ask for. prices partly used machine*. • ALEXANDER, IS2O Filtmore st.; phone W-st i " 62SS. . .., \u0084: t * . \ STEARNS - Visible T.vpewriter.' the only vlslbi" | with decimal tabulator: also second hand, nil makes:' rentals and repairs. The Typewrlto- I rlum. 1724 Fillmore st. FIRST CLASS trpewriters for from $25 to IW); all makes, all prices: rental* , and -supplies. , The Typewriter - Exchange, : 1011 Golden Gate ay. ; telephone - Park !>73. -. ->\u25a0;•\u25a0.\u25a0• f FRED W. VAITGHAN & CO.. Pacific coast deal- ers Oliver standard visible * typewriter; other makes, secondhand, for sale. 007 t*lllmore st. WALTER-Ai SCOTT. 1511: Flllnore St. and 523 . >T»t-ItPt: r»honi» Wc^t 20Q8. * * -: '_ \u25a0\u25a0--• SHOWCASES 1 GET our prices on show cases, •helving. co»jn- . ,-.- ters: cheipest in the city. J. .LINDEN. 1755 Mlxi-lon nt. b«»t 13th »n<l 14th. S»n Vr*nf\»*n. I SECOND HAJTD CLOTHING A — Will pay a fair price for ladles*, gents' cloth- , ...Ing. trunks. trlJsi-s. Mr.. Frank. COM .Valencia. ; F. W. BANKS— 2d hand clothing and tools ; bought, sold. 123fl Howard. fonn.lOTS H"wmil. V . r SAWS-;-- .' ! S. F. Saw and .Tool Works — Filing, hamnjeriuf , ; grinding and blacksmltblng. 439 Clementina. SAW filing and tool grinding. P. and C. daw \u25a0 and Cntlerr Workn. 323 si nth «t. ' . SLOT MACHIXES \u25a0 CASH or check ' machs., punchers.' lifters; goods sold or on percentage. -2144 Market, Arcade. r CASH. CHFCK. PIIXWS. FLKS AND CARD MACHINES. 534 GOUGH ST.. near Fnlton. ' ' ' : -v.; 1 f tyj?Ty'R^'r^-V?:?t yj?Ty' R^' r^-V?:?- SP '\u25a0-''-''-'- \u25a0',': DR. PIERCES. Electric -Truss, does the work: " ; established 52 »ears.-: PIERCE A SON. 141T I Chpsrnnfut..' Alamcrta. Tel.- Almn<»dii 17W). i :•'-. .* * •-.'"\u25a0•'\u25a0 \u25a0'" : - v : TRP . sg P s :: v .v:... -:' ; . : ; " • SPECIALISTS In truss fittings. CLARK-GAN> DION COMPANY. 125S G. G. ay. nr. Fillrnore. ; C. J. REHN— \u25a0 - Tailor. 1028 Market, room 27. . ' ADVANCE window shade factory. . Orders • filled ! at short notice. GBO. WALCOM. 637 Turk «t. WINDOW shades made and' repaired.' J. F. I HOTTER. 604 Lnrkin st. Phone Franklin 2fW2.- • DIVIDEND NOTICES 1 NOTIGE^ — To depositors of the California Bay- - ings and Loan society: , The California Sav- ings and Loan society is now prepared to pay 1 the . balances due on all unsettled deposit ac- ; counts. . together with a compensation dividend upon the amounts of said balances, at its tem- porary, office, 801 Van Ness ay. *. ' " CHAS. D. FAP.QUHARSON. Secretary. f .August 8. 1907. ',•-*-\u25a0 \u25a0' '. "- : : »I -WILL not be \u25a0 responsible -for any debts «on- tracted by my wife, \u25a0 Mrs. Louis Bamett, wlthoiit' my consent. LOUIS «; BARNETT. \u25a0 ! \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0; ' - '.; legal-'noticbs ' : \u25a0:: -' -- --\u25a0\u25a0[\u25a0\u25a0_ I WILL not be -' responsible - for any debts con- tracted by my wife. Mrs. Charles Date, with- out my • consent, t CHAS. UHTE. - * ' SUSPECTED FOOTPADS BEHIND PRISON BARS Police Believe/ Three Men ; Committed Rptberies in 'the Mission The men j suspected ' of j perpetrating the I recent holdups ! in \u25a0 the Mission and Potrero districts were arrested Friday by; Detectives ?Burke : and . Smith. They areV Ed * Reyriolds, ; 'George '• Cavanaugh and John'Coffey." All- have' records.. % Among "the victims -were Nathan Block of 122 Silver .avenue, Isidore Levy of ; Hampshire street and Harry, Schoenoeg of (2244 San' Bruno' avenue. Schqenoeg was ; held up -at Islais creek 'and San \u25a0•.Bruno J avenue early t after midnight | Friday j morning. ; The detec tives learned that the -three prisoners had 'beeh^seen /around that neighbor hood' Thursday - night. " i .; - ' .