12 Additional Classified Ads on Page II ATJTO 3l o n l LES— Continued, ""' ' T •FOR Mle— Model "X" Wintoa antoujobile. newly .. painted, "thoroughly -overhauled awl In first class condition. I'urthcr iaformstion of Crane Co.. ISth and Webster fits.. Oakland. Machine *-»n he seen at 3211 Fruitvale ay.. Frultvsle. ' FORD 4 CYU RUNABOUT. * $500. " -'- Complete equipment, top and nearrhllghte; 3 Inch tires; speedy «nd newly painted. ' • Pbeci» Automobile Exchange. Oakland. / -.- • AUTOCAR RJTNA3OCT 'OG. EnfJoe and rears fine; ha« fall leather top, . • seiirchllsht-* aod a biK bny st this price. '-'.. Phenii AutomoMie Eschsnge. Oakland. •FOED 4 CTL. RUNABOUT. '06. \u25a0\u25a0•"\u25a0 .Complete «ju!pmpnt. top and searchlights; 3 •inch -tires: run only 2 weeks. \. • Phenix At-'tomobile Kicbange, Oakland. •i.1907- PREMIERS. Immediate dellverr: also 2d •'"'hand Ol<3s, Crawford. Fort!.' good order; ftor- \u25a0•'• .age-and repairing mitos spe«l«lty. Golden Gste, ;_*- Garage. XX. cor. FeM and Ashbcry. West C? l^. '.HIRE tbo ltXl7 Premier landnuiet. a brand new t-lom-d car, at the cost «f tlie regular* livery ' "-tigs. Call up r ninlit. Goiden Gate "•'-Garage. 17R8 Tell st. Phone West fi.SS-*». .Pt*LL.MAV HUtoinohilps for iuimedinte delivery on exhibition rt tiie sslesrrtomn of the REN- '. ' STROM CO.. 4VI St»n.van ft.; te;. Park 470. \u25a0'- -. - AUTOMUBILF.S REPAIRED. '•" • MLIENinAL BROTHERS' GARAGE. .• . 5176 21ST ST. \u25a0 PHONE MARKET 532. \u25a0 ' COH'MBIA automobile: perfect cot«lition; price : . $1,500: City Motor Car Co., 1355 Bush st.; \u25a0 tcl. Fritnklln 300 a .I4IPEOVED Rimb>r runabout, model E: as Rood ' as new: sacrificed at $300. W. J. JOHNSON, Martinez, Cal. '05 POPE-TOLEDO at n bareain; In fine running order. Call at C 6 Fulton St., ask for Mr. \u25a0 ' Devsut. . . ' TIRES REPAIRED. ." Sterens & Elkington Rubber Co.. 52C Polk ftt. EASTERN ACTO CO.. expert repalrine. penern! machine work: batteries recliar?-*!. 348 Hay««. .B. H. MORRIS. r,uto broker. 1S1«-2O ToleFr»p!i sr.. Oakland— 2d band automobiles; est. 1901. AUTOMOBILE. PAINTING. Also carriage. W. H. BERWICK. 411 Grove. AITTOMOBILE repairing: stomce battery churj- icg, wpairins. L'-L. De JONGH. 44« Falton. SAN FRANCISCO \TLCANIZIXG CO.. 425 Valencia «t. Aoto tire repairing our epecialty. AIj'TOMOBILE training school: new clas* start- itiß Tuesday eveninj-, Aajf. C. 406 I-arkli «t. "~^ AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. :. M. 1.. Wilhcrt &. goas. IStb and Mission. .PACIFIC STATES AUTO SCHOOLS now open. 2SB Golden Gate ay. Tel. Franklin 3215. \u25a0 FOR sale, very chean: £<**!. strong St. Louis \u25a0 rtmsliont. Inonire 7.V> Ssnsmnp «t. : - ', . prove Mils ' Trojiderfu! clairvoyant p<>werg, to all who' •tne prppsred for liis reduced 50e readings, will "give j-ou a test first. A SOLEMN PROMISE. I announced and took oath tb«t I would never accept or retain any fee where in any way I fell **ort of my promise. I iigsin solemnly apree to" refuse .to sccept or retain any fee whatsoever If I -fail to give t-oh the utmort r-atisfactlon. and un- ,lf*s too flnd me superior — vsstly superior — to any •clairroya-nt, medium, seer or healer in the city. FREMONT can be '•onr-ulted upon all matters "of life. Unlike all others in hit work, once yon •\u25a0 are in his presence your life (o bin is an open book. Tells your affairs and troubles better than you could yourself. Calls you by name — tells .yonr " .«ce. nane of present lover, when you will marry. •or anything you may want to know. Erery hope,. fear end wish of your life — bow to attain them. Tells more, facts in fire minutes than others do 1 Jna life time. Does what others claim to do in ; 2rrect!y treat your love affairs, domestlc^ren* •= .hies., bns. and financial success. L.. BOc; G. $1; hrs. 10 to 8. 1260 Ellis st. near Lagnna. - MADAME- KRONENBERG. clairvoyant, *7rd -" reader; when others fall try me; reading isc; . bonrs 10 to 9p. m., Sunday excepted. Room 1, \u25a0 H£4 Valencia st. MRS. GENTRY, divine be-.1-r, clalrv.. pslmlst; part itnd present reve«e.-?\u25a0" •'HEroELBERG** "and other high . grades Ul Jots \u25a0\u25a0'' to j cult \u25a0at WHOLESALE prices. - 1 ; A. ERESLAUER, 214 California; Temp-. 2350. '.• 1 ;.'\u25a0 ; \u25a0'\u25a0-BCSIXES» r -CHANCES- ' • \u25a0 ' ; .: •<*.- . ~ - - - "•*-' '-'-' \u25a0 , \u25a0 /." V- \u0084V -••\u25a0: , FOR SALE. -. •'. i .'^' '\u25a0'\u25a0:'\u25a0< X," ."Fruit, produce, an«J poultry- business .'.lllKhed-30 -yean*;. Ideal, location,* near business : » ctliteri.flf Oaktand ; s nearly ." 3 year*' lease -at \u0084. low rental;;' lease,", goodwill, stock; fixtures, - hrtrceS-aml- w«g\u25a0\u25a0-.'- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - FOli eale— 42s sUarrs of fine capital stock of a well paying, electrical machinery company: es-, . Jabllshed 1001; tiolnc a nourishing business; J. 175 shsrfr Issued; five directors. "Apply room S4; Marson bnllding." 1380 Sutter st , ,- FOR sale — Factory near San Francisco; '20 acres •'of lnnO-Van Ness ay. '\u25a0:--" v;?stampixg'a\d-bmbroidery \\\ ,.' The ' Bell -*f t, 1576 Bush— lnstrnctlons embrold- - cry. stamping, designing, novelties, needle work. ' CHIROPODISTS ALL foot ailments positively cured painlessly. Dr. Dnncan. expert chiropodist. 1550 Ellis st. -;"'\u25a0' EDCCATIOyAL. \u0084.,"' ;-I~" "X-^Asslsts to stenographic and business posi- tions; Metropolitan (Cal.) Bus. Col.. 825 Gold- en Gate; day $10 mo., cv. $5: penmanship, Espina; drawing evs. . R. H. Webster, Pres. FOREIGNER wants young • person for reading _ aloud , English In 'exchange for learning Ger- ; man; preferred In neighborhood of Call. office. ' Box 1702. -Call offlce. - . A— MELVILLE 'SXYDER studio reopened Aug. 6th, -1794 Page cor. Cole; acting, elocntlon, singing snd piano; classes and private • lessons.. THE LYCEUM. 2590 Pine st; prepares for unt- verslty, law, medical colleges; 15th year; here yon can save time & money; excellent teachers. ENGINEERING-rClvf!.- elecl., mining, mech., * surrey, assay, cyenlde; day,' cv. ; est, 1804. " Van der Nainen-School. gist ft'Telg.. Oakland. STAMMERING enreflf Guttman method; bt*«th- ' "lnr; gymnastics, elocution, Elizabeth Dohrmann. 150 Central ay. nr. Halght: reopens Sept. - 1. 3. SILVERS;. VOCAL INSTRUCTOR; STU- DENTS prepared for CONCERT and OPERA; voices carefully developed. Studio. 1588 Fell. CHICAGO Bnslness Conege, Vslencla snd -22d -sts.; only business college In Mission; day and evening classes: positions guaranteed. '•- AAA-Durinl vocal studio; faulty voices, breathln"- corrected; Ital. meth.; op. training. 1072 Ellis. PROF. T. A: ROBINSON. . indlvld. Instr. math.. booVeeping.'Eflg.,' etc.; day. eve. , 290 Page st. HEALD'S Business College. 1451 Franklin St.; - S. F. snd3acon bldg.. Oakland; day and eve. FLSK Teachers' Agency. 414 Studio bldg., Berke- ley— Dl»t. school teacher wanted Immediately. HEALD'S Engineering School. 205 Locust ay. cor. Franklin st; all branches; day and eve. GUITAR, mandolin, piano, singing; new classes forming: S lessons $3. 832 Halght nr. Devisadero/ SAN* FRANCISCO Business College now located at 733 FlHmcre near Hayes; day and evening. THE BERLITZ SCHOOY OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington nr. Flllmore; send for circular SPANISH-FRENCH In 3 months; lessons everj eTc., -s 6 - o'clock. 805 Golden Gate sv. , MERRILL-MILLER College/pleasantly located at 733 Flllmore st.: day and. evening. ' ' ALL court reporters recommend Gallsgßer-Marsh Bnslness College. 