Newspaper Page Text
12 DECISION WOULD GIVE CITY A PURITAN SUNDAY No Plays, No Concerts, No Public Performance Is Legal, Says Judge KETT YORK. Deo. 4.— -If the decision of Justice O'Oorznan of the suprtm* court is uphold, tb«r» will be absolutely no amusements of any kind allowed in N«tt Tork on Sundays. Being a civil case based on an application of the city to revoke tlie license of the Vic toria theater, the decision is not ap pealable, t>ut there are many ways to get the matter before the court of ap peals, and there it will doubtless go. Under this decision all public enter tainments on Sundays are illegal in *Cew York. This not only applies to theaters, but to the Sun Jay n!_ht con certs at the two opera houses, where the grreat stars render classic music, snd to symphony concerts ouch as those sriven by Walter Damrosch's orchestra et Carnegie hall. It is estimated that 150.000 persons attend vaudeville per formances and concerts in New Tork ' every Sunday afternoon and evening during the winter. HALSTEAD TO SUCCEED GEARING AT MARE ISLAND Preparations Being Made to Supply Battleship Fleet With Naval Stores on Arrival Here SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL VALX.EJO, Dec. 4 — Commander Henry C Gearing, equipment officer on Mare irtand. who lias been detached from duty here and ordered to Cavlte naval station, will sail from San Francisco Thursday. His place Is to be taken by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Hal stead of the Union iron works. Preparations are being made at the store houses on Mare island to supply the big battleship fleet with all possible stores needed and Immense quantities of stores are being assembled here. Extra laborers and clerks are working strenuously to be ready for the fleet's coming. Excellent progress is being made on the pumping out of the new drydock «lt«. The bottom should be reached within a few days. SAN DIEGO COUNTY WINS MEDALS AT JAMESTOWN Seven Gold Prizes Awarded for the Best Exhibit of Gems, Silk, Apples and Olive Oil SAX DTEGO, Dec. 4. — Considering that there was alleged bias at the James town exposition against the Pacific < oast, San Diego county fared well in The swards, receiving seven gold med nls. The awards were as follows: I^os Angeles and San Diego counties — Gold medal for installation, and gold incdal for collective exhibit. San Diego county — Gold medal for gems and gold medal for eilk. Glfford's best olives and olive oil. sil ver medal. Old mission olives and olive oil. bronze medal. Citrus acid products, bTonie m*dal. W. L. Detrlck, H. F. Wllcox, Chester Ounn and B. F. Miller, all of Julian — • Gold medals for apples. GUARDSMAN WOUNDED BY OFFICER AT GUN PRACTICE Visalia Company's Target Drill Marred by Accident That May Prove Fatal SPKCIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL : VISALIA, Dec. 4. — Julius Mobert a private an company D of the national puard. was shot accidentally last night and probably fatally wounded by Lieu tensnt Askins. The troop had received a consign ment of cartridges for indoor target f>racUce having but little powder and ft ball nbout the size of a buckshot. One of the bullets 1 became caught in Askins' gun and to force It out he put regula tion blank cartridge, carrying a large quantity of powder, in the gun. The small ball passed through a board wall three inches thick ari struck Mobert beneath' the left shoulder blade and penetrated the left lung. ARRESTED AS FORGER WHO SECURED $10,000 Former Cashier for Butterick Publish- ing Company Is Seized on Re turn From Europe CHICAGO. Dec. 4.— J. W. Waleskl. who last year announced that he in tended to pay off the indebtedness of Benton Harbor, Mich., to rid himself of part of the $1,000,000 he had amassed through the discovery of a gold mine at Ooldfleld. New was brought back to Chicago last night to face a charge of forgery. Waleskl, who for five years was employed as cashier by the But ierlck publishing company, under an alias of J. W. Went, is said to have ob tained 510,000 through forging the name of A. E. Nicholson, western man ager of the concern. He was arrested 'n New York 3 0 days ago as he stepped from a steamer after a' trip through Europe. . WOMAN HURLS BOMB AT RUSS GOVERNOR GENERAL Horses of Chief's Carriage Are Blown to Pieces and Female Assassin Is Fatally Hurt MOSCOW, Dec. 4. — An unsuccessful attempt was made in this city today upon the life of Lieutenant General Guerschelmann. governor general of Moscow. He escaped death Monday by a narrow margin. A woman hurled a bomb at the general's carriage while he. was driving in the Lefort quarter of, the city. The horses were blown to pieces and the coachman was seriously •wounded. The general, however, was not injured. The woman was co se verely hurt by her own bomb that she wes removed to a hospital in a dying condition. STATE CIRCVIT PLANNED SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL VALLEJO. Dec. 4. — G-eorge W. Berry, (superintendent of the Spreckels stock farm, between this city and Napa, is planning to build a modern racetrack near Napa and to form a new circuit, Including: Napa, Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Woodland, Suisun and Sacramento. The project Is being taken up with enthu rlaem by the people of Napa and is fa vorably considered here. The Peyton track near 6ulsun has been purchased by a corporation in that town, and al ready carpenters are busy erecting new stables and putting the place in con dition for training purposes. YEW SPEED LIMIT FIXED SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL VALLEJO, Dec. 4. — Automoblliats should be careful not to run afoul of the new speed ordinance Just passed In Napa, which places 10 miles an. hour ajs the proper rate. EATS CACTUS SOUP TO TEST EDIBLE VARIETY English Scientist Loses Weight in Living on Burbank's Spineless LOS ANGELES. Deo. 4. — After exist ing five days upon a cactus diet,' Dr. Leon Elbert JLandome, the English sci entist who has beffim a two weeks' teat of that plant as a food, has lost one and a quarter pound^. He Is working hard and yesterday delivered two two-hour lectures. He looks -well and there is