Newspaper Page Text
Cm REAL ESTATE tBEALTIFI L COTTAGE. >ay s winfi<i»- «>ttape. 5 large rooms end- h»th. laundry and tarpe basement: every iw>pj *imny; b^auUfnl flower gardens; lar;te poultry hon«c. 2Tix2o. in rear yard, whloh "\u25a0«• In- \u25a0\u25a0 ;o»«Ki n-irh high f^nt-e; the main house is SsBS and oc-upled by owner; this is an Ideal b"<aw> »nd nil kept Sn perfect condition; bouse •^r-nld not he built now for l#*m than $4,000: *imat.«i n»Hr Mission «t. arf% Richland ay. For pxriirular* apply to " . THOMPSON & KILPATRICK. 7 7th tst. cor. Market. YOUR LAST CHANCE. . ' -;-.;\u25a0 ,'. • We wai-npd you that an opportunity to buy a lot !n the WpMern Addition for $1,000 would' be a thlcg of tlip p«»t: tlie la-t $1,000 and $1,100 3»«t* terr soirt: $1,200 ohrspest now; easy terms; the last *d*!ition to tf Pope Tract is offered for m 2*; ovrr $100,000 of these lot* sold to investors sn4 borne eeckers: ni<-e profits made by those *ho m««se early pcrchates in this beautiful tract; . rwf'cted frnra tfc«- foa; and wind; grand pano- : rrmic view: ptreete «re bttnmlnlreil. granit- '(-tirtwii: fMTPr, waier and pis mains laid: small •ush p«jm«iu. bslanov monthly. Ttke Mssnnii- «t. rtrt. cc r t off st C*>le and Carl *t*.. walk S ;»>!««-k* *«uth. Office open every day, including \u25a0 Sunday. I.TON & HOAO. 036 Mayrkct et., SBAIXWAI.n. BUCKBF.K * CO.. ' . 13(W Sutler »t. 50L.. OETZ ft SONS. I Resl Estate Dealers. \u25a0 . 607 Devisadero* st. near Hayes. ' We h»ve lots in fiunset. Richmond. C«"ean«ld>. , >'x'-elßlor Homestead and Ocean View districts; t to 3 t<> 5 room cottages. Price* range from $200 to $1,500; graded and ready to build on. •All iwld <*n easy payments. Braarb office corner 47th ay. and H st. Ocean- sjde. Open daily and Sundays. , SOL GETZ & SOXS. < 507 Devisadero st. near Hayes. -• '..' . MACKKNZIF. & T:\DKRHILL. \u25a0RFIAL KSTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. \ \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 "\'W Merchants' Exchsnpe Building. ' f'JZfftft— Pair of modern, up to date. 6 roora flats .'".; "«n farjre. northeast cornpr: lot alone worth V $$.T>ot). 8«xl2«. marine view lot. .J2.W)O— -25x120: «n Mtuminired street snd elre- iri<* <"*r ljn»>. •?i:.«oo— 2oxf£; within easy walkin? distance of " : . California e»d Montjrcmrry sts.: jn*t the place -\u0084 for the roiy flats you have been planning -.- ' to build.,^ ; .?r.fis0 — 2rixlCrt; on car line: cheap rnongh. .?-! .SV>— 2.*sl2rt: near litb sv. and A st. -fl.OOft— 3lxl3o; on COtli ay. npnr California »t. I ;. : ..Tl!i? ad. will not eppesr Sn the. Sunday papers. ••.' . INCOME PROPERTY. fI«.OOO— PAYS $450 PER MONTH. \u25a0-".. . . • PRICE, $40,000— RENTS. $000. nrsfxESS PROPERTY, STORES AND OFFICES ."-• . <Jr»Bfl location, adjacent to Sotter st. transfer ; rromer: retail *tore street ; long leases and good "=toi:anta. Apply to ... . >. DE VACXL * JOHNSON. .; • 1714 Fiilmore tt. ' : ' J401.000 PER MINUTE TO BURLINGAME. • ' This Ss what it b*s cost the S. P. R. R. ,-. <"o. to reduce the time to 21 minutes from; i^ . v ia Francisco to sunny Burllapsnte. We have • nboct 50 lots left In the orltrinal subdivision cfj Town cf BurHngame: 50x150 and larger; on»- . fifth rssh. balsnf* $10 per moatii. Our office lit jPurllneame opposite ctatloa Is opea every \u25a0 ilsy^in tfce year. - . I.YON & HOAG. . ." fiSfi Market at. Nt Montgomery. F.. M. LONG. REALTY BROKER. ' Now at 232 Liberty Bt. near 2f>th and Dolores. ' • I -;.'/«. Fbone Market 722. ..Wjll open a branch office at 3403 25th »t.. SW. \u0084ror. of Mission. In a few day*. ;.'• Lots fcr sale on the Installment plan. \?7,250— 2 fiat*: Capp st. neer 2fith; new; Sne 4 . rooms and 5 rooms and baths: rent $G3; -•l'- staWe -rear In alley worth $10 rent. \u25a0\u25a0$— Cottape. 5 rooms and bath; Pr^cSta ov.«tlag Hty park. C. D. STEELE, 4)0 ";-".' Kearny st. fl.2>>o— New rottace. 4 rooms; lot 25x100; $100 \u25a0 ' do*% and *2« a month." $1.500 — $100 down snd $20 a month; rood 4 T room bnttse and lot. HeagertyV Real Estate Otflce. 7 Plymooth ay., Qcean View, S. F. •18TH ay.. 141. near California st.. Richmond «W- trlct— 2 .flats for eale for $3,800: rent at $50; pay 16 per ceat on money Invested: big bar- rain. WM. BEBTSCH, 1353 Frultvale ay.. ' .Fniltv^ie. \u25a0IF you are ]ook!ag for home la Mission, hand- \u25a0some ' cottages, 5 snd 6 rooms, bath, basement, \u25a0 f toilets, ready to move Into; $25 per month •and inwrcst. C. K. LORIGAX. 679 Castro st. •Bear Hlil. ~" MARINE view and Parkslde lots and blocks; • " .positively cheapest in this district. .'Automobile at your service. E. J. HOOPER, 26 Motgnomery tt. •LOTS near Mission «.;' terras easier than rent; \u25a0 choice lor*lity; only 25 minutes from 3d and ' . Mission. CHANDLER & BOURN. 539 Bush st. fViIOICE building k>t» on very easy terms; 24th and Chattanooga cts. G* H. CMBSEN & CO., • • CO Montgomery «t. WANTED — House of 12 to 14 rooms, furnished or • Bnfnrnlsbed; rent no object. 1102 McAllister. .W. 700 — A modern 6 room flw^lllnir: large lot, 729 c . Ut ay. cr. McAllister st. $1,700 cash required. '•fgSO — Lot off Montgomery st. near Green; 23 .' feet front. Owner, box 500, Call office. 'FOR sale — New house. 5 rooms and bath; 463 \u25a0.\u25a0 r;;h ay.; opes Sundays 2 to 5 p. m. . \u25a0Jv A. ADAMS, surveyor, removed to 779 Market .'; «t. Residence 1454 Bth ay. • . MILL VALLEY ItEAL ESTATE 100— LARGE LOTS— IOO $250— 5350-^5OO 10 per r»at flows. $10 » month; immense. b»aa- ' ttfnl lot* 1b choicest s^tion of Mill Valley. , «c» 3. FRED BCBLINGMAN CO., MUI Valley. *• CaliforaU. i BOYLE PARK — Lots 50zlW) ft.. 3 minutes' walk ?rom depot: $400 and up: 1-5 down, twlance : $10 bia. W. B. MrGERRY k CO.. 45Gesry. ' • HALFMOOX BAY REAL ESTATE ' FREE— EXCURSION DAILY— FREE fVJf onr 3.000 feet front Beach Tract. 1-arce size lot on the Boulevard, depot snd R. R. . line. $150 up. Easy payments. D. DAVID CO.. 604 MISSION STREET. — \u25a0 — i. 1 1 \u25a0 VENICE beach lots; excursions dally. JORDAN Jt LITTLEPAGE. 1443 Flllmore: ph. Wett 83. ' MOXTARA REAL ESTATE MONTABA — Tbe largest and most picturesque [ townsite on the; new Ocean Shore R. R. Villa site lots, garden Und. acw l tracts, for sale.' • Easy terms/ Tbe company makes all improve- • ' ment*. Lots $200. Free fxetsrslon d*Uy. Fulesman wanted. Montara offices. Van Ness theater trollding.^ J FRCITVALB REAL ESTATE «l 0Q0 — House. 3 nice rooms; city water; 2 lar»» trees- level f lot; fronting oa 14th at.; all ' fenced : «l*e S2 bjr 144:. terms $550 down, bal- rc-« $10 a montli: this 1« a bargr.ia. W E. RI>"DELL. Southeast Corner Frultvale nv. and W«»binrton »t.. Frnltvsle. . ALA3IEDA REAL ESTATE j-Ott SALE A 5 room bungalow aad a « room • Ou»*B Anne bowse, botb new: neir Willow iUtion. Alameda: Nos. 1904 acd 1908- Mul- l.prrr »t-' esey terms: owner will be at the hou**e« Thttrsdey.' Friday- and Saturday. f*ep- t ember ' 2P... -T- and 2*. Address 18 Byington ay.. Sgn.Frgn«*lw«- FARALLOX CITY REAL ESTATE TARALLOX CITY fs beach property. 10 -.nIU-s north of Halfmoop, bay. on the > new Oceaa f?hore road: 30 mlaates 1 ride from the city h«H- prlceir low; terms eaey: retnrns certain: \u2666 xranilons <3atir. Office at gM Van Xem iiv. 6A JV RAFAEL; REAL ESTATE tI.T.VU-jerms like ren*; -4 room*, batb and porchee. plastered end new: electric light*. «r*ter. aewer *»<! gas; very larjre lot; near B »t. atatlon. San Rafael. Room 708. Call bldg. 31 ARIA' COUNTY REAL ESTATE BUNGALOW. 4 rooms, bath, porches/ electricity. lilnmblajt etc.: near ' station*. Ban. Rafsel; i palest terms. $2750; »/» -acre lot fenced. Room TftS 4'eil Bldg/ - • ___L_^ REAL ESTATE WANTED \u25a0*""* WANTED. T« bny about 20 acres ' land near the . «>.ty, 1 >ith rallrosd facilities (spur track), also^ water 'acilUlea, If poesible.- Submit full particcltrs by Inter t« i.>*2MM9pM9P¥ aa^"' H. P. WHITE MACHINERY CO., »ta «xml Brjant eta., gaa FraacUco, CaL COUNTRY REAL ESTATE ll f SA ,^ ATOLARAA T 0LARA CO.; $100,000; 340 acres, north I tn^ t ose; 17 room house: 3 -barns: Imple- 1 mentß; pumping plant: fine . Krounds; 150 , acre* ; «^V ki" l? ce * ch e*. apples and oherrlos; balance ! ' ejretaoie land now rente<l and bringing good in- : come; might, consider a, trade. (R.? 48) .B. B " v f /1 cou »»ty; $30,000: 70« acres wheat land. *tu>ut 10 mileg.frora ChW; Rood 5 room honse; Mm. windmill aod.taok, granary; barbed wire i reneln«; 00 county road; $12.000 "will 'handle -it." ; (R3M) - Sjendoolno county : $2O.