Newspaper Page Text
The San Francisco Call Addrena All Communication* to THB SAX PRA>" CISCO 'CALTL' THrpbone «KEAK> V !Sfi~— A«k for The Call. The Operator Will Connect lon With tbe Department You Wl»h. BUSINESS OFFICE. Market and Third Streets. San Francisco EDITOPI\t \£V\h Dt 11l oclock Every Kigrht in the Year. 1-jJiiORiAL, ROOMS ; Market-'and Third . Streets MAIN CITY BRANCH 1651 Fillmor* Street Near Post OAKLAND OFFICE-4CB IHh St. (Bacon Block)., { T^g»^f-°ff^ ?>gfj ALAMEDA OFFICE— 1425 Park Street..... Telephone Alameila 559 BERKELEY OFFICE— SW. Cor. Center and Oxford. ..Telephone Berkeley 77 CHICAGO OFFICE— 1634 Marquette Bldgr..C. George Krosness. Special Agent NEW YORK OFFICE— SOS Brunswick Bldg..Jos. C. Wllberding, Special Agent WASHINGTON* CORRESPONDENT— Post Bldg Ira E. Bennett _ SUBSCRIPTION- HATES delivered by Carrier. 20 Cents Per Week. 75 Cents Per Month. Single T/.r«>- k »r t. Copies. 5 Cents. \u25a0mnv-i-tV? 11 /, for UNITED STATES, Including Postage (Cash "With Order): KtU*J S£i& .Sunday). 1 Year ...7 $8.00 ttAtrv H-M-J- .<snclucUn»ir Sunday). 6 Months S *<-<H> <AVr\ AIAj ~ B >' Sitl ßle Month 75c !£££•>,? CALU l Year ..1 .......'........ $2.50 WhLKLY CALU 1 Year S**2 $1.00 IX)RE!Gi,' < ...JB.OO Per Year- Extra POSTAPF "j s?ur '^*y ..'....54.15 Per Year Extra i-uaiAGE ( Weekly :...... SI.OO Per Year Extra • 4tt T, E . r ' tt * ?re<3 at the United States Postofflce as Second Class Matter." ALL. POSTMASTERS ARE AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS. \u0084 \u0084 . Sample Copies .Will Be Forwarded "When Requested, suDscribers »n ordering: change of address should be particular to give uotii NLW AND OLD ADDRESS in order to insure a prompt and correct . compliance with their request. . - INDEX TO THE CALL CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOTTXTAKTS . Col. 4. P. 12 ADOPTION CoL 6, P. 12 APAETKESTS Col. 1. P. 1J ATTOEJfETS "..Cot*. P. 12 ArroKOßnxa coLa.p. 12 EUILDEXS AKB COhrRACTOKS...CeL 4. P. 12 EARBEKS AJfO ECPPLIES Ccl. 4, P. 11 " " " .CoL 5. P. 11 ErEHvXSS CHAKCES .Col. S. P. 12 BtTSIXESS PEESOSAXB Col. 6. P. 12 BAB. A_KD ETORE mTiim Ccl. 2. P. 18 CARPET CLEAJfTSTG Ccl. 4. P. 12 CLAIHVOTASTE Col. 6, P. 12 CHTECPODISTS CcL i. P. 12 COTTAGES TO LET CoL 1. P. 12 EEKTISTS.. CaL 8. ?. 11 •OETTCTTVES Col. 4. P. 12 2DHJESS M AKIKG CoL 4, P. 12 l IVIEEKD NOTICES CcL t, P. 11 IXTJCATICKAL CoL ». P. 12 tKPLOTKEjrT omcrs CcL 6, p. 11 rHPLOrjCXXT WAS TED— KALE. CoL 8. P. 11 EKPLOTXEKT WAirm>— remal.CcL 5, P. 11 "f EMAZE HELP VTAifTED Col. 5. P. 11 . *• " " Col. «. P. 11 ITKAKCIAX Col. 7, P. 12 ILATS TO LET Col. 1, P. 12 FLATS FOR BALE— FumUked CoL 1. P. 12 FLATS rOK SALE .CoL 1. P. 12 TOR BALE— msCELLAITEOCS CoL 1. P. U .CcL 2, P. 12 rraxiTTJRE FOB BALE Col. 1. P. 12 FrHSTITCBX WAXTED CoL 1. P. 18 I~T ES ; _ Col. ». P. 12 GLASS WORSS Col. 4. P. 12 HOESES, VTAGOSTS Ail) EAENESSCoI. 2. P. 12 HOTELS CoL 7. P. 11 KCXTSZS TO LET— raESnSHED Col. 1, P. 12 KOrSES TO LET— TJjmrEKISHED.CoI. 1. P. IS ISVAUD CHAISS Col. C. P. 12 INTESTK-JfTS ...Ccl. 7. P. 12 LA3IES' TAILOKS Col. 4. P. 12 I-EGAL NOTICES.... CoL 7. P. 12 I-ODGI2rG EOCSES FOS BALE. . ...Ccl. 4, P. 12 I-CET AXD FOCTIkD CoL 2. P. 11 1-ALE EELP WAKTE3 Col. 3. P. II Ccl. 4. P. 11 KATSaeCKIAX CcL 5. P. 12 " Col. 6, P. 12 ICE3ICAX CoL 5, P. 11 "£Errn.-Gs— special CoL 2. p. 11 \u25a0 XXETIXGE— LODGES Col. 1. P. 11 J£EETXi:G3— LEGAL CoL 2. P. 11 . ICirES Ail) MINING Col. 7. P. 12 ; HISCrLLAXEOrS VCAITTS CoL2.P. 12 l£oi-EY TO LOAIT CoL 6, P. 11 • " '-.;," C01.7,P.12 ico:;et tr-akted .- CoL i. p. 12 STTTEICAL IKSTRUICESTS CoL 6. P. 12 OFFICES A2TD STOEES TO LET.. CaL 1. P. 12 . PALICSTEY Col. S. P. 12 PATENT ATTOEJTEYS CoL 5. P. 12 PAaTIKG tc PAPEE HAXGIEO...CoL 4. P. 12 PEESCrAXS .CoL 6. P. 12 •?ei:sioxs Ccl. 5. P. ix KnrSICIA»fS CoL 5. P. 12 EEAL ESTATE— CITY CoL 7, P. 12 SEAL ESTATE— COTJ3TTRY CoL 7. P. 12 \u25a0"\u25a0'.•• •\u25a0-- " \u25a0:-•* •\u25a0: ;\u25a0-\u25a0'.- C01.1.P. 13 RCC3CS AirD EC ASD CFFEEED.. .CcL 7, P. 11 P.COStS AI.1) EOARD \CA2fTED.. .CoL 7. P. II ECO3IS TO LET— EUE.-TJ2mra....C01.6. P. 11 " " " CoL 7. P. 11 . r.C"CKS TO LET— EOCSE K'P'G. . .CoL 7, P. 11 EAIXSXEJT & EOLICTTOES WTD.. CoI. 6, P. 11 BZTRING KACHHTES CoL 2. P. 12 tPIEITUALISM CoL 6, P. II " - -STOEAGE AND KOVIKG VANS. . ..CoL 4, P. 13 TITLES &ESTOBED CoL S. P. 12 TRUSSES C01.4.P. 12 • TYPEWRITERS AND EXTPPLIES.. CcL 2. P. 12 I.VDEX TO : "nl.hnd.nn krlej-. Alnmeda.Kruit vnlc I CLASSIFIED ADVERTiyEMEXTS \ ATTCHarEYS CoL 2. P. 13 ARCHITECTS Ccl. 1, P. 13 APAETKENTS Col. 1. P. 13 CLAISVOYA2TTS CoL 2. P. 13 . EDUCATIONAL CoL 2, P. 13 iJIPLOYKEITT OFFICES Col. 1. P. 13 \u25a0 KOrEES TO LET— Famished CcL 1. P. 13 " HOUSE KEEPIKG ROOKS CcL 1, P. 13 .. 13.-VESTKE2fTB OoL 2. P. 13 . JCCNEY WAJTTED CcL 2, P. 13 . . MEDICAL CcL 2, P. 13 EEAL ESTATE— AXAKEDA.... .".".' CoL 2, P. 13 • EEAL ESTATE— OAKLAJTO CcL 2 P. 13 -• KOOKS TO LET— FwTt-UKFTra...CcL 1. P. 13 '• FANITAEnntS CcLI.P. 13 ' . TyPEU-BZTEBS AND STJPPLEES.. CcL L P. IS ;: V J^gnLyGSp^sodig^ \u25baVjUISSWN <h«r.t"r No. 73. a. A. M.— «3858T ' : •:..--' rilW (TUCnsDAY* &5J*5*S : . \u25a0::n:. v .', at > n'clock. Installation : ' • '.t < *>. By «.r.!'-r of the t>S'/ •\u25a0\u25a0 . *.H. I*. K. S. ALLEN. V* tJA : \u25a0" Pecretarr. VSjaa .'\u25a0 ImiKIO iodre N0.* 218. F. &A. M — ft •• Stated meeting THIS (THURSDAY) j#l ,"• .' EVENING tt 7:30 o'clock. By order V&y ••:'\u25a0 ** 3. D. HANNAH. /\jT\ • •' Jj_ Maste-. / x \u25a0 ' .California icxs^e No. 1, f. & a. m. o .-;• ;. mecUcj: THIS «THL*RSDAY» Jfe. '\u25a0'.• lIVENING. Jse. 7. IJKO, at 7:30 *V/^^ . ; <->!cK-li la CorlDtlilao hall, 2135 Put- /Vs^ :f-r at. FUANKLIX H. DAY. Sec. ' v \ 110 Potter «it.. room 402. -' rJIJEIJTY lodge No. 120. F. & A. M. • Bt»!e4 noting THIS (THURSDAY) jfo EVEXJXO at 7:30 o'clock. King Solo- *VC*y moil's hsll. Fillmore itt. /Xuf\ ' KKEIjEUICK CAREY. Sec. * * r V. ES i l»i'.# icKige Ne. :Zi. T. A- A. M.. Z .- . ;vi«s Sodosioo's hall. 1739 Fillmore 2L »t.— St«ted lueeting THIS THUES- «J^jVr •JAY. :::.\u25a0 oVlock. A^V\ \u25a0 • ii. L. HES.SELTINE. Secrettrr. / >T N PACIFIC *ode» No. 103. I. O. O. K. jgmß&k^ \u25a0\u25a0 <\u25a0•- THURSDAY. Jtn. 7. ~ :Zu -\u25a0%2S®«B>3i : . Hi 1254 Msrkf-t *t. for : €?V<fes?r i"int lustalUticn witii Gulden Wot loCsa No. 322. Erctbrrs rordiallr ia- %U»l. . O. S. CHURCH, >\ G. = . A. L. BUEGAK. Hoc. Sw. t «OiJ>n.V WEST lodge No. 322. I. Z*ZZL?*7~ O. O. I.. ;-_'.',4 Msrkf-f Ft. Joint :i^f^9^ i InMallaiion r.lth i'arifi^ !<jJce ' : 2r-i.!^s2*i- '. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING. All mea.l»crs rr<ju««te<l to be prewnt. R. A- SMITH, N. G. * ' J. L. WILBUR. Pccrftary. . : SJAC'AnnKS — l"ntertainm« > nt «nd lef- ; :-.-•• t'RIDAY EVE. J»3. S. !!*"!». &£Z£*}k pJven J-v S. P. tent No. !' ia •le<lKj?^-j : HU Men's ball. -i c > <:. •;. «'. I}f>B -&VA^V : :..