A good many thousand people can gire
you the straight tip that the real way to
assassinate sadness is to keep in close
touch with the comic section of
The Sunday Call
Political Outrage Marks Democratic Convention
Bryan Forbids the Nomination of Johnson for the Vice Presidency
Silent Crowds Watch Great
Armada Steam Through
Golden Gate
Admiral Sperry Thanks Sao
Franciscans for Their Hos
pitality to Men
President Sends Wire Bidding
Crews Sustain Honor of
Their Native Land
Oyster Bay, ST. Y-. July 1. 1908. j
Rear Admiral Charles S. Sperry.
1 ::::«•«> States navy, commander
in ohief «>f the battleship fleet.
San*r"ran«-is«-o. <"al.
I »•\u25a0;<; to }(>a ami tht* oQcfn I
and enlisted men under you my j
heartiest pood wishes on tlie «"« j
of jour departure. That the i
American i*e«p!e ran trust tlse
»ki!led efficlfaoy and devotion to
duty of It* representatives on the
fleet Ur.ti been a!>nndnntly nboivn
by the trip around South America j
and I know will be made equally ]
!...\u25a0...:\u25a0.»: on the return trip arrow j
the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic j
oor.in. You have in n i>erullar
sfanc tlie honor at the Inlted
States in jour JieeplnK. and there
fore no body of men la tlie iiorld
> .1 ;••> - ::t this znomrut it
prixllepe or carrleu a liieher re
July 7. — The Atlantic battleship fleet;
passed out through the golden gate j
at a speed cf 10 knots. When outside j
the heads a thick fog shut in. The
fleet was s:oppcd o5 the iightship by!
wireless telegrams and gun signals in j
order to discharge pilots. On the i
eecond gun signal the fleet proceeded \u25a0
on its course for Honolulu.
The fog lifted about 6 o'clock. At j
9 o'clock tonight the fleet changed its j
fcrcnaticn in perfect order to line of j
squadron.. The weather at this hour
was fine.
With marine bands crashing out
patriotic airs on the quarterdecks, with
bfiis ringing and flags dipping the At
lantic fleet of 15 battleships left San
Francisco harbor at 2 o'clock yester
day afternoon for its cruise around the
world. But for all the music and sound
tnd graceful ceremonial the departure
v.as impressive rather than spectacu
The crov/ds massed on p!er end, liill
side and roof top cheered not. Lacking
was the thunderous shout with which
the vessels of war were welcomed to
the city, wanting was the acclaim. The
crowd was silent. And in the very
silence of its farewell was shown the
keenness of Its loss. Of what use were
cheers? "What mattered huzzas? The
Tieet had come and was now going.
The friendships were being severed,
the great event of a lifetime was pass-
Ing away, losing itself In the bank of
fog bellowing in from the Golden gate.
The bells might ring and the bands
might play, but human hearts were'
heavy and human tongues stilL Tijus
by the silent crowds passed the great
eh!ps. In like manner had they sailed
away from Monterey, from San Diego
and Santa Barbara. The 16,000 men
took with them the goodbys of the
heart rather than those of the lips.
The direct preparations for the de
parture commenced at noon. Launches
which had been scurrying about the
bay, carrying the last batch of mail,
taking ashore the last telegram and
bearing on board belated officers,
sought the shelter of the broad sides
of their respective vessels. Gang-ways
•were hauled up, boats slung on tceir
davits And shortly after 1 o'clock the
vessels were ready to weigh anchor.
rnissiDE.vrs fabkwkix head
Pending the orders from the Con
necticut the crews oa every ship were
called to muster and the commanding
officers read aloud a message from
President lioosevclt, bidding them fare
welL It was as follows:
Ouster Bst, >'. T., July 7#7 # yjCi.