not the slightest trace of nervousness In his manner or motion. He is not existing' entirely upon cactus, howe.ver. as about half of his food con sists of lettuce, celery and casaba melon. Dr. Landome secures the cactus from Luther Burbank at Santa Rosa, where he first ate it and conceived the idea of making the test. If he loses much weight in six or seven days Dr. Lan dome will consider that cactus is not sufficient to build up the tissues and will discontinue the experiment. The cactus in prepared In the form of green*, also sliced and fried like egg plant and as a soup. KAISER ACTS AGAINST TWO MILITARY CHIEFS Count yon Hohenau and Count Tynart Must Be Tried in Ordinary Justice Court BERLIN, Dec. 4. — Minister of War yon Elnem announced in the Reichstag today that Emperor William had or dered the suspension of the court of honor proceedings against General Count Wilhelm yon Hohenau, who, to gether with Major Count Johannes Ty nart, was compromised by the testi mony given In the course of the Har den-A r on Moltke libel suit. This action means that Count Hohenau must take his chances in an ordinary court of justice. The minister of war announced further that Count yon Hohenau and Count Tynart had presented themselves for trial and that the cases would take the usual course. This announcement created a great sensation. SELECTION OF TWO CONVENTION CITIES Republicans Will Meet In Kansas City and Democrats in Chicago SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. — Locations of the democratic and republican na tional conventions were practically de cided upon last night, though the two national committees do not meet until later. The republican convention will be held in Kansas City and the demo cratic convention in Chicago. The St. Louis people announced tonight that their new coliseum would not be ready in time and they combined to help Kansas City. The other convention will go to Chicago without question by neither St. Louis or Kansas City. SHRINERS SEND PRESENT TO HEROIC WOMAN Check for $430 Forwarded to Mrs. O'Grady of Honda by AI Malakai Temple LOS ANGELES. Dec. 4.— Al Malakai temple of the order of the Mystic Shrine today bestowed a fitting reward upon Mrs. Kittle O'Grady, wife of the South ern Pacific section foreman at Honda, Cal., who rendered such material as sistance to the victims of the wreck of the Shrluer special train at that place over a year ago, when more -than 40 persons lost their lives. Motley H. Flint, Imperial potentate, today forwarded Mrs. O'Grady a check for $430.83, representing the proceeds of a collection taken up for the purpose at a recent meeting of the local temple. RECEIVER* FOR JAMESTOW.Y NORFOLK, Va., Dec. 4. — In the United States district court today Judge Wad dill decided to appoint receivers for the Jamestown exposition company. He announced that the court, while taking charge of the affairs of the exposition company from today, would take two days to consider the names suggested by counsel for receivers and possible names outside of that list. He said that at least two and probably three receivers will be named. ;\'> LAW MAKERS AUAIN INDICTED ST. LOUIS. Dec. 4. — Tha December grand Jury returned new indictments against Ferd Warner and P. W. Prelß meyer, members of the house of^djaie gates, for receiving brib«s, and asked today that Judge Fisher of the crim inal court issue bench warrants against them. Judge Fisher h^eld the Issuance of the warrants In abeyance and held r. long conference with Circuit Attorney Bager. >/Vv:' ; SALT LAKK MAGNATE IS ILL, LOS ANGELES. Dec: 4. — D. H. Pe«r'y. a Salt J-akf- capitalist and member of the democratic national committee, Is seriously ill and not expected to live at his apartments in the Hotel Lanker shim. His mother arrived here last night from Ogden and his sister came today. Hoi-ace Peery, a brother, of Salt Lake city has been here In attendance at his brother's bedside for more than two weeks. There was little change^fn his condition today, and his physicians hold out small hopes for his recovery. 3IRS. PABR GIVEN DIVORCE SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL NAP A, Dec. 4.— Mrs. Mary H. Parr, well known in this county, was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to day from J. if. Parr, formerly a resident of this county, but now living in Los Angeles. ROLLER fOI.O SERIES UEGINS SPECIAL I>IS PATCH TO THE CALL VALLEJO, Dec. 4. — The Auditorium rink roller polo team will come to Vallejo Saturday evening for the first game of a neriiis. Sunday evening tho Vallelo team will play the Auditorium team in San Francisoo. CALIFORNIANS IX JVEW YORK NEW YORK, Dec. 4. — The following Callfornians are registered at the vari ous hotels in this city: From Ban Francisco — Louis Worth. at the Waldorf-Astoria; R. C. Baker, at the Navarre; J. X. Esselstyne, at the Empire; Miss M. Slisconch, at the Belle dalre; Mrs. W.^Soderberg. at - the Grenoble; H. Anostacio, at the Bar tholdl; R. Cross, at the Broadway, Ce ntral; Mrs. P. L. Davis, W. R. Wheeler and wife, at the Gregorian; P.. Dots, at the Earlington; B. Goal man and wife, at the Cadillac; S. M. Haile and wife, at the Collingwood; C Kenny, at tho Marl borough; T. S. Menot, at the Al bert; O. S. Penneman, at the Astor; C. Stewart and wife, at the Latham. From Santa Barbara— J. Pool, at th© Astor. . From Los Angeles — Miss. G. Ellis* -at the Grand Union; Mrs. A. W. Wallace, at the Grand; B. J. Clarke, at the Em press; F. F. Hlxon, at the Herald Square. San Francisco — D. W. Thurston, Hol land; A. Baruch and wife,: A. Baruch -.HE SAX FRANCISCO CALL, THUBSDAY^^DECEMBEB 5, 1907, Jr., M. Baruch, Hotel Netherland; C. W. Jolly, Astor; • Mis* Norton, Hotel York. Los Angeles — W. H. Daergett, St. Denis; M. B. V. Hevaer, PHnc« George; K. O. Anthony, Hollandi J. L. Gal lagher, Herald Square; V. Whitman, Astor. r . San Jose — G. K. Edwards, , Grand Union. Pasadena — F. Ramsey, Martinique. San Francisco — W.-'-Haas, and wife, Mlbs Haas, Netherland; C. Burmeinter, Astor house; A. Pappic, Hotel Cadillac; R. D. Pike, Murray Hill: T. H. T. Ros eiter, Buckingham; Miss A. Coyle, Mrs. M. Coyle, Breslin; Miss B. Kathmann, Broadway clntral;. O. L. Squires, Hotel Belmont; A/ Wolf, Hermitage. Los Angeles — W. A. Potter, Navarre; O. Burtach. -St. Denis; Mrs. A- W. Rhodes, Gregorian. . CALIFORNIANS IN PARIS PARIS, Dec. 4.