Newspaper Page Text
- ~ ~" ' ; ;; — ;\u25a0 .. .'... — ;—; — ; — ' '_ . & Additional Sports News VANQUISH VAMPIRES IN FAST SOCCER CONTEST thistles Gain a Good Chance to Win the California League Championship Bob Shand •" IU-suHeJ of yesterday's soccer games: 'V Thistles, lj Vampires. 0; at San Ma ". . <«*©. \u25a0•.."; Independents, 7| Bnlldinjtr Trades. 0? : -at Presidio.^' ;. . \lblun Rover*, 4; Scotlas, O» at park ..stadium. Jr .. H«n.Hs. i; Burns, O; at Alameda. •\u25a0'-.•• By defeating the Vampires in a fast •. . B*me •* San Mateo yesterday tb« Thls rrj.tles gained more than an even chance -. vto \vin the championship of the Cali fornia football league. The score was -• J .to to 0, and was a fair reflex '.of the play. This is the second de . .feat the Vamps have sustained this \u25a0 season, losing their first game last ; ..Sunday to the San Franciscos. ;...• The Thistles had a shade the better . . _ «f the play in the first period, but .-. the defense of the Vamps was impreg nable and there was no scoring in this : half. The Vampires played a better game in the concluding period, but Vtwing ;.£> Duncanson.' and Gray the .'•-.Scotch side annexed the only goal of Ihe game. .". Referee Robinson failed to appear .and L. Patterson officiated. The teams . were as follows: •Vampires. Position. Thistles. \u25a0M(Tarlane...:. Mcltitchie • Hunter Richt back Smith . Middleton Loft back Kay i *w«in Right half Christie • •!>*«• Center half Gore' . A. .Mackenzie Left half McTurk Bernard t.. .Outside right. .Duncanson i ? :f. .Mackenzie Inside right Gray I .. i:..:»:-:s.-u. Center W. H. Jackson! • l»ownle Icalde left Towns • Singer Outside left Scott The Independents played rings : around the Builders at the Presidio •. athletic grounds, and the game never ...'looked like a contest at any period. The lineup: Independents. Position. Trades. -'Crawler Gi*l Smith Klrwin Bi^tit back Dewar . Soutar .Left back SomerviUe Anderson Bight half McKlnley " Grant ...Center half Ilausr -• " Alrcy Xeft half Campbell Jones. . ; .Outside right Dewar . Donahue....". Inside right Carswell .. r-yfion Center Wardlaw Kay Inside left Bell lly*>tt Outside left. . . .Broomneld The game at Alameda between the Hornets and Burns was stubbornly con tested, and the fact that the Hornets '.\on by a score of one goal to nothing ..was due to the ineffectiveness of the! ••"IJurns forwards in front of goal. /" The teams were as follows: •/> Hornets — Mcßitchle, Buckingham, ' 'Waeber, Massey. Lynch, Williams, \u25a0\u25a0 Briggs, Deykin, Elliot, Sharpe and : : Lces. Burns — Lowe, Grant, Sharp, Harris, •'" Doigr. Mclntyre. Walker. Welsh, Rowe, J • Muriroe and Haden. .The Albion Rovers and Scotias met . " at the stadium, and the Oakland bunch \u25a0 • liad little trouble in getting away with -.Hie spoils. 4 to 0. Pike and Langland "stored In the initial spasm and Pike "added two on his own account in the iinal period. The teams: '•'\u0084••, Sf-otia*. Position. Sorers. -Smith Goal Marra .' Itipht back Anderson 1 • Warrea J.e£t back Selkirk ' . itipht half Mclatyre " Tain Left half McKlernon • "Brown Center half Mlzea .tJlc-odenning Outside riyht Walters - " "Armour Inside right ; Milne !.»><-anrtier Center MeKee • .f'opeland laslde left Pike .•JCbristle Outside left Balmaln Whites Beat Reds in Poor Polo Match SCORG Whites C — W. 5. Hobart 4, R. M. Tobln 2. Urd* 4 — T. A. DrUcoll 3, J. Law son I. TRUSS Whites — Hobart 4, Tobln 3. Rieds— Drlscoll 3. Lawion 1. SIDES White* — Edward Howard, RJch sirrt M. Toliln. G. F. Parsons, Wal irr S. Hobart. Reds— Georee T. Cameron, Cap tain F. IMckering;, John Lawson, Thomas A. Drlscoll. .Referee — Cyril Tobln. Timer— J. Farrell. The polo game of the San Mateo polo club which took place yesterday on the Clark field was somewhat disappoint ing. The game of the week previous was of such a high class that it was thought that the men would be in fine condtt'on yesterday. To add zest to the same Captain F. Pickering, a noted polo player of England and Canada, took .part in the game..;-" \u25a0 -The captain was on strange ponies and was not up to his mettle, but from what was seen of his playing he will be a, valuable adjunct to the force on the local in -Ids-. It was a free for all rapping game yesterday, and the players seemed to ca§t aside all regard for team work, which at times brought as many as three men on a. side on the ball. The sticlr^work was poor, and had it been better- the "Whites would have won by a far greater margin. The game had the lee-st class of the season. Schrubb Is Offered Match With Con Connolly The Marathon craze Is still on, and Sam Berger, not content with the match for local talent at the ball grounds, Sunday, February 7, is casting about in an endeavor to land Alfred Schrubb, the great English runner, to meeet Con nolly not later than two weeks after the latter takes on the local contend e. Joe Woodman, a personal friend of Schrubb. wired the English runner last night, asking him to. come on. There 'is a chance that Schrubb. will heed the Vail though Marathon runners are in t=Mch demand throughout the east now that they are hard to land. Schrubb is considered by experts to •be one of the greatest distance run ners of modern times. He is: to meet Longboat in New York, within the. next " few days, and if he is successful in \u25a0 beating the Indian he -Wfll be look upon as the biggest MaMathon card in the business. - Schrubb' has done- most 'of bis great work at a- distance of. .-ibout 15 miles, but his friends claim ihat he can go the whole route. of 2< miles 585.. yards with any of them'and Jinish strong^ -_ • AUKLI.AXUS RECEIVES OFFERS J^AN JOSK. Jan. 10. — Information loaked out today that several club owners in the California State league were flirting with Frank Arellanes, the .«>ng California.!! who played the tail md of the season" with the Boston Americans last year. Arellanes is here, and'whlle'hn will not affirm the rumfer, he will not deny it, which gives it; some • olor of truth. Cy Moreing of Stockton fs eaid to be the magnate who is after the pitcher. \u25a0 D IS ATH CLAIMS RACING WMAX^ S\X AKTOMO. Tex.. Jau. 10.—\£il liairn H Sims, a well man, died \u2666oday following an -operation, v VX.XSS A.VO I»A"PKIS SIATCHISD LOrf AKGl^Lli^s. Jan. 10.— Jim; Flynn and Billy Papke have been: matched to lijrht 1 0 * roundP/hftfore McCarey's atli .Aic club; in fliiM city on a February dale to be decided later. CLEVER MARKSMEN BEGIN ANNUAL SHOOTING Good Scores Made: by Members of Clubs Competing at Shell Mound ' \ — \u25a0\u25a0 ' ' OAKLAND, Jan:" 10.— The majority of the shooting clubs which compete at the Shell Mound' ranges began their annual competitions today. Despite the cold weather a larero nnmiipr of marks men were present. D. B. Faktor, shooting in the. expert class of the San Francisco ' schuetzen verein, made the creditable score of 214 and excelled the scores in all other classes. J. H. Kuhlke was high man in the ehoot of the Independent rifles, with a score of 65. F. Schohay was second with 51. * Captain J. D. Heise won the honors in the Norddeutscher club's rifle competi tion with a score of 223. Following are the scores made by the members of the various '.clubs: Irish Volunteers" .monthlj medal shoot — Cor poral J. P. Waters. 