Newspaper Page Text
Js^^£^*VHp usES FOR SALE— Cob. ] A 7rX Bt:D ? & C °— 934 MARKET ST. uidest Most Reliable Rooming House Agents. . CAN SELL YOUR HOUSE. • 1.200— Best 20 room houw: elegantly furnished; cheap rent; O'FarrelL KREDO. 034 Market $4.500— Best 34 room bouse In S. F.« elegant ewell; cost $3,000 to fur.; clears $500 month- \u25a0Jr: near Kearny st. KREDO. 934 Market st 5000 — 15 r.. elegantly fur., fine location, cheap rent; clears $100 month; bm bargain ever. of- fered. KREDO. «34 Market ft. ' 8300— « rooms; ni??ly fur.; rent $30; clears $50. or will r«»nt $42.50 month. KREDO. 034 Mkt. 14 FURNISHED room house for sale; filled with mm rnr : m^r* l __%in fgd it. near California >t. ATTORNEYS _ . ATTORNEYS— Estates probated; divorces; troard- lanship - titles in proj)erty and . burst records corporations organized; bankruptcy; partnertihlp agreements; deeds, wills, iiort- £tccs and all legal papers carefully drawn; roUections; no delay; all legal mattars en- trusted to ns receive careful, prompt and per- sonal attention; fees moderate; best refer- ences; practice In all courts; open cveningi. ROOM 3. 30 7TH ST.. opposite postofflce. . AA— DIVORCE; costs $12; quick, quiet; advice free; no charge unless successful; title to real ettate restored; bankruptcy; probating of es- tates; general practice. 1028 Market st. r. 12. COMPLETE divorce for $25; strictly square, con- fidential dealings; no charge unless successful. lll'2 Market St.. room SI. A. A. LAW AND COIXECTION CO— Room 81. PCfi Market st. near Mason. All cases, advice. A— NATIONAL Lew and Collection Co., 2301 Pine St.. corner FiUmore; phone West 1886. HARRIS ie HESS, attorneys at law; W. T. Heps, notary pubUc. Rooms 407-409 Call bids'. MARC ANTHONY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ?*W Martcet st. room 1. Tel. Franklin «.V>2. DETECTIVES WEST COAST DETECTIVE AGENCY; civil and criminal rttt* conducted secretly; communica- tions confidential (always open). 896 Fllimor* . «t Tel. Park SXiO. THOS. C. GRAY, principal. PATENT ATTORNEYS INVENTIONS developed: specie! machinery. Tlai- brel Macttn* Co.. 1239 Pearl st. Alameda. BOXNTAG Patent Agency— E»t 1889. 1122 Mar- k+t et. opp. 7th: tel. Market 2982. _ PENSIONS PEWEY. STRONG & CO.— Founded I860; U. S. and foreign patents; inventors' guide; 100 me- rhanlcal movements free. 1105 Merchants' Ex- ctmnce building. San Francisco. ' ' ~: I'KNSION Attorney— E. A. BULLIS. 1541 Btelner ft.: past t-ommander Thomss Post. Q. A. R. ACCOUNTANTS — Certified Public JOHN R. BCCKSTELL, 806-308 Call building— Accounting tysiems: investigations} audits. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ARMSTRONG Construction and Engineering Co.. 1115 Gough ct— We will build too a 4 room house. $050; 5 room, $1,000; 6 roera, $1,(00; flats. $1,5^0 upward; plastered, with plumbing ccished in 3 weeks. Money loaned. OOEBKL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, contract- ing and constructing engineers, office room 7, Arcade building. 1228 Flllmore st. I"I. ATS and cottages; lowest prices; plans free. J. S. Malloch. 1710 Sutter. Call 7 to 8 p. m. TILING CONTRACTORS V. KIRWAN. 159 sth st; phone Douglas 21S5— Sanitary wall and floor tiling; ring up, have ns <r.\\ end ylve estimate on work. PHYSICIANS Dn. J. H. BHIRLEY. CANCER SPECIALIST. Office and Sanitarium. 1013 Golden Gate Ays. Vlt. MARDON. tbe noted doctor of Chinese em- pire; n<iw at 7C6 Clay st. S. F.; with knowl- edge inherited through 7 generations; cures all ailments human system is subject to by means cf teas, carefully selected herbs; consult free. DR. WONG HIM— HERB DOCTOB, Permanently Located' 12CS OTarrell et. bet Goaph and Octavta. DR. JOSEPH ABDENYI. physician and surgeon: diseases cf the ekln. genlto-nrlnary, . venereal and rectal diseases; hours 1 to 3 and 6 to 7:30 p. m. 1246 Eddy st near Lacuna. . MKS. NEWMAN, 13C3 Golden Gate, puarantees Tininlpsg cure hemorrhoids and stomach troubles. t CHIROPODISTS DR. J. LOCRENCON. No. 11 Grant ay.. now at Burns' Hammam baths. 1641 O'Farrtil nr. FUL DR. G. CORNET, surgeon chiropodist: graduate. Ham earn baths. 2354 Pine s«: tel. West «534. DX. n. T. LEANER, formerly 6 Geary st. now Psciao hldg.. 4tb and Market >ts.. room 201. CATARRH. DEAFNESS AL&U car noises positively cured; 1 week free. 1 DX. COTTINGHAM. 2126 Flllmore: era. 10-4. 1 •^— — ——^^—^^ —^-— — ; SCROFULA AND BLOOD DISEASES brphilltic cases guaranteed in 8 to 14 days. SOTKRIA MED. INSTITUTE. 1901 t|»ost «t RHEUMATISM ABSOLUTELY CURED CATARRH, indigestion, seuralpla and dropsy cured: lady attendant 1858 Market Bt ADOPTION ALAMEDA Maternity Villa; strictly private; in- fenta adopted. liß. KMILE FUNK. 1410 Full kf.. Alameda. DENTISTS . BOSTON PAINLKSS DENTISTRY. 1633 FiUmore et; li.lji.wlKlfcd to be the easiest and best painless extraction in S. F. Full set teeth. $2; t> id crowns, $2; ullver fillings, sOc. All work guaranteed 20 years. Open dally till 9 p.m.* ANDEHSON. DB. R. C. formerly Turk and Mason, now permanently located at 833 Market st; positively painless extraction of teeth. DR. C. W. DECKER. SURGEON DENTIST— 1316 Sotter above Van Ness; Franklin 1988. HILL. I>R. LUDLUM, 422 Webster, now Mulr- bead bldg., Mkt. Hayes, Lark In sts.; gas given. | DR. C. GRANT BARTLETT. extracting special- Ist; gas given. 2103 FUlmore, NW. cor. CsL DR. SIMMS, formerly PParrott t blag.. 855 Market st. now located 1214 Polk cor. Sntter, r. SOL UK. MEYKR. 1802 Flllmore st; cnt rates; Ill- ing. 50c; crowns, $3; extracting painless. NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS— DR. EDW. W. PERKINS, cor. 22d and Valencia sts. - HIGGINS. T. S.. and KELLOGG. A. C. Corner Flllmore «t and Ooldea Gate ay. ALVEOLAB dentistry. DR. VAN VROOM, 1507 FUlmore st. also 6th and Market sta. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. M 5 Flllmore «t near Oak. ;_ EDUCATIONAL FOR SALE at a sacrifice — A year's scholarship for four times a week In elocution and dra- ms tic art at Jecne Morrow Long College of Voice u>d Dramatic Action; rood for a man or boy only. O. EDWABD LYON. car* Orn- Ucns F riser. Pacific bnUdlng. , li'iSt.Y made dally, and Call Want Ads help to make it Advertise, your wants; make them koown to the public through a Call Want 1 Ad. Aa Investment, not ao expense. For full par- tlcclars read Call Want Ads dally. A MODERN SCHOOL FOB'- MODERN' TIMES. I'oi.rtKchDlc Bnftlness College - and School of Engineering. :«rj 12th «t. Oakland. \u25a0 Write f»r free Illustrated catalogue. THK LVCKL'M, ZSiK) Pine Bt— Prepare for uni- versity. Uw, medical colleges; 15th year; here yoo cun cave tine A money; excellent teachers. KN'iINKEIUNG — Civil, electrical, mining, mech., survey, assay, cyanide; day. eve.; est 1864. \ «n Per Nalllen School. Slut and TeL. Oakland. A— METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. 925 GOLDEN GATE AY. PRO!'. T. A. ROBINSON. Indiv. instr. math:; lK»>k keeping. Eng.. etc.; day, eve. 507 Halgbt IIF:ALD'S Bu«!neen College, 425 McAllister st; S. F.. and 16th -st. Oakland; day and evening. ITCKKTT'S SCHOOL DANCING. Moo. Wed Friday. Cot!Ui>n Hall. Church, 14th. Market SAX KRANCISCO Boslnees College now located Xt 733 Flllmore near Hay#»; day and evening. THK BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 W«*ltinrton nr. Flllmore: rend for clrclr. SPANISH— Prof. Maya of Madrid, late of Mpx- lco, remarkably vacm*Tu\. 1204 Golden Gate. DR. HlDALGO— Spanish-French In 3 months; in- structor of University of Cal. 1265 Elll* «t ' ALL rourt reporters recommrad Gallagher-Marsh Buklows Collepe. , 4C4 Devlradero et EKNT Law School: established. 16 years. 630 Birch ay. near Octavla st. . M GAXIOLA. thorongh instruction on piano; 75c Wwm. I^2o VA&y >t. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. ICSI ruimar* «t '\u25a0' ' \u25a0*" v< * t ~SBBMBMBBUBKBBRm3M. EMPLO Y3IENT OFFICES MONEY made dally, 1 and Call Want Ads help to 1 make It Advertise your wants; make them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. An Investment, not an expense. For fuU par. Uculars read Call Want Ads dally. ftgfip AA— OSCAR' HATSUMI'S; oldst and largest Jap- anese-Chinese . emp. \u25a0 office i furnishes \u25a0- best help of all kinds: capability and qualification guar- anteed. 1513 st ; . tel. West 5658. . \u25a0. PACIFIC Japanese-Chinese employment office furnishes bert help to city and country; care- fully selected. K." OGAWA, 1777 Post st; phone West 8430. - ALL kinds of Chinese help; satisfaction guaran- teed. JEUNG HOUG. 414 Dupont st; phone Donglas 1360. '. \u25a0 JAPANESE Domestic Workers' Association — Phone West 7158. 1261 EUdy st , City or country. \u25a0 . AA — Japanese-Chinese emp. office; best help; city or country. 