Newspaper Page Text
12 P PUSES, FLATS»_ETC^ FLATS TO LET AAA— You will find all the desirable flats and dwellings In the city listed at tbe STERLING. Oome and ret printer lists. It will save yoo much time and trouble. The list* are free »na our reading clerks can give you Bpecial lnror- tnation on many of the bouses contained in "sterling fubnituee company. 1049 Market st. "A BEAUTIFUL HOME"— B room flat; $50; 2267 Hayes; overlooking G. G. park; Bunny and light: large separate yard; garden: laundry la Iwsenirnt: janitor; nothing nicer in S. F. BELCHER, 7MJ. nr. Mlb *nd Market— SU: lower rear flat, 3 sunny room*, in fine order; <I>en todny. \u25a0 CALIFORNIA st.. 2273. near Webster— Elegant .new uiiper flat r>t v room* and finished social lialt; ?G5: 2 flats in building. CLAYTON «.. <m. n*ar Haight— Beautiful np- r»er euuny fiat, 4 r. and b.. basement, yard; «>prn. ei.Ll.s ft.. I'.isU. few 'feet east of Devlsadero — Lower 4 rooms and bath: $22.50. \u25a0 FAIR OAKS et.. 4^S— '> new, sunny rooms and tiaih: hII modern; r«»nt reduced. t'LAT to lei; 4 rooms snd bath; $13. GEO. RYAN. Army and Condon. - ( n.L 39Si>— Seven room flat; artistic In design and beautifully located; social hall at disposal •if tenants. . BOLDESS GATE «v.. JOI2, near Laguna st— 7 large, sunny rooms; running water; rent $40; perfect condition. — REARY st.. 1522. noar Laguna — Sunny 7 ri*>m flat; modern; in good order. HAIGHT. r.S.'5. nrsr Fillmore— Eleven large sunny rooms; reiit $.'•.': 2 floors; fine for renting rooms. ," LINDEN ;iv.. :>V2. iifsr Laguna — $15; 3 sunny rooms in gtx>d condition. TO lease— Elegant fl«t. '.» nxrais and 2 baths. Ap- piy. » ti. 4. at 2*C2 Ureon ft. j WALLER sCJ 1727— Lijrlit sunny flat, 5 rooms; thuth; lurgo hard flr.kUrd basement; reasonable rent to good tenant. . SAN -JOSE nv.. — Nice sunny flat. 7 rooms and !>«:h. MONEY made daily and Call Want Ads help to make it. Advertise your wants: make them fcuown to the public tUronsli a Call Want Ad. An investment, not an expense. For full par- ti.'i:l H r* rend Call Want Ads daily. . \u25a0 FLATS TO LET— FnrnUhed FTBMTC&B of sunny <i room flat; will sacrl- fi.f : nmst le*v.c «itr. ::*>\u25a0!<» I Mil St. FLATS FOR *» ALI3-— Farntylif d Ft \u25a0JINITURE for 7 room flat; everything new; ritiirii' lights, phono; rooms rented: desirable location: n>ut=t kc!l on account of leaving city. 1175 EIJIs st. ' ' l'UliMSi;i;i» fl:tt "f <: n»>nis: must sell immedl- • *t»lj : a t«argaln.: Call at 3283 Mlwlon «f"v CALL HRANr'H OFFICE. 1051 IJllmore *t.. near FLATS FOR StLE MAKK offer; uiust sell; nicely fornislird. modern t;pi»or.fliit of 10 ro-in*; pleasant hume. SSO MAKt: cfi-r: tnujsr sot!: nicely furnished modoru .i'--r f!»t «.f i<> mrs; dears $j'i a uionti). *\u25a0> ' ii.'v st COITTACKS 111 I.CT T«i LET — Cottaye; 5 !<v>nis and bath; $16. IiEORGE KVAN. Artrv and Condon. i:oi>i;s -in |,i;t — Famished y. r >. \u25a0*>,< bbtoglcd lioase: gnnny. 140S 17th »v. Swil'. l»-k»- KfntucVy r-nrs. g— \u25a0 = HOI M> TO LET— J^BfnraUhrd^^^ FIIJ.MuUi-; hi.*. 747 — Fine 12 room bouse; per- fect rej«sis': l«rs-- sunny rooms: $00. HOUSE. 7 siuiii.v r-mins and bath. i:i24 Hayee •it.? *i»isi--;. -•!' ."«m !^» utilised »s workshop. offk i> _**p^x*JL l *E s ~J!^'.^'!sX~ n-ANTCD ~tly n small retail firm, to share an oJ6i-<**::ud ptane. ul^o expense of a girl To take iid«Hs: «\u25a0•» ur»«-d about l(Kt square feet floor spa.-c for t*» Murage. P.ox 1C37. Call office. WAN'J i:i> - T-. n-ut part of office with desk, phone ami stenographic facilities; no objection to t<>)> floor; must Ijc reasonable; separate com- portment preferred. Address box 1713. Call. DESK':-<Min. ML»;i:i<!noeU bldg., $10 month. Ap- ply-ifHinj HTk. _/__J APAnTMEXTS ADELINE, apartments, C4O Eddy Ft— 2. 3 and 4 Too:n aj)ts.; modern; central, rates reasonable. CUFJtOX .M'.vUlilhN'J-S. 14S0 California St.— s rojii front apt.: Fun all day; gas range: $42.50. DUNDEE apts.. 736 Stacyan opp. O. G. park — Newly fur. 4 r.. large, eunny: very reasonable. FBEDEUICK APTS.. 901 Stanyan, corner Freder- ick — 2-3-4 rooms; overlooking G. G. park: reas. KELLOGO APARTMENTS, 2205 Sacramento st near Laguna; 7 unfurnished rootns and bath: elevator. Janitor, hot water, etc.; new and ready for occupancy January 1. •O9; $C 0 to $SO. Apply on premises or at 2265 California Ft. MARYLAND apartments. 363 Page Bt. — 4 room nnfuraished apartments; private baths, hot ' and cold wnter: janitor and elevator service. Ilates $40 to $45. "THE CALirORNIA APARTMENTS, 2124 Call- foriila ft. near Buchanan. 10TH ay., 274 — 1 large, Eunny rooms and bath; $30. ' CALL R RANCH OFFICE. 1851 Fillmore st n«-er Vert. FOR lease — I'lrst class downtown location fr*r wholesale house: will build to suit: 8.000 square feet on ouch floor: plenty of light; rear ship- ping entrance; ready in 4 mouths. Address ••Owri<>r." Ixit I'U}7. <'«H office. FOR SALE— Wanted . FtItXITi;nE FOX SALE •"OH." jes. Tre deliver in Sun Francisco. Our |iri<-e* find fiirniiurvr call us everywhere. Call epd tcr oar January sal". H. SCHELLIIAAS, nth mid rr?.nklin sis.. Oakland. F<»lt sale— sir 7."<: entire Jurnisliings of 7 rwoo lKni<e>carjw>ts alone «-ost $450; imnse for rent if desired. Apply 545 29th st. near Telegraph rv.: Oakland. t TIH'LSTKKING "n yotir <mn pretalsn; furni- ture repaired. JOSEJ'H PEARCE. 1395 O'Far- I TKNI U'IiK. "pood anii .h<-»i>. at H. SCHELL- HAAS'. »i>s Uth St.. Oakland. 3. l«r.!tN.STi;iN. |C2> Market st.. buys and sells fnrnlturo: pays liighest rice. FinMTtnE WAXTKD WANTED — Offi<-e stul ])nu«cunld furniture.' car- |K~ts. |>iai»o: price and quantities no object l.'ifJt Oftavia st. Tol. West 25:2». HKMIEST pri.-e for desks and offire furniture. McCarthy «y,.. 1020 Mission : tel. Market TtKIQ. PHOPEhV V WANTED HAVE cnstouiers for fiats, cottages, lets and Uifinot-s jiropcrty; list yonr property for re- mlts w.iili (HAS. W. FISHER. VM) Market rt. GAS FIXTL'KES AXD LIGHTS UAS fiiture* and ck-ctric light supplies; gas \u25a0 table limps, $1.50 up complete; plumbing and 1 jras fitting. 473 Valencia ft. near ICth; open Toninc*. \u25a0 1 AAA— .Sinks, .'iOc to $3.M; baths. Jieavy porcelain and *te<>l enameled, S5 to S'JV: 30 gallon boil- er*. }rt.sO to $5.50; double waslitrays, $4: hoji- Ipers, 75c; waUT. gae end soil |iij>e, standard r.nd extra heavy brass and nickel goods of all kinds; we have the best: we lisve slightly damaged, we have second baud; we broke the jilurabing trust: you pet tbe benefit: onouch raid; we boy from every one and sell to all; to accommodate a large part of our patrons will open Sundays from 9 to 2. DOLAN COM- I'ANY. 163» Market Ft. CASH REGISTERS. "NATIONAL." THE REST AND CHEAPEST. P&SH REGISTER COMPANY. gasoline engines, bolt cut- is machine: a full Hue of ilnery and contractors' cqnip- t class condition and right U T. SIARTIN. 340 Pacific *OASH REGISTERS.. — — Iliis is en absolutely reliaMe place .to buy *-i-"<m<i hand cash registers of any make. Don't t*li" rlianoos. S»-e us. THE N. C. tt. SECOND HAND STORE. 527 Market st. WALL pnper. i'/r'v t>er r»iJ! and upward. Good pnint. f\ h gallou. White lead. 7c per lb.; l.ulldlo? <in<l roofing lit greatly reduced prices. IteimiD.fvi nlcoliol. fi-V a gallon (ISS proof). MI:RI<;a.VS. 1<47 Ellis *l. (Samples niailed. SECOND HAND PIPE .-!