Newspaper Page Text
GKIDLEY BJrts ard Sccnet c*lnal«s— Ciol?« ! fru:t. sifalfa and cranre irricated laad». ro'.6 no <^T terrn^ For pert icul.r* cmll or addresa \ 1. T. A. 'iBERMLYER. 270 Van Ncs» ay. j I'ttß ««;^_ao »^m fiao frrirablelcnd: ce, r town; ' r.>aio ro»«l: n<-n- br.iMing». fine water, tele- fhntf. Writ- for cash terms R. L. ••wiM^r. Orland. <"*!. WK La»e for sale, eicfesnjp or rent ranoa farm* ! end city propertr. KcKAL'L & EDWABDS. 227 i ''fcrwicle Imilflins. FOR. Mle— la San T^uis Obi^pn cnoctr. <vp acre firm: prw S3JO6; half ce«b: i» ac.-*» ia or- ' ttrd; tprlag water. >tc. B. I^. Alley. Poxo. Cal. SAVTA CRUZ. F. H. PAUKER— SI.SOO; 15 acres ri-h liiad: spric];. well. wood. be«riax orchard. .<jgg*.: n. V. U..N aUrs tprick. road: Terms.. 41', ACRE*:, iaipnored: near Xortbcm Electric *nd ». p. railroads; i.4rx> aen*. S. G. RISHOP. PJea«,nt GroVe. Cal. IMP. 5 ard 11 acre por.;trr rtß'ten; uran easy; cheap. Owner. A. STF.PHKNS. Pctalcaa, Cal. ' :<^i ACRES— Irrlgstr-d. tlftlta or grapes; bar- i __£rjjj_y^r >^i^h or l-r:r.x. <>w»<»r. V»t 1014. C»TI. *!>J*tg__ i r ouVrv _ REAL KM'ATE I A TEW lots in Sea Rafael, near Union depct. r«c $125 each: J2T. cssh. $5 a tnoatb; no later- «t. no taxet. MOt.TvLER, 601 4th *t Saa . T:«f»el. or MONT<;oSSERY Si CO.. 45 Kearay ••T.. s»r! Frtprjsro. ."•:.~— J^JL^J-y - CRI -' Z nE ~ Kl ' ESTATE \u25a0 H'IUES. iaveFtmerHs. lots, ranches, acre proi>er- !>^ brown a vrn.snx, s«i;ta Crat. Oaf f lkilA.i VALLET REAIV ESTATE*_ S*~"—Vor. Birtbedale and Locuft «?.; sewer. w*;er. fTre** work: a bsrraia: Tamalpals park lr«-t: lot 146. GEO. KBOG. IZ7<; Ocean blvd. W^^^" l^^*^ MM^"^^^MM"MslsMailMMMaMai >> aM M aa B — 'I"OR New. modern Uo»:se of 11 rooms. »!t- . ua:ed tn best l.jr»Hty: c:7 Ilcaier «v., P«lo -. \u25a0 A!rn. I nq:: ire «t premium. -^BAY JIEAI^ ESTATE ' LOTS ia Uclfmooa Buy rbeap: owner canst have \u25a0 <n-E,er. i\% <Ti»-or,lcle rmiirtir.c. San rrancteco. :. 1 T\AVT to buy a vacant lot from $1,000 to .•;*2.OU9 cash. AdOresa H. X., P. O. box 12. - s>n Kafaei. Cal. \ OAKUK3 JOAISEDI mm PEOITY4IC JWANTED^ OFFICES ; JAPANESE and Ilocae Cleanlag Co.. t>37 V .Clay si.; tel. Oakland ISS4. Home A 2445. :• \u25a0 vAP. top. Agency — Gen. contract'jrs. 3^l Bth .'. . n.. Osk!aad: te> . Oak CIDS. Hume A4SIS. rJAJVAVESB Emp. end House i.ieanlag Co.. 311 - T:b *.r. rhorje*. (xfc'anii r>T.22- nonie A3Z2*. SPECIAL. NOTICES LADIES and cectleasea wao wish rood wuhiag .:•" ; «nd >rocin*\ c« to Sim Cbocg Lung Chinese '•. • luaDdrr. US 7rh «t.. Oaklead. Work neatly •'\u25a0• . rr.<l rlcely «ioae; reKjxtasi Me : «»nd pacts! card ..''rrri ttm rgll. I.CX I'HnXr,. mictrtr. IvROOMS AND BOARD :.ii<ITEL ST. PAUL. ES 15rh ft., roner Clay — "y~- 2.<k>tn* V.<r a. day up: ?i.50 iri»V up; special *-_-JT^"te by tbe inocth: t-pen all cicht. -. iTHI «.. T.!9. between San PaMo aid Telegraph "... *">•• <'»kl»n<l — Fumisbed. beeny, single rooa. V. &i P*f aionth: rlnoe '.n. "•tIAEKET tt.. S2l— 2 cr 3 Isrge mnny house \u25a0 kee^ir.? r'joms; near ctatioa; reasonable. '. fTH c: . L'T'l. Oakland— Coaifartably furnished '\u25a0 rr ' T - : ni<«Vyt rrice*. i OAKLAND HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS I '•'SUNNY bouse keepiag kuites: 2 rooms each; ail ! \u0084 .' •' _ — jcvecieat-es: close ia. iy7 Webtter >t. ' - FUBXISaED roonss fnr Ugbt house keeping; '.:' ' rent. 'j3l MagaoUa eu, OakUad. 'JHK «.iak!and brasL-b of The Ca.'l is at 4CS K!erentii st. ne«r Broadway. Pboaes Scnsrt "»>!«!tfl j'tV.". HOT 3» A3.*'. ROOMS TO LET — Derkrfey lIARMON *t.. IS*6A. B«»rt»-leT— A larse fnr- . c:s.iife! front ro-xa; Ltif block Alcatras «*- \ \u25a0cr.: y-. ' I^OJ^E^J^E^P^^'G^OOM^—B^rjkiele^y- | I'RINCE, 1^37. So. Bcrkrley — 3 ftwm apartment; I r,*-et. scary. mod«ra: R. P.. Key Route. Oak- '^cd «ar* coaveaieat; 2 ailuits pxelerred; cheap " T.ctt pgrtteit. HOUSES, FLATS, ETC. ' 1- : I"RNISHKI> b^rcalow; 1» rooms. 2 baths: every ] i.j '-tar^e^n rrfflrrcieoce: ».lt;iat^d ia heart of Pied- ] V' mt«i> frf>»t rr*id' > atial district: large crouad*, j .c - fi?i!r trw^ Sotsvr*. e-.c. !aouir« S. T. PEN- j • .-C.EHTIJY. i-are Wick Lam Uavca?. 1212 Broad- •r. way. o«k!aad. \u25a0 • _____ _^__^ ',i^EW 5 mom Cat: dir.lnjj acd living rnea beamed I .; ,: »nd paneled; polished floors, fumed cak Span- j ';• ' i*h l<>s:bcr furnliure: lsrjre yard; block to] 4 - : . : -I"e<im'«rt fctsiloa. Key Route; rent 137.X). j :. •'. '-ITR9 Hi-we ft. :: ' r iTiK O*ki£oti Bmncb «f The Call is at 4CB .. '• I::rT^ntli vt. Di*r Brrvsdwsv. Pioaea Sanset •....• ','it:;!»; :W. H^if. A237.V * •'- •'.. < *° l .'*' X ' i To »-ET— Oakland— Cafara. ••\u25a0j-'roK rf-nt— 2 eppfr Soor*. ZQiUjO each. I 1 , "c:rs'.lr lrtra'ea; RlteratloM mafi* to sdt I ." j. :<r.snt: rent reasonnbie to responsible tea- I -:i- «L, Inquire of HANS EN A; KOHLER. j vi. J^L'- comer fcth =t>a TTebstc-r st«.. Osllsad. i APARTMENTS ' ..\u25a0 . THE ETETTIN'EB. ' : . *>.a:tr«. f«rBi*lj«>l and auf ura:*be<] ; cvry r<>m- •f'.*: ttiii elegance, sttractin? the most refined 1 ' »' --re \u25a0:>-•\u25a0 <. ;::w1 »n<l I>',<-gr*r-ii nv. ' J-"f>ATS TO^I.ET — \lamedn — KomUheH , CF.NTON sr.. lils. aliiiiira"~riilliUlml flat. 3 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.':\u25a0\u25a0.-'\u25a0 -r... u « nl t;»ti:: Til new. \u25a0J*™:?*??. TO InI ' nT *~' f af , or -r~ B *' rk< ' I *' y :'-!.::T.K: '-!.::T.K rooat bocsalow; near Li£b *cboo! and - •'•• *^<it:«i: a darlicc littSc place; rent $15. D. L. '. Jr.Ni;<K. ;'M2 S>:Mri:rk ST.. Brketey. ' ISj^ ROOMS WANTED i£f>JjmS wsnt* 2 <>r J cnl'irnlFhed rooms, vrlzii \u25a0 . tj'th, \u2666 > ic);ailTe. hi nice jjiirt cf Berkeley, nt-ar \u25a0• . KVv Rnc!!", for wcup*ti«a February 1 ; state .fnl!'- invest tprta*. etc.; f-ferences crrtaii-pd. ; ; FOR SALE— WantecP sm*^Mi \u25a0\ '.6XAPS— I P«sex:e*s. like new, $450: 1 electric • t+aio. like new. >:',": term-s or <-ash (Siscoant. VAN BEOS.. 27th and San Pablo ay.. Oak- laTvl. Piedmont y»4C. .OfD SUPPLIES NTW t^d ».ecoad band typewriters boc;bt and • vod. rented, repaired. SMITH Bg<jy.. 4C2 IStti rt. Pmoag Oskland 12. «;.n<>. E. MKCRY — Sciith ITrtaior spent; a.ll tar*** r"T>sire-I. t~G Bma4war. OskJand. rittjviTMi; HjE^jF-cjn^sajle "^" "^ \u25a0 — V L'E in tltce^ — Fornltcre and fcoos<>bo!d cooci. Jaa- carr tale: every art : cle mast go; >20.< X"0 wcrth of rood« to rtvote trozn. H. SCHELI^- HAAS. Tbe Bary Oara«-i-, lltb aod >'raaklla >••• . "tk.ia'i. $«.V««— riNC fnrnitfctcrt. S room hocse. Key f.t« iMh t.t.. nor Telegraph. <>«kl«nd. BUSINESS CARDS~~ B. H. rALLSXEB. •.PchlteTt .*ad boilder— Store '-..:;. )obt>ln* dooe at lowc*t prices. K)4 47th «t.: i^mes H-C7aC. Pledfftoot 2T<C7. A.vTiqin Ft nyiTrßE YE 01-DE CURKJSITIE SHOPPE— Mabop. tables. \u25a0 >. .-». bureann, desks, davenport* and enrlog t^c-ht and sold. •'<.r. 7tb and Braah. Oakland. HOUSE MOAT,RV^ HENDEnJOX & COVEV— Raisinr." brick • — wmml tmild^acs, Uatc-I raistac etc. Ail 22d »t-. Oak. 2a". Hi>rre A-51.