Shipping News and Gossip
of the Water Front
Governor, Latest Addition to the
G)ast\yise Fleet, Reaches Port
The Pacific Ccast steamship cdm
par.ys new twin screw' liner G?ov«rnor,
Captain John Shea, arrived yesterday,
47^ days from Philadelphia, and
cocked at Broadway v.-harf. Fri
day, from 9 a. m. until 2 o'clock, it will
be open to public inspection.
The Governor made the lopg trip
\u25a0without a hitch, and co pleased are thfi
company's officials with Captain Shea's
•discharge of his important duty that
they expressed regret yesterday that a
company's rule would prevent their
rewarding him with the permanent
command of the new ship on the
coast run. As it is he will take th«
Governor out on its flret trip to Se
attle, but at the northern port will
Burren<S*r the command to Captain
Jepsen, who is senior master on the i
"northern run. Captain Cousins, who
ranks next to Jepsen in seniority, will
command ©f the President when
that liner returns from Alaska. Cap
tain. Shea will take the City of
Puebla and C&pt&ln Weaver, at present
master of the President, Trill be trans
ferred to the Queen.
. Th« Governor, as far as the hull is
concerned, is twin to the President,
«.ad the two vessels have much In com
mon. The Governor, however, has
twin screws and two smoke stacks
and there is something more of luxury
*n the passenger accommodations. Four
of the Governor's suites of bedroom,
fitting room aad bathroom surpass
thoge of tr-y other liner sailing out of
.this port.
. CiptaJn Shea reports an uneventful
voyage and gives the Governor a good I
reputation in fair weather and foul.
The engines worked without a hitch.
The Governor is equipped with wire
less and brought wireless outfits for
! the Queen end City of Puebla. •
\u25a0 -The Governor will leave here on its
fir*t regular trip et 11 o'clock turn, on
Saturfiaj', end, with tha President aofi
one of the older vessels, trill contrib
ute the service between here and
Puget sound. Tfce President, which
l«ft "fcere yesterday, will sail from the
sound October 1 for Xom«, will be
.bafck by October 17 and October 22
will resume Its regular runs on the
The Governor is the latest addition
to the compacy's fleet, but will not be
. Che last, es the construction of a 20 i
knot turbine passenger steamship is
already unfier consideration. The new
vessel will be similtr in construction
the Tale. anfl Harvard recently built
for.l, coastvrise ruos on the Atlantic.
Tl-e «»tv/ ship will carry express
1 freight"- only 'and. not more than 700 It .will fc«ve accommodations for
:T0 pnysengers. There will be IS suites
..;:J ;.o siateroom will' have more than
two berths. The new steamer will run
between Puget sound and San Diego.. !
Liner Newport Iteaehe* Port
•The Pacjfic Mall liner Newport. Cap
tain Russell, arrived yesterday from
\u25a0piinsrcii and way ports. The Newport]
wm only 5 days 4 hours from Mazat- j
lan. Once upor. a time this would have J
occasioned no comment,' but r.otv it is
unusual for a Panama liner to make
this run in Ivjss than 7 days. The New
port is the flag ship of the Panama
fleet, and came into port looking like
a yacht, except outside, along the
line, where, a growth of green
V'2-ss rather marred the 'smart effect.
.On the outv.'£.rd voyage the pasßcn
gere appeared to have been -well cared
for. and upon arrival at the isthmus
they inserted an advertisement In Pan
ama cewspapers telling the world how
•trell Captain Russell end his officers
had treated them.
The Newport brought 1,274 tons of
cargo, treasure valued at f32,000. and
4t passengers, among whom were Ed
vard A. Barnes and Dr. and Mrs. W. J.
BiLghar.i, missionaries, who have been
located for severs.l years in Guatemala.
The other cabin passengers were:
Fred Shepard, E. "M. Smith and wife, J.
R. Harvey. Harry C. Elkins. George
Merrick. John T. Wright, E. J. Wood
ward and A. M. Stetson.
Lfaer Siberia Sails for Orieat
Tec Pkcific Mail liner Siberia. Cap
tain S. S&hdberg, sailed yesterday -at
1 o'clock for the for east with a full
cargo and "00 cabin passengers, &s
well as a number of Asiatics In the
steerage. The passengers included: "
For Honolulu^— Gejrs* H. Acjus. Fred Blair,
H. BniSfc, A. CcnstabcJ, Mrt. A. CoDfcUbel. A."
J. Der'er. W. F. Outtoa. Mr*. Hi V. Duttan,
H. K. Flewhtr. Mrs. S. P. Fcrert, U !>t. J.
Gllieit, K. E. HaoiiiUin. Mrs. IZ. E. Haffitltoa,
.H. E. Bw»n. : Mr*. H. K. Hewsua. F. K.
--•-• *. £ a&d serraat,* A. G. n;a*. G. Hucter,
' Mrs. H. A. I*tat»erg and lai:-i. Master Rndolph
I*ea^erß, Ms«er Aiesasder Iseaberj, M. K-'
J*3teoa, KCvziA if. Kittrefl^e. Al«x O. Lax
css.<*. Doaaid Larssach, Ifrs. SI. T- McGauley
and aalfl, Mrs. E. Palaer. Ctsr:c-s L. Poaorcr,
Tf. T. Scbaidt, Mrs. W. T. ScbiiMt. Eet. 6.
S^nfidcr. Mrs. D. fecudfler. Mrs.' K. C. Tiionitson,
L*ors V*Cl?r, Mrs. L«ou V*Ul«r, W. TT*lcr.!onj»,
C. B. Wtii, ' Mrs. C B. V.-elis, C. 1\ S«Ui. i
Mrs. C. 1".. Z'-jttf-!; Hn. Msrloa GrooV, waiu esd I
infant; Ilri. Eflwirfl ' H. Kitxrcl^e, Mr*. Al«s- j
tfsdar D. Laracach. Mrs. Citries L. Poiaeroj-.
Ydkcinsih—il»ioT R. L. ABae*!ej- t Mlm Jwsle
.J. Asibarv-. Miss G.-Baucus,' J. E. Carter, Miss
Deburil. Carter. Mi«s £. Dickinson. Ti*. F. !•.• a- ;
.a«2, Mr*. XV. r. Dreaaca. Pt!!l? FUfllcy. Mit* 1
Juiia C riocfetn^. S. Kaciada. W. E. L*rob,
Mrs. 3. K. JicCatfej-. Miss Acale M. ill!'.*,'.
M!«» Mery L. i'.jlier. T. K. MJttal. . Miss
Cath«rio« A. RercoJdf. C. E. EeWnsoa. Mrs C.
E. B«biii«iß. R. Fore«t Russell, M:-*. R. Fortat
Ks*s«n. 'Car! A. Scca«iaer. John 3. Schn*!<lßr.
Mr». Jot«pa Stickney aa<S two tertaal*, F-7bert
Tlroata, Mr*. E:i>ert Tiioaa*. Mrs. H. L. Veasie,
Mr*. E. Wj^el. - . - •
Kob*— Mlm M. M. Albtrtson. Mis* Flf»renc«
J. Blgt'.ow, E. M. Cable, Mrs. E. M. C*b!c.
Her. j. W. Hitch, Mr*. -«"tn McK«aa." Rtv. W.
C. Rcftia. M». w. C. Rufos an 4 two ctiMrea,
K«r^ C. C. SawtelL C C. Samell. Conria
Tar'ior, Mrs. Corwtn Tar'.cr.
NRf.-.fSk»— W. H. Bcyd, J. C. Di-rtton, Mr«.
J. C. DarJsoa.
SiasfSfcJ — Mrs. H. F-. Ara»:il, Utet E. If.
BrlffttbUl, F. C. Bc:k. >"m Attcc Clajtoa. X'.£s '
Lacy A Corker, Mlts ">i4Ul A- EiUs. MUs
Erisaa Gs^tsilE^e. C. F. Joliastoa. Mrs. C. V.
Jouo«t^:a,' Mis* l>la* E. Eurz, Dr.' E. I. Ojjood.
Mr«. E. I. OtcooJ. M««t«r Ruf «-';! Omo<xl. Mas
ter WzJitce OttooA; Mifs Eleanor Oi>goo<l, Rst.
v.'fita O. Pj"*. Ero«*t *Si#ajsfton. " "•\u25a0-'-
Honskoae—P. R. Andr*rra. Mre. Ctrol!a« W.
Bak*-r. A. H. Barty, Stcphea H. Baf.ov. Vr. F.
Bxrcee. H. C. Blr^seyt, Georce S. Ulc*s Jr.,
Mrs. Alice. S. Elcuat, Mm V. Etcljti B. Baugb, !
Mrs. J. r. Csae. Archjt»al(l Case. 'W'llUftn G. t
Ci*n«r. Miss Cbarietts C. Cole, Mrs. S. Da^ea- 1
port. W. H. X>»v Sr., Sire. W.,H."Oar, CUarlea
K. I>ay. Mr*. 2. V>\ Edwards, Carl &iastb. C.
A. Far. Mr*. C. A. Fty. G. A. GoebeU Mrs. C.
S. Hderber. Major 3. O. Hutclitnsoa. Mr*. Mary
,A. Huntiajtoa, Miw >iirtsa Soatiajtoa, trn
!!»aj B. Joae«, Mlv Mtry W. Lawreace, B. i\
Learned, Mrs. E. F. Learntd. 1. A; Lemiecs,
Miss Afart" Lo«tt." Miss K. H. Lowrr. J. A.
Mac*aler, T.. X- MacaaJaj-, Mi»f> A£ns G. Mater,
Mr*. M". E. MfCllßtock. Friiak P. McMaboa, |
Mrs. Marraret B. ' M«lrc«e; Stmncl J. Miller. I
hilt* Mac E. H. Peabofly, Tbma« E«atn Jr., }
T. O. Rialttr, Mr*. T. G, RUiker. Mrs. L!3a C. )
Hojrert. MI*«" rior*ace Bogers. ProTeacr Dr. H.
Scli*ain*!»a<l aad iaujittr. Mrs.' Cair!<«« H.
Sleeper iad 2 c'-IJcrea. Csrl W; fiaiitU. William I
M. Saitli, Mrs. J. H. Sp!t*3iUl«-. - Frxcfc B. i
Stoae. Mr*. Track 3. Btcoe, MUs lae= M. Stece. '
Jaliaa Tljora«. Mr*. . Juliaa Xtorre, A. "Wagner. ;
Mrs. "A. W«e&«r, f>. W«rfcn!-Mela, P. TF4rfera T i
Mela, T. M. VFarrea. Mrs: F. M. w»rrta. Mi« J
F«nc«6 E. Warrea, Mfcs Grac* Wtrrea, F. B.
THjite Mr*. A. P; "WtUtfJl. SlJss Wbitt*!!, A;
H. wjiiiam*. Rev. tesliC We:fe, Mr*. Leslis
Wo!f« iuid' cfclH, MU* F..K. Woodman. I
Join *t ' Bdaalola— J. E. Adita*, >*rf. J. H.
