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Shipping News and Gossip of the Water Front Steamer Persia and Japanese Coaster! Sink Junk and Drown Forty=Three Th« Occidental end Oriental steam ehip conpmy'g u ncr Asia, which ar rived from the orient on Saturday, brought word of a tragedy in Asiatic waters in which the Asia's eister ship the Persia played a part. The Persia is due here on Friday and Captain Dlxon's version of the disaster is await ed with interest. The disaster involved the sicking of a large Chinese junk and the locs of about two score lives. The accident occurred In the vicinity cf Shanghai. The Persia, inward bound, changed its course to clear an outward bouad Japanese coaster. As the Persia "Tin* around, a Chinese junk, an affair of about 1.000- toss register, crowded \u25a0with Asiatics, sailed across the liner's bow. Every effort was ms.<se to clear the eluißsy windjammer, but the Per sia had too much headway and struck 'he junk a glancing blow on t£e stern. The force of the collision shot the junk forward across the bow of the Japanese Bt«tner; which cut the junk down to tae water** «dge and sent the lumber ins <rraft to tne bottom. The Persia and the Japanese pro ceeded on their respective ways and a tnird vessel picked up those of the Mor.yoliars who had not gone down with the junk. It is said that 43 Chi nese were drowned, rhe officers of the Asia are reticent about the affair and. while afimittin? the truth of the re port, asked to b* excused from discuss ing It, as the Persia will be here on Friday, when Captain Dixon will turn In bis oCcial account of' the tragedy. I m pro* Ins the Fenrr Depet The board cf harbor commissioners, while making the dirt fly in tlie carry ing out cf the big plin outlined long ego for the improvement and increase of the port's Bbipplng facilites. is not overlooking the ferry depot and the comfort, artistic and material, of the traveling public. The ladies' waitias roon oa th« second floor, now nearly completed. Is only one of a number of lsaprot'ements contemplated and under way. Commuters in the habit of using the second floor of the big depot blessed the well directed energy of President Stafford yesterday, when they saw a gang of workmen installing heavy brass handrails down the wide ston* stairways. Three of these rails are b«ing installed on each stairway, and when tie work Is finished the climb up exd down will have lost its terror for the aged and infirm, for the mother wito a baby In her arms and a herd cf children clinging to her skirts, and fcr the citizea from across the bay wfco overballaats himself from the hos pitable sideboard of his city hO6t- The big archway at the depot front that was blocked up by the Spear board to provide a bulkhead for a bootblack tttnfl. tas been torn down. The col ored gentleman who now operates the cioeblack stand at the foot of the mar. ble etairway has been ordered to va cate, and in the epate they now occupy a f.rst class casdy stand will be in stalled. And Stafford contemplates ether Improvements which, like those completed and in course of construc tion,, will be carried cut by the state's own force of mechanics. Warcices bx Wlr«le«s The cavy department has officially recognized the adoption, cf wireless telegraphy in the merchant marine and , hereafter the hydrographic. office" here '. will furnish daily or as often as occa sion calls for to all wirelees stations on the Pacific seaboard the latest informa tion relating to the presence of dan gerous obstructions to navigation. This information will be transmitted to ves sels at sea. The messages will be sent broadcast every eight hours and every vessel witMn range that is provided with wireless will be kept posted. The information will be supplied to any vessel sending la a wireless request, and these messages will take preced ence over ordinary business. The wire less stations on this coast at present far outnumber the commercial liners equipped with the modern means of communication. There are stations at Tatoosa, "North head. Table bluff. Farallon Islands. Point Arguello and Point I«oma. A station at Sitka will "be est&fciishefi soon. The steamer President is the only merchantman on this coast that Is pro%-ICed with wire less, but in a few months a large fleet will be elailarly equipped. The President, which* arrived last night, announced Its coralsg after hav !ag told of ita progress all the way down the coast. / Bad Weather la Straits The British tramp steamer Pinna, Captain Fairfield, which arrived yes terday, £3 days from Antwerp, via Cc-rcnel. encountered fearful weather while passing through the straits of Magellan. The cold was terrific and a series of blinding blizzards added to the difficulties of navigating these dan gerous narrows. The Pinna made Its way into the Pacific safely and arrived here with a large cargo of general mer chandise in good condition. Water Front -Vote* Receipts of lumber yesterday amounted to 1.335.000 feet. Captain Michael Joseph Conboy. com mander of the harbor division of the city police, returned yesterday from his asacal vacation. - The liner Sierra, which will sail on Saturday tor Honolulu, will carry more than 150 passengers. Among them will be a number of Honolulu school ma'ams returning from their summer vacation. The German chip Arthur Fitger, now to Puget eound. has been' bought by James Griffith of Seattle, who will con vert the vessel into a barge. President Arrivm The Pacific Coast steamship com pany's steamer President arrived In port last night soon after 10. o'clock, bot was too late to pass quarantine. At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the vessel cent la a wireless that it was 28- miles north of the Islands and expected to make an early run into the harbor. A heavy fog, however, settled down off the Golden gate and the vessel was compelled to alow down. The trip down the coast \u25a0was made In the short time of 49 boars from Victoria. The President brings 420 passengers. It will dock early this morning. , COAST SHIPPING NEWS Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific, Spccid fcj Lccsci Wire in The Call SAN PEI'EO, Asg. 20.