Newspaper Page Text
ROOMS TO LET — (ontinurd HOWARD tt. 2965— Large, ninny roomTsultable xor 2 or S grntlemen; in private family; reas. JACKSON «t. 2308. nr. Fillmore— Large, sonny ejf-gaatly fnrniEbed room; connecting bath and phone; suitable for 2 gentlemen. JACKSON et.. 1524. nr. Larkln— 2 nice unfur- Ctshed many rooms. KINGSTON ay.. 10. near 30th «st. off Mission— Furnlbhed or untarnished rooais to let for bouse keeping. KENILWORTH. Bush and Powell sts.— Single rooms. $15 to $20 per month. ' LOMBARD et. 1442. nr. Van Ness ay.— 3 very large rooms, newly furnished; sun all day; '\u25a0 $12. $10 and $8 per month; 1 block from end ' of Polk rt cars. . Phone Franklin 3206. , ; LAKE et.. 30» — I. 2 or 3 furnished or unfur- nUhed rooms; will rent singly to gentlemen or for bouse keeping: bath; phoae. LEAVENWORTH et., 1907. apt. 3— Sunny room; nicely fumlsupd; walking distance to town; 4 car lines; reasonable to desirable gentleman. LAGUNA *t.. 715— Sunny front room for 2 gen- tl^men; well furnished." LAGUNA St.. 740— Single and double house ktcplng rooms, fumltbed; very reasonable. l.A<;i'NA st.. l<Vi:!. <v>r. Post — Sunny neatly fur- ij|sh«-d rofnus.«sultsMe for 2; reasonable. -" LYON st.. 6.-Kl— Large back parlor, well fur- nii.l:»«d; suitable for 1 gentlemen, with or without board; also large ranny front room.. I.EAVEN WORTH St.. 307 A —gunny furnished touf* ket-ping roomy; very reasonable. MCALLISTER st.. 1134, near Flllmore— Newly furnished rooms In flat; running water: bath, cas. phone; rent reasonable; all conveniences. iIcALLISTER St.. 1334— Large, light, pleas- antly furnished room, adjoining bathroom; large closet, private family, phone. $15: also *lrv back bedroom, large closet, $10; gentle- men ; reference*. MARKET st.. 1774— 2 large sunny bay window rooms, well furnished; rent reasonable: bath \u25a0and bot ws ter. MCALLISTER st., 1412— Sunny house keeping rooms, running water in each room; resson- «Me; elso single room for rent. MISSION «.. 2752— Furnished rooms for light bouse fcifplng. MCALLISTER et.. 667— Newly furnlkhed sunny front room, suitable for 1 or 2; rent reason- able. ' ' MCALLISTER St., 1141— Furnished rooms; run- ning water; rent reasonable; privilege of kitchen. MISSION st. 231«— Large, bay window, front room for rent; eoltable for 2 gentlemen; bath and gas. MISSION st. 3212— Furnished front room for light house keeping; also side ruoms; batb, gas and modern; reasonable. McALLISTEB st., 1&50— 2 sunny front rooms; gentlemen preferred; board If wanted. MAIIKET St., 17S6— Large, suany, well furnished room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; private family. MAtIKET st, 17S2— Soany, hall bedruom; rent reasonable. MISSION Bt, 3235 — Large, eunny room, suitable for 1 or 2; $2 per week; all Mission cars pass door. MISSION St.. 3463— Double and single furnished. many rooms; new fist; all conveniences; Mls- slon cars pass door. XOE «t-. 163-r-l Urge front sunny bay window room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, or bouse keeping with ese of kitchen and parlor. MAYBELLE. 211 Van Ness ay.— Newly furnished rooms: alto transients. Phone Market 4544. MISSION st. £il&— Furnished front suite and tingle room; gas and bath; reasonable. MISSION St.. 2706 A —Famished rooms to let MISSION st., 2704 A —Furnished rooms to let; reasonable. MISSION «t. 3406&— 3 furnished rooms to let 1 bay window in the front. 19TH et, 3672, near Gnerrero — Neatly fnrnis!ied roocs; near carline: $1.50-$2 per week. NOE 6t., 320 — Large sonny room, 2 separate twds. for 2 gentlemen; hot bath once a week; stationary water; rent reasonable; humelike. NICE sunny rooms, reasonable. Address 406 Diamond st. near 21et; Castro cars. NOE tv, 578. near 19th— Lovely; eon all day; upper S room flat, $30; wster free. NICE light front room -for 1 person, gentleman preferred; reasonable. Apply 43 29th st MCELY furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2; rcßsooable. Apply 114 Shotwell ft nr. 25th. O'FARRELL st. 1675, nr. FUlmore st— Nicely furnished rooms for rent, single or en suite, to treat lemen; a respectable, quiet place; rates $2 «k. up; bath, phone; every convenience. OVKKLAND UOL'SE. .008 Sacramento, below Montgomery — Now open; fuo rooms; hot and cold water in every room; 25c to $1 per day. $1.50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIN. Prop. OAK *!., 4-iii — Large maaj- bay winduw rooms furnished for bouse keeping; bath, laundry; also 1 room with piano. OCTAVIA et. 1114— Sunny bay window room, with regular kitchen; well furn.; mod.; reas. OAK st., l-M — Furnished back parlor, bathroom connecting; suitable tor 2 gentlemen; reason- • able rent. OAK, 41'J — Llegantly famished sunny rooms, en *ulte or single; mod. conveniences; bath, phone. oCIAVIA st.. 1151 — Elegantly furnished room; Wt table board. OCI'AVIA st. 1309 — Large sunny ruum. separate beds, for gents; also one for lipbt house keep- ing; French family. OFARKELL st, 1427. nr. Laguna— l or 2 neatly furnished rooms; reasonable; French family. ; u'i.UiKKU. st, 2U&& — 2 sunny front rooms, suitable for 2 or more gentlemen; in private family: rest reasonable. O'I'AKRELL st, 2101, near Devlsadero — Nicely furnished sonny room, suitable for " gentle- men; rent reasonable. OTAKRELL st. 1105 — Large front room, with running water: Fanny: bath and gas.- . O'FARRELL st. 1123— Large suany room for 2 or 3 gentlemen; tingle rooms: running water. O'FARRELL st. 1129— Elegant front parlor enlt. for 2 gentlemen; every convenience; $20 mo. O'FARRELL ft.. 1201 — Front mod. snnny room; running «rat«T; small rooms suit. light hskpg. O'FABRELL et., 1209 — Nicely furn. room suit- able for 2; also sunny single room; reas. O'FARRELI.. 1223— Beautifully furnished rooms from 5S up; fras and *lee. lights. O'FARRELL St.. 1227— Beautiful front rooms furnished; very reasonable: every convenience. O'FARREI-L st. 12C2 — Nice t>lnjrle rooms; also houfu-keeping rooms: rbeap rent. O'Farrell. 13S» — Sunny furn. bskpg. and single nns.. $2 week up; batb. phone: cood location. O'FARRELL St.. 1395— Nicely furnished eunny front rms. suit. 2; $2.25 to $3.50; others $1.50. O'FARRELI/ et.. 1.*»27 — Large front room suit- able for 2: sepsrate beds; reasonable. O'FARRELL st. 1002— Newly furnished sunny rooms. $2.50 week up. O'FAaiiELL st., 1523— Large sunny furnished ronm. with bath. OTARRELL Ft., IC69— Nicely furnished elnjle rooms from $3 week op. ; O'FARRELL st. 1602— Elegant newly furnished sunny housekeeping rooms; reasonable. . , PAGE «., 130— Fine furnished front and con- nectlng room; running water; $25; separate, $10 and $15. '\u25a0 . . ' ' PINE st, £351, between Flllmore and Stelner — Front room with alcove, same as 2 rooms; nicely furnished;' light bouse keeping If de- sired; In private family. PLEASANT sunny rooms for- rent; -very reason- able; also bouse keeping rooms and basement rooms for rent; suitable for men to bach In; also room for a man to do chores. Apply at 1202 Golden Gate ay. PAGE «t, 2C5 — Large front parlor, well - l ur- Dighed; piano; suitable for 2 gentlemen ;; also sunny large room; bath; phone; reasonable. .- i PINE St., 770, corner Powell — Newly furnished rooms; near car Hoe and 5 minutes' walk -to Market St.; bot and cold water and bath.- ;> PAGE Et. 366 — Large sunny front room, suitable for 2 or. 3; very reasonable. PIERCE «t, 42b — 2 canny rooms connecting -. for boose keeping: rooms and board; reasonable. PIERCE st, 2032— Neatly furnished room, solt^ Bble for 1 or 2 gentlemen; rent reasonable. POST st, 2225 H. near Devlsadero— Sonny fur- nlshed parlors;- running water; • privilege of light fcon*e keeping; references. PINE .Bt, 2111 — Nicely furnished \u25a0 sonny rooms; also bouse keeping rooms: bot and cold running water; grates, bath and phone. PINE «t. 2514 — Famished. room to let for house keeping; sunny; running water; phone.' PINE. 2&s«.' near Pierce — Neat small room for gentleman; $S P*r month. . POST st.. 1400. <*or. Gongh— Nicely furnished room: hot 'and cold water; best location; reas. POST st, 1993— Lsrge sunny- front rooms; rent $15 to $20 ' p*r month; . phone and i bath. - POST nt. 2207 — Lsrge : furoisbed : room. , double bed; suitable for two gi-ntleroen. - POST st. 2402 — 2 sunny famished front rooms; gentlemen ofrly: board If desired; . POST st. 2583. cor.. Lyoa — Nicely : furnished, sonny front room; bath. ..." BJTCH st; 2SO; off'Brannan: near- 3d — Fine sonny rooms with board; prices moderate.". ROOMS* TO : LET— Continued " PRESIDIO * ay., 357, cor.. Sacramento— Sunny . * front . room, running \u25a0 water; -large clothes closet; $12 a month. \u25a0-* " RACSCH St., 46 — Famished . rooms suitable for . 