• AAstß*. Mr*, t. R. Bnra», Albert Cbarlier, ;
Mtes E. Carri*. Mrs. F. if. Carrie, E. O. Faoifc. j
cer, Mr*. C.B. FowJtr. Mita M. P: F<w!«r. 3.\
M. Ivw]er,"M!*s Sj-bil H*cit!n£. MJm Geacvi«v« ,
Hocktag, A. E<x*kl2S.' Mrs. A. Hoekiat. Mi«s H. J
M. 3oKmaj»B, Her. S. "B. Rairden. - Sir*. >'. 8.-f
EaWta, Dr. S. W. Xilden, Mrs. B. XV. Tll&ta. t
U^riSßi General Maaaeershlp >
W. E. Pearce, general manager of the j
Pacific Coest eteatoshlp company, has I
ter.a«red his resignation u-jjl sever;
hit connection with the corporation- at |
the end' of this month. He "wtir rest j
'for a month or so and when he goe»l
into harqess again it will be on nW
own account. The Pearcp management
has been popular and profitable and
President Ford yesterday expressed his
regret at Pearce's decision. Pearce
took charge as general manager four
years ago and has piloted the con
cern through periods of strikes ana
marine disaster with good Judgment,
As a "boss" he wag eminently fair and
among businessmen won a name for
square dealing. His successor has not
yet been napieij.
Escape Death br Jumping Overboard
Two sailors at work Jn a punt along
side the French ehjp JplnvJUe escaped
being crushed to death yesterday by
Jumping overboard when the river
j stwmer F. M. Smith crashed Into the
Jojnviiie. The Joinville is lying at
Howard street wharf No. 2. The Smith
was going to a berth at Howard No.
3. but was carried by the tide against
the ship. The men in the punt saw
the river steamer coming and with
\u25a0wild yells Jumped Just as tb« punt be r
gan to collapse under the pressure.
The crew of. the F. M. Smith saved
the sailors with some difficulty, as one
of them could not Bwim and in trying
to use his shipmate as a Ufa preserver
nearly caused both to drown,
Schooner Via* Is Wrecked
The schooner Vine, which left this
port June 26 for Port Hope, Is reported
a total loss at Deering, Kotzebue
sound, where the little vessel was
blown ashore some time during this
month. No lives were lost as far a$
I known, but the cargo for Kotzebue
and Point Hope was destroyed with
the vessel. The Vine was well known
on the Pacific. The schooner was built
a* a yacht by Captain Burns of Seattle,
who made several extended cruises on
the vessel. It wag the Vine that brought
from the South Seas the native dancers
for the Chicago world's fair. For the
last two years the Vine has been run
ning on the coast, with occasional trips
to Alaska.
Water Front TCotem
An anchor weighing I,s«<} pounds, be
longing to J. Homer Fritch, was stolen
Monday njght from Mission (street
wharf. The theft has been reported to
the police, but Fritch says that if th«
man who carried it away, will come to
work in his coalyard he will not pro»4
cute. \u25a0
C. W. Hopkins lias been appointed ;
i purser of the pacific Coast steamship i
company's n«w liner Governor.
The old shjp Balboa, which. has been |
doing duty at S&nta Cruz as a dance
hall, arrived here yesterday in tow of
the tug Relief 'and will be laid up In'
Oakland cr«ek for the winter.
The Pacific Mail liner City, of Para;
sailed yesterday for Panama and way j
ports with about 80 cabin passengers. J
Receipts of. lumber yesterday by sea
amounted to, 3.1C5.000 feet.
The French steamer Admiral Olry,
Captain La Braun, of the French j
around the world line, arrived yester
day, 2 « days from' Yokohama and i\i '
days from Honolulu. •
The British bark Dunearn, from !
Eureka, I arrived yesterday at ' Sydney, j
having lost, part of Its deckload !n
heavy weather. \u0084. .
Hems of Interest to Mariners
. of the Pacific
ASTORIA. Sept. 24.— The four matted siflsxra
er Irene. Capta'.a ' Mitchell, arrlred la today
from Saa Francisco. The oil tank steamer
Atla*. Captain Badger, arrived Jo this aoraintj
from Port Harford wlth'a car^o of crude oil.
The schooner Oliver J. Olson with a partial
.cargo of Jcmb*r \u25a0 for Guaj-tnss. M«x.. "l;as
finished loading ct th« Tonsne Point lusnber
company and is expected to sill tomorrow. The
6te anrer Bedocdo. Captain Bendepard, left cut
this momSc? for Puget soumj with freight . sfid
psfsenjers. • . The steamer Breikwater. " Capuln
MaC-Genn. left out today for Coos bay ' with
freight and passengers. The . steanser Citr cf
Paouna. Captain Nelsoa. arrived In this morn
ing from 6an Francisco with freijrhfand -pas
sengers. The British bark Ccaway Castle.* Cap
tain Jones, wltfi th« nrst ' caryo of grain tcr
Europe this sesscn. . sailed today. Tte stcaiaef
Coanoke. Captain Dunham, arrived Jo lastvv«;a
inr froaa Srn Frfincisco wita' freight and ms
senders. The steasjer Indiana,' walcb -irrN-Pd
in last evening, is under charter to the Portland
sr-d San Fraselaco steamship compaay. ° The
»team>r Cascade, GapUia Apluad. with a'.'jrgo
cf lumrter lcadea at Toajce Point laxaber eora
p*Tir. s»!Ted todey. \u25a0 '•' • ' -
PORTLAND. Or.. Sept. 24.— The British ship
Dalgomr is expected to fihs«b l&rtlinjr tomor«
raw. Tt*' Atesia schooner Casco arrived 'iU!|i
evening from Kin Francisco. TUc oriestal liasr
Arabia will b« late in gettlwr a.wcy for th«
©rtent tfct* trip, owing to th? difßculty In s'lp
p!ying. her with flour. Tee «;tr* steatntr Ka- :
inma, put on tb« ronte. is uidnr the Cmir
ahriut as fast as It can b« furnished by the
H. F. McConaick, a lonjrsooreaan ensraje-I !
Saturday in loactias tfce French bark St. Louis.
is at St. Vlnceafs hospital siuTerJn? ' from a
broken l»g. A' sack' of wheat fell en t!m.
Ancthtr pair of . grain carriers w»r* char
tered by. local . exporter* 'tMs ojorntns. "th«
ve*f*H b^ing the British Means er Miinarch. of
2.3-17 teas, net, •• ana tte : British ship Windsor
Park, of 1,612 tons net register, The Et?am»>r
will come Cere from j San Francisco after CLs-
Charging ther#. Tto Windsor Park will com»
in ttllnet from C«lrtera. It .was thought a few
day* aeo t&at a lull would be eiperlens^d in
tte lln« of rtartering for a while bc'Oauia of
the great nnwuer of t^steT* now under ftng»y«
atent to los<i h«« la tti^'fall and early spiles,
but there seems to b« ao let up y«t. for. hardly
a dsy pajses'witooat oae,'**r .two >efcelt being
taken for wLeat. loading; , Steamers, in particu
lar, are being picked nr> in r»pld successiia.
-Tile one taken today is th« third Monarch Uttar
now headed for this port. " • \u25a0 - •
BAN PEDRO. Sept. 24 — Tb« freifttt stMOi. '
fiip B^nlta. Captain Kiel otson. Rrrlred this :
morning from San Francisco asd way pwt«
with . cargij consigned u< tb<* PaciSe Coast
steam^Mp companr. It will \u25a0 clear tomorrow for
Sim FrcncSMO fed tray porw. The schooner
Comet, Captain Leafke, Is out two d*.cs from
H<>quiam with' a full cargo of lumber consj^np.!
to wholesalers at ttls pore The Merchants*' in.
dn>endentfteacitfc!p coapsay's eteniiisbio F. A.
Kilbum. Captain McLellaa,, cjeired tonight f<ir
S-fs. Fraaelsco- au'l' w»y '.ports with a.~ go*}
freight end passenger list. .' • -
TT.a sr*sai teljooner Samoa. Captain lladwo.
Sslslied ditckarging a lu&b*r careo iind cleared
today for C6*p&r, tls Ssa FreaeisM. to reload.
The steam >cbcoaer " Cbrc-2£tU>. C«ptaln' Joinjna.
wVI Calf h _ dlschcrgicg a !i;abtr ;catgo torii^ht
and is tclit-dulcfl tft clear tomorrcK-' for GMys
Hartxy. ria San Frsne!ico. to- reload. TVe
st«in schooner. Centra'.ta is dn<* to arrive tj
morrow from A**rde«n. via San Francisco,
with a full carro ' cf, luißbfr. „
Army TrsctporU
T'.>e Ecrnalde it «t Seattle; '%•
The Bviford arrived September 13 at iiiallt.
Tie Crock left Nagesaki September -8. '
Th« KflpatrUk is at' Newport Xaws, Va.
The Dir arrived E»pt«iaber 13 it ManJtt.
TU> . Lfiigaa. ' homeward beund, left Nagasaki
Sepreaber 22. ''\u25a0-. ' ' .' - . ' — :
Tbe'Meafic'li at New .York. Out of commis-
Slan., T. ' r\ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u0084' '.;:. '\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0: : '
" Tbt Ingslls Is at Newport News, Va.
The Shertfian U at ?Xar« " Island
repair*. '.' '.' ".
Tte Shertoan arrived Sfpwmber It ' frea» M»
a!la. . ......... - < .. .
Tte arrired fepteiaber. 14 at Manila.
The Ttcasas telted Sept^aber' l7"froa"HoBO'
•1-jlu for.ilaalia, ' '. ,"'•. ,;' " ' "
The Overdue List
Norwegian bark Sula'aa cut i'iSd Care tson
Mohlle. for Bshla Blanca.' M:pn cent. — •
~- Britisa b»rk CrOMlngtoa, out 181 : "dars fron:
laDi<r:j. for falmoutli, 6" p«r ewt." ' * .
Prit?sa ship C«lrJ« Chief, cut 153 dsys from
Hacburg. "for Honolulu,' 8 per cent. ' ' ;\u25a0;
Frfncl bart LjlTqw d'Aor«rgae, out, 113 deta
from' Rochester." for Sis Francisco. S per "cent.
: Btirtta «ttip P.'s2cr*. 'oot 13« days frctn' Loa
don. for San Francisco. 6 p»r ceat. ' "
Swedish barV M»dfa, out 209 days from Stet
tin. Jor £aa.Franclsto..26 pfer cent.* ,
n-iiii'a bark ; SUiila, . out . 154 days from Port
Pirie. for Faltnonth, 21' per ctnt.
British bark Inrerlrpn.MJt "137 day* from
Wallaroo.. : for,' Fataouth, 6 per . cent. "
. British ship ' Thctna^ina. cut I*s . day* from
Port Plrle, for Falmcuth. ; B per cent, ": -----
-• BrJtiah ship ' Eaddoa . Hell,- out ; 148 ; days from
Geelong, : for Falmooth,^'per.ceat. . . .
