Newspaper Page Text
BtnUing a railroad doT»n the Pad fie. coast of Mcxko is proving a difficult fmU.but a strange, wonderful cotmtry mill be opened. Sec the arti cle,' next Sunday in The Sunday Call. VOLUME CV— NO. 42. TILLMAN MAY ASK SENATE TO SIFT CHARGES Prepares Statement in Answer v to Accusations Made by spjPß| R oose v clf Says Case Against Him Due to Wrong Interpretation of Single Word Some Dissatisfaction Expressed aj President for Actions in Matter I'Spcdd Dupdch to The Call] ~-. yASHIXGTOX. Jan. 10. — Sena % V / tor Tillman is considering the \/V/ matter v of asking the senate * 'for a formal Investigation of the charges made against aim by Presi dent Roosevelt, but has not yet decided tq do so. Thus far he has" contented .himself \u25a0with announcing that' tomorrow he will make & formal statement to the senate, jrnich he is preparing with un usual care. ; JUany expressions of dissatisfaction :are ft card because of the manner in which the president made public the material gathered by the postofflca inspectors about Senator Tillman. It is pointed out by senators that the matter, sent to Fwiator Hale was not in response to the litter's request for a statement of the operations of the secret service, as the investigation of Senator Tillman's alleged efforts to obtain Oregon lands 'was .wholly under the postofflce de partment and was prosecuted by the inspectors of that department. One senate leader expressed the opin ion that a? the president had had in hi* possession for several 1 months the Information gathered about Senator Tillman. it was his duty to instigate a prosecution if he believed the facts warranted action. Tried to Suppress Facts ~*[ # It was rumored today that the presi dent has told a friend that an effort . - - was made by Senators Hale- and- Aid- \u25a0 rteh to. suppress the facts about Senator Tillman.. Undoubtedly this impression j was gained at the White House by 'a j .visit from Hale, who suggested that the • matter relating to Tillman should be withdrawn.' It is said that the Maine senator did not base the request upon the ground that it was not properly a reply to the demand for information about the secret service, but because of the tact that Senator Tillman is in poor health and the charge was liable to rouse him to a pitch of excitement dangerous to bis life. President Roosevelt declined to witb *' dra»w the reference to Tillman, and •whfcn Senator Hale would not make it public he. decided to do so himself. : l)eny Criminality Some of the senators who have ex- j « mined the evidence say the offense j """was #ne of impropriety and indiscre tion, .but that no criminality is in- i \u25a0 I volved: It was said that Tillman might . •\u25a0 : '"k2ve introduced his resolution calling • <*upon the department of justice to begin to compel the sale of the • Oregon lands at ~ $2.50 an acre in ac . rordance with the original land grant .and. "at the same time apply for some «f* the land without making himself '• the target for criticism. ." To many the feature of the disclosure .-. most deplored by Tillman's colleagues 1 is the appearance of an effort to hide '•'•the fact that he was an applicant for .; me nine Quarter sections under the •"XtfTins of the original grant. In his •"statement last February the senator "said he had not bought any western '/•land, nor had he "undertaken to buy; . * . "The evidence submitted by the presi- j •: dent shows that prior to this statement * ; Tillman had made application for nine . quarter sections. Defending himself •• against the appearance of haying made - . a misleading statement. Senator Till-. V man told his friends today that he • should have said on the floor that he Jiad not "contracted" to buy any land, •and that the whole case against him; \u25a0 had been built upon the interpretation i '".placei upon the word "undertaken." -. Special Committee's Work / .. JV'ASHINGTON*. Jan. 10.