2 gentlemen, with gas 'and batb,. hot and cold water; reasonable; also single ; room. SAN CARLOS ay., 320., between 20th and 21st. Mission and .Valencia — Sunny front room, suit- able for. : 2 gentlemen; other single rooms; reasonable rent . \u25a0 - SHOTWELL St.. 358. between 17th and 18th— - r Nicely furnished sunny rooms, single or double. • for gentlemen only;. - terms moderate; "no Dlace-Hke home.". SCOTT et. 803. . corner Fulton— Nicely f urnisbed eunny rooms, hot. and -cold water; bath; rent reasonable; adults. SHIPLEY et. 57A,-bet 3d and 4th— Double and sintrie rooms for era tlemen; furnished; single beds; t rent reasonable. - • STEINER st. 119— Sunny furnished house keep- Ing rooms; coal grate, gas stove; rooms for gentlemen: rent- reasonable;' newly furnished. SUTTER st. 2010. near Flllmore — Large sunny front rooms with cr.s and bath; suitable for 1 til 2 gentlemen : $20 per month. SACRAMENTO St.. 1533, near Hyde— Extremely desirable front or back parlor, single or/ en suite; also large, pleasant bacit room; sunny; phone, gas and electric lights; private family; reasonable; near all car lines.' - SACRAMENTO st. 3331. nr. Presidio ay. front alcove room,* sunny and airy; running water and batb: electric light; reasonable rent. SACRAMENTO St.. 3363—2 large, sunny, fur- nlshcd rooms; also 2 eunny unfurnished rooms; rent reasonable. SACRAMENTO st.. 3424— Furnished sunny, room for 1 or 2 gentlemen: rent reasonable. SACRAMENTO et. 3332— Nice room to rent, furnished or unfurnished: gentlemen only. SACRAMENTO st. 3131— Sunny furnished room; reasonable rent. \u25a0 SACRAMENTO st. 3455—2 well furnished sunny . rooms: rent ressonabl*; references.- SACRAMENTO st. 5610— 4. elegantly furnished room*:' modern conveniences: on S csr lines. ' BL'SH st. 1C69-^-Nlcely' furnished rooms; run- ning water: $10 month: for 1 or 2. SCOTT st. 301, cor. Page— 2 furnished . rooms ; also basement: reasonable rent. . * SHOTWELL «.. 16— Furnished room for 1 or 2 \u25a0 gentlemen: bath; reasonable; private family. SHOTWELL st. 240 — Lsrge front room to let \u25a0 reasonable: gas and batb. SHOTWELL St.. 244— Lsrge front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen: gas and bath;sl6 per md. SUNNY court, 6. off Geary st.. bet. Buchanan and Webster— Furnished front room; all con- veniences:! or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. SHOTWELL st. 373 — Furnished rooms and board; gas and bath; $6. per week. ' STEINER St.. 114—1 nicely furnished sunny room with large closet: reasonable rent. STEINER st. 183&— Nice sonny famished rooms; bath; from $10 a month np. STEINER st. 2380— A larß*. Ilsbt, sunny, fur- nished room. Phone West 4404. SUTTER. 1723— Nicely furnished rooms in the basement; gas: $1.50 week and up.- TURK st; 12S1 — Wanted, a few respectable gen- tlemen In newly fornlsbed fist; all new. mod- ern and up to date; walking distance from business district: private family; special rates to permanent parties. . TURK st. 1254. near Webster — Nicely furnished room with clotet: rent $17. TURK st.. Sll — Large furnished room with hot and cold running water: large closets, bath, gas and phone: also electric lights.. VALLEJO st. 946*4, nr. Mason— Sunny fur- nished bay window front room, with use of bath and closet. VALLEJO st. 1387, nr. Larkln—l large, sunny well famished room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; also 2 front rooms; bath; rent $10 per month. VALENCIA st. 033, near 21st=— Suany front rooms, neatly furnished: suitable for gentle- men; would make nice office. WALTER st. 69A, bet. 14th and Dnboce aT.— 1 large bay window sunny well famished room, sellable for 2' gentlemen; also 1 sunny | single bay window room. WEBSTER st. 1906. near California— l or 2 nicely furnished, front, sanny rooms; ranning wster;' bath; free phone; • reasonable. WEBSTER' st., 1018 — Sanny furnished room; bath and toilet annexed; reasonable; private - family. WEBSTER st, 713 — Furnished outside room for - gentlemen; running. water; private family. ' - WALLER st, 1216, nr. Masonic ay. — Large, son- ny, front room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; also -sanny single room; every convenience; direct to 3 carllnes; prlvste home; reasonable. WALLER st. 71. -half block from Market— Nicely famished sanny. rooms for 2 or 3; also .*. single; bath; rent very reasonable. WALLER et. 660 — Sunny front bay window room, nicely famished; also single rooms; very reasonable. ' »-'-\u25a0- WALLER st, 382. nr. Flllmore— 2 nicely far- nlshed rooms, with privilege of bath; moder- ate rent WALLER Bt. 43, bet. ' 14th snd Duboce ay.— l Urge sunny bay window well furnished room; bath and. gas. - - WALLER St., 612, cor. Pierce — 1 large newly furnished sanny room: bath, grate, gas; 1 or 2 gentlemen: rent reasonable. WEBSTER . St. 63—1 or 2 large unfurnished . rooms; also 1 single and 1 double, furnished, bath: reasonable rent WALTER st, 93. near 14th— Single room, nicely famished; bath; rent reasonable. .. '*-*_; WEBSTER st. 100, cor. Waller— l large sunny well famished room, suitable for 2 geatlemea; also 1 single room; -bath. WEBSTER st. 307 — 2 furnished rooms, 1 single and 1 doable, for gentlemen; sunny and dry; private family. . • WEBSTER St., 200; nr. California— Large sunny front room; well- furnished; suitable for gen- tleman: references. WILLOW ay.. 667 — 1 room, for gentleman; rent $10 a month. 'X ' ""-;• t \u25a0 . WOODWARD ay.. 67 — Furnished room for gen- ! tleman; sonny front: reasonable. \u25a0 2 NICE nnfnrntsbed rooms; sonny; suitable for light house keeping; no children; batb; gas and near Mission carline. Apply 326 Cortland ay., 7-9 and 3-8 p. m. • 22D st. 8506— 3 large sunny rooms, bath, etc;, for bouse keeping; also 1 single, bright large room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; Castro st. cars 1 block. - . 1 SUNNY front room to rent; Including toilet and bath: rent very reasonable: $2.50 per week. Inquire 2908 Fulton st. Richmond dlst. 4TH/av., 147,- Richmond district— Furnished sanny front room for gentlemen; - only . half ; block from carline; ; rent $15 p«r month. STH st, 353, between Folsom and Harrison— Nlc»-Iy furnished rooms; ; running water; $2 a week and up. 16TH st, 2677 — Furnished room for. light hoase keeping; reasonable. \u25a0 \u25a0" \ 16TH St.. 33M — Large front room, : suitable for 1 or 2; gas and bath; cheap.*- 11TH st, 'ZVL — Furnfched double room for 2 gent tou en; hot and cold water; bath; private family; pri« $10. 11TH st. 3U& — Furnished and unfurnished rooms - to let; reasonable; gas and bath; running water. . - , . ......' 11TH St.. 225 — Doable room, suitable for 2 gents, $10; front room. $6; bath; hot and cold water. 14TH st. 508, nr. Guerrero— Nicely furnished canny rooms; rent reasonable; private family; ' new bouse.- \u25a0' ; \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0" , ; " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. : ., ... 17TH st, 4052, nr. Market— Sunny 'outside fur- nisbed room for gentleman; $8. . . ' . . ISTH • st; 8810.' near Church — Nice : sunny " front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; hot bath; smaller room ; ; rent reasonable, i wftSMH9(tttoK ISTH et, 4019 — Front and : back parlors, neatly furnished; suitable. for 1 or 2 gentlemen each; with or without board; moderate terms. 