Newspaper Page Text
The San Francisco Call •_^ A^drexn All Communications to THE SAX FRAXCISCO CALL. Telephone "KEARXY Sfi"-A»k for The Call. The Operator \VIII Connect Wtth the Department Yon Wlwh. •ipuSINEJSS OFFICE ...;.•*.. ..-. Market and Third Streets, San Francisco • rniTr.tM.r ?,^S n Until, ll'o'clock Kvery Night in. the Year. EDITORIAL liOOALS. .\u25a0..;. \u25a0 . . ; .Market and Third Streets I.MAIX CITY BRANCH. .1651 Fillmore Street-Xear Post OFFICE-4CS 11th St. (Bacon Block). '{j^KSj^^g^fl •^VLAiIKDA OFFICE— 1435 Park Street .Telephone Alameda 559 ; BI2RKELEY OFFICE— S\V. Cor. Center and Oxford. . .Telephone Berkeley 77: .-CHICAGO OFFICE — 1C34 Marquette Bldg. .C.' George -Krogness, Special AseYit .NEW YORK OFFICE— SOS Brunswick Bldg.. Jos. C.Wiiberdihff, Special Agent 'WASHINGTON' CORRESPONDENT — Post Bldg//...:.V... ...Ira E. Bennett , SUBSCIIIPTIOX. RATES ' '. \u0084 Delivered by Carrier, 20 Cents Per Week/ 73 Cents Per . Month. Single 'Tvnvis by Mail, for UNITED STATES, Including Postage (Cash With Order) : J^All.Y CAI.J. (luoliiding Sunday), 1 Year :..7..;.. ....SB.OO ..I>AILY CALL, (Including Sunday). 6 Months .$4.00 • } >A 1 1 A" CA \A^ — By Single Month ........ .. .V. 75c - StNl »AY CALL, I Year '. . ... . . '...•• . .$2.50 • \v.i:i:kly call, i Year ..\u25a0.: .SI.OO FOREIGN \u25a0< Dail V •\u25a0 • • $B.°° Per Year Extra ,^ CT ._ r -j Sunday .$4.15 .Per Year Extra .POSTAGE ( Weekly .*.... ?1.00 Per Year Extra - •- , - \u25a0 : : : •». • .^Entered at the United States Postofflce as Second Claßs Matter. r-,.^: . ALL POSTMASTERS ARE AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS. Sample Copies Will lie Forwarded When Requested. •Mail subscribers: in -ordering change of address should be particular to -give '" both NEW AN II OLD ADDRESS in order to insure a promptNand correct compliance witll their request. ;; INDEX TO THE CALL CLASSIFIED ADS . ACCOTTKTAirrS Ccl. 4. P. 10 ADOPTION Col. 6, P. 10 AGENTS WAJTTED Col. 5. P. 3 APA2TKESTS Col. 7. P. 9 ATTCENEYE ; Col. 4. P. 10 . ArroMOEiixs coi. 1, p. 10 \u25a0 BUILSEKS Al.-D CO&rRACTOSS.. Col. S, P- W .2AKBERS AND SUPPLIES Ccl. 3, P. 9 - . SrSI^'TSS CHAJf CX3 ....*. ........ .C01. 2, P. 10 Col. 3, P. 10 f .- £CSi*£SS PEESOBTAXS Col. 5. P. 10 \u25a0 •;•• « \u2666• coi. 6, p. io \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0CAEPZT CLEAKIKC Col. 4. P. 10 j " CLAIRVOYANTS.. Col. 6. P. 10 j .- CH3.QPODIETS..'. .'