39; S. Dineen. 24: Corporal T. Moj-nlhan. 31: John French. 3S; M. O'Xell. lo: M. B. Toomey. 22; J. Doody. 19; D. O. SulllTan. 2S; A. Murphy, 40; -M. Moynlhan. 35; H. p. Falgan. 3S; D. llarnedy. 37; P. Ilerlrhy. 37; Captain Thomas McXaboe, 17: Cornorsl D O'Connel. 36. . San Francisco ' turner ' shuetzen. ring shoot — C. Abrahams. 147. 150; F. J. Klatzl. IC2, ' 180; Captain J. Straub. 140; D.- Daridson \u25a0' 100. -188* Lieutenant A- Furth, 15tf, 143; C. Sagehorn, 123. 161; H. Ence, 178. 213; Lieutenant ' E. Fliscbw. 115. 102; J. Ottnat. 105. 104; J. J. Kuchn. C 5. 101; J. J. Mahr. 94. 102. Independent Rifles, monthly medal shoot—' J. H. Kuhlke, Co; F. Schohay.' 51: J. Donotan, 41; P. Schntr. 57; P. Volkman. 01; J. H. Bush, SO; A. J. -Stacy. 30: A. Christensen. 44; J. Steiner. Sl;' Captain J. C. Moore. CS; Captain 11. Schllchtman. 37: G. w. Steffens. 27. San Francisco schcetren verein, 'medal ahoot- Inr. expert class— l). B. Faktor. 214; champion class, 11. Bornholdt. 211 : ; first class, " Augrust Westphal. 205; second claw. H. Interman. 203; fourth class, K. Hoffman, IC4. Bullseye scores — H. Huber. 229; D. B. Faktor, 241; n. Born holdt, 500; F. Schnster. 509; O. Lemcke. 756; Captain J. D. Heise. 816; A.' Junglblut. 054; H. Heine. 1,000; J. De Wit. 1.051: A. Westphal. 1.211; E. Bottscher. 1.506; G. Gunther, 1,551; F. Itust. 1.705; F. Hensel. 1,785; Captain Stel lins. 2,110. Xorddentseher Bchnetzen clnb. bullseye scores — H. Rosenreldt. 271; H. Ilubcr. 632; J: D. Heise. 761: G. H. Bahrs. 765; O. Lemcke, 1,082; D. Schwormstede, 1.059; W. F. Ganns, 1.295; August Westphal. 1.540; F. P. Schuster, 1,325. Golden Gate pistol and rifle club, monthly medal pistol shooting — J. B. Gorman, S2. 92, 02, 83; G. Armstrong. 89. 89. 89. 94; C. Whaley, SO. 87; SI. W. Housner. 76. 81: K. M. Jones, 77. 77. 7», Si: M. Witt. BS, 89; E. Zion. 54. 6S. Kifle scores— J. M. Klassen. 224; G. Pattberg, 219. 200; G. M. Barley. 214, 208; B. Jonas, 210, 208. 202: W. P. Blassc, 213. 209: K. Klndpren, 165; C. W. Whaley. 150; M. W. Houraer. 196. Germania achuetien- club, expert class — O. Bremen 211; H. Hnber. 210; C. M. Henderson, 212. 214; F. Mason. 208. 207; J. Tammeyer. 214. Champion class— W. Blasse. 207; U. J. Fraser, 224. 210: J. D. Hetse. 1»«: B. P. Jones. 205; Captain Stilling, 21G. First class— G. Bahrs. 199; H. Bornholdt, 209; S. Helno, 207; August Westphal. 194. Second class — J. de ViTlt. 161: G. Pattberg. 212. 207. Third class— <J. Bottscher. 162. 16S; B. Hoffman. 158. BOOK KEEPER TETSALL EXPLAINS PECULATIONS Roscnthal's Man Wanted to Buy Ranch With Money Still denying all knowledge of the attempt to destroy the Rosenthal store by fire, Fred J. Tetsall, the book keeper of that firm, who- confessed to stealing several thousand dollars from" the com pany, is .confined in the city prison awaiting the result of the; Investigation by the police. He told the same story yesterday, of how he spent the Saturday night the night of the fire, and Sunday, as he did on Saturday. Mrs. Tetsall called on her husband yesterday in the city prison. . The meet ing between the two was almost a repe tition of the day before, when the young wife was all but overcome with grief. . * Asserting that it was his wife's Illr ness which prompted him to steal, Tet sall said that he wanted to buy a ranch in Xapa county, where he might take his wife to regain her health. Tetsall also recited how. several business un dertakings of liis failed and that he lost several hundred dollars of his own money, and this made him desper ate and he stole from Rosenthal. He had embarked Jn the egg business and had interested himself in various other undertakings without success. He asserted yesterday that he had in tended to make good his peculations and that he had already begun to re store the stolen money when his theft was discovered. BOTH CONSTRUCTOR EVANS AND WIFE ARE ILL Divorce Case Will Be Called in Fairfield Early This Morning The startling: exposure of the domes tic troubles of the family of Naval Constructor Holden A. Evans of Mare island has been followed by the seri ous illness of both Evans and his wife, Mrs. Maude Evans, the former London music hall actress.. - Last evening: Evans was confined to' his home at Mare island, suffering from severe pains in the head, and at her retreat in this city Mrs. Evans was re ported to be seriously ailing". In spite of the Illness of Evans and the fact that he was released, from the naval hospital late yesterday afternoon, it is understood that the divorce case will be called at Fairfield. Solano county, this morning,, at" 8:15 o'clock. If the constructor is not able to be about, however, the case will be post poned until tomorrow or such time as he is able to appear. Personal Mention John Hadley of New York Is at the Savoy. 1.. Burnett of Sacramento is at the Holland. D. N. Manning: of Eureka is at the Baltimore. E. Allard of Los Angeles Is a guest at the Stewart. ' ; W. K. Kinley, a railroadman of Chi :ago, is at the St. l<"r<incis. Senator \u25a0 John I*' Wilson of Seattle is staying at the Fairmont. Dr. H. B. Mitchell. of Los Angeles is a guest at the SL Francis. ': Louis Spitz, a real estate man of Seattle, is at the Argonaut. J. B. Fields, a banker of Monteres*, is registered at the St. Francis. ,- ; *; John Coughlan of Vancouver, and A Lindsay of Sacramento are at the Manx.' Dr. and Mrs. O. Chambers : of Rock Springs, Wyo., ; are guests at the \u25a0 Fair mont. \u25a0-' :/ . : / ' Dr. and Mrs. G. G. :R. Kinney"of Tacorha are guests at the Union Square. 1 . C. L. Clark of -Siskiyou and George Ij. Hughes and wife of Winters" are at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ellis Ladner of Van couver are" spending their honeymoon at. the. Stewart."... Frederick Swan ton," m.anagor?"of the Santa Cruz Beach company, is staying at the St. Francis. . - '; Mr., and Mrs. George Whittell"have returned v . from a » trip. o;»st and taken apartments; at the FairmonL"; A. Lindsley/ secretary of .tharailvvay conductors,, is at the . Manx registered from -Sacramento. He is accompanied by, Mrs. ; Lindsley. Mrs. L. riansohon!.' left San. Francisco yesterday ; for a visit, of six weeks : at New York. While she -is^iiv the;eastern city she will stay at the Hotel St. An drp^J§BHMHß(inii THE SAN ERAyCISCO /)ALI) MONDAY; J^NIJABY 1900. Steamer M. S. Dollar Loses Mascot and Ship's Company Mourns Big Norwegian jFreighterU GHafter Here for Repairs The steamship M. S. Dollar arrived yesterday from the orient, and although the* .'vessel made a good run there was grier on board uwing to the death of ; Boko, pet monkey and mascot. Boko was accidentally killed the ] day before the vessel reached this port. The little monkey- was taken . oh board (at Hong kong." He was a lively, sprightly:^ and gentle, little creature, 1 - and the- officers ari?l crew took to him at once. : \On the way across the. Pacific: He was the life of theentire ship's company. V When the steamSr .: left ; San Pedro for this port Boko was, running around