*.<- C"A RPET CL.E IM\C I S5 ATIinW.SON'S Carpet 1U »;i: c Wcrk*— Carrot Isj-ins. opliol*.; m*ttre«» making, feather Tea. »\u25a0-.;:; K. lftli rt.. <»«k. Me-rrlrt M.V Home BICKS. V - - HOVSRjCVRAy 'IXSL*^^^^^ JAPANESE l»aj'work C<«., »>1«» E. If.lh rU, Kut WANT ADS ! OAKLiSD-AUHEDA— KRKatY— fRWIYALf LOCKSMITH — Oakland KETS furnished at factotj- prices. Key Works, Sso Clay tt.; phone Oakland 6717. A-2574. i *"— ~**™"^' ' —^— .— \u25a0— ! 52°JE3iSS^ <^»^*^ WW w W «. ANY kind of roofs rcpetred or palated. A. QIL- MAN. 603 East l£th Bt.: phoae Merrttt 450. TRUXKS \u25a0 zzz TRrNKS btmTsPTT CASE* AT OSG<M>U'S DEPARTMENT DRCG STORES. OCR $7 TRHNK PROFESSIONAL SANITARIUMS PRIVATE home for. confinement: adoptions; best of <-«re. 13C3 Market «t.. OakUnd. .. .MEPICAI, __• DR. Dl'CßOl"s rcnale pills are pure aa<l Bafe: bef t regulating pills soid; price $2. Wlsiiart's drug etore, Oaklacd. ROBERT G. FULTON. M. D., leading specialist for womea. 516 HUi st. near Washington. Oakland. RUPTURE CURED "TALKS ON RUPTURE." by Prof. Pierce, jnst , iesued; copy free. PIERCE & SON. 1417 Cbestact «t.. Alamr<!». Phon* Aiameda 17SO. _^ a T^rtm v e^» s LANGAN & MENI'ENHALL, 201 BACON bulld- Ing: piion* «'»kl»nd 1431. EPUCATIOXAIi— OakIand HEALD-DIXON CX)IXEGE I Saa PaMo it. aod 16th St.. Oakland— New aad CKxJora: 12 schools; createot facilities tirui strooFest influence. COMMERCIAL SHORT- HAND. TYPING. NORMAU i MONEY made daily and Call Want Ads help to make It. Advertise your wants; make them knowa to the public through a Cail Want Ad. An invesimeut. not an expease. For full par- ticnlars wd Call Want Ada daily. PERSONAL ~ i CLAIRVOYANTS I MADAM AUGUST, clairvcran. and palmist; truth i or no oay. Vir. Broadway and 7th. Oakland. I orer «>tgf»nd> «^rcg «tor»: reading* Mk». FINANCIAL MONEY \VA VTED Amoonts ni» to SIO.OfO at S per cent oet for ratg. l»«ns. DU RAY SMITH. 1015 Uroadwar. Osk. INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS— SecoritIes and loans: 533 First Ntl. I»». blflg.. Oakland. Pettie & Burbeck. Tl'.r. Oakland Branch of Tbe Call is at 4G3 nieremii st. i. -«r Broadway. Phones Saeset OufcUßd Hvr.- Home .\2375. REAL ESTATE OAKI.AXD REAJ^ESTATE LOT In PieiSKOßt Vista. 39x112 feet: 1 block from Osk land ay. car line and about C blocks from I'iednont station of the Key Route; tbis is «n Ideal location for a home.; is situated on !;:r- ground aad bas a beautifnl riew; terms $450 cash and l«elance of $S6O in montbly- pay- cents of $23, includiac interest. Addi*«s box 1512, Call office, Saa Francisco. ONLY A THOUSAND DOLLARS !a cash is repaired to buy a beautiful home ' for which tbe owner refesed f9.000 after the San Francisco fire. wb?a be didn't waat to m '!. It Lk !i ."i")nn sr.l iras. built regard- lens of eipenw. ITlr* reduced to J6.500. all ft which, esctT't $1,000. caa rt-maia oa mort- Kap*. We tsve nJimcrous d»sirab!e country prop- oriies to exebacs* for Oakland cr Berkeley .projwrty. JOHN T. BELL i SON. 504 Sixteenth St. IM.>KS THIS SOUND REAL? A f*w lets in ' Piedmont, with Tinexcelled view. rr.srsiJir-.1E.-l streets, car 1 block, from $10 to $20 per foot, ©n easy firm*; this property is trortn doable this now; think what it win bring i next ye«r; sucb offers are •eidom atade to the public: If you are laterested or write within 10 days. GILBERT P. HALY. ; Ruoa fftl. Union .Savings Back building, Oak- land. Cal. Phoae OaklnaJ 5%17. ~~ ~ ~~ SPECIAL TWO *tory 7 rooai bouse, larjre porcbes. nearly n».v<-. tborcughiy tnodera, only oae block from two car lines." lot 41xl3'> oa high irround. Cr*t class district, eoaveuleat to schools, not far from besiaess property: street work com- plete; mast sell as u> cwaer is fdns to \jo+ Anecs<-«. Caa l«e hail oa very «-a*y term*. Price J4.300. D. F. MINXET. 422 11th St., Oakland. TURN ov»r a cew leaf. Why pay rfcat when ron can boy a cew 7 room modera boase oa i4ih tr. carllae for S2SO cart) aad moatbiy parmeat* less tbaa rrat which laclnd^s Ju- jcrttt: lot MxlOO. We bare otber cottage* In Oitlxad snd frnStvale of 4 aad 5 rooms to same terms; priccf from fI.SOO to $."5,500. I.UITRELI/ & CO.. 10C7 Broadway. Oakland. READ THIS BARGAIN. rive room, faith basement cottage: lot 23x1 1.' feet: 2 blocks from rmr line: J« mlaptes from 14th «n<! lirosdway: price $1,100: will accept part cash or trade for cowl borse*. D. M. JOHNSON. Bckeve Ftables. 33:h aad Broadway. OaVliaJ. RENT flayer, lifftpa: $100 down. $20 -per month will bay a $1,400 4 room collage: street work, sidewalks la. Address 1420 Broadway. Oakland. HOMES on monthly payments; tisakLns interest ; i\c will baild or toy you a home. Pacifl- 1 }jfrp»» HniM'ng «'<i.. UT>S Brrwdwar. Oakl.ini. oaki .an d mo n Jkrt y ' w axt ed_ WANTED — Property la aud arouad Oakland. t ,:!.-?\u25a0 vacant or improved: auy price as long •* tbe value Is , there to exebaage. I can -liaodle any i>roi>ceition of merit, as 1 make ilils a.*}Mfialty. V. F. MINNET. 422 Uta >T.. Oakland. A»I EDA REAL EST\\T^^^ FOR sale— C acre. choice orchard aad poultry farm; all Ix-arlag trees; 2 story . houte. S i\- !i.f. besides bathroom asd pantry: ra* la rrcry rooai; lire- barn, epriag wagoa aad bagCT. I horae. 1 cow, about 400 chlekena, '"> pijreocK. chickea boosci aad other, out* buildings. . good well aad taak. fartaiag lm- pk'oeatft and fools; lots of fruit boxes aa4 dryiag trays; $7,500: ui-ar Hayward.* Address <wvner. ijjgt 15th. corner- Howard. S. F. ' FRUfTVAKE REAL ESTATE OWING .to Blckacss 1 am deslroua of selling a store, with 3 fooaos In rear of ctore, corner lot 75x112. stock of general merchandise, fix- tares, furniture, horse aad wagoa. stable asd dtber, balldings; property all feaced; every- thing is new; tbis Is a barg-aia; mu«t tte sold qtitrk; prk*.s,"t.O«.)O. JOHN BAPOS. S2lB Rcd- vrnr«l rrad. rniltvale. KNIGHTS OF ROYAL ARCH INSTALL NEW OFFICERS Ceremonies Are Held in Golden Gate Commandery Hall One of the liveliest and most suc cessful entertainments ever held under the direction of the organization was ETiven yesterday by San^Frandsco lodge Xo. 2, Knichts of the Roycl Arch, at Golden Gate commandery hall. The occasion was the annual installation of officers, and the elaborate ceremony was carried off without a hitch. / The installation ceremonies were celebratwl by Grand Valiant Com mander I'rank Dietrich of Sacramento, who came to this city especially for the occasion. He wnj assisted by* Past Grand Valiant Commander John J. Her get. The officers installed were:- Peter Trelch;past valiant commander; Jp.m*»s M. Daley, valiant * commander: W.vK.'H*rvey. lieutenant commander; James Garlty, treasurer; -J. A." Baxr, orator: Fraifk.O. Roney, recorder: Her man Ipi«<»i».