18TU st.;" 4056. near Castro— Large front' room,' - i neatly furnished; ; sanny; suitable . for . gentle- • man; : terms moderate.;- ; : . ' 19TH st, 3676 — 2 sunny front rooms, -.nicely fur- nished, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; $14 and $10. including bath and gas. 20TH st. 3557,- bet -, Mission:, and. Valencia — 3 connecting ; rooms ; ' gas > and : use of bath ; : for , 4 men (friends :•• rent < reasonable; .. <:\u25a0;. "•'D st, 2957, ' near > Folsom — Large : front ;i and - back parlor, suitable for 2or 3 gents, or man and wife; rent $22.50; for 3 or. $20 for 2. j \u25a0 24TH ' st. 8343. <\u25a0 near \u25a0 Mission— Large sunny r doable room, with bath and gas Included; suit- able for lot 2 gentlemen; rent reasonable. \u25a0 25TH St. 3052 A- cor. VAlabama^-A nice t sonny froat parlor; with. use; of bath;" sultablfe for X ;or 2 persons; rent reasonable; . -j. :\u25a0* ' \u25a0-. 26TH St., 3152— Sonny furnished ; rooms, either lsille* , or gentleoen ; > rent reasonable; \u25a0 transfer .;. point.-' "-. ; -r \u25a0 . \u25a0: ' " . ' ..--.; ,„ \u25a0\u25a0- 17TH st, 3C26— Mrge ,-: nicely furnished room ; .-.; hot and cold water;. bath; rent reasonable. - .:'.-. 2GTH St.. 3355.' corner Capp-^Furrfshed and nn- furalsbed rooms to let \u25a0.'\u25a0;..- . ! 22D «t. 2815.' near Potrero— Furnished ; room^ In private-fsmlly: ; s7. : per_month.'. ? • ' * .' 22D st; 3339— Furnished room; rent $10 -'j per month.: ' ."'^nKHBBnBHMMBKMHMHRaMI 27TH . St.: 211— Furnlshwl ; rooms; ' $5 \u25a0 per i month. 1 30TH st. 451— Large front room, and. gas;? slo \u25a0- per month:, euanr. ( . .>.. . - THE:;isM yRANOISOQ -jGALL, FRID^,^ JUNE :5^ 1908 ROOMS AND BOARD OFFERED J BROADWAY. \u2666 1720— CORNER r ROOM, WITH .PRIVATE BATH;> EXCEPTIONALLY 1 LARGK i SUNNY AND ELEGANT; WITH" BOARD; A RARE OPPORTUNITY:^- : V, .*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-"-••-\u25a0'-\u25a0""- CHILD; to ; board, and room / for ; the parents : .; sunny front room;; $10 a- month. 1003 Church. DEVISADERO st.,' 251,' cor.' Haight— Large sunny coi ner room for 2 ; : also .' single room ; excellent board; -private t family.: .;"".':>;!..-\u25a0' FURNISHED room and board ; 0; 30th. St.,; off Mission; board and room 526 per month; newly , i furnished.". : \u0084: - :..- \u25a0\u25a0"-.: \u25a0: : . :--\u25a0 "\u25a0;';-\u25a0\u25a0'.;•:\u25a0-"'\u25a0' '\u25a0- HANDSOMELY furnished suite; jpiano; ; electric lights, - bath; ' strictly ; private family; - board optional. ;, Box 4132. Call* office.'. \u25a0 ... . . -.'\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0 JACKSON Bt.*. \u25a0 1042^— Front ; room ; ' cars ; run [ past door: :marlno: view; -'for 2 'gentlemen; $15. .month; boards if : desired; with laundry, .$S week. -'..-.-.- '\u25a0>-.:\u25a0-- ---v- \u25a0•.:\u25a0!\u25a0 ' :.i.:. - -: . - : MCALLISTER, st;,. 1402— Comfortable furnished " rooms,*.' with " or without .. board ; *. also . 1 v unfur- nished ' room, suitable j for , light house ; keeping; rent 'reasonable.'' \u25a0 ':.•/",'\u25a0..'".--'\u25a0" SCOTT St., 912, near Uoldcn .. Gate ; ay.— Large sunny front rooms; suitable for 2 gentlemen; $G utr wfok pacli, wlth'board; bath,' hot and cold' running . water.' .' \u0084' ... OCTAVIA St., 621— Large* front Toomto rent furnished; suitable for, 2 or 3; with or without board. 2 FRONTfurnished bouse keeping rooms; batb, gas. laundry , and basement. .MRS. FERNS,' 1012 Capp st.' near 25th. ::.: V ; EIGHTEEN FORTY-NINE ; Jackson, cor. Gough has a few rooms ?en suite, with > bath, : also single rooms; table and home Al;' call and see. EXTRA . large sunny front f room : suitable for 4 or 5 young men; excellent board; reasonable. 1015 Eddy. Phone W. 1013. . ROOM for 2 or 5 young men ; : best table In city.' 1906 Sutter st.- :K\u25a0 :\u25a0 . -.- . -..-- VAN 2 NESS ay., 2211 — Comfortable \u25a0 double and ' single ruoms, .with excellent board; reas. rates. WANTED— 4 or 5 students to room 5 and , board ; bath' lncluded: $20. 3320 Mission st. \u25a0 .-. - *•: SEWING MAC3HINES , DOME3TIC— Best, cheapest; all kinds rented, re- paired, exchanged : needles and, supplies' for all makes. J. W. EVANS, agent,- IUSB O'Farrell St.. near Flllmore; phone West 3601.". .<v""-.". WILCOX & GIBBS SEWING MACHINE CO., 570 SUTTER ST. Automatic -Sewing Machines. ." ; 570 Sutter st. I SELL. ' buy end repair all kinds.; CHAS. PLAMBECK, 3312 16th st: near Dolorei. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES MONARCH Visible Typewriter— ln the Monarch Visible Typewriter all of the writing Is In full sight all- the time; other oaken, second hand, at very reasonable prices; we rent,' repair end Inspect ; before purchasing ring up West : 5609 or call at 1C23 Devtsadero st. WOLF & IN- BENBRUCK. dealers. SPECIAL rental rate»; rebuilts. 2d hands, at bargains; supplies; repairs, -desks. ALEXAN- DER & CO.. 512 Market st. Tel. Douglas 2157. NO. 2 Smith, $35. The Typewriter Exchange, 1011 Golden, Gate ay. Tel. . Park 973. WALTER A. SCOTT, 513 Market St.; all makes. from $25; snpplles, repairs. ' \u25a0 GUN AND LOCKSMITHS KEY fitting, gun and elec. repairing, tool grlnd- _Jrigj_ good work. E. J. BROWN. 2235 Mission. HEMORRHOIDS ALBERT J. ATKINS, M. D.—Rectal diseases. torn Frnnklln st.: hours 1 to 4. SHELL JEWELRY ,[ . SEA SHELL and abalone shell Jewelry, at . Hal- il!d^r*^^lljßlonßaMarii974_ValenclaBt^i l!d^r*^^IIjBlonBaMar ii 974_Valencla8t^^ i^^ VULCANIZING J. E. ELKINGTON & SON, expert : vnlcanlzers, new and • second hand tires, . boiler compound, machine packlngsand rubber goods of all de- scriptions. 33: Albion ay., off isth bet. Valen- cia and Guerrero Kts.MfitgSSBnMHMHpM&NSf San Francisco Vulcanizing. C 0. ,-425 Valencia st.; rubber auto, carriage, back, baby buggy tires. .; WINDOW. SHADES ADVANCE window shade factory; orders filled at short notice. GEO. WALCOM. 637- Turk st. :. f LEGAL NOTICES \u25a0 • -OCCIDENTAL OIL COMPANY. \u25a0 location and - place' of business," City ,: and County of San Francisco." State of California.'. .. Notice — There Is delinquent upon the following described stock, on acconnt of assessment No. 3, levied on the 27tb day of April,; 1908." the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective eh are holders, as follows: _ \u25a0' , . Names of Certificate " Share Holders ' No. . Shares Amount Beldlng, Mrs. Mary..:... 5'U- 100 $10.00 Bell, M. H. ...... ...330 200- .20.00 Black, J. C .....1461 807 30.70 Bullock. Mrs. O. " M 1 2 19 SOO 30.00 Burnett, Anna L... ;;:.:.': 268 < 200 20.00 Burnett. D. D .:..... 266, 250 25.00 Burnett, Louis* D .... 267 250 25.00 Burnett, Myrtle E.......265 .200 :20.00: 20.00 Clay. Eleanor 8. ...... ...303 200 20.00 Elliott, Mary ...103 120 12.00 Elwell. Amant T... 279 - 135 13.50 Esterly, Geo. W ......... 424 33 !. 3.30 Esterly.. Geo. W ....425 100 10.00 Esterly. Geo. W ...'420 100 10.00 Esterly, Geo. W .....427 100 . lO.(K) Estrrly, Geo. W. .:.428 100 10.00 Esterly. Geo. W... .. ... . 429 100 10.00 Esterly, Geo. W. . . . . ... . 430 100 10.00 Esterly, Geo. W .....431 100 10.00 Esterly, Geo. W. :. 432 100 10.00 Esterly, Gc-o. W...;. .: .. 433 , 100 10.00 Esterly, Geo. W.. ...... .434 500 50.00 E6terly, • Geo. W .....435 500 50.00 Esterly, \u25a0"\u25a0 Geo.' W '..'.;:'. 430 500 • 60.00 Esterly, Geo. W......... 437 500 50.00 Esterly. Geo. W. . . ... ... 438 - 1000 100.00 Esterly, Geo. W. .....'... '439 1000 100.00 Esterly, Geo. W. ...440 1000 ' 100.00 Esterly, Geo. W ....442 500 ,50.00 Esterly. ; Florence . L. ...... 378 - 100 10.00 Garland, Gertrude........ 832 75 " 7.00 Gerrish.. Edith E. ........ 333 30 '3.00 Gurney, Edgar Le R0y..:1468 50. 5.00 Hammer; Anna. H........1259 ~ . mo 10.00 Hatch, Charles E.... '.... 334 25 -2.50 Hlnes, CM.'............ 411 30 3.00 Illte, -S; J. 1 .... ...... ....1262 10 - 1.00 Holmberg. G. B. 1460 . 16035 169-1.50 Keesllng, Emma.E... .... 59 500 50.00 Kipper, Katberine......:. 72 400 -40.00 Klock, •: Clara M.. ........ 1375 -100 ' 10.00 Lombard, C. C... ....815 300 30.00 Lombard, Jennie M. ... ...; 81<5 , 100 lO.fiO Malony. David.. 102 500 50.00 May.' Lillle . L ...1319. SO .S.OO Miller," Etta........ ....... 1220 225 22.50 Moulton, Warren 8...;.. sfi7 100 10.00 Nyman. 