Newspaper Page Text
12 Additional Classified Ads on Page II ' DEXTISTS I»KS. C. \V. DECKER. T. H. MOKKIS. L. T. CRANE. SURGEON DENTISTS. 1310 »t.. above Van Ness. S«m* I-2-S-4-5-9-10. . TAIN LESS ilPLiistry—Old established, honest. reliable; rosi-onjible nrices: perfect work: free ."nsuUrli-.n. VAN' VItOOM, 1&01 FiUmore it. HILL. UR.* I.riiLJ'M. 432 Webster— New Mulr- !'«-£fJ !iM.. Market. Hs.res and Larkin «ts.; gas. . SAETLKTi. IjR» Oi C. CANT, extracting special- ist: ras given. \u25a0 ' 2103 FUlmore. NW. cor. Cal. DB. W. A. MEYEIt. form. CalUgliaa building, now "I.V; Market «t. near Church and 14th. C. IV. KICIIAIIDJ". 1 D. P.. l*0."-6 Central bldg.. njr. Batter aad Polk, tor. Mutual bank bldg. : UK. SIMMS, formerly Parr.itt bldg.. SST, Market Ft., dow located 1214 Po'K.cor. tjatter. r. 301. DR. R. L. WAI-SU. 872 MeAHLMer nr. Laguna. Platinum flll!n£S, 00c; crown. $5; plates. $7. HIGGINS. T. S.. and KELLOOO. "A. C. Corner Flllciore sL and GaJdea Gate ay. L'K. 11. CBAHilK— First claw <!enti«ry \u25a0«t rea- \u25bartnalile pricos. C3l Folsom et. corner Sd. liR. J. J. LXXX. formerly 112S Market, now 824 Valencia *t. betwef-n 19th and 20th. ' . UR. IRA G. LEMK— AiI kinds of dental work. ."ils ftllmore St. ccsr Oak. . - PUVSICIAXS \u25a0 AXNOUNCEJIEXT— UR. SCHIRMAN ixjsltlv-ly rures rb^urnatlsia and sciatica, diseases of the heart *n<\ oerv<nn< srKtem. <?ontructed dlßorde™, contcgious blood |>oison, etc.: latest medical i:p- Ullances in uw>. Office. 'l&IO Pi*t nr. I^gunn. I>U. WONG HIM. * ~~ HKRB DOCTOR. r.-nnalipntly I/)cated :rc<s OT«rre!l st. l>et. Cough an.l Octavla. - Vll. GECBEU, natoropatiilc physician, 12M Oe- Taria — Kye, nervous, chronic lII*, diseases wo- men: new njeth.: headache, constipation. Indi- cation. <Tfj>i! ores. etc. Hr*. 11-" J. West 4527. ___________ _ -— Ch!np«e Tea snd Herh K&nltarinm. POS-M0 Stockton St.. San Francisco. : UK. CARPENTER— Dbeaees of women. ' 5A4 FTslglit rt. corner Fil!more. Hours 2-4, 7-8. Tel. Park 467. D— J. H. SHIRLEY, form. S«cramento: cauc^r Rpedalist; board, room, curse. C 93 Fell st. X-HAY and Flnsen Light Laboratory. VUO Kleiner st. corner McAllister. DR. F. THOMAS (formerly Dnnauue bldg.). now SIR Tcrk st. Tel. Franklia 1500. I'P.OFESSOH SHIPLEY, tnpe worm specialist. I^lT WW.ster st. near K<My. AUTOmoniLES I NOW is the titae to buy your car. Note the prices. These car<=. every one of them, cod- fidering thrir condition, represent values iuch ff< hive never been known on the coast mar- ket. Note them carefully. Remember aii oars ere fuiiy equipped. All are put in first class Rh*pe snd to guaranteed before delivery. '•« White steamer, wirh top. looks like new. fl.500: '06 4 cylinder Columbia, snap, $1,250: •fX> OMsinoblle, with tup, uniitual buy. $1,100; "06 Koral Tourist, fine shape. exceptional value, 51..V.0: '07 Crawford. $1,400; '00 4 cyl- inder Franklin, another snap. $900, looks like new: '05 Franklin D -."O hp.. $900; 'Oft Autocar runal>oi!t. with top. good buy. $700: '0.1 Auto- car touring car, s bargain. tjOO; "05 Antooar • runabout, $4<Xi; *OC. I-ocomobile, with top. ex- ceptional value. $1.6.%0; '00 Pope-Toledo 7 passrnpers. snap, Jl.riOO: '06 Wlnton X, top, presto. Oabriel. bargain. $900; '05 Pierce, with \u25a0 $1.7."»0: '07 Mitchell, 3 months old. cost v^ith <xra!pment. $2,400. my price $1,650; '0(3 KAfa'^i-'r. 4 cyHnder, a cood buy, $900; *06 Kam.'iler. 2 cylinder. ST.r.O: '07" Rambler ••• rvliader. $7.V); '07 l>eere. with top, Hke new. $1,500: *07 Knox. like new, $1,830: '07 Amer- ican Mors. 7 p»«Rfn?er«. big snap, used 2 months, '-ovt 5C.250. price $3,000; '07 Thomas 5.H.000; '07 Royal Tourist. $3,000; "05 Cadillac' . MOO: '04 $6,000 Parraeq. $700; '07 Detroit delivery car. new. fDOrt: '05 Jackson tourina: <-nr. S."/ 00; *04 Ford. SSOO: '05 Pop«-Bartford **?^T>: 'i'Z OMs nm»bout. $200. Above can are Ja «tock. If the car you want is not amour them, we probably have it on our list. Our . oomplefe descriptive list, the largest we have evi-r published, will be ready by the 20th. It will include a few brand new ear bargains That will surpr'.Ke tou. Correspondence solic- its. R. H. MORRIS. Auto Broker. ISIB-20 Tcieyraph av..^ Oakland. Established 1&01. TUJS IS THE PIJICK. riITINIX AtTTOMOBU-E EXCHANGR. 4T.:h Bt. and Ssn Pablo ay.. Oak!ao4. Is tie Time to Boy. 'Of. RCNABOCTS. « <T"- Forc.s, MaiT«-el!s, Reos, Cadillacs Tri- bunes aad Anto"*ri». $800 and np. TOrniXG CAKS. MifcholJc. Pope Toledos. 2 and 4 — L WiDtons 2 and 4 oyi. narnes-ApTxrson. White Bteamßrs' lUmb'.ers. Quet-ns and Antocars, $300 and up. Kverv <-ar guaranteed in perfect running «irder. All the demonstration yon want- every barer is ihoroßghiy taught to drive his car REMEMBER, You will have to trust some one. It mar as we!l be, us. Anvwsy. come liere before yon buy PIirNIX ArTOMOBILE" EXCHANGE. 45th M. and Sau Pablo ay., Oakland. FOR scle— 7 scat. '06 Packard: perfect condi- tion: ruu 4 months: willing to allow expert «-Tsciinatioa. etc.: fully equipped, including ac- cident and fire insurance for a year. Address inquiries to box 3409, Call office, giving refer- ences. Ai:T<IMOBILK tw.rcatns— l9o7 32 borsenow.-r tonrlnp car, X Wlnton. 2 Pope-Toledo touring ears. 2 cylinder Rambler. Buicfc and Reo- aljo . fleo rusabont: all in good condition; oee these snaps. BEXSTROM CO.. 4-4 Stanyan et. VAN NESS OARAGE ISO2-ISIO Van Ness ay. Aototnobi'e repairing, csr rental and storage. rir^t ..class work et reasonable rates. :907 PKIMM:h LAKDACLET for hire it all hours: just the thing for weddings, reeeprlons . ami theaters: Sr, per hour. Call up West 6SSS. PL'LLMAN ••::: <. n: ';!\u25a0".!•\u25a0* for immediate dellvrrv on exhibition at the ralesrt»m* of the RKN J - STROM CO.. 424 Stanyan st. Tel. Part 47«. COLUMBIA automobile: perfect condition- pri<^ t1.500. City Motor Car Co., 1355 Bu*h B t Tel. Franklin .-.OPS. AIiTOMOEILK repairing: storage banery chare- ing. repairing. I. L. De JONGH. 44ft Fulton. AUTOMOBILE training school; new class start- lne Tccsdny evening. Aug. 6. 40C Larkin nt. H. H. MORRIS, auto broker. ISIK-20 Telegraph ay.. Oakland— 2d hand automobiles: est. 1001. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING. Also carriage. W. H. BERWICK. 411 Grove. NEW Universal Carburetors: pos. guar or mon%v back. L. H. & B.- I. BILL. 132 Valencia Bt. AUTOMOBILE OEPAIRINO. M. L. Wlihert A- Son«. IXth and Mission. PACXFJG STATICS AUTO SCHOOLS now open. 2^ «;o]<Jpa Gate ay. Tel. Franklin 3215. CHEAPEST and best la America. Tbe Weakly Call. V. m .vetir. \u25a0 ArtT *j' _SS_^ PLAIN, loadfd and art fc-liiss. Jf. HDRRKLL 21 'J Couch *t. rx»tw('.'n Otk ynd Fell. ADOPTIOX . ALAMEDA Mnteralty Villa: strictly private- tn- fants adopted. DR. EMILIE FCNKE 1416 >-;h St.. Alameda. CONFINEMENT home; best nurses and doctor*: art"!. tier. \f <!pflrp<l. '.^SS Sntter St. --. P. -.ARCHITECT . HIRANO. Japanese designer 'and' building con- <r;.,.|or. C*>f M^ilti ana n^lirno. Hnrllngnme. niCVCLE AXD MOTOII CYCLES A— .Motorcycles aad BicyVK— Agency for Bead- tag. Standard, Llrht & Yale Motorcycles, Cali- fornia. H. f. Snell nnd Hudsofl Bicycles. Sec- ond hand tnoton-yelei*, bieycJ>-g. lowest pricea W. i:. I.Ki;. 504 an-i-W":: I'nee. CEMEXTj OOAI» 4 BODJN rnijirove'rn«-ut Co.— Bituuien^and concrete ' sidewalk* wftf-c-laltv; jobbing promptly ctlended to. IS2S O'Farrell.. Tel. West 2309. ••HEIDELBERG" »nd other Wgh grades In lots to suit at WHOLESALE prires. A. nnnST.ATER. -214 California: Temp. 2:150. CO.NTIIACTOnS AXD BUILDER* GOEBEL-COLLINS Construction Co.. 12251230 FiUmore (Arcade bldg.).. room 7; plans, ep«cl- Ccatluns. estimates , f urnlslied ; . short notice, McCULLOUGH CONTRACTING CO., 2023-2«53 Market — iJcildlngs de«lgne<r and erected culck- Jr.