1602 Lsguna st; tel. West .1731. CHINESE emp. Co.; competent Chinese help; all -- kinds. L. TUNG. 1843 Webster; tel. West 526. CHINESE Emp. office. £02 Clay «t.— Best help in the conntry. Phone Donglas 1363. CHINESE employment office, 714 .Webster bet. 3d and 4th; tel. Oak. 3101. S. Bf Hall. Oakld. STAR -emp. office furnlxbes Japanese. Chinese help. W. Kadots. 1608 Geary; tel. West 167.- A. HORI, 1748 Sutter; phone West 2803; best Japanese. Chinese help furnished promptly. . JAPANESE. Chinese emp. agent; best help. H. K. PDA. 1721 Post »t; phone Went 4634. H. W. HONG, Chinese employment office, 637 Webster »t. Oakland: phone Vernon 241. EMPLOYMENT WANTED— FemaIe A FRENCH seamstress and maid with best of city references wants a place. A first class Swedish cook with best of reference wants place cooking, not under $50 a month. Ex- perienced infants' nurse with superior city references wsnts a place. For particulars call at MISS PLUNKETT'S office, 189 C Sutter St., city. THOROUGH businesswoman with experience in city real estate would like position as sales- lady for prominent and live firm; straight salary or manage branch office, salary and commission; otherwise partner to establish business; answer one week box 551, Call office, 1651 Flllmore st ' EXPERIENCED hair dresser and manicurist de- sires position as traveling companion to a lady; is refined, well educated and a ready writer; speakß .Spanish: references. Address Z. M. Z.. San Rafael. Cal. - '' -. \u25a0 " . WANTED — Position to do cooking and general housework or any work In city or country. Palo Alto or vicinity preferred. Address MISS E. RAWSON. Stanford University. Telephone Palo Alto Main 108. . GOVERNESS — Highly educated young woman, speaking Spanish, desires position; Hawaiian or Philippine islands preferred; references. Addrew G. A. M.. San Anselmo. Cal. A JAPANESE girl wants situation to do gen- eral housework in Fmall family; wages $25 per month. 2955 Sacramento st; tel. West 804. \u25a0 \u25a0 • \u25a0 SMART, lntelUgent EngU»h woman, aged 26 years, seeks situation in any position; not afraid' of work. Address box 3299; Call office. RELIABLE German woman, experienced. 30 years, wants place to take care of children or Invalid; good reference*. Box 4g21. Call. Oak. DRESS MAKER from the east, first class cutter and fitter, will go out by the day; make a suit in one day. Address 2536 Geary st. near Lyon. GERMAN woman, competent laundres*. wishes any kind of day work; best references. 23 Grand st bet. 9th and 10th off Mission. EXPERIENCED lady's maid or maid would like a good position right away, city or country; city references. Box 3348. Call office. FIRST CLASS cook wants position In private famUy. where second jrlrl is kept; wages $35. Box 548. Call office. 1651 Flllmore at CAPABLE young woman desires general | house- work and cooking; small wages. Address box 632, Call office. 1651 Flllmore st . COMPETENT, experienced book keeper and cashier; also willing to do some stenography. Box 550. CaU. 1631 Flllmore st. GRADUATE nurse from the east; prices mod- . eratc. Netherland Hotel, cor. 4th and How- ard sts. . Phone Douglas 1562. \u25a0 COMPETENT woman wishes washing, ironing and bouse cleaning by the day. Address box 517. Call. FiUmore st office. STRONG, healthy, joung woman wishes position as wet nurse; references furnished; has healthy boy of own. 8121 Pierce st / RELIABLE woman wishes a situation, city or a short distance in country: light housework; no washing. 263 Central ay. - \u25a0. . ;;**-: JAPANESE girl wants a position in a nice fam- ily at light housework; phone West 1398. 1828 Devlsadero st, 8. F. GOOD laundress wishes ' washing. Ironing and house cleaning. Address box 546, Call, ICSI Flllmore Bt. ' NURSE and governess, German, wishes situa- tion; 7 years' experience. Address box 3365, Call office. - JAPANESE girl wants situation to do general housework. B. M., ISB4 Oregon st, Berkeley. WOMAN, .with experience, wishes situation to care for elderly lady; references. 1104 Fell st WOMAN wIU do washing at home, 85. cents a doz. rough dry. Box 2408, 1108 Valencia st GOOD, clean German woman wants position, gen- eral housework. Box 4822, Call, Oakland. LADY would Ilka to take care of a home] Box 543, Call branch office, Flllmor* st. MAN and wife wish position as care taker of bouse. Box 547, Call, 1651 FUlmore st : '. WANTED — To buy a downtown barber shop; give particulars. Box 3231. Call office. RELIABLE woman wants general housework. Addre-<l 1338 Mission st. LAUNDRESS wishes position by th* Ciy. iX dress 598 Paris st . DRESSMAKING by the day, $1.75 and car fare. ' 1403 Sanchez. i33£P?glf£g|g" EMPLOYMENT WANTED — Male ' '* ' "" i RESPONSIBLE party: - fully acquainted with merchandising of all kinds, wants position with aome reliable firm, and wishes to loan employer $1,000 or $1,2<0. Address box 3360, CaU office. ACCOUNTANT. ENERGETIC, GOOD HABITS. RXPEBT THROUGH VAST EXPERIENCE IN ALL BRANCHES: CAN SYSTEMATIZE OFFICE WITH .UP TO DATE METHODS. NOW AUDITOR LARGE RETAIL HOUSE. %BUT VOLUNTARILY DESIRES CHANGE. BOX 8346. CALL OFFICE. " ACCOUNTANT. ENERGETIC. GOOD HABITS, EXPERT THROUGH VAST EXPERIENCE IN ALL BRANCHES; CAN SYSTEMATIZE \u25a0' OFFICE WITH UP TO DATE METHODS; NOW AUDITOR LARGE RETAIL HOUSE, BUT. VOLUNTARILY DESIRES CHANGE. BOX 3346. CALL OFFICE. FIRST class German cooper, understands car- pentering, wants -. position, city or country; in vineyard, wholesale liquor house or any kind 'of work in this line; a . strong, bandy man, good at anything;' strictly sober; best of references. Address S. . It., 724 D Grove \u25a0 it. rear, San Francisco, <3al. . • .-.. SITUATION wanted as valet or butler or trav- eling companion by middle . aged . man of re- finement; has good references; speaks fluently English, French, German and Italian: good home preferred to high wages. JACQUES THOMAN, 1257 Qctavla st -\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0' SITUATION es stationary engineer wanted by a single middle aged man, sober and industrious, with first class references; well acquainted with large hotel plants; no objection to leav- ing citT. Box 2446. 11D8 Valencia Kt. YOUNG man speaking English, French. German and Italian wishes position as * an : Interpreter In hotel or business house. Address CHARLES FISTER. care The Bristol, 223 Kearny st, . San Francisco. ' ' \u25a0.. •• \u25a0 . ".. \u25a0 JAPANESE, first class .cook., has experience over .10. years, wishes a position in a small family or hotel as ' cook only; . wages $10 week up; city or conntry. Address box 3347, Call office, 3d and Market sts. \u25a0 EXPERIENCED man In: many lines of business and* work, good : habits and agreeable, wishes to give part of -his time In exchange \u25a0 for a re- --peetable.- comfortable ; borne. Address \u25a0 box 33**. Call ofßce. ' ' - f ' - ENGINEER wlf>lie* position as erecting ensineer: can- do . estimating and consulting;* familiar with' all power plant: machinery: can handle men; fjo<!>d reference. - Box 4141, Call. office. STENOGRAPHER— Young \u25a0 man. competent.: ex- perienced.' well educated, from east ' desires eltußtlon; lawofflce experience; tpeedy. neat, accurate. Addregg box 3329. Call office.: - JAPANESE, first- clans laundry boy. wants a po- eitlon in a nice family: /only_ -washing and ironing; speak English well. r-O.AKIYAMA, 1502 Geary st; ; S. Y.\. phone : Weit 814 S. WANTED— By a . reliable Chinese man, a \u25a0 place • -. to* wash': dirt es : orrdo cleaning In: boarding bonne,- - liotel or private -' , family. Address YOUNG SING. . 727 Sacramento ; ft. 3. . F., STENOGRAPHER— Young -man. . conietent,'' ex- ; . . perienced;- well ".educated.-: from- &*t.'- desires situation: • law office : experience : - upeedy, neat; . accurate..' Address box 3328. Call office., :. . WANTED — Position as clerk In hotel • or ' room- Ing bouse; r references. L. C. GRAHAM/: 828 ; 3d -St. ,\u25a0\u25a0-; ...' ".:\u25a0--- .- - .-\u25a0\u25a0 \ ;.\u25a0 \u25a0-y \u25a0--•' ORGANIST wishes position in local church; best oT referents, " Addresi \V. B-, 132 C UUorola,; THE " S^^FRAyeiSCMCi^ySlJ]^ EMPLOYMENT i . WANTED-^-Male— Con. COACHMAN." 80,"- German;i wants position ~ with ' private family ; preferred : \u25a0is also good - gardener " and a understands* automobiles;* best of references. -80x' 3353, Call office.- : ' SITUATION ;•- by 1' single, • reliable, a middle aged \u25a0 man ; understands - painting,' carpentering, i etc.; and \u25a0 handy - with all kinds 1 of } tools ; ' has own tools. Address box 4113, ;Cr11 office.- : \u25a0 BOOK keeper, employed, a number of years with a prominent \u25a0 house In- this city;; and • still with : the same house, wou'd li!;o to make a change. 