Newspaper Page Text
CTPT REAL ESTATB BAY SHORE REAL ESTATE ; CO.. INC. 5-Leland Avenue. BAY PHORE DISTRICT. BAY SHORE DISTRICT. BAY SHORE DISTRICT. Where the Southern Pacific Is erecting great meetlne ships, car repair and construction works, power house, offices, freight yards, freight and passenger stations, great warehouses, tracks and yard for Overland and Local . passenger ' traffic Millions being spent Greatest development of any part of the city or state. Monthly pay roll nearly $60,000 and will be $3,000,000 per annum. First trains will run when Ulals Creek steel bridges are finished — probably CO days— and values will double. Finest train service In the country. SEVEN mlnntes to heart of city. - Send for map of great Bay Shore Yards and Ilarriman's famous Bay. Shore Flyer that beat the Overland at Omaha, August sth, 30 mlnntes In 290 mile. run. Great business opportunities^ Great investment opportunities. Great profits. Great growing community. $400 to $500 residence lots: terms. 1 1.250 business lots near Bay Shore HoteL Half cash, balance to suit \ Home tmllt Title Insurance. Itre Insurance. Titles perfected under McEnemey act. BAY SHORE REAL ESTATB CO.. INO., Owners and Agents. 5 Leland ay. corner San Bruno ar.. Bay Shore District, San Francisco. Open Sundays and holidays. District telephone - Market 192 L > EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. ONLY $35,000. RENTS $505 PER MONTH- S2O,OOO CASH. BALANCE f15,000 AT 6 PER CENT. PAYS 23 PER CENT ON INVESTMENT. SITUATED ON LEAVENWORTH ST. NEAR WASHINGTON. Fine new apartment house of 16 apartments, *"Ith all latest appliances; erery room light and eunny; large basement, with store rooms end laundry: (rand marine view euperb lo- cation; large, lot. 61:6x73:10; 2 frontages. This property- is worth — in fact, was sold 4 months ago for $45,000 cash. The present owner requires money to meet unavoidable de- mands in business, and bas given peremptory orders to close this sale by next Wednesday. Foe particulars apply to • THOMPSON & KILPATSICK. No. 7 7th st. corner of Market. $7,200 — 2 flats of 7 and 8 rooms, on Presidio ay. nr. day. ( $10,500 — 2 modern flats of 7 and 8 rooms on north line of Clay st near Scott \u25a0 $11.500 — 3 modern fiats on Lyon et near Grove. $15.500— C0r. 27:6x110. on 17th «t. nr. Market. Store and 4 rooms and 3 flats; rent $167.50. C. W. MOORES CO.. 182S Fnimore st .YOUR COTTAGE MOVED FREE. Only a few of our beautiful lots left which we offer on easy monthly payments, with small deposit down; secure one now and we move j-our cottage free. "Apply RYAN'S LUMBER OFFICE, Army st opposUe 26th and Bryant. $o50 — Lot ready to build on; easy terms; most beautiful snot In California: 20 minutes' ride from City Hall; no wind, no fog; pure moun- tain water; street work, sewers ana sidewalks laid; no taxes; costs nothing to Investigate, end seeing Is believing. Write 222 Eureka st SACRIFICE— S3,BOO; 2 flats; big bargain; pays 16 per cent Interest on Investment; rent for $50 month: good location. 141-141 H 19th ay. bet California and Lake sts. Address W. H. Bertsch owner, 1590 High et, Frultvale; teL Merritt 3500. 19TH ay.. 141. near California ct,' Richmond dis- trict— 2 flats for sale for $3,800; rent at $30; pay 16 per cent on money invested; big bar- rain. WM. BERTSCH. 1332 Frnitrale ar., Trcltrale. . .' - . $9.000— 23 sunny rooms, nicely furnished; pays over $200 per month; clear title; easy terms. 51-53 Hampton place sear 3d and Folsom sts. $4511 rath. $10 monthly;' lot 25x120; new 20th ay. boulevard and Lst Box 600. Call office. i. A. ADAMS, surveyor, removed to 779 Market et Residence 1434 Bth ar. $3.400 — Cottage. 5 rooms and bath. Church and Krt Ets. A snap. COUNTRY REAL ESTATB GUERNEWOOD PARK AND HEIGHTS." Undeniably the "cream of all Russian River property" end the prettiest section of Call., fomia - for a summer home. Dellciously pore water Already piped to every lot; beautiful redwood trees everywhere; right on the best part of the river. *i of mile from Gnernevllle. Lots 50x100 for $100.- Buy round trip ticket at Tlburon Ferry for Guernewood Park and i-< f whether anything in California can touch this property, or write for circular. Terms to suit GTERNE & McLANE, - Guernerille. CaL FOR sale — 139.70 acres of land and Improve- ments; property of the county of San Mateo, known as the County Farm and Hospital; level, well wooded and watered; about 4 miles from the city of San Mateo. - Sealed bids will be received by the under- signed Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, for purchase of property as a whole, up to the hoar cf 10 «. m. of Tuesday. September 3, 1907. Property to be sold for cash. A reason- able time- allowed for searching of title. For further particulars address JOS. H. NASH. County Clerk. Redwood City. San Mateo County. CaL * tZ~Z> buys one of our r> and 10 acre tracts cf rich. level land la - Alameda county; 3 rail- roads and 2 stations on the land; surrounded tr fine orchards end nurseries; pay $23 and secure S acres, balance small monthly pay- tnents: buy before the raiise next month; we crusrantee to please you. RICH VALLEY LAND CO.. 846 Market st. CALIFORNIA land $1 acre, balance entire pur- chase $1 week for each 5 acres; no taxes; no Interest; S acre tracts^ level, rich, dear; ready to plow; ender irrigation; perpetual water rlirbt; immediate possession given; particulars, caps, photographs for 2c stamp. Stevlnaoa Colony, room 26. 703 Van Ness ay.. Saa Fraa- clsco. ; " TEXAS— IRRIGATION: 10,000 . acres of mag- Inlftcent- land, with complete irrigation plant -in ftuccessful operation: within 6 and 8 hours re- upeetivcly of Fort Worth and Dallas; Investi- gation of capitalists invited. Address WM. H. STACY, care of California National Bank, Sacramento. MONEY MAKING little farm: very level wltb best of soli, canals, market climate, water; very easy terms: land is cheap: electrle R. R. CAPT. OBERMETER. Van Ness & Grove. S. F. IRRIGATED small farms; garden soil; low price;. essy payments^ book free. Write 0. M.' WOOSTKR COMPANY. 1666 O'FsrreU st RANCHES — Alsoefia. Contra Corta counties and all ever the state, HOLOOMB REALTY CO.. 806 Sen Pablo ar.. Oakland. CaL FIVF: *rre poultry ranch. $1,300. For descrip- tion write box 124, R. F. D. No. 4. Sevastopol, CaL - . \u25a0 HoMF.S In- the commr: «end f or cstalone. C M. WOOBTKR COMPANY. l«6« O'rarren st. SAN MATEO REAL ESTAT Z A SUBURBAN HOME Should be easy of access, free from undesirable surroundings,- *uch as saloons.- stores, etc.; have plenty of California sunshine, shaded by healthy trees, and above all, the price must be right IN HAYWARD PARK fSAN M\TEO) You trill find all these things. Accessibility; 25 minuted from Safe Francisco .by: Bsy. Shore Cutoff; 5 minutes' walk from depotr free from undesirable surround Ings. This is guaranteed by restrictions iv. deeds. Sunshine, and \u25a0 the tr«ct is covered with shrubbery- and trees, 1 being psrt of the. grounds of the late. Alrlnza Hsvw-ard. Further, this superb property ADJOINS THE "PENINSULA HOTEL." The Del Monte of San Mateo. This fine hos- lelrv trill . always .be _a ~ factor " on which to base the value of .the property. Lots, 50 feet front or more. . from $900 up- ward;, terms, only one-fifth cash, balance' to suit' .' \u25a0..-' - . Write for Illustrated pamphlet containing views of Peninsula hotel and. Haywsrd'. park.' BALDWIN 8c HOWELL, 318-324 Kearny St. Phone Temporary '3Blo. ' .__^____l^^ -' MILL - VALLEY REAiC ESTATE - MILL VALLEY BEAUTIFULr 200 choice lots for sale; not. little city sices.', hut large, comfortable country - lots ' with big trees; excellent school facilities; -purest of mountain water: half hour electric service; monthly commutation tickets $4; prices $300 up- ward, 10 per cent down and $10 per month." Open Sundays. 3. T. SCHLINGMAN COMPANY. Mill Valley. MODERN* C r<v>m bnnralow only $4,800: easy terms. J. FRED SCHLINGMAN. Mill Valley. FARALLOX CITY REAL ESTATE r ARALLONE CITY is beach property,. 