«-c<>nouilcally; no "waiting for inillwork." t"IX»VES dtiiconnected and \u25a0 connected for $1.50 up. Modern Gm Appliance C 0. .: 1279 Eilla st. JAMES FINNIGAN fc CO., rooflng. roof painting. n»r"- Irlng. IS7* Market st. ; phone Fell 1047. I*. <!e NOOY & VAN DAM. carpenters, contract- «»rn: cnt.. work. 12S4A Eddy. Tel. West 4024. CASH REGISTERS CASH regintere; 521 sixes, of all prices, for all kinfis of buElness, on liberal terms. National €«frh Rpgister Co.. 1253 Golden Gate 'aw \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 CHIROPODISTS \ ALL foot siimt-nts j>o«itlv<?ly cured painlessly. Dr. Duncan, expert ctiiropJdist, IMO Ellis eU BUSIXESS CHANCES HALF interest. in a business for a few hundred dollars: a payment down and the balance can be paid ont of the business: no money required until pro Ted satisfactory: it will clear $25 per day; no great amount of experience required; you must be boneot. at yon have to help man- , age the business; If you are looking for a busi- ness, don't overlook this. 920 Broadway, , Oak- land, rooms 1 and 2. . . ' ' , FOR nale — First claps dry. goods business In San Rafael; established over 20 years; partner <".e- •lrlng to sell on account of death of pro- orietor. Apply to MRS. H: A. GORLEY, 710 2d gt., San Rafael. . . \u0084. NEWSPAPER routes; union agency: reason for M-llinir. moving to .. seaside. ABdresi .• F. W. MILLER. Auburn. Placer Co.. Cal. '•' . \u25a0 GfARANTEEI) subscriptions, $100 up: profits enormous. Write or call, C. ESTERLY, 605 Kamm building. San Francisco. • - TO lease — A first-class route, a good money,; maker. For particulars apply circulating de- ; partment. Call office. ~i DO you buy a good 7 per cent Btocfc? We bare It. Call at room 54, 9ti9 Broadway, Oakland. ; ' - . GOOD paying cigar | store in best ontside town, near city: no agent. Box 3402. Call office. BLACKSMITH tools and stock; cheap; - long lease. '• Brady st. near 12th and Market. BUTCHER; half Interest in good paying meat market. Inquire at 305 Devlsadero st. GROCERY for sale cheap. See JOHNSON & HOOVER. 603 Golden Gate ay. \u25a0 FOR Bale — Oyster" and chop house; 1517 A Turk st.: no agent. . \u25a0 ' PARTX— RS WAXTED WANTED — Partner In the biggest paying bu*!-' ness .- In tbe country: quick returns. H. F. DKLL. 2531 Clay st.. San Franclseo, Cal., evenings. WA NTED— Partner ta water system: 20,000 acres- government land: 10,000 inches water. Art.lress R. P. DORRIS. Cblco. Cal. BAR AXD STORE FIXTURES BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., 17-27 Franklin st. nr. Market. Phone Special 1457. Artistic Fixture Co.: bank, store and bar fixtures, Kliowcai>es.. counters, shelving. 1213-15 Folsom. Cabinet and mill work, store, office fixtures, turn- ings, etc. Haas Woodworking C 0.,93 Minna u.2d. CALIFORNIA Home Industry. 214 Bth st. — Bar and store fixture*, showcases always on hand. Standard Furniture & Picture Mfg. Co.; esti- mates glveu. 851 Bryant st.: phone Market 3742 WILLIAM P. SICKE, saloon and store fixtures; eastern prices; short notice. 304*- JAPAN Industrial Co. ; store, office fixtures, flhoiv cases and counters. ISIS Sutter ot. OLA IRV O YA XTS \ \u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0 A. W. SHERMAN. 1753 Sutter St.: Trance, Medium. Clairvoyant. Palmist. Advice !r» matters of law. speculation. • Investment and all domestic troubles the predictions of this Inspired medium are Infallible; unites tbe separated, causes cpeedy and happy marriage with the one of your choice; removes evil influences and heals the sick. Reading, 50c. Hours 10 to 6 dally; Wednesday and Saturday evenings till 8 o'clock. 1753 Sutter st. v., THE WHITE MYSTIC OF INDIA. ORMONDE, formerly \0 years on Market St.; a clairvoyant with power; genuine, reliable, \u25a0 \u25a0ouscientiOMs; past, present, future; business advice, love, marriage, divorce,; remove* evil Influence; tells your fall name; born In the orient with tbe power of any 10 mediums: readings $1. 1310 Devlsadero st. between Ellis and OTarreU. FREMONT, 1635 Sutter st. Today. Save- $4.50. $5 Reading, 50c.- Before you have a reading, "Efremont. to prove his wonderful clairvoyant powers, to all who come Qpepared for his reduced readings, will give you a test free. FREMONT, 1635 Sutter Bt. Today. Save $4.50. $5 Reading 50c ' Today. MME. PORTER, gifted clairvoyant medium, tell* pant, present and future; born with double veil; second sight; cards read clalrvoyantly; ladles 50c. gents $1; palmistry and clairvoyant sittings; full life reading $1.50: open Snndays, walk In. top floor. 1833 O'Farrell, near Stelner. MISS ZEMDAR, young, gifted clalr. & palm. 1 correctly treat your love affairs, domestic trou- bles, bus. aad financial success. L., SOc; G., $1: hrs. 10 to ». 1260 Ellis it. near Lagnna. MADAME KRONENBERG. clairvoyant, card reader; when others fall try me; readings 25c; hours 10 to 8 p. tn., Sunday excepted. Uuom 1, 1424 Valencia st. \u25a0 \u25a0; • . MRS. GENTRY, divine nealer. clalrv.. palmist; past and present revealed: consultation free. 201S Sutter at. between Steiner and Fi'.lmor*. MME. EUGENIE, scientific palmist, card reader; reveals fact» that astonish you. 1465' Valencia. MADAM SCHAEFFER. clairvoyant card reader; water seer. »45 Hayes «t. near Flllmore. MISS LEE— Fortune telling. 26c: hours 10 to 9, 156 3d et., room 151, first floor. MME. MAJOR, clairvoyant, palmist and reader. IEOQ Ellis »t.: ladies SOc. gents 81. SPIRITUALISM MRS. J. J. WHITNHY. trance business medium AND. LIFE READER. Spiritual messages. 1164 O'Farrell st. MME. MAXWELL — Convincing spiritual mes- sages. Wed.. Fri.. 8 p. m.; psychic rdg. dally. 323 A Church. MRS. SEAL, spiritual medium; readings daily. 7*o McAllister st.; circle Thursday, Bp. m. ; MRS. CRINDLE. materialising seance Wednei- dey evening. 8 o'clock. 1400 McAllister it. MRS. EVERS— Medium; clroles Thursday eve.; private sitting! daily. 1217 Webster st. MADAM FADELL has located at 2240% Bush tt.. spiritual readings. 50c and tl. PALMISTRY . MME. VEBA. gifted clairvoyant and scientific : reader of the Egyptian Temple of Palmistry, ; has returned and is now. located at her resi- dence, 460 Fell st.;; hours., 1 to 5 and 7 to 9. A— Returned— lJ. JEROME FOSSELLI. scientific paltcUt. ISIO Webster, S. F.; phone West/ 410. PEILO— Scientific palmist. Just arrived from Europe. 303 Van Ness ay. ' . COL,I,ECTIOX AGEXCIES KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 2352 Pine st. nr. Fillmore— Suit!", liens, garnishments & attach- rnonts: labor debts cot: mercantile collections. DETECTIVES- MCCARTHY'S Detective Agency— Reliable, in- formation In civil and criminal affairs; legal aud commercial refs.; communications confiden- tial. 1228 Flllmore cor. Eddy. . Phone . Weit 3u78. THO.S. MCCARTHY. Principal. . DRESSMAKING McDowell 1 ! Dress Making and Millinery School, 1215 Pent at. near Van Neis. Branch 1018 Washington st. Oakland. Patterns cut to order. SUNBURST, accordion, knife pleating, buttons, buttonholes, lining, notions; mall ordera solici- ted. STEEL'S, 1420 Post; phone West 6428. DBBSS MAKF.R wants first class waist and skirt hands at 1499 Pott st. cor. Octavia. CHILDREN'S fZncy and plain, sewing neatly done. 1458 Bth aT.. Sunset.- \u25a0*\u25a0 - FURS UP TO DATE— Furs remodeled, bought, ex- changed. ' sold; manufacturing price. 631 16th st., Oakland. G. BARE, furrier, formerly \u25a0; Lacbmann & - Co., vow 1515 Bush st. cor. Van Ness ay.,. upstair*. ORGLER & CO., 1C64 Pine it nr. Van New aT. Funs . remodeled, repaired and ' made \u25a0; to order. B: KANTNER, manufacturing furrier, formerly 122 Stockton «t., now 1718 Van Neks aT. MAX HOFLICU. furrier, formerly 107 Grant ay. near Geary, new 1553 Van Ness aT. HAIR DRESSIXG : ; J. HAUPTLI-GUERIN CO.