Newspaper Page Text
RARBERS AND SUPPLIES — Con. BARKER chairs. $5 monthly. Harker vibrators. $5 monthly Barker portable vibrators. $26. $4 monthly. Old chairs of nil makes cheap. .„,„.. JAMES BARKER, MR. nRAKF. Manager— Phonp Fmnkl!n 1435. K'lb-IC-0 Franklin Bt. near Pine. SEVERAL choice locations for barber U M. DRAKE, manager. 1618 Franklin *t. 4 riIAIR bnrlw>r shop for sale cheap. Call at SSB "<1 st. fort-rcen 12 and 2 o'clock. 2- CHAIR barbpr shop for sale rlirap; going «nit •-.f businor*; low rent. 400 4lh st. FOR 6»le— Barber shop with 3 living rooms; rent cheap. Apply at 7CS 7th st. BARBER tvnnld like a position Saturday and Bqnday. SCSO 17th st. I'IRST <!ass barber wants Job in a food ih«p. r.2:j Brosd-ray. BAKBKR Bhop for Mie. cboap; inquire 196 Va- lencia et. GKRTniDE FISHER please call _t 3203 Golden "Sate ay. LADY harber wanted as partner. 3038 Ful- ton tt. MALE HELP WANTED MURRAY & RKAPY. I.endiujr Ecjplo.rment and I-at>or Aponts. lllh and Market sts.. San Francisco. BRANCHES: Cih and Franklin st*.. Oakland. _d •:•!\u25a0!. Maia sis. and 1-1 Mnrcbcsault -St., Los Alice!***. Cal. SF.E US FOB YOUR WINTER'S WORK. TEAMSTERS. C piow t-rnjßtprs. « and * hon>es. fsre $1, $33 foimd. RANCH HANDS. J> r*tifh hsnrf* fnr different piaco*. -rages $1 to $1.60 fiaj «nJ $30 to *4.t fnnnd. WOOD CHOPPERS. 4 -rmyj choppers to take coutrart in Sonoma county; {rood proposition: w» o«. 4 -rood choppers, close by; onk and pine; $2 cord; good cabin end slotc. COME HOME— COME HOME* TO SLEEP. fK> PINOLE ROOMS. f»»O SINGLK ROOMS. l*sc PER MCHT— sl._r. -"F-it WEEK, INCLUDING BATHS. CifTee served free to paoh romaer iwtwwß "> a. in. and a*. ;n. FACING AND ADJOIMXG OCEAN SHOOK R. 11. TERMINAL. RAILROAD WORK. TREE FARE FREE FARE. All «-lai*es of railroad men -fhnted: \u25a0 drillprn, tpam»t«"r«. rockmen, epikers, rtc. Free fsre. Free fare. FRKE FARF.. LABORERS. 2 labrtrors for work in city. $<>7.r.0 month. 10 laborers for r!1 winter Job; fare only 75c: -rork aroumi steam shovel; board in hotel; no blankets; $67.00 month. ENGINEER. Engineer for factory, city. $S0 to $100 month. NURSES. 3 Bur*** for different Institutions; see bo!»s here; $"5 found. , DRY GOODS SALESMAN. ?al»Fm«n for country store, close by; good wag^s for right man. LOOK— TELL EVF.RYBODY. sf»o FIRST CLASS ROOMS. WHITE PALACE HOTEL. NEVF.R CLOSES. Ssc, r.Oc, 75c and $1 day. includinc buthis. 250 rooms for mechanic*, etc.. $2 prr week, LVCLUDINO BATHS. WHITE PALACE HOTEL. A FEW OTHHRS. Baker, country shop. $30 fouud. Shingle eawyer, Sc per m. Phr>e maker, country shop, Gardener, private park, J4O found. Young tnan tend lunch and open oysters, city, $10 and hoard. REMEMBER THE PLACE, MURRAY & READY. 11th end Market sts., San Francisco. <ith and Franklin sts.. Oakland. FIREVEN and brakemen on railroads in San Francisco viciclty, to fill vacanrips caused by promotions: experience unnecessary; state age, h«>ißht, weight: firemen $100 monthly, become fnginper* and earn $200: brakemen $7."i. becotn- itg conflucfors oarn $150: name position pre- ferred. Railway Association, care San Fran- fis'V) pall. IOUNG men to prepare for r.ara. for railway mall and ether porernment positions; superior instructions by mall: rstab. 14 years; thousands of successful students; sample questions and \u25a0\u25a0flow corernment positions are secured" sent free. Interstate Schools. Cedar Rapids. lowa. TYOEKINGMEN -ranted of any age to learn plan reading of every kind; also sheet metal pattern draXting; no book learning or previous fcno-rlejjre rp»ju!red: day and nicht. Call or write. COYNE TRADE SCHOOL, 230-240 sth «t. MEN to learn electricity, plumbing:, plastering, brirklsyinjr, all kinds of drafting and plan reading; day and night; no booka; positions «<-cnrp<l: free catalogue. COYNE TRADE SCHOOL. 230-240 Sth St.. San Francisco. WANTED— A hat talesman for San Jose: p*r- manect pos!ti'>n to experienced man. Apply Fiiperlctendent's office b«>tw«*n it and 11, HALE BROS.. INC.. fith and Market fts. WANTED — Restaurant checker who under- stands Hick* or Kubn systPtn. Call on tnacager of Bohemian club. Post and Leaven- -fcrth. before 9 a. m. , \u25a0 2 BOYS wasted, about 17 rears old. wbo live *t home: must know olty; brinsr referenep; s-tlsry $40 ppr month. Apply S a. m., room 44, Mld-;«y building. . WANTED — Partner in lunch counter: small capl- •«l required; a Fnap: cook preferred. 3480 23t_ sr. E. EDWARDS. Alcove buffet, nr. i Valencia depot. FIRST butler for private family in city $60 Second butler for small private family . . $40 MISS PLUNK ETT. IS9« Sutter wt. cor. Webster. WANTED— Handy man with tools to fit up ' wagons and buggies. Apply *ni>erinteiidpnt'B office betw«>n 9 and 11, HALE BROS.. INC. WANTED — Men to know that Tue New York, 753 Howard Bt.. is open: rooms 25c to 35c night. O'BRIEN & HAMILTON. >!i;N snd women to learn the barber trade; only Biiort time required: special inducements. S. F. Barber College, 8 Fell et. : WANTED — Experienced presser on ladleu' gar- ment*. Apply superintendent's uffl<-e bftwetn f nnd 11. HALE BROS., INC. MEN end women to learn the barber trade in s wpfks: wages paid while learning. MOL- ER'S College. 6 lltp tt. WANTED — Good, experienced sbo* maker b.v ma- chinery; guaranteed steady work; be»t wages In city. 3.59 Mission st. MEN wanted with fmall feet to buy $r> und $0 shoes for $1. <;;;i Vallejo tt. near Montgom- ery ay. FIRST class vtilcanite workman: call 57S Page *t., S o'clock. Krrand boy, C7B Pago St., 8 o'clock. WANTED — A partner In a good paying restau- rant: long time established. 134S Valencia. MEN wanted to learn good trade: situation guaranteed; $23 deposit required. 312 lltb st. SHOES repaired by machinery while you wait. Cut Rate Shoe Repairing Co., 11 Sib. or. Mkt. SIGHT clerk, European hotel, city; state ex- perience, -rages, etc. Address Box 2550, Call. PLUMBER for small Job; material furnished by cwncr. Box 1.W4, Call office, 1051 Flllmore et. INVENTORS— *Sonntag'» patent agency Is at 1 1 22 Market opp. 7 th. Tel. Market 2382. WANTED — A carpenter. Apply 11th tit. near :\u25a0\u25a0!>;• -:\u25a0& : Ist refugee cottage on 11th. EXPERIENCED bed maker wanted, $10 week and room. Arcade House, 42 Clay et. gHOE MAKFR -rs\nt«d. Cut Rate Shoe Repairing Co.. Jl and 13 6th st. Dear Market. .•. -"-. » K£W Western. 1124 Howard st. — 300 single rooma. 25c: $1.28 week ttpward. 300 MEN to £11 bedn at 15c per night at Pa- cific lodging bouse. 371 Cth st. YOUNG man to work in hutchpr shop and take <-are of hor-er. 1715 E<l<ly Xt, VOOKO r^T wantrd to assist In grocery. Inquire store, 26th and Sanchez stw. . GO to tbe Grand Pants Co.. 1503 Market st.; t good *gnlt for I!ttle money. . WANTED — Guitar player at" once. Box 2732, on. -_i UPHOLSTERERS • _^ T. H O'ROBKE. npholsterer and mattress msber; tfi. Market 1»23. 413 Grove St. . \u25a0 . W S LINDLEY, artistic opbolsteflng, mattrrss muklng. 1904'8ntter et. FURNITURE FOR SALE DRESSERS or bureaus— Ranging from $6.70 to $41.