OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, May 03, 1908, Image 17

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1908-05-03/ed-1/seq-17/

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This WeeKs JktradWnsh
Van Ness4Joim[Drew : &\*!NLy3N&f4'%
N ovelty— Ifatherme (^^IJ^triM}^
American— Pollard Juvenile Opera CoSr^
pany - -• '- : ' y.V....;y :. ,^%^-v;^:^: \u25a0:!
Princess— Edwoa Stevens "in'.". Wang". ' *
Akazar— Farce, "Charley's -Apnt" > .
Orphecm— JnEas Steger Heading Vande
: vnieBm : , X :* V- - -
Gentrd—Naval l^lodraia "The White'
Stpiadron" . Ty ":^^*^.
W^gwam-Vcmdevine . . - : -• -- - C
Walter Anthony
ACTrVTTT ar.d progress arej
synonymous symbols. The sod
that 'is truly alert can do more
tars oa its self than" can : a.
mountain stream leap, backward
".toward its feeble spring and source.
... Is .must go on. In business this prin
•.c:sle pl»ei dollars in the treasure chest j
;-£nd t^rp-aiiJs the "balance brought for- •
. wkra" la the bankbook, provided dili
g-er.ce and force are directed by vision.
.•\u25a0It is the' tizn who crfacs and does;
who sfres aid seize*, who will. own the
\u25a0trfeurare chew and. pocket the- bank-.
\u25a0VT-'hea you f?t^t' a m&3 with t pcet<
eye*sd 2. loir's dxis. in whosi gentle-.
r*5t walks -rith strength and dream
, '" - , \ \u25a0 .\ - ' \u25a0 - -' -^-" 4
is g with i.i->r^p!j£.-33ej3U you asay be
certain of ihist be will be a power in
the l£.a«L Ke can no more remain, is
.the mass tlias a NasMtleoa.rex^ala-ca
knowq. I have heard ll tzlA of 'Morris
Hey*erfeia tfeat if -he were "broke*^ aad|
you t -sb.oria, lend hfrn ?10 he -and you]
would die ri'-Iz." He •would - make the
mosey &-i"d .nut forget the friecd-^_ f I
quite bcMeve :•.. . P^^^fc'-^
"What I. started out to 'write about)
• was of zrs. irticrvIeTr which he' reluct- >
£Tit!y submltied to. •wh#rtla I sought to |
...learn what n€*" th?3g "rhe , Orph'euin 1
rsar.SkE-cment coatcicplai'ed. -Fiamor had
it, you Jc^ow. that xhc Orp'beum rcircuit
\u25a0company afttr corclag out of its strus
, sjle'wlth Kl£ir & Erias^er in the re
cent vaudeville Eght was t>eat on re-
hc5i£!ities and taat it _wae on
the point of ctLrrying a fig'ht into the
enemy*'- territorj- and * entering'" the
\u25a0 # ; legi'JJCEte £eid- Runior went farther.
Jt W2.s j>o;ni«:-d out *.':.£*. MartVn. Beck*a
•.•enterprise ia presenting'^Catherine Grey ,
. -at the hc^d of an excellent coinpaay at |
. the Novelty theater in Oyde Fitch** 1
• plA;\.*TTi<^ Truth," was the 2rrt sign of j
. the coming trarfare b*-i.ween the two j
preat branches of the divided theatrical J
forces in America — the legitinsate aad \
the variety.
' Local Managers Interested
• . M&rtin E*ck 1« the general macagrtr {
of the' Orphecia circuit, with teadquar- |
ter* in New York. -and is second^ only
to Meyerfeld in command of the vabde- |
• v; He situations Rumor whi*per*4« sSatl
this Novelty opening was .cloaked be^ !
bind &£artin Beck's c&nie and that 'it
.was really ap .enterprise.;
Moreover, it was. g-oxsip on the RiaJto
that .represc atatlves o f th e niajraate^ of
. the driraa were here from. New- Tork
waicfcinu development?, as *sp{e* in-aj
hostile couctry before- the declaration.]
of war. Local theatrical zcacszerei
• w#r» interested and concerned, for if
atil these things^ were 'true It. irai'fcer
t«5a that •theatrical echoes were about
to be awakened by the clash of , rival j
facUone. backed by millions', in " naoaey. ]
*So, cot having the least right in the!
world to meddle." nor the smallest in- 1
teresx at -stake, it was natural that' an ]
; iater^iew with Morris MeyerfeldJri.]