8ertha..... ......1377 100 10.00 O'Brien. P.. ........ .....~ 820 : 400 40.00 Payne. Henry P..'....;... 828 100 10.00 Rodgcrs.-W.M.'.. ........ 282 1000^ 100.00 Salisbury, Julia E.. ...... 1204 . ]35 33.50 Smltb.vArthnr T. ."..;...: 337 300 80.00 Smith, Mrs. H. - R .~.T.~ ZT. \u25a0 5 19 ;-, -. 200 20.00 Snow, Frank 8. '..:. T."'.". 400' ](X» 10.00 Tyler, \u25a0'; Myr0n.".'. ......... 22S' >100 10.00 Timme, Ernst G.. ....... 724 . .2000 200.00 Tlmuie. Ernst G.. .:...... 728 2000 200.00 Vennard, Fanny A ....... 339 50 5.00 Vehnard, Fanny A.. ."...'-.1457 : . r>o 5.00 Vennard, Helen 8 . . . . . . . ". 340 : 25 2.50 Weare. Cha5.E:. .".....'.. 586 400 40.00 Weller. Car 1..... ...:... .1451 400 ' 40.00 Winters, C.8.. '..:."... ;.. 1314 1000 100.00 i£ And : ln -accordance \u25a0 with law, and an : order of the Board of Directors made on tbe 27th day of April, 1908, : so many/ shares of each v parcel of such stock as may be necessary wlli; be: sold at public auction at tbe office of; the Company, at 90 Clay street, in the , City ; and County of San Francisco, State :of California,', on Friday. - the 19th day-of June, 1908.; at {twelve (12) o'clock noon' on such day, to pay such delinquent asess- ment, thereon.' .together with; cost of advertising and expenses of sale.. *' • GEO. A.', DOUGLASS; Secretary.-/ • ' Office . of Company, : 90 Clay/ street. \u25a0 City and County of San Francisco,! State of California. ..-\u25a0., NOTICE *• Is I hereby - given \u25a0: that t the firm Vof -.' E. ; Franeeschlnl.'& \u25a0 G. ; : Sbragla r - have -by.- mutual . consent * dissolved and f the *; business ', will *be < carried 'on by- G. « Sbragla ;'& , C 0.," who assume '- all * liabilities s and claims =\u25a0 due ito\u25a0' or f from the • said • firm '• of ; E. Franccscblnl^t i G.i Sbrngla. ; ' : ;-\u25a0 . \u25a0 :\u25a0'.\u25a0•-\u25a0',' -;'•\u25a0•-"' ---j \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0: e;franceschini.v- BEING about to purchase candy stores owned by Mrs. C., Mikesell at 1 1410 s Ellis ? st.'.v we t will not ibe responsible ; for. any j bills contracted . by . her^ unless mailed "to; us: within "Si days" from date.;r:. ;: JHUNT A BRAUN: >: NOTICE Is hereby given , that . I ; Intend ! to apply to ; the i state •: board '\u25a0 of ; prison -t directors " to <be \u25a0' \u25a0 paroled- from San Quentln prlsou acccrdinc to law. JOHN: W. DAVIS. -^ > \u25a0 ; TOPP & CHRIST, have this day been 'dissolved by mutual consent; Mr.. Topp has assumed 'air Ha- "bllltles'of^wald flrm.;' : '->-' -x '\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0: ..•--..\u25a0. , .->-• I: WANf ' ADS OAKLAND MAMEDA BERKBiy FRUITVAIi Kr ;' BUSINESS; PERSONALS K- ALEX. MURDOCK.'atty at law,' lo6B 'Broadway; 1 \u25a0'; titles * examined » and •-> perfected ; 3 llens,ii bank- \u25a0 ruptcy; corporations organized'and general law practice. Open Tuesday^ and Thursday. eves.v.: NEW.method of \u25a0 hygienic and ' message ' treatment.' ; Johnson.-i Hl7« Washington,"* Oakland."**? -J'-^- ATTORXEYS c ."'\u25a0\u25a0- ; :' '' ': LT' S. k CLA RK," ' attorneyTat ilaw*3 85lf Jaokson*st^ ,*il Oakland; ', consultation!; free.T'S Open| eventngs.'^s LANGAN . &; MENDENHALL, 5 202-203 H Bacon building r phose i Oakland ' 1431. i-rr -> nvl^ Kis>Tjo^^xmAxssfo. -, : PATENT: ATTORNEYS NAT'L IN VENTORS'i CO-OP.', ASSN.; r 301 First r Nafr Bank. -c Oakland: » patents t secured: l Bold.' r ;,:. './: BUSINESS :CHANCBS^4.f '\u25a0\u25a0'-: DRUG 'stores for .sale; ; San • Jose.'-'Alameda;: Lake \u25a0 co.;" Siendoclno ' co. - Call ' or write F." A. WECK ' REALTY CO.. ' 2510 Sbattucb ay..- Berkeley. - V ;'--:\y^;.iCL"AIRvbYANTS''. : .''>' -,-"-\u25a0' MRS.'v BROWN, clairvoyant; i card' reader.' yalm- '•;• Ist.-- This :glf ted' ladyj has made ; this ' science : a '-,;\u25a0 life* study ; : readings truthful.N accurate ' and - re- \u25a0: liable. 921 Broadway ,:. cor.^ 9th .- St.; - Oakland." SPIRITUALISM- OFFICE hours . 9-11;" 1-5, 7-8 ; V home phone -A4S3S. I^MRS. E. ;M. MILLER,-; automatic slate writing s medium; *llfe; reading; .develop- * Ing; . spiritual * healing. ,: 218 12th st.v Oaklandi PROF. - GEE, expert mining t and bus. - medium : circleevery night at 8 o'clock; 10 cents: read- lngs : dally; satisfaction rguaranteed. . • 513 ; 10th. Mme. Yon '\u25a0 Swiss,": spiritual L test ; medium,: located ' \u0084 at ' 1532 Broadway, • Oakland. ; : Call , and see \u25a0 her.' MRS. SPENCER,' trumpet "circle, -658 Telegraph >--ay..' 1 Oakland.": Sunday eve.. 8 o'clock sharp. -- AUTOMOBILES THR National Garage and Machinery,' Co7 has put \u25a0 in a ; full ; linn ; of. machinery. ;;; If you icontem-. , plate . or need '\u25a0\u25a0 work : done, ; we cordially .- invite you to investigate . our plant. None but first : class, mechanics,' good; workmanship and cour- \u25a0'\u25a0L teous treatment guaranteod. . \u25a0 National ; Garage and . Machinery : Co..": 466 20th st.. ' Oakland. \u25a0:..;. v BARGAINS In second hand '\u25a0 automobiles. Call- fornla Auto C 0. ." 1224^Webster St., Oakland. _ AUTOS FOR HIRE BKST : cars that ; money ., can '< buy. V" Thomas Auto Service Company; stand-, 11th (st. and : Broad- whv: phone ' Oak _ 2099^^1 - ' ' ;'__L-__— AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS ANY make of car; 'second hand- cars and glass front for sale. Reliable Auto Repair C 0.,.1106 - Madison Bt. Phone Oakland 1589. --\u25a0_. ; LOCKSMITHS — Oaklnnd KEYS furnished at factory prices. Key Works, 855 Clay. Phone Oak. 6717. A 2574. \u25a0 " \u25a0 EMPLOYMENT; OFFICES , :: — _ ; — — — — — y— Chlnest-Jap. emp. agey; .best' experienced help for hotels; family cooks. Tel. Oak. 6469-A1582. > CHARLES YUEN.': 3C2 sth at., Oakland, Cal. CHINESE and JapaneKe employment office; 7 2371 Shittuck av.r Berkeley. Phone 2335 Berkeley, Pur. SPtt^' \u25a0 •'-' -\u25a0-.\u25a0•:-'-\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0;\u25a0; -_l___J_ FEMALE HELP, WANTED LADIES to Join : class : In beauty , culture; finest equipped college \u25a0on the . coast; : grand oppor- t unity open for skilled hair dressers. Polnset- . tla Hair Dressing C011ege, .525 13th. et. Oak- laud.' Phones: Oakland 4497: Home A 4624. \u25a0MALE HELP WANTED WANTED— Salesman for clothing department. Apply. S. N. WOOD & C 0.," 11th and Wash lns- ton ets.; Oakland. Cal. : • \u25a0' - SALESMEN; and SOLICITORS WANTED LADIES— You can make ?3 to $5 every day sell- Ing Ma«lc Laundry Help; does family .washing - without aid of washboard; 1 sold under written guarantee: quick sales, .big .profits, steady cus-. - tomer*. 1157 7th -st. ---\u25a0'- '-'''\u0084- : : BUILDERS ;'aND' COXTRACTORS 1 JACKS &. ROGERS. HOUSE MOVERS. Houses moved; 7 raised and- altered; old bouses bought and sold. - 48th : st. ' corner ' San Pablo; KmeryTlll(» : P.- O. : phone" Plodmont 30S0_;_"^____; . FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE— Same old story with a l new tune \u25a0\u25a0 for June; our prices this week will be yours; ;do come and. see us. . H.;SCHELLUAAS,.IIth .;. and . Franklin ; sts.," Oakland. \u25a0 . NEW: furniture for sale," 6 rooms complete; sacrl- ; flee; quick sale. "> 1650 13th ay.. Oakland; lease. FOR sale— Furniture ; pay you to see H. SCHKLLHAAS. 408 11th st..' Oakland. 1 --" ,:, OLD MAHOGANY OLD mahogany furniture', for : sale; -' njso ; daven- - ports, sofas, antiques and: all kinds of old ma- , hogany; \u25a0 cabinet making, t piano • and \u25a0 furniture ' pollnhing and - repairing. -A EKSTAM, 2393 Shattuck av.r'Berkeley.---"-'- >\u25a0•'\u25a0 •.>.'\u25a0'"\u25a0- "\u25a0 GAS ENGINES LITTLE - GIANT GASOLINE motors and GIES REVERSE GEAR. V. M. KENDALL, agent, Bon Ton boathouse. Lake Merritt. Oaklaud. • CARPET CLEANING Home' Phone' A-3221. '*• - Phone Oakland "4013. ;".' .\u25a0"\u25a0'.". THE GREEN WAGONS Ask your neighbors about the carpet cleaning by COMPRKSSED AIR .VACUUM -HOUSK CLEANING COMPANY.. 7IS 15th st. Oakland.-..; CARPETS CLEANED ON THE FLOOR. : LATEST EQUIPMENT ONLY IN USE. OUR SYSTEM LS DUSTLESS. ESTIMATES. MRS.' J. J. LERRI ; phones Oakland 2034, , Home : A 3611;. now at 612 2d, • office 562- Clay; steam ' carpet .cleaning .