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2 Temporary Chairman Bell Refuses Pennsylvania Delegation Seats in Convention inittoe. confirmed that roll without a j sinßle change. Exactly the same methods were { a<i"pted here. Tho national committee | mot on Monday and appointed subcom- ; mitteos to hear contests in Idaho, Illi-J nois, New York, Pennsylvania. Ohio and j the district of Columbia. Those sub committees considered each contest on Its merit* and made a report to the full committee. The national committee, as a whole, • then went over these contests in turn and accepted the decision of the sub- j committee In each case. The result was . the creation of the temporary roll of delegates, each one of whom derived his authority from his credentials, as, )iasse<i upon by the national committee, j Every delegate was equal to every oth- , cr delegate, and every delegate, as a whole, was unquestionably entitled to representation on all the committees ap rointed at the beginning of the con- j vention to set the machinery in work ins order. GUFFEY HAS MAJORITY Tills was the situation when the con vention met Tuesday. The national committee had recognized as regular the GuflTey delegates in Pennsylvania. Tlii? gave Colonel Guffey a complete majority of the delegation. The Penn sylvania delegation met in caucus, as did those of all other states, and se lected the members of the committees on resolutions, rules, credentials and notification. Kadi one of these selec tions was made by the Pennsylvania dcl^gration exactly as it was made in every other delegation' in the conven tion. a.iid every member of tho Pennsyl vania delegation who voted for these committee assignments had had his cre dentials passed upon by the national] committee, and was entitled to his seat) \u25a0until the matter had been passed upon by the credentials committee and ap proved by the convention as a whole. This statement of facts is a plain one and will be understood by every man who has ever been a delegate to any convention of any party. After the temporary organization had been completed and a good deal of prelimi nary business transacted, including the adoption of resolutions in memory of Grover Cleveland, the different delega tions were asked to send to the chair th^ir selections for the various com mittees. Th.c regular Pennsylvania delegation, acting through its chair man, sent up Its list. The contestants, who had been turned down by tho na tional committee and who had abso lutely no standing whatever In the con vention, also sent up a list. The pre siding officer, who makes a good speech, but is woefully ignorant of the foundation principles of parliamentary law, announced to the convention that two lists had been received and asked \u25a0what the delegates proposed to do ehout It. INJUSTICE TO PENNSYLVANIA Before the Pennsylvanians knew what happened to them Ollie James, the huge congressman from Kentucky, moved that the whole matter be re ferred to the credentials committee, end in spite of the frantic protests of Colonel Guffey and the other Pennsyl vania .people, the convention adopted tJie James motion with a howl. The Pennsylvanians very properly demanded that the delegation be polled on the two lists of names. This would have shown in an instant just what delegates were on the temporary roll and a great political outrage would have been avoided. Unfortunately Chairman Bell lost his head at this critical moment. Jf he did not lose his liead he was guilty of intentional In justice. It is an unfortunate dilemma for him, to say the least. Ignoring the demand for a poll of the delegation, which was clearly the con stitutional right of the Pennsylvania members, of the convention, the tem porary chairman announced that, no other motion was in order except one to refer the case to the committee on credentials. Bell looks like a fair man and it is scarcely believed that he did this thing intentionally. It is charitable to assume that the injustice to the Pennsylvania delegation, so far as he was concerned, came from Ignorance and not from desire. The convention was in confusion and it adopted the motion of Ollie James, without much, if any, understanding of what the re sult would be. REFLECTION ON BRYAN Guffey stormed up the main aisle, his white hair flying, and demanded to be heard. Other members of the delega tion shouted themselves hoarse, but al most before they knew what had hap pened the gavel had fallen and the 68 delegates from the sovereign state of Pennsylvania were deprived of all representation in the convention through the ill-advised motion of the delegate from Kentucky, who had no more right on the floor than the Pennsylvanians had. Ollie James is a violent Bryan partisan, and for this reason Bryan will be charged through out the country with gross injustice, for which, perhaps, he is not respon sible. Those who are not acquainted with the methods of the convention may not understand at first just what was done to the Pennsylvania delegation. They were disfranchised as completely as If they had never been elected, and ex cept for the mere question of nomina tion they can have no more part In the actual work in the Denver convention tlian if they had remained at home. The effect of the motion by Ollie James was to deprive the state of Penn sylvania of all representation on all the committees. That is to say, they were cut off from presenting their views to the committee on platform, as well as upon other committees which neces tarily lay out the work of every con vention. Not until the credentials com mittee reports and the convention adopts that report will the Pennßyl vanlans have any standing whatever. DELEGATION DENIED RIGHTS The resolutions committee* began Its sessions at the same time as the cre dentials committee. Pennsylvania was entitled to representation while the platform was being discussed, but by the arbitrary action of the temporary