&0; we ba-e 325 of them In onr branch fcotn*. Eavstlake K-rnltnre Store, Ea»t 14th *t. nesr &tb ar. Duplicates at main store, lltb and Franklin «te., Oakland. H. SCHELLHAAS. <<* Tf>P mattrpsjtp* — To flt any sized bedstead; cwiraniwxi by Hamilton. Ohio, Mattress Co.: *w» oure for" rheumatism. H. SCHELLHAAS, ggpnt for Oakland. OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE fcf'F.CIAL day for bargains In furniture. H. tVULUALtJiS. 11U> *W c*>« store, O«.kl_n_- CITY REAL ESTATE LIPMAN & HIRSCHLER, 10SO Sutter st. Phone West 1673. Near FiUtnur... Branch Office— Corner H st. and 12th ay. $0,000—2 elegant, well built flats In H et.. facing the prettiest part of Golden Gate park: mortjrnj?e o< $5,000 can remain; splendid value. $*>,500— 2 swell flats <if 5 rooms and liath each near Cth ay. and H St.; ronts f'W; mort- C«ce of $3,400 with Hibernla bank; blg- post bargain offered. I $3.V0()— 5 r(v>m story and a half cbttage In 2_d ay. near Clement St.: mortgage, \u25a0 $1:500. $830 — Level lots ready to Imlld on in Richmond district: Va block from carline; only a few left. $1.3.">0— 1»t near II st.: sewer, water and gas. fl,sTiO — 1M in 20th ay. npjsr H st. $2.f>f»o--Karh; 2 lets in 6th nv. nrar I St. $3.WH>— Fltip corner. 67:6x100, in Sth ay. near II St.: this is a -nap. • . $4.000 — 20th »v. and 1 st.. r.7:«xl00; a most valunble corner fir business. l>«-p our lots betwern II and I sts., 12th and 13th UTS. hffore buying. SMALL CASH PAYMENT j MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS AT 0 PER CENT LIPMAN & HIRSCHLEB, 19S0 Sutter st. Phone \\>M lfi73. Near Klllmore. Branch OffiVe— Corner H st. and 12th ay. AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR DISPOSAL To Close an Estate. I»t 25x73 — North line Brannan St., 250 feet west of Cth St. \u25a0 FRIDAY. DFOFMBER ft. 1907. at 12 o'clock noon, at our salesroom, 20 Montgomery st. G. 11. L'MBSEN *& CO. m - " DON'T TAKE YOUR WIFE to gre our new 6 and 7 room homes in 12tb nr. -near H t#.. unices you are ready to buy. She. will surely want one if she, set's them.* Just the kind of a house the average tv.irnan wsritE, ss it furnishes up beautifully _nil Is easily taken care of. Prices — $5,500 to $6,000; on terms to suit. They are going fast. ' Two sold this week. Call at our branch office, corner of H vt. and 12th ay., and we will sliow y.iu around. LIPMAN A HIBSCHLER, 19S0 Sutter st. Phone West IC7S. Near Fillmore. FREE excursion to Edgemar. the nearest sea- side suburb. 9 miles from city hall. Lots sold on installments: prices $250 upward; make ercursion seat reservation at ROGERS, YOUNG Si CO.'S, sales managers for Edgemar, 2330 Mission Ft. , $1.400 — Plain cotter, 5 rooms: slate roof;, good yard and hasement: lot with it; $400 cash; don't forest price: this (toe« 1 week; take Slission to Crescent ay.. on to first street to right. 17 Roscoe. FOR" sale — Artistic up to date homes, modern, alongside Golden Gate park and car line; 12th ay. near H si.. Snneet; take Ellis st. cars; terms. E. B. HALLETT, on premises. $4,300— 54:4V,_137:6; new 5 r. cottage; street accepted; unobstructed marine view; easy terms. C. W. MOORES, 182S Flllmore st. TO rpnt, lease or sell — Lot 25x95, with 1 story building 25x90. with 10 rooms, basement fin- ished. 25x65: for cheap boarding bouse. Apply 49 Duboce ay. near Valencia. ROTHKR.MEL & CO., dealers in city and country real estate, have moved into their new office, 247 Russ bulidine. Montgomery st. ; send for list of good bargains. $6.500 — 2 modern corner flats; I.yon st.; 5 snd 6 rooms; $3,000 cash; bal. mortgage; must be sacrificed to raise money. 1410 llaight. BARGAIN— Six lots. 25x120; Sunset district, bet. 34th and 35th ays.. O nnd N sts.. $250 each. F. GROSSCLP. 933 Market Ft.. S. F. PARKSIDE— Marine view lots and blocks bought, sold and exchanged. E. J. HOOPER, 26 Montgomery st. $3,300 — Nice cottage and 2 story building in rear lot 25x114; on car line. 323 29th st. $700 — Lot ready to build on; off Montgomery st. near Green. Bos 500. Call office. $3.fKX> — 3 roam bungalow and level lot, 25x95; near park. 1410 Height. • J. A. ADAMS, surveyor. 1391 McAllister st. Phone Tel. 614. BUSINESS PERSONALS MADAM D. .MICnEAU— Hair, scalp, skin. ;j-pe- cialist; permanently removes superfluous hair without pain or injury; rheumatism treated, ex- cellent results; corns permanently removed; treatments given private by appointment; sat- isfaction guaranteed or no charge. 1012 Flll- more Et., rooms 2 and 3. MADAM D. MICHEAU, French Beauty Speeial- 1st — Scalp treatment, facial massage, manicur- ing. I guarantee a luxuriant growth of hair in the most obstinate cases of baldness; also Beauty Cream and Massage Balls for sale. 1012 Flllmore Bt., rooms 2 and 3. RAO carpents wove to order and for sale; also chenllle-wove rngs, silk portieres; handsome fluff roga made from your old carpets; send for circulars. Geo. Matthews, 709 sth «t.. Oak. WIGS, toupees, front pieces, that fit; purest hair, used; balr dressing, shampooing, dyeing, etc. O. LEDERER, 2271 Californla~st., near Web- ster, formerly at 123 Stockton; estab. 1866. S. BTBOZYNSKI CO., 1250 Sutter st— Wigs and toopees as they should be made; artistic hair dressing, manicuring, facial treatment and hair dyeing: Marcel waving. , A— MRS. L. E. HARTMAN— Baths and manage; everything clean and sanitary. Suite 12, 1178 O'Farrell; phone Franklin 3234. Open Sundays. EXPERT ELECTROLYSIS (PAINLESS). Superfluous Hair nnvd. ; five Elec Needle Method. Mrg. I. B.^ Wilson, est. 12 yrs.. 1810 Flllmore. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and tronsers at lees than cost at CHAS. LYONS', the Loodon tailor. 1432 Flllmore tit, bet. Ellis & O'Farrell. WRITE O'CONNOR, Monterey, at mineral springs, for water that CURES stomach, kid- neys, rbenmatism, nerves. CALIFORNIA Institute of Scienct; — Hopeless In- vaiids healed of diseases pronounced incurable. 1060 Valencia St. MISS FORBES, manicuring, scalp, facial and electric treatments. 1920 Flllmore st., suite 3, MADAM N. WILLAIME. professional masseuse for ladles and gentlemen. | 1422 Turk, suite 6. TUB batiu, magnetic, alcohol, massage; 9 to 8 p. m.; open Sundays; Ist, bell. 537 Valencia st. A — Miss Lund, gradute masseuse, 1705 O'Farrell st. corner Fillmore. suite 3; strictly medical. MEDICAL massage; face, scalp, general treat- ment; vibrator. ELLA M. REID. 704 Turk st. BATTLE CREEK treatments; corns removed without pain; lady operators. 1261 G. Gate ay. MRS. CUMMINGS — Superfluous hair removed with elec. needle; work guar. 1175 O'Farrell. MRS. HELEN DERBER. graduate masseuse- electrical treatment. , 12OC Golden Gate ay. ' WANTED — B.v young woman, a few private cus- tomers: manicuring. 1031 Fillmore, apt. 7. VIBRATORY. Mechano-Tberapy electric treat- ment; electric belts free. 1624 Sntter st. DR. VANASSK. OCCULIST. OPTICIAN— I92O Post st. nr. FHlmore. EYES EXAM! N ED. THLO. THEYER. wig and tounee maker. CO2 California st.. formerly of 331 Kearny st. GRADUATE masseuse gives baths and electrical massage treatments. 1212 A Turk st. MISS LEE. magnetic healer; hours 10 to 0. 4S Cth st., suite 27. second floor. MANICUUINt; and scalp treatment. 1425 Sterner st. bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. JIME. 3. BAUMARD, French corset maker. 1659 Sotter st. - PERSONALS GENTLEMAN. 