464 Devisadero st. - . F. PRILL, pianist— Pupils, practice at studio; $6 per month. 145S Hayes st. i KENT Law School, established ,10 years. 639 Birch ay. near Octa-Ia et EMPLOYMENT OFFICES JAPANESE Housecleanlng Agency furnishes best help • with care. ,by hours, days or » weeks; cooks, waiters, bouse cleaners, window wash- ers. - etc/. H. K. OD A. 1721 Post st. ; \u25a0 phone West 4634. . \u25a0-.\u25a0." •/\u25a0'-", \u25a0: \u25a0'-...-'..-/,,.:• A— JAPANESE-Chinese Association furnishes best -of help of all kinds; capability aad Qualification guaranteed. , OSCAR HATSUMI, 1513 Geary st,; phone West 5658. •;--., * . STAR employment offlce furnish < Japanese and * Chinese help with : care; ; also . contractors s for bouse celanlnr. TeL West 167. W.* KODOTA , ,1608 Geary -at. near. Buchanan.* . -; ALL kinds of Japanese and ; Chinese > workers looking for Jobs;, city or country;- 1748 Sutter st. San Francisco. ' Telephone West 2803. ; -. " CHINESE and Japanese employment " office, 862 'sth at; tel. Oak. 3101. B. HALL. Oakland, Cal. H. W. - HONG, Chinese employment offlce, S3T Webster st. Oakland; phone Vernoa 241. ( " , i;-; JAPANESE and Chinese Labor I Bnrean— Address • 1612 Lagnna st; phone West 1781/ -\u25a0'' v \u25a0 \u25a0 . . EMPLOYMENT WAXTED— FemaIe ENERGETIC.-' 1 reliable, middle ! aged, "American . \u25a0 woman " (nnincumbered) '\u25a0- desires < position :•; as house keeper with elderly ' person . where • can assume full charge of house or. hotel and be ...my own mistress; country .: preferred." Address MRS. PARKER.' 721 Franklin , st. S. " F.-; ; A NEW .YORK society : woman , returning ,to i New York will chaperone students going east, or will • execute commissions. * Address \u25a0 box : 1701.* CaU office/ 1651 Fillmoreet. .* v :i. : J- DRKSS •MA KER, ; 1061 : Laguna st. ; ; phone i West • 620£--«>at- Eton Jacket, . Prince Chap. \u25a0 panr. shirt waUt: suits; fits gnaranteed; suits: Ukea ; in^ engagements per day. - \u25a0;, ...-. POSITION wanted ', as honse keeper . by experi- * J ! tM^ cll * mbernl * ld: Pirate family; wages^2s , tto $80 per month. . Call at 48 East sty B Lm. BRIGHT./ refined^ yonng 'lady,, with nurse's ' mx- • perience,T . wanU •, toj travel ; as \ companion * and nurse . for: patient \u25a0 . Address .box ; 24S3, \u25a0 Call." ~ GERMAN girl wishes a position as cook; under- stands 1 French \u25a0 and i German •\u25a0 cooking; >> refer- ences. jßox 2456,; Ca1l office.:. "•' . ; ' .~l ,WANTED--By . first I class I German cook, posltioa » . as i a -; cook;, wages - $50/-. Box 3088, \u25a0 Call , offlce. WOMAN I TviF.hes family washing; j dresses^ t« ' to at borne. 'Basement, 271 . Clinton Park. ; ' T±UO «AN^'KAMJIBUO (J ALL,. MONDAY, SEFrJliALBifTj*. lyv/. EMPLOYMENT; \V r AfVTEDjFfiiiale^C«mi I 2 YOUNG; ladlesrwould * likeTa :^ltuationiln T offlce \u25a0'\u25a0 work - or _ private • telephone -. exchange ? In • hotel. 1704. Stelner st., ct>rner:Post. -v/ .; ' -.-:' . '\u25a0: ''\i\u0094 COMPETENT, stenographer -wishes \u25a0 position .half day; salary $40/* Box 4508, International^ 3oll -;' 16th ".sf \u25a0•-\u25a0---.- Z'.'.A 7^\>.'-.~'r-' \u25a0'\u25a0-'-\u25a0' - : - :: -", TEACHER" would \u25a0 like a' few s more ; prlTate '• pq- ,plls;-$l ; an 'hour. -2824 Octavla :st. / . I DRESS MAKER will take a. few more customers «' hy the day. '\u25a0 Phone-West 58C0." -^ \u25a0 ' 1;\u25a0 2_ "; Wanted— -MtUeY^ ; AN 'i energetic 3 young : - man ' thoroughly^ familiar ./ with book keeping, good and varied experience. : reliable ' aud -of i steady,; habits. \u25a0'. wants . position in fa r wholesale ' firm ; " least - salary "? expected," $70 per mo.. ;Write box 2400, CaU office, ; glv- . ; ing :. particulars ., in 4 fu11.", : , • :-. : .j . ", ./ ? YOUNG messenger.'; salary > $720, i pension ' offlce," . . District,- Columbia, \u25a0 desires to " effect "- transfer ' with governmental • employe" in this city, ' same or kindred position; Address S. M. HARDING, .; 571 McAllister street/ /. .'; .:\u25a0\u25a0"; ,. : - : '/:;; : r^y PLUMBER/ ; first ' claw '• on Jobbing,' roughing ; or. new work, ,;; Independent i American ;:,, without Btrlngs, f rose \u25a0 out by ; unlon,%wants " steady • po- sition at $5 per day.?; Address fhox 3102, / Call. MIDDLE AGED Dane wishes sftption'in private family; understands . the. care* ot> horses, J cows : and : gardening;, strictly^ sober! and "Industrious; : first class ; recommendations// 1 Box .30SR, . Call/ COACHMAN, reliable, ege 20," also familiar with ' ; auto, s^eks .position ..wltii; family; '; will;, care ' *"s«rc>n, etc.; \u25a0 nseful '. m«n about ". place; 3 refer- ences. . GEO. L. X.. 803 Clay , st., Oakland. 'l". BUTLER — Best-, references 'in , S«n Francisco, wishes situation;- also "a" gardener. • .ANDRE'S I office," 057, Franklin St.." Oakland. Phone, Oa.k- land 7737: S. F.,» Msrket'2o32. . NURSB. and ' attendant ' wants ' position with I In- valid gentleman physically or mentally afflict- ed; best of -; references. '\» 'Address '\u25a0- HENRY .FICHTNER. 1434 O'Farrell 'st". / \u0084 COMPETENT book keeper, • cashier, collector or general .of ficeman." 20 , years'/ experience, ~ Is '"; looking: for suitable 'position. .Address L; F. , D., n 175. Arlington' st.,v city. ;: v ~y\ "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"; . /.. A\u25a0 1 CHAUFFEUR and } machinist wants to take ". ; fnll : charge ; 0f ,.: private ' car ; i sober,'. I .' rellabla ; best of references; must be steady place. WIL- SON. 1320 Steiner wt: . * ' \u25a0•""\u25a0.-' : . '.'.'.. WANTED — By man and wife, ' positions of. trust,' offlce building orroomine-house: ; city or. coun- try: city references. F. MILES. 126 3d St.: B. F/ SITUATION wanted by i a handy : man ' with" car- penter tools; sober and steady; wishes a steady place. Box 2477, Call offlce. ' :'\u25a0\u25a0". \u25a0'."" .'. MIDDLE AGED man' wtßhes situation: I coach- man, gardener: good references. Box 1352, Call office. -Oakland. " , . , .' ". \u0084 : FIRST class cook, marine man. .wishes situation. -country hotel. Address ANDRE'S, ,9S7 -Frank- lin st., Oakand. -; :/ TVV ;: : C " \ EXPERIENCED carpenter, foreman, deslrc-s posi- tion; best local references. Address box 3579, . 1108 Valencia st . . v .\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 HANDY man with -tools wishes \ work;-. Job - work- taken:.; nothing found; •\u0084 Box* 3101,: Call. STENOGRAPHY. \u25a0. typewriting.'- mimeograph inf. -copying. -a specialty. :\u25a0 Room 234, 268 Market st> GOOD plumber's helper . wishes work ; . not reg- . lstered. - Box 2470, Call offlce. - BUTCHER . wants - work in shop or • wagon. Box \u25a0 163ft. -»CaH. FHlmorr. street. \u25a0= .;'.<\u25a0\u25a0, S A3TTA CRUZ EMPLOYMENT : IF you want work -of any ' description. . male 'or female, write to'J. . W. 1 McCUISTON. 296 Pa- cific a y.. Santa Cros.-;- ; ;\u25a0...' .-.,->' FEMALE HELP WAJV TED WANTED— Youne women to learn telephone op- erating; ''- paid , while, learning; salary/ Increased after \u25a0 first two weeks -and further Increased 1 . after, work- becomes efflcient. .:''.,-.'" : " .Dally 'Inncheons . fuYnlshed'' free, and rest 1^;; rooms -with matron In -attendance. ' . " . • , . ~ • Permanent positions;/ good chance : for "ad- [ vancement. .• Apply'to '.'•'-' \u25a0..•-.- I PACIFIC. TELEPHONE. AND TELEGRAPH CO., - • S2l. Hyde at near. Sutter/ •/- '-'\u25a0'*\u25a0_\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 "'"•' . '; '; :." '\u25a0_:\u25a0;': : '••/.. .