...Ccl. 5. P. 10 | •COTTAGES TO LET Col. 7, P. 9} \u25a0 UrXTXSTS Ccl. 5, P. 10 j .SEXrCTIVES Col. 4. P. 10 1 .:i)SEBS KAKI2TG Ccl. 3, P. 10 , . . E2UCATIONAL Col. 4, P. 10 j ' rKPLO>'KEKT OFFICES Csl. 5. P. 9 j \u25a0 ".ndP-LOY&Ejrr waitted— kale. Coi. a, p. 9 i ' . '• - •• ...Col. 3, P. 9. "WTAirrED— Femaia CoL 4., P. 9 •'..: ESIALE HELP \CAJrTED Col. 4, P. S '•" : . ' •• •• •• Col. 5. P- » . • FjyAKCIAI, Cal. 7. P. 10 •- TCATS -TO LET CcL 7. P. 9 ...JFLATS FOR SALE— Fureished Col. 7. P. 9 .-• TOR SALE— MISCEIXAMXOUS Col. 1, P. 10 IFCaXITCRE FOS EALZ CoL 1, P. 10 \u25a0"•• imxmrEE waxied Col. 1. p. io Aruas coi. 2. p. io • .GLASS VTORKS CcL 3. P. 10 .KOESES, WAC-02TS AND HASITESSCoI. 2. P. 10 HOTELS C01.7.P. 9 ' HOUSES TO LTT— FTTE-XISHED CoL 7, P. 9 , E.OUSES TO LET— Tnfrua2TISUZD.CcL7, P. 9 • INVALID CHAIRS CoL 2. P. 10 J2TVESTKESTS CoL 7, P. 10 •LADIES' TAILCaS CoL 3. P. 10 .' IXGAL NOTICES CoL 7. P. 10 LODGING HOUSES FOX SALE CcL 3. P. 10 ' I-CJST AI»*D FOUKD Ccl. 2. P. 9 'V.JIALE HELP WAKTED CcL 3, P. 9 JIATSIKOKIAI. Col. 5. P. 10 . *. -^TEDiCAI. CoL 5. P. 10 .-• MEETINGS— SPECIAL Col. 1, P. 9 "- SETTINGS— LODGES CoL 1. P. 9 \u25a0..\u25a0XZSTES AND UUOKG CoL 7, P. 10 -'.\u25a0..>4ISCEIXAS. TEOUST E0US WAJTTS CoL 1. P. 10 '..--.^OKET TO LOAN .CoL 6, P. 10 •' .-•' JtCNEY WANTED .CoL 7, P. 10 ; " : '^«rSTCAL IKSTEXTJIESTTS CoL 6, P. 10 \u25a0'.. \u25a0'•\u25a0OFFICES AKD STOKES TO LET.. CoL 7, P. 9 \u25a0pAtMISiaY Col. 6. P. 10 \u25a0 -•PAXEST ATTOSKEYS CoL 4, P. 10 \u25a0;•;\u25a0. rAnrriNG & paper hakgi2ig...col 4, p. 10 ".-. -P-EKSIOKS : CoL 4. P. 10 . '\u25a0'. P.aYSICIAX S CoL 4, P. 10 •- VEEAL ESTATE— CITY Col. 7, P. 10 " ./. ,".• " •• CoL 1. P. 11 . ..REAL ESTATE— COT7KTRY CoL 1, P. 11 "'. -HEAL ESTATE— TO EXCHANGE. . Col. 2. P. 11 . . SOOXS AND BOAED OFFERED. . CoL 6. P. 9 *. 'SCOUS &2TD BOAED WANTED.. .Ccl. 6. P. 9 P.QOXS TO LET— FUa.-trNFUa CoL 5. P. 9 *. ••„. " " •• CoL 6, P. 9 .• 'hOQIIS TO LET— HOTTSE K'P'G...Col. 6, P. 9 SALESMEN tc EOLICITOSS W'T*»..CoL 6. P. 9 . • -eETWTUG MACHINES Cal. 1. P. 10 • SPISITUAI.IEM CcL 6, P. 10 \u25a0' STOEAGE AND MOVING VANS.. .CoL 4, P. 10 . . TITLES EESTOEED Col. 4. P. 10 ' TBCESES CoL 4, P. 10 ..