33. stranger'- In 'city,' wishes to make acquaintance of entertaining lady. Ad- rirpss G. E. F.. station G. city. L AUND RIES ' GREAT REDUCTION— 2O per cent off on nil work of $1 or over when patrons bring _nd take away bdls. Favorite Laun.. 2122 Flllinore. ORIENTAL LAUNDRY, •• J776 Eddy St., S. F. Tel: West 6461. Hotel and restaurant work a specialty. CAPITAL LAUNDRY, 15«2 Geary st:. West S148; ladles' and gents' wash a specially ; delivery. JAPANESE lanir-ry. ' 781 McAllister St.; try our work: first class guaranteed; terms reasonable. NKW CITY LAUNDRY— Specialty family work. 1315 Eddy st. Telephone Went 24«9. . ENAMELED LETTERS Enameled sign*, metal nnmbers. all kinds: write for prices. Phelpg Bros.. 55 McAllister st. * FURNITURE WANTED POSITIVELY the highest price" paid : for second band furniture and household goods. FISHER Vfc BERNSTEIN, 3312 Mission st.^near 29th. McRAE FURNITURE CO., 741 - McAllister— Fur- nltnre bought and sold; highest prices paid. $0.000 worth 2<l hand furniture wanted. J.'-H. WILEY. <W1 14th st. nr. Church; tel: Mitt. 432.. BAMBOO FURNITUHI- \u25a0 BAMBOO furoltnre, table*," cba lrs, burfaov etc. ; low price. BAYASHI, -100 V, Sutter gt.. BAMBOO furniture factory; also Japanese tarse. & XSUSAKA. 1123 .Webster st. 1 THE SAN FRANGISGO CALL, THFB ST) AY, DECEMBER 5/ 1907, COUNTRY REAL ESTATE ! ' $13 DOWN— SIS A MONTH We am planting 1,000 acres of our best rich ! fflrm land, 3 miles from town, on tUe main ! channel of our Great Central Canal in the Sacramento valley, to alfalfa. We prepare the soil, plant, irrigate, harvest, and market the alfalfa for you, applying the proceeds on account of your contract of pur- chase. : . . ' . .We estimate that the land will do more to- ward the payment for you than your $15 pay- ments — yes, twice over. We will sell you 10, 20 or 40 acres of this land on these 'unusual: terms. Write for circular containing full particu- \ lars. - Alfalfa Planting Department, .- — — ..-\u25a0;..'-\u25a0. \u25a0• : C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY, .702 Market St.; San Francisco. FARMERS TEAMS WANTED WANTED — Team owner wjth teams and equip- ment to take contract to prepare the land and plant 000 or 1.000 acres to alfalfa near. Wil- lows in the Sacramento valley. Prefer a man who would himself buy 50 or 100 acres, which can be paid for wholly in work. Plenty of bouse and barn room for family and stock while doing tbe work. C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY, Alfalfa Planting Dept.. 702 Market St.. \ CALIFORNIA land $1 acre, balance entire pur- chase $1 week for each 5 acres; no taxes; no Interest; 5 acre tracts; level, rich, clear; ready to plow; under irrigation: perpetual water right; Immediate possession triven; partlcQlars, map. photographs for 2c stamps. Stevlnson Colony, room 26. 703 Van Ness ay.. San Fran- i CISCO. . - - FIVE ACRE HOMES in Alameda county. $25 down. $10 monthly. Rich and level; surronnd«d by .orchards, vineyards and nurseries; on 2 railroads, 2 sta- tions. You will be pleased. See !t. RICH VALLEY LAND COMPANY. 648 Mar- ket St.. S. F. $20.000 — Forced sale: half interest In 17,000 acres of land and 600 acres (30 claims) cinna- bar, chromite, galena, gold, magnesite and as- bestos mines; sold as whole or part; will give half Interest to develop the other; a million in It. CHARLES SHARP. Hanford. Cal. ! $10,000—175 acres fruit and farming land in Ala- meda county; 1 mile from R. R. station; 2 houses. 2 barns, 13 acres In orchard, will exchange for city or Oakland prop- erty;- must be sold. C. W. MOORES. 1828 Flllmorc st. LOS ALTOS — A new university town between Stanford university and Santa Clara college; the coming town of tbe Santa Clara valley. Send for illustrated folder. WALTER A. CLARK, 20 Montgomery st., room 204, S. F. 100 ACRE dairy ranch, under irrigation; P5 acres alfalfa; creamery; 10 room bouse; barn, etc.: improvements first class: also eonntry borne and chicken ranch at Petalnma. T. F. A. OBERMEYER. 270 Van Ness a~. ' G RIDLEY COLONY— FREE water for irrigation; no taxes: no Interest: Immediate possession. $I—sl1 — $1 down. $1 a month per acre. T. F. A. OBERMEYER. 270 Van Nes3 ay. ROTHERMEL & CO., dealers In country and city real estate, have moved into their now office, 247 Russ building, Montgomery St., San Fran- cisco; call or send for list. IRRIGATED small farms; carden soil: low urlce; easy payments; book free. Write C M. WOOSTER COMPANY. 702 Market. 2d floor. COUNTRY homes: send for catalogue. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 702 Market Bt.. 2d floor. CHEAPEST and best in America— The Weekly Call. $1 a year. - - _^_ OAKLAND REAL ESTATE $7.500 — Don't wait a day; . excellent large 10 room residence close In; lot 33:3x136; rear 30x111. Apply to owner. 1023 Linden. BURLINGAME REAL ESTATE FOR map, prices and Information of Bnrllngame.- addresß ALBERT A. MEYER. Real Estate and Insurance. BiirllnrHTne «v.. block from depot. FRUITVALE REAL ESTATE - THREE fine lots with a frontage of 100 feet each; fine soil; good location; situated in Fitehberg, close to Scenic boulevard and 1 mile from Frnitvale; price and terms to suit. Bnx 1254. Call office. Oakland. MARIN COUNTY REAL ESTATE LOTS, cottages, homes of all kinds; easy terms if desired. Laurel Dells lots $230 and up. W. L. COURTRIGHT, Opp. Union depot. San Rafael, Cal. WANTED — Lot. with a cottage near San Rnfnel ; will pay $200 down, balance as rent. Box 2725, Call. y SANTA CRUZ REAL ESTATE HOMES, investments, lots, ranches, acre proper- tie*. EMBERT M. BROWN. Santa Crmc. Cal. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE for Bank Balances— 60 acres, Parlier. Fresno conntv, $5,000. CO acres apples, Corralitos. $15,000; nets 6 pet. House and lot, Sissons, $2,000. nets 12 per ct. 10 acre lots. Mountain View, $200, $2GO per acre. Will exchange for bay property, stock or bank balance in any city bank. TRUMAN IN- VESTMENT CO., 1447 Flllmore St., .San Fran- cisco. ' . ' \u25a0 \u25a0- ' ."'V' REAL ESTATE WANTED — Country" WANTED— IO,OOO acres, half tillable, balance Crarlnz: $5 acre: easy terms. .Box 2796. Call. PROPERTY. WANTED I CAN sell your ranch, town property or busi- ness, or can trade it for Oakland or vicinity; write me about it and send for big cataloijrue, free. GEO. W. AUSTIN, 1018 Broadway, Oak- lanri. Cal. \u25a0 . , .... TO LEASE NEW building, 50 Main st.; 45x137; nice stores ground door; will subdivide lofts to suit; $50 up. O. P. DOWNING & CO.. 264 Natoma st. LARGE lot wanted south of Market for term of yrg.; rent to be low. B. M. Still. 184 Langton. MODEL and NOyELTV MANUFACTU'R MODELS, experimental and - special ; machinery designed and manufactured ; tools and dies: gears, punching work, novelties manufactured. M. P. SCHELL, 1759 Union st: near Gouzn. LOST AND FOUND . LOST — On Sunday, evening train, leaving San Jo«e at 5:30. lady's: gold \u25a0• watch, engraved "Elda"; broken chain and Rebekah fob. .lie- turn MISS GEORGIA' CUTLER, Times office, Palo Alto, Cal. . v LOST or taken by mistake — A medium sized red leather valise, 12:30 p. m. Oakland fcrrv boat or on Mission st. trolley. ear; parties having same please call or address B. F. STRONG, 753 Howard st. / \u25a0 . ? LOST — At Mission theater. Monday night, Dec. . 