Newspaper Page Text
• -- —Ty WEAI ' ESTATE — roiKlriufd *• •A— ___ _ •'""' C>"DER McENEUNEY ACT ."•'. . 'LAWYERS' TITLE COMPANY CLUNin BULIDIXO . 6JV. COR. CALIFORNIA & JJONTG'Y J_ TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 4319 "•J7JOOO — Genuine pickup; 2 modern fiats nr. park: '. 1 ?t. old; 5 and 'I ri»ms: cert JS.00O: bank •'. ' tnonpag* f3.WO; owner In hospital; mu.«t tell. •\u25a0 r ..'i.«10 Halght t.t. .' IJT y<u are looking for rlty pmjienv or a b«ine v Jn Berkeley. Oakland f<r Alan>ed«. caU cr send • f<*r our new descriptive list. noTHHRiIEL A ; CO.. Russ iHiUatsg, San Franc^-p. SIX tire hoii*eg for sale on 20th ay. bet. I and J *U., Sunset; these houses are swell and • very <~heap. D. CONDON, bnllqer. on premise*. I "-.:."\u25a0\u25a0• — New, i-w. ".! cottage, Menonte end fYed- | crick: 4 funny rooms: cnobstrueted view; JJ.OOO cafeh. 3410 Halgbt et. JBtTTrf*— 2 c<">l FTjbstaatial flat*; SUcyan and Carl: 6 and fl rooms; lot 25x137 :C; got»d neigh- borhood; ensp. 1410 llaight st. $-"\u2666.750 — Nice 6 roora totise on Saotwell et. near 21st; good home; easy term*. See tals. 2190 MisMcn tt.; lot wonh S2.P-00. '-.-.:\u25a0: 1 want to buy a vacant lot for cash; corner j preferred. Address box 1343. Call office. FtNH corner lot in 21«t et.; $350; see this; bar- gam 21^0 Mlgslon pt. ' WANTED— LeveI lot in Mission, no further than S'** ft.: cheap for cash; no agents. Box 1708. C»U office. :: ITJLTOS *t.. 21SCk— 6 room*; lower flat; modern •nd eacny; rent reuueed. -..:-- OVCRI>.X)KIXG tbe PresiJlo: 6 roora house; beamed ceilings; furnace; ha!f cash. 16 17th ay. (OI.VrnY REAL TCSTATE FOR. «aJe— acre* la subdivisions to milt purchsiier; situate In the great artesian belt In Kern oounty; coll rich and deep; surface level; abundance cf free water; convenient to rillroad*. Tbis land will produce deciduous fruits, Sx*pf*. sugar beeU, alfalfa, vegetables, cay, frain, and la fact anything that Is grown in the great San JoaQuln valley. Tb» lands all around are being occupied by thrifty settlers. If you want to raise hr>£s and cattle, or if you \u25a0".-.-.• to plant eucalyptus, if you want an In- T<"*tnient, or If yon went to make for yourself « home, now Is yoor - opportunity. This Is >\u25a0 '. -\u25a0•\u25a0 tbe lxst cf tb« great tracts la the San Jn»Quln valley to be had at the extremely low. price for which it is offered, and at terms <Titb!n the reach of all. • *•* For price, trrma and further information, apply to x PLANTERS' LAND COMPANY, 1306 Metropolis Bank Building. FOR «»!<> — A few choice 20 and 40 acre tracts In lh# famous Turloek irrigation district; abun- dance of water, good roads, new school; for fruit and vegetable*, alfalfa and etock reislng j • ;: « land has no superior. ] To parties who will Improve we will sell tbeee land* on extremely liberal terras of $5 . |»er acre casn and $5 per acre per annum till 'the land is paid for. We are authorized to sell only 16 tracts of 20 acres eacii on these terms. In order to tcke advantage of this, call or •write at once PLANTERS' LAND COMPANY. 1300 Metropolis Bank Bullclng. • VERY GREAT BARGAINS FOR ALFALFA. 160 acres level, sandy loam, artesian well, good 5 mom house, new barn 1253.325, well fenced, family orchard, 2 acres alfalfa, locust grove. <*nly $3,500, $2,500 cash; also l«0 acre* Joining, ! ell <I*ep soil, 7 a<res alfalfa, well fenced, no ! building*. $3,000 cash. These lands are worth ! Just dquble price asked, lint must have money; 10 miles from Merced; Cne for fruit, alfalfa and all crop?. Couatry department. UOLCOMB REALTY COMPANY. 300 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. (Investor of Capital) ' ' IRRIGATED FARMS ON EASY TERMS \ ' 5 t0. 40 acre tracts la Sacramento valley; rich, •• «Jeep, candy loam ko'l for fruit, walnuts, veg- .•• ttables, alfalfa, etc.: 2tt daily passenger . . " trains; r.o farm more than £0 raiantes' walk • from a station. The best land and best living conditions la California. A 10 acre farm means \ independence. Excursions everr Saturday. F. ! ,*. O L. HILL & CO., 6 East St., opp. Ferry build- \ . ing. Piione Kearny 302. FOR s*le — 6 acre choice orchard and poultry ; farm; all bearing < trees; 2 story house. 8 c rooms, besides bathroom and pantry; gas in .every room; large barn, spring wsgon and buggy. 1 horse, 1 cow, cbout 400 cbickeos, 700 pigeons, chicken houses and other out- buildings, good well and tank, farming im- plements and tools; lots of frait boxes and drying trays; $7,000; near Hay ward. Address owner. 1459 15th. corner Howard. S. F. , FOR sale— $5,000 cash: 10 acres, all in full bear- ing fruit tre«s; cprlcots, pesches and prunes unJ family orchard: house of 5 rooms; barn for ' « horses: water tank. 5.000 gallons; chicken house*; engine and windmill; all in Crst class , v t-uape; located £ii miles from Livermore; beau- tifully laid out with choice ornamental trees and o palms. Bos 722. Llvermore. Alameda Co., Cal. WALNUT land. Contra Coeta county; several • • plots cf about 10 ceres each: on county road;] •bout 1 mile from li. R. station; near lice of 1 new Electric road from Concord and Walnut ' Creek to Oakland; no better walnut ox frnlt ', Isnd In the Ktate; bottom prices. J. H. MAC- i DONALD & CO., 1052 Broadway. Oakland. MODESTO IRRIGATED LANDS Free illustrated lectures dally at 3 p.'ra. on .tfcis rich and productive section at California. V ttate board of trade, ferry building. For liter- ature and information call on H. H. WHIT- ' MORE. Stanislaus county representative, STATS BOAED OF TRADE, ferry building. . -CALIFORNIA land, $1 j>er acre, cash payment, balance purchase 00 cents month per acre: close San Francisco: no taxes, no Interest; 5 . .- acre tracts; level, rich, clear, ready to plow. • V irrigated; perpetual water rights; Immediate ,;."• possession; partienlars. maps, photographs free. , -.-STKyiNSON COLONY. 1414 Market St., S. F. .•MODEL chicken ranch. C»-J acres, sandy loam; new house, tank and windmill: good water; family orchard; tiorse. cow and young eblrkens; : -jftrmlns tools: cfcop for cash. J. CHBISTIAN- \u25a0 ' 'SEN. R. D. No. 2, box 76, Chapman lace, Peta- •. " rlurßs. '•' C^ STOCK BANCHI2S. 1.000 to 23.000 acres at $5 to $12 per acre; both winter aad summer range; Cae water; ab- \u25a0 "*o!ntely nefliicg better in the state. W. E. JOHNSON. ; > \u25a0 232 San Pablo &v.. Oakland. Cal. . • A 3 ACRE FARM for sale. 4 miles from Santa Rosa, Sonoma county, suitable for raising veg- etables, small fruits, garden truck and ospe- i. f ially adapted to tbe raising of poultry. The land Is rich and level and needs no irrigation; trill cive easy term*. Address box l&lu. Call. MONEY made daily, and Call Want Ads help to make it. Advertise your wants; make teem known to tbe public ihrocgu a Call Want Ad. An investment, not an expense.' For full par- ticuiare read Call Want Ads dally. 7 J2.CO0 — 35 acre chicken ranch; farming land, pasture, wood, water, good tocse. outbuildings, fruit. Cower*, beautiful oaks, rhickeus. stock, iibplements; ideal home. G. S. BOLCE, Sa- linas, n. f. d. 1. .FOR farm*, stock ranches, orchards and vine- yard and timber laad a, call or send for new descriptive catalogue. IiOTnERMEL & CO.. :M7 Euss bonding, Montgomery st., San Fran- • • Cisco. THOUSANDS of chickens; buy a chicken farm \u25a0on the Cotati ranch near lVialurua: several hundred families already raising thousands. Apply to tbe Cotati Co., SlO California St., r San Frsncfseo, owners of property. GOVERNMENT LANDS. Fertile alfalfa, grain and trult lands, $2.50 an • acre and np for a short time: going fast. Pacific <Land Co.. 110 Bacon block. Oakland. . ..0 Hud 10 acre homes In Alameda county; rich, "•* * level land, with 2 railroads. 2 stations on tho land; cheap; $25 down and $10 per month. Rich Valley Land Company, 546 Market st. •10 aer» prun«» ranch, near San Jose: furnished; income 190 a. $1,175; 1907. $1.12o; part ex- change lot In Oakland "or Berkeley. Owner; . 