'Address - box i 4105,-f Call yof flee;: : v: •: '.: ' \u25a0 . ••*-'; s WANTED— Position • book } keeping ; S any , clerical work, : or \u25a0 collecting; v speak, \u25a0\u25a0• read ' and v write Spanish; by experienced young man..- Box 523; Call office. 1651 Fillmore st. v : . GERMAN, middle aged, reliable and sober, reftj erence,' wishes 'position 'a* lunchman, plain » mercantile ' cooking or \u25a0 general saltwii ' work.' L., 1315 Grove st. r . -. WANTED — By" 5 a handy ; man, to ; do - repairs : on buildings; has tools; sober and steady;, wishes a steady place. -Address ; box .. 4818, ; Call of- fice,; Oakland." . -. ' .' YOUNG man.of. of good education desires ' clerical position; experienced as" asst. r book-keeper; good , references. ' Address : box - 4815, : Call of- flce. Oakland. .. ;• . . ; CARPENTER' wants work* by:: the; day. or con- 1 tract; cottages | and small I houses | built cheap; 'plans and estimates free of charge. -Box 3474,' , Call office. ,\u25a0>-. ,- 7 :-:'.' :-,.':- y.- .:: ." .'\u25a0: . -r- ";".\u25a0?.; YOUNG*. Japanese boy wants; .'position --either waiting or cooking: excellent; city or country; phone.6sS4. PHYRA..I9S4 Buchanan ft., city. YOUNG man wants position as. useful man. with private family: understands care of horses and cowt>; sober and willing. : Box. 4100; Call office. JAPANESE schoolboy . wants .- posUlon in small family, city; $2.50 i week £ up; -speaks English well. K. HADA.' 1515 Geary. Phons .West 4555. CARPENTER wants job from owner; day or con-, tract; first class workman '\u25a0 In need: good > ref- erences. Box 472.: Call office, 7l6sl Flllmore st. SITUATION wanted \as . porter or. any other work: first class man; understands.. horses; willing ; city or country. \u25a0 Box 41 12, Call office. COOK — Middle aged and strung, - but . first class all round,- wishes- small \u25a0 place; . reasonable wages. . HENRY. 398 3rd : st..'^ nr. Harrison. ' WANTED — Situation as carpenter's helper: will- ing, to learn the .trade; -good reliable; worker, steady and sober; 'Address- box' 33s6, 'Call. RELIABLE- and experienced book •- keeper ' with references wants to keep'a set-of books after office hours. Address box 5335. Call office. J YOUNG man desires a position as bar tender: can speak' English, - French ' and ; German; . city or country. J. '.KAMSTEIN. 1793 Mission, y. MAN. 23." German, wants position, city or coun- . try; understands horses, - garden and >, automo- bllew: best of references... Box 3351.' Call. \u25a0 < YOUNG man, 27. good penman \u25a0 and \u25a0 tgnrtr, \u25a0 ex- perienced In office work and accounts, desires position. Address " box ; 3366, Call office. YOUNG man wants- steady work 'of some kind; is painter but wants other work that's steady; not afraid . of : work. T, \T.; . 1 Perry ay. ,\u25a0 BOOK KEEPER. Al city references, , lumber yard and planing* mill experience. : would like work for half a day. .1674 Grove st. \u25a0\u25a0;. ' WANTED — By ambitious young- man. position of any kind; willing to \u25a0 learn. , Address -F. ELNER,' 712 Second st..'-' Napa. '\u25a0 Cal. JAPANESE— First class family cook, wants slt- 1 nation In the country; references;* wages $45 a month.- T. IKEDA. 1739 Sutter at. STRONG young man will do a few hours' work each day for. room: steady; 'references. Box 537. Call office. 1651 Flllmore st. \u25a0\u25a0';.': COOK— Middle aged, strictly sober; good on meat and baklDg;, wants light place. . VICTOR \u25a0NELSON, 756 Harrison near 3d. v CARPENTER wants work from owners, day or contract; . first class: reference; Al' builder; reasonable. Box 541, Call office. - \u25a0 y - MAN, age • 80, mechanic, wishes work of any kind, pipe fitting. preferred; good refs. Box 649, Call office. Fillmore st. CARPENTER— AI man. would like contract building cottage or odd Jobs; reasonable. wages. : Address box 356. Call office. .' .:\u25a0-\u25a0.. \u25a0\u25a0---\u25a0 YOUNG man has first class. experience In hotel and restaurant, -wants position in: the country. SNYDER, 1229 Ellis St.. c{ty. '"•'#'"- ' YOUNG man desires position as stenographer; is willing to start ; with a moderate salary. Address box 555, Call office. . - \u25a0 CARPENTER wants work by- the day or con- tract; lowest estimates -given, t. . CRAN- DELL. 1045 30th ay. South; A YOUNG German ; cabinet maker, 29 years old,' desires position; can furnish good recommends- tion. Box 3473, Call office. , RELIABLE, honest, first class Chinese .cook wishes position In private family; city only. NO YEP. 021 Dnpont at. -\ WANTED-^- Posl tion ' as . gardener ; - can attend to .horses and cows or any kind of work, v Address box 3355. Call office, i .-..'•'\u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0-'.-. \u25a0-_ -.. v. GARDENER and ' florist, , German, professional, - wants situation for \u25a0- greenhouse' work. . Box 4101, Call office. --;.-\u25a0- . - y ; . : y ' SITUATION wanted by bar tender and waiter In club 'or hotel, city or country. ,J. F., : 252 Montgomery ay.' : . .- v \u25a0 • ' \u25a0','. <->;• JAPANESE hotel cook wants situation, city or country. Write to T. M., 819 7th st, Oakland. CARPENTER, first class on general repairs and strictly temperate, wants work. Box 4106, Call. LANDSCAPE painter wishes to work. -Address JOSEPH BOAT. General Delivery, S. F., Cal. FIRST class Chinese cook' wishes position;' hotel or private house. NIM FONO. 837 Dnpont st. CHINESE boy, first class cook, wants position in - l ; family. FOOK SANG TONG, 001 Dupont st. JAPANESE wants situation In dental laboratory; has good reference.; KAITA, 2004 Pine st. PRINTER; all around, wants position In country newspaper and Job office. Box 3293, Call.- COMPETENT carpenter wishes work, .city -or \u0084 country; wages reasonable.: Box 4102,= Call, y GOOD Japanese • cook wants position, \ city or -' country. : Art Goods store, '2132 Fillmore. YOUNG Frenchman wishes .work on ranch or in stable; age 20 years. . Bex 3376, Call office.? :\u25a0* WANTED — Position by experienced drug prlcer . and salesman. Box 3250.; Ca1l office.- . .\u25a0 WATCH MAKER, good . workman, wishes -. posl- \u25a0 tion.. Address box 3357. Call office. . :"\u25a0.;;• - ; | EXPERT catalog: writer,: mall order and'adver- ,: tiser. " Box 3336. Call: office.' ' . .-..'^ ,-.;"• | ~.\ FEMALE HELP WANTED, . ' STEADY Increase in J the business of I tbe | Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, necessitates tbe emr loyment -of . additional operators, ** and the telephone company • Is . making ; special ; In- ducements ' to secure : for these positions . young women of , neat appearance,' fair .education 'and excellent character.'- Young women ; who wish •'to study telephone operating -will -not : only;re- cei ye free tuition in i, the \u25a0 Pacific . operating school, but will also be paid while studying, and upon graduation will be given positions at ' the switchboards.* The telephone. company pro- vides . - luncheons \u25a0 ' for ' Its *-• operators \u25a0 without : . charge. \u25a0 The . exchange : buildings are .equipped with rest and retiring rooms and the operating rooms are light and well. ventilated. '...The tele- phone takes a personal Interest in the welfare :of :| the young 1 women *. In Its ' employ, - and on this account parents of .the sort of girls , desired are 'encouraging, them: to: take; up : tele- . phone operating as a : profession. • For further ' particulars call at/the: Pacific, operating school. Franklin •; central office, - 821 ' Hyde - st - near 'Sntter.- .-"\u25a0. \ . ", \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0." \'-'\'" . -y'.' '- WOMEN and girls \u25a0to work .'on • fruit .- and Tcan- \u25a0 nlng; spply immediately,' CALlFOßNlA CAN- NERIES , COMPANY.^ 18th' and Minnesota sts., Potrero; steady- work;'; experienced \canners wanted; highest - r wages li paid;* take 1 3d 'and . Kentucky streot cars or Flllmore and -'l6th. Also register NAPA V CANNING i COMPANY, -, Napa. - Cal. ; - splendid climate and': profitable "5 summer outing; season begins June 10: Absolutely health- ful and moral * surroundings '- exist , In - our ; can-* neries. All , Interests ',' of v employes thought out. 1 ' Call ; and , see ' for yourself. ;l:".,; l :"., 2 SECOND girls,'/ French', preferred., for" short . distance: In- the." country;^private family, i s3o , each;-a cook for. private; family In 1 the moun- tains, $40. city references: second girl for: tbe , ' same place. $30; ta s nurse : for < 2 ' children; -". French or ; German "preferred,"-; $30; } a' I , waitress for hotel in the country,™ $30. .'room: and aboard: a cook for a country hotel, $40; a second plrl . for • tbe : city, ; $80; . a * dish . washer," help j walt," for lan . Institution, I $25 MISS - PLUNKETT'S - Office. 