\u25a0. .:., '; . -'...-• ""rV.,'-/-.' 11 \u25a0 /-..\u25a0\u25a0' ;" PATRONS securing help are charged $1 registry fee— Laundress ; for small " family, $35 ; waitress -and" parlor maid." San- Mateo. $35; waitress and' parlor maid. Oakland,' $35; .kitchen- laald for privates family, $35; -. French- or German nurse for 2 grown children. : s3s^ nurse.- for. an Invalid gentleman; $25;. working house, keeper and ' cook for \u25a0 1 " gentleman, \u25a0 $40 ; • cook \u25a0 and : sec- ond ' girl - for. same family, j $35 and • $30 ; . cook for- San- Mateo. -.$4O; : 10 /good '. -second., girls, $30 each, \u25a0 all places \u25a0 In ' the- city ;•-: lady's maid and seamstress. $35; French nurse for 2 grown children, $35; - French- nurse ' for 1 1 1 child, 1 $35 ; 50 housework girls for town ! and country. $30 to, $40. Call MIBS PLUNKETT'S,' IBD2 Sutter St. nr. Powell.-: \u25a0 . . . .; • v \u25a0 . \u0084 — , • - i .-; • --.. -:-. _ -a- A •\u25a0 A'-^'A'; .A:"- \u25a0 \u25a0 - . " "" \u25a0 : EXPERIENCED . OPERATORS "ON "STAND- ARD SHIRtS," "BOSS« OF' THE- ROAD" OVERALLS, - ENGINEER ' . COATS. ' BAR TENDER . COATSV COTTONADE PANTS. STEADY WORK.- • BRIGHT GIRLS ; TO LEARN. PAID .WHILE LEARNING. ' NEW FACTORY NOW OPEN. \u25a0 STANDARD SHIRT . FACTORY. COUGH AND GROVE STB. • . A \u25a0 FINE appearing Protestants young ; woman, without any inenmbrances; - must ibe t at ' least high . school graduate, highly ; educated, * for • at- tendant In S: doctors',' offices; $30: per; week; I room and board when well started for the best, 'but none except the very finest appearing need apply. Call personally at 696 McAllister st. : : SINGLE lady, : refined," good dresser, .'to; care for ..a, dental . practice • and office ; must ! have : ref er- , ence for responsibility in- handling; the : money taken in by the many operators; wnges $10 to $20 , per week. Call at . Easy : Dental Parlors," 997 Steiner St., formerly 6^Turk sfr. -.;:•;. .<\u25a0;-.;• HOP PICKING —^— eT- CLEMENS ' HORST CO; Although: our requirements, for. hop : picking help -have been filled/, we wIU still try to ac- ..* commodate all who have, registered with' ns- If they will apply at ' our main offlce, * 215 Pine st AU \u25a0 branch of flees /closed.' 'V; /:,./ LARGE ; number .' girls to work *In ' factory ; ' we start most girls at $7 per week; steady work. The JOHN BULLMAN CO., Battery st bet. Sacramento and Clay. „ \u25a0 / ; , N COMPETENT German nurse • for 3j3 j children, . 2 > girls. who go to school and a boy, of 8; mnst have experience and city ttf erences. Address box 2484,jCa1l office/; \-r, .;\u25a0-; '\u25a0y[y: '\u25a0-',; *r . ;. . . AT GREENEBAUM, = WEIL";* MICHELS. :19th ' and ', Bryant . sts.. experienced ; front % bands :on shirts; best prices paid and most steady work -In the city. .:,--.- , , . RELIABLE girl for cooking and general house- \u25a0- iwork.-Mlll Valley; references required; wages $40. Call or address room 4, 204 California "st.-dty.. ; -: ;/.;,:/; /;-s;-'; "..\u25a0,\u25a0; Kl'-kj: ;>r- ''\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0, ' WANTED— GirI for cooking and ' general house- work. 2 In family; good" borne for right party Call 1460 Masonic ay., Monday, bet. 12 and 2. LADY I with business ability can earn from $200 1 to $300 monthly. Call room 17," U.S." National Bank bnlldlng, cor. f FUlmore; and BuahJ sts. \u25a0-•-.* WANTED— MangIe . hands,' lroners '\u25a0•\u25a0 and body Ironers; : good pay { and . short f honrs.'; 'Apply Metropolitan Laundry,: Co.,*"! 1148 1 Harrison s t .7' EXPERIENCED book : keeper \u25a0> and ) stenographer wanted by large marafaeturing concern; pleaa- ant offlce. Address box 2857, CaU; of flee-; *;>:;;;*: CAN place 10 teachers Immediately In public and ' . private - schools. - r Call - Co-operative Teachers' Assoclstlon. 1 717 Market at. room^4lo.^ :i t : ;? WANTED— By lan ? established * bouse, a - bright \u25a0 energetic woman for, advanced position; refer- ; ences required. -; Box 3093, CaU . offlce. t ; S^,;~; WANTED— Yonng lady } with ! high or grammar school education, to learn 'proof, reading.", J AS.' M. \u25a0 SHANLEY CO/. 1725 1 Folsom ' st^° * 7 A— CASH : girls wanted ; | must be 14 years of age . and bring - school < certificates, r jlpply \u25a0 to .The Emporium. '*•; i.y y"?- : <. \u25a0\u25a0;.. COUPLE of first class . cafe waitress wanted ; •$9 , per : week ; \u25a0' good ; side ? money. • Call " Golden Pheasant. : 1222 Bnttcr.st; ' -' . ,- WANTED— Woman companions for. elderly lady ; expected to do some housework. Apply 2308 ' Buchanan 1 St.; \u25a0•"\u25a0-.-;.-•: \u0084 / ..; :.-.-..\u25a0.;.- \u25a0•\u25a0;.\u25a0-.,..'.. "iV.-;---- 1 XODNO gW, light housework, assist with child ; , i good .\u25a0 home. ;. 361 >; Frederick ; \ tel. z, 188,' EXPERIENCED girl « f or J cooking 5 ands general ': housework ; small family. v * 2832 Pierce sty : ; EXPERT. on \ Smith Premier ; for ; machine dlcU- tlon outside of of flee \u25a0 hours." ; Box 80»6.>Call/ s /. WANTED— Teachers for rursl schools/ McNEILL Teachers' t Agency.^ Gazette ; bldg., - Berkeley^.;' A— EXPERIENCED | glove I saleswoman : wanted.' . Apply i, to superintendent*. The ; Emporlßm.^Srst WA NTEDt- Woman £: for '* general ;* housework h at Hebrew ~ orphanage, 600 Devlsadero f, rt/A-^*' O^RL for ; housework: and 'plain cooking .Inf »m- ally:of 2 and baby. ;;703;!Van; New av.y : n-?;. • GIRL -for Might s housework ;? ager 16;» $12 per - month : with , Increase. i| 6171 Octavla >st ;. ?>. r ' WANTED— lroners,* nonunion, * women/'* CaU ". at '\u25a0\u25a0-.r: s67; Grove i st.."J Golden v ßule) lanndry.'. "*-,.,- '- ~r •;\u25a0 YOUNG * lady *to S assist 5. with care lof | children ; i- wages f $20. •• • OaU % 1265 ; Guerrero : st. t >.-r. '•\u25a0•/ «• GIRL for housework 5 and | cooking. ,'Apply, morn- ing." 1776 Turk at. near, Deviiadero. \u25a0 \u25a0•:> s > LAGUNA at, 10S1— Room and ' board : for - busi- nesswomen at reasonable "rates." .- " ...3 WET NURSE wanted tot .infant.-; Write' or call,* i£ room ± 1206, V Chronicle ,"\u25a0 building, j; '.X:;;.!;' .• : \u25a0;. : -. - WANTED-^- M bright ) little lerrand ' -flrl j for " dress '\u25a0making at 1915 Broderlck st. : , ,"\u25a0 ; >_;, I { '"-_ -'./\u25a0 FEMALE \u25a0 HJBLP JWAX TEP-^Cou^ 'w OUR^NEWi FACTORY,' BUILDING^ WHICH 'IS r^THOROi;GHLY4V« LIGHTED.* VENTILATED •-j AND ! HEATED. 1181 18 NOW READY i FOR' OCCU- ' ' FANCY ; ' ; EXPERIENCED i= AND '\u25a0 INEXPERI- i ENCED SEWING Vf MACHINE ' OPERATORS "/\u25a0: WANTED '* ON X OVERALLS ; c "GOOD *s PA Y ; - STEADY WORK; PAID t WHILE LEARNING. "\u25a0\u25a0; LEVI_; STRAUSS :V& CO:;"* VALENCIA -BET. . ! 13TH .AND 14TH. : APPLY -MR. DAVIS. :. EXPERIENCED trhnraer^and, maker wanted lfor >; millinery :. department.'-" Apply/ superintendent's .'\u25a0,'. of flee.' .The s Emporium. - ..- .;.,-\u25a0\u25a0 ' - *''\u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 : - ' CHICAGO .-: EXPERT • CLEANING. ,1 PHONEvPAGE: 52. -887V4H.EuIton \ near. Fill- ',\u25a0 more: '\u25a0\u25a0 supply ': competent •; men i and c women • to ii do \u25a0 genera I r housework ; - we * can isend help Vr/youiat'ainhours.-^"-- -'" \u25a0';'',-"'-* .;-:. : ''-'\u0084/ ?.-.!•; ; WANTED— American or | Welsh | middle' aged , wo- ..*man'for, hou6ework,','for-2 people; fair wages; ' good? home.' s:'Apply at 120 .-Alpine ;st."/ above ; hospital. ? "' :.'\u25a0.. " \" ;"--.- -, •-'. .-,;*' .