472 A 24th st.. Oakland. fJRIDLEY. Biggs and Sunset colonies — Choice fruit, alfalfa and orange irrigated lands, &old .»n east" terms. For particulars call or nddrow T. P. A. OBERMEYKR. 270 Van No™ ay. <i(K»_jt4<-(0 cash: 20 acres Al orchard land or «'hicken rnn^U: wood awl water; near KebaFto- -pol,< Sonoma oounty. WELLS & BANGS, 306 CUronicle bldg. YE have for eale, exchange or rent ranch farms and city property. McFAL'L & EDWARDS. 327 «.Tjro'iicle building. "OR rent — 15 ' acre?, chicken ranch, 4 miles from Oakland. GILBERT WYMAN, 27ih «v. .md E. 36th St.. Frultvsle. Phone Merritt SS42. "OK sale — In San - I.vis OWspo county. 4S'J acre farm: pri<*e f 3.300; balf eat-l>; S acres. In" or- cisard; spring tvater. etc. B. L. Alley. Pozo. Cal? ANTA CRUZ. F. H. PARKER— SI,SOO; 15 acres .rich land; spring, well. wood, bearing orchard. b!d?s.: K. F. l>. N ciiies sprink. rwn<l; tirtn*. l>i ACRES, improved: near Northern Klectrtc naA W. ,P. - railroads; : 1.400 Lens. S. G. BLSHOP. Plea Kant Grove. Cal. . CHE lx»oklet, "flJpkmsn I-and. Small Irrigated Farms." L. W. JKFrEESON HEALTY CO., 1 3T/> Market et.. S. F. . , K2OO acre stock ranch far eale at $15 per acre. TV*. E. REYNOLDS. Santa Rota. Cal. 4MP. 5 and It acre poultry ranches; terms easy; cheap. Owner. A. STEPHENS. PeUlnma. Cal. • JK> ACRES— lrrignted. alfalfa or grapes; ' I»ar- * ruin far cm-h <»r irrm*. O<rn»r. hoy ICI4. Coll.- * . JiA.\TA CIXRA'*RBJUj£BSTGiTO^:: \u25a0 BESTiOBQHAEDiBUi* IN SANTA CLUtA CO. SO »<"r»»fi of young orchard. •' }'<'*rs «ld and lv' <sne condition; one-tbird pearb»'s. one-third prune* and onethfrd in Blenheim a prlvols; on oar line." " mil»M» west of ism Jot**, in the fiimou* West Pl<le • district^soil uneseeil<>d : ; adjoining orchard lulling for from $700 to $1,000 per »ere: for best of ressoni I rm offering fhi« "property 'or n short time fnr $400 p^ acre.' good farm buiWlns:. W. *- ATKIXSOX. Sai» Jor~ ~*. . REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE.. - OUR SPECIALTY IS THE KXCIIANGB OF REAL ESTATE PROPERTY. If you are the owner, of real property, • no matter of what nature- or description, which you desire to exchange. It will pay you -to call on or write us. as we can assure you that we have every facility for obtaining for you wbnt you want/sBBoQlN£yral9 At present our «TJstoraers bave listed with us for trade about 700 different kinds of Ranches. Cottages, Flats, Lots and Acre Tracts la and around San Francisco and In Cal- ifornia. THERE WILL BE SOMETHING IN IT FOR YOU- ->---:«.- PHOENIX REALTY EXCHANGE. t>4B Market et." Mechanics' Bank Bid*. • Rooms 4W-410.- - couxtry^reaE^es^^e^waxted I IRRIGATED alfalfa farm. 80 to 160 acres, good I water right, short run from San Francisco; ; cive particulars. Bot 1070. Call office. ! . , , LARKSPUR REAL ESTATE -- -~- COTTAGE^ — County road.' 3 'rooms, bath, com- pletely furnished. Living room 18x20; raoO- : era p!umbinK: lot WJxIOO. Terras. Apply C. 1 F. Harvey. 50 Fremont st. ' \u25a0 I \u25a0 \u25a0 . , \u25a0 \u25a0 - = i 3IARIX COL'VTY REAL ESTATE A FEW lots In San Rafael, near Union depot, for $125 each; $23 cash. $5 a month; no inter- est, no taxes. MOCKLER, 601 4th St., San Rafael, or MONTGOMERY &. CO., 45 Kearny tit.. San Francisco. SAVTA CRUZ REAL. ESTATE "." HOMES, investments, lots, ranches, acre proper- tles. BROWN & WILSON. Santa Cruz. Cal. 511 LL VALLEY REAL ESTATE LARGE lot (almost balf acre), best residence section of Mill Valley; top of hill and close to Etation; will sell equity at cost. 1277 Webster St.. Oakland. '• ' • $450 — Cor. Blythedsle and Locust ays.; sewer, water, 6treet work; a bargain; Tamalpals park tract; lot 140. GEO. KROG. 1370 Ocean blvd. f tmmmmmm " ' OAKUND ALJUuEDA' BERKELEY FRUiIYAIf EMPLOYMENT OFFICES - JAPANESE Eipp. and House Cleaning Co.. 537 Clay Bt.;tel. Oakland 1354, .Home A 2446. JAP. Etnp. Agency—^Gen. contractors. 381 Bth ' *t, Oakland; tels., Oak Sl5B. Home A 4513. JAPANESE Emp. and House Cleaning Co., 311 7th st. Phones. Oakland Ki22. Home A 3522. SPECIAL NOTICES LADIES and gentlemen who wish good washing and ironing, go to Sim Chang Lung Chinese laundry. 516 7th St.. Oakland. Work neatly and nicely done: responsible; send postal card r.nd vre will rail. LET' CIIONG. manager.- ROOMS AND' BOARD -^ _ _ .. . » . -\u0084 -.._.-, ROOMS^TOJLET^akland^^ HOTEL ST. PAUL, r.2S 12th st, corner Clay- Rooms 50c a day up; $2.50 week up; special rate by the month; open all night. 17TM et.. 519. between San Pablo and Telegraph BVB.. Oakland — Furnished, sunny, single room. $6 per month;" close In. 3TH St., 270. Oakland — Comfortably furnished .rooms: modest prices. OAKLAND HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS SUNNY house keeping suites: 2 rooms each; all conveniences; close in. 1277 Webster et. THREE elegantly furnished rooms for house keeping In a private family; bath, gas, elec-, tricity and use of laundry; rent reasonable. ' Address 1527 Telegraph* ay.. Oakland. • " ' 2 FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping; reasonable rent. 931 Magnolia St., Oakland. THE Oakland branch of The Call is at 468 Eleventh st. near Broadway. Phones Sunset Onklnnd 10S3. Home A 357. " " ROOMS TO LET— Berkeley HARMON St., ISS6A, Berkeley— A large fur- sished front room; half block Alcatraz sta- tlon: S8: - - - -\u0084... PRINCE, 1807, So. Berkeley— 3 room apartment; neat, flsnny, modern; S. P., Key fioute, Oak- land cars convenient; 2 adults preferred; cheap to right parties. \u25a0 » FIRST CLASS room and board in private family; on earllne, within 5 minutes' walk of Key Route terminus; strictly modern. ' 1546 Uni- verslty-ar.. apt. A. Berkeley. ••.-\u25a0---•"\u25a0- ; ROOMS AND BOARD— Fraltyale INVALIDS or convalescents given best of care in refined family in beautiful. country borne on hills north of Frultvale; best of board; fine view: fresh air end- pure water. Phone Mer- rilt 1070. HOUSES, FIATS, ETC 7 HOUSES TO LET — O:t Ul»in<T— FurulKhcil J THE Oakland Branch of Tbe Call is at 46S Eleventh st. near Broadway. Phones Sunset Oakland 10S3. Home A 2375. . ' APARTMENTS j _ . THEySTETTINER. ~ Suites, furnished and unfurnished; every com- fort and elegance, attracting the most refined and exclusive clientele. 53d and Telegraph ay.. FLATS TO LET- -Alameda'- . __ FOR rent — On first station of narrow gauge, a new 4 room flat; bath, gas; rent $15; water free. Key at 211 Pacific ay.. Alameda. HOUSES > TO JL^T— AJtajmejijß— Fnrnl'iih_ert SUNNY lower flat on bay shore: cheap rent to quiet coaple. 20204 Clinton ay. FRUITVALE ay.. 2017. Frultvale— Cottage, 5 rooms, bath, gas, basement; on carline. FLATS FOR SALE _?.* FOR f>*l<? — North Berkeley, near Grove St.; 2 modern flats,. 5 rooms each; built a shori time only. For terms address owner, . box 4flS4. Berkeley Call office. FOR SALE-^WantecT^ ELECTRIC PIANOS " SNAPS— I Peerless, like new, $450; 1 electric - baojo, like new.' $250; terms or cash discount. VAN BROS.. S7th and San , Pablo ay., Oak- l?n<t. Piedmont Sft46. I TERS AND SUPPIiIES^^ NEW and second Land typewriters bought find ' • sold, rented, repaired, guaranteed. \u25a0-.'- SMITH BROS., 402 13th. st. Phone Oakland 12. ; GEO. K. MERRY— Smith Premier agent; all makes repaired. S7G Broadway. Oakland. 1 SAI ' X ' ] OUR JANUARY FURNITURE SALE means a great saving to those In want of furniture.- If we were ty move $5,000 worth, of goods to a Ktorc. place 'em on a limit.' pminuch- on tbe 1 dollar; store rent. 10 days.' $50.00; moving goixls, $90; commission. $125; loss cr shortage, $75. ..We cast it one side and in place of $500 . expense, we run a great sala.. for < January— everything goes, at the Busy Corner, 11 tb and ."Franftln sts. 11. SCIIELLUAAS; Oakland. $45ti — FINE furnishings. 8 room -house. Key 510 IStit *(.. near Telegraph. Oakland. : BUSINESS CARDS ' __ AR^HITEC^S A It. H. FALLMER, architect and buUder— Stfcre fitting. Jobbing done at lowest prices. .fc"ai 47th «.; phones H-C796, Piedmont 20«j7. . ' ; j , AXTJO.UE irURJSyrURK > YE OLDE CCRIOSITIE SHOPPE— Mahog. Übles, \u25a0 ebairs. bureaus, desks. daTenports : and - curlon \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- bought and Bold. Cor.