2, black leather, bill -book containing: $10 in certificates and some papers. - Return' to W. H. Cochran. 409 4th t St., barber shop. . Re- ceive reward. : " . . - / . REWARD — Lost or taken by mistake, a trunk on April 18, • 190 C; name on side, Alice Tay- lor. Anybody having - same please notify 309 18th ay.. R. D. \u25a0)\u25a0\u25a0/\u25a0 \u0084y. -. - ,-- ..-. . . LOST— Small diamond ring at 3d and Town- seud depot Nov. 28. Owner - will . give liberal reward for return of same. Box 2793, Call. LOST — Black field spaniel; answers to name of Jack; license 3505, on black collar.: Return to 2442 Jackson st, near Stelner; reward: ;\u25a0 , : LOST— A watch fob. gold buckle, on California St.. between Kearny and Front. Returti . to 213 California. . Reward. . LOST— Scotch eollle pup .about 3 months old from . 299 Pennsylvania ay. - Return to above ' address: Reward. -.•_.''\u25a0 ;. LOST — Garnet bracelet," name inside, on street or at Coliseum;- reward." ' 917 Buchanan st. -.*-;•• \u25a0 LOST— A coral necklace; suitable reward If re- turned to- 10!)8 Pacific av.r..;. LOST— GoId locket, initials F.- H. P. Reward .223 29th st. :;•: '\u25a0\u25a0 - - >\u25a0--\u25a0---... .V-. ,,--.. ... 5 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING PAINTER and decorator, ; paper hanging)' I tinting • i ' all work reas. 1 price. I. Flnfcelstein. SCS Cuatro. PICTURES AND FRAMES ; WHOLESALH and retail; cheapest place 7 in ..- town. Paciflc Frame Co.. r 384 , Hayes st. .'\u25a0'.'. \u25a0 \u25a0 INVALID CHAIRS; J SOLD,-, rented, .exchanged; manufacturer - Emues .tricycle c-alr.' l-SOS Market st.'VTel. ? Fell 2»U.' rT v^ PLASTER •-•'; DECOBATORS :1 : A. BRUNICARDI &:CO.V artistic for i. plain work' Xrcm ; era wings ur _ plans. a_uo iy i_ at, : - ;.\u25a0 : \u25a0"' j HORSES, HARNESS AND WAGONS 7 ; \VAGONS~ON^BAST . .PAYMENTS. - CALIFORNIA VEHICLE -VND HARNKSS CO., FORMERLY LEIBOLD IIAU.\F.SS CO. We can fit .vouout with all kln«i* of wagonsi, carrlaces nntl harness. We have a ' large stock to select from and all marked in plain flgntes. \u25a0 1240 Golden Gate ay. ' .T. G. .Leibold. Geor«e W. Wlttman, Props; . \u25a0 .NOTHING-BE TTER. * -\u25a0 \u0084 ' V WAGONS TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Ltimber wagons, 3 slies. $3(JO. $330. Mill wagons. 2 sires, $350. $375. Cutunder furniture wagons. 3 sizes. $300, $400. Butcher wagons, 3 sizes, $120. $100. . Grocery wagons, 4 sizes, $120, $160. At KLEIBER'S, 1430 Folaom st. SCOFIELD'S SALES STABLES, .cor. Market and Brady, has removed to 101 Valencia. AUCTION every Wed.- Private horses sold, at ever- sale. AUCTION— Every Monday morninjr; frosh coun- try, horses and first class carts, harness, wajr- ons. Wm.Clonch, Auctioneer. C 3 Duboce ay. NEW j lot of I horses for sale cheap. 931 Fol- som Ft. .' . • • . r STORAGE AND MOVING VAN AA— BEKINS VAN AND. STORAGE CO., , Fireproof Warehouse. 13th /and Mission sts. Tel. Market 13. . NATIONAL FREIGHT AND TRANSFER CO.— Reinforced concrete, fireproof warehouse: mov- ing, packlnjr and shipping. 1328-1330 Mission rt. ; phone Mar-et 3154. . WILSON BROS. CO. (Inc.)— Moving and storage, cor. 14th and Sanchez sts., . 1 block from Mar- ket and Fillmore st. :«aref phone Park 271. • PIRRCE-RODOLPH Storaifa and Moving Co.— \u25a0 Slain office Eddy and Flllmore. Tel. West 82S. RELIABLE baggage and furniture mover: 6 larpe wagons. 2010 Suttcr st. Tel.. West 2230. ANDERSON TRANSFER AmD RTORAGE CO. Office 616 Van Ness ar. Tel., Franklin 213. CARPET CLEANING ! ANY or all of your rugs, . carpets, furltnur** or i curtains cleaned on the floor without removal ' by the Vacuum Process Cleaner and Equipment Co. ; work positively guaranteed. ARTHUR G. .HEWITT. §7 2d gt. ; phone Temporary 1749. ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on, the floor wlth- : out removal by the S. F. Compressed Air Cleaning Co. .Office 24 Montgomery at. Phone Market 2672. \ WHEN you - become distrusted with poor work 1 Rend your carpets to J. SPAULDINO & CO., 089 Golden Gate ay. Telephone Market 643. CLEANING sc. Best work cleaning and laying done by GISSLOW. 3SOB 22d st. Tel. Mkt. 2259. Watts — Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations; icn- ovating. laying. 587 Waller gt. Phone Park 5«9. CONkLIN' BROS., carpet cleaning and' laylug. 1300 Baker cor. Geary. • Phone West 93. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO., 637 Turk st. DYEING AND CLEANING SEND your dry cleaning to the Presidio Helehti Dye Works and be forever satisfied. Call West 453 for wagon. Office 3031-5933 Sacramento *.t. : MEDICAL . *__ i_ \u0084'.,/. DR. SYLVESTER'S OFFICE, SI? ZSd it. nr. Telegraph ay.. Oakland, CsL LEADING SPECIAUST FOR WOMEN. Ladies — If yon are suffering from any ailment peculiar to' your sex, worried about your condi- tion and need help, consult this famous special- ist, because he Is truly tbe only regularly grad- uated physician specialist for women advcrtls Ing, having 10 years of ' success — WITHOUT ONE FAILURE— he Rives relief— AT ONCE— without drugs, operation or needless detention from yonr occupation, with original — PAIN- LESS — HARMLESS— methods: with high pro- fessional standing and qualifications recognized by the highest medical authority. . with office well appointed . and strictly private, be is the SAFEST— AND SUREST— MAN to consult WHEN YOU NEED HELP, Consultation and advice absolutely free. Private " sanitarium when necessary. Fees moderate. Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Open Sundays. Telephone Oak- land 7801. DR. SYLVESTER'S OFFICE. 617 23d st. nr. Telegraph ay.. Oakland. Cal. DR. G. W. O'DONNELL, THE WOnLD-RENOWNED SPECIALIST FOR LADIES. • My professional standing of 20 YEARS* PRACTICE -is guarantee of my treatment .and qualifies my success; known in all parts of the country: EVKRY CASK TREATED; NO DELAYS: IMMEDIATE BELIEF. I POSITIVELY GUARANTEE RF.LIEF in cases of SUPPRESSION- and IRREGULARITIES; TREAT ALL FEMALE DISEASES, no matter how long stand- ing; . the " unfortunate helped; has relieved thousands of most obstinate, as all cases have benefit of HIGHEST MEDICAL ; SKILL. ' LOW FEES. . . IN ALL CASES OF: IRREGULARITIES I HAVE NEVER FAILED TO EFFECT A CURE, and I WILL NOT FAIL IN YOUR CASE, By conmiltlne me save time and : money: RELIEF WHEN OTHERS FAIL. FREE CONFIDENTIAL ADVICE. . HOURS— 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. and 5:30 TO .";.- - 8:30 P. M. .' , ; OFFICE' AND RESIDENCE. 17_0 GEARY ST. BET. FILLMORE AND WEBSTER. - DR. C. W. O'DONNELL. : TELEPHONE. WEST 5387. i 719 Tan. Ness aye.. California's Leading Specialist for Women. Reliability. Ladles. BE CAUTIOUS. If yon expect prompt and perfect results from yonr aliments seek the services of positively THE ONLY REGULAR GRADUATE UNIVERSITY TRAINED SPE- CIALIST FOR WOMEN ADVERTISING IN BAN FRANCISCO. He has the MOST- EX- PERIENCE. LARGEST PRACTICE and BEST EQUIPPED OFFICES in California. He is master of your ailments, and NEVER PAILS. Strictly private. Fees moderate. Hour* 10 a. m. to Bp. m. Sundays 10 to! 2 p. m. DR. KING, k California's Leading Specialist for Women, 719 Van Ness aye., San Francisco . Cal. A— ; DR. JAMES NEAL. \u25a0•• "" Rellabii* Specialist for Women Only. 1438 Ellis st. near Fillmore. -Hours. 