— The steamship Coo* Bty, Ccptttia Zen. arriTed this morning from San Frcneisco and wsy ports wits a. cargo consigned to rte Pacific Coast steamship company. The Coos Bay win dear tcecrrow cignt for Saa FrtacUco and way ports. Tb* barkentlne Puako, Captain A. C P*d«r »ea 11 days from ETerett. is 22,000 telepboae pel« for th« Eflison "tlectric company. The sieaa tcnooner Norwood. Opa!a ilertoa. erriT«d tiSs rsoratag, tons days from Grays Har bor Tie Su Fnndseo. brisiisg 630,000 feet of \u25ba lumber for Joca.l yards. . __ Tb* barkeatin* Georglaaa. Captain Brandt. frcai Port Townseod, Is anchored In tbm outer barbor with a ecrgo of poles for the Western electric company. ' Tt* «t«an> schooner Sasta Earhara, Captain Zad&art, has trrlTed from Hoquiam, Tla San rrtfecisco, with E2O.GCO feet of lumbex cosslzaed to th* Sottbera CaliforcU lnmb«r company. : TSe steamship F. A. Ktliram. Ctptaln JlcClel- j Jan. cleared tonlgit fry Saa Francisco and way; I pnrrs with a ffocd freittt snd pa*s*asfr list. : TUe ftwm rrbnoaer • M*j-f*ir. Captain' OUen. < • and the steam »caooaer Fulton, Capttio Lacsen. ; Cairted tli'scharriD? Jnmb^r ctrgoe* and cleared today to reload, the former for Gra^s Harbor \ ! iiw! d» latter for Ecroka. J The schooner Mabel Gale. Captala Mattbeson. | • *»l'»d ia ballast tnr Auorla for a retain cargo ;of tciab*r for \u25a0triwletaler* fcere. - Depcly laspector* of Ball* aod Boiler* Korthe ! aa<i Dolln completed their work" iiere of . exam- i ; lain? applicant* for raastera* and engineers' 11- j \u25a0 cen«es and departed for tire north today. j The schooner W«stp*rt. fcr Ccreba. and I the ! ! tteaa schooners Temple E-tDoit, Captain Paa- \ I *er. and tt* Xewbur*.'. Captain Norberg. f"r ; i Gray* Harbor: after dUcharjißS lumber cargoes • ; CIMK4 tonisfct to. reload. The report of tie local curtoa fcocse'for Jn!y;j ! «ho«rs-the arriral at tbU pert -of 14S steamers, j ; od» skip, one barfc. four barkentises andi 13 j ! schooners, a total cf IST resseJ* iliirjng a net j i tonnage of 82,609 tons and cunrtns in crews ; : 3. C0 «**aen. Tie Te«sel» Incltide ih« (SermaTi i I ship R. C. Klckaen. Captain Baadeline. whlcb j • hronjUt 39-.503 barrels of cesiest from H»mbnrs. } i aad tte Norwejriaa steamthip P*«»s«tad. Captain i | Rvcniße. wßlct di«cfcarre«l 1.635.323 oafc !«)?«.* ) Olt-fr itnportt were C 7.322.000 fe«t of himber. i 1 16.3i5.000 *hia?Jeß. JUT.OOO shakes. 1.233.000 j laths, en, *44 ti<w, 1.490 pillnj. 2.510 polM, 1&? I posts, 65 ton* of shocks. KW ton* «f • train. -153 \u25a0 teas of Horn, \u25a0 Ss<? tons of p«P«- C.673 tons of • merchaedise. 43.842 barrels - of -oil.' 105 cattle. j 1.057 *';:<-cp an.! IS.^lO pa&s«n«rs. Darin; the month 5.P53 toes cf merchandls* were exported ani 13.784 pMsengers depart ed. - ; \u25a0" PORTLAJfD. Acs. 80.— Owlajt ' ; te < tin late j arrirsl of th« steamer Cltr 'cf Panama , from ; San Frsncisoer ttsU nionrfn«r. tae hearing of i City cf Pasana-Atitanee collision before 'GoTern i d«nt Icsp*ctnr» Edward* and roller was post i pon*d cctil tcmorrow. Tfce steam achooner Johan Ponlsen arriTed to- : ! nijrht frora San rracclico to load lum&er at j Llanten for a retsrn Toyaje. Tte French bark Vincennet 1» In Gse stream . but probably will • be tsored to one of tfce west 1 £ocfcs tomorrow to begin discharging ' the j carro bmxgnt from Glasgow. t The fihlp« Coßwer Castle and 6iam were d!s i charrlsp ' carco»s twltr and th« rteamer ' Lrra T« !ocd!r2 Inaiber. It, probably will clear thl« \u25a0vr-et tot Panama. - • '- . •\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0• • The steamer Breakwater sailed last ai;tt for Cooe Bay.- The steamer Eedontfo from Seattle with a general carjo arrired here tonight. •ASTOBLA, An?. £O.—The eteaiaer George W. Elder trrired tere today fnxa San Pedro and wsy pcrts with freight and paMtnjeri- It left for Portland this aftemooa. . The ste»aer Jchan Poulsen arriTed fr^m San Francisco and went op the river to load a i leaker cargo for^that port. Tbe «teamer Breakwater arriTed from np tta riTer thi* morning and called for Coca bar with a general cargo and passen.;*r«. The steamer City of Paaim*. which arriTed latt rreniac f:oa San Francitco. proceeded to Portland this Esornla?. Th« staemcr Bedfiadd arriTed from Fnstt Sonnd with a general cargo for Portland aad proce*de«l. The annual eocsdlnn cf tb* Colombia riTer I for the benefit of Dirots *riH be made thii ; week. Socndin?« will be taken from the lower s»d*. The pilots expert t» taTe th« work com pleted by Saad^r ftijftt. Captain Harry Emkpa «nd Captain Wi:ii»ia Pope wilj represent the . associated pilots. Captain '-Tnillam H. Petter son tie Acnociated oil companr. Captain 'Wills ! Soew the, San Fr»ndsco and Portland steamship «-oapany, and Captains Archie Pea«» and H. D. Groves the port of Portland. The pilots will sake <>ar*fnl soTmdinjs be tween Harriartons and Tomrne point In crdsr to ascertain whether it would be adTlsaole to dredge between those two points. If the plan were fcind feasible a dredger would begin wcrk Inuaediatelr and a saTinit of three miles would b* effected. At present the pilMs **** «H Tes selj ty -way ef tie Taylor sanda. which necessi tates a wide detour from th« straight eouree. Th* Caited States empineers make an ananal sunrsT of the riTer. but as a general rule, the pUcts raake their own socndlma In adTscc* of acy work performed fcr the roTernment officials. The (jnerterly target practice at Fort SteTens was ecaclcdeti today and practice tomorrow win be ccramentred at Fert Cc'.-inibia. Tc* shooting was ' wtth X 2 tech cans and aa excellent record was made. Nine shots were fired, three at an anchored target and six at a tarret In tow of the steamer Guy Howard.. The trst shot strurk a comer cf the target, and in. all fir- hies were ceacle. . ; Armir*Trao«poTt« The Boraside 1» at S«*ttle. The Boford tatl*d Acgvst IS for Macllt. Tee Crook tailed Angnft 10 for Manila. Th« Kilpatrtck is at Newport Xe'Ks, Va. Tee Dlx left Seattle Acgcst 6 t<K Manila. The Logan aailed Angnst 1* fr&ta Honololn for Manila. - . : . The M»a4e la at -Kew Tork. Ont of com &ls«!on. " - The Xngalls Is at Newport News, Ta. • The Sheridan is at Mare Itlasfi andergalag repairs. The Sherman Jeft MasfU Acgust 15. The Thomas Is In port. The tTarren sailed August IS fraa HcaoMa for Manila. Tlie Overdne List British bark Dunfloasld. tmt ISC days from Sydney, fcr Falmonth, 90 per cent. Italian ship Oretta. out 168 days from Walla roo, for Falaentn. 8 per cent. Norwegian bark Guiana, out 134 days from Mobile, for Banla Blanca. 70 p«r cent. Brltlsn bark Ganges, cat 143 days from llo btrt. for Rotterdta. 6 per cent. - French bark Edooard Detallle, oat -12$ days from Sydney, for Filmonta, 6 per cent. German schooner Antje. out 88 <Uy« from Card!!, for Elo Grande, S per cent. British bark Cwsington. ont 128 days from iQniqne. for Fslmontn, a per e*at. , Britlth (hip Leicester Castlt. oat 139 days frcm Santa Cms. for Adelaide, 20 per cent. British bark Bendora. ont 130 day« frca th« Orae. for Eydn«y. 10 p«T cent. Swedish steamship Srannild. out 31 dayi from Blytfe, for Cleatwrg. 10 per cent. >'EWS OF THE OCEAX Additional Export* Is addltlca to the cargo preriausly reported the, steamer Aztec, which sailed yesterda*- for An^ea and way ports, had 500.654 ibs pfg'le'ad, ralued st $42,639, coaslgsrd ta New York, aad merehaafiJse' for Mexico Talued at W0.747. Tl»e *diiti«cal cargo far Mexico laelndetl the follow leg: 02 bbla Caver. 