-master of ceremonies; Al bert Williams, captain of the euard; Aujrust Heyerniann. tyl#r; Dr..William J. Walsh... physician; trustees. I. H. Spiro. William C Wood. Walt Larscn. T. J. Ckncy and E.,L Wacntr. y.. . B . Do Yon.UaatSs.oof- Read THE CALL'S weekly offer on page ll.' „ -\u25a0 THE SAX FRANCISCO ::\u25a0 CALL. ': THURSDAY. J AN U AK Y 7. 1909 JAMES TREADWELL A BANKRUPT Referee Is to Take Testimony in Case of Ruined / Banker Property Alleged to Belong to Mining Man Declared to Be Owned by Defunct Bank James Treadwell was yesterday ad judged bankrupt by Judge de Haven in the United States district court,, and the matter referred to Milton J. Green, referee in bankruptcy, to take .testi mony in the case looking to the final settlement : of the claims against the ruined banker and mine owner. The suit asking that Treadwell be declared bankrupt was filed some time ago by depositors in the California safe deposit and trust company. January 16 was »et as the day for testimony to be taken by Referee Green. The court denied an application of the depositors asking that ; certain properties and holdings, alleged to be long to Treadwell, be attached. The court held that these properties did not belong to Treadwell, but were the prop erty of the California safe deposit and trust company. The same holding was Issued by the court relative to 399 shares of capital stock of the Sacra mento Valley bank, which the deposi tors had attached. The shares, it was claimed, belonged to J. DaJzell Brown, but the court found the shares had been placed in his name merely as a convenience and belonged in reality to the bank. In the case of 215 shares of capital stock in the Union national bank of Oakland, the court found they belonged to Brown. As Brown owed the Oak land bank 550.000 and had given these shares to secure the loan, the court held that the shares should go toward satisfying the depositors after the bank bad flirt been reimbursed. The shares are worth considerable more than the amount for which they are pledged. HOSPITAL RECOMiMENDED BUILT ON PRESENT SITE Supervisors Decide Despite Mis- sion Residents' Protest Tbe supervisors' hospital committee recommended yesterday that the new $2,000,000 city and county hospital be erected on the site at Potrero avenue and Twenty-second street, despite a number of protests of Mission resi dents. With a lively memory of the char acter of the 'late wooden structures which for 40 years went as "the city and county hospital." M. H. Hurley and T. B. Slevin yesterday earnestly pro tested against the new hospital being raised on the same site. - Drs. Ophuls and Manning of the health board explained that the vicinity, of the new hospital would be the safest place in the city. City Architect Tharp said that the new buildings would be class A in construction, and an orna ment to the district; and Chairman Payot referred to the fact that good private hospitals were not found a detriment anywhere. The committee then confirmed the choice of the site. It also recommended the passage of an ordinance advocated by the board of health which will . give that body the power to stop milk and dairy products aj the county line where, there is lack of ,knowled?e or suspicion that the dames producing the supplies are not up to standard. The bill," if enacted, will indirectly enable the board to supervise out of the county establish ments whose proprietors wish to mar ket in San Francisco. POOLROOM MAX FINED Joseph Rothschild, proprietor of a poolroom at 3246 Mission street, was convicted by Police Judge Deasy yes terday and 'vas fined $50. He gave no tice of appeal. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Birth. tnajTiaz*; and death notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed ia at either of ibe publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons author- ized to have the unit published. Notices re- stricted simply to tbe annouacemeat of tbe event are published once ia tbis columa free of charge. MARRIAGE LICENSES The following marrisge licenses were Issned in Saa Francisco Wednesday. January 6. 1909: BASETT— WALSH— Henry R. Basett. 27, To- maleii. aad Irene A. Walsh. 2.1, 320 Virgiaia aveaue. BERENTSEN— FREE— Richard B. Bereatsen, 4(t. 1C25 California street, aad Ella E. Free, 27. 15W Larkla street. GRAY — BOWERS— Beraice M. Gray. 30, and Mabelle Bowers, 23. botb or Chicago. HILL— ANDEKSOX— Wilbur E. Hill. 24. Belve- dere street, and Elaia U. Andersoa. 20, llsA Saa Jose aveaue. > nrGHE.<— Fl>QOl>— Edward J. UugbeK, 21, 142 Silver strict, and Margaret Fl>aml, IS, 449 Mis- sltslppl street. JONES — «*TUABT— <Jeorge T. Joae*. 57. H7 Beacb street, and Ella Stuart, 50. 1249 Hayes street. KNOLL Fl'Rl.lNG— Herman P. Knoll, 32. 2P60 Dlsmocd street, and Katie Furling, 21, 3342 Twenty-fifth »tr>«"l. KONIGSTEIN— MANN V— Gabor Konigstein. 3s, and Maude - Maany, IS, U»th cf 544 Sixth avenne. LOREXTZEN— WISDOM— Andrew P. I^irentten, <r>. and Harsb Wisdom, 40, both of Alameda. MAIKAWA— KIYATARO— Kltaro Malkawa, 37. f anta Clara, aad Mino Kiyataro, 27. 2025 Pine street. MYERS— BAERNE— Joseph Myers. 27, Elm- linrst. and Leva Macrae, 23, .35528 Eighteenth street. O^BORNE^ NEWMAN — Joha 11. OslK>rae. • 30, aivi AtJgnsta : Newmaa, l'.i. l>oth of 404 Walnut »treet. REESE— GRIFFIN— Rudolph Reese, 32. and Minnie Grfffln," S3, both of Sulson City. RICHARDS— HOFFMAN— Charles L. Richards, 31, Tonoprfn, aad Eiizabetb Hofftaan, 35, Sac- rtmcato. . • : RIGLY— EYMAT— Joseph A. Rigly. 28. 203 C r.nsenwleh street, and Louise Eyinat, 23, 2510 Grcccwlcb street. . N SANTHOC — CERLES— Ecgcne Santhou.;29, 2354 Railroad aveaue. aad Angcle Ccrles, 20, 158 C •fweatieth street. SPRINGER— HENNINGS — Henry E. Springer, 21. OBS Noe street, and Frieda J. H. Hemiicss, 21. 411 Douclms street. - STODDARD— WILLEV— Frederick R. ' Stoddard, S3, city. «n<l Minnie Wllley, . 30,' Gllroy. WHEELER— SHEELHY— Cbestcr .- R. , . Wheeler. "3 594 Atbens street, aod Geraldine Sfceelby, T7. 24 Capsley street. \u25a0 • ZERRAGINO — MANGINI — Camillo. Zerrnglno. 2S. S Oakwtod , street, and Mary Manglai, 16, 532 Treat avenae. OAKLAND. Jan. ; «.— Tbe XollWing marriage liovases ; were insued • to Jsy : .. ,- . j CONRY— TWOMEY-^Jolin F. Conry. M. and Margaret Twomey, ,S2, both of Oakland. EHLXRS— CARLSON— Adolph i Ehlers,' ; : 4«. Oak- land, and Christina Carlson, ZQ, £aa FraacUco. FRIEND— VANNIER— Harry 1..; Friend. 24, and AUieae* Vaanjer, 19,,1«0tU of , Alaineda. \u0084 HILKENXIG— FLETCHER — Jt»eph HitkennJg, 2S, and Mary E.. Fletcher, 25, both of Aa- \u25a0 liocb. LEE— HIGG INS— Jame* C. I^e. -05, .. Mel rose i \u25a0 sad Alafore:n. Hlggins. .44.. Los Angeles.- - . . LEMAIRE— BUYSEE--JoseDh I>cmalre. 30. and Clara Buywe.,,lo, both, «f. San" Fraaelsco. NEVIS— II ECOX— L<e« 11. Nrii*. 24, Oakland, ;.*ad Janice M.,Hecox. 20. .Saa ; Jo»<«. . OLIVERIA»-«;ONI*AItTB-^Alfred : J. Oilveria. 2S. and Asm O. Gonlarte, 2-i, both of Center- PERRY— GRUIIER— Leo' L. I'erty. 22, snd MaK 1 th» Grebcr. 