1S»« \u25a0 Sntter f st.. j city. ; g-iitiXay; A PROTESTANT.'chamber ; maid ; that sews well; for . private '•; family, '* for.S San .- Mateo, T >, $30; ? a j. nurse : for \u25a02 ' children, • German « $35; r . a ' nurse - for <an '= infant;-^ San * Rafael, ; $35; a French maid and senmstirss. $30; a good see- : ond girl for? l^ike'Tahoe.'ii s3o; .-3 1 waitresses '• for ' hotel ;in . San.- Rnfael, $30 ench; waitress < for an Institution,; s2s. >: MlSS PLUNKETT'S y office, -1896 Sutter st.,i city.- ' ' - . WOMEN and girls wanted to cut and can fruit; " . highest wages j for ; day 1 and ; piece i workers ; r . f nr- : niched rooms 'at reasonable rates ;S free i tents," . . camp ground,-* wood i and water; ! register 'early ; , season ; begins \u25a0 about '-'July » I.*-. *J.\u25a0C. \u25a0. Alnsley Packing Co., Campbell,;Santa:Clara:connty..;:- MONEY made dally, l and Call Want f" Ads help to .-.- make ;It .>' Advertise = your 4 wants; i make . them :' known to , the 1 public i through ! a ', Call i, Wan t \ Ad.' . ~, An Investment;: not '\u25a0 an : expense. -- For \u25a0 f nil 5 par- - - tlculars read 1 Call Want 'Ads dally. JVj '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0--'.:\u25a0>' TWO S women \ to ; act %as - second ? waitresses * and j :: maids to go:to the 'country ;j wages t $30 \\ refer- '\u25a0 : ences ; J- French -* h-peaklnp t. preferred; '» call -; Mon- day : morning : between 9; and 12/ . 2422 ' Bucii-' j - man it.: \u25a0- cr \u25a0.\.^.\-: ._\u25a0' ..;:;.--- y.- -v. ...--:-. •\u25a0-,'\u25a0 \u25a0 COAT," pants, vest ; makers ' can 1 have < seat I room ; . bright. '- back :• shoo,'; rsar * 1032 -J Ellis/ st"J near Fr»aklla,:- - ; :--\u25a0--. •'-..-.. \u25a0\u25a0"•\u25a0'.\u25a0 '"-\u25a0\u25a0:. FEMALE: I HELP. WANTED— Continued COMPETENT ? girl *. to 'Ao- second ' work jit -. Benl- '•t clv ; small • family; - $30 ; per month; good : refer-' "ences ' desired : i position will Ibe I available ; June • 20. '^Answer 1 box \ 4140/; Call i. office." 'y V}:S I : . WANTED-^'ash . girls," neat 1 appearance, \u25a0 14 V to -- 16 i years ; of F- age, j with t schooling " certificates. • Apply ' supt.' s . office 1 between i 9; and . 11, ' HALE /, BRO3.Vi Inc., )6th> and- Market ;sU.';'- ' ' WANTED^-Saleswomajr for muslin underwear de-J -'partment'*. Apply v superintendent's office, ,. be-" : tween ' 9 ; and : 11,- HAEE ; BROS., : Inc., 6th 1 and y Market sts.^'. ,-\u25a0';, \u25a0;?.!: .:".:.:'.-- ; r'' : :'>-"• y \u25a0"-'..•l WANTED— Saleswoman for muslin underwear de- ' \ partment. .:: Apply * superintendent's : office, f be- . tween 0 and • 11, HALE BROS., Inc., i 6th . and \u25a0\u25a0; Market sts. \u25a0' .... •".;\u25a0 ;'::"- : .-_ :\u25a0. \u25a0*--\u25a0• / \u25a0""..-'.'..•' . :..'-' WANTED— Saleswoman : i for * f and • laces.' v Apply superintendent's • office/ between 9 and 11, HALE: 8R05.,; Inc;. Cthand Mar- >ket sts-V,:;' , ::,-'-.-":,' .:-v.y'.'.: :.-\u25a0'. >.'^,-.^::.-i' ASSISTANT; clerk ; 'J good ' at { flgures : V; competent '. ; and ' accurate : \u25a0 hours 8 :30 to 5 p. ; m. ; Saturday ; half day: salary 'slo. ; Address box 8358. Call. STENOG RAPHER.I one ; with | some experience las saleslady preferred estate age; places employed snd:salary;recelved.;/80x;3157,-Call office. « ; COM PKTENT girl ,; by \u25a0 young -, coupl* with 1, baby ; assist < with i housework i and i care of; chlld. v; Call . MRS. LAWSOX, r 64llo,'Farrell st. : \u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0 \u25a0-' \ \u25a0"" ".'. COLORED cateress^Canibe^hadoby, calling' at Ms "?' Broad way; \u25a0 room ,- 25,~v or." phone X Oakland 3402, Oakland ;* also \u25a0 male colored "- quartet. .-\u25a0 :. WA NTED— Saleswoman "r* for .• . embroideries r snd lares. :• .Apply . supt.'s office between . 9 . and- 11.' \u25a0 HALE.- 8R05..; Inc., - 6th • and '- Market \ *ts. . 50 extra salesladies: for? waist, department.' -Ap- ply Sunday before.U2.-f ARMAND CAILLEAU. Inc.. Van Ness , at.:, and California »t. : > ;• 50 extra salesladies • for. salt" department.'- "Apply Sunday '^before ,Vl2.;y ARMAND y CAItLEfAU.' Inc.. Van Ness- a y.'' and California st',-,t. \u25a0; . 7 LADY- to : learn masso-theropy . and \u25a0 dermatolojry ; who will \u25a0 take half Interest ' in . establishment. Box 545. '\u25a0_ Flllmore branch. Call. '; \u25a0 . -: \u25a0;.-. ; : ' ALTERATION hands on coats, 1 suits and skirts; * also 2 ; experienced • KUlt . fitters. ' Apply ' cloak department. White; House. \u25a0 . ; ..•;\u2666 \u25a0"..:. - . v ' RELIABLE. woman to care for 2 children lniAla- \u25a0 meda: ; pood home: • moderate - wages. -. Address \u25a0\u25a0 box 3354. . Call' office. \u25a0 ,--.. = ';: '\u25a0\u25a0.*, AN elderly lady: for light housework and plain '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0sewing 'for a good' home. \u25a0 Inquire 2443 Web- ' ster ft., C Berkeley. / \u0084 <;• .\u25a0.\u25a0--- \u25a0.-.-\u25a0 \u25a0 ' ... DEMONSTRATOR wanted, '- experienced, for "Htore: pood salary; call Monday, ll'o Pierce \u25a0."'wt.." : Apf-N0.:.1."-"--- — ---- : ;\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;:\u25a0'-- -\u25a0-':-- WANTED— Good girl to- care for 2 small chll- ..dren; good pay. to right party. Call at (1845 \u25a0 Flllmore st. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.%': : : \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0 ". S \u25a0':'\u25a0>;.':. ' GOOD ' girl for • general • feousework; -pleasant home,' good wages. \r Call 1845 Fillmore, : after .9 a. m. ".-.''. -\u25a0 - \u25a0•'-"\u25a0'--•\u25a0.''\u25a0: •: '- - -. \u25a0' . '- \u25a0-- .* ' : --• WANTED — Girt to -do 'r general y housework and .cooking. Apply \u25a0 2984 Folsom -.: st.- Saturday morning. .. "\u25a0'_".-'\u25a0' : \u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0."\u25a0.'- ~. •:'.-.'.-:" r --'...l-".' ".\u25a0-'.' THREE county managers for Texas: highest ref- erences >nd, deposit required.. 1 ' Box 8338, Call. WANTED— District school teachers. ; Flsk Teach- , .ers'v Agency. 414 Studio building, Berkeley. ' APPRENTICE to learn dress making.' 347 Bart- let gt.*bet. 24th and 25th. : "\u25a0 : y/.. '. \u25a0" LADY solicitor to call: at business offices. , Box 3343, Call office. ' ' . -' v .',' GIRLS wanted In trunk- factory. . Apply 18th and Frtlsom st». - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . _j_U; barbers and supplies barker pedestal and portable vibrators, sold on installments. Shops furnished up on \u25a0 easy payments.' The best Is always the cheapest, and quality counts . when you are paying your hard - earned money for it. We have'the quality.- . . ... > . . JAMES BARKER, - Phone Franklin 3899. - .04 Turk Bt « . i EUGENE PANARIO; Manager. NOTICE to barbers — You can become a skilled \u0084 workman, none better,: by ; writing to -U. S. BRAZELTON, 788 Capp st. city,, and Inclos- Injc \u25a0$1 money order for a process of dry , hon- ' lug from Z.;-' lf, you wish to earn. more, \u25a0 - learn more; • knowledge , is . power; let = it . be "' known - that the coast barber is the best in - the . world; write 'todays y : . :\u25a0-'..\u25a0 TWO \u25a0\u25a0 barber shops, • with bath, southern Nevada mining town, - including ... building at . sacrifice; \ 111 health cause selling; shaving 25c, hair cut- ting 50c. baths 50c; clearing $175 per month. •COLEMAN/ 1237 McAllister st SECOND hand . chairs, all makes; cheap; easy terms; mirrors, poles,' washstands; shops fitted up. .' L. . M. DRAKE, 1618-20 FrankUn st y HIGH price 4 chair barber shop and baths for sale In Rood \u25a0 country town of 10,000 popula-l \u25a0 tion; $1,500:=; see us for particulars, j . DECK- ELMAN BROS.. IC2 Turk sf . •".,\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0.- '- sloo— Two :v: v chair" shop,: with 2 living rooms. -$5O cash, balance .terms; good business and centrally located. CHAS. COLEMAN '& CO., 1237 McAllister st^^; "\u25a0\u25a0 %\u25a0'.-\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0,\u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0 , , FIRST, CLASS barber shop for sale; cheap rent; . good locatlon.v 6ss Clay st' between Montgom- e ry and Sansome; /S; years' lease; - . . \u25a0 .... BARBER shop, Oakland;. fine location; 8 chairs; part cash. -balance terms. . Coast ; Realty Co., ""' 969 ;\u25a0 Broadway,- room^ 32. y.-:-- y BARBER shop in first class hotel; price $400; •prop, .must leave -the: city at -once. Address - box 542, -Call office. - .... ; FIRST CLASS 4' chair , barber shop in the best transient location for sale reasonably. Box 2022, • Call : office. - • • .-;.'\u25a0 FOR sale — Half or whole Interest In; first class .2 chair barber shop ;» bargain. 1357 Broadway, Oakland. -, _ *- :\u25a0\u25a0 y - - ". \u25a0\u25a0-. \u25a0 : - -\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ' TWO , chair barber . shop, . 