* 7th and Brush. Oakland. HENDERSON"* COVEY— Raising.' shoring brick •or wood buildings, "lintel "raising,* etc.- -481 22d St.. Oak. 2657. Home A-5158.. | '•""''• ."'-^A^JP'^T J CLEANING .'/' MATHEWSON'S Carpet: Beating.' Works-^Carpet laying, . ltplxjls. ; -ms ttress \u25a0 making," : feather ren.' - 315 K. 12th st.. Q«k. Merrltt 505.M0me 81P.55.. H O US E^CJLEA^VIAG^w JAPANESE Daywork Co.. «1« E..loth st., East . Oakland: Dbonea Merrltt 3638, B-1632.' TBJJ] SA^EE^N^ Operations in Grass Valley Mines Promising North Star Properties ' Paying Dividends and the Empire Is to Be. Exploited 1 at Deeper' Level 'J The North Star -minesV company de clared four dividends, to. its^^ stockhold ers,: the. majority of .whom" are resi dents of Grass .Valley district, as repr. resenting the earnings from operations in 1908. The .: fourth dividend/ of tlio series for the year amounteiivto $187, T 500, and . the ; four <li videijds - together were,. in total, $375,000. ;, The properties are # the North Star, and the Centra.l mines. In the treasury of the company there is remaining, .as reported to the stocl* holders,, the sum of.' $750,000, held as a reserve to provide, for contin gencies.;":. .;\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0".".\u25a0..'\u25a0.. :-.'V \u25a0,\u25a0'.'\u25a0:-\u25a0\u25a0:' ' '\u25a0: '\u25a0 , The, Grass - Valley- Union said that, while no report has been. officially, made regarding the .amount of .ore that has been blocked out , In the North Star company's mines there. \u25a0.,! is enough to make the mines continuous producers for 30 'or 40 years. George B. Agnew has been-, elected president ; of the company, lie was the vice presi dent when James D. Hague was pres ident of the corporation.; i The oldest recorded gold quartz mine In California, the Empire. In the Grass Valley district, will be exploited below the present deep level of 3, 100 feet: The management has "voted to , install a mammoth system of pumps to make it possible tb sink the main shaft. The Empire dates back to the flndingtof gold in .the matrix or vein at Gold Hill, in October, 1850. Recounting history of great interest to all gold miners in California, the Nevada City Miner- Transcript says: Even with that discovery no location was made by the discoverer, a man named MeKnlgbt,' and it was 1 not\until later in the same year, when what is now known as the Empire vein, or sys tem of veins, was discovered, that allocation' was made. And that, discovery led ;to the old >ys-" tern of location of \u25a0 claims which prevailed . in -California until the federal, mining laws were put Into effect in l&6tf, . each . claim being 100 feet square. So it will be seen that the Empire Is the old est recorded gold quartz mine In the . state, ', and it Is still ono of the very greatest of our -gold producers, with an annual output J approximating $1;000.000. It has been working most of the time for 5S years, its shaft Is 3,400 feet deep," ft has" scores of r. miles . of • levels - opened >in . those subterranean depths, its product must be in the neighborhood of $20,000,OC»0. , and still .the pros pects are so good today that the corapanyiis con* sldering a plan of extending tbe . shaft and the drifts and stopes down to an indefinite depth. - This decision of the " Empire mines: company should prove . an- encouragement - to :; the quartz miners of this state who are inclined to give up when they meet with an obstacle in the form of a barren zone. The Empire mine - has had these barren zones, anfl bo \u25a0 have all the deep mines of Grass. Valley, . which .is the pioneer of deep mining. It shows that true fissure veins go down to an interminable depth in the ground. The shaft of the North Star mines company, in the Grass Valley district, has attained/ a depth of over 5,000 feet without any diminution In fhe size or value of the vein, and tbe late James D. Hague, president of the company, and,,one. of the most eminent geologists and mining , engi neers of his time, figured that he' would _be able to sink a-, distance .; of ."0,000 " feet, .en countering any natur«l : <ib3txu<"tioas. ;w;'. '• r*?.- The Rainbow mine in -the Allegheny district, in^ Sierra county, has been bonded to -I* P. Woodbury, manager of the Red Star mine. The Rainbow is owned by H. H. Noble .of San Fran cisco. A large, sum is said to 'be in-, volve in the deal. The Rainbow has figured largely in the mining produc tion of California. The sum of. 5750, 000 was extracted in . a short ; ti'fne; and,; according to reports, $90,000 was taken out in" two days. Noble"Tias_^been op erating the mine several years.. _ j .'\u25a0.•*..- . According to locallr^pprts»..i.big bodj' has been discovered -In" the! "Si-; beria mine, in the "Columbia Hill min ing district, of which the Grassjyalley Union said: , . _: : \u25a0 .' ;'\u25a0 Tbe discovery resulted from -a recent blast/ on" tbp.3So foot level of tlie mine, , . The ledge at this j point 'is . 14 f eet aba has "riot been gone through yet. Free gold can be seen In any part of the ore' and -it assays' good.-: The quartz : is similar to the ore found in tbe Tonopah district and about two feet of the ledge Is' smelting ore rr7s^c*i«p ctnrt crra.g'/JJ»<66w**~CV^~-^-'^^^'^4gy — — £^.W*RQ<totMiv ct&-KiyisKn Msstfir XOCKSMITH— .OakIand KEYS furnished at factory prices. ; Key Works, 855 Clay St.: phone Oakland 6717. A-2574. noopixo : ANY kind of l-oofs repaired or painted/A. 1 HILr MAN. ">OS Ewst 12th st.; phone Merrltt 480.' PROFESSIONAL H^ SANITARIUMS f X PRIVATE- h»»me for confinement; adoptions; best of care. 1303 Market st. Oakland. . \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'" '.\u25a0 ?A'?!F-|^^j f^^^-d^'-,--^;J ROBERT G. FULTON. M. D., leading epeclalist ' for women. 516 11th st. near Washington, Oakland. ' - . v • RUPTURE CURED •'TALKS ON RUPTURE." by Prof. Pierce, Just Issued; copy free. 'PIERCE & SON, 1417 Chestnut bu. Alameda. "Phone Alameda 1780. I \u25a0 . - '': \u25a0 ' ATTORN* E Y S \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 ' ' . : : ' ' :' LJ^CG^N^^nHoiEN^Aiu^rSoT^A^O^rD^^ -ing: phone Oakland 1431.. . - - '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0 ;- KDUCATIOXAL— -Oakland - OAKLAND Shorthand Institute— A grade I private .school thnt speclallees In 'shorthand and typewriting.. 1065; Washington st.,, over Lace House. \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0•; \u25a0 \u25a0-'. \u25a0 '..\u25a0 .'.- .:.., :___'_- ; / "... 'CLAmyorAXTs'.'..' -.;;-,. ."\u25a0\u25a0', - : MADAM AUGUST, clairvoyant and palmist; truth ' or no pay. Cor. Broadway and 7th, Oakland, |^ovej^J2K£on£s__flriiejKtore^re^^ FINANCIAL ;0-/^' $3.<K)b \u25a0 or le.*3 to louu- ; on^lmproved real-estate, - Oakland or . I ruitvaie. RANDALL R. E: CO., 3120Frultva]e ay. \u0084; . ,- ;;: , _.r | ' ' "iXVKSTMKXTS v ". . -'---, IN\i:STMENTS"— Securities and 'ioans; 333 First Ntl. Bk: bldg.. Oakland. Pettle &• Burbeck :% ; THE Oakland Branch : of ThciCall Is7at 408 -:, Eleventh \u25a0 ut: uenr: Broadway/" Phones \u25a0 Sunset - O!><l 1(!S.",: Home A'j:i7s. "\u25a0"\u25a0•:\u25a0 HKRE'S' your ; ciianee;^ braud ;: news 5? room land \u25a0 • -bath cottage: beamed clrc-'> trie .ij lights, \u25a0\u25a0 fixtures t > and ? Kliades, :;\u25a0 large % ball." ' I • ' china closet., pantry, -.mantel; ; paneled^ dining . ; - roum finished In old oak: nx>m,3 tinted ; ! sliilln',' . 'doors; street • work andccmentwalksdoneiall "fenced and -convenieutto Key; Route aud S."IV Ktat tons ; 1 also , school, lohurch . and : stores.-" Price i ._. terms,'; 4>'2sO cash;; balance; s2s monthly: : -;.