• k J. Urr»«fcy wi:; Rr^st on "Ja- f »ecUe Court- " All Maecaboe* and '•«»' fricneig inrlted. »\u25a0 B- CiCHARD.S. R. K. JJASTIIU MAItINEKS*. Benevo-^ lent u^societion — AU n>eßsber« \u25a0re tori t<»d to attend tbe reg- S£?S3"te^»- ular meeting <>( tfcc above BjßPß|B**^ n«ta«j :tsK^-!a'ion at their WtHß>W_ hsti P2 Msrket ft.. •na \u25a0 TiriJKSUAY. Jan. 7. at 7;30£^",. . p. ia. in»t*llallon vf ofnecre and otaw very lmporiant business. - r; A. V. LORENTSEN. Rcc. S<H-. MKMBCBS of U)»- BroUiertrood of >T7S. IVanifcWMi! of S. K. are requested to AvHtA utt'-wd the O"xt rejmlar oneethig to ' <e ls->ru3 h<4,i on -TI»,'tt«I.»AT L' VEXING. W^*/, Jantmry 7tJi, «t Teamsters' he!l, i3C >««£*<. J JOUX MAATOHLIX. S<^. / " UI"i:NA VIS^A ronncil No. J«.M, Iloyal is&» '.rcanian, Ca!um»*t ItalL 2-KI il'^iifa «pfKf <;a«e aT- ia«>u THIS <TIH;USI>AY> WgP rCVENIMS. H. C. WATROUS. Jiec." 1 "-.--\u25a0 • \u25a0 • " •-"•\u25a0•• _ ' \u25a0 MEETING S— I^egaI THB annrc*l- meeting of tbe Maria Kip orpbasage snd Alfred Nuttall Nelson memorial home, C2<) Lake et.. San Francisco. O»L. will be held ar the Diocesan bouse. Tayicr and Sacramento sxs.. on MONDAY. January 11, 1909. at 2 p. m. Members and all interested in this work are invited to be present- ANNIE S. WOODWARD, Secretary. ANNUAL meeting of the Pacific humane (society will be held THURSDAY. January 7. at 8 o'clock p. m.. in the offices of the society, »02 Call bcllding. FRANK BARNARD. Sec. MEETIXGS — Special SWISS relief society — Notice of annual meet- ing — The regular annual meeting of lie mem- bers of tbe Swiss relief society will be held \u25a0t tie offlce of the society. 400 Kearny St., In tbe city and county, of San Francisco, on MONDAY. Jamsary 11. 1909, at 6 o'clock p. m.. i for the purpose of electing a - board of di- rectors for the ensuing year and the trans- action of such other business as may coma be- fore it. By order of the president. A. JUILLERAT. Secretary. THE annual meeting of the stock holders of tbe California Insurance Company will be held et tbe of flee cf the company. No. 550 Sacra- mento »t.. San Francisco. CaL. on Monday, January 1«, 1909. at tbe hoor of 2 p. m. W. E. DEAN. President. <~KO. TV. BROOKS, fc^retiiry. THE SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY -mem- ber of Associated Saviugs Banks of San Fran- ' Cisco, 101 Montgomery tt.. corner Sutter — For the half j-etr ending December 31, IDOS, a dividend bas been declared at the rate of four «4> i>er cent per annum on all 'deposit*, frev of taxes, payable on and after Saturday. Janu-iry 2. 1SO». Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same rate or Interest as tb»> principal fron Jannary 1,-1909. Money 1 deposited before Jannary 10 will draw Interest from January 1, i»O9. ;> WM. A. BOSTON. Cashier. j MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK OF SAN FRAN- CISCO. 70H Market st. opposite 3d (member of the Associated Savings Banks of San Fran- r!»co-— For the balf year ending December 81. 190?. a dividend has been declared at the rate of t4t per cent per annum on all deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Raturdav. Jannary 2, 1009. -Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same rate of interest as tbe principal from January 1. l»09. Money de- posited on or before January 10 will draw in- terest from January 1, 1909. JAMCS D. PHELAN. President. GEORGE A. STORY. Cashier. DIVIDEND NOTICE— Tbe MARINE TRUST AND SATIS3GS BANK of San Francisco \u2666 '\u25a0omraerclal, savings, safe doposlt vaults). No. lift Market Bt. For the half year ending Pec. 15. 190 S. a dividend has been declared fit the rate of FOUR <4> per cent per annum on Savings Deposits, free from taxes, pay- able in geld coin ->n and after Tuesday. Dec. 15, ISOS. Dividends cot called for are added to and bear the name rate of interest as tbe r-rinrijjsl Iron Dec. 15. 190 S. Money de- 1 posited on cr before January 10 will 'draw Interest rro*a January 1. 390 T. C. S. SCOTT. \u25a0 Vice President and Cashier. ,THE GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY (meniber of Assoclatj-d Savings Banks of San FranciKcoK £20 California St.. Mission branch 2572 Mission st. near 2*-d— For tbe balf rear ending December 31. li<UH. a dividend has been declared fit the rate cf four 141 per cent per annum on all deposits, free of taxes, parabie on rr.d after Saturday. January 2. l!« 0!». 'Divi- dends not called for are added to and bear the same rate of Interest as flic principal from January 1. IDO9. GEORGE TOURNY. Secretary. PACIFIC STATES SAVINGS AND LOAN COM- PANY. 5C9 California st. — A dividend for tbe term ending December 31, 1908, has been de- rlarej at the rate cf five (5) per cent per •knisoni on ell deposit*, free of taxe*. payable on and after Saturday. Jannary 2. 1909. Divi- dend* not railed for are added to and bear tbe same rat« of Interest as principal. WM. PAKDY. Secretary. MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK (member of As- sociated Savlnps Banks of San Francisco), cor- uer Market and Mas-m sts. — For the half year ending December 31. 1008. a dividend has been declared on all savings deposits, free of taxe*. at the rate of four <4t per cent per annum, payable on and after Saturday. Jan- uary 2. 1909. Dividends not railed for are • added to and bear the same rate of Interest es principal from January 1. 1809. / JNO. IT. CALKINS. Cashier. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Flllmore st. near j Post. 1 AND FOUND IF YOU LOSE AJTYTHING-^AdTertiis it here. It -will be returned to ycu if an fccr.est perscn £cds it. Remarkable recov- eries are brought about every day through 1 thit cclumn. IF YOU FIITD ALTHING erin-- it to the^ __\u25a0 San Francisco Call { f I.oM and round Bureau ;! : Third and 3larket Streets i "' r ' LJ "'" ' " ' * G«t a claim check. Hare it advertised. , ; Beclain it if the owner does not. THE LAW— People who find lost arti- cles are interested in knowing that the state law is strict in requiring them to *eek the owners through adTertisement and otherwise, and that a failure to da I so, if proof can be shown, icvo! ves •a - i !j sever* penalty. . j |! ..