1265 . Mason - st, ' next \u25a0 to carjbarns;: owner leaving city; trial given. BARBERS' union 148— Office 926 G. G. ay., rm., 308 ; tel; : Market 889. Chas. : Koch, secretary. $400—4 chair shop with 5 baths. Including build- - lhg;ona, transfer corner. -2111 Market st; EM PLOYMENT , secretary <&t I barbers' protective : union. -452 Kearny st. FRANK BMITH. . \'iv, QUICK sale; list your barber shop with CHAS/ COLF.MAN & CO.; 1237 McAllister st . - WANTED— Steady barber, good wages, - country. : , shop.,' Address box 173,- Rodeo," CaL;.- - V'.y • GOOD . barber wanted. 515 : Hayes ; st '\u25a0>. . FIRST/ CLASS .': barber wanted 'at 625 . Mont- •yomery^-st. '•\u25a0: -\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0.'•\u25a0..\u25a0 - : [ -\u25a0' -\u25a0..-' -.-"\u25a0'. UNPAID iWAGES COLLECTED rVyV KNOX, 443 \ Pine— Suits, liens ' and attachments; time checks cashed; debts collected everywhere. '•Vsfi ; '\u25a0;;; MALE \ HELP: WANTED j-.- : • FRKE ' -EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ' , . •.-_;.'. •,'\u25a0:; Tel.- Market 737. ','.. '.•"'.' ' . ST. GEORGE HOTEL, -. HOWARD AND .EIGHTH, SAN FRANCISCO. FOURTH AND . J, '. BACRAMENTO. >; 600 OUTSIDE SINGLE ROOMS. - ' - 25c PER NIGHTI.SI PER -WEEK.' - EVERY ROOM WITH A' WINDOW AND ELECTRIC LIGHT, HOT AND COLD WATER. READING ROOM ! BAGGAGE ROOM. BILLIARD ROOM.' BARBERSHOP. ? CAFE LUNCH CODNTKR,' MEALS 15c i- 'i " ROOM AND BOARD,' S4 PER WEEK. >'- v v Z: ALLiWHITE HELP EMPLOYED. '>'.y ' '\u25a0•"". \u25a0--- OPEN ALL NIGHT. . ' -V- \u25a0.'.- CLEAN SINGLE ROOMS 15 CENTS. ... RESIDENT- 1 physician ) wanted [ for.; the . new Ger- " man « hospital ; -'.the \u25a0\u25a0 same - must \u25a0 reside \u25a0at -\u25a0 the \u25a0 hospital - and -be \ conversant with ', the > German . ' and ; Engl Ish . languages ; no outside practice al- -. lowed.-r. , Apply '-. in 1 writing,*, giving - experience; V":' terms , and references,", before f June 18, * to .» the. r board of \u25a0 directors • of « the German General • Be- \ nevolent* Society." 1 4th and-Noe sts. : y - r- PRINTKRi, wanted -^Good s all ; around \u25a0> newspaper '.''\u25a0 and^ Job f man,'.?, ad >' setter,*- makeup," pressman, ; etc.;- op ' afternoon f paper; £ sober, :\u25a0: industrious, m' rapid; union office; permanent position to right - ' man; Address, \u25a0 giving - full particulars, \u25a0 Index, ..' Salinas.^-. Cal. - : -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-.- " \:\ :\ .' y ..-;.. . SOUTHERN PACIFIC wants young men to learn' telegraphy ' and station » work ; \u25a0 salaries $75 \u25a0to '\u25a0' $90 month. -Address '-. School of > Telegraphy, * : : Hlbernla' bldg.;: Market . and ' Jonea st.; 8." F. • MEN to ' learn \ plumbing,'; electricity ,7 plastering y< and \u25a0\u25a0. brick 4 laylng.% day \u25a0 and ; night classes ; mo books;* free catalog; , special low tuition In '. easy >--- Installments. <\u25a0*<- Coyne National .Trad* . . - School.' 23o-240 Bth st.;;S.«F. ./ , ,: \u25a0 ' . AMBITIOUS.'); responsible - district .m anager S for "large : ndr; : co. ; • earn \u25a0 $5," dally^ In ; spare > time; ' - learn i $10,000 ; yearly i business; , no j canvassing. \u25a0 Dept.? s.'^ CRANE-McNALLY ; CO.'.-- 350 D«ar : '.' .';" bom.- 'x '' j 0 '.'.' r.S-'-: :.?. -".: . :-.- COMPETENT * young » stenographer; salary «r $75 per " month ; at % beginning ; f call ? between 5 the ' -'hours of 8 and? 10; a. m.. or. between: 4" and 's ' rt - p.*, m.i'' Sunset. Magazine. 948 Flood building.';.? 'A» SMALL* 8 investment i In ? an i established i mana- '\u25a0 * f acturlng , house lof 20 years' ? standing will ; in- ' ' J sure \u25a0":-\u25a0 the ?; investor '•' an c Income st of J-- $150 ' per ii" month. t ;f A.", L.t BANARD,', 22 : Clay J st. ? :-^- tt ;; v WANTED— Thoroughly experienced drapery man, :.-> one : competent i to ' take ; charge lof I department ; ':\u25a0'\u25a0' one .with t local i. experiences preferred.'.'^ Box Call,; . vi Cal. y \u25a0\u25a0. .;.. ':-. ;y $20 -i WEEKLY '; easily? earned ? (position i perma- \u25a0 v nent ) "> distributing samples. ,?S For \u25a0*, Commercial Asuocla- l:i tion. s Philadelphia,"; Pa.""-.. V--~- ' -•' .\ '...'^.r :\u25a0 •\u25a0 :.-\u25a0:• •\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 : WANTED-r-Laborers and mechanics to know that 1 g Edward i J Rolkin \u25a0• has ) reduced > the •\u25a0 rooms ' at ; the « < Denver Housed 3d and ; Howard' sts.7; to Ssc per ><* day,"j $2 S perl week. « -;. 5:;-;-\u25a0 \u25a0 y -- \u25a0-..-.•\u25a0 ,- . ;. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0;-\u25a0 . : ; \u25a0: yA. YOUNG man to } learn i engraving I and | design- MlmrM must * have % some I means * and I come -• well • r recommended. 1 ;; A.1 L; j B AN ARD, 22 1 Clar,. aWS - > . -->-\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 *.--,- ';;:--:. \u25a0: .:, -...,\u25a0'.',: • \u25a0 : y T • 'aMALb' HEIiP" v W'ANTED-^ontlnuedL_ '-' -" < - OFFICB-=^)PEN— TODAY 1 7 '\u25a0\u25a0) - 7 i. SUNDAY— B TO 12 MURRA V,' & ; READ Y. \u25a0 - . Leading s Employment \u25a0• and Labor - Agents. , - t . 7 V :-i WHITE - PALACE j BUILDING. ;• r . •-'. ~ Eleventh 5 and 1. Market - sts., t, San -- Francisco. -• Phones' Market 656 and 657., BRANCHES: - .; -':; Sixth : and ;^ Franklin : sts.V' Oakland. -\u25a0•'.;. r : Phone tOailand 7381.' Second and , Main t sts. ; and. 121 Marchesault st, \u25a0' ' y' ' Los » Angeles,*- Cal. , MURRAY- & READY. SHIPt TODAY •; FREE ' FARE— FREE FARE-^FREE I FAED - ... \u25a0 \u25a0 . --- '\u25a0' .:-.--'\u25a0'-\u25a0-- Near i.-." \u25a0 falls— qregon . r 150 laborers : and ; teamster* >Xor f. new railroad - construction ' job. f Shipments ; tnade dally.* -f Free -.fare. . Call? today* early. Ai."i- .- - . - ANOTHER f|-". > FARE-^FREESFARE WEED— GRASS . LAKE— MT.'vHEBRON— BRAY y 50 > laborers v for ? general » work.*-: $52.50. u 6o x teamsters,"; scrapers and/wagons, $32.50. \u25a0 '25 . trackmen,- si>lkers, etc.*. $52.50. ' iSg«&««a*'»S'.'*-^ FBEH v FARE - - • ~- - FENCE GANGS-^- FENCE- GANGS \u25a0\u25a0*-\u25a0, iS.p.-;R.' r." co. : • ' , ..: •„ 15 laborers for railroad fence work.'. Long Job. Free fare. > $52.50 .'raonth. '. ; FARE REFUNDED > -' SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY : .50. teamsters,':; general; work. '$00""month. ; 75 laborers'^ for j. general • work, $C 0 .month. SLEEP AT OCEAN "SHORE LODGING HOUSE, -NEXT.' DOOR- TO MURRAY & READY'S - GREAT LABOR OF- .<-.-" FICES, 11TH - AND \u25a0» MARKET \u25a0 STS. 600 SINGLE -: ROOMS, s SUN "AND ELECTRIC • LIGHTS IN EVERY-: ROOM. 25 CENTS > PER i NIGHT,. $I.2S* PEH WEEK. , ..INCLUDING:- BATHS. COFFEE ; SERVED FREE DAILY* FROM* 5 TO i 8 A." M. . FREE 1 BARBER SHOP. BOOTBLACK STAND,: SHOWER "AND FOOT BATHS, TAIL- OR AND - PATCHING" ROOM. > \u25a0 BAGGAGE. CHECKED FREE. -ALL' PAPERS AND MAGA- ZINES, AND \u25a0-: BELLMAN * TO CALL YOU. WHITE HELP. ONLY EMPLOYED. ' : OCEAN '\u25a0 SHORE LODGING HOUSE, r FACING AND ADJOINING OCEAN • SHORE -TERMINAL RAILROAD i DEPOT— IITH s AND MARKET STS., SAN FRANCISCO. * NEVER CLOSES. 1 ' LABOBERS— LABORERS U5 laborers for .bijf.i factory; live, in hotel; steady- work ;\; no experience needed;. $60 month. ." -Go; to work Monday ' morning. . Call "\u25a0 .Sunday. 10 Italian laborers for quarry work; .steady, $52.50 month. '- 12 laborers around new / building, - long job, \u25a0 see boss here, $2.25 day. . . - —BLACKSMITHS— . Blacksmith ; for lumber company, ' Mendocino '< 'county, - $60 \u25a0 and -. fd; - "- '\u25a0\u25a0'- »• • • Camp - blacksmith, '-- south," • $3.50 day. ' 'Blacksmith and shoer, country shop, $3.50 day. 3 wagon blacksmiths, ' city, . $3 to $4 : day. Camp blacksmith, San- Mateo, $75. month. --\u0084 4 blacksmith's helpers, city and county, $2.25 to $2.50 day, $40 to $50 and fd.- ' Machine blacksmith, power \u25a0 company,- $4 day. y ; FOR A BIG . COMPANY •>. Ist baker, • $70, ' found. » • \u25a0 , .3d cook, . $35,' found. ' . - • .: 2 ' camp . waiters, $25, found. ' ;^> DAIRIES AND FARMS RANCH : HANDS. MILKERS. FARMERS. : 8 four horse ranch teamsters, $1 if are, $30, fd. 2 hay makers, Sonoma county, $1.60 day, fd. 2 tanchhands,: San Mateo, $25, found.' ; 2 six horse teamsters; $1.60 day and found. ; 3 milkers, same, place, south. $37, found. . Milker, Madera county, fare refunded. $40. fd. Milker, - 16 . cows, : 75c - fare, $25, : found. j -hay makers: •\u25a0 -•\u25a0;\u25a0 11 haymakers for - different places in San . Mateo, Santa : Clara, Santa Cruz, Sonoma, Marln and Contra -Costa* countries; all. good . places and good wages. \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0:- HOTKLS— RESTAURANTS. COOKS. DISH -WASHERS. '.