Tim SA^i^
Weather Report
Caittd States d*partmeat Qf. ft*ricultnre-*S*a ;
Francisco, Eepteabw ii, 100 T. - : ;
'" '• \u25a0 --:\u25a0 Past Seatooal ' -JTorv-
Stations— '24 hoari. to ante. '. mal. ;
Ecrcka 0.00 \u25a0 2.55 0.26
Red Blnff.. \u0084.•.. 0.00 0.03 0.51
Saerameato^ ......... 0.00 0.00 0.28
Mt.Tnnalpals. ;.;;.. 0.00 ' 0.20' 0.29
San FraoolfCO 0.00 0.13; - 0.15
Saa Jose.... 0.00 0.06 O. IV
•Treeno 0.00 4 Trace ; *0.10
ladepend*at« ........ 0.00 Trat* 0.07
San Lois 0bi5p0..... 0.00 O.fß 0.82
Los Angeles 0.00 Tra» 0.00
San, Plego ..:.,.. 0.00 0.05 .. O.OJO
& '5 5 ?< i/!"*' 1 '-fS
2 : S' ? o. ; -.2.- .$%
\u25a0RTATioKR- § •" \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0;"*\u25a0... \u25a0 :•= \u25a0\u25a0' 'f -f^
Baker/... 20.7S 56.-48 E - Cleaf .00
Boise 29.76. H- 50 W Clear S.OO
Eiireta 29,02 64 54 ,\W aear :OO
FlagrsUff ....;2!).64 Tfl 42 SW \u25a0'\u25a0 Cloudy •. .CO
Frerno ......C9.54 H 52 W Cloody .00
la^pendenc? .29.78 S4 52- SE CloTifly .- .00
Los AnFeles...29.S<s «» .53 fetv CJotsdy , .00
Mt; tamalpal».2a-f»3 «3 62 W , Ctoudy .00
N'ortU Head. . .K).P2 5<J 52 S . > Ctocdy;,- .00
Pt«*n)3 ..... .20 .72 tO2 70 . NW £ Cloudy : .00
Pocatelld ....29. 54 84 48 SB • Pt.Cldy .00
Pt. Reres Lt..2f>.?o ' «0' 53 'NW, Cloody .00
Portland \u25a0.".\u25a0."..20.94 5S 54 W Cloudy-. 00
ReS 81uff..... 2:1. 76 £3 -&4 SE Cl*ar .'- ".00
R«ao ..,.26. 72 54 44 W- .'Cloudy -.00
Roseburs 5S .. S Cloudy .00
Sacramfnto ...20.54 76 P0 \u25a0fi Cloudy, .00
Salt Lake 29. 5S $0 52: W Clondy .00
Saa Wepo 29.54 72 CO NW " Cloudy .00
isan Francisco. .2o.l)2 64 .54. 54 W. Cloudy .00
San Jos# ;.?0.92 70 40~"N'W Cibndy .00
S. L. 0b!8i)ft..!?3.04 68 54 TT Cloudy .00
S. E. FaraUon.2d.o2 G3 . M W Clondy .00
Seattle 20.&4 5S 52 SE Cloudy. .00
Sppkane W.SB 74 46 NB Pt.Cldy .00
Tonopsb 29. 50 M 58 SB ' Cloudy .00
Walla Wa11a.. 20. 74- 24 ;. N. Clear .00.
Wicpemucca ..29.70 83 40 W Clear .00
Yuma .t9. 70 104 CS SW. Clear, .00
! syxorsis
The pr«f sure 1$ ri&ir.r . along tb» co*it and
falllnjr om the .lxiterlcr. ; Tb» lias eausM j»n«r
a'.ly cloudy wpatfier ever the Intire Pacific slope,"
The tetnperature has f allpa OT«r j tUe tfestern
portion' of Orcwtt aad remained nearly stationary
in othw districts. Conditions are f aTor&ble for
clearing, weather tooigbt or Wedaeaday' xnorn.
lag. •
- :,: ' . FORECAST
For San Francisco and vicinity— Partly clondy
Wednesday: frcnh west wiad. ' . ; . -
For tbo Sinu Clm vjllef — Partly cloudy
Wednesday; lijrbt north • wind. . : ':
For the Sacramento rjilley — Partly cloudy
Wednesday ; light south wind. . '
For tlw S«o JpaoaJn T»ll*y— Partly cloudy
Wednesday: light north wind.
For Los Angeles »nd vicinity — Cloudy Wednes
day; IJgtt west trlnd.
Local Forecaster, temporarily ia charge.
Movements of Stenmrn
, .From' 1 Steamer J r D"«;.
Willap'i Harbor IDalsy. JlitcheU-ISept. 25
New York via Ancou . .(Newport ..",... .iSept. 25
Crescent City (Del Ncrte .....jS?pt. 25 ,
Hamburg '& JVay PortslAssuan ....... Sept. -'5
Huroboldt North Fork \u25a0 . . Sept. 25
Pu?et. Sound Ports (Spokane '.....'. Sept. 23
P«rtlaa<J & Astoria . ...[Cascade ....... Sept. 25
Honjboldt ......; ISoutfl Bay ... Sept. -'J
China '& Japan ISlberta .... . . . ISept. SO
CMder. Altsta' . .'. . . . ; , iDelh! ......... ISe^t. 25
Hnttboldt -\u25a0 IPomona- ...;..] Sent. £0
Ccqujlle River .... iKllsabeth . Sept. £0
Point Arena & Albion. .jPorao . ... .... .(Sept. 20
San Pedro ..F. A. Kilburn ..'Stpt. -'G
San Dleeo & Way I'rt)Ts!S»nta R*m ....isept. id
San Pedro |Coronado . ....|f!«-at. 27
Seattle iM*teor ........ (Sept. 27
I Coos Bay :. .i»f. I*. PJaEt...'S»pt. 27
iHoaelulu & Kahvjltil-.lNeradaa ...... :S«pt. 23
jn*l Hirer Ports. ...:. .iAr;ro ISept. JS
;3ta Pedro ft Way PartAlßwilUi .... iSei'i "S
I HuraboMt .' . . .'.". .City iof Tcpek*.|Sept. '2i
Sallaa Crut .(Arizcnao f. .. . . . !sept; 2S
San Pedro ...IS. \V. Eldif.'..|Sept. £5
Mesdocino & pt. Arena! Sea Foam :... Sept. 20
Mexican Ports" >. ICurafao ..... .iPept. 2fl
j Rcmboldt ; i Eureka ....... jSept. 1!$
! San Dieeo & Way I'trtstfttatei of C«l..lSt'p{. SO
'San Petiro .•\u25a0 .... .irianalel—,...".. .iSe'.it. :i0
j Paget Sound Ports... .Itlty M Puebla.lScpt. HO
(Portland i.^Tay Poru.!Bo«nckr.:V.'. .. .Ifcpt. M
! Portland dfc Aitorii.'.'..iCl»T Panama. . [Sent. 30
Gray* Harbor" .' '. ;iNe»vburg '.'..;. .lSep». £0
Honolulu .;........ ...jSierra ....... .(Oct. 1
SeatUv & Tacoma nYatwn .....'.. jO^t. 1
j Seattle .......\u25a0..; — jEureka [0ct. . ., 1
! \u25a0 ' '\u25a0'-'\u25a0'"" "- Tn gAiL - \u25a0'. ~ : :\ :: . : ':~~: '-T :
i \u25a0"De.«tlnatlaa ' -1* ' Steamer 1 Sailf jl.'l»r
I September 2&-~ I '--
iOrars Harbor ......... tS. Monica:.. 4 pta Sj
Grsj-s Harbor ....... .ICass. N'elioa '1 pm 20
Mccdocino Jt rt. Arens'Sfa Foaru . . 4 pns 2
Haißboldt ...'... ..;...1C1t.r Topeka: 10.3Ca i>
Los Angeles Ports . . . . .iManalei ....L 4 pO 10
September ' 26— ' I-.- j \u25a0\u25a0
Los Amseleß Ports [Cascade. .';.':";|lo"ain : 2
Huraboldt ....... ..,.:!Rav*lli ..v.;( !) am C
Astorls & Port Una ;..!Nortbland r.j 3 pit) • 2
Hnwbolot ....'... . . . . ,\r, f 4* '.'.'..U« 1« .
Astoria '&' Portland . ..;Yciseailte .-\u25a0! * pval 2
Sen Diego &. Way I'xrsi&tate of Cal 10 atn! 11
Honolulu .............. IHUonian '. :. 12 b! 10
September 27— 1 • • .4 \u25a0
Grays Harbor ICoronado . ..! 3 pm! 1C
Humboldt .'.*. ...iNorth' Fork.| 5 puj| 20
New York via Anew... Pen ..'... ;..12 n: 40
Astoria & Portland \u25a0. . Casts. Bice.; 11 am 24
Auckland & Sydnuy".. T6ddo "; '.'...". 1 pm!,..",
Septeuiher 2S-^ " \u25a0\u25a0' ..'.':\u25a0 ' J .
Coos : Bay .....'. M. F. Plant 4mn S
Humboldt ......Strath Bay.- 5 jmi 3
Hcaboldt . . ; . ; Pdnona'.'t . . . lO.SOo &
T/os Angeles Ports .... F. Kllburo.. 4 pm 10
Point Arena & Albion;. Poaio .;;;.. 6 psn • 2
Seattle & Tacoma .'. . .IBackraan ... I.SOp 2<? s
Portland ti Way Poris.G. W. Elden 1.30 pl 18
VTHiapa Harbor ...... .|D: Mitchell.;^ ; . ; .-. i . . . ,
qoquille Kiver ...... ;.iEll*abeth '.. • ota 16
SeiitcMber 2t>— ' ! <. \u25a0'. "I
San Diero it Way Ports! Santa = Rosa.. 10 am 11
Puret Sound Ports iSpckane . :,: 11 as *
{Jeptf nher . 3<h- i< ' " " :l
Grays Harbor .'i......!Ci?ntralia .. 3 oal'lO
E»l Hirer Ports ....(Argi \u25a0;;...; 9 aw JC
L«n Ap?eles Port»..7.ißoanok* ';.'". 6 pa 13
San Pedro Waf I'«>rt*ißO!iita '..*..; '4 pus II
October 2— -_'.' | ' '"^i
Cains & Japan.. lAmer., Marnj.l pm; 42_
\u25a0 .'.""•. TO.SAILFnOM:SEATTLC .; v ; --,
: Destination '', ... . H ".: Strainer ,\u25a0'./ I . Date ...