chairman it was deprived of this repre sentation as completely as if it had never been elected a delegation to the convention. It could not participate in determining the permanent organiza tion or in settling the rules, and, of -course, It had no representation upon the credentials committee itself. The invariable rule of every national convention I ever heard of has been that the delegates on the temporary roll are entitled to representation upon every committee, even including the committee on credentials, until their own case is passed upon adversely by the convention itself. Generally a member of the credentials committee whose seat is contested is not allowed to vote* upon his own case or upon that of delegates he represents. Aside from that, the right of every dele gation to representation upon every committee is obviously necessary. It Is the rule followed in the house of repre sentatives, of. which Ollie James is a member. The clerk of the house makes up a temporary roll and the members on that roll are entitled to their seats until actually ousted. They sit on all committees and frequently retain their peats for months before the contest is decided. ;i= : .,t-i\' If this were not s», It would be the . simplest thing in the world to tie up any convention Eothat^t could do no business at all. Some unauthorized del egate or alternate or outsider could send BELL SILENCED BY FEAR OF JAP WAR Revises Exclusion Sentiment to Set Democracy Right With Orientals Keynote Speech Also Shies at Specific Declarations on Injunction Edward F. O'Day SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CAIX I DENVER, Colo., July 7.— Through sources of exclusive information of the most unimpeachable character, it has become possible to tell in advance what the injunction plank in the democratic platform will be and to explain, why Theodore A. 801 l omitted from his key note speech specific reference to Japan ese irxclusion. Grave fear that the election of Bryan would be immediately followed by a declaration of war with the United states by the Japanese government caused the deletion from Bell's speech, as originally written, of specific refer ence to Japanese immigration. This may be stated positively. So may the fact that Bryan heartily approved the value in the nature of the reference to Asiatic exclusion. Bryan regards the adoption of a proper injunction plank as essential to the success of the democratic ticket. Bell's reference In his speech to this crucial question was couched in terms of studied generality and affords no clew to the action of the platform com mittee. Nevertheless it may be stated here that the democratic injunction plank will be substantially the same as the plank in the Nebraska platform with one modification of the most im portant character. The Nebaska plank, which was written by Bryan, contains three provisions: 1. That no injunction shall be issued without due notice. 2. That no injunction shall be return able before another judge than the one who issued it. 3. Trial by jury for contempt. The Denver plank will differ from this Nebraska plank in its first pro vision. It will provide that temporary restraining orders may be issued with out notice for a limited period, follow ing as nearly as possible the law in the state where dispute arises. WILL IT SUIT LABOR? Here is a forthright injunction plank. It has the O X of Bryan. Will it satisfy the labor unions? Or will Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell and the other labor leaders who are in Denver go away declaring war on the democratic ticket? The plank that labor wants is strong on the subject of due notice. Wise persons may guess' what Gompers and his associates will do when the platform with the plank outlined above is reported to the convention. There is a sensation hidden behind Bell's reference in his speech to the question of Asiatic exclusion, though none who heard him in the vast audi torium suspected it. In the original draft of his speech Bell had written: "Some protection has been offered by the exclusion of Chinese laborers, but the evil Is but half met If the immi gration of Japanese, Koreans, Hindus and other Asiatic people be not also ex cluded from our shores." There followed a paragraph advo cating the exclusion of Asiatic immi gration, "Of whatsoever character." In the speech as Bell delivered It the latter paragraph waa eliminated and the former was delivered thus: "Some protection has been offered by the exclusion of Chinese laborers, but the evil is but half met if the immi gration of other Asiatic people be not also excluded from our shores." No reference to the Japanese? Why? Because It was seriously feared that if the democratic party was specifically committed to a program of Japanese exclusion, Bryan's election would be the signal for the beginning of- hostili ties by Japan. Bryan has no desire to plunge the nation into war. So Bell changed his speech, using the method of the diplomat. As the keynote speech foreshadows the platform, it remains to be seen how the Pacific coast will receive the plank of the democratic platform covering the exclusion mat ter. It will undoubtedly interest Cal ifornlans to learn why Bell revised his utterances. The bogey of war with Japan has raised its ugly head once more. to the clerk's desk a list of committee assignments which would create a du plication, although it might be that the sitting: delegates were absolutely uncon tested. DISCRIMIXATIOX IX RULING This Is exactly what happened in the Pennsylvanian case. Men whose right to seats had not been passed upon by the national committee Joined with the minority of the sitting delegation and sent forward a list of names. This was the whole basis for the extraordi nary action taken under the James reso lution, which was bad enough in It self. The action of the presiding officer, however, was infinitely worse. He made the fantastic ruling that no other mo