10 miles north of Halfmoon bay. on - the new Ocean Shore road; 30 minutes* .ride, from the city ball- prices low; terms easy: returns certain: excursions daily. Office st 231 Van Nesssv. SAA'TA CRCZ REAL" ESTATE liOMiis. Investments,:, lots/" ranches,' seaside n- sorts. EMBEBT H. BROWN. Santa-Cruv CsL BURLINGAME REAL ESTATB „„ CENTRAL ADDITION THE BAY SHORE CUTOFF WILL OPEN- SOON THEN 25 MINUTES. TO _^ Central ' Addition. » \u25a0 i --. Which -is within 5 minutes' - walk from Bur- llngame station; 50 ft. lots,: $650 up; 1-5 cash, balance In .' 4 years. „ 6 .per cent . Interest . In 3 yean these lots will double In value;, side- walks, macadamized streets, sewer. ' water, gas and electricity; electric road right through the property. Get off at Peninsula ay.; agent on the grounds Sundays. Send for map - and price list. -aafrfemttanJiHUiH iilnfiimnSiiKitMt BALDWIN & HOWELL, 318-24 Kearny «t FRANK S, GRUMMON. Ban Mateo, Local Agent EASTON ADDITION. Burllngame. Now S. \u25a0P. Station. < ' : . Direct tms to Burllngame and Easton stations. Convenient •to electric 1 cars. PRICES REASONABLE. All improvements included. RAPIDLY BUILDING. Maps and prices on application. F. 3. RODGERS & CO.. 116 California st.. city. Opp. Bnrlingame aid. Rat ton stations. J WHY not own a country borne only a stone's throw from the city: Ino fog. climate superb; 4 to 8 room homes, beautifully situated;- easy terms; lots $525 up; 10 per cent down, balance $10 month : map with - price \u25a0 and \u25a0 Information oa application. . - „ ALBERT A. MEYER; Real Estate and Insurance, Bnrilngame it. near San Mateo drive. MARI.V COUNTY REAL ESTATB V PRICE $12.000— For a great big mansion and several acres of ground In perfect condi- tion, which cosh $75,000: the' residence of the late Hall McAllister. Mini Monte Park at ' Kentfleld. Martn county: a grand residence or swell resort: large' grounds: bathing facilities; excellent . view -of Mount Tamalpais; home Is surrounded by ' evergreens, shrubbery and the finest variety of flowers: the best and purest of water; you could subdivide the ground and jret your money back, so we are practically . giving you a house which cost $75,000. - We are selling beautiful lots there for $550 and np; slxe 60x140; one-fifth . cash, , balance . $10 per month; streets graded, macadamized' and sewered. LYON & HOAG 636 Market St. \u25a0 \u25a0 2 COTTAGES, Just finished; modern; one, $2,500; the other, $1,850; % acre each ; small de- posits and small \u25a0 monthly . payments. If de- sired; phone, write or call before 10:30 a. m. or by appointment W. L. COURTRIGHT. 711 Sansome st Temp. 3260 or 1230. . . . FOR sale. San Anselmo— New residence. 6 rooms and bath, high basement; shade trees, garden, etc.: cash or terms. • Box 232. San Anselmo. OAKLAND REAL ESTATB AUCTION sale— J. MUNRO; lot 40x100. pur- chased at auction Tuesday,' Ausrust 26. by An- nie Nelson and left a deposit of $35; her friend was disappointed In getting the money, so the lot will be offered for sale at $1,600; location. Linden st. \u25a0 100 feet south of 34th, Junction San Pablo ay.; this lot will Increase In value $500 Just as soon as San Pablo ay. Is bitumlnized; 400 men now at whrk. ' See J. MUNRO, auctioneer. Clay St., or H. SCHELL- HAAS. the furniture dealer, 11th st, all of Oakland. FOR sale— On Telegraph ay. nr.. Key Route; furniture of 4 room apartment; bath and laun- flry. \u25a0 Address box 13S1. Call, Oakland. 6 ROOM cottag-e: lot 40x111; $2,950: cash $1.450: near Key Ronte. Owner. 715 Aileen «t. MENLO PARK REAL ESTATB THE COLEMAN TRACT * In Beautiful Menlo. Covered with large oaks and other trees Will be on the market on Monday, Sept. 2. A strictly residence subdivision. No trading Of any kind permitted. - ' Will have street work - and perfect system ' sewerage and water. Ideal home sites only 40 minutes by Bay Shore Cut Off from San Francisco. No lot lees than 100x200 ft - Prices from $800 up. INNES. McWILLIAMS & CO.. 357 Golden Gate ay., S. F. Pbone Market 3275. CHICK. SITTIG & CO., Key Route Terminal. Berkeley. Phone Berk. 3903 FRUITVALE REAL ESTATE WILL sell toe $2,000; new modern, cottage, 4 rooms and bath; good location: convenient to cars, schools and rains. Owner, 1143 East 19th st near 23d a y. station. , \u25a0; :. MELROSE— For rent, or for sale, a 7 room bouse, all modern improvements; 5 minutes' walk to Melrose depot Call at 1431 51st ay., Frultvale. \u25a0 \u25a0 HALFMOON BAY REAL ESTATB FREE EXCURSION DAILY -FREE $130 — Large lots on the railroad line; depot and ocean boulevard; highest elevation; grandest location; easy, terms. . Call for free transporta- tion tickets. I -.->\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .-- POTTER-STOLL CO.. 604 Mission st VENICE beach lots; excursions daily. JORDAN * LITTLEPAGE. 1443 Flllmore: ph. West 33. MONTARA REAL ESTATE MONTARA— The largest and most picturesque townslte on the new Ocean Shore R. R. Villa site lots, garden land, acre tracts, for sale. . Easy terms. The company makes all Improve- ments. Lots $200. Free excursion dally. Sales- man wanted. Montara offices, Van Ness thea- ter bnlldlng. BERKELEY REAL ESTATB NOW this Is \u25a0 a 12 per cent - income-on-your- ' Investment bargain; a pair .of well located. Ideal sunny 8 room flats; 2 separate homes; are offered for $5,300: the rents do the rest now. See GEORGE W. MENEFEE. builder, 8011 Shattuck ay.. Berkeley. \u25a0-.\u25a0-.\u25a0 BRIGHTON BEACH REAL ESTATE BRIGHTON BEACH. A seaside - suburb par excellence; 5 miles from S. F.: liberal Inducements to active sgents. Call at 20 sth st nr. Market 3-5 p. m. FOR fine I seashore residence . properties on the new Ocean Shore railroad, call or write H. A. MACDONALD A CO.. 2235 Mission wt. city. REDWOOD CITY. REAL ESTATB SEND stamp for Illustrated booklet and map o£ Redwood City and vicinity. REDWOOD CITY REALTY CO.. 208 Main st. Redwood City. - PLACER COUNTY REAL ESTATE RESIDENCES and farms at all prices for sale. Lists from W. J. McCANN. East Auburn. Cal. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE FOR sale — House snd lot in Sausallto, for $700; sacrifice: need rconey. \u25a0 Box 3085. ' Call offlco. WATSONVILLE/REAL ESTATE Investments, homes, orchards.'. Best country, oa earth. List sent Orchard Realty Co. \u25a0/\u25a0" --r- - real estate Wanted \ ~™ """" ~" " " wanted. .. \u25a0 * \u25a0 " ; " •-. \u25a0;' ; To buy about 20 acres land near the city, with railroad facilities (spur track), also water facilities. If possible. Submit full par- ticulars by letter to • ------ • -'• Hi S. WHITE MACHINERY CO., * Bth snd Brysnt sts..' 8«n Francisco. Oaf PROPERTY WANTED I CAN sell ' your .ranch. • Write to me. GEO. W. AUSTIN. 1018 Broadway. Oakland. - Cal. ~ . ' TO LEASE '-._: 12TH tt. 132-134— Will leas« for term .of 4 years; fine location for wholesale or light man- ufacturing; plate glass front; cheap rent Ap- ply Argonaut Manufacturing Co., 551 McAllis- ter st 14.500 square feet loft; ' reinforced: concrete class A building; 'light, three sides; front and rear entrance; . freight 1 and passenger elevator , service free; 5 and' lo years lease. ' Apply, F. W. BRA UN, 303 Market st TO let or lea*<»— Up to date flats, 6 and 7 rooms. 781 ' and 735 ' Baker st. between Golden . Gate and Van Ness : ays. Owner . will be there be- tween 2 and 4ln the ' afternoon. ; : . ; • '};>': TO lease — Privilege to buy: 100 acres choice bot- tom: land, situated .In'Alameda 'wunty, \u25a017 . miles from city. .- For particulars, H. WOLK- ING.- 415 Haight St.. S. F. . . - 40sJ08— \u25a0 CLAY - nr. Kearny/ opp. hall > Justice; 2 : frontages.' Owner. \u25a0 1777- Pace: longlease. ' LAUXDniJES— Steaxa LA GRANDE "LAUNDRY CO. "'~ v ~" Resumed once more; usual excellent service. 2^4 12tb St.; telephone Market 1690. ' VICTOR LAUNDRY ~~~" Family and men's work our specialty. 1923-25 Bryant st. Phone Market 482. - -\u25a0 \u25a0-. \u25a0 LAUNDRIES CAPITAL IJIUNDRY.* 1562 Geary St.. West SI 18; ladles'. and cents' wash a *t>eclelty; delivery."- GOLDEN RULE LAUNDRY ; best . work ; quick service. 507, Grove gt; tel. Park 1385. . GEORGE TOM. Cliinese laundry: good work. 531 ; FrenkUn st. > Tel. Market 2273. - . NEW City Laundry.: good work. . 