640 bales hay. 2.745 ctte bar !er. SO6 pkgs fresh fralts. 162 pkgs potatoes. S5 pkgs onions. 225 lbs garlic, 610 lbs tea. 14 c* salaoa. 77 cs canned goods, 433 lbs aad 30 pkgs Übl« nesJa, 200 lbs bread. 23 : pkgs er»>cer!es aad proTisloas. 228 fts butter. 6 cs baking pow der. 613 Ib« dried fruit. 305 gal* wine; 3es miaeral water. 2 casks beer. 14 pkrs agricul tural Implements, 12 pkgs acid. 15.000 lbs blue •tone. 100 cs coal on. 6 colls rope. 2.128 lbs seed. 1.344 lbs soda, 23.700 lbs tall«w. 23.730 lbs coal. 11.560 lbs coke. 4.893 ft lumber 19 pkgs paints. 1 launch. 100 flasks oulcksllTer. 9 pkps wagon material. 8 pkgs drugs, 16 bbls fire bricks. 15 pcs and 23 pkgs iroa, 2S pcs and 2 bdls steel. 2 pkgs. leather, 17 bdls pipe. 16 pkgs machinery, 37 pkgs fireworks, 405 pkgs aaTal stores. Srreral manifests were filed at the custom bouse . y«t*rdaT^ representing additions to the cargo of the French steamer Amtral Dnp»rr«». wiiicb was cleared on Saturday for LlTerpool aad way ports. The additional cargo laden at this pert eonuisted of 8.245 ctls of barley. Tal ced st 512,000, for London. Eag.. and merchan dise fcr Mexico as follows: 630 bb!s Com* 6€o cs mineral water, 275 gals and 15 cs wine 22 cs csnn»4 goods. 410 lbs cheese. 110 ts salmon, 22.000 It* bran, 21-etls barley, 2.481 bales hay 354,014 ft lumber. 670 cs oil. 5 cs gasoline. 20 cs turpentine. 6 bbls tar. 2 cs drugs, 21 pkgs dry goods. 11l pkgs hardware, 400 lbs seed 7 ctls gas; 3 cs acid. « bdl» brooait, 100 bbls ce ment. 200 cs dynamite, etc., rained at $17.£25. Th* steamer also had cargo l*C*a at Seattle I and Tacoma consisting of 21.000 ctls of barleT. j Talued at *25.f100, for London, and large Ehip j meats of lumber, poles, etc., rained «t $21,930, for Mexican ports. Small Carjro for Honolnln . The barkentiae Irmgard sailed for Honolulu yesterday with an assorted cargo, rained at 5T5.275 and lacladlag 25 bblc fiour 28 ctls »"s«?t. 1.557 ctl^ barley. 2.030 lbs eocos meal, 2.328 bales tay. 3SO cs canned goods. 2.301 gals wine, 149 cs miners! water. 75 casks beer 30 • COO brick*. 21 bdls brooms. 1.000 cs coal dl 200 cs gasoline. 10 cs soap. 200.00*1 lbs fertilizer 50 bbls lime. 23 pkirs paints. 12.500 lbs coda. 6 bxs glass, 22 pkgs glassware sad 4.090 St lumber. SHIPPING IXTELLIGEXCI3 ABRIVKD Tuesday, August 20 Stmr Watton. Barttett, «7 hours from Seattle. '. l <*'*y l »'l»ftis<Uaw^MWp»^aw^au£s Stmr EUwibeth, Own, 46 notrrs from Bandon. Stmx Nome City, Eansen, 41 sours from San Star Aurella. Bowdisn. 64 14 hours from Co • lcmbla riTer. - - ' - . Star Vaaguahl, Odland. SO hoars frora Ten ton. Stmr Arctic, Olsen, 15 noun from Fort Bragg. ' -\u25a0\u25a0:.. Snar Asplnnfl. \u25a0 B2 hours from Colua-" bia riTer. bound south.. Put in for fuel. • Stmr A. M. Baxter, Isaaeksea. 7 days from BelUsghsm. . . • , Stmr President^. WeaTer, 49 hours from Vic toria. '•'-" - \u25a0\u25a0"•-:-:- . .-. :--. .-\u25a0 .: •s c . , Srmr Enreka. Ncren. 23 hours from Eureka, j Stmr Brooklyn. . Eendricksoa.^42 1 sunn t from' Rpdondo. • - . . '\u25a0'\u25a0:. Stair Poiet Arena. Fredericksoa. 20 boars from Monroe landing. !!S9'*'*V9 k BKBratM ; Br stmr Plnaa,- Fairfield. S3 day* from Ant werp, rta Coronel 25 days.« •". ; . Schr Columbia, Sjprigue, 4 days from Ererett. SSBB^BfIBBVBSVSBBBESBBBBBBBBBBSBBBSSBBBMS9BSBBSB9fiHBsiBBBB%fiBESSBSa THB.-S^.Ik^XIBCO.OAU ! L«^^T;-ixJQIISI--ai- W. Weather Report Cnited Ptate* .'; Department of "AgricaUnre — Westher Burean. Sub Fruncifccv. Aug. 20." 1907. , BAIXFALL DATA-r - Pest-' \u25a0•: Seasonal Seasonal Ststiooc — *24 hours. :to date. Normal. Eureka ....0.00 2.60 o.l* Red Btn*T.. .0.00 Tr. ' 0.00 Sscramento 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meunt Taraalpais.. . ft.oo O.A? 0.01 San Francisco.....; 0.0/> 0;02 0.01 ) ' San Jose 0.00 Tr. 0.00 ' I Frwaa 0.00 \u25a0 Tr. \u25a0\u25a0 '. 0.00 • i Independence 0.00 . "" Tr. 0,00 • I San r^jin ObJspo,.., 0.00 0.00 O.or ! I»«. l Arareles.... ;:...\u25a0 0.00 "0.00 0.00 San Diego ...... 0.00 p. 03 0.00 \u25a0I ? ;; l-l- : ! \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'si j STATIONS. I- '-» f"/ f |€ i Baker .30.02 7S 4<J XTV Clc^r .00' : Fnreka ....... SO. 02 54 MS Cloudy .00 Flagstaff 29. 5S 74 30 W Cloudy .»>J: : Fresno ;...,.. 28. 76 104 M"NvV' Pt.CMr » I lodepwleneo ..29.?0 94 «2 'SE Cl«»r .00 'Los Angeles.... 29.S<J 84 £8 - W Clear .00 lit: Tamalpais.29,9o M T« MV Gar, ".M Phoenix ....... 29. 755H T« SE ' Pt.Cidy .00 Pt. Keyes Lt.-2S.SS .\S „ SO- NW Foggy .00 Hed 81uff.*. ...29. 76 100- 6S $E Clear .00 I Reno 29. 5S SS 50 SW-. Clear .'-; .00' i Parra»<ißto .. ,2». SO 02-66 8 .: Clear .00 i felt Lake*. V. .29.02 S2,- ... NTT Pt.Cidy .<X> 'Sao Diego... ..29. S3 "* 64 W C:«?r .00 L^aa.' Francisco., 29.80 <?2 M W Clear -.-.00 I San lost '..29.5S S4 52 NW Cear .Oil \u25a0sm L. Obispo.^.SO* *£ M N Cleir .00 j SE-' Fara110a...23.»4 S4 52 .NTT Cloudy, .00: } Tonapao \u00842J>.s2 SS 6*J vW- - PtCWy .00 i Widoemncca ; ,29,90 SO H SW Clear .00 j rcaaa ...... ...29.74 100 f SO«--SW Clear ' .00. . '•'..\u25a0 --".- . STNOPSIS. \u25a0 ~~~~~~ There has been but !lttl« change ra pressure j rturiag the pa*t 24 tours OTer: the Pacific slop*,, j The temperature has fallen about 14 de;?rees near j Sacramento . and about - 8. -decree*! at San Fran- I clsoo. - - Light thunder storms have occurred in \ the TaHey . of \u25a0 tbe Colorado. : There 'is not so j much fog as usual along the coast.". FOBECA3T Saa \u25a0 Francisco and rlcteity — Fair Wednesday, with fog in the mornias; light west Ttnd. s Santa Clara \u25a0 Talley— Fair Wednesday; light north wind. - -..-,-. . . \u25a0. .Sacram«ato • Talley— Fair • Wedneeday; light I south wind. „ ;•; -. . \u25a0- -:i - ; .San Joaqnin Talley — Fair WefinesdaT, : contln-'i oed warm; light north wind. • - • \u25a0 • . nJm Angeles and Tidnlty— Fair Wednesday; light west wind. - ... A. G, McADIE, District Forecaster. Movements of Steamers TO.ARBIVB "\u25a0-\u25a0;\u25a0'".-;.,' ; From jcg | -.Steamer. | " Dne ':: Portland & Astoria... *.".]Caseo ......... Aug.' Cl 1 Honolulu .. .i.Maineda ...... Aug.' -1 CoqulEe RlTer (Monterey V. .". . . Auz: 21 Wiiiapa Harbor .ID. Mitcnell.... Aug. 21. Honolulu -.;........ iHilonlaa \u25a0..:... Aug.; 21 ! ! Pr?et Senna Ports....; President ..?..\u25a0; Aug. 21' i>?es 8*y^. ...:..".".';\u25a0.. iM. F. Plant... Aug. 22 Hcmbsldt ............. Sunta Monlc».. Aus. 22 Hnmbcldt .......... .'. \ott6 Fork - ... Aug. Zi P<Mat Arena tt Albion.. Porno ;.. Aug. 22 Saa Pedro . . . *. ;V. A: Kllbura. . Aug. 22 San Di»gi> A Way Ports Santa Re«a .... Ang.'22 Puget ' Sound Ports. . . . :(rcrerlc Aug. 22 Eel RlTer Ports ....{Argo Aug. 23 IVrfUnd k. Astoria (Northland ..... Ang.'W San Pedro & Way Ports; Coos Bay ..... Aug. 23 Cnina & Japia....... 'Persia ........ Aug. S7 San Pedro ....... ....,1 Nonfood ...... Aug. Ci San Pedro ...... Boaaose : Ac;. 