tion could be entertain except to re fer the Pennsylvania case to the com mittee on credentials. If this ruling had been followed in other cases, Illi nois, Idaho, Ohio and New York would also have been added to the disfran chised list and would have been- de prived of the right to vote In the res olutions committee on the platform, or in the rules committee on the method of conducting the convention business or In any other preliminary steps of nomi nating the candidates for the presi dency and vice presidency. It Is extremely unfortunate for Bryan such action should have been taken in the case of the Pennsylvania delega tion. Colonel Guffey had charged that the Nebraska leader was arrogant and dictatorial and had asserted that he was attempting to pursue the rule or ruin policy In his own interests. It would have been good policy, to say tjie least, for the Bryan men in the convention to have treated Guffey with absolute fairness. As it is now the Pennsylvania man has a splendid case on which to go before the country. No student of convention" proceed ings can hesitate for a minute In de claring that the position taken by the Pennsylvania delegation in demanding a poll for the purpose of determining who had a right to vote and who had not -was- absolutely right. The James resolution was a denial of representa tion to 68 delegates out of a' total of 1,002 In the convention. CAUSE FOll DISRITPTIOX * Finally the ruling mado by the tem porary chairman was a groes absurdity which, would cause a smile if It were not so serious in and if it did not tend to disrupt the party, certainly in Pennsylvania and probably-in other states r as , well. t, . : . . ; \u25a0\u25a0• :. . . mm kajn jj'KAJN'Uisi'P CALL. WEDNESDAY, JULY. 8, ..190&, BELL ENTHUSES BIG CONVENTION Continued From Pasre 1, Column 6 them, including a portion of the Cal ifornia delegation, feared that he would — and he did. ENTHUSES THE CONVENTION* •So long as Bell's f keynote speech shall remain in the memory of politi cians there -will be strenuous objec tion to its description as great. Be' that as it may, Bell made a good speech and his speech made good. It injected some degree of enthusiasm into a -convention that was, as apa thetic, as any political convention con trolled by a man against whom the delegates are absolutely Impotent may be. Bell's speech has been freely crlt-' iclsed today as an invasion of the field properly to be covered' tomorrow by the permanent chairman, Congressman Clayton. That criticism falls flat in view of the fact that Bell was the mes senger selected by the dominant com moner, first to voice Bryan's platform ideas to the convention. Bell dis charged the duty imposed upon him with credit. He tpld democracy's rep resentatives what Bryan* expected them to ratify in the way of a platform in a manner that evoked the cheera that exhibitions of Bryan's portrait to the accompaniment of Dixie had sig nally failed to arouse. And he man aged to tell the convention that it was about to surrender a third nomination to Bryan, without mentioning Bryan's name, with skill which was rewarded with the heartiest cheers given for Bryan since the convention vanguard descended on Denver. ATTACKS REPUBLICAN OMISSIONS Bell was at his best when attacking the sins of omission which he attrib uted to tjie republican party and was most explicit in his outlines of what should be democracy's attitude with regard to the questions of campaign contributions, publicity, election of United States senators by popular vote and Asiatic exclusion. Just what Bell meant by his discus-, sion of the anti-injunction policy of the party will be disclosed by the com pleted work of the platform committee. He said that whatever democracy does with' that most important question should be done frankly, fairly and un equivocally. Taken all in all, it was an excellent speech, splendidly deliv ered. The democracy of California may take justifiable pride in this day and in Theodore Bell, who flouted by his own delegation, captured the national convention. BETRAY POWER TO GOVERNMENT'S ENEMIES Following is the full text of Bell's speech: We have assembled at a time when the public conscience is- demanding honesty of purpose in the men who undertake to direct the affairs of state. The public is keenly sensitive of every political movement and our proceed ings here will be approved according to the degree of sincerity appearing in the work of this convention. There is a widespread belief, founded upon evidence of a convincing character, that the party In power has not been true to its trust, that it has betrayed the common interest into the hands of the enemies of good government, there by forfeiting its right and destroying its ability to rule in the name of the people. Apparent to every one is the fact that way down in the heart of the republican convention at Chicago there was a feeling of anger and resentment over the popular clamor for .reforms; and it is equally patent that there is no bona fide intention on the part of the republican party of granting any reforms if the machinery of that party can be retained In present hands. Its paper platform, divided like ancient Gaul into three parts — barren promises, makeshifts and evasions — it is hoped will make a good campaign transpar ency; but no one seriously believes that the republican party really indorses that neutral manuscript which held the convention together until it could ratify the nomination of a presidential candidate. Approaching . our great task In a manly, dignified manner," imbued with the .loftiest sentiments of patriotism, ambitious to throw every safeguard around the liberties of our people, de termined to stamp out the abuses that are consuming the substance of the nation, let us proceed to our appointed duty with the sustaining consciousness that we are responsible alone to God and our country for the Justice of our cause. There are three things