10 to^S and 7 to 8: Sundays. 10 to 2. , Ladies, when suffering from irregularities, or any female, complaints, consult Dr. Neal, a regular graduate 'physician, who devotes his entire time to curing women. If youaro in trouble,.: consult him first. . THE UNFORTUNATE ARE HELPED. . :No matter bow obstinate thf! case may be or frotn what cause, I- GUARANTEE IMME- DIATE RESULTS or make no charges. No de- lays." NO TRIFLING. All easns successfully : treated. Advice freely given. Fees moderate. Sanatorium if desired. _ MRS.: DR. DWYER, - ".; v ~~: : : .-..,.-/ ' ' . Spoclallst : for > Women Only. . Ladles suffprlnji from Irregularities or any fe- male complaints, consult one of your sex, who ' tfforoughly understands your ailments 'and . guarantees results or, makes no charges. Ad- vice free. Fee : moderate. Sanitarium -If de- sired. Hours, 10 to 5. 7 to S: Sundays, 11 to 2. . 1438 Ellis St.. near Fillmore. DR. SYLVESTER'S OFFICE.- ' \u0084-- 617 23d st. nr. Telegraph ay.. Oakland. Gat LEADING SPECIAUST FOR WOMEN. :-.' ! The most reliable- specialist known througb- oot the country who never fails And is the only graduate physician advertising in Oakland who .treats wwnen exclusively. . ; VALPEAU'S female pills; best regulating pills 1 sold; price $2.50 by express; Pasteur's syringes and tablets; price $5.v By express only on re- I celpt of price. OSGOOD BROTHERS, whole- sale druggists. 7th ; and Broadway, Oakland. "QUICK RELIEF FOR LADIES." : We furnish • you a quick and safe. treatment; no failures. Call' at our -office or sent on receipt - of $5. . ' Sanatorium if - desired. SCHAEFFER MEDI- CINE C 0. ,,903 Webster Bt. cor. McAllister.. DR. WEST, offices 1033 Golden \u25a0 Gate ay.— La- . dies', specialist and women's friend for many years." .< Immediate relief for the most | obstin- ate cases at one visit. -No pain, no delay from i V home.; Low fees. Hours. \u25a0 1-3. 7-3. , A— MRS. DR.- WYETU, rellatile lailies' sipecial- ;• ; Ist ; for all • female : irregularities ; Instant relief guaranteed; 30 years' successful practice. 1524 Webster , tit.; near . Geary; open Sundays. ; ; - ' NOTICE to ladles \u25a0 and friends— MßS. DR. .: WEGENER,' after. a ! 6. months': trip to Europe, ' !bas .again taken • charge v of .her. practice 'and ! : '.sanitarium: at > 2012 Folsom fit. ." y:'v | DB. KOHL, relisble ladles' ' BpecUlist l"f.r all , f e- ! male i Irregularities; -instant, relief ; pnaranteed." \u25a0 :: X 1524 pWebater. St. 'near , Geary; open Sundays.?. * DR. C.' C.: O'Donnell," renowned leuiaie!nlisi. .912 Devlsaderoibet. McAllister . and G. G. : «v. UK. and MRS. DAVIES'. j method jof treatment. «24 .Valencia st. i between > 10th and 20th. ; UK.'; UOSliN' moved to 1-OK 4Ui ay., Sun»et..near ; .-"'- ' H '; »t: ; car? Hnr-.vyA -.' '•'\u25a0'.' '' \u25a0"'\u25a0-.'' \u25a0 \u25a0 : '-'.'.'\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0, DR.' GUNN. : 1G32 \ Ellis * st.'.: opp. Orpiieum — The I -oldest .and ? most-, tellable' ladles' .specialist; "'ne\-er- falls; fee $10. ' Why'pay mort? ;;.BIONEY; S TO_ LQAN?yI; MONEY- LOANED on: furniture, plaaos and othi'.r 'C security : -. lowest -. rates ; \u25a0 most : favorable •- terms in the city; see oU«ers, then SEErME AND BE { ' CONVINCED. - : I SAVE YOU MONEY. . ' $2.25 ". week repays $50 . loa n • and costs. -\u25a0 ; > :\u25a0; ;r GEORGE W. (MILLER/ \u25a0\u25a0, '. ; : .2\ Room \u0084 33, • SW.I, cor:?- Mission • "and 16tb ,. sts. . ; AA— Before iborrowrtng ; pet : our -. terms.", • Loans ' on ' -'-\u25a0: furniture,'.- pianos,*-, borses. i etc. > (without v r*R- Vmoval) ;* $10- to .$_O0:» HOUSEHOLD : F.OAN "'\u25a0 C 0.," room : 70,'- 500 \u25a0 Golden . Gate i ay. \u25a0at Polk st.- Pbone :: Market 3320, V or \u25a0 rooiu 3,*- Macdonougii >: ibuUdlßi^Paklana,; \u25a0';.;:' '• .: : : ; ; : : ; ( '.'"...: MONEY TO LOAN— Continued MONEY loaned jsa laried people ! and others upon their- own ' names without security: cheapest rates; easiest payments; offices in 63 principal cities; Rave ' yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAX. room 137, 757 Market St.. S. F.; and room 9. 460 13th st... Oakland. .-"\u25a0 THE STRINGER LOAN COMPANY. Loans on SALARIES, PIANOS. FURNITURE. Confidential; yon retain possession. Pay in small WEEIUA* or MONTHLY payments. . Room 31, 10 THIRD St.. adjoining The Call: Oakland office, room 5. 1015 Mi BROADWAY. MONEY to loan— slso,ooo in amounts of $1,000 to $20,000; first mortpaee real eotate only; talk it over with us. EDWARDS. SILVER Sc ' CLOVER, 1 formerly Edwards, Chrlstensen & Goodwin, 55 Geary St.; phone Temporary 147 ». EASY paymeut loans on furniture, pianos, ware- house receipts or security of any kind ; busl- • ness strictly confidential; give ns a calL \u25a0;-\u25a0'\u25a0 ILLINOW TRUST CO., 1516 Eddy St.. half \u25a0 block from Flllmore; telephone West C 745. MONEY Advanced Salaried People: low rate-; confidential: D.D. DRAKE, 0 Dean building, DOO Market St.; 12 Bacon block. Oakland; :i ' Moritericliard building. Point Richmond. ANY amount on roal estate, first or second mort- gage, or on any security; no delay. O. W. BECKER, 2111 Flllmore near California. .-\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 : HERMAN MURPHY. '• - ' • - 846 Market street. First and second mtgs., estates. legacies, etc. $25,000 to loan on real estate; first mortgages; increasing present mortgases a specialty... O. L. McMAHON & CO., 1256 Sutter St. ANY- sum, Ist, 2d. 3d mortgages, interest In .estates. B. McCOLGAN, rooms 314-315, 28 Montgomery st. •'-.- i LOANS, on furniture,- piano, horses, etc. (with- ont removal); private party. 2111 Fillmore. ADVANCES made on diamonds. BALDWIN JEWELRY STORE. 1261 Van Ness at Sutter. A— GOLDEN GATE AY. LOAN OFFICE. 1292 Golden Gate ay., 1 fioor below Flllmore st. MOURELL— Cash loanpd to salaried men on* note without lndorser. 022 Monadnock building. HOMES built; part payment cngh. bal. monthly. Call bet. 12 and 2 p. m.. 136S Eddy at. '\u25a0'_'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 MOKEY WASTED - ARE you satisfied with 4 per cent interest when you can get as high as 7 and 8 per cent net on first mortgages, gilt edge^real estate security? Talk it over with us. EDWARDS, SILVER & CLOVER, formerly Edwards, Chrlstensen & Goodwin. r>r> G°ary Rt. Phone Kearny 1471. : GAS FIXTURES AXD LIGHTS GHOICE readiDg lamps will be sold at special prices only for December. Patrons will re- eelv© presents for children at Mission Light Store. 473 Valencia st. near 16th. FOR SALE — Mlscellaaeous AAA i Now Is the time. We need the money. Just received 2 carloads of cast iron pip* 5 And fittings. . One carload of sinks. . To be sold very cheap for cash. > Brass goods away below cost, j Bath tubs $10 up. :*,-;- \ Open Sundays. 9 to 4. v 1904 POST ST. CASH REGISTERS—A "NATIONAL" means ACCURACY, SIMPLICITY. DURABILITY. RELIABILITY. These are four things absolutely essential in a cash ( regi3ter. Don't • \u25a0 experiment. . Buy a NATIONAL and get the best.