the deck in the gayest of spirits. At night he' was missed, and although a search was made for him he > could i not ; - be found. The next ' morning his kittle body was, discovered on : top of one. of the .boilers with a J great hole pierced through his heart. It was evldentßoko had tried to make a* long leap and had fallen, striking some sharp-part^ of the machinery. He was burled- with sailor honors. The only passengers on the Dollar were Miss Frances L. Mathew and her father. J. M. Mathew: j Miss Mathew. had won some prominence; as an'au thor. She joined the vessel: at Astoria and made the voyage with It to the orient and then back to- this port ' The M. S. 1 Dollar was 59 "days , from Hongkong, 29 days from Mororan and 38 hours from San Pedro/, Cornea to Port for Repairs The^ T orwegrian steamer Henrik Ib sen put. into port yesterday for re pairs, * The? Ibsen came from' Newport to Ancon, bringing coal to' tha^ point for us<Tof the Pacific fleet. When the coal was being, discharged Cap tain Standwitz discovered that sev eral of the " plates on both" the port and starboard sides had been 'sprung. He deemed it' best to put into this port .for repairs, although he was ; or dered to proceed to Grays Harbor Captain Standwitz does not know where the vessel will, be repaired, but he thinks that Uncle Sam will probably send the vessel up to the dry dock at Mare island. . v After' the Ibsen discharged its cargo at Ancon the government ' rechartered It to J. J. Moore & Co., to go to Grays Harbor and load lumber. Now' that the' vessel -must be repaired, it Is,pos sible that It will not be able to. make its objective point atUhe time speci fied In the charter. In that case the charterers can cancel their contract if they so desire. Gets New Foremaat The hauling out of the foremast of the bark Annie Johnson attracted at tention from the passersby -on the water front yesterday. The Annie Johnson is lying along side . Howard street wharf No. --'2, close up to East street. On the dock there is a donkey engine which, by means of an improv ised derrick on the bark, is slowly raising up the old mast. The new mast is all -ready to be placed In position, and Captain Nilson expects the work to \u25a0be , finished by the end of the week. -• The : vessel ; will then resurao her run to,Hllb. " / It Is possible that the - mainmast may be replaced, . should - the under writers find the change necessary. Sights Biff Drifting Tree Captain Dorrls, of the steamship Homer, which arrived yesterday,: three days from Astoria,, reports that Janu ary 9, at 9 a. m., when 5 .miles north northwest of Blunts Reef lightship, he sighted a big tree. 'It was well out of the water and had large branches and roots. It appeared \u25a0\u25a0 to 'be about 80 feet In length. Patrol Again In Service The police boaf Patrol, '\u25a0\u25a0 > which has, been over on the Oakland .ways for the 1 ; last week receiving a - generalntouch ing up. is back again -.ln-the" f service and at its old dock. Mission No. 1. • t , Transports Seiner Stripped Both the transports Crook*- and Sher man, . now lying at the transport dock, are being stripped as 'fast as possible of /fittings and, furnishings, and in "ft short time they, will . temporarily go out of 'service; ' "v| •.„ : \u25a0 The transport; Logan, now'undergo ing extensive repairs at the Rlsdon iron works, will soon be ready to go into commission. Will Unload Coal The bark Agate, which has been ly ing at Butchertown for ; the last six months laden with coal, was towed up to the Western Fuel company's dock at Mission street wharf No. 2 yesterday and will begin discharging there today. Returns From the North The tug Hercules returned yesterday from ' Tacoma, to which port' lt had towed the old ,-bark : St. James. The Hercules was 76 hours making the run down the coast. -;,-;. \u25a0 Sails From Ilomplalu The Pacific Mail" steamship Man churia sailed from Honolulu 'Saturday afternoon at "5" o'clock; bound, for .this port. It should arrive; here Friday af ternoon. ... Lumber Arrivals \u25a0 Lumber arrivals ; from the north coast yesterday by sea amounted to 3,415,000 feet: - ; -. " SHIPPING NEWS OP COAST Items of Interest \u25a0to Mariners of. the Pacific SAN PEDHO, Jan. 10.— Tha; British steamer Vaduo, Captain Johnson, arrired . today,, out 10 days - from • Victoria. B. C. with a cargo of fertilizer. The steamer . was delayed by head winds, and fog. The Vadsoi will load a return cargo of asphaltum for British . Columbia. The * steamship . State .of California.- Captain Thomas., arriyed., this morning from' San Diego and . after taking freight and passengers she cleared for San rYnncliTcn. /''^ftvipftsgfyxDskMSA - The steamer Argyle. Captain Dlckson, arrtrefl this . morning from Oleum with 27,000 , barrels of refined oil ' for • the \u25a0 Union ; oil company.' . The Argyle will load a full cargo of •: cnlde oil at Terminal. ' '* -; ,- \u25a0 \u25a0-;:\u25a0;. . . ASTORIA, Jan. 10.— Steamer -Breakwater ar rived today . from < Coos ' bay ' with :\u25a0 freight . and passengers, and left up -the- river <In an attempt to reach Portland through the ice. : . Steamer . Northland .. arrived i today from • San Francisco and tied up at this point. The North land is \to load lumber at Portland. : but « it \u25a0 will be several days before the ; river ' will be open. : Steamer Tallac • arrived . today \u25a0 from ; San Fran cisco to load lumber," and will leave up as soon as the river open*. - - : \u25a0. , . : - i ; " Steamer ~ : Majestic, which .'was to goiupithe river •to ; load • lumber. " received .; orders • today •to proceed to \u25a0' Port * Townsend; and \u25a0:\u25a0 got : out >, this afternoon."-..-.' •"--/\u25a0 -•.<-'»"\u25a0; _ ;: \u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0-' \u25a0 "-; .: ; ,•• : - ; Steamer Argo Is tied: up" at this point, . await ing au opportunity, to- get. up; to Portland. '\u25a0 Army- Transport* -\ ' Tlw , togan \u25a0is in x port. The Crook Is in port. The Buford left Honolulu . December 14 for Manila./: ' ~ \u25a0 . , The Sherman Is In port. . / The Warren" ls at; Manlla>-~ ''.The Sheridan," homeward bound, sailed January 5 from Honolulu. -. . . \u25a0_..<• „ - The Thomas sailed '- January . ; 5 for « Manila, r\u25a0,..;r \u25a0\u0084 .; \u25a0 "The l>lr;r homeward' bound /from "'Manila to Seattle., arrired December 27; at Honolulu. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED • Saturday, '; January 9. ," • Stmr Sea Foam, Lee, • 15 s hours from \u25a0 Mendo cino,', via I'olnt- Arena H-hours." '. - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 :; ' Sunday," January 10. \u25a0\u25a0t' Stmr ' J. • " Marhoffer, TVlnkel, 83". hours -from Grays ' Harbor. --' \u25a0.-.", \u25a0'-\u25a0 \u0084.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0• .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;.'..-. Br ' stmr M. S. Dollar, \u25a0 Cross, -. 60 : days i from Hongkong, ' via Mororan •'»> days, via.San- Pedro 38 -hours. ' . ' . -^--s-sS^ST ... \u25a0•\u25a0' \u25a0'" ' Stmr Helen *P. i Drew, Gunderaon.. 14 hours from •\u25a0 Greenwood; * bound ; south ; \u25a0 put ; In""', for f uel. • /•Stmr Brunswick,; Hammer,,. 