which this convention should do. It ought to present in a plain and intelligible manner the eerious industrial and po litical conditions that are disturbing »he peace and happiness of our coun try. We should then proceed to a courageous exposure of the republican policies that are co-operating with pri vate greed in the general oppression of the people. Most important of all we must exhibit, a readiness and an ability to grasp the problems of the hour and to effect their solution In a manner that will satisfy the sober, common sense of the multitude whose interests are at stake. A*BUSE OF CORPORATE POWER Among the great evils that aflllct the country at the present time is the abuse of corporate power. Alt first the advancing aggressions of the corporations are not discernible to the common eye. for every move is care fully covered up until sufficient polit ical strength is attained to defy the protests of . the people. Thus the con stant and insidious invasions of the people's rights finally result In a spe cies of arrogance and defiance so for midable in its appearance that the body of the people, in fear of even worse aggressions, hesitate to assert and exercise their rightful authority over these .colossal enemies of the commonwealth. And so we behold a subversion of our free institutions, a government voluntarily subordinating itself to selfish, private ends, special privilege resorting to cunning, bribery and intimidation to maintain its un holy power, while the masses timidly hope that when avarice has at last reached the point of satiety It will then benevolently permit the people to re sume their rightful share in the gov ernment of themselves. Whenever the mutterings of the people become too threatening the cry of confiscation goes up and appeals are frantically made to the sacred rights of property. This is intended to affright the ears of honest men in the enjoyment of the fruits of their Industry and thrift and by thus playing upon their prejudices and fears to deter them from casting their in fluence udoii the side of wholesome re form. The. cry of confiscation i« the historic defense of usurpation. Let the people take warning. Whenever the wrongs of today become the rights of tomorrow the nation is In deadly peril. NOT THE ENEMY OF PROSPERITY . The democratic party is not the en emy of property; but, to the contrary, It has always stood and will continue to stand firmly against every species of aggression that would destroy or weaken the right of any man to enjoy the rewards to which his patience.' his skill, his industry and his economy, entitle him. Our party approves, that feeling of pride which always accom panies the possession of. property, and it i commends an individual ownership in the soil that will bring to the homes of America more of the conveniences, comforts and luxuries of life. Against the evils of special privilege we: urge the benefits of equal opportunity,' in order.-. that, there - may be more land owners, more homes, and. more happi ness among the masses. The democratic party is not an enemy of all corporations.- It recognizes their great rvalue In the -industrial world. Through sthe < agency of 'corpor ations scattered-wealth .is, brought to eether and glven~a y drlvlne' force' that it would not otherwise possess. Great enterprises are thereby undertaken and the undeveloped resources of the coun try added to the wealth of the world. Our party is not opposed on produc tion on a large scale, but it is unal terably opposed to monopoly in pro duction, it is easier to prevent monop oly-than it is to control it after being established. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and tho withdrawal of special privileges will take away the meat upon which the trusts are fed.. If this be followed by a criminal .prosecutiqn and an im prisonment of the directors and officers of . t the guilty corporations, monopoly will be shorn of many of its terrors. Jno rational man can be opposed to corporations as such and the assertion that the democratic party is waging an Indiscriminate war against this con venient form of transacting business has no foundation in fact. It is the abuse only of corporate power that we seek to eliminate. Viewed in the light of a great moral question the control of corporations should remain a question of common concern rather than a political one; but the shameful, complaisance of- the republican party in permitting its forces to be controlled and operated by the most offending corporations of -the country throws the problem into the political arena and compels the public to choose between the democratic par ty that will, and the republican party that will .not. place some restrictions on incorporated greed. REPUBLICANS NOT CHAMPIONS OF PKOPI.E "We are now confronted with "the in quiry: What assurance has the repub lican party given that it will use. the forces at its command to restore the people to their rights? In ; its Chicago platform it did not make even a de cent pretense of championing the peo ple's cause and the proceedings of that convention are glaringly insincere. It was noted that two elements were present at that gathering, one with sufficient votes to adopt a plat form and nominate its candidate for president, -the other powerful enough to unvvrite that platform and tie the hands of the nominee. The distinguish ing feature of the Chicago platform is its oft repeated promise to do a lot of things that the republican party lias heretofore failed to do. That party went to Chicago fresh from tlie halls of congress, where-, an overwhelming republican majority in both branches enabled It to propose and to adopt any j legislation that it chose. Docs tho re publican party believe that it can be absolved from Its dereliction of duty by an empty promise to do in the fu ture what it has willfully failed to do in the past? * If Some one has suggested that this con vention should publish