- . \u25a0'. When" searched. at the city^ prison ' a watch; that had been taken from Na than Block-was found? in ,'Coffey's pos session, which led the detectives to be lieve that "they .had < the ; right I men. .. The prisoners "will be" held pending a complete Investigation. 'Block,^ Levy and Schoenoeg 1 will •"?_ be taken to- the' prison to see if they can Identify the "prisoners. . -". ;'•";\u25a0'/*. v. ESTABLISH NEST.HERE John' Talbot of .Cairo, Ill.v national or ganizer 'of Hhe ; original /order lof ;Owls/ founded \u25a0"*. airiest/ of. .the /society in r this cl ty. ; ; ,Thu rsday./: night : p at */; Lily ?i- hall. 137,; Gough) street.^ More, thah : 2so mem bers were 'initiated, v The', following of fleers <;were. elected: S;', President, D. M. Graham ; /vice } 'president,^ N.v W. ;. Lewis ; invocatory Frank! Hall; > secretary ,VJ.*iE." Moore ;'treasurer,--F.""A^':Schlyo;t warden,' F.'J B.", Bayley ; ' sentinel; i Frank 'Thomp son ; picket, VWil Ham physl-' clan; Dr.-*HsN.',;Beck. ; / \u2666 . . ARCHITECTS OFFBRf SERVICES . ;, Supervisor;; Rlxford; /chairman 4of the buildlng',.committee,/.? said :V: V- yesterday -that .he . had/ recelved^off ers V from * sev eral i architects to J figure on :: : the : Tre'p4irn^*n.ecessa"ry '£ to I, the v city hall. *^ Rlxford'jsald- the"_ names ' of i'the •two seleotedfsQbnf-will'beJniadejpubllc,* and-'ln'/the'r.niJßantitne'vlie^.'was'-'tendeav oring;^to;: obtain""* ttiel-datatJbn'Awhlch theVfour^architectS^appointedvbyftthe ' last-' bpardV filed; a' report'and - received $6,600 }ior[ -.their 'services / ;; ': ' '. y, FENDER TIED UP, AGED MAN GROUND TO DEATH C. B. Ashurst, Retired- Te hama Farmer, Meets :"• ; ' Horrible End HEEDLESS - OF GONG Daughter- Assists in Extri \u25a0\u25a0;-' eating the Mangled /*' \u25a0 .v Kemains , Cam B. Ashurst, a property ..owner and retired-, Tehania county, rancher, was; ground to .death at Waller and Belvedere ', streets : at . 7 :20 - last evening by a United Railroads car, ' the fender of which could not be dropped because it was tied up- with a rope. While the mangled body lay: under the car the victim's daughter, Miss Jessie Ashurst, rushed Into the? street and pleaded to be allowed to ascslst in' extricating the remains. >,;•, T _ . - .. • <The .girl, who is 20 years , of age. brought- a pillow, from the/hduse and placedit under her. father's head, but her" ministrations were 'lnfvaln. 1 , She threw herself to the pavement and hys terically -begged the dead-'to return to life.. - a After . the heavy * car. had been raised on jacks so that the: body could be released the girl assisted In carry ing It to. the sidewalk. ;. Ashurst, who* was-66 years of age, lived wltlrhls wife'and daughter at,105 Belvedere "street In one of a group of flats that he owned... After dinner last evening he left his. v home and went across the street to 'inspect 'an automo bile purchased by George N. Hlggins. a neighbor. In .looking over the machine Ashurst stood on the Wal lerrstreet car track in the -path of the Eighteenth street and park' line car. - Car 308/ln'charge of Motorman John Francis,: "came - bowling along th^ street. Francis saw the old gentleman and rang'his gong. When he saw that the old. man gave no heed he "tried to stop, but without avail.