•« yrm wsnt g<H>d Kt-ond hand pipe? New thread* «nd »-"i»r>lings. . Delivered to railroad or l«wt frri- «tf rh«rce. . Prices rlglit. Pacific Pipe CV.. Maiucud Howard sts. ~" Tel. Dyu;l«» 2SS3. FOR t>ALE—Mi«cellaneoa»— Continued. MONEY made daily aud Call Want Ada help to --make It. Advertise your wants; make them known to the public through a: Call Want Ad. An Investment, not in expense. For full par- ticulars read Call Want Ads dally. - . • 'FOR SALE. \u25a0\u25a0 .. \u25a0\u25a0 Build'Bg, about ' 117x92; -heavy timbers; also boiler complete. GUGGENHIME & COMPANY, Sacramento and Davis sts. \u25a0 MOVING PICTURES, the largest and most com- plete; we -rent new films only; don't handle pecond band pictures; machines and parts; tickets !2>4c M. Pacific Coast Film Exchange, 1724 Fillniore st. s . \u25a0\u25a0 ' Cash Registers— WE DON'T BELONO TO THIC TRUST. Americans. Hallwoods. Nationals; low. «-st prices and terms. I'acltlc Coast Casb Reg- lster Co.. 1232-1294 Market st. cor. Larkln. 40 odd second hand safes of all makes; SAFE must g<> before taking Inventory; no SAFE reasonable offer refused. Rlehadcon Brog.. «5O Mission above sth.' REDWOOD SHINGLES.f No. 1. $2 per M. Wm. F. 'Yates Lumber Co.. 1350 Howard St.; mill- work a specialty. FOR sale — 2 new National cash registers, 1 double and 1 single; a big bargain. Apply 1645 Fillmore st. MOVING picture films for rent: largest stock In city; not in the trust: tickets 15c M. carbons 4c. TURNER & UAHXKEX.. 1650 Ellis St. AA— AH 6ixes standard water pipe and screw casing; guaranteed good- as new; get our prices. Welssbaum Pipe Works. 133 11th st. A SAMPLE LINE FURS retailed at cost; MUFFS. STOLES and NECKPIECES. $2.50 UP. Room 438. Westbank building. S3O Market, cor. Ellis. FOR sale — One 16 fool windmill; one 5 Incb cylinder deep well pump, good as new; also large tanks. Addregg box 43. Stege. Cal. SCHOOL BOOKS, new and eld. bought, "sold, ex- changed. KING'S BOOK STORE. 1718 Market t-t.. above Googli. Phooe Market 4763. FOR sale— At a bargain. GREAT DANE. MALE. '\u25a0> months old, 6 feet long and weighs 125 •><>\u25a0:!;( is. inquire 290 Montgomery ay. SCHOOL BOOKS bought ana exchanged. King's Old Book Store, frai G. G. ay.. near Octavia. SCALES, coffee mills, cheese cntters. truck*. meat isllcers. J. Geddes & Co.. 521 Mkt. S. F. EDISON AGENCY — Moving picture machines and films: Urgalns. GECV BRUCK. 70 Tnrk st. BOOKS and libraries bought. THE HOLMES C0...115S Market St.: phone Market 596. FRICTION hoist, belt driven. 3 hp.. In stock. KELSEY & McEVOY. ."13 Howard st. SAFES — New and second band. The Hermann Safe Co.. 120-130 Folsom St. I— I CALL BRANCH OFFICE j 1651 FILLMORE ST. NEAR POST " "" " "™ " I MISCELLANEOUS WANTS DRESS SUITS. TUXEDOS AND PRINCE AL- BERTS BOUGHT. L. SKOLL. TAILOR. 707 GOLDEN GATE AY. PHONE MARKET 4651. A— -Indies- snd gents' cast off clothing bought, etc. Wm. Morris. HS3H Park 6235. MARKET nt.. IS32— House of 16 rooms; also large store. •SECOND HAND clothinc bought and sold. I. M. ' DE MANN. 1619 Market; tel. Market 2542. AUTOMOBILES 5 PASSENGER IMS White steamer, 30 hp.. fully equipped: run less tbau 3.000 miles: as good as new; bargain. Box 1509, Call office. FOR SALE— Price $500 and upward: several '06 end '07 Winton touring oars, taken in trade for 'OS cars and thoroughly overhauled by our mechnnics from oor factory. WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH. 300 Van Ness ay.. San Francisco. 30 lip. White: run last summer: 19<1S car; fully equipped; about half price. Box 1620, CalL ' FOR SALE CHEAP — ~~~ "06 Royal Tourist. '07 Franklin Model "G." 'OS I/xxraoblle. All In first class condition; no reasonable offer refused. Inquire 500 Monadnock bldg. THIS is a bargain; Rambler 22 hp. touring car, complete with top. $$00; ran about 2,000 miles; just completely overhauled and" is as good as new. P. O. bey 118, Concord, CaL FOR *ale — IS*"** Auburn touring car, 24 hp., fine condition: *OW. with top, if taken immedi- ately. Room 16. 773 Market st. RAMBLER 5 passenger shaft drive, 4 cylinder; good as new; -fully equipped; cheap; must sell. TRUAX. 1249 Broadway. Oakland. BUICK 1907 touring car; guaranteed In perfect condition; great bargain at $750. Howard Auto Co.. 459 Golden Gate ay. SECOND HAND cars bought, sold and exchanged, or money loaned for short term on all automo- blles. Valencia Garage, Inc.. 611 Valencia st. HEALD'S automobile schocl gives the best auto training on coast 425 McAllister st PACIFIC States Auto Schools teach how; results <;i'ARANTEED. 288 Golden Gate ay. -^EJVJtN^M^CJBriNES^^^^" CALL at New Home office for lowest prices on all makes of sewing machines; new dropheads, $15.50; second hand, $5; needles at wholesale. E. L. SARGEANT. C3l 12th st. Oakland. DOMESTIC— Best cheapest; all kinds rented, re- paired, exchanged; needles and supplies for all makes. J. W." EVANS, agent, 1658 O'FarreU et near Flllmore; phone West 3601. BEST makes of sewing machines, $5, $8, $10; guaranteed. New Home office, 1408 Van Ness ay. bet. Bnsh and Pine «ts. ALL makes at half price: easy payments; rent- lng. repairing. LARKIN & BARDIE. 19 4th st DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO.. W. E. Jackson agent, 404 Sntter; needles, supplies; all makes. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 FILLMORE KB, POST. BRAZING CAST IRON WE braze broken cast Iron, aluminum and brass. FEARIS BRAZING WORKS, 203 Main st. HORSES. HARNESS AND WAGONS AAA — 40 vehicles of every description, $10 up: 120 sets of harness, $2.50 up; 50 bead of mares and horses, mnles and ponies, $10 up; horse, wagon and harness, $30 np; horse, buggy and harness. $25 up: burros and donkeys, $10 «ip; 2.000 plow chains; horses and rigs for hire. Auction sale Saturday at 11 a/ m. Open Sunday. 5C5 4th St., Oakland. (Will trade.» FOR sale— l large, black, extra fine saddle horse: also 2 smaller horses suitable for deliv- ery purposes. Apply JOE O'DAY JR., 15th ay. South. FOR hire or sale — Horses, wagons and buggfes: low prices to steady customers. KINGMAN'S Stables. 1433 FoUom St. ' FOR sale — 3 fine young delivery horses, 1,000 to 1.225 pounds. 1622 Broadway. Alameda. Second band too wagons, exp. wagons/ bus. bug- gies. Nugent-Covey Wagon Co.. 349 Valencia. LADY'S black saddle and driving horse; sound; very gentle; bargain. Box 1622. Call office. BUY your harness and horse toggery from C. F. MOREL. 457 Market st. ; moderate prices. NEW and second hand delivery wagons and bug- Cies. WM. WERTSCH CO.. 24 Page at. HORSE and bnggy for sale: $40. 44« 7th st. THREE work horses for sale. Arcade Stables, 931 Fokuim. St. SOLD," rented, exchanged; manufacturer Eameg tricycle chair. 1808 Mkt st: phone Park-2040. TYPEvt^nrjrens^Ay^^^suppLiES MONARCH Visible Typewriter— ln the Monarch Visible T/pewrlter all. of the writing. is In full sight all the time; other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices;. we rent, re- pair and Inspect; before purchasing ' ring tip Dousrlas 4113, or call at 307 Bush st. WOLF & IN.SENBRUCK, dealers. TYPEWRITERS, all makes; rebuilt like new for price usually paid for' ordinary second hand one: don't buy until. you have looked over. our stock; write for price list and \u25a0: samples of work: renting a si»eclalty. THE • TYPE- WRITER EXCHANGE.. 255 Montgomery st. SPECIAL rental rates; rebuilt*, second hand, at bargains: supplies, repairs; desks. : ALEXAN- DER & CO.. 512 Market at; tel. Douglas 2157. A No. 7 REMINGTON, for, sale; good as new; \u25a0 bargain. - Call at 414 Mutual ; Savings Bank i building. 704 Market st \u25a0 • CALL BRANCH OFFICE,' 1651 Fillmore st • near Poet - BAR AXI) STORE FIXTURES CALIFORNIA home Industry, 214 Sth - st— Bar end store fixtures; showcases always ion hand. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., 17- "7 , franklin tt. near Market Phono Special 1457. DIAMOND Patent Show Case -Co., 1617 Mission r-sU; ebow cases, store fixtures;* lowest figures. TRUMAN FRANCISCO; <JALL, \TH UttSJJAY, JA^UAKY 7, 'lvvy. " ;;_ '- FURS/ '•\u25a0' r - : ._. . _:' '['_';\u25a0 ~"~~[ ; E. ,E. WALLEY. f urrler— %•: to --W off: best quality; form. 115 Kearny, now 1746-1748 Fill- more nr. Sutter. Oak. 1203; Brdwy: above 14th. 0. -; BARE. ' furrier,' formerly, Laehmann»r&- Co., • now 1515 Busii st, cor. Van Ness ay., upstairs. B. KANTNER, manufacturing furrier, formerly I 122 Stockton gt.. now 1718. Van Ness; av. '.-. ' CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1051 Fillmore St.: near I'ost. .' \u25a0 '-,'\u25a0 - .-, \u25a0, , \u0084 -..*.; C. It. HAMMERSMITH & CO., .'.; INVESTMENT BROKERS." 570 GOLDEN GATE AY. NEAR VAX NESS. SPECIAL BARGAINS, ii- •- -— FRUITS. VEGETABLES. BUTTER. EGGS, POULTRY. ETC.— Stock invoice $1,200; low rent, fine fixtures, lease; receipt" $60 day; popu- lar location; trial glven;reasonfor selling, NOT SICKNESS; THIS IS A SNAP. \u25a0 —~- S2OO— CIGAR STAND; FREE RENT: prom- 1 inent corner: must sell; .OFFER WANTED. ''.; $:!00— CANDY STORE and FRUITS; good loca- tion: stock invoice $500; SNAP. • HAT RENOVATORY: clears $150; offer wanted. »225— BAKERY and LUNCHROOMS; low rent; dears $75; choice location; SNAP.' We have CITY LOT to exchange for SMALL RESTAURANT. \u25a0 C. R. HAMMERSMITH &• CO., INVESTMENT BROKERS, 576 GOLDEN GATE A Y. NEAR VAN NESS.. SPECIAL BARGAINS.- •'. FRUITS. VEGETABLES, BUTTER. EGGS, POULTRY. ETC.— Stock invoice $1,200; low rent: fine fixtures, lease; receipts $00 day; popu- l»r location; triai glveu; reason for selling, NOT SICKNESS; THIS ISA SNAP. ; : .. $200— CIGAR STAND; FREE RENT; prom- inent corner: must sell: OFFER WANTED. $300— CANDY STORE and FRUITS; good loca- tion; stock invoice $500; SNAP. • . HAT RENOVATORY: clrs. $150; offer wanted. $225— BAKERY and LUNCHROOMS; low rent; clears $75; choice location; SNAP. We have CITY LOT to exchange for SMALL RESTAURANT. ' \u0084'•" NOTICE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS. . BAIRD &.PETERSON. LEADING BUSINESS AND ROOMING HOUSE AGENTS. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;r£'r ARK NOW LOCATED AT S3O MARKET ST. NEAR ELLIS. ROOM 218. WE HAVE THE LARGEST LIST OF GOOD BUSINESS OPENINGS AND AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT. IF YOU WANT' TO BUY A BUSINESS SEE US FIRST AND LAST. IF YOU WANT TO SELL ; A BUSINESS, LIST WITH OS FOR QUICK SALE. REMEMBER THE NAME— BAIRD & PETERSOX. REMEMBER THE NUMBER— S3O MARKET ST. NEAR ELLIS. ROOM 21S. CAPABLE businessman with $1,100 can secure large Interest in high class manufacturing,- contracting and commission business; salary $150 month, besides dividends; must be wide- awake and capable of taking full charge of plant; present manager to take the outside work for the firm; you can not find a better opening than this: business in fine . financial , condition. BAIRD & PETERSON. 051 Fillmore. JOSEPH SKIRM & CO.. 921 Broadway, Oakland. _12 Geary st., San Francisco. ..,;>*' DELICATESSEN— One of Oakland's best; clears $300 monthly; flue fixtures; best street In -Oak- land; no bonus asked: fixtures and stock worth more than price asked; sell lialC Interest or the whole place for $1,900. JOSEPH SKIRM & CO.. TWO OFFICES. San Francisco and Oakland. . , ~~ JOS. SKIRM & CO., . 921 Broadway. Oakland. DELICATESSEN, best In Oakl'd; els. $4OO.SI.SWV) FRUIT and produce market, clears . $300. . $700 CANDY store, swell place : - $900 SALOON, swell little place $W0 GROCERY. 4 living rooms; snap.... $550 BRANCH bakery, ueat place $323 RESTAURANT, Oakland's best; els. $400. 52,000 CHOPHOUSE, old established $700 ARCHITECT with offices in Market 'st needs assistance and will sell half interest to some one inclined toward this line of business; must be sober and reliable; he also mnst be willing to give his attention either to tue outside or Inside work; $20,000 worth of work in sight to the right man: price $1,000. PHOENCX REALTY EXCHANGE. 948 Market 6t, rooms 409-410. FRUIT store and ice cream parlor at a transfer point, the very best location in the city; doing a good business; good reasons for selling; $4UO worth of stock on hand; will sfand investiga- tion; 2 years' lease; living rooms upstairs go with the bargain: receipts .$"5 to $35 per day; located downtown: rent $75: a snap if taken quick. Phone Kearny 1003, B. F. HER- SHEY, 353 Kearny st. FOR sale — A complete Job printing plant; new 1 year ago; doing a good business; 3 Chandler & Price presses, Bxl2. 10x15 and 14x20; 24 Inch C. & P. paper cutter. 24 inch perforator, Boston stapler and smaller devices; no office rent to pay; this is a good Investment; reason for sell- ing, eastern real estate demands owner's at- i tentlon. Address G. M. WILLIAMS, 1229 M st. Fresno, Cal. , i GOOD solicitor and collector with $500 to invest can get an advertising business of unequaled merlt3 In a large and exclusive territory; can guarantee, you $150 month permanent Income besides money back in 60 days.. Call : PHOENIX REALTY EXCHANGE, 948 Market st Mechanics' bank building. WORKING man or women with $300 or $400: can place same for them where they can earn 5 per cent per month; real estate security; do uot have to give same any attention. - . PHOENIX REALTY EXCHANGE. 948 Market st. Mechanics' bank building. MANUFACTURER, well established business, overcrowded with contracts, is seeking finan- cial backing; 20 per cent returns on money invested; every dollar well secured; property owner who is willing' to put up shop 40x80 pre- ferred. Box 1650. Call office. .. MAKE $500 A MONTH— We have a splendid llt- tle business, now clearing that amount; own- er's wife very ill and will Bell for $000. M. F. lIOYLE COMPANY, 537 Pacific building, . San Francisco. v Central court. Bacon block, Oakland. $40 A DAY — The swellest little grocery and deli- catessen in town; owner has a big proposition down south and will' sell at the right figure: you can't beat this if you want a money maker for about $2,200. M. F. lIOYLE COM- i PANY. . . CANDY Rnd Ice cream. $900; rent $125; loa<=e 8% years; best location in Oakland, without any exception; • party must sell; come and make us an offer. MENSOR & TOUNLEY, i 1116 Broadway, Oakland, room 40. \u25a0 NURSES AND DOCTORS, notice — 20 room san- itarium; will clear $500 month over expenses: rent $75 month; anjiny rooms: pleasant ; loca- tion; Western addition; price $3,000 complete. Inquire suite 4-5, 215 Kearny st. ..'\u25a0 '. . LADY or gentleman with $10,000 can assun.4 a half interest in a clean, conservotlve \u25a0« fflce business netting 25 per cent per annum; <x- perlence unnewssary. Room 41U. First Na- , ilonnl Itankbulldlu;:,, Oakland.' f I WILL sell to' lady who want* to go In busi- ness something new In California; will sell oot- flt and formula and teach; party can '•eiillKe good money on . small Investment. MADAM ; RELD. phone Franklin 9R.' ' WANTED— A reliable businessman with $10,000 ' rash to purchase Interest and act as business manager on a fine-salary at the Novelty. Thea- 1 ter, Oakland; an exceptional opportunity \u25a0 for n Jiiif investment* . SALOON and 20 rooms, $1,500; rent $100; ' lease 5 years; short- distance from Oakland: - estab- \u25a0 llshed for years: nothing better in state.". See MENSOR A; TOWNLEY, 1110 Broadway, Oak- ' land, room 40. -. BAZAAR — One of the best little -stores in the town for tbe money;. steady business; no com- petition within a mile; price reasonable. * M. F. lIOYLE COMPANY. .' HONEST, active man, supplying $5,000 up,. can surely make 200 per cent in one, year; highest references; meet me. \u25a0 Manager, ' 65 W.