— i_i j BAGGAGE stickers, swellest European hotel* I rheap. J. M. MURRAY. I». O. box 11. LOST — One diamond, one opal r.'iur, on 7Ui st local to or Webster sl local from San Fran- |: t-Isco. or on Market st. to 4th, or on Kearnr st.. " S. F.. cr in business district, Oakland, dcring week before Christmas. Reward. TRUE ' * AN " SICKLE. €13 O. B. S. building. Oakland. j LOST— Some-rbere between Van Ness ay. and J S**ott st.. on Eddy st. carline. small purse con- j tainlng about f 12.rrfj. Finder please return to i I»a*-iness ofacr. Call, and receive reward. j LOST — On Monday, a package containing letters bills of lading and Khlpjiing papers. . Ketorn to \u2666iverlaud Freight Transfer Company, 57 2d st and receive reward. LOST— On December 28, small, white female dc*r cross between Spitz and fox terrier; liberal re- ward. 1543 Oth ay.. Sunset district. LOST— A collie bIU-h <*-ireeding). answering to the name of Lassie; suitable reward, lleturn to 216 Eureka n. LOST — Small tan spaniel dog, answers name Prince. Suitable reward for return to 1710 Pacific ay. ; IX»ST — I-ady's chsln bracelet." on San Mateo car New Year's eve. Keturn 10S1 Florida st.: re- ward. -SSKKEltmMmJSmiasUßaVam — — ' " ' ' \u25a0 ~i LOST — A brlndle mastiff. Finder return to 1000 Golden Gate a y. and receive reward. • LOST — Black cocker spaniel dog, Wue studded collar; reward. C7O Alcatraz ay., Oakland. LOST — Brown purse, : Sunday. December 27, San Rafael to city/ <*oatalnlng ey»-rlasK«-s, gloves. rings (valaed as keepsake). Retorn to or notify •F. BRUNE, care '\u25a0 Schmidt L. Co.. 2d and Bryant sts.; reward. $20. LOST— Passbook with the Hibernla Savings aaid Loan Society, name of Msrloa Melanle Dohr- niaun. No. 243-1330/ Finder please return to tank. . « LOST— Derember 2S. Watt-li fob with ; cold » foot-" ! ball raedsl attached. Inscribed "Vampire- V. F. C./ Winners"; liberal reward. SHOW ELL, 2.*i2 Cth av."4SOBSSBHBQS a P B * LOST — Engli *h setter pnp. all white., tan on: ear*. Keturn to 1221 flth av.:r- reward.';-. > ; i LX»ST— Banci nf keji. Leare *t 12& Joaen jt.; j rewird. THE SAX FRAXCISGO CALL, :THUESDAY. JANUARY 7. 1909. EMPLQJTMENT "WANTED ' KMPLOYMEXT , WAXTED—iUIe ACCOUNTANT open for engagement**: labor iwvlny sxatema insUUed; auditing of corpora- tion, . mercantile and private accounts: boo!:i opened, and closed: Al reference*. Dox 1582, Call efflce. - _\u25a0 ~. :-.-.". \u25a0 AMERICAN, middle aged, not strong but active, wants light work on private place; can milk, and car« for norses; wages $15 per month: pood rtferences. Address KBED CASTOR, San Rafael, - Cal. > -'. .-.--: .:,.;\u25a0:.:\u25a0 \u0084...-,,-^; - BLUE PKINTERand tracer of mechanical draw- \ hrz yrisbra a potition. Addregs box-WIT, Can. BOOK. KEEPER or offlce clerk., experienced and reliable." vaeeks. -pennanent^potltion.' ". Address 617 Valdez , at.,- East Oakland. •.-.. , - CARPENTER, jobblnjr or day Tvork. R. B. STU/RT,-2435.-Alcl«ee-«v.,'- Berkeley. •• Phone Berkeley 5302. V >". • .'•> >-.>\u25a0•-^^ ',\u25a0\u25a0'. COMPETENT book kepppr; stenographer, \u25a0 of Oce . manacer,". with.- character -and \u25a0 ability, -refer \u25a0 ; «-nc<*«, \u25a0 knowing -, yrench and i Germans- wlsbe*i . responsible- position pagf, CS ;; family .man;- can .3 fnrnisb bonds; "lowest acceptable^ salary," |100 monthlr. -Boi 1685.- Call -of flee. >-- *".''\u25a0 'l~'-v CHINESE nrrt class- cook wants . a -position; l \u25a0 family -or boardroj;.. noose." 1010 • Stock toa«t.* - tel. China «ia4L. V: "' ' \u25a0 -A T^r:*' ; CARPENTER needs I work; good and fast, work- er; "font hoofes tbe'. 'last' 20 -years;: 4 day "Ot Job. -Box. 2XI, Can offlce. y : ' Jv-v - '^ , ENGINEER wl-Jieii: steady positloa;' understands \u25a0 elevators and electric "Ugbt system; all' round work good reference. P. JOHNSON, .128 . Dolores street. .'"---'.' ' . \u25a0- ' . FIRST CLASS stationary engineer, thoroughly competent, desires position ; would bo any-, where If services wanted: best of references; sober. A. BENITZ, 6SI Haight st., S. F. GOOD and neat Japanese cook wants a position In a family; $7 and up. HENBY.: Apply at 679 Turk gt. • \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0... GOOD pianist, singing entertainer, colored; will work, city or small town. Box 2800, Call of- fice, Oakland. Jj/" \u25a0 - \u25a0 GENERAL officeman. time keeper or purchas- ing agent wants position with large mining compary; understands the work from prof?-, pectnr to smelter returns.: Answer quick If looking for a good man. Box 16*2. Call office. GARDENER, experienced in all branches; reli- able caretaker;' all round bandy man: steady ned sober; German: middle *g^; understand* horses, cows, poultry; wants situation; best of references. Address box 1630. CalL . HARDWARB or general merchandise book keeper cr sales-nan wants position in tbe country; age 33; married: thoroughly re- Uable; best of refs. Bor 1714. Call office. JAPANESE boy desires position an school boy; epeiks English and understands housework. 2031 Bush tt. TeL West 0613. - JAPANESE boy desires position as waiter and housework; ipeaks EnsrUsh well. HABRY,: tel. West 9S)S. • JAPANESE wants a position in family . or in Ftore or office; has knowledgejof book keeping. 52S Pine St.. room 17. \u25a0\u25a0- ". JAPANESE boy wanls a pailtion a* school boy. JOHN. 1692 Hayes St.; telephone . West 21 S3. JAPANESE, benest boy. wants position as a school boy In a private family; speaks well. KANA. ICSS Post st. > . MALE steno. and general office a sst. with ref- erences, coverlnj wide experience and who Is familiar with secretary's duties, desires posi- tiop. Box 1612. Call. . - . \u25a0\u25a0• MJDDI.i: AGED German, could make himself very useful in hotel, liar, dining room or office, wauta engagement; small wages erpected. Ad- dress P. 8.. 47 Hotel Norden.' 75S Howard at. NICE Japanese boy wanta position- as schoolboy at housework; speaks English well. HENBY, 1311 Eddy St.; phone West 5149. NICE Japanese boy watts position in small family In city or country an cook or to do housework; spetki food Ensllsh. BOY ISE, 156*; Geary st. , - '" PUBLIC STENO— AII kinds of typewriting done by expert typist: circular work, .etc.: send card and I will call immediately. C. HOFF- MAN. 11SS Park ay.. Alameda. "-- -. RELIABLE man wishes position as coachman; handy about place: understanda gardening; can milk: best of refs. Box 1639. Call offlce. STABLEMAN — Care for horses, milk, drive, make himself useful on private place: reliable man; good references. Box 2903, Call office, Oakland. \u25a0- - - STRONG, bright young man. desires work around automobile garage or repair shop, irltb opportunity to learn; can furnish references. Box IC-U. Call offlce. STEADY man wanta employment cleaning bricks: $1.75 per XI. Box 1040. Call office. TEA — Middle ag»d" Swede wishes to sell tea for Importer. Pleane address F. S.. 1248 Fell. WORK WANTED by married couple; woman Js good cook; man can take full charge, if wanted, on private place or ranch; go any- wh*re: good references. Address box 2901, Call offlre, Oakland. YOUNG MAN — 7 years' practical mining experience, eccks position; experience la. office management, surveying and mapping, con- sin-ction work and drawing; 3 years assistant manager lerge property; best of references. Address room 147. Golden West hotel. YOUNG furniture salesman, thorouicbly experl- »>nrfd In furniture, carpet* snd <lrapf-rle». wants permanent position. J G. DELANEY, 1305 Octavia st. YOUNG man thorouzhly understanding ad. writ- ing would like petition as assistant advertiser In any line. Box 137. Call. < YOUNG man of trood habits wishes position as cboreman on ranch or dairy: can milk, care for horses, etc. Box 2839. Call offlce. Oakland. YOUNG Chinese, thoroughly und-retands barroom lunch work and cooking, has the very best of references, wants to work for first class honse only. Address box 1535, Call offlce.' YOUNG man. clerk, desires work for evening, Saturday afternoons and all of Sundays: also nt disposal: references. Hot 130. Call office. HELP WANTED 3IALE HELP WAXTED AA— AT McDOWALL & CO.'S, EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. 