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Thanksgiving Day Handicap Next Big Event of Season: Battler Eludes Arrest in Dog Fight Raid by Ruse: Papke and Ketchel Are Each Confident of Victory: Good Card at West Oakland Club High Class Field Will Contest for Thanksgiving Day Handicap Ihe next important event of the local racing Lcasori will be the Thanksgiving handicap, which is scheduled for decision at the Emeryville track next Thursday. The weights are due today and it will then be possible to form a fairly accurate idea of the'pros pective barters. It is an entirely safe prediction that the field will be by far the best in the history of this stake. At present it looks as though the starters might come from the following list, selected from the 32 cligibles- Her... owner. Ho,~. Owner. l.anrrnrr p. Daley Fred Cook Dandelion S. C. Hildreth noj.i TourUt c. R. Ellison #Tonj- I-'nti»t S. C. Hildreth Won Enrique c. R. Ellison Frank Fllttner Los Angeles Stable *e*rell El Nido Stable Deutttrhland Barney Schrelber IJorante F. A. Forsythe Flrettone T. H. Williams Montgomery g. c. Hildreth Other eligibles include Colonel Jack, Calvin, Gowan, Go Be tween, Astronomer, Neva Lee. Tcmaceo, Westburv, Cello, Tea Tray 11. Angelus. Meelick, Restigouche, King James, Black Dress', Frank Lubbock. Mil ford, Boggs, Nadzu and Downpatrick. It is improbable, however, that any of these horses will be numbered among the starters. The Thanksgiving handicap is a stake of the value of $i.OOO added and its distance is a mile and an eighth.. Claude is the only horse that has twice won it, while Corrigan, Fossil and Proper arc those that figured among its placed horses more than once. * * * S. C. Hildreth's shipment of to Arcadia yesterday in charge of Dave O'Leary consisted of Restigouche, Xealon, Peter yumcp, jirencK. uapia v%3ier, Angeius,*; Joe -Madden. Stroke, .Steel. Solus, Achieve, Instant, and four yearlings. Most of these are horses that are only partly ready for raring:. Restigouche «nd Achieve betng exceptions. r>stir«uche will be depended upon to win the Opening stake of the Santa Anita season for Hildreth. Jockey Shilling is under engagement to ride Aft«r the decision of the Thanks giving handicap here Thursday. Hil dreth will ship another carload of his horses south and may himself follow them soon afterward. The next ship ment is likely to includ* King James. Un« % le and Dandelion, neither of which is supposed to be partial to the muddy going that is likely to prevail here a little later on. Jockey McCarthy ac companied O'Lieary south and Eddie D.u gran probably will s<f with the next shipment. Some of trre horses sent touth yesterday will be shipped back here later on to fill stake engagements, and There will be a constant inter change of the Hildreth horses between in* two tracks all season. When Hil tlreth himself goes south Frank Taylor will be left in charge of the local di vision of the stable. Jockey C. Koerner, who bAs succeeded in getting down to 110 pounds, probably will remain here throughout the season. • ... The li horees belonging to William Gefst and George H. Holle of Tennes see; with which Trainer George Ham i cached Emeryville- Saturday night, in i-luriing the • 3 year olds Hanbridge, Stoneman and Estella C, the 2 year olds Fulford, Crab and Tennessee Boy. the 4 year old Minot, the 5 year old Lady Carol, the ft- year old Gambrinus and three yearlings. by Boanerges. Af ricander and Nasturtium. Gambrinus, Estellc O. Minot* and Tennessee Boy, belong to Uerst and the balance to Ho!Je. Ilanbritl^'c, the star of the string,* h«.*st horee in training at the recent tato3la meeting. With the ex c<?J>tion of Tennessee Boy, Ham had Vn*» entire string in.,, charge at Latonia, Through nil unfortunate oversight none v.* U> horses was nominated in any uf ti.e local stakes and the etable .vill have to depend on overnight en tries for its purses. Hanbridge may The Call's Handicap Forecast J. R. Jeffery Ratings for muddy track. Deduct 1 point for each pound overweight MISS HIGHLAND— BEAU MAN— MARCHESA' FIRST RACK— Fir? and a half furlon?*:* selling; 2 year old*: lr.<lf-x. Horse »nd Ownpr. Wt. Remarks. rsc* • MISS HIGHLAND (Schrrllwi 07 7.% Mies Hiicbland Is * »tak» winner in the tnva BEAT 7 UAN <\Vinoh^lH 105 05 mud. >ibe tt)H Jms ridden by J<«rkey Denrlcb, C 057 MARCHESA (CuneenL 102 M a fair i««vrt of boy. Brau Man Iomn« ak the .... •<f>«cn "Blak^leyt 10<) M sure contender on bis only start. Other* have r.H:»» ftrlla Ormande <Kripp> 102 -".S fboivn little. - '.