- Santa ; ; (,'lara • st. : , San ' Jose. . . RESTAURANT, near large theater, $35 to $50 day trade; large; French range; seats 52; part- ners disagree and will sell for $850: rent $40; 2»4 years' lease. " Union Inv: Co.; 832, JIarket. FIRST CLASS ; restaurant and oyster house ; with liquor license: long lease; best downtown loca- tion; will sell all or take partner; = Box 1 . 1624/ Call office. . •',- RESTAU RANT for sale-^Price $0.10. the only one opposite the depot. \u25a0 Will jsUntl Investigation.' : Call" personally. I'leasantou, Alameda county, Cal. . .'• ;.:\u25a0 . .•\u25a0 ..:'->•\u25a0\u25a0;. \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0&',\u25a0: : ... \u25a0 ' $125— Restaurant and coffee .parlor; : good ; loca- tion; seats 28: a snap . for man and. wife; rent ; $30; good- trade.' Union" lnv. Co.,' 532- Market st., room 207. .. ."• \u25a0\u25a0- . : \u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0;. \u25a0 LIME— 2OO :BA RRELS OF NO. 1 LIME i SLIGHTLY, SLACKED, -AT A BARGAIN"! i BOX 1637, CALL OFFICE.- . \u0084 \u25a0 y. . -^ . FUEL, feed'iiusinrss, cheap; fully i equipped; one > " '.of - best locations i Oakland; r partnerships dis- .' agreement. Call 412 E. 12th st. Oakland.: FOR sale — A good newspaper route, in r •district' in tills city. •\u25a0 Apply to J. R; LEN- j HART.- circulation dept. S. F.;Cal?.:. . J CREAMERY and brauelr bakery; - gooil trade; 1 cheap rent: 3 living rooms; price $275. Union 1uv, ; C0...5a2 Market st.", ; roonr 2o7.^ ; RESTAURANT for sale cheap: - well eqnippr-d 1 and best- location- in the Mission. , Apply at • reytturant. 2063. Mission -»t. \u25a0:- \u25a0\u25a0::,', -- - -.' - GRUB \u25a0 STAKE . Wtd— For a \u25a0 year : lnXMexlco by • - miner who knows .the : country.""- Address : box ' 144:> ' Call. UfflCe. "\u25a0. 'Vr ..'... \u25a0..\u25a0..-\u25a0'.';\u25a0 a !>\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0%:'\u25a0* • $250— Partner In .well "est, '. paying ; business with experienced "man; tmnst- be'' a v hustler.' -.Union Inv. Co.. 832 Market* wf '.' ''\u25a0'; . \ \f; :: -: PARTNER with $150 -cash; giiaranteed -'$30 ;\u25a0 weekly. Roora SO. 921 Broadway. l : Oakland.*? r MUST be sold this week ;i good grocery store; cost • $COO-C Whafoffcr?; 1591, Waller; stJ> y \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'•_;;.\u25a0 7 SNAP— WeII c equipped : restaurant: ±< must \u25a0'-" sell; • :.- owing ' to i sickness. " Call ' at *140 '.Valencia^ st ;.-• .- » SALOON.'snd H rinmis to;let:;owncr on'preinists from 10, tu 11 a. m. Slo Howard st, ; . '\u25a0'\u25a0>':' . .A. CAMERON & CO.] ' MOVED TO ; PERMANENT LOCATION. ; -714 MARKET ST.. MAGEE BUILDINO. y .'' ",: Opposite The Call.- W lßooinl Rooin Sol— Phone Douglas 4379. ..: v\bere be«t bargains are fouDd in hotels, apart- ment and lodging bouses, flats. > ELEGANTLY . furnished downtown ' horn c : 62 \ rooms; i rent -only- $5 per room: private baths, stenm lictt, strictly modern; bargain. GRAND apartment house; *65 rooms; cheap rent: strictly up to date; furnishings are elegant: always: full:. clears over $450 months . UNE 14 room corner honse; rent $70: good con- dition: ' fine, location: -\u25a0 full select people; clears over rent $80; reduced to $1.000. : : "- V •; 11 ROOM. lodging bouse," nicely furnished, $400; j must; selL--C35 14th : St., Oakland. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 11351 - Fillnww at; ne«r : Post, t\u25a0\u25a0 • - >" -. ' - j : _V \u25a0'; ' FREIGHT ; FORWAKDIXg^^ j v JUDSOX FREIGHT FORWARDING CO. | ; Reduced rates for shipping household goods any- where west to everywhere east. \u25a0 4th and Jlarket sts..' room 206. Pacific bldg. : phone Kearny 2579. BILL COLLECTING COLLECTIONS everywhere, liens & attachments. CHAS.,H.' X0RR15,, 378 Monadnock building. ALL bills aqd promissory notes promptly collect- ed. FRED J. SCHMIDT, Market. Noe, 16th. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS BRICKWORK in all its (branches; best refs.- M. V. MOWBRAY. 1308 Devisadero: t. West 7021. | FOR saloons,- . nickelodeons, candy stores -: and restaurants; reductions In slightly used instru- ments; see us: quick. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL AND DEVICE CO., Inc.. 121 sth' st. * - : , T .\'.:._;_l,_Jpgjig^Jfg^_...,.^.. --_ JAL-UM-STEIN Printing Co., 514 Turk st bet Larkln and Polk; tel. Franklin 3766. __ UNITED GLASS WORKS. Inc^. H. R. HOPPS, PRESIDENT. ALL KINDS ART, LEADED AND MOSAIC GLASS. 115 TURK. PHONE FRANKLIN 1763. BABY CARRIAGES WE make , handicraft furniture and baby car- rlages. Pacific Coast Rattan Co.. 831 Van_Negs^ DRESS MAKING ACCORDION, sunburst, side pleating, buttons, button holes; mail and express orders solicited. STEELS, 1420 Post st. ; ; phone . West 6428. MacDowell's Dress Making and Millinery School, 1215 Post st. near Van Ness; Oakland office, 1018 Washington- st. Patterns cut to order. COMPETENT woman wishes day work. Address box 234. Call.' IGSI Flllmore st. LADIES' TAILORING SUITS made from own material; reasonable; first class work. FRED ft REJFEK. 1512 Polk st UPHOLSTERING in your own premises; furniture repaired. JOSEPH PEARCE, 1395 O'Farrell st. LX CLAIR' VACUUM CLEANING CO., Lick bdg., 02 Post st, r00m '326; phone Douglaß 2071 — Dustless cleaning of carpets, rugs, dra- peries, furniture and bedding, WITHOUT RE- moval.;-, ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removal by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. Office 24 Montgomery st; phone Kearny 5852; shop 16th and S. Bruno ay. 'LE CLAIR, VACUUM CLEANING CO., 62 Post, room 326; phone Douglas 2071 — Dustless clean- ing of carpets, rugs, draperies, furniture and bedding. WITHOUT REMOVAL. 3c yard ; our thoro j sanitary system enables us to give the best service and lowest rate. F. A. RICE.. 1805 Harrison; phone Market 2-6-2. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work send your carpets to J. SPAULDIXG & CO., 959 Golden Gate ay.; telephone Market 643. Save Money — Best cleaning and laying now 8c yd. Phone us. Market 2259. Glsslow, 3808 22d st WATTS— Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations; renovat. ; laying. 560 DcvUadero. Ph. Park 569. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk st. CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning and laying. 2400 Geary st. corner Baker. Phone West 93. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore st near Post. CHINESE-AMERICAN RESTAURANTS CHINESE restaurant, meals. 15c up. 69 Wash- lngton alley (Fish alley), upstairs. HONG KONG LOW. 1754 Geary st. ; chop suey • and noodles: American cooking: day and night LAUNDRIES HONEST work, fair prices is our motto. Golden Rule Lnundry. 624 Lagnna st: tel. Park 1385. - JAPANESE LAUNDRIES JAPANESE Laundry, waists' and curtain special- ist. Ashat Laundry. 1401 Scott. Ph. West 6296. ADVANCE window shade factory; orders filled at short notice. - GEO. WALCOM. 637 Turk st. VANS Anderson Transfer and Storage Co.. mvg., pkg., Ktjnr., etc., sth st. nr. Mkt, No. 20. Tel. Dgls. 2177; Country mvg.. trunks stored 3 days free. BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO. . Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission, sts. Tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS. CO. (Inc.)— Moving and storage, cor. 14th and Sanchez sts.V 1 block from Mar- ket and Fillmore St. cars;. phone Park 271. PIANOS stored. $1 per mo.; cartage free. BY- RON MAUZY. 250 Stockton St. Union sq. '.Tel. Franklin 76. . : A— PACIFIC STORAGE , AND VAX CO.