*. The dummy struck Ashurst and threw him before the jwheels., Francis endeavored to drop, the v fender, but that device was tied up .with ropef Neighbors •notified Jessie Ashurst of the accident. The girl was standing at the' door of the home, where a few moments before she had been talking with her father. - - The crew of -'fire* engine company -No. 30 was summoned and aided in getting the body from under the car. Police man F. J. Staeglich arrested! the motor man on a charge of manslaughter. Ashurst lived in Tehama county until 10 years ago, when he moved to this city with -his -wife and family. Mrs. Aehurst and two daughters, Miss Jessie and Mrs.' Homer Wilson of Gold field, survive him. He was a member' of Red Bluff lodge, I. O. O. F. WOMAN WHO KILLED HER HUSBAND IS RELEASED Police Judges Conlan tahd Weller Take Pity on / \u25a0 Mrs; Farquhar V Mrs. Laura;. Farquhar, whose mind gave way in Jail Friday night, after she had kiled her husband, whom she mistook for, a burglar, entering her horae^atiSl?. Twentieth street, was re leased 5 yesterday by Police Judges Con lan:a* Weller. : The^wo"*" judges were at the ferry building? Oil 1 : their way to Mill Valley, when Fire Commissioner 80110 and others intercepted them and urged that Mrs. Farquhar'B-condltion was, such that it would be mercy to admit her to ball and give' her into the care of her friends. v '2- \u25a0""\u25a0': : The. two Judges hurried to police headquarters and interviewed 1 Captain Colby. Colby" had no desire, he said, to charge the woman with murder or anything 'else until after, the /coroner's Inquest. Judge Conlan asked him if he could get any one to swear to a war rant-charging her with murder and he admitted that be could not. The Judge said" he was satisfied \u25a0 that the woman was innocent; of any criminal intent and = insisted that she be not kept in detinue, but charged, so that she could be released and able to attend her hus band's funeral. ; ...-. v, \u0084 •'.*:-;' Colby acquiesced and a charge iof manslaughter was booked against Mrs." Farquhar. .Conlan .and Weller then signed the order for her release on her own recognizance. Her lips quivered with emotion when told -that she go and see 1 * her crippled -son,* and as soon as "she' packed. up her few belong ings-she went ; away. She will live with- her friend, Mrs.. Hanrahan, who cared -for:; the invalid boy"whlle his mother -was- in prison. .;. DR. HUNTINGTON ; SUED W. S. Burrls. ; cashier of the Santa Rosa bank, brought suit ?agalnst Dr. Thomas W.Huntlngton 'of. this -city yesterday "-.. t0 "recover damages in the sum of $25,000. •*\u25a0 Tho "plaintiff submit ted to. the' removal of* an artery from his ; left* leg on August 13,' 1906, - 'and alleges that \ the \u25a0 'operation was per formed carelessly.*, and unskillf ully, with the * result that the ; limb Is para lyzed. '\u25a0 : : ': ".'' ' ' -, : '' . '\u25a0". ' w"! .-.'\u25a0 ' , Burris sets )forth that "his constitu tion is^wrecked, and that he is a hope less cripple.- . He asks . for . the return of the fee that : he paid Huntingtoh and $25,000 . in : damages. HOXD A RESERVOIR GOING DRY . , Chief, Engineer/ Shaughnessy • and Clty^ .Engineer/. Woodward made 'an in spection yesterday of \ Lake Honda res ervoir, : which will be dry in," a-sfew days lif steps * are - J«ot J taken by/- the Spring," Valley,<"company. to install ; a new -,- pipe line .' from*, Pilarcltos creek. The company : , wants the : city Jto pay $40.000 : for .the construction of .the pipe line:,/. Both-," Sbaughnessy .' and - ward i agreed that 'the /new' pipe line was': absolutely necessary to keep -the Honda- reservoir." ln ". service. ' " i^ REFUGEE r FIGHTS REMOVAL When ; the ; . casevof George* S.iMcCal lum,/ J ; camp I commander ' ' at /'Jefferson square, * who"' is "charged ,by. ; * Mrs. .'Ellen Fllbarn, a "refugee,; with disturbing the peace;'iwas "called in! Police Judge .Wel ler's court yesterday, morning, Attorney N. -C. Coghlan appeared as ; special pros ecutor;*" ;He, will .raise - the '" point that the/ park "commissioners 'cannot dele gate -.' authority/; to"{ order/Jthe i refugees tor move;': arid 1 ; he t will ?also: contend that regular .ejectment proceedings 'must be instiuted In\ the /civil* courts. -xThe~ case will * be 'f called 1 tomorrow \u25a0 for argument. .The^Tcharge if Is Z based/. upon \the ;• order given" by^McCallum lto. Mrs. V Filbarn to move before /August 17.' J-.V /~"5: SECRETARY FpR HAWAII *.