15 East st. Phone Kearny 2065. BIGHT OPP. FERRY BLDG.. \u25a0 Barleic-h machine, driller ?»0 month Omp -u alter .$25 and found FOR A LARGE COMPANY. SHIP TODAY. 20 Italians .51. 75 day 2*» Sraniilnavlans ..$1.7.1 day IS Sosn'sh and Portnznese. ..*... — .'. .$1.73 day THIS IS STEADY WORK TUB YEAR ROUND. AA— NEW YORK FOOT SPECIALISTS, teach CHIROPODY: special $50 course: diplomas; expert teacher. 20 year* experience, prepares Ftndents in theoretical and practical chiropody; GOOD POSITIONS. 1230 Fillmore st. AA — 100 MEN to save $2 to $4 a pair on sample t-hoes; all standard makes; $4 to $G values; all ."2..V) a pair. Drummers* Sample Shoe Co., third floor, Hnraboldt Bank buildlnf*. .',- .\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 AT COSTIGAN & CO.'S, 4 and 0 Fell «t. . Phone Market 2095. ; For Large Manufacturing Concern— Ju*t Started. 15 Italian laborers, general work, $1.75 day. 10 Scandinavian laborers, $1.75 -day. 10 laborers. Inside ami outside work, 51. 73 day. 2 young men. . distribute circulars, $1.25 day.. 5 laborers, Sonoma connty. quarry," $1.75 day. ANDRE'S. 1044 Larfcin St.— Assistant waiter for hotel, $35: bellboy, near by.'. $-10; young man to help In baker shop. etc..-. $-10; cooks, kitchen hands, waiters, etc. ' Oakland office, 9.*»7 Franklin st. . . - AUTOMOBILING. ' plumbing, electricity, brlefc laying and plastering tacght by actual work In shops and buildings : advanced * scholars ' earn wages: day and nijrbt classes; free, cattlof-ue. Coyne National Trade 5ch001,. 220 .8th. S. F. ANY intclllsent person may earn good . Income corresponding for newspapers:' experience un- I necessary; no canvassing; send for: particulars/ Press Syndicate, box 703, Lockport. N. V.. : .--: ."\u25a0 FREE EMPUrtYMENT OFFICE,'" \u25a0--.'- ; ' - - x'el. Market 737. • , '-"-ffc-ST. GEORGE HOTEL. HOWARD AND STH. SAN FRANCISCO; ALSO 4TH AND J. SACRAMENTO. REFITTED— REMODELED. NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOMS. 20c PER NIGHT. $1 PEB WEEK AND UP. BEADING ROOM AND OFFICE \u2666 ON GROUND FLOOR I MADE $50,000 In 5 years in" the mall order business; began* with 'ss; any one 'can do the work at home In spare: time; send for my free booklet; tells how to get started. HEACOCK" box 715, Lockport^ N. : V. c .",' . .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-;:.--\u25a0-:\u25a0'»;-.-.?.& LAUOREP^ and mechanics to know that; Edward Itolkln has redu<*ed the rooms !at - the" Denver House, 3d and Howard sts.. . to ; 35c ; per • day, ". $2 week; hot and cold water. 1 In every | room. MEN Wtd— lo3 3d nL. to ha ye ; shoes repaired;a ired ; : »ewc<J 1 sol«s ' 75c, = done '•> in 5 10 minutes. \u25a0 ; . - . ; MEN to Jearn barber trade In 8 weeks; free spe- :\u25a0; da! lnduccmenis: to nexf 10;>. call oarly.- get particulars. ,Ss F: . Barber College, ; 8 Fell st. MAN Pto learn cigar making; :'\u25a0 good pay while leaning; - steady .- work; ?2T> deposit ;. recfulrcd. ". 34 ' Norfolk " B<"^ . between llth and , 12th; off • Folsom. "\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0"\u25a0.\u25a0.'\u25a0. -•-.\u25a0<-:\u25a0-. •- ._;,_..- MEN a ixl women to learn barber trade; 8 weeks; : 'earn $5 to 810 per^ week; while Uearnlns;:*nar- ticoUrs free. MOLEB COLLEGE. ;0 11th St. p; MONEY mad> iUII.v. and Call Want ' Ads help to \u25a0 .makn It.\ ; - Advertise \u25a0 your > wants^'tnnke thfin ; kmiwn tr>. ;h<-.|>ulili<* tbroitgb a Call s Want' Ad." « An Investment. -not an exp*>ns-r.>- For} full -par- ' tlculars n-ad Call "Want Ads dally. * $5.00 ABSOLUTELY FREE . Each week The Call will give away $5.00 to the persons writing the best: wanV ad "jingles." The. 1 person- writing \u25a0 the best "jingle" will receive first prize. $3.00. The two next best will receive $1.00 each. H ere are . the requirements : - - - - - - \u25a0 \u25a0 ..\u25a0-*.*.-... ,.. ........ ..." . . . . - . \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 Each^week there will 'be a certain classification selected -- : as . the [ subject , The contestant will w rite . a not to exceed \u25a0; 10 line},"jingle'/ : npon- the classification- given, including In same his .reason-" Why Call; lVant Ads Are Best" , The;.Vjinglesv winning the prizes of last week with name of authors; wiir be' found "under the heading "Barbers." ThisWeekJs Subject, "Business Personals" SPECIMEN JINGLE . • ~ -\ .. A- merchant who advertised "well . -' In the ; columns of ..the Business Personal Got:results that Tfere pleasing, \u25a0 .And then :to his friends did tell. Just try, your luclc In THE CALL. For. its large circulation does tell ' Of rt suits obtained from Business Personal.. \u25a0;. ••\u25a0-.- \u25a0 . \u25a0 „,- . --\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . Address communications to Manager/ of Want Ad De- partment, THE CALL. Try a Call Want Ad-^Results Certain Checks will be mailed to the winners each week MALE HELP WANTED — Continued MURRAY A- READY. Leading Employment and Labor Agents, WHITE PALACE BUILDING. .. 11th and Market sts.. San Francisco. Phones Market 656 and 657. .: : BRANCHES: • •" 6th and Franklin sts.. Oakland* CaL ' Phone Oakland 7361. Sd and Ma In sts. and; 121 Marvhesault at., -, Los Angeles, CaL KREK-rARE. SHIP TODAY KLAMATH FALLS DISTRICT SISKIYOU— SHASTA \u25a0- AND TO OREGON C. N. E. R. R. . 100 railroad men. laborers, teamsters, drillers. rockmen. track and ballast gangs and machine drillers, cbucktenders and muckers. , ' SHIP DAILY '\u25a0;.*.\u25a0;- FREE FARI3 FREE FARK WHITE rALACE HOTEL SPECIAL NOTICE I.V. NEW SINGLE KOOJIS; "INCLUDING BATHS; SUN AND ELECTRIC LIGHT IN $1.50 PER WEEK. CALL AND SEE THEM. 60 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FREE OK CHARGE TO GUESTS 500 splendidly furnished rooms, 35c, 50c and 75c per day: free bath with every room; • largest hotel offlce and clubroom -on Pacific coast, facing Van Ness ay.; baggaga checked and stored free of charge; highest grado of white help employed. WHITE PALACE HOTEL— NEVER CLOSED. 11th and Market »ts., San Francisco. OTHER HELP. , LAUNDRY MEN— WASHERS. All around laundry man, handle engine and boiler. Nevada, $18 week. Washer, run engine, and boiler, country laundry. $18 week. 3 plasterers, 10c fare, $4 to $5 day. Choremsn and wife for country borne, $50 to $60 and found. CHOREMAN' — -FARM HANDS. Choreman and milker for institution. $32.50 and found, first class place: see boas here. Gardener, private place, i $30, fd. Slaughter house .butcher, good wages; boss here. \u25a0 . Man to take charge of dining room, Nevada. - MISCELLANEOUS. -> Youcg man for office work, city, f 5O. . Choreman who understands chickens, near city. $30, fd. .... .. Man to wash can* city milk depot, $25, fd. Baker's helper, city, $12 week. COME HOME TO SLEEP. SLEEP AT OCEAN SHORE LODGING- i HOUSE. NEXT DOOR TO MURRAY '&. READY'S GREAT LABOR OFFICES, 11TH AND MARKET STS. COO SINGLE ROOMS, SUN AND ELECTRIC LIGHT IN EVERY ROOM. 25 CENTS PEtt'-NIGHT. ?1.25 PER WEEK, -INCLUDING BATH, COFFEE SERVED FREE DAILY FROM 5 TO « A. M. FREE KARBER SHOP, BOOT- BLACK STAND. SHOWER AND FOOT BATHS, TAILOR AND PATCHING • ROOM; BAGGAGE CHECKED FREE: ALL PAPERS AND MAGAZINES. AND BELLMAN TO CALL YOU: WHITE HELP ONLY EMPLOYED. OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOUSE. FAC- ING AND ADJOINING OCEAN SHORE TER- MINAL RAILROAD DEPOT. 