1315 Eddy. st; telephone; West 24«9. \u0084 CHEAPEST antf best in America. ' TUe .Weekly,. \u25a0'\u25a0Call, $1 per year. ' j THE SAN vFRANOISGO :CALL- SATURDAY^ AUGITST 31, 1907. INFORMATION. WANTED ;: REV. M. '\u25a0 GRACE HILL, who : formerly took jcharge. of .the United Chinese - mission ; at iWa- J verly . place, , San - Francisco — Any; body iknow-' ' ing the whereabouts r of the above party please notify the Chinese mission.' San Rafael.' ' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0_• '\u25a0; -'•\u25a0..'.'•/ -\u25a0 PERSONALS k : 'y^ '\u25a0;. .'.,-/\u25a0 WAITE H. ST. JOHN— Please communicate :im- medlately with I. 8/ LILLICK, \u25a0 Kohl building: -' :, BUSINESS PERSONALS;:^ NUCLEUS sanatorium ; best I expert I baths; I elec- tric,' salt, glow baths; ladles" and gentlemen's first class masseuers in attendance. 901 De> -. vlsadero st near McAllister.' f Strictly medical. Open 8 a. m. to 10 p.m. ./ ..—.-'. •..;.-. --'-.i-. WIGS, toupees, front pieces,. that fit; purest hair used; hair dressing, shampooing.- dyeing," etc. G. -LEDKRER. 2271 California st. near Web- ster, formerly, at 123. Stockton; estab..- 1860. ,- I* C. COX. M. D., 2100 Devlsadero— Electric and vibratory treatments; also oxylene ma- chine In - respiratory, . nervous -and blood -troubles. ... , .-'.-». , .\u25a0-',[-. -.'•-;. -J ..-.-.?\u25a0.'•..: .-. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at : CHAS. LYONS, the • London tailor. 1432 FUlmore st bet Ellis. & O'Farrell. BATHS— Turkish and tub, massage and vibrator; finest equipment •In the city. .Formerly; of 1549 . Ellis st. now 1652 O'Farrell .- st ?-;. \u25a0\u25a0 ; \u25a0 WRITE O'CONNOR, Monterey, .at mineral springs, . for water that CURES ; stomach, , kid- neys; rheumatism, nerves, • -.•.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'.-?.. ."r:Ti MRS. JEAN LLOYD— Shampolng, . scalp treat-., ment,.' facial massage, '. manicuring. . Country- \u25a0 man bldg., room 100. I•\u25a0 -.--..-- , •-.- > - - $100 on : deposit • for : yon : If your hair : cannot, be restored; abundance of natural hair. C. E. H. T. CO.. 730 Hayes st ,T :.: \u25a0 ;; / : \u25a0"-; 1 -'.\ MME. RE CAN— Dermatologist. 1684 Ellis st, Birthmarks,: deep wrinkles, pittings and scars, removed... \u25a0.---\u25a0. _j .. .;; -^ '^.-- . .-\u25a0\u25a0 *- y ' MRS. DR.' F. R. GASS, : chiropodist; 1600 Cal. st, the Bradbury; formerly 637 Geary; hrs: 1 to 3. RUGS made from old carpets. " Alameda Rug Works, Alameda, Cal. ; freight paid one - way. Mrs. and Miss Eaton, electric needle specialists; 1239 Franklin near Geary, j Phone ] Frank.- 1899: MISS B. GRANT, scientific^ vibratory masseuse for all diseases. 1746 Geary Bt., rooms 6 and 7. PROFESSIONAL - masseuse i treatment;' nervous diseases, Mme. Nina William, 1422 Turk, s'te 6. MRS. CUMMINGS — Superfluous hair - removed with elec. needle; 'work guar."- 1175 \u25a0 O'Farrell.' MRS. D. HASTINGS— Massage and electric treatment 1124 Fill more, parlors 2 and . 8: ';; HING CHEONG &, CO.. military- and. naval tall- ors, located at 564 San Pablo ay., Oakland. ; MRS.' E. LE FERNE. 716 Golden ; Gate ay., , r. 8-4; open Sundays; hot tub. baths; massage. , MISS JOHNSON.' professional masseuse and elec- trical treatments. 1921: Flllmore nrl 'Pine. PROFESSIONAL masseuse; electric light cabinet baths. . Hotel - Tyrone, . 097 Golden Gate ay. THEO. TREYER, wig and toupee maker, ; 602 California st, formerly of 331 Kearny st •. , THE young Countess Verona, French massage and baths. 1726 O'Farrell st, suite S. ,-. .. HELEN DERBER, graduate masseuse; electrical treatments. 1206 Golden Gate ar.'., . _ MISS SEYMOUR— Massage and' baths. 1241 Golden Gate ar. near Fillmore st. ELECTRIC vibratory; try famous Assyrian treat- ment 1031 Fillmore St., room 6. - LADIES' CUSTOM - TAILOR • AND FUR MOD- ELER. M. JACOBS, 1209 TURK. ST. PROFESSIONAL masseuse; treatment for rheu- matism. 1024 McAllister st, room 16. ' . MISS L. RAY, tub, rapor baths, ribrator; pro- fesslonal masseuse. - 1212 A Turk st. NEW YORK Massage Parlors; Swedish move- ment cure. . 1701 Geary st. . ' < MME. CLAIR BERTRAND. 707 Van : Ness ay. near Turk st. : . LADIES, see our new hats. H. & F. PRAG, 910 McAllister st - \u25a0>\u25a0- : . ' \u25a0 . : SOUTHERN bath and massage parlors; first class treatments; hours 1 to 5, 6 to, 10. 1549 Ellis st. lower flat: no signs; open Sundays. LAUNCHES M. LANGE CO.. launches 'for hire at all hours. Sausallto.' Sausallto office next to S. F. yacht club. Telephone Main 443. - - . : FOR £ ALE — Miscellaneous ' CASH REGISTERS — We make, and sell 99, per cent of the cash registers In the world. I Our guarantee Is backed by 25 years' experience In making nothing but cash registers. We also sell all other makes at from 25c to 40c on the ' dollar. A large stock of . -second : hand Na- tionals on hand at all times. \u25a0 Easy payments. THE NATIONAL CASH. REGISTER CO., :*J • •\u25a0' 1283.-85. GoMen Gate Avenue," -\u0084 -. -— t* San Francisco,' Cal. ; ' '- ','.'.'- GREAT REMOVAL SALE ' ;\u25a0' .' " \u25a0- Of plumbing goods. - . Bath tubs, from $10 up. Lavatories. $1.50 up. ,« Sinks. $1.50 up. Water : pipe and fittings,-: all \u25a0 sizes. Cast Iron pipe and fittings, all sices. Brass, and nickel plated goods. Call and see us now. \u25a0 ~~ 1964 Post st .' .' ' ' ' " :" CONTRACTORS, 'ATTENTION. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 FOR SALE. Structural Iron I beams, columns, built up work, -window weights, anchors, band Iron, joist \u25a0 hangers, etc. ' ' '\u25a0• '\u25a0''- — ' * * H. C. WHITE MACHINERY CO., 9tb and Bryant sts. A BARGAIN If sold Immediately. Second hand furniture for sale. 24 feet grocery shelving. 24 feet grocery counter. ' 12 feet saloon fixtures. ' . . • 304 Gough st. Telephone - Market 5415. ' WALL paper, Be a roll and upward; samples mailed :. good paint, $1 a gal.;- boiled Unseed oil, . 60c gal. ; ' building - and roofing papers, cheese cloth, ' etc. ; painting . and paper hang- Ing; estimates given. M..MERIGAN, 1447 El- lis. St., San Francisco. \u25a0' .. . . - ELEGANT PLUMBING FIXTURES. 15% porcelain lined bathtub. 1 20x30 white enameled sink.' 1 wash down closet "."\u25a0'- Combination $39.50. . , "/ 1964 Post st . \u25a0 Open , Sundys \u25a09.t0- 4. / - - . -. • AA — CHICKS every day. 10c; shipped by ex- • press; 26 varieties of thoroughbred eggs; cir- cnlar. Ingleside Poultry -Yards, 807 Mt Ver- .non-av. \u25a0•\u25a0;. \u25a0-. . - \u25a0'. . : :.:;':»: '-'-.-.vr;-. •\u25a0 \u0084 : TENTS at factory prices:, all sizes; send for catalogue. W. A. PLUMMER. 115-117 Drumm ! St.. San Francisco; tel. Temporary 3083. And 560-566 Franklin st, Oakland ; teL Oak'd 2553. \u25a0 LAUNCH -for sale; ,25 ft- pleasure v crulsing launch: seats 14; B'h. 'p. 2 cylinder engine;, 6 ft cabin; a dandy; also 14 ft. dingy. Address ; STUBBS. 064 Howard st , S. F. . . . - , > , :.? . HALL WOOD ca«h registers; total adders; $25 to $90; also Nationals. CASH? REGISTER; EX- CHANGE," 1183 Market st. Central' Theater 1 building., ..'.'- \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -V-;; \u25a0\u25a0 -.y;.-','r -ry^ "-\u25a0: RELIABLE Wood Working company. 219-221 Bth . st. — Store and office fixtures;! call once,. see our new : stock : of bar, fixtures/^iL: P. : JOHNSON: LAUNCHES, new and slighUy used. , Cal. Launch 1 Works, Pac. coast agents- for • Peninsular mo- . tor., Blandlng ay:. Park:et, Alameda. -,: a .'.-,•; SPECIAL sale for 1 week only; 1,000 good -man- tles, $1 per doz., or 10c each. Mission Light ! Store. -473 Valencia ;sf near 16th.' \u25a0; *.?;: rl~n FOR sale — Plumbing. •\u25a0 tinning • and -ess - fitting : business; good location. 'Address '\u25a0!?;\u25a0> O. box . : 241. Frnitrale, Cal.^ \u25a0 \u25a0H'y:^:^-'^-'-/'^^-' -'i' '. CIGAR , store . and bar > fixtures made \u25a0to • order; counters, showcases - for-, sale,'.' at . 29 - Bartlett ' st: near 22d.- -.''-' r -'-- - -\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0'•• :'*^: \u25a0 .: FINE line of Welßbach table reading lamps at half . price. 48 , Iry ar. • near * Van < Ness > and • " Hayes ; st.. '.-,"\u25a0':- .\u25a0 i ;.-'^-:.--^'- "-'\u25a0'. J. •'"•'\u25a0-.\u25a0 • SAFES— Richardson Bros:, . general .agents ; Cary Safe Co. ;. permanently .-located 950 Mission Tst.- \u25a0 1,000 cards printed $1; letterheads,, env.," wedding: , . work; showcards, slgas. R. Hill;: 1600 Stelner. > MATTING and bamboo poles, wholesale and.' re- l ' tell. N. AKAQI A CO..