- We have them at all prices on easy payments. We also carry all other makes. THE NATIONAL. CASn REGISTER CO., v . 1283-85 Golden Gate ay. CASH Registers— WE DON'T BELONG TO THE TRUST; -carry the largest stock on the coast; NATIONALS. $25 to $375: THE TRUST asks DOUBLE this: we are EXCLU- SIVE AGENTS for HALLWOOD'S; this cash register THE best, cheapest and most up to date; TOTAL ADDERS, with strip printers. $a 5 and up, on terms of 25 CENTS a day. ; Paciflc Coast Cash Register Co., 1202 Market St., cor. Larkln. E. J. nALL CO.. 527 Mission st,. S. T.. Cal. Direct importers of vest pocket cigar lighters. Get the genuine. Mailed to any/ address on re- ceipt of 50c. Also wet battery pocket lamps. Dealers write for prices. . TENTS at factory prices;, all sizes; send for catalogue. W. A. PLUMMER, 115-117 Drnmni St., San Francisco; tel. Temporary 3083. And 800-SfiC Franklin Bt.. Oakland: tel. Oak'd 2588. A — HALF down, balance on easy terms, buys a handsome TABLE LAMP. GAS STOVES and GAS FIXTURES on sale. WEUJBACH STORK, 851 McAllister st., San Francisco. DYNAMOS, hoists, - rotarles, motor, generator sets from 1 to 300 K. W. for sale or rent. M. A. Farnsworth Electrical M. A M. Wks. Note new i address, 16 Natoma Bt. FULL size mahogany I case $400 upright piano; cane damaged in transit, to be sold for tbe railrond. 1341 Golden Gate ay. HEINE PIANO CO., Inc. , HALLWOOD cash registers; total adders: $25 to $90; also Nationals. CASH REGISTER EX- CHANGE,. 11S3 Market st.. Central Theater building, DRUMMERS' samples ladles' suits, skirts, furs, etc., retailed at wholesale prices: big bar- ' gains. Drummers' Sample Shop, 153$ Bush tt. SEND for Barlow Fireless Cook Stove. Booklet free. ? Wonderful revolutionizes 628 Mont- gomery St., S. F., or 1014 21st st., Oakland. LAUNCHES, new and slightly used. Cal. Launch Works, Pac. Coast agents for Peninsular mo- tor, Blandlng ay.. Park st., Alameda. '^^ ELECTRIC SIGNS— WiII pay you to see onrs be- fore ordering elsewhere. MOISE-KLINKER, 1212 Market st. ; FOR sale— soo loads first class sand, more or ; less, .45 cents per load. Phone Park 607 im- - mediately. ' SKCOND band French range broiler, donkey boilers, steam tables, tanks. •-, 1247- Webster sc. EDISON Moving Picture Machines and Stereoptl- \u25a0' cons ;. bargain. GEO. BRECK. 532 Grove st. WK make all the latest styles. PACIFIC COAST RATTAN CO.. 511 Golden Gate ay. BAMBOO furniture made to order; Japanese art goods. Yokohama & Co.. 2206 FHlmore st. FOR sale — Gas range, good as new; cost $22; will sell for $10. 1314 Oak et.. Alameda. McINTOSH & WOLFMANN. second band boilers, pulleys; machine work.- 313 Howard st. . - KING'S OLD BOOK STORE. S9l Golden Gate ay. near Octavla st. BOOKS BOUGHT. FRESH milch cow ; and " calf ' for sale at 80th i and Castro quarry. P. CARNEY*. SAFES-— New and second hand. The Hermann \u25a0 Safe Co.,- 120-130 Folsom st. -? - SAFES— SmaII house safe, $35. i>so Mission st. \u25a0 near mint. ; i DIAMONDS at a sacrifice. 1694 • Flllmire st. \u25a0•\u25a0 near- Post. - : : - \u25a0 ' * UNCALLED FOR* STJITS> . UNCALLED FOR SUITS, OVErCOATS AND TROUSERS AT LESS THAN COST. "AT- TKLL'S." 1253 MeALLI3TER NR. FILLMORE. \u25a0 j- \u25a0'\u25a0''\u25a0'\u25a0• 'MISCELLANEOUS WANTS \u25a0:\u25a0.' DRESS SUITS. TUXEDOS AND PRINCE AL- BERTS BOUGHT. L. SKOLL. TAILOR, 707 GOLDEN GATBAV. PHONE MARKET 4031. HIGHEST prices; ladies', gents' castoff clothing. .MRS. "MANN, 1334 Pierce St.; tel. West 2260. A — GENTS' second : hand clothing '-bought and sold. ? MUSIN, 1290 A Eddy »t. cor. Buchanan.- WILL I pay ! any - price for clothing. I. M. De MANN. 1620 Market St.: phone Market 2542. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BUY, rent, or exchange, >' direct at factory, pianos that sing their own praises. :WM. L. SCHMITZ, \u25a0 mfg., tuner, repairer; everything, guaranteed; 20 years In hln own building. 48 Barttett at. ' bet. 21et and 22<1. Valencia and Mission sts. SECOXD HAND nprlght planoi $60. 1466 Bush st. RENT, a piano for Hip holidays at $H a month f rom < Scott Curtaz Piano company. 560 \u25a0 Hayes. Pianos now selling ' at ' great sacrifice ; now . and '..?.' 2dr hand.". HORNCNG. 1554 , Eddy . nr. Fillmore. ALBKUTI. F.—EXPERTr PIANO TUNING. 2014 FILLMORE ST. NR. CAL. PHONB WEST 669. ALMOST- given away — Storage piano; dirt cheap. "Whitebead Storage.; 4os San Pablo ay.v Oakl'd. SDHMEK.; Byron Manzy pianos.'-; Cecelian piano players'. BYRON ; MAUZY. 1173 ; O'Farrell st. CHEAP for cash or payments.' new and used pi- anos.*.; JOS. = SCHMITZ & CO.. .430 Devlsadero. BEAUTIFULj Werner upright," cost f s4oo 5 , months ago. ,$175. -, 1341 Golden : Gate 'av. WANT ;ttt.sftir my -Weber piano.' $125; easy pay- '\u25a0\u25a0 mpnts accented.- 14Rfl.Bnsh:«t. ' - ;- \u25a0; : .- > -;• '< \u25a0--\u25a0•\u25a0'. '"" !—\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»\u25a0 *"^ mmmm '^ "^^^^^^^ Vi mosaic ;anjo£ahtJjgi^lss^^ U^rraD^GLAS^WORKS.^IIS TURK , ST. - v 'AH r-Klnds i. of ' Art. ->. Leaded and « Mosaic Glass. ' Phone -Franklin 'l763.^ If.' R. HOPPB. Prop. V>VV--;:-3liNES^ANp' MINIiSfC I ;.^-"-"; ""' \u25a0 J • ASSAYING— SOc; ~ : gold, -\u25a0 rich -ore. etc.,'; bougßt.* \u25a0\u25a0•-.\u25a0-P ioneer .'Assay- Company ;-i 131- stb- St.. near Mint. V MATEnNITY^HO^IES ? - S. K. LYINO-IN;HOME.-1191 Oak st. near: Park." i>R. LOUD, pfcy. ia charge; diseases ot women. lIKMORRHOIDS ALBERT J. ATKINS, M. D.— Rectal diseases. 1609 Franklin st. : hours 1 to 4. \ MATRIMONIAL BACHELOR. 45 years old. would like to cor- respond with a lady or widow of mean?, be- V- tween 35 and 45, that would help him go tn business and get married. Fnll particular, by letter. Address G. R.. P. O. box 6ti, Vortlen, Cal. D 6 not be deceived; the only reliable jDatrl- monial bureau yon will find is MRS. WOL- TER'S. 1711 Geary st.; established 1900. LADIES and GENTS wlafiin? to marry call or • write MRS. MCCARTHY. 575 Halght St.; send 1 25c for Information. . Pac. Coast Matrimonial Agency, 1132 McAllister st.. will find you a life partner; 10c for partly ; MATRIMONIAL burean — Introduces personally ©r i by mall. MRS. KOHLER. 144S O'F»rreH st. OFFICES AND STORES TO LET RENTS $15 up: excellent light rooms In new fire- proof Maedonough building. .T33 Kearny st. near Bush In the financial center: close to all leading banks; insurance and other financial headquarters; EVERY ROOM HAS STREET FRONTAGE; light, heat, janitor and all first .claw service Included: can be arranged to suit - tenant. Apply to BALDWIN &. HOWELL, SlB-324 Kearny st. BRICK stores and basements, corner of. Wash- ington and Polk, just ' finished: fine business location: low insurance: transfer corner; low rent. Inquire DOBLE CO.. 1712 Polk st. FOR rent — Ground floor brick warehouse; spur track: perfectly dry; reasonable rent; located SE cor. 6th and Bluxorae sts. Call at office on premises or telephone Temporary 2279. LARGE, sunny offices; cheap. 621 Slansome St., southwest cor. Jackson; room 9. MARKET St., 660, room 223— Swell furnished office to let cheap. Call 9 to 10:30 a. m. ONE story corrugated iron bldg., cheap; 131 sth st. Key at assay office. t \u25a0 LOFTS TO LET LARGE, sunny basement loft to let; suitable : manufacturing pnrpn6es or storage; ga» and electric. Call at 1724 A Sutter st. HOUSES TO LET— Unfurnished NINE room boose, batb. large yard; 1659 Scott st. near Sutter. $30. 