-. Bargain — 5 room -j high ..'basement,-.,: shingled ; cottage; 'extra wr.ll 'finished and jlarg^'i-oomB," hall ktt<l hath, pantryi^gasandvclectriollght fixtures; natural finish-- In ; redwowl ; , folding ; doors; rooms tinred;testra large closets;; clothes ". chute; ; : lot 40ilS0;Astrcet F *worli~:and\concret« > walkßdonc; " only %1 '\u25a0 blocks to i new/ Key -Route ..'-, nnd '-. S:? P. ; stations,? whool;^ church- and ; Ktore . • *. and "< electric ;» cars. ': .Price,- 93.00U;-.- terms, >.sBo<> easbM>alance".?Co!nionthly. -This Is In ; a gocnl ; location..'/, ---,;. ":'" ; : . *>,;.•' ' - ; : \u25a0.*\u25a0;-..' , '.'-., Bargain. '-., Bargain in; alnmst ;iio»v. 6 ;Vnoin,v; high ; ; bape-', '/ tn^nt cpttafcp.^wlthinll : convenipnees; gas add electric lliihts: lot r!.->xl.".r.: on \u25a0\u25a0main, rKtreet; r-Btreet.r -Btreet. work,- and -walks^ done; \u25a0 l'rle.« •$:;, oOfl; \u25a0'<'• terms, '\u25a0 $75»)-«mli,'' lifllitnce-S'j.'j fmonthly.-;f monthly.-; -.This ff r house: will ' rent, for??:'/) ,» month, .as If; is ' close :to Key Route s and \S.' P. f stations nnd : ; Btreelcars will 5 pass the, house in t ldss than \u25a0 2 '; j months.- il 7: ; \u25a0 ' '.-.. "0.-; A.;- RUDOLPH, V-/ ; 303S A^tlino :st.^;Alcatraz -^station. Open Sundays:;." : of a high grade. ; Ttic same ' quality, of. ore , shows iv largo ledges leading to tho- west wall. and also shews , good --.values." • -,\u25a0 In^tho icrosseut \u25a0as : .lt^ ad vances \u25a0\u25a0 large- bodies ' of jore \u25a0 are \ being"- uncovered that iwIU-pay-ito- mill- and . thei owners of.- tbe Siberia;. 1 the -Bfflows,"' arfv-.w-ell^impressed | with the -find and' see. the makings of a. -big mine; In the Siberia.- '.r- ...'*'•'.. '-:• .; . :' -' John j Curnow. j at 'the Morning Star," has .found ore of the - samo srado at , his \u25a0 mine . which ." wajj never: uncovered before."**.* -ii^SSfeS? \u25a0 *-, Tbe now ..finds vhavc ; } given' considerable en couragement to the mine owners of the Columbia Hill district and go 'to strengthen tho faith "they always had. -Some of the ore is to be shipped .to Nevada City for InspeoHon' and mining men are Invited: to visit the* Siberia: and prove » for ; them selves .the value: and importance of tho new find. The Sierra Times ;saysj that, tho Im perial, group of mines,^ below, Jackson^ vllle, in- ToulumncV county."; has been bonded to San Luis^.Obispo mtfn; also, that 'the ; : Gold : Spring: mine, .situated three "rjmil^t from •] Sonbra, has ; been bonded- by K. J. Doherty to the Copps Hill lnining company of : Oakland," and that it will be- worked largely. . : Albert Shaftsky,;:,whoV has made a rich strike, as reported, in the old Independence mine, "V near 1 Placervllle, said' that when .the" work "was -stopped on -i the shaft of the .12 years ago the men '.who'owncd the mine thenileft off workHiecause they be lieved tliero was no • ore below the depth of their shaft, which, was then 18' feet^ deep. ;> ':•'>-:' \u25a0 \ r * "We" went ; to" work,"v said; Shaftpky, "on the ledge that they, had condemned. Three "inches below- where ; they, had left; off . we found a. twoj'andionerhalf inches of gold vein that has been ana lyzed as almost pure.: : We'do not know the "value; of tl>e ore: which has been taken oourt r thus far, but we have proved to ; our. satisfaction = ..that the vein will last, and that we will "not be able to run' .it; out within the next few. years. We have been ,- working I ' a single shift of men since reopening the mine, but within. the next few, weeks we arc going tol put on a double ehift- and keep the minelrunriing night t and -day/' We ? are six miles from Placervillc." The Downieville Messenger says: The mining industry "in Sierra county- has picked up: immensely during- the' last year and still greater; activity .looked for during the coming, months. In : our »: opinion deep gravel mining "will come In for a. good; share of atten tion" during the year 1909. and 'some -good rich strikes should be made Mn ground that will 4 last for fc years. ' The \ rich find •In " the celebrated Tightness quartz mine at^Allegbany has drawn the attention of the raining. world to this county and' we 'are "all bound; to : profit thereby. Tlie Tlghtner In probably as rich a mine as the world ; ever.- saw, and -while 'otheri: equally "as rich may not be" founds there " is no doubt but what- capital, intelligently used, would uncover many rich quartz " mines In this county. The output of gold , in Sierra county for 1007 was over $500,000 ,and for tbe year 100S, while the figures have not been computed as yet, ' the yield will be greatly increased. . . ; The Idaho-Maryland mine,' so the Grass^Valley Union said, will rival its former j glory : i : . ->" -.- The outlook at th« Idaho-Maryland ; Is exceed ingly bright. :The" ledge In the" K>o east level Is of good quality and the mill is- tept running constantly, on the ore thatls ttaken from there by one shift of minors. The letige varies In \u25a0width from 'eight feet down Uo'' and: four, but is an, immense body with every Indication of continuing indefinitely." " . . The water is all out from the 1,000 station and In all new timbers have been put in and the old pumps that '\u25a0were left standing there -have been packed and are ready to start up at any time. The shaft is : aVT retimbered down to the bottom of the main shaft. "?,-\u25a0 . ; 5 • \u25a0 The - principal : operations are - confined ' "to the 700 east* with the- exception- of striking the ledge 'that they .are ..working" -upon In' the 500 level. They have, onlyv a ; short ,- distance to run before the ledge above will be encountered. .A winze sunk on the -ledge In the 500 east has reached a depthJ^>f^4o feet and the ledge and values contlnne-V /'.>.,.•;- HARRIMAX K«SOT IX CONTROL" NEW :>YORK, Jan. 10.-r-Wllliam C. Brown, president or the . New York Central, today positivelyi tively denied in toto the report from Omaha that E. H. Har riman had gained; a controlling interest in the New York Central; lines. ; Hai-rl man refused "* interviewed^ on the subject^;. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE " LOT in Piedmont .".Vista. 30x112 feet; 1 block from Oakland ay. car line aud about 6 blocks from Piedmont station of the Key Route; this is an ideal location for a home: Is situated on high ground and has a beautiful: view; terms $450 cash and balance of $800 in- monthly pay- isents.of $25, lucludlnc interest. • Address box - 1512, , Call office, San Francisco. ,;; ,-; ; ; ' READ THIS : • Five room, high basement cottage; -lot 25x115 feet; ,2 blocks from car line: 10 minutes; from 14th and Broadway :~, price $1,100; will accept part cash or trade for good horses., . ;D.M: JOHNSON. /\u25a0" Buckeye Stables. * 19th \u25a0 and Broadway., Oakland. ADAMS POINT I "have; for sale not -only tbe best but the cheapest 'lot -In. tho above tract. Will also sell a new home In -same tract. Call up .THOMAS GREENE. " : - Phone' Oakland '.72os between : 9 " and 10 Or T4 : tO ; 0. :,---; : \u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0. - -'\u25a0\u25a0--.. .-'-." •' $1,450 — Mustrtsell.[> Lot -riOxloO. . luv Claremont tract ; . street ; work ' all In ; will sell • NOW for ' $I,4so— sSoo' cash.' take mortgage for balance; adjoining : property held at $40 • per \u25a0 foot. Ad- dress,* owner, 2011.; Call office, -. Oakland.' FOR Bale-^ story," 6 room house: all. modern; lot . 45x82;? NW.. cor. fitst." -6115 Dover St.; : price ix $5.500; $4,000 cash. . ;:; ; .'- : ' H' . ; FOR sale or ; rent— l: room^ house;-; lot 45x150;: • convenient to pars; terms very easy. 1800 13th ; ay.; phone; Merrltt 3205. ' :\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0:'.'.. RENT- payer, llsteul '.'sloo.down," $20 per'month -will buy a $1,400 4 room cottage;, street -work,, sidewalks in. Address 1420 Broadway. \u25a0 Oakland. • nOMES on monthly, payments: hanking Interest ; we will build -' or buy ' you ;\u25a0 a % home. S Pacinn Home Building C 0.. .'052 Broadway, Oakland. THEOakland Brancbof The Cail is at 46SElcv- ' enth" st.Cttenr Broadway.