-—Representa '. tive ' Tawney of Minnesota said today • that the resolution introduced In the '.house providing for the appointment •I' of a special committee of five to'in vestigate the inspection methods of the government does not contemplate, as has been stated, an inquiry concern- Ing the operations of the secret serv- His desire is to arrive at the facts concerning the appointment of special agents and inspectors aside from the secret service bureau. Consider Culberson Resolution WASHJICGTOX, "Jan. 10.— When the senate committee on the "judiciary meets tomorrow it' ls expected a. sub ,-; committee will be ar*pointed to consider .V. '.i* Culberson resolution calling for. an .Vflqulry into President lloosevelt's au thority to permit the absorption of the Tennessee coal, iron and steel company by the United States steel corporation. The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TO DAY TELJSPHOXK KEAJBWTT 86 MONDAY. JAKUART 11, 1909 WEATHER CONDITIONS TESTEttD AT— CIear; northeast wind; niaxi mom temperature. 50; minimum, 40. FORECAST FOR TODAY— Fair; frost to- «»« morning; brisk east wind. Pag* 7. EDITORIAL Tillman's ethical offense. "*\u25a0**: 4 An expert on railroads. Page 4 Metal trsfira must fi*bt back. - P*ge"4 GarfieJd backs Saa rraaciaeo. . l'a«e 4 LEGISLATIVE XazD« at Senator H. & G. McCartney's mother is law on pajroll »» porter causes laugh ter. Pare 1 Wheeian's bUI would demoralize tin* grand jury sjstrai. Pace 3 Senator lUUrr plans to amend bill for increase of power to railroad commission. Page 3 Speaker Sranton says he will not favor race track interests la appointing public morals rom mitkw. . l*ase 3 EARTHQUAKE Churcfc*^ collect big earns to send to - Italian earthquake sufferers. Page 3 .Many persons found alive In ruins of Messina 10 days after quake. Page 2 CITY i Scheme of President Cabrera of Guatemala to protect property by naturalisation of son : here may fail. P*ge 1 Cohan's "Fifty Miles From Boston" makes a hit at the Americas theater. Pace 5 . Play thaw* < way to spend million and causes audience to evolve new ideas. Page 6 Public welcome arranged for Francis J. Heney. who retorns today. Pavel Patrick Broderick gives r*asoas for resigning from commission. Pace a Factional fight in Union League club to be de tsided. at election In which Colonel Frank W. Marstoo opposes "regular" ticket. Page 3 Automobile Clnb . of California preparing for annnal meeting and road race. Pace 5 Mayor and chief lead funeral procession pay in? honor to remains of Police Sergeant Antone Xoltlcs. \u25a0 Page 3 Socialists of San Francisco adopt resolutions ursine workingmen to repeat contempt of. court for which labor leaders were sentenced. Page 3' ftadskl give* long program of classics and 1b generous In her encores. Page 5 "Suppressing the Press,". 1 the farce at the Or pheum, -is fall of fun, and other features are good. PageS Orchestra in park attracts throngs of music loTers. Page 7 '•\u25a0 Modern three story building at gore of Market land Kddy streets will be erected. Page 11 Merchants' association • enlists in war against high freight rates charged by transcontinental I railroads. . Page a '•\u25a0 Mr. and Slrs-.8. F. Hawes celebrate golden wedding anniversary. PagreS SUBURBAN . Oakland' authorities receive; information ;ths.t.