— WIGS, .TOUPEEPV HAIR GOODS, etc.' 890 Van Ness ay. . ! '.. J r-. STAMPIXG AXD -EMBROIDERY Tbe Bell ; Art. ' 1576 ! Buih— lnitructlons emorold- ery.' stamping, designing, novelties, needle work ANGLE LAMPS ANGLR LAMPS best lamps for reading. BOESCH LAMP C 0... Coast Agents. 1135 Mission -at. ' ." ' EDUCATIbXAI/ THE ,30 Day Bhorthand V School— A \u25a0 complete course; mastered 4n 80 days; 'price $25, includ- ing all supplies and 1 typing. , 719 , Gougb it. :.. near McAllister. . t • ,-..., ;-, : '.yv- -..-' A T, A -^» Jf,Jl? "Jtorthand I and I business positions : METROPOLITAN (Cal.) ; BSNS. COL.; 925 Golden Gate aT.; day, even.- Esplna, Penman. THE LYCEUM. 2590 Pine it.: : prepares. for unP 1 Tewlty, law, medical colleges; 15th year; ber« yon can save time & money; \u25a0 excellent teachers. ENGINEERING^-ClTll. electl.,. mining/ mech \u25a0 surrey, - assay, cyanide; i day, 'tar.; est. 1564. I Van der Nanien School. 51«t &;Teleg.,- Oakland. CHICAGO" Business. College, Valencia^ and" 2' > d ; kt».; only buslnewt college In Mission; day ant) \u25a0 tteiiic; cltssee; positions: guaranteed. • * THE a SAy FRANCISCO CALL; WEDNESDAY, SEiyTEMBER- 25, 1907; EDTJCATIOXAI— -Continued 'i},;\U HEALD'S Buslnees: College,' 425 : McAllister sU - S.-F. and 16th St., Oakland; :day andevenlng.- FISK Teachers' Agency.; 4l4 Studio" hldg.: Berke- ley — Diet. . school teacher wanted . Immediately. GUITAR, mandolin,, piano, Klnslng; new-cl»»ses forming; 8 lessons $3. .v 892;Batght nr.^Devlsa. SAN FRANCISCO BuslneBHrCollege:now.-located at 733' Flllmore' near, Hayes; day and evening. THK BERLITZ SCHOOL ,OF. LANOUAGES-- ; 2531 W« shlngton nr. Flllmore ; , send . for drcu. Mdm. de Mars. French A piano lessons $1, at stu- dio 50c; conversation, class $1. 7 1427 . O'Farrell. ' LESSONS in English; public school teacher; chll- dren., adults; foreigners. : 1126 Flllmore, room 6. PROF. .T. A. ROBINSON, Individ, instr. math., bookkeeping. Eag., etc.; day," eve.*. 290 Page St.- SPANISH-FRENCH in S* months: lessons eTery eve.. 6 o'clock. .-. ROB Golden Gate ay. ; -- KKNT I-aw Rchool — 16th year: •' day and night. .{K9- Birch av.; near OctaTia st., city. ;, .: MERRIIX-MILLER College, plensantly located at 733 Flllmore \u25a0 st. ; ; day and evening. \u25a0 . _. : ALL rourt reporters recommend Gallaeher-MarsS Business College. 464 .Devlsadero, «t. ... FRENCH and English lessons, private or classes. 2fil DeTlsadero at. ; near Halght. F. N PRILL. pianist— Pudll* practice at studio; $6 'per month. . 1488 Hayea st.,; HEALD'S Engineering School. 425 McAllister it. ; all branches: day and evening. ' -\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - STASiaiERIXG '. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''\u0084 .-.\u25a0'"\u25a0"\u25a0'\u25a0. Stammering. cured; Gutmann method; breathing, grmnasttcs. " elocution, i Elizabeth Dohrrnana. I.^o Central aT.* nr. Halght. Tues. or evenings. I EMPLO YMEXT OFFICES JAPANESE Honsecl easing Ageacy furnlshea best help with care, by'- hours, days or weeks; cooks, waiters, house cleaners, wlndew wash- ers,, etc. H. K. ODA, 1721 Post st. ; phone Went 4C34. A-^JAPANESE-CHINESE Assocla'tion furnishes best of help of all klndi: caoablllty and ausiliacatlons gnaranteefl. OSCAR HATSUMI, 1313 Geary «t. J phone Weit B6SB. .. STAR employmeat office furnish Japanese and Chinese help with. care; also 'contractors' for house cleaning. Tel. Went 167. W. KODOTA, 160S Geary et. near Buchanan.' ALL kinds of Japanese and Chinese workers looking for Jobs; city or 1748 Sutter St., San Francisco. Telephone West 2503. \u25a0 ALL kinds first class Japanese and Chinese help promDtly. 1623 Buchanan St.; tel. West 5546. J. SHIOZAKI. \u25a0 \u25a0_ ; .' CHINESE and Japanese employment office/ 362 Sth at. : tel. Oak. 3101. B. HALL, Oakland. H. W. HONO, Chinese employment, office. 837 • Webster St.. Oakland ;' phone Vernon. 24l. i. JAPANESE and Chinese Labor Bureau— Address 1612 Lsjruna st.; phone West 1731. JAPANESE DOMESTIC WORKERS' ASSN.. 1261 EddT st. Tel. West 7153. I EMPLOYMENT WAXTED— FemaIe RELIABLE middle aged woman wishes . steady 'place in American or German family to do rooking, down stairs, or. assist in general housework; economical end good, clean worker; $25 month: good home. Inquire from 9 a. m. till 4 p. in. at 45 Alvarado ay. bet. Guerrero sr. snd San. Jose ay.- near 23d st. CAPABLE German middle aged woman wishes steady position 1n good, religious family, to d« cooking, good home baking and - housework: small wash: city; $25 to $30 a month; good > borne: references. Apply, today \u25a0 till 3 .p: m. at 162 Chattanooga st^ bet: 22d and 23d, 2 blocks above Guerrero at. ' EXPERT dress maker would like a few more engagements; all work guaranteed; $3 day. Address 576 Fell «t. near ; Buchanan. : FIRST CLASS girl wishes situation, hou Re work or cooking: wages *35. Call at 223 Wlnfleld ay. near 29th and Mission sta. ' WOMAN would like a position ss cook and house keeper In a German family;- $35 to $40 per month. Box 3435, Call office. : v\; ; 2 RELIABLE girls wish positions as waitress or second work. Apply 1403 McAllister st., be- tween 10 a. m. and 12 m. ' RESPECTABLE woman wants n position to <lo general housework and . cooking. Call 2503 Bush st.: -no postals. \u25a0 LADY wants few houses to go out westing, or men's washing, take home. ' Address -7 Reed place off Green st. YOUNQ girl, wants housework- In private f n ml- ly; good worker. Please call at 1606 Guer- ; \u25a0 rero . »t. - : ••\u0084"\u25a0\u25a0.';.'..-;\u25a0•- . . : •<;-\u25a0 ~u> ; . BOOK KEEPER ; vrants »et of booka ,to keep evenlnps. Box 3418. Call -office., YOUNG girl wishes po»mon as second girl. 26 Cumberland st. off Guerrero. EMPI.OYMEXT WAXTED— MaIe MAN and wife. (Italian) want work:, tbe wife as cook. .\u25a0\u25a0 the.' man, as -'foreman -or superin- tendent on vineyard or cellar, wine and brandy distillery; man has .had 'good experience on vineyard and cellar wine \u25a0 work. - \u25a0 Address J. B. H.. ' P. P.. San Jose. Cal. . .. SITUATION wanted In garage or repair shop, where wllllngneiis to work will make up for Inexperience : object not wages. ' but - desire to gain practical experience. Box 8429, Call office. JAPANESE, experienced cook, wants i>osition in boarding house, hotel '\u25a0 or nice family: $10 a week np: best of references. •- K. GEORGE, 708 Shrader St.; phone ; Park . 1142. 7 . CRICAGO Expert Window, Cleaning Co.. - 887»i Pulton st. ; nr. FUlmore ; ;' phone \u25a0; Page • 52 — We snpply competent men and women for window cleaning and general housework. SOBER, steady, middle, aged roan want* light porter work or to work and make himself use- ful In some small private place; /city or conn- try. Box 3433. Call office. :'- MARRIED, man 'must have work ' of . some kind,' city \u25a0 or. country; teamster, \u25a0 watchman, clerk ; or any honest work: best references. Address box 3440. Call office. BRIGHT 'and -experienced Japanese young man wants ; position In small family \u25a0- as . house worker; speaks well. 1711 Waller st. ; phone Fell 363J, '- V: .- \u25a0 : .;-; ;>' -'; -.; --; .'*,.. WANTED— Set of books to keep.l 0r. 2 evenings a. week, or on Sundays. . by book keeper of many years', experience.; 80x '3410. Call office. FIRST CLASS Chinese. cook wishes a situation In hotel, boarding \u25a0\u25a0 bouse . or . saloon ; good ref- V erence. Addresß SING LYIKG, 755 Clay. &t. », COACHMAN, thoroughly/ reliable Jn every branch, strictly sober, '= New. York man, single, wants situation. Box \u25a0 2441, ' Call, offlc«.V.'-; FIRST CLASS : Japanese ; cook : wants Job here: has : references: \u25a0: wages - $45 , and'; up. . 