* * OYSTER/ BAY, I Lv; I.*,\Au g. ! lO.^-Pjesl dent I Roosevelt "ijappolhted;: today '^Ernest A.*; Mott-Sniith .Ha wait 5t05 be * secre-" tary^forj'i Hawaii^/ {•Mott-Smith'^was recommended:for the. p" lace >by~j6ovefnor" Freari; and| ty/i the^ retiring / secretary; Atkinson^: i Governor, -'Frear^and* Secre tarViMott-Smith v wlir /assume-/ office August \lsi" \u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0 '- ?'-'•".''.->' MANY GROCERS VIOLATE CITY LIQUOR ORDINANCE Internal Revenue Collector Makes Discoveries on His Rounds DECEIVE THE POLICE Stores^ With Bars Attached Doing Business Con- \u25a0£< trary to Law While engaged In •collecting -United 1 States. Internal revenue liquor .licenses from grocers In this clty^Agent'Bert M. Thomas has discovered -that the liquor ; license ordinance '-of this city is" being i violated in many quarters. Grocers or : others who* sell liquors In less, quantity ! than five gallons are required to pay a federal revenue license of -$2-5 per an num for each plftce In which such liquor Is sold. The rule- of- the federal de partment ls-that where liquor is sold in less quantity than five gallons 1 to one person in. one. day in: one apartment or in several apartments connected only one license need Hie pa-id jXqf. but if the places are unconnected one license must be obtained*- for "each place whether owned. by th*e same person or not. According "to the citj' ordinance, bar rooms adjoining groceries must be sep arated-therefrom by a solid wall or partition without doors or other open ings communicating, no bar being al- ; .lowed In or connected with a grocery. In order to avoid paying- two federal licenses— one for the bottle trade in the grocery and one for the drink trade in the adjoining saloon— several grocers represented to Thomas that grocery and bar are connected by a door or other opening, unknown to the police, so that the grocery clerk can attend the bar as well. Whenever Thomas de jnanded proof of this statement by per sonal inspection, the grocers paid the two federal licenses rather than ex pose themselves to detection by the city authorities on the one hand or to detec tion by Thomas of falsehood on the other. \ V Coal oil was first used as an ilium! nant in 1826. JARRiAGE LICENSES The following marriage licenses were Issced in this city Saturday. August 10: Will Brazile, 26. San Francisco, and Melissa Williams, 25, Oakland. Elmer W. Dutcber, 26, and Elsie Smltb. IS, both 0f, 503 Vienna st \u25a0 Charles A. Moraghan, 21. 3001 Jackson St.. and Belle K. Lip-p. IS, 1860 VaHejo st. Henry F. Krauskopf, 21. 447 B#rtlett St.. and Florence it. Logemann, 21, 12T Crescent avenue. • • \u25a0 ' • - • Michael C. Donovan, 2S. 4316 Twenty- third st, and Margaret E. O'SulUvan. 22, 532 Bran- Isldor Scheff. 33, and Bessie Rlfkln. 33, both of 3369 Sacramento st. George J. Martin. 30. lOCS Union St., and Laura B. Miller, 25. 1505 Baker st. George E.: Rawlins. 21, and Grace H. McAl- lister, IS, both of San Francisco. Marshall W. Stoddard. 23. Coalings, and Jen- nie M. Johnson. 21, 1410 Octavia st. Alphonse Motte. 32. and Anna Lasselle. 25, both of 2412 Van Ness aye. OAKLAND, Aug. 10.— The following marriage licenses were Issued today: Lewis H.- Law ton. 38, and Edith E. Turner, 31. S both of Berkeley. William F. Whitaker, 27, and Gertrude L. Scribner. 22. both of Bakenfleld. Orion A. Webb. 41, and Carrie A. Goodrich, 40, both of Fresno. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS Birth, marriage and death' notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices Indurated with the name and residence of persou* author- lied to have the same published. Notices tt- stricted simply to the announcement of the event are published once in this column free of charge. BIRTHS BERGST— In this city. July 2S, 1007, to the wife of Eugene R. Bergst, a daughter. BORDENV-In this city, July 30, 1907, to the wife of Raymond E. Borden, a son. CARLYON— In this city. July 25, 1607, to the wife of WlUlam^T. .Carlyon, a son. COHEN— In this'clty/ July 29, 1907, to the wife of M Cohen, a daughter. DALIA-In this clty, : Angcst 1. 1907, to the wife of George A. Dall. a son. DUNNE — In this city, June 6. 1907, to tho wife of Fred F. Dunne, a so*. 7 Jr. 1 KNIGHT— In this city. July 23, 1907, to the wife of Larkin B. Knight a son. McGANN — In -this city, July 27, 1907. to the wife of Thomas McGann. a son. .x.>.*-, PRIZGINT— I« East Oakland, Cal., 'August 9. 1907, to the wife of A. Prizgint, a daughter. SPILLANE-^-In this city, Jnly 22, .1907, to the wife of J. E. Splllane, a son. STANGEBERGER—In Beritotey, Cal.. Jnly 24, 1907," lo the wife of Edwla F. Stangeberger. a (iuuphter. . STANGEBERGER— In this o«x. July 30, 1907. to the wife of George B. .Stan-relior-ii-r, a *oa. TERBILL^-In this city, July 29, 1007. to the \u25a0wife of William A. Terrlll (nee Staet-Tber- ger), a son.- ,- . . TRAVER— In this city. July 20. 1907?->-«o>'toe wife \u25a0of Walter P. Trayer, a son. . MARRIAGES BEKNEB— SCHMIDT— In this city. August-. 6," 1907, by the.Rsv. J. H^ Schroeder. Carl A. Berner of San Francisco and Frieda Schmidt of Chicago, 111. -\u25a0 * / r '••*,- : GEBHARDT— MEHKTENS— In Alameds,* Cat.. 9 August 6. 1907, . by ' the Revv C.' Baner, Louis .Phillip Gebhardt and Adel -M. C. Menrteas. HAGEMAN— PHIPPS— In this'" city.' August : 8. 1807, by the Rev. : J. H .- Schroeder. Edward Hageman and . Grace • Phipps, both of , Sau i Francisco., -. • •'\u25a0;•\u25a0- \u25a0 ...' .. \u25a0 ~ ' *. HAIXERSTEDE— HESSE— In this city, Anscust 10, 1907, by the Rev. J. Hr Schroeder, Julius Hallemede of Colma, Cal.,- and Elisabeth Hesse ot San Francisco. .n-c- % .. DEATHS . ' 'Barrett, Wm.'G.*..B4 KosSland, FsnnT,...<a Brodersen, Llizetta.. 31 La Rce, Margaret....— Calegari, Andrew ..-1 Lechens (Card) Chamblln. John L.. 81 Ltvy. M. B. ........ — Doran (Infant) .." \u25a0 y Malloa, Michael 3.. Duffy. Neil P —^IMcE wing, Elizabeth E.. 3 Farquhar, -Edward... 42 Mennle, Laura J <2 Fay, Jester ...*.... — \u25a0 Morehouse, John H...-73 Fltch.^WUllam ...'. 72 pfarsons, Caroline, E.. ZA Fortler, S. M. ".. .. — Beeves, Mary G. ...... Greene, Jnanlta . «... SI Rowland : (Infant) Harvey, Jotteph ..'..01 Sachs, .Isaac-.... — Henry, Edward .... t>s | Walsli,' Margaret ... — Hunter, Andrew..:... bl Wood. John ..."....V69 BARRETT— In Oakland. Cal., Au-jnst 8. MOO 7, - at 'his late home, 505, Vern'on street, William i* • O.". Barrett, \u25a0 beloved husband 'of Clara A. -•Barrett. . and - father of Charles ,L. Barrett * . and ' Loretta B. Illnils, a native of Vermont, -».aged 84 years*. • ' \u25a0 Friends -are Invited to attend the • funeral ttprviee'- this (Sunday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock,' ' at, the chapel of . the Oakland crematory, cor- oner of now c and Mather streets. Friends frum Kan Francisco can; take the. Key Boate cars to * Piedmont a venue station. Kindly omit flowers. BRODERSEN— In; OakIand. Cal.', Angnsit 9. 1007, v f Lizzetta M., -beloved " wife 'of -<• William 'K. . Brodsrscn,* foster .daughter ;of *Mr. and ' Mrs. .; William -Jomi,- and^ sister of - Henry, " Clan's ' and Fred W.- Popp,' a native "of * CaJlforala. - ' age.l 31 .- ye'aos ' and -5 . months.'' a • member of •Oakland chapter. No. -140^0. E.S. '-.