— Margaret Hooge "strat. H. Loxese Hoogestrat, Felix Loeb and Charles Loeb of San Fran cisco registered at The Call-Herald bureau today. Mrs. A. F. Thane, Miss A. Thane and Mrs. F. H. Willis registered at the Herald office today. , TWENTY-SEVEN BODIES FOUND PITTSBURG. Dec. 4.— Three more bodies of miners were found late to day In the Naomi mine of the United coal company near Fayette City. The total dead is now 27, all but two of whom have been identified. THOMAS J. CLAPP DEAD SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL SANTA CRUZ, Dec. 4.— Thomas J. Clapp, • a prominent labor union man and president of the building trades council of Santa Cruz county, died to- Tuesday as a result of blood poisoning. POTTER PALMER JR, TO WED CHICAGO, Deo. 4. — Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Pauline Kohlsaat, daughter of the former owner of the Chicago Record- Herald, to Potter Palmar, younger son of Mrs. Potter Palmer. MEETINGS— Lodges MISSION chapter No. 79, R. A. M. __ '_ . Stated mpetlnjr THIS (THCRS- .JgMX* PAY) EVENING at S o'clock. W^T^ Mark master degree. By order fL4£_uY of the H. P. \^CJ It. S. ALLEN. f&&4§ Secretary. csaaa CALIFORNIA lodge No. 1, F. &A. M." i_" Annual meeting THIS (THURSDAY) J\ KVBNING, December 5. at 7:80 \T(^f o'clock, 2130 Sutter. St. Business and /Vsr\ election of officers. ' \ FRANKLIN H. DAY, Secretary, 110 Sutter St., room 408. SOUTH San Francisco lodge No. 212, n F. &A. M. — Stated annual meeting A\ and election of officers THIS (THURS- \^jV DAY) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. /VyX O. ALVIN MULLER. W. M. / \u25bc \ WM. J. B. WARNER, Secretary. DORIC lodge Nq. 216, F. &A. M. t "«[ Golden Gate commander? building, i\ 2135 Sutter st. — Stated and annual V n V meeting THIS (THURSDAY) EVEN- /V3r\ J ING at 8 o'clock. / ,^r \ * J. R. GOLDSMITH. Secretary. HERMANN lodge No. 145, I. 0. ___figft__ O. F.. New Era hall, 2121 Market »Ss_£gB» st. — Officer! and members plenae "^?§^*3<*f- attend the meeting NEXT FRI- DAY, Dec. 6. Election of officers and other important bnsiness. Refreshments. Sojourn- ing German brethren Invited. By order of lodge. PHIL GRETHEL, N. G. MARTIN R. JAGER, Sec. YERBA BUENA lodge No. 15, I. jf_K_*6c O. 0. F.. 1254 Market St.— lJlec- -=^^=£$Mi ilon of of fleers THIS (THURS- TS2S*S§F DAY) EVENING, Dec. 5. Mem- »«»«*• bers are earnestly requested to attend. By order WM. J. WIGMORE, N. G. CHAB. A. WISEWELL, Rec. Sec. ABOU BEN ADHEM lodge No. jrfffifcjfth, 112. I. O. 0. F.. 222 Van Ness 4JQj?fiP£) «v.- HesMon* THURSDAY. Visit- ors always welcome. *s«w*«* \u25a0\u25a0 L. RENAULT, N. G. J. L. HILDRETH. Rec^ Sec. , GOLDEN WEST lodge No. 322. I. O. O. F.. 1254 Market St.— Eiee-'^i^S^fc' tion of officers THIS (THURS- '^^_Q^^ ; DAY) EVENING. **».>;«** R. A. SMITH. Rec. Sec. ONLY LOCAL MANUFACTURERS, rP. PASQUALE CO.. 1100 WEBSTER COR. TURK. PHONK WEST 493. ARMY. NAVY. SOCIETY GOODS. REGALIAS. FLAGS. BANNERS. BADGES. CAPS, UNIFORMS. ATTORNEYS ; AA — Divorce; rosts, $12; quick, quiet; advice free; no charge unless successful; title to real estate' restored; bankruptcy; probating of es- tate: wills, dcedg, leases, bills of sale, collec- tions, copartnerships, corporations, pen. prnc- tlee. Open Sat, eves.. 1028 Market St.. room 12. AA — Divorce; costs, $12; advice . free; no pub- licity; no charge without success; collections and attachments; damage c&Boe, wills, es- tates, deeds, guardianship, ' adoption; , open evenings. Room 38, 966 Market st. near Mason. ADVICE free: divorce costs $12: quick and quiet; no delay: eastern probated; attachment, labor liens, collections; Bee me flrst and save money; open evenings. Room 8, Arcade building, 1230 Fillmore st. bet. Eddy and Turk. COMPLETE divorce for $25; no delay; courteous treatment: oquare dealing; plexse see me first. Room 2. 2053 Sutter st. nr. Fillmore. ' HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law: W. T. Hesn notary public. Rooms 407-409 \u25a0 Call bulldlnjr. MARC ANTHONY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Dean bldg., MQ Market St.; tel. Franklin 3502. ~~ ALF GROVES, ~~ CALL BUILDING. - PATENT ATTORNEYS DEWEY, STRONG & CO.— -Founded I860: U. S. and foreign patents; inventors' guide: 100 me- chanical movements free. 1103 Merchants' Exchange building, San Franclpco. CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, patents; late examiner U. S. pat, office. 814 Call bMg.: trt.'Kearny SflS«. PATENTS PATENTS guaranteed; handsome C 8 page guid«- book-free. E. E. Vmoman. box 40. Wash.. P. C. PENSIONS PENSION Attorney E. A. BULLIS. IMI Steiner St.: pact commander Thomas Post, G. A. R. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS STKXOGItAPHER. typist; neat: work called for and delivered. MISS LORETTA ADDIS. 726 Fillmore st., room 23. '.-- - .. STENOGRAPHY", typewriting, mimeographing, copying a specialty. - Room 234, 268 Market st. ACCOUNTANTS— Certified Public 29i Z4 JOHN R. RUCKSTELL. 306-308 Call building; ' accounting systems: investigations; : audits. PHYSICIANS " . ANNOUNCEMENT— DR. . SCHIRMAN poslttrely cures rheumatism and sciatica, diseases of tbe heart end nervous system, contracted disorders, contagious blood poison, etc.; latest medical ap- pliances in use. Office." 1620. P05t nr. Laguna. DR. WONG HIM. . HERB DOCTOR, Permanently Located 1269 OTarreU st. bet Oongh and Octavla. DR. GERALD J. FITZGIBBON, formerly 21 Powell and 204 Haight \u25a0 St., has removed Ills office to 1048 Larkln st. SE. corner Sutter. DR. CARPENTIER. formerly 20S Eddy, has re- tnrned. . Now 10 Turk st.,- r. 1. Diseases -of woman a specialty. Phone Franklin 1364. '\u25a0 DR. CARPENTER— DIs. of women, 504 Haight \u25a0t. cor Fillmore. lira. 7-8. Tel. Park 467. X-RAY and Flnsen Light Laboratory, - ' * 909 Steiner st corner McAllister.- DR. J..H. SHIRLEY, cancer speclsHlst. Office and sanitarium. 1013 Golden Gate ay. DR. F. THOMAS (formerly Donabue bldg.),' vow 816 Turk st Tel. Franklin 1500. PROFESSOR SHIPLEY, tape . worm specialist, 1217 Webator st. near • Bddy. ' ' . ' \u25a0 DENTISTS . . '-'. \u25a0 ;__.