,' fceretofore aad hereafter referred; to I
without the "Jr,~ should suggest yself.{
aieyerfeld had recently 'come from'Sfew
York.. For the matter of that he is al
ways recently from New," York. He
•goes there as frequently ajs you do to
Oakland, and to Europe as off»a .as
• i=o*t folk care to go to— «ay Alajpedi.
2 think he has. a oommutaQon': ticket I
b«wwrNew York and San.'Fracclscd:
You fcad yourself believing r what
Meyer^eld , tells* roo. It soondi^- what
ever It Is he says— axiomatic.*- and *ev«n
if you are not normally a' credaloa*
being yon accept 'without question Vhat
•*e says. He has a quiet way of regard
ing you from eyes under languid -lhis."
and a quietly firm way. of speaking as
one who has *no immediate cohcerniin
thfH matter discussed.: but who'j»p«*k*.
Impelled by an inner force and; esoteric)
consciousness of the trath.in'the^cir- 1
cur..«:asc«. He does not hasten to a*-*]
•ure " you' or raise his voice in "earaest j
effort to- conrlnce; he Just tells you j
and you believe It. . .. \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 . -,^ ,-.\
Not Gpins Into "Legit" !
BAH tha-t Is preliminary to t£e as*tr- '
{ tlon that he f the. .troth -.'^ the j
roaon referred! to aad;.tbat_I: believe
wh*t lie ".Bald^ ,1;- , ... f * .'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\V, i
"How 'long- Is _this'- interview I goi-s
to^tscer! \he .askedj,iwith v a ! : kindly -Jin^
j flection that the pleasing
I suggestion that -" he : wished*' it, - i "were
j longer" if he" were -aet^bc'sy-^rith" ether \u25a0
thi n ?s. "pTotv kcopr \u25a0 I;am "not J seeking
j Interviews or aewspapecnotprlety.- „ I
t h*H have £ to,- charge; you.- at;; the : rate
jof ji« .tEboir, .'and "". fhat'i 'cheap
enough."*-.".-. , ;- '-j .- • -'"-.,-.\; "J-, ...~ '\u25a0-.
t We cordially; eoncurr«d{ en the; price
which Manager'.M^rrliexa.grej^* should '
be takealoirt ©fjPres* AgViulJTerry^DlJ^ .
t lon'sljsalirjr^^ k^^ti^^JnTeiTrfew^jir©^ \
receded * with . the^'understa^dlngf ibxt
I only, the \u25a0qcestfon" Immediately; at! hand *
:«ho«ld- be " '"\u25a0_--. ..'.•\u25a0*."v-»\-..-^ "
j^v vx&"C3kri^_t^**4^i^tu^erVtieVex^
{pedleicy \ot "- goias'f Icto-^the Jecitlmate; 1
Jceid.'mad .Voiild 2i£Te--done-, sojif ';
|*trn|rgl_e Cwitfa .tJ»f ?Klaw? Jc^Erlinirer .
J forcer, had . not ended; siU8factoxilyi.to .
as. -' Ab it- is. vre have ; no intention : of
dotaK;anythit:K _to disturb; the; pleaiaat
relations =pw eltistlnr *in^ jthe^theatri-MJ
| world. rWe'ihaTeiourlownvlJne^toiad- 8
Jraaee 'kre : Ebt* : r6 t oJrfntr 'or any ac
ftfTUy'. outside'- of Vda«s' A /r*.udeTilie.*
* The , fact Martin "Beck.** our ' r«c
eral; ; has* t:nderta.ken. an-: en
terprise - of V his . own- "and •, is "starring:
Miss ; Katherise'*^Grcy.-does *nqt cone ern
the Orpheins/ which'i**:neither-dlrecUr
nor- indirectly' Intereiteji;i3>the;prodnc- .
tion beyocd*tl5e*fries^ly1int«rest j'which
ire* nitcraliy \u2666 take? In '- the'ipriyate ;
terprises of; any . of*-- our ; associates." i \ I
can Z tell you \ thaty Mr; v Beck{ is" i a* Arm
believer. i"n^ the 'gylrrtjss; .of f Mlss^Gfey.