- Phones, Sunset- Oak- land 10S3, "Home A 2375- ,-"." \' ' - \u25a0-. ' \u25a0 \u25a0- . \u25a0 • \u25a0 :Sa LAMEDA - REA L : ESTATE ' ; ". l\ :*: HOME- \u25a0an'd' income" combined; ;, sacrificed ' on ac- iv count < of ; immediate departure : - 010 1 room \ house ; - gas and M electricity ; ", palm, y fruit ' s and 'i shade t reea : • lot ;\u25a0 54x150; close ' to <. locals station ; and ~r school ; i good i neighborhood ; ; high,; finished base- • f , : i went of 1 5 ; nlrc ; rooms ; \u25a0 has ! rented for SIS per \u25a0M month ; » goes for $S,SOO; , $1 , 100 cash * and . uiort- <i;gagQ;;bt-:52,706."'at-flipet,:ccnt:Vwouldjßell3fur- j";' nlsh>d.*:O'.vner,jlots>P«einc;av.;\ Bay /station. s : i $— Pflrt ( cash. * balance } $20 % monthly; 7 ' sun-" - ny.i rooms:' largo V lot: "convenient to- Oakland -nnd San 'Frunelseo," transportation and .school. . <>r,.'> Taylor ; ; ay: : : ; : . ;*/. . "*"•\u25a0• ''\u25a0?\u25a0 . .-". :." . ; - '-.'•.- :; ' .'; 1 4 ROOMiCOttage;ln,"Alamcdart4;blocks from ear; I -s $1,000 ensli::owncr"gblng east;:uiust sell.*- Box '" 2010. Call? oftiee. Oakland.. -.- .-.\u25a0> "- - - -.-' \u25a0->\u25a0.. r F RUIT VA LX 'RICA L E STATE ' $3,2so— Reduced U from ; $4.000 -Tin i the ?. midst ,v * f beautiful 'homes; In I: Fruitvale . ay. ; - must '\u25a0. be.'- told ; % cottages 5 2 rooms, t ; bath, - gas; lot i--,'<ii COx I SO; ,v easterns; owner; j. mortgage * $l; 200. $5,400-~2 1 ct'oi-y s residence.'; 8 -:roouia,,-bBtli,' ! jga(«, : - , , . - ' lwHement A earrlago* house: '-' overlooking -the \u25a0 . lien ut if ul i •Frultvale i nv. •. d iatrict ; > lo t';t '; COx -.' '.'\u25a0 » JfiO;sn > dne«l;frotn'?l.fK.'!o:'oiilv'. s .'sl,r>oo:cas!h.' HAXDALL iR.^K.^OO:.^ .tigßMi'rultvale ay." -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! SoAKiiAxnlrnoPEßTV waxted^ WANTKI>— Property ;; in' and? around % Oakland. eitherJivaVantigorj Improved;^ any -price 'asi long •f?a»-V tbe Rvalue? Is "there s to " exchange: -; ; I ;; can any" proposition"" of ? merit. I*,1 *, as: I mate ;thls a i Kperlalty." "D. F. ; MlNNEl'.r 422 : 11 tb .."..; St., . Oakland. " ; . 7.,. NINE FIRMS MOVE FROM OLD BUILDING Frame Structure at Market ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' ---\u25a0 . \u25a0''\u25a0 I:: '\u25a0 -=;(, \u25a0 -',\u25a0"-."\u25a0;\u25a0 - --. \u25a0 . ,': and Eddy Streets to Be : Torn Down .So that a temporary structure, put up in the spring: of 1906 to meet the ex igencies; ; of Market street's- .reviving: trade/ .might .be : . torn down to make way - for a $250,000 clas3 ' A Structure, nlne-^ firms -moved yesterday j naorning from j.the -• gore ;of ; . Market and .Eddy streets:' TJiis morning the contractors will begin,: to" raze the ''one 'story build ing.' and soon' a better' building than the" property ever ' boasted will- be reared ;on tlie; large triangular lot. A scene of unprecedented activity wa? witnessed at the comer f ,of : Market and v Eddy streets ; during the j moving. Thir ty 1 Wagons and 100 . men*,wefe engaged in the .work.' The[ Owl -drug 'company, at i9l6,"iMarket\ street.* had ' the' largest stock -to \ handle _and until \the afternoon,;; before .the .'store- .was '\u25a0?\u25a0 va- .' iOthera iwliof moved were the United cigar.'storfis^company, "That Man Pitt3,"j. 'A. -?\u25a0. II. ; Harris; j Frank ; Brothers, Llchenstein> company, -Dorey. &,,Cun ningham;^J: ;C. O'Connor,: 11. A; ; Aven sino.'Ruge & Giisb. arid other businesses. The site of»thenew building is owned byj'jthe ;. Barron v estate company and vis under^'a.ijlO "ycar;> lease 'to thq. Douglas realty 'company. The building to be p^JEJjreifo^ DBATf-LS -.• Birth,, marriage and death notices sent by mall will ; not be I Inserted. '.They .- mast be handed In at either of the ; publication, offices and be indorsed with the 'name ; and • residence '• of .; persons : author-, ized Itol ha vp ' the J same ! published. - Notices - re- wtrlcted slmply'to the announceuient'of'the event are published once in this column free of | charge. MARRIAGES HEINO— GRADY— In East. Oakland; CaL, 'Jan- uary 9, . -1900,' by: the Rev.' E.,S. Stucker,, pas- tor Twenty-third .Avenue'" Baptist church, .Walter L.-Helno^and Frances J. Grady. - HILL-i-ANDERSON— In : this 'city, January .6, 1000, by the Rnv.W. E. Dugan, Wilbur E. .{ Hill of Belvedere . and Elma It. Anderuon of '.San, Francisco.^'-. ... . \u25a0;..\u25a0... :i -....• - . WALSER-rDUNI^IP^-In this city. January 9/ J 1909, by the Rev. W. • 13. Dugan: pastor Sec- "ond- United ' Presbyterian \u25a0\u25a0 church, Sydney -J. - Walser of Plute. Cal:, and Josephine Dunlap . of.Bakersficid. DEATHS Anfflasay, Delia ... 62 MeCabe," Eugene :.. .42 Aylwin.iGad ... .. . 70 McCarthy. Cornelius.. .44 Black, "John ..... 79 McCluskey. George. . — Bresson. Louis- L.. 18 McGlnty, Jos. J — Bull," Henry Miles.. 51 O'Brien, Geraldlne A. — Chartrey." Unoiil... 61 O'Meara.-R. P...... 28 Chase, Charles 0.. 41- Portal. Mathilde M. — Clarke,Maudie.(lnfant) Qnigley, Catherine. .. 49 Crawley, James .... 53 Rulffs, Meta , S 62 Daley, William' .r.-— Scheppler, Johan B. S6 Darison, Dr. H. B. 86 Staedler, Elizabeth.. 7S Fairweather, J." Rr." 73 Sturtevant. Leonor L. CO Ferrier, Adessa 'J.; 48 Tebbetts, George P.. .81 Gates, Edmund ... CO Treanor, Fanny . . . .' 29 Groth; Henry ......83 Trevor. Mi-s. M. M.. 80 Hald, .Capt. H.: S.. 76 Wesslinpr, .'. E. A 4S Hayden, Mary A.. 56 Willkomm, E. J. M.. 52 Hendricaon, • Mrs. - M. — Yost, Mary E. ..... 27 Lawrence,' D., 0..: 48 JZazzi, Pietro 93 ANGLASAY— In this city. January 8, 1909, Delia. 'beloved wife of the late Thomas Angla- say, loving \u25a0 mother <of Thomas, • Henry, Rich- 1 ' ard " and,.. Margaret : Anglasay, ; ; Mrs. Mary Bracken and the - late John Anglasay. ' and ; prandmother of 'May- Bracken, • a - native of ; County Cork. . Ireland, aged 62 : years. \u25a0 -. I :v Friends: and | acquaintances are respectfully invited ; to \u25a0 attend:;, the • today (Men- -\u25a0' day), 7 '«t 1 8:30 a: . m.; S from, her I late I residence, 1407 '"Dolores street... thence to ; St. Paul's church, where a- requiem \u25a0 high \u25a0 -masa will ; be celebrated for :the repose I ' of -her- soul, : com- mcucing at' 9' a. m. Interment Holy j Cross cemetery. AYLWIN— In Berkeley, Cal., January 10. 1909. Gad, beloved . husband .of • Margaret Ayrwin, and father of Stella C. Aylwin'and Robert ."N. Aylwin, a native of England, aged 70. years \u25a0 Tand 4- days. -- - '^ * •• -:' BLACK— In this city. January 9, 1909. John, husband of the late Catherine t Black, loving father of Daniel R.and James T. Black, and stepfather , o* John W. Conroy,* a native of •Yarmouth," Eng., aged 79 years. A member of Yerba Buena -lodge No. 15, I. O. O. F. Friends and i acquaintances are | respectfully ! ' invited to /attend ! the funeral tomorrow (Tues- day), January. 12, 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m..' . from, his - late • residence. 334 \u25a0 Harriet . street between ' Bryant and .' Brunnan, •\u25a0 thence, to 11. O. O.«F. hall. 1254 Market street, where services .will \u25a0 be held | under I the auspices of Yerba Biiena lodge No. 15, I. O. o. F. In- terment private. \u25a0 BRESSON— In ' Fairfax, Marin county. Cal:; - January 10, 1909, Louis L. Bresson, beloved son of .Rosalie -and -Hne- late: Alphouse Bres- " son. and brother- of Arthur. Victor, ; Joseph, ' '; Paul/- Adrienne and * Louise Bresson, a native <:'Of California, aged IS years 6 months and 12 .'\u25a0 days., ": . . . : ' : \u25a0- r "";. • ' '.. . . "" Friends and acquaintances are *\u25a0 respectfully: Invited to . attend the '-.funeral ; Wednesday,. ' January. .13, 1909," \at 9 - o'clock a. - m., . from his" late residence. Fairfax.' Cal., thence to '" • St.;; Anselm's : church, ; where \u25a0 a requiem | mass .will: be 'celebrated for. the .repose of. his soul. commencing at ,10 o'clock, interment Mount : .; : Olivet- cemetery,' -San Rafael. \ , \ BULL— In Emeryville. Cal.; January 8. 