- .ABOUT YOU.R TEKTH— We are doing excel- lent work at reasonable prices, using, best- mate- rial.* We make. a speclaity ; of crown and bridge work, artificial teeth," gold and sliver crowns,- etc Sliver fillings 25c, gold 75c; gold crown, $3.50. HALE DENTAL CO., 1603% Fillmore cor. Geary. . DBS. C.W.DECKER-&T.H. MORRIS. ..- SURGEON DENTISTS, tSlfl Sutter. «t above -.Van' Ness; rooms 1 to: 9.' AT the VAN VROOM DENTISTS, no pain, low prices, good work. Fillmore \u25a0 and - O'Farrell ; sts. BARTLETT, DR..U. GRANT, extracting special- Ist; , **s riven. 2103 Filta*-*. >iw »*. 00. ; ~_-Jj \u25a0/_\u25a0'_ DENTlSTS— Continued HILL, DR. LUDLUM. 432 1 Webster— Next Mulr- head bldg., Mkt. Hayes and Larkln sts.; gas. DB. SIMMS, formerly Parrott bldg., 855 Market st. now located 1214 Polk cor. .butter, : r. 301. HIGGINS, 'T. S.. and KELLOGG, A. O. Corner Fillmore \u25a0st and Golden Gate ay. DR. J. j. LEEK, formerly 1126 Market, now 824 Valencia st, between 19th and 20th. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AU kinds of dental work. 518 Fillmore gt.,. near Oak. . -\u25a0\u25a0--; DR. L. T. CRANZ, dentist, 1316 Sutter at.; teL Franklin 724.' - -- \u25a0 \u25a0 ADOPTION ALAMEDA Maternity ViUa: stricUy private; in. fants adopted. DB. EMILIE FUNKB. 1418 Bth st. Alameda.' . ARTIF * C , lALI AL FLOWERS .AND. PALMS American Flower Works, 884 Hayes nr. Gough— __H_n_lnc_baßket«. decora tlvp plants, vines, etc. -_ -.;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 AUTOMOBILES EXTENSIVE alterations in^our present building and the adding of about 12,000 square feet of floor space is going to upset us. Our cars are in tie way. We can't accommodate them elsewhere. Wherefore, between Dec. 1, 1907, and Jan. 1, 1908, we will hold a clearance sale of 80 odd machines, including in their various models all the standard makes. Offer- Ing mines that cannot be duplicated here or elsewhere. Mr. Prospective Purchaser, this is your opportunity. No matter how long you look or how far you go, you will not find the combination of car, condition, equipment, price, terms and guarantee that you will here. That's putting it strong, but putting It straight. Our standing is your protection. Established 6 years and today the largest automobile broker- Sf a nouse tn ls side of PKw York. More than 600 satisfied purchasers our best reference. A few $2,000 '07 new Pope-Tribune runabouts left. No change in the '08 model. We are offering them at $1,600, with full equipment. Including top. A scrupulously, good car, not a flaw or fault In construction, appointment or performance and the greatest auto value ever offered. To responsible parties we will take one-half payment down, savings account books and certificates accepted, and the balance In 6 monthly payments. During the sale no dem- onstrations will be made except by appoint- ment. A car may be selected and the option of purchase secured by placing a deposit. On demonstration, if not "satisfactory, we will re- fund your money.' AH cars marked one price to everybody. R. H. MORRIS. 1818-1820 Telegraph ay., Oakland, Cal. Open Sundays and evenings. Our motto: "A customer's sat- lsfactlon flrst, last and all the time." PHENIX Automobile Exchange. — 45th St. and San Pablo ay., Oakland.? Pope Toledo. 80 h. p., 4 cyl. with top S7SO Wlnton 4 cyl.. 20 h. p., a big buy 700 , 2 cyl. Ford light touring car, snap ....... 300 Cadillac light touring car, top ........... 275 No matter — See us before you buy. SECOND hand automobiles at attractive prices — • Sunset, has been run about 500 miles, $500; ] Reo touring car, $560, in good condition; Win- ton, newly painted and remodeled, "heap; Thomas 1907, 60 horsepower, a bargain; An- burn 24 horsepower, new, $1,400. City Hall : Auto Company, 66 Fulton st 6 PASSENGER landaulet for hire at air hours; Just the thing for weddings, theater parties and receptions. New and second band cars for sale. Expert repairing a specialty. E. P. SLOSSER, Fell . and Ashbury. Telephone, West 6885. TOURIST automobiles made In California; be*t adapted to coast conditions; light touring cars, 22 hp., $1,350; large tourlnc cars. 40 hp., $2,700. Agents wanted. 640 Golden Gate ay.. Ban Francisco; 644' Telegraph ay., Oakland. AUTOMOBILE bargains— l9o7 ss" horsepower touring car, X Winton. 2 Pope-Toledo touring cars, 2 cylinder Rambler. Bulck and Reo; also Reo runabout: all In good condition; see these snaps. RENSTROM CO.. 424 Stanyan st AUTOMOBILE painting and repairing in all branches; also lamp and radiator work. F. O. RENSTROM COMPANY, 424-446 Stanyan st. FOR sale — 6 cylinder Stevens-Duryea, fully equipped, perfect condition. Apply box 2553, Call office. AUTOMOBILE repairing: storage battery ch»rg- lng. repairing. I. L. De JONGH. 446 Fulton. R. H. MORRIS, auto broker. 1818-20 Telegrnph ay.. Oakland— 2d hand automobiles; est. 1901. AUTO BROKERAGE CO.. dealers IJi second hand autos. 717 Turk. Tel. Franklin 990. BRAND new runabout, $400; cost $1,025; 2 cyL| 16 h. p. DR. WEST, 1085 Golden Gate ay. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. M. L. Wllbert & Sons, 18th and Mission. PACIFIC STATES AUTO SCHOOLS now open. 28S Qolden Gate ay. Tel. Franklin 321 C. DOW colls: best by test: prices reduced. L. H. & B. I. BILL. 132 Valencia st. ARCHITECTS; N. HIRANO. Japanese designer and building con- traotor. I\Z> Peary st. -^ ANGLE LAMPS ANGLE LAMPS best lamps for reading. BOESCH LAMP CO.. Coast Agents. 113.-» Misxlon st ARTESIAN WELLS WILLIAM ALLINGHAM. artesian well borer, 211 Brighton ay.: Ingleslflp. San Francisco. CLAIRVOYANTS ORMONDE, white mystic of India, formerly 10 years In Market st; a clairvoyant with power; genuine, reliable, conscientious; past, present, future; business advice, love, marriage, di- vorce: removes evil influence, tells your full name; born In the orient, with the power of any 10 mediums: readings SI. 1310 Devka- dero st. between Kills and O'Farrell. MISS ZEMDAR, young gifted clair. and palm. 1 correctly treat your love affairs, domestic troubles, bus. and flnan. success. L. 50c, G. $1. Hrs. 10 to 9. 