i £Jid% has b^tn ;, f or .ai leCg; tiaie *an , ad- J
I mirer.of h.*r art y aaajtrei!. A He."has
»pnt his own raoneyvb'ack- of 'i3er:-b'Jt
' I -do ; not Uhink hV^^iilljiidertake^to
Ipreseat any. other*"starrbr company.^ The
I fact \ that the Ofpheu?n-at one^time-did
jcoatemplate goirigr r into* the ";leciUflia.te.
added * U> th e " fact . that- its "greneral ; man r J
lager "hmd7 presented --a'^ftae- \u25a0" star*; and r
• ronipaay -ia -.a'» : Clj-de • i^ltch . play, ./on£
] necessarily iiany . .wfco_ "de-.
jd^ced _ the .inaccurate, cosclusloa that
I the 'Orpheuni* *had:bro}«n; loose.* "ai~'~*
Became a Showman IT
• ' ' " ----- '"^^.^iMMIHMv! - \u25a0 - - •
! r **Ha'w'"did .^"ou "happitn* to -beco^ne *a
showmanT? I as^r? .Mri . 5C»yer*eld,
pertinently to\ nothing.' - "."\u25a0 :
.* rH-m! r TV"hat; do >oa to^know
[aboat that for ?.j The public isn't li&it-
Jestedlin ray. ajrairs." : -.; ."; ' ! V .V-.
\l .^Sa'a - F ". raII^ lsco 5s-*~Th« institution -
1 at which you stand the head and front
[belongs la .V certain \»xA peculiar lense
i to ihJs : city,/ where 'm ; was born % and
J "It was -all bread, at .first, and -xery
[little -imtter... ? GustavTf -Walter was
{ old ; time friend' and .my customer; when J <
1 1 ; was- senior * ca ember of ,the j firm*; of j 1
} lleyerfeid; "Mitc5ie21't^"i *~°Z ! .W&plesaleJ'
j liquor^.^dealersl wVCalteriwa*! th'e} worst, f
bueinessTnan^ *^1' 1^"**"' -?t*^*P 8 *
that's '* whyl h« * thought" I -.w«^a ;Vej3his '
atY8=»ace. J-At*>"ny^_rate, l he "kept;, after ;
me-to^jKuYa.; [little "inoney/Jnto^his, Or- ,
pheuia.'*. which.* 15- ; 'years>>ro, -was % a j
rtTOggUnV-itts^Utctib^ as-Cybai and* all I ;
j San - Fraociwsaisi^krtfw.r^:T|sere -**** one
j thing- aboat , Walter/: He -wis .persistent; ,
besides,- he * ,was \ : nry 'custOTaer.rt^pd ,
tboi rr». half f intTr«t*wJth : *hiBL'^iIt*; ru •
thoroughly J thiat 2 1 !?should ,
hare nothingj whatever^to ASo.wlth thjs \
theatrical^blisTceulexcep't^atHae: books. ,
I i was .to%tir^and^bVinig|atlitUe r order \u25a0
ont"of-XCalter"s.ta.cgIed«^Rac.claI~nietb r - ,
ods.* "He wasjto^ettendto.tbe* engigiiSg,' .
of ; talent and to^the'actOai^rjsnaJngior .
jthe.hoflse.' J When;h«.*died,Vln;a' year.fi \u25a0
|hand«* *»o to, say;> fr I > :hai|w^Sti«"tlio^l i
|ljo*earnfst"orpoi*rthe;n5uC»e^-*IVha4 ip^V ;
I into . the * business. iMeaattee.-^tad.^I
| f bund . growing:* pleas or it :\u25a0 i'% £int»fest4
j In; my.»new., actlyitfy^f So r- h sold -ouumr -!
jtoter;est'j3**tbexcbihmerclai^ | •
•west' in%'tb,^seeVwfia^V?bu?lsessfliaa i \u25a0
cou!«5 do . -with- an institution like : the •
thealer>," \ *"• * -'"..' r ;^:" ! i
Umpire of Judgment \\'jj
. , «f,; judgment ; in ftnatters tak
ing; j, bold '>oii~'arL; arfsVnotj always -those
wijo know * a-JSttie -" of fona, r construc
tion the teihhic :of -Ttb'e'^thln'ir.fOne.
