Newspaper Page Text
f«<*» Dp. b 3»...l.Sf>':«X)lx»ce Stsr «7 I _'••;' -c-.rrar C 7 C 5-00 ilacNamara .. -5 1 o»^* Dairy _...... t>l| Montana ..... TJ ivv>i»«uy GO', 200 Nev HiTla ...!.«» r.r-a r»m B Btte C 12 j 1500 TLaxr Oa&:iU«a. R2 :>«0 Higle's Nest.. Haw Coalition. 51 t~'*i Florence 4.4j I 2OM> Ilod Top Ex... 07 2«i Gid Cob M...S.CC»i 400 Traap C »J0 09 r*o Gia Con M.S.62VJ 2<*> VTmn End ... 33 • 900 GM Cob M...S.<MiOftu lV'.icw Tiger. 18 .1500 Gld Kewacas. 2ij3<K<o Do. b 00.... 17 CLOSING QUOTATIONS NEVADA Tonopah D!elrict Bld.Ask.l PJitl. r^ire«at £* KiJ Montana 7O — . Hor»B Tw .. — <C; North Star ... C 305 . «'a»h Br-y ... _ vr.Ohio T«i — »«1 *>*<•*'. Wertra. — te Paymaster ... — 01 Ic4 Ton — UljCfccoe Coa .. « HI Jim B-itler .. 17 J^Ton Esten ... 45 — Uttle Ton .. — I.oos Ton of Nev.. — €.50 MacNamara.. si — JWeat End ... C 2Zi , ACana .. «-3 04 Gld Eareka .. CJ S3 Atlanta IT 1^ Gld rcrtland.. <3 — Klark Ant* .. — OliGJd L Strike. Cl 02 Wk B Ilooan. Cl <C GUI Ke«-a&as.. 23 20 Bik Botte Ex 01 oejUld M«^ser M. '0 12 R!a»-k fifick ".. — uiitjraiMln'V "5 «* Blue Bf !i ... <»* tiV Great Bead . . "* 23 Uluc B'i!I ... 13 —hin Bend Aux — <?i *lir»e Gtddfield — C2;Grt Bend Es. *>5 08 \u25a0"\u25a0'\u25a0~,-m 2a 51tHlbercia <C 04 • "1» 'Mi 3S Jtanbo Cs 23 — .' s!un,!»!« — :e, Kendall ...... II — *ioS«!EbU Mt. IS i:«]Keadxll Ex .. — 01 *'*<m Fra^tkm.l .27 l.iO lyjoe Star 08 07 «:«sunoc» »«?:!. <* — 1/tu Dillon ... ••! tzi < \u25a0\u25a0' ir Nsti..>a — Ol'Mayne VI te «OBq»ert.r .... « O7iMid Pawnee... — PI • \u25a0rackT Ja<-k. Oi nCMilltown Frac \u25a0 «lr C 2 J**:-y Oi 61,M«hawk Ex .. «1 03 I*ai«y i.x ... — OllNer Boy 01 *i 3 I^«-rt Chief.. — OI Ncr GoMSeld.. «2 03 j"» * »<» C « U Oro 13 14 \u25a0J'rafiSd TmgL 03 vtiPotUica — OS l'it> 01 02 Uod linia —17 I»o«Jaion — wiCc-fi i-lrm <C — ".--'• f-J <c:Rfd Tcp Ex.. A 607 r>ra»r»lca ... — ii;SaniJ«ona .... 20 — liwtrrr- «.42 «. 431 SaodMorni Ex. — tn . Fiorf^rc Ex.. t*J *] Silver Pick .. 11 12 rrx=.-«* Mtk.. ly — Silver Pick Xx vl *n ; '<;e B . W*i* .. _ oilst Ives 13 23 .'• .1 Bur Gld. £*» — jUcnder — <C «Jd Cpn M... t. 65 S.67j Yellow Tiger.. 13 17 Banfror District AToethyrt c= rs IJge Harris .. — 01 . .Bcnnie flare.. — .-•.;..-.,--, oa o» 10 •; Fiiiifreß Mia. — CSiMoot P.allfroc. — itl • l Ufrg Nat Bk fCS fr-'Montgr-my Mt. -G7 tH .. «ioU n»r 01 TCiaitg Shos Ex. — «-l . .***•'.& *5«-ptj». — OliOrlg BsUfrcg.. 01 <i 2 • Hf>xeft«te K. 12 — ;Tramp Cob ..OS — .. •:•::\u25a0•:•: District .'.- r *r<r r<tl F.x. — Pi! Man Cowdoj-.:. — 01 ..••Atlas A. ra«-. — fn>»lan I>*>xter" .. «t» «»4 •• <<>nvi — r<l|Msa Little J»» — Cl '.. Siold Wedge.. — OH Man Uis Vrv — <»i •;rrr=r «; XI. — <••; Man Bed Top. — 01 IJttle Grey .. ©1 02iMan' Sbootaar.. — «rj V,*a Bclmcnt. — ««l;Slortan«- Maa.. «2 >1»n Croacnv. — 'iliOrlg Man — <C Man. CectraL. — t^Piae Net 01 tti Men Coo — HctEphrey. — <C Man Votnb ... — O."JiTEiCk«giT:nf.". (H US \u0084Ua Credent. — el] Other District. \u25a0»"-**le's Ne*t.. O€ <CPitta «5 Peak.. 81K1» , r*irvw « Bid 03 05' Queen Regent. — 2« I'tirrw Hailrt — <Cjltam»ey — \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0' Oi . i«:fTir Fj;!f. 23. :~-.l:z<x Caslitioo. r,l - Cer-f. — Oljltsw Burro .. — ul Jerk Pp: .... — OS. Raw Mohawk. — 01 -ofcanje Cons. "1 — . liew Qa«>en . . S3 49 V.tzam* H:li». 2t» —^ißocnd Mt SI VZ N«-v Hill* .-,-.1.55 !:\u25a0•;, ut Ex. <ss Npv WoadT. . — Ci Vulture — 04 ":.S KtvrfcJde. i»4 C«j HEAL ESTATE TRAXSACTIOXS Jane* tr. Md!« to I»aviJ Balfle!d. lot «t NE . <^wr of raevwib «t«j'jc aad Lske «rf*t, E J»:« by X 72; $10. Maty .A. McNeil] to D. It. MrXe!U. lot at XW <~'rr.*» «rf rocnee-Btb and Chcrrb streets. N 100 " b. r V 2*.' and one ©tber piece: pift. Z*me* F. McCarthy and wife to J. W. Wrljht * S"cs* SnT«*tc»fst ccwapasv. lot Ja W iine of Tulrty-tlriiih aveirje, 1«» S ef B street, S 05 *v ,W WO; $K. Alfr<-d «;. Coca acd wire to Artbor.T w. Gnna. !\u25a0-. :n W liw <>f Miwuri «reet. 70 S of i:.?L:«-n:h. S 25 }y W 100: $10. > : i- Sties to E3m«- E. Jordsn. lot st NX o-nwr of Ki^iitb avesvie aad O *xr*>et. TV 57:6 tv N l'X>: $!<>. : Ro»ifin roai estate maraEy » o Albert Abrsra*. lot et HE «>m*^- of Bay and FiUnwre tu-«?ta, js 1=7:6 ty r. jst.-€: fift. l-jr<2:a r. Gibon. dro-a*** <t>y rxecororK to Al *Tl A. CLii*-. lot at $W conj«r of Goidra <T*te "»no» si,U Eroderlck street, W 30 by S I0Q; :• !j=-.!-rt #t a i. t o Geory^ C. "Wripht. lot in X li» <f Berll* evert, 73 N ef Diritfjt. X 50 :\u25a0; E 1=0; *©». <;*-orsr C. TTrirtt zaa wife to F. H. ESchbrsai •"I el., same; J1.400. Marfwriie Hersjal to TTjIIUbi Joseph Conrov. k t in XV Jin<* cf Treat (Tecs*. iia g cf Preeita. S 25 It w Il't; JiO. •' f'.ifTtia Title iarsrtce* aad trust ooapacr to -Ursf« P. Kicff. lot in E Htw of Eighteenth «ve c.». CTS N cf T rir*«t. X «) by E JftO; $!<». f>r-<j;t S. Fimoa to Ktncj- Sitaca. lot ia S Ha» «"» hotter street, 27:6 E of Webster. E 27:0 bx S 57 r«; gm. StauSer chemical coEpaar to Arserleaa ere* a tarter romp«s>T, lot at NW ccrcer of I 1:;-::I 1 :;-:: aad Bay rtrwts. N 173 try TV 7P.6: «0. Jc**fvt 3crli ITtrr aafi Cileries Thomas rracT. cjiaors ibr fuardiani to H. I. Wilson. Lalf Ja l«¥r*t in lot to 8 line <if Ttretaj-fourth street, r:>o W erf Xoe. W 100 by S 114: *5.0C>0. ..r.fisa I/hjl*» Pra'-T et al. to same, f-aae; HO. H. I. WiUcn and »rtf» to J. C WHsoe. half Interest la lot In ? l!ae of Twentr-fcmrth strret, rts W cf W 25 by S 114: $30. H. t. WHsca asd wife to Wmiaa ncch ile <v«nai.-k, \,n « a Tweoty-focrtij rtreet. 300 W of . N>». W tO t>y S 114: $30. S«n>» to ••»-> r 1 Stewart et al. lot ta S 1!b«« .'•t-f T»reE»T-*(?crth atreet. 2iO W of -Xoe. W 25 \u25a0».v S 114; $10. •:' 3*.Ta»* Tioyd to E2!SE{se!h Clcr^h. lot ia E ',iv* cf Hr-J* Btx*«t. C 2:6 X cf Wattiurton. X \u25a0- £5 hy E S7:C: $K». p . -.Miry It<^ Crvker «t al. to Ersort ?,:'.«:"> -.«o<J w^fe. lot 5n X 2!ae of Oncent «trei»t. 25:4 5 W of Acd^rßOß, X 73:10 T «, TV 23:4. S 74:1 Vi. .-r.»;.23»i: $10. •'\u25a0;: M*ry J. Fcrlmir. d<""»aj*d 'by <»r«vTi:ork to •vVjcU J. Harricrroa. krt In S !ia» of Sutler .-. »i ?T T t - \u25a0*> E f* <^ti!Tia. E 25 by JS 110; $>,J>yo. : " '.KTaafiard realty and d^Telofnaent rotapacy to . ;-T\>*t«Ti P«<-:a<- railway company, lot at* XE -. s<ar»er nf Twenty -««-oa«l aad Turn ctreeta, X •\u25a0-\u25a041.KJ, fE to poirt 27.83 E cf Tex*« «tr«*t, TV .•2v-«*: $10. v .' Jnrensa* J. SJicraonda te JonejA Lynch et al. - lot "3a X !in» «f Rtsdrll atreet. 60 E cf Dtat J-E 25 by S 100: $1. :'-'MK-barl !._:.:• to catse. lot fa X lise. of •.T.*atf*l! street. 25 E cf Dance. E Z>O by X 75- $1 : ' Eloat>ett UyßrA et aL to Alfred C*r^oo: *. »toi*: no. . >><>1 Oetx & Boea to Accie Lawtcn. lot" la W J!. 1b»1 b» of Fony-Sfth nvesae, IZO S of H rtreet by W 120; $10. . - \u25a0 ' ; MilbrJa Wi:j»rinißoa to Das!rl O'Cocucr and »!>. lot Ja E line of El»le «r»>»t. 4» R of ..«<oJar;d. S 23. E 45:3 11-IS. XE 54:7 15-16, " W 72:2 JI-JG; $10.. Mary r^wasg to Siaxa r. Hlcka. lot et SW ; c.rii»>r cf T»-ea:y-£r»t arecae end B arreet. W . fS C by S !<*>: $10. . Willie M. Bradley *M wife to Caaialr Key •cd wife, k* *t SW corner of Eucfcxeesth are- I <: Sooti. 300 SE of X atreet, 85E 50 by SW ' tOQz $10. .f3iaab»-.lj L. Green '9 Joseph Baser end wife. 5"-» 1 t« 4. block Z. Park las* tract Xo. «; $10. Jotiß lirilJy and wife to Cbarle* Ml<-hEfl Ka«:c»r. i<* in & lice of Ttlnleti atzeet, JOS t cf Cfcorch. E 23 by N 114; $10. J<3»a lK«e?U* to Stephen A- Z>oo£lax. lot Sn TV U?e«f J-L'jh arern*. 