1200 Ellis st near Lagnna. MISS GOLDIE YOUNG, just arrived from Chl- cagro; renowned card reader and clairvoyant 1C42 Ellis st. near Fillmore. MME. LOUISA, Spanish palm., clalr. and card reader. 1037 A Golden Gate. L. and Gents 50c. JIRB.MARTIN. magnetic healer, psychic and card reader, from Los Angeles. 1731 Scott nr. I Bush. MME. EUGENIE, scientific palmist, card reader; reveals facts that astonish yon. 1465 Valencia. I MME. RIDELLE, clalrvorant, psychft. card read- : er and healer, 1784 Sutter; 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. MME. STOKES— Clairvoyant and card reader; first time on the coast. 1036 Geary st s MISS LORETTA.. Just arrived; clairvoyant and card reader. 1031 Flllmore St.. suite 6. . MRS. PAOLA, physic, clairvoyant, healer, card reading. 701 Gough St., oor. McAllister. MADAM SCHAEFFER. clairvoyant card reader; water seer. 6SB Fulton nr. Buchanan. MME. FERNIEAR. scientific card reader; astrology. 716 Golden Gate ay. MISS M. MARTIN — Clairvoyant and card read- lng. 1740 Geary st, suite 7. MRS. E. HALL, card reading ; 997 Golden Gate ay.: lioum 1 to 8: room 23. SPIRITUALISM , MRS. J. J. WHITNEY.- trance business medium AND LIFE READER. . Spiritual manages. .1164 O'Farrell at. MRS. . L. H. KINNAIUD— CircIes "San.. Mon., Wed., Fri., 8 p. m.; readings dally, 10 to 4. 1489 Flllmore st. , . \u25a0\u25a0\u0084.;-. Mme. Maxwell, convincing ; splr. messages: Sun., 2 p.m. Wed.,Frl.,B p.m. Rdgs. dally. SSO Noe. S.F. Splr.' Aid Soc. bazaar Fri. and Sat. entertaln- ; mentß 8. p. m., Whitney hall, 1104 A O'Farrell. , CUTTING circles Sun., Tnes.. Fri.. 8 p. m.; read- Ings dally, mines a specialty. 1408 O'Farrell. MRS. SEAL, spiritual medium: readings daily. 7SC McAllister st.;- clrcleg Thnrsday. 8 p. m. PALMISTRY MISS LECLAIR, jugt from the east; palmistry and card reading. 1517 A Ellis, apt 4. ASTROLOGY MRS. DR. BENJAMIN, astrologlst, 875 Eddy st; phone Franklin 1519. Hours from 10 to 5. Robt. R. Hill — Teacher of Horoscope Writing. - 1600 -Steiner st. 8. F. Phone -West 5943; BAR AND STORE FIXTURES Standard Furniture - & Fixture Mfg. Co. ; : - e»tl- matea given. 851 Bryant st.; phone Market 3724. CALIFORNIA FIXTURF. CO. buys and sells store fixtures of all kinds. 1845-47 Mission st. nr. 9th. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER - CO.. : 17-27 Franklin st. nr. Market. Phone Special 1457. •Cabinet and mill work, store, office fixtures, turn- ings, etc. Haas Woodworking Co., 93 Minna n.2d JA PA N Industrial Co. ; store. • office . fixtures, . show cases and counters. 1815 Setter st. . STORE and office flztar«s'and show cases. -1765 Mlwlon-rt. .\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-- /;\u25a0-/ .':\u25a0- \u25a0;., '\' ;,baths; \. Z FULLY j equipped ' baths P and .treating I rooms; Hfa- - mous . German and I electric - light baths; salt ; glow,- electricity,- vibration, massage; skilled ; operators : for ; both men \u25a0 and women. 901 De- vlsadero st. corner McAllister. THERE is many "a Blip between tbe cup and the Up- . . . -'- • \u25a0--\u25a0•. • :\u25a0 Z \u25a0/-'\u25a0_ '.'./; BOOKS . . ' . ' ' 6,000'' Advanced ! Thought > books : rented, bought, sold. Occnl t Book ;Co.. 1710 Devi*, jwv auttoc, , Use? YoiirWit=Ther^'s Money in It The Call runs dally a aeries of \u25a0well known proverbs. The person sending in the first . correct answer to the above proverb nearest to a certain hour selected by and known only to the Advertising Manager will receive $LOO. , The next three answers received will be paid 000 each. This plan is adopted so that answers coming" from the country by mail may receive equal chance with city answers. . > LIST OF PRIZE WINNERS OF WEDNESDAY'S PROVERB i First prize— M. E. Bach, 568 Lib- Third prize — C. R. Braunschweig, erty street. 795 Market street. Second prize — Mrs. G. Finnigan, Fourth prize — W. Dutolt, 1067 201 Third avenue, San Francisco. O'Farrell street. Call Want Ads Always Bring Best Results CONTRACTORS AND BUILDKRS R. M. GOEBEL. 1228 FUlmore (Arcade building), room 7; artistic builder; plans and specifica- tions for frame, brick and reinforced concrete buildings; estimates furnished: 3, 4 and 5 -. room cottages built at reasonable prices. ROOF leak? PEERLESS ROOF PAINT AND REPAIRING CO., 22 years' experience; no bills presented until roofs are tested and found wa- ter tight. 06 Fulton st, Builders' Association. WALL PAPER and drapery. TAYLOR-SINCLAIR CO., Interior decorators. Bush at Van Nesa. BROWN & HARNED, 1705 Geary— Carpenters, shingle roofers, store fixtures. Jobbing, subur- ban homes erected; brick and plastering work. PLANS and specifications furnished at reason- able rates; estimates given. F. R. COLLINS, structural engineer, room 35, 1223 Fillmore st. McCULfibUGH CONTRACTING CO., 2023-2033 Market — Buildings designed and erected quick- ly, enonomlcally ; no "waiting for mlllwork." CARPENTER — Contractor; repair work day or contract. H.E.WIDDELL & CO.. 1834 O'Farrell. LOWEST prices on painting, papering; tinting a specialty. R. E. SWAN, 4C04 18th at. HOUSE PAINTING done reasonably; rooms. pa-, pered, tinted, $4.50 up. 74 Turk «t. S.F. Roofing Co., 1443 - Flllmore st- — Roofing; roofs repaired; work guaranteed. CASH REGISTERS CASH registers. C2l sizes, of all prices, for sJI kinds of business, on liberal terms. Nation— l t'acb RyglHter Co.. 1288 Golden Gate ay. ,y CHIROPODISTS A— DR. BROWN; all foot maladies treated. The Emporium, . Van Ness cv. MRS.. M. SCHULZ. chiropodist, formerly 1115 Turk, now at 7178 Franklin. CHIMNEY SWEEPING V. C. HOWE — Chimney sweeping, repairing; np to date methods. 2467 Calif.; tel. West 8328. | DETECTIVES UNION Detective Service Co.— Shadowing. In- vestigation and secret Inquiries; all kinds le- gitimate civil detective work undertaken ;\u25a0\u25a0 we report facts only; all work strictly confldentlaL 906 Market Bt., room 31. TeL Frauklln G93. MCCARTHY'S Detective Agency— BellabU In- formation in civil -and criminal affairs: legal and commercial refs. ; communications eon3- dentlal. 1223 Fillmore cdr. Eddy. Phone West 8078.