— Brick warehouse. 2310 Flllmore St.; phone West 2028. PIEHCE-RODOLPH Storage and Moving (ioT Main office Eddy and Fillmore. Tel. West 828. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Flllmore st near Post. PAINTING AND PAPER - HANGING > PAINTING In all branches; paper hanging, : tint- \u25a0 Jng,' plastering repaired, i Send" for estimate. .Tas. P. Hunter. 1444 Webster. Tel. West 5653. .-„., :: L .--_: GA -S engines"-:' •'•.'-\u25a0' : -' MINING hoists, stationary aud portable engines.' gas, distillate or crude oIL ' WESTERN GAS ENGINE CO.. 22 Ist st. i:V : : '-'-' -\u25a0-\u25a0- •\u25a0*- '-\u25a0' trusses- V . ; _\u0084 ; ^-_;i ; , :-j ' CLARK, GANDIOX TRUSS CO.. specialists, truss fitting; lady att 1258 G. Q. ay. near Flllmore. .;_-.'_'. ;;\u25a0; ACCOUTANTS ;'v- : :-i,; r ..;^ AUDITS. 6ystems, special ! Investigations." COOP- Eß, 705 ; Kamm bldg.. , 717£ Mkt, ; . Doug. ; 1342.. W. F. BECKER, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. : AU- ' DITOR. 222 Sheldon bldg.: tel.' Douglas 648. \u25a0 A CCOUNTANTS— CertWejrPubHVV^ JOHN R. IWCKHTKLL^C^P?ICi^OG^OrCi&u^ Sprpcki-ls hldg. Phone Kearny 4151. -\u25a0- WEST" Coast ,' Detective \u25a0' Agency; n ' : '.'licensed and - , bonded,; conducts ; all \u25a0/ cases ; secretly ; corre- spondence "confidential ; : always open, t 896 ' Fill- .. more; tel.. Park 5550. >: THOS. C.; GRAY."; Prln. PRIVATE detective; ' confidential information se- \u25a0 cured. SMITH, 120!) Turk st. : tel. West 8300. ' '"••'" \u25a0" I -'\u25a0' \u25a0 ATTORNEYS ...' -r \u25a0-">'': - v " ! AA— DIVORCE; Costs/ 512;: quick," quiet; advice \u25a0free; no charge unless successful; title: to real estate restored; bankruptcy ;.* probating of es- : , lates; general practice. 1023 \ Market, st. , r. 12. i AA— DIVORCE 5 costs ' $12; % quick, :qu}et; : advice ;\u25a0;-. free ; no \u25a0, charge : unless » successful ; ; titles, e»- - tates, damages. " annulments,'* bankruptcy, \u25a0'; all - cases.y Roomi3op,i94B.Market"st.,; cor. ;Mnßon. ADVICE free; divorce costs" sl2; quick and quiet; 1 estates, \u25a0> damages, - collections * and * all cases. . j Kooms 4 and 5.- 215 Kearny, st ; open evenings, COMPLETE , divorce V for 3 $25 ; ' no I notoriety ; *no * ' delay;'v ; square, ; : confidential r\ dealings; open \u25a0 ... evening.; 1122 : Market ! St., - room 31. CIJY -TITLE? AND' COLLECTION f CO.r \u25a0\u25a0••'.\u25a0 *• oO i Hlbernla bldg./ 11:1 1: Jones str. ; \ tel. . Park 'j nO4S. HARRIS & : H ESS.* f attorneys :; at ? law; '- W.VT. ? , Hess/i notary; public.^; Room % 1112; ' Call , bldg^ &: L -' s { ; CLARK,'. attorney; at'law/ Sol Jackson; st/," .* Oakland: ;' etinsultation % freeze Open • evenings. >r_ D , n *°? CB \u25a0 costl » ?!-; ' ejectments ; s3; i advice > free ; all; legal : mattpr».i Room i CllTi Pacific* build Ing. G EO.I D. i CAMPBELL! begs ( to ? announce I that Ihe 5 has f removed . Uis ! law; office \ to i Chronicle i bldg." , rr * '--\u25a0' PATENT ATTORNEYS DEWEY, ; STRONG "&j CO.'-^Founded I860; U.-?. : and- foreign patents;. -Inventors' guides; <i&0 mechanical movements , free. * : 1105 Merchants' . Exchange Building, Francisco. HARRY C. SCHROEDER. U. S. and foreign pat- :;ents. 320 First Nat/ bank. Oakland; tel. 0,3575. 80XTAG * Patent .Agency— Estab. 1899. Balboa - - bids;., cor. ' Market \u25a0 and 2d ' sts.. 10th \u25a0 floor. TIT LES ;' ** - ES .y O REP UNDER McEnerney act. - complete. $35. . ..Title "= Co.; 951-3 Monadnock bldg., Sd and Market sts. \u25a0\u25a0••\u25a0• \u25a0'^'\u25a0' : •-"'-\u25a0'• pensions Z' -}':\u25a0?,. '^. - A— M. HARRIS, pension and patent atty.. 34 Ellis st. ; references, • the ; many thousands for whom I "have secured pensions; 21 years* practice. . _ M^^_EpjlJ«vATlJoJfAL^^_ A— PAUL 'GERSON' DRAMATIC SCHOOL— ' largest training school of .acting in America; - positions secured; 0 mo.' graduating conrse; send for catalog. : Countryman i bldg.,' 015\Van Ness. JOHN .'- S. DREW— COACHING - SCHOOL and NORMAL CLASS/1 High school, all branches. - Prepare ; for college, : teachers' exams:, - civil '•; service. Laboratory • courses. • Day, eve. 943 . % Van Ness ay.'. \u0084..•;\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0.\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-",.;• : DRAWIXO .'Aiili PAINTING lessons: class Mon- days and Thursdays 2 to 4. CURRIER'S Stu- \u25a0 dio, 1002 Ellis., corner Franklin.: : YOUNG Spanish " gentleman ' wishes to exchange ..Spanish lessons for English, lessons.. Apply 71 Glover st. ;." . ". -• .. ' \u25a0 • —. ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, mech.. survey, assay, 'cyanide; day, eve. ; est 1864. Van dor Naille.n School, 51st and Tel., Oakland. THE LYCEUM. 2500 Pine St.— Prepares boys and , girls , for university, law, medical colleges; teachers' ex's; here you save time and money. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL. OF LANGUAGES — 2531 Washington near Flllmore; : send for cir- cular. " • :\u25a0 " A— oo DAY SHORTHAND COLLEGE.' 2S 3d st. Bookkpg, arith., gram., penmanship; cir. serv. A— METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, 925 GOLDEN GATE AY. ASSAYING, telegraphy, civil and electrical engi- neering, mining, etc. Heald's, 425 McAllister. ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business College. 1256 Market st MUNSON. school of . shorthand; private lnstruc- tlon. 117 Delbert bldg.. Van Xesa & O'Farrell. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, lndlv: lnstr. math.. book keeping. Eng.. etc.; day,' eve. 807 Haight. SPANISH or French in 3 -months; perfect pro- nunelatlon. . PROF. HIDALGO. 1265 EUU St. SAN FRANCISCO Business College, now located at 733 Fillmore near Hayes; day and evening. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 FDlmore st. near Post. ' •\u25a0 - \u25a0 » PHYSICIANS DR. MAR DON, the noted doctor of Chinese em- pire, now at 708 Clay st, 8. F.; with knowl- edge Inherited through 7 generations; cures all ailments human system is subject to by. means of teas, carefully, selected herbs; consult, free. WE cure cancer of every "description ; ladies suf- frlng with Internal cancer; our treatment can not be excelled. DR. J. H. SHIRLBY & CO., Mulrhead building. 127S Market st. \u25a0 DR. WONG HIM— HERB DOCTOR. Permanently Located 1208 O'FarreU -St. bet. Gough and OcUvla. X— DR.. C. GROVES, San Francisco's leading specialist for women and maternity cases; strictly private; hrs. 0-9. 966 Market st. DR. JOS. ARDENYI, physician and surgeon: dis- eases of skin,,genlto-urinary, venereal and rec- tal diseases: I^3. 6-7:30 p. m. 1240 Eddy st DR. THIELE, German specialist, removed from 1970 Sutter st. to 921 Broadway. Oakland. MEDICAL AA— DR. AND MRS. MASON Successfully treat all female complaints and Irregularities .by improved, methods, without resorting to painful and dangerous operations; 25 years' experience. . No matter what your trouble or how long standing it may be, their friendly and confidential advice will cost you nothing. All treatment - POSITIVELY GUARANTEED not to injure the moat deli- cate person. Those unsuccessfully \u25a0 treated elsewhere especially Invited- to call. - Private home before and during confinement Hours, 9 to S; Sunday 10 to 12. Take elevator or stairs to 2d floor. 