^ . T.f'," Tlrwrie il'auJsfui 102 24 SftlT *U.ny Sburawar «Xfack) 97 23' S«.» Allne*s (Bwkwithi IKi 20 Tuncsten <Spreokel*t I<>2 ."..V> N>ver Ktarted. ffIJSS 1 Tanu?U Hall <Lannlpan» I<C V; ; " Never started. FIGENT—ARGONAUT— EL PASO FECONO nACE—live and a hulf f«rlone»: Felling; 2 jcar oM«: Index. Horje and Owner. Wt. Rating- Remark*. 3«7 nCEUT iJoDoet \ii2 75 Flffent has run several Rood races «n the r.CiS AKGOKATJT a'ahilli 105 73 dry and Is bred to run better in the mud. Ar 2i:><i IX PASO <G. <»rifflui 102 f>s eonaut's only race a promising one. El Pa*o 3643 Mlcaelt (Ijowc) 102 K> works well. Micaela f^st but ftUnearted. *<K3 # Aj>to Oro (William** ICO CO Other* have not shown much. r.iZi Jim Mallady (Valentine) ....lift M ."r»<"'2 Banthrl iMif«ijirr. i 107 $3 3<U3 rvarden M>rsytl>e) 102 4« .1493 T.inola (Eow) 102. 42 .... TVauiboro (Meyeri 102 40 SSCS Pole Yard (Chappell) 110 22 BOAS— BILLY BOWLEGS— EMMA G THIDD n.KCE — Six furlong*; »ellln«; 3 year olds: Index. He*** «nd Owner. Wt. Rating. Betnarkt. .".B4S BOAS iKeene) ....107 75 Boa« I* a better hor*e 5n the mud than on :w<s SILLY BOWLEGS *Tbotca*> .K'7 7(1 the dry and ebould hold this field *afe in the .V?l<i IKKA Q tJ. Sflirelber) 107 70 coing. Billy Bowlers is a Rood mtidder and TATA Nebulwu* <Daly) 110 7<» is on the improve. Emma G has improved ::•\u25a0.'.!\u25a0; \u25a0 Wati «Bedwelli I<G 70: in her work *Ince her last rare. Neither "021 Abbey <l.lvsnp«to«e) 1«7 fi7 Nrbulomis -nor W»p are partial to the mud. fXSSt Auiada (Winrhelli 107 C 1 Abbey Is injproviug. Others up against It. scat ?"rancls joscpli <Scbrelber) . ..107 45 GARGANTUA— CHARLES GREEN— BILLY PULLMAN KOUBTH RACE— MiIe and 70 yards; sellinj;: 3 year olds and cpward: Index. Horse and Owner. Wt. Ratio?. Remarks. r/!«2 •GABGANTTJA fßedwell) l"-"> SO rnl««s Taplin messes it up badly Gar*antu* r.«r>2 CHABLEB GREENiG.Tbomas>lo7 77 will win. Charles Green i* runninjr well and r,«73 BILLT PULLMAN (Trotter). 107. 7."» look* thp sure contrnder. Hilly I'ullman Is a' 3*><s7 •Mlllfary Man <Bian«-hl) 105 72 superior uiudUcr. St U Military Msa. (3047* Little Minister (P. Zlmraerj. .107 <>4 SEMPRONI— TOLL BOX— NOVGOROD - FIFTn R*Cn— Five and a half furlongs; M'.llnj; 2 year elds: Index llnrse and Owwt. Wt. Rating. Remark*. SAt SEMPRONI tApplejate) ....110 73 Sempronl outclawes this field, but ip a poor ">c,w TOLL BOX (Hildreth) 11» ••« breaker and may pet left as In his last start. 5<533 NOVGOROD (Keene) 107 64 Toll Box needs a hustling rtder. Novgorod ChlDmnnk (TbomaJ) 110 64 in Rood shape. Chipmunk is superior taudder, <S«27i Hatlet <Ifoider» ll« «-V but probably will need the race. "xHE^ ENGLISHMAN— CELERES— HERODpTUS SITTH TlM'E— Mile and 70 yards: Rellinz: 3 year ol«» and upward: Index.* H^*e and Owner. Wt. n«Mn». _ Remark*, v z-.ft T EVGLlSHMA3ff<Lowen*tcln)llo 70 The F.nplishman i* fit and ready, likes mud V"''"*'! CELERES <Klnc» ..107 CM and will beat this bunch if he runs bis rare. f xara HERODOTUS '< Stover) ......110 fi.l Oierrs Is good mudder and lias been running T»7l Brllmence (FJ^ur <le LIM » (1 7 fi:t wlnnlnj: . rart-K. Herodotus may I* expected wl» HuapaU < Wearer) ......... I"T ftO to improve. ; Bcllmence will like the goinp. • 3«W.l Mlm Mar Bowdish <Gaine«)..l«7 wt .-W.-.1 Silver soe <W." Cainej i«7 5S Ssr.« Taskmaster <Krell) 102 50 S*o<s Rbipock <r»ugan) HO *•' •Apprentice allowance. . . BEST BETS— MISS HIGHLAND, SEMPRONI J. R. Jeffery be shipped to Arcadia, once or twiefi during the winter to run in stakes at that tv.ick. Gerst & Holle will have 14 other horses in training at Arcadia in charge of James Blute, and both owners are expected to spend part of the winter on the coast in order to have the pleas ure of seeing their horses run. Gerst is a wealthy Tennessee brewer and Holle is his son in law. E. G. Schaffer came to the coast with the horses to act as personal representative for the owners of the stable. Other than the 80 pound apprentice boy. Freeman, who rode in a few races at Latonia. the stable has no jockey under contract. Trainer Ham. who demonstrated his ability to get re sults at the I^atonia meeting, will give his horses every chance to get over the effects of their long trip to the coast before requiring them to do any racing, and it will be at least 10 days before any ot them will be seen in ac tion. They all shipped well and are in shape for immediate racing, so far as condition is concerned. All of them are mudders of