- THOS. McCARTHT. Principal. DRESS MAKING McDowell's Dress Making and Millinery School, [ 1215 Post st. near Van Ness. Branch 1013 | Washington st., Oakland. Patterns cut to order. SUNBURST, accordion, knife pleating, buttons, buttonholes, lining, notions; mall orders solicit- ed. STEEL'S. 1420 Post; - phone West .6423. MISS M. E. ..REYNOLDS— ~~~~ First class dresK maker for ladles and miss** now at 1752 Bush st. near Gough. Sj MRS. R. SMITH, dres* making and tailoring; also mllllnerv. f)42 Franklin at. - > FURS E. E. W ALLEY, manufacturing furrier, for- merly 115 Kearny St., now 1746-1748 Fillmore nr. Sutter: Oakland store, 1263 Broadway," above 14th f gt..» • ' _ s --' - TUB little fur shop around the comer. De- signers, Stellwagen & Furrier. 1100 Poet i.t. Formerly with H. Llebes & Co. ORGLER & CO., 1664 Pine st. nr. Van Ness ay. Furs remodeled, repaired and made to order. G. BARE, furrier, formerly Lachmann it Co., , now 1515 Bush st. cor. Van Ness ay., upstairs. FURS remodeled, bought, sold, exchanged; fur- rier and taxidermist. 531 16th St., Oakland. B. KANTNER, manufacturing furrier, formerly 122 Stockton st., now 1718 Van Ness ay. MAX HOFLICH, furrier, formerly 107 Grant ay. near Geary; now 1553 Van Ness ay. LADIES' TAILORS * ELEGANT tailored gowns, to order. $25 and up- ward; perfect fit or money refunded. Royal Cloak and Suit Co., ladles' tailors. M. KLEIN ingr., 714 Geary st. bet. Webster and Fillmore. HAl]fc DRESSING NORMANDIB . liair dressing; gents' manicuring; special attention to gray hair. 1904 Suttar st. BICYCLES AND MOTOR ,CYCLES A — Motorcycles and Bicycles— Agency for. Read- Ing, Standard, Light & Yale Motorcycles. Cali- fornia, R. S. Snell and nudson Bicycles. Sec- ond hand motorcycles, bicycles, lowest ortces. W. 12. LEE. 304 Stanj-an st. and 1973 Page. BUSINESS CHANCES UP to date j shoe store, well established. In a good business district, carrying \u25a0 a flrat - class stock of about $1(5,000; sales averaging 92,000 per month. Thix is a great opportunity to get v gilt edge business, as tho owner, on account j of other interests, is unable to attend to this business himself. Bux 1043, Call, 1031 Fillmore. IMMEDIATELY,- a '.capital. Investment— l have a proposition to ; offer * which \u25a0 stands closest In- vestigation, where a man can double his money In 10 day.-;; security given on the investment through my office. MAX HOLMES, 1604 O'Far- rell St.. i FIRST .CLASS .tea and coffee route for sale; In I the most prosperous \u25a0 valley town on the coast; for particulars address SUNSET TEA. AND COFFEE : COMPANY, Watsonvllle. FOR ; rent — Hotel \u25a0 St. . George ; . nearly ; completed ; over 100 rooms; elevator service; hot and cold ' water; gas and : electric light. 1 Call at 375 13th st., Oakland, Cal. . y GOOD ; paying < roadhouse, with real estate, for sale. See the party at International Hotel, . Kearny and Jackson sts., from 11 to 12 a.' ex. HARDWARE : business worth $5,000 must \u25a0be sold: no reasonable : offer . refused. Particular* at PECK'S, 22 Montgomery St.; V $5,000 — Stock house \u25a0\u25a0 furnishing goods; : cash or exchange Loa - Angeles \u25a0or suburban property. OHAS. SHARP, Hanford. Oal. RESTAURANT— A bargain; fine location; opp. ; v car house; 200 men emp. 1189 Oak; no agents. ANYBODY, advancing $10 gold receives $20 se- . cured certificates. \u0084 Box , 2728, i Call/ office. _• OLD : established butcher shop . for gale on - ac- count of sickness/B ox 2789, 'Ca1l office. FOR sale— Call route In Berkeley. Address J. H. XCORDES. 3200 California st, Berkeley. NICKELODEON for sale. i 1644 : ElU* st. opposiU Orphenm. theater. '-\u25a0'-•-.-.\u25a0 •. , ...... . : , . LODGING,fHCJ.USES.: FOR , SALE "; 3 YEAR' lease -on* well furnished ! lS | room | bouse; ; modern ; centrally located. Address box 2450, ...Call office.. \u25a0 \u0084' \ COLLECTION rAGENCIES^ KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY," 443 Pine '\u25a0 nr. \u25a0 * Montgomery — Suits. >\u25a0 liens, \u25a0- garnishments A it- ; ta.chmw>t«. i«»— -^-*-— -^^p+vto. collactioo-k \ \u25a0- \u25a0" \u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0; " X- " --\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-_ EDUCATIONAL v ' '/'i \u25a0:., ; 1^- THE PAUL GERSON DRAMATIC BCHOOL— Largest training school of acting In America; positions secured; 6 months* graduating course ; send for catalogue. Geary and Gough sts., 8. F. THE LYCEUM, 2590 Pine »t.— Prepares for oni- versity, law, medical colleges; 10th year; her* you can save time A money; excellent teachers. ENGINEERING — Civil. electL. mining, mech.. Birvey, assay, cyanide; day, cv.; est. 1804. Van der Naillen School. Blst A Teles-. Oakland. TELEGRAPHY-rPosltlons gnaranteed; tuition r«- funded; S. P. Co. takes all graduates. Address College of Telegraphy. 306 12th St.. Oakland. A— METROPOLITAN Bus. College; shorthand; Esplna, penman.; drawing. 02S Golden Gate. HEALD'S Bnatness College. 423 McAllister St.. S. F.. and 16th at.. Oakland; day and evening. FRENCH — Mme. Hermlne de la Houssave; jcon- versalion lessons $1 mo. 1038 Ellis nr. Frank'n. GUITAR, mandolin, piano, singing; new classes forming; 8 lessons $3. 802 Haight nr. Devlsa. Piano Studio— Pupils In all grades receive careful per. Instruction. Blanche &t> Vere. 1781 Sotter. BAN FRANCISCO Business Collega now located at 733 Fillmore near Hayes; day and evening. Nellie Coleman. M. A. — Privat* instruction, all branches, kindergarten to only. 1337 O. O. ay. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2G31 Washington nr. Fillmore; send for drew. PROF. T. A. ROBI.iSON. Individ, lnstr. math.. bookkeeping. Eng.. >tc; day, eve. 290 Paga st. CONVERSATION lessons in French. German; also vocal and piano lessons. 927 Eddy st. A. BEST'S art school, 1823 Buah st.; sketching, illustrating; life class day and night. AXL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business College. 484 Devlsadero st. HEALD'S Engineering School, 425 McAllister st.; all branches; day and evening. 00c FOR thorough piano lessons; 75c If desired to visit. 4604 18th st. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. $1 a h year. Southern Pacific Telegraph School Young men wanted at once. Good salaries guaranteed; tuition refunded. Free passe* to students from distance. Write* today for full information. Please give age. Address. Col' lepe of Telegraphy. 