15 hours; from Fort Bragg.".'- ' \u25a0 -•\u25a0' "y '\u25a0,'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' ! ' : - •'.".*. \u25a0 : y ''\u25a0'-\u25a0_ ; .-,. 'c-., - \u0084,\u25a0-•. •\u25a0,•\u25a0\u25a0 - Nor stmr; Henrlk.: Ibsen,,: Strandwltz, 10 days fromAncon.. .. :\u25a0.''\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'.'-' \u25a0' " ; v,;- -\u25a0y ". • '•'' V Stmr ) Bee, Olsen, ; 48 hours from ; Coos bay.' : ; BUnr ': Sboshone," Asplund, ' 41 • hours from \u25a0* San Pedro.*- \u25a0 .v r v \u25a0.\u25a0.;.»\u25a0- \u25a0\' i ,:r-, «-^..» •.-.\u25a0•.. . Stmr Carmel, Donaldson,' ; hours from fwil lapa:harbor. * \ '' ". a v \u25a0 ' ; - • •\u25a0:\u25a0" i Stmr. Aberdeen, Carey, 2tf.; hours from Ku rekit.i v ' ; \u25a0'\u25a0•'." /\u25a0_-_' ;;•:, \u25a0\u25a0\u0084'•. ,"\u25a0-\u25a0--- '\u25a0 •\u25a0; \u25a0 Stmr.Gracc Dollar, McCloments, 49 hours from Coos: bay; -•.:.- /-.-. v " ;'- .--••. ; •.\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0 .--'y --iyx.:-- "-..'•'•'-".U ' r> : *.'\u25a0 Stmr j Homer, Dorris," , 4 days '' from / Portland, MOVEMENTS OF S T E A M E ftS ,:.-'.-. ':'• TO ARRIVE ' ,' ; :v';- .From . I Steamer .|* Date..*! Puget Sound Porttf.'i;^* | Queeii Vr.CV: ?.' . - t.lan." lt» Portland & Astoria.. *.V|Vosemite .....; Jan: 11 San Pedr0. ... . . .'\u25a0 . rr: . j Norwood . . ... .'. Jan.'ll Portland ' & Astoria. . r. South Bay ... . Jan. 11 Jan .Diego & Way.' Ports State of Cal.. Jan. 11 Portland & Way Ports. O; W. Elder... Jan.' ll Portland &' Astoria:.".. Senator ..;.... Jan.ll New York- via Ancon:. San r Juan ,;.:.. Jan. 12 Eleele, H. 1. . . . . . . . ?.'} Hyades . . . . .... Jan. 12 San . Pedr0.'. . ;. . . .'.:'.'. ' Sagiuaw . . .... Jan. , 12 Humboldt .'.' . .'\u25a0- . .'. '.'.' '•'. City of ; Topcka. Jan. - 12 Seattle & .Tacoma . ..'.'. Buckman ..... | Jan. ; 12 Humboldt ' - .... . . .'. •• • • F. •A; Kilburn ..: Jan. \u25a0- 13 San - Pedro, i. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•"\u25a0*• \u25a0••'•"•.•'• Hanalei ....:.. Jan; : l3 San Diego & * Way Ports 4anta .Rosa.'.... Jan. -14 Point • Arena &. ; Albion. Potno '/.•. :..'.... Jan. , 14 Puget Sound ' Ports .".:.•'. City . of "Puebla. Jau.M China & Japan....,*.... Vlanchurla . . .v. Jan.: 15 San Pedro &='. Way} Ports 2oos, Bay : :*,".;. Jan.l'ls Grays Harbor. ;'.: . . . :';. Vewburg.r .; . . .. Jan.;ls Grays * Harbor: : . . ;v : . V*. -':".. . . : Jan. *• 16 Hamburg . & Way Ports icilia ?\u25a0";..'. .'.": . . '.1 Jau; ''. 10 San •Pedr0.".;.'.'..."":.;..". 3. W. Elder... Jan. 16 Portland**: Astoria.'.,. Tallac .;...... Jan.' lß Portland ,& ? Astoria..:. Rose ; City. ?.'.:*. Jan*. 18 y x .-.:; ;. v :; \u25a0-_. -.. 1 .-r- TOPSAIL. \u25a0 ; , : - .;.-\u25a0<; :."-•- .Destination "•', '-'"'. >|-' \u25a0'.: Steamer IL | Sails |Pler ; "^January -11 — -.-. \u25a0\u25a0';'. \u25a0'. -':\.'., \u25a0•.. , . .. _ . - Coos 8ay.. ........;... Czarina ..... 4 pm .... Los Angeles Ports. . . •• : Yosemlte ... 10 am 2 Grays Harb0r .......". . . Norwood ... . : . . . .". . : ; Los Angeles . Ports .'. '.". . G. W. Elder 5 pm 13 . \u25a0 January 12— \u25a0' ."' ' ;. ;. Seattle, tt' Tacoma. .. .; Chas. Nelson 5 pm 20- Astoria &\u25a0 Portland..'.. Homer ...'.. -l ? pra .2 Grays V Harbor. .:..'..'. . Saglnaw ... 4 pra J2 Willapa 'Harbor .".'..'...: Qulnault ... 4 pfa ' 2- Humboldt .:..•.....'.... North Fork.'. 5 pm 18; ;- January j 13— . .">;.. * ' • ;'•- \u25a0; -v ' Mentjocino & Pt. . Arena Sea Foam. i. 4 pm -4; New^ York via .Ar^n,-; Acapulco .'. : . 12 -m 24 .[ Honolulu.-' •'\u0084",.;"\u25a0/.\u25a0'.. .'::.. Ullonian," ..". 12> m '10' Puget Sound Ports. r.V. Queen ..;':.". ll^am 9 .•'-January-14 — ••' '\u25a0% ». -\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:• " ; •-.-; , \u25a0" r * Los Anpeles- Ports..... nanalel .... 3 pm Rii Humboldt .... .V . . r: . . City v Topeka. 10.30 al 9 . San Diego & Way Ports State' of Cal 9.30 all ' IlawaUau P0rt5... ..... Mexicau. .. 12 m 23 Humboldt ... ... . . . . '. .". Vauguard . . 11 am \u25a0 2 -c January: 15 — .' --"i. -.' ,•: / T Auckland A; Sydney...; Tweodalc .. 1 pm ..;. Astoria &' Portland. .'.'. South .Bay.. 12' m ; 2 Astoria '"& Portland..:. Rainier: '.:.. .... .... January 10— .?,, • . . : i; \u25a0 -: ' Matizanlllo direct. .,... 0;. Hanson.. -.... .;:•. Pt. Arena v& Albion::. Pomo •; .:...'. 6 pni -'a Japan & China.'. .v.'"V. China ....... 1 pm 12 Seattle & Tacoma... :..!Bu(]kmßn ... lpm 20 Astorla-fc Portland... .^Senator ;.'... 11 am 27 Portland & Way Ports. lG. W. Elder 1 pm 13 ; • January IS— .1 . Puget Sound Ports.... [City. Puebla 11 am 9 Los Angeles P0rt0.... Roanoke ... 5 pm 13": San Pedro & Way ForU'Ooos Bay .. 2pm 11 . i Grayß Harb0r. ....'..... iN'ewburg ... 3 pm !'. 7*/j - TO SAIL FROM, SEATTLE ' . Destination ;. • 1 *Steamer : | Date Seldorla & Way. Ports. (Portland .'.'.... |Jan. 11 Skagway.i Way Ports. trottage City. :..|.Tan. 13 Valdez & ; Seward. , . . . .{Pennsylvania S . . Uan. 10 Valdea- & Seward «| Santa . Clara. . . .| Jan. 24 via Astoria 3 days. '{'<*', Tug ; Hercules, \u25a0 Thompson, 78 hours from Ta coma. ; , \u25a0 SAILED Saturday. January 0. : Stmr Rosecrans, Holmes, . Monterey, with schr \u25a0 Monterey In tow. .-.•'- Schr Monterey, Kelly, Monterey, In tow stmr ; Rosecrans. . .\u25a0•\u25a0•>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Sunday, January 10. Stmr Lakme, Dahlquiat, San Pedro. Stmr Asuncion, Bridgett, Portland*. \u25a0 Stmr F. < A. » Kilbnrn, fMcLdUn,; Eureka. . Stmr Helen P. Drew, Gunderson, . Sau Pedro, j Stmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, San Diego, etc. i Stmr Ravalll, Nelson,' Eureka.'. '- Power 6chr Newark, Jahnsen, Byxbee landing. Stmr Slioshone. Ah]iliuuJ,' Aslorlu. OUTSIDB BOUND IN— lO P. M. . Schr Snow ' & Burgess. ' • TELEGRAPHIC i .POINT LOBOS. Jan 10, 10 p. m.— Weather, clear; wind, northeast ;' velocity, tf miles, per hour. , -._-- .. - BST UNITED. WIRELESS \u25a0Stmr Pennsylvania, from - Valdes tot \u25a0- Seattle, 1 Jan 9,, 6:30 p. m., passed Eastevan point. Stmr Enterprise, Jan 9, 8 p. m:, 70 miles. off San Francisco, . hence for. Hllo. \u25a0 '-:\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0;•. ;>\u25a0•* Stmr Enterprise, Jan 10, S p. m.', 315 miles ; out; frpsh - southeast - breeze. ' -••,-'-' -r Stmr Rose City, Jan 10,11:40 a. m.';'off Rogue river..' ,\u25a0 ..\u25a0 \u0084;..\u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0•-...• .\u25a0 \u25a0. , \u25a0 .-\u25a0 . Stmr. Jan . 10, '. 5:30 . p. m., at ! Cape Blanco; . tine weather, . smooth sea, light north east wind. Stmr - Buckman, Jan 10 8 a. m., off Willapa bay; Tdml east; ralu. '\u25a0 Stmr Yucatan, Jan 10, 6 a. m.. off Cape Cook; fresh northeast wind; cloudy weather. Stmr Pennsylvania, . Jan 10/6 a. m., ' passed Race rock light;; moderate sea; will- arrive at Seattle at: 11:30; a '.m.' - - .- . ; , Stmr Portland,. Jan 10, 10:30 p. m., 25 mll?a_ out of Seattle, bound \u25a0; north to V'aldez. . DOMESTIC PORTS ; TATOOSH— Passed out' Jan 10— Ship, in tow. POINT. LOBOS — Passed . Jan 10 — Stmr Pasa dena, from San Pedro, for Albion; stinr Tamal pals, from -Willapa.! harbor, for San Pedro stmr Helene, from --Willapa harbor, for San Pedro. : : " VENTURA— Sailed ; Jan 10-rStmr George Loo .mis," for San Francisco. \u25a0- - : .