11TH AND MARKET STS.. SAN FRANCISCO. NEVER CLOSED. MURRAY & READY." lltli and Market sts.. San Francisco. 6tb and Franklin ". sts.. Oakland. MEN lo learn cigar making: good pay while learning; steady work. Apply 300 12th Et. NEW WESTERN, 1124 Howard st.— Single rooms. 15c and 20c night: hot and cold water. OPPORTUNITY open : for live, hcstllng sales- men. R. H. McKalg. 35.V35C Russ bldp.. S. F. PHOTO-COUPON" agents. Call at SCHAFFER'S, 72 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. SHOES repaired by machinery: sewed soles 75c; done In 10 minutes. . 1106 Flllmore St.: :;;\ SOLICITOR of good address, capable of Inter- esting businessmen. "PACKARD." $ a. m. and 4 p. m.. circulation department. Call. -- \u25a0 \u25a0 '. -WANTED ~ 7- . 100 LABORING MEN . To occupy clasd single rooms nt THE MECHAN- ' ICS' HOTEL, 9 1 ft Howard st. between sth and Mb: Isc. 20c. 25c day. $L $1.50 week;. good, .clean meals, 10c up. SHAW BROS.' , \VA NTED — Young I man of good address -to act i as assistant floor manager in ladies .cloak and Tsnlt department; references' required. -Box '2550, Call office. Oakland. WANTKD — COO men to occupy rooms, 20c to SOe -.per night (free bath). "at the New -York, 753 S Howard st. between Sd and 4th. WANTED — Thoroughly experienced .. maaager snd saleslady-, for ladles' waist department; ', references required. Box- 2SSO, . Call offlce, : Oakland;. '.-. . •\u25a0 • . -..-\u25a0: WANTF.D — A man! who "understands finishing of chrome and bark, tanned sheep skins; good position, good ' wages. ;'. .Apply room " 675," Mci- nadnock building..' . •.* . '. WANTED-^-Drlver for laundry wagon; $200 re- onlred. . 3-*trj \u25a0 Mission. ' - \u25a0 - — \u25a0 \u25a0-. -\u25a0\u25a0 DARBBBS'-AXD" SUPPLIES BARBER CHAIRS AND VIBRATORS. ' ! • We ; have . several ; of our \u25a0; last year model by- draullc chairs that, we^ will close out at a great ' reduction. "If you are t coins In business it will; pay you to call and see us. 7 . j Chairs sold on installment, cf $15 down and $5 a month. : " - Vibrators sold on Installment of $10 -down and ?4- a month.' V?" I >*»'Bj9B^i!Pffi3(B?*^'*£g»^aß**^gßa~gj - Several bargains in second hand chairs. - - JAMES BARKER, INC., Phone Franklin, 3S»9.'i : " »4vTurk^ st." :•\u25a0\u25a0,• '_ Eugene >F.;-Panarlo; Manager. ' ,'j. **•: BARBER, good.: wants work;; moderate wages. 112S Howard st.", room 3. '.. \u25a0: .;. :• BARnER; steady;; bring, tools.* 373 BnVh st. BARBER for, Saturday and Sunday; bring tools. ;The Brooklyn. 373 Ist st. near Harriaou. -\u0084.\u25a0\u25a0.• BARBER shops, city ' and ' country, bought and , sold. CHA3. COLEMAN & CO., 830 Market st. EMPLOYMENT SECTRY. of BARBERS' PRO- . TECTIVE UNION. V F. SCHMITT, 452 KEARN Y FOR Kale— Best * paying . shop : in city : i rent;n t ; $25 ; - 'going .out-: of \u25a0 barber -ibUßlness. Oak 'Barber ; . Shop, s 1550 Ellis et FiUmore. ;:; ;, y;- ;-: For sale— First class barber shop; | good location, i 34S'Montgomery\av. J For Jnfonnatlon Inquire V:2oo:Mcntpomery aV.'u.-: 1 -- \u25a0-." -\u25a0' "-.. -:•- - "-":; :. .: \u25a0 :.; FIRST CI^ASS manicurist wishes position In a - downtown ' barber, shop. , Box \u25a0 15G0.- Call offlce. I FOR^aUv-Cheap, paying 3" chat shop.' " 173 ! ;: - Church' St. /\u25a0\u25a0 y ,,. ':\u25a0\u25a0••\u25a0'. -:*': -1-. " .':' ' -?:\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.':. -. -\-'.:i^.'. 1 FOR sale-^Flrst ; class • 3 'chair - barber shop ; mast be sold: at'once.T ;lS2;4th^st. '\u0084 FOR sale— 3 i chair- barber shop;; rent $12. 5537 i \u25a0' San : Pablo jaT.Vt: Oakland. -;:.;. | FORsale— Best pay!ng;iOi: barber.' shop; "runulng | i'STchalrs'steady;: reasonable rtnt;;leaser- .428 ! ;- 410th • at.Ti Oakland. ; ;.. \u0084. ;:; . -V. '' .^:. ! FOR S sale-^-Flrst t class X 4 5 chair;, barber * shop In py Berkeley ;*r; Address box j 2SOS,": Call.;: Berkeley, j G. A. TnOST.ibarber: supplies; {salesroom. 153-S i • Mason * st.*-' A 5 ulccly .; fitted fup -3 chair * barber ] ' shop ; f or ; sale: icbeair rent: CO od location. " \u25a0 BARBERS AXP SUPPLIIES-^cititinned GOOD bootblaclc. 1314 Castro st. near 24th. 1 WANT lor 2 chair shoprmust be cheap: state price and particulars. Box ltM. Call offlce. JIAMCUHIST wishes. a. position in a. flrst class barbgrahop.- Box 1C25. Call of flee." \u25a0 SELLING out: barber chairs from $4 to $40; also mirrors and wasb bowls; credit riven. SSS CroTo st. WISH to buy for cash 2 or 3 chair barber stop, first class, with baths preferred, outside of San Francisco: must haT» lease. B. BARBER, general delivery, San Jose. CaL WANTED — A -lady barber at once; good wages guaranteed. 2317 Mission st. near 24th. YOUNG barber wants steady job. Address BARBER. 562 E.llth "st.. Oakland. {75 buys a good 1 chair shop: cheap rent; 1 mo. free. Apply si>2o San Pablo »r.. Oakland. S CHAIR barber shop, wholesale district; mu*t •ell; long lease: good business: finely fitted up. CHAS. COLEMAN & CO.. 830 Market st. 2 CHAIR barber shop, good location an<s business, for sale; reasonable. Box 193, Call office. IG3I Flllmore st. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1631 FUlmore sL near Post. I EMPLOYMEXT >V ANTED— -Female A WOMAN wants washing or boose cleaning by the day, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday; $1.75. MRS. E.. 712 Hampshire street. COMPETENT ydung woman wants a position to do second work or care for children. Box 2492. 1108 Valencia st. ELDERLY lady, neat, willlnjr, reliable, wants good home: small compensation. 1271 Mission St.; phone Market 113-S. EXPERIENCED Fisher billing machine operator desires position as bill clerk: salary expected, $50 per month. Box 239, Call office, 1651 FUI- more st. EXPERIENCED young -woman, good rapid writer, quick at figures, also .. able operate typewriter, desires position" general offlce work or bill clerk. Box 1643, Call offlce. EXPERIENCED waitress and chamber maid, with good refs.. wants place In prlyate family; good wages. Box 1651. Call office. : FASHIONABLE and capable dress maker wishes a few more engagements; $2.50 per day or will take home. 2SSO Steiner. Phong West 4404. GIRL. 16 years, wishes a position to assist in housework. Address by letter, A. T., 200 Whalen st. . . JAPANESE girl" wants position In small f am- , lly. fpr general homework and 'plain cook, with references. G. MOBISPYE. 