- -.""•\u25a0'..'•J:. WANTED-^A' fine appearing,": well I trained ; nurse , - for , hospital ; ?• day * work 5 only ; ;. $14 • per 1 week, a room ' and aboard; ( permanent.';. 606 j McAllister." EXPERIENCED candy i saleswoman. , "Qualify ;*Z. lnn. " • 3307. Sacramento ; st. \u25a0.""; .':" ; . " \u25a0 \u25a0 '••'. \u25a0\u25a0. ' :\u25a0-..\u25a0\u25a0'-'*: \u25a0-.. \u25a0\u25a0'-'* G I RL> for -general ; housework, 3 In family. « 2 SPPPHES \u25a0;''./ BARBERS-^-We have" Just 'received from the -"eastern . factory „ 60 ,N«.> 182 KOKEN barber .; chairs, upholstered In dark brown . leather; " price- $37.50 leach.1 each. T - This amount ' is Just double , the quantity of i this particular style chair that we ordered. :• 'ADVICE RECEIVED , from ", the ' KOKEK g BARBER" BUPPLY CO." today is as follows: a - "Our mistake; will authorlie . 10 : per : cent : t discount on :30 of \u25a0 the 152 chairs rather than . .'to \u25a0 have . yon * return . them ,- to us.". " *J .;• ;.'• In ' view - of « these J facts we. sre more : than pleased- to be-' sble ; to offervto our trade this • , chair at: the : very Mow figure of $33.75 each r-untllf further^ notice., '\u25a0.''•' r. ' - ' . \i\' "'\u25a0 If you are ;. planning \u25a0 to ; buy new - chairs , it . would be wise- for you to take advantage cf this liberaK offer. - : : A * small : deposlf ; will secure one or more of these ' chairs f until •' such ; time ' as you may be ready to receive: them. >r 7^'' 1 ' ; DECKELMAN BROS., Inc., T' : 162-164 Turk «t.. . . Sole . Agents for 1 KOKEN ' PATENT BARBER - CHAIRS. THE WORLD'S STANDARD. WE are. the agentß for the world's beat make of barber chairs. '••; Ask any one of the many ..users of KOKEN CONGRESS CHAIRS. .7 / A. full line always onhand.. If you contem- . •" plate refnrnishlng your shop It is to your inter- "-\u25a0; est. to " buy,; the best for the • same price as '- cheaper - makes, i -" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0•'•...'•.\u25a0"--' " -We also ; have' a good stock" of second hand ; ;\u25a0 chairs on band ranging in \u25a0 price from $2.50. up. We also take yonr old chairs as part payment \u25a0for new ones.,. \u25a0'-:.• '» ' '-\u25a0..'-\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0-\u25a0, ,:".'.\u25a0. y, ; DECKELMAN BROS.,' INC., ~ ' Bsrber-Rupplles,": ;. - -- . : .102-164 Turk St., • Telephone Franklin-; 2370. -;V San Francisco, Cal. BARKER chairs -$5 monthly." . :• ' :'\u25a0 Barker..vlbrators;ss; monthly." '\u25a0'\u25a0"- "\u25a0-. -.• Barker; portable vibrators, -$26, $4 monthly. . '.;' Old chairs of "all makes cheap." '•\u25a0\u25a0-"* "58 2d hand Koken. hydraulic chairs cheap. >*.-,-.; ' JAMES BARKER. . .-.- ' : , MR.' DRAKE. Mgr., " -ICIB-1620 Franklin st. near Pine. '\u25a0 THE BAUER MFO/CO; mfffrs. of Bauer's Dan- \u25a0' -\u25a0; druff Cure and , Hair Tonic, have ' opened a first •\ olass - barber's ?\u25a0 supply • store -at * 1654 ' Ellis ; st. . bet. " FiHmore _and .' Webster;^ they • carry the best line of barber's cutlery on the coast. A s to, their BtorewJH surprise yon. : \u25a0 -: ATTENTION— Members- of local 148 are requesl- ,ed, to parade on Labor -day,: September, 2;? will :' at ?\ Hayes i and- Baker- sts.. at "10 ; o'clock; fine will; be 'strictly enforced. '- : vt; • ; CHARLES KOCH.' Secretary, 221^ Bush . at. , FOR." sale — At> a? bargain.' *a • first class \u25a0 B ', chair barber shop, * Including . batbs ; a splendid : busl* . \u25a0 ness: good town; : ji»lce $450; \u25a0 don't I fair to In- ? vestlsate this. ; Address box \u25a0• 30f)g, r Call office." BARBERS— Members of i Local 148 delinquent In \u25a0 dues -on , September .2 . will ".< be \u25a0 suspended. In \u25a0 \u25a0' accordance i. with - section v 78 : of constitution. , ;,. 'CHARLES KOCH. Sec". 2211 Bush st.~ BARBERS.^ ATTENTION— EmpIoyment offlce of the.B. .P.iU.Vls"now."at-!452-Kearny , st. near S California:- FRANK • SCHMITT, Employment .; Secretary. 3* ; -. .-";: vv. : -\u25a0-,•\u25a0- ;v..;. " :-.•'.\u25a0\u25a0:. ,•.-... - $400—3 chair: barber.. shop; : elegantly ' fitted up; ,;\u25a0 good -location: 'low rent;, nnnarual bargain; good -, lease. ;:,COLEMAN'S.*i 1237 McAllister • Et.» ATTENTION— AH. union barber shops are closed ; all djj on Labor day, ' September 2." CHARLES \u25a0-. KOCH/' secretary, 2211; Bush; st. .' ? FOR' rent— Store, '• 12x20, '\u25a0'. for s barber shop- -good \u25a0.:. chance '- for \u25a0 the i right \u25a0 man; \u25a0* Inquire DECKEL- . MAX. BROS., 162-164^ Turk St.- YODNG I barber | wants steady Z position to finish : learning i trade; ." 12 ; months' , experience. - Box j 2481, '.Calli office.;, \u25a0:\u25a0.\u25a0; y-.-^:, -,v; ..^y; >; BARBER I shops • ot ,: rare v opportunities " sold or leased.' Coleman's exchange,* 1237 -McAllister. FOR sale— 3 first class barber shops; ' 2, S and 4 chairs. Apply H. -H: KATZ, 47 ; Stockton st. BHEERIN'S' union laundry: barber shops bath houses. ,. 760 McAllister st. J Tel. Park 316. BOOTBLACK wanted a t o'H'. I'rcsldlo aT. .'- ' WANTED— 2 lady "barbers for colored barber shopiin city. :VApply, 1661 Q'Farrell st. ; - BARBER— First S class. , $20 and percentage.' In- qnlre 2634 Sutter at." near Lyon. ". V " , : FOR sale— First? class country barber shop; only $275.*;,: 708 4th st.-. ; SanTßafael. <, , WANTED— -First , class ? barber; good guarantee San Pablo ay/. Oakland; , - -_ 2 - CHAIR ; barber shop for ' sals. 2521 20th st. ' " corner 1 Bryant ; . bargain. ;, L '.; -.-,' -\u25a0 • : MANICDRIRT: 'good opportunity. 1176 - Sutter y st. near: Polk. ; •• .-. -,\u25a0:-\u25a0;. •\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' '\u25a0 . y/yy /y '.- \u25a0_•-- BARBER wanted immediately at; 2821 20th st. \u25a0> corner Bryant.*- " \u25a0 , " .-: ..... , SPACE for bootblack, stand to let/ Inquire 1 903 Howard st, * \u25a0\u25a0' •-.--\u25a0•\u25a0;'•'--.-;: \u25a0:.":--\u25a0\u25a0:-. \u25a0 ;.. .!\u25a0.." MALE HELP! WANTED Al SALESMAN - of ; good address ' and experience , for high grade retail clothing and 1 furnishings; • . best salary ; ?- coast ' or ; city , experience neces- \u25a0 sary ; write full particulars,' «ge, r ref ,v, v etc. ; *11 .replies confidential. . Box 248». Call office. HAVE a • floe opening : for . energetic man who Is \u0084. desirous '. of ;> advancement; amount"- required C $100. • See BROOKBANK.M42S Stelner st. \ -.\u25a0'\u25a0. :.--"-<• :^y--y "PRINTERS/- -•'.\u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0.'\u25a0-.:,•-\u25a0. \u25a0>-- .--• Compositor for our own printing plant.' MTJR- RAY: A' READY. 11th 'and; Market sts. "•\u25a0 WANTED— Experienced Jewelry • and ; silverware salesman and engraver; state/ age, -experience, : salary. ' references. < Apply :. box Tg 100." \u25a0-. y > \u25a0\u0084 MEN ; and > women v; to '« learn A the f- barber trade ; .. only snort time required; • special , Inducements. S.F.rßarber College, 8 Feft'st. ;>:; >: v ..--. -;\u25a0 >; \u25a0\u25a0; WANTED^-Man.who has had experience In hand* \u25a0±- ling railway J materials.^: Call room. 876/ Flood . ' building. ; between \u25a08 ; and - B p. m/ . > - -,- MEN and women to 1 learn the barber trade In > 8 -'« weeks ; >\u25a0• - wages' > paid . while ""> learning. ; MOLER'B College, 16 11th; st." < -\u25a0\u25a0 *\u25a0 JAPANESE i couple »for ' Ross valley. * ; «« fara- ;' Ily; » good \u25a0 wsges. - Call • 2536 £ Broaawa» ; near .;\u25a0\u25a0-; Scott, - bst. ; 10 a. r m. ; and ] I ' p.? m.