-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.- \u25a0. . SANTA BARBARA— Arrived i Jan 10— Stmr Norwood, from San Pedro.' ,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . ' | Sailed Jan 10 — Stmr Norwood, for San Fran clseOi *.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0:'<\u25a0\u25a0,-\u25a0\u25a0: ''\u25a0' '-•• " \u25a0 <> REDONDO— Arrived Jan 10— Stmr Maverick, henc« Jan 8; tug Navigator, with scbr Roderick Ddu In tow, hence Jan 8. PORT SAN. LUlS— Arrived Jan 10>-Stmr Roma, from; Seattle; stmr Whittler, from San [ Diego ; ' etmr Santa Maria,' \ from . Panama. \u25a0 1 . Sailed Jan: 10— Stmr Roma, for San Francisco; atmr Whlttier, \u25a0 for San Francisco. , . SAN - DlEGO— Arrived \u25a0 Jan . 10— Stmr Missou rian, from, Sallna Cruz. " . .: OZ2i PEDRO— Arrived Jan 10— Br stmr Vadso, from Victoria ; stmr ' State of . California, from San' Diego. ' \u25a0 - " .;> Sailed . Jan 10— Stmr ' State of California, for San Francisco. . \ ' -.' POINT REYES— Passed Jan* 10— Stmr Helene, from Willapa harbor, for, San Pedro. SEATTLE— Arrived Jan 10— Stmr « Pennsylva nia, from Valdez; Br stmr Titan, from- sound port- \u25a0 "-.": .:\u25a0"'.' ' -.;:'' "" :: :." - : : "./ .',\u25a0 -•--. V-'-O'V-J ASTORlA— Arrived Jan 10— Stmr . Breakwater, from Coos i bay : stmr; Northland, hence , Jan " 7 ; stmr Tallac, hence Jan 7. Sailed Jan > 10— Stmr Majestic, for PortTown «ead.'.-< '\u25a0\u25a0 '. ..' '>/\u25a0--' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 - ; - '\u25a0- - ' FQREIGN PORTS . \u25a0; : VICTORIA— Arrived Jan 10— Br stmr BoNrerlc, for . Crof ton, hence Jan ; G. ' Sailed Jan 10— Nor, stmr Tortlenskjold, for San Francisco. \u25a0..:.*\u25a0•\u25a0,:-:\u25a0-..' -' .\u25a0 :, ' OCEAN* STEAMERS ; NEW. YORK*— Arrived • Jan 10-^Stmr La - Bre- ; tagne,: from Havre;? etmr Celtic, from. Liver pool ;mtmr Bnenos : Ayres, . f rom Genoa. - >. \ LONDON— Arrived \ • Jan I 10 T Stmr ", Assuan, from San Francisco, via ' Masfillon, , etc.,; for Hamburg. ' \u25a0-'. • v .'•\u25a0\u25a0,' ; '-, ':'.,,'\u25a0'.\u25a0 '\u25a0• ' \u25a0' ;\u25a0; SOUTHAMPTON— Arrived Jan- 10— Stmr New York, from New ; York. . sLIVERPOOL-^Salled Jan 9~Stmr. Oanfa. for Tacoma. ';.."*\u25a0?" -. -.' Memorandn ; _> Stinr . Yosemite, leaTtas Astoria for San Fran cisco, ran into ' stmr ?. Majestic.'; anchored '\u25a0 In the stream off .'Astoria,", bound for,: Portland. :' The Majestic ; had her stem ' 6pllt "from under ; water up. - Damage \to Yosemlte,; if any, ', not yet'ascer tained.; 5 will> havevto be^dry dotkoil! for repairs. \u25a0 Left Astoria I this ; afternoon (Jan - 10) •\u25a0 for Port . Townsend, - afcountTbf : ice ' in the /rlTer. :,'/'. : ' '"^ < - -..^v, \u25a0 : --' ' '\u25a0' '. - -••\u25a0 Per ' Nor stmr ; Henrik i Ibsen," from Ancon,' at San Francisco Jnn 10-f-While'descharginp coal'at Ancon ' for Pacific i fleet \ found . several plates t on both sides badly ; sprung ' and damaged ; put In -to San ' Francisco for repairs. :-:• \u25a0-•'". Per, ; ; stmr ;, Homer, .», at" San '•; Francisco Jan -10 from- Astorla^^-Jan a 9,'? 9:30 a.s m.. five miles north-northwest of < Blunfs reef : liKhtshi p, . passed close * to \u25a0<: a J large \u25a0 tree ' with .*» big "a roots .. anil branche » sattached. ' CO toj SO feet : approximately,; trunk , showing : ,Avell rout .of, water. .. .. ? E. F. HUTTOH & CO 490 California St." fl Tel. Douslas 2487] St. Francis Hotiel.;: Tel;' DopBIM3OS2! Members New; York' Stock Exchange , r Pioneer ;Honse- " Private \ Wire | tolChlcnjro and . \u25a0 j rNr»rf ; yorlc :"".; B. 3E." SIUIiCAHY, Mana B er : :;" ATILAHfTIC ? ? <^EAN;;THAVEI,i j \u25a0 Compagnie; Oenerale Transatlantiqae : -DIRECT > LI NB'f.TO HAVRE-PARIS !;« W Sailing '\u25a0\u25a0 every :' Thursday. \u25a0 Instead Vofi, Saturday at 10 : a. - m."» 1 1 row pier 42, North .river, '.foot o't Mortontst." ..-\u25a0', \u25a0';' -X '' '"\u25a0\u25a0' ~, IT- _\u25a0*-" --•'' " "\u25a0\u25a0-.'\u25a0/•\u25a0•• to. Havre, $.7.50 and- upward;- sec- ond class to; Havre.": soo; and upward., GENfra*t AGENCY FOR UNITED * STATES « AND iCAN: ADAGlO : State? at.. \New> York. a "J:.- F. •FUGAZI 1 Manager ; Pacific i Coasts 630 : Montgomery st ' San 'Francisco.-- Tickets *old by all railroad ticket . a . c< -? "••,' \u25a0 ' i '\u25a0 : " \u25a0 .- \u25a0• . .\u25a0 . . Weather Report *\u2666* '_ , _ . — __. . - -...", \u25a0 ... \u25a0 . '\u2666 United Statejs department - of ; agriculture—^ Weather; bureau".* San Franelsco.-Jan.- 10,^1909. . •."«_•\u25a0 RAINFALL" DATA _ \u25a0 .'\u25a0: ,•. ' *v?? I^st~- Seasonal -•-•;• •\u25a0 . Stations— -^ V "TV"" 24 hrs." to date.* Normal. Eureka ......;.•......:. ..<. : : 18.86 Red 1 81uff ........... 0.00 ' 9:41.- 11.19 Sacramento ....... ..0.00 ; '6.33 . :7.9S Mt. Tninalpais'. .V.. O.OfJ ' 11.01i r ; 9.59 San Francisco: .;... 0.00 6.10 : 9.39 San~Jose ;.;..... ....*0. 00 '\u25a0> 4.60 - 9.3r> Fresno . ! . . .....:. ;V 0 . 00 w , 2 . 04 4 . 00 Independence -....;. 0.00 + : 2.02 • 4.05 Kan; Luis 'Obispo ... . 0.00 7.11 --7.59 Los.Angelea ........0.00 4.81 '\u25a0\u25a0 5.93 San Diego :....;.;.. 0.02. 2.27 3:71 v .: r .:;... ...^.. a v -. ,K>- «\u25a0\u25a0 -.33 - 33- \u25a0 3 \u0084.:,,;, 1 • 1 ,vT .,':. Baker ........ 30.5tt 14 -2 N Clear .00 80i5e...... .'... ;;0.58 26 12 S ' Clear .00 Wagstaff ...... 29. 8S 42 30 W Cloudy Tr. Fresno .......00.24 50 34" W Clear .00 Independence .30.16 :42 32 NW Clear .00 Kollspell :.;;. 30.72; '."; 4 -14" NWvCloudy * .04- Ix)s 'Angeles ;r. 30. 12: CS :CO SW Cloudy ; .00 Modeua .... ...30.14 -,S4 — \u25a0 SE Clear .00 Mt.Tamalpalß. 3o.24*. 37' 30 ;K . Clear .00 North Head -..30.32 -30 — NW Snow .24 Phoenix ......29.98 66\46 IW "Clear J .00 P0cate110 "..:... 50. 48 24 10 .SW Clear* .00 Pt; Reyes Lt. .30.18 52 £jJB-'SE'> Clear .00 Portland w... .30.52 14 10 : SE \u25a0, PnCldy.OO Red Bluff i...:30.20>M8.i ...:30.20>M8. 30 NW Clear .00 Reno .v:.::;. *.30.40 J3O 14- Calm Cloudy .00 Roseburg f: .'.'. .30.34 36 , 20 :'- SE-^. Clear .00 Sacramento",:: .3o.2o -46- 8S N: Clear • .00 SaltiLakeV...'.3o:4o '24- \u25a0\u25a0^•\u25a0^Nv' Clear .00 San Diego ....30.08 60 "54. NW; Cloudy .00 San' Francisco. 3o.24' 50 40- NE: Clear .00 Ban Jose V; . .'.30.22 - 52 V 32 ':\u25a0 SW : Pt.Cldy .00 S.Luis Obispo. 3o;iß :52 44. N-. Cloudy .00 Sptikane *...... 30. 78 2 -4 NW- Cloudy- .02 •Summit- . . ... .... 24 2 NE Clear .30 Tacoma ....... 30. 50.' 22 18 NE ' Snow .24 Tatoosh :.'... ..30;38- 26 -22 E" Cloudy -.00 T0n0pah ;.....:. 30. 36 28 -16 NW Clear .00 Wa11a :...r:..:30.80> 2 -12 SW Cloudy Tr. Wlnnemucca • . .30.44 , : 28 10 ;NE Clear - . .00 Yiima; .....:..50.04 "70V48 :N 'Clear- '.00 ' •Average \u25a0 snow on ground : 121 \u25a0 Inches. ' \u25a0.*.-. c:,.: *.\u25a0; •::.-\u25a0; SYNOPSIS i; The '-, weather has :\u25a0 been cold and .; clear over California 'and Nevada, s \u25a0 The pressure is rising, steadily and \u25a0 conditions \u25a0. are ; . favorable \u25a0 for north east; winds I and 'colder- weather over -most of- the state: 4lf • the wind lulls ' heavy frosts : will occur in i the i great i valley ' and ;•• also \u25a0\u25a0 south -of -. the I Te- ; hachapt. ,T, Light " snow * has 1 fallen \u25a0 ln> Washington and S Oregon a and \u25a0 low '•} temperatures " .with : snow continue; in 'that; section. 