6 rooms on Sutter st. near Flllmore. $100. 9 room honse, furnished, with piano. PATTERSON. 1917 Sutter st. COMFORTABLE honse. 8 sunny rooms; sur- rounded by carden. 711 I. yon «t. HOUSES TO LET— Frultvale — Fnra. MODERN 8 room boose f nrnlshed complete, piano. Apply 312«! Frultvale ay. or 953 Golden Gat» ay.. San Francisco. ; ' COTTAGES TO LET 2 NEW 4 room cottages on Filbert near Frank- lin. MACKENZIE & CNDERHILL. 1008 Mer- chants' Exchange bldg. NEW cottage, 3 r.: $14; take Mission to Cres- cent ay., on to first street to right. 17 Roscoe. MAJESTIC ay.. 57—6 rooms and bath; $20; Gnerrero st. cars to Lakeview ay. APARTMENTS GABLES, Tbe— Sß. Clay and Larkln sts.— Fine 3. 4 and 5 room apartments. APARTMENT HOUSES LARKIN, 923^ — 2 or 3 room apartments; floors covered: running water; new bouse. _ HOTELS HOTEL YOBK Cor. Larkin and California. A quiet, beautiful plac* overlooking the city; 3 mla- \,' ride to business dls- lng to the very highest class of permanent and transient guests. Excellent table; best of service; beaatifol appointment*. Write or phone. Franklin 3424. __________________ . 1045 Market st. SOe to $2 per day. Special rates by the week or month. A medium priced hotel, with all modern conveniences. - _ J. H. GAGE, Manager. * . HOTEL NORDEN. 753 Howard bet. 3d and 4th; hot-cold water and steam beat la every room; elevator service; rooms 50c, 75c, $1 per nlsrht: $3 per week. CHRISTENSEN _ NELSON. Props. First class grill and cafe In connection. ROOMS— 6Oc TO «1.50 PER DAY— BOOM 3 PLANTERS* HOTEL. 2D AND FOLSOM STS. ISO neatly furnished outside rooms; not and cold water in every room; electric lighted; weekly rate $2.60; Ist class caf# in conjunction. AGAIN OPEN . THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Cor.v Kearny and Jackson sts. ; SO years on the same spot; rooma from 6Oc op; special rates by week or month ; hot and cold water in every room. THE MAP. I AN— Mission st. near 17 th; swell 2 and S room sunny honse keeping apartments; furnished and unfurnished; wall beds, gas ranges, phones, hot water, baths. Janitor serv- ice; $18.50 np. HOTEL ENTERPRISE. 1144 : Market st. near 7th, opposite American theater; leading fam- ily and business hotel; very modern; single or «n suite with bath; 7sc to $1 day; $3.60 wk. np. ROYAL HOUSE, cor. 4th and Howard— European plan; cafe In connection; rates 80c, 75c. $1. $1.50 per day; reduced. weekly rates: reading room; hot and cold water in every room: baths. : HOTEL AETNA. '- 1617 PINE ST. NEAR VAN NES3; SUITES AND SINGLE ROOMS WITH OB WITHOUT BATHS; NEWLY FURNISHED. BROOKLYN hotel (formerly <jn Bush St.). 365-373 Ist • st. — Moderate priced, homelike, temper. ance hotel; highest standard, of respectability; board and rm. |6 week up; rms. $2 week np; \u25a0 family rms. $1 up; meals 23c. C. Montgomery. MARLBORO. 1644 Polk, at.; from ferries take gutter cur. transfer on Polk; European; sin- gle or suite, $4 weekly; special rates monthly; 'transient. • \u0084 . HOTEL SOUTHERN, 233 3d st. near Folsom.— Cars from 3d and Townsend and ferry door. Rooms 60c to $1.50 a day; $3 to $6 a week. HOTEL CHEROKEE. 629 Golden Gate ay. bet. Van Ness and Franklin — Beautiful, sosay ; rooms,. with free bath; $1 up. j THE KEARNY— NewIy tarnished throughout; rooms by the day, week or month. 712 Kearny st. Tel. Temporary 3510. NEW POSTOFICE HOTEL. 596 Stevenson st. or 1083, Market at, — Rooms 35c up to $2 per \u25a0 week. ...\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0 - - - HOTEL STAR, 1740 Ellis st. — Just, opened; -strictly, modern;. 75c day.up;;* 3 per .week. Paciflc Grand Hotel. 127-131 Ellis St.— First class - elegantly, fur. rms, $1 day np; $23. $40 per mo. BTANDARD HOTEL, 6th and Folsom— SUO room* 25c to gQo per night; $1.25 and $2.5Q per week. THE BEVILLE, Jnst opened: modern conven- lencen; rent 'reasonable. 053 Van Ness >v. THE KENSINGTON, 220 6th St.— Elegantly fur- nished and snnny roms; reasonable ratios. THE MASON, 40 Fulton st. near Larkin; suites "and singles; modern; transient solicited. THE LAWRENCE. 48 6th st. nr. Market— Hot 'water, steam heat; rates reasonable HOTEL CORONA, 11 Taylor »t_; outside rooms, . modern, fl day; transient. - FLATS TO LET LAGUNA st., 2701 — 2 new 7 room, bay window .", corner data. MACKENZIE _ . UNDERBILL, 1006 Merchants' Ex. bldg. \u25a0\u25a0 • . . . SCOTT St.. 1336 and 1362 — 5 and 6 r. and b. : , corner O'Farrell. 1321 Minna St.. 4 sunny rooms and bath, $30. • HOWARD. 2948— Modern, sunny flat: fl rooms, -bath; wall bed; Misolon warm belt; \u25a0 rent 1 $32.50. - • \u25a0 ' - B' st..^228 — Modern, sunny lower flat, 5 rooms; '- tinted; separate yard; $28.. . -. COUTLANU ay.. 1-25— Upper Hat 6 rooma and ;.;. bath; new and modern; $20. - ..-\u25a0'.:• GROVE St.. 571^Flat to let; $20; feajoa- . able.' - Inquire . at G6T Grove st. GEARY St.. 2226 — Sunny flat 6 rooms and bath; $37.50. ; : : . NOE at.. • 144. - nr." 14th— Upper flat of 5 rooms .sand hath; lower Cat. of 6 rooms. 25Tn St.. -5369.'. near .Mission— Corner flat of 5 /; rooms ;. all , modern ; ,yard. •- J-[: -.FLATS TO, LET— Furnished COMPLETELY r_r_!sbed flat ; of 6 .' rooms ' and v bath ; reasonable. . 242 Clinton park; off Guer- . rero st.: bet. ' 13th . and ; l*th. f 75-i-SOlO * California st. ; " 9 rooms fnrnished : -.gunny all -day. — FLATS FOR SALE— Furnished FOR ; sa le-^-Furn! turn of . a' 5 room fiat, ' Inclwl Ing \u25a0\u25a0plane. Call Sat, or Snn.. 24^. Filln-Kire »t. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- ~. ' \u25a0 — ;—; — - I ,- .. ,: — .:.\u25a0.-\u25a0:*-: — —.—. — : V.''_2KJ_ATS . WANTED MARRIED couple -wish to . rent partly fnrnlshed i oat or cottage; state price. Box 2^28, Call, < \u25a0 , ROOMS FOR HOUSES KEEPING FILLMORE st.. 14^y— Furnished rooms; gas. eteetrte and bath; rent reasonable; kitchen if desired. McALLISTER St.. 8O« — Nicely furnished snnny front room; gas ranse; all conveniences; for quiet parties: adults. * O'FARRELL. ,14C8 — Unfurnished _mt furnished house keeping ruoms; rent reasonable; ga*. bath. CALIFORNIA St.. _To_— 2 rooms and small kitchen complsta for hskpg. TeL West 2014. OAK st.. _0£S — Newly furnished ro«ma for house keeping. STEINER st., 17."t>— Newly f_m!»hed sunny p_r- lor with kitchen; up to date flat. SCTTEB. 2713— Five furnished rooms, with bath and toilet: complete for house kc«ptn£. WASHINGTON ,nt.. 811!*— 2 furnished h^s« keeping rms., $10; singly room; rent very low. 4TU aT. and A' St.. NE. cor. — Hoiue keeping rooms; 2 front rooms. 2 furnished house keeping room.^. gas. bath. range: $16. Apply 1012 Oapp St. nr 2.^th. ROOMS TO LET — Furn'd ana I'nJaro'.l LARGE, snflny front room, nicely furnished for house keeping; bath. LARGE, snnny front room, suitable for 2 gen- tlemen; bath: with or without board. SIRS J. MYALL. 54« 3«th St.. Oakland. AA — Newly, nicely furnished rcnnn; ronnin* water: closet, gas. batti. pbine; every con- venience; 1 or 2; reasonable. 553 Oak st. near Webster. NKW St. Oeor§e. 291 Sth st.. cor. Harrison (for- merly 812 Kearny st.);' furnished rooms: elec- tric l!