*: 115 Chnrch nr/Market' r FOR I restaurant I work I and * supplies I see rM AJES-" 1 . TIC SHEET METAL WORKS. 1068 McAllister. ' SCHOOL books' bought, exchanged.- Kings-o ld ; ? book store,' 891 Golden 1 Gate ar." near Octavla;; •- EDISON Moving \u25a0 Picture Machines and Stereoptl- - cons ; \u25a0\u25a0 bargain. •, GEO. X BRECK, 652 Grove •- st.- > \u25a0' - SAFES. for sale; medium- size Hall; almost new; ' make, me an offer.' Address box. 2885, Ca11. 5 >:,» WE make v all ;-. the X latest . styles. , ~ PACI FIC ; COAST RATTAN. CO.. 511 >Golden Gate ; av.n \u25a0 • RIDDLE BROS.; roof tanks, creamery and dairy • - supplies. ,30S 7th '. st ;f phone i Market 4903.'-;>-.T McINTOSH \u25a0 &. • WOLPM ANN. ! second ;- hand - ma- - . chlnery;: machine . work.* G 3l3 , Howard st. ; ,*-.r,' WEEKS - HOWE .-' EMERSON^ CO.— They make : 1 flags - and , flag . poles. 61; Market st. ;-;.->'?'\u25a0:' :>>\ $3.50^-2 gas burner ,' stoves," $2.50, on account of j . removal Augustll. 2207 : Sutter; st. -".'.;. ;»rf»-.J ; SAFES— New ' and ' second , hand. ",l- The Hermann - ' Safe 3 Co/. T 120-130 > Folsom : st.; . .NATIONAL register and shotgun for sale; cheap: ' 2194 Mission st. • •\u0084;--- -t - : . \u25a0; \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0}.: -IMISCELLANEOUSa WANTS', ,- -". : ; \u25a0'• *- "• - - - .-- , - -..- : -. - : . DRESS SUITS? 4 ; TUXEDOS * AND 'fpRINCEfAL^ I ' BERTS BOUGHT. L/ SKOLL, .TAILOR; 707 GOLDEN ' GATE.^* PHONE | MARKET <4651.* V, ; A — GENTS'/ second hand clothing bonght and ;. soId. ; MUSIN'S. 1 - 12»0A Eduy i str cor. ; Buchanan. OLD clothing: wanted; pay-' any -price. DE' MAN; , f 1507, Ellis at." below s Flllmore. Tel. West ' 3825. _\u25a0-_\u25a0"'• '\u25a0-•'-; \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0MEDICAIiV-:. '\u25a0" AA-— ' " ~"^?-?v^S?1®3?3BiJt2* | SF??^*s.?^2s ; « ' ' ' ''\u25a0'; .719 .Van: Ness' ar.- \u25a0— San Francisco's 1 ' Leading Specialist for," Women.' . Safety-^ReUability. LADIES: - ; •' :\u25a0':?-s:''-'. -v'V- -\u25a0 ,:. ' ':J:.\"i I Sooner or later every woman needs the services of. a reliable,*, honest physician 'of education and experience. -"'--\u25a0 '•.-:.-'\u25a0\u25a0. TO : BE . A SPECIALIST ' ONE '- NEEDS TO BE A ' GRADUATE . OF 80MB I MEDICAL COLLEGE. : -\u25a0\u25a0••; In • Justice : to ; myself and \u25a0my - patients I wish to state ~ that * I AM "THE - ONLY * REGULAR GRADUATE' PHYSICIAN ,' SPECIALIST". FOR WOMEN ADVERTISING In San Francisco whose qualifications are recognized by the highest medi- cal ; authority. ' ' \u25a0 . \u25a0 .-'• • -. I have the LARGEST. PRACTICE because dur- ing \u25a0my 25 \u25a0-\u25a0 years -of - practice -. I !> have ' had \u25a0\u25a0' NO FAILURES' NOR MADE ANY- MISTAKE : In diagnosis. -. -. • •\u25a0 - "\u25a0 \u25a0 ... :', . ' 8 My • offices • are . perfectly \ equipped with every modern appliance necessary- for the correct treat- ment of women.' . •-"\u25a0.:-; ' - " "*•'.;\u25a0\u25a0.- V ONE CALL will convince you v that ; t; can give you IMMEDIATE RELIEF \ without drugging : or needless . detention from your occupa- tion. . \; ;;-"•\u25a0-"\u25a0-"-•-.•-,..'•., fV\.-.-'-;---.-..-4 -•\u25a0?\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-.\u25a0-'-{ - It makes ; no. difference WHAT IRREGULAR- ITY.™ disease or trouble, jrou " may come' to ; me PRIVATELY>and CONFIDENTLY and get . my opinion and- advice -FREE.- -"\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .- •- \u25a0;- * You :*'< have ' NO.EXCUSB -for trusting your life and happiness In the hands of PRETENDING i specialists, . :mldwlves; unedu- cated and dangerous persons, : when for : the price you pay YOU 'CAN * OBTAIN: thef services of -a man emiennt f In ' the '\u25a0\u25a0 profession and 'be 'assured of PROMPT, SAFE and HAPPY RESULTS. If neceßßary patients may go to my own sani- tarium or any other and have my personal atten- tion. • . \u25a0 •\u25a0:\u25a0'." ' * "::" . \u25a0 ri'S '. - \u25a0 \u25a0 . '- ... : Lady - attendants. Hours, 0 a. m. to 8 p. m. Open Sundays. . . , ' :.; - <,«,v,:O, DR. KING/-' \u25a0•.;•..-:\u25a0:.-.•:•.--•.: San Francisco's Leading Specialist for Women, iv :"- 719 -Van Ness, av.,- San Francisco, Cal. DR. G. W. : O'DONNELL. . \u25a0 '-- THE WORLD-RENOWNED. SPECIALIST. . FOR LADIES.. : My professional standing of 20 years' I prac : tice is a guarantee of my treatment and qual- .. Ifles my .- success ; . known \u25a0in • all \u25a0 parts of . the country; every case treated; 'no delays; Imme- diate relief, v I POSITIVELY GUARANTEE RELIEF in •\u25a0 cases of suppression and Irregu- larities; treat all" female diseases,- no matter how . long standing; , the'unfortuante helped; has relieved thousands* of most obstinate, as all cases have' benefit of hlgehst medical skill. . LOW FEES. - . 1 \u25a0:\u25a0 In all cases of IrreCTlaritleS I have never bailed to effect.a cure: ' and \u25a0I \u25a0« will r not 'fall In your, case.": By consulting' me save time and ' money ; \u25a0 relief when others f aiL " • v -. -\u25a0 FREE CONFIDENTIAL ADVICE.- \u25a0 1 Hours.-9a.m. to4p.m. A 5:30 to 8:30 p. m. Office & res., 1720 Geary bet. Fillmore & Web. DR. G. W. O'DONNELL. Tel." West 's3B7.'. AA— DR. JAMES NEAL; U4SB : ELLIS BT. near Webster-^Rellable specialist 1 for female comi- plaints - and Irregularities; no trifling; sanato- rium. If desired; hours, \u25a0 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. ; Sundays, 10 -to 2. - : T ' '\u25a0"\u25a0",'\u25a0 A — MRS. DR. WYETH, reliable ladles' special- ist for -all 'female ! Irregularities; Instant • relief guaranteed; 30 years' . successful practice. 1524 Webster \u25a0 st. \ near J Geary ; open ( Sundays. DR. KOHL, reUable ladles', specialist for all fe- male Irregularities; .Instant, relief .guaranteed. 1524 Webster st near Geary; open Sundays. . DR. GUNN, 1632 Ellis st; I treats women; latest French methods ; •• painless, . safe, j harmless ; j im- mediate relicf ;\u25a0 tte $10.;: Why pay- more?. .-, DR. C. C. O'Donnell, renowned female specialist 912 Devlsadero bet. McAllister and , G. C ay. DR. and MRS. DA VIES' method of ' treatment. 824 Valencia st between 19th and 20th. DR. WEST; offices 1035 Golden Gate ay.; ladles'. \u25a0 specialist; Immediate relief without pain. DR. ROSEN moved to 1269 4th ay.. Sunset, near H st; car line." \u25a0 .' \u25a0-. . . ;.- : - s . \u25a0 DR. SYLVESTER'S Office,- , < '.. ..- 617 23d etnr. Telegraph ar.,. Oakland, CaL. LEADING SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN. '. Ladles, if you are suffering from any ailment peculiar, to your sex. worried, about your con- dition aud need kelp, ... consult this ..widely " known specialist for the, following. reasons: r..;>' I—He1 — He is a competent, \u25a0 well \u25a0 trained - physi- cian and surgeon,' uly the only. regularly graduated specialist for . women advertising. . . 2 — With \u25a0 qualifications -recognized -by the ..highest medical authority, and well known as a consulting gynecologist .\u25a0 and-- obstetrician with his PAINLESS and HARMLESS methods known to no physician but' himself,. he Is able Ito give RELIEF AT ONCB,-; without jdlsap- ' point ment, needless drugs, operations ' or de- tention from your occupation. \u25a0-,• - 3 — His ; broad . experience .In - the EXCLU- SIVE TREATMENT of WOMEN; his 10 years of unlimited success \u25a0 with the - most . obscure and obstinate cases '\u25a0\u25a0 where • all - others " have . . failed; his . entire ! new > specially //constructed buildings,-^ equipped -n-lth .the"* latest Inventions .-and modern appliances essential for. the proper "• treatment- of •hls'patlentsv I ~make.*ihlm .'the . * SAFEST and SUREST ' MAX"to consult when . you need- help. %_--\u25a0 *. '.' '\u25a0'. -" Vr . * THE BEST IS. ALWAYS -THE CHEAPESt. Why ' suffer - pain .; and- anxiety >by I consulting • quacks, ? self \u25a0 styled Specialists and ' those-- of small experience,) when 'you may have the ad- vice of a man rich in experience and eminent In the profession, absolutely free.. of charge." His fees are moderate, and you may safely Intrust your case, in his rcare,; assured of prompt and happy, results. \u25a0;.