1 ; The relative humidity at t Red -Blnff : was 72 ' per /cent and at \u25a0 Fresno 81 per^cent. "•" ' -'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0- "• - \u25a0\u25a0'.{"' / : '^ '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0:*:'? -".\u25a0\u25a0/ :\u25a0 .-'. FORECAST' San' 'Francisco -and vicinity—^Fair Monday; fro*t in the morning; brisk fast wind. . • > Santa - ClaraKvalley—^Falr Monday ; heavy, frost in' the "morning; "light north -wind. ' .: . "Sacramento valley — Fair' Monday ;"heary frost in tb* morning; cooler: light north wind. ' 'San Joaquinvvalley — Fair Monday; heavy frost In the morning;. light north, wind. Los Angeles and vicinity — Fair. Monday: cooler; probably heavy frost in the morning; light north wind. A. G.McADIE, District Forecaster. - Time Ball United States .branch hydrographlc office, Mer chants'.Exchange, San-, Francisco, January 11,-1909. \u25a0 The time ball on the tower of the ing . was , dropped today exactly at noon. Pacific standard time (120 th meridian), or at 8h..00m. 00s., Greenwich, mean. time.- -\u25a0-.--: - J.^3. BURNETT. » . Ijientenant, ' U." S. X., In • charge. San, . Moon and Tide United States coast and geodetic . surTey— Time and heights of tides jat Fort Point. For city front (Mission, street wharf) add 25 minutes. MONDAr. ; JANUARY 11 Sun rises. ';..'. 7:26 Sun sets. .... ......*..... 5:11 Last quarter o* moon Jan. 14,* at 10:02 a. in. N>Tf moon -\u25a0•-:.:: .Jan. 21, at 4:03 p. m. tTime iTime Time JTime Janl i Ft I "Ft- 1 Ft [ Ft . " |H W ]L^W H W L W 11.. 3:56 " 3.01 9:00 3.2 ; 2:10 4.4 8:58 0.6 12.. 4:27% 8.0 9:53 2.9 3:10 3.9 9:40 1.1 13.. 5:00 5.0!l0:55 2.0 4:32 3.6 10:17 1.2 14.. 5:25 V 5.0111:52 : 2.2 6:02 3.6 11:00 2.0 15.. 5:52 5.112:30 1.0 7:10 3.6 11:47 'JA IG.. 6:21 3.4a:28 0.9 8:35 3.8 ..... 1 U. S. Branch Hydrogrrphle Office A. branch of, the United States hydrographlc office, located- at the Merchants' Exchange, Is maintained sln San Fmnclsco for the benefit of marlnerft, without regard to nationality and free of expense."- Navigators are cordially InTitcd to rlslt \u25a0\u25a0 the office, > where complete sett of charts and enlllnjf directions of the world are kept at hand for comparison and reference and the latest information can always be obtained regarding lights, dangers to navigation and matters of in terest to ocean commerce. . '"- • : 3. C. BURNETT. Lieutenant. U. S. NY. In charge. - ARRESTED AFTER qiTARRK f. /•Following: a bitter quarrel In the home of Antone Rose, a carpenter, who lives at 41C Eighth avonue, John Soderholm, who. Is also'a carpenter, is alleged to have struck Rose with brass knuckles last night. Soderholm was arrested by Policeman Rose was taken to the central emergency hospital.. PACIFIC'OCEAX TRAVEIi \u25a0 2*£7F"7S^ : Steamers leave -Broadway /QX^-^S^ Wharves .(Piers 9 and 11). i'bGlLi '\u25a0•'•- p^ ( m low rates, ixclcdixg UXI VSjKfffl A-n BERTHS AND MEA L 3 I ( YttEtfk) I SPECIAL ROUND TRIP V^\ FOR LOS ANGELES >Qj_TECR?/. - SAX DIEGO J<3Sp>< SAXTA BARBARA SANTA' ROSA .... Every Sunday, 9:30 a. m. STATE OF CAL. .. .Every Thursday, 9:30 a. m. FOR SEATTLE, TACOMA, VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER; B. 'C, PUGET SOUND AND ALASKAN PORTS QUEKX ;'; : ."; . . . : . ; Jan. 13,1 28. Feb. 12, 11 a. m. CITY PUEBLA.. "...Tan. 18, Feb.. 2, 17, 11 a. m. UMATILLA '•:••. .-..Jau. 23.- Feb. 7.: 22, 11 a. m. ; V And* Every Fifth Day Thereafter. ; ROUND TRIP SOUND EXCURSION*. 11* DAYS' \u25a0 I Round Trip,' Including Berth and Meals, $45. FOR EUREKA" (HUMBOLDT BAY) CITY OF T0PEKA................:....... Jan. 14, 19, 24, 20. Feb. S. 8. 13, 10:30 a. m. : And Every Fifth : Day Thereafter. FOR GUAY3IAS, MAZATLAN, LA PAZ, ENSENADA^ SAN JOSE DEL CABO, \ 3IAGDALENA BAY, SANTA ROSALIA (VIA' SAN PEDRO). CURACAO Feb. ,7,: Mar. 7.. 10 a., m. "ALASKA CRUISES; IOOa, Steamship SPOKANE; wiII leave Seattle 11 p. : va:. Juce \u25a0 15. 30, July 15,'. 30, -. Aug. \u25a0 14." - " Right- reserved to; change this schedule. '. TICKET OFFICES: . SAN. FRANCISCO— 3 ; Market at.; 41124 112 Maricet st. and Broadway Wharf. Telephone Kearny 492. General offices ........... .......112 Market st. Freight 0ffice*. . . : . . . ....... .' . .Broadway \u25a0 Wharf Oakland . ticket office . . . .... ..'/. .963 Broadway " C.'D. DUNANN, G. P. A.. San I'ranclscol'r . Toyo Kisen Kaisha (ORIENTAL ; STEAMSHIP COMPANY) B. 8. "Ciyo .Maru". '.'.'.Saturday, Jan. SO, 1909 S."-S.V'Tenyo Maxu' '...*.... Friday, Feb.. 26, 1309 8. S. "Nippon Mara": (via Manila) r.TrnT::r^-*rf . . . . . .W. ; '.;.'.-. .Friday, March '- 19. 1909 • . Steamers . sail from | company's ; piers,? Nos. * 42, 44,* near > foot . of • Second \u25a0\u25a0 st., - l.i p. ». m.,- for • Yoko- hama and Houßkocg. calling at < Honolulu,', Kobe (Hlogo) . \u25a0 Nagasaki ' and Shanghai; and connecting at ? Ilongkong with '* steamers -; for Manila," T India, etc. \u25a0 ; N"o . cargo received on board on 'day of call- ing. - Round 'trip tickets at reduced rates. i%*,7* ~- . For freight :\u25a0 and ; passage apply at office, ' 24 James, Flood building. W. U. AVERY. V \u25a0 . ' Assistant General \u25a0 Manager. vJ A PJV IN fIN CHERRY BLOSSOM TI3IE Program of Spring .Tours to Japan, -"; China, Siberia, etc.. for 'the asking. THOSi CbOKI <S* SON "';} 32T POWELL [ST.; V SAN FRANCISCb^ HONOLULU— S.VS.V AIameda - Bails . 11 »"a'.v mf *- Jan." f 3o.'.'o9. Special round trip $110. first class. TAHITI^'AND ? " NEW; ZEALAND— S. S. ,« Mariposa'' sails 11' a.- m. . Feb. '2., Special round <*' trip Tahiti, $125. Wellington,) N. Z., ;^260 :. round "• trip. * " • ''\u25a0 • \u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0• OCEANIC,. LI JfE,\673 Mkt.;St. ; tel. Kearny 123 L BAY v AND iNTERURBAN ROUTES . :^VaHejoVpNapa, iSt.OHelena: ;/ st;!helen'a— napa valley, route \u25a0\u25a0\u0084 % Montlcello S." S.l Co." and I Napa Valley.; Electric R.-r R: Co. :« V Close /.connections. . I?hi o— ROUND 'TRIPS DAI LV— 6 S Boats ; leavtp Sain Fra nclsco It :00; *J^9 : 45 ; a . m \u0084* 12:30? noon, v ! 3:15, t sB:oo,* ! '8:SO:y- m. ; ; \u25a0M San '; Francisco ? landing t and ' office,"; Clay i street wharf," north ' end r ferry ; building, Market street ferry. . Meals al ; la ctrte.V' 'i^fflMoiJ PUooe '; X earny; 406. ;..,:.- ; a ; '"Lands n navy -i yard * direct. -' I. . - ---\u25a0 ... = \u25a0 .' PARK ORCHESTRA DRAWS THRONGS Crowds Hear Theodor - Vogt's Aggregation of Instru mental* ists in .Excellent Program Question of Brass Band or Or for Golden, Gate Re= \, mains -Still Undecided Though the day was cold and music enthusiasts at the park had to pull their .>.' coats .and about them closely, there wa?