1617 Gough St., S. F.DEI.IZUI. JAPANESE cook wants ' a ' sirnatlon. Please in- form Capital Laundry, ; 1662 Geary Bt., S. F. Tel. West 8148. - ; :. JAPANESE boy wants position as schoolboy in a ' small family. . MATUNAGA, 1538 Pout >'st. KXPf:RIENCED Japanese wants' a position" for . laundry In family. : 1803 Bush at, . T. OAYAQI. STENOGRAPHY, typewriting.- mimeographing, .copying, a specialty.; Room ZS*.-', 268 Market at. BRICK .: LAYER, nonunion, wants work •: or any kind of repairing.. Box 8436, Call; office, .'^g; CARPENTER, .competent and i good mechanic, wants position.- Box, 3434,; Call; office.*, -.'r- \u0084 \u25a0;\u25a0 S ANTA CRUZ EMPLO YMEXT ; IF you want • work of any r description, •. mule •or . female, : write to.J. W." McCUISTON." 2^6 Pa- cific ST.. Santa '• Crni."> V .-: '• -.:.':>."\u25a0•->-;•-- ;"---;*s-i FEMALE ; ; HELP. WAXTED ? WANTED— Young i women to learn s tele phone 1 op- . eratlng; • paid while learning; salary; Increased ; after > first , two \ weeks '.. and .* further \u25a0; increased after work" becomes efficient. : . \u25a0 ;.; . 'Dally.-;iuncheons:.- famished : free/ "and , rest rooms with matron in attendance. : : : . Permanent >'• positions ; \u25a0 ' good '• chance \u25a0 for * ad- . vanepment.- Apply \u25a0to •.•;•- -i-;.v \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:-\u25a0 . ;. - - PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO., 821 Hyde St., near. Butter.; FIRST CLASS- stenographer; •• book; keeping knowledge : desirable;^permanent 'position Mf j- satisfactory. Address, stating \u25a0 experience and , salary. ; box ; 1718,' Call, ; nilmore } it.:-; - «;-. WANTED— Cash v girls.* 14 ;;.to »16 5 years = of ? age; mint bring ukp sn.i schooling certificates: Ap- plr «upt.'a • office, : between >, B 'and,' lI ;<= HALE . BROS.-^ lnc,i6Ui, and; Market! \u25a0ti.;.;7.-^-,-,;;- WANTED y at . once-^-Bllling i clerk \u25a0: for i grocery '- business ; 1 one ; who \ can i run saya y Remington : m»- : chine:- references r requlred.'.-J Apply i to 'MR' JEFFREY, 2329 ; California \u25a0 at. .-. \u25a0\u25a0-,-.; \ >r ; -, WANTED — White, s - colored ? or c Japanese ), girl tor woman, to help, take care of 2 children and as- sist in light housework ;' good wages. v26S Carl et. nr. Stanyan.- '^BMSRBBbSQHBsMSI EXPERIENCED , lady for \u25a0 pyrography ; work ; : one : familiar.- with s, burning : on; leather.! ' Interna- ; tlonal v. Stationery r and \u25a0; Supply ;• CJompany, . 30H - . 16th, sf,, •\u25a0;"'-.- -.-\u25a0 -;\u25a0.,-. . :..':i''v'^.^:CT:;i.i,;-;c;:-.v-si:* BINDERY, girls .wanted : i experienced ' and \u25a0 appren- r.:; tiers. " \u25a0 Calkins ; Publishing » House, \u25a0• 24 * Clays Rt.' WANTED— MiddIe ? aged : vrouian /-for -seneml I :\u25a0;; housework; and. lock ;ufter old lady/ 2CC3 Plue.'l f FE3IALE . HE LP WAXTEP— ;CoiK ;/ '\u25a0__ OFFICE \ hours : 9 r a: ' m." to sp. m.' Patrons ' for .";' help are. charged $1 registry fee. ' A first; class cook,; American ; family. - $50; a waitress and 'parlor maid,', for city. $30; a chambermaid and . la undress,, for city $30; a' French, maid for; 2 grown • children, $35 \u25a0 a ; German norse j fori 2 , grown i children . . $35 : Va tray girl = for = a hospl- . ta1.,525 and found: 20 housework girls for city .^and country," $35. $30 $25. MISS PLUNKETT, 1892 Sntter st.: near Webtter. \u25a0 WANTED-^-Extra salespeople for millinery dept., cloaks and suits, 'crockery and household poods. \u25a0Apply auot.'s office between 9 and;ll, HALE BROS.r Inc.. eth and^. Market «ts. ' \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 '•\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 A A A A A .'\u25a0'"'\u25a0' EXPERIENCED , operators on "Standard Shirts.!.' "Boss ' of .the Road - overalls." engineer | coats, . bar tender \u25a0 coats '-cottonade* pants: -uteady work;. bright, girls to learn: paid while learn- ' Ing; new . factory ; now : open. Standard bhlrt factory.'^ Googh and . Grove stß. \u25a0 \u25a0 GREENEBAUM. WEIL & MICHEL'S . factory. ; 19th and . Bryant ; sts., bright girl , to learn to operate bntton sewing machine, $6 per. week. to v start.-' Also, girls and women to embroider pockets on shirts, also experienced front hands: : ' highest prices paid and most steady ; work In the, city.; : :-. r -,\u25a0, \u25a0; \u25a0-• -.:.',\u25a0- '-..'.[< : JX::^ EXPERIENCED tailoress at ladles' tailoring: ; one that oan "operate. Address HARVEY. 3 . Park Row bldg.. Alameda. Phone Alameda 1435. \u25a0\u25a0-1435.;.. ... \u25a0-: .. -. . .•'-;;-.\u25a0'\u25a0•'/'.'. LADY with business ability can earn from $200 to $300 monthly. , Call room 17, U. S. National \u25a0 Bank building, cor. , FiUmore and • Bush Rts. . THOROUGHLY experienced saleslady wanted in candy store; good salary. $12 per week. Keller Candy Company, 373 12t h St.. Oakland. '. EXPERIENCED waist trimmers, finishers and helpers; rlho sleeve finishers snd helpers; per- \u25a0'. manent position. COX, 1940 Vallejo at.'. . CAN place 10 teachers Immediately in public and private schools. : Call Co-operative Teachers' A»soclation. 717 Market St., room 410. YOUNG i girl, 9 or older," to assist mornings and evenings, go ;to \u25a0 school or wacea : respectable .home, south of Park.. 1548 45th ay. ' MILLINERY or . halrdresslng taught thoroughly; : one month $5: evenings only. 429 2d ay. nr. . . Point Lobos, ; Richmond district. : WANTED— In family or 2. an experienced girl for general housework; references ' required. Call 2931 Pacific- ay. at 9 a. m. HIGH grade cholocate dipper. "Quality Inn" candy store; light, fresh air, ground floor fac- tory. . 3307 , Sacramento tt. MISS MAMIE HANLON. ladles' tailor, send cd- . dress or. call . on • Harvey Irainediately, 3- Park Row building,;; Alameda. ; - : - CANVASSERS, steady salary and commission. Call 8 to 10 a. m., STEFFENS & CO.. 1714, Pierce st. , .":.'- WANTED — 2 apprentices (not over 16 years) for robe department. Apply California Casket Co.. f159-065 Mission st. ' EXPERIENCED female mirae. Protestant In- stitution near 8. F... $35 and found. Box 3433, Call. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ' \u25a0 - SKIRT TRIMMERS, finishers and helpers; plro sham girls; • permanent position. COX, \u00841040 NEAT girl for delicacy store: good wages: no Sunday work. 1806. Flllmore, near Sutter. ; GIUL for general housework, small flat, two in •familyjcar fare. Apply 2557 Dlvisadero. LAOUNA st.. 1001— Room and board for busl- . nees women- at reasonable rates. FINISHERS, and, apprentice* on punts; . steady work ; good pay. 1816 Post st. . WAITRESS with experience. Ideal Restaurant, 2279 Market at.;' near 16th. COAT FINISHERS; permanent position. COX. 1940 Vallcjo st. . . GIUL wanted for housework and cooking. 1542 McAllister st. . . GIRL wanted \u25a0 for general housework. Apply ?24 Grove st. : ' \u25a0 . WANTED— ExpeS-lenced lady to work In bakery. 3181 16th st. __^ WANTED— Skirt finisher. G. SCHIMMEL, 1450 Franklin st: . . . . WANTED— GirI for general housework. 780 Halght st. - : EXPERIENCED tobacco strippers wanted at 338 \u25a0 Fell, st. •,;.-.', \u25a0.\u25a0;. ; ... CHEAPEST and best In America. The Weekly \u25a0Call, $1 per year. BARBERS -AND. SUPPLIES, . MR. BARBER: \u25a0'-:.- *. ' - Do you REALIZE that, the riitht kind of advertising \u25a0 pays? Let \u25a0us • suggest ' the right WAY.-. ' IMPROVE the outside of your shop, so that .a passer by -\u25a0, will readily notice ' yonr AD.' \u25a0 . -'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 " .