(XH) ; R3O acres, north °5 ,V'°™ l( laJe: 13 room bouse;' large < barn/' wtik' *k* X. fot 15 hor » e »: drying house; 8.000 vlnPf: • n*^/ 1*"1 *" ' n r boice fruits: Rbnn<lan<vt of water;. 1,250.000 feet fir: BUO.OOQ . feet redwood; 400 "^f" of.thl* 'property, with 2 small streams and; «>.oo« <y»rd» of wood, may be purchased spparate- Jy. which .would be suitable for report; -«"\u25a0'<! hunting and fishing. .. (R297) , Send for my ranch catalogue tree. S<*e oth<»r i P. F. pappnt for Sflditlonnl lint. GEO. . W. AUS- ; TIN. IQIB Broadway. Oakland. "~ t, RANCH FOR SALE. r _ .50 acre» be«t grain land. 5 miles east of Gonzales, Monterey county,' adjoining La Gloria: school. '\u25a0*.; Dwelling bouse of 9 rooms end bath: also milk- ; room and washroom; water piped to bonsV and barnyard;, barn' for 32 horses; windmill, tank, : chicken houses, wagon sheds, smokehouse, grana- \ ries, men* howe. other cabins; private timber j crtvps; rood fpnee*. .? THIS I? A SNAP— ONLY $22.50 PER ACRE. Make an offer. No reasonable offer refused. • For farther particulars apply to - \u25a0 CHAS. H. J. TRUMAN. ' IfK>9 Mlssloa St., San Francisco, Cal. $575 buys one of our 5 and 10 acre tracts of i rich. Jevel land In AlsmMa county; 2 rail- roads acd 2 stations, -on tbe land: «ummnded by tine - orchards and nur*f>rie<*: pay. $25 and secure 5 acres, haisnoe Fmall monthly pay- ments: buy before the raise next month; we 1 |THsrtnt«»e , to please you. RICH VALLEY LAND CO.. 540 Market st. i CALIFORNIA land $1 acre, balance entire pur- ! chape $1 week for each 5 seres; no taxes: no interest: 5 acre tract«: level, rich. Wear; ready to plow; under irrijtatioa; perpetual water I rie-ht; immediate possession given; particulars. | maps, pbotogrjtphu for 2c -stamp. Stevinson Colony, room 26. 703 Van Ness ay.. San Fran- cisco. CALL at our office and see the soil, alfalfa and suj»r beets raised- on our state lands: 1.300 acres sold this week: some good locations still left; plenty or wflter for irrigation: $2 per acre: half down, balance In 25 years; netr Western Pacific R. R.: the greatest chance of your Hfe. VANCE & WHELAX. 789 Market. NICE home In Gait. Sacramento county: fine house. 6 rooms, large lot. several buildings, lot of frnlt. I«mi>a«. pp»che«. apricot*, cher- rips. quincf*. strawberries, etc. Price only jI.r.QQ; worth $2.000. C. A. Cutting. Gait, Cal. "LAUREL DELLS. " . L*ire lots, low prices, easipst term*: sny ajront. Pan Rafael, or W. L. COURTRIGHT. 711 Sansome st.. S. F. MONEY MAKING little farm: very level, with . best of soil, cansls. market, climate, water; very *asy terms: land Is cheap; electric R. R. CAPT. OBERMF.YER, Van Ness & Grove, S. F. IRRIGATED small farms; garden soil: low price; easy payments: book tre*. Write C. -M. WOOSTER COMPANY, 702 Market. 2d flnor. COUNTRY homos; send for catalogue. CM.! WOOSTER CO.. 702 Market St.. 2d floor. BURLINGAME REAL ESTATE EASTON ADDfTION, BURLINGAME. Now S. P. Station. Direct bus to Burlingame and Easton stations. Convenient to electric I cars. [ ' PRICES REASONABLE. . \u0084 All improvements Included. ** RAPIDLY BUILDING. Maps and prices on application. F. J. RODGERS 4 CO., 11« California *t.. city. 'Opp. Burlingame and Easton stations. FOR sale or lease — In desirable part of Bnrlin- game district, house of 5 bofirnoms and. 2 baths; also servants' room and bath: Inclosed patio with fountain: living room 30 J>et lonjt; \u25a0 barn for 3 horses: will sell to responnlble , parties on very «>a«y terms/or will lease f or 1 not less than 1 year. Apply to F. J. ROI>GF.RR & CO.. lift California st., or opposite Burlin- jranie station. ~ BURLINGAME GROVE. Lots 60x120 and a number of . bungdlows for *a!e on *essy terms; high class' Improvement* free: bnlldlng and liquor restrictions; S. P. Co. station at one end of property ~ and San Mateo Electric station at both ends; Bay*. Shore cut off will soon be completed, when prices will be raised: lots $500 and np. BURLINGAME GROVE CO., Monadnook Bid*. IF you are interested to 1 home, building site or investment It will pay you to call on me; large lots; easy terms; map and prices on ap- plication. ALBERT A. MEYER. Real Estate " and Insurance. Burllngsine ay.. 1 bUx-k nn from depot. BERKELEY REAL ESTATE $I,47s— New,'- neatly furnished 4 room cottage, with bath, laundry, cabinet, kitchen, etc. ; terms $300 down, balance $20 per month. $2,300 — New 5 room cottage, with bath., pan- try, leundry: lot 40x50; convenient to car line and . close to line of projected Key Route extension; terms $400 cash, balance $25 per monthN $3,000 — New ft room, high basement -wttaire. with bath, pantry, laundry: lot 30x100: street work and walks complete: handy to ; S. P. station and close to street care; : terms $500 down, balance $25 monthly." $3,2i>o— New 5 room, high basement cottage; '• bath, pantry, launriry, etc.: lot 25xaO; utreet work and walks complete:, conven- ient to siitlou* and i-ur Ifnes; terms $650 cash, balance $25 monthly. . $3,500 — Extra — Pretty ' 6 room bungalow: bath, pantry, laundry. Reception ball, etc.; lot 40x108; street work done; close to Koy.i Route station: terms $050 cash, balance $36 per month. .-*» O. A. RUDOLPH. Lorin Station Sonrii '. Berkeley. -Open Sundays. ' BRIGHTON BEACH REAL ESTATE FOR fine residence' lots at Brighton Beach, on the new Oopan Shore R. R.. call or \vriti«'H. A. MACDONALD A CO.'. 2235 Mission ;-t. REAL ESTATE, TO EXCHANGE | Batte co.: $10,000; ISJ4 acre orange grove near OrovlHe: 1U years old snd in fine shape: gome lemons and grapefrclt: only 2 blocks from elec- tric car line: yields handsome Income; exchange for city property. ' (R350» ! $— Completely furnished hotel of 20 rooms at an Alameda countr resort; on S. P. railroad; 2^4 acres; splendid climate; exchange for prop- erty near San Leandr;vor Hayward or Ssnl'ran-, Cisco, San Rafael and Ross Valley property. (R342> : Sen Benlto co. ; $5,250— 10 acres near Hollis- ter: good 9 room house, barn "and all necessary outbuildings; 200 foot well; family orchard; 9 acres alfalfa; exchange for Oakland property. 10351) Bntte co. : $4.000— 2 4 room cottages; over 2 afre« deep Mtndy loim; barn and nthor Im- provements: some almond trees; exchange for city property. • (R34a> $3.250 — Near Bafl Jo#e: on Intrurban line; 100x160: modern cottage of . 5 rooms and bath: barn and/poultry hocsp*; IS orange, lemon and grapefruit trees; city water; exchange for Onk- laod property. < (R353) I can trade your property. -Write me about It." See otb*»r 8. F/ psjxts for additional list. GEO. W. AUSTIN. 101h Kroadway. Oakiand. I lIAVEfa new 6 room well built cottage In tbe .Mission; 2 bay. Windows/ 2 <ionr>i In bath; front and rear bill: suitable for 2 familk*; ro.-i! In. cation: best' cur service;: fine view;»my -prlrp !s $2,50<i; has a bank- jnortjrape.'of- $l.or>O, payahle at $24 per month/ lneludlngklnterest; 1 will .-irhstiice my. equity for a-rheap".4 room oottape near l>each- can «cc me, between 6 and 8 P. m. af 20S Fair Oaks st/ near 23d. C. KASTWOOD.' ' I TO; LEASE V Auswtin yon Boratel. Jole M. Kinley. KINLEY-VON BORSTEL' COMPANY, ' '\u25a0' Jlnrorporatwl) ' REAL ESTATE.' Insurance. Loan*. | Rents. 105.4 Ellis st., i San FraneisiS. 60 rooms; all modern: hot and cold Va ter every room; close to Flllmore; busy 'street: 4ft rooms; all modern; main boulevard; clone to Flllfflore. 5S room*": all modern; '"close to Van Ness.. AH' these houses areto lease at less than $8 per room ; genuine snaps. . . - Apply to . KINLEY-VON "BORSTEL COMPANY, ; 1684. Ellis f=t. ...» 12TH St., 132-134— Will lease for term of 4 years; nne location for wholesale or light man- ufacturing; piste glass front;' cheap rent/ A p-" ply Argonaut' Manufacturing Co.; 551?McAllis- ter st. BBBBBHBBHI 14,500 square feet, loft; reinforced concrete clai-8 \u25a0 A building; light' 3 eldes; 1 / front % and rear 'entrance;'^ fr*!snt and psKsenger elevator sertlce free; \u26665 i and » lo s years " lease. Apply r. - W/: BRAUN. ' 30S : Market ; ft: ,"\u25a0-? .. -"'. TO lease — Will leaw for 25 years 100 foot core er " • lots 4la ' best : business - section lof rj^an "\u25a0 Diego. . Address' lock' box. lß2,: San Diego/. Cal. "» : 40x10^— CLAY' nr. \u25a0 Kearny, opp. hall Justice; 2 froctagee. Owner, \u25a0 1777 Page; •\u25a0\u25a0 long lease. . THE' SAN PKA^CIS^ MEMO PARKBEAI ESTATE | r' -'\u25a0' " "THE- COLKMAX' TRACT .'' ['\u25a0''.'.. "-'\u25a0 . - "In Beautiful; Menlo.,* wlthlarßH osks'and v other...treei!