_ a bigger crowd seen at the band stand yesterday than has congregated there at music's beck since the fire. The- occasion was the Initial concert given by ' the newly formed orchestra under, the. direction of Theodor; Vogt. Additional interest attached to the event, and served to bring out local musicians and music lovers, generally, through the fact that the concert was Inthe nature of an ex periment. Which does the public want most: an orchestra or a brass band at Golden Gate park? That was the ques tion, and yesterday's concert" was the argument of Attorney Vogt for the' de fendant—-the string orchestra. Attorney Cassassa,: past president -of the mu sicians'^ union, has already .BUbmittetl his brief for . the . brass band. - \u0084 . - ; /As: the jury r was not' polled yester- \u25a0 r day, there was no way; of discovering '_which * side" won. This much.was "cer tain, the etrings made a most artistic showing and applause which greeted such- numbers as 'Beethoven's andante \u25a0 con moto from his Immortal fifth sym phony, was overwhelming/. . It ,was equally certain that the .- or chestra of 45 • picked musicians was in splendid " trim and that The odor Vogt directed his Instrumentalists with .fine shading and deep musician ship. — i It must be conceded, from the stand point at least of the unbiased observer, that; the audience crowded close to the bandstand, in order the better to hear, and. that the ususual splectacle was pre sented of more persons standing up than werei seated." The weather was per fect for the strings. There" was- but little breeze -and .there .was as little dampness in the air as could be reason ably expected within a mile or so from the Paciflp ocean. Still, there was com plaint heard 'from those sitting on the outskirts of the throng, that it, was a "magnificent program in the wrong place." Others, however, contended that the concert was a splendid Justi fication of the stand taken by those who want music's highest expressions orchestrally scored, in place of the more noisy appeal of brass. STEPnBS MOTT. DEAD . LOS ANGELES. Jan. 10.— Stephen Hathaway Mott. one of the oldest and best citizens, of Los Angeles, died yes terday. ,He was aged 80 years. Mott came to Los Angeles in ISS4. He was for 26 years secretary of the Los Angeles water company, and was one of the original directors of the First national bank. CUTS THROAT- WITH RAZOR Edward CQSQuez, n. cigar maker liv ing 1 at; Grove ; and Clayton streets, at tempted to- commit sufcide yesterday by slashing his throat with , a razor, lie was removed to the central emer gency hospital. The wounds were found not to be serious. * • " " RAILWAY TRAVEIi TRAINS LEAVE l P^f SAN FRANCISCO N®/; Market' St Ferry Leave for — | A.M. I PJVL ~ Bakersfleld 18:00 8.00-10.00 Chicago ........ ... 8.00-10.00 Fresno 8.00 8.00-10.00 Grand Canyon 8.00-10.00 Hanford .. .. 8.00 8.00 Kansas City... 8.00-10.00 Merced •". 8.00 .8.00-10.00 Stockton ..-.:.... 8.00 4.00-8.00-10.00 Stockton. Oak- dale & Sierra Ry points..... 9.45 Tulare ; 8.00- 8.00-10.00 Visalia . ! . ....... 8.00 8.00-10.00 Yosemlte .....:,. 8.00 ... \u25a0 "" —^ California Limited tlirouxh to Chlcniro leaves at 10 jOO p. m. OPFfICESt 673 Market Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, San Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland. Northwestern Pacific R. R. SOUTHERN DIVISION", JA>\ 7. 1009. VIA SAUSAOTO For Saus nllto. Mill Va Ury. San Ra- fael — Daily — Every thirty mlnutea from 6:45 A. M. to 9:45 A. M.; hourly until 3:45 P. M..: then 4:15 and every thirty mlantes nntil 6:45 P. M.; then 7:45, 9:45 P. M. and 12 M. j: For Falrfax—JV'eek day»— «:4s. 7:15, S:IS. 10:45 A. M.; (2:4tT P. M. Saturdays only) 3:«, 4:15.-4:45, 6:15. 0>:45 P. M~ - Sundays— S:ls. 9:43.10:45, 11:45 A. M.; 12:45. 1:43, 3:45, 4:45 P. Mf ... * For Sun Qucntln— Daily— S:4s A. M. and 2:46 P.%M. S:l5 A. M. dally for Caiadero and way stations. -2:45 P. M. Saturday only for Cazadero and way stations. VIA TIBITROX - For Tibnron.' Hrtvedere and Sob Ra- fael— 7:33, •!):10. 11:00 A. M.: C 12:30 P. M. Saturday&«i»ly) • S:SO. 5:10. *6:8O P. M. . dally. On Sundays additional trips at 8:0O A. SI.; 12:30 and 0:S0 P. M. for San Bafael and Inter- mediate, points. • . • - '\u25a0 7:35 A. JI. dally for" Petaltima. Santa Rosa. Ilealdsbnrg, Cloverdale. Ukiab. Wlllits. Sher- wood.- Sebastopol and way stations. , i \u25a0 • . ! 7^35 A. M. . dally, except Sunday, for . Glea Ellen. • Guernevill^, .- P.iver Landing and way utations. . - . •, ' — i -f .." • .-; - 8:00 A. M. « Sunday .only — Petalnma. . Santa Itosa . , Healdsburg. OlovCTdale, Glen I "lion, \u25a0 Guer- nevllle.* Blver Landing and way stations.^ •-".'. - - 11:00 A. M. for Petaluma, Santa Rosa and way- i station i ». . 3:30 P. HI. dally for Petaluma, Santa -Rosa. Healdsburtr. Cloverdale. Uktab, Guernevllltf, Se- bastopol and way stations. . • i-'-- 5:10 P.. M.r dally for Petaluma; Santa' Rosa. Glen I.Hen duil way station?. S9S9B \u25a0 •To'Trburon only.' . - \u25a0 . Pacific -Transfer Company's Agents are au- . thorized ! to check baggage direct . from residence. Ticket . Offices North End Ferry Bunding and 874 • Market : street... Flood . building. ' f:MUIR WOODS *.:'. \u25a0"\u25a0'••:'\u25a0 ' -. AND--.' \' v t*,-. ' MT.;TAMALPAIS: ry.VwYsAUS AUTO FERRY HSSSSfOOT 09 BARKEt •T.'S'bS LEBAL HOUOAYS-SUNOAY TIME _ It. in Frudstr/ ~~ If. Hair Wttfe . It. TiaalwU * , * "WBIK ; SCJP? WEEK , BCX- WEES BDN- ', DAT DAT DAT /-. DAT ; DAT 1 9 :*3 a ©8:45 a t7 :2oa 1 1 :43 a / 7:20 a ~l 0:40 a ; \u25a0 1:45 a j.9:45a *:40p I2^O> 1:40 a M:43a ,*4:45p 10:45 a 02:40p 2:50p : 4:14p 12:45 a ...... 1 1 :45 a 4:20p 4iOsp *8:IOp 2:45 a ...... 1:45 p...... 5:15. ...... «:00a v.r.::: . 2!43pl V...:. •..-.-.•.-; 5:16> " *Sat. only. \u25a0' -.tMonday only. . i ©Tanulpaia only Tic Vet Offices— Sausilito Ferry and 872 Market. ; *; ; Geaeral OiEces— Mill V»Hey, California. : . (12th 'and \u25a0Jli»*l6n>— lially ix. Sunday— Lv" : 9 :30 a/i 1 :45 p. 5 :40 p. . Ar. : .7 :Soa, 0 : 10 a. 5:10 p. Sundays—^Lr.: r 0:30 a. • 10:10 a. \u25a0 12:15 p. 5:40 p- .-; Ar.:u0:10a,»ll:50a,- *4:35p,'6:l0p.' 'Granada Ex- \u25a0', press— -No itops.":r*.*'*' t 'CV-* v.^4*te^ti^^g-,. • \u25a0-; >>- ._ AIICTIQISf SALES -^ : \u25a0 jfe NEXT MONDAY, JAN. 11, 11A.M. Regular weekly sale. 100 horses, all kinds ot buggies, wagons, carts and harness. DubocQ Stables, Kith st. near Valencia. WM. CLOUGH, Auctioneer. Horses-at Auction TUESDAY. JAN. 12. 11 a. m. * • Fifty head , of » horses and , mares, .with a lot of work harness, some single harness, « wa***n3, 1 surry and 10 business buggiea. Sale takes place TUESDAY at VAX NESS STABLES on Van Ness ay. between Grove and Fulton. *to» s^s?4 At auction— Wednesday. January 13. at IX a. in. fin Oakland). I will sell a draft of cheap city horses, mare* and mules. They are 'the nil purpose kind, single and spans. 3 year olds and upward, welshing from 1.000 to 1.700 pounds. t'ons'cr.ia?nrs from lumber yards, draymra. con* tractors, • sreneral busine«9 and private families. Now is the chance for farmers ami carload bny» era. Guaranteed horses hooked for trial. Too can sell at this sale. 564 4th at. Oakland. __j J. W. MEDSIRO3. Auctioneer. JaS . Don't miss the Ms contractors* sale THtTRS* DAT. Jan. 14. 11 a. m.. Duboce Stable-. 13thi and Valencia ets. Heavy horses and mares, »ixu\ wagons and harness. RUs of all kinds. Wir. B ROD lE. Aoctloneor. RAILWAY TRAVEL — .