- .'">-." Friends : STe. rMpcctfully.. invited to, attend the .funeralc services (Sonday). • August i' : r 11,'. *t; 2:30 o'clock' p. in., at Masonic temple. \u0084c orner' of Twelfth ; and -Washington streets, - Oakland, under tho auspices of Oakland cbnp- 1 . ter No. 140, O. -E. S.- Members, please take :': 1 notice. ' lnterment • Mountain .View cemetery. CALEGARI— In i this" city, lAugust 9. 1W7.. An- 'M drew *, Calegari.* j dearly .- beloved , gon of Lode-* wvlco and -Ennlnav-Calcsari/. anrt brother -of Frankie Calegari; a native of Saa Francisco, CaJ.. aged "1 \u25a0 year ; 10 \u25a0• months and-23 : clays. :>.* i Friends . nnd acquaintances are \u25a0-, respectfully * tnvited (\u25a0 to ' attend \u25a0> the, ? funeral' services •• today * (Sunday),". Anjrast 11. at >l -30- o'clock, p.; mi. :I . at tlie residence ot ' his parents.",2l ; Lsfayetti: \u25a0•-"street off Union .between. Dnpont; and Kearny. v." Interment _ Italian .cemetery .'\u25a0; , CHAMBLIN— In Oakland. ' Cal.v 'August 9. "„ 1907. Iv'-at the • Industrial Home for 'Adnlt Blind.' John * -L. Chamblln, ' aged) 81 • rear* and 29 dsys.- 'bOBAN-^ln'.'tnis ; city. AugtSt 10."" 1907, Mary ". Veronica. - t dearly . beloved •, tlaoshter of . James and Agnes Doran. a native o* Saa Frsacisco. Cal.. asred'l7 d*ys. * Tae f'.weral will tike -place tomorrow (Mrm- uayi. at 10 a. m.. from too rsidence ot the parents. 21 . Harper street OS Thirtieth be- tween Sancbea sad Noe. latarnwnt.Ualy Cr*ws cemetery. -_ DOFFY— In tnis city. An~cst 9. 1907} N^U P. Du3y. boHverl haaband of Margaret Duffy, father of Neil T.. Mabei ami Etta Duffy anl Mrs. F. R. Buta. arid brotlier of WUUara am! Ann Daffy. Mrs. James Uumy>arey and the late Mrs. EJien Boggs. a native of County Dtme^-J. ireUatl. Friends and acquaintance* ar* respectfully \u25a0 Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Mon- day). Ansast 11. at ft *. nt.. from his late reM<l-»nee. 1719 Btkpr street, tliesce ti> St. Dom- inic's chnrcb. where" -1 ' n^lenm rfquleni blga maßs for the rep>se of hfs «nal will be ce!<»- . brated. cominrnciag at t):30 o'clock. Intcr- meat Holy ' Crow cemetery, by 11:40 train from Twenty-Cm* sad Valencia streets. FARQUHAR— In thia city. August 8. 1907. Cd- • ward. Cearl-r beloved Tiusbanft of Laura Far- <tul»ar. and lovinjr f«th«- of Eilward Farquhar. a native of Virginia. *g*d 42 years. Friends and acqtulntanceft afw respfCtrnlly fnvlted to attend the fr.nernl tomorrow «lay), at 1 p. m.. frouj the partors of Mc- Brearty & McCormlck v 915 Valencia street near Twentieth. Interment National ceme- . tery, j Presidio. PAY— In Sabastopol. Cal., Aitrnut 9\ 1907. Le»- ' ter Fay. beloved son of Robert aad Anni* \u25a0 Fay, and brother of Hazel and Robert Fay. KITCH— In thtt city. August 10, 1907. WHriara Fitch, beloved bi»bsa<l it the late Clara ' Fitch, beloved father ef William C. and Her- : mana Fitch. Mrs. Belle Duarte aad Mrs. Clam K«o->cn, and boloved brother of Cbar'.e* FUea. Mrs. Joaefa Bailhaoke and Aatta V. . Grant, a native of aan DtegOv Cal.. ased 73 • years 9 months autl 3 days. (Healdsburx pa- * pers please ccpy.l • • Interment, at Healdstmrs Tuesday. Angnxt , .n^ on arrival of 7:30 train from Saa Fran- cisco. Remains ,at the residence of his daush- ' ter. Mrs. Oara Kecga. &3-1 Douglass * street. FORTIEB— In Vsllejo. Cal.. Aagiwt 9. 1907. S. M. Fortler. husband of Anna M. Fortler. anil father of Mr?. L. M. Hal*. Mrs. W. S. Overstreet acd UJsa Alargaret Fortter- GREENE— In this city. Aug-wt J>. 1907. Mrs. Joanita Greene, desrly belovwl wife cf Daol-l Greene, a native of Salinas. Cal.. aged 81 years 11 months aad 24 Uajs. * Friends aud acquaintances are resnectfaUy attend the frtnerm services torour- row (Mond-iy>, August 12. at 2 o'clock p. m.. at the parlors of Valente. M*rtal t Co.. 34-13 i!lsslcn street between Thirtletn street and Cortland avenae. latermeat Holy Cross ceme- tery. HAP.VEY— In this city. Aogtjst 9. 