24 Hcniooldt ..--.Jetty cf Tepeka. Aug. 2* Heooluln & Katniui. .jXeradaa :...... Aag. 25 Hnsi&ohlt (Eureka .' Aujr. £3 New. York.rta Accon. ..| Saa Juan ...... Ang. 23 Mendociiw & Pt. Arena' Sea Foam ~ . . . . . Aug. 23 Portland & Astoria.... .(City of ' Panama Aug. 25 Portland & Way Ports. 'G. W.. Elder... Aug.£ 6 Pcyet Sound Ports.. /.{SpoJcane Aug.. 2o San Diego tt Way Port* Sure of Cal... Aug. 20 6au Pedro 1 . .-. .....:.; .{Hacalei Aug. 28 Seattle & Tacoma.....'Baefcman Aag.'t" Gray* Harbor ...... . .jOntralia Au«. 27 Ilnmboldt ........... .jPomoaa .V Ang. 27 Mexican Ports iCuracao Aug. 2S Seattle .j3l«teor Aug. 2S TO SAIL ~~ -- r ; -.y-. Destination - |\u0084 Steamer | Sails [Pier August 21— - ~ ~~ | ,\u25a0 I ...'.- Grays Harbor Cte&alis ...J t 16 New York tls Aacea... City Sydney. (l 2 m 40 Huoboldt City Topeka. 10.30 a fl . Seattle & Tacom* ..... Delhi ... 11 am : 0 Point Arena ........:. Sea Foam .. 4pa 2 Los Angele» Ports Hanalel .... 4 pra 10 August 22— . - . . . -. .t .: .. . j-. . ;\u25a0. Astoria & Portland..... Cases ;\u25a0;•; ... 4pm 2 Coqdlle RiTer : laizabeth ' . . 4 pm-W.: Cos Angeles _ Ports.... 'S. Monica... 10. asi -2 Humboidt ............ Eureka .>... 9 am 1£ : Aetoria tc Portland..:.. Cost* Rica.. 11 am 24- Saa Diego A Way. Ports Sute of Cal. 10 am 11 • Augnit 23— r - - .. \u25a0 \u25a0•>".>\u25a0 -'• •: I .\u25a0 . i •' \u25a0 i Harbor .;..... ID. Mitchell.. ..... \u0084..: Aogust-24— -\u2666\u25a0:,•.-- .- .v,' '•> --.-: - {. Grays Harßor . ; . r.". . . Norwood : . . .;;..! 16- Eel Kirer , Ports. ."_.!.. Argo:.. .V... 11 am '10 : Ck-c« Ba? i ,:.,.:r.rr.TM.Fr Plant. 4pmt "ay Flnmboldt v . .' . . . . . .'..•. Nwth * Forte .'spm 2d X Kuailjoldt •' '. Pomona . : . . 10.50* - 9 \u25a0 Portland & Way Ports. Reanoke ..: 1.30p 13 I Los Angeles Ports.'.... F. KUburn.. 4 pqi 10 Point Arena & Altaian ;. Porno ..:... 6 pra ' 2 Astoria &. Portland.... D. Freeaian. ;. ... .... Honelnlu :*. Sierra .... .-. 11. am " T ..' Seattle & Tacotca Watsoa .. .. 1.30? 20 • Astoria & Portland.... Some City.. 5 pta 18 CoqnlUe RiTer Monterey .. .....j.... Aogust 25—' \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0„ \u25a0,--.\u25a0\u25a0: \ . j • - San Diego tc Way Ports! Santa Rosa.. 10 am 11 Puget Sound Ports President ... 11 am 9 San Pedro &. Way Ports coos Bay . . 4pm 11 August 26 \u25a0 . \u25a0:\u25a0•''\u25a0 New York tU Ancon. . . Aeapolco '. . . 12 ns 40 Los Angeles Ports G. W. Elder lpm 13 August 27 — China tc Japan Asia ....... 12 bj 42 Augast 2S— Astoria A Portland.... City Panama 11 am 2* Astoria k. Portland. . . • Ncttnland . . .'..... .... ' = TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE Destination | Steaatr | Date Nome ft St. Michael... Pennsylranla . . Ang. 21 Skagway & Way Portj. Spokane Aug. 53 VaMez & Seward Santa Clara ... Aug. 24 \aldez k. Seward Bertha Aug 25 Name * St. Michael... Pleiades ...... Aur!'23 Skagway tc Way' Ports. Dlrigo ......... Aug. 27 Nonse & St. Michael... Umatflla. ...... Aug. 29 Taldez & Seward...... Saratoga ...... Sept. 1 yom» A St. Mlcnttl... Ohio ...;...... Sept. 1 Son- and Tide WEDNESDAY. ACGCST 21 Ech rises \u0084.5:30!5-jn sets .6:55 ; United BUU« Cosst snd Geodetic Sorrey— Time sad Heights of Tides at Fort Point. For city front <Ml»«k?n street wharf) add 25 mlnutes. A JTlm«l „ Time Time} Time! . Angi-*- Ft Ft — J Ft Ft : ii.,wi hw - -..- rTw) in w| 21.. 3:34i--0.5i10:45 4.9 3:20 2.5! 8:25 6 0 22.. 4:22— 1.0|11:2S 5.2 4:16 2.5 10:21 60 23.. 5:00 — 0.9j12:<» 5.4 5:10 2.2 11-13 59 24.. 5:51—0.6 12:44 5.5 6:02 1.5 • \u25a0 • : H W L W ' H W L "w ***** 25.. 0:07 5.7 6:33 —Q.I 1:21 -5.5 6:55 1.6 26.. 1:01 5.3 7:17 o,s 2:QQ -8.4 7:50 ljj Time Ball United States Branch Hydragraphie Office, Mer chants" ' Exchange, San Francisco Cal Auyust 20. 1007.- -- ' Tbe time ball on the tower of the Ferry bnfld. Ing was dropped today exactly at noon. Pacific Standard Time (120 th Meridian), or fih. dbm. 00s Greenwich Mean Time. J. C BURNETT ; Lientens,nt.'n. S. N.. tn Charge! ; j ! i \u25a0V. 8. Braaek Hydrocrraphte Office A branch of the United < States Hydrographic Office, located at the Merchant*' Exchanged* maintained la San • Francisco for the benefit of mariners, without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators are cordially inTited to Tislt the office, where complete sets of charts and tailing directions of the world are kept at hand for comparison and refentce, and' the Utest Infor mation can always be obtained regarding lights canger to naTlgatlon and all matters of Interest to ocean commerce. J.C. BCRNETT :-- Lieutenant. U._S.:N., In Charge,' ' \X? wtT •^ Sotoyome,: Peterson, 2S hours "from Albloa. ." \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0". -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' - f \u0084\u25a0 . \u25a0./ .\u25a0 Power schr.Waahcalore.:Perry, 60 hours from SlusLaw-rlTer. :\u25a0 \ , , . . . CLEARED _ _ _ Tuesday, Aogu»t 20. : Stmr Sonoma, Jepsen, Victoria,. B. C.." etc : Pacific Coast steamship company.',\u25a0-'' ; Stmr.Sute of California, Thamag, San Dleeo and way ports; Pacific Coast: steamship com liiiil 1 "1 i»Hiiliinii||»mi||ijl im -; -. \u25a0.. Stmr City of Topeka. GielGW, Eureta; Pacific Coist steamship company. — Stmr City of , Sydney, - Kldstoo, Anccn, etc. • Pacific Mall steamship company. . Er stmr Caclqne, JDiU, Tacoxa; W. R. Grace te Co. .•'*'!•' :.!. • . .-..\u25a0-\u25a0 . \u0084-..;,..-.- . Bktn IrmgartU Chrlstiaasea, Honolulu; Wil liams, Dlmocd & Co. • \u25a0>-. . Scar Czarina,' Koehler, Plrata cotb; Union fish company. \.. . - . . •-SAILEDV,:.. \u25a0<:: 1 . ;; Tuesday, August 20.' Stmr Quinault. Chrlstensoa, Grays Harbor. Stmr South Coast.: Panlsen, Caspar.. . - Stmr Altec," Frasier, i Aacon.' '-.' Stmr Vanguard, Odland, Eureka. Stmr Sonoma. -Jepsen, Victoria, B.- C., and Port Townsend. ' . \u25a0 v..-. - ; - ' . Stmr Helene. Anderson, WiJUpa harbor. - . Stmr Brooklyn. Christiansen.-Honolulu. . Schr Gleadale, Gronwold," Columbia rirer. Stmr Cascade, Asplund, San Pedro. ' .- - . ' Star James S., Hlgf ins, Ellasea, Fort Bragg. , :-\u25a0 Br stmr CralghaU, fLon," Newcastle. N.S.Vv." Schr Bederick Dbo, > Anderson, Monterey, ia tow of tng Dauntless. • . - . Stmr Whltesboro, Ellesen. Point Arena. \u25a0: - -".• \u25a0-.(. SPOKEN? \u25a0 - Joly 8, lat 43 N, long. 11 W—Br, ship Crown of; Germany,: from ; Rctterdam, for , Saa; Fran cisco. , :.'''\u25a0'='- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •.V-, ;\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0-,-.,\u25a0 TELEGRAPHIC, ' POINT : LOBOS, - Aug. 20," >' 10 -p. ; m. —^Weather thick, wind couthTrest; Telocity S miles per hour -. TATOOSH.- Anjr.i2o.l-p. m.-^-Weather clear! wind northeast; Telocity IS miles per hour. ->\u25a0'" -'\u25a0 . DOMESTIC PORTS . i PORT.SAX. LUlS—Sailed Aug SO^-Stmr" 1 Rose- I crans, for GaTiota; barge Three," in- tow of- tug [ Se»-King,'for Saa Francisco. r~.