220-2^l WESTBANK BLDG.. S3O Market »t AA— ATTENTION/LADIES! DR. NORTH, 1025 Market; phone Park 5041. World Renowned Specialist 1 for Women Only. ; No Delays or Disappointment. : %'\u25a0\u25a0 '-'-^-- Relief Guaranteed. VBy Most Superior Painless . Methods Known to Medical Science. - Most, obstinate cases treated: utmost privacy; have no hesitancy if In need. of my services; absolutely harmless. Low fees." By consulting an eminent specialist you save time and I money. All female complaints cured. Advice free. -10 a. ni. to 4 p. m. and 6 to 9 p. m. AA— ROBERT G. FULTON, B. A., M. D. 510 11th \u25a0 st. : near Washington, Oakland. i'O years .ago I graduated from 2 leading universities. Since then I have TREATED WOMEN'S AILMENTS EXCLUSIVELY. - It Is to your advantage to consult the most success- ful and trustworthy specialist Advice free. Fees reasonable. Hours, 10 a. in. to 8 p. m. Phone Oakland 5458. DR. ROBERT OREENLEAF FULTON. 516 11th Bt bet Washington and Clay, Oakland. LADIES— I POSITIVELY GUARANTEE to cure nil female complaints. The MOST OBSTI- NATE CASES RELIEVED. My methods aro SAFE. SURE AND "PAINLESS. RELIEF GUARANTEED OR NO FEE. . Advice Free. Fees low. Private sanatorium if. desired. A— MRS. DR. -WELLS, reliable ladles' specialist for all female complaints: instant relief guar- anteed; 30 years' successful practice; home In confinement. - 1524 WEBSTER st. between Geary and Post; office hours 10 to 5. VALPEAU'S female pills; best regulating pills sold; price $2.50 by express. Pasteur's syringes and tablets, price $5. > By express only on receipt of price. OSGOOD BROTHF.RS. whole- sale druggists. 7th. and Broadway, Oakland. A— DR. I). WALTERS. 1438 Ellis nr. Webster. " (One' Mock' east of Flllrnore)' ' Reliable Specialist for; Women Only. Hours— lo a. m. to Bp. m.; Sundays 10. to 2. . MRS. DR. WEST, office 1293 Golden Gate , ay.— Ladles* specialist for -.many ; years; \ all cases successfully - treated; \u25a0no pain ; .: no delay from home;, low fees;- hours, 9 a.m. to 8 p. m. - .- : DR. MARY ADAM, ladles' physician; private \u25a0home for confinement; terms reasonable. -3004 Frultvale av.; 'phone Merrltt 215. SPECIALIST for ladles; painless relief guarnn- teedrpnid when', cured; advice free. MRS. I>R. PHILLIPS.'- 34K>-lflth st. nenr Mission. A— DR. AND .MRS. DR. PIERCE, ladles'^spet , elalists: \u25a0 our treatment ' is pleasant, ; safe and sure. Don't trust your health to dangerous drugs or even more dangerous operations.- You can pay a little down. Suite r,02. Westbank bldg., 830 Market st. cor. Ellis. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.: Sundays till-- 12. : ' "HEALTH,' MOVEMENT ' i VIA VI \u25a0, SCIENCE, .OF HEALTH, natural; non- I surgical; cloth bound, 400 page book free. Ap- 1 ply by ; mail, 636 Pine st; lecture for women Thursday at 2:30 p. m.- \u25a0 \u25a0 . . "-\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0"'\u25a0< r;.^v' DENTISTS .\u25a0'\u25a0'.' \u0084.\u25a0-\u25a0,' ;'. BOSTON S PAINLESS DENTISTS. 739 Market St., acknowledged , to be ' the easiest and . best pain- less extraction In S. , F. -Fullset of teeth, $2: gold crowns/- s2;; silver fillings, 50c. All work guaranteed 20 , years. .: ' Open dally, till 9 p. m. DR. SIMMS, formerly : Parrott bldg:.; 855 Market " Bt.. now located 1214 Polk \u25a0 cor.j Sntter, '; r. 301. DR. ~C. 'W. DECKERS SURGEON DENTIST— 1310 Sutter above: Van Ness ; r Franklin ; 1980. DR. IRA" G. : LEEK— AII , kinds -of \u25a0 dental work. ' 515 • Fillmore Bt.' near ; Oak/.-i ..\u25a0-'-.' . . :: . . .pR.,U. k G.'BARTLETT, extracting specialist, re- *;- moved to 323 Geary cor. Powell: Douglas 4300. HILL, DR: LUDLUM,* 432 Webs. \u25a0 (now Mulrhead bldg.). Market. Hnves and Lnrkln; gas ' given. '_.;'-. ''\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 V CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY-^-1261 . Golden^ Gate ay. near ' Fill- :-''more'Bt.' \u25a0...:\u25a0\u25a0.,\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0.-'?", "\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0 FOOT maladies;; 4 specialists. Prof. Wellesley, .501-2 Westbank; bldg... Mkt: S8 3d. Tel. - 3086. FOOT ' maladies -treated Iby i moat J advanced meth- ods \u25a0 ods in America: »\u25a0- Dr." JasTs Brown; \u25a0 Emporium. ' V^^CAJTARRH AXD ' DEAFNES S] " 'AI.SO ear - nolsos^ positively /cured •- 1 \u25a0 week free DR. COTTINGHAM. 1990 Sutter St.: hrs. 1(m! lIOSPITAL DR. E.. J.f CßEELY.^lsl^^M^rkTrTstTrp^one Mkt.^ll7o— Sneolnl ward for docs; dogs bearded. I -''\u25a0'•-— " : - maternity; ; Homes - '• ; :--'- : / > CRAWFORD i. MATERNITY-; HOME— Ex"perienced '. ; physician '\u25a0 and 'matron > int charge ;v quiet" terms -..»- reas. w 320. 32d ay.; Sntter and Cliff cars direct.' CALL';' BRANCH -OFFICE, ICSI- Fillmore -st •'•nosr Post. '"-s J - '- \u25a0': : \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0 •-\u25a0:- ; ' .. : \u25a0:';-. ..- -\u0084- . \u25a0\u0084 . '., ' - .. ''.MATRIMONIALvTr i ~r^yr7j YOUNG .cnltured'; lady*: aged\ 30. : Is. anxious to nieet gentleman;: one* who; can 4 , assist ; her lln j flnlshlng her \u25a0\u25a0 musical - education: - ; Italian pre- :'--ierretl. witli ? pbjeeUto -matrimony. \u25a0\u25a0 :;.-: box, 1 545.^. Ca U a office.'. , ' \' .^:-i .TEMPERATE > gentleman, ; nge .2s.* goiSd ; buslnes.*;- r '\u25a0; wishes; to ! meet, respectable- young Jewish "lKdr; Iv; statci particulars; * object < ma trimvnr. - * AUdrcss ibox'lSOir Call: office, \u25a0\u25a0• - , " - 1 - - '. - Contlnqed REFINED. and educated younjr man 'wishes to correspond with ladies of means; object matri- mony. Box 1641, 'Call office. - DO not be deceived; the only reliable matrimo- nial -bureau you "will find at MRS. •A.-WOL- TER'S. 1752 Geary gt. ; : e»Ubllihed In 1800. SOBER, industrious centleman would like to cor- - respond with lady ot ; similar characterUUc*. W. C. W.; Gait, 'Sacramento cotinty. CaL GENTLEMEN find ladles of wealth and culture at - the only reliable agency. • "Society Ltdy," 260 Hollis at, Oakland. DeUOs 25c. IF TBesirous of companion' or helpmate.' cossnlt •- Mrs. de Long's matrimonial parlors. 1243 La- guna st. :' phone West. 5699. Mrs. .Hughes' Matrimonial Bureau; details 25c; ladies reg. free. 935 Webster near McAllister. PARTIES wishing to marry, call or write Mrs. MCCARTHY. 1328 Buchanan; 25e Information. PARTIES wishing to marry call or write MR3. MILLARD. 2209 Sntter St.; details 25c. PARTIES wishing to marry call or write Mrs. MARTIN. 1722 Ellis st: details 25c. MISS E. M. REID, graduate masseuse: hours, 10-0. Suite 2. 1705 O'FarreU corner FUlmore. WIGS WIGS and toupees of my make- defy detection. I guarantee it. - An artistic man wig maker watts on gentlemen; private gentlemen depart- - ment upstairs. Hair dressing, shampooing, etc.. by experts only. A large stock of pure human .hair goods constantly- on hand. Switches, pooi- padour puffs, etc. Mail orders receive prompt attention. G. LEDERER. 2271 California »t. near Webster. Established 1866. RAG carpets woven to order and for sale: also chenille wove rugs, silk . portieres, handsome fluff rugs made from your old carpets; send for circulars. Geo. Matthews. 709 Sth at. Oak. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less cost at CHAS. LYONS', the London tailor. 1432 Flllmore st. bet Ellis and O'Farrell YOUR photo and a sofa cushion top. $1.50. We make frames at a cheap price. Pacific Art Co.. 555 Van Ness ay. - \u25a0 * MRS. L; B. HARTMAN, bathn and massage, nervous and rheumatic specialist. 408 Koeaig bldg., 101 Poat Bt.. cor." Kearny; open Sundays. MRS. MOORE — Vibratory massage for riieLjui- tlsm; irraduate attendant; hours 10 to 8 dally. 1804 Flllmore st: walk in. MAGNETIC MASSAGE— MRS HOLSHOLSER, rooms 349-351 Pacific bldg. cor. 4th and Mrkf A— MISS A. LUND, graduate masseuse. 