payVcoiF an'tbat aad be iik* "anjappie ]
With bat one"s-ood spot. His Wnowlj|
cdjre aad cririca! acumen are circajn^
scribed and of little-veluell^ftfiapsj
b«ius? Mey<?rfeld looked fro'nf'a'bussl
Be«» "'brala * t^rouKh'-'aTs'poVt'iVVyes'" fc»
8TT«»p«d the*: •leratais". of -Vucc«s^titt -fil«
departo*nt of th*£iric.,3s and b«-came
readily sp alirost ;'o:n<»rTlnff^JtJdjp*'lr«f "
Uie> value j cf •."4^Lsl^ .c as!** r/oa ; t ha V? *cf j
coant..\ No^cibjtJa^iJrSueai^nrith'i Martin
3?««k : v !n.-?Egtop*aav;trJr5-: zed -; fngagt*.
t*l«nt in : LoH'Jci:;. ParJs H'-r;-:! Land"'
anyTchere'^lfi^-lz^Europ^."/; .:
-'"•* Her.**booked?'^e| i I>r»f in ? lJ»nd'opf the
nlffct before^; sailed : rc- r rAniftrici. oc
h!s ;Jas"t^r«^nd^trJp^betTr<>ea the coaf
tir.er.irV " He 'saVlseiy Hkedlher.dasclo^
aaV;"'call*e4:-'on\h«V : T : !»fa1adrthe-r8clS?«*:
He.rmade:tup Jhi«if naiad s-what^hefwaf
worth , u>:,nlff2tj3ea.t*r* /a^d * offered ? that
worth t t^ar«C^ttt|ll^dIff«TtiS»1b^tlr«tS
contract • tvcs : (confirmed - ' by- wireless
t*-lcgraph*.afterVMesierfeld was 'far tout
on the * At!ani:e.~ ; The dancer is the"
"tvoman 'reported .subsequent;,
ly to havel-reiusedtt.be ;band:ai}d .heart
of ; an;a"rcl!duk"e.' -c 1 -^ '-"\^ 4 *\u25a0_ "'^ -"-i."-^.^ ?
OatKww15f©w^WMis- • \u25a0-\u25a0'! ; ;:>•' v
dOTT23io"vc3icstiiealer.vSnd - wiiat'-are ?.we
gtfi-air I tp, - _ do^i^riihrjout ;. present-.?: p.laj\- ;
stand ':. by nexil; Ne^v Tear's " ds y. - '~ : £slto '
what " vrV.l are 2 V»5 n S "to . do - - TritSTuVmir '
I>r*esent \u25a0- horae.V we. - a r e ; \u25a0 ao t , a s ; ye t* cer*- \u25a0
tRin.' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0Th«?-prej«?ni plan,*VbJch*I ; think
1^^:51 'approre.'-is" to |" r<?tala r it " es rthe
Orpiieum;".'"an<l rJ»fc*y /fa". fcSH';;6he;f'sre*.!i'
dowritoVn,* brlr-irJnsr 'it here the.'fol
loflansrjxs-eeK. ; r ThRt way ea^h^hpuse
Igejplayed two we^l«,Sif|wo?thtlt.%v- - "~
> . 'The'" ; deterinJna.tfon^of ' tk^valise -.of !
'an 1 act \u25a0 Is^the .,f8^ci&atiog|part:-pflthis'
[one j liavs* - on t-lensecK ground - > in ' San i
; Fniacisco.- worth less ;\u25a0 than^ -- -$20,000.
r J^jr/^at^trinsr; of-, houses across the jcon-' 1
[tin»ot*jr€jprcients a capitalized . value ;
\ofYat^ut-*3M4.QQ i K: ';.. -:"lz . ;/- •:\u25a0'•\u25a0: --\u25a0 '.'* "- '.I '
j ."Doa'l - you isee."'-" -said -» Meyerfeld.
j~that -, those; lisrure^-arV 'raisJeadin^?- It
: ioolcs as ; tbous-h'«_taat-i ihcreroeat hai \u25a0
I b**prajr«5rtl y* ont^ of .--t We - profits of j the*
ttuMiheKs^CTcat" isn't; 59." Capiu:!"'has j
jtie^n/KtirEcted :o~ o*ir.:J>usia£S*s" : or Iwe.