an indictment against the republican party. We can probably expedite the proceedings by entering the plea of guilty that is cqji tained In the Chicago platform, simply changing the words "we will" to the words "we did not" to conform to the admitted facts. We then have the fol lowing 1 republican confession of guilt: "We did not revise the tariff." "Wo did not amend the anti-trust laws to secure greater effectiveness in the prosecution of criminal monopo lies." . , "We did not add a single line to the interstate commerce law giving the federal government supervision of the issuance of stocks and bonds by inter state carriers." "We did not enact a currency meas ure that would mitigate the evils of a financial panic, such as has recently prostrated tho country under a repub- Mean administration." "We did not limit the opportunities for abusing the writ of injunction." "We did not establish postal savings banks." . i "We did not establish a bureau of mines and mining." "We did not admit into the union the territories of New Mexico and Arizona as separate' states." ESTABLISH POSTAL* \u25a0 SAVINGS BANKS The last congress was in session dur ing a financial crisis when innumerable banking Institutions, preferring a holi day to a funeral, closed their doors and tilled the minds of millions of deposi tors wit.h anxiety and fear. The senti ment in favor of postal savings banks which had been steadily growing In this country became almost universal during the recent panic. So insistent became the voice of the people that the president sent a special message to con gress urging the establishment of pos tal savings banks where the earnings of our people might be safely deposited under the direct control and responsi- I bility of the federal government and where no peculating bank cashier or gambling board of directors could eat up the savings of years. The United States senate showed Its hearty Sympathy, with this popular de mand and its profound respect for the president by adjourning the senate while the message was being read; while over in the house of representatives they refused to suspend the roll call long enough to receive a communication that had been sent there from the White House. The Chicago platform points with pride to the passage of a child labor law for the district of Columbia. Let the republican party go further than the enactment of penal laws and in the name of humanity use its vast energies for the removal of conditions that are forcing our children into the labor mar ket. INDEPENDENCE BEING LIMITED It is the reign of monopoly that Is emptying our schoolhouses and filling the sweat shops with child labor, and this same system of monopoly is fast limiting the opportunities for independ ent livelihood among those who are forced into the Industrial field, and thus it is doubly blighting that hope of youth which In former stages of our national growth' opened an avenue of honor and independence to every child reared upon our soil. The most palpable instance of the insincerity of the Chicago convention is found in its declaration respecting the issuance of injunctions. It would have been entitled to more respect if it had omitted all mention of the sub ject. At session after session of con gress labor has pleaded for relief from the abuse of injunctions, but its ap peals have fallen on deaf ears and there haa been no Indication that remedial legislation of any character would be enacted. The oligarchy in house and senate has decided that nothing shall be done to weaken any advantage that corporations have gained in labor dis putes. The fact is that all our citizens, with out respect to station or occupation in life, have a genuine respect for the courts and desire to maintain their in tegrity. The charge that the courts are being assailed is simply made for the .purpose of diverting attention from the real issue. Heretofore it haa not been considered treason or an unwar rantable attack upon the honor of the courts to define their jurisdiction, pre scribe their procedure, restrict their \u25a0processes and generally to fix the bounds within which judicial functions shall be exercised. It makes no difference whether the courts are acting in excess of .their jurisdiction or strictly within their del egated powers. In either case the peo ple have a right to throw additional pafoguards around human llhorty. There can be no ' reflection upon the honesty of the courts in the passage of a measure that will confine the equi ty powera of the federal judiciary with in such bounds as the people of the United . Slutes- through the legislative branches of their government may de termine. This democratic convention must, frankly,' firmly and unequivocally pledge itself to such legislation as will prevent the writ of in junction from being converted into an instrument of DEVELOP . COUXTR V'S NATURAL RESOURCES We have something to do in this convention besides pointing out evils and calling the republican party to task for the part it has played . in creat ing: and perpetuating abuses. The triumph of the people can come only through the' democratic party, for the life of its chief political opponent is so absorbed into the artificial life of the monopolies and trusts that it ex cludes the hope that the republican party will ever be able or willing to regain a separate existence ; where it can honestly discharge its duty to the people. •> \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u0084--.-.\u25a0 Nor has the constructive .work of the democratic oartv been confined to \u25a0 . i \u25a0 ----- ..- . - \u25a0- . Loudest Keynotes of Speech by Bell r\EPVBLICAN platform, arraigned as divided like all Gaul into three parts: Barren mtf promises, makeshifts and evasions. V indictinent of republicans made by substituting words *Ye did nor for 'we wit? in their platform promises. Aggressions of corporations decided the great evil of the present. Imprisonment of directors of guilty corporations urged. Postal savings banks favored. 