1» X of C «tr«t, X 25 by rrascea A. Hocjla* et al. to catse. half imer *« i^uor: $10. fiiaron G*ildvtcJt» «d<l wife t» Lawreare Eey- CSemeot A. H. kurfcmeiiner et a!, to Maria Ku^iaaeisjer rt al.. lot at XE corerr cf Broad way end Hjde street. X 25 by X &0: $10. Cottar PeuTtKjra and wife to Xettie Herrix, i^t in N Itw of Uclca «ireet, 120 W of Hyde \V ....-« t-y X «r; $10. - Albert Meyer to The*. TV. Leciea, lot !a E line f f *:*«•««•« «»«W, 100 g of I rtreet, S S2:« l-y X 120; 510. . . B<?ard ef borne mlwiocs aad <±crch eitenrioa '* MetljoJlst EpisropaJ rjs-crrh to rim Swedish ii^ C cbarf-h. lot to XIV ltoe nf Howard street. «^«f MntA. NE 50 by XTT J>o; $7,000 Ker»ao :. : - • to Jean Leclejgae. lot la S Use ?S J W of T^entyti^d arecu*. TV — * oy o iw; »lv. \u25a0 .*'^::.-.:a Clark rreemaa et »L to Joha P Co»- Ttrore end »lfe. lot In TV line of Twentr-fcfih Wflliajn E. l^we aad wife to Xcv Era realtr lot in lin» of Clay street, GS:B TV t.V !!.\u25a0«, C CO, > S4:S. E 25. X CS.-»; $IQ. H. Uoc»s rowpacy to I- P. Joreenaea et aL •.-.!; line of foiaooa street, 100 X «f Thc^nl tun erejine. X 23 by E 100: $10. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 1 » •• •P. Caiuu to Clara E. Heia. lot 23. Ke** tract ; $10. . ""* John JUtto to FredTirfc Botbmaaa. lot !a tr s:n» cf ti lrard strwr, 150 X Cf Waylacd. X 50 by W U0: $10. C. <J» Eown and wife to WniUai Mie now and wife, lot In E line of Corier atree' 13 Scf BoawortU. 525 t>y E 100; $10. * " S1b»o« Kafka to Ad*-le Ki.T;i. half Snterert ia XX Utse of Sixtii street, SO SE cf UoTrerd. SB 2T. by M: 25: tfft. A.- J. Karmao to Peter IS. Bcruett. lot la SE line cf CuQdaca street. 120.04 XE of VWu <)'«i. XE M. SE 110.02. SW M. XW 110.02: $10 Marrin ettale foaspesy to Porrccßese-Ai£eri<-ao MBk. lot at SW comer «f Clay aad Front »:riet«. W 60 by S 53: $10. « WUlUaa P. Xdaa to JUry A. Doaob-«e, lot ; a W Sine, of Stenyen rtreet, 150 S of Tlredcr'ck S 25 by W 107^5: $10. Frank Costaaaasd wife U> !!it J. Kchl. lot in 'X line of 1 «tr*et. 95 E of Second arenae £ 25 by. X 100: $30. »<r*orre Ja«* narria by executor, t« Bartoto Ets^wio. lot la W Use of l_*ri. ;-n *:rerr. 77;fci; S of Tacific arena*, & 25 t- r W 112: $10. BeO»~y retilir "jespany to W. B. Anderson and wlf«-. l«vt ia VW line «f Paris «trwt, 375 NE of FreWe. XE 25 by XW 1OO; $10. A. Russell s'raple* et al. to Louis Tere. . lot lu-W line of N*in»-teecth btpiso^. ioO S of Call- ZeexiM «re*-t. S 25 by W 12©; $10. \u25a0jj*sifi Vere to Amnnfo ral»iina, aaic»: $10. '•\u25a0**. Torrca to Giorasn] GogUcXsiQae, lot in S Order Barring Them From Shore Leave Arouses Chinese on Siberia Wooden Face of Joss Jeers at Their Rrayers and Schwerin Sits Tight The Chinese members of the crew of the Paclflc Mail liner Siberia are mak ing hourly appeals to the Joss in the forecastle and with their prayers are mingled maledictions Jn which the name of R. P. Sch-werin is Joined with a choice collection of Asiatic profanity. For the purpose of removing: suspicion that the company, connived In any way at the alleged lUejral landing of Chi nese by the substitution process. Fchwerin issued orders that no shore liberty would in future be granted to any Chinese member of the crew of the trans-Pacific ships. In the past certain Asiatics were granted this priv ilege, their return to the ship being insured by a bond for $500 put up by local Chinese . and approved by the immigration officials. "When the Siberia arrived the- "num ber one" Chinese prepared to go ashore as usual. They were Informed of the new order, and by way of impressing: them with the strictness of the ban they were told that "Mr. Schwerin gave the order." It was the first time most of them had heard of the big chief, but they all know him now. and if their joss does not melt his heart and lead him to modify the order, the Joss will go overboard when the Siberia sails. Appeals on their behalf have been made to the immigration authorities, who refer all suppliants to R. P. Schwerin. He, so far, has been as unre eponsive as the Chinese idol ln the Siberia's forecastle. A Rare te Honolulu The local shipping world is taking interest in a four cornered race .to Honolulu, the «art in which was made Tuesday. On that day there left here, ail bound for the island port, the army transport Thomas, the navy transport Buffalo, the liner Lurline and the freighter Virginian. While no wagers have been laid the master of each vessel has reasons for preferring to be first at the Island port. Captain Bostwick of the Buffalo, as the navy's representative In the race, would not care to be beaten by an army transport in spite of the fact that the Thomas had nearly 12 hours* start, and for the same reason Captain Lynam of the Tliomsj will keep a sharp lookout estern for the Buffalo. Besides this. Captain Lynam has his wife on board as a passenger and will do his best on that account to keep the Thomas in the lead. Tl;e Virginian lias on board the horses for the cavalrymen that make up the mtjoritv of the Thomas' pas sengers. Captain Colcord of the Vir ginian war tbe first to get away and his principal interest In the race* is to make bettor time than the Lurline. which not orsiy belongs to a competing line, but ia commanded by his friend. Captain "W>e<ien. from whom Captain Colcord took orders when Weeden was port captain at Salina Cruz for the Ameriran-H-iwalian line. Captain Weeden has all of Captain Colcord's reasons for haste and a few more of his own. As all the vessels but the Virginian are equipped with wireless it will be possible to keep track of the race day by day. Cra!»ea for Xarigatlon Pupils » The public navigation school estab lished by the board of education and located at the board's headquarters. Pine acd Larkin streets, started Its second term Monday evening. The 30 pupils who constituted the first rlass all answered to their names and 11 new pupils were enrolled. A new cla*.« has been started for the new pupils and it ' is not too Iste for other beginners to i ! Join this class. J. T. McMillan, nautical . •expert of the hydrographic office of the j j navy, who is principal of the new navl- i Sgation sehevoi. is satisfied with the 1 progress that has been made. If the weather is clear-on the last Sunday of this month the class will be taken ;* or a cruise on the gunboat Alert and i j given an opportunity to put tiselr newly' knowledge of navigation to 1 1 practical test. McMillan is trying to arrange a monthly cruise for this pur ' pose and expects to have the sun all {shot to pieces before the end of the I year. Provide Kurd* for \rw £<rataer The Matson navigation company will | jaad to its fleet another large freight jand passenger steamer for the trade between this port and the Hawaiian \u25a0 islands. At a meeting of the stock Wiolders held Tuesday the capital etock of th«. company was increased from ; $1,500,000 to $3,000,000 for the purpose of providing the necessary funds. The new Issue of 50.000 $100 shares has all been subscribed and the contract for building the eteamer will be let as soon as the bids which have already been I called for have been received and con j sidered. The Union iron works has been invited to bid and if their offer is reasonable th* work wfil go to the local concern. More Mllrasx.' for Bounty Cbaaer The French bark Emilie Galline, which arrived here Tuesday from Ho bart in ballast, will load no cargo at this port, but will sail ln a day or so for Sydney in search of the "freight line cf Green street. fiI:CH E of . Powell, E SS:O\ by 5 €S«: J3.000. William M. Dewoif and wife to Stephen Har e«. lot comsencing at a polat in Outside IJsaSs block 11S2, distant 350 s of T street and 120 W of Fifteenth avenue. S 75 by W 15: $23. • \u0084f;5, w - Hodgkln to C*li«a X. Hodrkln. half of lot at N coraer ©r rifth avenue South and G street. NW 40 by NE 130: gift. Joceph Lertftx to Mary L*roox. lot in" SE line of California avenne. 