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10 Shipping News and Gossip of the Water Front Kosmer Liner, Helpless in a Gale, Nearly Strikes on Pafallones The Kosznos liner Anubls, Captain yon Salzen, which left here May 29 for Seattle, returned to port yesterday afternoon with a story of a northwest wind against which the liner's motive power waa useless, which almost stranded the big ship on one of the Farallon islands and which carried the steamer. In spite of every turn its pro peller made to the contrary, more than 100 miles to the southward of this port. Then, to make matters worse, a Made dropped off the propeller. The wind moderated after this and Captain yon Salzen took advantage of the truce to run back to port. The Anubis left here at 2 p. m. May 29 for Seattle. The vessel was in ballast and stood high out of the water with only half the rudder and part of the propeller submerged. It was blowing strong northwest when the pilot left the steamer near the lightship. By 6 o'clock, when the ves sel, had reached the vicinity of Point Jleyes, the wind increased to a. gale and took complete . charge of the Anubls. Although still headed north the Anubls was making rapid stern way and at 11 o'clock that night Cap tain yon Salzen found the ship within 100 yards of the Farallones and drift- Ing rapidly to what seemed certain destruction. A sudden shift of the wind and the big empty German swept by the threat ening rocks. The wind increased In velocity and the Anubis, wallowing like a porpoise and revolving like a tub, was swept before it. At 3 o'clock June 1 a sudden shivering of the steam er told of some accident to the pro peller. The vessel was then 120 miles southwest of San Francisco. When the wind moderated That was left of the propeller became of some use again, the rudder in the stiller sea resumed control over the vessel's movements and the Anubis was headed for the Golden gate. .. The propeller will be repaired, but the Anubis wi|l not start north again until the northwest wind moderates. The Kosmos liner Theben. which was to have sailed yesterday, was held in port when the weather bureau re ported a CO mile breeze off Point Reyes. Released From Quarantine The crew and passengers who ar; rived two weeks ago from Portland on the steamer State of California and .were ordered into quarantine because of a case of smallpox on board, were released yesterday. They were trans ferred from Angel island to Lombard street wharf about noon on the'Harri \u25a0man tug Arabs. While in quarantine the passengers formed the Angels club, •an organization for the promotion of time killing devices and occupations. ; The last act of the. club was to pass a jsct. of resolutions glad-handing Cap tain Hall and expressing their belief that his action In reporting the case of smallpox to the federal quarantine au thorities was dictated by a high sense of duty_which they appreciated In spite •of the fact that it involved them in a ;two weeks* surrender of their liberty. They were kindly treated by Dr. Hobdy," The chief quarantine officer, arid on the whole rather enjoyed being Uncle Sam's •carefully guarded guests at K. H. Har iri man's expense. :'. The steamer State of California was released from quarantine after the pas- Fengers had been landed and the ship fumigated and was placed In service again with a new crew in command of Captain Nopander. Captain Xopander will retain command of the steamer, Captain Hall having be«?n appointed master of the Queen. The State of California is owned by the Pacific Coast steamship company but is "under a six months charter to the San Fran cisco and Portland steamship company. China hfaifs In Keav-y Gale The Pacific Mall liner China, Captain Daniel Frlele.jailed at 1 o'clock yes terday afternoon for the orient and passed out through the heads into one of the fiercest blows that has swept .this coast for some time. There was nothing- about wind pr sea to worry the China, but the combination made it exceedingly difficult for Bar Pilot Alex .Swanson to make his transfer : from liner to pilot boat. After more 'than an hour's maneuvering the mer « chants' exchange lookout at Point Lobos . reported that the pilot bad safely per formed the hazardous feat and was aboard the pilot schooner, f The China, 'Its nose pointed for Honolulu, headed o"ut to sea and was quickly lost to ; view. The China did not carry' many pas : sengers and the cargo, about 3.000 tons. • consisted largely of army supplies for ! Manila. s' ' Just before the gangplank was hauled in Miss A. S." Egeberg ran on board under showers of rice^ She is going to .. Manila and on arrival there will be come the wife of H. C. Schultz. a gov ernment chemist. After the liner had left the wharf : there arrived at the pier Sir. and Mrs. C. G. White, and their baby, who had booked passage for Honolulu. Super intendent WllUam Chlsholm placed the tug Arabs at their . disposal and the belated passengers boarded the China out among the warships. The China's passengers included: Tor Honolulu— E. Bishop, j. h. Booze H D Bowen. C Fink. T. 11. Hanna. Mrs. Hanna*. o! -N. Marantn, Mrs. Clara Melnecke, S. Robinson. -fnfani. T^^ol^ °" ™^ ** ™ te «* • ci£££t tss^aaft^ ****"\u25a0 de Manila — V«rt Belkcna. Alma Beck J. A Co ennno-H-r. Miss A. S. : Kwbwu. W. L. Gilbert. Mrs. C. M. oralia-n. B. B.Uopuc, Lawrence B. • Jones, G N. Murdock, Mr*. S. L. I'arks II l! •de Wee6e. ' , - . ' Dr. Kidney L. LaseH, Mneß G> \u25a0 Thomas, Miss J>. Maunia* Chinese Capture Freak Fish. : The Chinese -fishermen working for . the California shrimp company dis • covered in their nets yesterday a fish __ that local experts have been unable, •so far. to classify. The specimen "which the Chinese caught and turned over to Harry,. . Johnson, the Folsom street launchman, weighs about three pounds and measures two feet from -tip of Its nose to the. end of its 'tail." It has a large head, In the mouth of which, far. back, are- set' two rows of teeth shaped like the Incisors of > a •human being. The-flsh wears a bulb ous Roman nose perforated", like a sponge. The skin is a, beautiful shin ing' armor; laid .In plates of fantastic shape. . Around the body is a pouch and about midships on the back is a bony spike .which; would ; be , an .ef fective weapon; of : defense. ' Judging from the. number of fins and other pro T pelling equipment the strange? -fish mqst be a powerful swimmer.., Harry Johnson is going to ; save°. the fish until Dr. Jordan returns' from ". his lecture tour, when ho will to Stan- Marshal to Sell Launch . An orderi to: sell; the' launch Stateof California" was issued ;by Judge "de Haven- yesterday ; In * the United" 7 States district 'court \in orders that the; claims of William ;Munder &'Sons against? its owners^might be satisfied.: ;Munder_"& Sons • brought^'suit-- to' :recover. for re pairs rnade^'on-, the- launch and the or der of sale \u25a0 was issued * after ; the \u25a0 "de Weather Report L'nlted States' Department " off- A-rriculture— Weather Bureau. San Francisco, June 2, "IOCS: RAINFALL DATA • Past Seasonal • Normal Stations— 24 honre. to date., to date. Enreka \ 0.00 -35.79 45.10 lied Blun* ..".... 0.00 20.CKJ 24.61 Sacramento .....~. 12.17 : 19.00 Mount Tamalpals...... 0.00 24.(50 "r_».67 Kan Francisco ........ 0.00 17.34 / 22.12" San Jose 0.O) ll:«4'/ i r.'.OS Fresno :......... 0.00 7.«1 0.61 Independence .7....... 0.00 • 5.23 9.47 San Luis 0b1cpa....... 0.00 IS.'KJ 20.44 I»s Anseles 0.00 11.71. J15.57 San Diejro .: 0.00 8.54 10.00 STATIONS S " \H ' ? S ' -f? \u25a0I |f j . ? I Baker ."29.e8 50 38 NW Cloudy Tr. Boise ..29.«4 44 44 W Cloudy .44 Eureka 30.02 50 46 NW Pt.Cldy .00 Fl«?sUff 29.50 62 28 .SW Clear .00 ! Fresno ........29.70 70 48 NW Clear .00 i Independence ..29.50 68 60: NW Clear .00 Kalispell 29.CS 60 — N Cloudy .01 i Los Angeles ..29.P0 64 52 W Clear - .00 Marehfield 30.04 56— NW Cloudy. .14 Modena .. .29.34 C 6 NW Pt.Cldy .00 Mt.Tamalpals .29.7S 47 86 NW Clear .00 North Head ...29.0S 54 50 NW l't.Cldy .10 Phoenix 29.54 90 58SW Clear .00 IHicateUo 29.52 CO 44 SE Cloudy .02 Pt. -Beyes L't..25>.76 4S 44 NW Clear- .00 Portland 29.94 58 42 NW Cloudy Tr. Bed Bluff ...29.76 62 50 NW Pt.Cldy .00 Beno 29.76 42 40 NW Snow r.16 Uoseburg . 