1909. Mlenry 'Miles, .beloved husband 'of Anna -Eliza- beth I Bull.' and ! brother of Mrs. H. D. Miles, {Kdith and Charles Bull, '- Mrs. E. CovlnKton Prlngle and tbe late Alpbeus Bull " and' Mrs. :W. C;:- Chldester, a native of California, \u25a0 aged 51 years 4 montbs and- 5 days: - .; . \u25a0 1.: Friends .and acquaintances, are respect- \u25a0 fully 'invited to: attend- the. funeral -services - this "(Monday)., afternoon, January ; 11. 1909. -at :- 2:30 o'clock, ; at hia \u25a0 late home, northwest corner; of - Forty-flfth * street and San " Pablo Hvenue., "Emeryville. Interment . private.; Please „ omit: flowers: ; ... - : * \u25a0''..': '..:'-. ' .'\u25a0 CHAHTREY— In L this "city.. January .10. 1909, Raoul, ' dearly, beloved : husband of Emma • Char- , i. trey,*, and* loving father of •Emllie" and .Alice \u25a0; ' CUartrey. -a. - native of France, aged 61 years .and 6 months. '\u25a0'-_\u25a0-\u25a0 - - \u25a0\u25a0: •'-_' '-. \u25a0 .' -' Friends and > acquaintances are \u25a0- respectfully " : inviied : to' attend the ' funeral tomorrow ;. (Tues- \u25a0: day) ; " January * 12," 1009. . from the ' Church of ; -Notre- Dame: des \u25a0 Vlctolres, where mass will \u25a0be held I ! for ' the reposa of his -soul,- com- - ; menclng at; 10:30 o'clock a.. m. Interment pri- ; .vate. . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'.:.• \u25a0-...-' ' .'I ' |S4£' CHASE— In this city. January 8. 1909. Charles 0., beloved husband of Mrs. Ida M. Chase: and brother of Lewis 8.,* Christopher C. and Alexendra "J. and Mrs." John M. . Lundholm. '.-" ft native of San Francisco, Cal.. aged 41 years '10 .months and. 9 days. A of ' the In- ternational Association of Machinists No. 6S: Friend* \u25a0' and • acquaintances^ are ; respectfully invited to "attend the funeral services - today (Monday). - January . 11: ? 1909," at 9 o'clock a. \u25a0 ni.,"- bis .late .residence, 2241 Beach street 'corner,: of- Baker. Interment Cypress "v.Lawn i cemetery, by carriage:? " CLARKE— In East . Oakland.^ CaL; ; ; January - S, • -1909,- Maudie : G., ' beloved \u25a0 daughtervof 'Thomas ".'.\u25a0\u25a0 H. and, Maud G. . Clarke, amative of Oakland," ,: CaL, \u25a0 aged; 10. months: and: 8 days.;/..; . '\u25a0'. : ' -'Friends -"'and -acquaintances are' respectfully invited to attend -the \ funeral today .';(Mon- .; day), January .11." at'lo o'clock, from the resl- \u25a0 -dence of .the parents. 1 631 East- Twelfth 6treet. :'\u25a0: East i Oakland: .Interment ; Holy Cross ceme- - .'- tery. I San U Mateo \u25a0 county. : Cal.; by J ll \ o'clock ' ./creek • boati.from foctrof Broadway. Oakland: CRAWLEY— In this city, /January > 6, '\u25a0: 1909, 11 * '\u25a0'\u25a0 James, : dearly ' beloved son fof - the ; late : George , ; " \u25a0 untf-' Jane J. Crawley,".. and -\ loving '. brother ;. of . \u25a0\u25a0• Georges W. - and< Edward Crawley. "a: native of Francisco, /Cal.;*: aged,s3. years. • ;- ; V-,That funeral^ took* place. -. yesterday. -(Sunday); ; .' at • 1 ' p.'; m ••' •-" f roni '.' the : parlors lof \u25a0 J. J. " Crowly " & i Co. , -v 692 . ; Valencia /- street - between ; Seven- • -teenth . and - T Eighteenth. ':'< Interments Cypress '\u25a0 Lawn 'Cemetery. .• r - - .'.:.\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 :>v-"\: DALEY— In \ this .city,- January, 8. 19(>9, .William Daley,"' beloved * brother of .the: late Dennis 'Daley- and * Catherine;; Murray, andi.uncle of j. "Dennis --J.j Murray, ainatlve of County Cork; " -Ireland.-' ,'" s '/ ' -." ' •• ~ : ; Friends and - acquaintances ;are respectfully Cshnvited;. to I- attend the .funeral* today ,&(Mon- J ." day)." ati 9 'o'clock- a." m..ifrom the parlors; of D. I. Kenny ;& Co.. ? 1719: Eddy "near <r 1 Scott, -i thence '. to i St."; Dominic's N chnrch.Tc where ';".; a • . high ; mass . will ; bo celebrated^for tb« 5?; repivej of commencing; at, 9:30: o'clock j '.{ a: vm.v^^ lnterment: Holy .' Cross t cemetery.-; \u25a0\u25a0 ; -; I DAVISON— In FniltVnl(r,"; Cal.", " Jannary S, lflW, '\u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0'\u25a0 Dr. * ll*>nry 8.. D;»vison.v beloved father of^Mrs." Sari : F.^Diinlop:. and , K.JH..- F.- H.'.fA. ;B.;'- B: r «nd H: Davison;' a illative «of JBallgghe, r; Co«nty; v Derry,"r Ireland. :.ijred^S6. years. (Ncr vada? papers j please icopy. ) • .;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - : - .. ; i-">* Friends .; and :xacqua ln taneen are., respectfully i-i invited ,• to fat tend > the::, funeral i services r today - " i (Monday) , •\u25a0 January -11.1 0^9/ at : 1 :So , o'clock Vp.'m.", at ; the cliapel "of Arthur A." Barber \u25a0& erected ;will be three A stories and base riieut, of .s steel "frame and? stone 'flnish- Jngs.;- : The. foundations will be so con structed that additional can 'he .addedlas^the- demand 'coines for them. The ' original;' cost : of I tho .building -will .be* 5250,000." It wfll be. harried to com pletion. .. - jifj-flWjffpl^^ i^Th^e United; cigar stores company had anjoptibnJforTa" lease, on the building site, but let: lt lapse. - v;.Theileases'iqf Uho former tenants of the building! expired yesterday morning, and. to fcaptnre the. Saturday trade they heldttheir, stock undisturbed until the final - hour. \u25a0 Then they scattered to other locations. ';". 'Before the fire a three story frame building, .almost as old as Market street itself,^stood on :the prominent corner. H ; ; - . r STARVATION^ENDS LIFE /^6F MAN WITH PLENTY Pitiful Story Revealed After Streetcar Accident A _ pitiful, story of starvation In the face of plenty came to light yesterday in the death of Sorln Christopherson at St.'Fraricls' hospital. \u25a0'Christopherson,- who " was' past 70 years of^ge, 'was. hit'bya streetcar at Devisadero and ", Post streets- December 20/ ; His rjb was fractured and he Iwas taken to St. FVancls* hospital, for treat ment. A short i time 'after his .arrival the "doctors discovered . that he had not eaten, for days and that he could take no nourishment.' ? For.- several: years Christopherson lived in what was' practically a hovel at 2104 Bush I :> street. -In searching among -his effects yesterday the author ities discovered • a bank book showing that the old man had more than $2,000 to his credit. Just why he did not use any of this money can only bo explained by his thrifty habits. "-. \u25a0\u25a0 Co.. 3124 East rf Fourteenth street, FrultTale. Interment. Evergreen cemetery. „ ".' FAIKWEATHEB-r-in this city. January 9. 1009, Julian Raymond, beloved 'husband of Emma L. Fairweatber.- and father of Eva and Julian . S. Fuirweatuer. Mrs. Maury Robinson, ami ', the late Ernest Falrweather, a native of St. -John, N. B.; aged 73 years 5 months and 0 - days. - - • — . Friends and. acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tues- day), at 10 o'clock a. m.. from his late residence. 407 Stelner street near Oak. Inter- ment private. • .• FERRIEK— In Berkeley, Cal., January 9. 19C9. Adessa Jarvis Ferrier, wife of. Rev. W. W. Ferrier," • and mother ; of ; Warren Ferrier, a , na- .' tivc. of Ohio, aged "48 years 11 months .and ;' .lO'.days.S^' :, j--' ..?\u2666- "'«;'.'- T - .-'• '.• : Friends are Invited to - attend . the funeral services today (Monday), January 11, 1009. at the home. . 2716 at 2:30 o'clock p. m.. Uillegas avenue, Berkeley. Cremation, private. GATES— In Frultvale. Cal.; January 0. 1009. Edmund Gates, beloved father of^ilrs. R. G. Hamilton, and Edwin, Uarrold and Leslie Gates, a native of Canada, aged 69 years. Friends and acquaintances - are respectfully invited to attend . the funeral services to- day (Monday). January 11. 1000, at 2 o'clock p. m., at Masonic hall, 3123 East Fourteenth street, Fruitvale. Services under the auspices "of Frultvale lodge No. 336, V. Jb A. M. In- terment Mountain View censeter/. Remains at the parlors of -Arthur A. Barber & Co.. Froitvale. GHOTH— In Alameda. Cal., January 9, 1009, Henry, - beloved husband -. of . \u25a0 Christiana M. . "Groth.: nntl father of .Andrew S.. Henry W.. , Benjamin F.. Walter ' P., \u25a0 Albert- Z. and Fred- " ertck C. Grotb, a native of Germany, aged 83 years. ' >- ' . ' Friends and acquaintances are respectfully \u25a0 invited to attend tbe funeral services tomor- row (Tuesday), January 12.