1007,. Joseph Harvey, dearly bt?love<l hasbaail of Louise ' F. Harvey, a native of Couaty Tyroae. Ire- land, aged 51 years S montta and 29 days. Friends are respectfully lavlted to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Moaday), st 1-30 p. m.. at bis late residence. 730 Frank- lin street. Interment Woodlawn cemetery, via special car leaving Townseiui street decot at 3:15 p. m. HENRY— In New Haven. Conn., July 29, 1907. F^lward Ueary. hosban-1 of ths lat» Mary Henry, and father of May F., Edward J.. Teresa T... James F. and the late Thoraaa B. Henry, a natlvs of Athioae, Buscomuon. Ireland, aged 55. years. * HUNTER— Ia tills city. Augnst $>, 1307. Andrsw Hnnter, beloved brother «>f James Hunter, a Dative of. Ireland, aged SI year* 2 months and 3 days. Fuaeral and iaterment private. KOSHLAND— Ia this city, August 9. 1907. Fanny, beloved wife of Slathias Koshland. and beloved mother of Frederick Kosalaod, a na- tive of. Vrbas, Germany, aged 63 years, s months a&d 17 days. (Portland, Or., paper* . pUase copy.) ' Funeral services and interment private. Please omit flowers. LA RCE— In this city. August 9. 1007. Mar- garet, dearly beloved wife of the late Seiges- mond La . Rue. beloved motner of Edwaiil. . May, George and Walter La Hue. aad loving sister of John Sclllvaa and Mrs. Henry Saoiib. a native of Boston. Mass. ' Friends and acquaintances are respectfully ln-Wted to attend the funeral tomorrow (Moa- day). at U o'clock a. m., from her late residence. 151 Pssr« street, thence to Sacrcfl Heart "" church, where a requiem high m-iss for the repose of li*-r soul will be celebrated, commencini; at 9:30 o'clock, lntenaeat Holy Ctofs cemetery. LEVY— In this city. August 10. 1007. M. B. Levy, beloved husbaad of SarairLevy. Interment strictly private. MALLON— In ttls elty, Amra*-t 9. 1907, Hlcnaet J.. beloved son of the late John aad Cath- erine Mallon, snd beJoved brother of John Malloa. Mrs. C. M. RelU aad Mrs. A. G. Brunette, a native of San Francisco, Car. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to atteail the funeral tomorrow iM-m- day), August 12. at 8:30 a. m., from hU late resldeac, IS6I Green street, thence to St. Brlgid's church, where a wqniem hlsn mass for the repose of his soul will be celi-brated, commeaclag at 0 o'clock. Intenaent Holy Cross cemetery. :, ••^» McEWING— Ia Kast Oakland. Cal.. August 9. 1907, Elizabeth E.. beloved daughter of Jofcn and Alice E. McEwing, a native of California. aged 3 years 4 months and 29 dajs.^ } MENNIE— In this city. Augnst 9. 1907., Laura Jeaanette, ' beloved daughter of Alexaader and Nettle Mennle. and sistsr of Elizabeth, ttrace. Douglas and Ruth Mennle. a native ou Saa Francisco, Cal., ageU "i years 7 montM and 14 days. . \u25a0 •;*.* Friends aad acquaintances are nwpectfully tavited to attend the funeral tomorrow fMtiu- day). at 9 :4 i o'clock a. m.. from the. family residence,. 514 Hill street. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery, by train leaving Twentj-flfth and Valencia streets at 11:40 o'clock. MOREHOCSE — In San Leandro, August It). 1907. Joha Hlllasan Morehouse, beloved hus- baad of Mrs. Georgietta Morehouse. " and father of John Ulliman Jr. and Dora Georg- letta Morehouse. a native of Massachusetts, aged 73 years 10 months and 12 days. PARSONS— Ia this city, Angnst 10. 1907, Caro- llae Esta Parsons, sister of Coyal D. O. Howard, Mrs. PbilJp Asher aad Milton A. Howard, a native of California, aged 23 years 5 months and 15 days. Friends and' acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral . Tuesday. Au- gust 13, at 1:30 p. m., from tbe mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate undertaking com- pany. 2473 Mission street near Twenty-first. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery. . REEVES— In this city. August 9. 1907. Mary G.. dearly beloved wife of Georg* S. Beeves. . loving daughter of Annie and tae< late Thomas . McNalty. and sister of James. Thomas and Annie McNalty. a native of Saa Fraaciaco. Cat., aged 33 years 0 months and 11 days.. Friends and acqoalntaaces are resp«ctfaHy invited ta attend . the funeral tomorrow (Mon- day ). August 12. at 8:30 a. m.. from her lat» residence. 1911 . Howard street, thence to. St. Charles Borromeo's church. Eighteenth, aad Saotwell streets, where a requiem high mas* for the repose of her soul will b« celebrated, commencing at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. ROWLAND— In this city. August 9, 190 T. Al-' j bert Elmer, dearly beloved son of Albert nnd. ' Sarah Rowland, and beloved brother of. Lra- lio Rowland, a native of San Fraaciaco, Cat.. aged 9 month.-* snd 13 days. . * ' I The funeral services will take place tod-iy (Sunday). August 11. at 2:30 o'clock p. m.. at bis late rsld?nw. 3832 Army street corner of Guerrero. Interment ' Monnt OTlvst came- tery, by 3:25 p. ex. train from Twenty-arts aad Valencia streets station. -; * SACHS— In this city. . August 8. 1907. Isaac. beloved -husband ot Carrie Sachs, aad beloved brother of the late Samuel Sachs and Llpp- . mana, Solomon, Max. Benjamin and David : Sachs ami Mrs. Babette Lanber. a nativB of . Bavaria, Germany. (Jacksonville, . Or., and New \u25a0York papers pleas* copy.) \u25a0? • • -.- • ' Tho funeral services will be held today (Sunday-, et 9:30 a. m., .at 2360 WasMagtoo ' street. Interment Homo ot Peccs- cemetery. Funeral sad . Interment private. Please omit flowers. . . "" " , • WALSH— In thia city. August 10, 1907. Mar-, ; garet. ' beloved wife of the la to James Walsh, i dearly beloved mother of Joha J.. James M., ; Florance P. aad William B. Walsh ajsd Mr*. B. Flsb, and sister of the lata Mrs. Cath- ] *rtne Baun. a native of CsstlaiutTss, Couaty Cork. Ireland. -\u25a0 , »•» • \u25a0 \u25a0 SB^Ot'^; Friends- acd scQtialntitaceo are respectfully Invited to- attend tie- frraeral tomorrow (Mon- ' day). August 12. at 9:43 a. m.. from her late / resldenc*. 67 Webster street between Hermnn and Waller, thence to Sacred Heart church. , FUlmore and . Fell streets, where a requlam high mass for the repoa« of her- soul will b» '\u25a0 celebrated,-- commencing- at 10:15 a. ta. Intvr- . ment Holy Cross cemetery, by , earrtaga. • WOOD — At Redpoint ' ranch. ' Beavtr. county. Okla., August 2. 1907. John Wood. belQv^d husband of Catherine Hannaa Wood, and father of Mrs. Chrlstroa Marjaret Shall at Bir'senliead. En?. : John ' Francis Wood of San Francisco. -William CrocSanl Wood of Broa-rh- -- ton. 'Clay county, Kans. ; Mrs. M, J. Kern? -of ltedpoist. Beaver county. • Ofc!a., aatl ?rtnd- 'fatlier of et^ht grandchildren, a native of Eag- land, a-^d 69 years 11 moaCts and 10 day 3. CARD CF . THANKS '* Lechens— W© herewtth. desire to express «>ur . beartfolt thanks to the many friends and rela- tives, and especially - the officers and member* of the San Francisco Fr-iucn vermin, Eiatracht Frauen vereln an<t St. Johannes Frauen verein. for the tnsny acts ot ktstlness nrrt aympathy. snd' b«antlfnl tlorsl c.-Ter!!ig*i. extended to ns . diurinGr tbe sad hours of our bereavement In .the -loss -of our dsarly beloved omiCice. Katherlne Lecnea>. ' MBS. ANNA SMITH. KATHKRINT. LFCUENS. UZ2IE L2CHSN3. I^^^IWOODIAWN ISPitcMf-Tm San Mated County. Finest and b«st . equipped Receiving: Vault and Chapel. Masonic Cemetery Association. Omce 1154 O'Farrell st. "„ -. . , . * Cypress Lawn Cemetery, • OFFICE 138© SUTTER ST. 3fearyan»si At 4" Rooms 5 ' and 6. l'boue x Pro nklia 1839 < 49