known ability, so it may be expected that the stable will pull down its share of purses. • • • Jockey E. Ross has recovered from the effects of his fall with Captain Kennedy sufficiently to leave the Fab iola hospital, and was at the track yesterday eager for the time to ar rive when his broken collarbone will have mended enough to permit" of his resuming riding. The boy is not the least bit daunted by his fall, and prob ably will ride as well as ever, as soon as the doctors give him permission. His fall from Captain Kennedy was the thirteenth similar experience of his career. \u25a0'\u25a0:•'\u25a0,\u25a0'\u25a0'>•'•\u25a0 •- ' ' W. H. Spence has decided not to train the six horses that P. T. Chirm was desirous of sending here from Arcadia this week, and the shipment probably will not be made. Spence plans to ship Astronomer to Arcadia with Dr. Rowell's carload tomorrow. ' ';\u25a0• ' '' \u25a0' *'y'~-i •-.** Because of the rain of Saturday night the main track at Emeryville was kept closed yesterday and training opera tions were confined to the inside track. THE ; SAN! FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 23. .1908. "Bat" Nelson Escapes Jail by Ruse Pins Star on Coat When Dog Fight Is Raided and Mingles With the Officers SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE CALL CHICAGO, Nov. 22.— After two bull terriers had torn one another for 56 minutes and had been prevented from rushing into the death grapple by Lightweight Champion Nelson, trustees of the village of Burnham, with a dozen armed deputies at their backs, broke into the saloon in which the tight was held. The 500 spectators jumped to their feet and a wild rush for the doors and windows followed. Several shots were fired into the air by the deputies, but th#-y could not stop the stampede. Though the light hall was in the sec ond tloor of the building, scores of men did not hesitate to drop from the windows, one fugitive suffering a broken leg. He was helped into a waiting buggy by companions and was driven rapidly away. \u25a0 Other men at the ringside, made up for the most part, of "followers" of sport from Chicago, formed Hying wedges and charged trustees and dep uties In approved football style (old rules), and broke through the ring of Ufce officers guarding the exits. U'he.n began <i hclterskelter night from the village, some getting away in car riages, a few in automobiles and a reg ular army by foot. MSB '.MEN CAUGHT '- The trustees and deputies, however, did manage to capture men, in cluding the proprietors -of the saloon, W. C. (Buck) McCormick and J. J. Doyle. They were trundled into a waiting pajrol wagon and taken to the West Hammond police station. Champion Battling Nelson escaped the same fate by what his ring follow ers might call a neat exhibition of ring generalship. When the scramble began the Battler bethought himself of a dep uty's star presented to him by an ad mirer In Mexico last year. Pinning this to his coat he mingled with the raiders and finally slipped x from the place unobserved. A warrant for his arrest, however, is said to have been issued. According to the village trustees, Burnham has bren a center for cham pionship dog tights in the last few months, and today's affair was a cli max. The dogs, a white bull torrier and a brindle, owned by M. J. Murphy and Pat Conroy of the stockyards dis trict, had been matched for a heavy purse, and there was considerable bet ting on the result. Shortly before 4 o'clock in the afternoon sentinels post ed by the trustees observed groups of men working their way toward the saloon, and by 5 o'clock, it was esti mated that there were nearly 600 per sons in the building. Then the doors were closed and the fight began. For nearly an hour the battle continued. FIGHT IS REXEWKD , Finally, after 56 minutes of this ter rific work, the battle was halted for a minute. But the owners had bet $500 on the result, and both insisted that the fight go on. Time was called and the brindle rushed at the white terrier, which waited the attack in his corner. The terrier secured what appeared to be a fatal grip and slowly forced his opponent to the floor. Still no sign of mercy from the corner of either owner. But Champion Nelson, though back ing the losing dog heavily, decided to end matters. He had fought many gruelling battles himself and grimly had taken terrible beltings, but he could not stand that dog fight. The pugilist jumped on the stage and in sisted that the .referee separate