2919 Pine at. MIDDLE ' AGED food : German woman \u25a0 wants wort, of any kind by day or week; is a good cook and . worker. Please call or phone Mar- ket 5137, Hotel Oak, room . 9, 131 Fell- St., near Franklin. . ... ; NUAT, respectable \u25a0 girl, experienced stenoeraher. typewriter and book keeper, wants position; best of .references. Box 161S, Call. . PRACTICAL nurse: S years* experience: best of reference: phone Donglas 1862. Box 1632, CalL REFINED "young lady living with parents, hav- ing jnst finished college,' would- like position as l>ook keeper or assistant stenographer. Box IC3S. Call office. . . SWEDISH lady wishes work by the day. Call 4392 17th st. . ' SITUATION wanted by « expert stenographer; first class references. - Itione Franklin 5578. YOUNG woman wishes general housework. Ad- dregs MRS. SUM NER, Aloha >otel, 21th and Mission sts. YOUN(» girl,/ experience and good references, wishes place in private. family as waitress and chamber . maid; good wages. Address box 1.%00. Call offlcp. . \u25a0 \u25a0 . » FEMALE HELP AVAXTED AAA — Lessons -In hair .'dressing and manicuring given. Up-to-Date Parlors. 1750 Flllmore; rates. A A—soA — 50 LADIES 'to save $2 .to S4 a pair on ' sample shoes; all standard makes: all $2 and $2.50 a pair. • Drummers' Sample Shoe Co third floor Hunaboldt Bank building. ANY ' Intelligent person j may " earn good Income , corresponding, for newspapers: experience un- . necessary; no canvassing: send for particulars. Press Syndicate, box 785. ; Lockport. N. Y. DRESS making — Wanted yoens Jady «* ap- prentice. _ J. HALL, 233 Delbert block. Van .. Neds aye. . ,- •- - -.> \u25a0.\u25a0.;.\u25a0 \u25a0; FRENCH chamber maid and seamstress .for small * family. $30: nurse; for. a child 2 years old. $35 city; cook for Palo Alto. $35: parlor maid and waitress, city. $33:., p00d cook for -small Ger- ' man family. $40; cook for n small family In \u25a0 San Mateo." $40;. second girl' tor Sausalito. $25; reneraT housework girl for .3 In family at the mines. $35; 4 second girls for country places, $:«); 20 . good housework srirls for cltr, $25 -; $30. $35. MLSS PLUNKETT. IS9C Suiter st. FIRST CLASS sleeve hand wanted." LUBRONEY, | . 171 C Sacramento. st. .-.\u25a0...'. - ; \u25a0:\u25a0;:,: GIRL wanted , for ."general housework. Apply 2223 Clay st - corner -. Buchanan ; > phone : West . 3771.' . .- :<-" \u25a0-,- \u25a0• '. • \u25a0 . • - -. . GIRL" Wtd— For light" housework. \u25a0 Apply IC}>C ! Eddy St." - • . - / GIRL Wtd — For cooking and general housework. ! 1549 O'Farrell: st. ... . ; GIRL for, general housework; must be good cook- 3 in family. 2205 Scott st. :- : JACKET HANDS, Wtd— Esperlneced alteration ' hands on coats. Apply to Mrs. Richards at the 4th and Market sts. store.' S. N. , WOOD & CO. : LADIES Wtd — To take • home work ;: part or full time; experience— tmnecessary. Triebers, Bulle- , ';.' tin ; building.; 767 > Market. . third • floor, room 4. NEAT yonug | girl ' for general hocsework and to assist .with children. Cal^ at 51G»2 Central ay." •\u25a0 - , -. .*-\u25a0 l. - • \u25a0 \u25a0 - OAKLAND " \u25a0 • \u25a0 ; \u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-:\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ''\u25a0"..'"' .1 ' " ' Girls to make oreralls at our Oakland factory 3d st. < near Clay. LEVI STUAUSS & CO. Ap- ply ' to • Mr." Davis. /: TEACHEU wanted . for .St. Francis GlrN' Dl- 1 \u25a0 rectory." Central ay. and \u25a0 Waller st., \u25a0- city. . WANTED^-Book keeper and stenographer, woman ! i; pref<?rr«?d: most: be- thoroughly.^^ competent; give ref fences " and * state .- salary *' expected. \u25a0 Ad- : box lClS.Cair offlce. < * \u0084. . WANTED— rLady | stenographer,- high school prad-' • uate; 1 most <hare ? practical* training In N a : gen- , . eral cbntrae'tor's/. architect's or civil engineer's < offlce In San Francjsco: no others need aas-rer* • permanent ; position. ;: Box \ 1652. Call office. •:,. WANTED-^-50 \u25a0 extra \u25a0 salesladies for suit depart-" ment.-:, ARMAND CAILLEAU,\ Inc.,, NW. cor." '\u25a0 V Vau Ness av.: and California st,* ; : '. j WANTED-^>V» extra salesladies for waist depart- \u25a0 ; ment. vfARMAN DCAIXLELVU.t Inc.,- NW. . cor.' ! v \u25a0. Van". Ne?s ' ir.' and : California st. \u25a0 -./ ':\u25a0. ;- WANTKD-rr^lrlsof.allSagesforiK^o.and chom« t ' work ~i In .: musical s- prodortion^ •:. for .* city ": and . '« road.i? Call- afternoons ; this week- at = rpom 201 \u25a0-"-; Bald*<in^boiise;i.74»6*h st. - > , '^'.Z . - :-.--' .WANTED-^lJidy % solicitors for f Uondrv; f salary "nudco-uinii'sion. vßcs 1005,. Call office. \ FE3IAI.E HELP WAXTED- -Continued WOMAN one day weekly for darning. Phone V Franklin 3«?5O. apartment 300.: ; . .- - .;• WANTED — Salesladies at ooct. Call today (Sun- -day) bet. 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.. Golden Gat« Cloak House. 1040-1060 Market st. n-?ar Jone*-. WANTED— Young lady to train as none; refer- ences; age 20 to 35 years. St. Anthony's Hos> pital. 9th and Brush sts.. Oakland. . WANTED^ — Teacher* for Nevada; good places. FISK TEACHERS* AGENCY, next to First . Natienal Bank, Berkeley. SAI.ES3IEN and SOLICITORS WAVTED LADY ! SOLICITORS : Wtd— Attractive proposi- tion; applicants must be businesslike and neat appearing. The Book Lovers* Library, . 1215 Post st. .- " - SOLICITOR '. with eastern references. - "PACK- ' ARD." S a. m. and * p. m., circulation de- j partment. fall. - - j (EMPLOYMEXT. OFFICES AA^OSCAR HATSCMI. JAPANESE CHINESE EMP. CO.. BEST. HELP; CITY OR COUN- TRY. 1513 GEARY ST. WEST 56S 1 ?. - AA — Japanese-Chinese emp. office: best help; city -or country. 1612 Lagnna st. TeL West 1731. A. HORI, 174S Sntter; phone West 2S«3— Best Japanese-Chinese help furnished promptly. H. W. HONG, Chinese employment office. fcOs Webster St., Oakland. Phone Oak 5543. JAPANESE Domestic Workers* association fur- nishes best help. 1777 Post. TeL. West 7155. Japanese House Cleaning Co.. 1722 O'Farrell; tel. West 3467: sweeping, washing; all gen. work. STAR emp. offlce furnishes Japanese-Chinese help. W. KADOTA. 1608 Geary; teL West 167. CALL BRANCH OFFICE 1651 FILLMORE ST. NEAR POST _____ .\u25a0_..,,_! E3IPLOYME.\T BUREAU J. CANN. Chinese Employment Boreas — Has best class cooks or hotel help: specially careful for family. 