\u25a0 * Cuntomers are LOOKING for your SIGN; v: "A BARBER POLE" of the right msterlal, finish and design hi the proper sign and a great ASSET to your buslne»i«. We have them, a big assortment that will WEAR' and at the RIGHT prices: in fact, they are of the DECK- ELMAN QUALITY. Think it over and see otir POLES. Our BLACK' and GOLD poles are WINNERS. ' DECKELMAN BROS.. Inc./ VThe. HOUSE" for SUPERIOR GOODS,' ' U62-164 Turk st.. 1 ' • . Ban Francisco, Cal. BARKER chairs $5 monthly. ' Bsrker vibrators $5 monthly. • Barker portable i vibrators. $26, $4 monthly. Old chairs of all. makes cheap. '..- 58. 2d hand-Koken hydranllc < chairs cheap. , JAMES BARKER. MR. DRAKE, Mgr.. 1618-1620 Franklin st.. near Pine. THE BAUER MFG. CO., mfgnL of Bauer's Dan- druff Cure and Hair. Tonic, hive opened a first class barbers' snpply store at 1554 Eilla st. bet. Flllmore and Webster; .-they, carry the best line of 'barbers' cutlery on the coast. A visit' to, their store will surprise 'you; "grinding. FIRST CLASS, up to date 4 Chair barber shop for - sale • fine, location .and good husino"*; owner has other business and must sell; $750. For particulars see DECKELMAN BROS., 162- 164 Turk. St.- ____" FOR SALE— A 1 HIGH CLASS SHOP doing good -business; reasonable rent, Mong lease. - Also a ' number of- other 6hops. : PACIFIC BARBER -..- SUPPLY, -C0.. : 503 Van Ness ay. ATTENTION— Office of barbers' union > 148 re- moved to . Mulrhead bulldln*. 127R Market *t., \u25a0room 316. CHARLES KOCH. Sec.yr 1 ; $250 buys shop working- 2 chairs steady; 1 "ex- \u25a0 tra: furniture will.- Invoice $350; hydraulic chairs. ; 1290 Folsom st. / . \u25a0 SNAP-^-$150 ; ; 2-chalr shop, r- good business, cheap - rent ;'. reason for selling. 2591 San Bruno ay. Take 26th sf cars;.;; : . -/. . SIIEERIN'S onion- office LAUNDRY;,- 25.: per \u25a0 cent , to . air branch of flees. -' 760 McAllister st; .Phone Park! 316.- •-.'_•: " - : ; FOR sal«—S chair barhpr shop doing a fine bnsl- .''-<\u25a0 ness. Inquire 442 • Van . Ness ay. corner MeAl- V- lister, st. ; ; \u25a0\u25a0;. -.':-- .-^. -.;-.\u25a0;\u25a0: \u25a0 -'»".\u25a0: . ::-i .::\u25a0;;; .'.'.'\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 WANTED— Good =, barber; . $20 and percentage; ;>. one ; Saturday and Sunday; i$S. 411 Devla- \u25a0\u25a0•-': adero st. \. ', \u0084. ; _\u0084'-y L . -•;,-.; \u25a0\u25a0•..--.' -.." ''.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 .. . -.-' = ' WANTED— First class barber;' no other 'need \u25a0"\u25a0-\u25a0 apply; $21' and percentage. ; ', 223B Flllmore st. BARBER— Steady . work : ! close = to ' city ; middle aged man preferred., Particulars ; 297; Valencia. FOR sale— 2 chair barber shop; fine location. PETER CONPONYJ I4BB i Market . at Van \u25a0; Ness. I : CHAIR .barber .' shop for sale -cheap; rent . $10; . good ' stand ; :; corner- Franklin '.' and :! Fell , sts. '.. • BARBERS— 3-chalr shop for sals, $250/ good lo- ,en t ion ; and One : business. \ 3432 Mission st. ; ; BARBER wants ' Saturday v and \u25a0 Sunday ; also steady Job. 642 Washington st.." Oakland. vj WANTED— Barber and bootblack at Nobby Shav- rlng.Parlor, 730 Turk st. near; Van > Nes». WANTED— Young ; butcher. ', • 782 Hajght ; st. : BARBER ; wanted ; \u25a0 experienced atallary ; $18 per .week. < Inquire 435 r Green' neari Dupont. AUG. MELCHER, most expert grinder Jn Frisco. . v 1 05 : 14 t h; st.^ near ; Church • and \u25a0 Market." '. ; . BARBER shops for sale; 2 4 chair and 1 8 chair; -'' good t locations. \u25a0 KATR-? 47 ? ; Stockton it/V'v Vt ' WANTED — -To i buy i a > good "\u25a0 paying » barber shop, ; .2 , to ; B ; chalra; :,--; 80x ; 3437.' Call office. t ; : ; BARBER '\u25a0\u25a0 wanted; ; steady; j pleasant ' position and good \u25a0 wages. U; Franklin -; below. Pine. 2-CHAJR J barber shop; 1 must sell by lit; make C.oger.i;Xo.-14 < B.«t.,;San i Mateo.. \ . ' SITUATION- wanted ""< ; by f ,- a' - strlcUy. reliable barber. 'h Call N'af ; _4'; Clement st. - BARBER for Wednesday,- 5 .p." m., T ; Saturday, :v Sunday ; ' $0. : ~ 1706 1 Market : it. .-.?/ \u25a0\u25a0: - ;..v ; . \u25a0 . GOOD i 1i 1 barber jT wanted ; -V steady .; work ; ' ' goo 4 - wages.* r 1303 : Golden j Gate • ay. " ' .- '. ; ,/r .j BARBER < wanted.-: steady ; must be . first class; i :\u25a0 best \u25a0 wages.-;^ 171 i Stenart st.V?'^- *'-ra." ~ \u25a0 ,; BARBER, . steady ; ; 10c. shop ; ' good commission. X'6l7<; Broadway, -Oakland.- \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0;<. ; BARBER shop, 1 , 2.chaira, : ' for : sale; ; 17th it. ' near ; ;i Folsom; ,'a-,- snap. v.v '. :';; \u25a0\u25a0 : -i BARBER'; wanted;^ first class; - steady. 45U Oth .v.-'Bt-T-; Oakland.-.;.. ;.•',•: \u25a0.. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •;- .-;;\u25a0" -; BARBERS wanted; 3102 22d, below Mission; $18 ' ; vguarantee,>;frftp-j-^,--. '. -\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.: \u25a0 .'.- '•'\u25a0 KIIiST idass -barber Stop wages.-: OCO '^H'l-rarrell.-/.',,..-;,,;.;;-'^. \u25a0.;;;. ,;.-';.' -;' ;';..' J :', V' : - WANTED— Good i barber, v steady, -at '; 105 East ' sirect, ; \u25a0.;. .\u25a0-.-" -.. ;':;.;- ;-\u25a0;>;...-"': :;.;\u25a0.'";.;-, ; , MALE ;iIELP f WAXTED ;. '*'\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0 ;\1 ' ' 'MURRAY/*? READY,. ' - - ---_ Leading :. Employment . and \u25a0" Labor Agents, . San Francisco. \u25a0 • 'Oakland. '• : Los Angeles. ' -?>; Hth ; and : Market j- sts. , San \u25a0 Francisco. ,-*;.- Phones ; Market 656 and 657. , - BRANCHES: > 6th and Franklin sts.." Oakland. „ S Phone Oakland 7361 . •^ 1-7 1 and , 120 South Los 'Angeles st. . and 121 MarcUesault st.. LOS ANGELES. " COME AND SEE US.- ' WE CAN PUT YOU TO. WORK. .'• : i i. :\u25a0.. your choice *of ,- T \u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0> THOUSANDS \u25a0OF PLACES j In .California,'. ; Nevada, Arizona,- New Mexico, V Oregon and Washington. " READ DOWN- CAREFULLY FRED FARE RAILROAD POINTS. «r,r,^ FREB FARE. OREGON. S. P R. R..CO. OREGON. . COMPANY V.'ORK. ;-- .SEE BOSS IN- THIS OFFICE. . 150 men for track laying, ballasting, spiking, etc... $67.50- to $75 .month . - : '"• ? 'FREE FARE. -.-> - BRAY.- -GRASS LAKE. WEED. ; „ , COMPANY .WORK. 215 ; men for : : ballast gangs,' splkerg. strappers \u25a0 and; general track laying gangs. $«7.50 to $75. . 1 - : ALL FREE FARE. ' - '. ; V- --; KENVILLE. . SOUTH. MEEHAN. 1 2."» carpenters, $90 month. ; .60 miners, free fare. $90 month. 125 muckers or laborers, 5G7.50 month. PAJARO. ;FREE FARE. . MONTEREY. 1.0 carpenters,*: carpenters- helpers and labor- ers, . $67.50 to $90 month. "'* \u25a0•'.;"\u25a0\u25a0 WESTERN PACIFIC. SHIP DAILY. . - FREE FARE. - STOCKTON. SACRAMENTO. OROVILT.E. 500 laborers ' for all ' classes of railroad ven- .etruction work,- $67.50 'to $75. REMEMBER— FREE FARE. SPRING GARDEN— LOYALTON. \u25a0 ...". ••{ FARE $3.60. TiO machine drillers. $4; 50 chuck tenders, * $3.50; 150 muckers, $3. j ' iv'-. SHIP TODAY. BUTTE. OROVILLE. BUTTE. \u25a0_„ FREE FARE. : - 150 machine drillers, chuck tenders and muck- ers, $75 to $lOsjmonth. SHIP '.TWICE DAILY. \u25a0 . •__ \u25a0\u25a0 FREE FARE TO THE NORTH. > WEED. . -; GRASS LAKE. WEKD. 150 concrete mixers, free fare, $2.70 day. 1.500 laborers, drillers, teamsters, etc.; wages $07.50 to $52.50; also want carpenters, hlack- srniths, stone cutters, . etc.. on same Job. - • ' BORDERS OF OREGON. , OREGON. - OREGON. FRBE FARE.. \u25a0 * POO laborers, drillers and teamsters to ship to- day, wages $67.50. to $82.50. 75 concrete mixers, $2,70 day FREE FARE ON, FENCE GANGS. SHASTA. S. P. R.;R. CO. SISKIYOU. 150 • men for railroad fence gangs, company work, $07.50 to $75. . NEVADA TRUCKEB AND RENO DIVISION. 