306 12th at.. Oakland. Cal. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES A— JAPANESB-CHINESE furnishes best of help of all kinds; capability and qualifications guaranteed; hocse OSCAR HAT- SUMI. 1513 Geary St.; phone West 5688. JAPANESE and Chinese cooks, waiters, club; furnish best help of all kinds; can recommend number of < reliable men. H. K. ODA. man- ager. 1721 Post et.; phone West 4634. ALL kinds flrst class Japanese and Chinese help promptly. 1623 Buchanan St.; teL West 054«. J. SHIOZAKI. A — Jap.-Chinese Empt. Office — Best help, city & country; A. HORI. 174S Sutter: tel. West I^o3. STAR Employment office furnishes Japanese and » Chinese help with care; also contractors for ' house cleaning. Tel. West 107. W. KODOTA. 1608 Geary st. near Buchanan. MISAME emp. office; furnish Japanese, Chtawst* help with care. TeL West 5259. 1903 Bush st. CHINESE and Japanese employment office. 3£! sth St.? tel. Oak. 3101. B. IIALL. Oakland. H. W. HONG, Chinese employment office, 837 Webster st.. Oakland; phone Vernon 241. JAPANESE and Chinese Labor Bureau — Address 1612 Laguna St.; phone West 1731. JAPANESE DOMESTIC. WORKERS' ASSN.. 1261 Eddy st. Tel. West 7155. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. $1 a year. EMPLOYMENT WANTED— FemaIe DRESS MAKER— Coat. Jacket, pony. Prince Chap tailored suits, evening "gowus; suits cut and fitted; all custom work guaranteed up to date; engagements by the day. MISS BARSS. 1061 Laguna st. West 6255. WOMAN, 38, wants position as working house keeper, cook on ranch, hotel or small board- ing bouse; short order cook. Apply Wednes- day, Thnrsday and Friday B<S2A 3d st. LADY with small child wishes a situation In private family In city or country. Address MRS. ERICKSON. 711 Golden Gate ay. FIRST CLASS Swedish girl wishes situation to do housework or cooking; wages $35. Call ISO 4 . Sutter st. near Buchanan. WOMAN wants work by the day; house cleaning or wanning; Tuesdays and Saturdays; $1.75 a. day. Box 2749. Call office. YOUNG lady, experienced In office work and typewriting (no dictation). ,wlshes position. Box 1255. Call. Oakland. DRESS MAKER, formerly Sutter St.; will go out In families; terms, $3 per day. 919 H st. near 10th ay., Sunset/ - YOUNG girl with some experience wishes ejoeT- tion us a stenographer; salary $35. Box 2T3l> - Call office. LAYTON'S employment bureau supplies white help free. 1190 O'FmrreU; teL Fra«kJin 2797. FIRST CLASS stenographer . wishes general of- fice work. Box 1625. Call office, 1651 Fillmore. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires position. Phone Market 1691. or call at 84 Guerrero st. WOMAN wants work, house cleaning or washing. by the day v Box 2726, Call office. 1 OR 2 days' work a week wanted by compe- tent woman. Box 2734, Call. CHEAPEST and best la America— Tbe Weekly Call. $1 a year. EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MaIe" FIRST CLASS, all around stationary, hoisting ' and locomotive engineer. I who understands re- pairing and Installing of machines, wishes a situation; best of references furnished. Paon* Pago 2156. Ask for Mr. Brraxnan. YOUNG Japanese boy wishes a position as waiter on table or to do housework; mocn experience in private family; speaks English well; city or country. Please call. FRANK L WA3AKI. 2206 Fillmore St.; tel. West 5892. AA — FIRST class painter, paper hanger, tlnter I and gralner will do * your work by the day or - . Job; work guaranteed: prices right; tools far- nlshed. Address. 162 Minerva St.. Ocean Vlaw. ASSISTANT; to manager or purchasing agent; .;. sober, industrious man. desires situation with opportunity for advancement; > local - reference ana tad IX required. Box 2791. Call offic*. YOUNG man,\ speaks, reads, writes English. French/German. Italian; position of any kind where advancement is possible: salary no ob- ject. LINDNER, 1690 Golden Gate ay. CHICAGO Expert Window Cleaning Co., 887^ Fulton st. nr. Fillmore ; phone Park 496— We supply comoetent : men and women for window •cleaning and general housework. CHINESE. . first class family cook, wants posi- tion, city or country; references. Call or dis- - patch 'to 3054 Bth st., Oakland, room 5. Ad- ' dress. If at all,' before noon." A JAPANESE first class cook, much experience. wants a position in private family; has refer- • ence;' ; wages $11 a week. M. GEO. 2731 Vi California St.- Tel. West 680*. -.; POSITION by competent meat and _pastxy cook. EMPLOYMENT WASTED — M*»»— C«« j — — —— ~— — \u25a0 \u25a0 "*| FIRST cUss »11 round •t*a°Mry flreiaaa oroi. , sriceer. who understands all kinds of W* 11 ™ I ** • etc.. wishes situation: good reference*. Adorea* 6. HALE. 1731 Sutter st. i CHlNESfi— First cUss family cook wants pojW i tion country or city; references. Call or dl»» t patch to 305^4 Btb st.. Oakland, room S." Houra a to 12 a. m. ' - BOOK KEEPER. 30 yoars of age; steady, reli- able, good education, habits and reputation, wants clerical or book keeping position. Box 2758. Call office. | FIRST CLASS Chinese cook wants a place fo* cooking; hoteL boarding bouse and saloon hot lunch; city or country. THOMAS LIM. 562-74 . Dnpont at. YOUNG man. handy with tools, good mechanic la Mveral lines, will pay $5 for position: most any kind of work; reasonable wages. Bax 27 Sj. Call office. . STENOGRAPHER and private secretary of 10 years' experience d*»»!re3 position: famlltar with Spanish; Al reference. Address Box 2795. Call. . fc.Xft.KT accountant tie»ire» small set of book* to keep a few hours daily; also «i>ert work. H. J. COOPER. 1013 Mutual Savgs. Bank bids. AN excellent Japanese cook wants situation in private family; has reference, with experience. HIGA. 2731& California st. Phone CBO4. GERMAN, married man. la seekinsr position as janitor or porter; afwolnt(*ly r«>Ua!)l«>; refer- ences Riven. W. PACLSSEN. 