22, l»oth of ; San" Jon*. SCHEIER— ESTZ— HaroId . Jsrijf>l»r,' 21, and Clara .. A. Eistz.; IS.* both of. San Francisco.': TAYU»R— HARI»— Joha A. : Taylor. 27, »nd .Sarah CUarO, 20, both of rroilTaJe; Gossip of Railwaymen JACK .IXGLIS, having "a touch .of rheumatism, - was advised to seek i relief at \ Byron springs and con sented to try the cure. On his wa^ there he met a friend whom, ac cording to h!s own statement, he had not seen "for 85 years." ; 'Tou will come- and stay with me," urged the new found friend. "I have a farm : of SO. OOO acres, .- make my own wines and brandies, raise" chickens and have all the conveniences of a, city in the country. -Oh, never mind about the waters. I have an automobile and ", will teach you to run it- You # can go over there "every day." Jack and f spent one day learning all about. the automobile. Next morning he started for Byron, after \u25a0 careful instructions as to what to do In case of an emergency. "That machine is a beauty," Jack ob served 'to a friend. - "and • though 1 ran the thing all right I nearly lost my life at , the hands of an infuriated Chinese. It's all wrong having- such dangerous creatures at large, especially at a hotel. -"It was this way. I got to Byron without any difficulty and ran her into the shed. It was done with wonderful skill. But when I left I had to back her out of the sbed. _ "Then an infernal, squint eyed, Chi nese began to shout at me. 1 got flus tered and backed harder than ever. The brute then picked up a hoe and rushed at me, trying to hack off my head. I put on : alf steam and backed away harder than ever, meanwhile dodging the violent efforts of the insane Chi nese to kill me. "Suddenly I found the automobile running rapidly backward; with a dex trous turn of the wrist I headed her right and she ran away at the rate of about 100 miles an hour. . "I learned afterward that I had been running the machine over some choice flower beds and the Chinese, who was the gardener, swore he. would kill me. . "Xo, I never went back to Byron, for I hear they will not . discharge that Chinaman. They will never get my custom. That's all." The Southern Pacific will be ready shortly to open the new Dumbarton gateway into San Francisco, putting the city on the main line in a commercial sense. Practically all tile work is done, and what remains can be finished with in the space of six weeks. Primarily, the cutoff between Redwood and New ark will be used for freight, but there will be also a local passenger service in and out of San Francisco at least as far as Newark.. Eventually the line will be connected with the San Joaquin valley route, and will be fed by the new line through San Ramon valley to Pleasanton, now about finished, as well as the other lines In the interior. Its possibilities fn relation to the movement of overland trains are yet undetermined, but when the route through Niles is opened it is likely that certain overland trains will be run via Stockton and Dumbarton. It Is be lieved that the Sacramento Southern, now being built on the south side of the Sacramento river west, is to play an Important part in the through service and will connect with the Port Costa line near Antioch. Its use will obviate the necessity of ferriage between Be nlcia and Port Costa for many of the through trains. At present work is in progress on 2.000 of 3,600 miles of the Grand Trunk Pacific between Prince Rupert on the Pacific and Moncton on the Atlantic seaboard. The company has spent $20,000,000 and the government $40,000, 000 to date on the -enterprise. Men are working nighfand-tiay on the first 100 miles out of . Prince Rupert and on the rock sections east of Winnipeg. By September next there will be 1,200 miles ready for the transportation of freight from a point^west of Edmonton at the foot of the Rockies to Fort Wil liam on Lake Superior. The only- gap not now under construction in the en tire system is 600 miles lying between the end of the Prince Rupert contract and Wolfe Creek, east of the Rockies through the Yellowhead pass. The steel is laid on the new transcontinental foad for 100 miles east of Winnipeg. ] WINN— APPLEDORN— James I- Wlaa. 21, \u25a0 Fresno, and Lencha Appledorn, 17, Oakland. BIRTHS HILLEBRAND— In this city, December 22, 150S, to the wife of Henry Hlllebraud. a son. KISNER— In this city, to the wife of Percy E. Kisner ture Meirdes), a son. LANGER— In this city, to the wife of Dr. S. R. Langer, a son. MARRIAGES ROSENBERG— SPENCER— -la this city. Jannary «. 1909, by Frank Stuart Ford, pastor of First Christian church. O«car S. Rosenberg and Mol. lie Spencer, both of San ; Francisco. DEATHS Ami?] -on. J0ba..... 74! Held. Charles U 54 Maker. Mary A. . . . . 3>t Hnrley, Mary .».. 72 Barblrrl. Slmoae.'.. . 45j Kelly, Frank B 27 lioswortb. C. W . . . . 7«i Keyen (Ma«.-l BrickwedH. M^. Harry SljKreth, William GS roffey, Annie... — iljinx .-. . (Infant) Cordes, Aldrich J. F. TSj Logan, James E . 75 Cunnlcgbam, I'eter.. 64| McCarthy. Catherine — l>aly, Mary.*. GfcjMooek (Infant) Douglas, George 8..55 Murphy, Margaret T. 24 Ehlers. Cbrlstlna... 75 Murphy, Mary 77 Ertman, Milma.'..'.. W O'Connor. Michael... S2 Gallagher, Rose A.. 77 Peck, Margaret. H... — Garvin, Anthony. ... HI Ranlett, " J0hn. ...... 72 Graciette, Augn^tin. 44 Vucanovicb, Cbristo- Greaaey, Catherine . <S9 pher 1.. . . ; 4« Hammond. Charles.. KSZ Wuo Sick Kirn ..... 3U Hardy, William .... 81 1 Wheeler. Lorenzo G." 31 Harris, Herbert.*... 55|Zowasky, Maria..:.. 13 ANDERSON— In this city. January 6, 1909, John Anderson, a uative of St. -Helena, Eng., aged .-• 74 years. \u25a0\u25a0 : .. -.. BAKER— In this clty. : January 5, 1800, Mary Agnes, dearly beloved wife of : Htrry Baker, and mother of the late - Margaret Arnold, a native of the parish of Eskay, County Sligo, Ireland, aged SS years. Fricnda and acquaintances '\u25a0 are respectfully Invited to : attend the - funeral today (Thurs- day), at S:3O o'clock a. m., from the parlors of J. C. O'Connor & Co.. 770 Turk street, thrnc* to St. Patrick's chnrch. where a solemn requiem ' biga . buss will be celebrated for the , rcpcs« of ber^ aoal. commencing at 9 \u25a0 o'clock -a. -m^ Interment Holy Cross cemetery. BARBIERI— In this city, Jaaaary 5,; 1909. Simone. : dearly beloved husband of Natalina and father of Victor. Manitel, Charles, Edward and lolanda Barbleri, and stepfather of _Mrs. Delia DenwrtJai, Ijouls and Frank Lauarl. i a native of Italy, aged 45 years 0 months and \u25a0'\u25a0 1 day. v " • \u25a0 \u25a0 '- '>"-r-.,' • '\u25a0 - '\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral Suaday. January --10, 1909. at 1 o'clock p. m.. from. the parlors of Valente. ? Marinl. Marais & Co.. C 49 Gr^en street, thence to hall at" 1524- Powell street, ' where services will b<* held under tbe auspices of Cocrt Maaainl No. 7^09, A. O. F. Interment \u25a0 Italian "cemetery. BOSVTORTH— In this city, January C, 1909. • C.:W., Bosworth.: a native of New York, aged ,^.7(i years.;-... Q -'• . :'-: '-' -'•'..'