-> '* . • \u25a0 ": ' <"'}'. Jnlifis Berendsen Is Elected President of Retail Gro= cers' Association JCLIUB BERENDSEN.- WHO HAS BERN ELECTED PRESIDENT' OF THE RETAIL . GROCERS* ASSOCIATION". '. " \u0084 .' _\u2666_ , : !..\u2666. '-"Julius -Berendsen was elected presi dent of the San Francisco retail gro cers* 'association at a meeting, held. Monday .: eveninsr ' at : the headquarters of the association in -Jefferson; Square hall: .The selection Tt-a-s made by ac clamation. Berendsen was installed at 'the] same time.' . \u25a0".'.\u25a0''/, : . .....,\u25a0.• H.-Methmann was chosen vice presi dent, also by acclamation. CThe follow- Ins were elected members of the board of directors: Chanes^Clausen,. J.'JL Hanley, Theodore Kast, William 5 Len hofif, B. Mangels,, John C. Owens, Henry Rawe, J. Salomon and \u25a0 John Schroeder. • ; Twenty-six new members were Initi ated. The . financial report of .the as sociation showed it be In a sub stantial condition. TWO THOUSAND KILLED IN CASA BLANCA BATTLE Moors and Arabs Perish •MJnder , Fire From :• French Cannon CASA BLAXCA, Ans.' 20—^Undeterred by yesterday's losses, estimated by Jewish sources at 2,000 dead, the Moor* a^aln advanced today la a great semi circle, evidently intending to surround the" city. The rr ar ships began bom barding ; the advancing j tribesmen. <>'»«rht.>— -Tli er.*raba r late today- de livered another, attack upon the French, force under General Drnde, encamped outside this town, and -were rooted with heavy losses. SA | genera! \u25a0. uprisins of the * natives Is expected . and ' the , Euro pean residents of the .coast torms, as well as^ those; who live In Per,. Morocco City:] «ttd splae<e«"*!lß*^th««:tatericr,-"s plae<e«"*!lß *^th« «:tatericr,- " ar e leaving their homci and seeking safety In flight. 9HtHg^^^' \u25a0.•\u25a0\u25a0' PARIS, .Aug. 20.— The correspondent of: the Matin at Casa Blanca' speaks in loud, praise of } 75 -military guna, 14 rounds from which," he says r ~ put 1,500 Arabs to Sight-; •; , ,In "attacking, th"e /camp on the right the Arab horsemen galloped to within 400 yards of ; the French positions, \u25a0where two' rapid fire guns had been mounted on the roof of a farm building. These guns: opened with 500 shots. a minute, swept, the ground wjth a rain of lead and covered it with the dead and dying. The Spahis, the corre spondent continues, were a gory-e{gnt as they " rode back " to camp, the 1 men and horses being covered -with blood and the rider's faces blackened with powder^ The attacking tribes Sunday were the Senitta and the Ziafda, new comers, flghting-for the first time. It Is an nounced "that a number of Kabyles are inarching from Mazagan to Casa Blanca with .the intention of making a for midable attack shortly. .The: Tangier correspondent tele graphed r that I with the object of wip nlng over.thefanatical members of the Ulema, who favor aholy war, -the sul tan has appointed ' some of them to a delegation that Is to come to Tangier to discus* the situation. BEGI.V OX . SHASTA LIKE REDDING. Aug. i 26.— Active work on the electric railroad from Middle creek station to the Goldleaf mine has beyun. This makes \u25a0 flve .; different . railroads building' in Shasta 'county. "- \u25a0. AnriTifd Aufir 20—Stmr Arzyll, with' barz» San ta Taola in tow, hence An* 19. * \u25a0 • •• SAN. DlEGO— Arrived \u25a0 Ang 20— Scnr Robert Scarles. from Port Gambles, xiooerc TATOOSH— Passed >. inward - Any '20— Stai »??£ h£ Ei:REK A— ArriTed Ang 20—Stmr Nortn Fork, Sailed Aog 20— StmrLakme, for Saa Fran cisco. •\u25a0;.-\u25a0--- ' .. , v SAN PEDP.O-^iriTed Aiss 19— 8tmr San Ga briel, from tU Eureka"^ - P.* By, wireless Ang 20— On Ang 19, «t 10 n'm stmr President,;, from: Victoria, etc.,; for* sin Francisco, was off . Cape : BUneo. . * ArriTed Aug \u25a0 20 — Stmr 1 Norwood, hence Ana IS: ; stmr Santa - Barbara, hence Ans 18 • hfctn Pnako, from ETerett. - . .- • . \u25a0- \u25a0"* ••' - \u0084 UNION .--..LANDING— SaDed Ane '-- Ift-LSlmr Point Arena, for San Frandaco. - ,f ; , 11111^ ASTORlA— Arrired "Ang ; 13— Stmr Cltr nf Panama, hence. A^f.ia.v;, : • , v:' * 'ArriTed- Aug \u25a0 20— Stmr ' George t W ' Elder hence Aug. 17; . stmr Redondo, from Tacoma.- * Sailed Aug 20—Stmr ' Breakwater, - for Ca'o* bar.. -\u0084 \u25a0\u25a0- , - ..-. ... ,;-.;-.\u25a0> . : . . . - Santa Barbara— ArriTed An* ia— ?»rht Arlndne. hence An* 16- . . . \u25a0 l HARDT CREKK— ArriTed Aug-r 19—Stmr MarshSeld, . from San : Pedro. . , :^*r^T^~ BELLINGHAM— SaiIed Ang 20— Schr"" Albert Meyer, for San Francisco. . . . * i FORT BRAGG— ArriTed Aug 20— Stmr Oxiuille RlTer and stmr Noyo. hence Ang 19. . yr*"*"" ' --,- EASTERN POBXS * ' NEW TORK— ArriTed ; Aug. 2o— Br stmr Dun no ttar Castle, from Colon.. - , - -ISLAND PORTS , , MIDWAY ISLAND— ArriTed Aug 20—Tug Iro quols, fromGoam.i Tia'Laysan islands..; '. .-\u25a0 FOREIGN PORTS PORT NATAL— ArriTed -prior to Aue 20— Br stmr Anchendale, from Newport News. - Sailed- Aug 5 20—Jap. stmr BioJnn Mara, . for Yokohama. .:' . , •-.- I^w; ST. s VINCENT — ArriTed prior to Aog - 19-^Fr stmr AmlralHamelin. hence Feb H. \u25a0 SHANGHAI— ArriTed ar prior -. to , Ang - 19— Ger stmr Tlberins, from ITororan.- ....-.' : CALCCTTA— ArriTed : . prior to Aug 19— Be stmr Seminole, ; hance Jurt* 26. -j. .\u25a0• , - :\u25a0\u25a0 , COLON— ArriTed j Ang : 14— Stmr Finance, from New -York. •\u25a0\u25a0"-;*." . - ; ;.-\u25a0-. \u25a0- , \u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0 • HONGKONG— SaiIed July 31— Stmr Minnesota tor Seattle-?^ -; '-\u25a0'- -_:•\u25a0 -\u25a0 , \u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0 •\u25a0> ** Sailed Ang '6— Jap, etmr Toaa Mara, for Seattle.", '-r:/ \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 " '-' \u25a0 ,-'" - \u25a0 •\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0 : Sailed, Aug 14— Br, stmr Monteagte, for'VJer" SAN JOSE DE : GUATEMALA— ArriT»d Ang 1»— Br brk Gladys, from Tacoma. \u25a0\u25a0::' . - .-..- ..-•; • * HAVRE— Sailed • Aug 1 1"— -Fr bark VUI« de Dijon, for Oregon. \u25a0- '- ;."\u25a0'» ":."' '. .",. .. ; :.-. ' • \." • 3lemorai»da •. ; . :_. . \ '\u25a0\u25a0-' '.Wireless :. message ; received " stmr '-; Presi dent.: trenv* Victoria. sß.r&.T' for >San Francisco. reports Tessel 15 mUesfrom. FaraHoa : islands ' at 4 p.™ m.'."' Aug 20. ?r? r '\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0.'-.-\u25a0 \u25a0-.-\u25a0-\u25a0 '.-- - .-- — - •VMIDWAT ISLAND, Aug 20-rrTug InxjualsJar rlTed here frwa Guam.Tla Larson Islands, and re ports called -at' Laysan, Islands on Ang 15.i These islaads haTe ; been i previously ; reported aa < dla •jpeaxed, \u25a0 \u25a0 • -, Street Wells to Be Restored STREET FIRE CISTERNS TO BE INSTALLED AGAIN Will' Protect City Until . Salt Water System Is Completed CHIEF IS PLEASED Shaughnessy . at Work on ] Plan of Brandehstein ..