| "Tyler Hensbaw* drew ' up' Wg *notes*to" whKITI Signor forged Murray's signature. Page 8 ' _ Baker's body found banging from rope In j room. *....". Page ß' Occupants of Oakland apartment house nar rowly escape from flames. ' Page S COAST Dr. Guth honored at special service at Univer sity of Pacific- , PageSj Bogns count .wanted for passing fictitious checks. QJ3H Page 2 Fight In Oregon legislature to decide whether republican* shall name Chamberlain senator, al though a democrat^ ' Paye 12 ' Bar association committee finds Judge Mllo A. Root guilty of gross Impropriety. Page U EASTERN - Vandprbilt Junior returns from Cuba and mys teriously disappears. Page 1 Tlllman says charges are unfounded and due to mistake. ' Page 1 Battle Bun church murder mystery may prove ' hoax. Page 1 Compromises are characteristic of tariff re vision and Representative Needham finds his ! colleagues expect, him. to yield. \u25a0'. Page 12 i New York gas stock takes plunge ' down ward. , Page. 12 • Twenty -five men killed In gas explosion at • Zeigler, 111; C a 8f« * FOREIGN Church collapses and scores meet untimely death. * Page 1 Venezuelan enroy arrives in France to '\u25a0 open negotiations. Page 12 Ships of Atlantic fleet leave Port Said for Malta and Marseille*. Page 12 SPORTS Jack Gleason brings Jeffries' signed theatrical contract from Los Angeles. Page 6 Promoter • Lercarl flirts over the wire with Welsh, and may match him ' with Mem sic. Pnge 6 The Rowdy defeats upcountry greyhound. The Governor, In . final of open stake" at Ingleslde coursing park. Page 6 Fifty-two batsmen are fanned out by", four pitchers In two Bay City league games.^ Page 0 Shooting clubs begin their annual competitions at the Shell Mound ranges, y Page 7 Maurice McLoughlln, most heavily handicapped player In singles tennis tournament/ wins matches in straight sets. Page 6 ; Hildreth in. danger of losing lead of winning owners at Emeiyrille to Forsy the." t" Page 6 James Evans, local \u25a0 lnsuranceman, . builds . and launches swift cruising launch. Page 6 By defeating Vampires in 'soccer contest ' Thi stles gain good chance to win California league championship. Page 7 WOMEN'S CLUBS Forum club's newsrooms offer great attractions for I members * and their gueiits. ... ; Page 4 MARINE I M. ; S. Dollar, arrives from orient 'with. loss. ot HOLY ROLLERS RESUME SERVICES IN PUBLIC San Jose Police Watch Proceed- ings,' but Take No Action [Special Dispatch to The Call] SAN JOSE. Jan. 10.— The Holy, Rollers held:a public meeting tonight for the first \u25a0 time since the publication .of the news" that Miss Daisy Moore's -mind had been unbalanced under the spell "of hypnotism' as practiced by/ a leader- of the sect. The members of the congregation;as sembled in the street in front >bf 'their mission and-afteryrolllng" and shout ing for a". few minutes and' "attracting a large crowd, the elders led ;their wor shipers inside. .Tlic'vpoliee watched the proceeding, but did not suppress, the -noises',- which were augmented by the -efforts of ' n crowd of hoodlums." Chief of Police Haley- has \u25a0 received a letter from .one of \u25a0 the "members of \u25a0\u25a0 the church in which he' warns - the; public to beware of hell's fires. * i" SAN/jFR&TC^ VANDERBILT JR. LEAVES LINER AND VANISHES Virginia Fair's Husband Comes Home From Cuba; but; His : Relatives Deny It Parents Abandon Their' Trip; to Europe; but Offer Nor Explanation ; Beautiful Italian Soprano Opens Beauty Shop v With Anna Held [Special Dispatch to The Call] . NEW YORK, v Jan. 10.— William /k. Va'nderbilt Jr. apparently has dlsap-' peared. He arrived "here '" from;, Ouba Saturday morning on the Ward liner Mexico, and landed at ; the company's dock In Brooklynl Where ; he was driven, no 1 oneseems to'know. \u25a0 At his home, No. 664 Fifth? avenue, it was denied that he was there. So far as they knew, < he was still in. Cuba. At his father's home,; No. ,660 "Fifth avenue, the greatest astonishment was shown over the fact that young Van derbilt had returned. /..'