- 1909, at 9:30 o'clock a. m., at bis late residence, 2261 San Antonio avenue, Alameda. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery, via funeral car leaving foot of Market street at 12 o'clock. HALD— In this city. January 8, 1909, Captain Hans S. Hald. dearly -beloved husband of the ' late Jobanne - Marie Hald. and dearly beloved father of Cornelius A. P.." George, John S.. ~ Nlels/'Henry and tanrltz Hald. -Mrs.- Caroline Berntscn and the late Mrs. Matilda Fiitze. :\u25a0 and beloved brother of Mr?. Lina -Ittsietnar'* • of Oakland, Cal.;' a native of CarUtlanssaud, -"-Norway, aged 76 years 1 month and 'l3 day ». A - member . of the Scandinavian society." fntty • lodge No! 27.' A.' 0.-VI'VT.; and- Edle For- maal-of Cbristianssand. - Norway. \u25a0 - - Friends and : acquaintances ' are respectfully Invited to attend the - funeral today (Mon- day), January 11. Nt 12:30 p. m.. ut bis late residence. 1214 York street, thence to Our Savior's (Scandinavian) Lutheran church, How- ard street near. Thirteenth, where services will be. held.. commencing at 1 p. in. Interment Cy- presa'Lawn cemetery, '\u0084' . ; \u25a0•'\u25a0 " : Officers and [ members of - Scandinavian So- ciety: You are hereby notified to attend -the funeral .of our - late member. Captain H. S. —\u25a0Hald. today (Monday), at 12:30 p. m.. at . the Scandinavian Lutheran church, on How- ard street near Thirteenth. By order of . ' CHAS. PLAMBECK, President. HARRY MENTZER, Rec. Sec. HAYDEN— In this city, Jannary 9. 1909. Mary \u25a0• A. 1 Hayden. a native of Connecticut*, aged 56 years.. - \u25a0\u25a0 The funeral will take place today (Monday). ! January 11, at S:l5 a. m.,' from the parlors of Meßrearty .& McCorralck. 915 Valencia street, near Twentieth. \u25a0 thence to St. Asnes ' church, where a requiem . high - mass will be celebrated for the . repose of her soul, com- mencing at V a. .m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery." c,»:^» "-*;?-\u25a0-'-* HENDRICSON— In Alameda. CaL. January 10. 190 ft, Mrs. Marparet ' Hendrlcstm. beloved mother of Mrs. W. A. Stewart and Mrs. -A. Krlin. .'..'- Frionds - and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tues- day). \u25a0 at- 2 o'clock, from her late residence." 626 Lincoln avenue, Alameda. LAWRENCE — In Rlpon. San Joaquln" countr. - Cal.. January 7. 1909. Delbert 0.. beloved husband of Anna Lawrence, and beloved father of Llllie Johnson, a native of .Michigan, aged 48 years. • Friends and acquaintances are, respectfully Invited to 'attend the funeral , today (Mon- day), January 11, 1909, at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from the parlors of. Carew ic' English, 161S ; r Geary street,' thence* to Sacred Heart church. 1 where a requiem mass -will be celebrated- for ; . thefrepose of hia soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. ,m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery.. McCABE— In \u25a0' this city. January 9. 1909. Eugene, beloved son of Maria and the late Bernard : MeCabe. and brother of Thomas F. MeCabe 1 and -Mrs. James Derby, a native of Mlnne-, apolis. Minn., : aged 42* years. A member or the ' Rig?ers' and - Stevedores' union. '"• . , Frienda s and \u25a0 acquaintances are respectfully Invited . to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tues- day), at 8:45 a.. m., from the parlors of the United Undertakers. 2608 Howard street near Twenty-second, thence to St. John's church, where a;\u25a0 requiem mass -.wCI be celebrated \u25a0 for the ' repose : of ' bis - soul, . coounenclng at "9:30 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. McCAHTHY— In this city, January R. 1909. Cor- nelius, dearly beloved husband of ; Kate Mc- Carthy, loving father of Marsraret McCarthy, and beloved brother of Michael McCarthy and Mrs.-. M.'- Collins,": a native 6f Loushine. Sklb- berecn. County Cork. Ireland, aged 44 years. A member, of Rebel Cork B. A.: division No. , 11, A: O. H., and Unity Alliance of St. Pat- . rick's Alliance of America. . Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited . to attend the funeral today (Mon- day), at -8:30 a^.m., from bis. late, residence. 1559 \u25a0 Folsom , " street.* - thence- '\u25a0 to St. Joseph's ehnrcb..;wliere a .requiem hlßh man will be celebrated , for" the repow* . of his *onl. com- mencing, at 9 a; m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery.", - - -- Officers and members of Division No. 11, A. O. H. — You - are requested to attend the funeral of cur late brother, Cornelius Mc- Carthy, at his late residence, 1509 Folsom street. - this * (Monday) mornlnff, January 11. 1909, \u25a0at -S:3O o'clock, thence to St. Joseph's church. Requiem hish mass at 0 a. m. - THOS. MOFFIT, l»rcsld«nt. DAVID MCRPHY. Rec. Sec. Unity Alliance, St. Patrick's Alliance of ' America— Funeral detail: Yon arc. hereby-, noti- - fled' to*. assemble at 1j"0 Kois-ot.i street "this - (Monday) morninjr,: at 8:30 o'clock.- to attend • the funeral of our late brother. Cornelina Mc- Carthy." By. order - :•'-. --•\u25a0» - . : " *-, JAMES MeDONNKLL, President. JAMES McGOVERN, Secretary. McCtUSKEY—Pasae*! to rest, la* Berkeley. Cal.. January 0, 1009, Georjfe. . beloved husband of Georjrla McCluskey.-and father of Norman W. ... "" ; and .Byron ;McCluakey. \u25a0 . : : - '-\u25a0 Friends.*, members ;of Apollo lodge No. 123, T . 1 .-- O ; .' O . ? F. , - anrt acquaintances are respect- fully ' invited to attend the : funeral services ' today ;. (Monday),' January • 11.' 1909, ; at \u25a0 o'clock ,. p. 1-Bi.;; frosi sVeterans* hall. 431 Dv- : - boce ,? avenue. ; opposite " Fillmore : street. San • 'Francisco. Services \u25a0" under." the ausplceil of ApollO lodje:No.-123.' I.- O. O/.F. Cremation :A Odd v Fellows' ;. cemetery. :-'. Remain* !:-. at . the ' parlors :of 1 tue Albert 'Brown' eympanr,-: 2IOS 1 Addlson . street. Odil Fclluws' building,* Berke- ,,-iey., : - / \u25a0 ~ r J *piffflSO ß!Wß lllffiWWTßWff McGINTY— In -WilkeabHrre. Pa.. January -10. '1909,"^ Joseph J.: McGinty.^ brother «of Rev: v- John • F. McGlnty.' James . McOlnty and Arthur > MeUlnty ; ' and - father of - Dr. . Artbor T. Me- . - Uinty.,aDd EdWHrd 1.7 M«:(ilnty. ~.\ / -;A; solemn <hisb mass for \u25a0 tlie . repose ."of his \u25a0- fwil -.will - be ; celebrated In Holy Cross church, and Scott streets.' tomorrow (Tuesday); January. 12, 1900. - at ; 0:30 a. tn. Parishioners MERCHANTS IN WAR AGAINST RAILROADS Official Organ of Local Traders* Association Opposes High Freight Rates The Merchants* association , has en listed, in the campaign against the high freight" charged San Francisco ship pers by the transcontinental railroads. : In the latest issue of the Merchants* Association Review., the official paper off the organization, an important point is made against the policy of the rail roads in applying practically the aama rates on a haul from Yokohama to Atlantic coast points as between Yoko hama and San Francisco. "That is the reason." the Review states, "why the headquarters for th« matting trade is in Baltimore, and for teas and silks In Xe-w York * and In other eastern cities." Continuing, the article says: All San Francisco gets out of the oriental trade, generally spea&tns; ia what is spent -for steYedoriug and dray ago and wbat tbe pnssen gor* leave ;bere wheo they stop at our hotels. We h&Te co large Importing and Jobbing houses, ag we kbould liare. sellins goods eaat and west and promoting the industries incident to advan tageous buying of raw materials. On each of the last two eastfiound voyages of the Korea slio brousbt Into thU port nearly a million dollar** worth 'of raw silk.. Bat. U did not ttop to b> manufactured here, an vno would naturally ex - pect it to be. It was rushed eaat as fast as possible. Experiments are under vay In Bos ton with nickel in the slot turnstiles in elevated railroad and subway sta tions. of Holy Crosn. friends and acquaintances art Invited to at tend. - O'BHIEN— In Berkeley, CaJ.. January T, 19<r>. Ueraldlne A., beloved daughter of Ella F. and the late J. J. O'Brien. . Friends anil acciuaiatances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral this (Mon- day) morning, January 11. 