Skagvtay & WcyPorts. Buaibutdt • . .;. . Sept. 25
Noroe & St. Mlc&'ael.'.. bljrnpla ...... Sept. "3
VaMftz Jt Steward..'..;. Bertha?;':..-;".; . Sept. 2i-
Ncme & St. Mlcaael. , JLyr* : v. . ....".. Sept. 23
SVagwiy & Way Ports. jCottege. City .. Sept. 27
Nome & St. Michael ...iTuc*ta» ; '...'.;. Sept,- 28
VaWej & Sevard ;'-;;. .. l Jettiie '........ Oct. 1 li
Valdei &.Seward......|PeDnsylvania^.. Oct. : . \u00841 1
Nome" direct .... ... ..'President -..*.:. [Oct. I i
Nome * St.' Mlcbaal.V.lNortuwefcteru : . Oct; 2 I
Noioe & St. Mlca£«-1...|V1ct0rU,,v.;:.. ;|Oct. 7 i
Snn ; «ud - Tlfle
Uaited Stares Coast anil Geodetic Surrey— Tirr.q
; aad Heights' of Tides at Fort' Point. For city
front (Mission street v^.arO a3J 25 mi;>'jte.?.
WEDNESDAY. SHPTEMBER 2Z ;,,.'\u25a0 r~~~~ :
Sna rises ...... ...C:ooifeua' tets \u25a0- '..'.', ."..\ . ,'ft:O:j
ITimel Tlwftl '\u25a0 \tlxai\ : Tim* "
SeP! IFt — - Ft- p i'Ft —^ Ft
,|H'\V|, : |L yj>- IH.,Wi:; "UL'W ; :
2S:.| 1 :59j " ' 4.0[ 7:25! " VS\ 1:411 - '5.21 S:0»; \ 0.7
22.. 2:02- 4.6; 8:04(2.4! 2:1(5! 5.0 0:0 Si 0.7
27-. '4:15 4.r. S-.47' ".%.*\u25a0] 2:531. 4.8 Jo:<^l "X$
28.; 5:341 4.2 ft:36i 8.2 3:?* 1 ' 4,d 10:561 0.8
23.. 6:4%j 4.2 W:4S 8.4! 4:J57 4i4 11:5". C.3
30.. 1 7:43] 4.4J11:y?| 3.5! 5:49 .•..-.\u25a0.....
Time Ball
United States Branch . Hy(iroßrapt)ic ' Office, Mer
cUa.its' Escliin?:?,' San Francisco, , Cal., Sep
tember 24. ISO".; •'. . -"-'.. •.: ,'
The time i«li ca th« totrfr of tSt Ferry \rbWSi
lag "was dropped today exsctly' at noon. Pacific
Standard Tlrae aSOtb.MerldliaV or at SI. 00m;
QOs.- Gre?awich Mean : Titas. ; . ' • ' ' . •.
J. 0. BURNETT. ..
\u25a0 • ' LlMiten3Ct.: U. "S. ' .K.v- ' ia '.Ciarce. 1
V. S. Bra»eh .HydrbgrraphiC' Office
A fcrsach of xb<» CcJtr.l SUtos Hy<lro,-;riijbie
Office, - taeale'a at. tbs' Merchants' Kxeba&Ke. Is
inaioia!D«d -- In ; Sea r Franclfico :_t or ; : rfce -benefit e>t
mariners.' . without re^rU to nationality an>l f i cc
of f expense. .'Navigators arciccraiallyi lnvited^ to
visit tb« office, w»ier»". compleie" sets 'ct .'vfcartu
and'sailtng dSreciiou* cf lite .*<-or!d vra'kepfat
nand,'. far coiaparison ' and \u25a0 reference. < and ttt
latest Jnforrnation- can 'always :he obtiinf<l. re
gafding' ligbts, . danger -to -, navfgatlon I'iuS - all
icttttrs of interest.- to '. ecean tniutcerca. '
"" ; V J. G. BUKNEXT.
•. Lieutenant, f.S.' N., in Gliar^e.;.
Aniericsn ' f hf p iKeniJ worth, at Rio de Janeiro,
for San Fr'aaeiicor. H • per cent; • , \ . - .
British ship Craltisla, - out * 110 * days . from
Newcastle, "N: 6. W,.ifor Mollsndo," 10 per cent;
" British- ship ~Silb«rh<jr'n," out UO9 days from
Newcaatle, " N; - S. V.',, . for Pitngua.' 60 ; per e*nt.'
- American \u25a0 ship '• Laui;e, ' out 3 106 - . days " f ro'uj
Bremen, {«• S«n; Francisco. -. \\ : p*r cent.' \u25a0 :
" Eritisa -snip 'Buiufrlfsbire.'-'out >167 d^ysifrom
Shields, for P«rt < Angttes. 8 - j>«t >- cect. \u25a0 -' ; ' ' "
•-.... „. .\u25a0 . Charter*,, "
. .'"Th«, litest charters •rejwrttd; ire:^Tfc<» Brltlrt
sWamer Gyns«rlo, grain <\u25a0 ahd 'ciArcb^odise - froai
Puret siund to tte pri«t:}Brifi!!i steiaifr UtA.
hill, &t PorUand, grs!h thence ; {» Euro**; ; Bilt
ish ste^rner : Indian , Monat4l>, ; ; whf it - froni i Pirt
laad' to' ths Uaitt-d \u25a0 Kingdom or-contia^»t üßor
deafiX-Hambttrsr Hangel, • ;'at \u25a0\u25a0 31s - S&. : cliirtwttj
prior -to •.'arrival:'-. Sciiof.nfer -Blstalty. ;^oa , fu^t
fooaa, lumber ; tl:ea4e :.i& ;"a i direct ; citrate^ part:
schooner : Saov \u25a0 t- : Bur;e*s.« sime' business -'and
vcyage ! 'at'46s'S'l.-ctiari4fßd.Vfilor to, arrival.- '.
_.-.;Esport«fby- tfae'rPHra;-^' , : '..-. ; ;
The "i'sttaair "'. City "of :; fsra"'-: esi!fcd
for . 'Ancoa .- aad > way . portft \u25a0 with -a > g«nera 1 > met
tbiin'dii'9 cargo,: valued *at - $1344515.-= t©< be. idle-"
trituted n« follows: -> For Mexico;; $5,356: J. €n-i
tral"- America.*- J3<s,sS7;;:Pasiania.'' ; S0.019;- 'New
York, ?S7.SSI>; Colombian sl,993; .Ecuador.-. 5500;
Peru, ..- $414 ; r. Chile, $ 2,552; Germany, ' ; $0,(525;
! Franc*, •' $300; '- England. \u25a0• $B*o. : The \: following
were the principal exports: ..:-,' ;.,*-;--\u25a0.-.
. to M«xlco— TOO bbls flottr. , 20 ics - ; wlnfc, 560
lbs spices:' B2o lb*< raisins,- 8 es firtea: fruit, -64
cs canned foods, 6 cs baking powder, 42 >C»
salmon, 13S '= l«s butter, 147 lhs bread; > 701 lbs
paste. 218 ; lbs - bean*, 708 lbs p and s-ei \ tabl«
meal?, $5 pkgs potatoes, 8 ; pkgs Onions, 9 cc
ollree, ; 45 ' bxs frestt f rotti, • 140 lb» tisa, 2.200
t*et inmber, 4 pkg« mactilfltn'/ 75 kegs nail*,
535 bdls « 8 C» ; add, b»!«» bag 3, 12
pkgs paint*. 8 C 6 spool cottoa, tlo Cn tar, 3 ct <
coil on, i-e» trpewrlttrt- \u25a0 - > . i
-^Id \u25a0 Central Amnlc4i-4,?5S bttig : floor, , 5,500
Ibfi riSfc, 2.P20 lbs malt,, 2,600 lbs bran,- 250
Ib*" beans', • 500 lbs brfca(J. . 4SO lbs : table maal*,
12 cs \u25a0 talmoo . 66 ' cs cann^J \u25a0; goods." $22 * lbs
paste, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 1,096 lb» . and 20 cs ; dried • f ra}t, 246 " lbs
cheese. 1,558. lbs spites., ?2.,pkg*-frtsli frnlts,
1,360 lbs l*rt, -53 pfcss ' onloaa, -, 41S pkgß - pOta
toes. '• UiSd lbs tea. "01 ; B*l* ana 20 cs wine.
27 gals and- 6$ cs wUUKy, 2 cs ; brandy. : 11.3 M
feet lumber. 12 bale* tpine.^l4 pcs.iron. 8 bdis
steel, 1 4 pfcss drops. 40 - pcs \u25a0 boat • material,' : 5 -
Mia. bags, 6 pkRS paints. .'230: lbs : sheet copper,
13 pkes \u25a0\u25a0 dry gbods, 130 - kegs white lead. 12
,bafeji • lentntr. 9 " pk?s .wagon ~ material, > 51.25S
«w r tallow, -.1 7,314 -lbs ; grease/ . 12 ; Mis oars. - 3
pkjrii machinerj-. 10 c* and 2 bbls t*r,49 es,trw> ,
pentlne, 12 «-8 bbls *j»d ' B drums oils, 730 '\u25a0
tt ana 10 tanks coal All---- ' -' = .'\u25a0 j
• To Panama— l.2fiO lbs floor, 2.C00 gals Trine,
6.659 lbs - beans, I^.SOO lbs % atHe, 82 cs csr ned
goods, 50 cs • s«lmon, 120 . pc» r and 40 bdls
doers, 5 pfcjr* blind», S P*"(P maehlßery.
-To New .York— lol.R66 gals wins. 4,600 lbs
rice, OCO cs salmdn. 90.000 lbs bone ash, 10.530
lbs 4rr nJdes, 20.000 lbs cattle boras/ 25 bdts
ba«,r 6 boles catt!e hair, 500.656 lbs pig lead,
\u25a0- To Colombia-r2SO bbli . flour, 1.560 fate wine,
10 pkjrs , firework*-' . : .
- To Ecuador— 93o gals wiae.
To Peni>-7?g gals wine,; 25 gals brandy.".
:To Chile— ls cs pfconograpu « goods, 3 : cs dry
gocas. :\u25a0\u25a0-':•->_\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0,„ \u25a0•\u25a0 '\u25a0:.". \u25a0!-.-\u25a0. -.•\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0
To Oertnany— 63,43s lbs dr Jed prun»g, 40 cs
drngs. \u25a0' -;.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0..
- To Frances* et 'drugs. \u25a0
To London— 2B pkgs machinery.
- ' - • >londay. ;. Btpt*mber 23.
Schr \u25a0 Santiago, Farley. 12 boors frcta Monte
rer, (n tow tug peflance. ,
Tuesday, Sent»mb«r . 24.
Stmr Santa Rita, Dicisoa, 22" ; "jotm from
Port, Kan Lui*. ' .'
{Stinr Harold Dollar, Tnwin^, & days 16 hours
from Port Totnjsend, .. , .. \u25a0 .
" fitinr Mayfair, Olten, W hours froa willapa
harbor. - - „ '
Stmr Be«, Kmg, 62 hours -from Coluabla
river, bound pouth, put in -\u25a0 to . land engineer. .