-\u25a0 "He is In Cuba," it was said, "and i so far as we- know, : he will return: in his yacht. He cannot have been a pas senger on the Mexico." : ; The ship's register, the -testimony;^ of the officers of the ship and the.: rec ords, however, show that :he really was on the Mexico, and that he-landed here about 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning.' Vanderbilt in Hiding};' At the Belmont, the Stl Regis, the Savoy and other, hotels at which it is known he, has stayed at * times i 'j incog nito, after the fashion' of royalty,'/ all knowledge of him was" denied. Mr. and Mrs/ J Wtliiam?K.^Vanderbilt Sr. have abandoned ; their plan - to 'go abroad January 15, and there f ore '; "Idle Hour," their mansion at Oakdale", ; Long Island, '.will, not be -closed, .as was ex pecte<J. • - \ v . iJTha;Vanderbjlit»^eft\Vldl^Ho^ir'i t De cember - 2l!i and- J .w«nl.ito^EaimibVya'cli. They ' planned- to: return ,to, Oakdale, close the big. place, leave It in; charge of servants 'and spend the ; remainder of the winter in Paris. It \u25a0••is believed, however, that the domestic affairs of .W. K. Vanderbilt Jr., caused :them.l: them. l to/ alter their plans. :,, The Vanderbilts Sr. "will occupy -"Idle -Hour" ' until next -March and then may go: abroad. . . lime. Lina Cavalier!, the, peerless beauty who last year, was a' soprano/at the ; Metropolitan opera house, has .de layed her departure f or ; -Parlß.' s She opened her beauty shop in Fifth avenue td^ay. '. Spartan Simplicity ; lime. Lina was attired in black, with an .almost Spartan simplicity. A few pearls cascaded from her well molded neck. / Otherwise any miss from .a \u25a0 de- j partment store would excel the, primal donna in pretension and elaboration of costume. :•". ' „ : . : >j •lime, Cavalieri was assisted by Mrs. ! Jessie Baskerville, Miss Anna Held and Mrs. \u25a0 Jackson Gonaud and Mrs. Lovell Jerame. . _ . " i Not allowed to sell, Mme.. Cavalieri gave away her wares. She .went around with, a' basket of samples, tiny ' little/ bottles containing the ' most : precious | of her cosmetics. . , *~ .//j It is said that Mme.. Cavalieri • and Miss/Anna Held have: formed /a part nershlpl/; \u25a0' ; .i'^^^^ . The Anna. Held beautifler.- company, has been incorporated; under the laws of "New Jersey. ' A PAVES WAY FOR PEACE IN 3ALKANS DISPUTE Austria's Offer to Turkey? Prob ably Will Be Accepted VIENNA; ; Jan. , 10.—-The V; newspapers here, {official ;and unofficial, \ are of • the opinion '; that 'Austria's offer .to -Turkey of 2,soo,ooo \u25a0.pbunds^Turklsh* as \ indem nity ' for the^ annexation; of Bosnia and Herzegovina paves the 'way for peace and an international congress. Austria's offer, which is in addition to concessions previously made— the 1; ar rangement; of a commercial^ treaty; and an Increase in .Turkish customs arid duties— ls ; made , conditional yl on ; /the holding of \u25a0\u25a0 a ; corif erenc'e^-wlth '; the pow ers to .which it is to be submitted, for discussion/ ' \u25a0- : No doubtls felt jthaf Turkey: will ac-" cept: the terms, v . ' [: DECLARES NEW PLANETS REVOLVE BEYOND-NEPTUNE Professor See Reasoned: Out (the 'Problem ' Six Months Ago JO, ; Jan. - : 1 0.-— ln , regard { to I the recent report * issued , from 1 the/observa tory fat^ Harvard college i that^ Prof; "w. H./ Pickering/ is g searching ;• f or ! a ; ; new planet 1 located i beyond iNeptuneifprof/ T. \3.