the dogs. Just as he did so the raiders broke in and the stampede began. When the owner of the defeated dog started to drag him from the canvas the half dying brute turned on the man and fastened his teeth in his leg. The trustee who led the raid said last night that the village board had determined to end the dog fighting in that district. "Such a fight as that which occurred today is a disgrace to the community," he said, "and the authorities will see that all the prisoners are punished to the limit." . Powers Leads Winning List of Jockeys With Shilling out of the saddle fo. the lirst four days, -V. Powers expe rienced no difficulty in heading the jockey list at the' Emeryville track last week, and added nine to his score of firsts for the year. Archibald. Kirschbaum .and Walsh tied for second, each having: landed four winners during the week. Shilling kept up his high percentage by piloting three of his eight mounts to victory. The ridinjr record tor the week in de tail was as follows: Jookey— r« v - Mix. Ist 2<l 3d Unp V. Towers 23 o 6 3' 3 Archibald IS 4 r> 2 4 KlrfK!hbaum ...."54 4 •>, 15 A. Walsh 14 4 I! 4 3 Shilling « « 0 1 4 Keogli 1» S' '. 2 2 1» W. Miller 10 l» 1 1 (i O. Russell ;.... 12 1 1 IS Sweet 19 ;2 2 1 11 C. Miller S-\ 11 2' 4 C. Hoes t» 1 0 11 ' 1 Upton 13 1 v, \u25a0 • i {i Ucttig til 0 2 0 Powers now heads the jockey list for the season in respect to the number of winning mounts, but Shilling has a ma terially better winnings percentage, his showing being,. 4o as against Powers' .30. Shilling's percentage is phenom enal, and it is too much to expect that he will be able to maintain it at any such figure throughout the California season. The standing of' the' boys who have ridden at least one winner since the opening of the season is as follows: JOCK EY \u25a0• £* c . S •"• V. Towers 4rt 14 "7 r, 20 .;io .57 ShilllnK 2T 11. 4 rs ft .40 AW Archibald .... 3* » 5 7 It .2:; .Xt) A. Walsh 44 S 11 S 17 .18 .tSO Kirschbaum .. ."0 7 10 "3 80 .14 ;30 C. Ross I 2.'i H 2 2 13 ,24 .30 Sweet .. . Rf» \u25a0\u25a0 4 .'? 4 2"i .11 ,:to C. -Russell.... 23 3 4 2 20 .10 .23 Upton 24 3 5 2 14 .12 .41 Keorh :.. 28 a 3 U ; 18 .10.S8 K. Sullivan.'... 1« 2 0 5 » - ,Vi .44 J. Haves:. .... :13 2 1 2 R .15 .SO W. Mi11er... .. I<V 2 2 2 10 .r.' ,:jjs Ksmr 21 1 4 =\u25a0 4 12 .O. r t .:50 C." Mi11er...... 13 1 3 3.6 .07 \r»4 Uettls ....... 10 -1 0 4 5 .10 .TiO Tanliu '....... IT* 1 4. ,2 ,10 .05 .41 Van l>usen..., 1G l .1. 1. ir. .06 ..15 .\u25a0\u25a0+..— . SIAPI.AMATS I'liAX BEA.NBAKE The Siaplamat- Indians: have, outlined a plan of activity for -the next; 'few months which will bring: the; club Into greater prominence in the., local ath* letic world. • The first -event scheduled is a^bcan* bake, •' to take place at the Ocean beach Sunday. November 29. j The committee in charge of this affair has arranged a program of athletic fcuts' to be held onthe beach.. _ -.\u25a0:.- . The nextcvent is a basket ball tour nament that will start:during£the comi ing week. Already; five: teams have en tered, and the: club expects to- pick a couple of-tcams to- represent them in outslda- competition." .:- ..-.'.• . ; . . -\u0084'\u25a0. - Do You 'Want 95.00 f Head THE CALL'S .weekly offer on Fast Boys Who Will Fight at West Oakland Tomorrow I Dick Cullen and Willie Ritchie, two rapid fire short distance fighters. | Hildreth Leads List of Winning Owners S. C. Hildreth added about ?2,000 to his stable winnings at Emeryville last week, and now he has a lead in the winning owners' list that, can not be overcome for some time." even though his horses should fall to do proportion ately as well in the immediate future as they have since the opening. of the season. Colonel. W. E. Applegate leads P. A. For sy the by a small .margin for second place, J. Davis, who "was second last week, having dropped ' back to fourth position. Charlie Ellison is a close fifth and A. B. Spreckels is sixth. The purse distribution by the New California jockey club since the open ing of the season amounts to $41,7-40. In this 74 owners have shared, and the list of those that have won in excess of $500 is as follows: - . ' \ ", Owner. Ist. .. 2fl. 3<l. Winnings. S. C. Uildreth ... 11 6 2 J5.040 W, E. Applegate 5 14. 2.100 F. A. Korsythe ....... 2 .T 1f v ".150 A. I»avU 1 0 .1 ... 2,050 C. It. Ellison 3 I 1 2,000 .Va|w» BtcK-k farm .... 4 X ft J. 545 T. 11. Williams 3 0 5 1,210 Oakland stable ...... 