• BEICKWZDEL— Ip ibis city; January" 5.' 1909r- M. Harry BricKweUel. . beiorcd *oa of Anua Brickivedel. and brother ,i of -.- Annie ;E. \u25a0 sad \u25a0 George l\* Brlckwedel, . a native tf Js'aa Ft an- " clseo. aged -51 years. , :. \u25a0 Friends - and acauafnUnces ; are respectfully lavlted to . attend., the- funeral strvices to- - day (Thursday). -. at J2 * o'elot-k p. m., at tue chapel of 1. O.^O. F.ceaietery.. , COFFEY— Ia this i city, 7 Jaauary 4. 1&00, * Aani* '<i Loretta;' dearly beloved wif# of Joseph Coffey. loving mother '\u25a0 of < Joseph » Coffey ; ; ; Jr.. - beloved :•: • daughter -\u25a0 of < tb» -late Michael and Rose - Me-" -'-Donnell. aad beloved sister of -Edward.. Thomas »nd James .McDoanell,: Mrs. .de 4 Ia \u25a0 Fontaine. Mrs. : R. Conroy. Mrs. F.i Darragb.: Mrs.; M. Brandon andtbc:late Esther. Carney, a native -cf^ San^ Francisco. ; CaL FriPndu and ,\u25a0 acqualntaaces are , respectfully iavited to attend tb«- funprstl :• today •- (Tbnrs- day), . at - S :SO \u25a0 o'clock -i a. c m..* from :. tbe : resi- dence 'of her slaler.vMrs. -..F. i Darragh.t 70 Col- ,'.\u25a0\u25a0 too !«trwt; off', Brady ; lx»tween \u25a0; and Thirteenth. - thence -to - -St. .Joseph's church, i where a requlPta high \ mass will be celebrated .•\u25a0' for * ; the • rrpose ' of > her * »oul.V commrnclnjf *at •k: 9 o'clock 'i a. - m. ~^ Interment Holy Cross • ceme- /mi. -~ •\u25a0 ' \u25a0; \u25a0 -~ : "--~- ' ': /-""•\u25a0 - , 75 miles on: Ea. Tueue section north of Three -Rivers to Quebec, and several small ., strips V more, ' making 200 miles in all; The line is In' operation- from Port ."William to Superior. Junction, a distance 'of 200 miles, and from Winni peg: westward for TOO miles to "Wain wright. "No good on this train," said the con ductor brusquely to the railroadman, as he presented his I pass on , one of the trains pulling; out of .Chicago.' "But it must be pood. Why, man, . 1 am the general agent of this line in San Francisco, which takes In the whole coast from Seattle to San Diego." "Where are you going?" "To thej stockyards." "Quarter, or get off." "That guy over there is trying to pull my. leg about his being a general agent of this company in California," said the conductor to a friend, and laughed. "I see you charged him a quarter instead of 1 5 cents," the friend replied. "Always do. High priced cattle must pay more for traveling- than plain, common, ordinary stock. You see they carry more insurance. - I tell you the big traffic men. like Stubbs and others, could get Jots of pointers from con ductors if they were wise enough to ask us." It is understood that the meeting of the transcontinental freight bureau which was called' for January 11 In Chicago has .been postponed till the 28th. The reason for the change in dates is due to the fact that the switching rate cases are to be tried in this city on January IS, which both Edward Chambers of the Santa Fe and George W. Luce of the Southern Pa cific have to attend. A correspondent of the Railroad Age Gazette takes issue ' with the Santa Fe official who quotes scripture . to prove that the giving of a pass was contrary to the spirit of the bible. E. l-\ Test takes issue on this .and in the course of a long letter says: "That official ought to study his bible, because 'salvation Is free," If rr>»?vay rides are not. Even Isaiah M.ys. 'Ho every one that thirsteth . . . come, buy wine and milk wlth c v money and price.' Seriously, the rule against passes is too severe. It is sectlonalizing the people. We had enough of Sectionalism in 1861-65.: A more Judicious, liberal system should be adopted." Again he says had this official of the Santa Fe turned to the book of Exodus "he would have read that the Israelites were passed through the Red sea, and In the. book of Joshua that they were passed through the Jordan. That number of free travel ers would have made his pass book look sick." ; .;:' * •<,- Frank . Shay, the well known" at torney of the Southern Pacific, was operated on for appendicitis Tuesday and from last accounts was doing fa vorably. Ex-Senator Thomas Keaxns, who Is a director of the San Pedro. Los An geles and Salt Lake road. Is in the city. He expects to return here in March and spend some time on his ranch near Santa Rosa. The Santa Fe has issued a dainty booklet entitled "The California Lim ited," which describes a trip on that train to the coast. It is beautifully illustrated and printed. Word was received in the offices of the Southern Pacific yesterday, that Ju lius, Kruttschnitt, director of mainten ance and operation of the Harrlman lines, was at Culiacan. Mexico, inspect ing the work that is being done on the Southern Pacific extension In the neighboring republic. H. R. Judah, assistant general pas senger agent of the Southern Pacific, ia expected home today from his trip to the City of Mexico. E. W. Pontius, traffic manager of the Los Angeles Pacific, who - has been spending the Christmas holidays near the city, has left for Los Angeles. COHDZS— At rest, Ia Vallejo. Cal- Jaauary 3, ltMX>, Aldrich J. F.. dearly beloved uu*bead of Tatheriac Cordes, deroted father of Mrs. Mary Devitt and Tobias J. Cordes, aad beloved grandfather of Ethel. Rnth, Laora aad John DeTitt aad Warrea Cordes, a aatiTe of Cer- iii»ht, aged 73 years 1 nioatU aad 26 days. Frit-ads end aeiiuuintaurcs are re*pectfally iaWted to attead the fnoeral tomorrow <Fri- ', «lay*. at H a. m.. from bis late residence. £03 K^atiicky strret. \u25a0 Vallcjo. Cal.\ latenaeat Cypress Lawn cemetery, jiatj Mateo county. Sbr electric f naeral car from f *rry oa arriral of the l":3u p. m. boat from Valjejo, Cal. CUNNINGHAM— In this city. Jaauary 6. ldtt. I'eter Cuaatoghani. brother of Mary Cuaolnrham, a . aatirs of lrelaad, aged 04 years. ' DAXT— Ia tills city. Janaary 5, 1909, Mary, beloved wife of Jrreeilah Daly, lorl&g Blether of • Joseph J., Joba AY., Charles IV and the late Cornelias- P.- Daly, grraadmother of May I'alv. aad sister of William Scaalaa, a attire . of County Cork. IrHaud. aced ' tJS years. Friends aud acquaintances are respectfully iavited to attend the fnneral today «Thnr*- day), Jaauary 7, 1009, ' at S:HO o'clock a. ro., from the parlors or Monahnn A. Co., ISO 4 Gner- rero street corner of Twenty-fifth, thence to Micsloa Dolores chureb» where a rtquit-m bi;b mass will be celebrated for the rejjo»« of her .'sou!, comaienoinK at U o'clock a. to. latermeat Uoly Cross cemetery. DOUGLAS— Ia thi» city, Jaaaarr 5, 1900. George ! It., beloved LusUand. of Uollie . Doufiao, and - 'father, of : Bessie, -. Arthur. Fred tn<i HowarJ DoaglaK. a na:irr of Missouri, aged 05 years " moatbs aad Vi day*. A tneiabcr of Electri- \u25a0 cal Workers' local* No.' 13. : EHLIES— In West Berkeley. January's, 1309. ; (Christina, beloved mother of John, : Tred and George . Ilreczt-1. Mr*. W. J. Doooelly, Mrs. 