770 Clay St.: phone Douglas 3162. UIVPAID WAGES COLLECTED KNOX, 443 Pine — Suits, lien* and attachments, time checks cashed: deHs coUened everywhere. ROOMS AND BOARD~ ROQ3SS TO I.KT— Fnnt'ii and riif--i--n~d A COZY home for respectable ladles, 1130 Mar- | ket St.. near 7th. uuder auspices of* the SAL- i VATION ARMY: elegantly furnished, every j modern convenience; Kteam hear, electric light , and' elevator service; spotlessly clean; <\u25a0••«- , trally located; thoroughly homelike; telephone - Market 131!'; prices very moderate, ranging from 25c per night up; special ratea by the . week or month. See matron, room 33. A— COMFORTABLE FRONT SCNNT HOOIT. WITH PRIVILEGE OF BATH; REFINED PRIVATE FAMILY; BREAKFAST IF DESIRED. CLOSE TO PANHANDLE. BOX 1101, CALL. ASHBURY St.. 557... cor. Haight— Newly fnr- nished sunny rooms; reasonable; day, week or < month. ! BALDWIN House, 74 6th st. nr. Market— AU modern conveniences; 220 rooms; 35c to $1 per . day. $2 to (5 per week; free baths. BRODERICK St., 444 — 2 sunny front bay window fur., rooms; separate or together; gentlemen. BUENA VISTA ay., 935. near Central and Haight — Elegant sonny room and bith; gentle- man; (12. CALIFORNIA St.. 2415. near FUlmore— Newly furnished sunny rooms; light house keeping if desired ; reasonable. CALIFORNIA St.. 2437. near Fillmore— 2 nicely furnished rooms; In private family; reasonable. CENTRAL HOTEL. 574 3d St.. free baths. Offlce and reading room on ground fioor; 500 single and family rooms. 35c to $1 a day; $2 to $v a week. EDWARD ROLKIN. Prop- EDDY St.. SSO— A social hall fitted for house "keeping; also single rooms; prices reasonable. EDDY St.. 1616 — Nicely furnlshel sunny front rooms; phone, bath; reasonable. " EDDY St.. 902. near Franklin— Good light baae- ment for - business purposes. EDDY st., 970—2 nicely fnrnisßCd rooms; bath, phone: $11 and J2O month. **S ELLIS st.. 1072 — Beautifully sonny furnished front parlor suite: light house- keeping; baths; central; other rooms; reasonable. ELLIS st.;' 1156 — Nice sunny fora. room, with or without honse keeping; bath; phone W. 5269. ELLIS St., 1116 — 1 large doable room, suitable for. 2 gentlemen; 1 single room; bath; phene. ELLIS st., 1917 — Nice sanay large rooms, fnra. faskpg; private phone,, baths; rates reasonable. ELLIS St.. . ICSG. near. Flllmore — Large, saasy rooms, from $2.50 np; all conveniences. ELLIS St.. 119 — Desirable sunny rooms la new .'fiat; newly furnished; reasonable. ELLIS St.. 1418— Furnished rooaa for 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable; references. - - ELLIS st.. 104S — Large sunny front room; run- ning: water; bath; $18 month. ELLIS St.. 1112— Nicely furnished single and double rooms, from $7 up. \u25a0 ELLIS St.. 1509 V4— Nicely furnished front room; -reasonable rent. .' - ELLIS St.. 1556 — Nicely furnished single rooms; rates reasonable. \u25a0 ' - .*. ELLIS st., 1037 — 1 single rooan, suitable for 2 ' gentlemen. ELLIS St., 1506 — Furnished rooms, $2.50 a week op. , - FELL St.. 1245, near Devisadero— Nicely fur- nished rooms;, bath, til conveniences; $2.50 and .$3 per week. ' \u25a0 . FRANKLIN St., 1247— Single rooms. $9; other outside eunny rooms, $1S and $20. FRANKLIN St.. 1051— Nicely furnished -runny back parlor; a 150 .2 front rooms; bath; 'phone; reasonable. . • FULTON st., SIS — Large funny front room; • running water: reasonable. FC.LTON st:>-1631— Nice light room, newly fur- nlshed;. cheap. . \u25a0 GEARY- «., 1139. near Van Ness ay.— Nice room-. Ss, Jio and $12 per month; phone, bath Included. ' . " . ' ' GEARY St.. 1139. nr. * Van 1 Ness ay. — Nice rooms, $3. $10 and $12 per mouth; phone; hath in- cluded. . \u25a0 \u25a0 . . \u25a0 i GOUGH st., 1345 — A large sunny room; also single room, with hot, and cold water; gas \u25a0 and electric lights; prices greatly reduced. GOLDEN GATE ay., 1050— Nicely < furn. front room; sun all day: 2 jrentlemeu; $*> week. GOLDEN GATE "ay.. 114S — Large front room; son all day; also single rooms. GOLDEN GATE ay..- 1603— Newly furn. rooms; $2.50 up; phone, bath, running water. GOLDEN GATE ay.. 1046— Sunny room for 1 or 2; bath; reasonable. \u25a0 GROVE St., 501 — Fine large front room, suitable for 2; rent $3 week for 1. $4 for 2. ' GROVE St.. 540 — Newly furnished room suitable for 2 working girls or men; bath; day. week or month; very - reasonable. HOTEL AMERICA, 1045 Market st.— Rooms; hot and coM: water, steam heat, baths, elevator; 35c to si day; $2 up week. \u25a0 _ HAIGHT. St., CO5, corner Pierce— 2 large, nicely . furnished -bedrooms; bay window, gas, closets. bath: in home of public school teacher; rent; $10 and $12 per month; call after 4 p. m. 1 HAIGHT St.. 730 — Front sunny .fur. room, suit- able for 1 or 2 gents; $18 for 2: $15 for 1. HAIGHT st., 771 — Front parlor, sonny, nicely .furnished; only JlO a month. JERSEY St.. 401, - cor. Castro, near 24th— Cheap;- 2 or ' 3 large sunit-' front rooms, bath; -.modern; ..-- \u25a0;•>:\u25a0--- «;*- \u25a0-.' \u25a0 \u25a0 LAGUNA" st.,* 723-^Nicely furnished front ruoms; - ;•.-'"-\u25a0-; v.; -, , : • _v. . . - . McALLISTER r St.." 1445-: Nicely ftsrntshed son. : rooms: ; run.** water; * bath.* phone; reasonable.* MCALLISTER - st.. 1797— Nice : farnlshed room. \u25a0 suitable for 2. $14 mo.; also hskpg. rooms. - McALLISTEU St.. IS70 — Sunny suite. : suitable \ for 2 gentlemen:' also single. room; reasonable. McALLISTER : srt.;": Sfi-S-^-Nice sunny front room, '\u25a0 rsultablejf oc._ 2, gentlemen. \u25a0 . McALLISTER st.,- IT>79 — Furnished rooms fram I :. $6'np.v -\u25a0-;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•*.. •--.-. \u25a0-."\u25a0-\u25a0- .;'-. .-- \u25a0 -\u0084 \u25a0; OAK at.,' 452. bet.' Laguna and Buchanan. 3 car- lines — Neatly furn.. sonny, front." bay window | room, suitable 2 or 3; piano, grate, bath; rent ; reasonable: private: also house ; keeping " suite. ! OAK st..: 42l— Nicely furnished suite, for 2 or 3 ; : gentlemen;* phone; running water; $15 month. OAK st-.TSe-^Nicely furnished large room, snlt- - able ; f or ' 1 or 2 gentlemen ; reasonable. O'FAURELL st-,1192, nr.Gough — Single rootnj "J for * gentlemen ; in * basement; • neatly , furnished : use of bath and phone; $5 a month; or would ;:' make ; fine ; clnbrooms : } reasoaable. .'.>.'-' O'FARRELL st.',t;lS42— Nice: sunny rooms: rnn- .. nlng water in each -room; 'reasonable rates: - r blocks \u25a0 from ' Fillmore. 'ISBSMT^UMBBUBBRBI OVERLAND HOUSE,' *>» Sarraßaento st. below ; -Montgomery-i-Now- open; 1 2f>i» 1 rooms ; hot : and cold water* In every room: 25c to $2 perdav, ] $1.50 to $3 per week/ ED W. ROLKIN, prop. I ' ROOM'S TO LET — Continued O'FAItEELL St.. 1123 — Larje (siinnr room for 2 or 5 gentlemen: single ' rooms; ' running water. . OFAKRELL St.. U'.V-Klesant front parlor suite* for 2 gentlemen: erery cooTeoienc*- : $20 mo. O'FARKELL «t.. I'JOl— Front mod. autny room»: running water: small rooms, suit, light iiskpc. O'S'ARRELL «t.. I«XC. ccr. Webster— Newly fur- nls^ed front aad batfc parlor: rent reaai»oable. OTAKRELL *L. 12U9 — Slcrlj tora. ro»uiar«uit- abie for C; also Honor sin^l" room: reasnnablp. O'FARKELL »t.. 1395-^Stinnr tront rouu. sait- abi» for S: 83 per itetb: aluo hatpg. room*. O'FARUELI, at.. 1327— Larg« front room, suit- able for 2: separate twd» . reasonable. O'FARKELL »t.. ICT6— A lar^e sunny front roopy for 2 gentlemen: rent reasonable. O'FARRELL «t.. I^C2— Xi« single rooms; also i hoc*e keeping rooms: cheap rent. O'FARRELL st.. 16<TO— XIc«lj- furnished tingle rooms from $3 weel: bp. PAGE *t.. 372— Xi^e. lar;" room, suluhle for 1 or 2 gentlemen; $3 for 1, JJ12.50 for 2; Creplace. PAGE at., 233 — Beautiful nunny furnished front room: eTerytbing of the beat: SIS month for 2. TURK st.. ST.