-works; v cleaned.-; renovated, \u0084 - sowed and laid ;. not associated with ' A. * Lester. GOLD MEDAL Steam Carpet Cleaning and Reno- • vating :- Works, « 856 Clay - st. ; first • class \u25a0 work ; guar. \u25a0-: Phone ; Oak 4184.; A4154. ,A. LESTEIt. . CARPETS cleaned;and relald; refitting especial- - lv; air work- Ruaranteed..-;: Phone -C.L.. HOL- : ; LAND,- Oak. 1 2071. Home A 2071. ';' _ .: ;J- , BERKELEY. Steam Carpet: Cleaning Works; car- • \u25a0 pets cleaned and : relald ; sewing and refitting ; work guaranteed. Phone Berkeley 043. -'\u25a0.-\u25a0> DRESS MAKING MARIE ' ROMELL^?. modlste;itallor made suits ; a : specialty. 590 23d str Oakland ;, tel. 0ak.. 7254. DRESS MAKING of all kinds: shirt waist sui ts," uppolal $3.50. 270 Oth st. - Tel.' Oakland 4474. .. '\u25a0'..-'.- : .;FURS.. •.;-".' :'-'..• :.;"- FURS remodeled.. bought.' : sold, exchanged ;"c fur- rifr Hnd ; taxidermist. 16th St.. Oakland. ' , :' --,'- * LADIES- TAILORS;? ''.]\u25a0 JAPANESE \u25a0' ladles' 1 tailor; '. all .work : guaranteed ; prices; 'cleaning;., and repairing : ... ;\u25a0' ueatly:done.' : ';3l7: 7th St.';. Phone Oakland 84~.5. FRANK UHER.' ladles' tailor, importer." formerly : , 1718 Van Nesaav.,S.'F.".'. now 1 627 14th. Oak.' \u0084 DANCING /ACADEMY JEAN \u25a0' MACDONALD'S '.'studio; ballroom, stage dancing.- 922 22d st.." Market; Key: Rout© sta: •\u25a0;. i EpUCATIbNAL^-Oakland • . ; HEALD-DIXON . COLLEGE' - - San Pablo ' ay. and . 16th .; st.. ; Oakland— New and modern ; >12 \u25a0 schools; \u25a0\u25a0 greatest - facilities and strongest influence.-- COMMERCIAL , SHORT- HAND.: TYPING;. NORMAL.- \u25a0' - :, ' , ;-... ..': -^ EDUCATED ? young 4 lady * pianist ; and 1 singer J de-" f " sires i position ;as* governess ? chaperon ;?. will ,- pay ''fort rehearsal? or,* ass managing -house "keeper; " references! exchanged.' V s MME.* M. ' CARVILLEr ':-';. General t Delivery, i E. Oakland. - Cal. ;\u25a0_ \u25a0 -y": : - r SOUTHERN ! PACIFIC < CO.V wants ' young-: men . to . * learn i telegraphy - and i take - positions * with * the *.': company ; * $75 i to .' $90 '•• per r month/ \u25a0 - Address \u25a0C School of. Telegraphy .'3o6 12tb st. THE : Oakland? Branch- of, \u25a0 The * Call :1s at i 468 Eleventh st.. nenr; Broadway.- Phones: Sunset £\u25a0 Oakland *1083.""' Homo JA2375. \u25a0•"\u25a0\u25a0:.\u25a0> -\u0084. ' : :[:'^' m\jsiciteaciters "•\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0 ' : : : . r \u25a0 •VlOLlN 'M «tu'dl6~Max '"Lercher,- 312 . I3th st; v! phone 'Oakland '23l4. \u25a0 . >• - - -\u25a0\u25a0.-.. \u0084 '\u25a0" .„\u25a0„--•;/:\u25a0 --'voice -(culture '\./^-.-; ". \u25a0\u25a0* VOICE culture^ pure Italian method.*^ 1115 Broad- k •t.- way. '» Phone Oakland ; 3744. -,; Cordial . welcome.' THE s; Oakland;: Branch" of " The: Call , lslat '46B \u25a0 r Eleventh - st.'-* near £ Broadway. . ' Phones ' Sunset :>'•\u25a0 Oakland nf>W3.- Home A 2375.. -. - -- . r •-\u25a0-\u0084 "; v ; \u25a0;, • ';\u25a0 'j. : ' iACADEiiiES Yr] MISS GRAHAM'S, Riding; School,'i 2ool. Broadway^" .-. > npp." Grant.' school ; •\u25a0 phono ' Oakland ; 21)43.-:' \u25a0y»-"» \u25a0 , ,' : - TYPEVVrRITERS/ANDVsUPPIJIES ! TYPEWRITERS,* safes.* : of flee 'i supplies, .repairs, - : rentals.! GEO.i C.I BORNEM ANN CO., = 11th and ;:j. Clay i Bts.,;* Oakland; 1 546 i Market f 8t, ; ? S. : F.'-vr, NEW " and; second Jhand ':\u25a0 typewriters ' bought - and r'S sold.' ? rented, « repaired,;?, exchanged: U.'-f SSIITH : :8R05.y46: BROS.y 462 ' 13th' st>' Phone Oakland 12. "^\u25a0^\u25a0\u25a0". 7 . '-: J:i'.-; -RUPturelcured v " : ._\. :'. ., ; . : I"DR!t PlEßCE'S?MagnetlcsElastlc',Trass,'! ' the jfi 0n1y.5 Electric tTruss sla | tbe [world | and s the ! only, Mi known § CU RE 8 for S Rupture at (In % use p over a 30 S years) ."5 can Ibe { had Ja 111 1 the i Home I Office.'N- 1417 Chestnuts st.reALAMEDA.-ftkW.TB-J.-* PIERCE/ Ex t H?r^unlUer n ia.-BPh OC efAla.7l7So. ;' FOR SALE-— Miscellaneous] ; ; ANTIQUE mahogany* furniture; &R.; J. ; Hunter; : -. 032 . Telegraph av:, ; Oakland, has on < hand , vari-. s -'-' : ons £ rare--* pieces *> and f. at -. reasonable \u25a0 prlces.' ;{Phone;Oakland,373s:-,;;; ;-; -.\u25a0! .."..". OAKLAND J POUND, r 26th ' and ; Pcralu - sts.— ' -".Huntlngiandihoasedogs' ,' -.- . \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0,. . SHOES— S3.SO REDUCED TO ' $2.50. " W."; A. f WRIGHT &C 0.7 526: 16 th St. \u25a0 : : ' - 7 ' BICYCLES MOTOR r CYCLES \u25a0 v R.'v S.\u0094 motor " cycles," « twin ; *ahd ; , single /cylinder; V - motor supplies: i vulcanized: second hand motor ;•;. bikes fcheap. \u25a0. SOLOMONSON.^ 1057- Franklin st. $9 guaranteed \u25a0» puncture t-proof J tire i; for v $6.50; \u25a0\u25a0 Hudson and Republic bicycles; 2d band wheels, '}\u0084 $5 and ; up. \u25a0 BERG'S," 163 ; 12th \u25a0 et. nr.j Madison. ; CURTIS'^ SINGLE -AND * DOUBLE .? CYLINDER MOTOR CYCLES; 'Rambler bicycles. GEO. A. 0 FAULKNER," BSmath.Bt..- Oakland. -\u25a0;.? , ; FULL • line of Pierce cycles ; and ' Snell 1 bicycles ; ; r sundries: special on repairs. J.T. CUICK, 230 -~San Pablo !».'\u25a0 •\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:.--\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 •-. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 v •^••- \u25a0 \ - BERKELEY, LAUNDRIES •ROUGH ;" dry • family v; washing: J 4o '- cents \u25a0 per dozen; : no. iuk 'marks ion goods;- each washing . done separately. ,- .MANUATTANM^AUNDRY. '-"\u25a0' CO.. 1812 Dwight way; phone Berkeley 4753. •4 OAKLAND i LAUNDRIES^ % IF ' you- want 1 to -wear the smile =of \u25a0 satisfaction t patronize NKW.; METHOD LAUNDRY CO. : Phones A 1397 and Piedmont 97. \u25a0^ROOFING ; ANY-; kind roof g ? repaired r or painted. A.--H ILL--' - MAN.- 506 - E." 12th \u25a0 st. ; ' phone- Merrltt 450.-' < PI RECTORY^ E. ? J. RICE, M. ; D.'.'i physician T and ' surgeon. 72 \u25a0 ; San Pablo ay. corner 16th; hours 2-4,' 7-S p. m. Phone Oakland 8857; Home. Al34l. . DR. ELVI VA ; M.' LEE. '. electro- therapeutist; 216 .. . 11th st." Hours rl;to 8; \u25a0 other by appointments. ' - Home 1 treatments -when;, desired. DR. 'FRANK SUMNER LOWELL; 'llUVWashing-* \u25a0 ton: st. '\u25a0 Hours -2;to • 4 "•\u25a0 p> m. Phones — office, . Oak \u25a0 655S: ; res. '• Berkeley 1076. .: \u25a0 :'.:£s&t&3£g&Bi DRS. H.C. EDWARDS and H.. B. BRIGHT, 517 23D ST. NEAR TELEGRAPH. AY.,- .• OAKLAND. CAL.-- •\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0-:\u25a0 '_ "/_\u25a0'___" \u25a0 \u25a0''.'-' : me'p'i'cal'-.'-'- '-;\u25a0'•-'..'\u25a0 ' - \u25a0' _ a human magnet. a r living wonder. Mrs. Ada,, only genuine electro-magnetic healer i known;' curinc all diseases by her wonderful : God ; given - power." - 101S .Washington; St., • Oak.; LADIES." when suffering* from any ; aliment con- -- suit. DR: A.^WHITE; the ', latest ; European . methods;, consultation gratis; results Ruaran- ' teed. \u25a0 510 Oth at., Oakland;? hours 10 to 9. ROBERT G. FULTON, M.D., leading specialist for 'women. ; 516^ 11th . St. - near WaaSlnston; Oakland.-, \u0084 , \u0084" • t THE * Oakland • Branch of \u25a0> The Call -Is at 4&S Eleventh- st.*:, near Broadway.- Phones Sunset Oskland 1053.' Home A 2375. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'- • \u25a0-• • :: ".Vi'RESTURA. : v "'NONE *. so ' blind .""as , those :; who \u25a0 will . not \u25a0 see.". Why mot* be just to tbe '.body 1 God gave you and investigate RESTURA HOME TREAT- •": MENT:for women's ills. Write or call for . literature. KESTURA COMPANY; 1240 Myrtle • . et. r near \u25a0 16th, -or 1356 Franklin St., Oakland. : Phone - Oakland < 4994. , . - . , THE Oakland Branch of The Call is at 468 Eleventh - st;. near ; Broadway. • Phones Sunset Oakland 10S3. Home A 2375. •---\u25a0' ,r, : SANITARIUMS MME. DR. ; E. SIMON, grsduate midwife and . electrician; 8120 Washington st. near Frultvale ay., Frultvale (formerly, of S. F.); takes ladles :In confinement; 12, t0 3p. m. Tel. Merrltt 167:- DR. -MARY- ADAM, ladirsV. physician; private home? for, confinement; ".terms -reasonable. 