105 SW of Co*o street SW 25 by SC SO: 510. Joha H. I>oaovan to Nellie McM. Donovaa lot at NE corner cf California and Leavenwortb streets. E 27:4 by N S7:C: gift. I»«r.ic! Dcrkia and wife to Mary M. Gr*eatmch lot 34. Mock B. Ktrk Hin homestead; $10. I John Samoel Jaekaon to Catherine C. Jackscn lot ia "N line of X street. K:C W of Fortv-sev euth avence. "tr 50 ty N 100; gifr. • John Ailansoa to Martlia A. AJlanscn. lot in N line of Woclsey str*et, 20 SW ef Girard. SW 50 by NW 100: gift. Rivprs Brothers to Girbert L. Badgley, lot 41 Wof k F. Columbia Heights rract; $10. Jobn Lafarpoe and wife to Edward J. Hertiey and wife, lot ln W line of Twentieth are&oe, 175 N of M street. X 3 by W 120: *10. Maggie Mefret to John Jocph Kirfvan and wife, lot ia N line of AIU street, 112:6 E of Montgomery. E 25 by N CO: $10. nermsa F. Koarad to Rebecca O. Conrad, Lit la W line cf Julian avenue. 200 S «f Fourteenth ureeu 525 t>y ft* 1.000; sift. . Marccs Stone and wife to San Pedro farm. lot in W line of Thirtieth titrate, 220:9 S of A «reet,"W 1.220 by S 25; fin. t I Harry H. Unger and wife to • Albert Meyer. ; S 2n feet of lota 33 aad 34. block H. Sunset beirhts: $19. Albert Meyer to Daniel B, Dwyer. lot In E line of Slxteerta avenue. 273 S of H street, S 25 by ! E IOC; Jlo. nalldlas Contracts Maude A. Hunt with C*ioermi A Dlssios. A. Grafiin. Heary Krast & Rcos — To erect a thr»e Ktorv fraaie bcil£!sg ln . S line of Pine sixest, | 91^ E of PcweJl. E 23 hy. S 60; *7.C53.00. Same with same — To ertrt a three story and ' basenieEt fraa« Gliding in S line of Pine 1 street, 11«:« E of Pcirrll. E 23 by S CO; i *7.%3.«). James D. Phf lan with R. Dewar k. Sens — All j work for two st«r brick i?c!l<i!ng aDd basement : In S lin* cf Market atreet, > 223.8 E of Sixth, 48^5 by 170: f33^75. Adam T.. Sehoppert with Dennis Jordan Soas — Iron, brick. <»oi>«-ete, «lo>walk lij-Ut*. carpen- ! ter. tt ill. stair work, plastertnc and glaxipg for I two story' and basement brick bonding In E line i of Stockton etr*et, 34:3 X of Jacksaa, E 55:9 by N 35 J: *3.7W». H. B. Siartia with D. J. Byroi f Sea. con trsctors; A. Lyncti and J. • C. McLean. *üb roctractors — T« erect a wood and brick baildia? la X line of O'Fairell street, S2:« E of Powell; $8,739. AdelSa H. TafCsder •wish Ai!atnsoa SmithrCe. I To erect a two ctory frsn%* building in N line I «f Twenty -first «treet, 205 VT of Sanchez, W 75 by X 114; $4,400. George n. Brayer with Cameron - 4z~ Disston ! et al. — T«» erert a three : *tory, and - basement frsaje bcilding la S Mac of Sarramento . rtreet, 100 T, of l,trki=. E S7:« by S Sl:6; $14,680.- Etfward. Mary end Joseph F. Rock aad Tfcereta Dranj with F. J. Klfaam — Plutnbirg. aewertnr end gas fitting for foor story and basessest frame building at. NB corner of Fonrtb I a vetrae and Clementina street. N "32 by E SO; ] $2.2C7. ajM^^irtjjflauiMMMsaCT^pajgßaaßagaMßßPst David salfiri<! with N. P. Anderson— AH work except ptambtsr. palntic; :- and electrle work for two story and attic frame building at NE corner *f Leke street and Eleventa aveaue. N 72 by E 30^5; «,250., ... >, Ansertcaß hall assoriatico with I>effert-* Morrsy— Alterations sod additions to two storr fraihe:bßlldißg at NW.eoraer of ' Twentieth * as'd Capo streets. W 50 by » tti; 15.573. THE SAN FEANGISCO iCALL, THURSDAY. JANUARY 7; 1909. ii M O VEM ES TS OF STEAMERS to Ancire From j Steamer I Date Portland TOlson & Mahony]J»n. 7 San Pedro jj. s. H!ggini....ljan. 7 San Pedro ]Centralla .. |Jan- 7 *an Die go & Way I'orts.&anta Uom.. ...Uan. 7 Point Arena & Albion. iPomo .....iJan. 7 Coos Bay ............|M. F. Plant. ..iJan.' 7 H-juifflid* ....'"...'.".'City of Topeka.Uan. 7 Pcrtlajid & Astoria i | Homer Uan. P Saa Pedro ...(Hanalel iJan. S Chlaa & Japan... iCoiiia .... .....JJan. t> n«-dcn3o :..!Qulnanlt \Jaa., y Hoagkocg & s*n Petlro M. S. Dollar. ...jJan. M Grays Harbor ..jOiehiOis ...'Jan. » Puget Sound Peru iQueen . . ..Uiu. U Saa Pedro ....iltoanoke .. jJan. . 9 Hamboldt ',F. A. Kilbura..,Jaa. 9 Mendoclao 4s Pt. Arena-Sea Foam Jan. 10 San Pedro iNorwood .Jan. 11 Ban Pedro ...jSaginavv -....^..jJaa. 11 Portland & Astoria iSoath Bay ....Jan. 11 San Diego Jt Way- Ports 1 State 'of Cal..(Jan. 11 Portlaad & Way Port*. G. W. Elder. ..jjas. 41 Portland & Astoria Senator ....... Jan.' ll Setttle & Taeoma Backman ...... IJan. 12 New York via. Ancon.. Saa Juan ,'Jau. 12 Pcget Soand Port* !city of Pnebla.jJan. 34 Hamburg -& Way Ports|Acllla ........ ..IJaa. 14 Chiaa & Japan j Manchuria .....i Jan. IS Saa Pedro & Way PortsjCoo* Bay .. ...<Jan. 15 TO SAIL. ,-.. \u25a0 Deatlnation | Steamer \ Sails jPlcr Jaaasry 7—7 — j II Grays H*rbor ;G. Ltodaaer.f 3 pm 5 St CoQuliie River.. lElizabeth ..j & pm 18 Grays Harbor tCentralla ...13 pm 7 San Diego & Way Ports, State of Cal] S.SOa 11 Uexicaa ports. 'Curacao ....jlOam 11 Astoria & Portlaad JTallae .-....) 3pm 7 Astoria A Portlaad Northland ..{ spm 2 Janssrv s — "' j < Seattle £ Tacoma fChas. Nelson' 5 pm 20 Stn Pedro & Way Ports; Coos Bay ..j 2 pm 11 Hamburg & Way Ports. 'Setos (12 m 1» Puget Sountl" Ports lUmatilla ... 11 aai 9 Seattle & Tacosa iol*n i Mhnvj 4.30p Id Coqclile River | FISeW ....". I 5 pm 2 Jsa-jary y — | ' Grays Harbor IS. Monica., .f 4pm 2 Willapa Harbor :Quinaolt ...j 4pm 2 Lot Angele* PorM .ichehalis ) 1 pm 16 Astcria & Portland (Nome City..) spm 7 Cc«s Bay jM. F. Plant Spm b Ix» Angeles Ports !Hana!et 3pm 7 Humboiat City Topeka. l< 8 Pt. Areaa «r Albion. . .[Porno «pm 2 Jtpan tc Coma .Siberia ..... 1 pin 42 Htmolula ,'Alameda ... Ham 7 Seattle t Taeoma jWiuod I pm 20 Hllo (Enterprise ..12 m 10 Anorla & Portland.... iKcss City.. .ll am -27 Portlaad &. Way Ports J Rosnoke ... 1 pm IS Jaausry 10 — j Hcmboldt IF. Kilburn.. 10 am 13 Ssn Diego & Way Pi>rt**Saßta Rosa.. S.SOa 11 January 11 — \ Grays Hsrbor ...i^agtnaw ... 4pm 2 Astoria i Portland Homer Ipm 3 Grays Harbor iNorwood ...j . .. Los Angeles Ports SG. W. Elder! 5 pm' 13 January 12— % j ; j Husi!>cldt :North Fork..! 5 pm 20 Jaauary 13— \ 1 : Mendocino & PL Areca gea Foam...] 4 pm| 4 New York via Aacou..JAcapnlco ...112 m\ 24 Hoaolala JHlloaian ... 12 mj 3.0 Pnget Soand Ports jQueen Ulsm 9 - Jancary 14 — , Hawaiian Ports IMexicaa ....12 m 23 Hcmboldt I Vanguard .