/ \u25a0 | ,; strictly residence .. subdlvisiort'. . j .. No trailing of ant. kind permitted. ' ' Will have street /work -nnd perfect;' uystem ' . j : '•:. 1-"..,;; - ,- newerage and^ water. - ; *" .- ! Ideal home sltpn oi)ly(40'-n!lni)1es:by, BaylShore | ' . Cct Off f rpm . Ban .; Franelsco. ' i No lot ltrs ; thao^lOOxSOO- ft. Prices from- $800 up. •*.." : IXMSfI, McWILLIAMS & CO.. - 387 Golden (»ate av./ H. F. Phone" Market S?7B. CHICK/ SITTIG &OO.v '•': /- i ":: Key Houte Terminal/Bftrkritw. Ptorie Berk. "00.1. PLACER COUNTY' REAL ESTATE "t RESIDENCES and farms at nil. prli-es for bhlp. "i I.lnts froru W. J. McCANN. East Anbutft: «:\u25a0)!. j LOST AND -FOUND;, ' I LOST— A passbook with: the Hlbernla Savings and ; Loan Society 0/ San . Franelm'o,; in tb* name of ANN Q'LBARY, :\u25a0 No. : 209-665; The finder will please return to bank. .: Unless same Is returned wllhin 6 ."days 'a new book issued to applicant. \u25a0"\u25a0 .. , '-' : ".' ' v'x \u25a0' ': -\u25a0 LOST-^-September 15, bet ween \u25a0\u25a0. Ql erat • and iBo- J Snais on Sport nnin club Ride . of rldpe, \u25a0 small, blerk,' \u0084 tan , and - white ; dog.v- part • . foxhound ; name*N«*ro; very -timid; 'suitable : reward. 3W. - 1.. BARRY, 70ASa,nche* st;, San. Francisco.; . LOST — On Key Route ferry Yerlm ,l?n«>n8.: l>e- - -twepn Kerry .build Inx «nd' Berkeley. • a- lady's hlark fur lK>a/ Rewrd for Information; or re- turn to 1923 ParkT »t.Y Berkeley.".;-"' .' .-; WILL the lady who picked.u p a; 'watch , with S. X., at corner of Flllmore and McAllister sts. return to 1962 McAllister St.? Receive re- ward. MRS. S.K. - • LOST — Lady's gold watch, between : entrance to theater Rnd country, store, Idora Park: re- turn to 224 Devlfadero St., San - Francisco; liberal reward. LOST — Hand satchel with' 6 do«.' napkins ami 2 ,lb» cherries, on Sutter st. car, Saturday morn- I Ing. Rewanl If returned . to 3023 Pine st. or J 3^ Bast »t. ...-\u25a0•-"..\u25a0\u25a0.' -/... \u25a0-'- .--'\u25a0•• \u25a0:' \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0" /:;-' LOST — Watch fob, with'lnltlBls"\V. M."; »ult- nble reward offered vby returning i same. W. ! MARKS. Marks Bros., Flllmore and Eddy lsts. LOST — A fox terrier, part bull,; one white and one black ear:. Wack. toil. Return -to "J. B. DUGGAN, 2027 Pacific ay.; reward $.1. [^.~.- LOST— In Richmond district, liver and white English pointer. Return to DR. k E. PITRES, 130 26th ay. ;. reward. - LOST — Monday, diamond ring, 4 setting; -return ; to WKINSTOCS ,& LUBIN, manager; reward. j LOST — Black cooker spaniel named Nigger. \u25a0 Re- turn to S2SO 22d Bt. Rervanl. . . - • :"-.*"- PLASTER DECORATORS A. BRUNICARDI i .CO.. '-'artistic or plain work from drnwJusrs or ;)lans. 3206 16th st. ] /; opticians I. POVELSEN. EXPERT OPTICIAN, 178 Church ' -'st. near Market. Op<-n evenings. - GAS FIXTURES AND LIGHTS SPECIAL sale for 8 days only; 1 burner gas stove, $1; 2 burners/ $1.75; : 3 : burners. $3. Mission light store. 478 Valencia st. near 16th. ; FOR SALE— Miscellaneous CASH REGISTERS— We make and ;sell 09 per j cent of tbe cash registers in the world. ' Our | guarantee is backed by .- 25 years* experience j in making nothing but cash registers. We also ] sell all other makes at from 25c to 40c on the I dollar.' A larße- stock of second hand Na- tionals on hand at all times. Easy payments. THB NATIONAL CASH REGISTER,CO., 1283-85 Golden Gat;e Avenue, : I San Francisco, Cal, GREAT REMOVAL SALE . Of plumbing goods. / i Bath tubs, from $10 up.. Lavatories. $1.00 up. Water pipe and fittings, all sizes. Cast iron pipe and fittings, all sizes. Brass and nickel plated goods. "' Call and see us now. 1904 Post st. 1 \u25a0• ... ,- '.'':.'•-.-- CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION. FOR SALE. Structural iron 1 beams, columns, bnllt up ; work, window weights, anchors, band iron, Joist hangers, etc. •/ H. C. WHITE MACHINERY CO., , , 9th and Bryant sts. ; ] A BARGAIN if sold Immediately. a ; Second hand- furniture for sale. \u25a0\u25a0" • : 24 feet grocery shelving. 24 feet grocery counter. \u25a0 \u25a0 12 feet saloon fixtures. 304 Gough 6t. Telephone Market 5415. V 'WALL paper, 5c a roll and upward; samples mailed: good paint, $1 a gal.; boiled linseed oil, 60c gal.; ; 'bulldlns- and; . roonng papers, cheese cloth. -etc.; painting and paper hang- ing: estimates given. M.MEUIGAN,- 1447'E1- 11s st., San Francisco. -.^ v,.. •; . ." --. IiLEGANT PLUMBING FIXTURES. 15%. porcelain lined bathtub. 1 20x30 white enameled kink. - 1 wawh down closet. Combination $39.50. 19C4 Post st. Open Sundays 9 to 4. \u25a0--.;' TENTS at factory prices; all sizes; send for catalogue. W. A. ".PLUMMER. 115-117 Drumm St., San Francisco; tel. Temporary ?,oi3. .. And SGO-SRG Franklin St., Oakland; tel/ Oak'd 2583. FOR I sale — Cheap ' for cash, f grading outflt for 'railroad or general contractors, v cars, .track; switches.: turntables, all in pood order. Con- tractor, box 34 15. Call. HALL WOOD cash registers; total adders; $25 to $90: also Nationals. CASH REGISTER XX- - CHANGE. HS3 Market St.," Central Theater ' bulidingi . . \u25a0 . RELIABLE Wood Working company, 219-221 Stb st. — Store and office fixtures; call once, see our new stock of bar fixtures. ;.-M. -P. JOHNSON. \u25a0;.- LAUNCHES; new and sllgntly used/ Cal. Launch Work', Pac. coast* agents ; for - 1 'euinsalar mo- tor, Blanding ay.. Park st./, Alameda. /,- I.QOO cards printed $1; letterheads, en v.; wedding \ work; shewcards. signs. R.; Hill. 'l6oo Steiner. \ $10-^Guaranteed highly ; nickel; plated Reliance J card' machines; many other \u25a0 bargains. Mills ' Novelty Co., 007 Market et.. S. F. , !" ';\u25a0':: \u25a0"/:"-- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0av:. \ NEWSPAPER routes, union acency. for sale: a i good bargain. Address F.-.W.- MILLER; Au- i » burn. Placer Co., Cal. \u25a0-:' : I SPEED launch, hull 25 ft. long, 4 ft.. 6 in. beam: I latest eastern model; rjust finished.' 62<J Santa , ' Clara *v.,:Alameda. f : . -;• ' ', FOR restaurant work and supplies' bpp MAJES- TIC SHEKT METAL WORKS, 1068 McAllister. SAFES— Richardson ' Bros.: " general • agents " ; Cary Safe Co. ; : permanently located ;Dso : Mission: st. KDISON Moving Picture Machines and Stereopti- cons; ibarcain.^GEO. BRECK, 552 Grove st. - WE make all : the latest styles. ~ > PACIFIC COAST RATTAN CO., 511 Golden Gate, av> LARGE art and burglar safe for; sale; cheap! 31 Mercha nt \u25a0< st. near Drumm; San f Francisco. * r \u25a0 ; RIDDLE BROS:." roof tanks, \u25a0 creamery : and dairy supplies. '\u25a0' 308 7tb fit.; : phonei Market L4oo3., McINTOSH & WOLPMANN. second ; hand ma- chinery ; machine : work. 313 \u25a0 Howard , st. \z >\ MECHANKTS'i tools: cheapest ill town/ ; BEN- NETT BItOS.. 541 Halght. ' 1034 . Misslbn. ; KING'S OLD BOOK STORE. 8!H -.'Golden': Gate /at. near Octavla st. <'. BOOKS I BOUGHT. > ' "-"". WEEKS - HOWE'- EMERSON'iCO.— They .make flags and flag poles/ ; ... ol '.Market et. ; ; >:. BA RROOM fixtures for sale, cheap." Jr ,TIEDK- : MAN, " Oak und Octavia sts. ... ' ~l\ ' \u25a0 FOR \u25a0 sale— Counters.'^ shelving.'' ghowcaßeH ; . cheap. ' 1504 , Church - st. ; near • 27th. SAFES— New' and: second 'hand/The Hermann Co., 120-130 Folsom st. • "; . : / j ELEGANT 3 se/Ued top surrey, i 2 seated ; trap, j cheap; -Call /064 Post* st. NATlONAL' register and shotgun for sale; cheap. ,2194 Mission Ft. . .' . ; .:;.: \u25a0 MISCELLANEOUS V^'ANTS WANTED— Second haudrcontr«etor's'outfit, c«n- " Bi*t lnc of ,/cars. : track/- etc/, for : construction • work; plve.'-.fnJl \u25a0 pnrticulHr.«, ..where lo l«> - "pofn. prlcp snd " terinß."^ Foreman. 1 -.! box.; 3114.' <'all. \u25a0.. .. /-;..'•- " : : '.; t '\u25a0;;. C:i:~-.>7-..v: DRRIifs:" SUITS."- .TUXEDOS -.AND.' PRINCE' Mr HERTS BOUGHT. VJ.. SKOLL. -TAILOR. 707 GOLDEN : GATE.' PHONE MARKET 4GSI . f A— GENTS' second hand ''clothing- bought 'and sold. M USIN'S. 1290 A Eddy Bt* cor.'\Buchanan.^ >-' MONEY-i, TO [LO AN :J"' r MONEY LOANED 6a furniture,'; pianos 'and other, security; '- lowest 'rates;? mo«t c favorable / terms "in the city: see othei-s. Mhen'SEE ME AND BE CONVINCED.v'I; WILLS SAVE; YOU MONEY. $2.25- week-repavn $50;Joan?nnd-'eosts., ' GKORGEtW.'MILLER. ;,_•'.,; Room . 35," SW. * cor.; Mission and '16th sts.- v MISSION - LOAN ' COM PAN V— Loans f£ on ; ; Fnrnl- \u25a0 turt'/."> Pianos ' and ;-. valttattiles : * also ,on j m la rlen. '\u25a0'• On L Furniture,'; etc. ''-Monthly.