~ •-•\u25a0," ' - - \u25a0 COATS, pants, I Test ! makers can have seat room cheap ; large bright : back" shop; all appliances. -1082 EUls st near Van Ness ay. -f uf . »: . '<• , WANTED— «oy,~ 15 to 18 years old, to work ' la * : stors ! and : offlde. ;/- Address," stating salary • «x- pected,;box 3091,-CaU office- v; :'-:\u25a0 CLEAN; boy/?: abont' l6/c*te»V help around ' fancy /bakery and to run errands. , PEACOCK confec- tlonery.l lBl6 O'FarreU^ st. xa.: < -,\u25a0, \u25a0- ,-.\u25a0;. MB. i VALENTINE, ; printer,"- formerly with : ns at J-;-. Clay J St.; : please • call.r MURRAY ft : READY, ;,?, Uth i and' Market; sts. /\u25a0::•;- >- J y; -y;r <-.:.- c t WANTED — Errand . boys. Apply to general I man- r r : ag«r/> NATHAN-DOHRMANN 4 CO., " 1520-1550 *;'Tani Ness 'ST. :-';;•;;•:;\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0,- \u25a0\u0084..;; <-;._ '/.:--. .-v. v WANTED— OOO men Ito fill beds at 15c per night i,. : at * the ; Phoenix. \u25a0; 828; Howard : sC- between ' 4th ;*.;andJBth.';\'s— y/-*^.: - : -- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0:.• ~ S-\- :\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0': >;.- BOYS from 16 to 18 for I wholesale Oionse ; | steady t.-\u25a0;t .-\u25a0; employment . and good ; wages. /; P. O.: 1 box 867, ;.;clty^v'--::'.;" : ,;"../,-.: --.\)_ -i^ T 7y 1'. jV-<: : ;\; -V ;\u25a0;.". >';„'-- \u25a0- WANTED— LadIes j and : gentlemen Ito i rent I rooms ft at j 8877^ 26th : st. inearJMlsslon; j |1.75-$3.50 , wk. X 00 ' PAIRS j repaired i and .uncalled : for shoes • from jj-.:^7Bc i np. g 1106 ; Flttmors > st,t near ; Golden \u25a0 Gate. . WANTED-^Roomers,-^ 81.25 4 week ; \u25a0! 25c 7a 'i night." £X CALDTORNIAS, HOUSE. : 370 Natoma nr. i 4thJ' JEWELER; must understand setting and casting/ \?i_ Baldwin Jewelry; Co.;! Van •Ness : and ! Sntter. yj ->. LARGE I errand I boy I wanted.**? Apply* at I CHAS. . f * LYONS, i London 1 Tailor, \u25a0*\u25a0 143? > rillmore ! \u25a0t.'y^'i', WANTED-^Mlddle T aged • man 2 for 2 night }•• clerk ; :.-•; references."^: 1651 > FUhnore; \u25a0 box 2480. Call. fe . v NEW,-, WESTERNS 1124. Howard f st.---300 j single -,'-. : rooms,'; 25c ; < $1.50 < week ; npward. >:\u25a0 ?\u25a0',.;'. •..-\u25a0-, r . SODA 1 dispenser; at ( Hales ; ; no youth ] wanted. ; Ap- r- plr: 3307.? Sacramento. st.^.\;:'^i;-V; '<-. ' -- '•>- - s OFFICB^ bo/ * about* 16 ; yearn -old."" 1816 ! Sutter 5-: street, .- "\u25a0-.\u25a0_ \u25a0"-'/: \u25a0\u25a0':-. \u25a0\u25a0 - : '-' "•' .- ' \u25a0'' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -. - :\u25a0 . '. '\u25a0i': : 'V-''.'> MURRAY- &;READY;-,-" ':'\u25a0. •" .JV ' -\u25a0'." Lendjng ; Employment; and iLalwr. Agents. -r\- \ "\u25a0;- lltliiand'Markefsts,"San"Franclsco.' ••\u25a0• , .;., \u25a0 ; ; \u25a0 ;v. phone r Market s Gs6 r . and \u25a0 C57.'-2-^ ; . - ='- ; , ->Y'7-;--:i BRANCHES: ;-<*j*> Q .'.,\u25a0.- -"-\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0 . ;-, Cth and ? Franklin ; sts.;^ Oakland. _-. •- .'% ~* ";phoue^ Oakland! 7361. ; .~ *"'" ' \u25a0.">"\u25a0', 127-129 S.^ I/OS * Angeles- St., * Los Angeles, = Cal. WE i CAN— WE VWILIP-WE -MUST ."'•PUT— YOU— TO— WORK. \u25a0'"-\u25a0 .\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 -'.'"'CALL' ; ONVUS'... - *- -\ AND TAKE YOUR- CHOICE OF " --\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0'<\u25a0 104CS' — — — 10463 — — —- 104G3 '-'\u25a0' 10463——— ' 10463 . " '\u25a0- DIFFERENT JOBS IN; ; ~ California. i.Nevada.i/Arizona,' • Oregon.*- Waahlng- ' - ton, « Mexico tand 'New -.•Mexico. ' . .READs CAREFULLY . " AND? ACT QUICKLY. 1 >•- - ' - FIRST— COME— ALWAYS-^FIRST— SERVED I ' ; — U— A— l— Lr-^-R— O— A— D— S— -; \u25a0 : . NEVADA— NEVADA— NEVADA - :':•; \u25a0.;\u25a0\u25a0.:--\u25a0• ---\u25a0--•iFREEiFAREi ;•--\u25a0 :- --.- \u25a0\u25a0; *,;'-~.; : : : TRUCKEE— RENO— DIVISION , -; \u25a0 75 laborers i and * carpenters' a helpers for • work. In '. and ' around snou-sheds,*]! s6o ; to : so7.so. '- -~"'- ' \u25a0"' - '\u25a0> : i OREGON— OREGON ; " - ; ' FREE FARE " — FREE • FARE •S". 1400 i ; men - of .•? all 1 : kinds^-laborers, i teamsters, drillers, rockmen, trackmen, ''carpenters, : black* smiths, etc. .Wages $67.50 to $120., f"' ; THE. CALIFORNI AS NORTHEASTERN. \u25a0•;\u25a0 ,':.-\u25a0'.•\u25a0>>-,\u25a0. .-.:<\u25a0• FREE v FARE. \u25a0'• ' :•.'-\u25a0 \u25a0 i i GRASS LAKE— WEED— GRASS i LAKE 5. 450, {laborers,'. teamsters,:; drillers, - carpenters, blacksmiths, etcj.i $2.25. to $4 'a day.'- '\u25a0\u25a0'•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 FREE FARE ON THE (FENCK; GANGS -'\u25a0 • \u25a0'.: -,Ou •'\u25a0. the "borders- of Oregon. ->-" . SHASTA , -„-.- i.(i .and - SISKIYOU 150 laborers for S. P. It. R. fence . gangs ; all free •\u25a0 fare, $67.50 ' t0 : 575. : ... \u25a0SIGNAL' GANGS FREE FARE. COMPANY WORK. FREE FARR > CASTELLA— COPELY— DUNSMUIR "KESWICK— SUNOL— SHASTA— SISKIYOUi 240 ; men - for t signal ? work • on « the Southern Pacific;, all -divisions; all" free fare; a good thing; ; s67.6o- month. ' '; - - **\u25a0 S.— P.— R.— R.— CO. . -SANTA BARBARA— SANTA - BARBARA. ; «W~ ""','\u25a0 '" SAN— LUIS— OBISPO. - FREE : FARE ', \u25a0 — - FREE FARE /20 carpenters for.: all > southern .divisions. $90 month ; , 60 \u25a0 carpenters' : helpers and 140 laborers ; all - free - fare, ,; $67.50 month. -\u25a0 \u25a0'^ » . -\- ' - 'FREE .FARE— SHIP, DAILY. \u25a0:\u25a0'\u25a0 SANTA VORUg.;' APTOS— f— LOSGATOS i 160 : carpenters, > carpenters' - Welpers and labor- ers, $67.50;t0 -$00 i month. : ." . PAJARO \u25a0 \u25a0 ,- FREE • FARE I —-—KENVILLB .175 laborersiand 'eerpenters": helpers.' $07.50. ? \u25a0:\u25a0' 15 5 carpenters, : all classes ; work, $90. \u25a0• ' 60 miners and* muckers," $67.50, $75 and 190. " AGAIN— FREE , FARE— AGAIN . - • • ;'THEi ; .'\u25a0' 50 muckers and \u25a0 laborers,- $2 50." \u25a0" FREE— SHIP TODAY— FREE ' •'\u25a0" -—\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 LOOK— LOOK -. HINDOOS : : - . ' ' '. -v ITALIANS ->- < - -_ FREE FARE :"- . - , \u25a0 . ' 800 Hindoos and * Italians .to • load gravel • and work * on ; ballast v gangs. All free fare and all company- work; \:S; P.^R.-tR.' Co " ' : . .:\u25a0'\u25a0:- . OTHER PLACES - ALONG THE LINE THAT -WE SHIP i TO DAILY. _ Mayfield, Mountain .View.' San Jose. Monterey, Gilroy, ' Ntles. ' Livermore; „• Pleasantcn, - Farwell, Altamont,: Bel! • Spur," . and : doiens — yes, hun- dreds— of others. AH. of. them -free; fare. - ; * • - CALL ON US. WE CAN AND WE WILL PLACE YOU AND PAY YOUR; FARE. j.;j THE' OLD ; AND- RELIABLE . "MURRAY,*: READY.; " V/ . -\u25a0' Leading ! Employment andiLabor Agents. - ...11th and Market sts.; San Francisco. — . , .: 6th ' and • Franklin - sts.. Oakland. COME. HOME-COME HOME >-' ' ' TO SLEEP. "... 600 SINGLE ROOMSr- — 600 SINGLE BOOMS 25c PER NIGHT -$1.25 PER WEEK. INCLUDING BATH..; -- / . Coffee • served • free to : each jroomer between 6 a. m. and 8 a. , m. ' v" facing -^and adjoining ocean shore . \u25a0\u25a0"•\u25a0•.".\u25a0-< r. r; terminal. -\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* \u25a0 \u25a0.. 11th and. market sts.' „ *' - : .. _\ ' -\u25a0 >, /; FOR A BIG MINE \u25a0S3f&BziS&B3 MILLWRIGHTB • \u25ba MILLWRIGHTS 5 millwrights, big mining company, north; long Job,' $5 ; day. - ;. \u25a0 ; . . . : \u0084 20 carpenters, big mining' company, north; long Job,. $4; day. ;. . - - \u25a0:• ; STONE CUTTERS RAILROAD JOB. FREE FARE. 10 stone \u25a0 cutters, long . railroad • Job,' north ; free . fare, $105 ; month. -,-' > . - . READ THESE— — - \u0084 :.:\u25a0/,/ \u25a0 -"\u25a0:: \u25a0-. v.' 8.