3 2 2 1,125 H, O. Bcdwell 2 4 3 1.025 T. O. Webber * 1 0 1,025 A, F. .Dayton 1 .1 .1 005 .1. .lours 2 , I 2 £25 J. *>. & (i. H. Keene.. 2 3 0.. SOO P. T. Chirm 2 v tl 77,"» W. l». Millard ....2 1 :: 775 K. J. Ramsey .2 0 2 775 Barney .SHirelbcr "..'... 2 0 .T 775 W. St. Vincent 2 2 1 775 Irvriu Bros 2 (I .2 700 K. Trotter ..2 0 1 R7Ji M. J. Daly 2 0 0 fioO iH. H. Sebaffcr 1 2 1 . («0 131 Mdo- stable 1 1 • :1 . 070 Georgo P. Brazier, formerly trainer for C. R. Ellison, is on the way froni Memphis to California. He will cam paign a string of his own here this winter, and will retire from the turf at the conclusion of the California sear son. Yankee Team Victor in Tokyo Game TOKYO, Nov. 22. — In the presence of an enthusiastic crowd of more " than S.OOO t people the American baseball t<?am, which came to Japan to play some of. the university teams, opened the season this afternoon and defeated the Waseda university by a score of 5 to. 0. The Waseda team played snappy ball, but did not succeed in getting a man as far as second base. Count Okuma, the sage of the Wa seda,university, wearing the cap and coat of the American team, tossed the first ball across the plate. After -the game, the American players were the guests of Count Okuma at a garden party given by him in their honor. XAPA 3, VKTERAXS' HOME 0 SI'IiCIAU DISI'ATCII TO THE CALL XAPA, Xov. 22. — The Napa baseball team won -~ today from the Veterans' home nine on the East Napa grounds by a score of 3 to 0. Willisof the Francisco coast league team, pitched effectively for; Napa, striking out 10 men and allowing few hits. Batteries for- Napa were Willi? hand French; ; . for Veterans' Home, Leonard and Simpson. - : Napa made six hits', Veterans' Home two hits. Emeryville Results to Date ,- (! Itnws Won. Pot. Favorite* ............ -37 47.4 .Second cholecn . . '. ..... 2 1 27.0 Oulilder* ....20 25.6 Total .;............ 78 100.0 History of Thanksgiving Handicap , • t : , . ..-- • ; \u25a0\u25a0 — - — — — : , - .\u25a0 ;\u25a0• Vr«ir. " / IMr^t. ' Ago. Jockeyß. i \Vt. Second. . Age. Wt. Third. Mite. Wt. Vain*. Tlmt. 1001— FlvlnK Torpedo. ,3 Blrkenrut li .. . 07 GrVyfleld . . . .5 108\Janlee> ...../... 3 . US. $1,025 lis* 1002--Sonibrero ..". i.'i'.'s Donnellj" .. . . i.i .' • . . . . ; .122 Autollpht . .. .....4 111 Corrlgan ..,;.. .3. 115 2,020 1«58 1-4 11)03— Claude ...... . .. .3 : J.r Daly. ..... .V. .'.*:. 116 Fo«»ll ... :.V.. ... .3: 104 Grail : . .... .:.^. 4- 05. 2,430 1 »5S ,1004-- Claude ....... ..4 Domluick, .......... .123"FossI1 . .r...,'.. r . ..,'. i'.'.i, .4 114 Gold Money. ... .4* 110 . 2,170 1:533-4 1000-^J-übin ........ ...5 Rn«Hkr . . . ... . . . .V. . .1)9 Proper ... .... .''.". .5 134" Beareateher - ':''. .4-121 2,270 liMI-2 : 1006— -Borjciiesl . ... . .f'.ZIW. Knnpp. . . . ...1 ... .116 Proper .. . . .... :. ..« 122 Corrlsan . . . ..." 106 ,'2,210 1:53 3-5 I»!>7— Riflrmnn . . . .". . ..3 U.:. Burns. . ....... . . . .100 Peter Sterllnsr. '. . ..4 -116 Johnny IjyonV.%3 104 2.2(50 I^l West Oakland Club Has Strong Card Match Maker Tommy Simpson of the West Oakland club announces that all the fighters who will take part in the club's show tomorrow evening are in fine fettle for the bout. Simpson's club will give 34 rounds of fighting between the cream of the short dis tance boxers of. the bay cities! i Dick Cullen and Fraiikie' Edwards will furnish the six round pialn event, and as both boys are fast and snappy .millmen a good bout is looked for when they meet. The semi wind up, between Willie O'Neill and Willie Ritchie, offers the promise of being. the fastest six. round fight ever seen in Oakland, These* lads met. once before and the fight fans of Oakland who saw the bout declared' it the fastest six round battle seen in Oakland In years. Charley Lucca, a Chicago scrapper with a hard punch, is. to hook up with Tommy Kelly for six rounds. Kelly hails from Buffalo, where he had con siderable success, and he is so confident that he will trim Lucca that he offers to make a good sized wager on the outcome of the battle. Paddy Ellis, a hard hitting lad from Alameda. will be asked to step six rounds with Young Nelson. Patrlcius has had several fights in Oakland and none of his opponents ever went the distance with him. He thinks Young Nelson -will prove a very slight obstacle in his way. Sailor Gor r don and Frank Burgess will meet in one of the six round goes. There will be one four round: preliminary. Simpson promises to put his show on early and have no delays between bouts, so that any fight fans who attend from