\ See/Hhe officer ; in'?, charge "{<ot ~> the naval tobseryatory at Mare*. Island \ navy" yard, today/ made; the following state nient: • \u25a0 :,. ; V"*" # '-'-V ". ' -.;- \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u0084-: '•On, July: li, isos, /i succeeded proving:, r conclusively '> * by -a *f difficult,* cbu fse . of . mathematical ; ; reiasonin g .in rofiar.l to the. niude: of formation of i the sola r . ; system, that ; one i or' ; more .- new.' planets revolve beyond'* Neptune. \ '. VMy ; investigation -hasVsincel been 1 be fore a \u25a0\u25a0; learned • society, * but ;is not * yet published-" .".!. .'. '. : * v . ;\: HvSvG* McCarthy i Noted /State Senator NAME ON PAYROLL CAUSES LAUGHTER Sacramento - Sees -New/ Joke in Provision i for- Senator's Mother in Lawl [Special Dispatch, to The Call] 7 CALL HEADQUARTERS,^ CHAMBER OF/ COMMERCE', BUILDING. SACRA MENTO,\ Jan^: 10.— Sacramento buzzed with"; a new. mother in i law. joke today. J From the capitol rotunda tolßilly^Han- j .lon's, from Billy Hanlon's to theCapijLai I hotel.,, and \ thence /to : the Sutter club, | there' rolled a wave of chortling glee over the discovery that Senator H.S. G. ! McCartney, assistant district attorney j of Los 3 Angeles,'; had; put (his mother ;4ri i law« on*. the( payroll; as a at ?3 !a day.. ;\u25a0 \u25a0 • ; "\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ': * ':. '- :\u25a0'._ :: ' ' v T; Sacramento; does not/take -. the \avt^ iaißkerjHobißerionsls/.rst.any\time. / : J ". ' .."Will the rain let up before the legis lature finishes/its work?", one of the natives 'Was asked. '\u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 - -•"Stranger,- this ; rain .is, more impor tant to \ Sacrariierito ' than the legisla ture."- •"•; . \u25a0'. ;..'''. / • .' So Sacramento misses -most, of ".the serious aspect of -McCartney's act '^ and slaps its thigh' and* digs : its '. neighbor , in the-! ribs and 'laughs iirimoderately over the matter. . * • •: .' Some of the senators^ had the hardi hood to bfoach the subject to McCart ney; and ; One or two : even tried to joke with hiravabout it. One; conQded/'his purpose of • sending - McCartney, some comic moiher in law postal cards. The committee on patronage does not see the joke. .-> They think the man from the southland "put one over" on them. Meanwhile the name, of A. McCaldiri', who (McCartney has > reluctantly . admit ted is his mother in;law, remains on the liat^of. those whose duties include car rying, baskets full of bills and cleaning the . cuspidors.' ' CHURCH COLLAPSES; WORSHIPERS KILLED Forty Bodies Taken - From Ruins and Sixty Persons Injured. : BERNE, ; Switzerland, ; Jan/, 10,—-Dur ing-service today ant ancient church riear.'-Sion suddenly collapsed, .burying the \u25a0worshipers in the ; rulns. Nearly all ,c, c the/ members 'of the . congregation Vere 'killed br< lnjured. '/ / V" ') - A wild;panioj followed; .those who "es caped irushingjtlifoughlthe' fields- shout ing; that I ah V earthquake i had-f over taken the;. village. :(; Other; villagers joined In the; .outcry, and -were /with \u25a0\u25a0'. difficulty calmed. ;\u25a0 > . . '. ;..... After; ant hour.'s 1 exertion- the fire de partment . .;bf 'the i place \u25a0extricated- '40 corpses/but' it 1 is 'believed there is : still a nurribeF -under;; the 'timbers. -"\u25a0'\u25a0 'Sixty persons were ' r badly,' injured. - {The'- col lapse'twas caused jby.the'tlme. worn pil lars In san /underground .crypt /giving way./.,. /,; .. -•"'.;,"".,, .' ,'\u25a0 '\u25a0' - BUSINESSMEN ARRESTED I; fo£ wwki^ioNfSyNiMY Blue ; Laws Being; Strictly /En , forced | by] Sheriff: and Deputies *\u25a0 PENSACOLA 1% . Fla;, -Jan., 10.-— Th, Florida 'blue laws \/were \u25a0 strictly ;en forced* today. V^4ivVi -f° /. .