* Semi-rao. : r-, Weekly / *40-^Pay;back //.'. . .::$4.80 ;.^552.40 v":;$ 1.20 • Other Ktims.ln proportion ;ibnf>lne»s confidential. >nni/B.;NW;:cor.^M|gglQn-an<ljlßtli: ! ;Mkt.l2&37. AA— Before; borrowing i pet iouritermf.^: Loans -" on furniture.^pianos .^hornes.'Setc.*. (wlthonts re- moval) ; » $10 « to * r-JOO. : ' HOUSEHOLD i> LOA N j ' CO.,* n>om 70, 7 509 J Golden « Gate \ av.« at t Polk.' I Phone - Market 13329/. or room -.. 3,'s Macdonough , — , v?i -\u25a0?./>, MONEY-. loaned salaried i people \ and Mothers \ upon "; their -own'i names i security ; j cheapest -'. rates; ; jisslest.; payments: -.offices .principal citi»<<; #f=»ve /; xourcplf \u25a0 roonpy/by/gettlnsr^nur terms fir»t/TOLMAN,~7S7;MArk»t, room 13T. MONEY TO LOAN— -Continued \u25a0.'.': , ! ; r ' THE STRINGER 5 LOAN j COMPANY - j " Makes . lobub :to .salaried s people i without \ secur- <\u25a0'\u25a0- Ity,- repayable In - small --weekly^: or ' monthly j ; Robm SI, -10 84 2 Btr> adjoining i.Tbe j Call. ?* Room: r>, 1015H ' Brotdwsy, ; ; Oakland.'- 1 EASY payment loans on .furniture/: pianos/-' wars- i i house rVceiptß \u25a0 6r : secttrJtl>s " of any , kind: V^l- ; i ness* strictly confidential; gtvelus/a. call. -1111- ! ! nol? Trust, company. 1616. Eddy. Xt;.. y, block i from : Flllmore. -'<-, Telephone \u25a0 Went : 6745. \u25a0-.';\u25a0 / . MONEY to loan; one fund of . s7. r >,noo In amounts -, of $2,000: to S15.000: 'Ist morttasra real estate only. TALK-IT OVER -WITH.IJS. .DO -IT 1 TODAY! v; EDWARDS.: IOHRISTKNSEN ft I \u25a0:.:. GOOD WIN. B5 Geary st. .: T .'.:;. / \u25a0 • I AA^-QUICK loans; Ist and 2d mortgages., notes. \ etc. ' If. you" do: not see; this .ad again, .don't i "forget permanent location.^ Pacific Coast. Trust- \u25a0; Co., ', 1 102 \u25a0 Chronicle building. /;.:..;/ ,;'. '•\u25a0..:,--:_ j ' MONEY advanced palarletl people; ;low rates; con- 1 ! fldentlal; D.iD. DRAKE, .9; Dean building, 9CB Market st.; 12 Bncon block,lOakland;fß»nk of ! .: Richmond bldg.. Point Richmond. • ; : :. ; ; SALARY loans— Ladles and * gentlemen,^ wlthont - . » ; security; notes ; and commercial y paper >. bought; ; ; 'U: e«gyi payments. -Rm. 818, % Merchants'/ Excb/: .-• j 8 PER i cent -on . furniture, j pianos j and \ other se- j . curlty;\ np commission; : without : removal : or j : ; publicity; easy ; terms. -1443 Fiilmore, ?rm.' 2*. \u25a0 ANY::amount on ,real;, estat*.'> first or jsecoud .-. .mortia?o!«.- or on anysecnrlty^.'no'de.lay.-.iO. I - W.: BKCKER, 2111 Flllmore .nr/J California. \u25a0 WE lend money on anything;,' low;. interest; 'bar- \ I trains in: unredpemed pledges. "THE - <TITY ! LOAN OFFICE, «15 Kearny at/ur/l Commercial/! HERMAN MURPHY, : : ; >" X " , :.- \u25a0'."',' 548 Market street;,,.-' ~ \u0084First and ; secoDd mtgß.; estates,*lejrtcles,. etc. GUARANTEE Jewelry ft Optical Co/,' diamonds, -watches; Jewelry bought: and- sold; ,repalring % *speclalty.>2ls3d st. '.'.-'- '- .\u25a0 . , \u25a0 "/ . ANY sum, Ist, 2d. 3d mortgages,: Interest in ; '. estates/ H/"MeCOLGAN, \u25a0 rooms -314-316, '28 I Montgomery st. ' "... '1 \u25a0 V , ... j ADVANCES on diamonds as nsual, Baldwin. Jew- | elry Co., permanent office 1261 .Van " Ness ay. 1 ON furniture; and pianos In use; no commission. , •' ' V. TKEMAIN, ". 726 , Buchanan t st. 'I near j Hayes. MpRRELL— Cash Joaned to salaried men on note without . lndorsßr. \u25a0 922 Monadnock: building. . . GOLDEN GATE AY. LOAN : OFFICE,*; 1278 Gold- :pn Gate ay.' 3 doors below - Flllmore Bt. \u25a0 • : ' : . iBIONEY -WANTED , ' .'. ; \u25a0 ARE you' satisfied with 4 per" cent Interest, when you can get: as high as per cent net on. first ' mortgage, gilt . edge real -estate security? TALK IT OVER WITH US. DO: IT TODAY I ; EDWARDS, CHRIgTENSEN,. ft GOODWIN, 5S Geary st.,;.- "--..~. : ." . Z- : .' '-' v ' : \u25a0'- WANTED — $3,000 on 2 good inenrae flats. : ; Box 175 R. Call office. - /\u25a0' '".-\u25a0-.-•:\u25a0 \u25a0•^.'- : ; CQTmEDICAL '' •" - aa— -• " \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0; .. ' . \u25a0: \u25a0-; : .. .. ~-.- " ; •\u25a0 DR KING/ 719 Van Ness : ay. San Francisco's Leading Specialist ; for Women. Safety— Reliability. '- LADIES,: Sooner, or later every woman needs the services of a reliable/honest physician 'of education aail experience.' • '-' -•\u25a0'- '- •'". : - -'-. ' - ; '- ' \u25a0 ' '' : TO BE A SPECIALIST; ONE NEEDS TO BE A GRADUATE OF SOME MEDICAL COLLEGE. In justice *to roy«elf and my- patients I. wish to state that I AM THE ONLY REGULAR GRADUATE PHYSICIAN* SPECIALIST ? FOR I WOMEN ADVERTISING in San Francisco whose ' qualifications. are recognized by the highest mcdl- i cal authority. .; ' \u25a0:' - -v - - : I have the LARGEST PR ACTICB because dnr- [lnp-my 25 years>of practice* l have had NO I FAILURES NOR MADE ANY c MISTAKE In ; diagnosis. \u25a0/.__ . ... \_s ; \u25a0 -- -c \u25a0'-"\u25a0/\u25a0 j My. offices' are perfectly aqn'PP* <l ~wlth every 1 modern appliance necessary; for. the correct treat- ment of women. \u25a0\u25a0 • \u25a0*'{'\u25a0\u25a0- : .. '\u25a0'\u25a0' .' :^ ' *» .. '.. ! :'-': '-' ONE CALL will eon vloee 'you "that I can glv« you IMMEDIATE RELIEF: without operations, drugging cr needless detention »fpbm your occupa- tion. . .. s \u25a0\u25a0>., . - • .- .--'.-=-.'- -. : •:--.- -' 'It -makes no difference -.WHAT 'IRREGULAR- ITY, disoflse or 'trouble.- you may »come to me PRIVATELY and CONFIDENTLY and get my opinion and. advice FRBE. .-^\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0' ... . \u25a0 ... You have. ABSOLUTELY^ NOd EXCUSE for trustluß your life and happlness-In tbe hands 'of PRF.TENDING. specialists, raldwlvos,- unedu- cated and dangerous person*, when for the price you pay YOU CAN OBTAIN the services of a man eminent in tbe profession and be assured of PROMPT. -SAFE and HAPPY RESULTS. If necessary, patients s may, go to my.jown sani- tarium or any other and bare my personal atten- tion. . t ••\u25a0 Lady attendants.' Hours, 9 a, m. to 8 p. m. Open Sundays. i . : -'. -' \u25a0- \u25a0'-\u25a0'.'.. - :"\u25a0 -\u25a0' :\u25a0'\u25a0-• * "' dr KING.v : - : '\.: ; -.., .-\u25a0 '\u25a0 San Frantcseo's. leading s Specialist for Women. \u25a0 \u25a0 719: Van. Ness ay.; San f Frano!gco.- : : . ''\u25a0 'DR. G. W. ; O'DONNELL. " THE WORLD-RENOWNED SPECIALIST - : \u0084 LADIES. \u25a0;.\u25a0--\u25a0'. , - My professional ,' staudlng iof" 20 year*', pr«G- Jlce is a cnarantce of my' treatment and - quat- I Ifles -my: success :/ known In :, all;. parti» r: of - the country ; eTery* case treated; no "delays ;J imisr- rliate relief; 1 - POSITIVELY GUARANTKK RELIEF. In . cages of suppression and irrega- laritles; '- treat all . female diseases. : no matter how,; long., standing;;,? the -' unfortunate* helped; has relieved •< thousands 0? most obstinate, as all cases have benefit -ot : -highest medical skill." - low; fees. \u25a0-•••\u25a0\u25a0 - -.\u25a0.-.- : \u25a0. ;. \u25a0 , In all cases of \u25a0 Irregularities I have, never failed to effect -a cure, and I; will- not- fall In your. ease. By icontinKlng me - save time and money; relief : when ,, others fall. - ' •-' • FREE CONFIDENTIAL" ADVICR '* "S- »- Hour?, 9 a. .m. to 4 p.m. & 5:80 to 8:30; Office & rec/1720 Geary bet. Flllmore &, Web. DR. G...W.' O'DONNELL.- Tel. West .'5387; AA— DR. JAMES NEAL. 1438 ELLIS ST; near Webster — Reliable sperlallfit; - for' female * com- plaints and irregularities: . no trifling;' sanato- rium . If desired : hours.; 10 a. jn.-. to Bp. .ra. A— MRS. DR. .WYETH,. reliable i ladies' special- Ist for: all female 'Irregularities ;iinsrtant relief ; guaranteed ; 80 years' \u25a0 succrssfnl ; practice. 1524 Webster : at. near ; Geary; : open i Sundays. DR. KOHL, reliable ladle*', specialist for • all f e- - male irregularities; instant \u25a0. relief > guaranteed. \r,2\ Wehster st. near Geary ; : open Sunday*/ DR. G UNN.v 1(532 Ellis St.. opp. _ Orphenra— Old- est. safest;--- most' reliable .ladles', specialist; nev<»r falls; fee $10; advice free..'.. \u0084. \u25a0 • DR.' CC. O'Donnoll/ renowned f emalt?" specialist. 912 Devisadero j bet. - McAllister, and ; Q.* G. ay. DR.' WEST;: offices 1035 Golden Gate ay.: ladles' .: spec'Rlist;: Immediate relief > without ptln; : ; : DR. and: MRS., DAVIES. method of treatment. 824 Valencia j gt. between • 10th { and 20th; \ DR. HOBRN moved to : 1269 4th ay.. Sunset, near H st/ carline. :-: .--.\u25a0"'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•'. "..,.'