131 sth st. CHAUFFEUR wants position with private fam- ily; do own repairing: referenri-s: country preferrad. Box 4120. SIS Van Ne*s ay. POSITION as manager cr clerk In European hor<>l or lodging house: 3 years' experience; refer- ences. Address box 2788, Call offloa. COMPETENT planing mill and molding for»- man wishes to correspond with Urea ve<riiriaf a practical man. Box 2740. Call. AN energetic young man, 19, wishes an occupa* tion from 4 to 9 a. m. or evenings after s:3ft. Address box 2731. Call office. _~ CIVIL engineer, 20 years' experience on rail- roads and mining, wants position of any kind. B. M.. Call office. Oakland. A YOUNG man wants situation; can drivn handy with tools; good gardener; good r»f- erences. Box 2741. Call. BOOK KEEPER with wide experience. «ecnrat«i and reliable, wishes permanent position. Box I 2583. Call office. - GARDENER. German, tingle, would like posi- tion on gentleman* place; references. Box' 2737. Call office. WORK wanted as "butler. Janitor or porter 14* store by Intelligent colored man. AJdr«M Box 2792. Call. XOUNG Japanese boy wants position as school- boy. SHIGEMAKU. 121 Haight St.: phone Fell 7031. JAPANESE boy wants nositlon as schoolboy lai small family. 1601 A Page st. Pnona Park 494. , YOUNG Japanese wants a posttttoß :is schoolboy: ' speaks English. 13C2 O'FarreH st. FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED — Youns women to learn telephone op-. era ting: paid while learning; salary increased J after flrst two weeks and further Increased' after wort becomes efficient. Dally luncheons furnished free, and rest) rooms with matron In attendance. Permanent position*; good chance for •d« 1 vancement. Apply to PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO.. i £21 Hyde st. near Sutter. _____ —_- OFFICE hours from 9a. m. to sp. m. Patrons securing help are charged SI registry fee — • Waitress to take care of dining room In Insti- tution. $25, room and beard; girl to wash dishes. Institution. $23; nurse for Infant, lady. $30: waitress for country hotel. $^0: waitress and parlor maid. $30; German cook for German family, $40. MISS PLUNKETT, ISO 6 Sutter st. cor. Webster. WANTED — A stenographer, permanent position: girl with at least high school ttlufation pr>«- ferred. Address box 2729, Call office, giving age, experience, references and salary tfpsired. WANTED — Competent stenojrrapher under- standing L. C Smith machine: state snlsry and give references. Address Bor i! 794. Call office. WANTED — Lady with business ability: splmdid opportunity; references: call la mornlns. snite 17. U. S. National Bank bids-, cor. Hush and Fillmore. WANTED — Young women to train as nnrses for our new hospital: ages Zi to ."55; reference*. St. Anthony's Uosplutl. IStli and Grove *U., Oakland. THE Woman's Employment E*c:mnse. 083 Broadway. Oakland, furnishes *»ry best help; also women for day work. Phone Oakland 3359. OUR employment dept. furnishes competent ste- nographers and typists to us<»rs of typewriters. Remington Typewriter Co.. 1015 Golden G. ay. WANTED — Girl to care for 3 year old child and do some housework: gnoil home and fair wages. Write or inquire B0 E. 11th st.. Oakland. YOUNG woman to assist in Ugnt housework la doctor's family. 33^ Lake st. cor. sth ay.. Richmond district. ACCOMPANIST IN exihanga for vocal lnstrue- tlous. Call Wednesday, 3 p. m.. Loos Sutter st. corner Fillmore. J HAIR DRF.SSING. millinery taught from A to Z 1 mo.. $5. Afternoons and evenings. 429 2d ay., Richmond. WANTED immediately — District school teacher. Ftsk Teachers' Agency. 414 Studio building, ' Berkeley. VOCAL studio to violin or piano teacher 2 days ; a week; reasonable. Sutter. cor. Flllmor*. EXPERIENCED pres*«rs on shirts. CLMAN, SELIGSOHN & BROWN, 149 New Montgomery. I GIRL, housework uud cook, 3 in family: adnlts ; splendid place: good wages. Apply 1243 Eddy.'. YOUNG woman to wash dishes and hel^ In small' lunch room. I>lD Buchanan st. WANTED — First class laundress for Momlajsi i Apply 1000 Page st. GIRL wanted for housework and evoking 1543 McAllister st. - WANTED — A girl to do huus*wori£. Apply 1223. Webster st. BARBERS AND SUPPLIES B^R^E^S^VnTT^d^ECAUSE^"' ' You should Install KANDLE HEAD REST ATTACHMENTS ,la your Shop. Further information in regard to these BUSINESS GETTERS will b« cheer- fully- supplied by any of our SALKSMET Either at our STORE or on our SUPPLY wagons. A full SHIPMENT of KANDLF. HEAD REST ATTACHMENTS have been received am»i w<* are prepared to flll all orders. « FIVE Second Hand Chairs. Leather COVERED. In . EXCELLENT condition fo» sale at BARGAIN counter prices DECSELMAN BROS., lac. 162-184 Turk St BARBERS— SPECIAL SALE— TEN p^ c"ena discount on tbe famous PEERLESS and IN.' TERNATIOXAL VIBRATORS during thi ' month of-Deceraoer; we have aU«o lust received' a carload of HANSON obalr* and combination cases BECKEL & PRESITER. Inc.. 47 i IOtS st. OAKLAND BARBER SUPPLY noU3E. ; BARBER poles and commodes at greatly reduced' prices for ft limited time only, owlnjj to over- stock; come at one* and save ixmaiderable: ws> also have several good second hand barbw FO eh R .n B £y al"^a 1 "^ nT; S^^ £_» ' Ur s£j >a3lnMs: has other business Price '- $1.000. Box 1948. Call. 160 l Fl_aor» st. ' Al LOCATION la class A hotel; low rent lens;' lease; 4 batbs; completely fitted up: hot water '«•: ««m for 7 chairs and cigar stand. L. M DBAKE. manager. 161S Franklin st~ HEADQUARTERS of barbers' union No 14<lZ y™Z XT P»«7»M»t; first clas. men at "all tune*. SS9 CHART & 3^ tel nH>«» Market »«<*. tuAtiLKa KOCH, Secretary. BARBER wanted— Witb. IVi or 2 years' experU ence for* country: please state w« R es ¥x. gected. and ap also. Address box IJ>, Fort Bragg. Mendoctno county. CaL BARBER shop— 4 chairs and cash re s lster- real lonable: on account of going in dur-rent'btut ne»s. Call at 2814 lSttTstTor at COLMAN'^ HOTEL shop on Market st., runnlne 4 chair*"' must be sold; $700 will buy ir ef,o.i r i£i£* Inquire DECKELMAN BEo£. "fe T^rk £? ' BARBERS attention— For sale. 5 chair baxbe7 shop very cheap. 19 Montgomery a y ' Washington. Apply v Montgomery ay/ : BHEERIN*S union "of flee LAUNDRY- 2". n» r ««».*! cau • ornce. i GOOD barber wants steady position cltr ait ZSS&&* BERNAED.Tox ikofc^t EMPLOYMENT* Office Barbers* Protective r^!' ion. 432 Kearny. Jobs all the Ume. F. Smt__ 1 2 good barbers want places: -one stearin- ,~li suady to help out. P J, LASg^uTs'l^. °^(