29.94 56 42 W Rain .12 Sacramento ...29.7C 66 54 S l't.Cldy .00 Salt Lnk«* 29.50 CG 46 SB Cloudy .04 San Diego 29.54 58 56 S Cloudy .00 Sau Franclsco..29.B4 58 48 W Clear .00 San Jose 29.88 60 46 W Clear .00 IS. L. OblsiK). ..29.58 56 4S W Clear -.00 SE. Farallon..29.SS 49 46 NW Clear .00 Siwkane ......29.72 64 42 N Cloudy .00 •Summit ..." 39 24 S Snow .10 Tacoma 29.94 58 44 NE Pt_Cldy Tt. Tonopah ......29.48-56 50 NW Clear .00 Walla Wa11a..29.76 tt4 42 NW - Clear .00 Winnemucca .'.29.64 48- 42 NW Pt.Cldy .02 Yuma 29.54 92 58 W Clear .00 *ATerage gnow on ground 14 Inches. '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0 '\u25a0 SYNOPSIS -:; . .-\u25a0"... Snow is falling at Summit. Cai., and at Reno. Nev. There has been a fall in temperature of from 10 to 20 degrees over most of California, and from 20 to 30 degrees over Nerada.- It is unusually cold for this time of the year through out the great railey. The abnormal - weather conditions are caused by a - disturbance over Utah and Nevada. At Tonopah a maximum wind Telocity of 42 miles , from the northwest Is reported, at Mod«na 6S northwest, at Flagstaff 43 southwest, and at Independence 26 west. Winds ranging from 40 to 60 miles an hour are reported along the coast north of San Francisco. FORECAST For San Francisco and vicinity. — Cloudy Wednesday: brisk west.winds. For the Santa Clara, valley —Cloudy .Wednes day; brisk north winds.' ' ' For the Sacramento valley —Cloudy," unsettled weather Wednesday, with showers in the: foot- j hills and snow in the mountains;'fresh south' winds. For the San Joaquin valley —Cloudy Wednes day, with showers - in the foothills; fresh west winds. " • : : \u25a0• .. For Los Angeles and vicinity —Cloudy, unset tled weather. Wednesday; fresh south winds.. ' A. G. McADIE. District Forecaster. fendants had neglected to file an an swer to the libel. ", Water I^ront^ Aoten The Pacific Mail liner Manchuria -turned over to the federal quarantine authorities yesterday afternoon to be fumigated. , Captain Olsen of the steamer Helene, which arrived here yesterday 96 hours from San Pedro, reported the voyage from the' southern port one of the roughest he had experienced on" this coast. Receipts of lumber. yesterday by sea amounted to more, than- 2,000,000. feet. > SHIPPING* NEWS OF COAST Items, of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific \u25a0 PORTLAND, ' June .2. — Commencing . today the Harriman line will. no. longer recognize the inter state commerce ; commission's authority over . its water lines plying out of" Portland. Rates will be- raised: or slashed as may seem fit" on: a'mo ment's notice. It, ls the firet- step -pointing, to a red- hot freight rate war along the - coast. The American baric Homeward Bound, which was here last' fall and; made a rattling voyage to England with a cargo of wheat, | will return next I fall to again load-wheat. It is reported as chartered to general \u25a0 freight from Europe to Vancouver, 8.C.. and then \u25a0to proceed to. this port - to ' load pralu for a returnV cargo. Terrific seas , broke \u25a0ivpr the Harriman liner, Rose City, Captain . X Id uton. on Its. trip- np the (coast, and nearly every passenger on board wished for a moment or two that he was ashore It was the worst blow ex s>€rlenced this year, according ;to the creir. of the big San Francisco liner. The steamer Break waler will leave - tomorrow - night for . Coos bay. Th* Alliancn left Coos bay at - 0 o'clock \u25a0 last nijrht for Portland. The steamer Sue H. Elm ore arrived here early this morning on Its last trip from Tillamook with . Portland ns. terminus. > Wfcreafter it will run between Astoria and Tllla mook. ' The North -Pacific 'Steamship company's steamer Roanokc arrived this ercning. * . - SAN DIE«iO, June 2.— The 6teamer .Arizonian of the Hawaiian line finished discharging 600 tons of freight here this noon and sailed for San Fran cisco.- The- pext steamer ' of the line ' to \u25a0 arrive the Nebraskan, due about June IC. \u25a0- SAN" PEDRO. June, 2.-*-Tbe steamer Whittler, Captain Seameus,' cleared, today for "San Diego with 10,000 barrels of crude oil. ;\u25a0' The barkentlne Cbehalii>, Captain . Weikman, arrived - this \u25a0 morn ing with $00,000 feet of lumber for Coos bay, after a- record trip of 4 days 22 hours, 'the dis tance bcltig 765 miles. > The steamer Coos Bay,' Captain • Nicholson, arrived this morning » with freight for the' Pacific. Coast steamship company and left 'on; the return \u25a0 trip, tonight. The steamer, Redondo, Captain', Bendegard,". : arrived three days \u25a0 from Coos : bay. - "The steamer \u25a0 Fair Oaks,' Captain Petersen, * from \u25a0 Grays Harbor, now discharging part of a lumber cargo at Re dondo. will arrive here ,tomorrow '\u25a0 to discharge the- remainder.. .The. steamer - Santa Rosa,: Cap tain Alexander, cleared -this i morning for. San Diego. -The steamer J. P.* Stetson. Captain Bon nlneld,; cleared i today : for Grays . Harbor. • Other departures today Included 'the steamer Hanalel, captain McFnrlane. for San Francisco; '", steamer Bowdoln, Captain Larson." for Grays Harbor.- via San • Francisco; steamer Alcatraz, • Captain Elles s<-n. for Greenwood; schooner Bertie Minor, Cap tain Dahlqulst, for Coos . bay," for orders," and the schooner C. S. 'nolmes. Captain" Thompson, for Blame. 1n ballast. V : . :u " - : ..' -.-..,- SEATTIJJ,^ June 2.— Tbe'stearaKblp Minnesota of : tlie Great " Northern line cleared ' today for the orient \u25a0 with - a • large • number of passengers, most of them | businessmen en route to China and Jepan, and many - Chinese \u25a0 second • class ' passen j;-»rs returning?, to their homes. \u25a0 The cargo In cluded flour to -the value of . $100,000. raw /cot ton valued. at ?53,000,i 700 -bales of. cotton worth $:$6,000, : aad 400 cases of -r ri-ra ret test : worth 527.000. The British steamer: Shlela: cleared for Hakodate with barrels of flour valucd'at $190.000. -."•* The "latter is being run at cut rate* the published -tariff. belng.'Ji a* ton,' a reduction of 12.50 from the old rate. Jebsen.fc Ostrander have been chartering other vessels similnr to tho Shlela and i declare that; the .rate. war will 'con tinue.'"" '-, -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ''\u25a0'. \u25a0' "'\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;::.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-..\u25a0\u25a0 > -TACOMA, June- 2.— With "122.207. bushels of wheat; . valued at $113,708, for . the United King, dom, - the • German ? e.hlp .- ' Neck - • cleared \u0084 today and - will leave ? port. Thursday - morning. Tbe French steamer Ceylan ; cloared \u25a0 today for Havre via San Francisco.-;. with* a -$200,000, cargo. The Amf riran •- f hip ;. nivrell Is ,' due tomorrow h from Port TowUsi-nd ;to 16nd ' a cargo of ; lumber • for Formosa."; \u25a0'•' - - '. •' „ • \u25a0 . ASTORIA, -June .2.— The, steam . schooner Rainier. arrived today from San Francisco to liad lumber for San ! Pfdro. - .The oil ; steanier 'Argyll ' in . for ; San ; Francisco. - sailed * this«uioru ing. The i schooner > F. >. R. Hume, \ with 900 f»00 feet of lumlier, for, Peru,: went to sea today." Tlie steamf-r Alliance arrived from Coos bay. and* left for Portland.' The steamer Roanoke' arrived this fvenlDg from •; San ,' Pt-dro •- and ». way ;\u25a0 ports < with froicht and passengprs and. left (for Portland at midnight. . The tanker /Asuncion -arrived ; this evening from f Port Harf ord with , fuel ' oil ~ " •• \u25a0*- r \u25a0 \u25a0 Army. Transioorts . .•\u25a0' '\u25a0• The Bumsldc Is at Seattle. - Tbe-Buford '* In-i>ort and will- sail .Tunc-3 for • Manila. .:' .-.-,- -\u25a0•- r . \u25a0 ; The Crook "Is Ins port.. „ . J The Kilpatrlckis at Newport- News. *Va' \u25a0TheDix -is at Honolulu. . : \u25a0 : Logan , is • In ; port,: undergoing - repairs! ThVMeade Is. at. New: York. > •\u25a0 . -;: • Aia >/ * The' Sherman •- sailed * from , Nagasaki May 21 for this. port. -.-;'.. -' '\u25a0' ~\ "V .-.:'•',:-,.. i.- Tb* : Sheridan . sailed , from Guam ; May 25 for Manila.'^Mi^BßiWlM^MßfcMaMaßHH'fcwKstft^fgfciMt Tlie. Thomas 'ls" in] port^: ' Warren : is.'at.Manlla. • , . - . v . The.; Overdue ; l.lnt \u25a0f British » l>ark \ Falkßnbank.'^ont '( 209 ' days from Port .Talbot,"" for; Valparaison, .90 per i cent. '-'.¥\u25a0 - * :<\u25a0•\u25a0 American . Fhlp IBangalore.'