Rear Admiral diaries S. Sperry, t. S. S.,
C"oasJ*c<i«-r in Chief, ilattlesliip l"lr«t, Ssa Fras
clS'X>, Cai. —
I send to J"ua anil the ofScers aad etlistc-d men
under you mf ttirtiest good wleLps ca tLe eve of
your departure. That lie Aoericaa people caa
trust tne skilled efficiency £iiJ tferotioa to duty
of lte repr«i>«iis*iies oa ttc fleet feu been tbua
eiuitly shown by tUe trip erouad Sooth America,
end l" koow wiU be made ofjually manifest on tte
return trip across the Pacific. I&dian and Atlantic
©c*»cs. Ton tare in a peculiar w-ase the boaor
of \M* Ccited St*t<?» ia jour taping, and tiiere
for* no body of mea la UiU Trcrid enjoys at tlii«
aoacat a greater j.rti'lero or carries a Uearier re
The crowds, meantime, had been i
gathering rapidly. Automobiles loaded
with girls dashed down to the wharves,
carriages brought down society, sad
eyed ar.d lonely and streetcars emptied
their throngs. At a few minutes be
fore 2 o'clock tho fateful signals broke
from the mainmast of the Connecticut.
The stars and 'stripes floating from the
gaff in the stern was hauled down and
appeared again at the peak. The ships
of the first division Cuttered back the
eigsals and at the same Instant the
Connecticut began to move through the
One by one the white ships took up,
their positions and beaded for the
Golden gate In single column. At the
Ccatlaced oa P&S»U^ SUddle Columa 1
The San Francisco Call.
Have You Registered This Year?
IX order to take part In the
Atißust primary and the No-
vember election you must have
registered since the begrtnnlnc
of this year. Last year's registra-
tion no longer counts.
To vote at the Auj^ust primaries
you must register by July 22. Go
to the registrar's office now, be-
fore the rush begins. If you post-
pone this duty you may lose your
vote In the primaries. Remem-
ber that It Is JuMt as Important
to vote at a primary as at a gen-
eral election.
When you register for the pri-
mary be nure you state your party
nffillatlon. If you don't do this
you «ill not be entitled to vote at
the primary.
YESTERDAY — Clear; west wind; maximum
temperature, C 2; minimum, 34.
lac; fair during day; liglit south wind«. chan;
inc; to frfsh north. Page 13
Obstreperous Denver. Page C
City's handicap In ivater cißtt. Page 6
ConceaUns Alameda county UeOclt. Page (i
Foncer Scperrisor Furry testifies that
txxxi'ers understood that graft money came
thr.ocgh llnef. Page 5
Theodore Eell, temporary chalnaia of demo
cratic convention at Denver, makes good with
.naticail body and doe* credit to California's
decaiicrKCj. Page 1
Bryaa declines to accept Johnson as ruaalng
mate f.~ ': forbids bis nomination In con
vention. Page 1
Nebraskaa's program prevails In first day of
rlie democratic national convection at Den
ver. Page 3
"VVhere did 119 quarts of champagne In
care of California delegation go?'* dryly asks
-Nick" Ecrwden. Page 1
Political outrage perpetrated at democratic
convention by depriving Pennsylvania delegates
| of their rights. Page 1
Republican national cwnmlttee will select
! Hitchcock es chairman and McKlnley as treas
j urer today. ' Page 3 j
Theodore Bell revises sj>eecb on Japanese ei
j c!u«lon because democrats fear Bryan's election,
j If ccmiaitted to that policy, would cause war
with Japan. Page 2
Cry of Mormon in Idaho contest over creden
tials cacses uproar In committee. Page 2
Lln<H3la-Roosevelt league wins flzbt for prima- I
r!es in Contra Costa county. Page 5 j
Democratic credentials, committee bears ar- >
gumest fcr big navy and pleas of labor ;
leaders. Page 3
dracd clilef of Pythian Sisters appoints stand- |
leg committees for current •term. Page 8 j
Jobbers of state will seek to settle fight
over rates Into San Joaquln from Ix» An
geles. Page 7 |
Governor Gillett, Senator Perkins and con
gressmen address representatives of California !