10 carpenters and 20 carpenters' helpers, S. P. R. R. Co..' JSflO to $90. OTHER POINTS DAU.Y. .; New orders, always coming in. Ask the clerks about them. ALL FREB FARE. 11th and Market *ts.. San Francisco. ; Cth'and Franklin sts., Oakland. COME HOME-COME HOME ; ':\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 TO SLEEP. \u25a0 .;-, : 600 SINGLE ROOMS — 600 SINGLE ROOMS, • 25c PER NIGHT: $1.25 PER WEEK. INCLUDING BATH. coffee served free to each roomer' between r. a. m. and S a. m. - FACING AND ADJOINING OCEAN SHORE R. R. TERMINAL; ~ LATE SPECIALS. .Spool tender, sawmill, fare paid. $70 fd. 2 machinists, : city,- $3.60; fireman institution; cook. Institution; plumber, city. Track foreman, fare $1: $75 and found. 4 deck hands, dredge. $45, found. H. A. WILLIAMS - Carpenter foreman, \u25a0 please report. TELEGRAPH C 0... 25 laborers, telegraph co.. Oakland. $2 50 : POWER CO. TUOLUMNE CO. FREF. FARE. 20 laborers; see boss here; free: $2.40 day. . -'0 carpenters, different Jobs, $3.50 to 05. ~~ MECHANICAL ,_• BLACKSMITHS. ', Blacksmith around gold dredgers, $4 day; 25 blacksmiths. \u25a0 mining camps, sawmills.' shops ranches. $55, $70 to $100 month and fd; $3.00 $4 to $5 day. : •- \u25a0 . 10 blacksmith helpers, city and country Jobs; wood turner, molded, boiler makers, ntoker hand, plumber, pattern maker , TINSMITH. Tinsmith, steady Job, country. $4 day. FARMS. DAIRIES. ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS. 2 farm hands, Colusa county, fare paid. $35 . fd; 174 men for farms and ranches, teaming and general work, $25. $35 to $50 f d. ; ;2S milkers, \u25a0 butter and cheese • makers, run sep- arator, $35. $40 to $50 fd. ; 32 choremen and choreboys, private places and ranches, city and country, $30. 555, §40 to $50 fd. /, •. . »_: — FRUIT PICKERS — — ~ \u25a0 ' DRY YARDS AND PACKING HOUSES. • " BEANS— BEANS. 175 men and boys to pick fruit, . work in pack- Ing bouses, dry . yards, etc. ; no experience needed.- A man that can eat It can pick it you. can. . Some free fare, $30 to 545 fd. MURRAY- &• READY, " 11th and Market sts.. S. F. - \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 6th and Franklin sts., Oakland. MISCELLANEOUS. Gasoline engineer, ranch, south. $40 fd.; gar- dener, San Mateo county. : $35 fd. ; porter, ho- tel, city, $05 fd.; teamster, dairy, $50 fd.; 3 , handy men . around ship yard.- $45 'f d • 6 laborers on river , boat, $45 f d. ; 6 deck hands, dredger,' $45 f d. ; clothes presser, ; country Job young man, grocery store, city. STABLES.. - 67 stablemen, buggy , washers, harness clean- ers, hostlers, doormen, etc. - TO BUILD FACTORY. . 23 laborers to help build new works, steady Job, $2.50 day. country/ ; . ; 6 laborers, country factory, $40 fd. MEN. AND WIVES. Choreman and wife, $C 0; - farmer and wife. $55 fd. ; 3 'farmers and wives; man and wife around mine, $75 f d. _.^- TEAMSTERS.; 575. teamsters,-, city and country, . wagon and scraper, all class of work, $2.50 to $3.75 day, ' $50 to $70 fd. ' \u25a0 , -<-• NOW, NOW, NOW.' " WOODS .. SAWMILLS. YARDS. • -READ THIS LIST OF 'DIFFERENT PLACES. HUMBOLDT AND MENDOCINO. ARCATA;, SCOTIA, SAMOA, SOUTH BAY.' SEE j BOSS HERE. : ' FREE FARE. ";FREO FARE. 500 men for all . classes . of work, mill and , yard :; hands, ; swampers, . snipers. \u25a0 fellers, don- keymen, . spooltenders. .' crosscut 0 sawyers, ' etc. ; wages from $40 to $S0 month and found. TUOLUMNE— SONOMA. . ,' FARE :PAID.. • 2K laborers . for woods," $40 found.' t 15 yard "and mill men, $67.50.- - SONOMA COUNTY. .' FREE FARE. 15 laborers for general yard and mill work. $50 -, and . found. '-.•\u25a0 »\u25a0•- - COME TO US. LABORERS. LABORERS. LABORERS . ; 50 - laborers for factory, % fare ''paid. $67.50 .. to - $~5.'-' '\u25a0 \u25a0 .';\u25a0;". \u25a0' \u25a0' . ,'" _V-.:'-' -- : -', '\u25a0\u25a0-• - .. ' \u25a0 \u25a0"> .150 laborers for a large water company, $2.50. ;. 100 laborers- for; Yosemite valley, fare re- ;tumed.-STS month.', \u25a0•' - . : 160 j- laborers,' i big power company, free ; fare, «cc boss ; here, ; $2.50. . FOREMEN— FOREMEN. 5 rock foremen, 7 : Western i Paclflcr- $3.50. 2 grade foremen,; north, free fare, $105. f. 2 » dump ; foremen fox construction, co., $3 50 . 10 sfttion foremen, S. P.R. R. Co., free fare different- divisions. $90 • to . $105 -v " • - -»', '-•',: -"'-*_ '.....' LINEMEN. :, 10 linemen, -i railroad telegraph work, free fare, $50 and found. ' .: \u25a0 * •- -:' '\u25a0"-"-- MINERS. TUNNELS— QUARRIES-AMINES. $3.60--SPRING GARDEN TUNNELS-^s3 60 $3.OO— FARE ONLY— S3.6O. 25 -JP^hine: drillers, :$4; 25 . chuck tenders, , $3.50;i 50 muckers,-; $3. ! , ' I BUTTE— OROVILLE— BUTTE. •>;\u25a0-\u25a0' ..".\u25a0•\u25a0'-» FREE FARE." * :50;: 50 ; machine drillers. $3.50; 60 chuck tenders, 53; 7o muckers, $2.50. \u25a0TUOLUMNE GOLDMINE. \ •\u25a0 machine -miners, $90 to $97.50. ' : '2s; muckers," s7s. ."; " 20 shovelers, \ gold \u25a0 mine, Calaveras, $2.50 ..-20. band drillera." Butte county,' s3 day ;." Other good places in Shasu. Slskiyou, Trinity Fresno, etc. \u25a0*- '. . -\u0084 -. ,-. . . ' /-. ALL HERE, i•\u25a0 . MURRAY & READY, 11th- and Market Bts., San Francisco. - 1 • V 6th aad Franklin sta.,- Oakland. .-LOOK — TELL EVERYBODY. ; . 500 FIRST-CLASS ROOMS. . ' :.~' ... WHITE PALACE. HOTEL. / \u25a0 • NEVER- CLOSES. - - 85c, . 50c,. 75c ; and , $1 a : day. .including ; batbs. 200 ROOMS -FOR : MECHANICS, ETC.. $2.50 PER WEEK, v INCLUDING BATHS - WHITE ; PALACE H OTEL. - .HOTELS— RESTAORANTS. CAMPS -r- BOARDING HOUSES — RESORTS. ' ;; : COOKS. *\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0" \u25a0-,:->'i".- 3 camp ' cooks, \ close ' by, 7; s9o; ' 2 second camp . cooks,. close by.'i s7s; \ camp cook,; 15. men, - San - Mateo % county, \ $60; s cook,- hotel,-; Yolo . county, \u25a0\u25a0 $55 J and v found ; ? cook, -1 short ; orders, v boss \u25a0 here, v"sso and found; cook, 2 men,; San Joaquincoun- --,ty ;T $30 ! and . found ; . cook ' a ; helper, city ins ti tu- | "-- tioa, \u25a0 $40 • and ; found. Ss9aßH«K_K*'- : - • "' -. :-; x;-""i-;-;r;x ;-""i-;- ; r; V'^^-,.WAITERS. -;;'\u25a0<•\u25a0 \u25a0. , \u25a0 2 v. hotel, i fare J paid, a $35 and . : found; -;. waiter, t institution," -\u25a0: city, • $35 s and ' found ; • 2 \u25a0; \u25a0; camp . waiters,? clty.J s6o and 3 found; - 34 \u2666 other ':'\u25a0\u25a0 places In hotels, restaurants^ etc." - ; ' \u25a0 . - \u25a0 ;•\u25a0;". dish; washers.-: - c V ; ;;- 42 1 places - for 4 dish I washers ; .- boarding '- houses, : I camps,"! restaurants, I priTate ' places, ? etc. ; • wages ::, $20,t0-$5O and : found. I *' "-\u25a0. . :'.<n::s:- * -= •-• \u0084 - . -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'.-- ; "-i:- '-IT'S > FREE NOW.-;: -v^:-:: . ' -\u25a0 -, OUR DAILY I LIST, ; CONTAINING u$ .. 8,000 j different ; positional too ; numerous ?to > ad- .-.vertiee,: and, Issued 4. times 'dally. -. :. : Call,": see ; and; read > our 'bulletin- boards aad tSkeepiup to -H t p^g%wi*WlWrTliMßWln*j[ll*iitU3fEgH -; ' ;": : "I'murraySa rp:ady. .lltli'anfi; Market' sts};, San'Fruncisco. - \u25a0 Otli and Kr^inl:!in;sts.,' Oakland.' >. MALE HELP WAXTED — Contlnngd REAL ESTATE SALESMAN * WANTED We are about to open up a new tract of land in Berkeley ; which will be sold at, the lowest prices and on* the' 'most reasonable terms- of \u25a0 any property of. Its \u25a0 kind in ' the city: we are • having -blnlseye \u25a0 flews and- other 'maps . pre- pared, which. will enable salesmen to sell the property throughout the state. vWe pay. the, best commissions offered in the state 'for Al salesmen. ; ': See us 'or -write us at once. FERRIER-BROCK COMPANY. , 2121 Shatfuck ay.. '...' "*\u25a0 Berkeley. Cal. SDNSET EMPLOYMENT, AGENCY. ~~ 420 sth «t.; Oakland. Phone; Vernoa 136. 20 laborers, $2-40. 8 hours. 10 teamsters, 52.50. 50 ; Hindus. $1.70; free fare. 10 quarrymen. $2.50.' 