-"\u25a0./:\u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0-,; \u25a0 - .\u25a0,\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-- I>R. SYLVESTER'S OFFICE, \u25a0 v- 517 23d st. nr. Telegraph i ay., Oakland, Cal. 'LEADING SPECIALIST ; FOR WOMEN. .La dips — If yon .are suflVrlnc from any ailment peculiar to, your sex,' worried about your, condi- tion : and ; need . help, = consult - this : f amain specla I- lst. '•; because Ihej Is truly the 'only . regularly grad- uated:' physician ; specialist; for; women .• tdvertls- ine. having IS -years -of -.suecess.-WITHOUT ONE . FAILURE— he ,? jf Ives . relief— AT iv ONCE— without Mlrugs, * operation or ; needleßß detentlott from v y-cmr . occupation. \u25a0• ; with - \u25a0 original^— PA I V- LKSS— HARMLESS— methods: with high ; pro- fessional • standing:- and " qualifications repognized by the '-.highest medical" authority, with office well . appointed -- and ' strictly : private." he Is •- the SAFEST— AND' SUREST— MAN to consult WHEN YOU NEED HELP.:? Consultation and advice, absolutely v free. - ; Prlvatn . •.; sanltariura when 'necessary. - Fees moderate.: Hours,9 ; a. ; m. to ,0 p. »m. Open Sundays/. .Telephone Oek- lanfl .7901. \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'.< :•'\u25a0:•. -.- s. /-'.-\u25a0 -:-.\u25a0,- \u25a0-\u0084......;.. ..-.-.\u25a0. \u25a0~i -' 'DR. 'SYLVESTER'S ; OFFICE, f< 17 23d st. nr.. Telegraph ay/Oakland. Cal- '/\u25a0 : . ; ;J»IATBftNITY; : ?IIOME!S-;V;' ; '' S. F. : LVI XG-IN i HOME/ 1191 Oak gt./ near' Park." i "DR. LORD nhy.^in'clnrce: dlseaseß of.women. - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS '• ' ' BUY, ' rent : 6r exchange!: dh-ect : at '. factory.-; ptaaos that sin* their, <iwn' praises/; WM. L. SCHMITZ, . ofg., » tuner, * repairer:-' everything: guaranteed; . 20 1 years J In ) his own I bulldin?;; 48 1 Bartlett - St. bet. 21st ;Bnd : 22d. /.Valencia ; and • Mission »ts. HEINB- UPRIGHT Piano, used' 4 months; regular - - $575 style ; "good . as * ne w : » «t -. about - cost : » this ' Is a snap. HEINE PIANO 'CO.,nB4I Golden -> Gflte;av. ;: *•: - ;\u25a0"• \u25a0;";\u25a0': '•\u25a0.\u25a0".:-;;\u25a0--\u25a0 VICTOR, EDISON.. COLUMBIA-- AU klnfls talk- . Ing . machine' and ; mwsic l box*r«-palrln|; ; -charges • moderate/."?: B)ToU?Mauzy;'ll7€>; O'Farrell; st. J * PARTYjleavißg. city: wishes -to rtlsp. ge •«'<* elegant Weber; piano:; price $00/: Easy paynwnts.H Can '.-."• be:seenjatt;l4«oißiH!h:st.vVu i :; : .. : ; . ':;^^--' NEA RLY : new : upright,^ left to sell,', party 1 lea»la.g 5; city.*-: Hornnng's, ; 1554 \u25a0 Eddy, St.", \u25a0 near, FlUnfctc . I CHEAP for cash or payments, new'aii'l us^dTal-" '-;\u25a0\u25a0, auos. (JOS/ SCHMITZ | & CO.;i43o ; Devisgdero. ALMOST. given away-^Storage piano;; dirt cheap.'" ' • Wbitebcnd ; Storage.^4o.'; j San ; Pablo a v. ; , OaSl'd. ' SOUMER/ Uyron rMauxyj -'pianos. iCecelUn piano player*.^ rtyRONpIAUZY.«U73;.Q'FarreU ; St." SMALL,: Flsber i Upright, { good >" tone, $06. ":' \u25a0 1841 '\u25a0•Gnltlon'Gate.av.-:'-'-^'-'''-^'^ \u25a0-'•-'--- - ; .-.:'- .\u25a0 - '\. [f ~ -.' ; v;-> (mj^moniaL^;:>:; :; \u25a0.? : ;..;\u25a0 DO :. not . be .\decelved ; \ the > only; reliable ',:. matrl-' monia! ; : bureau j you sat |MRS. CvWOLi ,TEn > S.jl7ll|Geary J 3st;: Established!! in H9oo.*j?i MATRIMONIAL'^ bureau— Introduces 3 personally vi"r>y J ni»ll. r fI.MR.tKOHLER;i :I44B:O?FarreII at*.'- "UADfUSf aurtigcntlempn-J wishing > to* marry,- call at Mns;JMnCAJtTHY'S.Js7s;Halght?st/^; >' \u25a0; ''. . ' " MINES S'ANDjMIKIXG Iv ;^ .' ASSAYING. 50e; r> R'>ld, / rich ~: ore.x etc.;; : bonjrht/ ,; Pioneer i'Assay * Company, Ji3J stb st. ur:. Stint.' 1 MODEL * AND. NOVELTY- MANUF'RS v MODEX; "ana 'experimental > work' In .* all ', branches ; . ~ mechanical C lnstruments;;? special j B flnpj milling &' universal 1 ftlaCtas* tools >& dies ; ! ;'•: s#ar»: »\u25a0 press work : 1 novel ties mtnn f act*. I "'* Mr IV i'-^^CHfILL. M'Ca Union st;.' bet/Octavln A Cough/ ;\u25a0 \u25a0'.•;\u25a0.\u25a0- OFPICfi*" AND -STOKES TO iBT;;?.': f—^ C-~^ — :.--^---— ---~—--:\u25a0:~ — --:\u25a0:- V-.-----"'v i TWO .1? officer rooms -In bnlldlng.; 7d2 : Market.; St., V top* floor ;> reasonable.' -. Inquire -qHYFIRR ;BRICK jCO.i; 42; Market et. : -' < FURNISHED and uufur/sanny offices; : bent loca- krtton; reaa.^WHlGHAM.r Photo. lOlSrFlUmore. STORE and 3 ltving;- rooms in rear. to rent. $50; j Ellis I st/ nr.! Buchtnan. ; \u25a0 Icqulre 182S ' Fillmore. i LABOR ; corherj store with ' basement ; 26xsS: ; high ; ;-.. crlllng; .; plate , wlndOwa/ . Market \u25a0 and 17th ' sts. I NEWLY built ofo<v>, store anfl barber shop/? eel- j i'Mgr,; at; 058^ Clay *»t.j; J,:C. -MUKLICH. * \u25a0:-- ." -BIG \ transferj corner - for ." restaurant. • NE . . cor. '\u25a0-', \u25a0: California" »t/,an>l.eth' a v/>; . / .".";/- -»-'\u25a0'-"» -'\u25a0'-" , FLAT,-to "let— N; E. ".'• corner ; Golden G*t* *od ,""v.Filltnore; ;»oitable; forjofflces. -\u0084.";-. t STORK, 18x80. for lease; 803 Market it. corner ! :V ; Bfale. W. W. BBAUN. :^>'' .' r ' :..:>. '\u25a0 \u25a0;: \u25a0; . r AN old established hardware and plumbing place ;:: >to l«t. ?igar^ Unions st. : . v - ? -^.--v-^ ; '-'.'- \ LARGE ; rQomias offlof s ; for rent. ; Apply.; at I room;B/:,J20-3aii'i;Bt.r / : : --"- '\u25a0- "•-\u25a0 \u25a0" \u25a0 \u25a0' ~ ' *- i \u25a0' \u25a0'• '\u25a0" \u25a0 ,\u25a0"'''\u25a0 - ' ' .5 \u25a0 " '\u25a0; y . BASB3JENTB TO LET" ,/V :'<-]f>' ! {slinky. '\u25a0\u25a0basenaent.'"" suitable : for ' house- I . keeping - rocin or \u25a0 carpenter; shop/ • Inquire 341 '\u25a0 Scott.. -bet/* Page and Oak.". lIOU BE9 . TO ; , LET— TJnf nrnlshcd FOR Vale pr: lease-rlh ' desirable ; part | pf| Burlia- ga me f district. « bouses of ; 5 1 bedrooms and 2 - hatbs; also servants'* room "and bath;- inclosed - patio ; With fount *!n : ' llrlop room 30 - feet " long ; I \u25a0 barn "' for \u25a0 •-; 3 horses ; ; will aelt- to responsible I parties -on * very ' easy terms, or .\u25a0 will lease ' for not l<»»s than I year/ Apply to F. J. RODGERS 4 " CO./: 118 ; California St., , or "opposite \u25a0 Burlln- j.; "game; station. .--..•; \u0084....,..-. : >- .-. .. : * v - : ,-r ~'A '.• P ROPERTY ,' owners,' I look out- for | leaky ". roofs ; . keep ryour? tenants 'by repairing and painting -J roofs ' pnd ; gutters - before : the -. rains. -\u25a0- J: B. WILLIAMS & . CO.", \u25a0 2145 -Market st. ' " - / BARTLE'I'T St., 434— Handsome i 10 : room \u25a0 house ; Hnewxi room flat and. a furnished 4 room flat; 2 to 5 p. m. , .." :'.-' V:- \u25a0;.:./";-'. -'-.-:'-f-^-j\'C'.^ PACIFIC av. ;; above- Van .Ness— Sunny .-2 story - house 5 rooms and. bath; reat reasonable. • -HOUSES TO LET— FnrnUhed MCALLISTER, »t.V; 951J4, -nr.^Buchanan— Newly \u25a0•furnlßhed house, 8 r.-and ba,tb; rent $100: or : will sell reasonable.; lnquire between 10 and 2. WEMPE HOUSE, 419 : Oak — Well furnished, de- \u25a0i tached.": snnny, : modern . cottage, • 6 rooms : and \u25a0•- bath, 'lanndry; garden and' yard; rent $100.'--- 5 HOVSE39 FOR SALE— Fnrniahed; MCALLISTER at.. 951%,; nr. Buchanan— Newly ; furnished . 8 r. Itouse and bath: cost $1, 250;, will sell: for $700; »mak# offer; rent $76. In- qulre betweealO and 2. 1 \u25a0 " ':''\u25a0 OAKLAND ThOUSBs'-, TO LET ;,;' 'SEND for my.; big new : free , catalog \u25a0of vacant ' houses, stores, apartments, 'for rent. Ring up - rent department aad have it mailed or call for it. AUSTIN, 1013 Broadway, Oakland. I COTTAGES TO LET \ 5 ROOMS; modera cottage; large yard and base- \u25a0 _ munt, 4330 23d st. \u25a0--•\u25a0'-\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0- APARTMENT HOUSES i JACKSON APARTMENTS, NE. cor. Jackson and Leavenwortb 1 sta. — 2 • and . 8 rooms - and bath; all sunny; - marine view and .walking distance to business center ; * gas stove, ' wall beds ; rent 332.8Q, $35 and $37. \u25a0'"--" \u25a0'\u25a0•'\u25a0 - ' '-» '-'-* - T \u25a0 APARTMENTS CLINTON APARTMENTS,, NB. cor. l Jones and ' Washington— Open : Oct. 1; furnished "or ' un- I furnished apartments of S, 4 or S rooms; mag- '/nlfleent : marine view; .-, near Fairmont Hotel; M eauy nccess- to ! business •• center; .all outside v sunny rooms. MRS. HELEN M. HARDING, : Prop. , : :: .--.-\u25a0 ... -, .':.:.":.\u25a0 y .:-r \u25a0: CALIFORNIA st..' 2sl7— Raymond Apartments— An ideal' apartment flat to rent; 6 large, sunny rooms and bath ; \u25a0 wall beds . and every modern convenience ;^newj and , up to date; rent $60; references required. . r - ,' ."