-'., WAITERS. ; ' Man to take charge of country restaurant and grill, $S0 to $76. . found. ;. . ' .;\u25a0*>'\u25a0> 7. places'for for dish washers, ( B por- ters and yardmen, 4 waiters, etc., . etc. y ,--*- -, -MECHANICAL. .'. Repair machinist, factory, $3 day. Foreman machinist, country, $25 week. :* Boiler maker,, city, sheet Iron work. ' • '. 8 tinsmiths, . city, - piece work. 2 plasterers,- Alameda county,' ss flay. \u0084-- '. Lather, close to city, $2.50 per m. • _* ' WHITE PALACE HOTEL. : 600 : splendidly furnished rooms, 35c, 50c and 75e per day ; free baths i with every room : largest hotel office and clubhouses. on Pacific '.coast; facing Van Ness'av.; baggage checked . \u25a0 and - stored free of charge ; \u25a0 highest ; grade of white help employed. • WHITE PALACE HOTEL— NEVER CLOSED. 11th and Market sts., San Francisco. '. \u25a0 .. . : Z±I i ' ; . / '^MINERS— MINERS 4 machine miners, - gold mine, in Tuolumne \u25a0county,- $3 day. \u25a0\u25a0: • : \u25a0 -. \u25a0\u25a0: . . MARRIED • HELP. B different^ places, for • men \u25a0 and wives on ranches, $45 to $60, found. • - \u25a0 \u25a0<•-.-: HUNDREDS OF OTHERS. 1 : DON'T r FORGET; THE ADDRESS. • - --\u25a0 MURRAY- & READY, - ' WHITE PALACE BUILDING, 11th and Market sts., S. F., CaL \u25a0 - \u25a0:\u25a0'\u25a0• ' - "Branch: : \u25a0 " :' .. '"\u25a0'. 6th * and Franklin - sts., Oakland. WANTED— Registered druggist for part jof day \u25a0 ' only; can : arrange - time. : for ' man intending to .: study medicine."- Address, with references, box Call office/- RELIABLE people may " earn i. good wages, free \u25a0 transportation, etc., with shows; experience • unnecessary. Eastern Amusement Combine, ';'- Plttsburg, Pa. : y ; • \u25a0-.-.->.-\u25a0 . -.-- * . ~ : WANTED-^All who are In need of a 'better life \u25a0 to apply ' to \u25a0 175 3d , St., Penlel ' Mission, and , seek the Lord. . Free for all. ;*. Come Saturday, • : 8:30 p. (ta;> .- :'."\u25a0 *'..\u25a0.' ' ' .-\u25a0 \u25a0' : WANTED*-Two first class stock saddle hands on j- medium- snd 'high priced work. Apply Los Angeles Saddlery and •_ Finding Co., Los An- geles. Cal. ' \u25a0 >\u25a0: '" '\u25a0 : '-':\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0 . - \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0:-\u25a0- ;•' -\u25a0''\u25a0'. MEN and women to learn ' barber trade; 8 weeks; earn $5 to $10 per week while learn Ing ; : par- ticnlars free. MOLLER COLLEGE, 6 11th st BRlGHT, 'active,' young man 'of good address in ; large real estate \ office ; as \ collector; opportu- nity for advanceemnt c Address box 3337, Call. WANTED — First class foreman for large | print- • J Ing ' press \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 room ; - give *\u25a0 experience y and full particulars. Address ; box 3339,- Call. MEN to learn- cigar making $25 deposit re- \u25a0 quired; good pay .while learning: steady work.' -. St. " Francis Cigar, Company, 1397, Harrison Bt EXPERIENCED, live, real estate salesman; per- : manent position for right man; references. Ad- y dress box ; 142, i Sacramento," California. , "- •\u25a0' WANTED-^Menv to- wear ; ' drummer's sample -shoes; the $3.50 kind « for • $1.75; Room ,0, r~~ 668 Golden Gate ay. corner Van Ness.' WANTED — Ladles'- to -wear" drummer's pampie . shoes ; ; the $3.50 ; kind for - $1.75." - Boom 9, .;\u25a0' . 6CB Golden ; Gate: av. - near Van' Ncssv WANTED — 600 men to occupy rooms, 25c to 35c J per night : free baths, at the New York, .763 \u25a0£\u25a0 Howard ;st between ,3d i and s 4th. - , . WANTED-^-Wagon < boy. 14 to . 16 : years of age. •Apply supt's office between:»,and 11, HALE >,BROS.;^lnc.;t 6th-^and Market sts. ; : WANTED— First \ class, " all around ' Jeweler for »•- outside -i : city; »i reference." 1 . - Apply ;-KUNE.';«gl'Bnß',-J--'--- ..v. .'.\u25a0-- :\u25a0:-,\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 TAILORS ' and ' salesmen \u25a0to • have \u25a0, their , patterns .; cut j by; F. tL. - AMARK, 1 . Clarence tst off Bu- chanan naar Geary. \u25a0' . -.•..• . \u25a0-.'\u25a0•. CARRIAGE blacksmiths. I wood workers, paint- ers and trimmers, stay ; away \u25a0 from \u25a0 San Fran- '\u25a0j'i Cisco;: strike on.", - / "\u25a0.-'•"\u25a0 • " ' *\u25a0".•• CLOTHING I salesman : must I have very best ere- V dentlals. 'ALFßED LILIENFELD & CO.,' 1363 ?-? Flllmore :st ; : \u25a0 j*-. -. '.-: : : -. - \u25a0••'\u25a0\u25a0'. ' ;''»\u25a0 '-" : WANTED^-An ' outside salesman \u25a0 for I gents'.' fnr- •' \u25a0'- nlshinz \u25a0\u25a0 goods. . Apply M. \u25a0 ICUELSON - & CO.V . 727 Mission 1 rt.V-i. \u25a0. - \u25a0 .'- .\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0 :/ -'^- -:'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0''-•"\u25a0'.:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 1 WANTED— Registered • pharmacist.'^ elderly ! man h preferred; references. Box A, Call office, * ;i San Jose. ' - '\u25a0 -' . '.-'." . .' \u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 LEARN the ; barber ; trade; graduates earn from.. ' $18 -to \u25a0 $20 per • wee». - 8. F. COLLEGE,- 8 \u25a0vr : Fern if . yt , :\u25a0, ::. '\u25a0'\u25a0-' \u25a0.'..-'< J .- v -.-,-•.' \u25a0\u25a0": \u25a0\u25a0 "-: \u25a0\u25a0 WANTED— First I class I carriage painter •to j take s/; charge - of;; shop.% : WM. ,\WERTSCH ; CO.. 24 ';';Page;st^: -'...V- -- r< "^* : ". ~ % " '\u25a0 :r'-' > --' \u25a0- '-'-\u25a0\u25a0--:-- WANTED^-Roomerar> sl.2s -week; 20c night : \u25a0\u25a0-' California : Houae.y27o Natoma: st ; nr.: 4th. 7;^ . INTELLIGENT boy about 16 ' years " old. Apply . S.'N.'.WOOD & C 0.," Flllmore and Ellis sts., SHOES '\u25a0 repaired Iby . machinery ; sewed soles 75c ; :*5 done -, in \lO ( minutes, y 1106 Flllmore ;st j :;,';\u25a0 . WANTED — A (rood, live man; steady work; pay every, day .^W.^DE O.;~218 Pierre st .". -\u2666 FIRST 'CLASS confectioner;' reference. \u25a0-. Address y- box . B3S.'-; Call ; office.', Flllmore ; st .:-:\u25a0•• y SHOE MAKERS-^ wanted at electric . shoe fac- \;\tory^ 607? 14th r st.'; Oakland. "; v , : ' BUTCHER « boy.-. 14 r to;" 16 years. Denhard's y- Market, \u25a0'o9l' McAllister.- '; . y > :. : OFFICE boy; ! state age, T schooling and references. fe Box ;B324.;Csirof flee., :- , -"."\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0..:\u25a0\u25a0:•-.\u25a0'. DRTJO clerk. Call at 1223 d st. \u25a0'- . • : PRUp'cle'rk^ Vl22jBd;»t t . ; - . CALL , BRANCH - OFFICE, , . 1651 FUlmore st J : « near/ Post-*v:; ; ._-.-.";V X-.; .j i~'S..i '.:.'\u25a0 "--^'- :u . \u25a0\u25a0"::* '\u25a0 - ''yVIVAUNpRiES /' : DELICATE 'Laundry— Exceptionally, fine work at '(-\u25a0\u25a0- lowest i prices; ts family; work * done S promptly."' ,{;; 1645 Bush nr. 1 Franklin/^ Phone ; Franklin 3758- i CAPITAL^ LAUNDRY. ; - 1562 V Geary* *st; *• West - : 8148; ' ladles' - and ~ r t genu' \u25a0\u25a0 wash . a specialty; \u25a0,^«eUvery.-.-';t--VVy-:>^:V. \u25a0:;;::;\u25a0-. . \u25a0.-; ..' ','--.- f \u25a0,::,'\u25a0 . CALL f BRANCH \u25a0": OFFICE. - 1651 F)llmor« st" " *-*:*<»*' ' , , \u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0. \u25a0 ; N ' AGENTS MAIL* ORDER NEWS.' Fordbam.* N. V.— Largest •<\u25a0. mall \ trade magazine;: explains mall order busi- '. ness ; helps beginners ; -„ exposes frauds, pitfalls s\ and »-. "get-rich-quick"/' schemers;'? don't Renter . -buginess or; buy Z_"outflts" ; until you read At. . ' 'twill save you • money ; \u25a0 yearly/ $2. sample 25c; •NONE FREE. • SPECIAL— Send quarter NOW; '; you'll i receive two late numbers and free pre-. :• mlum booklet ."How to' Start Mall Order Busi- ness."..', , ;-.; - - ••.-• --w^SSBBBHBBnBBB HERE'S ."a good one," ; - agents ; .\ an ' article ' that sells i and resells '\u25a0 in \u25a0 every ' home, office. 1 stort; public building;' permanent ' business; • exclusive . territory;, no ; Investment - required; goods ,do- llvered' free: - 100-per cent -profit;" write for sample.' Atlas Specialty C0..,41S ElUcott St. Buffalo. N."Y.^ -.\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0: . y :-. AGENTS wanted 'everywhere;' the famous Zare- . ma diamonds; experts puzzled. to detect from genuine ; ; , Immense - profit '• for \agents. either , sex,- young or old; sample ©ffer"(|rtn«c 0T stnd) and 'catalogue -free.* Zarema Jewelry Co., Dept 6. Star Bldg.. Chicago. "<\u25a0\u25a0• j DON.'T ; BE * IDLE-^Earn $30 and more ! weekly tinseling : postcards at home; grandest business ! known; absolutely easy; ; complete > Instructions \u25a0 and 2 beautifully > tinseled multicolored cardu .10c. SNITZER, /SNITZER" CO.,'.