~ \u25a0-'\u25a0--\u25a0- ' \u25a0-v \ i '-'\u25a0 1 ', GOVERNMENT. WORK. - .; 10 bandy men or laborers •as i porters,', etc., , for \u25a0: a 1 government ' station - nesr ; S. \u25a0>. F. ; -. $35 ; per a month; aboard, lodging . and ; washing." "i Ask about -this."' -\u25a0- . - \u25a0:" . •\u25a0 -iv, \u25a0-,-.:-. -'•\u25a0\u25a0": - - " - \u25a0\u25a0'-:\u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0 LOOK HERB. . •• - > FOR A. BIG " : ELECTRIC ; LIGHT AND POWER CO. •-;. \u25a0•;>\u25a0>•-- \u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0\u25a0: V FREE FARE. ' Camp - blacksmith;, free fare. , $120. ', 4 . riveters, '\u25a0. good work, '. free rare,< $105. \u25a0 \u00842 holders . on," ' free : fare, v $90. . ' • \u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0 >.2 rivet i heaters, :tre% fare, $75.' 100 laborers, 2 ' vears'*Job, $75. --' -, SEE^BOSS HERB FOR THE ABOVE JOBS. - ? -."... •:-/".' : -i j \u25a0"•'-•>=• NOW \u25a0\u25a0•-\u25a0":-—"' . b \u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0" "" -^ V.- YOU READ THIS. " '^*\*'H \u25a0 .. DO*YOT? KNOW IT'S > '.% V - \u25a0 '-AT OROVILLB? ; -> «/= • . ..X ;-r. r IT'S FREE FARE. •V. ":. Steam . shovel "• engineer, $150 and f d. 1 Cranesman, steam shovel, $100 and f ; . BLACKSMITHS. BLACKSMITHS^- ; ;— Blacksmith," lumber company, $30 and fd. Fare • paid. ; \u25a0'\u25a0:- '\u25a0.-.:\u25a0 -;•:>«; *.;;•.'--': ;.; : \u0084 : 2 camp' blacksmiths. Free fare, $105. v Blacksmith, power company. -Free -fare, $120. „ Blacksmith, mine company, Shasta county, $4.50. 19 : blacksmiths,,; other -Jobs, -. 53 - to.. $5 ; day, \u25a0 for •- ranches, i camps, > sawmills, t mines, , etc. Blacksmith : helpers ) for city ' and • country.-; * \u25a0:• ' .'\u25a0/ --," -•"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 WE MAKE *\u25a0:\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0 : '/\u25a0 - . , A , SPECIALTY ' OF - :-, HOTEL- AND- RESTAURANT BUSINESS. : !'; COOKS. DISHWASFIF.RS. WAITERS. • PORTERS, '\u25a0 BEIXBOYS, ETC. ' - ' V ----.V ' \u25a0 ;^-,- -COOK.X \u25a0\u25a0 -.•.-'T.--. '- \u25a0\u25a0 : 2 first cooks "-;\u25a0; city,/ $90; night : cook, city - $75 ; 3 second cooks, - city. > $75 ; cook, threshing \u25a0V. machine, '\u25a0.- $75; \u25a0 coofc, r-Alameda.:county.".'s6o; '.* cook's \u25a0;"\u25a0 helper, >i- San \u25a0'-'. Mateo >' county, \u25a0 .*' $40; 3d cooks, springs hotel, $50 and fd.; 48 s other ; - places, *In - camps, „' springs,*" sawmills, .; res tau- ; rants, : etc;, aU • good .wages. , ' -X" • >-;:-^./-v.r.,. ; .^-.v. i v;WAITBRS; ;\u25a0"; ' .- - : \u25a0 .Walter . for 'Calave'ras : : county,, fare 1 paid, $40 , "' and : found ; • waiter,"' springs hotel,', fare refund- •*- ; ed, ., $30 ' and found ; 2 \u25a0 camp ' waiters, close . by.' ' $50 and ifound;t waiter,', Sonoma*- county, ; f-4 ' week : and . found ; i waiter,*; city ; restaurant,' $10 ; .week - and \u25a0 found ; 3 • camp \u25a0 waiters,", Alameda :':: ' : county, $30 and found ; ; camp j waiter, ' fare 60c, . '$35 and found; 2S other places, city and coun- try, many free fare. /•' \u25a0 . v - - I DISH -WASHERS; \u25a0 46 . places , for dish washers ; in ; hotels, : restan- \u25a0 . rants,' .'resortSj'* camps, 1 ' etc."; "" t wlta \u25a0 wages • from - 820 f t $50 •; and . f ound. \u25a0-^ - " * \u25a0 ; .:\u25a0• BUTCHERS.,... ' "' y \u25a0-\u25a0 : . . 2 butchers, Santa" Barbara county, shop work,' ti only < young men,*i $20 week. ; ,• 1 butcher. San Mateo county, wagon and shop', -\u25a0vf4s''ands fonndAv. u,-:.>"-t-;. ,•.-;-,-.,... • .\u25a0*.\u25a0-;••""• \U . - Married \u25a0 butcher, . San ' Mateo county,' $75 ' and ;\u25a0" meat; '3 '"Other places, 'country 'Jobs, '^\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'' ''•" .;\u25a0..,,'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 if^CHOREMEN.';-:'.--,:, : . .;" Cboreman > and i wife,:- San ? Mateo ' county. - $50 It{ and ' found ; choretnan and gardener, ] San Mateo r-> county, "* s3s v and- found; ; choreman and " butter :" maker, r fare '< 50cT- $35 f and * found ."> •\u25a0 \u25a0 ; ' - "\u25a0• 26 s other . different - cboremen's . Jobs : In- private "N. places, hotels, ranches, resorts, etc., wages f 115 *Uo-' s4o -and -found. -;<"' .- 1 ,:.--'\u25a0:\u25a0• v MURRAY- ALREADY, ,v y-\ -- 11th rand -Market «ata..\S.* F. > ; •;> '-..- 6th and Franklin- sts., Oakland. ' ,- / GOLD .AND SILVER, '» •.".'.\u25a0' '".' .. , ; :COAL AND ] COPPER. ;. ;V, 809 > miners. '% single. \u25a0 double ' hand* and machine ; men,'* different ' -rttrts.T $90 1 to : $120. r M- , - r-: %-. 507 chuck i tenders, » muckers,* common '. laborers,' ri-etc.V'-$"3 5toj$l00.";-'iij:;:--:^,;- f -f] \u25a0\u25a0"*:>\u25a0 w >3j 10 laborers, 'gold mine, I Nevada; $3 day," 8 hrs.* : .- :-;..r,"--rr../k STABLE i HELP;--:. .;;\u25a0- : ' " y, j\u25a0! 115 "; hostlers,"* harness -cleaner*, * washers;; floor- e men," i livery -,' and - private," city ; < and 4 country ," \: top : wages. -^ '-\u25a0»"* I \u25a0-••- -V -' - '-"-':..-.--. >-"•-:-, ; • > - %--WOOD CHOPPERS TIE MAKERS. f. 100 1 men '.to . chop * wood,? $1,50 1 to $5 •\u25a0 cord. 60 ; tie' makers,- 14c;- to < 17c -tie. '.-•\u25a0\u25a0••\u25a0 v,^:'- ;V-+WE»WANT ~. "\u25a0 , »>» > '\u0084-,. : ' 1,000 s TEAMSTERS, j . * -.:- .-\u25a0'.;.•.-• ; - i^J-WEiWANTf '. -\'- '\u25a0' ;•".-. . ; , : 7,000 * LABORERS.' , "yy.',- -"-\u25a0;---« rk-i-/ FACTORY.-;;--"- 1:;--;.-.- ."-.. .'/ r 10 men, 't factory,? steady; Job,"; s4o . and ' found.' ;-' '.". 16 ; men,*; factory,'^ near -city,; $75.- .': ,* - - . *-- 00 laborers, J year k round f Job,"! $2.25 : day.'.V' "' 5O ' laborers, \u25a0-; factory, fare « paid, ' $67 .50.' ;.-i . -V- »>, ; TO TEAR'DO-WN* , \u25a0/:-;.: OLD BUILDINGS.'-V/ f 20 laborers to* tear down old-bulldinga/'S months' '\u25a0! Job,, board in hotel, $75, y v : M ALE HELPjWAXTED— C""' 1 LOOK-i-TELL" EVERYBODY.^ v ; . ' --500 FIRST CLASS R00M3,, : WHITE PALACE HOTEL. ; NEVER CLOSES. "... 50c. 73c and $1 a day.' including batns- „ ; 250 ItOOMS.FORi MECHANICS." ETC.. *-?° PER WEEK,' INCLUDING BATHS. • WHITE PALACE HOTEL. \u25a0'miscellaneous/ :-. -..-\u25a0\u25a0: I '%-*.--if.- ! yod \u25a0•-..••\u25a0"„\u25a0 * . . /MISS THESE YOD« LOSE. v v .. TERRA . COTTA WORKERS — 2 model maiers, city.- $3.50 day; 3 finishers. $2.75 day.^ - j FOREMEN— Team * foreman,' Santa Cm* $4; ' woods-foreman.s -foreman. 'Butte. co.. $100 foona: o ; rock foremen.". W. v P. R-": 8.', '575 -found; "*.••*: .'.-\u25a0ttonrnd. extra gang foremen for.S.,P. WOOD WORKERS^-Planer hand, Sonoma cot. ; $80 v. fonnd ; • screw / ' turner. Sonoma «. co. . »w •; found ; , sticker hand,* Santa • Clara . c 0. ,. !*> ' to , $105/- -V- : .- '.- \u25a0 ;-.. \u25a0 t \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0• '\u25a0- ,-\u25a0 ,'•• FIREMAN— Night fireman, city • ln«titotlon, " light job. $30 fonnd. bulletin boards. Bead ' our daily lists. Gat potted on the good things. ' MURRAY^& READY. . :,,' 11th and Market sts..