6 Child labor attributed to reign of monopoly fostered by republican party. Legislation demanded ttiat "will prevent the writ of injunction from being converted into an instrument of oppression." Publicity of campaign contributions pledged. More railroad regulation and supervision over issuance of railroad stocks and bonds fa vored. Physical valuation of transportation lines proclaimed as first step. the earlier periods of our nation's his tory, in recent years our party hafe given signal proof of its ability to grasp the opportunity of building up an internal policy, of developing the natural resources of America, and con verting them to the use and benefit of all that will share in their blessings. This policy of domestic development was strongly urged in former demo cratic national platforms, and so ear nestly advocated by democratic mem bers in both houses of congress that it stands in brilliant contrast with the imperial policy of the republican party in tho exploitation of distant territory for the benefit of a favored few. Witness irrigation, which had its origin in tho Newlands bill and which owes its place upon our statute books not to the support of republican leaders in con gress, but to Francis G. Newlands and his democratic colleagues, who labored in and out of season for the reclamation of our arid lands under federal aid and supervision. The. pre servation of our forests and reserva tion of all our natural resources were taken up by. a republican president only after years of agitation by the democratic party. It is the demo cratic party today that is leading the fight for the Improvement of our in land waterways along comprehensive and scientific lines. The last republican congress turned a deaf ear to the ap peals of the president and refused to organize an inland waterways com mission to examine and report upon the subject. The opposition of the re publican party to the policy of pre serving and developing our natural wealth to the interests of the whole people has its origin In that unholy alliance between the republican party and the land transportation monopolies of the country. REVISE TARIFF IX INTEREST OF PEOPLE With the power and opportunity to carry out democratic principles we will be called upon to revise the tariff laws in interest of the whole people. This issue cannot be disposed of by the assertion that the republican party also stands for tariff reform. Repub lican revision and democratic revision aro two dliterent thiners. The democratic idea is that where the tariff enables the trusts to main tain a system of extortion the duty should be removed from all trust made goods so that competition from abroad may compel reasonable prices to our own people. There is a vast difference between the protection of American In dustries and the protection of crim inal monopolies. - ! The expenses of our government, even when most economically adminis tered, will always require substantial tariff rates, for the customs duties will always be our chief source of revenue. The distribution of tariff rates must always be established- with special ref erence to the expenditures of govern ment, keeping in view the greatest good to the greatest -number, and par ticularly prohibiting the conversion of the tariff into an accomplice of monop oly in the robbery of the American consumer. The democratic idea is that the collection of sufficient revenue to meet the necessities of government must be the basis for tariff regulations and that the philosophy of excluding competition by a tax on the American consumer which requires him to pay greater, prices at home than are de manded abroad is a pernicious abuse of the taxing power and a manifest injustice to our own people. CORRUPT USE OF CAMPAIGN' MONEY The corrupt use of large sums of money in political campaigns is large ly responsible for the subversion of the people's will at the polls. The masses are awakening to the realiza tion of the great power of gold in con tests that ought to be determined ac cording to the character of nominees and the soundness and morality of po litical issues: and there is a general demand for publicity in the collection and use of campaign funds so that our citizens may know whether a political party has purchased its way into office or has won its victories by honest means. In the Chicago convention a minority report of the committee on resolutions containing a declaration in favor of campaign publicity was overwhelming ly defeated on a roll call of the con vention and the republican party placed itself squarely upon record in favor of concealing the names of the contributors and the amounts of their subscription by a voto of 50 to 1 in the committee and a vote of more than 10 to 1 in the convention they confessed their guilt. They thus ad mitted the charge so frequently made by our party that republican success in the past has largely depended upon the vast amount of money collected from the- great monopolies of the coun try and corruptly used in the conduct of their campaigns. Let the voters of this country seriously consider whether the refusal of the republican party to disclose the sources and amounts of Its election finances is not a confession of tho debasing and corrupt use of money in its campaigns. It is eminently proper that this con vention-should define the democratic attitude toward the regulation of transportation companies and call the attention of the country to the in disputable fact that it was only after years of democratic effort that an amendmenW wag made to the interstate \u25a0commerce law authorizing the com mission to establish reasonable rates whenever it appeared that fln existing schedule was unjust or unreasonable. Tho national platforms of the repub lican party remained silent upon this great question for years and the fact that the necessary change was advo cated