'M. G. Donnelly, William, llenrjv. Peter and Itodolph Iihlon«, Mrs. William Corran. toil the late Ernest Breaiel and Jacob EWers, a native of Germany, aged 75 years aod 3 month*. Friends aad ' arquaintsacf » are . respectfully \u25a0 ;It»vited-to attend the funeral tomorrow (Fri- day), Jaapary 8, 1&09. at 1:50 o'clock p. ni.. from the residence of her daughter. Airs;- W. .'. Donnelly."' 933 : Anthony street. West Berkeley. Interment Moontala ', View cemetery. EKTMAS— In; West BBTkeley. January C, 1909. . Hilma, beloved wife of Jobn V. Ertman, *M<-r of Bruno .Fardiff, \u25a0 and : aiece .of IJ«v, G. B. ' Fa nil?, a native of Flalaad, aged 20 years 11 moatha and. 24 days. GALLAGHER —In this city, January 4. i 1909, ! • Itose A. Gallagher,, beloved mother of Mrs. Mary McCaffrey *: and Charles B. Gallagher. and. sister of Mm. Catherine- Potter.. Miss B. '\u25a0 Moss end tbe late Mrs. Sarah MeCabe, • aa- ! tlTe of , Cooaty > Tyrpne, lrelaad, aged .--; . years. \u25a0•-\u25a0'. "..:\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084'.'. «•;-, :'\u25a0.-. ; v\u25a0 - Friends ; and arquaint^aces »re . re spertf ully \u25a0 invited 'to attend tbe \u25a0 f anerel ' today tTTjurs- <lay), . Jaanary 7. 18W, at 9' o'clock '-a. ta.. i - from her late' residence. - 4030 - Twenty-third street, ; thence ito , St. Jamrs r church, where . - •'requiem bigli mass for ..the ; repose of her "' idul will' be •- celebrated, '. commencing, at 9:30 a. m.. Interment ; Holy Cross cemetery.' GAEVUf—At " rest,; Jannary " 4, I&Q9, .""Anthony, 'dearly .beloved husband of Anale Garvin.: aud ; loving 'fatuer 1 of Kathieeu, Kutn, .Toemai autl : Josepll Gnrrin," aad -loving' cousin -of- Patrick Garria aart Martin C. andPeterMeDonaell, a * natiTe of Couaty Mayo, Ireland.* aged 31 years, \u25a0 .V member ot -the. Hod. Carriers* caion." Pljoc- tsix irrove, U. A. rO.- D. . : - , : Friends;' and i. acquaintances are respectfoll? Invited to attend tbe funeral thU day ( Thnrs- <l»y),-at.8:30 a.m.. from 1 , the parlors of Me-, ISrearty ' 11,1 1, McConalck. : 9J5 Valfacia street ; near. TwentleU». "- thence to ; St." Paul's charca, ; - where art-quiem high mass will be celebrated ! for tbe \u25a0 repose; of • lift - s<ral. ; commencing at 9 a.~ si. latermeat Holjr^ Cross '-, cemetery. . ; GEAGIETTE-^-Ib ttis "Vity. "'Janaary, 3." 19C0,. Au- •«\u25a0 tustln Graciette,* beloved - uaele ,of Aatoiae." ?- Pierre : -'and : Saturnln - I.acabere, , aad . cou*!a -\u25a0 of ! Mr." v aad ;Mrs.» Jeaa*; Laeabere.v » -astive :<if . Fraacf, -aged 44 s year*. \u0084 " ,- - Friends .- and \u25a0.;\u25a0 acquaiatanees are ', respectfully ' Invited 'to attend tbe funeral : loniarrow ..(Kr|- -day),- January ;S.\ 1909 ."' at, 3 :3i> : o'clock «,". m.". .from tbe jiarlors-ofi Julias : S.^Godpao,^2l2S J Rofo : - street, thence to Frcach "clitjrch, .Notre ~. l»am» '. d»-s Wictolrcs.; where .a . hlph '\u25a0 ma-«s will - \u25a0 be ' ccl'brnted for ; tlie repose . of bis s<>a|." - Ia- \ . \u0084< GBEAWEY— In: U»!«fitr.i January ,'5. 1909,1 Cath- > erine : Greanpy.'.-iwifp \u25a0 of .- William \u25a0 Greaary.v be^ ; 2S7£^ ' ™<'itj r i S/iPiPJ* I . G - ' H£fiP <> J' fad sMrs. 1 " HEGIRA OF CROOKS FROM CITY BEGINS Police Dragnet for Pickpockets and Thugs Causes Exodus of Criminals Alleged Gambling Joint Is Raided and Occupants Taken to Jail The police are keeping the dragnet ;.*olng for pickpockets and crooks gen v %lly and the exodus from the city hi»3 taken definite shape. Tom O'Mal ley promised Police Judge AVeller that he would return to Reno, Xev., at once, and the case against him -was dismissed yesterday on that under standing. Henry Saeehan has left the city and the case against him wa3 dismissed by Judge Shortall. who also dismissed the case against William Jefferies after a severe reprimand, as Jefferles had not been In trouble be fore. "Chick." Boyle failed to appear in Judge Deasy's court and his ball of $25 was forfeited and a bench war rant issued for his arrest, the judge intimating that whenever a defendant failed to appear no excuse would be accepted. The preliminary hearing of Louis Rlcafort and Francisco Garcia, charged with stealing a purse from A. !L. Gump at Market and Powell streets New Year's eve. was commenced before Judge Deasy yesterday and continued. Mrs. Gump testified that she had seen the defendants with their hands in sev eral men's pockets, and she was cor roborated by her sister. Thomas Dorsey, Bert Rider, Matt Gallagher and Frank Fannion were ar rested Tuesday night and will be charged with vagrancy today. They say they will leave the city. The order of Chief Cook issued Tues day holding patrolmen responsible for gambling on their beats has already borne fruit. Yesterday afternoon Ser geant Christiansen and Policemen Cul linane and Orr raided a poolroom In the \u25a0 Lando' house. 395 Eddy street, and arrested Nathan Edwards, the keeper, and five visitors. Pool tickets and other paraphernalia were seized as evidence. GAMBLING CASES POSTPONED The cases of the 129 Chinese arrested on the night of December 27 at the Xum Buck Hong club. 160 Waverly place., by Sergeant Duncan Matheson and the Chinatown squad, were called again in Police Judge Deasy's court yesterday for argument on the demur rer interposed by Attorneys Countryman and Hubbard to the complaint claiming that the ordinance under which the ar rests were made was unconstitutional. /The ordinance makes it a misdemeanor to have gambling instruments exposed* "behind barricaded doors. The judge re served his decision for a week. Yes terday afternoon Sergeant Matheson was served with a copy of a complaint filed In the superior court 'against him by the Num Buck Hong club, claiming $25,000 damages, $200 for damage to the doors of the clubrooms and $25,000 exemplary damages. OPINION" OX POLE XUISAN'CE The board of supervisors was yes terday informed by City. Attorney Long that "your board has th» power to regulate, by ordinance, the kind, height and number of poles erected on any street or block for the pnrpose of car rying electric current for light, power, telephone or telegraph communication, and the board of public works must see that such regulations are enforced." An opinion on the above was asked by the mayor and the board of super visors after a general discussion con cerning th? pole nuisance, and the proper committees will in all likelihood be instructed to frame. regulations cur tailing the use of the structures to the least practicable limit. .. — .I. « Do You Want $S.COf Read THE CALL'S weekly offer oa pace 11. ' E. J. Haskla. aad fister of Mrs. J. CoTert. a native of Couaty Cork. Irelaad. ajjed iS) y?ars. Friends and acqualataaces are respectfully iavited to attend the fuaeral tomorrow (Fri- day), at 9 o'clock a. tn.. from ber late resi- deno". I7t» Twelfth avenue, theace to Star Kf the Sea cborcb. where a rcqaieai high nuxs for the repose o" her w>al will be celebrated, pommenciag at 9:30 o'clock a. m. latermeat ' Uoly Cross cemetery. HAMMOND— Ia This rity. Jaauary «. 