."-\u25a0. > r , van n ess apartments: -' . :>2128.. Van Ness -Avenue. ' ; Three -and -four iroom ; furnished house keep- £ ing ; . apartments ; - : every , modern : convenience^ elegantly' furnished ;? beautiful marine- view; -\ ' THB EUREK A ' : Apartmenta— 4 elegant « 4* room apartments; gas , range, \u25a0 ref rigera tor ajjd.Janl- ;-- tor service ; fine .view.,,; Market and 17tn sts;- .;, DUNDEE— Sunny . elegantly furnished v apts.; "4 j ' : rooms," bath,' $55. 736 Stanyan et. . (8 carlines). CHURCH «t., lOlS'/S. °BPar 22<J— Nicely, fur-t i /\u25a0 nlshed,' .7 « apartments; \u25a0' cheap; ,make ) offer. :\u25a0:'.' WEMPE HOUSE,: 4I9 Oak St.— V»'ell furaished. I sunny, rooms,' en; suite or single; modern. It . A^^MByTS-1-Bf rkeley ; KLEIIRDEiLIS. : FIRST CLASS FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 2231 Shattuck ay. . cor. Kittrldge :ct., \u25a0 Berkeley. ;\u25a0 .;\u25a0'\u25a0'•."- :;.\u25a0':«\u25a0' hotels - : "- /. 'hotel robins . .'-.- :.: -Poet St., near ? Jones. \u25a0' . r. i Sutterst.rcars. -.Phone. Franklin 2870.. : New. modern, v downtown 'hotel;. 140 rooms; 75 private, baths.* -:.Appointmenta and >r >*!'•' , furnishings- strictly/first- clncs. r '-, : . •: : Kuropean , plan. : \u25a0 t Rates ; sl -, per "day : up, - ; 'with private -btth $1.60 up. -Monthly rates' to .: permaneDts.-.'-M/, JOHNSON, -Prop.,:" . : formerly of 'Johnuon's Restaurant. THE MASON. 40 Fulton st. near Larkin— Hand- • \u0084 \u25a0 nomely; furnished rooms: modern conveniences;! •.steam heat,- electric- ltghts/ gas, : hot ' and- cold ' water; ;rallSbell»; "'all outside -rooms; reason- ' able; central .location; 'near City .Hall.' HOTEL : AMERICA. 1045 Market st. \u25a0 : ' .. 50c- to; $2 -perj day. : -.., \u25a0. Special rates; by, the. week or month. , A medium, priced 'hotel,'. with all 'modern con- \u25a0:-'. \-' ..-".'\u25a0." venlences.V' ' -v', " • ' J..H. GAGE.; Manager.- : ;, : ; HOTEL SPHIER, NE.cor.4th and Folsom sts.— : , lO(t:ino<Jern 'rooms: with ! g«s and electric i.gbta ' and vplvet carpets laid soHd;throughont; rooms j -\u25a0'with double: bed: or 2 single beds/from 50c up; : speclali rates': by ;week;or; months new. house; \u25a0 , new hiroltnre;: best" mattresses ;- best: house '. ln - San,' Francisco.".- \u25a0.;\u25a0\u25a0,; : ::: : - : ' . . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .- • • •_^___ : ; — -?' • : '-^. ; HI'TEL' NqRDEN.\7SS Howard bet. Bd ' and 4th; : l:ot-cold • water an3 l steam \ heat In every; room ; : ; elevator service ;; rooms 50cA7flc,$i: per: night: -' $3 r per - week.'X*-: CHRISTENSBN : &: ; SHAW. I Props."* Fiist clans grill' Jtud j cafe |In connection.* ST." GEORGE,*' BTH • AND : HOWARD STP. , 600 .WELL -..VENTILATED SINGLE ," ROOMS/ ' 250 and- 35e PER. NIGHT. - : •-..';'sl.2s andsl.7s' PER' WEEK. HOT and COLD; WATER.* * READING J; ROOM. HOTEL FENTON," 2S9 7th st.f.belojvP/O.: new, ; : modem, s doable, ;: outside i rooms,; equal %to - any -."•"' $t .60 : r00m 1 In ; S/i F. ; »rates ' 85c ; to ,75c-; day, , $2 ?to $3 wk. ; ; Mission or'^ Folsom : cars f m. \u25a0 ferry;, to • :7th; leading family i and. business barbers.' ROYAL HOUSE," cor/ r«th S and -; Howard-r-Just - opened : s European \u25a0 plan ; " rates } s(tc. ! 73c, ?'• fl/ - $1 .50 per; day ; ; reduced ; weekly : rates"; 7 reading •j; room;. hot and cold water. ln every_ room; .baths. HOTEL S'lV JAMES, I .Vaa > New ay.* at Fulton st. ; if 5 central , to ' all ' parts of J th,e city ; ; 200 rooms/; 50 ;: y baths ;" rates >' $1.50 per.' day ' and \u25a0 upward ; ".every \u25a0•-'; com f ort" ? and* convenience ; .* Earopean \ pla n. ' \--.r-- "' \u25a0 HOTEL" ST. f ANN, ; San > Francisco's : most : elabo- ;'; '- \u25a0ra tely i furnished ; hotel ; J European S plan ; \up to "} i date: 3 reasonable ; * phorte/Sbath s ln :• «»anh • room." ' Northeast eorner:Turkand;Taylor. sts." -. . MECHANICS'-: HOTEI/T-100 nicely, furnished < \u25a0 ».; rooms 4s2\u25a0? to $0 * per - week : " the fcpst : hotel : In '% Son J Francisco c for -the \u25a0- money. ',279 I3th,- St., /-^nearigiasslworkg.s-: •-.\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0'.'\u25a0' -'//.«".\u25a0''.'\u25a0\u25a0'''- ''\u25a0 ;':v'~ -'-'• ;•';'-. M AtttBOBO, 5 1544 "" Polk "«t. ; ' from ferries « take '.:'• Suiter I care/f transfer on , : Polk ; ; Kuropean; > slu-. /f'gle or sulte,,s4 weekly;, special: rates t monthly; |y, transient. « .:-: r-'-'r -'-' : -'- : r '/'. : -/ "\u25a0 .\u25a0 :*. .'.-:'-.\u25a0'\u25a0: i'-.? -..'•. HOTEL- 8T.%1 GERMAIN— Modern"', furnishings; '\u25a0'; \u25a0* centrally i located ; tra tes l reasonable ; I fine , sunny M rooms.7r t MRS.' J. J/LCASS." 601 \ Folsom cor.»3d/ THK ; ROBEMONT,i 214 HalKbt-p-New,*" elaborately b- furnished; apartments, t with ;i bath ; ir. !so * single. iv rooms ; • hot lwater ; J modernriMrs." J". J.'Anderson/ HOTELI O AKLI N,I 43 ? Franklin,"- now I open ; ? new; : -;'-,; '-, modern."ifur."? roonis.tapts." offices; 1 walking :dis- • ;-, t«nce ' to s business ; centers < and • theaters.-" •-> r; ~ THE ' AD AMS-^tlot '.water; 1 c«il I bells ; newly for-" '•- n lshed ; i all 1 outside rooms,** week- up. . \u25a0'.: S W. \u25a0 -. - rornerj of jEIUa ;• andiLeavenworth '\u25a0\u25a0 sta. .> .;' -.'., ./ ; •H OXTER HOUSK— Furnished ; rooms by th« dtv,' \u25a0 week 5 or i month ; brooms • 25c -- up ; '; reading ; room Jfor, guests-'^ CSr,Howard,Bt/f;. : THE vKEARNY-^-NewlvjS furnished \u25a0- throußhout ; toarn* by the day.^ week or m00th.,' ,712 Kearny •:*t. iTel-tTerop'oraJry,sslo.l- \u25a0 ";\u25a0 . \u25a0?;-; \u25a0'-- "-; -v; HOTELS CLAY ,t 378 s 3d = st.— soc ,' a \ day/5 $2.50 ; a i In every : room;'elec- -jl trie : 1 lthts;tbell;?bath?;a-. .*- ,"\u25a0. : \u25a0:, >: METROPOLITA X - HOTEL— Nice,% snnny ": roems ; ;.' bath, free; $1.75 -"week and u;>. 975. Harrison. wßaSPi' -\u25a0' - \u25a0\u25a0 -"' - '^TnjmTrjnT— \u25a0— \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0tmii^' HOTELS— Coßttanee: THE; LOYAL HOUSE: fide t sunny'rooms : ; 25c. 50c, ?l; translentiespecially/-. -654 Howardst.; fZi reading rooms for;gn°sts. ....•-. ' \u25a0 ' '' ' THE i ARCADE- HOUS?B--The scleanest- and beat :* - ventilated r i house * for ; the prite; ; lar^e : reading ;/rootn;jrates72sc.'4. 42* Clay st.> *\u25a0 •*>\u25a0'\u25a0' "* - ' - | STANDARD -IIOTEL, "corner 6th - and ' Folsom j ' , sts. : 400 sinsle, rooms, .35e' and - sdc per. night; . gl.aO'aofl :sa,per.we^k., y . \u0084 .^v , :-.;;'. *.; HOTEL OSIOYA— IOO nne rooms. ' 25c; np dally: V: 11.30 up weekly.-- 4 St/ Mary's place cor. Pine .V- near Kearny. \ :\u25a0_-•, .-..'. 'i ...-\u25a0• -.:--:" : '. - "" : NEW " POSTOFFICE ' HOTEL, 59a Stevenson at. or.- 1093 Market bU — Rooms; 3sc up to $2 -per ;.:.week.--' "\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0.:'.•'.\u25a0-' \u25a0 / " '\u25a0: .. . -.* w . \u25a0 '- . THB KENSINGTON. 22^ 6th:st.— Elegantly far-; I ; nishod a.nd snnny". rooms; reasonable ; rates. WILLIAM TELL HOUSE-^-Flne rooms and bar. ; T><KJ-o:Clay.*Bt." and Kearny. I THE MADRONE. I6OO Fell, cor. Central ay.. fac- • ing panhandle; sunny rooms; 'excellent table. \u25a0„ HOTEL. CRYSTAL— Modern; transient a special- ity. Tel. Mkt. 2193. 571 McAllister; &42 Franklin. BOOMS . 35c i and | up; modern : equipment; every j convenience; day, week or mo/625 Sacramento, f HOTEL IRVlNG— Elesjantly -furnished; traa- j "slent; 75c dayup; $12 mo. np. Eddy nr/ Hyde. HOTEL ARCADE— IOO rooms; mnntasr water; j 75c to ?1.50 per, day; transient. 131 3d St. CASA LOM A. NE. cor. Fell and % Fillmore^-Jnst Y\ opened;' phone in every .room; sunny rooms. ; HOTEL : ST. - DANIEL.* 259 6th . St.— Every room '-. -. modern; 35c up; $2.25 week; transient. i RUSS f HOUSE,. S2O Hayes, newly furnished; Ea- , ropean \u25a0 plan ; .*T5c up. Phone Macket 5455. THK JULIET/249 Grove »t. near V«a Nees; Just • opened; raodera; transient; reaionable. . | HOTEL LF.WIS-'Modern rooms, 60e up; $3 a / week. -: 313 sth St.. corner Fclsom.; ; PIONEER lodsrins; house, .738 - Montgomery st. : cor. Jackson; rooms, , 25c and up. THE .WINCHESTER; 178 new rooms; 25e np. 611 Howard St.- \u25a0--. \u25a0'•'"•_ '. • _ * ... '-' : \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'' :- '. . : " flats To;- lSjtV; :-'- - \u25a0' "-'\u25a0* 22D St., ' 2503, corner Florida — A beaatlfnl 9 room.jbay window corner .flat; natnral , wood finish; must be.peen to; modern lmprovecients; rent. $40.