—. and Supervisors | Although the, board of supervisors ha« sjone on record as", rarorlns the cbristruction ; of an_>uxlliary r saJt wat«r system for fire fighting purposes a.s soon as it can be done, steps already have been taken to safeguard the city In case of fire. It is estimated that at least two years ..will elapse .before . the 'salt water system can be installed 'and In the -meantime a complete sys tem i of fresh water- cisterns will be' established.-. .: A conference was held yesterday be tween H. -U. Brandenstein, chairman of theflnanc* committee of the board;of supervisors, and Chief Shaugnessy .of the : fire 'department, ; at which the mat ter was thoroughly discussed. r Bran denstein. and Shaugnessy ; agreed t tha,t the proposed cisterns were a vital ne cessity pendingithfc construction of the salt water-s ystem.-a nd- discussed the financial arid engineering features In volved. . . "' ."T .-'-' ; ' \u25a0".\u25a0," , '.\u25a0"_. It was figured that two years would elapse before the , bonds for a salt water system ; could be voted and I the construction' ' of \u25a0\u25a0 the system completed. In - the meanwhile- it , would.; be \ neces sary! for the city to take • stips to pro vide < a more adequate system of fire protection. Brandensteln .suggested the installation of fresh water cisterns throughout' the city. The : \u25a0 idea ap pealed to Shaugnessy and h«;has un dertaken to draw up a comprehensive scheme for the protection of the city. The , old cisterns in the lower section of the city will be put'ln working or der as soon as possible. It;isi proposed to meet the cost,en tailed, in the construction of these cis terns : by; monthly^ appropriations. It is believed that the difference in. insur ance ratss will more than pay for the work. ! \u25a0 While -it has been the" policy always to, maintain cisterns full of water lor fire fighting - purposes In the various sections of the city, at the time of the April fire they were 'to a large extent unfit . for use. ? Some fca4 been covered overhand no record had been kept of others which could have been used to good advantage. ; . \u25a0Under, the. new system It Is proposed to make the cisterns a regular part of the fire fighting machinery; and to keep them in such condition that they t can be used at any; moment In case of emergency. It is the ; belief that : the construction- of these cisterns through out: the city will bring about a rapid decline in * the/ insurance rates, which have mounted to unusual proportions. CITY TO RAISE WAGES Supervisors Order- "Amendment in Favor of Electrical : Men The , electricity - cbmnoittee , of the supervisor* ;: decided- yesterday to."rec ommend t the - payment -; of • £ the excess salaries of the employes of ; the depart ment of electricity- for July." amounting t0'53.700. Prof.:C.E. Corey, who was called : to yive ; an expert : opinion upon the necessity of employes -not provided for in the .- budget, ; advised that the money be i taken- out of the greneral re habilitation fund " ;of ?52 5,08 ft. The committee directed .Chief Hewitt of the department to prepare •a. statement . of tha actual '\u25a0: amount required for re habilitation and ;the amount required for regular work, including operation, maintenance : and repair. The committee decided to pay the salaries for ..-August, as specified: in th^L charter, but Instructed ' Hewitt to pre pare an amendment to the j charter, to increase the -salaries of the "employes to conform to. the". union scale of wagea, which ! ranges frpm 1112.50 to Jl"s.r . %_ The committee , requested - Hewitt make arrangements at" once"; to , have a fireproof building -.erected . for ! the I fire alarm > " and -\u25a0 police 4 telegraph station. Hewitt said he was negotiating for the purchase of > a .site; : from Archbishop Riordan" at the southeast corner of Polk and Fulton -streets. TAPS FOI? FILLMORE Sujperyisora Order, Lights Out at Mid night to Save Money The Joint finance and ll^ht committee df.-the supervisors directed yesterday that ; the lights tn •Van Ness avenue. IJevisadero . and " ' Fillmore streets !be extinguished at midnight .so that thai money thus saved, may ,b« ; devoted '< to placing . lights \u25a0In other sections of the city."V-; '\u25a0' : \u25a0\u25a0.-.;, i . :. K'^.r'- r -\u25a0 '-'\u25a0 " :. President Britton of /the gas company said' that: 619 arc lamps and ,3.219 gas lamps had been rehabilitated at a cost respectively of $43,330 and «38.570, and 6 8 new : arc lamps • and 187 gas lamps would be erected at* a .cost of $ 10,370. Britton , said ' the \ company ' would have 400 more; lights j than It had ibefore the fire, v.' though H the appropriation ;of j27 5,000 it ; Is -to receive Is less than it has heretofore had~°!jilgggfa£SH9Sß*"lS .; Britton; exhibited a map showing.the lights \u25a0 to be - Installed and said, It was proposed to light, the district south and north; of Market street land west of the water s front-'j There , will ; be 110 lights taken out in 'districts where there Is an excess' of lighting * and these will: be placed in '•• the j outlying sections, which are dark.". ;\u25a0-.,.\u25a0",\u25a0;/:\u25a0•; '"•' '.'..'\u25a0\u25a0 '. \u25a0 The committee denied the petition for a i number 7 fit \u25a0"; lights . along . the Cliff house' road; r , BEfIAN CHIEF CLERK Supervisors Send Ryan Back to First Assistant's Place ' The • Joint " printingr and . finance com mittee oM the :; supervisors ; decided .yes terday itol reorganize the office forced of tae : board <by' appointing John E. Behan chief I clerk t Instead of ? John^HLv Ryan, who goes back to his old place of first assistant -i clerk.'"; Behan Chaa '.; been :* a clerk In- thf-' office for ; elg-ht' years.; He .was' 1 . actineT chief r clerk *In • 190 L; during the 1 iatelJohn } A;] Russell's " illn ess, and was chief , asslstan t Clerk under. Charles W." yay for, four. year*. His salary " will be ; $300 a'; month. 7 ". ; . Ryan, was appointed 'chief clerk when the Gallagher^; board ousted i George B. Keane '£ at .the i direction of . the graft prosecution: : Thomas ? B.* McGlnnis, . who was" appointed chief assistant ', clerk . at the* time, .will -i be i : ; made if an ':• Assistant clerk s to >. make '] room Z tor- Ryan's { re appolntment-iv . . :^ . 