19t». . i bar !r-. beloved husband t<f il)-- late Jane Hamajcad, and beloved father of Margaret. William aa'l Tbomas Uammond. a native of Wood ford. Eng., aged C 3 years & moatks asd S days. HASDY— In tuis city. Jaauary 6. 19W>. WUllam Hardy, hushaiid of th* late CaroUae M. Hardy, a native, of Hollls, N. H., aged SI -years 5 moatb< and 19 days. Notice of faa«ral hereafter. HAEEIS— In this city. Jannary 3. 1900. Herbert Karris, beloved busbaad of the late Sarah Harris, aad father of U. Rex. Mabel J.. Ed- ward Norman aad Edith C. Harris, a natlv« of Ecrianil. aged .55 years aad $ rnoaths. Friends aad acquaintances are respectfully invited to attead the fnneral service* to- day (Thursday). Jaauary 7, l'j«.v. at 1 o'c'oirk p. vi., at bis late re*ldea<-e. 1019 Sbotwell street. latermeat Cypress Lawa cemetery. HELD-^ln ' Oakland. Cal.. Jaauary 6. I'JOO. Charles H. Held, beloved hu»baaU of Ellea K. Held, and father of Harry D. and Walter J. Held, a native . of lowa, aged ->l years 1 • uioath' aad l:; days. HTJELEY— Ia this city. Jan;ary 5. 1909. at St. Josef's bo»pit«l. Mary Hurley, beloved. wifa of the late Michael Hurley, aad loviag mother of the late Michael Hurley Jr.. » aa- tlve of Cnrrabeg. near Sklbbereea, Canary Cork, Irelaad. aged 7i years. Frieads and acqnaiataace* are respectfully invited to attend tbe fuaeral today (Ttonrs- day). at 7:43 o'clock a. m.. fron tbe parlors of Gaataer Brothers, S49D Slxt»eath itreet be- tweea. Cburcbi- and Saaches. three* to the chapel of St. Joseph's hospital. Park Road .- avenne aad Baker street, when a solema re- . qaiem high mass will be celebrated tot tie rrpose of her soul, commenda? at S:CO o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Crosa cem«tery. KELLY— Ia the City of Gaatemslc. December 12. 190S, Frank B. Kelly, beloved hnsbaad of Ida Frances Kelly, dearly beloved eon d Wil- liam J, Kelly. «ad loTlae brother of Loci* E. Kelly, aged 27 years. KEYES — Tbe second anniversary high mass win be . celebrated at St. Rcse's ehcrcb. Braaaaa street between Fourth aad Fifth, today- tTburs- . Ahj).~ Jaaaary 7. H«j©. at 9 o'clock a. m.; for rb« repose of the *onl of :be late Abb Keyes • formerly 'of 111U Freeloa street). Frieads are Invited to attead." •\u25a0 KEETH— Ia this city. Jaaaary «. 1309. Wil- liam Kreth. a native vi Germany, aged 0$ \u0084 years. ,":•: LATTX— In this city. January 5. 19C9, tt the residence : of . her parent*. 44 Prosper street. l-foaora - Laux. dearly beloved dasshter of Edwsrd and Maria Lam, aad beloved sister of William I.a ur,- z. native of Saa Fraacisco, Cal.', \u25a0 aged 2 months an.l 11 days. -\u25a0 • Frieads aad acqaaiatan^es ar« : respectfully iavitetl to attend the. funeral tbis day (Thars- day). at 11 o'clock. a., m.; /rota her p*rents* . residence, 44 Prosper street between Saechet and Noe aad Slxtrvata. aafi Seventeentn streets. [. lßt'nneat Holy Crots cemetery. LOG AS— la Fruit Tale. Jantairy «. 1900, J»me* E., beloved husband of Mary ;*; Lo^an. aad father of Joha W. Legaa, a aative of Uliaols, aged 75 years. \u25a0 • \u0084 KeCASTHY— In this city.. Jaaaary C. 19C9. -*CaUi»rlaL» McCarthy mcc Uobi), betcv»a mother of TUcmaa i. Hosi, a Dative of County Galvray,- Irelaad. . .. * <- \u25a0 Frieads aad . acQutlataaces "we . recpectfally' /.iavited to- attend tie faaeral . tomorrow (Frt- d»y>.-at S:SQ s. m.. irovn her late residence S2l7Tweaty.flnt, street. \theace to St. James '"\u25a0cUnrch. > where a ' requiem tisb mats will be /: eelehrated for the repot* -of her soot, • eoo- uenciaz at 9": a. .a. a Intenaeat Holy Cross cemetery. Pl*a*e : omit flowers.' '... MCOCK— In tal» city." Jacusry \u25a0C \u25a0 1609, j Mar- " gnerltc 8.," Infiat canjht»>r o" Ccarle* F. aad Margwtte Mooek. a native of Saa Fraaclsco, r.Cal.", aged l moata aad. ll days. ;:-..-. l/rUHPHY— In Larkspur/ Jaar.ary 6. 19(«. Mar- garet T. l Murpby, i b»loTed daughter of Edward \u25a0 rMnrpby *«ad.* the, late 4 Aanie E. Marphy, ami \u25a0V"lor<»d sister; ft Mrs.' A. Ltrriaao. ; Peter and .;, Charles Marpby, "a • native ' of Califcrcia, azed 21 years.' . \u25a0\u25a0. .-- -.:'." --X ' NEW MINING CAMP CLOSE TO TONOPAH Prospectors Rush to Latest Discovery and Find Fair Gold Values Claim Seeking at Goldfield At* tracts Hundreds on A new mining cam? has been estab« lished eight miles south of Tonopah, ;0 miles northeast of Goldfteld and five miles from Klondike. This Is tha result of discoveries credited to J. A. Wilson. The camp bears ni3 name. Th<» first strike was made on the property of the Nevada Belle, according to th« Goldfleld News, wbich tells the follow ing story: The dlJCOTery, mtulv oa tip .Nrrada Betle. i* rredltK! to J. a. Wilson. forni«l» a i<rofe»*.r of nJainj at tie state (cbool of mine* it Golden. Colo., wto was «io!as asse^uornt wort on a. KToop of cialms «UA U? ha» t*vn prosp*cUn« since latt Jalj. Wilson took C!aude lonian luto t.» coafl«!eace. and lnmaa secure! an 1* an-ntiiis' lease on a block of ground tm tlw prvp^rty and * DODU aod i^i>e ca a s***ip of s!x eiaim-» to the Berth of tbe find. He aUo lucatrd * uroup of *«"Tea claims laim-dUtolr adjolniny on tlje «ciutl>. Ihvn the bmtj of the Mrlke was siren oat ami the rcsb started. -akgaaMßMi \*rjisc assays aa»e t>e?a necared bj thn«» who saaiplctl ta* vrv >:r».ii ia tb» tuttom of tbw 14 foot shaft on tt* .NtraiU B*ll*. and laman •ad Wilsoa clalai assays ruaalag from $13 t« (288. ' Ta* Xrrada B*U* l» lectt-d ca \u25a0 umail hill iaroagh which • ledpr outi-raps pf&oiicpatljr anil caa be trace.! for serpral thocusd fe*t. Sktfnw fair pgaaiags c*a bo secure*:. *n<X »j>erimea» of the rock show tlay »p«cks of sola v> the nat»>! eyp. One lease ba.3 beea taken b» Oney Daazii erty, who taao> ta* orijiaai «r!i* ca the M:z pa'u. aad others hare beeu taken t>r TVatsrm Van Ettea. FrM wn«oa. t!aa.> Inaaaa aad William lamaa. The lessees are to bejln acttv* de»»lop aieat work at oa«-e. aad a towimite Is be'.Rtf planned on a Cat near b.r'wlich will probablr tw» eaHtd Wilson. Srreral tents ha#e been erected aa* oae frsaae bulldiss vu mo-red la ix-O.'j frma At the close of 1907 a rush vji mado to relocate claims in the Goldfield dis trict and the movement took on quit* large proportions. According to the Goldfield papers much excellent ground was relocated.- For weeks the hills about r.ojilseld had b-en aaiJoasly scoured by mlnla; sleaths oa tac lr».k oat for claim* that might be opeu (a rplocatioa. It was a civstrrku' buslnesV it Is BpeJJess to \u25a097, aad mysteriously wa* everybody «!