-ill am 2 TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE Destlcatioa 1 Steamer •! Date Valdez & Seward jYucatan (Jan. 8 Seldovia k. Way Ports. .Portland ban. l<« Sfcarway & Way Ports. (Cottage City JJan. 13 Valdea &. Seward -Pennsylvania ...'Jan. 18 wnich may be there. If no cargo offers at Sydney the Emilie will sail away to some other port and will keep on sail ing as long as the French government will keep on paying a bounty calculated on tbe number of miles traveled. The Kmilie left Antwerp August 12 in ballast and arrived November 11 at Hobart- There the vessel was ordered to San Francisco, sailing November 15. or as soon as the captain could have his mileage ticket punched by the offi cial representative of his government. AVater Front 2Vole* Captain Charles Love, master of the tugboat Pilot, is ill at the German hospital, where he will undergo an operation in a few days. The harbor commissioners will hold their regular meeting this morning In the board room at the ferry depot. The Kosmos liner Serak Baft Guaya quil January 5 and the Hermonthis sailed yesterday from Valparaiso, both bound for this port. Army Transport • The Logan is in port. The Cnxdi is ia port. The Baford left Honolulu December 14 for The Sherman is in port. Tbe Warren is at Manila. Tbe Sheridan, homeward bound, arrived Janu ary 5 at Honolulu. Tbe Thomas sailed January 5 for Manila. The Dix. homewtrd bound from Manila to Seattle, arrived December 27 at Honolulu. NEWS OP THEOCEA.V Xotlre to Mariners Tbe following affects the list or lights, booys and daymarks, Periac coaFt, ir+o6: WASHINGTt)N Grays Harbor, page 61 — The following named bwoys were established November 15, 1&0 S. to mark the channel to the north Jetty wharf at Poiat Brown : North jetty wharf channel bcov 1, a second class can. In 30 feet of water— Ned rock 22 dez 30 mia (NNE): Grays Harbor lighthouse If* Ceg 30 mia <S by E 3-16 E): Point Brown lone tree, 238 deg (NW by W 11-1G W). North Jetty wharf channel buoy 2. a second class nun. ia 25 feet of water— Ned rock 23 deg \u25a0 <S.\'B 1-1« E): Grays Hsrbor lighthouse JCB dec «S by E^; Point Brown, lone tree 263 deg <WNW % Wl. North Jetty wharf cbasael hcoy 3. a second class can. •in 16 feet of water — Ned rock 23 dcx 30 mln <NNE S E); Grays Harbor light house. 163 deg <S by X Vt Ej; Point Brown. lone tree, 274 deg (W *i N). North Jetty wharf rhancel buoy 4. a necoaa class non. ra 20 f»et of water — Ned rock. R0 d*g <NE 13-16 N>: Grays Harbor lighthouse. 160 dec IS br E »i Ei; Point Brown, lone tree, 23S fieg 30 rein <5W by W 3-10 W(.- Pnget sound. psg« 87 — Dnwamish head hell buoy 2. red. reported adrift December 2», 1906 will be replaced as soon as practicable. By order of tbe lighthouse board. CHARLES F. POND. Coasajsnder, 1". S. N-, - Inspector. Two Lumber Charters) Tte Britifh Bteamer lioveric is under charter for lumber from Portland to Singapore, and the scbooser Bangor is engaged for tbe saa« busi ness from Grays Harbor .to GnsTmas. The Borcric was chartereil prior to arrival. Shipment* ' l> y (be. Larllae Tbe steamer Ijorllne nailed for Kosoleln sod Kabc!ci on Tne*day with eanro valued at $352. 295 and incladins the followinif: 4.ISS ctls bariey. 4.227 ltw beans. 450 bales hay. 10.000 lbs rice. E tt is wheat; 1,321 ea canned goods;,. 10,189 lbs #o{rar. 300 lbs hops, 4.251 lbs and 78 cs meals. 2,739 lbs and S cs cheese. 3.238 lbs butter. 1.C24 pkgs fresh frcits, 1.147 pkgs potatoes. IG3 pkps onion*. S8 pkr* vegetables, &02 lb«. fresh ' Cub. 2,574 Ibe ' drc*sed poultry. 5 cs iK»»y, 8.540 lbs codfisJi^ 2.125 lbs and 42 bzs dried fruit, 250 lb* . r.iid 30 bss ralslss. 1,24? lbs cuts. 31 cs chocolate. 1.650 lbs coffee. \u25a0 7»5 lps tea, 70 : bbls and lfi pkss calmcn, 27.6P3 lbs lard, 2.25* lbs • aad ISB bi» breail. 4.C50 lbs and 10 cs salt. 10 cs cider, 10 es tliaiaragnc. 36 cs and 2 Less liquors. 1.240 pals" wine. 173 . pkgs trsson laaicrlsl. 20 "pkj:s veWries. 20 pkrs sefidJery. 23 pkj:* machinery 1,164 -pea. and: 39B Mis steel and iron. «i . ptjrs sewicit machines. 1J«0;1p« pie MeaaV- 1,063 lb» tin plate. 4r>o lbs tobacco, 10 cs cigars sod otssretJes, .&3pkps acid. 9 bales bags. \u25a0 r«7 pk^s electrical soofis. - 2.C75 • lbs . w«U. 13 pVrs bicT des. Mt pkps .-. drncs: 300 lbs - opiam. 15 bs ;«\u25a0= heee. 400 bapa llm". 2,1'C0 sks - cenwnt. 221.5C0 Iba fertilizer. 20 bblß asphalt. 155 <\u25a0. pkes dry poofis, 201 t* boots and shoes. 10 cs huts, 10 cs anus and aaamsnltion, 4 automobiles and 10 bxs parts. Exporio for ibe A'orth Tfce sieampr Oily cf I*nel«a -sailed for-vi« toris on Sunday. \u25a0 canro conrlmifd to- port cf ilesitaation and to • other r Brltisli-Auierican cltie«. ra!D«d at J 1 C.CS4 and iactudins the fol lowing : wpMwWP I 'f'MllHU 1 * 9^*MPBBMa»<Wßslßri 1T2.5T5 Iba dried frnit. £5,400 lbs a E fl CO9 hx* rals!a».' COO c* ranned rood?, 52«J Ib« clieeße. li 23'» pkgs fresh frnitfi. 10.900 lbs salt." 79 jrals . «rlne~" 43 pkirs T*ff*tables, S pra ste*l, ; Si: pkjrs roofing raater'al. • 457 tins " matrhe*.- C pVes * machinery \u25a0 20 rolls felt. 1 32 pkps drng-s, • 8 drums add, c£tj tks /wood pal?." . , \u25a0• --..>-,• Shipment or Petrolenm The' British '"tank «:pan>»r TuKcarora* * wg« (•leered ' f« Mojl,. for' orders. *yesterday, with 2.291.5 M sallons of refined petroleum,' valued at $1C3.125.- .• \u25a0.....\u25a0- • - -~ \u25a0 \!r7 r "; ' \u25a0 ™. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners <k- of 7the] Pacific SAST PEDEo, : "J«b.6.— Steamer Xt*r*&*i;-Czn iain Marlin, arrived tiis morninj: frcai^Grajg Weather Report United States I»epartment of .- Agrlcultnre — Weather Burean, San Francisco. Jan. C.l&fO. RAINFALL DATA' * " Last' -\u25a0':, Seasonal . Normal ' Station? — \u25a0 84 I»onrs.: to date, t" date. Eareka 0.44 10.11 15.09 Red 81aff. .....:..»•• l-f-l 5.37 l«. 70 Sacramento »...." 0.04 ; 5.13 7.C> Mouat Tamalpels..... 0.43 9.C1 ; 7.73 Ban FrancUcw O.M T..29 P. Ol Ssa Jose o.o* 8.34 X.99 FTesao Tt. 1:80 3.J»l IndepeadeiK-e .......: Tr. 3.87 San Lais 0bi5p0...... 0.72 r».:trt Los Acge1e5. ......... O.«l. - 4.10 5.70 Ssn Dieg0. .."......:'.. 0.00 2.25 3.45 I if % \u25a0 2 it STATIONS. I' \u25a0.^/-,- :." 9] g^ 5 9: 3 : ? - =r Baker 29.C4 22^ 10 NW ; Snow TIC Boise .........23.70 SS -i ' SE Cloody .30 Eureka 2U.SC M WJ S ' Clondy .02 FlagstaC 29.1*<J 48 2S NW Clear .U0 Fresno ........ 30. 04 CS 54 SB . Clondy -H) Independence ..23. 50 CO 40 W Clear Tr. KaUspell 30.00 4—lo N Snow .03 Les Angeles .'J0.04 C 4 l>2 SW Clear .00 Modena 23. 5J 4S 40 W Clear .<X) Mt, Tamalpals.SO.W 4G 42 SE Misting Tr. North Heai...2&.5S .. .. NW Cloudy .18 Phoenix ....... 'J9.M 70 4»5 . N Pt.CWy :00 Pocatello 29.72 W SH W Rsia .34 Pt. Reyes Lt.-2».87 -54 45» S Fo?gy Tr. Portlaad ...... 21>.«2 13 10 X Satnr .30 Red 81aff......:».»0 M' M SB Clondy Tr. Reno .2U.SO SO « W Cloudy Tr. Roseburg .2».(W W 84 H Ctoudy .24 Sacrameato 30.04 M to S Ck>«dy .00 Salt Lake...... 23.CS 52 4i S Cloody Tr. Saa Diego. . . . .30.06/04 80 W Clear < .00 Saa Francisco.. 3o.o4 59 M SW Cloudy .00 San Jw>e 30.04 «X 60 SW Cloudy Tr. Ban L. 0b15p0.. 80.09 M X! W ' Pt-Cldy .00 SE. Farallon...So.oo W 52. 8 Hondy .00 Spckane .^.:;.29.52 fl 0 NE Wnow .24 Summit... 82 2t W Bnow •... Taeoma ....... 29. QJ 22 20 NB Hnow -R0 Tauwsh ....... 2».6S 28 ...K "CUrady .00 Toaopch ...... 29. 5S 43 34' Kn Cletr .l>o Walla Wa11a... 23. 