^tit j * 25 : days from Norfo-lk,.for-Uonolulu,^9o'per.cent..' "•"\u25a0\u25a0. " . aMEgSA v N-^RAWCisGoHeAaja;-fi^vp;DNESDA^;;;jpN^ MOVEMENT OF ':, STEAMERS " -."- ..-" \u25a0-.-... '. \u25a0'.';- : ' to : " " '- .- :"'" :':/:'-^ \u25a0 :\u25a0' i - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-'\u25a0 From;: . ; .|- -^Steamer r ; San - Pedro • . .":".*. . .". ; . . . I J. r B." Stetson .*.* June ,- 3 Portland - \u25a0-'. ;. ;. .VT.'T.: . Veddo \u25a0::.. .'.".' ."; June -V 3 Coos Bay . . .V. :.:.'... I M. -F. - Plant;. ". June ; •; 3 San . Pedro.'. .-..'". ; ;r. : ; lChehalis '.'..: .". June .:i San .: Pedro, v. ;. . .... . . Hanalei . .'. . : : June ; J 3 j Portland " i &-Astorlar.".'.iT.lfl^'V.jWand.T: Junei3 ! Coquillev River f:;r.7; ; . BandonJv. :'. v .: .'". June^-3 Sallna Cms' via S.Diego Arizonan ". : ; .".Tt June * 4 Sana Diego -..'..;..'...'. Centrallat.'T.V.t June f'4 Seattle .. ...;...;.... Ceylan %..;::.."; June -4 Humboldt : . ..;....*... : F.'7 Kllburn %'\u25a0-. :: : j June " 4 Point Arena & Albion Porno ' . /. .;...|Juae^4 San - Diego & Way; Ports Santa S Rosa .".-": I June ; 4 China : &.. Japan... ..;: Nippon •: Maru.. .] June 5 San Pedro"& Way Ports Coos:?. BBy:\u25a0?.a y:\u25a0?. ;.':fJune;. ; s San Pedro . .;; . .'..: . . . G.'j W.7 Elder. rt'June;, 6 Hllo ; . '. . . : . " . . . . :: . ; . . Kiiterprise r .v; .". j June \u25a0{ 6 Hnmboldt . . . ... .'. ; ; . • City of s Topeka : June *\u25a0• 6 Pisagua ; ......".:...". ;\u25a0; Pentaur V. . ..:'.— June c',7 i Mendoclno : & ' Pt.^ Arena Sea ~' Foam; * :~~. June ; .7 i San Diego & Way^PortsjQueen.'.T.vvr". .". June-.S Puget : Sound- Ports.".". .". Governor i" ;;.;.. June^S Portland & Astoria.":'. ': Rose- City ;;:.".". June i' B Portland :& '.Way -Port,s; KoanokeTrT. :..'. June;. Sj Honolulu •:....'..:'.-..... Alameda ". j-.j;.". June-'-9 1 New/ York :vla -Ancon.. San .; Juan :'.::. June.; 9 \ Seattle ;&\u25a0\u25a0 Tacoma.-..'". Watson ::..".'.;'.-. JuneU9 j Grays^ Harbor ..7..". V. Coronado :;'.;'.".".': June ,^9. Grays '.Harbor •\u25a0'."::.'; ..: Newburg;-*;::.'.*. June"*i» ; .-."\u25a0\u25a0> "..- -. \u25a0:" to, sail ;.?; ".-\u25a0 . : ".:- : -'"-.-."-;VKj Destination <- |\u25a0 " Steamer".- (Sails lPler June 3 \u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0"•'-, !'-_.> ', -.'"":. - '\u25a0:\u25a0' Coquille c River .*. ...J.j Bandon x .:. . I 2: Willapa Harbor . . . ; . V. I J." B:-' Stetson 12 Km :: 2 ; . Coquille River ......... {Elizabeth:;.". 5 pm 10 . i Grays --.Harbor.'. ;..*.'. .%|S;, : Monica.. :4 pm -"2 \u25a0• Astoria &: Portland... :|Washlngton- '5-pm :;7" Astoria & Portland.". .\. Northland . . 10 am :2 •' Humboldt* ....".. ...... Vanguard .. lipm '-"cS-; Willapa Harb0r....... D.-. Mitchell.: ...; IV./ Homboldf City,: Topeka 10.30 a ; 9; Mendocino & 'Pt. Arena Sea Foam;.. 4,pm % < \-i Honolulu ... ..;v.: Hilonlan s;.. 12^m 10^ Hawaiian Ports '..... Columbian '. 2pm 23 ; . June 4—4 — , j /\u25a0'-::•:\u25a0 - ; ..-,.. t --'-I Humboldt . . . . ... .lltaValU \\ ... 0 pml < 2 ; Grays -, Harbor ....".". .(Centralla .. 3:pm s .7'] Grays ' Harbor :V.V...;.: V.V. ..;. Chehalls ' ... l'pmj.lfla: Coos i ßay \u25a0."..':.' J ....... M. :-F."' Plant 3 j)m '•''&*, Ix>s . Angeles • Ports .;... Hanalei -"..'i. 3 pm ,%7 \u25a0 Grays Harbor .... ....IG. Llndauer. 1 pm|s St San Diego & Way Ports) Queen ..i.; 9.30 all JuneS— \u25a0-'-'.- -.-•- -"^ 1-<Z2-;. ,z ..'-.-•.-: «-'.,:\u25a0 Humboldt ........'... . F. Kilburn. . 10 am 13 Auckland Si Sydney .'."lYeddo i-'.T.V. lpm.. v. . ; June 6— •• I .:'-..\u25a0 - Grays Harbor \u25a0......-. .IS. Barbara:. >4 pm .'2 l/os Angeles' Ports.. ...lYoeemite-..-. 2pm - r -2; Seattle &\u25a0 Tacoma. ... . jßucknianV.. . >l'.pm 20 'J Astoria &Fortiand. ...! State: of -Cai 11am 27, Portland & Way Ports. G.vW. Elder 1-pm :13: 13- Point Arena ' & 'Albion. Pomo^';.t : . . :6: 6 pm ,; 2 ;• ! Honolulu & U110....'.-.:lLurllne >\u25a0>.'..".. 10 am 10\; --June 77 — \u25a0 -.. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 .--.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•--.-:.:" -- / • '.'\u25a0 \u25a0. Puget Sound Ports..... President .. 1.30p 9 San Diego & Way Ports Santar Rosa.. 9.30 all Liverpool &- : Antwerp. .ICeylan;,^.".' 12 5 m '21 '\u25a0\u25a0June' B-7 -\u25a0;,\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:•• |* a \u25a0'.- "\u25a0. I . ':''. \u25a0 \u25a0,:.' San Pedro '& Way. Ports Coos .Bay ... 2pm ,11> Los: Angeles - Ports....'. Roanoke ... 5 pm 13! June D— i \u25a0 , ' t • : - ' • --\u25a0\u25a0 China & Japan..". ..... Manchuria. 1 pm ;42 Puget Sound Ports..... Spokane -.*.-"."\u25a0 I.SOp ;Q TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE /T~" - Destination - : -' : , :| '\u25a0\u25a0;;\u25a0/\u25a0 Steamer -\u25a0"\u25a0 I 'Date Nome i St. 1 - Michael.: . Northwestern '.'.! June 4 Skagway & Way Ports. Dolphin ........ June 4 Nome, direct... V.'.V. .". Umatllla '".."\u25a0 ."~ June 4 Nome & St. Michael..". S.* D011ar...:;. June 5 Skagway &t Way Ports City of ; Seattle. June '\u25a0' 6 Valdez & Seward .'.^;: . Santa Clara*;:. June >" 8 Nome direct.. ;.'.t: : . '.".'. Montara ..'.... .jjune 10 Valdez & Reward ;\u25a0>;.'*.- Farallon :.. . .'.'.lJnne'lo Sun Bud Tide United States ' Coast : and Geodetic • Survey — Time and . Heights ' of Tides at \u25a0 Fort Point. • For, city - front (Mission street .wharf) -add 25. minutes. WEDNESDAY, JUNE. 3 Sun rises ........ .4:47|Sun setsi.'. ...*..;. .7:29 "Time > ITimel ; Timel - Timel -.•'•••-.: Jne. Ft. ] Ft. 1 Ft • 1 Ft : HW |L W|t H W[ \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0*: \L:Vf\ 3- 0:42 4.8 8:17^-0.1 4:22 4.8! 8:22 3.8 4.. 1:12 4.6 8:56 '0^ 5:00 4.8 9:30 3.8 5.. 1:59 4.3 9:38 0.6 5:34 :. 4.9110:42 3.4 6.. -3:09 -3.7 10:27 '0.9 6:OS .'5.0 11:50 ' 3.0 7.. 4>54 3.7 11:16 1.3 Q:4O 5.1 ......... LW % HWi L W H W : 8.. 0:45 2.6 6:27 "3.7 12:05 l.« 7:05 5.2 9.. 1:29 1 1.7 7:42 B.S 12:29 2.0 7:31 5.4 Time I Ball United States Branch >Hydrograpbic. Office, Mer . ' chants' Exchange, - San • Francisco, - ! June 2, - 1908. ..-"-- -\u25a0-•'.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 The time ball on the tower of the Ferry build ing, was dropped today exactly at noon,, Pacific Standard Time (120 th Meridian), or at \u25a0 Sh. 00m. 00s., Greenwich Mean Time.. \u25a0 - .'\u25a0 >- - ? ' <\u25a0\u25a0 J. C. - BURNETT,'. V Lieutenant, U. 5.N.. -in. charge. .. IT., S. Branch 'HydrogTaphlc Office A branch of . the \u25a0: United States - Hydrograplile Office. - located at the ; Merchants'," Kxchansp. is maintained .- in San Francisco for the '. benefit , of .mariners, without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators arc- cordially invited' to visit the •of flee, ' where complete sets :of ? charts and sailing directions of \u25a0 the world are \u25a0 kept at hand for comparison i and • reference - and- the ; lat est itaf ormatlon can . always be • obtained ? regard ing lights, dangers .< to ; navigation - and , matters of interest to ocean commerce. •• . -••-. . - , J. C- BURNETT.^ * .: /; Lieutenant, U.S.JN.'," in "charge. British bark Surcouf. out 162 days from Caleta Colosa. for Hamburg, 25 per cent. / ..' 'British ship' Crcsslngton, " out .164. days from Barry, for Callao,', 15 per.. cent. _-. - " ... . - British ; ship > Dumfrieshlre, ; out ' 161 ; days ] from Vancouver, for Queenstown. i S per cent. ,.- \u25a0\u25a0 -• , : --German bark : li{."Hackfeld, oat 157 days -from Seattle, for. Queenstown, i ß per cent.'- • \u25a0 .. British' bark ' Galgorn. Castle, oat -.137- days : from Caleta Colosa, for" the channel, "'lo per i cent.-;...; '.-\u25a0".•\u25a0.;\u25a0' \u25a0:\u25a0-•--\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'.-\u25a0-::\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0: ' - \u25a0: Norwegian baric .Ester, out . ISO * days . from Amsterdam,'- for Mocassar, •\u25a0 15 { per cent. - ; ! : Xx ports : by, the* China - The steamer China sailed' for -Hongkong s and ! way ports. via > Honolulu, yesterday, with a .gen- ' oral '• merchandise cargo ' valued at - ?197,458r ex clusive :\u25a0. of treaburc,"- and ' to \u25a0 be ' distributed as follows: : For Honolulu, $8,224; . Japan, $39,204; Philippine 151and5," 51:51.646; China, $13,219 ; East Indies, $2,072; .Vladivostok,-; $2.X*6; Korea, $272; Slam,'" $75.' The -principal ..exports -and their: destinations were as;follows: \u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'; . 