*-./ \u25a0/ Sheriff '.Van^ Pelt's \u25a0 order.ito -/arrest all persons' ''attempting^tojperform^ Sunday work 'was J limited /onlyjby,?the 'instruc tions Tof rtheTcbunty/ f solicitor, /who ad vised - him'fthaV; tie/would] have ]no right to: stop trains, Istfeetcars, and^ "publio hacks^c'-./ ; 'i'-^ v '-\ .:-,- "•. ' -- : " ' "; :^'-' : i ''_ 'j Businessmen Mipqn } leavirig ; . thel rj of - . fices,\'where|the'y. had .; gone^^ ; to read 'their mail, ' were' placed \uhder arrest "andl.wllli be* arraigned^oniK chiarges tof j violating 1 the law I^^ prohibiting' workingHonVrthe Sabbath?-"- ;•? : ' : ''.'.:>;'\u25a0 \u25a0;-- b'i'i]'.' ' ' '•\u25a0' '\u25a0?\u25a0" Sunday Law Enforced \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'i- \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0: s ;;';>ROANOKE;'a^ya.p* JanV ; 10.-^Majof" Hutchinßon '/ordered'; ;'the : - .'police' to en force * every 'ordinance * today?:* No cigars,^. cigarettes/;-.' tobacco, : .' f ru l l , icon -' f ectiona^Jtoilet^f ticles } and : other Jmer 'chandlßeTwere^sold.'; ;,f. " : ','.'.\u25a0}'\u25a0 C '' : O'-> ~*-\' : ; CHURCH MURDER MYSTERY MAY TURN OUT HOAX Rev. Ifc Carmichael \ and ) Sup- - posedi Victim Declared > to Be Still Alive r \ Theory That R^ttleßun^Crime^ Is Scheme to Advertise : Preacher's Novel \u25a0 ' i'/ '" \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0' ' '" •"' . ' '\u25a0 . \ Women A*ssert • :; : i\^ssing^i'Men Were Seen on Train After / Killing \u25a0• [Special Dispatch to \ The ~ Call] j PORT \u25a0 HURON, . Mich., .Jan. 10— That ' the cause "- of : all Xthe . "events .at •' Rattle" f Run ; which/ have : been magnified /into i\ a. murder mystery was Uhe half insane]. \u25a0 desire - of Rev. •J. ,H. .Carmichael jto se- iy cure .an? interesting plot-for.\a thrillirig {\u25a0\u25a0 \u2666— — — .! \u25a0'..';. — —^ ; ~;..'.~ ;..'. . — : — %\u2666 . "NEXT!"— Cartoon from! The Call- of December 12 novel: is now., believed, arid the late evi dence strengthens the theory < that both principals in the supposed^ tragedy are That Carmichael and Browning .were seen 'together; in a. Grand Trunk train bound \u25a0froni the; west was' the state ment made by Miss Clara Wagner and ( ! her.' sister/Annie, who -lived for several years near: Rattle; Run arid who were acquainted with: both, men. /"We boarded 'the -train at Goodells, , ! lie/ miles .from Port Huron, Thursday | riignti"..'. said; Miss dlara^Wagner,. -."and i we;saw.> Carmichael. and JBroAvnlng slt | ting;opposite* each .other,'. each wearing a heavy .fur overcoat. I think Mr. Carmichael' recognized us, for he turned up l;js collar., . - : -'\u25a0 '. " "When we reached Port Huron we went inside theVdepot, and 'a fewlmo ments later/ Carmichael came in, gave us a searching^ glance and \u25a0 hurried 'out again. I/haafd Carmichael preach", a Berinon only' three weeks ago,: and -do not .believe; that; l; could be mistaken." MRS; MACKAY ENTERTAINS ; , ; . MISS MILLS AT DINNER Lord ; Grahard« Also Attends It and Musicale Afterward [Special Dispatch; to'; The Call] ' NEW, YORK, Jan. r 10.— Mrs. Clarence H.\ Mackay , tonight^ save a dinner, party and' musicale">ln Honor of Miss Beatrice Millsat* hefihome.i 244 Madison avenue.i \u25a0 Lord Granard; whom; Miss Mills is soon j to "'. marry, "was also ; a I ' guest of honor. ; > There -were "$., persons, at dinner and I 4 1 more at*, the ; musicale. a very -rep- | | resentative';-; gathering \u25a0 ; of r « al N ®.^. | Yorkers.. • I '*\u25a0;\u25a0'-': ;-'\u25a0>- * •\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0. ;\u25a0 The dinner .Included Mr. and Mrs. RobeVt" Go'elet; : Mr. \ and Mrs. Philip M. Ly'digr.'r'Mr.^and ;Mrs.V Havemeyer, '^MrJ and ! Mrs.; Mackay, Mrs.