ys<qouMa't'' l>i? ; able .10 .. make^thcishewlas
|"wiiich*^lf ri'doh'.t; wa:ch"Iout.>"yoa will ;
iturn'tintoraTsenEation.*' : . " / -~- ' \u25a0 .- - i
f?5*5lyiHBwn- opinion. - respect- ''
? f u 1 1 y. - 4 Tra « - that ! i \u25a0\u25a0 h*..- had » his f. xray -in:
!this.:sq-Jeezed; out interview he'd: maiei
fitfjead .likejan en:ryi«n a^ournal'or aa i
like- "the: previous ciintstes 'be- !
I -i 1 i~----v -;-,•.:-- i* \u25a0-:... -'—-.? '--:\u25a0--- -------- \..- - • • , ':
Sin«lread5andr;:approved.";-vt --._•";.,- .- -\u25a0.\u25a0 \u25a0
Ju!T-»»",j \u25a0*-.:.>\u25a0 -.- \u25a0-.- ._\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 .-\u25a0 - » . *\u25a0; - - • \u25a0:-. ; -;
I th« tiiKf of- the ;besinniE^.of j
fmyiactlrltiesun". the: vaudeville business
fc^^Si? 81 1 "^ at * * las ? \u25a0 \u25a0-' n [^5.^ gTa.vitatI.ngJ
J;nate»- of. the- so 'called trnat. -Why
shoyrd'jaot '.the, interests of- the 'sc*t^
tered^vaudeTillet-: houses'; be £ similarly
linked?-- i> . * ;*•.». * .- " :-\u25a0 . :. . \u25a0
Cham of -Theaters ; , : - . i
S*J^ti^a«|thSI t taakj5K*y*rf*id ft r at-' j
, 1 than* proceeded; to- itsoAccomplishaieat. !
Bat - he ! had»to : have .Orpa«ura;houses »or j
tb sre 1 would \u25a0.lie'-noj'cfeain-* * EcsVXnseles .
4 was I Is%-a.ded,^tfcen* Xaasas '--Clt vrVnext
»•-._' --\u25a0-* .- - . 5, :---. \u25a0\u25a0;
van J Orphean; rv^'as^opeii^L .•ln i'*Chaaha, :
i-:\u25a0 '- "\u25a0• "-\u25a0 ". v^^'^v'-^f-i-- \u25a0\u25a0- :
I then* a long J iijnp^was • siatJe ' to^ New
.{--*\u25a0 :•-• •'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 -i - jfVHV'.VS'-^*". •?-\u25a0•;\u25a0-*\u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0"--*\u25a0*" \u25a0:.. ; :
; Orleans; - next /cacceTDenvpr,' Minneap-*,:
oils;. St.»Pati.>SaUaake, "Menipfcis, Oak-,;
land,*tDe^aioine^Si<jux''C3ty,-ta'nd ' this
faH'.wfn, *e&' th«:; opening J^of- Orphena
ho*JS»« In ", PortlandT^ Seattle.'* Spokane
jand'Botte. -In- addltlon'to; these; tae* Or-
Iplte'jrQ* has dlrect*-and«i£ni reel ;
|/ntn t vaude vi Jle I fiWsesll In flCh fcca 50^ Mil
i waukee.^Ci3c^nnati.7^Tln^aJ3*pbJ*ls" ; and
Loals ville. \ PPermanentt -t offices Tare > es
tablished •; in \u25a0; London, ;V Paris - ajjd-» Ber- I
lin.7 where"- agents Vare T on ; the ; lookoui
for . European^ acts.* '>*}.'_- - - - < \u25a0 •* ' *- - \u25a0
? . "Are these eraplbyes^ln'foreign~ lands
American sT*/ I* asked. • . - .
= ,;they\^ are. : / Else _". they
TTouldn't" b« ;* in? tosch ; with** what J. the
American -. pliblic/^ likesCr "We " '/cha&sa
them -. around --j freqa-eatly ' arrd - briag
them back : to^Aroerica, sending* others
fronifotir offices here to \u25a0take- "their
'. places. We. do;this soittat they Trill
remain Americans, v" I mi^htv, say that
all of -them* are Gernoans-^sood Ger
• nisn-Americans! ._ -. \u0084^. ., .: ' .. _:. ..." ;_•.*.