1 To:. HonoJulu-^lSO*. gals twine, - 30 ; ' bbls '\u25a0\u25a0 boer, SO \u25a0 Bals" whisky,: 50 \u25a0 pkgs .potatoes, : 97i cs i boots and. shoes. -. ' - ; -. ' \u25a0';(-• " \u25a0\u25a0-.-/.-\u25a0 To- Japan— 2ol- cs .canned "goods, .482 . lbs .lard, 140 casks "and 22 cs ! sake,' 2ol: cs canned 'goods, S y pkgs \u25a0 f rults.i 100 -j lbs : dried y, fruit,*- 12 ; pkgs groceries- and provisions, 267 Y cs;boots and' shoes, 24 pkgs drugs, . 12 \u25a0 pkgs electrical^ goods, 100 rolls and 2 cs leather, 17 bales scrap leather, 8,722 lbs sheet I lead,' 20,000 : lbs tallow. .415 cs soap, 12 cs stationery, >3 4 > picgs :\u25a0 rubber ; goods, \u25a0 25 ' pkgs roof ing; S2 pkgs v paper, 91 3 bbls and . 20 » cs : oils, 1 pkg- machinery. --.\u25a0.-\u25a0'. ,' .-<\u25a0> ... . .-. _» To Philippine islands— 2,6oo bbls flour, > 55,390 lbs lard, 43,717 lbs beans, 12,i».VJ lbs dried fruit. 1,540 :. lbs raisins, ; 1,275 ; lbs -i bread. 21,043 . lbs ham ;and -bacon,' 2,9oo lbs . codfish," 75 ' cs ; salmon, 6.470 : cs r canned \u25a0' goods,:' 325 ; pkgs . ; pickles,"' 3,229 lbs ,; coffee," 2.284 -, lbs ; candy; •\u25a0-» 145 .. cs ; , extracts, 50 pkgs - groceries - and ?. provisions, •' 50 , cs \u25a0' honey/ 397;. cs table preparations,"; 3o cs olives,* soo gals wine," 221 -• gals and' ; 200 .cs \u25a0 whisky, ' 750 \ casks beer, -2 -. bis automobile parts," 4M ; bxs : soap; '. 8 bdls brooms,: 3oo crts : black i boards," 3l' cs- books, 101 bxs > ink, > C3 ' cs \u25a0 stationery, 1 23 : bales ? broom corn.' B '\u25a0 bdls t broomn,-,7 :> bales bags,': 56.000 " fire bricks, • 802 pkgs ' paper, ,-172 bales r paper: bags." 195 • pcs \u25a0 and r 127 bdls \u25a0: steel,;- 55 \u25a0 bdls \u25a0 pipe, 'j. 10 i bales canvas,*" 834 '-, cs • cartridges.'; 276 cs - boots and .- shoes, ; 353 . pkgs . dry , goods,'-' 50 : cs i canteens, 76 :cs surgica 1 .; supplies; < 1 66 - pkgs \u25a0 drugs,-; 130 pkgs ; electrical » goods; ; 22 bales \u25a0 hose, "a 38,1 16 ft lumber, 's3l csioils." 81; pkgs : paints,- 28' c-s tar 30 tea turpentine,' fK) :cs -, saddlery .; and. harness, 49 cs and -, 14 . rolls ; leather,-- 230 pkgs \u25a0 nails."- v,- -/ • To ' CUina-^3,47s ; lbs ; bean's,: soo -. lbs i peas, 960 lbs . tea, , 000 i lbs " lard.V*. 100 6 lbs '\u25a0\u25a0 raisins, t4,• cs baking \u25a0\u25a0 powder, 1 120 lbs bread," 500 i lbs • codfish, pO7 .'; cs \u25a0 canned •\u25a0 goods."!': 709 ? lbs \ cheese, :r: r 837 \u25a0:\u25a0 lbs and; 17^cs. meals,- BSo'Ubs.-i dried .frult.-S 174 ics fl«h; 9 ,cs olives, 21 •cs salmon, 1 24 ! pkgs groceries and; provisions, •3 " pkgs '\u25a0 drugs.l 1 , cs shoes, - 3 pkgs diving "apparatus, -2,092 . lbs- ginseng, -2- rolls leather,*- 6. eg. 0i1. , *'.'.-• ' . . " \u25a0 -~ . \u25a0\u25a0To; Korea— 3so Jibs i dried;.' fruit. 6 csjgrapo Juice, ' 3 , cs ' liquors, vlO - cs : syrup, ' 115 * lbs ( meals,* 120 \u25a0:\u25a0 lbs ' brnad, -' 100 :,; lbs -. butter, z7 . cs .'canned goi \u25a0d*«,~ 5 , pkgs groceries , and 1 provisions. • .r - , : \u25a0 "To East Indie»-^292 cs canned goods," ; 2,000 lbs dried -fruit, 100 cs salmon, -ltj cs honey,^spkgs machinery.'. -.\u25a0.'-"-\u25a0 .".*\u25a0'-- '\u25a0 --;.:..•.; - To Vladivostok— 3l,3so ; lbs . dried i fruit, 1 .- 2.000 lbs raisins,; 120 cs canned' fruit,"; 2,29B lbs tallow. > ' To i. Slam— l cs ;' harness, f\u25a0 . . -\u0084 \u25a0 ; -y ," SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED . ?~" / »"" ''\u25a0'- \u25a0 - : .:•••-; Tuesday,: June-2. \u25a0 ,-« Stmr.llelpne.iOlßen,. 96 hours from San: Pedro' .via Monterey 24- hours. _':: • «.-. :. \u25a0;. -j fe -• \u25a0\u25a0-;.-, • ' •-T Stmr ' Navarro, ' Hoffman,' 3o- hours from'.Cres cent-Clty.;., \u25a0\u25a0-, ". .'-.• \u25a0":•- - .•'' -.-. :-\u25a0\u25a0•-•\u25a0-..\u25a0 ,"» Stmr; Nann Smith,' Nelson, 3S hours 'from Coos bay., -\u25a0\u25a0 : --- ."- .:. -\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 >:~. „\u25a0 • :\u25a0. '.- .-," — - \u25a0 Stmr -James iS. •'; Higglns. , Hlggins, -.. 15 - hours flora i Fort , Bragg,', bound ; sou t Ii ; , put in %to \ land pasfeugers. ,;.:., *.-- ->r.'.-.. 1...,/. \u25a0\u0084- ' t:^j;.-:t :^j;. :- Stmr ; Buckman.';, Wood," 62 ". hours : - from ? Sea t tin ' :Stmr- Elisabeth,- Olsen.- 27, hours from ' Baudon' ..;, Br strar; Crown of, Gallcla, Ualllday," 57 d»vs from: Norfolk"'; • '.' ; \u25a0 .•/ .- - :\u25a0 \u25a0r.;-*' ... -.4 Bktn , Klikltat, Cutler.; 4 ' days from Port Lud low. ' ' - :":"-- '.. "- ... ;. \u25a0 " -.; ; :\u25a0 ... . Tub - Hercules, _\u25a0 Thompson, "20 \u25a0\u25a0'-': hours ' : from Kureka. 9EbSP ß Mß*aa4aea^^%^*-r>f>.,--s > .r<^<-.. -« r . : \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0- 1 ...X"---.'. ._..-. cleared ; r/ '.yl \u25a0'.:--"-'-- \u25a0'- ! - *\u25a0•"'•' ' .\u25a0""-\u25a0- i Tuesday, ; Juno; 2 hi' IX S^uir City; of '' Topeka;. Glelow, - Eureka • 'Pacific ; Coast steamship company.^ :-../• \u25a0\u25a0-.. - v a' ; . • ... \u25a0-. -I '^ Stmr City. of .Puebla.. Shea, I .: Victoria and -Port Townsend; Pacific. Coasfrtearashipconipanv - • \u25a0 Stmr Columbian. Colcord, 1 ? Honolulu ; - W!Hiam« " Dimond &. Co. '\u25a0.--':... .*:• \u25a0 . " . - ».„' . (Jer : stmr, Theben, i Peterspn,,; Seattle; " Kosuios line/ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•»; -.-•\u25a0 . . \u25a0. •\u25a0 ;\u25a0-.-\u25a0 \u25a0 "/ f; SAILED *i * - -t_ \u25a0 , : Stmr China; Friele.'i Hongkong, etf. .'• - \u25a0 - U -v- e -' ""' - • .' Kttnr. F."A. ; Kllburn.l Mcljellan',* Eureka ~""'-- : ' ' ;;. Stmr Johan>Paulsen:;Nil6son, Astoria ' i-itmr ,City of i; Puebla, * Shea;*-.-. Victoria 'and 'Puset; sound ports. -.-, •" w.- .^ .lt "..,.. ... . ..... .;tf Stmr James R ; Hlggins.-, Hlpglns,^ San Pedro. ,/ ;-Stinr;Noyo, Ellessen.* Faro Bragg." --; "\u25a0-.,-•.••- f:-." '"-*-r \u25a0\u25a0-,-.;\u25a0•- '.. -\u25a0 ' •»* M "^- 2^^" t;3B Br , snip ; Madagascar, ; from ' Antof agasta; * for • Ful : mouth. '.-.: '\u25a0'\u25a0'-.- *-—..\u25a0..: '. -. v -;.-„.; j.. \u25a0 I r-.^:>.*.:;r..*>; 1 - \u25a0 ,-\u25a0 : --^ -: -. ..--.wireless .-•-.'• ; '"" '-\u25a0'.'\u25a0'\u25a0 .'\u25a0: Per stmr -Watson, •: hence \u25a0 May^ 80 for (Seattle-^.( Seattle-^. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS \u25a0> Birth," marriage and "death notices ; sent by. mall will' not VbeUnscrtedrrTheyi must vbe handed 'in at either I of | the publication I offices j and » be indorsed with t the name ' and? residence* of { persons 1 author- ized » to % have | the I same B published.^ Notices | re- stricted f simply, to ; the 'announcement of the I event are published once j in | this; column | free | of * charse." IARRIAGEIICENSfS V The." following-, marriage ,' licenses'? were Issiftd in' 6an'^ Francisco j Tuesday, 1 * Jtine 2: 'CJ; ' :.-. John £ n.*iCrabbe.% : ' 21,'s. 2207 ' Webster \u25a0 st. , and Mary^ F.V Armstrong'.*-' is," 2112 California st. "I. Clarence I/.f Russell, l^ 22 '\u25a0\u25a0 Paskenta; and Clara C Clark;. v 10;HG » Lower Terrace. \u25a0 George ; M. Reid;. 32, - 2518 Lombard ''\u25a0 st., and 'Annie C./McCarty, j 28,i 2274 Lombard 6t.~ - ; r :i ,'\u25a0"- Charles •»' F.%- Wiley, -V-. 30 ; and r Conchetta tLo Prestl, « 20.V lioth :. of j 26 ', Stelner : st. \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'' ' ' ,7- Cornelius Collins. ' 24.' 1407 : Utah f St., • and ' An- nie '-Ryan.^ 23,. '2529 "Twenty-flf ; " v Frederick iM.>Voigt;" 26.: fi7»: Fifth ave.,-and Julie 'B.iCallo. 20,^ 575, Fifth 'ave.?: \u25a0 \u25a0 "'-\u25a0- Leslie ' H.-; Towle, 5 24;« 2606 Howard : 5t.. .-. and Margaret i M: ', McHusb. -< 1»; > 2720 - Twenty-second street."-- ' '. • •-\u25a0 :, . ' . .-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -•'- \u25a0: : -'.- ; \u25a0 . -•• Friedrich; Frieda 34,: ari d" Rosl • Fried, 23, both of -J 465 ' Valencia ; st. '\u25a0 ..- T - " : ii Donald ' B.- Dodge." 36. XeW. , York, and ;" Ellen 8.. I»ng,\23,vSusanville. : .::',;,: >-- Walter -G. Penntaan; ; 2i; Hotel .Victoria; and .Vlva-L. Gill,' 22, --1663 ' Oak ' st. ' :: Joseph H.f Ridgevay, 25, ,-' 19 Hill- st., and Lols;L.^Eoff.'2s,as'.Hlll^st. - --.- . --~ Ralph I F. : Bcrringer.*. 21;'1 Frultvale, and : Minnie E. Schrelner,^- 18, -^ 566 \ Chestnut st. ; \u25a0 Edward .J. ? King;- 22,-; 602 ' Greenwich ' St.",'; and Mamie V Damozonio, ? 