-•". \u25a0 • \ . Private: sanitarium- when -fequlred^ " ' Hours 9a.' m.' to 9 p. <m: 4 Open Sundays. Phone- Oakland 7901. \u25a0 • DR.. SYLVESTER'S Of flee, ' " \u25a0•517-23D J 3T..VQAKLAND. CAL> '.' ; MATERNITY HOMES 'S- U S. F. LYING-IN Home;? 1191 Oak hr. Park. -, Dr. Ijord. physician In charge: diseases of women. MODEL AND NOVELTY MANUF'RS MODEL— and. experimental .work in all branches; -, mechanical instruments;'- special machinery; ' fine milling & universal grinding; tools & dies; gears; presßwork; novelties manuf act'd." M. P. SCHELL, 1759 Union st bet. Octavia A Gongh. MONEY: TO LOAN : ' ,WE. LOAN MONEY, i • . Amounts $10.00 to $200.00. On Furniture,' Pianos,*: Horses,'; Vehicles,' etc. Easy payments,' one month to. one.' year. ,- Quick \u25a0\u25a0. service. . No publicity -or red tape. - Call and let us explain. it to you.---: 1 # . . A postal or phone Market 3329. -brings our man. .-.HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO., room 70, 509 Golden Gate at . Polk, - S. . F.,' or room 3, Macdonough bldg., : Oakland, i^'-r^i.j > : '-,. -hy\u25a0 \u25a0> :\u25a0.-, v - r= \u25a0\u25a0:- \u25a0 MONEY LOANED on furniture," pianos and other i security; lowest rates; most favorable terms In the city; see others, then SEE ME AND BE . CONVINCED. 'I .WILL"' SAVE YOU MONEY. $2.25 weekly repays $50 loan and costs. . GEORGE.W. MILLER. - ' Room . 35, SW. : cor.'. Mission . and 16th sts. > MISSION- LOAN COMPANY— Loans, on Furni- ture,: Pianos: and valuables; also; on! salaries.'- ,; On furniture, etc.. Monthly. Semi-mo. Weekly. ,:s4o— Payiback;:...;.'.s4.Bo •\u25a0 $2.40 r r V $1.20 •Other sums in proportion ; • business confidential." Rm. 6, NW. cor. Mission and 15th., Mkt 2937. MONEY loaned salaried-, people and others upon : ~ their .. own \u25a0* names - without •- security; \u25a0\u25a0 cheapest I rates; easiest payments; offices In 63 principal save yourself v money by- getting our 'terms first. TOLMAN,',7B7 Market,-. room 137. .-' THE: STRINGERS LOAN COMPANY, - - ' Makes ' loans 'to • salaried - people without! s'e- ' ' ; curlty, \u25a0 repayable : in 6ttiall weekly \u25a0 or : monthly '-. payments.; Room -31. "10 3d str adjoining l TUe „ Call. Room •5, 1015% Broadway, Oakland.' MONEY to loan— l fund ; of. $45,000, i in amounts .^of $2,000 to $15,000; first mortgage real estate .only.' EDWARDS. CHRISTENSEN & GOOD- : ;-.WIN;' 55 Geary. st. \u25a0 \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0..;.-.-,-,:. . -. -. .\u25a0 ; ANY. 1 : amount "on , real C estate, \u25a0 first -or second " mortgages/ or on '^any .>\u25a0 security;'.' no. delay." . : ; O. W.* BECK ER,' 2111 Flllmore ' nr.": California. MONEY; to loan— Large and small amounts; first V mortgage »' real >/? estate «"i only.* «\u25a0 EDWARDS, v' CHRISTENSEN & GOODWIN, 55 Geary; st. .- AT 3 per cent a mo.— Loans on furniture,: pianos, : . ? household '\u25a0 goods,*' warehouse ' receipts,-- salaries, '4 etc. : Cal.' State -Loan ' Co/,'. 1443 ' Fillmore sty ~ : ' HERMAN S MURPHY,'^ -'1. -/\u25a0 \u25a0 ..'\u25a0' : - \u25a0 546 Market street, . . .-• . • , -^First . and second \u25a0 mtgs." estates, : . legacies, . etc SALARY- loans-:— Ladies ; and ; gentlemen."* without •' •\u25a0 security ; • notes -and \u25a0\u25a0 commercial ' paper \ bought ; .ieasy-. payments. 'iißm.: 313, • Merchants';- Exch. /WE • lend " money ' on , anything; , low interset; bar- •« <: gains s. In ? unredeemed .-, pledges.,- THE ; CITY ~.-LOAN. OFFICE. 615 Kearny st. nr. Commercial. ANY . sum, Ist,' 2d. 3df mortgages, ' Interest In ' estates. :;R..; McCOLGAN,;; rooms ;314-315,; 314-315, .26 .^Montgomery, st.;.- ',::'."?' \u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0 ...- ,-...; ON furniture and "pianos In use; no commission. V. TREM AIN, 726 Buchanan st. , near . Hayes. ADVANCES on diamonds a's usual.'. Baldwin Jew T ' ; offi9e*l2ai^V'anrNesB''av.' - MORRELIP^-Cash loaned< to 'salaried ' men on note *, without: lndorser."^ 922 ; Monadnockt building. : .;- ; GOLDEN * GATE i AY.'- LOAN"; 0FF1CE.i.1276 i Gol- ' it den ; Gate : ay. 1 ; 3 \u25a0 doors '\ below • Fillmore st. • CHEAPEST; and v best I in ."Amerlcai. Weekly .'-\u25a0•Call.Tll*. a: year. -•\u25a0:..:\u25a0'•/"\u25a0"\u25a0 '^ri :.',:- 7:'.-. \u25a0' ...-\u25a0:.-- -;\u25a0• X.:,•X '.:,• ;\u25a0 :,::V,;.:VMONEir: ; wanted.'v *\u25a0>">"• - : - - : " ' ": ARE I rYOUtSATisFIED with' 4'iper; cent interest y* when f you > can • get '• *bj high « aa i 7 i per ; cent ; net 7on vi first \u25ba mortgages ; « gilt :\u25a0 edge i real ' estate f se- :\u25a0-, curity ? TALK •it OVTBR .WITH 'US.^rs < ' ; " EDWARDS,", CHRISTENSEN ;& : GOODWIN, :-'.'-: \u25a0.\u25a0',-• .?\u25a0".'. V/JB5 ' Geary jst- * • -:;"r-. .-"-.\u25a0;"• HAVE "you moaey;to'loan'on";flrst mortgage gilt edge \u25a0 real . estate t security ?^ Talk *, it: over ; with '-'- us. ' 1 '\u25a0••:v:----v»C"-.".~-: v:----v» C"-.".~-v .«-\u25a0•...;•. v;.-.:i. : '- \u25a0 "\u25a0- ..'-.> • EDWARDS, '. CHRISTBNSEN '&\ GOODWIN,.:, 'f'-J '-'-'Si ~ : y . ;: 55 Geary ;; st. "\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0^i^tfSßKStSk MONEYS to "t loan : on ; lmproved; Oakland ' real : es- tate at, 8 per cent : or . more i net r MAKINS A WILL, 428 10th st. nr.Bdwy.; Tel.-,0ak.4811.- MUSICAL INSTRTJMEXTS BUY." rent or exchange, direct at" factory." piano* 'that sing their own praises. WM. L. SCHMITZ. , ? mfg., i tuner,-' repairer; • everything \u25a0 guaranteed ; \u25a0 . 20 • years : in his > own * building.-: 48 Bartlett st. bet. 21st : and 22d.l Valencia and Mission • sts. . OUTSIDE Apollo piano player for sale;. ln first , I class 1 party- leaving 'city;. $98. Call . -.. In : evening at , 275 st. .-.<' y ' : BEAUTIFUL SCHAFF \u25a0 BROS/ • upright : Piano. .-:'! cost ' ss7s, used . 4 \u25a0 mdnthg, $165.. 1341 Golden .',\u25a0;. Gate .av .~ .'.".:\u25a0.•- --/.i..-.'-- .-... ; .- ".' \u25a0' PIANO,' • upright ;i- perfect condition: \u25a0; handsome : tone ; ; must be sold ; cash . $175. 'h 703 Van Ness. SOHMER,' •', Byron J Mauzy > pianos. ' Cecellan - piano players, y BYRON: MAUZY. 1175 O'Farrell st. CHEAP for cash or payments, 1 * new : and . used pi- \u25a0yi anos. > \u25a0\u25a0:; JOS. SCHMITZ & C0.r430 Drrlsadero. ALMOST given away— Storage piano;' dirt? cheap. Whltehead Storage.: 4os San Pablo ay.. Oakl'd.. STANDARD upright -\u25a0 piano', almost ; new, I \u25a0 $153. ; HEINE - PIANO CO.. 1341- Golden Gate - ay. \f PIANOS to rentifor fs3 at HORNUNG'S,; 1534 ' *•• Eddy - st. near Flllmore." *'\u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '"••\u25a0---\u25a0• ' _"y > - -' : : k-^v'J^TJ^iMONiAi.'^: -'-^o -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; DO "i not : be j deceived ; / the Tonly ) reliable \u25a0 matri- - monlal r bureau • you will : find - at ' MRS. WOL- V TER'S.: 1711 .Geary, st.;: established, In lflOO- , MATRIMONIAL bureau— lntroduces personally or \u25a0 by maILV. MR. , KOHLER. : 1448 O'Farrell st. . LADIES and gentlemen - wishing to marry, call ' \u25a0 at MRS.* MCCARTHY'S. 575 Haight st \u0084-- \u25a0\u25a0 ; MIICES AND MINING ASSAYING 50c ; \u25a0 gold.v rich ore. - etc, „ bought '. Pioneer Assay Company, 431 sth st. nr. Mint. ;\u25a0 ".-}'.-.. TRAINED i : nurse--- wishes ; confinement, cases. Phone market 3063 ; 906 McAllister, room 41. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING ] ~:' : ::~. LANDLORDS/ NOTICE. \u25a0 ?:v . . We paint.p aper or. tint your vacant houses or flats; you pay half at completion of Job, balance when rented. •\u25a0\u25a0- •. \u25a0 " . . ,•--'•.- \u0084...". •-;..- .: i, \u25a0' : ; •.\u25a0 --. L. B. WILLIAM 3 & C0..; 2145 Market st. A. 'V QUANDT ' & SON, painters, decorators ; 'w« 'sell paints, wall paper. '" 374 Guerrero at 16th: • PLASTER DECORATORS ' P TOGNELLI . & - CO.,^ artistic or plain work ''\u25a0 from drawings or plans. 8206 16th ft/j^ilLil PLATING .WORKS SUNSET' Plating Works^-Gold, silver.' nickel -plating done. 332 ' Clementina st. Temp. 2411. OPTICIAN CHAS. > B.; HOBRECHT. 1033 • Golden Gate ay. between ' Lagnna and Buchanan \u25a0 sts. "The RIGHT Glasses at the RIGHT Prices." r I. POVELSEN, ': .EXPERT ', OPTICIAN. 