*— scaoy front ball betlroom an<t other rooms. $10 a month; also a larse bar \u25a0window room. 2 double bed*, suitable for 3 young men, each <tt a month. WEBSTER st.. isco— 2 connecting front ronnn with all prlTl>ge» cf 4 room apartment, with mother ami daushter. for nice couple; penaa- nent: references. Pbooe West 7771. 12TH «t.. 210— Nicely fnrn!«he<l rooms. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1631 Fillmor« at. near Post. . . BUCHANAN" at. «12— Nicely furnished rooms, and also house keeping rooms; rrnt reasonably. BtKNA VISTA ar.. 930. near Central 4*4 Haigat — Elegant sonsy room aati batU; geaUft- mao; $12. EDDT »t.. S10 — Coiy farnL«:»ed bouse keeping room. bu2Tet kitchen ; first class. EDDY st.. 927 — Sunny furn. h-k. ;\u25a0-,-. rooms; gra*t elec.; laundry: fret? bath; plioue; I'JO monti.. ELLIS St.. 1124— Large, sunny, elegantly turn, rooms, bonse keeping;: bath: phone: low rent. ELLIS *t.. 1531 — Don't walk your less off. but come here for bsfcpz. and other farnifttied room*. FULTON St.. 471—7 room furnished fiat fur heese keeping: $7) a month. HERMANN St.. 414 — 3 furnished h«>n«e keeping room*. $2<J: 1 large room, furnished or oafor- nished: Haight st. cars. HAIGHT at.. 673 — Large sunn? purler; also - connecting rooms: bouse keeping. HAIGHT St.. lCCVi— Nicely furnished hotwe keep- ln? room; reasonable 1 ., LAGUNA St., IIC0 — Snnn.r airy room* for hski>g. : rnzrnlng water; $5 op t/> «j»iiet. perm, parties. McALLISTER St.. IMS. near Webster— Fur- nished bonse keeping; rooms. $15 per month. MCALLISTER st., 973 — 1 large, sunny. <-«>mpiet» t '" for house keeping: r»nt r«i«. : house «juiet. McALLISTER St., IS32 — Nice siumj bsOH keep- lng rooms: hot and cold water: reasonable. . McALLISTER st., 1727 — 3 elegantly furnisUeil connecting honse keeping rooms. MCALLISTER et.. ~lSO*_'— 2 bay window parJurs. witlt kitchen and bath: sun all day. McALLISTER St.. 14SO— Beautifully furni>iheu; references exchanged: bo children. OAK at.. 706 — Elegantly fur. bonse keep'u suites, $20 up: also single hou*« keeping rocuis, $12. CPAREELL St.. 1460—2. 5 or 4 room;", lower floor, for hoose keeping; rent reasonable. O'FARRELL st, 1300 — Furnished rooms for bonse keeping; modern. O'FAREELL St.. 10ZO — Larg» sunny houa* keep- Ing rooms, fumiaacd or carnrnished; $ltl np. PAGE at-. 451— Nicely furnished sins:* roooaT also 1 double room. fl2 month. SCOTT St.. 2040. cor. Sacramento— 2 or a neatly f srnished sunny rooms for hoose keeping *res- ular kltcben>: also single room for li- >\u25a0'.*•• k-».'- lng If desired; runn'ag water. Tel. W<st 2f'l4. SCOTT sf_, 1330. nr. O'FarrHl— Nicely faralshed rooms; double beds: bath; $10 month up. SUTTEB at., 205-T. apartment H — House keeping rooaa. 2 or 3. famished or nnfarnished. TURK Bt. 822— Large, sunny ruom and connect- Ing kitchen: rery conTenlent for house keeping. TCRK. 1116, nr. Jefferson sq.— Saany front room. $5 wk. ; also sia.- sleep'g rm.. $5 mo.; hut bath. TCRK at.. 1262. necr Flllmore — 2 nicely fn™. sassy rms. ; reas.; prirate b<>us«: pboov. bath. TURK at.. 1122 — Large, sonny room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; $12 month. TCRK «t., 1203 — 2 large uafnrni-sbed house kecp- lng naa. la rear; rent reasonable. Apply store. VAX NESS.«t., 719— Newly fnrni*li«d r-ionu; podera; bata; np. TeL FraakUa 2SC2. WASHINGTON et.. 311S— Suits of sunny hous* keepiaz rooms; completely furnished; reasun- abli \u25a0 WALLER St.. 1240. nr. Masonic ar— Large «='id- cy front room, cstubl* for 1 or 2 gentlemen ; also sonny slag!* room; every convenience; direct to 3 car lines; private home; reasonable. WEBSTEB »t. 1209— Front sunny rooms; all conveniences ; reasonable rates. WALLEK af_, 563 — Nlcsly furnished front fcouse keeping rooms; reasonable. 10TH St.. 120 — Snasj convenient bouse keeping suites; also single rooiTia. $2 week np. CALL BRANCH OFTICE. IBM TAlmon »t. near Post. ROOMS A\D BOARD OFFERED AAA — BROADWAT. 1720 — Larg» tunny rooms, eleajantlj furnished; private batha; marine view: table and service flrst class. DEVISADERO St.. 443 — Board am! room lor worglngmen; (5.50 a week. DEVISADEBO sf., 1323, corner O'Farrell — Nlceiy furnished front room with buard; running water: gentlemen: $27.50. LAGUNA at.. 2030. corner Sacrament? — A sonny room on second floor for 2 persona, with boari. NICE borne for 2 gentlemen: large ruora. prettiiv furnished; closets, hot and cold water; break- fast, dinner; home comforts. Phone Frani- Jln »?. PINE St.. 2510 — 1- large completely furnisheii doable room. 2 gentlemen; excellent board: »!«\u25a0> single room: reasonable. Tel. West 2140. SELECT home for a few young men. • 74ft Haye« at. WEBSTER sr~. 1310 — Nicely furnished rooms and board; private boarding bouse. 67» PINE— MODERN; STEAM HEAT. HOT ANf» COLD WATER: HOM& COOKING; ALSO SUITES WITH PRIVATE BATH. I CALL BRANCH OTFICE j- | '" ~" ' "' t . | 1651 riLLMORB ST. NEAtt POST { ROOMS AXb BOARD WANTED HAIGHT st.. 753 — Pleasant room with board; home .cooking: also tabla board. WANTED^ — Small room In a business bolldlng; state terms. Box 1634. Call offlce. -- - \u25a0-. BOARD FOR CH I LD It E.V WANTED— ChiId not less than 4 years of age to board. 3254 ISth st. HOTELS A FIRST CLASS family hotel, moderate prices; elegantly furnished sonny rooms, en solt« or single; Instantaneous hot water In every mom; sonny dining room, with private tables. THE WEMPE. 413 Oak st.; phone Park 5092. BROOKLYN HOTEL, 3C9 Ist— Board and room. $3 to -58 per wees; rooms 50c to $1: weekly $2 up; meals 25c CHARLES MONTGOMERY. HOTEL OXFORD. Corner Post and Franklin. 1 block above Tan • Ness ay. — A family hotel, witb all tfe* horn* comforts: special prices 'to permanent people: we solicit the patronage of tourists and country . trade; European plan, $1 cp; American ' plan, $2.30 np. CHAS. E. COOPER. Manager HOTEL BELMONT 730 E<ldv st. bet. ' Pol's and Van New ay. Tour- ists solicited; reas. CHAS^ R. SMITH. Mgr. HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th and -Market ats.— Faos- ily and commercial hotel; roonc-t with detached hath. . $1 per day ; rooms witb private bath. $1.50 per day;, restaurant attached: modemf* prices; free busa meets all trains and stmabip*. HOTEL ST. JAMES. Van N*ss at Fulton— Swell rooms; flo monthly to . permanent guests. BOOMS— WC TO $1 PER DAY— ROOMS PLANTERS* HOTEL CORNER 2D AND FOLSOM STS. 200 elegantly furnished outside rooms; hot. and cold water in every room: eleetrlc Ugnt»d; weekly rate $2; first c!a«-» eaf> In conjunction. WINCHESTER HOTEL. 7* 3d st. near Market— 600 single and, family rooms; IUO baths; n-».v open: location and price the same as formerly; single rooms 30c per day; family. $1 aud up; . of iV.-tf and lobby on ground Boor: free bata*. . and also free bus to an.! from all depots an j - ferriw.' -ROLKIN *\u25a0 SHARP. Pmp*,' - Continued to \cxt Paxe 11