17 ,-i 3009 '. Buchanan •. st, ? I ", -; ; Phllippo s Burg; ~ 53,-; and • Cecelia - Aufort/;; 20, 2075-. Seventeenths avo.'« ; ~ " \u25a0'• :, ': ;• Edward :.Wllliam!«;i 53.% and - Mary J. Freeman, 48. 'botlryof ".22 ;Victoria 'st.» : .Oliver J Goldblatt,\ 25," 1042^ Howard* at.', ; and Sarah 'Blackfield,.' lB, 337-"Shotwell-st. ?- -'.J- - ] --" :, . Oskar Kukuk, 28, and Anna Tisch, ) 24, both of -491 '.Linden .aye. -! - ' \u0084 :'."•' •: Julius- Groncaski, : 29,f: 2719,! 8ryant St., . and Elisabeth"-- Pittak, 2i; 219 Isabella \u25a0 st. \ Alex '.Martinet/* 26,* 3849 f Eighteenth St., and Lenora ; Boyd; f 22,-; 124 i Ripley . *t . ;-S Robert ;\u25a0 Fay,^ so. -s, and" Rena ,le Balllster, 39, both ' of ;7l6>St.\ Rose aye. • . '-'Z . Nicholas Hemnilngs,- 21,- 4254 Eighteenth St., and Gertrude,: G.^ Randolph; 19,- 3910. Twenty- second St. .-„/\u25a0 : : ..;'\u25a0->,,:,- -,-\u25a0.; . . . . -'\u25a0 .- . : . George I K. * Dolan,* 21,- 1455 - Brodcrlck st., " and Mary J.- Schmidt,'. 18, 1756; Union st., .*- : ' Peter Callender,' 21* 1231 "Page st.; and Hazel Gottung, 21. 2225 • Sutter; st. . ;Miroslav r :Horky,' 21, : and Ellse Ringue,/18, both of Son Fraacisco. \u25a0"\u25a0: -.. •\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0"^\u25a0'.' Martin Gallagher, 1 23, . 1356 San Bruno - aye., and Margaret 'McGovern, 23, 148 Lexington aye: : OAKLAND, : June 2.^-The" following marriage licenses . were issued today: \u25a0' . ' ... Jacob Kuck,' l9a Mount Eden, and Lizzie Lans- ton, 19,.>Pleasanton. v :. ' < ' , o i Gust ay .' Penning,*. 24, and Emma Klemm, 18, both' of, -Berkeley. .-.''-\u25a0. •\u25a0 " _.: ' Frank .T. \u25a0 Perkins, : 82, '. and Hattie .E. Tom- sen,: 25, "both of Oakland. \u25a0 -.;>"-, --•' Erik ' Arntsen,\ 25, . Oakland, and Selma Run- dell. 24. Berkeley. . - Bennltt. Hooper, 28, , Berkeley, ; and Constance B. Lintott, 25," Liverpool. . '. . Ebert '. G. " Butler.i 26, and Edith A. Dow, 22, both \u25a0: of : Alameda. "> : * -."•-.••.' ' , • \u25a0„„ ' - Fred Hudson; 22,. and Sarah E. Fisher, . 20, both -of, Oakland."* ''-, '~ Edwin A. '. Duval, ] 22,* Oakland, and Henrietta L.' Gale; 19,-Alameda. . : . Arthur \u25a0 G . : i Stout, 28, - and Hannah . M. \u25a0. Dennl- son, > 27, ; both i of ;, Oakland. \ . ' ". . ' June U. 7- P- ' m., : ; 54 miles ' off Columbia river, 7 bours'late; heavy weather. (By United Wire-; less.). \u25a0..".,.- .- -'.\u25a0-'\u25a0'.,: -\u25a0; \u25a0:-..:\u25a0\u25a0*•.. - RETURNED • \u25a0 / Tuesday. June 2. - Ger slmr ; Anubls, \ Von ' Saleen, : hence May 29, for Seattle, on account of. losing a blade. of pro peller. • "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. -*\"» ."\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•-\u25a0" TELEGRAPHIC POINT LOBOS;. June 2, 10 p.* m.— Weather, haiy; wind," northwest;*; velocity,* 32 miles per hour." \u25a0.' \u25a0--*• >-..-'. v ' - ' *•'\u25a0 ' \u25a0'.': \u25a0 DOMESTIC PORTS SOUTH ; BEND — Arrived - June 2— Schr Forest Home, hence May. 2l. ;\u25a0\u25a0' '\u25a0%. •„",,'''"\u25a0 SAN- PEDRO— Arrived: June \2-^-Stmr Redondo, from Astoria; Btmr Coos Bay 1 , hence , May : 29; bktn Chehalis^fromiOooa bay.- " \u25a0 : Sailed . June * 2 — Stmr Santa . Rosa, for San l)lep:o;~8tmr-Bowdoin..-for' San Francisco; stmr J; .- B. •-\u25a0 Stetson; \u25a0 for - San % Francisco; stmr v Coos Bay; for San Francisco. »,*'-• \u25a0 ; _.. - /' :rrT " PORT "-; SAN • LUlS— Arrived May - 31 — Stmr Coos . Bay, ' hence U May 29, ; and sailed , June i 1 for Santa- Barbara; \u25a0 .\u25a0- -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 . '\u25a0 - i Arrived {June " I—lo1 — 10 p. . m., ? stmr Atlas, from "Astoria. \u25a0 '. .\u25a0\u25a0'..-\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 .-. , ' M •\u25a0"•.. •Sailed June -"I— ll <*• m.,' stmr Atlas, for San Francisco." 3 \u25a0-•*\u25a0")'\u25a0 \u25a0'•''\u25a0 VJ ' - :\u25a0 ' '\u25a0"•; . :\u25a0-.. KETCHIK AN— SaiIed June . I— Stmr , Jefferson, for Skazway. ; -. • :/\u25ba• "- ': " \u25a0 \u25a0 '.^i r : • SKAGWAV— Arrived June ,1— Br" stmr Wei-, linston. from'Comox. •: Sailed; June *I— Stmr .City, of Seattle, for Seattle. , •• \u25a0-• - - . ' ,_ -,-. \u25a0 " Arrived June I— Stmr Sewardj from Valdez. . REDONDO— Arrived June ; 2— Stmr Fair : Oaks, from ' Grays .Harbor. :'-'Z \u25a0\u25a0':•';^ „\u25a0 „* ' -\u25a0'"-'\u25a0 ,- BANDON— Arrived : June -.2 — Stmr Bandon, hence May. 2S,i via-; Eureka.; . TATOoSH— Passed; in 4 June 2— Stmr < Watson, hence May. 30, for Seattle. ' t ? ".V ". ' Passed out June -2— Ger ship Chile," from Seat: tie, for; United Kingdom.- SAX SIMEON— In port June I— Yacht Yankee Glrltfrom San i Pedro;, for' San- Francisco. ; ASTORlA— Arrived June- I— Stmr ; Yosemite, hence May; 29. June ; 2— Stmr - Rainier, , hence jifj,- > »wj -\u25a0*.''-.\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0"-.-\u25a0 '_ -,'\u25a0'-, \u25a0-• \u25a0•'. \u25a0\u25a0.-." *• \u25a0; . '- * ' \u25a0 ' . Sailed June 2— Schr .Willie- R. Hume, \u25a0 for Mol •*cndo;-6tmr 'Argyll;, for San Francisco. •: ;-,, COOS : ' BAY — Arrived " Juno * 2 — Stmr : • Eureka, from -AStoria. - - . * ; .. . .-.: ,- SEATTLE— Arrived ';. June :;. 2— Stmr - Dolphin, from \u25a0 Skagway. .' ." : - \u25a0! Sailed -June '2^-12:30; p. m.,-stmr Minnesota, for China i and Japan. J ;" : v* : ,'PORT TOWXSEND— Sailed June .2— Nor bark Glitre,- for 'ChUbo; schr Algeria,'- for Sydney. •-; Arrived-" June -2— Sblp.rElwell," from Valpa raiso. \u25a0;>•-. :•' • ' \u25a0 \u25a0 - : ' \u25a0- --'.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 : \u25a0 -vi .:. ALBlON— Sailed May; 2S— Bktn Wrestler, ? for Guaymas.* •: ' ' : . \u25a0' " - \u25a0 \u25a0 " \u25a0 .-- HOQUlAM— Arrived .; June.; I—Stmr1 — Stmr Saginaw, hence \u25a0 May 28; » stmr. Hoquiam, hence / Jlay \u25a0' 2T ; stmr \u25a0 Svna,< henc»-May * 28 : ' schr Dauntless, i; from' GiiayniHg: . schr ! Columbia /t from \u25a0 San : Pedro. 5 < '->,*: "GRAYS " HARBOR— Arrived j June ;:2— Stmr Francis H. - Lfgsett., from > San Pedro; . Tla " Ga-' vlota. "• '\u25a0-:- •••-'-; "'.'. -.-'"-.r \u25a0 ; " \u25a0- \u25a0-\u25a0.•-\u25a0" • • SAN i DlEGO— Sailed -June 2— Stmr .. Arizonan, for- San Francisco/: =.-- ;: •-':-\u25a0••-' >\ r •'•> \u25a0•\u25a0 •\u25a0» -•\u25a0'•\u25a0'. \u25a0'' '; : --- Sailed June 2— Stmr; Melville] Dollar, for ' San Francisco. • \u25a0•;• . •». - \u25a0 \u25a0 "'\u25a0-"- :^.- i -S*^S* Sf< SSR?BIB^*«!BBBw 9 KI TA COMA— Sailed June 2— Fr stmr Ceylan, for San -Francisco. ' .- \u25a0.-\u25a0. - ": '- -\u25a0" \u25a0 - \u25a0• •-*," -~. -~- •»: ABERDEEN— -Arrived \u25a0 June 2— Stmr " "Svca, hence May. 2B." " \u25a0• r -^HK«aMaSMßas^t>MflßßHM{gl . .-\u25a0•"• • •"'"- \u25a0•---:' v-.. ISLANDPORT "*•'\u25a0'. \ HONOLULU — Balled June 2—2 p. . m., - yacht Hawaii;- for. San Pedro;*. -*• -'. . : \u25a0 -.; : k: ; Sailed June 2^— US! stmr Dlx.^ for Manila. ' ) EASTERX PORTS i . NEW YORK— Arrived June il— Stmr ' Panama, from" Colon ;^Xor stmr St.* .Andrews,- from Callao. -'•'; \u25a0\u25a0-, r i -v FOREIGN-: PORTS _ • - TALTAL-^-Arrlved 'April ; 17— Schr Mary - E." Foster; hence Fei><l4.'-i \u25a0; "•\u25a0\u25a0• -.'.:' ;. \u25a0\u25a0 . ••\u25a0'\u0084 \u25a0\u25a0• -; r KINSALE-^Passed June. I— Fr. ship Europe, from -Oregon, 11 ' for.United-Kingdom.-- :- QUEENSTOWN— Arrived June I— Br ship Buc-' cleuch, .: from .. Oregon : •Br i ship ; Elginshire, \ from Oregon : • Fr^ barb i Sully;: from , Oregon. V' June j Z—f Br: sblp Olackmnnnanshire,' f rom;oregon ; . Br ship Hi Jore,"* from % Oregon ;v Fr i bark i- Marthe }-'. Roux. from •- (jrogon ; » Fr " ship s Crillon, ; from . Oregon ; \u25a0Fr ship ; Desalx; from Oregon; Ger ship Ostara.from Orcpon.» '•••»' -v • ";• .' 4.1-4 .l-- --\u25a0 .. ..' .. • : "^VALPARAISO— Arrived- J May • 27-^-Ger stmr Assuan, ' from : Hamburg,^ for San Francisco.*'.' -^ '\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0• MONTEVIDEO— SaiIed V May 20— Ft etmr Mitlto," for? Havre/'- :v - \u25a0 • ; - : . ; U'.UERTOtMJiSICO-^Salled May 31^-Stmr Mis souri.' for \u25a0 Delawnre -breakwater. .< • YOKOHAMA— SaiIed ' June il— Br^ "Btmr ' ,'Glen farg,;' for Victoria. . - June 2— Br Jstmr Pinna, \ for Ga vlota.^ ---.".'