Stmr R D Inman, Hardwiek, 67 . lionrs from
Astoria. \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0.-.•-." -. : :\u25a0«.\u25a0• \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 i \u25a0, : ..\u25a0\u25a0'-.-,
- Strnr Governor, ,Shea. 4714 days. from -Phil
adelphia. : •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.' .
Stmr Mand.tlay, Lofstrota. 32 hours from Cres
cent City. . ' - \ \u25a0 -"-
Sttcr Helen P Drew, Gundersoa," 42 boors
from Port Los Aafceies.
Slur " Despatch, Hanseo,' 71 hours, from • Ab»
«rdeen-: ' : - . : - :
Stmr Eureka. . >*oren, 24 hours, from Eureka.
Sttar Bucttaan, Wood, 63 hours (rom Seattle;
Stinr National City, Weber, \i hours .from
Stmr Jeaaie, Esser, 0U days from Cganlfc
bay. \u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0'.\u25a0. \u25a0-.••.-. •• •\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 : \u25a0
. Yt - stair r Amiral Olry; Xa Braun, 24 days
fr«m rokohama; ria Honolulu 8»i days.
Strip Balboa, Orsnt. Vi bours f*om Santa
Of nit, in tow;tur ReMef. \u25a0 • - _ .';\u25a0,->'.'
Bark Fresno, Patterson, 18 days from Seattle.
- Barge Sonoma, MeAlman, 6 days 18 hours
from Port Townsead, in- tow stmr Harold
Dollar. •
Scbr I^y. Ltmdquist. 9 dsy« ' from TilUmook.
- . . TueMsy," September 24." \u25a0
Star Enterprise, Touns^ren. . Hlk>; 3. 0.
Spr«cL'els & /Bros. Co. , V. \u25a0
Stmr \u25a0 Pmweat, W6aTer, Victoria : and Peru
T6wns»ad; P CiS S C 0... - . - - _
Br stmr F«rn^e»e« Ftsher. Coiaox; J. F. Chap.
rnsn. -.\u25a0:. ;\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 * - % \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0 __ •" \u25a0-."
Br stmr Wellipgton, Cutler, Comox; Western
fuel co..- \u25a0 ' \u25a0 v •
• Br stmr Scottish :ion|rc3J, Dower, S»ewcastl<s,
Aus.; J. & A. Brown."
Tuesday. : September 24.
Stinr Arctic, Ol*en, Fort Brafg.
fitmr. Kor<ia. Sandbers, ' HongkonE. . _
Stmr President, Weaver; .- Victoria and Pngpt
.softnd 'ports. \u25a0\u25a0..: .'. ._ -)'\u25a0.. "•''\u25a0 ' i,'
Stnjr Westport, Moreno, Union landing.
$rmr Hoefuiani. • Gray*' Harbor,
gttnr Ar?o. Hansen. Eel river. \u25a0 '
Stmr ' Fair Oak*. P«ter*oa, Grays Harbor.
Stwr City of. Para, Urry, Aaeon aad way
- stmr" Snath ' Coast. 01sen. T Caspar.
Stmr Bee. Krog. San 'Pedro. .
Stmr BrooWyti. Henricksoa. Westport. .
Stmr Enterprise. Yoijajgren, Hilo. "
Stinr PUoeclx. Facers trern; Menaocmo. .
Stmr Vaneusrd, Odland, Eureka. ""
Br stmr F>rnfiea«, Flsi-er. Coinos; 8.C..
fcchr Santiago, Farley, Monterey ,' in tow tug
DeOanee. " '. " " \u25a0 ' " '""• -'.'• -
Pow*r senr Sotoroqie, Pet?m'>n. Albion.
Power schr. Mary G. B?ok. Bodega. -
\u25a0':\u25a0'" -,' SPOKEX' \u25a0-' - -: : - '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'..'\u25a0
Sept 24.'. 11 a. m.-rU'B stmr Wast ; Virginia,
from Honolulu,'. for San Francisco (by wireless);
wMtber fine;; $50 nlle* from $an Fraoetsco. .
per *Fr :stmr Amlral Orly-rSept 22, Fr;l>ark
Rochsmbean. from Bocbenter. for ban" FrancUca.
Same day," Fr bark bonad'to'San Franelscp. ,
Per. Kr' bark- David. d'Angers — Sept 10, in lat
81 SO rf, l«n \u25a0-• IS2 J Wh. *ear B*lboa, from Santa
Rosalia, for .Port Town*end. "---"'. ; / , ' ;
POI^T LQBOS. \u25a0 S*pt- 2*— lo p. a.— Weather
clear; wind W:- velocity 6 -miles an hour. . '
-\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0'% - \u25a0:\u25a0: CO}fESTIC PORTS ":•\u25a0;: \u25a0 •
EUREKA— Arrived 'Sept -24^-Star. Pomona,
heaco Sept 23; icnr Azaiet, from Rcdondo. : -
Arrived "Sept 24— Stmr Ffancis " H. * Leggett,
fyom- San . Pedro. . ""• ' /. ' '• •".-.: \u25a0-.•:.:\u25a0.;\u25a0_•
\u25a0 \u25a0 Sailed Sept 24-—Stmr ' Fork, for Sun
Fr*n<risco.' - \ •'\u25a0"..' '" -\u25a0"\u25a0•.- : ~ ' ._\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0
' HoQUlAM— Arrived S«pt 23—Stmr Homer,
henc^ gept.l7:- stmr - Westerner, lience' Sept" Ift;
stmr ; Acmt, hence Sept.. 16: sttor " Quinautt;
hence S*M" lf>: stmr •-•Norwood.' hence Sept' 20.
ArrlTed Bept 24— Stmr Coaster. Ijeace Ssat 21.
' Sailed ' Sept* 247-Stmr Carmel, for San ; Frau-
Cisco. .•\u25a0-."•':,•/ \u25a0':\u25a0' .'.'\u25a0'\u25a0','' ""\u25a0'.. ."; , \u25a0 :'.: '.
ASTORlA— Arrived Sept 54— 8chr Ireae, hence
Sept^lo; stmr Caseo.- from Noyo."', - //
Sailed. Sept 24^-Stmrs Bedondo and*Br«afc
xvater.i for Seattle.' i;'' ' . ' :-:. :
'Arrttod Sept 24— Stmr Atlas, hence 21—
Stmr City of Paaatan.'henc* Sept 21. Arrived
S«pt 25-r-Brv *tmr ' Tymcric. 'from. Newcastle,
Aus.: stmr, lndian*, from Victoria:'. .. '
•, ' Silleij Sept 2*rrStmr Cascade, for San Fran
cisco.;.'.'.' ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0"\u25a0:-- : '-'"\u25a0\u25a0.' ' ' .. \u25a0\u25a0-"'.'\u25a0
Sailed Sept 2if-Br ship Coaway Castle, for
Q'^fostown. -"'•» •-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 - ' \u25a0-""',\u25a0•'\u25a0" A:.*'**
HARDT CREE&re-Sailed Sept 24-f-stmr Marsh
field; for" San Francisco. " - ;*; '
'\u25a0•-'\u25a0 Sajled i Sept 24— Stmr Marshfleld, for Black
Difttnfnd. . . "\u25a0-'''-< ' \u25a0\u25a0•" ' :' .
. S^ATTLErrArriseii Sept 24-—Btmr Ilumboldt,
from". Skafcw/iy'y stmr Saratoga, \u25a0 from Valdez;
stmr \u25a0 WatMU .whence' Sept "21. : "' ' . .V.
.Arrived Sept 24— Sttnr Olilq, from Nome.
'- Salfod Scj>t 24— D S stmr D&nier Manning, for
•S«n .Ftanetsco." ;-': -\u25a0= , ' : .; -' \u25a0*."" :\u25a0-\u25a0 . ;...:
\u25a0 - Arrived Sept 24— Ship St Paul, . from Nome;
U 8 >tmr TUetln. • from Port Townsend. \u25a0.
~ VALDE^-Salled Sept 23-^Stmr Portland, for
S«sttfe. -- - \u25a0 ."\u25a0' .••\u25a0 '•; ,\u25a0\u25a0** .. :'V •;: •i: - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;\u25a0 •
: -KETlSmKAN—Salled- Sept 24— Star ; Cottage
Glty,"! for ; Seattle." - '-- c -'. .-.\u25a0-•; : „\u25a0: : \u0084.:..
.' GAVlCTA— Arrived * Seat i^-Tvz; NaTlgfttor.
•wifh ?cbx Morittrey In tow. trom Honojuln."^. •"
: TORT BRAGG— AtrireO Sept 24^Stmr Tirer
:too, from San' Pedro. ", ---< v - -' ' \u25a0 • \u25a0
Sailed Sept 2+rrStmr National Gity, for San
\u25a0Fr»ocißco."^ •\u25a0.'\u25a0:\u25a0.:.-\u25a0-:\u25a0 \u25a0' ." <\u25a0 ' '\u25a0 \u25a0"'•
i Sailed Sept 24-^-Stmr Nat|onal City, for San
\u25a0 Francjico. ' ' -\u25a0' :"• j/ -"'L- ' \u25a0 vs\ . ~ \u25a0 , .
" Sai!*d Sept \u25a0 2-J— Strar CoquiUe Rlv«r, for : San
\u25a0Frenclico.-' \u25a0-:•-'•', ••\u25a0 ;- . . ' . .\u25a0\u25a0;
'•.POINT. REYES— Passed Sept ; 24,; 7 :55 a en—
Stmr 'Harold Dollar. r with- bargo Sonoma in tow,
, from- Everett.- for San Francisco. .. '. - , '
:•'- Passed- S|fpt ; 2-1,'.1:20 p mr^Stmr Eureka, from
•EuMka. 'for San-;Fraucl*co: ; . .. . . .,- . •\u25a0; :. : .
; GRATS E-VRBOB— -Arrived .Sept 22— Stmr
Xcrwood, bftnoa • 20 ; i stmr, ..Westerner, beuce
'Sertt .l6V'*tmri'Acme,-'benCa'S«pt 19. "1 • :.~
'\u25a0SAN PEDRO— Sailed Sept 23— Tuj: Sea Rover.
for San «. Francisco: schr - Caroline," for - Umpqua.
: NEEDLE '.:- ROCK— %,rrived Sept 24— Sttnr
Greenirnod.'. hence Sept 22. \u25a0 ... -.' .' \u25a0'
; i Sailed Sept S4— "Stmr Greenwood, for Shelter
Covo." \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.-' '\u25a0/.\u25a0..\u25a0'"\u25a0 : '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0' \u25a0
island ports; v :
: MANILA-^- Arrived ' Sept B~rßr . stmr : Zamora,
'frortj'^ewcastie.' Ans. ". \u0084 * ' ' -, ' '.•".
• ; Sajled S«pt 21— Br stmr Dea of Kelly,': for
\u25a0•' '\u25a0-:*.'\u25a0\u25a0.. •- -'.. " . '. .•
NEW/YORK—Amved" Sept JB^-Br stmr .Ear!