7 xlt r : is that j. seme pother changes will be made in, the' office force,' but ;the committee has not decided upon SUPERVISORS TO DELVE INTO VOTE MACHINE DEAL Schmitz Election Board Is Summoned to Explain Away Suspicion REASONS IS/ SOUGHT Committee Wants to Know -Part Convict's Surety- Had in It The supervisors* finance committee Issued subpenaa yesterday for the elec tion commissioners to> appear Tuesday afternoon to \u25a0 explain why they con tracted far the Dean voting machines when the citr already owned a num ber- of; the othe,r machines, which had proved satisfactory. J Chairman Brandenstein said the com missioners will be" asked whether they thought it was economical to make th« change. , and why they bought Dean j machine's when the voters had been educated to the use of the Standard machines.: / . . Incidentally the committee seek to find if .there was any connection be tween 'the facts that Thomas K.|Wil liams is president of the Dean machine company and a former bondsman for Convict Schmitz. It is thought the latter, fact may have Induced the Schmitz election commission to adopt the Dean voting machine at .• ai cor responding profit to Williams' company. The committee declined to take ar.y actlon on a large number of small bills, aggregating $4,000, for. supplies for the board of education. It developed that the committee had arranged to make up a deficit of 11Q9.000 to pay mer chants' . claims and then bills for 14.000 additional were presented. The committee later conferred witli Mayor Taylor relative to the bills of J. W". Schouten for lumber furnished the/ school, department .aggregating $23,000 and an arrangement was agreed; upon whereby the bills will be paid. J. C. H. Stut's claim of 51.050 for : engineering services in connection with , the city's Geary street road was ordered paid. The excess claims .of Recorder Nel son's/copyists for $713.50 in July were ordered paid, but Nelson .was notified not to exceed his budget allowance. The "committee directed the board of works; to place the address of every employe upon his demand. Mlss'G. E. . Kelly succeeded In In ducing the committee to pay $36.70 -to the Goldea <Jate garage for the care of the big - red automobile . belonging to the city, but appropriated by ex- Mayor Schmitz after he was sent to jaiL The committee asked Miss Kelly where the automobile was and she r«- • plied naively: **Why, it can be found any day at the Stanyan street police station. Our garage stopped' caring for the automo bile when we received nottce from the board to do so." ARIZONA MOB FIRES INTO POSTAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE Governor Kibbey Will Take Action at Once to , Quell Riots • LOS ANGELES, Aug. 20.— An. armed mob attacked the oface of the Postal telegraph company at Ashfork. Ariz.. at an; early hour this morning and al \u25a0 most demolished It with a volley of bullets. .The Uvts ef the four em ployes were greatly endangered, bat so far as known no one was Injured. A renewal of the attack is expected \u25a0 and Governor Klbbey and the federal government have been appealed to for protection. The latest dispatch from Ashfork today stated that arrange- ' ments were being mado by the man ager of the office at Ashfork to run a special - engine to Prescott, the county seat of Yavapal county, and bring the sheriff and a sufficient 'number of ' deputies to quell the riot. Nearly every pane of glass in the • Postal building was riddled with bul lets.. The shooting began about 1 ' o'clock this 'morning. The Postal em ployes made no resistance, - although * one of them trained a rifle on a num ber of the mob, but refrained from . shooting. •': Following is the official re port of Swain, one of the electrical . engineers of the company at Asalork: We . were , waraed ' taat tiere was to b« , trocble. so tboct 9 ' o'clock w» barrtoided tte fxoat and back tioora so - tisy could not rush ! us. Frora 10 o'clock several parties ia gr«x:pi at two and t&ree tried -to get tn at our front . dooc . . We bad tamed oat . til Ugtts Is tae office except one over \u25a0 tlie sidewalk oa tb* ootcioe aad another over tt* iaslde eocater. < Thsre was not mnea. doing except klektitz on doori nstll about 1:15 o'clock, wttea we saw a maa come frosa tint direction of tli* Har»«r boas*. B« stopped ta ; front of tb« door and fired tore* shots. Os« went taroozn tne class . door and soother tbrocga t!i« giass at tne sM* ' of th« door. It was quiet then natU 2:13, wn«a ttree men - earn* along and. fired aaotner Tollej, breakios; some srlas*. ' About 3 o'clock a crowd cam* again and ftred about a dozen shots. Ta* i:«i:s wer* shot on:. \u25a0 Tbtj later returned ;in<! shot out ihs'glasa In the corner of tie buUdia; and ' a!so shattered a* snow window ta a store next ' dour..--. \u25a0 • - v \u25a0\u25a0" ••'.•'\u25a0'\u25a0 , Oae 'of tt* > last shots fired was aimed -ip- ' paxeatlr at tbe cot oa waich Snttoa was sZe«p> iujf. They had spotted the cot aad I saw tieia • wiiea- they located U and told nia b*fon t&ey ' fired. Superintendent Lewis wired ; as I fol lows to Governor Kibbey: \u0084 ; ; Last night an armed mob attacked eer c£2c !at Asafork. shooting into tie o£9ee witn re volvers and : emlanzertag the 1!t»s of our em* ploj-es. They tnrea ted to renew tb* attack to> nignt. I call upon too to protect tne lires ' of onr employes - and property of tn« company at Asht ark. . Please act promptly. General . Manager Nally Swires * from : Newj York that he is in communication \u25a0 : with the federal authorities at -Wash ington. ;A reply from . Governor Klb- . i bey ; says :he will act immediately. At the local office of the Postal com 1 pany : this i evening *it was stated that < Sheriff Lowery. 'accompanied by two deputies, had arrived on a special train from • Prescott and that soon after they ; arrived ,an was made ";ln con nection with the attack. The man taken j into 5 custody Uls known ,as "Speck" Smooth -and it ; is 'Stated that^ he was ' identified by one ; of "-. the operators as i one'of tbe;men who". participated in the "shooting *up"; of the oSce. Accord ing ? the report made* to the local 'officers, the sheriff --has identified Smooth as an ex-convjet. He is not be lieved to have had any connection with I the 'strike^ ",: According toilatest ad- I vices; from Ashfork, the office of the 1 company is guarded by deputy sheriff;. , ' ,"Ashfork *, ? is ,a. email town In - Ari zona "on" the;Saata Fe aad la the chief I repeating \ station of 'the -: Postal - be- I tween:Los? Angeles and the easL" Five ! men: are \regularly: employed there." but : three -of S therri » walked out -on the re- I cept' ? ord«r T ;of 'President^ SniaH. One man chas ; since ,; been sent : there from ' San Francisco to Join the two operators [ jyho " remaln'ed '\u25a0' with the company. *\u25a0 ANARCHISTS KILL CHIEF OF POLICE AND COSSACKS Barricaded in House, They.. Hold Troops at Bay : Eighteen Hours ODESSA. Aug. 20. — Aa encounter has taken place at Krwolsosera between a detachment of troops and a band of five anarchists. The anarchists .barri caded themselves in a house and defied the soldiers to take them. They opened fire from the windows and held the troop* at bay for IS hours. The chief of police . and several cos sacks -were killed. Two of lh« an crch'sts lost tfe-!r. lives, but the thr<*» others. managed to escape. REJECT \I'OME.V9 BILL WIXLJXGTON*. Aug. 20.