-\u25a0- \u25a0-'\u25a0 • '-. > -'^\- \u25a0\u25a0^••>\ . • '. \u25a0 v ' -• \u25a0 - -- -iVIOTORI A— Arrived i June ' I— Br. stmr ' Beech ley.'ibenceiMay, 23. • \u25a0\u25a0"'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :-,':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 t ' \u25a0: '\u25a0--..-.\u25a0-:. f- Sailed -'June ; I— Nor stmr Transit,' for ' Alaska ; Nor'stmr-Elr.ffor'-^— — .- ->-\u0084;. -i '<'•\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0;?-• ..-.-\u25a0 - IQUIQUE— SaiIed May ; 29— Bktn - Gleaner, for Coos^bny. ' r. ; •\u25a0 ..- :\u25a0 ~ : \u25a0-\u25a0-" , -\u25a0/'\u25a0\u25a0. t* - GUATEMALA— To sails June' o— Ger «tmr Ra' dames," for:San?Francls(»o.7^ -.\u25a0'•; ----^'.-c.- - .' -• COLOMBO— Arrived : June > 2— Br Btmr Ka biriKa.'i from .New? York.- s -.- ; . :\u25a0'. HONGKONG^-Sailcd June . 2— Jap * stmr Tenyo Mnru.ifor; SaniFranclsco.^viaVHonolulu. f • -. „-;•-.;• -^ -\u0084.:?. OCEAN; STEAMERS -.i'-. » :i DOVER^-Arrlved June ' U-r-Stmr, 1 Zeeland; ; from New'iork,if()r.rAntwerp,sandii>roceeded;.».. -•< HAVRlC— Arrived ."June % I— Stmr \u25a0 Four rhonj^r'.froin-iSanCFraiiclscorsetc.,-.: via -' I'uuta' Arpnnß. •' Montevideo ": and > Swansea. \u25a0 ".:* " .f 14 VBRPOOI^-Arrlved ; June * 2— Stmr " Luslta -nla."'from New >York.* : V s : . - ;-\u25a0< NEW," YORK-^Arrlved June 2— Stmr ' OsVar 11. from ", Copenhagen ; - stmr : Kronprlnzessln » Ceclle. f roui \u25a0 Bremen. \u25a0* . \u25a0. - '• .-. ,- \u25a0-:,. - - \u25a0-. «., V- Arrived June 2— Stmr : Grosser : Kiirfurst, "' from Bremen. ."".;•-\u25a0.. • . . , .. .\u25a0 - - .. •:• • Sailed ; June : 2— Stmr >-- Kaiser Iwilhelm dor Groxse,"; for \u25a0 Bremen and ; Genoa." &£; • '. \u25a0\u25a0> \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '-? \u25a0(, I v? Arrived; June, 2— Stmr \u25a0 President Grant, i from Ilainlmrg.i: .-.. " -., .:\u25a0 i", -,-;-\u25a0 m "i<> \u25a0\u25a0 -<+- ' , \u0084 :, CHERBOURG— Arrived ;ji«e. 2— Stmri Kaiser .\Y llhelm? II, ; from •> New? York.T for * Bremen, j and proc*eded;^ . -. -. .';.-;-. : .. .--,. ;, ,;J ..- -..,..;\u25a0.•, SYDNEY, vX. S. \ W._Arrlve'd previous June 2 — btmrr indravelli, • from *' Aberdeen," A Wash;, i and Vancouver^ 8.-. U., via Wellington.^ - ' . . ", Memoranda , Si-The i Cunard "Line > steamship company will * re ceive& subsjdy.of $750,000 per year.i their steam crs.taltanla s and Mauretania *both % having I ex-" ceeded. the speed limit of knots;- -\u25a0 "^ ?? r .' B . tmr - Helene, j from 5 San ? Pedro ; June ' 2— Captain reports f.very » rough i weather - on" voyage up.'ttaeiworst"-ev<>r experienced.: - •-' rlajinch' owned: byiJir.i Harris of the'i Dolphin lK>n 1 1 club , parted s f rom iits 1 moorings t this Jaf ter- 2 ) l an J : drlf ted l on ' the ! breakwaterJ at E i «herman h xrhart .-i.Tbe I launch filled ! wl th water an<l,lt;took four, fishing iboats to ret lit 1 oft.^ The launch : was .towed :liack: to the -Dolphlu boot- K£V&**™£ t s™°t'™MK: from- i Norfolk min^ w?n««i! 7 'T lat Vl6V 16 ' deR ;; < N '"* longUHi dee 1 58 IP .«1 P" 8 "^ " «tmr j Lncyi NVff.i from f Bath "I lie ~ tojlnlsh ; repairs \u25a0 and sail ; the ruext' day;® DM<not , ask ; asslßtance, V • • ..»,; ££mtiEaMi£3i!mm "i.'Emmit \u25a0<. R.v; Peterson.'" 27." Kansas 'City, : and Myrtle 26.' j Oakland."": ;-,:;, . . KKAMER— InVthIsi city, ','} May 29.-100S, to the „\u25a0 wife; of -Maurice S." Kramer, a son.',' , ' " "-\u25a0 MICKXE— In, this city; to the wife of ' Porter '^ Mlckle, ; aTdaughter.' ;' ' ' '' \u25a0\u25a0 ;N; N - - KORMAN— In this icity. : May f 17. . 1903,* ;' to^ the \u25a0_-. wife of - Herbert 111 1 Norman . ; (nee >, Zeller;, a : daughter. 1 WHITE— In : this city. May ; 20. « 1905. :> to the V wife lof IWalter, 1 ll. ,, White, n' daughter. " WRIGHT-4ln • Hunting Park, San" Mateo county, Cal.;v June'; I, ; :UWv;ito the wlfe . of n aro ld J. Wright.': twins— a v son ' \u25a0 and > a - daughter. : (See ij3 Deaths.) ; .:. .' . . : '', x '[ " ". - *'v '','.-'."" ... ,-^;->.-;.;"i-'": married; 7 HIRD— WATSOX— In this :-clty,' , Juno V l, 1008, "„ at ; Mlzpah j Presbyterian ' church, < by i the ;' Rev." *.v Frederick /A.-; Doane.'i William ; Richard Hlrd --,\u25a0 and -"Annie. Phillips .Watson, both: of San Fran- \u25a0*-•: Cisco. \u25a0-\u25a0•:\u25a0" .- r . •-.\u25a0.."*. . ':\u25a0 .-,:.- L,OWRIE^-GII.KS--In - this city. June : 2, ' : IMS. Nt . Mlzpah " Presbyterian 1 church, i by .. the \ Rev: ,"- Frederick ; A" Doane; Martin - Woodward : Lowrie . and ' Myrtle ; Frances ! Giles,-, both i of : San Fran- ;~- ciscor;, ,:;/.\u25a0/.;-. T'.\' ' ' : ; "•'- ' "\u25a0'-' •"\u25a0"•" STF.IXMAX— FRIKDMAN— In this city. May 27, 1908,. by the . Rev. . B.;, M.-. Kaplan, T Irving •t .:. Leland Steinman ; and ;Olga ; Friedman. , . . ', . -\u25a0': '\u25a0 ' - ' :.- '\u25a0' I '\u25a0' rniED ": . -_V. :' . ; ' [\'~. 8011, Mary Furlong — I Kennedy, . Michael . . — Brodek," Dr. 11., G.;. — 1 Lackeman, \u25a0 Charles. .. 76 Casslni. Maria . . : 47 Little, * George : H...... 30 i Cole, ; Catharine I M.V 85 Magili,": Dan - . . .'. . . .' 82 Collins, Annie.-'. .:. 26 McKeown, . James J..." 27 Crof ton V.". '.--.: (Infant) Nelsen, , Christen ...... 71 Cullen, Bridget ..... 70 Ott;. Charles .7. :; ... 67 Elliott,* Robert \u25a0 . . :. 49 Patt. \u25a0' Joha ; '. . V v . .*.".'. 77 Hall, Sabinar. . . . :.. 24 Reade,- Charles ;'. V ..; 33 Happich; Rhelnhard 33 Seaman, James , H. . .: 44 Hester, :James:M.:.:-^' Smale,^ Anna; E.C 46 iHogan,>'James-P...;39i Hogan,>'James-P...;39 SI Tong'Quin..::'..: 30 Hyde, ;, Ellen : J..'...'.: — Ward,*. Isabella : : .". '. ; — Kant, iArthur-M.^. 25 Wright ". . . ...'... (Infant) BELL— In , Oatland. = Cal:, : , June 1, 1SK)8, - Mary \u25a0 Furlong; 8011, loving, mother of H. Maloney. !\u25a0 ,-. Goorge *E. .and ; Thomas ; C. Maloney and . Mrs. Gabriel ; Butler,, a " native , of . Manchester," Eng. BRODEK-^-June >; 2,' 1908/ Dr. . Henry G. Brodek% beloved son ~of • Sarah "; Brodek - and - the - late : '. G. : Brodek; and brother of - Mrs. "W. - M. . Kllnger . and . Mrs. A. - T. > Barnett. f :\u25a0•;; ' •' \u25a0 . ; CASSlXl— ln'Oakland. June 1. lOttS. 1 , Maria.' i dearly < beloved "• wlf e " of 1 Battlsta Cassini, - and -loving mother.of Mrs. Mary Catnpl. Mrs. Jnlla •• : Lucia, ? Mrs.' Annie < Franco : and < Maggie \u25a0 and Tessle: Casblnl, a native of Italy, aged 47 'years. "- ..--.: -': \u25a0-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0,',\u25a0- --.-\u25a0-.-"\u25a0 .'.'--; a.; \u25a0\u25a0-;- Friends f and * acquaintances s arc - respectfully ; . invited * to -- attend ;_• the funeral J today (Wednes- ; -.' day), 's June *. 3;v at 1 :15 \u25a0 o'clock '\u25a0\u25a0 p. ; m-..- from ." Sts. , . Peter's - and '. Paul's •"\u25a0 church, . corner : of Dupont and Filbert streets. .-Remains : at the - parlors iof - Valeate, Marini.-TMarais " & "Co., , 649 Green street, r - COLE-^ln'San:Mateb, Cai.; May^Bl, 1908, Cath- ,.- J nrlne M. " Cole, /beloved • mother of \u25a0 Alice Cole Loyal, - George A. and .'John R. Cole, a' native ' of: Rockland • county, . X.- i I.,*, aged ; So - years. . COLLINS— In > this city; l ; May '31, 1008,' Annie, \u25a0\u25a0_ beloved ~ wife -of- David \u25a0- W: "\u25a0 Collins, • daughter .-. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 of Joseph i and Marie t Soto, . and sister of Man- uel, >Wllllam and "Alexander Soto, "> Mrs." J." W. -Jones. "Mrs.""- T. Baldwin and Mrs.. J. T. Allen, a . native • of ; California;; aged; 26 ; years. '" (Rich- mond; papers? -please; copy.) , .. - ,_.:-\u25a0:.:\u25a0 -.?\u25a0: Friends .*\u25a0 and -.-• acquaintances < • are"-' \u25a0 respect- . fnlly Invited •-- to v attend '< the ; funeral . today " . (AVednesday),' June '3.- at; 9:30 ', o'clock ; a.' m., . ' from. the residence of her father, "Joseph Soto; /.' Richmond, ithence to - St. V Paul's church.'- Saa : Pablo,- \u25a0 where "a '< requiem V high f mass ;, will be '-."•' celebrated - : for - the \u25a0 reposo - of » her .- soul, - com- ;' menclng :af,.10 a. "m. Interment San Pablo \u25a0-\u25a0.- cemetery.'-' -' >. - j .- .;\u25a0 CROFTOX--Jn ; this city.' June - 2, 1908, ' Evelyn • Mary * Crof ton,"; beloved * daughter \u25a0> of 1 John ; C. and- Annie "Crofton,~xa native ' of San ". Fran- ... Cisco, ; aged i 8 • months and r 15 days. :-:\u25a0 \u25a0 CULLEX— In \ Redwood ' City." San : Matco county, Cal.7". June l 2. , 1908; Bridget i Cullen.. bejfived mother ;: of / James.. Cornelius, '-'. John. Charles - . and ; the \u25a0-* late -; Edward -\u0084\u25a0 Cullen.''