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4 __«-i--— ' \u25a0 - <^>»w >^j^_MM»___--p----^--a>w**---«»-»--«---" ' i -«-»«--»*-"---»-------»-^3B^^_ -^ --h-. _i_i' ii i m iiiiHi in \u25a0! \u25a0 i i iii \u25a0!\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ii \u25a0 i t^^^^^ tmmm^^ mm^ m^ I WHITEDRUQCoV- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY if $215^ ifnf^^cl P-H^^nfn'irv's,, W*a# WaU*« m? 3 VAIDE ''-^m -If the CLOTHES QUESTION is a live sub- GLOVE OALt F.llmore and Geary Sts. I^©^, ¥ V dl^^ % JV ' fef d f Vici Kid fcSI ieetinvour mind we'll offer you a live proposi- „__*«**,< «*w«*rs*d- ExacUy as Pictured *&& ™ —~~ :} | for FRIDAY **£.%£."£•£?* Money Saving Sale Buy one of these at- £ I :u a ?t m&r! ! KW V^All;vs2o.po; . Suits,^ Sack and *4 C Af| fiSOOK Ho* Wat- Bags . /<?^^ tractive dress waists at ."^«(^ff£y |#f : Double 8rea5ted. .:.... . ; ... 'Jj 9.UU $__.@5 aii Rubber seamless ..tracuve dresswaists. at alld s atunJayo^;^^' \u25a0- All .^18:Q0i Suits.- Sack and fl» -I OKH REGULAR PRICE $4,50 i BSS IS"":""?! S5 mWW' $2.50. the sale price to- ; .\u25a0^a.^^r: \u25a0Double:; Breasted..v.-......,: J J^.OU, UMB RELLAS You wilU pay $1.50 for the ?7r " day 01' toiHOITOW, and \u25a0:.: ._____. . All $15.00..'; SllitS, Sack a^d (Ml 9K of every size, quality and style same goods m most stores. TSftw * *'ll 1 V '' " ' ' '" *• Double ' Brealtedv M. I I ihiV for men. women and children. ;: S^ * W^PP^ un $12:50 Tsuits; : Sack* ahd qpc FACTORY PRICES c /^H^^^^^\ g * ' Ff^_#JdJr^ Double Breasted... Sl.tO . _\u0084 Ar _ r WHITE DRUG CO. |P^^Xl replar JS $3 " 75 ' " These^CLOTHES are made to please the 925 VanNeSSmus Geary and Fillraore Sts.| and very good value at lv,^ tl ,Z?^^ I yOUNG>M^ about, 1 250 Fillmore Ed%{ v Big Cat Rate store J l&jm M that. The body of^ ."the -V-- .V/^- : - H MfIQP'-;^-: «diSSy- clothesr The coat that^just suits you iii length; V 'J iw^ \- ' "' **# shoulders that- are! gust right; collar and lapel -^ a S. lace is arranged^ in^ —-% fS^®^^^^&^?PW^^l "S 1^ „•...,.•. r ff and'"nerfect in the wav they liana; trom the nip. tr I rr.i-r.mpl XirxxX f^fSi foc-e 3 ust ex- .|f A GENUINE 1 J "Jg ii TO 19 - /save Money! Avoid Pain! 1 \u25a0 1 3r3STSOI ilflVl /^^•^W actly as you see it pic- . ] ./;,,,;.. SlZl^b 14 IUIJ. ff = ff Vrlll UlilCil I/Uf 'm turedhere " \/ir T A D H^^: - • • FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ™ "•-•«'\u25a0- I SB Ta J B \u25a0 'n Jr B \u25a0 ' _^MM_k r s*. \u25a0_^-^^^^^^^^^^. ! Regular 50c boxes for 40c • R*tslT^ IT^f^^W >r« «<•«--«• * wl -'^Ws^iy«^^^^ l afl^«»ifflffl^ ln San Francisco. Regular 25c boxes for.. ;.20c \u25a0 ffNfflfimf P COH I^ll^ Talklflff MaCllllie ak Cold Crowa- $ 2 .00 t- >-> 1 j B^ OH B BEB 9b * m »_r 'V^^*'** * *** U Ali 111. lilt lllUVlllllW . . . \u25a0 nold Kllllac^ ........ 