San Francisco will have ample time to catch an early boat to the city. Poloists Play First Game of Season Before a large gathering; of enthu siasts members of the Burlingame club played an exhibition game of polo on Charles W. Clark's field at El Palomar — the first game of the season. Seven members played during the game and it was necessary \u25a0 for i one . player to 're tire each period so as to make the number of men on each side even. The Whites vrere victorious over the Redsf, which they downed by a score of 0 to 6. The Reds were R. M. Tobin, W, S. Hobart. George Parsons and Lawrence McCreery. Their opponents were T, A. Driscoll, Dr. W. McEnery and E. \W. Howard. The players were not in con dition for a \u25a0 bruising game and the ponies were not in shape, owing to lack of work. However, there were some brilliant Plays executed on both sides. The first regular game of the season will be played Thursday on the El Cerito field at SanMateo. UI,TRA : CMJB TO GIVE JIXKS The" Ultra club; will 'hold its. first high jinks and smoker tomorrow even ing, at^ Its: clubrooms,* Folsom , street near Twentieth. The .committee, in charge of this affair hasprocured some talent and plenty of refreshments and pipes ifor the, guests.: Several boxing bouts arei on* the : program.; and 7 a good time 'is promise dfor, the members and their friends.; * ; MUDDY TRACK PREVEXTSMEET The trottlnfif races, which were to have been held at the park atadium under: the auspices i'pf* the. San Fran cisco driving \u25a0 club yesterday, afternoon had "to be s declared, off : owing to the muddy condition of th« track.* ' ' Big Fighters Box Fast Rounds With Trainers to Entertain Friends T. P. Magilligan \u25a0 billy Papke. the middle weight champion of the world, treated the fight fans who visited Shannon's gymnasium in San Rafael yes terday afternoon: to seven rounds of the fastest and best'boxing they have seen in a gymnasium in many a season. The champion sparred four rounds with' Al Kaufman and ,three with Ollie Cornctt, and there was not one idle moment in any of the periods of sparring. .; . The Kewance man felt extra brisk and he went about his work in a manner that convinced the: fight fans present that he is. a wonder ful.ringman and entitled to be called the "Thunderbolt/, Billy took Cornett on first. The big Dane is a powerful, will ing boy, not altogether devoid of ring knowledge, but he was as pliable in the hands of the champion as a sack of flour in the brawny fists of a Dutch miller. Cornett was down for four rounds with the Kewance man, but before the end of the third period Tom Jones had to stop the hostilities to prevent injury to Ollie. Near the finish of the third spasm Papke shot over one of those convincing right chops, which seems to be a favorite punch of his. The blow landed on Cornett 's chin and the big fellow sagged at the knees- and would have went under had not Papke stepped in' and held him up. The big Dane weighs 185 .pounds, yet Billy handled him as though he were- a welter weight. ln*I« "<• boxing with Cornett Papke displayed unusual punching power and aggres siveness. He skipped and hopped around Ollie like an eagle picking a snake to pieces. Papke's wonderful coolness Impressed the fight fans pres ent. He is a ring mathematician, who does nothing . by guesswork, but fol lows a clear and well defined system. Billy makes few false motions, and is about the best judge of distance seen on this coast for years. HAS FIXE HITTING STVL.E The Kewanee man's way of hitting Impressed every one present. Any time Papke starts a blow it Is prettty sure to find a resting place. He hits short and true as a trivet. Very few of the Papke punches range more than a foot, j but he puts his body and a lot of snap back of them. Billy uses either I hand with' force, and a few old timers i who. were on hand recalled visions of Jack Dempsey, the great Nonpareil, as soon as they clapped eyes on the Ke wanee boy. 