3004 ; Fruitvale : ay., ; Frultvale: : phone Merrltt ; 215. ; IN : the home *of£ a . trained nurse; under : their : \u25a0 own :- doctor's care;' confinement -a /specialty; ' best , of , care ; ; reasonable. . 1985 : Websteri st. •'- PRIVATE HOME before and during confinement; . reasonable; adoption if desired. 1 - 51S «*o:h st., \u25a0 Oakland.;-: \u25a0 .-- * . '/" \^ , : v>, i • \u25a0,' .; • ;^;^ , PRIVATE-homeforfconfinement:' adoption; best -IPf. >are: 1303- Market st.', ' Oakland. '-- ''--•\u25a0 INVESTMENTS, .WANTED— SIOO,OOO ;ioan or any.- part * at . 7, per 'cent; net: .security listed bonds and stocks at •" iiih 1 1 r 1 lii 1 iffii i'J"iltiilll jj BWHfr«l|lMtf|ill| Wanted — 10 shares -Oakland traction pre-" , '..' f erred. .W. E. BARNARD, 17 : : Bacon ? block, -". Oakland. * ; \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . ; . MONEY wanted' to finance a big paying real es- tate deal; will pay 30 per cent yearly; can use "sums of $1,000 or up; Investors amply secured; . write for, details." ,; Box 329, ; Berkeley. Cal. : INVESTMENT— Securities and loans. 333 First -Nth' Bk. bdg.TOak. W. H.'Pettls. Geo. Bnrbeck MONEY TO : LOAN . ' W.- F. _ O'BANION, - ' - . , 458 9TH' ST. v \u25a0 Will loan you monry on furniture. • . :c: c J5OO, «1,000, 11,500, 52,000. $2,500 and $.-..000 y- to ;loan on Improved realty."- HENRY. N.^TUM vSUDKN, 464 11th St.. ;, . . CARRIE WEIDER— Money loaned. on. furniture, plaaos. :etc 342 or 524 Telegraph ay. \u25a0 - > HOUSE CLEANING J. Japanese I house cleaning, I washing and gardening. .Oakland 5371,7 A-1245. 934. Telegraph. Oakland. JAPANESE house cleaning company; 311 7th St. ; •: phones Oakland 5522. \u25a0' Home A 3522.' : PICTURE : FRAMES , BARLOW : pictures, frame maker.; 354-6 12th st , » -.- St. s Mark hotel / block. ' • Picture ;• frames \u25a0 and \u25a0 framed pictures-: In endless' variety. \u25a0 - - .' ;'; ' : '-' V':'^' STC * I^ AGE " -^ - '-' : - WE • will ''store i your; piano • and ; furniture ! in fire-* ' . ; proof \u25a0-\u25a0 iron , warehouse ; :\u25a0 separate * rooms ; ; rea son- able rates. Porter. 466 Bth st. 'Oak. phoneJOSK). STUDENTS'; Express^ and Transfer Co. ; - storage. ',' moving, i; packing ; and shippings Main .- office * 2110 ; Shattuck '\u25a0 ay. .-;\u25a0 Berkeley ; \ tel. "; Berkeley 174r,1 74r, PRESCOTT'S Van •\u25a0 and Storage Co.— • Main . office 1. . 1115 23d i ay., • Kast v Oakland ; ' lonff ;\u25a0; distance '\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 movlng.l; Phone Merrltt 482; 81144. _•\u25a0 -'.-< ; ; LYON :\u25a0 Storage ;' and Moving )S Co.— Packing \u25a0 and \u25a0 shipping." 4B3 11th r St.: ; phone Oakland 2071. ..PAiNTINGAND PAPEIC HANGING PAINTING, " : paper banging,? Interior ; decorating; all i kinds; prompt attention." W. S.K ENNEDY, -»16 13th St.; phones: ' Oak 5974. Home' A-4057." .OAKLAND, REAL ESTATE^ FOR' sale^-New J shingled 'cottage;;;4 ' rooms, ' bath, it wash ; trays,".' pantry;: etc.; ". modern, ; up ; to ; date y_; In every ; respect ; ; large 'verandas • and • porches ; .'". 133 ft.\from cars; .Walnut ay.'near E. 14th St.; < • Elsiborst. . -.\u25a0'.'.'. - . :' >-'.', ,*; ;., \ " ' \u25a0":,:"= : , . A BARGAIN. /-- :.-\u25a0; '•: A $1,800 j lot, 45x130;* Oaklawn Park, must -be .' sold.: - Apply A. E. i SYKES. \u25a0* room SlO, t Union "Savings Bank Building. "Oakland. --\u25a0\u25a0'• ' ' ; u--;. fruitvale Vreal Restate ; $200 ' cash— Brand \ new,4 : room ; bungalow; " bath,' \u25a0 % pantry ,l air modern conveniences; cost $1,200 . to » build;: 10t' 25x150; ?1 block to local train; listed " at $1,750;:: make coffer. >< R. F; FULLINGTON, ;.' 1238 Frultvale ay." r : ',-. / -^ T^r^ $200 ' down-^-4 room ; cottage: t modern,! up ; to date ; -- ' balance like 1 rent. * Box- 154." Frnl tvale,'- Cal. ' r;~r ;~ \u25a0 \ BERKELEY; REA L ; e'sTATe"'^ ". MUSTlsell 5 rWtn'cottage; central' Berkele y; $250 jenshh %'l"i mo. Ad." Owner. 719 17th st.T Oakland." ; '.- REAL^rESTATE TO ; EXCHANGE $2. 150-^Newi* cottage -"of <4 -s rooms.'r' pantry .'" and \u25a0 ' closets ; t lot i 80x132:6; i" bara ; 3 poultry J houses; ; ; family > orchard; i In : rapidly \u25a0' growing /section of =\u0084 East iOaland;<;terms;if *deslred;iwlll: trade for : ranch * of ; from 1 20 *to 40 acres.'r^v "- * -•- 't ;*-• (4592) •>; GEO.tW.'j i AUBTIN.11018 ; Broadway.- Oakland.,' \u25a0 GOOD (renting | Oakland I and ; Berkeley * property^ to . • exchange t for. randies' and f eastern . pn'pcrty. . J; 11. EPSON.-. 1068 jßroadway.j Broadway.i Oaklaud. v ! -..- . .-, BALANCE :;' due on * contracts ; '\u25a0 Oakland - property a».' for < ranch • or lot." Phone - Piedmont < 1708. »\u25a0 j -*-* ' -' '.'\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0- /:*; :: :. 5 ;.; ;;;v" '-^j .; •-..•: ':\u25a0•• K-' hotel, 1 * - ••. ;.- ,\. San ; Pablo av.T Grove and ; 2oth Bts.." Oakland. - P 200 ' rooms I and \u25a075 • baths ; 3 elegantly I furnished,' steam I beated; • elevator service ; rates 75c jto $3; special ' rates , by ' tbe < week ior \u25a0 month.~9HSHaBttl :\u25a0 r: \u25a0- r'-\u25a0r '-\u25a0 -\u0084- \u25a0\u25a0: 'S C;^W. ; PHILLIPS. \u25a0-\u0084 -". \u25a0\u25a0 : ., - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.. LOOK •-: LOOK— HOTEL v? ST.'i PAUL.* 528 > ' 12th ' st ; ' cor. '? Clay ; v rooms x by :' the :\u25a0 day. week ;cr iri month;! central .location; 5 elevator.'- "... ':- HOTELrARUNGTON.'i!NE.fcor. s :9th?and].WßSh.- m Ing ton < sts.7* 2 : blocks » from IBJ P.-s local ; \ popu>* -:; lar,* refined -, hostelry.'H^aMßglHßagffll&riffiMgl PALM I INN. 1 ! BS4l 2Bth I st-^Famlly S hotel; E near Boute station: Phon»lOakj<66. ISOakland.1 S Oakland. HOTELS— Alanieda SANTA t CLARA HOTEL.' 2323 \u25a0 Santa ; Clara aT., •Alameda; JUST OPENED and newly fnrnlsheo; -'HOT WATER IN/EVERY- ROOM: tsths." \u25a0 .' . i : APARTME.\"TS---bakland" THE^BEVERLEY, ;\ CSS 1 Clay - st " near 10th— \u25a0•\u25a0 Modern." sunny -rooma.? en^ suite or single.- ' 7 HOUSES; TO LET— Alameda 2 > STORY, j; 8 sroom residence 'with: basement; v partly i : furnished ; - all - modern . " conveniences; \u25a0";., large garden; and- stable ;• 613 Santa; Clara ay. ~~ L near • sth; \ rent * reasonable .to; a "good -tenant "'."Apply, owner,! BlS Santa Clara ay. TO;let—^s -room; house;: $12;, ' water: free; 'Ad- '"'• dress 418 'Taylor '«T..'Al»mwli. -. '' 6AkLA"xDTHOUSES TO \h LET " FOll!rent. Jnne'l — 10 room 'cottage. 'situated at vfcompr.of 10th av.*; and East 18th St., i la choice residence district; ",- convenient :-> to ". schools. . . oliiirches. 7 . streetcars and station; reasonable rent^to • good tenant. B. - H. WELCH &. CO., ; . sth av.'aad East ISth st NEW [7: ; room -house;-, sleeping porch; 'hardwood .floors; '..half., block; from streetcars, in "Alta .Piedmont, HUGO MULLEB. 1224 Webster pf.. Oakland. ' - - \u25a0 FLATS :t6 LET — Oakland .A" CONVENIENCE TO ? THE PDBUC— FREE . RENT LIST -AND COURTEOUS CLERKS THAT TELL THE MAN TO "CHARGE IT." _ BUSEY-& REED.;*: * \u25a0 Fornl tare, carpets,- draperies, .-' ranges. 410, 412 San. Pablo avenue,' Oakland. Cal. SEE our large, :up to date list of hoases and flats; no obligation to buy goods. JOHN :'. BREDNER CO.. 13th ' and • Franklin, Oakland's : ;.; largest furniture store. FOR rent — 3 new, 6 room.flats;. flats; $25 per month; every modern convenience; owner an the prop- erty. 462 College ay.,- half - block from Key - Route station. _:, - 24TH • St., 327 — 6 room modern \u25a0\u25a0 flat HUGO l MULLER. 1224 Webster •- st. -- THK Oakland Branch of The: Call Is at 463 - Eleventh :st near. Broadway. Phones Sunset Oakland 10S3.- H0m«A2375.' FLATS TO LET — Berkeley HILOARD ay.. 2314, bet :2 ; car^ lines, close to \u25a0 college-^-An 8 : wwrn bouse for rent ; . rent, In- cluding' water, j $45. FLATS iTO LET— Berkeley— Furnished FLAT 'of 4 rooms; .complete \u25a0 furnished -rooms; \u25a0 t 23l4 Mi Hllgard ay.; rent $27. including wster. OAKLAXD • HOUSE" KEEPING ROOMS 15TII \u25a0 st, 615."; nr. Grove— Lower floor, -S ; «m- nectlng sunny house * keeping rooms; separate , entrance ; ' also 2 fine sunny rooms, upper floor - and central.' .