1705 O'Farrell. cor. Fill., suite 3; phone West 8538. GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos- tumes: sue. to Jabn. costumer. 821 Van Ness. GRADUATE" masseuse. MRS. HELEN DERBER. electric treatment. 2024 Sntter. P. West 6803. MISS WALLACE. Eastern masseuse: baths. 124 Turk, r. 210. Ist floor, rear; 11-10; open Son. MISS O. BELL, manicuring, face and scalp treatment; \u25a0 Room 21. 1443 Flllmore st. MISS E. M. REID, graduate masseuse: hours. _lQjbj_ _Sitlte 2. 17a"» O'Forreli oorner Flllmoro. ~JSI^i3X9X^*Z*L~ GENTLEMAN. 30. poor, would like to marry a lady with means from 30 to 43 years of age. Box 1336. Call office. MISS ZEMDAR. young, gifted clair. ami palm.; a wonderful prophetess: name; L. 50c, G. $1; • hours. 10 to 8.. 1410& Geary at. near Octavia. ; Mrs. Wussmer. clair., palm., planet reader: hrs. 10 to S. 1103 Laguna near Turk, basement. MISS LEE— Palmist, card and planet reader; hours. ,10. to 0. 411 Eddy st. j MRS. SHAFFER, test- and business medium; olnivorant; Mttlne* dally. flO7 Bnohanan st. "ADOPTION' MATERNITY villa— Children boarded or adopt- _ cd. 1410 Sth St.. Alameda. ; MME. BUSHNELL. expert palmist. 2O yrs. 209 Kearny. 9 to 5 ex. Snndav. Tel. Doniclas 3C.7Q. SPmiTUALISM A — Mrs. J. J. Whitney, trance medium and lifo reader: sittings dally; full reading $1. at her home. 1164 O'Farrell: by mail. 4 questions $1. MME. EMERT. . Occult identlßt Reading dally. 10101* Wash- ington st. rm. 1. Oakland. Hrs. 10-5: no sign. MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD— CircIes Sun.. Mon.. Wed.. Frl.. 8 p. m.; readings dally 10 to • p., m.. 1+39 Fillmore st. ' MRS. SEAL, spiritual minister; consultations daily: officiates at -marriages, funerals. 7SU McAllister. .. RETURNED— Miss M. Wille. great crystal seer- ess and medium, can be conuslted on all af- \u25a0 fairs; 10 to S. 13i)D O'Farrell corner Laguna. CUTTING. REV. F. R.— Hours 9 to S daily; meetings Sun., Tues.", Frl.. Bp. m. 1183 Ellis. MRS. SEAL, spiritual reading: readings daily; officiates at marriages, funerals. 780 McAllister. DR. HOWLAND. the noted psychic; public meetlnc tonight. 1230 Flllmore at., room 21.* "musical J>»- JLJSIC.A 1^ STORAGE pianos almost given away; sacrifice. Storage Co.'s. 415 Van Ness ay., and WUlte- head's Storage, 405 San Pablo ay., Oakland. PRIZE coupons and certificates Issued by the different piano houses accepted by UORN- UNG'S. 619 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. STEINWAY upright; fine condition: also walnut case Ester upright and Stelnway square, from $75 up BOWERS & SON. 529 McAllister »t. A— ALMOST new upright. cheap. JOS. SCHMITZ & CO.. now 621 Van Ness nr. Turk. A GOOD piano for rent at $3 a month. SCOTT CURTAZ PIANO CO.. 560 Hayes «t. FISCHER piano, good as new. cash or time. Any . reasonable offer. 908 Van Ness ay. $125 — First class upright: nearly new? mnst be ' sold. HORNUNG'S. 1554 Eddy near Flllmore. PIANOS to rent; no cartage. BYRON MAUZY. 250 Stockton st. Union sq. Tel. Franklin 76. PRIVATE party .wants to sell flna mahogany piano; slightly used, standard make. 1463 Bush. NEW pianos for rent. " $3 per month; rent al- . lowed if purchased. . STATH AM. 24 Hill st. : CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1631 Flllmore at near - Post. FINANCIAL ~ AAAA- NEW YEAR'S MONEY. SALARY LOANS. SALARY LOANS. Start the new year right by settling all scat- tered debts. We will loan you enough on your "SALARY", to pay all these bills and give yon additional money, besides. Just on your plain note; no indorser,' no publicity. Your employer never knows of any transactions at our office. Pay us back . in weekly or monthly payments. Rebates given if paid before due. WESTERN LOAN CO.. 40S Call bldg.. 3d and Market sts. • Open 8:30 to 6 p. -m.; also Monday. Wednes- day, and Saturday evenings until -8 p. m. "" ' . MONEY— MONEY— MONK Y. ' '\u25a0 ' • HOUSEHOLD LOAX COMPANY. : We will : advance \u25a0 you money -In ; sums "of ' $10 to' $200 on your furniture, piano, borsea, ve- hicles, etc. (without \u25a0 removal): on short no- tice. -Low rates, \u25a0 easy payments:.' absolutely private.- Call and let us explain our new up' to . date. plan. Courteous treatment. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.. -357-359 Pacific bids.. 3U ' floor, 4th and Market sts.: phone Douglas 3265. 'Oakland office, room 3, Mac- ' donough'bldg., 14th and -Broadway. A— CALIFORNIA'S Largest Pawnbrokers, - Liberal 'loans on diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, furs, .etc.;- banking rates; ladies' private office, fire and burglar proof vault on the premises - ,-.-- CALIFORNIA LOAN;OFFICF. \u25a0 • \u25a0 Formerly known '\u25a0 as Goldwater'p. '.$4l Broadway near 6th st. Oakland. MONEY LOANED on furniture, pianos aad other ; security: lowest rates; ] most \u25a0 favorable . terms ': In .the city : "see others, 1 then see me and i be .", convinced;- 1 will save you money; $2.25 week- ly repays , $50 loau. - Phone Market 3029. • • • • ' GEOKGE-W.r MILLER. 3009 16th st. ; SW. corner Mission, room 33. MONEY, loaned salaried people : and others upon ~ their : own • names ; without • security: " cheapest rates: .; easy payments; < offices in 66 principal cities; yourself money .by - getting our ternn first. "\u25a0- TOLMAX, room 137, .787. Market •st.'.'S.'F.. and room 9. 4iiO 13th st... Oakland. ~~ MONEY— MONEYS-MONEY. \u25a0 SalarleST-Clwttels." * " \u25a0 " 'Life Insurance. Policies. " . Wage Earners'. Investment and . Loan Co.. 443 Pine at...-.: \u25a0. W A NTKD— S year loan $ 'on $30,000 prop- "' erty, -B' miles 'east* <}f- Fresno city: .improved •, set' out; in vines.;,. Address -Hi , F.-.'AL- '•' .LA RDT, box i 12SS, - Fresno, with full i partlcn- \u25a0: ' lars. \u25a0 -\u25a0 " ; -.; \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u0084\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 ". ;'.---.; -_ ADVANCES . made on "diamonds ' and* jewelry at • lowest. rates;. safe deposit- vaults: greatest pos- sible care taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO.. -'.Van Ness and r Sntter.~. ! ; >: . :T: ,. •' . . LOWESTjrates.''no delay — Loans on M second mortgages, estates,' legacies. .. Undivided . [interest •* When yon need-money see HERMAN" '. ; M UP.PH Y. '; 54«> Market st. ; Saw Francisco. \u0084. ANY amount on real estete.'first or second mort- ga?CK/or on anysfcwity: no.delay; low rates. .^u O.\W. :' BECKER.. 2I II : FUImore near California. LOANS: on I . this side of. the bay;- any. proposition \u25a0;in:«.realj estate; \u25a0\u25a0 no delay.- AUSTIN.-- 101S 'Broadwarv Oakland:" - y •";*;- i < MONEY to loanat low rates of interett on real HEROLD A-LEVITSKY.: 4O7, Pine tui MOXEY TO ILLINOIS TRUST COMPANY loans money _on . hoosc-bold goods; also on salaries. 151G Euay. A>'Y sum. Ist. 20. 3d mort.; ,'nterest In. estate*. R. McCOLGAN. rs. 314-315. W Montgomery »t. A— LOANS on salaries. HOME CREDIT * IN- VESTMENT Co.. 523 Pacific bldg.. 4th k Mkt. \u25b2AA— Loans to salaried people. THE WHITB CO.. SG* Monadnock bldg.: phone Douglas 3250. Original Uncle BUI (Modern. Loan Co.. Inc.).JM Ellis nr. Mkt.; 40 yrs. la city: tel. Dongl. 3301 OS furniture, pianos, etc.: strictly private. . BECKER. 2111 Flllmore st. near California. CASB loaned to salaried men on note without Indorser. MORRELL. 822 Monadnock M3g. OX furniture and ptanoa; $15 up; no removal: no . com. TREMAIX. 728 Buchanan near Hayea. SALARY loans: other propositions. San Fran- claco Dlsconat Agency. 411 Pacific building- LOANS— Any amount on real estte. L. W. JEF- rEBSOX REALTY CO.. 330 Market st. MOXEY WANTED WANTED— S2SO, 6 months. 