178 Chnrch st. ' Open \u25a0 evenings. . ... \u25a0- j : SANITARIUMS ' MRS. DR. WEGENER, 2012 Folsom st— Home in confinement; '-. separate rooms for patients; terms reasonable. ' ' '• - ' \u25a0- SHEET ' METAL -. " \u25a0 . .. ', - r --.__\u25a0*..-,--•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ' . . ._ n _ SHEET METAL and PATENT CHIMNEYS. W. \u25a0W. CLIFFORD. 620 TURK^TeI. Franklin 657. OFFICES* AND STORES TO LET TWO office rooms " . In Flannery building. -702 . Market st. top floor; reasonable. Inquire HYFIRE BRICK CO.. 42 Market st \u25a0 ' PINE, 247, next Sansome^ — Stores, office fr.. $20; : . light. Janitor, ' elevator serv. free. Apply 10-4.- NEWLY built office, store and barber shop,' : eel-' lar. at 553 Clay st. J. C. MUKLICH. . ' -"; I> : BASEJrENTS TO- LET '- : ' '\u25a0 : SUTTER * St., 1911, ' near Flllmore — Good, dry basement. - - '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0 " * \u25a0 " ' : . -, - .. HOUSES "TO LET • -. \u25a0 : PROPERTY: owners/ look out for leaky roofs; ' keep your tenants by repairing and painting ."roofs ' and :' gutters before the rains. J. B. ' WILLIAMS & CO.. 2145 Market st. ' HOUSES^ TO LET— Furnished MCALLISTER st, 051%, nr. Buchanan— Newly : furnished house, 8 r. and bath; rent $100; or will sell reasonable. * Innnire between 10 and 2. HOUSES FOR ' SALE — Furnish ed . . MCALLISTER', st, 951%, . nr. Buchanan — Newly 1 furnished =8 ' r. - bouse . and * bath ; ' cost $1,250 ; i will ; sell for. $700; make offer; rent $73. v In- '\u25a0'\u25a0' onlre between • 10. «nd. 2."- ''.- .-.•-\u25a0"- .* '\u25a0\u25a0 - .OAKLAND no^JSES TO LET SEND * for my big new-.r.f ree catalog of vacant \u25a0- ; houses. \u25a0 stores, - apartments, for \u25a0 rent' ; ' Ring 'up rent department and have it mailed or call for It • AUSTIN,- 1018 Broadway. Oakland. . HOUSES TO LET— Oaltiand-^FTira. FURNISHED house of. 5 rooms , and bath, - for ' house 'keeping;. 4 blocks, from 40th st Key Routed station.. Call at 535, 36th St., half block from Teleeraph ay.""" : - \* \u25a0"'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' houses wanted: RESIDENCE of vl2 to 14 rooms ; furnished or ' ' unfurnished;: rent no object." Apply 1102 Me- Allleter «t • \u25a0\u25a0'-'\u25a0'\u25a0 "" ' •-\u25a0'-:-•••<\u25a0-»-\u25a0- '". \u25a0'-\u25a0:' . ! .COTTAGES TO LET. COTTAGE to let at 120 Alpine st. above Ger- man hospital : \u25a0 4 rooms . and ' bath and wasti- \u25a0 room ; .- price . $25 . \u25a0 ' . ..',.\u25a0•\u25a0 '.>... - \u25a0-.. \u25a0• NEW cottage.: 4 rooms and bath. GRORGE THISTLETON & CO., 155 Sagamore st. Ocean • .View.-, 5." F. •;:--.\u25a0'\u25a0-'.:'-\u25a0 -- .?-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 : $25 — Cottage of s.rooms. rooms and bath; 54x114. ,Ap- ply 10 to 4p. m..' 1138. Noe st. . - ; ' y : COTTAGES TO- LET— Sail : Mateo. »j NEWLY - furnished 8 room cottage; *. bath,"- pan- try, basement, electric lights;, telephone: barn and. yard; 'l block from -, electric car. . 6 blocks from ;; San Mateo station;' also ; small' cottage. \u25a0 parly- furnished, 1 ;- in San Mateo • Park ;to • rent \u25a0 cheap. Inquire at 26. R St., San Mateo. ' FOR SALE ; ?1,500— 00t.5r. ;easyterms:lots.s4ooea.; Mission St.- •= to Crescent ay. on to first to right. \u25a0 Roscoa at. \u25a0\u25a0vV^'/'APARTMENTiHOUSES."... '' JACKSON apartments, NE. cor. of Leavenworth and Jackson sts.;: walking distance to business '. center;: light" sunny;. marine view; new 2 and 8 room apartments; gas stoves; wall beds; rent .$32.50.1 $35. $37.50 and $40. ;. -\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-.. ,-\u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '; \u25a0 ~. -THE; BALDWIN. APARTMENTS. >. .',•\u25a0-; \u25a0' - .'SE., corner ; Post! and:; Polk.' . ''\u25a0 2,"- 3 : and ' 4 ' rooms, 1 furnished ' and . unfurnished ; ; with . every \u25a0 modern • convenience; ' maid service • .:'• .'-, ln connection; "references required. ~.> , '.. HAVES et.', \u25a0« 930,': nr. •' Flllmore-^5 large: sunny unfurnished 'rooms:- The Alamo. -\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0. > \u25a0'•\u25a0 :'.y r 'r >: : : -' 'y : ; Chotels r \u25a0--\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 .;\u25a0 • r HOTEL /ROBINS/" \u25a0 - V ; .'.'-'•'. . ... Post j st."* near ?. Jones. \u25a0' „ . \u25a0 •--... Sutter st.' cars.' : Phoned Franklin 2670. New, , modern, 1 downtown fhotel;; 140.rooms» : ' 75 private- baths."^"'Appointments -and /furnishings strictly ' first class.' "".- \u25a0 - European plan. '.'. Rates $1 per day np, . -. with private bath $1.50 up. .Monthly rates to permanents. M. JOHNSON.'; Prop.:' 1 fttfWmUt' •'\u25a0: formerly of. Johnson's ' Restaurant. \u25a0-';.; ROOMS— OOc ,to $1.50 = PER : DA V— ROOMS. . ' ••_-:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-,\u25a0. :.--.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- PLANTERS'. HOTEL. 1 COR. 2D' AND FOLSOM. STS. • 150 neatly j furnished -outside, rooms; hot and cold -:. water 'in every i room;: electric lighted: weekly rate $2.50; first class cafe in conjunction. ... ,\ :•:-.-':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' —'.'HOTEL HOLLAND"-^- :; i -' Ellis st. -bet. - Powell- and .-Mason. ' —NOW -OPEN— • s- - - ..-\u25a0'-\u25a0' "Firsticlass^family, hotel. - ' ' —ABSOLUTELY- FIREPROOF— j is- '"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--••'\u25a0•\u25a0- -138 ; Rooms — 90iwlth:Bath. ; ... ST.^GBORGE,»BTH AND HOWARD STS. : 600 WELL VENTILATED SINGLE ROOMS, .; ..•' 25c ANDS3SC PER- NIGHT.- " .O* $1.23. t0 $I.7S 'PER WEEK. - VI HOT AND ; COLD \W ATEB. , READING ROOM. HOTEL ' FENTON/i 259.7 th st. below ' P.* O. ; new; 's modern,"* double,^ outside"; rooms.' \u25a0 equal 'to 1 any i $1.50 room in S.^F.; Crates e 7sc day. $2 to is 3 wfr.'; Mission or Folsom care fm. ferry to 7th; v> leading family and business lintel; barber shop. MA RLBORO, ; ; 1544 ? Polk . st. : i from V ferries \u25a0\u25a0 take .;\u25a0; ' Sutter f car,- 7 transfer, on < Polk ; i European ; ' singi* V. or; snltefs4 special^ rates -monthly; -'•\u25a0 translentii.hV:-'..-.' : *v'-' •\u25a0•--^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•-t-':'.'-'---':-'-'-,-.- '-\u25a0'\u25a0'- ' -.-. - HOTEL GERAIAIN— Modern furnishings; I, ' ' centrally ; located ; > rates . reasonable ; ' fine sunny 'J rooms, is MRS. : J. > J.; CASg.V 691 ; Folsom ; cor. 3d. HOTEL' OAKLIN, 1 , 45 ) Franklin: > now : open ; ; new, * modern,* fur;. rooms,: apts.T; offices;: walking dls- •;.- tance: to ibuslness^centers ! and .theaters., -. \u25a0"\u25a0 \u0084' NEW Golden I Gate \u25a0, hotel— Elegantly furnished '\u25a0-. rooms.' tVBRUNS 8R05.,; 1137 Folsom st: bet 7tU and 6th; formerly 164 4th st.,. :'y \ ,; HOTEL* OISO YA— 100 ; fine " rooms.l 2sc • up :" dally ; «: $1.50 up;weekly. ' 4 . St.* Mary's place cor.' Pine .-'\u25a0'; near \u25a0 Kearny.' -' \u25a0• \u25a0' 'y. .:\u25a0'•". - ' . \u0084." : OPTICIAN. 178 HOTELS— Con tinned AAA— NEW WESTERN HOTEL— ; at ' old location. NE : cor. \u25a0 Kearny. and ' Wash- ' : ington ,' sts.; fireproof - brick bnlldlng; steam heat; electric. lights; hot and cold water ;.re- \u25a0 : turn call bells; rates $1 per day and upward; special rates for. week or month. HOTEL NORDEN. 733 Howard bet. 3d and 4th: '••\u25a0: hot -cold water, and steam heat In every room; elevator service; rooms 30c. 73c. $1 per night. $3 per wee*. CHRISTENSEN , & SHAW, Props. , First class grill and cafe In connection. ROYAL HOUSE, ;cor. -4th and Howtnt— Jnst \u25a0•; opened; - European plan; rates SOc. 75c,. $1. - $1.30 per day; ' reduced weekly rates ; - reading: room; not and cold water In every room; baths. HOTEL ST. JAMEB, Van Ness Fnlton st.T" central to all parts of .the ' City; 200 rooms,- 50 ' baths; rates : $1.50 per day 'and upward; every «. comfort: and convenience: European plan. " HOTEL ST. ANN, San Francisco's : most • elabo- rately furnished hotel; European plan: up to date: 1 reasonable; phone, bath in .each room. ;; Northeast ' corner .Turk and Taylor ets. - • -• - MECHANICS HOTEL— IOO nicely fnrnlshed \u25ba rooms $2 to $3 - per .week. . The best hotel la \u25a0 San ' Francisco • for the ' money. 279 . 13 th St., •- near ! glass ; works. •'-'.' , ';' '. * ' : \u25a0 .