*; -William' k. JlVan^J I Van^ derbilt* Jr., . Miss Dorothy Whitney; Miss Whitridge, Miss" V* Beatrice Mills, Miss Etliel BarrVmore^CKarles vp^per/^WiU Ham- G^ißelck,' Lord l'.Granard, "James Barney and-August:Belmont. t 25vMEN KILLED IN: >/ • joe leiter's Mine Spark From Electric Trolley V -iPole "'(CaiiseVof '\u25a0-, /Disaster . DUQUOIN,' 111., -Jan. . 10.-^A gas* ex plosioni-iih which a 25 -nien lost their lives occurred ,- at .-an early? hour this morning- 1 nj 1 Joseph ; Leiter's famous; col-. ilery|at;Zcigler" , A'spark^from^a trol ieySpole;.of Van' "electric.. motor], coming into >i' contact "with, a pocket of ; ; pas , Is assigned'. n3. t li"e. t cause- of tbo. explosion. > Eight. bodies yet^remain in ( the mine. * y rJeiterV" personally \ conducted ; the first reMef'party-intoithe minei[ "\," \, 'The lone survivor of ; the explosion wasj" an: Italian .'youth, who escaped Weaving has, come into vogue as a fashionable \u2666 '> - accomplishment for young girls, i It is not difficult s « . / y Tvhch a loom -is .at hand: Read about it on the % >l'"Pdge for Misses" in The Sunday) Call \u2666 Fmcis;]* Heaey, PLAN WELCOME FOR GRAFT PROSECUTOR Citizens \u25a0 League of: Justice Ar ranges Public Greeting for Francis J. Heney Francis Jj.Heney, who has been vis iting eastern cities, will return to San Francisco this - evening between 8:15 and 1 8:30 o'clock, and a public meeting of j welcome • has : been ' arranged •by the Citizens' : League of Justice in honor of the assistant district attorney. l A com mittee , representing, the \ league and in terested citizens 5 will •} meet Heney at Sacramento and accompany j him to the city.' "At the ferry' building' Heney will be^ escorted --to- the;nave on 'the second floor '; and 'there .formally, .greeted. C. H. -Bentley is_ chairman' of the commit tee : having ; in .charge, the .reception \ of Heney, and citizens '~ generally are in vited j to x | attend. . . '\ ' ... "•-- '.*'• ; Heney will return *to San , Francisco in time to -take part s in '•- the ; opening sessions' of \u25a0 the trial of ; Patrick Cal houn, accused of "bribing : members, of the; board' of supervisors, -which • begins Tuesday, mdrning.. V W; J.Burns, { special agent \u25a0 of ' the : district attorney's * office, will, retuin-to this dty with Heney. The ;; graft ; prosecutor^ left i San cisco, shortly • after , he recovered the.': bullet * wound *r Inflicted y by ; Morris Haas. f ;He .. has traveled ?,- extensively throu gh : the : east. *At .Washington . he I visited!' President ? Roosevelt." and"" was j entertained : at 'the .White H6use. ;r While I Heney was 'in the :«ast the • Pittsburg j councilmen. scandals \ were ; uncovered, I was reported that, the lo<*al graft | prosecutor .would; represent .the federal government in 'the prosecution of those cases. .. This, was denied • by Heney. The public has been- Invited to^Joln ln-the^demonstration* tp'beTheldfat the f erry.; bunding. tonlghtJ. The y general committee, of * the"' Citizens' League of Justice [at the j meeting '{ held last^nlgrit Is composedof the. following citizens: ; ' -. Charlpn* H.~ Bfntley. !nr. ShsdTrnrth Ju^n**^ ch^lritian ',; iPrnf. f A»w»rt Whitiw.r; Matt !l'_.Siilli*ap' : llohn Otlloway. Marshall '.Hale T Mr. JHarry*. .Sh«»miaa Zolth EWrcde<> |\V. C. , Bohrman« Rollai" V. v JO. .S. Hiltchins ; I. C. McKiaKtr.r ' jlohn Gal<>n' llowanl B«t. -C. N. _ Lathrop | John - T. : Fojrarty" "\u25a0" Walter jMacarthnr !Dr. Barkan " Tohn V "*,'W." Swe«n«r ,'.|Re-». William. Kader Martin . Beklas ' \ \0. ." X.A Cnahla* " Pror.