1.00 II Taste our Caramels and you 1111111^14^/ W | » CB I I \u25a0*•#*\u25a0\u25a0-* Q# npaH FHrfu I f^ wSffiS v. v-" • » 3 [ will never eat any other. " \u25a0 ' loUO" iO IU r lllmOrG *Sll«j flear ELUOy J Bridsework S "°° Light lunch served — Friday \u25a0 '\u25a0 " - '• -.\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 T^ g rCl* -\u25a0 \u25a0 - ' \u25a0 ." '\u25a0 • \u25a0 ' ' ,:..--'. \u25a0 \u25a0 - No charge for extracting when IS is Snanish Bean Day ' . \u0084 - ." "T *X \u25a0 •«\u25a0-»-• .^-—^g-g— — — — as , j— - - teeth are ordered.. A .written IF is ipamsn cean uay. _i AVeek '-^». - .--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - . \ . . guarantee for 20 years with all j >^ —— —————— ——————^— -«——-———"————— — — "'""^Sfei^ \^^^»v j^^* *** ~^ ~ — — — — — — — — — i— — — ———\u25a0—\u25a0 *— <^^_^ 'work Be sure you are in the II HniinnifirnpQ t \r a nr'n^ a&truc 1 cnrriAi c\ ~~t~~~" > . two Great Coat ppsl ss a u c nda^ nn o d to v i untll9 l nONCOVIERID I KAUFmANNS SPEGIALS 1 Peterßacigalupi&Sons \u25a0\u25a0'$**&&.\u25a0\u25a0 specia/s -^ r ! I BOSTON OENTfIL CO I 1-31 FILLMOKt blKfc,t/l,« | 1113-1115 Fillmore Street | v/^mm®^s*M' $1C fnwn#4 fnato I A»d"OUo bntM.. J k Bet. Eddy and Ellis. J Shoes of style and quality— no better values any- \^ . 1 fWrW 5Jj V^OVGit LOutS V 1633 FILL - HORE street. # rf^y where than these at our regular prices — we put. them on -—-tg^ w^^F^f^S * % %M|II 4^ ;"^ I special sale for Friday and Saturday to help keep things : „ ;•; yl#M^^Rjs fll"^lß7^ __r^- _^ ' *^V I lively on Fillmore street. :. .... ' i^ j|pi . - •\u0084.\u25a0\u25a0..-. . : " ;llB^^' : . . i/SM/m^W^^'^ \u25a0 \u25a0*P.1U.1 J \u0084. _^ ™ / * -"\u25a0 1 PatentColtßlucherS^ es^ ulltops/m^^^ Wim^M^^k "- - Smart .EngUsh- /i7RinAV- \ irPhaiMnnPitiS^ mSfi} I.'TKE EL TE HATSHOPI |WW' • Covert Coats, as il- p R1 P AY " 1 ii J J}&&/&l£l**?Zd£j2* I£§#2h?tT-/ would be a fair price tor these; flrt iiil lliil imi uiivb / 'W^>\fA X^ft U i „•+ o x^,i \u25a0• x, „ I a»_ _a bzss s-a H X"°"^^ ,^^^7 on sale Friday and Saturday at/ >Z;_JJv : OFFERS ; IM, || ustrated; 02 mches SI.TS ®Wfcrt>r»T3 i^^ ; **ok. Ladies', oun Meui calf But- __L-^, r c^i jpi j / tevlf A i?W{ ,'»« long; lined through- «j*3»flw Mjecaaa , i^Hßw«s Bl^? l^H H , ll^'^^ ;i;;; For Friday and Saturday '>MmßfflmiL-- \u25a0\u25a0 out "\u25a0.with- satin. \u25a0\u25a0s-aturday /= At^ «--»» M^;\-^_|^^^Ltrated), college style, good stout , W|/j.vv^ . . ... . . ..-\u25a0..' .-.. - •\u25a0 •'. ii( y vlWliMll && 'W i mi x xi ' OA I Ul\l/A I "fe fe :; --?fT^V% soles, medium full last, ex- fg%ft " . A splendid line of prettily iM^MkW^lWtX' These COats are the 'r\mM^^^ ml-K IS "^.rr > *, te fa " _^ ' \u25a0 trimmed VELVET and FELT €fSW^/» ( M>N VGI T latest « anYlnT^UcVcfa^^pa^ I \ BW7^v\ \m £t y les l the be^ shoes any &m jk\ HATS, made to sell from T#^*W liWWtmfeSk V^A^r wn nffnv me " 1 - To 5 make it Interestir.? i \ \ . K.T- >^^\J# one can sell regularly at J*>T% jf l % $7.50 to $9.00, XttWti ,. / M #//#<l r.Tiaaj .TV c Oltei' Friday and Saturday T. B. ? \ \ £*© V-'-^V^ $4.00. Friday and Sat- '-fit/'lf-.j^B . * a* a/> -. M^MM I /MMf/SpjS/ -fKp«SP vnlllP«S fnr \u25a0 Clark's richly cut, 6 inch I\J f-^-*° -|% W-; - .. 