- .'.. .•,-' t . ROOMS 25c and up; \u25a0 modern equipment: every . . convenience: • day, -week I ; or ' month. -* MRS.;.'W.- . SLA VICH. 625", Sacramento st.~. "". . :. ""-.- I HUNTER HOUSE— Furnished rooms by the day." week or month; rooms 23c np; reading room \: for : guests.' 681 : Howard st-*"- •."\u25a0•*' THE KEARNY— NewIy furnished -.- thronghoat: rooms by, the day. week or month. Tl2 Kearny : -st. • Tel. Temporary 8510. \u25a0' - -* ' '- -, HOTEL CLAY. 378 '3d st— 3oc a. day.; $2.30 a week: hot and cold water In every room; ele«- trie lights;, bell; baths. ' THE LOYAL house: fine sunny rooms; 25c. BOe, '..-, $1;- transient especially. . 654 • Howard st; reading room for guests.' - J 'f'- - - .-' *~ THE Arcade House, the cleanest and best-.Ten- tila ted house for the price: large reading room; .rates 25c. . 42 . Clay st . \u25a0! .. .' \u25a0[-''\u25a0\u25a0I -." ..' ':• STANDARD HOTEL, corner 6th and Folsom sts.: \u25a0 400 single rooms, '3sc and SOc per night; $1.50 and $3 per week. '\u0084-\u25a0-'-.••'•"'- .".^ --.• -y\ THE NORTHAM. ' 1656 . Devlsadero st.— Newly furnished suites and single; mod. convealences. METROPOLITAN HOTEL: nice sunny rooms; bath, free; $1.75 week and up. 975 Harrison st WILLIAM TELL - house; - fine -rooms • and bar. 603-5 Clay st. -bet" Montgomery and - Kearny. BAKERS' EXCHANGE. 623 Clay st— Lodgings .by day. week or month. -P.-LIPPEaT, Prop, THE MADRONB. 1600 FeU cor. Central ar. fae- lng panhandle; sunny rooms;, excellent table. HOTEL CRYSTAL — Modern: transient a speciftl- \u25a0 ty. Tel. ; Mkt. 2193, 371 McAlstr;. 542 Franklin. HOTEL ARCADES — 100 rooms; running water; 75c to $1.50 per day; transient. 131 3d st HOTEL REGAL, V- 317 3d st— Outside . double :. rooms; 30c: per day, $2.50 to $5 per week. • CASA LOMA. NE. cor. Fell and Flllmore-^ust opened ; phone In every room ; snnny rooms. HOTEL CARLING now open. ' MRS. A. B. HUBBEL,; 1154 Market st. north side. THE JULIET. 246 Grove st/ near Van Ness; Just opened; modern; transient: reasonable. PIONEER ' lodging house. 736 Montgomery st. cor. : Jackson; -rooms, 25c and np. THE Winchester, 173 new. rooms; 25c up. 611 FLATS TO LET NEW SUNNY FLATS. READY FOR IMMEDI- :"\u25a0•\u25a0.',- :' ATE OCCUPANCY. 4 ROOMS AND BATH. LARGE YARD. \u25a0 > -- - • Twenty-five Dollars. 11th st between Howard and Folsom. .. Apply on premises from 0 to 11 a. m. and • 2 to 4 p.m.. or at EASTERN OUTFITTING CO., \u25a0 ' . \u25a0 \u25a0 Mission and 16th sts. A— LANGTON st. 136, nr. Folsom and 8th — New npper 4 room -fiat; bath, etc.; rent only $27. Apply SHAINWALD. BUCKBEE * CO.. 1333 - \u25a0 Butter • at. above .Van Ness ay. - t CLEMENT st, 2409, near 23th ay.. Richmond— Handsome modern flat, very sunny; - 4 rooms. ' bath; glass inclosed porch; garden; rent $22.50; car line; call, Sunday. '.-. BAKER st, 834, near Golden Gate ay. — Beauti- ful upper flat. Just finished; 7 large rooms and reception hall. ' ELEGANT flat; 9. rooms: natural wood finish: rent reasonable. \u25a0 441 Cole st. ! bet. Oak and Page ; owner on premises. TO let — Corner flat of 8 eleganosunny rooms and • bath; modern plumbing; rent $63. Inquire at grocery. Fell and Devisadero sta.' BIG transfer — Northeast corner California ' st— 6th ar. .'Flats. ' ' ' . BUSH St.; 2970 A —Modem flat, 4 rooms and bath;- clean and quiet;- rent $28.' CASTRO, ' st," 176/ nesr — Flat. 6 large \u25a0 rooms; \u25a0 bath, yard, -etc. ; . rent ; reasonable. - CASTRO st. 1118— Flat. , 4 rooms, bath and laundry; all'modern. -, - ,'\u25a0, ELIZABETH st. 641— 6 rooms and bath; a base- , ment; flat; $18. -^^__ LET me fnralsb your Cat T. P. DEGNAN. 13th • nil Mlsxlon. th» furniture man. MASON.* 1142. near. Washington— Modern flats of ,5 rooms and bath each; rent reasonable.. NEW Cats. 4 rooms and bath, gas*- electric.- wash , tubs. ' 14' Moss st. near' 7th and Howard. ' SMALL flat: 3 rooms: rent $15; rear honso. Ap- ply 443 Cole St.- bet Oak and Page. : TO let— Modern 6 room flat: »13« 2Gth st nr. .:' Qarfleld square. G. H. UMBSEN A CO. TO let — 2 flats. 4 and 3 rooms. 21SI Harrison st, opposite 18th. Q. H. UMBSEN. 22D st, 3334. near Dolores — 3 sunny rooms, -bath; bay windows. ••- • : 126 MISSISSIPPI st, near 17th— Upper flat of 5 rooms and bath: rent $25. Key at grocery. FLATS TO LET— Furnished FURNISHED flat of 7 rooms: all light; 3 rooms pay rent; a treat bargain; 2 large front rooms and bath. 2563 16th rst DIAMOND St.," 819 — Flat of S sunny furnished .bay window rooms for house keeping; $20; adults. •-'-.--''.- '\u25a0' ' ; NICELY furnished and piano;. 7. rooms. 563 3d ' ay. Phone ' Pacific 401 . ' ; FLATS* FOR SALE— Furnished • . 14TH St.. 894-7-7 rooms and bath; completely furnished: no'dealers; bargain.; . . ____^____ FLATS TO LET-r-Bcrkeley WHEELER stl * 2906. near Russell— New. mod- ern' 6 room flat, all sunny rooms, near Key Route and S. r. trains and Oakland street- cars. ' \u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0"'\u25a0\u25a0' ' \u25a0. •_ 1 _ 2 ; ROOMS FOR : HOUSE ' KEKPING GOLDEN '. GATE . ar., 3547— 2 furnished roams. : light ..'housekeeping; separate' entrance; ' rent I reasonable.'- -;-.>.; ...*.-\u25a0 .- . . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 LIGHT, sunny, attic and basement rooms, fur- nished and unfurnished for house keeping., An, ply 2380 Stelner st corner Washington. .; , . ; PINE at, 2665—2 Urge, sunny, < unfurnished house keeping rooms, together or separate; rea- " sonable.' *- ' . \u25a0\u25a0• -. \u25a0 . ;-•.<.- - -.\u25a0 r;<-: •- ? STANYAN St.. 945, near - Frederick— 2 '. large., sunny. - connecting/- furnished house keeping A rooms; gas range and running water. .'.-'Vm; SCOTT Ist r 2040 — Sunny.' clean rooms - for : gen- tlemen, .' per . week; also housekeeping .'..rooms. .•\u25a0'---\u25a0-\u25a0'-' "' •:.''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* \u25a0 '\u25a0- '-'\u25a0\u25a0• -.. - .j FOLSOM.- : 2901," cor. • 25th— Partly furnished honse ; keeping and other rooms ; reasonable. - .. BRANNAN, 360,. near 3d— House keeping rooms w:"'^ .:--.-- \u0084\u25a0 :.-;^-i:."->.vi":' McALI.ISTER st. 1093 — Furnished sunny front - rooms , for. housa ' keeping; . gas ' and ': coal; . bath.'. OAK st. .4l9— Well furnished light : hooss keep- ing sunny rooms; mod. eoavent#nc« tnd bath. O'FARRELL st. 1460— Nicely furnished.- suanj» ,f- bay.window suite for house keeping.., :.:.. O"FARRELL * st..' 1626— Sunny ' front • room r for , light house keeping; $15. .:..:,.::' /-..-..w.C^-^v.j RHODE ISLAND St.. 801: cor. 31st— 9 nice house > keeping rooms: 'good -location: 'tmfnrnlahed.-' • • ; ROOMS ',TO LET--Wrii»d [jink • ijntwnfd MA Y FIELD rooming-house. 230 Grove st (oppo- site Van Ness theater); 84 rooms;, bath;, rooms -SOc per night; $2.60 and $3 per week; peraoa- ,-- ally conducted, br JaN. LEPERLE. ; ro»aaget. ; O'FARRBLL st: -1175, bet' Franklin and Gough." ' •: Byron \u25a0 Mausy, Music bldg.— Unfurnished • rooms with bath; hot and cold running water, light • . . and Janitor service:. . : '\u25a0'\u25a0 "..';\u25a0"".'; -.• THE ADAMS— Hot ; water; ~ call bells; •-" brick" - building.' 'newly \u25a0 furnished: sll-outside rooms; •Ci $2.50 per ; week tip: SWy cor.- Ellis and Lea v- ii cnworth-'sts.> \u25a0:'\u25a0' \u25a0'.' . "' - . - ' \u25a0• . '-.' \u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0'. '•\u25a0_. AA — A nicely furnished front room; hot and cold -.water; sunny and every convenience; close 'to .^Market; $2.50 a.week. 286 2d.»t.. BROWN PALACE, 570 O'Farrell st'nr. Learen- \u25a0i. worth-— Rooms. . day. ', 30c ~ np: special '\u25a0 rates ':": weekly; ; hot .« and ' cold running water. . : EDDY * stv'i 027— Large, ' newly ' furnished rooma : -- running . water, • bath and phone; ' $4 - and $3 ..-•a>week."- \u25a0: \u25a0 . \u25a0'-\u25a0- • :::'.: ::'. -.\u25a0\u25a0'-_'•. y \u25a0 HANCOCK : st.; j 128, .. bet;: Sanches : and Noe near Castro-*, and ISth — Lovely furnished \u25a0 sunny rooms; doable and single; bath and gsa; cheap. BRYANT, J1958 — 2 - : furnished . rooms for rent; -.suitable. for 2. '. '.{_..\u25a0•* BUSH," st., > 2377 A —Beautiful unfurnished rooms to let. ' --.