* Dept C, . Monaca.vPa.'; . : ' :.. : -.. PARTY In each locality to handle a light, pleas- ant, house-to-house, proposition; -big demand; . pleased customers; sure repeater; 120 per. cent commission; Gardner. Supply Co.;; Oakland. CaL AGENTS make 500 per cent profit ' selling I Nov- elty Sign' Cards; merchants, boy'lo to 100 on sight:' 800 1 varieties:' catalogue free. BULI.I- '\u25a0 VAN-CO.; 405 W. Van Burea st. Chlcago.lU. AGENTS \u25a0 to . sell \u25a0 automatic ' screen door : catches \u25a0'-' and checks; you . can make big ; profits work- ins for • us. \u25a0 Write for. our exceptionally ' good proposition. -Auto Catch Co.. Chicago.' . lll. ' AGENTS— Biff profits selling men's garters: bet- 's- ter : than *\u25a0 the .. ordinary .kind : •\u25a0 marantred : ooe : year: - sells - 00 ! sight; - act - quick. Rubbering .. Leather Garter , Co.. Fremont. O. -.'-.-^•. 810 maker: live gentleman or lady. call '.'- Monday. Tuesday or Wednesday between 3 and 5. 0'c10ck... See J. C.^ MORTON, room 703. . Humboldt ' Bank building- \u25a0' • AGENTS wanted for "MENDARIP" and combl- ' nation- hatchet; ; B tools in 1; bis profit pro- ducers; exclusive agency. Foote Mfg. Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. .. . . : : : '..!-.'\u25a0- \u25a0 AGENTS wanted; young ladles, to handle profit- able proposition; can make $3 to $5 per day. Call Monday, : 120 Pierce it,', apt 1» , t*_ OUR agents' are ' happy, prosperous and making bis money. -Will yog be'one of them? 11. G. NKWTUN. Coronado.^Cal. - BEST proposition fiver offered for Industrious agents; ladles or gentlemen. Write now, box 2031; Call- office..' '--'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 " ' SALESMEN nnd SOLICITORS WANTED TRAVELING -salesmen wanted— You can earn from \u25a0 $2,000 to $20,000 a year and - expenses when qualified; no former experience required; We will -teach -you to be one in 8 weeks by mall and secure you a- position with a rella- • bie firm; hundreds of calls for our graduates; • . we place * our graduates . with the best firms in ; the \u25a0 United *, States; write for free cata- logue, ;. "A Knight of the Grip." • and list of good positions now open. . Address Dept ' C3O. National Salesmen's Training Association. Chl- ' cago. 111.: Kansas City,' Mo., or Minneapolis. Minn. - Write nearest office. - . \u25a0 •- » AGENTS wanted in every town. on the Pacific coast to handle a quick selling specialty; new method; no .talking required; experience un- necessary; sample (50c worth) 25c; particulars free. '«. Address Cuban Chemical Company. 1958 . Bonlta, ay.; Berkeley, Cal. WANTED— Hustling - salesman In every county; man •] or woman; . bona fide proposition -and good : opportunity for the right party: refer- . ences required. - Smith Supply Co., Station F, Los : Angeles. CaY \u25a0 ' -. - .• *\u25a0 - AN '. exceptional opportunity offered toy sales- \u25a0 men to represent exclusively several large fac- tories on commission: elaborate display rooms; Al references indispensable. Box 3341>. Call. THE Crown Piano Polish Co. offers a good propo- sition to .- lady - and gentlemen solicitors who wish to work few lioan during day; this Is . worth investigating. > 816 Brush st, Oakland. REPRESENTATIVES wanted for the highest ' class real . estate subdivision ever offered .to the: public; liberal commission and aclve of- . flee co-operation assured. Apply 1284 Market A FEW hustling < salesmen for popular beach property; liberal advances to right parties. Call before 10 a. m. at 251 Van Ness ay. BANQUET and smoker to solicitors Monday eve. YOU are invited. See HALL AGAIN today. 722. G01den Gate ay. You are welcome. , WANTED — Good stock salesmen to' follow leads under commission basis; state previous expe- . "rience.- Box 8325. Call office. •\u25a0-.-\u25a0 LIVE- men: handle greatest magasine clubbing offer: 3 magazines $1; 50c commission. R. H. . HANSON.' Lexington. Ky. . -' \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 MEN : who can hustle: must b* of good ad- dress; salary only. - Apply contest department. • San Francisco Call. :\u25a0\u25a0 -y -•-\u25a0-..- WANTED — Four solicitors to sell electric Irons. Apply at 58 Fremont st' ... - : '\- JAPANESE ;liAITNDRIES; IiAITNDRIES JAPANESE laundry; waists and curtain* a specialty. ASAHI LAUNDRY. 1401 Scott st . 'Phone -West 6296. - \u25a0 - " FURNITURE ' FOR SALES BAND— B pieces, play dairy. 1 to ». it E SCHELLHAAS furniture sale. 11th and Frank- lin sts.; Oakland.; . SPKCIAL day : for - bargains -In furniture. U. SCHELLHAAS. 11th st-cor. store. - Oaklan-1. FURNITURE of 3 bedrooms, dining room and .kitchen; cheap. 1286 7th i*.. Sunset FOR SALE— Furniture of 4 .rooms, at 328 Cum- \u25a0\u25ba-beriand- st bet" Church and Sanches.- - NEW -f urniture for. sale;: no dealers. Address : box 3372. Call-office, y FOR sale — A' bargain;, furniture and carpets. 1557 \u25a0 O'Farrell' st •>.- . FURNITURE WANTED - MARK J. LEVY, auctioneer, buys furniture, " carpets, desks, mechandise; covnmlsstons sc- '.. cepted. : Write * 592 McAUister St.. or phone Park 2455. -.-\u25a0--.- .\u25a0\u25a0-. :. ': . POSITIVELY, the. highest price paid for second hand furniture and household goods. FISHER & BERNSTEIN. 3312 Mission st near 29th. I WANT furniture, etc. Have you any to sell! Send postal or phone M. GREEN. 1301 OcUvia . st. ; \u25a0 phone . West 3529. > \u25a0; ' KRONNICK BROS, pay highest price for second .hand furniture: bought and sold. 1546 Market HORSES, \u25a0 HARNESS AND -WAGONS AAA— If you j are ; going : camping, : this -Is the . : place ' to buy or . trade ; ; horse, - wagon. \u25a0 harneM. $30: horse, buggy," harness. $20; horse, cart harness, $15; horse, saddle, bridle, $20; horse, phaeton, harness, $30; horses, $10 up; bsgglea. $10 up; harness, $2.50 up; carts; $5 up; fancy barb Shetland - and - Pinto \u25a0 ponies, single : and _ spans; saddle borses; roadsters; family horses: ' entire \u25a0 pony ,- rigs ; - spans •of . mules ; 30 head horses constantly; on hand for, sale or trade; X vehicles of . every, description; .- 1,000 , sets -of butt chain traces. Open Sunday., 663 4th st, Oakland. \u25a0-' \u25a0.' ' '. . "-•' .\u25a0- - \u25a0 .' .- • FOR SALE — A hackney cob, 15.2, 6 years old; \u25a0 ' driven by a lady, - double and single ; Bound and gentle t also one basket phaeton and one i „ single . harness; ajl cheap . for. cash. ..Address ADAM NORRIS. US Adams st, Oakland. TeL Oakland 7326. . . \u25a0 z; . -. - MONEY made dally and Call Want Ads help to \u25a0 make it. Advertise your wants; make them -known to the public through a Call Want Ad. .An investment, not \u25a0- an expense. - For . full par- ticulars read Call Want Ads dally, y O'BRIEN : PATENT SPRING BUGGIES, BUB- BER TIRE VICTORIA. CANOPY TOP, SUR- REY.' RUBBER TIRE STANHOPE. FOR SALS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. AS WB NEED \u25a0 ROOM. . COO QOLDBN QATB AY. . y , • > \u25a0> FOR' sale — Top wagons; carriage, wagon and . automobile repairing; rubber tires fitted '- to new -. and \u25a0• old \u25a0 wheels. NUQENT-COVBX - WAGON CO.; ; 843-349 .ValencU st A STUDEBAKER Stanhope.' stylish rubber tired buekboard. Bailey buggy and fine driving horse; -will sell or trade for autotnubllr. Inquire room \u25a0 ' 235. 268 : Market ' st * ' y . .. • -.-'- CLOSING \u25a0 OUT— A large line of cowboy, side. j astride and McClellan SADDLES at greatly re- . duced prices, s 1248 GOLDEN QATB AY. NEAR TILLMORE. : ' ; --.-.,.-\u25a0 TWO .; harnesses ': for double team; \u25a0 new; .also r- splendid - young 1 Jersey * cow. ,.- Apply s GALLA- GHER SONS. 833 Telegraph aye.. Oakland. ONE \u25a0 fine - brood mare for sale; 8 years \u25a0 old; weighs i 1.400 lbs.; $30. Apply Oakland Trans- • - ferCo.. J 546 20th st. Oakland. - - . ' COVERED i camp wagon, .-good - condition; cheap. y - 441 '.*' Jersey * st. I bet .Castro :? aad Diamond. '- 24th ; and 25th.- •.-•,» . y TE N'.of ' the A best , San . Francisco * sand *wa rons '.\u25a0 for : sale . at a \u25a0 very - reasonable > price. - " 1424-30 Folsom st. . \u0084v AA— For shire, or sale, horses.; wagons. • boggles,' $1.50 per day, and op.lKlngman*s. 1433 rolaom. EIGHT.'A'N6.-"l : work mnleofor sale; young and ;„:' sound.'/ DR^M'CUE. . Corte \u25a0 Madera.'. Cal. FOR SALE-^lo 'rood work horses, 1,300 to 1,500 • lbs. ;cheap.~j 150 I Valencia <j*W-r. .'. \u25a0'.;.- NEW - lot 1 of ; horses : for sale ; cheap. :\u25a0 931 • FoUom •S 1 street;;-^ '.:-.; \u25a0 ..', :\u25a0::\u25a0\u25a0-'.,. \u25a0 \u0084 y y OPEN i carriage for sale.'," 636 .' Stanyan ' st . sta- y'ible.-.;;."'; •y- %..-. .'yy. _',; .'• — "--". ...-. '..,-. 'VlN VALID, CHAIRS-^ . SOLD, rented.'.; exchanged ; < manufacturer - Eamas tricycle chair. ;- 1808 Mkt st. Pl«ne F«U 8011. ' STORAGE* AND 3IOVING VANS. Anderson \u25a0 Transfer & Storage Co., - mvg.. pkg.. ' . shpg.; etc." - sth st nr.' Mkt.' No. 20. Tel. Dgl» . 217. . Conntry mvg.. trunks stored 3 days frea. AA— BEKINS' VAN AND STORAGE CO. . Fireproof Warehouse. ' 13th and Ml^lon sta. TeL Market 13. WILSON BROS. CO. line.)