* . \u25a0 -. \u25a0 • WANTED— By a lady living alone, a refined : couple >to take f urn 1 shed house keeping ruums. Phoneor call evenings, " 2947 , Pine ay.; phone .Berkeley. 354. ' 10TU, * 022, comer • Myrtle— l tor 2 : large • snn- '•"-. Ny front rooms for house : keeping: phone and laundry ; : near . Market st station and electric -carline. ." .. : -- v :_- , \u25a0 17TII St.. 770 — 2 unfurnished rooms for light - . boose \u25a0 keeping ; \u25a0 nice ' neighborhood ; near : Key j:- Route ; rent • reasonable. Apply 769 17th at, '. opposite. , 42D5t..606 — 2 furnished, sunny rooms for house ".-rkeeplnij;- 2. minutes from <Key Koute. 1 block from Telegraph ay. and 90 feet from Grove st FURNISHED house keeping rooms, suite and single; cloee to Market st y' station and on ; electric carline. ~ 914 Bth sf. Oakland. 19TH st. 217— Neatly famished hoase keeplns rooms; 2 and 4 room suites; every conven- ience; central. . -\u0084 • BOOMS, all rates,. at 802 Madison st: 6 blocks 'from Broadway;' near. depot, park and ears. - ROOMS to : let; boose keeping . and single, reas- onable. " 573- 15th: st.;: Oakland. - SMALL house $10. •" 113 . Warren st. off Pled- - mont ; ay. near Moss ar^BMHHHBC^r \u25a0 \u25a0 $0 per week; 4 furnished rooms for house keeo- - Ing." ,729 26th; st... Oakland.- ... , T"; : -, -..V 7TH • av.\ • 1014 nr. ; Clinton • station— 3 : furnished .boose keeping rooms. S l2: 3. $15. ;.-.'\u25a0 r-TC-i THE Oakland Branch of -The Call -is at 463 \u25a0 Eleventh vst near , Broadway. * Phone Sunset Oakland 10S3, Home A 2375. ALAMEDAf HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS SANTACLARA av.^' 225S— 2 large, sunny 'rooms : for house : keeping on lower floor; 2 . blocks to '\u25a0 Park st station; car passes door; opposite city \u25a0 hall and 2 , doors to library; every convenience. THE ST. JAMES. 1914 Santa Clara ay. — 2 and 3 .room hoase keeping apartments;. well famished and complete; rent- very reasonable. Tel. ' "Alameda 430. -$S9BfS£V9U(W&KUUBBM -ROOMS TO' LET— Oakland - FRANKLIN st. 1453,' cor*.* of 20th-^BeautUul - location near Key Roate station; 2 fine rocms; plenty vof light; . •\u25a0 suitable for "2 or single; running water; bath; reasonable; excellent • board Just a few doors away. ALICE 'st, 1057. Oakland— Nicely -furnished . sonny : front room, & . block \u25a0 from 12th st and close to S. P. locals; nice; location; rent $13 , \u25a0 per, month. • :."". CLAY St.. 961. Oakland— Rooms to rent In very " center of - town ; - cloee ;to ' all trains ; and ' elec- tric cars; very reasonable; 2 blocks to Broad- ; way ;: men -, only, .v JACKSON St.; 1052; corner 11th. Oakland — Larxs ; sunny :• comer r front ? room: ' best ' location; fine -neighborhood:' bath." hot and cold water; close :•; to electric cars and S. P. depot. \u25a0 \ . JACKSON st, 877— Sonny front room for rent; $10. per mcntli; convenient to trains; phone Oak 6964. . ; _________L JEFFBKSON, 917— Nicely furnished attic room ; •-?. %".. bloclt to . cars; IVS ' minotes* walk to S. P. 'depot; per week. \u25a0JEFFERSON st; Wa>, Oakland— Nicely fuxnlnhed - bay : window front room," suitable for 2 r -Jtle- . men ; : central - location. 1 - block from Cur line :,- and; close; to "8. -.P., locals. '-. \u25a0.-\u25a0.*-.". LAKGK s airy room -In ' good locution, close to .trains and only 3 blocks from Broadway; largs r nongh - for 2 people; price . $12 per month. 1007 : Harrison ; »t. Oakland. NICELY furnished sunny outside rooms, situated \u25a0 >-: In \u25a0 best : location, close ! to S. :: P. local and all electric cars; restaurant across the street from ; ; rooms;. very reasonable. 'l 22 12th st. Oakland. NICKLYj furnished • room - for \u25a0 1 man; - close \u25a0 to -\u25a0 S. -P. station - and ; -• - minutes' walk to Broad- way; good location and a nice, quiet home. '170 6th i st.':^ Oakland. . ; ; TWO nt-ut biianjr r_rul»tie<l rooms, • close to cat • line and" nearS. P.~ locals; centrally located; ,; rent reasonable. . ; i~J . tith ; st; between Qrove .f.i and Castro. \u25a0 . ;•,"'" ;;. "isXViV AA— A \u25a0' suite • famished "or * unfurnished; \u25a0 reason- able; adults. 1512' Franklin st; references. AA— 2 \u25a0 nicely « furnished rooms, ' also large . base- ment for storage; rent very low. 264 11 th st FILBERT.'. 1444 — 3r., complete house -keeping; ' also , large.' son.': r. •& \u25a0 board ; . bath and yard. MARKET." St.; : 821; " near i Station— Nicely fur- . nlshed rooms. $1.50 per week and np. FURNISHED sunny, room for 1 or 2'gentlemen. ,Apply^ 1139 Chestnut Ist ;.»• ' _ • J : SUNNYR furnished rooms with i first class i board; ' phone and bath. Tbe Klnyon. 673 14th it SAN ? PABLO i ar.;i 1231— Sunny . rooms,; $2.50, $3 ..; week;: Key ißoute.i Route. ; -: ' - r' • . ."-."». -.•.- v =' -'«.-v- : ACCOMMODATIONS can be furnished , for : 2 \j. ladles at > SO3 ; 12th ; st. ; , very \u25a0; reasonable. 2 \u25a0 NICELY' furnished,' front rooms; - near carline .. and Key? Route .. 1089 53d st, Oakland. $15—3 1 rooms,' gas - range, \u25a0 Instantaneous heater \u0084 - for ' bath.-' 1378 : 24 th • ar. ... LA KG E. i sunny, famished room for 2. in pri va te family located. \ Apply 673 13th st; - phoae OOakk k 9299. .'.\u25a0;<e. I *.vy:i: \u25a0,\u25a0-.-;>. •../,-\u25a0 - WEST) 11'14-^-Nlce sunny, rooms; equally dls- V tant t from s local \ trains; references; : single or . f or . 2 people : . board - If , desired. Phone A 4401. "JONES i St.. 579, near ; Urove— l • block from K«y . ; s Route; « very i neatly furnished * room,-: suitable v-'.l or.g gentlemen; reaa.; phone Home A 3277- . st.-V 180." Oakland— "Fine i '..: outside sunny - ' room ; '• close to Oak ; at.''- station and : convenient ; >.to \u25a0: Oakland = bnslngss ; center; g hath lncladed. .". '2; NICELY furnished ; sanny hoase keeping ruoms , • i-: close %to s carline; - near *S. s P." \u25a0\u25a0> depot > and - not :- . r far,- from ; center , of i town.- S62 » Brnah.^ Oakland. 4TH st". 514,'j Oakland— l nicely furntshetl sonny "room fo.-; b.cse. keeping,' and X' furnished room; "•v" 'fa * block i to. car Mine snd S. P. locals; een- \u25a0 I trally • located. \ . 7TH; st," 66l— -Nicely furnished sunny room; Very '<~ coavenieilt ; sui tabl e f i>r 2 s«atlemen ; ( close ito .;.* : car i line ; and ? s «minutes'« minutes' walk to S. P. depot; ; , - ren t $ rea sonable. BTH st. s 156, i Oakland— A gQtte of s rooms, $30 per . month; < suite '\u25a0'\u25a0 of A 2 j rooms. v - $18; > single . . ; rooms, s $10 and t $12:.- or ; aJ 6 room flat, - sunny . . ; and nicely famished,'; $55 per • month. 6Z tl : 5t.7: 150, t Oakland— Klne - sunny ;. house . keep- „ ; Ing ; apartments ; in - best .s neighborhood ; ; central '\u25a0 ; ( location; . close j to ; Oak \ st'j station and eluse -to baalness \ center. SSBMBHBNBMSIHMtMinK STH st; 671; Oakland— 2 separate rooms, ' gentle- \u25a0 ;.ii men < preferred ; s fine • location ; \u25a0 cloee • to : business -center and local S. P. trains; electric cars pasa the 'door. tSSßffiffi&MES. ROO3IS TO LET — Oaklnnd— Contlna«-«J oTH-st.; 660. Oakland— Nice dean sunny room* .for gentlemen: close In and convenient to 3. .^P.;traln and electric cars; very reasonable. BIU »t.. bOa=«. Oakland — Mceiy rarnlstowd sonnjr • front room. soiUbte lor- -gentlemen: ga*i-ar»l - electric . light: close to car line - and 3. **. \u25a0 . . depot; , use of • phone; price reasonable. - 10TU ; st.. 664. Oakland— Large sonny front room ta private home; " adjoin is s , One bath- room: One sooth window; suitable for. 3 gen* .-tlemen:. 3 blocks frtun •< Washington at.; refer- ence. " .\u25a0-'\u25a0: - - . . \u25a0 10TH 5t.;; 657 — - nicely furnished front room*, sonny and comfortable; close to cars and S. I", local; : electric l'«hts and phone; bath It de> .\u25a0"s ired:"c onvenient . and modern In every re> ', spect : centrally located. 10TII st, 728, Oakland— Fine sunny oatslda room la the best ' neighborhood in Oakland: convenient to S. P. local and all street cars; private family: close to business center; r**» tonable. ' - ' 10TH sfc. Tl». Oakland— Good outside sunny room In private family; best -neighborhood; close to bcslness center of Oakland; reason- , able.