-";t his bcsZaes*. for tfce fellow that tailed a srrtasrr with "Waat's op?" usually got lit* icy stare for a reply. Maay laid out la tae hills for seTeral alsbt<i watcbiag tn see that the clalais ui-ti-" •crreillasce were aot worked or "spotted" by ctaer claim boaters. At midnight there prohsMy were ZOO person* la the hills scurrylae here aad there. dri»!as staked, tmildias mosumeats aad [»«r:nc aotire*. for be it said thac there were maay rlaiois al lowed to lapue or were being relocated by their foncer owaers who had aechected to do the a< sessmeat work for IJJO*. Tae»e people fnnad it cheaper. «r*a If more hazardous, to relocate their clalais than to do the aursssment «cr». OX course, work dove oa these claims prerkninir would cot count on the work of patent, eren if tbe claims were relocated by t&etw» who bad doae the work before, hnt many people fuuad thera selTes wltb. more cla!a:s thaa money — s»fld some coaipaa'es were ia the same bex — aad were com pelled to t*k* the risk ft lettias their work ?t wltb tbe chsare of relocating at midai^bt oa the tora of the year. Some excelleat frrocad wu relocated. a<-cor»l- Ibj; to reports, both ia the (JoliXSeld aad Ifiail* zu:aa districts, and no trouble ccccrred, so far *\u25a0> beard from, amoa; rtral clalmaata. Araone other grouad relocated that pr&Te worth the while the relocatcr* wa« the Great Bea«l CoasoUUated, lire claizas. b«itUaff right nr> a;alast the Great Bead property. Tb.!s srr«rail was iacorj>CTa.ted by the SolliTau tra^t «-oiapariT. aad the coatrol. it Is onderstood. pa*«*t! Into tii« baads of tbe State - btn. »n-l trmt runpji'.- . Since that lastltutioa failed the ?r<ian<t U«s Ntn neirlected. aad claJni seekers had watched tarir chaace to relorat* the grocad. wilch they did at mldaiCht December SI. HELD ON FORGERY CHARGE* i red Carlton. an electrician, was heui for trial by Police Judge Conlarx yes terday on ' two charges of forgery. Carlton \u25a0while employed making repairs In the office of the Franklin machine company stole five blank checks signed by the president and forged the sec retary's name to them. He passed on* of them on J. J. Gildea. clothier, and another on the Me Ward clothing company. Frivtvi* aa-1 &t-tiaajntaat.-es ar« respectfully iavlled to »t;..-:-l ta>« fuaeral lofnvrnw in.- 4ay). Jannary ?. 1000. wblca vriil take pla«i» from k<w sister's residence. Mrs. A. bnriaao.*«pur. t^eace to St. Aasvlm's cbarch, .<aa Aaselaic. -wbere a retjuleui mas* wit! be •\u25a0•\u25a0'<\u25a0\u25a0- lirated fcr tfc« repose of her socl. lateraiea: JJooat Olivet cessetery. Saa Rafael. lTira?HY— la th!» city. Jsatjary «. t9CJ>. Mary, relict of the late liartitolumn* Morvby. ••; : rirariy hehjve.! moihcr of Paul Murpur. Mr«. 11. StcCaan aa<l Mrs: J. Nfl^a anil the lat» El!ea Linebaa xad Cattcrine llnllrr. a nativa oi Cocaty Cork, Ireland, a^il 7T years. Retaaias at tft*- parKjrj of Mcßrearty A MeCormick. 015 Valencia Mrver near Twen- tieth. Notice «f fi::i«-;f i::i«-; si litrcafter. • O'COKXCS— Ia th!» cirr. Jaaaary «. 13<W. Mlcha«l. beloved hnsbaat! «f the latt Eiixabetu O'Connor, asd heioved fatlur of Kjim-t* O'Connor aau Mrs. T. KeUeber and tbe lat« Edward J. O'Coaaor, aad bel</v<*d grandfather of M. P.. EUiabera M.. J. H. aad Edward J. O'Coanor, • aatiT« of Cocaty Cork. Irelaad. aged 52 years. Friead* sart *'*iiamZl*TL?t% are respectfully j iavited to attra>l ttie Tjaemt uxaorrow trrl- ! «Jay». at » w'tlokk a. \iu. from tc« parlors nt j J. »:. O'Connor i. Co.. 77a Turt ntT**t. thea-'f to St. Ki!zjbeth's churcii. Waylsnd aad Berlin j streets off San Kruuo ivcao*. where a voleson reqaieat _bigh mass will be celebrated for th« repose of bis soui. co&«n:rnctoi: at 10 o'clock a. m. latcrmeat Holy Cress cemetery. PECK — In taia city. Jaaaary \u25a0*. lOi,^, Jlargar«t H. Teck, wife ot tue late David M. Peck, aod mother of Mrs. F. G. Saabura aad Janet M. aad Orria Peck, a aatlv« of Delaware cooafy. New Vor«. Frieads are respectfully tavited to attend* the funeral services, at aer late rwlUear-*. 1020 Dolores street between Twenty-third aad Twenty-foaztb. this \ Thursday) wcrains. at 11 o'clock. Pleas* cailt fliw'crs. latfrmea: Tri*»t«. RAXT.STT— Ia Pine Grore, Aaador coanty. CaL Jscaary 4. l»tv. Joaa Uaaletr. dearly belove-l buj&aad of PhUraa 11. Caatatt, aad devoted fatb»r »t Eva A. Craven aad W. L. aa<l Charles C. Baalett. a cati-e of Salon, .Me.. agrd 72 year*. (Scion. Me., aad Portlsad, Ore., papers please ecpy.) Erieoda aad - »cqoalaunc»a «r» r«spectfnUy tavited to «tt»ad tae fuaeral today (Thurs- day), Janaary 7, 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m.. from the parlors of Cuaa» A Caaorsao. lull Clay »treet" eocaer of Sevtnteeata, Oaklaarl. laciaeration. Oaklaad crematory. VT/CAJTOVICH— Ia this city. Jaaaary 3. 1909. Christopher ' L. Tncaaovioß. befoved Lujttin.i cf Ei>na Vacaaoricb. brother of Air*. Militz^ Karil>h. and ttaele «T Chris Berkan aad L. I*. VucaoovlcJj. • native or Bnoanje. Hentexovhaa, Austria, agtd 43 years 11 ooatbs and IS day*. - I'rienil* axe respectfully iarited to attend the funers.l service* todajr (Thorsday). Jaaaary 7. 19G9. at 2:30 oVkwi p. m.. at-the chaprt cf X. Gray It Co.. 2i»o Geary- street corner of Dcvisadrro. K*mala» will be placed in the vault at <Wd . Fellows* .cemetery, .point Loboa steaue. R«3ta!a« at \u25a0 tae chapel of >. Gray & Co., 219$ Ceary street. Fleam emit Cowers, 'WBS3UB3ttk HZZLE2— In .this fltr. Jaaoary 3. 1900. Uv run© G.. belOT»«t htssfcao«t of Lesa Wfceeler. and father o J Tlpuejr aod VelTa Wheeler, a rittTo of Kac»as. *std SI rear* I m<ja:i ami Zl Uaja.'aaWiHßafe* FrieuU» aai 'lMrsatataare* and members «f Rraat' ctmacll X*>. . 19. J- O. U. a. M.. aa<i Brotherhood of Teamsters local No. v.l are rs«Hft*uJ!jr lavlted to atfOu the funeral *er*- icr»* todar iTharsd.i»). at 1 o'cUrk p. m.. froa» tie p*r!or» of A. W. Martin & Co.. IV*S GtrtT »tr«»t.' Iniennmt Cypress I^awa c*m^- t»ry._by carriage. SB^/BBBBaBU^SMS WON— In tais city. Jaaaary fi. 1909, Wm Skk Ki:a. a native. of Korea, aged S3 years. ZOVTASKY— Ia tala city. Jaaaary 3. ; 190». Maria Zowasky. beloved wife "»f tae laU TVoaiAs Zowasky. aed \u25a0 beloved ' mother of Gcs- t»ve T., Eohert J. aad Joseph W. Zowasky. Mrs. C. A. Gooml, Mb. P. C. Elbia and Mr*. J. E. Glover. • native of German/, aged 73 _ years * months act 7 daya. A member of the • Chrtstliche Mntter verela. \u25a0 Frk>ads aad ; •cqaahtunces are " respectfally- Invited to attend tae funeral today (Ttß»r«- «Uy>, Jaaaary . 7. at 8:30 a. ci., from her '•|at« residence. 4017>EI;hteeata street between \ No<j aad -. C»stro. taeiicv -. to St. Boolf ace's church. Golden Gate »vr»ire« between Jone* U. •ad Leaveowottb streetw. woer» a requiem h!gh mats will b« celebrated for tb« . r*po*» at fe#r s>ul. ctmrneT-ini: at 0:30; o'clock a. at. lutermeat Hub Cr-^s ceaieterx, a/ carrUgs. 13