1 donkey . engineer,. $S5. 30 men for. woods, $4-> to $S5. 1 cook,' small ranch, $25. '40 Italian?, ' $2.50. -'\u25a0 1 .concrete foreman. $4.' • ,'U waitress', for .springs, -free fare. $30. :We give you 'a Job or no fee. 5 . Call \u25a0. and see. 420 ' Sth st., Oakland. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO.. 608 Clay stl \ •; Free fare, - ship ' to Nevada to-night. Haxen, .\u25a0 Imlay. Sparks. 3 carpenters. $3 day np. White laborers, forelzn laborers, track and building work. $1.75, $2 and up. 2 calkers, S3 day and up. ..Water -service men, $2.50 day up. • Teamsters. $2.25 a day. - . Clerk for R. R. of nee., typewriting. $75 month. . Carpenters.', operating department. $3 a day. . . Lodging house. 100 rooms. 25c a night. OFFICE. hours 9 a. m. to 5 p.m. A man and \u25a0 wife for : private family, man as coachman, -..woman as x cook. $70: a man and - wife for ranch work, $70: a man and wife for lieht i places on farm, *CO. MISS PLUNKETT, 1532 Sutter Bt. near Webster. • GOOD, boys wanted. $1.50 day. Apply 1327 , Bush, above Van Ness. MEN and boy* wanted to learn plumbing, plas- i terlng. bricklaying; day and night classes; free cat.; positions secured: no book learning. COYNE trade school. 230-240 Sth 'it.. San Francisco and New York. WANTED — Men to work In warehouse. Apply forenoon to superintendent, NATHAN-DOHR- MANN COMPANY. 1 West El Dorido gt. cor- ner 6th, new wholesale district. \ WANTED— Cash boys, 14 to 16 years of age; must bring age and schooling certificate*. Ap- ply Supt's of flee between 0 and 11, Hale Bros., Inc.. 6th and Market sts. PARTNER, $250, for old established and well . paying business; experience not required, bnt party must be willing worker. See BROOK- BANK, 1425 Stelner at. 300 MEN to sleep In our new, clean, sanitary lodging house: 10 cents per bed per nlicht. PACIFIC LODGING HOUSE CO.. 371 sth st. TEAMSTER for ecraplng work at Freeport: free fare; no fee. Apply with blankets at 10 o'clock today to Reed teaming company. 323 J Fultcn st. INVENTORS— Sonntag's Patent Agency, sollci- tors of patents, attorneys la Washington, etc. 1122 Market opposite 7th. Phone Market 2952. WANTED— Experienced crockery packers. A~- ply forenoon to general manager, NATHAN- DOHRMANN. COMPANY. 1550 Van Ness ay. HAVE a fine opening for energetic man who is desirous of advancement: amount required $100. See BROOKBANK. 1425 Stelner at. WANTED — In large mercantile house, office boy, be ree«mmended. Reply In own band- wrlting. Box 5432 Call. 3d and Market. MEN and women to learn the barber trade; only short time required; special Inducements. S.F. Barber College. 8 Fell st. WANTED— Experienced window trimmer. Apply Supt's office between 9 and 11, Hale Bros., Inc.. 6th and Market sts. WANTED— \j good all around Jeweler; others need apply. Apply to OTTO F. G RUN- DEL. 503 Golden Gate ay.' MEN and .women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks: wages paid while learning. MOL- ER'S College, 6 11th st. CANVASSERS,', salary a.nd commission, steady employment. Call S to 10 a. m., STEFFENS '& CO.. 1714 Pierce. COAT, pants, vest makers can have seat room cheap: bright back shop. 1032 EIIU st. near Van Ness ay. WANTED— OOO men to fill beds at 15c per nlefct at the Phoenix, 823 Howard st. between 4t:» aud sth. nRnHB—BBHRBKX BOY wanted to learn stationery business. 14 to 16 years. BROWN * POWER, 41S Sansotne. WANTED— LadIes and ' gent'etnea - to ' rent* rooms at 3377 26th st. near Mission; $1.75-SXSO wk. WANTED — Roomers. #1.25 week; 25c a night. CALJFORNIA HOUSE, 270 Natoma st. nr. 4th. VEGETABLEMAN and third cook wanted North German hotel, corner Btb and Brannan sts. WANTED— A first class shingler early tills morning. Call at 1203 Poat St., Alameda. LAUNDRY driver' wanted: good commission paid; $200 required. 3372 Mission st: NIGHT- porter and bellboy.: or man. White Palace Hotel. 11th ; and Market sts. TWO tinners wanted to make drain boards, etc. ; Cleveland Faucet Co.. 105 Turk st. • NEW WESTERN. 1124 Howard st. — 300 'single -rooms,'. 2sc;; $1.50 week upward. EXPERIENCED butcher wanted. Call 3035 . Sacramento St.. near. Baker. TAILOR wanted on custom coats; steady work; good pay.' 1525 Ellis et. ; FIRST, CLASS furniture finisher wanted at once; nonunion. 1357- Post .st. - \u25a0 FIRST CLASS ladled tallori wanted. G. SCHIM- . MEL. \u25a0 1459 Franklin st. A tailor wanted on custom coats; steady work; good pay., 1525 Ellis st. WANTED— Men to . distribute circulars. 221 : Fell st.,; rear entrance. \u25a0 SHOE MAKER wanted on repairing'; a man on, new work. 90 29th st. . WANTED — A young man to work in the kitchen. .50 Eddy st. \u25a0 TAILOR wanted. 423 Bth st. cor. Broadway. . Oakland. , - - - COOK,; with ; experience, in restaurant. 1414 -Market -it. ; -'--\u0084 .\u25a0'-\u25a0 CHEAPEST and best In America. The Weekly Call. $1 a year. . AGENTS WAXTED AGENTS wanted . for city and country to sell beach lots on tbe Ocean Shore railway. Oceaa Shore Development Company. 1980 Sutter st. . SALESMEN ; & SOLICITORS WAXTED BEST real: estate, proposition offered in San Francisco. Big .: money to • hustlers offering Brighton Beach lots, which sell . on sight. Commissions paid In cash when first : payment . 19 made.. OCEAN SHORE REALTY SYNDI- CATE, 20 6th it. near Market st., San Frtn- clsco.\ CAN YOU SELL TREES? If so, we want you to represent us the coming season: we have one of the purges t stocks on tbe coast; expense money advanced; ontflt furnished free. Albany Nurseries. Albany. ; Ore. < SALESMEN — We offer the . best proposition In the city; easy selling line; good money. See Mr. Fitzgerald. - Columbia . , Phonograph com- pany, . 526 McAllister st. PURXITURE FOR 'SALE ALPINE FURNITURE CO .1572 McAllister 'it!' at ' Devlsadero.' Lowest prices In city. OAKLAXD FIIRXITURE J FOR SALE SPECIAL day for bargains In furnltnre. : -. H -- 9CHELLHAAS, 11th. St., cor, store. Oakland/ . FtrRNITUR&TVA'VTED POSITIVELY, the ; highest price paid - for second- ' ' hand - furnitnre and household • goods." Fl^nEß & BERNSTEIN, 3312 Mission ' st. near 23ta.' $5,000 worth 2d hand furnltnre wanted ; J H WILEY. 601 14th it. nr. Church: ;tel. Mirr 4322* _;,_ _ \u25a0 ' -j : :.; BAMBOO) FXIRXITtrRE * BAMBOO «\Jfurntrure, tables, chairs,' bureaus etc • , low.: prices; ; HAYASHI.- 2100^ \u25a0 Sntter at. ' BAMBOO furniture factory; also Japaneso tarse S. TSUSAKA. 1428 .Webster st. ..--.,\u25a0 UPHOLSTERERS '• T. H. O'ROURKE.. upholsterer; \u25a0 mattress maker- rj formerly^ 628 McAUlster, now, at 413 Grove st.- - L AUXDRIES — S t earn 1 'r- LA": GRANDE LAUNDRY: CO. . "-.'".,-- Resumed once ' more; '\u25a0 usual . excellent , service -. 234 \u25a0 12th ' it. ; : telephone Market 16&o. : '- PAIXTixG AXD i PAPER HAXGIXG : .-'\u25a0\u25a0"-\u25a0' .••\u25a0^" ..'; LANDLORDS, : NOTICE. , 1 We paint,; paper or tint your vacant houses or flats; yon pay, half at completion of Job, balanc« j I.^B. WILLIAMS & CO.. .2145* Marfcet St. WALL PAPKR. 'WALL LINING. BUKI.AP ' •;'\u25a0; PAINTS AND OILS. PAINTINU. TINTINO • .ANni'APKRUANGING.. N. - BUACE." 43a ST. '-PHONE IUUKW: 4.-._ * * HORSES. HARXESS AXD WAGOXS AAA— HORSE, buggy, harness. $30: pony, **A- dte, brldfe. $.'0: horse, saddle, bridle. $R0: 1 - horse, wfigon. harness. $90: horse, surrejs. har- t ne««s. $25: team plugs, harness. ' express wsgnn. f $00: 25head,h»r»e»;snItaMe fhr all pnrpo«e«. i 34 vehicles, contractors' businerw wagons -und bn<r2les.-30 sets of harness. A net lon sale every * Wednesday. at 11 a. tn., 505 4th St.. Oakland: trading done. " JTIIE "KLEIBER" BHSINTSS BI'OGY WILL OUTWEAR AST BCSI.NFSS BUGGY. IT IS EASY RIDINO AND WILL LAST TWICTS AS LONG. FOR 'SALE AT KLEIBEIV9 STORE. 