8S « 4 SW Know .08 Wlanemncca ..29.78 52 -40 SW Cloody .18 Yuma ...29.00 74 44 SB Clear .00 I *Avernge miow oa groaad. CO laches. \u25a0 SYNOPSIS ' Unusually cold weather coatlanej orer Puget sooad. Washington aad northera Oregon. At Portland snew is falling with a temperatare of 1 18 degree*. At Ttcoma It is saowlag. with a ! temperatore of 20 degrees. In California it con tlsues warm and cloudy. Rain has fallea over most of the state aad heavy snow la the monn talas. CoadltioßS are uafavorable for settled, fair weather. The relative hosalfiity at Red Blnl was 90 per cent acd a: Fresao C 9 per cent. Saa Fraac'sco aad vicinity — Showers Thursday; fresh south winds. Saata Clara valley— Showers Thursday; fresh south winds. Sacramento valley — Rala Thursday; brisk south winds. San Joaqda valley — Showers Thursday ; fresh south winds. Los Angeles aad vicinity— Cloudy Tharsday; light south wind, js A. G. iIcADIE, District Forecaster. Time Ball United States braach hydrographle office. Mer chants' Exchange, Ssa FriaciJco, Jaaaary 6. l»0». Tte tinse ball oa the tower of tbe Ferry build ins was dropped today exlctly at noon. Pacific Standard Time (120 th Meridiaa), or at Sh. 00m. 00s., Greeaivich Mesa Time. J. C. BURNETT, Lleoleasat, U. S. N., la charge. >tra. 3loon and Tide United State coast tad geodetic survey — Time tad height* of tides at Fort Point. For city front <Mlss!cn street wharf) add 25 miactes. THLESDAY. JANUARY 7 £»na rises 7:26 Sun sets S:OC Third quarter of mooa....Jan. 14. at 10:02 a. in. jTlme! jTimej ITlmej tTlme jaai Ft f iFt ( Ff I Ft }H wj !l wj in wj !l w 7..J 1:251 4.61 5:33! 3^i11:19 5.8 6:34 —0.9 5..1 2:t*f 4.t>\ 6:25! 3.4 12:00 5.5 7:09—0.7 P..) 2:Mj 4.» 7:14 5.4 12:42 8.2 7:43—0.3 10. .{ 3:25 5.0 ?:O4 3.2 1:23 4.S S:2O 0.2 11.. 1 3:;* 6.(tf ft:(-j 5.2 2:U» 4.4 8:5& 12..! 4^71 S.O l 9:isi 2.» 3:10 3.9! 9:401 J.I I". S. Hrniicta Ilydrogrraphie Office A branch of the United States liydrographic office, located at tfce Merchants' Exchange, Is maintained ln San Fraacisco for the benefit of mariner*, without regard to nationality and free of expense. : Navigators are cortiaily iavited to visit the offlce. where complete sets of chart* aad sailing directions r,f the world sre kept at hscd for comparisoa ar.ii reference and the latest information can obtained regarding ligfetv, dangers to Bsrigatien aad matters of in terest to ooan commerce. J. C. BURNETT. " '- Lieutenant. L". S. N., in charge. Harbor with passeacers end 550.000 feet of lumber. Steamer Fulton. Captain Maloney. and steamer Wellesley. Captain Llndqulst. completed the discharge of lumber carpi--* and cleared today for Eureka via San Francisco tn reload. Steamer Roanoke. . Captain LMsnbara, arrived this morals:: from Portland t!s Eureka and San Francisco with passengers and 750 teas of freight and merchandise. Steamer Haoalei. Captsia J'cFarlase, cleared today fcr San Francisco with, freight and pas sen jrers for the Crescent wharf and warehouse company. '. Steamer Sacta Boss. Captain Alexander, ar rived this morales from San Diepo. After tafc lns freight and passengers sb* cleered for San Francisco via Hedondo aad Santa Barbara. Steamer Qninaalt. Captain Christian«»n. bumped Into the E. K. Wood irtarf last nirat j and damaged her rudder. She will be towed [ to San Francisco for repairs by the steamer WVllesley. - Schoooer Sbosbooe arrived this morning; fiTe i days from the Colombia rKcr and docked at : the Soothers Taciflc wharf with 700,000 Teet ef lumber. , <"-: Steamer Tahoe. Captain Person, arrived six ! daya from Grays Harbor via San Francisco with 700.0C0 feet of lumber for the Btlnn and South ern California . lumber companies. Part of the carro Is consigned to Port Harford. Steamer Temple E. Dorr. Captain Panser. ar rived from Eureka and will discharge 700,000 fe*t of lumber at tbe Crescent wharf.- Steamer St. Helen*. C*Ptain Bodge, arrived tonight nine days from MakiUeo via San Fran cisco with 1.C00.000 feet of lumber for National lumber company. PORTLAND. Jan. 6.— A snow storm has prac tically pot shipping out of commission, bat most of the boats tied np.todey are expected to re snme. operations tomorrow. Three coasters aDd two SAlllntr vessels are on tbe way op the river, the coasters belnc the Alliance from Coos bar. th» Eureka from i;ur«-»s by way cf Coos bay, and the casoUac sloop Con dor from Newport. The *allinir vessels ar« tbe American; schooner William Bow den and the BriMtb bark Carmanian. The William Bowden Is bound for tbe toll! of the North Pacific lumber company to load lumber fer California, and the Carmanlao is bound for one of the har bor warehouses with 1,000 tons of cement from Hsmbnrg. , . Steamer BreakwtUr. Captain SlaeGenn. sailed for Coos bay tbln evenir?. Schooner Endeavor \u25a0 cleared for Kan Pedro with GOO.OOO feet of lumber. She will probably leave down tomorrow. Steamer Alliance, which operates between .this port and Coos bay. will b« equipped toon with a wireless telegraph aervlcy. ASTOKIA, Jan. C— Steamer Thos. L. Wand cleared at tbe custom bouse today for San Franciiwo with cargo cf 673.000 feet of lum ber, .loaded at Rainier. The vessel went to sea today. • .- - . -- ' •-\u25a0\u25a0 ----- '. German ' steamsihip Numantia. with a 'general cargo for the orient, went to 6ea today. -. Steamer Alliance arrived In this morning from Coos bay with freightand passengers. Steamer Eureka arrived ln this morning ' from Eureka - with freight and passengers. - Schooner • Endeavor, ; with a cargo of : lumber from : Portland , for ; San Pedro, -; is on - her way fiown the river and should arrive this evening. TACOXA. Jan. 6.— Steamer Butt man arrived tonight from San Francisco via Seattle. It will load i return freight, including ; a ; heavy- wheat shipment. ...\u25a0-.\u25a0.\u25a0 ' \u25a0 -\u25a0 •\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 < \u25a0 '..- .... - \u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0 Norweelan steamer Sverre Is loading lamber at ATIiAVTIC OCEAX TUAVEIj /forthi^rmqn Fast; Express Service * rLYiIOnTH-CHERBOURG-BREKSX— 10 A.M. KilwrWn. 11.,.Feb.-2!Kei«'<r V>sh. ll..' liar. 2 Cecilie ". . .... -'.reh. 16;CecUie . . . .j March 23 Twin Screw Passenger Service . - BREHEN : DIRECT— IO :Al M. - Braß(Jeabnrg..r.Jaa. i ;l4;aiemaiu ...... .Jta. ;s tP. i Kr'd'h - Wnj.Jaa-' 19] Neckar * . . ;v. ... . Fea. 4 • ' tCalls ' at ' l'lyiaouth : aad Cnerbourjr. Mediterranean Service * GIBRALTAE— AIXSIERS-^-NAPLES— GENOA - v - : : S«Ulng at 11-'A.-JJ.vv : -,;. \u0084.-.,..._..--- K. Lalse • :.'.:. ita.; JBj*K;"' Knrfnerst..Feh. n" K. Albert... . . . Jaa. i 3o|K.?liOise. . ;... ..Feb. "7 TCalfe at, Madeira, .Onjraltar.AJpiers.'Gecoa, thence '• proccedias '• oa .Orient* crnise.- Good ac- coansodatioas available ito?G*aoa.i . :., Xor<h German Lloyd .Traveler*' Clircka OELRICHS *• CO.. 5 Broadways New Tork. ROBEHT C-4PEIXE. G."A. P. C.r 250 Powell st. opp.\- Bt. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;•:. Fraacls hotel, -' Saa * Fraacisco. . ,Tele- pboae 'Kearay 4794.1' V." -'. 7 ,v.- : .':.-"%\u25a0;., ... . \u25a0 Compagnie Generale ; TransatlantiqDe '-\u25a0'. 'DIRECT I.ISE TO r HAVRE-PARIS;!. Sslliagl every i Thursday, lantead «f -Satnrdar atlO a. m.. rrompier 42, ' North river, foot oi Mortoa st.: ••\u25a0>-"... '\u25a0'\u25a0-•".•.. -j-- -, \u25a0- i '\u25a0/::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'--". . - ."; First : claa ,to; Havre. \u25a0$< j. 50 aadepward; sec- ond -class to Havre.": $50 aod :. upward.-, GENERAL. AGENCY < FOR J UNITED I STATES 'AND CAX^ ADAri 18 ' SUte j at.^; N«w%Tork.v J.i F. FUGAZI ' il«D»s»r Pacific Coast,"! 630 j Moatgotncry st.. - - San Frs ncisco. • Tick et j - 6oJd '\u25a0 tt» a*«l »•\u25a0 ilroad " tici et scents. \u25a0\u25a0'' ."-'\u25a0"?: .?! •-:''\u25a0 \u25a0 '.---. the.Tactjma ralll for the west coast. \u25a0 Steamer Shna ; Yak ; arrived tonight from Saa rranclseo t'» load lumber cargo. Steamer City, of I'cebla is doe la port •, tonight to load freight fcr San Fraadsco. V Steamer Portlaad wUI retorn from Quarter master harbor, tomorrow taornlag . aad after coal iae aad tallag freight i will • leave for Seattle. from which port it leaves for the north Jaaaary 10.: •••: -.