business organizations on proposed tariff revision
and defensive campaign Is planned. Page 10
Secretary of Interior Garfleld returns frroa
Hawaiian islands and congratulates city oa work
done toward acquiring Iletch <Hetcny water
supply. Page 8
Fl<H"t sets sail for Honolulu while silent
crowds bid men of the great armada a
farewell- Page 1
J. E. Eagan. pales manager of Burroughs
adding machine company, disappears from home
and associates search for body la park, believing
he had committed snlcide. Page 16
Safe dep<>sit box In French bank Tanlt robbed !
of 513.000 belonging to fanner. Page 10
Jcry scores Southern Pacific as having coa- i
trlbcted to wreck and falls to hold Eu
glaeer Barry. Page 4
Unknown man foend dead en university cana
pes with poisoa bottle near. Page 4
Mrs. Harriet C. Colton files suit for divorce
from well known contractor. , Page 4
Henry Eutten. Oakland capitalist. 111 at
mother's boaje, and it is reported that he haa
separated from his fatnlly. Page 4
Millionaire Letter bad so many "affinities"
be did not Irrow what to do with them, declares
fomer confidential clerk. Pace 4
Heat fatalities la New York number 44, Bos-
I ton 2. Philadelphia 4, and hundreds are pros
trated. Page 4
Direct&lre gown worn by relied TrcniEa of
Jaco-iUce form aroase* curiosity In Stock
toe. X age •
Socisllst cand'dnte for president tasy run
campaign frtxn murderer's cell. Page 7
Ann* Gould and Priac* Hclle c> Sagaa are
married twice In London. Page 5
Coaat Bon! de Caslellane seeks to recover pos
session of children. Page Q
Two mm killed In Grand Prix auto race at
Dieppe: Germans capture honors. Page 0
Los Acgeles noses OaiUnd oat la the first
gas* of series across th« bay. Paged
Frank Arellanes, San Jose pitcher, loaves
for Boston, where te will Join American league
cl=b. : <"» > Page©
Osly one entry in $COO puree race at Brighton
beach and te b ecratcbed; Gilbert lands a 15
to 1 siot. Page 10
Gan? still holds out for more, taaa $5,000 for
a return match with Xelsoa. Page 0
Four members of the crew of the whaler
William Baylies, which was crushed ia the
Arctic ice. tell of fearful three mile tramp
thrvega a. biting blizzard. - Page 15
Interest centers In wedding next month of
Miss Lodse Hollisttr Cooper and Hewitt V ,ren- ,
port. Page C '
The railroad companies and laborers cf Scot
iaad adopt aeg gi*n of arbitration. Page 7
Nebraskan Declines to Accept
Gopher Governor as His
Running Mate
If Minnesota Man's Name Is
Mentioned Peerless One
Will Oppose It f
i \u25a0 ____
Commoner Believes "Interests"
Back Rival to Capture
George Van Smith
DENVER,. July 7.— William Jen
nings Bryan has not only declined to
accept Governor John A. Johnson of
Minnesota as his running mate, but
has forbidden the presentation of
Johnson's name as a candidate for the
vice presidential nomniation.
Johnson, in the estimation of the
commoner, is an "interests" candidate,
put forward to capture the party or
ganization rather than with any hope
of party success in the presidential
campaign. The depth of Bryan's feel
ing towaxd Johnson may In some de
gree be measured by the fact that the
commoner not only told Johnson's rep
resentative that he did not want the
Minnesota man mentioned for second
place, but that If Johnson's name were
presented for the vice presidency, he
would openly opposelhe Gopher state
I have exclusive information today
from an absolutely unimpeachable
source, high in -the councils of
democracy, which proves that I was
correctly apprised of Bryan's attitude
toward Johnson when I wired The Call
from St. Paul that "The people of Min
nesota generally. In common with the
Bryanites of* this state, are preparing
themselves to enjoy the spectacle of
Minnesota's presidential candidate
carrying an 'interest' label affixed to
their governor by none less than Bryan
The same information explains the
visit of T. D. O'Brien, former national
committeeman from Minnesota, to Lin
coln, and the unsociable frame of mind
he brought to Denver after a 20 minute
interview with Bryan. O'Brien is one
of the really big men of Minnesota.