- a - native ; of . County \u25a0 Kilkenny,'-* Ireland ."-aged 70 \u25a0 years. V.; Notice tot i funeral '.hereafter. \u25a0.'] .:^ ' : -\u25a0. ELLIOTT— In ; this city. ' June 1 .7 190.?,*': at his :: late : residence, : 2482 - Howard - street. - Robert Elliott, dearly -beloved husband of, Mrs. Xellle - , Elliott,,- a « native » of \u25a0 Virginia, County^ Cavan; ' . Ireland,* aged 46 \u25a0 years 10 months - and - 4 days. . ; :'A" member ; of ' Osceola tribe i N0. >71, r Improved Orderc'of i Rede Men.' r,( Weavervlllc, -^Trinity V county,'- Cai.,'. papers 'please .copy.) \u25a0 . . \u25a0 e '-' 1 Friends \ and ; acquaintances * are j respectfully invited \u25a0to attend ; the funeral tomorrow . (Thurs- day),*' June 1 4;^ at r 1 :30,:p.'5 m:.* from- Red »Men's hall, v 240 '; Golden t Gate - avenue - between Leav- " enworth 4 and . Hyde ; streets.:- Funeral •' services under j the ; " auspices >\u25a0 of .' Osceola - tribe . No.' ,71,- '\u25a0^lmproved Order of;Red : Men.. lnterment Green- la wn_ cemetery. J>»- \ ' --\u25a0 --'.:. '""\u25a0. \u0084- *:'- ;- ; Chiefs and; brothers, of .Osceola '.tribe. Xo. '-71 ', '. Improved : Order : of • Red ; Men.'r are requested : to ,7. attend? the -funeral: of -our v late' brother. ; Rob- \u25a0 i ert • Elliott,^ from ? Red : Men's .hall. -; 240 Golden '-' Gate :' avenue ' between '\u25a0\u0084 Leavenworth -\u25a0 and j Hyde :*. streets, : at ' 1 :3O : p. :m: tomorrow » (Thursday), June : 4. \u25a0 : THOS." H.i PARKER, Sachem. , \u25a0Z- T. WHITTIER; Chief , of :\u25a0 Records. -: • HALI^-In I this Tclty, " Jun«Tt 2.*' 190S; . at *' her ; late !.\u25a0 residence, :. 110 : Scott 1 street,% Sablna, '-beloved -.-•: wife ~ of \u25a0\u25a0- Harry 1: Hall; : - mother ; of : Lawrence ' Henry '; Hall ''- . daughter ; of ,-: Michael ,-.' and . the la to Sabina Healey.'r and sister, of Bernard and cj'/ Martin ¥ Healoj-. c a •» native .: of •: San ;:, Francisco, L/.aged;24:years- i ll:monthSf aud^idays. . . , . HAPPICH— In; this.; city,: June 1. 1905,J Rbeln- i : hard, - dearly^ beloved . son\ of : Christian ". Hap- >pich,. a .native of -Germany, -aged- 33: years 7 ; \u25a0: months i and '; 20 ' days. \u25a0\u25a0 A 5 member .- of • Gesell- schaft Tentonla. : : - . \u0084 .: " : : \u25a0 • < : . Friends 'j and « acquaintances -' are : respectfully \u25a0 invited to attend ; the funeral \u25a0 tomorrow, (Thnrs- - day); June 4,* at 10130 a.' m:. * from the parlors :of ;H. F., Suhr i & 'Co., J 2919 * Mission street \u25a0hR ; . \u25a0 \u25a0 . —\u25a0' , ' \u25a0 • • -"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' ..-\u25a0." \u25a0:\u25a0"•*' . . £9 i^^^Ml Grsst Ssif Lak@ 9 ''Bl'^» i ''^^^^^?HI '"'"'- Electric Lljrhtedr^Fajit Flyinc Croan-Country Train |£i Wk'_. '^jf\>Vu'WK V^'Hl ' Luxurlouily Equipped. Pulltaan Dranias Rooni, State- §3 W\ ~"'\ \u25a0\u25a0'// rAW.'w>VH ' Mi^"^y***i bul «*I SIe *P lns c *f m ' : ':> "\u25a0- fig :m* i' l?*t!') -^ ' \-«. "'i!*^i HI .' '-: Careful aid Attentive Dining Service. Farlor Obncrnitlon i^j H^Tr^iv^^^nfl Car with Library and Cafe, Ladle* 1 R* adln 5 Room, G*iu §S§ BH ./ .-,-: -.... " ;"-'-^> t aß'^ Dally' News : Bulletins, - Latest. Papers and. Macailncj Sri \u25a0XXI union PA ' CIFI J;i?EI HERH " PACIFIC I .HRsHm^Rl^:' : "- 42 - II ?^ l .^', SS V F - : ' \u25a0 .""lath* «^d S FrWnSIn I Jt»!^o akland fl between Twonty-nfth «nd Twenty-sixthl ; Inter- ment Mount '011761 cemetery," . by 11:30 a.' ml" =:""; train from Twenty-fifth and Valencia^ streets: HESTER— In Vthis? city;;' June 1. 1908; : James" ! . J M.*-! beloved t Jon ; of Martin * and Bridget . He*-' .: ter, , brother 'of j the.' late . Mrs.: M.-* Connerton, ' and cousin oT'Mw.-'J. j ;Walah.''-Mrs." ; .T.".P. f Mul-- »^;veyandMr!«.^E.]Heife,'a native of, San ;Fran- ':""" Cisco.- '-.'A"' member *of " San Francisco . parlor .. ". No.V 49,"l N. ; "-•. G. •W. ;s gas -workers*, union .No. \u25a0 9540. .. and A. F.' \u25a0'. of L. of " San "- Francijco."- . .: Friends acquaintances are Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thurs- \u25a0'day). ; at^.S:. g :o -a..<m..- from his -; late • :«*!-" ' ' \u25a0• deoce,* - 3747- Twentieth I street •. between " Guer- V : rero and Dolores,*:: thence;to St. ! - James church. .;. where a '.high -mass, will; be celebrated ' l for ; the : repose oC : hi 3 * sonl.' • commencing ;at ,-: 9 '.o'clock 1 a.- m. ; Interment": Holy, Cross, ceme- .•. •. tery. " : : -.- : ' \u25a0' . /\u25a0 • -..\u25a0"• HOGAN— In this city. . June 2. 100S, .James • P.. \ dearly beloved . husband of \u25a0 Martha , T. Hogan. •father of Raymond, and Mervin Hogan, -brother . : of « Michae l. X.' and Joseph 1 8. Hogan ; and } Mrs; : Cornelius : Slurray ' of i San Rafael, and '• brother •':-' In: law; of /.Mrs." James '< Early,'- Mrs. \u25a0 John Fay, ;•\u25a0 .' J ;'r W. -^Wright and * the v late .- Mrs.** Peter Cal- ; laghan... ainative of v County. Galway," Ireland, \u25a0\u25a0_; aged j 39. years." >, .-< "-:. -. • • .- .-. Friends -• and i acquaintances Bre I respectfully ; Invited to attend: the f nneral .tomorrow. (Thurs- ' day), June 4; :at >9:15 :o'clock:a.-."*0..» from the 1 parlors of Carew , & * Ensrlish.' 1618 : Geary , street,' thencf to St.MTincent do Pauls-c hurch. * where (a ; requiem - high > mass -will '-be'-cele- - bra ted f dr . the.' repose of his : soul. | commencing '" at . 10:15 o'cloct . a. < m. .. Interment Holy " Cross , - cemetery/ - , . . .'..-ji Officers and members of jonrneymen plumb- . . ers'.Xgas T and - steam fitters' local " N0. '442, *.U..- A'., -are '.requested . to ; assemble at toa un- . dertaking • parlors •of \u25a0 Carew & - English; \u25a0 ISIS .; Geary • street;? at : 9:ls : a." m. tomorrow (Thurs- day), ito -attend ; the-, funeral of "our : late . v brother, • James - P.: Hogan.- HTDE— InI this - city. June :2. 1908. -Ellen i J. ; Hyde, widow :of George '• Hyde,"-" and - dearly \u25a0 beloved mother \u25a0of \u25a0 Mrs. ; Camlle " Martin; Mrs. Hyde Smith, Mrs. \u25a0 Garceau and Miss Mr nyde. a native of Philadelphia. A ' requiem • high mass will be celebrated ' for 1 the ' repose of, her . soul ' at : St. -Mary's : cathe- dral.' 1 Van 'Ness \u25a0 avenue : and O'Farrell . street. - : tomorrow (Thursday), *.at 10 o'clock 'a. m. In- 'tennent; private.. .. \u25a0 : , KANT— In this 1 city, June 1. 1909. Arthur M.- Kant, '• beloved . son • of Max'D. and -the -late \u25a0 Viola -\u0084'\u25a0 Kant; " and devoted \u25a0 brother .\u25a0 of <_ Belle, Jessie L... Walter D. and" Frederick • W.- Kant. v- a ' patl ve of . Astoria, Ore., aged - 25 . years ' 4 i months: and SO daj - s. A" member of Kin? Solo- mon's lodKC # No. ! 260, F.. & A. M.: Oailand Lodjre of. Perfection, • A. and A. S. J R.;-I*lam temple," A;: A.?0./N.- M. 5., ; and -Olive 'Branch chapter ' No. 169, 0.E.5.. . ; ' Friends and i acquaintances 'are respect- : fully Invited J to L attend '.'the "\u25a0 funeral % today : (Wednesday); June 3, at 11 a. m., from -King . ; Solomon's hall,' 1739 \u25a0; Fillmore • street between \u25a0 .Post and Sutter,'.: where; the. services " ' held . under * the auspices of , King Solomon's lodge No. 260. F..& A. M. Incineration I. O. : O. P.' "crematory.' Remains at the. parlors of -\u25a0 : H; ; F. " Suhr & - Co., j 2919 Mission street . be- tween Twenty-flf th . and Twenty-sixth. . : Officers and members' of . Olive Branch chap- ter No.-: 169,: 0. E- 5.,- are -requested to at- - - tend f the funeral of our ; deceased brother, Ar- \u25a0 thiWaM. ' Kant, from King- Solomon's haH r - 173S> Fillmore street, today. (Wednesday), -June 3, at 11- o'clock' a.-jm. By-order of ' •-- ' .. JENNIE BKANDT.: Worthy Matron. . SADIE. J.KAHN,; SecreUry. -I.J-Veterans £. *G. C- are hereby requested, to attend the funeral of our- late' comrade, A. M. Kant, r CAPT. L. , SIEBE. Commander. ; THOS. J.V CARROLL,' Adjutant. " KENNEDY— In thla'clty. May 30, 1908. Michael. ' dearly beloved . brother of Jatnes , Kennedy, a native of - Ireland; (Rochester \u25a0 paper* . please copy.) ;. ".-.