- -\u25a0-\u25a0:_.-_ - - -.;- . i-> \u25a0 \u25a0 •- \u25a0\u25a0 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE \ ARRIVED I " . Tuesday, January 5.' - j Stmr Washtenaw," Curtis, 22 hour* from Port | San Lais." . T \u25a0>.;"-/'\u25a0 \u25a0 - : - ; . Wednesday, January C. Star Francis H Leggett. Bears, 33 bcors from; San Pedro. : - i -"Stmr Acme. Olsen.- 34 taoara from Carets. j • Stmr Jlaverlck, Daniels, 2 days • from Asteria; ! up river <!lrect. \u25a0 - Stmr Rosecrans, Holmes, 8 boara from Mon terey. -\u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-._... \u0084 - ' Stmr Despatch, Kokerwltz. 27 boors from Eu reka. 'I'nr ) , \u25a0 1 W^t ffiHW|ijsatiiti^fl|MSji|Wrraf iiri Hffl j ; .Stmr Fifleld. Jensen, . C 2 boars from Band on. , Stmr Hsvalli. Nelson.' 33 hoars from Kcreka. StwrDel Norte, Saaford, 44 hours from Crea- Cent City. : \u25a0"-. ; \u25a0--.':\u25a0: ~~~/, \u25a0' " '_-." ' Stmr Jim Butler, Olsen, 127 hours from Grays Harbor. -.« : . / ...\u25a0•-\u25a0•- Stmr George Loomis, Spencer, 22 hours from Pert , San I>ai«. . - £tmr James S. Hlgglas, ' nigglns, 43 hoars from San Pedro. " ; \u25a0 - - c, - - Stmr Helen P. Drew, " Gnndcrsoo, 2O hoarc from Port San \ax\*. £tmr Shasta, Zaddart. 3S hoars frcm San Pedro. 1 - Stmr Coos Bay. Nlcolson, C 4 hours from Saa Petfro and way porrt. -^SfiiTs^jS CLEARED . •. Wedaesday. Jatraary 6. Br slmr Boveric, Mathie, Craftoa, B C; Aas trsllan Mail Line. Br stmr Tn»carera, . Holllogshead, Mojl; Stand ard oil compaay. SAILED Tuesday, Jtciiry 3. Stmr Wliitetbcro, Elleseo. Greenwood. Wednesday. Jasaary 6. : II S stmr Buffalo. Boawlck. Iloaolcln. \ • Htmr Shasta, Hansea, BeUlsgham. Sehage, .Seattle. Stmr Helen P Drew. Gosderson. Greenwood. Stmr Sea Foxm, I^ee, MenSoctno. Stmr Brunswick, Hammer, Fort Bragg. I Br stmr Boveric, Mathie. Craftoa, B C * Stmr Jamea 8 Hlgglns, Hlgglna. . Fort Bragg. Ger ship R. C. RicSmtrs, Scbwetmana, Eatcsl notza. Stmr Oor»nado, Staageland. ;San Pedro. Btmr Gaalala. Martensea. Delmtr landing. Stmr : J*. A. Kllburn, McLellaa, Eureka. Stmr R. I), lamtin, Lancaster. CMasibia river. Stmr Aanta Barbara, Zaddart.* Saa Pedro. ' Stmr Samoa, \Madsen, San Pedro. Schr Santiago. McDonald. Monterey; la toir teg Navigates-. =a TELEGRAPHIC POINT LOBOS. Jaa 0. 10 p m— Weather fog gy; wlad northeast; velocity 18 miles a a hoar. DOMESTIC PORTS HOQUlAM— Arrived Jan 6— Stmr . Olympic, hf nee Jan 4. _. • . . SANTA BARBARA— Arrived Jan 6— Stmr Senta Rosa, from San Diego acd sailed for Saa Francisco.- . • . - ASTORlA— Arrived Jan C— Stmr Alllaaca, from Coos bay; stmr Eureka, from Eureka, via Coos bay. Sailed Jan - 6— Ger stmr Nomantia, for Toks fcsma; stmr.Thomaa L. Wand, for San Fran- , clsco. - TATOOSH— Passed ln Jan &— U S stmr Heather, from crnise. Passed out Jaa 6 — Br stmr Cerltoo. from Ta coma, via Victoria, for U&lred Kingdom. EUREKA — Arrived Jsn 6 — Star Aberdeen, ' -hence Jan '•. Sailed Jsn C — Stmr City of Topeka. for San . Franciaco; Br bark Holywo-HL for United King dom. Arrived Jan 6 — Star Vanguard, hence Jsn 5. REDONDO — Arrived Jan fr— Stmr Daisy Mitch ell, hence Jan 4. SEATTLE; — Arrived Jaa 9 — Stmr Bockman. heDce Jan S: stmr CJty ef Poebla. from Vic toria. hence Jan 3; stmr Mexican, hesce Jaa 3. Sailed Jaa 6 — Stmr Qneen. for Saa Fraacisco; stmr Nebraskan, for Evtrett; U S stmr Heather, for crnis*. Arrived Jan 6 — Stmr Shawmut, from Bremer ton. VALDEZ— SaiIed Jan « — Stmr Pennsylvania, for Seattle. KETCHIKAN— Arrived Jan s— Stmr Hnm boldt, from Seattle. NEAH BAT— Passed In Jan &— Stmr Colonel E. L. Drake, hence* Jaa .".. for Seattle. :\u25a0 . CRESCENT— Passed ln Jan C — Large steamer, yellow stark, white -letter. \u25a0 . SAN PEDRO— Arrived Jan s— Stmr Hanaiel. hence Jan 3. Jan C — Stmr Sbosbone. hence Jan 4: stmr Rosnoke. hence Jaa 4; stmr Temple 11. [ Dorr, from Eureka; stmr Santa Rosa, from San Diego: sfmr Taboe, from Gray* Harbor. Sailed Jan 6 — Stmr Santa Rosa, for San Fraa ci^co: stmr Fair Oaks, for Saa frcnclsco. Sailed Jan o— Stmr Hanslei. stmr Qnleanlt. for.Saa Francisco; stmr Wellesley. for Columbia TACOMA— Arrived Jan ft— Bart St. James, ln tow tng Hercules. beEfe Dee 31* Arrived Jan 6 — Stmr City ox Po»b!a. hence . Jan 3: Br stmr Gyiwlc. hence Jaa 2. Sailed Jan C — Tag Her/rsles. for gan Franci»co. -VEXTUKA— Arrived Jan ft— Stmr Whluier, hence Jan 5. PORT TOWNSEND— SaiIed Jaa «— Ship Er skine M Phelpa. for Neir York. - COOS ' BAY— Arrived Jan 2— Stmr Bee. teace Dec 31: stmr Redoado, hence D«e 81. EVERETT— Arrived Jaa 6— Stmr Nebnikan, from Seattle. , • JUNEAU— Arrived Jan S — Stmr Santa Clara, from Seattle. WRANGELL— Arrived J*a « — Star Humboldt. from SeatUe.Wgfc&SSsasSsi ... SAN DlEGO— Sailed Jaa 6— Stmr Puadeaa, for San Francisco; brig Blskeley. for Mexico. WESTPORT— SaiIed Jaa B— Stnir J MarhoSer. stmr Chehal's: for Saa Francisco; schr C S Hotnaes, for. San Pedro. , Passed in Jan 6 — Stmr Hoquiam. hence Jts 2. Passed out Jaa Tt — Schr Ltzsie Vance, far Ssn Pedro. . .-•-; - ". v ". MONTERET— SsiIed Jaa 6— Stmr Rcsecraaa, for Ssn Francisco. GAVIOTA— SaUed Jsn 6— Stmr W. S. Porter. for San Francisco. ISLAND PORTS HONOLULU— SaiIed Jan ft— Ship Falls ef Clyde, for Monterey. Ssiied Jan <! — Bark Xanana, for Victoria; stmr Texan, for Hilo. FOREIGN PORTS ' PANAMA— SaiIed Jsn s—Ger5 — Ger stmr. Ammoa. for Hamburg. - PACIFIC OCEAX .TRAVEL _^rp"s«s_ Steamers leave Broadway yg^Jis-MV TVharvea, (Piers 9 aad 11). /ogl LOW RATES. INCLUDING /a/Tlgym y\ BERTHS AND MEAI.S. I I Viksi3».) I SPECIAL ROUND TRIP \ ii' \\^^T«7 RATES \V^ « JCJ FOR 1.09 AXGELES NQTayt^P/ V SAX DIEGO SAXTA BARBARA BANTA R05A..... Every SueiUt. fl:30 a. m. STATK OF CAL. ....Every ,Tb.ur*day, 9:30 a. m. FOII SEATTLE, TACOMA, VICTORIA AXD VANCOUVER, B. C^ PUGET SOCXD AXD AL.ASKAX PORTS CITT rUEBLA....Jaa. IS. "Feb. 2, 17. 11 a. m. CMATILLA.. ....Jaa. 8. 23. J>b. 7. 11 a. us. QUEEN.......... Jaa. 13. 29, Feb. 12.11 a. ia. Aad Every Fifth Pay Thereafter. BOUND .TSIP SOUND EXCURSION. 11 DATS' Roaad'Trtpr-laclaaicß Berth asd Meals, $45. FOR EUREKA (HUMBOLDT BAY) CITT OF TOPEKA.. Ja&. 4. 8. 14. 10. 24. 29. Feb. 2. 10:30 a. ta. And Every Fifth Day Thereafter. . FOR COAYMAS, 3IAZATLAJT, LA PAZ, EXSEXADA. SAX JOSE DEI. CAW), 51.1CDALEXA BAY". SAXTA ROSALIA (VIA : SAX PEDRO). CCBACAO.;:;:.Jaa. 7. Feb. 7. Mar. 7. 10 a. ». ALASKA CRUISES, 1909 ' Steamship SPOKANE vrfJl leave Seattla 11 p. a. Jose 15, 30. Jaly 15, 30..A8*. 14. .... Eight-r eserved. to citaasre this schedcle.' TICKET OFFICES « «.; ' SAN FRANCISCO— 3 Market st., 112 Market at. aad Broadway Wharf. Telephone Kearny 492. Geaeral 0ffice* . . . . . :'.. . . . . . . . . ; . JJ2 Market at. Frelgat 0ffice. ... ....../..... .Broadway Wharf Oakland Ticket 0ffice. .... i . ... . .»C8 Br««dway ." C. ;I>. DUNANN, G. P. A.. Saa Frasdsea. Toyo Kisen Kaisha {ORIEXTAL STEA3ISHIP COMPAXV) 8. S. - "Ciyo; Mara".' T.. Saturday, Jaa.' SO, 1909 S. S. "Teayo Xara". : . . . ..Friday,; Feb.* 26, 1909 S. S. VSippcn Mara", (via Maaila) 7. -."......;? - s. .» . . . . . ... ; . . . ... . . .Friday, March 19. 1309 Steamers \u25a0 sail ' from ccrapaay'a piera, Nos. : 42, 44. near foot of Second st..l. p. n>.. for Yoko- hama aad Honctcas. celllnp a t Honolulu. Kcbe (}3irrt>(. Nagasaki sad £hao;ba!. and.coaaectias at ; HoDzkons . with ctraaiera . for ; Mcclla, - India, etc. No cargo- received oa board oa day of s*C- ia?. R<mi>d trip tickers at reduced \u25a0 rates. — , i For ; freisht *- and paasaffe \u25a0 appl y vat cfic*, 24 James Flood boHdlu;. :?