. : ""Tbday o-ar; princical -business -I* in
. the — -in Xew .\Tork*.\ -sOsr^offices
there cover the entire: eighth 'floor "of
the 'St. . James building. '.Ocr.'.Chica.sb
offices cover the third floor of- the' M
ajestic theater building. , The Saa^i^taa-.
Cisco offices : are , ami 'will . reraain the
center- of the , financial" and -lesal" de-
partmcnt.*- Here *ail.^lrasesr are *madeT-|
contracts 'entered in to~and~deeds*kept.** i
: An -Army -Employed ; \u2666 : !
*.;. Then' the' ramificatiorisj.of" this£bnsl- \
ness ; o!< amu^is^* the^ pablie? were {gone j
into.^ aadi an^idea.* gained ' of 1; araotsat |
of I hard,|iEipDaVcIericail \ and '>tiTtistfcaI i
.wor'« : Ys^baci 40/ ;* ftjotVlshts. ]
|^I> ( lay£rsJandt?ceRjsrT.j'/AlI;'thls_, : ha*jb«ea|
j.lhe * gro'irth .o» ,1 the ; which I
l5raa once" aalHl reffb!ate^C liblated Csoa- i
teeViu* .There 'are; tieV photopraph, de-"!
( jjarUaenC; the *»"prod£clagr i'departnieat;}
tthe \u25a0• press * departiaent,'.asd "- numberless |
ipth»r»braaches*of I the \u25a0 eat erptis>, -from |
?alirof ,wj:!=ji xeportsT.— at reafi i
Ii!:e la, tank's c statement • 'are V nad* : to 1
• the [central I bjEce.-'C'At'.the' hiad "(otj the j
j rXSlrokA. '\u25a0& epartraent * i s '\u25a0 Ma nagrer \u25a0 Bra dy. «
i_-sfiio* ; r "forV"25any :: .'Tear»^wa* < : a , railroad '
official ;h5gh in/traiijwrtatlon^ircl-s.
'He- lay* " out-- th«;; route* _ ? for*^th'e;_per-;.
formers," cjohservraj; retime"*.; amd :
fxi'aX!??; c'ertain^tiit2^\y^rel!aade5 t la '
Th\"|^%t|^wl^aefrt«b^ tine.- "J/-
I^In^tltfcieJ yarloa* JpreUtatQarx - depart
tm^ts^an^arjpT^cTfjtoyif r \u25a0 l;jJOO : riaVa";~ !s
vThis; =sea ns that bef ore {th«
cpttain3;ri*ps*on*aa*"act*the*brala»ta^S* i
miJs^leiWf^i.*ftoratVa*-"have"* torched "i t '
4tf TOmjsrpolnt^pr'j'otfaer^CX^ : v*;.,' *'"\u25a0*'
\u25a0 '-- v- -\u25a0 /„ --> '--'- : -' . ,\u25a0 •— "\u25a0 -~9
! ~z I ?i: railroad J« fares alone . ih« 5 sum CS
I $549.004^13 7^ expendedYannoaHy;- the Or
! pheumr^rculub^insr^e only vaodevina
icgncern '.la ;". the J, world : that pays its
J f?* 3^ 1 **; ;\I*****« -across the .continent
|and^fr1»m>c^>toicity, excess •hag&Zg*
,: *^i*^:>"? r * t! y^ b '?y^ tbe- tickets" aad
:• J^l'** 1 *? 1 ? 1 *^ 3 t Ao **« : rest - *" For *»'*
* month, - was a li^hi- on*, oar
; tra.asj«>rtarlonticcbant i5 Vdebited .witli
: *j^»9.-^^d}Meyerfei<i."_ -*
; A pecSilarity of; :M-y?rfe!d Is hi3
sMUty." to "hold, fast to hina > the men
who-.axalbls Jcaptalns. lWutenairts and
common * soldiers. . . In San Francisco
John' Marrisjey has s-en'thVsnrowth oZ
' l he.tl*> years deVelo? tfae jtrasislini;
i bu5ir:-ss Into, a millionaire concern and
a;; force bj^tate^natlona! ; reach; Ilarry
*^r?*?l?/ .??*»: stage isana^pr* then aod
Is.5tas9«nsaaa5<r now;. Director' Rosaer
stlllplays^ln" front of the footlli;nt3 as
the eiOQcest^organ; Martin Beck, now
BSneral; xaasa «:»r. was . with him" at tha
.; startj} and; many_others have or
are CsfoTringr "sTay '"or bald : in th* serr-
L«s Angeles Next
? are » yon gblns to bnlld an
Prpfcasa theater 'next T* I '; a3ked Mej
erteld.. ./-;..". ' r -.