1909, at 10 o'clock, from her late ho«n»\ 2824 Cherry «treet. Berkeley, tlience to St. Joseph's church, cor- ner of St. Joseph avenue and Addlson street, where a requiem high masa will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 10:00 o'clock. Interment Uoly Cross cemetery, by electric* funeral car leaving foot of Mar- ket street. San Francisco, at 1:20 o'clock. O'MEARA— In this city. January. ?. 1909. Rleh- . ard P.. beloved son of Mar; .and tna latQ Richard O'Meara. and -brother of Arthur J. ! O'Meara and Mrs. " May C Melson. a native of S»ti Francisco.' Cal.. ag'-'d 23. years. Friends and ac»pn Intanvcs are respectfully invited to attend the fum-ml today (M^n day), January 11. 1'.)09. at S:3O o'clock a. in., from the purlora of Carew & English, It; is Geary street, thence to St. Domlnlir'a church for services. Interment Holy Cros» cemetery. POKTAL— Entered into rest, la this city. Jann- ary 9. 1909, at 775 Clayton street. Mathilde M. Portal, dearly beloved" mother of Mrs. Thomas F. Tormey. S. Emlle and Clement Portal of San Jose. Cal., and Sirs. Frederick Gehret of San Francisco. The funeral will take place from 112 Vi'if street, San Jose, Cal.. tomorrow (Tuesday", January 12, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m.. tlicac* lo St. JosepU's church. . \u25a0 .fi'~'^. QITIGLEY— In Oakland. CaL. January 9. "1909, Catherine' Qnlgloy. beloved slater" of William • 8., Mlchaef J.. Lawreuce. John "J.. Thomas and NelilevOnigley. Mra. Mamie Irwin ami Mrs. Fred. USilge. a native of Oakland, ful.. asred 49 years 1 month and 17 days, (Eu- reka. CaL. papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Mon- day), January 11. 1909. at ©o'clock a. m.. ." from her late residence. 020 Filbert . street, Oakland, thence to St. Mary's church, where a requiem Ligii masts will be celebrated foi the repose vf her son!, commencing at 9:3 C ' o'clock a. m. Interment St. Mary's ceme- tery. EULFFS— In Frultvale. CaL. January T. 1909. Meta F: Ruiffs (nee Schmidt*,, dearly beloved - -wtfoKof Fi. :.'U. ruallti. a niittre of Germany. --aged «2 years 1 nrontto r.rt(t 13 day?. « Friends" and acquaintances ar« respectfully Invited to. attend the funeral today (Mon- day), January- 11, at 1:30 p. m., from ber late residence. .2315 Frultvale avenue, Frultvale. - Cal. Incineration Oakland crematory. BCHEPPLE2— rn this city. January 10. 1909. Johan Baptist, dearly beloved husband of . Katbertne Scheppler. devoted . father of Wil- : Ham and Carmel Scheppler and Mrs. P. El- llnger, father In law of Mrs. William Scnep-. ' pUr. and grandfather of Lewis,- Ernest and O'tHlle Scbeppler, and great-grandfather of . Harold Scheppler. a native- of Mains. Ger- ' many, aged 86 years X months and 20 days. (New York papers please copy.) at tbe -parlors «f H. F. Snhr A Co.. 2919 Mission street between Twenty- fifth and Twenty-slxtn. STAEDLEE— In Oakland. CaL, January lOr 1909, Elizabeth Staedler. beloved mother of Lizzie. Charles, Rudolph and Harry Staedler. Mrs, Pauline Waters, Mrs. W. H. Gregor and Mr*. Susie Bailey, a native of New York, aged 73 years 6 montbs and 21 days. STUBTEVANT— In Berkeley. CaL. January 10, 1909. Leoncr L.. wife of tta late Charte* W. Stnrtevant. and loving mother of Mrs. W. T. Such and Lydla and Carllto StorteTant. a na- tive of Mataazas. Cuba, aged.' 60 years. .Friends aud acquaintances are. respectfully invited to attend the funeral . services tomor- row (Tuesday).. January 12. 1909. at 2 o'clock p. mi. at the parlors of the Berkeley nmler- taking company, 2133 Allston way. Interment private. '. . - " • TEBBETTS— In this city, . January ». lOtn), George P.. beloved husband of Mary Tebbetti*. and father of Nathan and Marjorie 'l>bber m and Mrs. Stella Burton, and .Mrs. John L. Lavery. a native of New Hampshire, aged ,81 years 2 month* and 11 days. TSEANOK— In this city. January 7. 1909. Fanny, dearly beloved wife of tbe late George Treanor. loving mother of Frances aud Jolin Treanor. beloved daughter of Gustave aitit ! Ellen Aiistliie, and slater of George and Wil- liam Aristide and Mrs. Margaret Dopovau. a native of San Francisco, CaL, aged -1» years and 23. days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Mon- * day)." at 9:30 a. m., from the parlors of tha United Undertakers. 2608 Howard street near - Twenty-second, thence to ..Mission Dolorc* church for services, commencing at 10 a. in. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. THEVOR— At rest, in Oakland, CaL, January 8. \u25a0 r • 1909.* Mra. " Maryanne McKetr Trevor, widow of the late* Dr. Frank Treror, much loveii mother of James P. Taylor. Grace L. Trevor. •Henry Trevor and Mrs. Sarah A. FUher of. Brooklyn. N. V.; and eldest sister of Mrs. George Frltch. \u25a0 Mrs. 11. B. Berryman and th* - late Mrs. Thomas Anderson and John McKcw, a native of London, Eng., and a California pioneer of 1849. aged SO years S months aud & days. .5 Pg&PaiOßfc •\u25a0 Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services today (Monday). Janu- ary 11. 1909. at 10:30 o'clock a. m.. from her late home, 456 Merrlmac atreet, Oakland. , Interment private. WESSLING— In Alameda. CaL, January 10. 1900. Edward A. Wessling. beloved husband of Julia M. • Wessling ' (nee Jxcobsen). father of Albert and Lester Wessling, and brother of J. H.. A. G. and Homer Wessllng. a native of Cincinnati. .0.. aged, 43 years 7 mouths and 12 day*. {St. Helena. CaL. and Cincinnati. 0., papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are rettpectfnlly Invited to attend the fuueral services tomor- row (Tuesday), January 12. 190». leaving -residence, 1608 Sherman street, at 2:30 p. m.. thence to German Lotberan. church. Lafayette street between Santa Clara and Central ave- nues. • Interment In family • plat \u25a0: In St. lle- lona. CaL. Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. WILLKOM3C— In thl» city, January 9. 1900. E. J." Max Wtlliomm, husband of Cordelia Dour Willfcomm of New Orlcana, father of Henry. Mary. Kaeml and William WtHkomna. and brother of A. Willkomm of San Francisco, a native of Ham burs, Germany, aged 52 years 9 months anil 15 days. YOST— In Oakland. Cal., January 10. 1909, Mary. E.. beloved wife of Jamea H. To»t. motUfr of Florence Asnea Yust. lovtn; dauzh- ti-r of KiltTi and the late ChrUtophcr ' Kane, and slstt-i- uf James. John. William and Chrts- t»i>ljcr Kane and Sister Mary Florence, a na- ture of California. *aged «'T years 10 moatba and 13 days. : «MMMnnBBPI ' Friends and aenualntanc«s are reapeatfnUT inTlted to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tues- day). January VI. 1909, at 9:49 o'clock ' 'a. *m.', from her late residence, 1104 Feralt* street, thence to St. Patrick's chnreb, wner<» ' a reaulem hteh mass will be celebrated for the irpoee of her sonl. v commeneins at 10 '•' \u25a0 Interment St. '• Mary*a cemetery. ZAZZI— In thU elty. January 10. lpiW. Pierre. > dearly "beloved Ituttmiul of TenW foizl, aa<t « twloTcd \u25a0 father of Paul. \u25a0 Saaniel, Adolpb and WIHUm SSaz*l. Mrs. Mary Cv»V;lia and Mrs. l^mlsa" Casassa. and of the late John and I ren»» Zazzl, a imtlre of Parma, Italy, axed 95 Tears 11 month.* and '.» dajs. (L«>a An;ele». Cal.. and New York papers please copy.) Friends ami acquaintance* are respectfully tnrlted to attend tb» Mneral ' Thnrsday. J*n- nary U. --UWJ*, at to-.r»«» 'o'clock • a. m.. ftmn his late resilience, 31* Taint avenue, Richmond district. 11