\u25a0of Cantek." from; Callao;: ship Bsngalore, from i
;Kahulul: jla Delaware breakwater.'- >,*'.-".
1 fo>:San 'Frftucisco."' • \u25a0 '\u25a0 '
° " I \u25a0{ .:' •-- FOREIGN PORTS , .
."•NEWCASTLE, - "Aqs.-^rSailed Sept 24— Fr bark
B?len. for- BV3>Ffsns}«e*»." v < . .;\u25a0•\u25a0,;.:.
Arrived : $spt i ft-H3ark :- S- p -Carleton, from
"Calsta ColofH. snd : not- as -before reported.'.'': '\u25a0 \u25a0;
. . SISGAPORE^-ArrlTed r \u0084S«pt. ID— Bri etmf
* St«tbavon. v^frmn " Vt-torla : -Br sttnr : St Georgrj,
"frotD'- Newi Yori," for -Minna." ,' ' - . .
' .^H AN 6H AI~ Arrived J prior Sept 23— Br ' Btnjr
. ladrap«mha."'"frcm New York.' \u25a0 • \u25a0'•.:;. •". '\u25a0•\u25a0• » >:
•.MOBOBAN— S«i!cd : Sept ;23^-Br strar • Sen
laole.v for-- San -Francisco. \u25a0;.;.„• : - .' : . v ; .;. .
. VALPARAISO— Sail<4 S«pt 10-rftil bark Ll
laießa." "for Nitratt; Port. .' '._'.;- ".•.-'-'':"
" IQUIODE— Arrived Se'pt'l2-rßr etmi St. Os
se»ld.'"froni TaJparajso. \u25a0 \u25a0 "\u25a0"'\u25a0"'• ''\u25a0 . > ::" .';
1 KUCHINOTZU— SaiIe*!" "S«Pt UrrrOfr srrar
Dafthne". for SJllna'Crui. \-;- .\u25a0 '\u0084.;-..
;. GU ATEMArAr-Sailed "Sspt .BrrGer : stmr The.
i bed," for •"Hamburg.V- -' ~ y ~y >; ' \u25a0 :'.-\u25a0 •'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0
;• :. HONGKONG— Irrtv^d Sept 24— Br stmr. Asia,
'$«?M&6ciiyz steamehs": ;;;:-,SS -
COPENHAGEN—' ArriyefJ " Sept 23-r-Stmr O«
«r 11. i trom - >'ew \u25a0 York.V ' • . ; • ..*>. :
> HAVREr-Arrived •- Sept 23— Stmr :. L« Ga.v'
copa*. from :n««v\ York: -;:.-. -y- -,"\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'...:\u25a0\u25a0: ;. ',- . ,
\u25a0C ANT^VEBP— Arrived a Sept 24rrStmr i Ze^Un-i.
; from r New ,Y«k; ria-soTe.r.'-:- • ~ - .\u25a0? -,\u25a0 :; -
: \u25a0\u25a0- NEW.-TORK^Arrlved v Sent 24-?rSttnr " Kaiser
Wilfcelm - 11, \u25a0 from • BreJ3eor;stmr_ c«drlc.' from
"U+arreal.. •;} :•\u25a0 \u25a0 * \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0"-. \u25a0\u25a0"S<: ;\u25a0 .-\u25a0 ." -% '\u25a0\u25a0 \ : r >-
?" : Sciir Tina. \u25a0'- Captain^ Cook, '.': f :«m ; Ssn - Francisco
' Jwi« ;' 23. > tor , Point - Rope, etc..'. I tra« „ blown
ignore -\u25a0\u25a0 durins %'\u25a0 \ -"«»le at" Decrin?. Kotz«bae
! s6uoa;-: prior . to .i Sept : 21-* acd .Till . nrobsbly .. bo 5 a
i total '; loss; * hid .-; on v ; beard -at : - time" of ;'misuap
i\ tieht - for Kotsrtue 3 aod " Hop«. O-: ' \u25a0 ,
\u25a0 PORT^TOWNSEKpa-Sept. \u25a0 24:— U- g; -tmr
Thetis i arrived : fc«re j ted Ay. irom ; BiUt6l : bay Lwitli
j*sis 'passensers;^ tb#se;rewy?.ttl::Cirtain;Mnrcui
»?.at«ff the^hip.tJoliniCurrtcr.'. ictich ;was ;to-'
1 ttUy : wrecked ?at a Rristol abayjv, thexTbetls * had
t steering"; gearT. dama?4d and Jwas . conjpalled; to
• make - the -= trip • down \u25a0 under i jury : ruddar ; ~ Thetis
be* proceeded' direct i« Seattle to laad inrrlroM.
\u25a0 * LG>'Doy, Sept.' 23. — >«weßw»sg \u25a0 t*lejr»Jia« !
'• .#'"-* : . ' \u25a0. \u25a0- v V'V :^."-v- : ' ' ";.;:'
Special 6p Leased Wire lo The Call
*-'\u25a0 LATOKIA, Ky., Sept. 24.— Sioaoay's form
chart: . - ... \u25a0 -' .
\u25a0' \u0084 FIK3X RACE— Six farlon«>. 3 ye»r olds anil
upward: , ,
pddg. - - Horse *nd Jockey. ' VTt. St. % ' Fte.
8-s—Colloquy . (Heidelj ...... lift 2 1 lHll^
8-I—Frontenac (J. Lee) . :. .. .110 :5' 2J • 2 2
8-2—Lady : Esther (Pertrias).. S7 6-5 ; 82'
- .Time, 1:13..- Haanib4l Bey, Ben Stroog, Gdi
Proof, also ran. )
SECOXD RACE— Fire and & halt furlongs. 2
year olds,, seiliag: \u0084: , .. " - --. \u25a0:
Odds, - Hor«» and Jocfeey. - TTt. St. V Fla.
8-5-~Shir. : RossnjDre (Butler) 97 1 1 $ . 1 4
10-I— Uncle Tim <B. Martin).. 9T- 2 3 *a 2 2
15.1— Moscow Bolle (0tt).... 99 '4- 4 h 3 lft
Time,' 1:05 2-5. Sabad6, = Katherlne . Murphy,
llondella, Mackerel, AlWoiar." also ran."
THIRD EACB-^-Slx f nrloagi, 3 year olds and
%p.: Selling: - . - , - - \u25a0 -. ..-..-.. ;;
Odds. . Horse and Jockey. Wt. fit % Fin.
9-6— Latflyr Carol (Heidel)... 1081 -1 11;
10-I— MJss Strotnc (Powere) .101 7 81 2 3
60-i— bulcina . (J. Frafih) \u0084.104 3 2 M 3= H
Time, l:iv 1-5. * JaTaaesft, DsrMit, Stonsr
Hill, Miss Kitty, Gracchus, Coon, Beaded, Belle
Scott,': also ran. : ' . , ~ : . '
FOURTH RACE— One mile. 8 year olds and
upward, handicap: \u25a0: , , •\u25a0\u25a0
Odds. Horse and Jockey. V?V St. % Fin.
2S-I— l^xollne (V. Powers) ..loo 3 14 1:3
4.l~The ; Minks {Farrow)... 113 3 2 US2 n '::
13-s— HouslCTior (Pickens) .... 87 15b 32 1
xime, 1:39 2.5. The Clansman, Beau: Brum
mel, Harry Scott, alto , raa. -- - '\u0084-.<
FIFTH RACB-^Fire and a balf furlongs, 2
year olds: •• \u25a0• •-.."\u25a0-". ' -\u25a0 -. : '.> -
Odds. ; Horse and JocSey. Wt. St. % Fin.
. 4-3— PJnfcola -tJ11na0t)....'. ..101 5 12 13
7-2— Albert Star s (Hefdel) . . .106 8 2 n 2 3
135—R ebel Queen : (Plckens) . 99-28h8h
- Time.- 7 1:03. Blue Sbuffle. Hamlet, also ran.
" BISTH RACE— MiIe and aTsixteentn, 3 year
olds . aad upward, selling: . . ,-.
Odds. ' Horse and Jockey. Wt. St. % Fin.
9-6— Ouardl (8ut1er)..:..... 80 6 1 2 1 8
9-2^-Scalplock (He1de».:...105 2 3 *i 2 4
SO-l— Cull (W. 0tt). ...... '...102 3 4 Uj3 2
Time. - 1 :47 1-5." Sea Salt, J Bitter E Brown, Ca.
mlllp. Jack Young, - Knight Of Zvanhoe, Sylvan
Belle, also ran. .•••: - •\u25a0 "
First race, six: • f urlorigs^-Ketcbemlke : 81.
Banya 01, Goes Fast 00, Hawkama 111, Pesing
111,: Sally Preston . 111, Botanist 114, Rattier
Royal lIS-
Second < race, five furlongs — LuxdtU 89. Mar
grot 90. Lejftngtcn , Lady 60/ Truro 99; TUllng
hast.99. Rifle Range 09, Montclalr 99, Man
belmer 99. Oscar T 99, Greendale 102, Ban
j-cb 102,' Giles 104. : , .
Third raw, ml'c «nd three-quarters, selling,
steeplechase — Leatcr - L. .'Uaymaa 134, Teter
Becker li 2, Tbe Chtt 142. RutU's Rattier 145,
Blucgiass Girl 145, Eolly Castle 143, BlUy Ray
145, Pioneer 153, RalpU Reese 153. Bob Mur
pby,ls3, Knebhatnpton 153. J G O 158.
- Fourth ; race, mile *nd an eighth, handi
cap — Willis Green »0. Royal River 98, Colonel
Jac* 101, Charlie Gilbert 106, Soloo S&ingle
pB, Ormonda's Ulsht 11f1. . '- . \u25a0 . \u25ba -
\u25a0 FJfth race; - fire cad \u25a0 a ' half ''farloojf,' sell
lßt—Eccleelsstlo 04, Messalioe 94, Kjaniesta* II
9^ Marquis 60 Carabas »S, HancOct 99. Julia
Oentzberger 09. Mary j Custis 99, GTltten 99,
Nettle Carlta 09. Rolla ' 103. Orpen 103, Gt«asa
103, Royal Legend 103, Venus 103. Show
man 111. - . . V
Sixth \u25a0 race, tails *nd a sixteeatb. sell
'•S-^Taunt 94, Oberon , 9S. 8 i:. Jeanne 99, Blue
Buck iOO, • Gold Note 102. First Ma»c-n 105,
Prytanla 105. Jupiter. 103. UebOTjnder 108, Merry
Georee .113, Excttemtnt 114, - \u25a0
' SeventU race, 8v« and a half fnrtonj*. cell-
Ing-T-Ptnrnyn 93, Mljs Ct^arKm 93. Fiat 101,
Muckrake 1 102, t Llazie JlcLwn 102. 6u(flce 103.
Cousla Ktte 103. Erlcula 103. Franlt Collins
103. KnlgUt of Hill*boro 103/ Akbar 100, ,Eurl
oedes 100, Paul Clifford 116, Prince Brntus 118,
Cockaore ill. - - . • ..' . • '
(By th* New York' Telegraph);
first, face — Goes Fast. Banys&. Keteflemites.