— Moving and storage. cor. 14th and Sanches sts.. 1 block from Mar- ket and Flllmore st. cars; phone Park 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2318 Flllmore st; phone Weat 2623. PIERCE-RODOLPH. storage and movln? cars. \u25a0 Main office Eddy and rulmore. TeL West 823. ; SIGNAL TRANSFER and STORAGE CO.— Bag- gage transferred. 1131 Polk; teL Franklin 31A. RELIABLE bajrc'ize and furnltnr<- mover: 6 large -wagons. -2004 Sntter st: tel. West 2230. , y"! :\u25a0 FREIGHT FORWARDING REDUCED ' rates for - shipping household goods 1 anywhere* west •to everywhere east JCDSON FREIGHT FORWARDINO CO.. 832 Market St.; room 101. ColnmbU building. '..' / CARPET CLEANING/ ANY or all of your rugs, carpets, furniture or curtains cleaned: on the floor without removal. Vacuum Process Cleaner and Equip. Co. ; work guaranteed. ARTHUR G. HEWITT. J? 2d. st; phone Kearny 1748. Oakland office. 818 Bdwy. ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the fioor wi.a- ;'" out removal by, S." F. COMPRESSED AIR : CLEANING CO. -Office 24 Montpmery st: phone Kearny 5852: shop 16tb nnd S. Bruno ay. ALL carpet* and rugs cleaned on the fioor by th« iLECLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO. Office ' >309 O'Farrell st Phone Kearny 784. WATCH FOB THE AUTO RENOVATOR. WHEN you become disgusted with poor wort send your carpets to J. SPACLDING ftfc CO.. 989 Golden Gate ay.' Telephone Market 643. ADVANCE- Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced meth- oda. \u25a0>. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk st CLEANING Oc:-b«t' work cleaninK and laying done by GISSLOW. 3SOS 22d at TeL Mkt. 2C89. WATTS — Reliable carpet cleaning; alteration*; ... renovat; laying. 587 Waller.- Phone Park 569. CON KLIN BROS., carpet cleaning and laying. - 1300 Baker »U cor. Geary. Phone West 83. CALL' BRANCH - OFFICE. 1631 FUlmore st. nesr'Post.- '\u25a0\u25a0 '-\u25a0 _ LOST AND FOUND LOST — ' leaf clover brooch, sat with small dia- mond: reward. Return to L. HUGHES, 1439 .• Guerrero st " <.-* 1 . " . LOST— A \u25a0 small, dark colored pocket memo- randum-book. Return to 612 Mills building; '-.reward. . ' '.. . . \u25a0 LOST — Black and white female cocksr spaniel. - Return to 2S2S Washington st: $5 reward. LOST — Silver and Jade necklace. Reward for return. to 663 Willow ay. LOST — Cameo, two heads;' liberal reward. 244 Kearny st. fifth floor. POULTRY FOODS AND REMEDIES BABY eblck feed, laying hen rood, developing food, etc.; manufacturers of all kinds of poul- try foods and remedies; sold In any Quantity from Csc \u25a0 worth -np to carload lots? sand for 'samples and circulars. Western Feed . Co.. The Original A, R. Coulson. manager. 365 McAllister . St. San Francisco. CaL CALL BRANCH OFFICE. ;163X FHlmor«~st near Post - » — FINANCIAL. ' CAPITAL 1 ENLISTED. BOND 3 AND STOCKS SOLD. We procure capital for Industrial enterprise*, manufacturing- - establishments, , mining, bust- ness . and other legitimate establishments. Stock companies or*cani2ed and financed. Our success and connection with capital guarantee quick and efficient service. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION SECURITIFS COMPANY. MONADNOCK BLDO. WANTED — Parties wltiJ money to Invest from ;. $20,000. to $50,000 In incorporated building co. ; 'first class proposition: large profits made. For particulars address Wo. Littla \u25a0 Real Estate and Bldg. Co.. 512 Pacific bldg. ; office hour* 2 to 4 p. m. Phone Douglas 1736. $1,300 MARKET st bank bonds wanted; stats price. . . Address box 4137. Call office. MARKET STREET BANK BONDS bought 603 V»n N*BW ay.' ' FOR SALE — .Miscellaneous " SECOND HAND PIPE We are dealers In second hand prpe; w« don't send you pipe that is cracked or burnt, but we do send pipe that can be used for "water or any other purpose; Al stock, all new threads and couplings and dipped in as- phaltum ; we . have the most modern shop on the Paciflc coast and one look will convince you; we don't sell you one thin; and deliver you another; standard pipe from vj to 4 Inches snd casing from 3 to 4 incites. BOILERS— 2—54x16. California made, stack and fit- tings complete. \u25a0 I— 3tf-;12. SfSSS I^-42x12; ready to pat a fire under. I—tt1 — tt hp. upright . I—3o Inch by \> feet air receiver. ENGINES— 1 Ball automatic. 1 Chandler & Taylor; a bargain. PACIFIC PIPE CO.. Phone Douglas 2233. Cor. Howard A Main st y CASH REGISTERS Watch oar window on Market st We will show our new line of registers with prices. After seeing them come In and have them explained, and ask; about our .new plan for sell- ing them. We also have a large stock of slightly used registers. " ' which are arrest bargains. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 1040 Market = st. San Francisco. . -y. 232 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. EXTENSION of time — For sale to the highest bidder,' . the . buildings and plumbing* of tb* Chinese'' relief camp, situated at 40th and Market sts., Oakland, same to be removed before July 14; -can be Inspected any mornlns on application to the office of the camp. Bid* " will be received up to Jnne 20. and must be addressed to \u25a0\u25a0. the Chinese consul general. Clay and Kearny sts.. 3. -F. Blgh^ reserved to. reject any, or a*U bids. AA— ' ~~ ~~ ' - Elegant 5 porcelain bath tub. One 20:30 W. E. sink. One elegant lavatory. \u25a0,-\u25a0.\u25a0 - $28.30. 1864 Pout st Opea Sundays 9 to V FOR sale — $40,000 worth of high grade furaltnr* -at from ' 23 to SO cents on the dollar. Tit* Is ' not a fraud or ' fake \u25a0 sale, but a strictly bona - fide money saving proposition for you. Come and be convinced. KING'S. 3012-3019 18th st ' near . Mission. • : - ' AAA— $7 per 100 lbs. good white lead; oil. 80c gallon; paint good enough -for a palace. $1 a gallon;*flne wallpaper. sc; sanltas cheesecloth, -burlaps, brushes, building and roofing papers: writs us for sample* and prices. MERRIGAVS. 1447 Elll* st . •\u25a0."..'\u25a0 LUMBER FOR SALE-^ " Flooring, ' Floor" Jolstß.-^* - - - Studding beams; \u25a0 : AH in good ' condition. Apply snpt '• •ffio*. HALE BROS.; ; Inc.. 6th and Market sts. AA—CHICS3 every day. 10c: W. Leghorn pul- lftß. $3 and up; 28 varieties of tnorouxhbred chickens "and" egzs;. Isgleslde Poultry Yards. .807 lit Vernon *rr.; Ocean View car to staet . bridge. \u25a0 .-. • .. \u25a0. -. r . CASH \u25a0 registers ; \u25a0 Nationals .at 25c on ta« . dol- lar, terms $5 month; also exclusive agents for HALLWOODS: not in the tnist Pacific Coast Cash Register - Company. 1292-1294 Market st comer Larktn. * W. A.- KING. ; proprietor. , - '. -. ':\u25a0\u25a0 CASH REGISTERS . We carry; the largest line of slightly osed easa . registers on the coast .: v t. \u25a0 S.^C B. SECOND HAND OJTICB. .-. .-•..; .827 Market st. TENTS.'camp. furniture, flass. at factory prices; < 11L catalogue free. W. A. PLUMMER, 113- \u25a0\u25a0llT'Dnnnm'st;* S. F.. tel. Kearney 3083. and r C«(Vs6<* . Franklin st. Oakland, tel. Oak. . 2383. DON'T buy your pipe till you get oar price*. W» - have all size* ready for shipment 'All pipe 1 guaranteed or no money. Pacific * PiP« Co.. ... Howard -and Main: sta.. phone Douglas 2233. SAFE — New, hign grade ' Marvin-Hall; fireproof. with 1 Inner 'door: f co»t $140: will sell at 2«>ojr '\u25a0cent: discount; outside measurements 37X28XH3 : Inches. .-., Address box 3361. Call office. \u25a0* .. ' MOVING ; picture films for rent; largest stock in * town: not In the trust: passion P l */"! 1 * "?!\u25a0,£ slfal'*. for rent TURNKR * DAHNKEN. 1650 .. Ellis str oppo«lte Orpheom. FOR SALE— Front and back bar. in srod condi- tion; also ! water trough;: all for $100. Call Monday. "3l6 Polk st. ' .' FOR SALE— One : Eller» music « >m P"''_ c r i^ i fl - . cate. cheap; good nnUl June 20. 48 RaUway .\ av. , off i Dolores, bet. '17th and ISth. FOR Mia cheap— Wire hatre«l fox terrier dog. 9 of children. 23 Welch st li bet . 3d and \u25a0 4th off Bryant :•'-\u25a0' THOROUGHBRED 'Scotch collie pupple*. canto* y-and females, cheap. 4100 Glen ay.. AUendale. Take Lease ay. '* car. FOR sale— Hand power printlnst pr<*-.«« and com- p>te > equipment; chase Bxl2. CaU at 1936 i Bonlta a.v. . Berkeley. . \u25a0 -\u25a0 \u25a0 FOR sale 13 mid nw*, 1 buU. M joaog helf- : \u25a0 ' era." - A pply or •. addrens L. LEVT. : 1130 Flll- more.. S. F. FOR sale — A -good cow; also a large hor»»,^aait- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_ able for .ranch pnrpo«e».' Apply 2603 23d st. t SAFE— Double . folding \u25a0 doont. , 28x^1x15 '. tnatda : . ;*measaremeßt. . $ISB. 950 Mission st above sth. . ALL - $2.50 «•• HATS -. $1.50. i' POPULAR - PRICK HATTERS. 53« SAVES ST.'.MUK'IiAacXA,- 35