— The upper house of the New Zealand legislature has rejected the bill of the lower, house providing for the election of members of the upper house by the lower house. according to one clause whereof womea electors shall b« eligible to metnMr &h!p in the upp«r body. O2TZ HUSIIiLD 3CES SCLS>— Berlin. At?. 20 — T*« dir»«ors of the Siaaraai csintas. - cetapaar- rrc?lf«4 a caN? todaj- frota T^fcJSt*"' aanocactaz tiat aa ex?}oston of <ty«asjlte •wr- . ecrreti caderzrooad ta tee F«a«se miaWi re *n:tt3s ia tSw death of tiro G*rmas* aad liW-" 5 _\u25a0'-\u25a0-' MEETCTG \OTICC3 . C.VLirOSXIA TOttmaadery yo. 1. K. T. , * o'->o '-> Ofneers sad sir knlrits ar» . requested - ~toi -\u25ba ' t» »<«ea!)fe ta Minfcm -Mss«m!e halt. [&} - WFD.VESO.4Y. Augast 21. 1307.- at ™ I^3o o'clock p. m.. for ta«- purpose of attend 1 - : tnz the f2a?r»l at o»cr late frat«r. SIR HEN"RT ' vmxiXiXSOy, under tfc« an»alee» of Doric fedi» No. 216. F. & A. M. By orter RALPH L. HATHOIOf. latvat Cociain.l' > r. ' WILLIAM It. JOO3T. BtKordar. f STARR KINO l.y{?« >>. 344. F. A A. A 51.. 1753 FUJm^ir* *t.— *r>«tal m«»t- J\ lux THIS (WEDNESDAT* ETI>. Vby 1 " INS. Aag. 21. st T o'clock. tiT ta« par. /VV\ jt pos« mi eeaf erring tfi« thrrd desrr** **Tr. •'* .' bttan tb« It W. GBAND MA3TEB EDWABD S H. HART, wbo Is to p*y ns »^ etielnl *ts|t. AU Masts? Masoas cordially- 'a»i:M. WM. A. KF.LI.SK. W, }L H. F. WBIGIIT. S*cr»tarj. DORIC lodjre No. 215. >. *A- M Of- • " : y fleers acd oemoer* are hereby a«S- w\ ted t* art»ad tae fna*ral ot oar Ut* XfWy teetlrw.- PAST MASTFR H2NBT /XjfiC • WILLIAM?ON\ WEDNFSDAT. Aa. /V - H rest 21. 1907. at l:3i> o'eloca p. ea., f»a»tS« \u25a0 Mtsskta Masoaie temple. ?9W Mission st Ma«-^ t«r Masons an* CriantU rtspsctfolly ia»ltert.." : By order nl \u25a0iiiiinwiiil iiiiiyrsi»mi*|)i»)M'»li>HiiHH*^i JI. Jf. GETZ. Worshlpfal MsstsT.,.^ J. B- GOLDSMITH. Secretary. . CROCKETT lodge >~Q- 139. T* A. • .*'* ; M.— Seecc<l o>stm THIS jWZDSSS- /\ '• DAT) EVCXIXG at 7:30 o'clock. Voyfl. By order <»Ctn« W. Jf. \u25a0. /\jr\- MISSIOX loiJse So. 169. F. At A. Jf. i:\u25a0; j Sp^rJal awetins THIS (WEDSZV -J\- .. DAY) EVESLN'S at T:3O o'clock. VQJy \u25a0; . First desret. /^s/\ FBANK W. SMITH. Secretary. # * 'Morrsr jjoriah lodxe x<x «. f. * • ' -A. JI- 21t» Geary st.— Special rae«t- M% • bis THIS EVESIXQ st I^o o'ctoei- XS»JF- = ' Seasart Aezztt. i^^\> "\u25a0 1 THEO. FBOLICH. Seeretsry. ' \\ ESCELSIOa lodge No. IM. F. *A. mT »' •I . S«road de^w THIS <WED?XSDAT> _/\_, I :. . Secratary. -\u25a0 ' SAN FB-iXaSCO eaapter Xo^Jt. Yard A^ Arcb Masons, meets THIS EVENING V<jjr ; at 1254 Mir'i :t st. Bn«tn*«« and da- /^A\ v * ires 4. H. G. PBLNCE. Sec. v . STBACCTS lo«!*« SiM. K. of P.. jss ; meets TOXIGHT st 4C& Taa Xess Mf9>. . s-». c*«r Tnltca it. Esqu^e r»ai. •JjbrO^t; VUUtas: Knljats welcome " JL A. XATHAX C C '\u25a0 y - FARNSWORXH Wi? No. 95. I. O. jg^> X O. F.— M-ets EVEHT WXDXES- * DAT NIGHT 1234 M»r4« tt. \u25a0\u25a0 M*a»l!«rs pleas* xaX» notice. - . -- , « - ; , ... B. A. BCBMAy. S«cretsry« * ; OJiLY LOCAL MAMrFACTCBJSBS.""""" P. PASQrALE CO- UOO WEBSTER COB. TX7BK- PHOXE WEST 483. ARMY. SAVT. SOCIETY GOODS, BXGALIAS. FLAGS. BASSKaS. . BADGE 3. CAPS. ryiFORMS. ATTORXETS : ; \ ADTICB FREE— DITOBCE3 A SPECIALTT. ".*' Cntck. qnittt: no eaarara ualess meewsraJ. . - • CoHectioas. wffls. deeds, etc.: detaettres. ° Open r»eainxs. LEGAL A33OC3ATIOH. - - 1383 Whiter car. O'FatreD ns» FTllmof .'' ADVICE FREE OX ATT. LEGAL MATTERS. '. DtTore» costs XXZ: d«aj??i. coUectiocs. aU eases oa cltarze without • sarcess: op<>« »T*a- lars. 1720 FtiTmora st. bet. Port aw* fliittw. - BOOM 4. FIRST FLOOR. ' AA — DITORCE: cost" Jl2: quick. qijl«t: adrtw in': no casrz« cs!*ss sw>e*«sfal: tit!« ts ml I estats restored: bausrart"^: pmMtlas af *•».- Utes: gentrsl practtcs. lOCS M<rtet st.. r. 12. _ COMPLETR aJfaw for *25: ao delay; eourteotM - .treatment: square dealtas: p>ea»e *e« to* first. " Bomn 2. 2031 Sntter st. n»sr Fillaore. -? - HARRIS * HES3. •ttora*Ts at Uw. W. T. H«s«. - Xotarr Pnbtle. 2053 SofUr st. nr. FflTmoT*. »^- MARTIX STETTNa sttnrn#y at law. \WA Gold- •a Gate st. bet. Lagans sad Bncnaaaa sts. , '^ W " : : ALF GROVF.3. . CALL -Bni.MNO. pinuc STEXO&R.IPHERS R^TH^ERT^TIkiMBERLt"-^ Le^al^w^'^T'^pX^ cU!ty. 313 Monnaaoe* tiMt.: teU Tunp. 5727. PCBI.IC Sten«rnp!>er: rstca r»a»oaat>:«. KiiS Htlrfet *t.: nttcnes Fell 11 »M P»t?» 30.11. .\CCOU^AyTJ-~CertUl«^Psibllc ' . JOHX R. RUCKSTELL, Can taTdtn*;. room 303;' »cmcntltMf «y»t»ma: tnT»«ftCTft«w»: Snittw.- • XOTART ri'BUC v ADDIE L. BALLOC. formerly 707 Via Nws st.. r*moT*d to 1122 Market *f. ontHMt* 7ta. • PEX3IOXS - PESSIOX Attaraey E. A. BCLU3. IWI Steianr ; St.: Boat commander Tiwrnia wt O. A. 8.-» PATEXT ATTOaXEYS DRWET. STRONG *CO Fovaded 1S«O: C. 3/ and foratza pstaats: ln»«Qtsrs' foide: YOb m»- - ensatcs) mor«ai*nts tr*». Mercnaaca' Ei- cnac^ aid?.. Saa Fraacfsox CARLOS P. GRIFFIX. p*t»trs. Jat» cximla^r • D. S. pat*st office. SU (CaU> C Spreckels bid. FRANCIS M. WRIGHT. fors»r;y nin>m*f t. 3. ' B»tgat offlc». 525-827 Moatdaoei: bailding 1 . - \u25a0 '' _ " :DE.VTIST3: DE.VT1ST3 ' . \u25a0\u25a0--.: 1} DBS. aW. DECKER. T. H. MORRIS. I_ T. CRASS. SUKOEOX DENTISTS. 1S1« Satter st. at*r>- Vsa Ness. Rooms. l-2-3-4-i-»-10L PAINLES3 deatiatry— O T d- estab'ished! +.nitr+t. reliable: reasoanh!* prices; perfect w«rk;.fre« - ccasnltatloa. VAX VKOOM. l&l FUlmort it,- <*oraet O'Fsrr»O. '__ L _f- Uk. IRA G. LSEX— AU kiadJ of d«au! work. 515 FUhsor* st. near Osk. jußiiiMWE 1 * 1 - - — •» BAETLETTf. Dr. V. GRANT. «rr«ctias spectai. -' Sst: a*s giTca. 2103 FiUacr». NW. cor. Cat. - *\u25a0\u25a0- DR. W. A. MKTES. form. CaU^gSo bniTJias.". ' now 2156 M«rttst st near Cbtarea aad Uta. c~~ w. Richards; d. a. s.. t^s-« c*utrai aiir. cor. Sutter aad P»a. fat. Matgal bsa> aMg. . DB. SIMMS, toraerly Parrott bid?.. S3i Mark** «' , st^ now loentPd ia4 Pari: cor. Barter, r. 301. ? DR. R. L. WAtSH. McAllfstsr Br.-La«sna.« PUtlaam: nil lags. SOc; crowa. <5: ptaw. »». * DR. H. C3AIGIE — Flwt e«*s d«atl«»r at rss-. \- ma-ibl* prtees. gai ToHota nt. cot 3d. HILL. Dr. LX T DXCJ». I*» 3 Market st.. now at • «2 Webster at.' near O«k: gas ytrta. - ' DR. 3. 2. LEEK, fdrmer'y 112* W*rtet sow 524 Valencia st btywa tfrta aad «ha. CHE.4PEST. and best ia America. Tns Weeklj . CsIL tl a rrsr. '• ; . PHYSICxi.VS " '" . DB. WONG HIM. HERS DOCTOR. . . • • PermaneaUy Locsttd. 1288 Q'FarreU st., bet Gonga aad Ocfcrrts.;' 1 DR. GERBER. aatmopsthie pbystcfea. |2St Oe- taTis— Ey». aarroca, enmte bis. dtttsses wo- .. - men: arw m*tn.: aesd-ich*. tv>o«Hp«n<in. rn<tl- yeattan, crow eyes, etc. Hr*. >l-2. ffwt 4527. See Pages 10 and 1 1 for AddK ? tiona! Classified Ads _^-^ 9