^;'. '• ': -_. . . GEAUY. St.. -,15f6, ''near Lacuna — 8 large raomt and basement; can be used for office; basement ' for, business :if deslred/v \u25a0\u25a0," JUST completed. 6 fiats. S rooms, bath aad store- room each; 's43,- $47.50, $50. SonU»'*Mt corner .Grove and Gough sts. , . .„ X st., 440 and 442, near 9th aT., Sunset— Two new flats \u25a0 near the park; 4 rooms and bath, . $27.50; 5 rooms and bath/: 592.60. -\u25a0 BUSH at.. ; 1653/ near* Franklin — Flat 4 rooms, - $40; also basement. flat 4 rooms, $20. BRYANT St., 269 ft, near 23th — Upper sunny corner flat, 6 rooms. - . : . - « • ' CARL st,: IS. nearClaytoa— s3s; upper »unny flat 6 rooms. -'\u25a0/:/_\u25a0. \u0084.\u25a0 _« CALIFORNIA st.'. 25SXJ, ' cor.. Pierce— Sunay 4 roemflat; rent $25. -.•\u25a0'. .-,.-. : . . * "^ COIJTLAND ay.. 1227— 5 rooms and bath; yard; new and, modern; rent $20. DESIRABLE flats to let: 6 rooms. Northeast -cor. California st. acd 6th ay. ', ELEGANT new , 5 room corner flats, $32.60. " Keys 1434 Lombard st. near Van Ness ay. - r FAIR OAKS st., 438 — Fine new sunay flat of 3 • rooms,, bath/ pantry; aflulrs. HARRISON St.; 2179, opp. ISth— 3 and 4 rooms to let; $12.50 and $16. G. H. Cmbten ft Co. LAKE st. and 26th ay.. Rich.— New ' flats; $23, $22.50, $20; 4 rooms and bath; Satter >t. ctn. MERRITT Bt., ' 3— 527.30: elegant sunny npper s corner flat; 6 rcoms and bith. Apply 4602 18th. 25TH- St., 2922, near Bryant — Upper flat 6 rooms. . \u25a0\u25a0-- - - ..." •.'-:.,---- \u25a0\u25a0.: . FLATS FOR SALE— Furnlabea , BROADWAY, -2283, cor. Flllmore" '" St.— Newly furnished ' rooms, with privilege of light house keeping; rooms sunny: bath; phone; refer- encee; board if 'desired. • RARE chance; • must sell furniture . of B snnny rooms; modern, \u25a0 desirable; rent only . 527.50: .name your own price;; no reasonable offer re- • fused. * 796 7th av.; '4 -car lines.' NEW flat, 4 rooms and btth, with * «very coa- venlence; • rent • $22; -fine fnraUnre for sale cheap/ 111S Hampshire st, bet. 23d * 24th sts. FOR i&le — The furniture of 6 rooms; odd pieces, gas range,- etc.: to be sold at, once/ as we ar* ! . .leaving city. 2706 A "Mission at/ , •< FOR : gale^-Fnrnltnre upper flat of 7 rooms, fac- ing . Dnboce park ; rent cheap; good bargain. SS Steiner nt. , , ? •. ... , BEAUTIFULLY f nrnished new fiat. 7 - sunny - 'rooms;- cheap; rill- rented. 1424 Steiaer near •' : ElUa.TffigffgMgfr|gtBEßMMi!NflM^ FELL St., 1710 — Furnished flat of 9 rooms for sale; rent of flat." ?C2.GO. BEAUTIFUL' sunny flat,- 6 rooms, bath: rent $40. ! 2772 15th st. \u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0.-\u25a0---.: .--.-.. ' FLATS TO LET— Furnished NEWIA' furnished J flat, - 3 . rooms,'- complete for housekeeping. Apply 2040 Scott St.; tel. West -2014.. '' :l \u0084' \u0084\u25a0..,.- \u25a0: '- ' .- ..: - ; . : : FINE : modern flat, 5 sunny rooms; piano; rets, required/ Call bet. 1 fend 6 p. m., 413 Lyoa at. NEWLY :. furnished ,5 room flat; . O'Farrell a«ar - Flllmore; ;; t bargain. " Box 1728,\'Call • office. \u25a0• - ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING \ EDDY st. , 1 807 — Unf nrnished front room ; honse keepiu? if desired; 3 blocks from Flllmore St.; $12. . ' gggjggj%gasfjfrrjßggg!|gj[ SANTAMARINA.av.^I2O, off Mission bet. Cort- . land and ".West ' ays.' — 2 snnnv r romn» ; j regtular ! kitchen; $12.- . ' : . - ' j CARL 8t.,, 802;; nr. G. G. - park— 2 very eunny furn.' \u25a0 frcnt . parlors and . kitchen; $23: adnlts/ EDDY st., 927— 2 connectlag rooms, complet* v house . keeplna;; - bath and phone; gas; $19 - mo. FAIR OAKS ; St., i 23 5 — % connecting rooms, for hpuse keeping; ; references. ':. .* \u25a0 FLAT of 3 rooms for house keepln;; other suites. •-: Apply; 151' Octavla st./, basement. ' OAK St.; 419— Well famished light house k*ep^ , mc sunny rooms: mod... conveniences aad bath. O'FARRELL 5t..'162e — Sunny " neatly faralahed '-room for light house keeping : - £lB. v^fff tsasseafa TURK st./ 1260— Sunny, -front -bouse; keeping ;: room;; $25.'" -,;.;'- '-\u25a0-'. \u25a0;;;,. .:. T •%,-'; :'.;. 24TU st/,' . 4313 — House keeping : rooms partly .furn.; front ;»oomfurß/ I for . gentleman." .* - 30TH St., \u25a0 357-^-Slngle house ; keeping ; rcoms ; \u25a0 gas \u25a0 -included ;-Sl2.*'v ' '\u25a0\u25a0-'' .: : ROOMS TO liET— Forn'd und Uatora'd 90TTER ' «ti: '\u25a0 1906. near FUltnor«—N#wUr v far- : nlsbed - . rooms,*!' permanaot and \u25a0 transient; $t • day c op: : special . rates v weekly ; : d«simbtt " lo- cation - for - dentist, - physician, •manlcsrlag ci \u25a0 massage, parlors." v/-";-- ' -. SAN- -. RKMO . HOTEL-f-BeanOfnlly :> furnished • rooms «witti^ private baths;- If desired, .by th» day, -week or -month; on- the Earopean plm. *" fiO6 ' McAllister st.'. cor. ; LnsTina/:» Phone Market : , 80(t3/r*B^,F.-RICKBR. proprietor. \u25a0-\u25a0 LOMBARD. 1442/ nr. Van Ness ay. — Sunay/ new- ly furnished" rooms. -$# and $15 mo.:' also 2 . large,' sunny unfurnished parlors, - S2S; > gas, : /phone., :--; r :"'; : \u25a0\u25a0'•-:\u25a0-.;.'. \u25a0 .'.-• - ".-.':. \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0-- ?>,- \u25a0'•-:\u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0 j MAYFIELD roomlnjc-bonse. 230 Grove ; st. (oppo- site Van Ness theater); &4 rooms: batt; rooms 60c per night: - $2.50 aad $.1 per week;peraoa- < ally , conducted \by J/; N. ', LEDERLB. , manasee. O'FARRELL St., 1175/ bet. Franklia and Gongb. i-ByroniMauzy, Music blilg. — Unfnrnlahfd rooms i -: with bath." ; hot rand: cold running wat«r, light ! l; ; and. Janitor .service., :' :; \u25a0\u25a0 V 'AA— A nicely famished front roora; hot and eoid \u25a0,- \u25a0' water; , sunny : and s avery : convenience ; j close to v Market; $2.30 a week. 2SC 2d »t. : -:-:?,. , " AA— HOTEL- ARTHUR, comer Post and Jones— •/ Elegant furnished \u25a0 rooms. SPECIAL RATES \u25a0 ;BT:MOCTH.^:'.;-.'.'.a-/':'.--:V- ' •-'\u25a0\u25a0 BROWN PALACES C7O O'Farrell ; nr. Leav*n- .-. worth— Day." soc . np ; ? special \u25a0 rates weekly ; hot<l cold' runninsr water; -Franklin " ; 3273. ' j LI BERT Vi st/. : 22;?. near:: Valencia— Sunny - front | •>:•(. bayiwindow n rooni;-also*slng!e 'room;' rnnnlng ; -.;*.wa ter: \with' or, without; boa rd:* reasonable. ;G^r' DUNCAN i 6t.f\ 312-f-Nlcely furnished rooms '\u25a0 tot 1 : , - ori2- sentlemen.'T:-^. : • 1 ;\u25a0\u25a0-'•' ' FULTON St.; 1332— Sunny f room," suitable for v 2 ,-y gentlemen;; with or, without board! . '. ';</, . GOLDEN 'GATE a v.;vl(KllA— Nicely liturnlaheT ;<- front -parlor,* 'suitable' tar. 2 ,or 3 'persons.-. -> _/. GUERRERO st.. i 120— Nicely *-- furnished saaay , '\u25a0 roomB; •' near/Market: ; centlemen only. < ;\u25a0 : . : HAYES i' st.. :37S—v? # unfurnished ; rooms 'la: new .: flat;.: baths-; adults, / -\u25a0; '.: •- , ; ;.,•,., .. HOWARD ;st.. : 2601, nr/- 23d— Nicely furnished ;i rooms.' ;.->.:. '. '. .-i- >'.-.-'-."..; ..".":.-\u25a0,.\u25a0 '.- _ 4.: .- LACUNA? st. 4 ; ; lSlO^Elegantly fnrn.lslied : rooms." iij private J family; : reasonable ; \u25a0 ref eren«es ; given. '\u0084; MAYBELLE.S 2II ' Van'i Ness— Newly 7 room s : v»lso transients, i j Phone : Market ; 4s44. ?, * McALLISTER;cU76.Snr/;FlUroore^-Newlyifura.' \u25a0'\u25a0J. ' rcoms : ihot.* cold-water; , transloat ; baths;' bkpj/. McAIXISTRIt i; »t.V - lecOA— Nice snany 7 nxjm, e .f suitable fcr 2 jtentlemen; $14. : . • OAK.'Uil&r'Well I furnished sonny: rooms.* en . solte :.;i and \u25a0 single; ? modern \u25a0 con venteaces : ; bathf , phone/ OA X -j : tt.', '{\u25a0 420— La rge, \u25a0 'Bunuy, \ fnrnisbvd -.' rooms ; :. rent reasonable. •_- - , ' : .... »..* - \u25a0 --.- . ..BOOIS/fO LET — Contlnned ; THE BLENHEIM. NE. : corner, Fraaklln and Bnsh-^-Elegaatly furalshed rooms: entirely aew. ; Th* j Rondel— Modera In every par.: inlaid floors; I rates - rpas. ; ; 16th ar. Mls3ton. 3. D. tleise. THE ALAMO, bo Hayos : .«t.. near Flllmcre— s !ar?e, suany. unf nrnished rooms. , ' THE J'«oneer and Arcade— Rooms 35c dally up: .transient. 143-15! Sd st. TURK :»r..^. 1212.4— Elpgaatly: furnished rooms '-: (transients a specialty). - . VAN. NESS. 2309, nr. ; Vallejo— Beautiful room*. rnnalng water, private family; ref.; ao sl?n. WAIXF.Ret.. 53S — Nicely famished front room -*-«nl table for 1-or 2: rent rwtsonable. \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0"-\u25a0 ! ROOMS AXD ) BOARDiOFPERED SCOTT ' St.. 311. bet.