; " nn;Los Angeles. That was the see
ondclty we; entered on leased ground,
and" we; _coa:eraplate . pattin? cp a
splendid theater building there ' next
year. ..OUate . years we tave osU* oar
own. theaters in Denver. Minneapolis,
SU Paut:31enjphis, asd now. cozaes tha
blgirest , and . greatest at them " all — our
San Frardsds Orph*a=n. which, when
completed, will : stand at a cost of not
less than J75O.«fiO. It will be our
largest, rrith a ; seaUns: capacity , o*
i.~&& and the entire structure devoted
exclcsiTeJjr, to oar OTrn business. There
will'not eren.be a ciyar stand In front
fcr.-rent." -.-
B>* the -thiyaghtf u! grleam in Meyer
feld*s"eye it mlsrht-be in Jor red that th*
OrphecKi's building- activities hare only
just b*Kua. and befor* Ion? there will
be ; others.^ At "present the value of
the buildings which hive been erected
byf th^- corporation exceeds
'--MeyerfeWjCnds a.larse difference h«
tiTeen^thevaodevilleatidlen'jres of Eu
. rope and "America." "We are niuch nw>r»
; responsive \u25a0 her*."* he told me. '". "Ready
- appreelatlo'a* ; is "given quickly, and I
mtist -^confess that ' soa'e acts which I*
think little \u25a0 of : se«m to pleas* ; at least
there : is ._ no evidence . of " stinsriness in
the : applause.-" American audiences 50 .
to^ th« , theater - to be amused. If they
I areiinstiTicteii it is ail right; bat that
isn't-j why - r they i go. Th«y • want to be
entertained, acd are wlllin? to b*. la
Earopo'they are much less demonstra
tive,** and 4 thexe : are '.many acts which
they; eudnre^ : ' stolidly-. that -W3!ild roosa
ocr papers -and ' critics to protest.
American vasdevil!** is a eleaaer insti
-*" M Whe3;I first became; uriwittinslr. *_
showman.^ther* _waa no s-och thing; a*
a sketch^.- an-' abbrevtate/d play or a ton
densed'eoTaedy.'.indHhere no such
thin? as^a^leKJtimite . actor or actress
t©~b* s«n;3a*a=br~:V;rrlety~"st3?re. Noir
i the,hiarh«it class ju:toras-» into va«de«
. r^Uefa^d , back^a^raln . into the - legltl
taate^*s":- persons _-st»p froa aa« rooaa
to^anCTther..- ,Thejr -; take a
- enj;ag^m*nt:"b«ea 1 n»erof the aJlnririS*
sajari-es .*h*ldcont" to .them and for ths
variety -afforded. -^
' 7Th.e - j : va"tul«Ttlle - sta^e is , responsibla
forjin/intirdly^ new Tart — the art of*th»
short sketch, uo-^which the best writers
in the country are :\u25a0 jpiring: their atlen-
Uon;- .The.. short." crisp. .'action loaded
playlet^T<r hie h ~ has resnlteJ is a na
tional-.typo of. art; aad the people 05
derstatsd'j^. At-.flrst the idea was
* rldicnled,", but the 1 sketches Isave eome
" to . siay«_:aad . th«. fact that tha great
* American",, public -has imagination is '
demonstrated. \Watch tnyi of the ?lit
tle?"plays;pat -on here and; s«e. Tak»
•J4rs.^Pecxhaia*s;CarousaI.* for^an illus
tration.- '- Nothing: is explained * except
la,tfceistetehi*st fasfciocyet-the little
piece- Is * losrieaL-jCoherent and ; artistic
- SomcthtnariffJeft. to" the hearers* ir.ia=:i
cations. - and * tha t "flatters *\u25a0 them.
v rThe^coiains: ol-the hish>Liss sketch
and the. "higher type of professional
playirs has 'effectedf a channel ia the
ch'araeter of - 'acdience^. When * wo
first i-ade ,u? ocr.asltdstogtt/away
" f fbih I the soair- and dance - turn "as an
exclusively, variety- ;act ". It 'h*cam« ap
" par*nt : at-.oncefthat we ware secarim?