SeOflhd rac*— Bnuyah; Manbeimer.' Montclair.-
Third . race — J G C, Lester L.~; Hayman,- Bob
Mnrpliy, - - .".: :':\u25a0 -\u25a0 \u25a0 .
. Fourth race— .Wllli* Green. Soloo Shiagle,
Charlie Gilbart. ' - . '. , :
Fifth "race— Oleasa. Hancock, Marquis Cc
Carabas. \u25a0 - --' - . >*. ' .' " .1 '
'i Sixth race— St. Jeanne. Taunt, Fry tania. a -\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0,'
Seventh race— Cousin Kate, Fiat, Prince
Brutus. : ~ . ' \u25a0 • -.-.-: \u25a0'\u25a0 •• ' '\u25a0
GRAV^SEND., Sept. 24.— Frank Gill.
An '"added starter, -quoted ; at* 10 to . 1
in tfae^betting. easily won; the'.sll,ooo
Hindoo stakes at about' one ;. mile and
six furlongs at Gravesend today. -.Be*'
suit*:" ' .".-.- \u25a0' . '.'\u25a0' ".\u25a0\u25a0'..- .-.," . . \u25a0 :' ;: - :':-\u25a0 \,
• Fir*t race, fire and a half furloass,, handi
cap — Bellwether; won: ' Bl? Clilef sccolJ, Kaca
p«|¥, tljlrd.' Time, 1:OS 4-5. \u25a0"\u25a0 ' , •• . \u25a0. •-.-\u25a0..
\u25a0 sbcond race., one and a : quarter \u25a0 njiUs--Arituo
won. Herman *econd, " Brancas ' tljirt.' Tirat, • 2:OS.
. TUlrd race, aboat \u25a0 «li furlonzs, selllni?— Wave
Crest •won.' Aunt- Rose \u25a0 second, Martba Jane
third. Time, 1:12 2-5. ' '
Forurth : race, about , one \u25a0= and ; three-quarters
mS!es. T the Hindoo, S year dlds, wllins— Franlt
.Gill, 125 (Homer*. 10 to 1, won;: Prince Hatap.
; ton.- 103 CBntssel'. 3 ' to 2 place. »?con<l ; Men*
tefort, US (E. Dngan),* 2 to 5 show; tbirt.
Time. 3:02 1-5. : . "
Flf Ui race, about ' six furlong?, 2 jesr olds
that ". stmr Tlnhow. -J while lightering ! 3r stmr
Snrerlc, r from ; Tacoma.:; outslJe the bar in a
heavy -• sea;' bumped the Suv^ric; r the * Tinhow
had her frames , bent and rivet* etarted ; water
under "Control. T ' \u25a0.-.•..;::-' \u25a0 " . . ..
" MELBOUKNE. Aug. 7.i-Tbe-Br bark Dnn
earn. "from Eureka; ftt- Sydney, ' had. a - Jargtr
portion of : a, deck load of ;, lumber washed over
board during haavy • weather cn;Toygge; '
Movements of Fleet
VALLE JO, Sept i 24*.~The Cbiarijitpn,
flagship of the Pacifl6 equadron at'lrare
island^ yard, ' has been* taking" oh "coal
and provisions for 'the last threeTdays,
and sailed, this afternoon' for* San'.Fran T
Cisco to await the coming- 7 of .t he big
cruisexe -from Honolulu. - Following
their/arrival it will proceed : to Magda
lena' bay, for target ; practice. The tor
pedo boat "\u25a0 destroyer * Preble \u0084 arrived
from Bremertpn ; last .^week,. and '.will
leave for- theTsoutb.': w}thin a few' days.
.*\u25a0\u25a0'.- The Jilihvaukee, Charles
A. Gave.' arrived last; week, : under or
ders for. 30 -'days' work "at; Mare -Island
In "overhauling machinery' after : its
cruise, .preparatory to .final acceptance
by .'\u25a0'\u25a0., the : ; government/- , The California
will leave fdr^ Bremerton": October" 1 on
its -initial vcruise.". The was
scheduled" toTsaU tomorrow, but -some
work is still /to be } completed, and the
crew, is short. Orders are for
the • Cincinnati, recently arrived s from
the orient,'. to be placed out- of commjsr
klo"n;here,\ as "is- in bad shape' and
extensive' repairs are needed. The
crew will biei transfer fed.
Want It?
Ask your doctor 'all about Ayer'snon-
I alcoholic Sarsdpdrilla. Then you will
I Want a nerve toiiic?; --; r - Ask jroiir doctor;
rWant a blood piifiner? - - Ask; >^)jir doctor
I Want^ : strong alterative? - , Ask your doctor
I Want a family medicine? - -Ask your doctor
8 Want *it without alcohol ? - _ Ask your doctor
rWantAyer'sSarsarmnia?/ --:; Ask jour doctor
"•'.* 'the' formulas, of all" our medicines.- \u25a0
\u25a0 \u0084 ],'C. "AVER CO.', ;lM^&wrinB^Chetw^tt > •^Lo^T^ > ?Mw^^^^•^
Withholds - Renewals Until
Objectionable Features
"Are -Removed
Th« \u25a0 flr«t . batch of 'applications for
renewals :_o£; licenses of - saloons which
the police : have ; investigated cam« be-
f or© % the "board of' police' comtnisloners
yesterday ; afternoon. In «v©Ty . case
where • a violation . of : thr>" regulations
was -shown :the* renewal was withheld
until ,the applicant removed the ob»
jectionablo : features,' which in most in
stances were ; side .entrance*, booths
and, patronage of^wdmen. Th« appli
cants • wer» given •\u25a0 until October I, the
end of " the quarter^ to make tl;a
changes complained of.
Among thosewftos» renewal? wer*
withheld were Eugene Casserly, <15
Franklin street: Schlff brothers. ' 655
Golden Gale. avenue; Samuels & Conn,
635 GrOlden Gate "avenue; pratt & Tier
ney, 1562 Ellis street: A. W. Jackson,
151« Eddy,, street; Elkin H. Coney,
Presidio av r enue and Sutter street: Em
mett Black, Devisadero -and gutter
streets; John J. Jaasen, Twenty-first
and Valencia streets, ana Henry Gold
man, Deviaadero and Post streets.
\u0084T he protest made by John F. Merrill
against the granting of a license to
Fank Cheek, Hi CKearny street, was
discussed and it was decided to con
tinue the case for- a week and furnish
Cheek with a copy of the complaint.
The proteatant* agilnst ths granting
OT7 a license to puna brothers for a
saloon on the Ocean boulevard -were
heard and the applicants consented not
to ask for a. renewal.
Oharles, Newman, who applied for
permission , to locate a saloon at' Geary
and Kearny streets, and William Leary.
who' applied for a license for 5 Kearny
street, .were beard In support of their
applications. Newman wa» shown a
certificate of his registration as a
voter in Alameda county, which barred
him' from- applying for a license, end
ho then asked that the license be given
his brother. Both < application* were
continued for a week.
A protest was read from the 12 banks
in the banking district against/too
many saloons being located in that
district! and' another protest was filed
by: Bert Cadwalader 6f the San Fran
cisco real estate board against the
granting of too many licenses, particu
larly in Kearny and Montgomery
streets. The commission * will bear
these protests in mind \ when } granting
renewals en considering applications.
The application of ex-Chief J. F.
Dlnan\for a. further leave of absence
of 60 days without pay was granted.
Tomorrow night the cases of Pratt
& Tlerney, Jerome Bassity and others
cited to appear to show causa wh> # their
licenses should not b« revoked will
1 oojne up. for hearing.
Judge Mufasky : received ths follow
ing telegram yesterday from B. J. Reicl
of Uoquiam: ".
Kindly wire tilittM Mn>. EtSe! Drake, re
dout:-\u25a0 cppyiriax ia jour court. sic Is nsy sis
ter. -. WiU-be-p ber. . • -
Mrs. Drake ifc t.he woman who on
Monday .was gtvan custody of her in
fant child after t«lljns the court a piti
ful story ot th* attempt of her hu»l»and
to keep t fee baby from her.
-ACCXTSED OF THE?T— Ernest Robioion, 1500
Steinir street,' wa* arr«st«d "yesterday on com.
plaiat ef:Frsnl Garnsr, a rocsrer at a Msrtiat
street hotel; wto.accnscd Robinsoa of taklag a
$3 sold piece from his pocket.
end •' up. \u25a0 selling — Flamingo won, Tom McGratb
second; . Gaaibrinos , third. Time, t:l2 2-3.'
;\u25a0'. SlSitl race, one and: an eljljta " miles, bacd!
cap—Temaceo r«u, lt.'aht I'.oyal secoad, Cbil
fonte third. ' Time, V.Vi.-
I CINCINNATI. Sept. 24.— Latnnla result*:
j First race, trt t uriong*«-»Plet»*a triew Belle
won. * Hazy Agnes second, . Firaanent third.
Time. 1:02 1-5. .
' Second race, on* mile and .an eljrhth—Kofiao
3aw woo. Cygnet secoad, ' Great third. Time.
1:55. :-,-..-. \u25a0• ;\u25a0 \u25a0 •. .."\u25a0". : " \ -\u0084-.;. . . .
i.. Third ."race, its furlong* — Ben Trorata won.
Dainty Belle second. Escrepano third. Time, 1:13.
i ' rotirta race.* ~ sttepleeuaae. Handicap-— Pete
; Vinegar '.won, -roller *e««nd; Class Leader third.
Time, 3:00 3-5. "'-\u25a0 " : '
Fiftb rac«. six forlongsr-Jaflgs Tretn won,
l)r. \u25a0 Lee Huffman secoad. No Quarter UUrCU
Time. 1:14 fc-5. ' "
;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Sixth race, - one ~ tal!« and a elsteenti— n*s«l
Paten won. . Lacacne eecond, Warner Gr!s wall
third. Time, I:4s 1r3.-,- --
Sixth race, six lurloncs, setHcc— Anscnla 92.
InTentresi 92, Paatopj 0?. SUrer Cnp'97 t Lovely
Girl 67.' Heron lOtr. Sabado 103, Vanen- 103.
BlacV Dress 37, Moscow Belle 103, Royal Qceen
103, Cfiuntess of Melbourne 103.
' Second .race tell*.' selling — Aana Rqskln M.
Ingenue 104. Star' Fairr 104.' Belle Scott ' 104.
! Malta 104, MatMe Mact IM. no:a?cb 104, Blaze
o %Ll?ht% Ll?ht 104; Jaranese 104. Bardi&ot V--, C«on
107. PadiToni.lo4. . " . l r '- l_-j ::-. v
. Third .rat*. .' six furlongs, selling — Little
G*orge 100, -Fa? 100. Mlntboy lOi. Bosserian
\u25a0164; Expect to 8e«'1(53, Merrr Beße IOG. Eart,
Ing 108, GalHthea 106. Potter 100, Stooer' Hill
XO.>. Bea Stroflg 109; Lightning Conductor 109. '
' Fouttn race, ' seren * ' t nrlosj» — Monere \u25a0 93.