-\u25a0 ROOMS TO LET — Contl nned - ELLIS - st, 1351^3— Sunny. fnrnUhed rooms suitable for doctor; also housekeeping. FULTON st. 1062—2 nice. large, sunny rooms, i suitable for gentleman, in private family. GEARY, ' 2233. rear, near Devisadero — Staglw . room; $1.50 week. . , - ' . GOLDEN GATE ay..- 1031 A —Nicely furnished " front parlor, suitable for a or 3 persons. HAIGHT st. 673— rront and back parlor for 2;.- also single and basement: 6>uae keeping. LAGUNA st. 1317. near Geary — Front room and : running water; ; modern. \. - - "maYBELLE, "211 Van Ness— Newly furnished: \u25a0 rooms; also transients. Phone Market 4544.. MINNA st. 1347. nr. 13th— Newly fnrnlshed \u25a0 sunny front room for 2; gas, bath: $20. \u25a0 I"-,- MCALLISTER. 1297—2 hay window rooms; hot ' ' and cold water; \u25a0 elegant location. OAK. 419 — Well fnrnlshed sunny rooms, en suit* S .'.and single; modern conveniences; bath, phone.. OCTAVIA st. 2524 — Large sunny front room.- $l3; also 1 for $10.- ' -." \u25a0' '. . \u25a0 O'FARRELL. 1929— Newly furnished; reaaon- able. - \u25a0 • ' \u25a0\u25a0'•-• t ..: RANDALL. 171—2 . unfurnished rooms to let, ; and stable for 1 ox 2 horses. . THE MABEL. 830 Folsom st near 4th— Fur- nlshed rooms with bath, $2 a week. : -. ST. KATBRYN. 1574 Folaom St.— Fine furnished rooms; water, baths, elec. llzhtt: reasonable. BUTTEB. 1911. nr. Flllmore— Newly furnished rooms; private home; $10: 2. .$l6 per mo. THE Pioneer snd Arcade — Rooms 33c daily up: transient. 143-131 3d st ' ' ». \u25a0 VAN NESS ay.. 2308. ar. Vallejo «.— Beautiful rooms In family; references; gentlemen. ' 14TH st, 481. near Guerrero — 2 newly furnished - double rooms, single beds: $9 each. - \u25a0'\u25a0** _'\u25a0 I ' BOARD AND ROOMS OFFERED \u25a0> PIERCE st. £61. corner Fuze — Rooms, with or t without board, at very . reasonable) rates. «. " LAGUNA st. 1061— Room and board for bust- , ness women \u25a0at reasonable rates. \u25a0\u25a0'» LAGUNA st. i?O3— Large room: new; for 2: - good home cooking; private famllr; reasonable. - • ROOMS AND BOARD— Coautry LARKSPUR VILLA; good fishing and bsthmc: " rates ressonaMe. MRS. \u25a0P. SMITH, prop. BOARD AND ROOMS-WANTED BOARD' and room wanted by gentleman and 1 , "children ages » and 11; Catholic family, pre- fe rred. Box 2432. Call. ' - _ BY young married coup!*, room and board la pri- vate family, north of ' Sutter st; state price. Box 80S2. Call office. \u25a0 \u25a0 » ROOMS WANTED WANTED — 2 or 3 house keeping rooms, moderj conveniences; no children;, not -to exceed $2<l per month. Apply Q. 8.. 233 Gnerrero st SEWING MACHINES " . DOMESTIC— Best, cheapest: all kinds rented, repaired, exchanged: needles and supplies foi an makes. J. W. Evans, agent' 16W O'Far- rall it. near FUlmore; phone West 3801.-- NATIONAL. Automatic. White. Standard, other makes, rented, repaired, etc. I. S. COHEST SONS. Phone West 5761. 1616 OTarreU sV WILCOX it GIBBS Sewing Machine company— Located at 724 Tork st. near Van Ncsa ar. Manufacturers of the genuine Automatic A. E. NELSON'S sewing machine emporium— New drop beads. $19.50; rented aad repaired. S2CO 22d st bet. Mission and Valencia. -.-• . ' SINGER. Wheeler & Wilson, sold only by Singer Bewing Machine Co. A. C. BROWN, selling agent. 361 McAllister st near Polk. 20 SECOND HAND machine* to be sold immedl- ately. P. H. SHIRLEY. 1122 C. Q. nr. Webster. CHAS. PLAMBERK, 3312 l«th st. nr. Dolores! all kinds for sale: repairing guaranteed. ALL makes of new machines at half price next 10 days. 612 Van Ness nr. G. O. \u25a0 sv. SAWS S. F. Saw tnd Tool Work.* — FUlnr, humraerinir. grinding and blacksmlthtng. 43d Clementina. - SAW fillaar and toot grindln?. P. and C. Saw snd Cntlerr Wftrks. 823 - 10th «t. _" SECOND HAND CLOTHING* AA — HIGHEST prtce paid for second hand cloth- tng; drop us a line. UNCLE LEVY. 31 4th st A— Will pay s fair price for ladles*, gents' elotn- !n«. trnnlts. - valise*. sfr. Trsnlc. Bf» VnleneH. SHOE FINDINGS DELFER & ENGLER removed from 303 !To» ttA to new store. 2132 Market st TVPETWRITERS.AND STJPPLIKS ' " MONARCH Visible typewriter — In the Monarch - Visible Typewriter all of the writing is In full sight all of the time: other makes, sec- ond hand, at very reasonable prices; we rent, repair and Inspect: before purchasing ring up West 5609 or call «t IBM Devisadero st. WOLF k. I3ENBBUCK. dealers. , ALEXANDER & CO.. typewriters: all ma««s rented, including Smith Premier: desks. chair* v etc.: ask fnr price* oartly used machine*. ALEXANDER, 1820 Flllmore st; pbone West . 6288. FIRST CLASS typewriters for from $23 to $100; all makes, all prices; rentals -and supplies. The Typewriter Exchange. 1011 Golden Gate ay.: telephone Park 973. , *\u25a0; t STEARNS Visible Typewriter: the only vlsihln witb decimal tabulator: xiso second hand. *!1 makes; rentals snd repairs. The Typewrito- >rtmn. 1724 Flllmore st. ' FRED W. VAUGHAN * CO.. Pacific coast deal- ers Oliver standard visible typewriter; other makes, second hand, for sale. 807 Flllmore *t. WALTER A. SCOTT. 1811 Flllmore at anil 323. Market: nhone West 2003. RUPTURE CURED DR. PrERCE'S Electric Trass does the worlrr established 32 years. PIERCE A SON: t417 'Chestmit sr.. Alameda. Tel.- Alameris. 17S0.' ' - ~~~ ~ TRUSSES SPECIALISTS In truss fittlnw. CLARK-GAN- DION COMPANY. 123S G. G. ay. nr. FUlmofe TAILORS C. J. REHN^— Tailor. ' I*> 2« Market, motn 27. WINDOW SHADES ADVANCE window shade factory. Order* flljed . at short notice. GEO. WALCOM, 937 Tnrs: st WINDOW shades - made and repaired. ' J. 'P. HOTTER. 804 Lorktn st. Pbone Trankltn T*m. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS WALTERS * CO.. W» Geary St., above Ffll- - more." Phone West 3775.'. • >-.\u25a0-. SLOT MACHINES , >-^ \u25a0 - . _ . . ' CASH. CHECK. PILOTS, ELK 3 AND CARD MACHINE 3. 834 OOCGH ST.. near Fnltnn. ? PROPOSALS AND BIDS NOTICE is hereby - given that sealed bids : will " be received at the office of the Secretary *f the Regents of the University of California. 219 .-California hall. • ; University of -California, " Berkeley, en or before 9 a. in.. September 3, \u25a0' 1907. for (1) the granite work and (2) the con- crete wall masonry (bids toibe submitted sepa.- -- rttely for each> for a library building for. tht "-University. of California at Berkeley, as per \u25a0 plans and specifications on file at said office, " an<l at the office of Howard A Galloway. . architects. 604 Mission st, San Francisco. A , deposit of $20. repayable' on return of th« > plans, will be require/) for say plaas takea " . away , from the office. , •. '- • No bids - will be considered .unless accom- panied by a certified check or bond in favot of the undersigned, equal to 10 per cent of .-the bid, with sufficient sureties, conditioned . that if the bid b* accepted the bidder will en- ' ter Into a contract faithfully to perform the -..-obligations - In ; accordance ' with said bid and ~ with the plans and speeiflcatloas. . The right - to reject any and stt bids Is hereby reserved. -\u25a0.THE REGENTS OF THH UNIVERSITY Of -CALIFORNIA. • •«•-•• NOTICE is . hereby gtren that • sealed \u25a0 bids will be -received at 21S California ; hall.' Catverstty -" of California. Berkeley, on or before 3 p. m.. September 6. 1907, for a dairy bara aad silo to be erected on the state farm at Davisvlll«.. California, as per plans and ' specifications .on -Hie st said office in- California hall and with Howard * Gillowty, 604. Mission st. 3*a 1 Francisco. No bids will be 'considered . nale*t • accompanied by a certified check or bond . la favor of the undersigned, equal to 10 per cent - of the hid. witb sufficient sureties, '\u25a0"•Jdittoned : that if the hid be accepted the bidder will vo- ter into a contract faithfully to perform the obligations In accordance with said bid sad with said plans and specification*. Th« right - ' to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. A < deposit Of $10. will be required for each set of plan* : and specifications loaned to bidders. which < wilt be - refunded upon the return of REGENTS OF THE CNOTSR. SITT OF CALIFORNIA. ' NOTICE— S. MHetica A Co. have bought from Krlstovich & Co. the, Mission cafe. 3003 Mls- - ston St.. and will not be responsible for their bills. S. MILETICH & CO. 13