--.- W. H. AVERT. -.': : .:\u25a0--• :•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0-."\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' v, A sslytaat ; Geaeral ; Maaajer. HOXOLVLU-^S. ''- sl Alanteda -saUa , 11 'fsi.Tnu Jan. 1». "00. Special rooad trip $110. first class. TAHITI AXD > XEW ZEALAND- S. S. \ Maiiposa \u25a0 sails ill a. ia. Feb. 2. \u25a0 Special • rcaod trip Tahiti/ $ICS. Waliiaxtoa, N.. Z., .$260, -. rooad trip..- \u25a0 •.-- -\u25a0 ' - \u25a0 :•.'---.. "'/,\u25a0'•- -'. . * ->* OCEANIC LINE,' 673 tel. Ksaray 1231. BAY/AJVD; IXTERURBAX ROUTES AUJ^yiSLANp NA\^ YARD : Val lie jo,S Napa, St. ; Helena ST.' iIELEXA-— -XAPA VALLEV.ROCTE Moatlcello S. S.TCo.I and Napa Valley Electric R. JJ.' Co. •„>: Close ;coßaeetto«au (^ROUXb;TRIPS^DAILV--e r Beats Mea vet Sao '.7:00.*1*9:45 a. m» 12:30n«08,V3:15,';6^X>,>?850.p. m.'" - ;-> s'-- . San - Fraacisco • laadUis; aad ' office. Clay street wharf.'V north \u25a0 end I ferry; bulldin*. Mir t tt ' atreet ferry. M«als al Ia eartewT-r:'-";^--^--"^".'-.'^.-.- - \u25a0 Si Phone iKearay s 408.:- .', •Laads ;cavxr yard direct. . AUCTION SALES TWENTIETH_ANNUAL SALE ANTIQUE ORIENTAL RUGS BY ACCTIOX— COMMELNCIXG THURSDAY. - JAXUAR V T. 1809 AXD COXTIM'IXG UXTIL -SATTRDAY. JASIABY SWtt At 3 o'doelc P. M. DallT » At 1660 VAN NESS AYE. Cor. Sacramento ' Instead of the usual discount or reduction sale, at certain fixed prices, we haye 1 concluded to hold an auction and let you make the prices. Our entire stock of over 1,200 Rugs, each one a gem. carefully selected br an expert, including many rare Antiques, whose equals have never been offered at auction Before, will be sold. •_. Inspection invited.* Catalogues at the sale. EVERY RUG GUARAXTEED AS DESCRIBED. MIHRAN & CO. Mr. C. H. Lncnsrne. from American Art Gallery of X>vr York, win con- duct t hi* sale. tes £& Ste SATURDAY. Janoary 9 at 11 a: ta.. bis auc- tion sale. 100 bead of bis mares, borses and amlen. They weigb from 1.200 to 1,700 poends. tingle and spaas, onltabie for raacb. plow aad C^neral delivery. 565 4ta st.. Oaklaad^ GUAYAQUIL— SaCed Jan 6— Ger stmr Serak. fer Saa Fraacisco, via way ports. VALPARAISO— SaiIed Jaa *— Ger stmr Her manthia, for Saa Francisco, via way ports. VICTORIA— SaiIed Jaa 9— Br stmr Carltcm. fcr Ualf-d Kingdom. Arrived Jan 6 — Fr stmr Corse, from Antwerp via Yokohama. Sailed Jan 6— Stmr Queen, far San Fraadsc*. PUERTO MEXlCO— Sailed .an 4— Stmr Ore goolaa, for New York. OCEAN STEAMERS NEW XORX— Sailed Jaa e— Stmr Hamburg. from Genca: stmr LssUaslt, from Liverpool; stair Z!elaad. from Antwerp. ST VINCENT. C V— Arrived previously— Star Delie Rlckmers, frora Portland. Ore, via Mca* tevtde© for Uaited Kiardom. SOUTHAMPTON— SaiIed Jaa «— Stmr Teu tonic, for New York via Cher*»arg aad Queens town; stmr Prlaa Friedrica Wllhelsj. far New York. Tia Cherbourg. HAMBURG — Arrived Jaa «—strar« — strar Ramseit. frora Saa Francisco, etc, via Montevideo, Las Palmas and Hull. HONGKONG — Arrived previously— Stmr Mon golia, from San Fraacisco via Honolulu. Y<\u25a0•»<> bams,* etc. MONTEVIDEp— Silled Jaa *— Stmr Aaubis. from Saa Fraacisco for Hamburg. Memoranda SAN PEDRO. Jaa «— Star Qi^nault. bound oat this afternoon, ran into F. X Wood's wharf tad damaged redder: will be towed to Ssn Fran cisco by stmr Wellesley for repairs. Ptrr stmr Jim Butler — Had schr Sehome in tow from Graya Harbor, bound to San Francisco, but owing to heavy SE winds blowing had to cast her airirt Jaa 3 when off Cane Blanco. XEW LAWYERS ADMITTED SACRAMENTO. Jan. C. — The follow ing passed the examination for admis sion to the bar this afternoon before the appellate court of the third dis trict: James T. Beard, Ralph Waldo Rose. AY. P. Rich. C. M. Gill. J. A. Smith. G. B. Blanckenburg. William S. An drew?, D. A. Clingan. Xewton A. John son, Thomas A. Barlow. Georee AY. Smith, C. R. Taylor. P. J. ilcSherry. Louis. H. Bailey.,"S. P. Tuttle Jr., H. C. Reyman, A. H. Brandt A. K. Clark. D. M. Simmons. J. S. Johnson. R. 11. Bor land. X. P. Bryan, C C. Morgan. J. A. Brown, F. A. Adams. H. F. Glenfor. M. H. Iverson. Silas- Penry. C. C. Case. L. J. Schlno and Scott Herrlcks. "WILL NOT WED MRS. MAYBRICIv CHICAGO. Jan. 6. — Charles T." Wag ner, secretary of the lecture bureau which has charge of the public ap pearance of Mrs. Florence liaybrick, today entered a vigorous denial of a report that he and Mrs. Maybrick are to wed. , AVI LI/ XOT HEAR OIL CASE CHICAGO, Jan. 6. — Judge Landls has Informed the district attorney that he would not hear the second trial of tbe Standard oil case, but would transfer it to some other Judge. RAILWAY TRAVEL fr&Sß^ TRAINS LEAVE P^P9 SAN FRANCISCO V^gX Market St Ferry Leave for— j A.M. \ P.M. Bakersfield ,| B^>o S.OO-10.00 Chicago .1 ... 8.09-10.00 Fresno ..'- 8.00 8.00-10.00 Grand .Canyon 8.00-10.00 Hanford 8.00 S.OO -1 Kansas aty S.OO-10.00 Merced S.OO 8.00-10.00 Stockton 8.00 4.00- 8.00-10.00 1 Stockton, Oak- dala & Sierra Ry points.. 1 ;.. 9.45 Tulare 8.00 ?.«0-10.00 Visalia 8.00 8.00-10.09 Yoaemlte ....... 8.00 California Limited through to Chicago leaves at IOtOO p. m. OFFICES: 673 Market Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, Saa Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland. — ; : j Northwestern Pacific R. R. SOCTHEBX DIVISIOX. JAX. T. l»00. VL*. SAUSALITO ; { For Sansallto. Mill \alle7. Rax-! fael — Dally — Every thirty minute from 6:43 | A. M. to 9:45 A. M.; boorly natil 3:45 P. M-: then 4:15 aad every thirty minutes until 6:45 P. M.: then 7:45. 9:42 P. M. aad 12 M. For FaUrfM— Week fiays— «:4s. 7:15. 5:15. 10:45 A. M-; <2:43 P. M. Sarardars oaly) 3:45. 4:15, 4:45. 3:15. 5:45 P. M. Sandays— S:ls. 9:45. 10:45. 11:«5 A. M.;' 12:45. 1:45. 2:45, 4:45 P. M. - For Saa Qnentln— Daily— S:4s A. M. aad 2:45 P. M. \u25a0 8:15 A. M. daily . for Cazadero aad way stations. . .* - . 2:45 P.M. Saturday oaly for Caxadno aad way stations. ! VIA TIBUROX For Tiburon. Belvedere and San Ra« fael— 7:ss. *»:10. 11:00 A. M.: { '12:30 P. MJ Satardays caly) 3:30, 5:10. •C;3O P. M. dally. Oa Soadays addltloaal trips at >:oft A.M.: 12:30 aad 0:30. P.M . for Saa Rafael aad later- ic-diate points. 7:35 A. M. dally for Prtalassa. sacta Rosa, BealdsbtK?. Cloverdale. Vkiab: Wlllits, Saer- vrood. ' Sebastopol aad way stations. . 7:23 A. M. daily. . except Saaday, for Cl*n Ellen. . <jnera<vQle. River Laadia; 1 aad ray sißtlonj. .•- \u25a0: 8:OJ A.-M.. Ssaday. •aiy — Petalama. Saata Bosa. Healdsbars. Cloverdale,. Glen Ellen. Gaer- aevUie. Rirer Landlrc aad way stations. 11:00 A. IS. for. Petaisata. Ssvj Rosa aad way statio&s. - •- 3:30 P. 3,1. Sally far Petafauna. sa?ta Ron, Ilealdstnirjr. Cloverdale. L*tit U, , Oaeroe»iUe. Se- bastopul and way stations. 5:10 P. U daily for Petahiaa. Saata Rosa, Cir-n Ellen and way • station?. 2 *To Tiboros only. Pacific Transfer Company's Arents ar* au- thorised t© eb*ck bae^are direct from n-sideapc. Ticket . Office* N'ortb Ecd Ferry Bdldla: and 574 Market street. Flood building. MUIR WOODS MJCSSvBIk AND 9® MT. TAMA LPAIS VIA SAUSALtTO FERRY rooT or *»r«jt »t. '^jr. JfflgATS-WHMY V3K Uto fnatfta t if. Kit fate " j It. Itauiwi wkkx acw-. wire 1 sux- vtn scn- »»T PAT- • PAT \ . .DAT .'. D A T . p±T ••s*st G«^sa M3O* 1 1 :45 a 7:20 a 10:40 •4:45* 10:45 a e2:4oa 2:50. 4:14, |2:4Ep 11:45* 4:20 a ,4 :OSt •8:10 a 2:45» ••-•• iUlrivv V 5:15, .:v.