1426-1436 FOLSOM ST. 5 HANDMADE. CUTUNDER FUENtTr~i WAGONS. FROM 1 TO 4 TON CAPACITY. AT A REASONABLE PRICE IN KLEIBER'3 STORE AT ;i26-1436 FOLSOM ST. ALL KINDS OF BCTCHER AND OPOCrr.Y WAGONS. BUGfJIES AND FPRNI'IVn WAOONS AT KLEIBER-S.* 1126-t4.IC FOL- ' SOM ST. NEW. small delivery, also light »Tr>re«« »i*hi and 2 second hand wagons. NEUMILLER. 125 Fell st. , • FOR sale or hire — Business hor>e«. C L. Becker. 13 Sycamore ay. nr. Mission and 17tlJ. S. F. VETERINARY ColTesre opens Oct. 1. For cat, apply DR. C. KEANE. pre».. 1313 Market. DRAUGHT team with 3 ton wigon tn hire by month or mark; reasonable. Box 3008. Call. ' NICE drlTia-, also black saddle horse for sale. Dexter Prince stable. 407 Baker «. A BARGAIN— « good horses for 9H9 cheap. Arcade Horse Market. 931 Folsom st. HORSES for sate and hire at Reliable furniture moving stables. 446 Point Lobos bt. CHEAPEST and best In America. The Weekly Call. $1 \u25a0 yeor. STORAGE AXD MOVIXG VAX AA— BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission its. Tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS. CO. ( Inc. )— Moving and storage. Cor. 13_ and Sanchez s_u. 1 block from Mar- » ket and mimore st. cars; phone Park 271. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage and MoTln* Co.— Main office Eddy and FUlmore. Tel. West 823. ANDERSON Transfer and Storage- Co. (Ironclad warehonse). CIS Van Ness; tel. Franklia 213. PACIFIC Storage aad Furniture MoTlng Com- pany. 2320 Flllmore st. Phone West 2625. A .—LARGE, dry basement. Apply apartment 2. 400 OctaTia st. cor. Fell. „ CARPET CLEAXIXG ANY or all of your rogi. carpets, furnltnre or curtains cleaned on the floor without removal by Use Vacuum-Process Cleaner and Equipment Co. Work positively guaranteed. ARTHUH O. HEWITT. 37 2d St.. phone Temp. 1745. ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removal by the S. F. Compressed Air Cleaning Co. Office and shop 15th at. aad San Bruno aT.; phone Market 2872. ALL ready for bcslness — Pioneer Carpet Clean- ing Works,- temporary of nee. 911 Golden Gate st. ; phone Park S9l. J. SPAULDINQ A CO. WEST COAST CARPET CLEANING WORKS— Cleaning, altering, laying. 1003 TaleacU at. near 21st; phone Market SB3. CLEANING sc. Best work cleaning and laying done by GISSLOW. 3SOS 22d it. TeL Mkt. 2589. Watts — Reliable carpet cleaning: alterations; rea- ovatlng. lay lag. 537 Waller at. Phoae Park 860. CONKLIN BROS.' Carpet Cleaning Works. 1319 Scott st. near O'Farrelt Phone West 5601. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced metb- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. ~7 Tnr* it. ;-- GARNIE & BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning works. 3228 16th st.; phone Market 5001. VACUM Co. clenns carpets on your ff-vir; strike prices. 1251 Eddy St.; tel. West C 612. DYEIXG AXD CLEAXIXG SEND your dry cleaning to the Presidio Heights Oye Works and be forever satUSe<l. t'<i») \»es. 4.l'{ for waenn.- Office 393) -8833 Sacraraen?.-. «•. IXFORMATIOX WAXTED ADDRESS WANTED. HI'NTER. G. — If th-ls should rench tbe eve ..f George Hunter, who left Newcastle. N. S. W.. in the ship N*urasla six years ngi>. o- any o-i •-\u25a0 knowing his whereabouts, kindly conmviri'-:>'- with his mother. Fanny Hnnter. Gnftoa. N. S. Wales, Australia. ANY on» Bndins tbe botjy of CHOVfi C'lKf. whr» was drowned S»rt. 17 off Bi«Jen. r>'e^w!» notify TEELE CO.. "04 Clay -St.. 8. F.. (.'a!. - \u25a0 ': : persoxals MRS. TENLUT — Address before 0r». 2211 J'^'Ts st. VN. H-. address box 130 S. Call ota-e. «Jnk- land. ..-...-- \u25a0 . . BUSIXESS PERSOXALS v " .NUCLEUS sanatorium: best expert baths: elec- tric, salt., glow baths: ladies' and gentlemen's first class masseurs In attendance. 901 De- vlsadero St.* near McAllister. Strictly medical. Opea 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. RAG carpets wove t» order and for sale: a!«» chenille-wove rugs, silk portieres: handsome Buff rugs made from yonr old carpets; send for circulars. Geo. Matthews, 709 Oth st. Oak. WIGS, toupees, front pieces, that fit; purest hair nsed: hair dresslnz. shampooing, dyeing, etc. G.'LEDERER, 2271 California st. near Web- ster. formerly at 123 Stockton; estab. 1866. GETTING bald? Your hair falling out? Call on* n.s; consultation free; results guaranteed. FRIEDA M. KOTTER, 1627 Vi Sntter St.; tel. W. 4153. -\u25a0 - . \u25a0 - L. C. COX. M. D.. 2100 DeTlsadero — Electric and Tibratory treatments; also oxytene ma- chme tn respiratory, . nervous and blood ' troubles. MRS. L. E. HARTMAN, graduate masseuse anil electro hydropath: sanitary baths. .Suite 12. , 1175 OTarreU; tel. Franklin 3234. Opea Sna. K. S. C. Medical Co., manufacturers . Kemp's Sup- positories for all female weaknesses, resumed bcs!ness t> 943 Van Ness aT.. rooms 106 and 10S. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CHAS.- LYONS, the London tailor. 1422 Flllmore st. bet.. ElUs & O'Farrell. SOUTHERN bath and medical massage: first class treatments; Tibratory; hours 1 to 5. 6 to 10. 1549 EUls st.; open Snndays. YOUNO lady would like a few select customer* for manicuring and scalp treatment. 1900 Sutter St.. room 2. upstairs. WRITE O'CONNOR. Monterey, at mineral springs, for water that CURES stomach, kid- neys, rheumatism, nerves. $100 on deposit; for you If your hair cannot h» restored; abundance of natural hair. C. — . H T..CO-. 730 Hayes st. CALIFORNIA Institute of Science — Hopeless in- Talids healed of 'diseases pronounced Incurable 1060 Valencia it. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed by electric needle. MRS. JEFFRIES, 1C94 Sntter; teL West 3420. MRS. DR. T. R. GASS. chiropodist. 1600 CaL at.. the Bradbury; formerly 637 Geary: fcrs. 1 to 3. RUGS made from old * carpets. Alameda Rug Works. Alameda. Cal: freight paid one way. MR3. CUMMINGS — Superfluous hair remoTed with elec. needle: work guar. 1175 O'Farrell. MISS MARGARET HILLEARY. form. CosgroTe'.*. now at Yolanfio Hair Store, 1627^ Sutter st. MRS. HELEN - DERBER. graduate maasoese- 'd electrical treatment. ; 1206 Golden ; Gate aT. \ THKO. TREVER. wig and toupee maker. 60S *" California , st.. formerly; of 331 Kearny st. LADIES' \u25a0 CUSTOM TAILOR AND FUR MOD- FT.F.H. M. JACOBS. 1200 TURK ST. ; PHYSICAL CULTURE PHYSICAL culture,. women, children. Audltor- inm bldg.. 39.t Flllmore. Mt»s Clalry E. Donovan. FIXAXCIAI* WANTSD— Partled with from $500 to $2,000 to Join ; syndicate for, the development of oil la the proven and best known field in California. In- formation on application. . H. G. BEHNEMAN. 1300 Golden Gate ay. \u25a0 I ' .!\u25a0 J ;.'; ,v ; IXVEST3IEXTS SPECIAL BARGAINS for Immediate- Sale. 100 shares Hubbard Elliott (Alaska) .$3.43 100 irtares Pacific Wlreles* Teleirraph 3.2v1 ' 400 Spanish Ridge Cons. Gold M. Co 3.1 1.500 The Gold Dike Mine AM C 0....... .C« SO shares United Wireless preferred «.ir» 3 or 10 shares Chiapas Robber 56.00 -, 5 or 10 Chlcago-N.Y. Elec. Air Une Ry. 2S.CO 2<». shares Leffler - Electrte .....;...... 4.5U .Addreiig 1\ O.Bot 734. San Joee. Cal. ' HAVE $20,000 to $30,000 to Invest la a modern 14 to IS ; room - residence between Laguna and Webster, : California and Pacific sts.. north or west side ;, preferred; answer : at .once.' gWing location: -prefer to deal directly with owner. Box 1734. Call office. 1661 FUlmore st. .-" '.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 LAUXDRIES " CAPITOL" LAUNDRY 1776. Eddy -St., S. F. Tel. West 0401. Hotel ' and , restaurant . work a specialty. ».. CAPITAL LAUNDRY. 1562 Gearjr : *X., West 9143; ladle** ; and gents* > wash ; a : specialty; ; dellTery.' GOLDEN RULE .LAUNDRY; best work; quick -service. .-.rt7GroTe st.i tel. Park 1385. NEW. City'l.atimlry: good work. 131 i Etljy it.: 5 tt-lfplKme West 24CS/.