> "...' ' , . Friends and acquaintances are respect- ! . . fully Invited ;; to : attend " the \u25a0 funeral " today - (Wednesday).'" at 8:30 a. m.,: from the parlors :of Barry & Scully, 927: Valencia street, thence \u25a0 "to St/ Dominic's church, where a requiem hlgU . mass -. will \u25a0 be . celebrated \u25a0 for ' the repose of - his *. soul, commencing at 9 a. • m. - Interment yt- : Holy : Cross ' cemetery. LACKEMAN— In this city, June 2, 190 S. Charles Lackeman, \u25a0 dearly .beloved husband of Magda- .. Lena • Lackeman,* and beloved father of Charles \u25a0\u25a0;'. E. . and Martha lackeman ; and : Mrs. - Fritz Mul- ' ler; of ; Halle,". Germany; a: native : of Hamelln, ' Germany,' azed 76 years 9 months and IS days. Friends, acquaintances and members of Get- '< .:' mania. lodge No. ITIS. K. of 11., and Martha ' lodge No." 24i;.K.Vand I L.'Jof .H..'are'-respect- : ,. fully , invited . to . attend the \u25a0 funeral tomorrow '•. (Thursday).", at plO o'clock a. m.,"from the :~,-': ~,- ' funeral parlors of Theodor ! Dierks & Co.. > 900 -: Devlsadero t, street >- corner -. of f McAllister. * In- ,-, terment ' Greenlawn \u25a0 cemetery, '.. by carriage. , LITTLE— In r this . city. Sfay 31. 1905.* George \u25a0'"i '-Howard V Little. '.- dearly - beloved .' husband of -.; Marie : Lau \ Little; •a . native, of : San - Francisco, aged, 3o years ; 6 « months and 12 days. • * ':* Friends and \u25a0 acquaintances "are , respect- -. fully* invited* to attend . the -funeral:' today : (Wednesday).; June ' 3. at 1:30 p.-.m-.^fromthe r parlors- .of H. \u25a0 F. " Suhr A:^ Co.. * 2919 - Mission street between Twenty-fifth i and ,Twcnty-slxth. . Interment ? Cypress . Lawn i cemetery, rby elec- - trie -funeral car; from ' Thirtieth street and San .-, Jose avenue. . " \u25a0' ~; r MAGILL— In this Ccity, June 1,-1903. Dan Ma- . . g111,'4 a ; native ;_of ;' Ireland, aged .82 \u25a0 years. ; McKEOWN— In this city^ May 31. 1905,:* James - J.y beloved \u25a0 son ; of \u25a0\u25a0 Mrs. Nellie : McKeown, and "• ', brother -of Mrs. Nellie \u25a0; Armstrong . and \u0084 Mrs. " Carrie Noonaa - and • the: late ' Alice -McKeown. \u25a0'.' a\u25a0< native <of - San Francisco,' . Cal.^ . aged -' 27- "-_; years ; 5 " months • and 11 .days.' \u25a0" A member ' of -\u25a0•' the plumbers', gas and steam ' fitters' local No. '442. Funeral detail s please \ take notice. - - '\u25a0- - " Friends :« an.d acquaintances ' are; respect- fully Invited; to . attend . th« . funeral .today (Wednesday), -' at 1 8 :30 o'clock.- from the par- lors of the --\u25a0 Henry J; Gallagher 'undertaking company, " 1314 .Webster.. street between Ellis »and \u25a0: O'Farrell,"* thence \u25a0• to St. : Paul's i church, where a requiem ' high . mass . will be celebrated for the repose of his soul." commencing. at 9:30 ;;. o'clock. Interment Holy: Cross cemetery. \u25a0 - NELSEN-jln'Alameda. Cai..- June 1. 1908". Chris-/ 'ten -Neiien.' beloved bnsbond" of Carolena Nel- sen. i and father of r Mrs. "J.; B. Blair of Lo« :- : ADxele* and " Mrs." WUUsni Noble of \u25a0 Berkeley, amative of ;Denmark.'aseU 71" years. {(Fresno "papers -.please "copy.) . - -" ~ 'liLTti- ' 7'- Friends \u25a0 and * acquaintances axe • respectfully ' inTlted :to \u25a0 attend the fnneral today • w «l n * B - 'dayn/JuneS-.-at 2-o'clock. p. n».. :frotn'tn» residence' funeral -parlors- ot ;**™? 'pTl'^ '2244 Santa Xlan* aveune, n;a*« - omit" flowers." ~ OTT-In {this city. ' May 2J>.' 1905. ; Charles Ot£ \u25a0- a-, native ." of' Amsterdam, Holland, aged 81 * '": years. \u25a0 i PATT— In this city. June 1. 19C'S. John Pa«, janaUve of ProvSJence. R. 1., aged 7. years. READE— In; this. city. June 1. 'IWS. . Cha ' 1 "; belove.l s.>n of « James and - the Wto MjMT "- Reade. end brother of : Jame* v* o ** -j'jj glnla and the late Peter, J«Ha and we*™* fcsnile, a , native -of San Francisco, a«*d 3a - years '.» months ami 26 days'. "\u2666*_«•» Friends and acquaintance* are rr * > *£l < *2rr T . invited, to. attend the fnneral today |We«nes- day>. \u25a0 at ' 1 , o'clock; " from the residence of n» brother. : 13$ A street, . Richmond. Intermrne Holy Cross cemetery. \u25a0 » -\u25a0 SEAMAN— ln. this. city. Jnn.- 1. 100^ »* h j" late < residence. 2555 M ission • street, _ Jame* 11.. . dearly boloveil- liusbaml »t . Mary v. £"»- man, and loving, father of Roy. ami Haxel Sea- man and . Mw. . Joseph K. Wcl?h. «ged ** years 10 months and S day**. 1 • SMALE— At resti *lv this city. May 3lj. 19W, v Anna E., belove«l wif*» of WllUam J/ Stnale. and demoted sister of Mrs. Katharina~BeUexer, ; Mrs.' Mary. Meinert.. Mrs. .Louisa -V«rt.-Mrs. Minnie > Boyle and Jacob and ; FrlU KoUm^r. a . native ; of \u25a0 Dornholtihausen; Germany, aged 48 years 10 months aad 24 days. A memb«» ? of , Past- Matrons* \u25a0 and ; Past Patrons* associa- tion: Rlchmand chapter No. 253. .Order. or ta» Eastern Star; Norddentscber Frauen ver-jlns Unabbangiser-' Deutscber '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- Frauen wwla* Deutscaer . Frauen Unterstutznnifs vwlu • "Rother Kreuz";.San Franclt* 1 © Frauen verein; Hoffnangs lodire No. 1. Order of Henaanasohn« Schwestern: St.- Paulus Frauen Terein and Zio» \u25a0Frauen verein of , the Richmond district. , Friends ' and \u25a0 acquaintances * *re resp^"*> ' • fnlly Invited to attend ' the ; funeral today — (Wednesday), at 1 p. m.. from St. Paulus Gerj man Evangelical LutU»raa church, corner 'of Gough and Eddy streets, thence to troldea Gate - Commandery , hall. 2137 Setter stre-rt -' near Stelner. where wrviees will be-.ifld nn- .der the auspice* of. Richmond chapter No. -55. Order of the Eastern Star, assisted by, th« • Past Matrons* ami Past ratrons* assools- tlon, at s *_':3<> o'clock • p.'- m. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by carrlajr'*. Eemams at th» parlors* , of . H.-^F; * Sunc &. Co..- 201» Mlssioa street between Twenty-flf tn and ' Richmond' chapter No. 235;' O. : E. B.— Th» officers -and members are , hereby » requested ' to asiseaiMe ', at ' Golden" Gate * Comniandery ' hall, 2137 Snttcr street near Stelner. today (Wednes- day), at 2 o'cloclj p. m., tn attend the funersl .of our departed sister. Anna \u25a0E. Smal*.- By order MRS." EMMA .C. MAKTIN. ''1 Worthy Matron. W. M. HODGKINS, Secretary. t ' Past Matrons* and Paat Patrons* associa* tlon — Officers- and members will please attend the funeral of onr late sitter. Anna E. Smale, at Golden -Gate Commandery ha11.' 3137 -Sue* ter street near Stelner. today (Wednesday^ at 1:45 p. m.~By order - MBS. NELLIE A. DARLING. President* ..MRS. .'ALICE F. HICKIE. Secretary. . . . San Francisco Franen '. verein— Th» . officers ' and members arf'herebr requested to assemble lat Veterans* na!l. 431 Duboee avenne. to- ' day (Wednesday >. at 1^ o'ctock. t» attend th« funeral of our - departed .sister, Anna E« . Smale. By order 1' ' \u25a0 MBS. ADELHEID V DIEHL. President. MRS. JCLIA MARKS, Secretary. Norddeutscher ; Frauen ver«ln— -The .- officer* and funeral committee are hereby' reaaested to assemble at St. Panlus*. German Evangeli- cal Lutheran church,, .corner. of t Gongh and Eddy streets, today (Wednesday), at 12:3O p. -. m., to attend the funeral of our departed sister. > Anna E. Smale. By order MRS.. FANNIE GEERKENS. President. MRS. MARIA PAPE. Secretary. SI TONG QCIN— In this city. June 1. 19(«, SI Tonj yum,. a - native of China, aged Si , years.: ;:> .WARD-^-In this "city. Jun« 1. 190*. Isabella Ward- (nee \u25a0 Mulrer>. dearly - tc'oved wife of Thomas .1. Ward, iovinir daughter "ot Jamet and the late Mary Miilrey, aad beloved sistee 'of Alice. -Edwin. Jame*. Ethel. Irene and • Arthur \u25a0 Mnlrey and the late- Harcl Mulrey, a - native : of . San Francisco. ' Ca 1 . \u25a0 ', Friends • . and - acquaintances - - ar» . respect* . fnlly { invited to attend the '.funeral today i Wednesday), at 9 a. m.. from her late res f- "dence. .-11 l .Central avenw. tbence to St. > Agnes ; rburch. .wherr-a 'reqniem hfarh mass 'for the 'repose of "her soul will be celebrated. 'commencing -at 9:3o' a.- m. Interment UOI7 Cross "cemetery.^ . - " :-. WRIGHT— I» ; Hmitlnjton * Park. .San Mat«» • coonty; ' Cai.", - Infant . daughter of. Harold and Catherine " Wri«h«. • \u25a0 : INDEPENDENT OF THE TRUST M.FOR.L Seventy-five Dollars 'I Will: Furnish: " HEARSE, TWO CARRIAGE EMBALMING, SHROUD AND CIOTH CpVTffib CASttT JULIUS S. CODE AU Main Office!-. \u25a0 -123 Bnah St : West 2899, And 1305 Franklin St. nr. 17th, Onldand* Phone Oakland 4045. Branch 1 305 Man t co mery At. Temp. 33QSi '. . Ambulance . and : Carriases to 11 Ire.