2^ per cent month; good security. Box 1649. Call office. WANTED— To borrow $350, 1 year. 5 per cent month: real entat* security. Box 1031. Call. IXVESTMEXTV W« caa sell you any active unlisted stock fmai 20 to 80 per cent belowany other bona fld« prices. Weekly market letter . of listed ami unlisted stocks snd bonds on request. Qui«!i sales made of all active stocks. CHESTER C. ELLIS & CO.. 714 Market st __ > WE have sawmill and tract redwood timber for sale; centrally located; on easr term» to rlzht man. MeFAULL & EDWARDS, room 3-J7. Chronicle building. - ' $I.».OO— OCEAN' SHORE RAILWAY FIRST MORTGAGE- BONDS FOR SALE AT $COO EACH. D. E. BESECKER. 24S PACIFIC BUILDINO. OPPORTUNITY to realize from 50 to 400 per cent on safe gilt eds* investment: perfectly legitimate: absolutely no fake. Call or write E. R. BRANN. 906 McAllister St.. city. FOR Investment of $IS.OOO can offer an income of $.1,000 per year for 4 year* ami capital re- turned; staple mil!. Box 1843. Call ufflce. CASH offer for $200 Homeland Irrljatetl Farm* Company bond; good, till January 10. Box 1606. Call office. - 1,000 SHARES Pacific Jupiter steel stock at 10 cents per share. Box 1615, Call office. M'CARTHY Wireless bought and sold; highest price. Full Information. 40 Bacon blk.. Oalt'd. MeCARTY WIRELESS— Larjce block for sale cnean. 40 Bacon Mock: nhone Oakland fifty.. ft>*a:vctal caltfc^clv^safer^rposit and trust accounts and ocean shore bonds bought. d. c. be.seeker. 243 pac. blk. "ABBOTT buys BONDS"; Ocean Shore. Market _st Bank. Cal. Safe Pep, books. 132 Bush st. LEGAL NOTICES r~~~+ NOTICE is hereby given that my wife* Mr*. Mac Burtchaell. having left my bed and board with- out my consent. I shall no looser be responsi- ble for bills contracted by her. HERBERT W. BURTCHAELL. NOTICE to the public— My wife. Mrs. E. H. Rumsey, having left my bed and board. I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by her after January 2. 1909. (Slznod) Mr. E. 11. RUMSEY. REMOVAL NOTICES FRANK S. BRITTAIN. attorney at law. ha< moved from the Ulbernix Bank building t*> room 701. First National Bank building. wher« he will resume general law practice on Janu- ary 7. 1909. MINES AND MIXING ALLGEWAHR BROS. CO.. assaying In all Its branches; accuracy guaranteed: send for mail- Ing envelope. 313 6th st.. Oakland. GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought, cash; assaying BOc. Pioneer Awaay Co.. 131 sth st. nr. Howard. REAL ESTATE crrj^i^vi^EyrA^E „-,_ ... .. CHOICE LOTS IN RICHMOND DISTRICT. EASY TERMS. $630— Each, 28th ay.. between C and B sts.; higti ground; fine view. $800— Just a few lots on 35th ay.. 1 block from the car line; graded and street work done. This avenue haa been opened from Point Lobos to Fulton at. Look at our NEW BLOCK between 40th anl 4lst ays.. A and B Ha. Every lot Is on of- ficial line and grade; streets curbed and macad- amized. The work is nearly finished. Every lot in this block affords a GRAND MARLS K VIEW, as well as a view of Spreckels lake, tho Chain of Lakes and Golden Gate park. Every lot in this block U a BARGAIN. $G. 20O — Modern home of 7. rooms, bath and high . - basement, on the sunny side of Waller st. between Masonic ami Central ays. $2,000 — Modern cottage of 5 rooms, bata ami high basement; fine marine view; on 4t',ri ay. close to H st. and Golden Gate park; » rent $23 per month; only $730 cash re- qnlred; balance easy terms. Get busy. This l 3 a bargain. LIPMAX & HIKSCHLEK. 255 Montgomery at. Phone Douglas 3644. Branch office corner of II st. and 12th ay. Open daily. Including Sundays. MR. RENT PAYER. Begin the new year in a home of your own. We have a desiralfle. 5 room cottage. 4TCT. Point Lobos ay. near 34th: Clement st ears pas* the property; price of same Is $J,500; can be had on easy montuly payments. OSCAR HEYMAN & BROTHER. 113 Montgomery st near Sutter. A— — — . UNDER McENERNEY ACT • LAWYERS'. TITLE CO.MPAXT 300-1-3-5 CLUNIK BULIPINR • SW. COR. CALIFORNIA & MONTG'Y TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 4-TiJ MONEY made daily, and Call Want Ads help to make It Advertise your wants; make them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. An investment, not an expense. For full par- \u25a0 ticnlars read Call Want Ada dally. •. ~ BARGAIN. " 131.000— Worth $3S.0O0; 8 flatir. McAllister st; . pays 14 per cent; no mortgage; any amount up to $17,000 can remain If desired. C. HILL, box 1618, Call office. • LOT within 200 feet of Fulton at, on lttrh ay.. San Francisco, can be bonght from m» fnr $900. W. W. MADGE. 1668 9th ay.. Oakland. $6.000^ — Greatest bargain of the day: new, beau- tiful residence. 6 swell rooms and auto j;ar- age: 1 block from Park; terms. 1410 Haight. OVERLOOKING th« Presidio: .« room house; beamed ceilings; furnace; halg cash. Ifl 17th a y. 1 want .to buy a vacant lot for cash; corner preferred. Address box 134". Call office. COUNTRY KEAL ESTATE FOR sale— At a bargain, elegant home of .1 acres -In Palo Alto's - growing suburb: $n.o<» worth of Improvements; land alone is worth $10,000: price 512.C00; for ipot cash a bix discount; property .will subdivide nicely; must be sold within 30 days. Apply to M. BON'D- AU3C. box 32. Palo Alto. ' MODESTO IRRIGATED LANDS ! ' Free illustrated lectures dally at 3 p. m. on this rich and productive section at California state board of trade, ferry building. For liter- ature anrt information call oa H. H. -WHIT- MORE. Stanislaus county representative. STATE BOARD QF TRADE, ferry building. CALIFORNIA land, $t per acre, cash payment balance purchase 80 cents month per acre; close San Franc! <co; no taxes, no Interest- 5 acre tracts: level.- rich, clear, ready to plow irrigated; perpetual water rights; Immediate possession: particulars, maps, photographs fre*. STKVINSON COLONY. 1414 Market »t.7s. F* STOCK RANCHES. " - 1.000 to 23.000 acres at $3 to $12 per acre- both winter and sntntner range: fine water- ab- solutely nothing better In the state. W. E. JOHNSON. ' . . 232 gan Pablo ay.. Oakland. Cal.' A 5 ACRE FARM for sale. 4 miles from Santn Rosa, Sonoma county, suitable for raisins veg- etables, small fruits, garden truck and espe- cially adapted to the raising of poultry. Tli# land Is rich and level and needs no Irrigation Will glTe.easy .terma. Address box 1640. CalL* LAND for \u25a0 all purposes. Targe or small tracts . aifalfa, citrus fruits, eucalyptus, grape, ' decid- uous fruits." etc. ; also mines and orange groves Address either E. R. BRAXN. 9Oti Me illlstec st..' city, or BAUGS &• BRANN. Lindsay. Cal. MOXEY made daily, and Call Want Ads help to make: lt Advertise your wants; make them known t<» the public, through -a. Cat) Want Ad .An Investment not an expense. For full nar- tlcaiars- read Call Want Ads dally. THOUSANDS of chickens; buy a chicken farm on-the Cotatl ranch - near, Petaluma: several hundred 'families 'already -• raising tlioti«and« Apply to, the Cotatl.Co.. 310 California ' st, San Frnacisio, owners of property. \u25a0 \u25a0 • $SoO— $400 cash: 20 acres Al orchard land or chteken ranch;. wood and water: near Sebasto- po!.. Sonoma county. WELLS &. BAXGS, 30<J Chronicle building. ; ; . . -. .'i- r " ' GOVERNMENT LANDS. ~ ' Fertile alfalfa.. grain and fruit . !»oits> »n acre and np. for a slort time: g»injr fast Pacific Land. Co.V 110; Bacon block; Oakland. 5 and 10 ; acre homes in A lamed* county ' rich level land, with 2 railroads. 2 stations on tbi land; cheap:' $I>S down and $10 p#r month Rich Valley Lactl ' Company. ' 54<1 Market st.- \u25a0- V -~ -. Con tiaaed" to > ext P *£• ) *