by a republican president, who succeeded only through the aid of the democrats in both branches of con gress in placing the amendment upon our statute books, does not affect th« credit to which our party is entitled for having *.vorked persistently for such an enactment. Further ame/id ment to our laws giving the federal government supervision ever the Issu ance of railroad stocks and bonds is OP IJAtUIOADS The fixing of transportation charges and the control of issuances of railroad securities are inseparably ' connected with the actual valuation of railroads The democratic party believes that the first thing to do is to secure a physical valuation of the roads, that is. a Valu ation of the solid rather than the liquid assets of railroad companies. On the other hand, the republic an party, on a roll call in the Con vention, by an overwhelming vote took an unequivocal- stand in favor of * sv?tem of water rates without giving tb» people the benefit of a meter. ". • - We search in vain for one syllable in the Chicago platform Dlederlns: thA republican party to. retrenchment and reform: and Aif>re coincidence tbat has given us a bUlion dollar se.« s'on of congress on . the eve of a na tional election »»"d the possible re vif'on of the tariff. :.: So lonsr a? w« maintain the nr^s^nt method >ot electing United S f *tes sen ators we cannot hoDe fi^t the iipn'r chamber of coneress will reflect, the popular will. On five different oc casions the house of renresentntivcj" has pnssed a constitutional, amendment \u25a0nrovldinir for .the . election of United States , senators by, the.- direct -vot# of the people. Jbut these;. measures have been sandbagged In the senate hv thoa* who are determined that the senate shall not become an integral part or our free, representative institution. DIRECT ELECTION' OF SENATORS The democratic party will continue to labor for the direct election of Lnited States senators and it appeals to tne voters' of Art:erica t\i elect members or tho different sta*e legislatures wno will pledge themselves to vote for no candidate for the United Slates senate that is not in favor of this reform. The affirmative position of the demo cratic party upon these great questions will be made clear during the impend ing campaign, and disdaining all sub terfuges it will speax in a language that cannot be misunderstood. Its voice will ring with a genuine love for humanity and the charge of insincerity will never be brought to its doors. Let our party declaration in this conven tion present the strong contrast be tween that wfiich we here propose and that which was declared at Chicago. Let any man take the temperature of the Chicago platform and discover, ir he can. any sign of human warmth. Not a single sentiment is there to re deem it from the materialism permeat ing it through and through. j irtivriiv vivv ; IX PACIFIC On the bosom of the Pacific will be enacted the mighty commercial strug gles of the future and the Interests of American commerce will demand that an adequate naval strength, be maintained in the waters of the Pa cific to protect our expanding com merce. This magnificent western coun try of ours has not only proved attrac tive to our own people and the other white nations of the earth, but It has likewise proved alluring to the brown and yellow races of the east, borne protection has been afforded by the exclusion of Chinese labor, but the evil Is but half met if the Immigration of other Asiatic people be not also ex cluded from our shores, and if this is to remain a white man's country immedi ate steps should be taken to prevent Asiatic immigration of whatsoever character. \u25a0 -\u25a0- \u25a0 "-T" Not only the white toilers of Amer ica, but all our people without respect to class or residence, are vitally in terested in this menace to our social and industrial life from the oriental This convention is meeting at a time when the angel of peace is hovering over the entire world and the nations of the earth each day are strengthen ing those ties of friendship and com mon interest that will render war less frequent and permit mankind to turn their hands to the peaceable pursuits of life rather than to the destruction of one another. OL'R PART IX "WORLD'S AFFAIRS The democratic party realizes the weight that America must inevitably exert in the affairs of the world, and will demand that her influence ever be cast on the side of peace, on the side of justice, on the side of the oppressed; and if the will of the pedple shall commit to democratic hands the scepter of power it will be used for the realization of those high American ideals that lift our own people to loftier and better things, and through our precepts contribute to the well being and happiness of all mankind. NEW NATIONAL COMMITTEE Taggart, Sullivan and Guffey Are Slated to Remain CONVENTION HALL. DENVER. July 7. — The following is the new demo cratic national committee so far as selected: Alabama — John W. Tomlinson. Birmingham. Arkansa»t-Guy B. Tuoker. California — Nathan Cole, Los Angeles. -Colorado— Alva Adams, l"ueblo. •Connecticut — Homer 8. Cummlngs, Stamford. Delaware — WUUrd Saulsbury. Florida — T. A. Jennings. •Georgia — Clark Ilowell, Atlanta. •Idaho — Simon P. Donnelly, Coeur d'Alene. •Illinois — Roger C. Sullivan, Chicago. •Indiana — Thomas Taggart, Indianapolis. lowa — Martin J. Wade. lowa City. Kansas — John 11. Atwoud, Leavenworth. •Kentncky — Urey Woodson, Owensboro. Louisiana — Robert E. Wing. Maine — E. I*. Jones. Watervllle. «-• •Maryland— -J. Fred C. Talbot. LutherviU>. Massachusetts — John W. Couuhlin, Fall River. Michigan— Edwin O. Wool. Flint. Minnesota — Frederick B. Lynch, St. Paul. •Mississippi — C. H. Williams. Jackson. •Missouri — William A. Rothwell. Moberly. Montana — J. Bruce Kremer. Nebraska — P. L. Hall. Nevada — John Sanderland. New Hampshire — Eugene E. Reed. New Jersey — Robert S. Hudsjwtb. •North Carolina — Josephusi Daniels, Raleigh. North