^ 4*es : \u25a0£^ap\- ;—; — ....... S:IS» '^^fVv. titoßdaroiiy. - Qflssatpuimlr. ' nektt OSees— Sasolito Ferry aad &72 Mikat . ' Ccscrsl Ogcea—^Ma YaEey, Calcorsti OC^^HORE:RAILWAY : --. '12th } aad ". Mission) — D»l3y m. . Sanday— Lv' fl^JO a. 1:43 p. 0:40 p. , Ar.: 7^sa. 9:10 a. 5:10 p. Suadays— Lv.:- : »:30a. •10:10 a, 12:15p, 5:40 p. Ar.: »:10a. ll:iGa, ,»4:33p,-5:10p. •Uraaada Ex- oress — No itcn. 9 »MHhk@! njc? sto £*?, Several large eoaslxasent* cf;c horses »"•! - toares. ws;cns. bu^Tirs in) l»rr.» «»\u25a0 of etm T" scrij>tion. wm h* sold ai Datoce^ Stable* THritS- I PAY. Jaanarr .'.. 11 «. m.. 13th nf»r Valeacla. Oat.iJe stock sold. T, 1. Markrt 146 a I TTif. CLOCGH. Aactioayer. RAaWAT TRAVEL XVtTV Trsks f e *»c aad ara fat > • \^HssH^l an Franciscoc. \wsl=yOj Fecm Nor. S. 19CS FEURY DEPOT X *-— ** Foot oi Market Stf»eS Leat» —VIA OAKLAND PIKS— Arriv» 6.40 a. Harwrd. KCes, £aa Jess 7jCSj» 7 JKi Richaond. Fort Costa, Beskia, Sci- ," » -.r, D'.i~s, Sxrtatzto. kotnik. iii.-yiv;::f, Unidlzc Cansaso*.... 7^3pn 7 .00* Dmira, YaaTiUr. Kcassr 7.22) 7JlOa Uavia. Wotxfiacd (SbrjsvSleL Oro- - , v;Ji>. T.U^axs. l!as*«i Tli3b«a> HiajJtoa. CoraiDt Km Bh-SF. . . 7^B* 7.43 a W'.ejo. Naps. (. aiatcga. Ssata Rosa. Martiaei. Saa Eaaoii , V.2S* 7.40» }.;:•». rVsrintcß. Lhrmere. La- throp. Stoektoa. Tr^wv. Los Bssoa, Kfraua, Uantord. V iniia. Porler- vifle. Bakfnfi»W. 1-239>i SJMa liussd. Seinrk. t^tertie. Saa Jose. L4SS Gates, \lncht. Lacrei 8.43f j &20a Port CUta. Marline:, fcjroa. Iracr. f toektaa. Jlr-»i. Froso. Gosbea J-Jcstioa (Ha-t'nrd). \ issha, Perter- vjiia. 4.43 a: 8.20 a Yosrmit- Valley ta ilfrrtd 4.48» J 9.00» H'&tn, livenaors. EttM:itcn(»J!2tmi>. Va£e7 Sprint lcr r Ssmmenta. 4.^S> : 9.COa Sonera. TioUrant asd Anceis 4JZ3p 9.00 a AUaaiio Jj?r-sa — SreT32-.esto.Tnjt- tee, Ocdes, Salt Late City. Deaver, Kansas Utv... T. 22? 9.40 a ?JraaKm4 Port Costa. Usrtirrs.... 6.48> lO.OCi Tbe Overhni lia'iei'— r>cTer. K=7«sCitT. Otß-.fc2. Qjngn 8^8? tO^2Oa Valler>. Mara Isbr J. 1 1.22 a 10.20 a Loa A-s?>s l"is.-cs-— 1 ors Testa, Martiaes, Bj-ron. Tra*:.-. ttorltrn, Urrced. Fresno. llusUad, Vnila. TuJare. BaksrsSeJd Lea Arp^e? • • 7.4Ca 10.40 a CoWselJ Pass.— Fprt Costa. Bmtn*. £aeraiaeata 'froefcee. Htan. Mir.a, Toaopah. iVi-UrM. Lavs.>r.. 7.45 a 1 0. 40 a MwTsr^fc. Chico, hrd IJaff 4.25 a 1.20 a Nile* tan Jose usi TV a? Stations.. 2.i3p 1.40J Ilusael. Alvando. '»e*ari, Ajapa-. SaaJcse 9.SS? ZJOQf Fatardar oaJv. v B'JBttr** Train — , lirenaor*. Tracy, J.rraaß. Lea Baapa. Fresao t!O.3C> Z.2os Beakia. buisa?. Ssmajento. l.oBf 2.20s I'nrtlaaJ Express vvu Davi»:. V, L - hsma. W£fa*«. K«i iZIuZ, Wwd, (MwDod. Cstor. Kl=ejs*J» Isß*>. Ashhad. PorUaati IZ2B* 3.00? Reakia. IVratrrs. txmmrzio. TVoo»i- Is»L JLv.Tiv:a» asd Crui 10.43 a 3 JOOr Ha Lnairo. :.;•«. Ssa Joie 9.:3» 3^oa Pert Costa. Mj.ri.rci. Ujroa. llo- (ksto. Merced. Irrwoo. 12X3* - - 3.30s VU rabaroa. West Kspa, Sr. L'rVna. CaJJstari lO^3> 4.00 a Vi;.;.,;!:-:!;-; Fan Eamoa. Kspa. CsCctaca. Sasta Resa. B.oB* 4 .00 a NSis. Tracy, saselt >oa. Lcdi 1 0.23 a 4.40 a Ma. LeaaUio. Ha> n: J. XL'es.l 13.2«« Pleuaatoa. livenacre It! 1.43 a 5.00 a TJs Owl limited — 'Tewaaw. Los H*3o». ilewicrti. Iresoo. Tuhre. BakersSelil. Loa A*s*Jes 8.48 a 5.03 v RsssetSsaJose. Los Gate*. TVri^t. 8.48* 6.20» Sna Lesa(ir>. Niles. .-.» Jew 7.48* \u25a0 ; 5.40 a TaSejo. Port Cnftn. Peaicia. Scisn.l, Sxtmarnto — Ro*evi2ei liocola, ?iffysvin>'. Ororflle T... 11.23*: &20a Eamsra Exprets— Otrfea v Pneblo. *" Leaver. K»n— « t'jiv. St. Lovi^ Chkajn P«t Costa. I'.ezicA, Saeraßeatat, neaij. St»r!a 7.23» , 8.40? n-.rrar4 N3w asd Saa Jo». 6.45>, JT.OOa Vsileja. Jlsrtire: aad VT.iy rtstic-ns. J !o^3>l 8.20) Orrfen Lip-rs3 — £3Tamtc!o^lsns> riia, P^ed&is. TXerd PeUaa<l. Pujet Socnd md East 9.43*< 0.00» Ctii-x and J -pia Fast Mail— \u25a0' i • Ofden. Cbe^enne. EeavfT. Kaasaa Ci:v, OaiM, Chiesf?.. 3.23 1 \u25a0 9.00 a Saturday only Haaters" Trah— Saa Joaa sad Wsy itz^szs. via .\n::k. 1 3.23> COAST UNE | **~n"liirJ »:ni "ioTrtistn"! v !rTU) \u25a0 t&3oa sb-:t:i9 — 23d £s«et. Tssitacsm. Soota Su Fraacisco. Tslenria St. 19.A"9i 5.40 a Eiattle — Val»n:ii St. Oresa Vir», , l Ceme-enes. South Ssa Frsacisco. Z3d S:.T»t, 3d ant' Towaamd ..... 8.5 C« < 6Jl9* South Saa Frastiaca. £an Jcse. Cl- ) ror. BoUisttT. Pijiri, WataosvtSr, \ o -«M« M SaEUCna,BoßldsrCrwV.r.!«*<x»i. I 8 - WJ *? Del Uoate. Ifoaterey. Psd£cGrt>*e. J BXOi Th« Coaster— Saa Jose. Castr«Tii!e. Salinas. Soiedad. Paso Botlea Bat Sptiass. Atasrsders. Saa Lr> Ohispo, Pi i3o, Oceuw. Giadslcpe, ) f \u25a0.!!\u25a0;. LoKpoc. Basta . Barbara, A'entara, Oxsard, Lm Avg^rt 1 1. 45 a? BJOQ* TTiironrSle. Sxata Cm. Boeder Creek. Glawoed. Del Uocte. iioa- terry. PanSe Grove H.*3i; 8.20 a Santa Saa Francisco, Pab Alto. s*. Jose. Way Stati«»cs 7.35aj \ E2oa Los Mio% KoaU VliJa. Us Gates. . { !|]^| 9JOOx Ssa Joaa.G2roy, Sal:: :•, Paso Roblr* Hot fprisji Atssc3<irro. t'aa Laia Obispo— Los Gates. TTricit, Laerri — Trs« Piaos.— Santa Crux. Ed .' Uoeta. Uoatcrey. Pcctfie Gnre^. . 4.CC« i 10.40* Smith Ssa Fraacace, rurlictsie, San Mateo. Pate JUio. Ssa Jose 6.30 a 10.40 a Los Alias. Monta >«sta. l*s Gstos.. l.lOa 1 1.30 a Ta!eaca St.. Oceaa Tkw. Cobia, Cemeteries. Cadea. Saa Braao. 1.35» 1 1.40 a Sauth Saa Fraaei«t>. >«n Jo» 18.20 a 2.00 a dosth Saa Fna dsco, PsSo Alto. Saa -^ ' Jo* «4Ca t2.OCj Los Altns. Har*» Vjsts. LosCatoi.. t3.20a 3.00 i Del U^.i» Eipre» \u25a0 Saa J«Si Girr M Cfcitt«nc-->. SaaU 'nz, Dd Mocte. Uoatere?. Pacfia Grova. SaUiaa. 12.30* • 300» Fdaia. Boulder Creek 8J0» 3.20? Soota Saa Frsrr.r.o. «a Jose. G3- roy. ColEstc. Tres Piaoa 1 0.25 a 4.00s Sonsst £xpr««9 — Tancn. Draune. . F3 Paso. Hoßstoa Key Orinns. Paso Roblea list Spricis, Saa Luia Obispo. Saoi! Bsrbara. Los A npiea. 11.-*os 4JWa Paiam. WatsoaT2s». fenta Cm* 1 1. 45? 4^>ob Drt Moat*. Uoaterry. PsnSe Grove. » l-45a 4J)Os Kansas Cfar, St. lonia. thk»r>.-.. 1 1.40 a 4.20s Saeth Saa Franesco. s»a Jose. . . 19-CCa tS.OC? 3aaßrtr.o, ?.-.a lLltco.F3laiha.Ssa Jaee aad TTar fctatjoas 9.40 a t5.05» Siuttle— 23d Street. Vmucioß. Sooth San Fra3a3co, TalmcJa Sti^rt. fS.ISf t5.23? Kedvood. P^> Alto. Ma;£eid. Saa Jcae I.loa- 1 5.20? Los AUds. Uonta Tirta. Lo» Caw-s.. t7^o> 1 5.25» Barfcrruao. fen Jlatro. :»\u25a0 J0»».. . 73.20 a 5JOa Sbnttle— Valencia Si, 0««b View. Cesrtsnes. Soata Saa iraansco, 23J Street. 3d a«d Towasead ...... $.40» 5.437 Swth Saa Fraacisco, £aa BrcacSaa, Revi«eod. Fsto Alto, fssta dan. Saa Jose. Lcs Gates. Wrcht. 7.40 a 15.403 Los Altos. 21<m? Yisu. LosGatos.. *.5.40» tSJOOp Bay Shore. Viatacna. U.i*r>, P'\o Alto. UayiVUL Los Altos, Uonis VwU. U§ Gate*.... tS.CCa t&23a a-iUle— Valeoaa St. Oeesa \>w. CeroHeries; South £aa . Frssdsc. 3J Street. SJ and lomatrnd...... t7.*«J» BJ3Op ?*i'Ji3:s Ftandsro. Eaa J05e..... 5.40 a . BUJCj Los Aas^n Paeseapr — £*\u25a0 Mstea, P.-JTooi Palo Aiia. Su Jo«e. G"-m>*. siTi-ias. Paso' KoUts Hot Spritn ' Ataac3dert\ £ka Luis O«spi>. Fizs». Sasta Barbara. Le« Aapiea.. .....:....:....... 8.30 i 1145 a SooUtSaa Fraadsco. Pab Alto. Sa»\ 7.20» _J0ee. .;;„......... ..:.... / 7^o» tI.OC? ?ijaa«to RiTfT Stesaers t11.3C» . Cbmpaay »«ests eoSeet laes?n cd ebeeks oa trains of hoatben 'PaeiSe aad d«-I;v«r is residence. Tbey ara sitbcruad to cheek baggage dirpst fros rcswjeaee. "* - . - . a Jar Voniag. $lor Af**r3wx - tSsadar efeftsi jSaaisy ualy * c Satarday cnb- v- — :: — — — :—: — ; ;—; — - — '\u25a0 — — j» '-Save Time and Trouble bjr— i J-rUSING CALL WANT ADS-! 15