'MM^- Special- $4.95 : ' /ll^^^ 'Itlf^s? vames ±or g ! £Ju? $1.75 li Fully Guaranteed. (TO OH :^§?Wr COLLEGE HATS in six MiW lim Xft Mivtitrn fWe be i% we hM M SS°f^J re t« fe "^ M Jll \u25a0\u25a0". J^lii^**^ .styles and all^ colors, regular ' /////jVll I J iVA 5U nfllXlUlß IOUIS . tended for holiday trade to be . t giUU % . • : $1.50 and $2.00 quality, . " JwAli I' t\\\ ' C 7 CA * - Buy one .nd^Toa wdl be s-sfied Children's and Misses' Shoes in- kid, lace and button with C«^^i«il - 051^ .#f l! | / IHW ' ,QL $/J)U Allfril . „ mm that , » the v e ry bert. patent leather tips as shown above, or in bbx calf lace ; Z>pGClcll - yDL> /WMl' %\\\ Values lip to $15; . 0 NEILL & Lufcß ,_,. .__ «-^.^ medium round toes, good stout soles, all first class and . 7^UJ,V'T?ii|-i> 31at Shop 'frfflffM f I ' : %\W ' all wool mixture ThatMailPittS regular lines of shoes- . > , Obe P v .MJl:^ ' :«# ! " coats^ velvet col- Jewcler f^and Specially in II i r, c- " - o " i <m o- t T7 -jo-<j o-< r.- • U 1027 fillmore. ST., i^SSfitt- W EAr#^ LUdib, \Livet coi !8k Gold Wedding Rings fl 1123 Fillmore Street, Sizes 5-8, regular $1.20 for Friday ?l.Oi> I _ -\ . \u0084.,.., -^#f TO lai'S. For a quick U 1-74 4 c:i|-- rt - rt C* B«iow U i near Golden Gate Ay. j " 8/ 2 -11, regular $1.50 . and -...^1.30 I Bet Golden Gate &McAU.ster». ,_^fflOTSP*O^ Friday clearance I 1744 FlllmOrC St s-«-r I g , • • J "• 11^-2, regular $2.oo,Saturday ....... $I^6o : \ || .- / - • -•\u25a0"•\u25a0••• "W: «9^T \^ _^ iipw '" f " ">^ Mail Orders Carefully and Promptly Filled. , v .' -panr- ~~~~~" "% Cv " .^-' ' „ " ***• -^' <g-^>^g -^ >^ $7.50. — — ,-^- &o.MaUe£f I 1628 fillmore near Geary j Slliilf^S' I Fil3mos-e Street, near Geary J $13.50 :::=^ =::== 2^ :> ' V ... -\u25a0 V /.:•:•; \u25a0= \u0084'.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .- Jf - \. - ; -- : ' \u25a0 \u25a0•-.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' ', -^^ Our ss P eclal Attraction for SEAL SKIN GARMENTS f^ .-^ -; "^ .; 1 . : /f ,„_, M r nftn r lIMn CB»JIICAD\ S^^SS and fine furs i p.. . i slfewijsa ?^3 LADIES MERODE ONDEnWEAR 1 «?. and flnished with ' oid REPAIRING, HE-DYeING AND REMODELING BOYS?' ft fl.' '"A _T IsillfP 1 en^' '^c: '. " '__.___ > belSc" tfflqulTOSlt ; at lowest PmcEs. . .J _ • . |L EbJ /| fe ' §| li|t if Today, Each SOf. " s:sin^ stor "- " ; aii u/now riiAPAWTtrrn O^VS Rll E^ c? H •> ffi it? !!'•»' v*<» offer is made ' . J ___ W See them and Judge for your.. 11 ALL WORK GUARANTEID . J- L# vsl 'Bis? Ira B El _tf Jw* * ilK!!l|*'S to e ai . n >' our " r. •-\u25a0\u25a0'. Ji 11 self- ___________ n/c 17« nji m«m «r a Ch^r Near CJ . ESaw \u25a0 BIB ' \u25a0 \u25a0 ' I £^^^ • We. /want you .to^belome^a . 