«;ht and ciothea closet every roum; 35a per night; $2 p«r weelt: reading room. BUENA VISTA. 933, near llaight aad Central — A large sonSy room suitable for one or two gentlemen: private family. FILLMORE St.. 14;;y — FsmiaiW moms; sras. electric and bath; rent reasonable; kitchen if desired. FEN'TON St., 231). 7th near Kolsom— 7o outstd* snnny rooms, bath; rates $- to $3 par w»ek. Special attention to travelers. GOUUU «t7! 211— Elegantly furniih.'d sunny . rooms, single, double, with or without board; rates reasonable; desirable location. HOTEL AI.T.V VISTA— Franklin-EllU: Amer- ican or European; some desirable roons: Us* • corner room for physician. LAGUNA St.", 1427. cor. Geary — Newly, nicely furnished front moms to let at reasonable price; all sunny rooms. OAK st., 419 — Sunny modem rooms, furnished. single or en suite: for elestanee, cleanliness ami comfort come and be suited; reasonable. 20TH St.. 3073. bet. Guerrero and Valencia— Nice furnished room; hot and coW water, ca?," grate and bath. FAVORITE Rooming House. 610 Eildy st. near Lsrkln — Per nisrht. 250 no: b.v wepk. $1.30 n?>. FRANKLIN St.. 719 — Well furnished uut_iil» sunny rooms; $4 a week and up. FCLTON. 6D2 — 3 nafuralihed rooms fnr rent. $20 J per month. Apply 919 Buchanan st. GOLDEN GATE ay.. 1031A — Meet? (urniiUeU front parlor, suitable for 2 or 3 person*. HAIGHT, 132 — Beautiful large front sunny room or suite; running water; grate: 2 or. 4 gents. HICKORY ay.. S42 — Front room, private family; gentleman; with or without board. LINDEN ay.. 442^ — Newly furnished room suit- able for 1 or 2 gentlemen: new flat. LAXIKIN st.. 023 — Newly fnrniahed snnny suite, private bath, with or without board. MAYBELLK. 211 Van Ness farnti_ej rooms: also transients. Phone Mar'iet 45*4. MeALLISTER St.. 1630A — Nice, sunny room; rent cheap. OCTAVIA. 57. near Market — Front rooms; one or two beds; running water, bath, phone. SCTTER. 1723— Nicely, furnished roor- in base- ment, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; gas. SCTTER St.. ISXXJ— NewIy furnished. _Una/ rooms; running water; reasonable. TURK St.. 1281. cor. Webster— Nice pleasant front rooms for 1 or 2 gentlemen. TURK. 1717. nr. DevisaiJero — Nicely furnished room and private kitchen. VALLEJO St.. 1232. near Hyde — Front room and large kitchen; rent $16; furnished $22. -^ ROOMS AND BOARD OFFEI-ED PIERCE St.. 406 — Large sunny furnished room, with or without board; private; reasonable. SCTTER St.. 2005. cor. Fillmore — furnished mom, t-tth brp3kfT"t) private faroPT: $2*o. BOARD AND ROOMS WANTED WANTED — By mechanic, board and room In pri- vate, family within S or 4 blocks of 2^d and lowa sts. J. A. JOHNSON, care Western State construction comrianr. 23*1 and lowa sN. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES XMA3 SUGGESTION Bay a typewriter for your son or daughter: a standard machine; one that will last a life- time. We have \u25a0 all ktnds for every posslb!* purpose and at all prices. If you think y<m can not afford one, call and see what wo bavo 'the typewritee exchange. 1011 Golden Gate ay.. Tel Park 973. MONARCH Visible Typewriter— ln the Monarca Visible typewriter all of the writing is in fnll sight ail the time: other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices; we rest, re- pair and Inspect; before purchasing ring .nn> West 5609 or call at 1623 D*vtsa-ero at. WOLF & ISENBRUCK. dealers. ALEXANDER & CO.. typewriters: ail makes rented, Inelcdinu Smith Premier; desks, chair*, etc. : ask for prices partly ased maehins*.- ALEXAKDER. IS2O ItUiaore at; phone West 6233. STEARNS Visible Typewriter: the only visible with decimal tahalator: also second hand, alt makes; rentals and repairs. The Typewrtto- i Hum. 1724 FlXlmore st. FRED W. VAUGHN & CO., Paciflc coast deml- ers Oliver standard visible typewriter; other makes, second hand, for sale. 807 Fl Union* st. WALTER A. SCOTT. 1811 FtUaore st. and 5^3 Market. Phone West 2083. """^ — '^ — — "T— *" "^ — """--^S SEWING MACHINES DOMESTIC— Best, cheapest; all kind, rented, repaired. 'exchange: needles and supplies for all makes. J. W. EVANS, agent, 165S O'TarreU > st. near Fillmore; phone West 3601. WILCOX A GIBBS Sewing Machine Company— Located at 724 Turi st. near Taa N»ss ar. Manufacturers of the genuine Aat cms tie. SINGER, Wheeler & Wilson, sold only by Singer Sewing Machine Co. A. C. BROWN, selling agent. 361 McAllister st. near Poßt. 20 SECOND HAND machines to be _oM tmm«ll- dtelT. P. H. SHIRt-WY. 1122 O. G. nr. Vr*b*t*r. SLOT MACHINES \ FOR sale and repairing done promptly. G. SCHT7LT2K. fl7o McAllister st. \ TRTJNKS^^^ ' _ TRUNKS, salt eases, band bags; leather goods: tmrtn-y -rlf>«. Kll!» »f. _^__ TRUSSES SPECIALISTS la 'trass fittings. CLARK-OAN- DION COMPANT. 125S C. O. nr. nr. mimore. WINDOW SHADES WINDOW shades made aad repaired. J. V. HOTTER. 604 Lark la st. Phone FrankHa -SO2. ADVANCE window shade factory. Orders niled at short notio. OKf». WALCOM. ff.7 Turk. PROPOSALS AN^ BIDS NOTICE TO DEALERS IN FUEIToIL Office of the Board of State Harbor Commis- sioners, Union Depot and Ferry House. Saa Francl*co, - Cal.. December 1. 1907 — Sealed, pro- posal- or bids will be received at this nfflce at or prior to 2:45 o'clock p. m. on Thursday. De- cember 12,' 1907, for furnishing and detlveriß* fuel oil at the roundhouse of the belt railroad on the water front' of ths city axtd county of. San Francisco, according to the sp<*elflcatlon.» prepared therefor by the assistant state engineer of the board and adopted by the hosrd Novem- ber 29. , 19*7. and on file tn this of floe, to which special" reference Is hereby made. It is estimated that abrmt I,«*> barrels -it fuel oil wOl be required per month: th» sam* must be pumped into -.the tank at roundhouse of the h«lt railroad by tbe contractor. \u25a0 . No bid will b«i received unless tt Ss made on a blank form furnished from this offle^ and is ! acconipanitxl by a certified check of tmt- thousand (sl ot»> dollars, payable to the order of . th» fwcretary of the board, as a trnarante* on the part of the successful bidder that he will wtthia six (61 days after the . acceptance nf th* bH. enter Into a written contract to faroinh salil fuel oil according to tbe spefiflV-stlons prepare«l therefor, and will also execute ami file with thf* board a bond in the cum et five thousand <$5.fVK»v doll-rs with a surety company, to be approved by the board of state harbor commissioners, «n<t conditioned for the faithful performance of srtc»i contract; nor will said bM be ctmskiered by thU board nnles»; delivered, to the secretary or to the assistant secretary, at the offlce of ths secretary, at or prior to 2:45 o'clock p-.m. «n TuurMlav. December 12. 1007, at which time and place the bids will be opened. Ttie hoard r«- Terves tbe right to rejrer any nr all bids If deemed for the best Interests of the state. Bid- ders «re Invited to be present at tha ' opening or tue bids. '^ r STAF _. onn \u25a0. ' HENRY J. CROCKER. W. K. DENNI3ON, - •--' Board of State Harbor Commlssiouers. • '.'RALPH BARKER. Aswtstant- SUU Eug-_««l. ,r _ ,W. B. TKOSPE. Sewetax/, 13