'It is a question as to which Js Papke's better hand. He uses either member freely and sends his blows in so quickly and so straight that it Is no easy task getting away from them. He has a left hand that would bother the cleverest man in the world and one that is sure to distress Katchel more or less, and that right chop of his is about the neatest punch put on. display here in years.. The champion has absolutely no fear of losing to Ketchel. He is abso- i lately at ease on this point and laughs whenever any one suggests that titan ley Ketchel is the Michigan lion. "Why, if he's the Michigan lion, then I'm the Michigan lion tamer, and I'll show you a few new tricks in lion tam ing on Thanksgiving day. I don't think Ketchel will last more than ID rounds. His left hand is the only one that is any good to him, and I doubt if by Thanks giving he will have forgotten that drubbing I gave him In Los Angeles on Labor day." . . Papke is supremely confident, and it is not a- feigned confidence either. It is highly natural for a man who wal loped another as badly as he did Ketchel in Los Angeles to feel no fear over another bout with the same fel low. In the bout with Kaufman. Papke followed a different plan of action than that pursued with Cornett. , He was far more-shifty and showed the box ing side of himself. He sparred with Al and proved conclusively that he is a very hard man to reach. HAS WOXDERPI'Ii DEFENSE The short blows that Papke uses are a wonderful aid to 'his defensive work. After he lets go and lands he has no great ground to cover to get back on guard. He hit Kaufman time and again, but when Al tried to reach Billy he found the latter as well concealed under his gloves as a turtle under its shell. In the matter of physical maken Papke Is hardly as impressive as Ketchel from an artistic standpoint, but he is built along far more useful lines for a fighting man. His back is broad and well arched and finely rounded at the shoulders. His body is compact and substantial and is , constructed along lines that indicate he can take a world of beating In that section- The Papke muscles are long and heavy and not of the showy kind, except the bi oeps. which are unusually heavy for a middle weight. Billy is built largely along the lines of John L. Sullivan, as that gladiator appeared when he was at his best, and Papke gives forth the same impression of force. He la heavily padded with mus cle around the back of his shoulders, but they are not the useless muscles of the showman. They lay close together and are as pliable and easily kneaded as dough. The shortness of Papke's body makes that section a very difficult target, and his shoulders are so well developed that they form an almost perfect foil against swings Intended for his Jaw. Through the chest Papke is a very thick fellow, giving out the idea that he ha*, wonderful recuperative ability. In makeup Papke looks the fighter. In action he heightens the effect, and when he launches forth for an assault on an opponent he leaves no doubt a* to his fighting qualities. 'In footwork, headwork and boxing ability he is plainly the superior of Ketchel. and while in sheer force of hitting he may not be quite the equal of Ketchel. his ability to land his blows Is so much superior to the wild swing ing of Ketchel that It more than equal izes any slight advantage Ketchel may have in force of blows over the Ke wanee man. NAMES ; SECONDS KO It FIGHT Papke will do his usual routine training: today and lighten it up to a mere formal workout Tuesday. Wednes day he will break camp and come over to the'eity, where he will put up at the Fairmont until he is ready to so to the scene of the battle. Tom Jones announced Papke's sec onds for- the battle yesterday and they will be: Tom Jones, chief handler: "Bad Bill" Aldrtdge. Al Kaufman and Ollie Cornett as assistants. - Papke weighed 158 pounds after his day's work. \u25a0 The largest crowd that has yet vis ited Millett's since Ketchel began training at the Colma "prepping" quar ters was onhand to watch the Michi gander work out yesterday. There were so many on hand when the Mlchl gander got ready for his workout that Ketchel contemplated working In the open' so that all could see-him. but the chiirin the atmosphere forced him to forego this \u25a0 plan, with the result that about half .those who went down to see him so through his workout had to remain outside of the-gym nasium and satisfy themselves with the accounts of the Mfchlgander's work that fell from the -lips 1 of - the fortu nates who saw the former champion In action. * Ketchel boxed only six rounds, hav ing three round set-tos with Mike Mc- Clure and Charley Mayer. Stanley worked out In bis well known fashion, using: his deadly shift a couple of times and landing it when he tried. The Mlchigand«>r'B trainers report him in the finest possible condition and they have no fear of him losinsr on the score of not beinsr fit. The bis fellow says he Is confident of winning; but Ills, confidence is far from