100 dozen of these celebrated garments will- dai I Apn % RPfiPKITT 1/46H/4b nllmOre blTC€l sirfTER £)U!lS' W_F • • V - *#8»«™f '...•\u25a0 permanent customer .of this , -\u25a0\u25a0 & n^ nA j?^^ in/InTT..„.i n/lnTT ..„. • DHLLAKU tt DnUbALll SW re^OSCO. UL <**»»* l»W WSgM &%^gigr'' ! ;Excluslve Carpel and Drapery be Ottered lOl' tOCiaV at i| cloak,, i^ult. and Wal.ti U ( 1263 Broadway I| fiSJSK>^K \u25a0_--." #-^ia^2^>« ' HnnninnfAii l^rtfrßQT 8 ft I \u25a0 • %&\f\d ' fc-»»*#«l 11 U r™ s '» SE ),..,«H, 5 J . ..: i ivensington uarpei uoj) They come in Vests p ants and mghts . »•.«.. mcai U ,«,-« c .i*.c.^j. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0». BJi^^Vr»iy^<S?^%-..S^:^E«s^ j^^^^^ ;\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 'p : ' garments in the market, and while most stores sell ' /*\u25a0 \u25a0 ~^\ .^Hl^^^^^^^^^^W />* \ them at 75c, we shall sell them today at /- 1 " % 4 yg I rANCT t^^^M^^^^^^^ ' ' Every one is hand finished.. The vests with Or t-dAI-O D A nifhn&i D O Grcatc?t V3hie °» carlh -^^^^^^^W i' " soo-Guaranteed Quality crochetededg^e; madeof choice quality cotton yarn; Dinin2 room and Library RALKLIimKh in boys'ciothes! -Positively \u0084„,,.. «'---• ' -o •• \u25a0 winter weight. The vests come m high neck, long Clocks, $10 and $12 values \u25a0 OnUUUUIfIUU newest ideas in colors and I Knives. Pearl and the drawers and tights, knee $7.50. One of the Finest and Largest patterns. You'd get a Rood tr*^*l®ss<~ \sbE&*N& !; • Stag handles : two, .three _-. onklp lpWo-fli— -nil qi7P<? ' Eagle Clocks, $7.50 values StocKS in the City value if we charged $6.00 iW^^t^^^^^^^^^^m " and four blades. Regular- -.-«-- , Av _ .. Ift « ft , \u25a0 at s>4.bU. for this "DEFI" suit, but £^>^^Sj^^^SSawf 5 1v sold at "si 00 and SI Philnrerie 9hf» HflOfl IK^P Pilir Ladies' solid 14 karat Gold COMPLETE STOCK OF all we ask is $3.45. Xo ;^M^^^»^^ * * '' SPECIAi! FrSa ; 0.111101611 S -LUU 11056 IO3G rail , Watches, sso, Sss,s6Ovalues UJAUY QWITPHFQ onii mother or father should : : B^^^p^^iiS , ,";\u25a0 \u25a0 Eor toclav and Saturday we shall offer our at $40. gest surprise of your life, l«tei^^» ' V ftK^_ P airS fol ' 50c « S X % d aiG guaranteed $8.50 values $5. AT REASONABLE PRICES ?|||fe :^|^H OpV great values at 16 2-3 c pair. Solid Silver Match Boxes, . _». I^^M^^ii^^^^^-i country ordkrs filled $1.50 and $2 values $1.00. 118551 1855 PHI more II Fillmore at 'Geary St. ll^Sili^S 1 1835 FILLMORE s^erl v^^^3rtr^!^^£^-«*_^^ 1 U P r2St I Sf3>i s< S2f S^ SnSlf S Bet. SUTTER «nd bush a a j JA. if %. "^^^ j . " i 1 b >' making small deposit. Jf /V^-, \u25a0.y,. y, />\u25a0 .•: 4 --\u25a0 : "\u25a0; J: '-; " : : :' h^V- ' ; ;: :; : " V: ?^ :^.w" :: \u25a0 ~ v ' ----;;--- : :; ' ; - - • ,1,,,1-/, l ,,, l -/ : \_^: - : THE SAN FRANCISCO CAI^