Dalaty "Dame . 104, Mike ' Satton 104. Con
tolo 106, Frontenac . 10s. ; ' ; ,
: • .Fifth .rac*,". «ti i furlonita, - par»e— Addax 94,
I Jangle 94, Reb«l Qaeea 94. Shirley "Bossmore
94. .No Engine". 97, ; Peorta 97.. M!j» Ssln 84.
"Sixth frac*. mile and • alsteenth, selling—lm
boden IC'J. "Cull 103, Bitter Brown 103. ScaJp
locfc 108, Bell«Tlew 102.^ Career 104, ' Charlatan
105, ' Harry . Scott 113, : Hammeraway 106.
(By" the" New Tork TeJtjrraph).
First ". race— Black - Dress, Stiver Cup, Cona
tesa of Melbourne. . ' . ' .
i Second race — Jatanese, Mattie Mack, Hard
'Shot. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-./: .-, i. \u25a0-..-.- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -.:> i:.-'- \u25a0
-""Third race— Boserrlan, Ben . Stwnj, • Llghtntns
\u25a0 Conductor; < " --'... ; \u25a0.; _-. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0; ;.
, Fourth r*ce— Frontenac, Moserc, Mike ' Sat
ton. .•. . • \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0
Fifth race — Adda*. Shirley Rossmore, No
: Engine: v-. -
Slith rac*rrl«nboden; ; Carew, Scalplock.
Ousts Morrow, Who Took
Yellow Jacket Fro— ~
Clarence Mackay has -regained con
trol of th* Yellow Jacket mine la Ne
vada, which once was owned by hi*
father, John -"W.- ilaekayi^ho lost it to
"Bob" Morrow -many ..years agt>. Mor
row held on and seemingly it was
his for years to come. The Mackay in
terest In iti was;an unknown quantity
and -eras not heard of until it suddenly
as&Vrted itself and to satisfy the son's
sentiment, ousted] the man who had de
feated his -father. ," '"\u25a0
Last year quiet 'buying of Yellow
Jacket stook began. A_story was sent
to San Francisco. before? the, movement
had been fairly "started " that there
would be a change of ownership. The
accuracy, of the statement /was* denied
in San Francisco, although the fact that
a campaign was on to restore the prop
erty to the Mackay family .was known
in Wall street- . ; ,::-.--.~ •> :
The j stack buyingr.. began, jrradually.
but gained In force as the day for the
annual election : of : directors drew near
and the interest among tha minlns men
ran high. When tha election of direct
ors actually took place was seen
that the defeat of Morrow had beea
accomplished. s,
It was ffiven ont> that a. syndicate
here had control. No^one denied that
until recently. Since .. th&« Morrow
regime passed the shares . hay« been
assessed, and it is reported that $100,000
has been raised on the stock anrf that
this was used for a $100,000 stamp mill.
Now it is said that Clarence Mackay.
actuated in part by sentiment but also
by .business considerations, has % three
fourths interest in the old Mackay
mine and ha* 30,000 shares out of a
total Of 120,000.
The whole campaign wu carried on
secretly. Weston & Lewis, stock
brokers, handled the deal. Weaton is
now vice president of the Yellow
Jacket He declines to discuss the deal.
neer SBaiigbaessy of the ftre department has been
granted a month's lsare of absence and will tak»
s rest ta the country.
' MEETINGS — Lodsea
I '**• * ' ' ' '* \u25a0 ' \u25a0 ' '- \u25a0 \u25a0 * \u25a0 \u25a0 I . .
' CALTFORNTA bodies. Ancient and W
Accepted Scottish Btta. 1839 gk
Geary st.-*-Stated meeting ct jf%.
led?*, chapter, council aad coa- jfc^A
EVENING at * o'clock. _/K^l\.
1 CHAS. JELUXEg. Secretary. >Z^^3j
SAN FRANCISCO chapter No. 1, Royal •""""
Area Masons, meets THIS (WEDNES- JV
DAT EVENING at 1234 Market at.
1 R. A. Pe^r?e. /vVx
• H. G. PRrXCE. Secretary. />T \
1 MOUNT MOB lAH lodge 50. 44. F. * "m^~
A. >f. — Special meetlns THIS &
o'clocS at 219 d Geary tt.; Ist degree. 7l^^
. . THEQ. FP>OLICH, y<c. s * \
CHOCKETT lodge No. 130. F. * A. M. »
Third Degree THIS (WEDNESDAY) Ik
EVENING at 7 o'clock. By order
cf tae vr. jr. , ftFJ\
. B. H. McPHERSON. Secretary. [/^r\
EXCELSIOR lodffa NO. 166. F. *A. 11. A
TTnlrd Decree THIS (WEDNESDAY) •%&&*
EVENING at 7:30 o'cloc!:. /V^A
H. J. OWEN. S^cwttry. /.^r \
MISSION lod?» No. ICO. f. * A. M.— m
Sperlal RietiaK THIS {WEDNES- A
"DAYi EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. -\/rtV
' Third fWr*-. /S2f\
; ..-:\u25a0.- FRANK W. SMItH. Secretary. / \
I STARR KIKO lodge NO. JM4. F. &A. a
31.. 17*» FUlmere gt. — Special meet- £k
ISO. September £5. at T o'clock, for JV*J\
, Third Dvgree. Master Masooa cor. '\r\
dlally Invited. W. A. KELLER. W. M. ,
• . H. F. WRIOHT. Secretary.
" SPARTAN lodse No. 125. I. O. ~^*££Z
O. F., will initiate a caadiflate 5 5»ii-
INC.. September 25. VUltlns *Zfr«W e ~
brother* cordially Invited.
1 . . T. C LEARY. Secretary.
FARNSWORTH ledja No. 03, I. O. ;«flffigv_ '"\u25a0'
O. F., vill meet THIS
Market st. Members reqnestfrt
'to attend. Visiting brothers Invited.
. Q. A. BCRMAN. secretary.
11?, I. O. O. F.. C3G7 MlMlon
st. — Regular session THCRS- " : 2Bi£*£ii3 :r
DAT. Action on bylaws. " -^srw*«^
.. J. L. BILPRETH. R. S. \u25a0 - - . .
STRACTJSK lod?e No. 39. K. of P.,
meets TONIGHT at 403 Van Neaa «s£feT
ay. near Fultoa st. VUitlajj '"t&jsftr
MILTON A. NAtHANy C. C. . . . *ZZ
CALIFORNIA chapter No. IS3, O. E. S.~ EefU-
at 8 o'clock. 153 CsurcH st. B7 Order of the
Wcrtby Matron. " , . "
.. ._>•-;.. ANNA C. KOBT3. SecrttatT-
MEMBERS of tne Brotaernood of Teamsters ant
reque«tod to attend tne next regular maetlßii
THURSDAY EVENING. ' September 28. .'at.
Teamsters' ball. 338 Bryant st. Business of
Importance. " '.. JOHN McLArGHUN. Sec.
MEEfiyGS--Soetßl -
THS annual meeting of tne stock holder* of tt»
Bank of CalUornU will be held at tne bau*s-
ISg bouse la tnU city. No. 424 California at.
cor. LeldesdorS. on TUESDAY. October S. at
IX o'clock a. m. By order of the. board ef
directors. ALLEN M.-CLAY. Secretary.
ADDIB L. BALLOU, formerly 707 Van Xetm mr..
\u25a0 : removed to'llS2 Market »t. opposite Ttb.
PUBLIC steacsrap&er; rates- reaaonaSle. 1738
! ' Halght st^: pbone» Fell 13 aad Page 5031.
ACCOrXTAyrs— Certtfled Pwblle
JOHN B. RCCKSTEIX. Call bulldla?, room 80S;
accounting systems : investigation!: audit*.
ADVICE tier. Divorce costs $12. Quick and
Outer,' bo delay. : Estates probated. Attaca-
"tatnts. labor lteas. collections. Se» me first
and *aye money. Op«a - evenings. Boom 8. \u25a0
Arcade . bQildins. 123ff FUlmore st, bet-veea
Eddy and Turk. .:.";.....,.......!
- Qulci, ouiet: -no cnargea unless succeaafol.
Coll«ctloos. \u25a0wHl*.. deeds, etc: detectives. ;
Opea fiveaings. ..LEGAL ASSOCIATION.
1363 Webrtyr st. cor. O'Farrell near Flllraote. .
AA— DIVORCE: cost fl2;' quick.- qutet: ailview
frte\. no charge unless successful: title" to real
estate .r«*tor«<!: bankruptcy; probation of e*-
tat«; c«B«rat practice. 102S Market «.. r. 1?.
COMPLETE d.'rorce for 535; ;a0-d*lay or amK>y-
anc*.: \u25a0 -c«>arifotw treatin*ai;.: *qu«« dealls?:
pt^afe-see m» flrst." r ". Room ?< •2053liSatte» ar.
- .Fffltparev Hi*-. •.**-; »ii;" .-,r:»' : -^ .- ',
MARTIN STRVRNB. «tt6roB? "at l^».riO2n TlH-
aore.nt.-bet- McAUlnter and GoMea Gaf ay.
HARRIS k. HESS, aitornexs at law: W. T. U«wi
notary .'j»tibtfc./-.Rrtrtin» -4«7-409.: Caft-fcnlMia*.
- AI.F rtSOVES.-. ;:.i::-.: . •
*_\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0••: . ?T^y^l??r^~ " : " : ".
PENSION ; " At fora-y A.'*"BBtl.lS* JSir Steiner
j .-- <tt. : p«st commamfer Thomas Pwit,"* O. A. B. <
'( , ,: ;,>:-:: TATSXT ATTpBXSWv., .?
DX WE T.: STEONG - A \u25a0 CO.— Focnded" fWOi'D. X
. : and fore!?n p#t*ats: to»eator»V?nJ<*e; 100 tae-
cha»tcsl - t»«w««*Trt* fre*. .Mereaaat*' Ex- -
j ; x ebiixrr NnlMtßg. San Fraixfaco. \u25a0\u25a0--
CAIU.OS 11.l 1 . iIBUKI.v. fwicnt.*: late. . e*aa»in*r
i ,1 C. 3.- i»»te«t <rfge». SI 4 (CaH> C. SpnxAfW fcW. •
Fa*-NCIS"M."-WRHiMT. ft»rtJ«!y'»x»»K9et U. S.
.pa feat »fflce. »i«-arJ7 MMWdaock baHdiag. :
• XfATTHKVr HARRIS. p*nsioa hijiJ patent attor-
\u25a0 aeyrNV-'E-.-'CcmeT gist *n*l -\tat>«raa.'»f«.
See Pages 1 2 an& 13 jor Ad4i
lional Classiiicd Ads
•\u25a0 . .--->-\u25a0. \u25a0 - - \u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 - - f-