Dakota — William Collins. Ohio — Harvey C. Garber. Columbus. Oklahoma— W. T. Brady. Oregon — Milton A. Miller. Lebanon. •Pennsylvania — James M. Guffey, Plttoburjr. ' "Rhode Island — George W. Greene. Woonsocket. \u25a0•South Carolina — B. 11. Tlllmnn. Trenton. South Dakota — Ed S. Johnson. Pierre. Tennessee — K. Lee Montcastle. Nashville. •Texas — R. M. Johnson. Houston. Utah— Frank J. Nebeker. . Vermont — Thomas W. Brown, Barre. •Virginia — J. Taylor Ellyson. Richmond. * Washington — William H. Dunphy. •West Virginia, — John T. McGraw. Grafton. •Wisconsin — T. E. Ryan, Waukesha. Wyoming — John E. Osborri. Rawllns. Arizona — Sellm J. Mlchelson. Hawaii— G. J. Walker. •Porto Rico— D. N. Field. Guaymas. •Re-elected. RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE Judge Parker and Senator Dan* iel of Virginia Named' CONVENTION HALL. DENVER. July 7. — The following Is the committee on resolutions as far as selected: Alabama — 11. L. Martin. Arkansas — James I\ Clarke. California — Isadora Dorkweller. Colorado— Charles S. Thomas. Connecticut — Thomas F. Noone. Delaware — William Saulsbury. Florida— P. I*. Mayo. Georgia — Albert H. Cop. Idaho — Frederick DuboU. Illinois — Samuel Alscholer. Indiana — John E. 1..111111. lowa — Jerry Sullivan. Kansas— W. A. Harris. Kentucky — J. C. W. Beckham. Maine — F. W. Knowlton. .Maryland— Austin L. Crothers. Massachusetts — George Fred William*. Michigan— F. O. Gaffney. Minnesota — Martin O'Brien. Mississippi— O. F. Noel. Missouri — William J. Stone. ' . Montana — T. J. Walsh. Nebraska — F. W. Brown. Nevada — F. G. Newlands. ' New Hampshire — Eucvu** E. Reed. New Jersey — James Smith Jr. New Tork— Alton B. Parker. North Carolina — F. M. Slmmcns. North Dakota — John Burke. Ohio — D. M. Grnber. Oklahoma — C. N. Haskell. Oregon — Robert D. Inman. Pennsylvania — Marcus C. I*. Kline. Rhode Island — Frank E. Fitzslmmons. South Dakota— R. J\ Pettigrew. Tennessee — J. B. Frailer. Texas — M. M. Brooks. \u25a0 Utah — W. H. Kin*. Vermont — KlUha May. • '\u25a0 Vlrgfnla-^-John W. Daniel. Washington — A. R. Tltlow. West Virginia — William R. Thompson. ' Wyoming — George T. Beck. . Arizona — George J. . Stoueman. ; Hawaii— X. M. Watson. RESENT "MORMON" CRY IN CONTEST Contestants Become Indignant and Physical Violence At* tempted in Committee DENVER. July 7. — The credentials committee met at 5 o'clock in Frater nity hall. Christopher G. Callahan of; Holyoke. Mass., was elected chairman, ! and D. 11. Llnebaugh of Atoka. Okla., \u25a0was made secretary. Each contest was limited to 30 min utes for argument, time for presenta tion of evidence to be unlimited. Notices of contests were received from the district of Columbia. Pennsylvania. Idaho. Illinois, Ohio and New York. The first case taken up was Idaho. It involves the eniire state delegation — 14 seats. C H- Jackson, in behalf of the Du bois, or the anti-Mormon faction, stirred the committee to loud # applause when he said that he and his associates were trying to save the state for Bryaa and that the Mormonjs could not live In Idaho and defy the laws of God and man. During the cross examination of Jackson by John F. Nugent, the attor ney for the contestants, Jackson was asked if any of the contestants wera Mormons. He said they were all Mor mons. This statement caused Intense indignation among the contestants, and a number of them started for Jackson, apparently intending to offer him physi cal violence. The committee room was Instantly in an uproar and it was with difficulty that the indignant contestants were restrained. Former Senator Dubols made tho closing argument of the contestees. He denounced the Mormons in vigorous terms, saying that they are not and never have been democrats. The con testants desfred to offer further evi dence, but the committee refused to hear it. and at 11:15 the case was closed after the hearing had continued for exactly six hours. At 11:30 the committee took a recesa for one hour. It wa3 determined to an nounce no decisions until after all con tests are heard. ENTIRE SAD FRAN- CISGOjS AROUSED Good for the Public— But the Situation Is Appall- ing to Furniture Merchants Never before have the furniture \ ! dealers faced such a terrific fire of bar- J gains as the local merchants are get- / tinier at present at the hands of the I Lindholm Furniture Co.. who bought i out the entire Kragens stock and are j selling it at about 25c on the dollar. | Of course they are knocking the Llnd- I holm sale of the Kragen stock, but the ! Lindholm Furniture Co. delivers the j goods and every knock has turned to a boost. ! The Lindholm stores are doing the ' business of San Francisco, while the • Jealous hearted firms sit around and j complain of the dull times: If they would offer bona fide values they could ; do business, too. The way furniture Is selling is mar- velous. 1 In the way of values given the Lindholm stores have made this sale the biggest ever held on tho Pacific coast. This store has a reputation for doing blgr things and doin^ them "right. The phenomenal success of this sale is that every thing is as advertised, every offer genutne and if an article la not as represented by their salesmen, get your money back. Imagine what this sale means to you. Dealers would be glad to buy furnl- ure at such prices. Xewly married couples will glory in the savings. Com- fort that, you never dreamed of posses- sing is within your reach If you only attend this sale. $3S Buffets. 315.75; $45 Folding Beds, $15; $1S Dressera. $3.75: $26.50 China Closets. $11.75; $34 Sideboards. $10.75; $37.50 Extension Tables. $12.75; $33 Princess Dressers. $10.75. and so on throughout the entire stock. The sale starts each morning at 9 o'clock and closes at 10 each evening. The Lind- holm Furniture Co.. Van Xess avenue and Eddy St.. San Francisco. Grand Opening Tonight v [STACK'S] [Cafe and Grill 136 and 138 Mason Street JAMES J. STACK. Proprietor : ENTERTAINMENT EVENINGS