To him is justly due much of the credit
for Johnson's success In his first
gubernatorial term. He was never
identified with the old Minnesota ma
chine and, until Johnson's candidacy
appeared on the horizon, was a stanch
Bryan man.
Press and public were puzzled last
week when O'Brien was "summoned, to
Lincoln from St. Paul. The explana
tion that O'Brien had been Invited to
Falrview to discuss the platform fell flat
In view of the fact that Martin O'Brien
of Crookston was Minnesota's member
of the resolutions committee, and still
flatter when the St. Paul lawyer arrived
In Denver and denied that Bryan had
talked with him about the platform
O'Brien was in an ugly mood when
he reached Denver. He came on the
same train with brother Charles Bryan
and Dr. Hall, the original Bryan man.
but not in their company. He insisted
that his interview with the commoner
had consumed only a few minutes and,
pressed for an explanation of his in
vitation to Lincoln, said: "Why should
I not be invited? I know Mr. Bryan
very well." Every question touching
the vice presidential nomination for
Johnson was parried by O'Brien's state
ment: "I told Mr. Bryan that Johnson
would not accept second place and
Johnson will not be Invited to take it
by Bryan."
In all of which O'Brien was undoubt
edly telling the" literal truth, but the
truth unadorned with the sidelights,
which explain O'Brien's trip to Lincoln
and bad frame of mind, if it does not
fully explain why Johnson's name will
not be mentioned for second place.
Bryan summoned O'Brien to Lincoln
to tell him in the most unmistakable
teAns that the Minnesota man would
not be acceptable as the commoner's
running mate. Nor did the peerless
leader stop with a mere statement of
his desire not to have Johnson on the
ticket. He told O'Brien that for rea
sons that were good and sufficient he
would openly oppose the Minnesota
man If his name was presented to the
convention for second honors.
: A persistent J rumor current todays
that Johnson's name would not be pre
sented for first honors, was emphati
cally denied tonight by Congressman
Hammond, who will nominate Johnson
and Thomas D. O'Brien. Hammond
said: "There is one condition un
der which we would withdraw John3on
from this race: that condition would
arise upon the withdrawal of Mr.
"Johnson's name would be presented
to the convention even if we were as
sured that he would receive only the
20 votes from Minnesota."
Samuel Richsteiner, Bert Maxwell,
Richard Edwards and Clifford Little,'
chauffeurs, were each fined $5 by Po
lice Judge Cabanlss yesterday for-ex
ceeding the speed limit .while driving
to the fight on Saturday. Others had
their cases continued* - ;
San Jose Delegate to Conven
tion Incensed Over Mystery
of Missing Wine
Drunk or Stolen Is Verdict of
Others Who Had Some of
It on the Train
Regret Resolutions Praising S.
P. When Deficit in. Cellar
IS Discovered \u0084 .
Edward F. O'Day
DENVER, July 7.— Did the Cali
fornia delegates to the democratic
convention drink 119 quarts of Cali
fornia champagne en route from Oak
land to Denver?. Nicholas Bowden of
San Jose would like to know. His
opinion is that most of the wineXwas
stolen. But, however, its disappear
ance is to be accounted for.
VNick" Bowden is mad clean
through. He let the delegation know
about his worked up state of mind
this morning. A meeting was called
to make final arrangements for \u25a0 the
march to the convention hall. Every
thing' proceeded nicely, so harmoniously
in fact that perhapsiJßowdeii'ltCQijstd
ered that the delegation was departing
from precedent. So he kicked up a
row about the wine.
Bowden explained that the cham
pagne had been contributed by a San
Jose wine maker, with the express un
derstanding that an agent of the com
pany shpuld look after its distribution
at the headquarters. He said that a
dozen cases, containing 144 quarts, had
been loaded on the train at Oakland
mole. When the wines were unpacked
in Denver there were only 25 quarts
of this San Jose champagne left. Bow
den demanded an accounting.