*. Page^ and Oak— s3s— Room \u0084-a ad aboard ; for' sentTerae:i: lanre snany rnooi; ; every- convenience;' private: family; reference required. ; . , ,;. - FIRSTiCLASS room and aboard;* private horn'^: • gentleman' only. ;. 2549 Ftllmare St.; phone .West 1847., . ; NICE room* with board; snttable for 1 or 2: single beds; .reasonable. . 3047 Callforaia st. PIERCE St.; 2«nreor.".Page— Goo4 rooms, wita or ; without, Ward, .at .' reasons!)!* | rates. FELL st.;/ 1710— Room la private family, with « excellent board: re^tnnable.'" v . \u25a0 \u25a0 . = - ROOMS A.\D— Oakland - - BTH st.. 852, 1 Kock from 'Market st. station- Nicely \u25a0 furalsoed suaay * room*. - with fireplace «nd rnnnlng water; excellent table.; good home ' for f *mUy.-c3&Sw9HMtafIKCRiniMIHI LARGE tronar roflrcs, with board; central; tthle hoard.' 570 11th St..' Oakland. ,<V SEWIXG MACHIXES pOMESTIO— Best, cheapest: all kinds reate<t. ; 1 "repaired, exehanjred: needles aad supplies for all makes. J. W. BTans. agent. lCw O'B"ar- rell st. near Ftllmare; phone West 3601. WILCOX & GIBBS Sewing Machine compaay— ; Located at 724 near Vaa Ness ay. Manufacturers of tho gennlne Automatic. ACTOMATIC. Standard. White. Singer: rented. i repaired, second hand machines; $5 to $10. Phone West 0761. 1618 O'Farrell st. 1 SINGER. Wheeler it Wilson, sold only by Singer : Sewing Machine Co. .A. d BROWN. seHln-j agent. 361 McAllister st. near Polk. _^ i 20 SECOND HAND raaehlaes to be sold Immedl- ately. P.H. SHIRLEY. 1122 G. G. nr. Webste". CHAS. PLAMBECK, 8312 I6th st. ar. Dolores: | all kinds for sale: repafrine maranteed. I V INVALID CHAIRS • SOLD, ranted. «xcaaag->d ; aaanfactnrer Eamea tricycle chatr. 180S Market st. Tel. Fell 2911. . ' " ' *.l TYPEWRITERS AXD SUPPLIES MONARCH Visible typewriter— la the Monarca Vlgible typewriter til of the writing Is la full sight all of tJj« time: other makes, sec* . ond hand, at very reasonable prices; we rent, repair and Inspect; before pnrchaslng ring up West SftOS or call at 1623 Devisadero st. WOLF A ISENBRUCX. dealers. ALEXANDER ft CO.. typewriters: all makM rented, including Smith. Premier; desks, chairs.-' etc. : ask for prices partly used machines. ALEXANDER, IS2O Flflmoro St.; phona West «2?8, '; -' , - ...;;\u25a0- . \u25a0.- -\u25a0\u25a0-,-, ' FIRST CLASS typewriters; for from $23 to $100: , all makes, all .prices; rentals and supplies.'- The. Typewriter Eselaanse, 1011 Golden Gat» : ay,; telephone Park 973. STEARNS Visible Typewriter: the only vislS!* with dedmal tabluator: also second hand, -a 'l makes: reata ls aad repairs. The Typewrrb?- rinm. 1724 Flllmore st. '' , TRED W. VAUGHN & CO.. Pacific coast deal- ers O'lver stajjilanl visible typewriter: other makes, second hand for sale. 007 Flllmore st. WALTER A. SCOTT. ISII FUlmor* St. and 523 Market: phone West 2083. . SAWS 8. F. Saw aad Tool- Works — Fllinsr. hammertnj:. - grinding and blacksmlthins. 439 Cl^meTitins. SECOND HAXD CLOTHING AA— HIGHEST prlc* paid for second hand cloth- • lag; drop nt a line. CNCLK LEVY, 31 4tn st. A— Will pay t fair price for ladles', gents' cloth- . Ing; rmnks. vollsen. Mr. Frank.' 60» V.ilenota. ; ' shqe fevdiags DtTLFER & FENGLER removed from 305 Nee st. to new store. 2132 Market st. * . SANITARIUMS MRS. DR. WEGENER. 2012 Folsom St.— Horn* j \u25a0 In eoafiaescnt: separate rooms for patients;; terms witwiiM*. -\u25a0 ' SURGICAL' INSTRUMENTS WALTERS ik CoJ 1534 Geary St.. above Fill- v - more. Phone West 5775. • SLOT MACHINES CASH. CHECK. PILOTS. KLK3 AND CARD -MACmyES. >534 GOCGH ST.. near Fnlton/ " SHEET METAL I SHEET METAL AND PATENT CHIMNEYS. F. : W. CLIFFORD. 820 TTTRK. Tel. Franklin «57. \u25a0 . ! TRUSSES - SPECIALISTS la truss fittings. CLARK-GAN- ' -- DION COMPANY. 1258 G. Q. ay. nr.FUTmore. WINDOW SHADES ADVANCE window shade factory. Orders fIUeJ . at short notice.' GEO. WALCOM. 937 Tnrtc st. WINDOW \u25a0 shade* made and repaired. J. F. ! HOTTgK. 604 LarMn st. Phone FraakHa 2802. SPECIAL NOTICJES NOTICS 1* hereby given «f my Intenttoa to sp- ' \u25a0 ply ito tbe . anorema court for a recoaunenda- - - tioa - for executive clemency. ' •-..--::• * „• I PHILIP NEXSON. - PROPOSALS AND BIDS* NOTICE TO PAVING CONTRACTOBS. , Office of .the Board of State Harbor Commis- \u25a0 sioners. T'nion Depot and Ferry Honse. San Fran- 1 eisco... Cal., September 21. 1907.— Sealed pro- \u25a0 posala or bids will be . received at this of-ce at • or prior to 3:15 o'clock p. ra. on Thursday s' Octo- I her S. 1907. for far nlshln 5 material, for earbins, : paving and repavlng of East afreet between ; Francisco and >orth Polpt streets, oo the water . front of the City aad County of Saa Francisco, in j accordance with tbe plan aad speclScations pre- i pared therefor . by the \u25a0 asststaat State Engineer aad adopted by th« Board September 19, 1907. ! aad oa file In this office, to which special refer- , •nces Is hereby made.\. It Is esttmated that I.OCO Un. ft. of cranlt* curb. S3, COO sq. ft. of basalt block pavement I* required, and that 32,500 sq. ft. have to be re- pared. The basalt curbstone* and. basalt blocfc* ' most be: of best quality," of nnlfona grain and ] texture, and without -lamination or stratification of other i*Tfr-fr "'-"fll'IH 'Illllf 111 ii *\u25a0) 'T u iisr'"MßlHH \u25a0 No b'.d' will be received anle«« It !s mad* on - a blank form furnished \u25a0 from this office and *•« accompanied by a certified check of five <s)' pec ' cent of the aggregate amount of the bid; 1 payable ' to the order of the secretary of the Board, as * irnarantee on tn* part of th« snceessful bidder that he will, within six »<«>" days after the ac- ' ceptance of the bid/ eater Into a. written contract to do said work according to the plans and sped- 1 flcatiocs prepared therefor^ and will' also execute l and flTe with this Board a. bond In »m*h snm **'[ the i Board may \u25a0 deem adequate with a surety '\ company : to be . approved •by the Board of State : Harbcr Commissioners \u25a0- and eenditton'ed for • tl>» \u25a0 taUhrol ' performance' of 'saeli' contract: nor will taM bid b« considered, by thla, Board unless .le- > Hvered to the secretary. or to the assistant se^re-' 1 tary at the office. of^Us* secretary at or prior. to ; S:l5 o'clock , p. m.oa Thursday, OcoberjS. 1907, : at which 'UDO^-ami; place b!d» will b* opened. :. -. The Board reserves tbe right to reje«t any or • all bids If darned for tbe best : laterest of the ' SU Se. Bidders are lavlted to b» present \u25a0 at ' the open- Inr of th« bids. • fV. V. STAFFORD. HKNRY \u25a0J. CROCKER; '\u25a0 W. E. DENNISON,'. \u25a0"» Beard \u25a0of State Harbor Coramisstoa^rs. , RALPH BARKER.' As»Tstant State Engineer. ;W/B. THORPE. Secretary/; r\ >»- e,- NOTICE TO WHARF BUILDERS. """Tbe; Board; of.. Trustees of tbe Town of Berk?* ; ley. county- of ; Alameda, state> of. California^ In- • viteVand tb»*un<lerslzoe<t cierk will receive at j his office la \u25a0\u25a0 tbe • towa . hall of Berkeley, -at or \ before T:45 o'elock'p/;a»./ ; Monday,. October 2^th, -\u25a0\u25a0 19Q7." sealed proposals: for th* eonstroctlon of » i wharf -and 'h approach • thereto. «to: Saa Fraa- : Cisco -Bay.. -. . , : : Bids must ibe submitted* la accordance with - 1 the plans fand : specifications, covering ., the ' snld '. I work, a« adopted by said hoard and now on a!e In the* office of the nndersigned " clerk. ? . '•'\u25a0\u25a0'".. ':v: v .Work on oaUl wharf shall be commenced with- . ln*Uty,tSO) days from, the date o*i the award j •of contract. .\u25a0 .-•^- . 't, ;.,..\u25a0 :'.-\u25a0..::.-.•\u25a0\u25a0 • : \u25a0 "\u25a0 "-Each:bUl mnst'be aecompanlea.: by a. cheek for : at. leant ten (10K ; per rent of the amount of tha I bid -or ' proposal. ;v; v certified • by «. some • responsible ". bank, and made payable to the .» order of- J. V. . i Mendenhali.* clerk of • the board of tmstees of i the town of Berkeley/which check- «h all, be 'for- - feJted-toithoUowa-ot Berkeley.* as asreed am! \ liqcidited damages, should the, party or' parties. '| to whom .the contract \ shall be , awarded . fail to I eater Into : the _ contract, withia : ten ' <10i dajr^ , af ter the award/ or to «lv« boa<<!> »* provided by ; law. and i»qutred:by the board of » trustees for the falthf «l performance of , the ciwtract. . • . .. \u25a0 \u25a0-.^Tbe-Mid boar«l.f»f trustee* rewrrei the rtgbt ; to'reject any anil all bW«.: "Attest:. -.\u25a0* '\u25a0'.-'\u25a0''-*. .-:\u25a0 . -".; J. V. - MEN DEN HALL, Clerk of 'the' Board, of Trustee* of the Towa cj . ;,» Berkeley. . . . \u25a0• . ' -• 13