- \u0084....-»..i -...,.. \u25a0 . . .\u25a0% /t?fJ^V Tniai !t»»« m 4 ara hi" y /q%sl2ss\ aaarm«al r^Bj an Francisco^ V^CT^i/ FERR*£ DEPOT : ' • Foot of Market Street LeaTß — VIA OAKLAND PIER— ArriW,' 6UOa HaywsrA Niles. San Jo»» 7JDBm - . 7,00 a Richmond. Port Costa, fienicia, Sni- tun, Dixon, Sacramento, Roctville, M.trysvilie, Rrdciir;, Dunsouir.... 7.23* 7.00 a Elmin, Vacaville. humacy 7.2«| 7.00* Davis. Woodland (M.-.ry*? il!e. Oro- - . v»lle>. T-'iliiamg, Masw ell. Willow t, Hamilton. Corninc. R^d Bluff. . . 7.28» 7.40 i Vallejo. Napn. Calistci*. Santa Rosa, Mirtinei. £sn l'aoion 9.28 a 7.40 a Niles, Plea tan son. Livcrmots, Al- tamont, Lathrop. Stockton 7.28 a 7.40 a Tr.icy, Loa Banoa, £erman, Fresno. ilanford, Viaalia 4.C8» B.ooa Rassd. Nawaik. CenterviJla. Ban .' „" Jose. Loa Gatos. Wrifbt. Laurel 5.48* 8.20 a Port Coata. Martinez. Byron. Tracy. Stockton. Merced, Fmao, Goihen • Junction (H.inford), Viwlia, Porter- vilK Bakerifield 4,43 a 8.20» Yoseaita Valley via Merced ... 4.43» 9.00 a Niles. livermore. Stockton (•Mflton), Valley Sprint. lone. Sacramento. 4.28 a B.ooa Sonora. Tuoluane and Aozda * 4.28ji 9.00 a Atlantis Express— Sacramento, Tru> kee. Ozden. Salt Lake- City, Denver, KaasM City 7.28» 9.40 a Richmond. Port Coata. U»rtia?».... 6.4 3 > 10.00 a Th« Overland limited-^ Denver, -' Kancts Ci:y, Omnha. Chicago..... ' 8.28» J0.20t Vallejo. Mara Idand, Napa 1 1.28 a 10.20* Los Aazrlcs Paasenger — Port Cotta, Jfartinex. Byron. Tracy, Stockton. lltrced. Fresno, Hanford, Viealia, Tularff. Daketsfield. Los .'jpk.. 7.481 10.40 a Goldiie'tl Pass.— Port Costa, Braicia. •' Sacramento Traekee, Bazen, it ins, P^SS . Tonopah. Goldueid, Lan«. Keeler.. 7.48 a 10.40 a llarysvillo, Chico, Red Bluff... 4.28» 1.20 a Nile*; Saa Jose- and Way SUtlont. . 2.43? 1.40? Rnaael, Alvarido, Newark, A jaew, San Jo*t ...» .:. 8,53? Z.OQf Saturday, only. Hunters* Train— Livermorv, Tracy, Newman, Gqs- tine, Los Banoa, Firebaajbr, Frwco. J 10.33* 2.20 i BeaicLt, onisun, Sacra mm to 1.03 i 2.2Ut Portland Express (via Davit). V9D- lisaas. Willows, Red Bluff. Weed. (llacDoei, Holland, Klamatb Falli), Aajibnil. Portland. 12.28» 3.00? Benicb, Winters, Sacramento. Wood- land. Maryivills and Croville..... 10.43 a 3.009 San Leaadro, Niles, San Jota 9.21 a 3.20? Port Coata, Martinei, Byron, lio- desto. ii treed. I'rwno. 12.03 a 3.30^ Via "fib aron,' We slNaja, St. Helena, - Calistori 10.30* 4.00b Vallejo, ilartinea, Ban Ramon, Napa, <M>rto IV Santa Rosa i.OSp 4.00» Nil«3, : lraey. Stockton. LodL. 10.28* *Aof San. Ltandro, Ilavvard, Nilet, I 13.28 a Pleasanton. Ltvermore \ J 1 1. 43a 6.00* Ths Orl Limit til— Newman, Loa Banos, Msn-iota. Fresno. Tulart, BakersSelii. Los Anjfles .......... 8.48* B.ooa Russell Saa Jose, Loa Gatos. Wricht. 8.43 a 5.ZO* SanLnndro. Nile*. Eao Jon 7.43 a 5.40 a Vallejo. Port Coata. I*enicia. fniron, Sacramento — RoaeviUs. Lincoln, MarysviUft, Orovil! 9 11.28 a 6,201 Eaatern Express— Olden. Pneblo, Denver. Kansas City, St; Louis, Chica z ' Porfc Coata, Beaicia, Eaenanto, Raao, Soarka 7.25» 8.40p Havward. Niles and Fan Joat. B. 48» J7.00* Vallejo, Martins a aad Way Stations. 110.35t 8.2Q? Orezon Ezpresa — Eacramento.llarya- ville. Redding. Weed Portland, - Puj«t Sound and Eaat '.. Mat, 9.00 i China and Japan Fast Mail — ,' Oii?n, Cheyenn*. Denver. Kaoaaa Gty. Omaha, Chica jo BJ23i o.oos Saturday only Hunters' Train— Saa Josa and Way Stations, via Newark. $&28f COAST LINE ; \u2666\u2666"(Tliird nml 'J'owtiseutl Streets) .' 1 3.25* Loop — 23d Street, Viaitaeion, \u25a0' South San FrsacUco, Valeaci* fit t8«38% t5.40a Loop — Valencia. Et.. Ocean View. t • . Centeianas. South San Franciaco, 23d Street, 3i and Townaesd t'-SO& - 6.40 a South Saa Fra nciaeo. 6aii Joae.Ga-1 ' roy. llollister. Pajaro, Watsonvilla, 1 •\u25a0». Santa Crui. Bo ul der Creek.Gleawbod. J "^"^ Dei Moiite. Monterey, Paeifio Grove. J B.ooa Tin Ooaiter — Saa Jow. Castro ville, Salinas, Sole dad. Cbaasior. Pasa Roblea Hot Sprfnci, Eas Luia Obiapo. Fismo, Ooeano, Gtmdalupa, Surf. Lompoe. Santa Barbara, ; Ventura. Oxnard, Los Anj»le».... 11A3% B.ooa Wataonville, Santa Cms, Boulder . ..v' Creek. Gtenwood, Del MonU, Mon- terey. Pacific Grove 11.43| 8.20 a South ?an Fr.ineisco. Palo Alto, Saa Jose. Wit Stations. 7.33 a 8.20 a Los Altos. MonU Vista. Los Gatos. . { |S*^ol* B.oos. Saa Jose. Gilroy.' Salinas, Cbaoalor. Paso Uobles hot Sprinim. San Luia Obiapo— Los (iato*. Wright, Laurel —Tres Pinos,— Santa Cms, Cal Monte, llinitt e; , Pacifis Grove. . . 4.OC* 10.40 a South Saa Fraa cisco, Burliszame, - San H(atso. Palo Alto. San Jose .... B.3Ca 10.40 a Los Altos Jinn ta \iata. Los Gatos.. I.lOsj .11. 1 5 a Bar Shore.. Visita eioa, San Bruno.. * 1.20 a 1 1.30 a Valencia St.. Ocean View, Colma, Cemeteries. Baden, San 8rua0..... t.33p 1 1 .40 a South 3:ia ' Fran e iwo. ?nr» Jo»e 18.20 a 2.00p South San Fran cisco, Palo Alto. Saa Jose 8.40 a t2.00» LoaAlte*. Monta Vista, Loa Gatos.. |3.20? 2. 1 0» Bay Shore, Viaita don, San 8r0n0. ... 4.45p 3.00* Del Uonte Expresa— San Jose. Gilroy. Chi tts n ilen. Watsonville, Santa Crtu. Del Monte. Uonterev. Pacific Grove. Salinas... 12.30J 3.20» South San Fra nd aeo. San Jose, Gil- - ror, Hollii ter, Tres Pine 5. ........ tO.2S« . 4.00? Sunset Express— Tucson. Demise Et Paso, Houstoa N«w Orleans, Paso Robles Hot Sprint*. San Luia Otnspo. Saata Barbara, Los Angelee. 1 1.40« 4.03 a Pataro, Watmn ftlle. Eaata Crux. ... 1 1.45 a 4.00 a Del Uonto. *Mon ter ey . Pacific Grove. I 1.45f 4.00? Kama* City, St. Louis. Chicsjo.... 1 1.40 a 4.20? South San Fra aeisco. San Jose. . . f9.00a fS.OO? 3an Bruno, San Ma teo. Palo Alto. San Jo's sn\ Way Stations. 9.40 a t3.05p Loop— 23l Str eet, Vititaeicn, Sooth San Fmneisco, Valencia Street. t8.15y t3.20» Rjl.tooJ. Palo Alto. MaySeld. Saa J069 I.JOP tS.2Oa I^Alfj.". Monta Vist*. Loa Gatoa.. .t7.20p f5.25» Bariia{vn«, S:ui Jlateo, £an Jo*e... f3.20p 6^o» Loop — Vsi en eta St.. Ocean View. • Cemeteries. So ath Saa ' Francuco, 23(1 Strtmt. 5i and Townf^)d .....;\u25a0 8.40f 8.40p ' South 3an V raa cisco , ban Brnoo. Sun Mateo. Redwood, Palo Alto. Santa - v Oars. Saa Joss. In Gates, Wright 7.40 a J5.40? Lrw Altos MonU Vbta, Los Gains.. $5.40p tS.OO? Millbrae, Easton, Ban Mateo. Palo Alto. SlayKeld, Los Altos, Monta Vuta. Los Gatos,' Wrightr.. tBJOa 8.05? 23d Street. Visita eioa. South Saa Francisco. Valeaeia Street 7.15 a t8.25p Loop— Valsn t» Street. Oeeaa View, w Cematsriea, South Saa Fraaeiaeou, 23d Street Sd and Towmftad *..... t7-40a 6.30? South San Fran cisco; £arv J0i*. . ... 6.40 a 8.00? Los Anzdes Pasaen fer— ftm^ilateo. ' " R«dv«ood. Palo \u25a0 Alto. Eaa Jose. Gflroy. Salinas. *Caaajlor. Paso ; Robles . Hot . Springs, San Luia Obiapo. Pisno, Santa Barbara. Loa , Attjcetes 8.30 a 11.45? South San Fna eisco. Palo Alto, San} 7.20p . J0»... .........-.....:..:..... f 7JOa tl.00? Sacramento River. Steamers. t»>-30» "Uaion'Transfer'.Coinpapv ajents collect bamge and * hecki on trains of Sodthern \u25a0*\u25a0 Paeifio aad deuver to < esideaee. They an authorized to check baaasjs direct .- rom residence. It ; a for Uorninr a for Afternoon, ii, i f Sunday axceptei : \u25a0 ISuaday ooi* t - 7