-H. Bunnell 1 \ - PRICE FIVE CENTS. CABRERA'S SCHEME IS DEFECTIVE Naturalization Authorities Find . Defect in Papers of Son of President Young Guatemalan Said to Have Presented Incorrect Version of Documents Failure to Secure Citizen's Rights Would Spoil Plans to Protect Property Proceedings Intended . to Prc \vent Seizure of Spoils if Fortunes Turn THE dream of President Manuct Cabrera „of Guatemala that h« can transfer his . fortune in thf Central American republic, valued at many millions, to his son. Jose D. E. Cabrera, in San Francisco, and have it. protected by the United States, ow ing to the American citizenship of the young man, may soon go for naught. The federal naturalization authorities have discovered what they consider to be an. Irregularity in the naturaliza tion of the immigrant. Serious flaws are reported to have been uncovered In "the Guatemalan's case, and it is said that the irregularity will go fur ther.than the president's son, and will be found to include an attache of the local Guatemalan-" consulate. Translation Is Inaccurate An agent, of .the immigration depart ment is -said to have discovered that this official transited with strange in accuracy some.: public -documents in the case. An investigation of thUi mis conduct may b* 1 demanded of th*i j Guatemala \ minister at Washington. Consul General Felipe Galicta. woo rep resents Cabrera's government at San Francisco, could, not .be, found [ last ev ening.- ~ Young Cabrera's petition for pavers of American citizenship was -filed mr this; city, in . January, , 1907. r . He, ga.v«t the date -of his arrival In this country as August,l7, 1900. * What irregularity in. connection with this nataraliiation has been found, th? federal agents re fuse, to disclose. Scheme to Benefit Father At the time of the naturalization of the scion of Cabrera's house it was thought that the gay young Guate malan wished to be an American be cause he enjoyed gay American life. Later it was charged that he w merely working out a grand scheme of his father's. • Cabrera is th« Castro of Guatema?a. He has been waxing rich m hla presi dency • and has ' made over valuable properties to his son. Should the fortunes of Centra! American politics turn against him and an attempt be made to confiscate his estates. Cabrera could plead that the property belonged to his son, an "American citizen, . and young Cabrera could, in th \u25a0ory, sum mon the Pacific fleet to . Guatemala to protect the interests of the naturalized citizen of the United . States. .<i So [ Cabrera does not frown on his son's expatriation. "BILLY POSSUM" MAY REPLACE "TEDDY BEARS" Taft's Leaning Toward Mar-. supial Will Be Utilized [Special Diipaich to The Call] j. ATLANTA^ Ga., Jan. 10.— The possum craze: following the request of Presi dent elect Taf t that the marsupial be. served at the banquet to b« given him by the Atlanta chamber of commerce has become so pronounced that several Georgians propose to turn it in a com mercial direction. A company Is being formed "which pVoposes to -manufacture "Billy poe sunV.*; toys, and to put , them on the market as successors -to .the "Teddy bear." . . Two Georgians who propose to; put "Billy \u25a0 possum" on the market think there is. lots of money in it.'* They say the immense popularity , of Taft will Insure a ' general demand. Artists who have been consulted say a taking toy can be fashioned in similitude of Br«r Possum. '." HONOLULU PHYSIC! AN FIRED AT BY ENEMY Would Be 'Murderer's Poor Aim Saves Doctor's ;Life •'HONOLULU. Jan. 10.— Doctor John Atch«r ley. fired^ four shots today at Dr. J. T. TVaysort at the-cffltM of th« board of health. Atcherley's aim w« * pooi\ and his intended victim escaped unhurt, the bullets i flying 'wide of their mark. T Wayson .is a member, of the bo<ti, ; rl of ihealth, and is one of the moat prom : Incnt. physicians in Honolulu.' Atcherley ia said to be aufferinj un der the delusion . that he i ia baiajc p«r iecut«d. c