': a,\b<eit*r "clas-s 4 of patrons. '2 An Orpheum
audience iis T : typ!cal ; of the public now.
The cellared "and edacated 2nd
|their, way lo'.the box. ofiSce^and eom
j plete ; '.a J, representative i sath*:rias. .A
ip^rforma3ce>ini^blch Mrs. Brown Pot-
I ter. "llrs. '.^Langtry* ;ZelJc - de . ,i.t3ssan.
] Us nc» - O'Xeill ; ara the rest of Use le-
I gitixnates who -have vaudeville careers
fcair-, afford'" ~\io * apj*«ar is worth any
ftaan'sjtlxne r acd . interw;.- -
ilndepHenaent^ Judgment B»
! '^.7Ai£fl«X\sifa^je* fact has developed.
!t©o. T^Itji»^th*is: an actor or an actress
! or. a,» slander ; who" hats created ;a * success
£<n#kl«";«f .vaudeville; will be adjndged.
when \u25a0 he sets • o*foze "a vaudeville andl
enee.v}«si<;a.«"independently as tho-a?h
he ;bad;;n9?r?patatios 4f>an artist^at
|alL He f*oaU.a'n»s pabUc, so to say.
[ tbfr^eoHipon^ttt - i p«rts \u25a0 of : wijlch \u2666 ar^
largely -road^: cp^of tbose ::.Trho wouM
nST*r .«**] 9 T ': H? 311 " *^ni otherwljte.; He
wllI^VaeTerUielJ'isCrbe 'rated " with '.' r«f--li
\u25ba erence ito^his ifello^w artists, with qalck
[and" correct _-iad^raent. " "A- TandevOla
\u25a0a«<3ten«e*s .'jrpprcivaa. in other words, is
I worth ;i*ist. tts',-xKaeb. t and is ' as 'slsnsiflJ
[ capita 3 :.tJj«"* steal * pteeed on his ' art ' bT '
[a .Tajhionahi* audience at tbe JIs«r*r
pcfit^B jqpiera'.hbus*',.'*. " It* Is'. tfie voice i of
ttef people. . . " .
< l»'^^>w.^I«B'tUhl3 aboat enough? You
I hay^* be*a"-here i aa .hoar, and yo^s kno-»
I as" mtich a s . I^do this minute."
i "I "t aid" I "wisHed I ka«T sts much ia"-a '
t year/jT.BBr Jt : yiwa . think / it "is ." easy Ittv.
t set : . Meyerf eld to tal* about ; ; himself.
I ?S^^ y "" : S 5*ni«tirae. J i ;I*n» > bouad 'to
I coe f essjthatt ; ma'ny o_f ; attrfJnj-
Ued'herela 'to htm,'ar* of iny/oWiaTjiiaiec <
jhe - saidL**we'*.",or*:**tte "co*apaay,**.« and
i otherwise :inferfere<;;with^the.; plaa^to
| pres«JpeTSoaalIty^: iuto\ the j: talk. -"\u25a0"'He
f evea^waclrd - to*^ know ' : what - kind » ot
th«adjng:"l ? wa3 igoln^" to" makeC-andfob
jected -to * thf es^ samples.; iaslstla^ that
thV ;?tolen".inter*;law c bercaptloaed'tlllts
a i led »er«L headJ ngr. ; , He wo n Id ' have I tin
payfc]lo<jk^like a 'misplaced : sheet from
a^loose sleaf blbd«r,".to* which, artaa^e
hidn'ti h«".wouUChaTe : ; written iit-hte
se1l^i,whJch.rBi5htII»y":yoa: be/esteeined
aiCir«ginistaiic« {i <leTotiUyi to be desired,
j batiaotiby;Dafc. \u25a0-•\u25a0'."\u25a0 "1 \u25a0 ,_..-" - ,.-\u25a0 - '\u25a0

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