- San Francisco. \u25a0 , :.,;6th and Franklin sta., \u25a0 Oakland. WANTED---By a , large American fire lnsnrancs ; company, i a young man of good education, not over. 10 years of age, desirous of learntnc ta« Insurance " business. Address , box f 8098, Call office, giving ags, references and . salary ex- - - pected. ' ' w Tfrii iliTlJj.ltli FilWltiTTfPitTtTTriTitln MEN and boys ' wanted to learp plombmg/ plas- tering, bricklaying; day and night classes; ' free \u25a0 cat. : positions ! secured ; no book learn- ing. ;. COYNE trade school. - 230-240 Bth st. r San Francisco and New York. ; . - DOCTOR wanted: fine appearing. physician, not -young; mnst have surgical experience for hos- pl t al work ; . good salary . from first and excel- lent when well started. I CaU : at 606 McAUla- : ;ter st. - ;\u25a0" ---; ' ." . . - /-"--:-; ,-: GOOD PAY — Men wanted everywhere- to tack - signs,/ distribute'. drcnlsrs. samples, etc.; no "- canvassing. -Address National Distributing Bu-. reap. 227 Oakland. Bank building.' Chicago. lU. BE your own cook and get $25 weekly— FBAN- \u25a0 ; CATELLI'S - MODERN - COOKING . SCHOOL teaches you" bow; -terms by the hour or month. See Chef from S to 8 p. m.. 2156 Sotter st. WANTED — A bright young man who oriderstaads stenography and typewriting to work in*r lum- " ;ber. and, shipping office In • San -Francisco: good references required. - Address box 8097, CaU. • WANTED — Cashboys, 14 Tto 16 .years of sgs; mnst -bring age and schooling certificates. Ap- " ply supt's office between 9 and 11 a. m. HALS BROS./ Inci. 6tb: and -Market sta."/. EXPERIENCED book keeper and shipping clerk ,at once; good salary, and opportunity to right - party. Call or address .R. S. YOCNG SUPPLY \u25a0 CO.. 515 4th st. Oakland. CaL ' PARTNER. $250. for old established and weU paying bnslness; . experience not " required, but .' party must be . willing- worker. ' See BROOK* BANK. 1425 Stelner st. ..,/ \u25a0: - GOOD \u25a0 salesmaa ' who - can invest $1,000 can se- cure a good position In, a paying automobile supply company; mnst have best of references. ' Box 2350. Call offlce. \u25a0 . . . " , WANTED--A" fine appearing physician with some - hospital experience - who can : typewrite or learn it quickly; good salary; no traveling. 696 st > WANTED — Boys for stock and opening; 16 to 19 years; good -chances. Apply to general man- ager. -- NATHAN-DOHRMANN CO..- 1520-1550 \u25a0 , -Van Ness ay." / .:-. \u25a0 . -;. : 300 ! MEN fto 1 sleep in \u25a0 our new, dean sanitary \u25a0 lodging,- house;* 10 -cents- per bed -per night. .. PACIFIC LODGING HOUSE CO.. 371 sth. St. INVENTORS— Sonntag's Patent Agency, solldt- '> ors ' of ' patents, \u25a0 a tt erne y 9 •In Washington, etc. 1122 Market opposite 7th. Phone Market 2083. TEAMSTER for scraping work at Freeport; free P; fare;- no fee. Apply with, blankets at 10 o'clock today, to Reed teaming company. 325 Fulton st. BTEADY J men '- to - learn good trade: good pay i ; ' while learning; must \u25a0 put np $25 bonus. Ad- dress 34 NorfoUt bef 11th. 12ta and Folsom. BOY about 17 to work in wholesale house. CL- • - MAN. SEELIGBOHN "& < BROWN. 6th and West El Dorado, sts. <"!•>>-. V - \u0084 - - WANTED— Of Irst class salesman, city territoryT Apply ' Tuesday/ Herring-Hall-Marvln Safe Co., 1165 Mission st-1~--;^ • ;:.';\u25a0 .< /- : WANTED— Horseshoer: good wages. L E. FOUNTAIN. -OroTllle.: CaL VEGETABLEMAN. wanted. North German ho- tel, corner Bth . and Brannan rts. . EXPERIENCED man on plain soda dispensing; no youth.? 8307 Sacramento st «>...• - \u0084 4 ERRAND boys: good pay; rapid advancement.' Apply 2264 California nt* -\u25a0-'- • ; , AGENTS WANTED " AGENTS: wanted to sell -S. F./ suburban lota throughout California: big commissions. Ocean Shore Development Company," 1980' Sutter at. near FUlmore. : v < - r. .. -•-•• \u25a0.'«- \u25a0 • SALESMEN and SOLICITORS WANTED WANTED— -Traveling salesmen to sell "Thresd- • easy"- sewing machine needles to the trade as a .side line. .The only perfect aelf-tbreading needle.: It wiU be advertised In all the lead- Ing magazines., beglnntng •In October . and .we want as wide a -distribution ss ; possible be- fore that time;: liberal proposition and every - thine to work with to salesmen \u25a0 who can spend a . few : moments In - every ; town on i thin \u25a0 '. proposition; a chance to make $5 to"? 10 extra . , each , day. J-... Reply.-- giving exact territory cot- ; ered, ..- line > you ~ are , handling at present - and size of . towns . you . reach. \u25a0 Give address , where ;-*; -* letter i will ; reach > you on September 10, , also - permanent ' address : where ~ mall -, will \u25a0 be < for- warded. Brayton :Bros. Company, 2911 . Bry- ant .ay. rSV; Minneapolis/ Minn. \u25a0\u25a0 . : WANTED— Salesman "experienced In any Une to seU <- general ;; trade "on Pacific coast; i Überal commissions, with $35 per: week advance; one salesman earned ' $599.01 last • month, his first \u0084, experience with. us. - The Continental Jewelry • Co,, Cleveland, '.O, , FEW hustling agents/ not afraid to work: get np 'excursions to our new suburban townslte by the sea; salary and commission.. CaU mornings be- tween 8 : snd 'lo at Farallone City office. .Van - Ness Theater ; bldg./ near ' Grove st and - Van N's* ay. TWO. experienced salesmen Ao handle high grade proposition; • men ' with good ' connection In San Francisco", and i vicinity; , remuneration depends :on > business .. produced. A»k for Mr. • Mac- \u25a0 y i INNES/; room ; 1301, \u25a0 Merchants" - Exchange. .; SOLICITORS ' of i good i address.' capable < ot \u25a0 pre* .- senting . a " combination land . subdivision and 'amusement {proposition', to ; prospective stock - : holder a ; liberal > commission ; . references. CaU at 20 5th 1 st. between 3 and; s p. m/ - WANTED— SeTsraI:, solicitors to sell splendid ' ; ; residence property la the Ticmlty of Palo Alto . - and i Stanford university ; ' 12V> per • cent com- ,'. mission. ' Address box 2479, Call office. SALESMEN — We ? offer "? the z best proposition In ; the : city ; i easy \u25a0' selling ; line ; good - money." • See ' Mr. : Fitzgerald. - Columbia \u25a0'\u25a0 Phonograph com- .;:pany,l;626 McAlUster st. "- LIBERAL Inducements '\u25a0 to real . estate agents •\u25a0 offering < Brighton « Beach . ; property ; - it : - sells ; itself. Call at 20 sth st nr. Market 3-5 p.m. WANTED — Experienced solicitors; • fine opporrna- ; Uy. '-« Call s- room 302 ' Harding ; bldg. * S4 . EUls. r; FOR SALE ; AA— MILWAUKEE FURNITURB « COMPANY; : 941 and 945 Mission st. v » - CARLOADS OF FURNITURE AT WHOLESALE. ' Dressers, chiffoniers, metal beds, stands, Mor- ris hairs,- rockers r and. extension -tables. . *'. . Tn- . Wholesale Manufacturers. MILWAUKEE FURNITURE COMPANY; 941 and 845 MUelon st bet. sth and 6th. . LEAVING city: 4 ; iron beds • with - brass trim- • mtngs. ] first : class * wire mattresses, 4 ' hair , top ; mattresses,^ comforters, 7 curtains, "4 high ' grade \u25a0Axmlnster * rugs ; : bought ~ 2 weeks v ago '\u25a0;, from \u25a0*\u25a0: ; Sloane \u25a0\u25a0 ft ' Co. ; . evary thing ; brand < new 1 n•;»'. \u25a0•\u25a0; \u0084- ;__, -\u0084'\u25a0".\u25a0 AH. there! Three ropes or cigars csst aside 30 , days would bny a Morris chair good enough for >: my t mother j, In i law. "rs; See 3 H. - SCHELLHA A3, \ Oakland's furniture 1 dealer.', this week." 1 Korncr -store, 11th and Franklin sts. ~ : ' : \u25a0 .; ALPINE 1 FURNITUBE I CO* 1572 ; McAllister st ~,at DeTlsadero.'^ Lowest prkes to city. .'\u25a0 . \u25a0 \*OAJiUJkXp; FURNIT 11 IRE FOR SALB SPECIAL ' day * for! bargains fln furniture. H. 1 £jgCjt^LLIIAAg 2 lllth_Bt.y corner' store/ Oakland. \ :; : , ;-, FURNITURE Iv. POSITIVELY ' the! highest , price 'paid for I second hand ' furniture - and 1 household goods. \u25a0 , FISHER to BERNBTEIN.: 33I3 > Mission, st.' near > 29th.