- . \u25a0 ' - -. '\u25a0;.-:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 10TH st.. 121, near MadUon^ — Nicely furnlaned front sonny room; connecting bats, closet, etc.: close. to bostness center; private home. . 10TH st..' 572. Oakland — Sunny rooms; hot and cold water; bath and phone; central location. 12TH St.. . 215. Oakland — Sonny furnished rooms for housekeeping, or soluble for 2-gentle- - men; central location: on csr line and close to S. P. depot: rent reasonable. A2TH st-. 572. next to Orpheani theater— Nicely . furnished rooms from. $-.50 np. 13TH st.. 316 — 1 . ntcely f umisned sunuy rooiu and rooms for light house keepln;; on car line; S minutes' walk ' to narrow gauje aod cea- trally located. - ',13TU st.. 816% — 1 large sonny front rooai; «Um> ' 1 small sonny room, neatly furnished; clos<s to ears and 3. P. locals; baths Included. 15TH st.. 522—3 famished rooms, with or with- out board; bath and home comforts;' gentleman preferred. -iMMBM 15TH St.. 523 — Nice, large front room, half block from city haU; gentlemen only; reaaon- able. . \u25a0 15TH St.. 417. bet. Broadway and Franklin — 3 completely furnished house keeping rooms; also single rooms. Phone Home A 1023. ' 16TH St.. 810 — 2 elegant: rooms. sinsl» or en suite, with hath: pleasant and sanny; on car- line; very reasonable: single ladles preferred. 16TH St.. 578. cor. Jefferson— JTor rent, nicely famished sonny rooms. . \u25a0 . 17TH St.; 673. cor. Castro— Klne large room. • suitable for gentleman. Phone Oakland 9133. 17TH st. Ces.'just off San Pablo ay.— A sunny room, nicely famished; suitable for 1 or 2 per- sons; also nice rooms for light house keeping. 17TH St.. 518— Large sunny front room for 2: ' ' also other pleasant rooms; reasonable; I block from postoiflce. 10TB st,. 865. near Market— Large sunny room, suitable for 2; also 1 single room: bath; bot and cold water In - rooms; reasonable; conve- nient to business district. I&.TH st.. '4l3 — 3 nicely furnished rooms; nau»J keeping or single: half block from carline: central location; reasonable prices. 19TU St.. 659 — Very pleasant single aad doubU rooms; refined people only need apply; modera and near carline and Key - Roate. i 2VTH st. 719— Large sunny rrunt room: Urj» closet and fireplace for heating; convenient to business center; rent reasonable; sulubisi tjg 1 or 2 gentlemen. \u25a0 _ 20THst. 576. Oakland— 4 rooms; £» and flu. Phone Oakland 4937. L'lsT or Hobart st. 535— 2 blocks from Key Koute; neatly furnished room, single or for 2. with or without boose keening facilities and furniture: $(> to $23 per month. 24TH st, 535— Nice sonny furnished *La^lo aod house keeping roams: close to car line and 3 minutes" walk to Key Roate: nice location: rent \u25a0 reasonable. ROOMS TO LET — Berkeley DANA St., 2229. near Bancroft way. half block from university — Neatly' tarnished rooms; $ti and op; 3 room suite, completely furnished ue unfurnished: also house keeping rooms; mod* - era te • prices ' to ; sa t tab!« , persons . - BANCROFT way. 2235, bet- Ellsworth and Ath- : erton sts.. 2 minutes from- Berkeley station — \u25a0 8 completely furnished - sonny - hoase : keepln; -" rooms, suitable for gentleman . and wife. CHANNING way. 2116. nr. aiiattocS ay. and 1 blocks S. P. and Key Roate — Neatly furnished rooms, sonny." suitable for 2 people or can n* rented single; asc ot phon» snd bath; board near reasonable. ' :': ' BANCROFT way, 2320. opp. Chapel st. on ca? . line. 3 minutes from Berkeley station — Neatly furnished ' looms; single or for: 2: also boos* keeping rooms: every convenience: 'reasonable. KITTREDGE st. . 2124 — Only 2 minutes' w*U from - station; nicely furnished room,' * wit j board: good. home cooking: near nnlrerslty. DANA St., 2233. near entrance to nnlversity — -J • minutes from train service: 2 nicely -furaUhed single rooms; board 1" desired; home cooblnr; baths. Phone Berkeley 1048. KITTHEDGE St. 2113. opposite P. 0.. -• blocxj from station — Nea tly famished rooms; llghc \u25a0 hoase - keeping rooms ' U desired. Telephone Berkeley 4704. . . , PARKER sf, 2811," Berkeley— 2 nicely furnished rooms; breakfast if desired. .. ' PRINCE st. 1807, South Berkeley — 3 room fur- nished apartment; 2 adults only; modern; Key Roate, 'S. P.. \u25a0 Prove st. cars; private. 1, 2 or 3 fine rooms,' with exclusive batb. In pri- - \u25bcste family of 2 adnlts: finely located; board next door. Phone Berkeley 360 U. BDSSEIX st. 2219— Large.' sunny front room; • refined- private \u25a0 family:- hoard -optional: - r+t*. . ROOMS TO REXT— Alanieda LINCOLN .ay.. 2009— Neatly furnished, sonny, front room: electric -light, bath; close to cars and half block to Willow- station; use ot phone. .;_ ; f BERKELEY HOUSE KEEP'G RO J°J^ FAIKVIEW st, 1312. South Berkeley station— 8 sonny famished hoase keeping rooms; bath. laundry, electricity, gas. ' ' PRINCE st. 1547. • Lortn— 3 rooms, suitable tot \u25a0- hoose keeping;. slo month. \u25a0- - \u25a0 OAKLAND ROOMS AND BOARD COUPLE or single person wanting large room, -with good family board: 7 minutes to nar- • row • gauge, 14th and Franklin sts. Address box 4753. Call ofttce. Oakland. .. ' FOR 2. gen tlemen — Newly ' furnished front bay \u25a0 window alcove room; hot and cold water; bath; excellent board; use Ot piano; close to- business section. 73tt 13th st. Oakland. • - • . : HARRISON st. , 1210, \u25a0 near 14th tu—l nlc«iy ' \u25a0 famished rooms, suitable for 3 gentlemen, ot : will « rent separately; first class table board; , telephone Oakland 6546. .-^ ..;»"'\u25a0-. MADISON ! st. 130S— Near car line; beautiful . location;, brlgat. cheerful \u25a0 room: .' bot and cold - - ruaclns - water; double or single, wfth best table board; homelike; convenient to narrow gaage. \u25a0 ,'• . - " " ' '-,- ''\u25a0 '- - WEBSTER st. -\u25a0' 1223 — Neatly famished room •\u25a0 suitable for, 2 gentlemen, with, best board: private family: bot and cold water; bath; ase of phone.- TeL \u25a0 Oakland H682.- \u25a0 JACKSON st. 1304 — A neatly furnished roua» suitable for 2 ladles; also room for 2 gentle- men; nesresr line; fine table board; reason- able. Telephone Oakland 8793. . \u25a0 ROOM and board, privatw {amity: everything clean and new-;; |50 tor 2; near 23d *».- local 'and 14th st. cars. 101S E.lsth st. E. Oakld. SUNNY f nrnlihed rounu. with board, or table board \u25a0by » meal er week: ', near S. P. local and , centraUy . located. ; 272 11th st. Oakland. •THE COLLONADE, 546 33d st, near Tele^rapo < ay. Sonny rooms. -. with \u25a0or without board; water,; la rooms ; rooms sunny. Piedmont 203rt. 7TH a y.. 1014. near Clinton station— l. 5f o« I furnished hocse keeping rooms. 26T11 st, . 4SO — Fnxnisaed rvonu ;. and board; private place. i " ROOMS AND BOARD— Berkeley . DWIGHT way. 1931.. 2 blocks" from Dwlgbt way . station — Nice ( sonny ' rootns, single or doable; , with "-- the ; best '- table board ; ; home eooklns. 'Berkeley. -' ; =\u25a0 ' \u25a0.- ' '\u25a0 . ' - ' "\u25a0' SHATTUCK '• ftv.;' 1335, , 1 block from Berrymaa station — Most select rooms and board ;.renned horns comforts: furnace heat > :-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0• - - \u25a0 \u0084:. PLEASANT." sanny rooms with -board, at 2311 '\u25a0\u25a0*: Darant ' «v.;? Berkeley. \u25a0' - \u25a0 - - - \u25a0 '<\u25a0\u25a0 i ROO MS • AND ;BO ARD— r Alameda LINCOLN ay.. 903 tMdstlclc utaUon) — .Room and \u25a0;hoard, t ft3. , for, 2; Krench - coolinr; .larji* grounds; t close .to carline and 13 mlnates tt \u25a0 San Francisco. ...,'. *. . NICELY furnished front room with board; one. " half ; block ; from station and . near . car - line. ' 1329 Bth st. Alameda. • ,' JOHNSON , ay.. 2»59. Alameda-*Nlcely f nmlsheti c ''rooms and board ;.nse ot garden. SUNNY rooms and board. ,2101 Clement ay.. cor- . • .ncr Willow st. Alameda. \u25a0 Cal. \u25a0 •\u25a0 . BOARDING KOR CHII.DRK.X PRIVATE - home \u25a0 for small -childrenr mother'^* care. - Phdne Piedmont 3027. j- 13