M. J. Laymance, secretary of the
delegation, explained that a good deal
of this wine had been served on the
train in the diner and in the .smoking
car free of charge to the delegates,
but he thought a lot of it had been
Bowden pointed out with considerable
heat that the wine was not for use on
the train, but for distribution in Den
ver, and wanted to know how he and
Blanchard, the Other delegate from
Santa Clara county,, could account to
the wineman for It.
"Say it was stolen," suggested one
of the delegates, but Bowden was not
The delegates decided that they would
levy a small assessment to supply the
missing champagne, but a motion' to
this effect was carried only over Bow
den's protest. At the last minute he
wanted the matter left alone, much to
the bewilderment of the delegates. So
the 119 quarts -will be unplaced and
the question whether the wine was all
consumed or part consumed and part
stolen will remain undecided.
Some of the delegates, discussing the
affair, regretted that a resolution
praising the Southern Pacific for Its
treatment had been passed before an
inventory of the stock had been taken.
There was carelessness somewhere and
they were inclined to blame the rail
Breaks World's Record for Go-
ing Without Food and
Loses 55 Pounds
J. F. Manning of Mecca, a small town
on tho desert, has Just broken the
world's record for fasting. , Mrs. Man
ning, who weighed 300 pounds, under
took the task for the reduction of her
weight. Today she took a handful of
strawberries, the first food she has
taken, aside from a sip now and then
o* tea or coffee, for 75 days.
She reduced her weight 65 pounds,
and intends to keep on a light fresh
fruit 'diet until she has reduced her
weight to 100 pounds. This is very de
sirable, for the thermometer at \ this
season of -the year at Mecca hovers
around the ISO-degree " mark.
This record Is second to- Dr. Tanner's. :
The doctor fasted for 40 days ;and
nights with no stimulant except water,
but Mrs. Manning's record Is twice. the \u25a0
length of time with but a little tea and
coffee. •' . , ' •
Since her remarkable fast there are
other fat people in the neighborhood
who are entering upon long, fasts.
Today's Convention Program
Report of tlie committee on permn
- nent onranlwUlon.
Address of Congrreawnan Henry D,
Clayton of Alabanui : as perma
nent ' chairman.
Report of resolutions committee, It
* ready.
Possibly presentation .of resoln
\u25a0', tlons on the; death of Grover
Chairman Sounds Keynote
of Democratic Campaign
Speech Distinct Triumph for Bel! end
Credit to California Democracy
Flouted by Own Delegation Temporary Chairman
Wins Plaudits of \ National Convention
By George Van Smith
Special Dispatch to The" Call
DENVER, polo., July 7.— Theodore A. Bell's attempt to boss
the democracy of California-may be' the dismal failure. indicated by
the succession of tactical "defeats Bell has suffered from the day of
the Fresno state convention down to yesterday, but he has made
good v with the national democracy. . The keynote speech delivered
to the national democracy this afternoon was a distinct 'triumph
•.-'- ••- \u25a0 \u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0.*\u25a0 ,\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ' _. \u25a0 _" ' \u25a0 •- \u25a0. . "-". ' - - ' \u25a0 - ."\u25a0•-.,--"
for temporary chairman Theodore: A. %
Bell of California and : a credit ) to tlie
democracy of California. This" vr&s
California's day- in the councils of the
national democracy, and it was.: Cal
ifornia's day because Theodore' A; Bell
hailed from the land of sunshine, fruit
and flowers : and further because , Bell
was Bryan's choice- for temporary
chairman, of the - convention, ; which* as'
a SrJiolo -hs • absolutely controlo., The".