-.T $5,000 worth -2d- hand furniture t wanted. \u25a0'\u25a0-.' J.'-H. \u25a0 661 '« 14th rt. nr.Chnrch; teL Mkt 4322. .-,-'' v:'. : ;-v;:.'." :^€PHb'£gTiHii^ r : >- •" T.* H.lO'ROnßKß^iapholstefer.^mattress" maker; formerly 623 • McAllister/ now ' at 413 Grore \u25a0«t HORSSS; HARNESS AJiD WAGONS '. & »i" HORSE. 5 buggy and -, harness. : $30;_hors#. . S»&R«ff??!t'.:fea st.. Oakland. - - ./ •-.*\u25a0 — i ____ Clnb sUbles. 5657 Sacramento st. - "oTTCTvpotj rf.iiverr and peddlers*. rigs, and riw nl^l kfnd^ "or UrTat reduced rates to steady c^tom^fkKa? Blacksmithlng and Repair Co.. 1433 Folsom st WAOTED-Good genUe work horse Jn exchanw good as \new. 103S No« st. TO • let-100 good mules ; w TO "«| I c V to^ U^ 4d4 d \u25a0'. and * wagon work. A. W. KECK. room, wm, ,'704 > Market st. " ».' svrrt «ai» nr ' hire— Business - horses. -C. L» ro B^ck'r!*lsV«mtr; aT~Jr: Mlsstoa 17th. S. F. VETERINARY CoUege opens Oct "»*:»«. cat/apply DR. C KEANB. Pres.. 1813 Mkt st. FOR sale— Horse, wagon and -harness: mnst b« sold at once. 1504 Chnrch st. near 27th. 1 GOOD work horse for sals very chesp; bar- • galn. '473 26th ar.. Richmond district. A .BARGAIN—* r»d horses f or sal» - ehtap. . Inrade Horse Market. C3l rolsom st. FOR ' sale— BUck twwe. « - years , old; watgaa 1.400 lbs. "1029 BBd St.. Oakland. __l_ r STORAGE AjnP MOVUVO \u25bcAJT» - \u25a0 AA— BEKINB VAN AND STORAOB C*K ; Fireproof WarsjMWMe^ . , IBth and Mission sts. TsL Martst IX. , WILSON BROS. CO. aacJJ-MoT^t-jdiitortlK; Cor. 15th and.Saochti st«.. 1 Wo^L*? 8 -!* 4^ - ket and FUlmor* st. cars: phoas Park 3TI. « PIERCB-BODOLPH Storage : and ]£m« pany. ' 3820 » Fittmors; \u25a0 st. Phone - West 2«2«. ' CARPET CLEAJTIXO '" \u25a0 ANT or tn of yoor rags, earpsta, fcnraitnw, ' * curtain* cleaned \u25a0 on ' the floor wltaorit ttaonl by the Vacnnm-Process Cleaner aad BonipaMat Co. Work posltlrely gTjaranteed. ABTHOS O. . HEWrjCT. 87 8d st.^ phono Tenr> ; IT4B. - ALL carpets and rust* deaaed oa tSs floor wltli- ont remoTsJ •. by ta« 8. F., Comptstised Alt Cleaning Co. Offlc* and shop ISta st. aad Sas Braao st. ; phone Market 2673. ALL ready far bosines»— Pionser Carpet C^*n- taf Works; temporary offlce. Ml Golden Oat* ST.; phone Park 881. J. BPAULDINQ A CO. WEST COAST CABPET CLBANINO WORJCS-^ \u25a0Cleaning, altering, laytec 1003 Valenolaßt. near 21st;. phone Markst 898. , ' CLEANING Be. Best work cleaning and Uytas | dons hy " QI3SLOW. 8808 22d st Tel. Bat 2389. j MITCHELL'S old estab. carpet b*atlag works, j • COl . Dolores co>. 18th. Phone Market 1402: Watts — Reliable carpet cleantng; alterations; rett- orating, laying. 537 Waller st. , Phone Park BC9. CONKLIN BROS.* Carpet Cleaning Works. 1319 1 8eott \u25a0 st. , near O'FarreU. Phone West BWI. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced meta- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Tnrk st. GARNI E * BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaaia-| works, 3228 16th st; phone Market 8001. VACUUM CO. cleans carpets on yonr fMor: strike prices.*' 12S1 Eddy st.:t»l. West 6612. DVEIJiQ A.YD CLEANI.VO SEND yonr dry cleaning, to the Presidio Heights Dye Works snd ba forever satisfied. CaU West J 483 for wagon. Offlo 8931-3933 Sacramento *t. INFORMATION WAXTKD 1 Efev. M. GRACE HILL, who formerly took charge ot the United Chinese - mis* ton at Wa- % verly ' place, Saa • Francisco — Any body know- Ing the whereabouts of the above party pleas* • notify the Chinese mission/ San Rafael. PERSOXALS MISS ELLA CLANCY or. Miss T. Near— Please call generat delivery, postofflo. 7th utreet. BUSINESS PERSO.VALS NUCLEUS sanatorium : best expert baths; elec- tric/salt, glow baths: ladles' aad gentlemen's .. first class massenera In attendance. 001 -De- '- Tisadero st. near McAllister. Strictly medlcaL Open 8 a. m. to 10 o. m. WIGS, toupees, front pieces, that fit; purest hair used; hair dressing, shampooing, dyeing, etc. G. LEOERER. 2271 California st. near Web- ster, formerly at.- 123 Stockton; estab. 1566. L. C. COX,- M. D.. 2100 Devisadero— Electric and vibratory treatments; also oiyleae ma- chine In respiratory.' nervous and blood • : trouble*. . UNCALLED for suits, overcoat*, and trousers st less than cost at CHAS.". LYONS, the London tailor. 1432 FUlmore it. bet EUls & O'FarreU. BATHS — Turkish and tub, \u25a0 massage and vibrator: finest equipment la the city. Formerly of 1849 Ellis st. now 1652 O'FarreU . st GETTING bald? Yoor hair falling oat? Call on ns: consultation free: > results guaranteed. . FRIEDA HOTTER, 1627^ Sntter at. WRITE O'CONNOR. Monterey, at mineral springs, for water that CURES stomach, kid- neys, rheumatism, nerves. > MRS. JEAN LLOYD — Shampoing.' scalp treat- merit, facial massage, manicuring. Country* , man bldg.. room 100. , $100 on deposit for you If your hat; cannot be> restored; abundance ot natural hair. C. B. H. T. CO.. 730 Hayes st. ' MME. RE CAN — Dermatologist. 1654 EUis st Birthmarks, deep wrinkles, pitting* and scars - remored. ..; ' MRS. DR. F. R. GAS 3. chiropodist. 1600 CaL st. the Bradbury; formerly 637 Geary: hrs. 1 toB. RUGS ? made from old carpets. Alameda Rn* Works. Alameda. Cal.; freight paid one way." Mrs. and; Miss Eaton, electric needle specialists;. 1230 Franklin near Geary. Phone- Frank. 189©. MISS B. GRANT, scientific vibratory massen** for all diseases. 1740 Geary St.. rooms 6 and 7. ' PROFESSIONAL masseuse treatment; nervous •diseases. Mat. Nina WUllam. 1423 Tnrk. s'te 9. MRS. CUMMlNGS— Superfluous hair removed with elec. needle: work gnar. 1175 O'FarreU. MRS. D. HASTINGS— Massage and electric treatment. 1124 FUlmore. parlors "2 and 3. HING CHKONG & C 0. .. military and naval tail- ors, located at 564 San Pablo aT.. Oakland. MRS. E.- LE FERNE. 716 Golden Gate a*.., r" 8-4; open Snndays; hot tab baths; massage-. MISS JOHNSON, professional masseuse and elec- trical treatments. 1921 FUlmore nr. Pine. PROFESSIONALraassense: electric l!gnt cabinet baths/Hotel Tyrone. 907 Golden Gate jr" T ?. EO ; T , KETE^ - »fr and tonpe* maker. 603 California st.. formerly of 331^aarny st. • THE young Coanteas Verona. massam and Uths. " 1726 O'FarreU st, snlte 3?^^. HELEN DERBER. gradnate masseose; slectrical treatments. 1206 Golden Gate ay. " MI _ S S SEpiOUR-Massage and baths. 1341 — Golden Gate a y. near ; FlUmore. St. j ELECTRIC vibratory; try famena Assyrian treat-* > ; mentvltßl FOlmora at. room 6. LADIESV CUSTOM TAILOR AND FOR MOD- ELER. M.- JACOBS. ; 1208 TURK* ST. - " PROFESSIONAL masseuse: .treatment for rh«- ; maUsm. ; 1024 McAUlster, at.. , room 18. . . MISS L. RAY. tub. Tapor- baths, vibrator; nro- feastonal massense. mSAVrnrk at, _ NEW ; Massage :. Parlors; •" S-iedl"ah mors^ i m «°t cure. 1701 Geary .«t.;v ."-;.f £> . M near.T^k K .t. BERTaA * m .™ :*•*. X»*i7; ; SOUTHERN^bith and -. massage parlors ; first - ftiS t ' e^«t»: «wmrs 1 to 5. 8 to 10.' i«| 1 g»»» st..- tower flat: no signs: open 9nad.w> 1 \u0084...-.. . . . =*S!ggigia^ I . 'PLASTER DECORATORS ' ;>-from drawings or plans.-- saw iW*?^*?* I ' "" - ' PLATING*- WORKS SUNSET fe Plating - Works^-Gold. 0 sllrer n'ckel --plating done. CleaentiniTit.^gSn .24l? . INVAUDD '".:. r BAMBOO J FUaXT2TTJRJ> BAMBOO farnlture. tables, chatrs." bureaus **»^ \u25a0 low , prtces.- ;HA YASHI. 2100^ Batsg%ff' * _'" PBTECTiyBs" r--:; MCCARTHY'S i Detective- 'Agency— sVllahl-. " -.fdrmatlon.lßiciva and, criminal affabS- 1.^7 U.l' < M 2M r -rfllr fS - : com^^MWc^flSea