being 1 a 3 natural as the confidence displayed by- Pa pke. KETCHKI. AX ALTO FIE.ND Whether Ketehel Is in as fit «hap© as his seconds aver is a bit doubtful. San Francisco figrht fans will not for set the glowins: reports given out about Gans' condition before the last I fight the Baltlmorean engaged In. but i when it came to the test in actual [combat Gans did not show the remark able condition his adherents claimed for him. and there are quite a few wiae> ones who appear to believe that Ketchel is not as good now as he ha* been in training for some of his bat tles. It is quite certain that Ketchel's tearing around wildly in his automo bile has not helped his condition any. He Is naturally a nervous, hiprh strunsr fellow, and the concentration neee* sary in the running- of an automobile must be a strain on him. While Ketchel is doins his routine work he is a faithful trainer, but thos<* off moments with t;ay companions \rx that little gewgaw of an automobile that he owns will hardly help him In i ; coming struggle with the ••Illinois Thunderbolt." After his training yesterday Ketchel made a statement to the effect that he expected to knock Papke out inside of 10 rounds, but very . few o* the wH* ones took him seriously. He weighed 182 pounds after his day's toil. Today will be "Ladles" Day", at th* Ketchel camp, and all the Juliets, and Rosalinds who wish to see Papke work will be.. admitted fre© of charge. HORSES Fitzherbert and Eyebright Head List for Largest Amounts Won Of the 255 horses that have started at Emeryville since the opening of tU<: local racing season 61 have won and* lS others have taken down second ami third money. S. C. Hlldreth's Fitzherbert and J. Davis 1 Eyebrlght. by reason of thHr i respective stake victories, head the list of winners In respect to the amount of money won. while Woodcraft. Cottytto and Anna May are tied for the distinc tion of having finished first the great est number of timea. Ths record of thp horses that have won in excess of $300 to date at tl \u25a0•• meeting is as follows: tVin- Hor«e. l»t. stl 3d. Cnp. itt»*». Fitztwrtwrt 1 ntn t i |2 4>» Eyebricbt t ft t • •_• \ Woodcraft S l A \ i^;, t Dandelion i » n ft J."c'.'» Royal TourUt 2 « ft 2 !._W> Dorante 1 I rt <i i ;».\u25a0; Cotytto a 1 ft o iliro Anna May % 1 o « I. •>*.'"• W. T. OTtrton 2 0 I n !»7.-, Jrannr fl'Arc 1 v 0 ft ;>.i,i Mike Jordan 2 2 1 0 77.", Astronomer 2 ft f> | 77", Bellw^th^r 2 « l i 7.v, Don Enriqii* \ 1 I l j 7r,n Madman 2 O O 2 7i" F. Lnbbock 2 ft 2 « 7rwi Billy Pnllman 2 rt I • 1 i; 7., V.<i Ball 2 <• ft 1 Fbrce 2 o 0 I ST,I Nebulous ..2 ft ft ft oai» Tooy Fauat 1. I \u2666» 3 *.V> Frrd Beat t 1 2 ft t«o Montsumrry t A t I k.u. Jewell 1 1" 1 2 .",7ft ItMtijoqcbe r. 1: 0 « 1 • .VTn Fireball 1111 s»"> The stables of A. F. Dayton, TV. l\ Millard and William St. Vincent were shipped, from Emeryville to Arcadia yesterday. Jack Nunnally, the star of the Dayton string, will start in the handicap feature of opening day at Santa Anita. AUCTION SALE OF Thoroughbred Yearlings From th«! ORMOXDALE FARM. " MB. W. OB. SIACDONOLUU. San Mateo. Cul. To be sold Monday. Nov. S3, at 13:00 — Bay colt by Orsinl-LoTdUbt: black fllly by Boritia- OMlna: bay fllly by St. Cario-B«lls of fata Alto: bay colt by Ossary-Flumerta; bay Oily iby Orstnl-LanrtUas Maid; bay colt by Onlnl- Imp. Windflower; bay ally by Qjtoary-Artemls; bay colt by Oasary- Helen Smith; bajr fllly hr Or«tnt-Lady Marloa; bay fitly by Onaary-MoonUt. Yearling* to be sold WEDNESDAY. Dee. 2. at 12:30 o'clock— Bay colt by Ontlnl-Sptnacd; bay Ally by Borgta-Orellana; brow a colt by Orstol-Rose of Cblna: brown fllly by Borsl.i- (iolden Locks; bay fllly by Otsary-LJzzella; bay colt by Orslaf-Ed* II; bay fllly by Borxta- Orbona; brown fllly by Onlnt-May l'nabar; tircm cel.iine by Mlndora-Bellona; bay fllly by Oretnl- .Moldene; cbestnat geldlag by St. Carlo-Cam- pantta; bay filly by Onlnl-Mizpah; brown ;'-H- inz by Orslnt-ltomaa Lady. In the paddocks of tba new California Jockey club. EmerjTli:?, CaL FRED H. CHASE * CO.. Livestock Auctioneers. i- . . ... |i m m m m i \ *«*" DR. JORDAN'S*"*** MUSEUM OF ANATOMY | CGHCATCR THAN evT« I fWealoMM or any cantractoW 4u«aa* positively cured by the oUatt •p«Uliit on the Co«*t. EiUbliiheJ fifty yean. ;> 1 DISEASES OF MEN CotuulUtion fr« ami rtrictly pn««(a. TraateMaC p«noaaDy or by letter. A positive cure in «vary ca*« •»- dwUken. v Write far Imk. PHILOSOPHY Or MARRIAGC, *M (na-C* tahabia kaafc farjaaa.) - \(UJM'£3&LF4UL-. 11