\u25a0\u25a0" ; -"V:. "\u25a0\---V \u25a0»"'":* ~~- '\u25a0. --.'. V .' \u25a0/.*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . ', '
Theodore A. Bell
stage settings were Just 1 right: for the
Napa man. For more • than -24 hours
the democrats .In Denver and through
out the country had been watching
with intense interest his flight from
Lincoln to .Denver with the common
er's message. ~ Half of the -delegates
feared that the Calif oral a man would
not arrive in time "to "take the tem
porary ; chairman's gavel ; at ' noon to
day and a -considerable; number of
Coailnnrd on . P^sa 2. f«iii-i n a
The v Csvu5g Oregon believt
twins bring the tribe misfortune. How
a red father saved his twins from slaughter
! is a good story, which will appear in
The Sunday Call
Ruling of Temporary Chairman
Disfranchises Pennsylvania
Colonel Guffey and His Friends
Protest in Vain Against
Unjust Action
Lack of Courtesy Shown Parker
on Resolution Eulogizing
Grover Cleveland
Unfair Treatment Gives Occa
sion to Charge That Bryan
Intends to Rule or Ruin
DENVER, July 7.— lt. is a
great pity, to say the least, that
the very first session of the demo
cratic national convention was
marked by two unfortunate, even
disgraceful incidents- One was
the treatment accorded to tha
•Pennsylvania delegation by which
they were practically disfran
chised by the arbitrary ruling of
the temporary chairman, and the
other was the marked lack of
courtesy shown to Judge Parker,
the last democratic candidate for
'the presidency.
. Neither incident was one which will
reflect credit upon the Denver conven
tion, but the cold blooded throwing
down of the Per.nsylvanians was the
thing which would not have been tol
erated in any rough house county con
vention, and even experienced poli
ticians are* aghast at the action.
Without trial, without even the sem
blance of an examination into the real
situation, the entire Pennsylvania
delegation was deprived of all par
ticipation in the preliminary work of
the convention and was not allowed
representation on the most ordinary
The presiding officer, Theodore A. Bell
of California, made a lamentable mess
of his first public appearance as a
parliamentarian, through his ruling,
which cannot be sustained by any pos
sible theory of parliamentary law.
I do not believe any such arbitrary
action can be found in the history of
any national convention in the last
quarter of a century, and It is no won
der the Pennsylvania people and all
those who do not belong to- the ruling
element are astonished that such
action should b<* taken at the outset
: of what promised to be a harmonious
gathering. The steam roller at Chi
cago, of which so much wa3 said: the
despotic rule of Speaker Reed^ of the
house of representatives, the domina
tion of the emperor of Russia over his
newly created legislative chambers
were as nothing compared to the short
shrift which was given to Guffey and
his followers. They were run over la
defiance of every possible rule of par
liamentary law and were deprived oZ
the rights which were given them by
the overwhelming vote of the party.
All this was done without any debate
and in a fashion which does not speak;
well for the fairness of tne controlling
element In the convention.
To understand the situation &3 It ex
isted after the convention adjourned it
Is necessary to give a little of the his
tory of recent political events in Penn
sylvania. That state was contested by
Bryan and anti-Bryan forces. The re
sult was that Bryan carried the major
ity of the delegates, bo far as the ques
tion of the nomination was concerned.
There wes a small bunch of delegates,
however, whose seats were contested.
Upon them depended the question
whether Colonel "Jim 1 * Guffey should
be returned as a member of the na
tional committee or not. If the Guffey
delegates were^ seated, he had aa over
whelming majority of the delegation ia
his favor, although Bryan also had a
majority for his nomination. This was
the situation In a nutshell when the na
; tlonal committee met Monday.
Absolutely the first thing which must
be done before any convention can
transact business li to prepare a roll of
the delegates entitled to their seats.
This is the duty of the national com
mittee. It m«.kes a preliminary exami
nation of contests *nd decides which
delegates have a pr!ma facie right to
their seats. It was this operation which
' aroused the stories of the steam roller
! at Chicago, because the convention In
' that city moved like clockwork and
there was not at any time the slightest
evidence of unfairness In its proceed
ings. The national committee there ex
' amlned about 200 contested seit 3 . it
decided every case and thu3 established
the roll of. delegates who were permit
ted, to participate in the temporary or
ganization. Subsequently the conven
tion itself, through its credentials com