-..XTPEWEITEES AND SXTPPLIES.. CoL 2. P. 10 " ;.. IXDEX TO Oakland.Berkeley,Alaxneda,Frnltvalc | • • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ; ' ATTOENEYS Col. 3. P. 11 AECHITECTS CoL 2, P. 11 APAETKENTS Col. 2. P. 11 • CLAIEVOYANTS .:CoL 3. P. 11 \u25a0 .EDUCATIONAL .Col. 3, P. II ' EMPLOYMENT OFFICES ...Col. 2. P. 11 FLATS TO LET ...Col. 2. P. II • F£ATS FOE SALE ...CoL 2, P. 11 FUENITTJEE FOE SALE... ...Col. 2. P. 11 . ' "EOTJSE KEEPING EOOMS .CcL 2. P. 11 "HOUSES TO LET— Furnished CcL 2. P. 11 INVESTMENTS CoL 3. P. 11 MONEY TO LOAN \u25a0". CoL 3. P. 11 .MEDICAL CoLS. P. 11 BXAL ESTATE— ALAMEDA CoL 4. P. 11 SEAL ESTATE— BEEKEI.EY CoL 3. P. 11 s REAL ESTATE— OAKLAND Col. 4. P. 11 SEAL ESTATE— FEtJTTV ALE ..... CcL 4. P. 1 1 ROOMS TO LET— FUH-TXNFXXa....CoL 2. P. 11 EOOMS AND BOAED OFFEEED . Col. 2. P. 11 SANITAEITTMS Col. 3. P. 11 TYPEViTEITESS AND SUPPLIES .. Col. 2. P. 11 _ I 'lOLDEX OATE commandery No. 10. K. *n> T.. 21."S .Sutter st. — Special assembly "ir»P THIS (MONDAYS EVENING, at 7:."50 \u25a0ybi , rf>'tlor-k. Order of Ked Crogs..All t raters "^ ronrteocsly Invited. By order of the oom- inaad«T. THEO. FROLICII. Recorder. fKXTIDEXTAL lodge Xo. 22. F. >& A.. a M.— THIS EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. ff\ First degree. By order of the mastov^^jy WALTER G. ANDEttSONV f\S\ Secretary- ' + IHCimOKD lodge No. 373. F. & A. • Nf.. 4th by. and Clement^t. — THIS #% .MONDAY) EVHNIXO' at J^VQy <r.-l<j-k. Tlrst <Jepree. /\^\ 11. 1--qL'KNESS. Secretary. ' \u25a0 \ KING f:OI/)MON"S lodge No. 200, P.- & ft A. M.. 1739 Till more st.— First I>o- >f* s» THIS rjJOXUAY) EVENING, nt VQlf • 7:30 oVlork. /^^\ HARRY BAEUR. Secretary. ' * CALIFORNIA lodge No. L.K. of P.. A . mretK TUIS EVENING T^/Is Rt 2<;CS Mission st. EssQUlre rank. >SWC Brethren <v»rdlallj- inrlted. "rifflrfc. Sfcm C. A. V.IL.SON, C. C. "*<fi&& ''. IXJUIS C. AUSTIN, K. of It. and S. . ' . ''UjroUNJA lo«lt'e No. 1. I. O. <*SffiSSßSfc \u25a0 !'.. v, ill hold :t Joint Invialla- >I^2a^3S n of offli-ens %\i:h th<- lodges nf -J^^?"^S^ <:i»!rirt No. 1 at 124 Fulton St.. H *" .•* JIKSD.VY EVENING, January 12, 1909. ]>rutbrrB pleaw; attend. . , 11. LUIIE. Stcretary. : • Yi;RIJA UUENA. l<idge No. 15, I. jjaHßSHiu V. <<. I*.— Officers an<J rar-mbpra \u25a0 :»-';iti>l<-<1 to atl<'ii'l ih'* In- "%.«^SrJS? ' ."lif-ral «.<-rricf« of <wir -late brother. "JOHN RL.?('K. at 1254 Market rt-.TtJESDAY, • Jau. 12. ' Uuur of funeral Jn Tuesday's papers, i \V. O. WIGMORE. X.G.; i MELTI.V6 S^S pedal 'SU'ISS relief eociety— Notice of. aoinual mret- inj — The regular annual meetlns of tbe laem- !i»-r* ul i\te t«»iMS rviief society will be held . ai the office of the i>oclety, 400 Kearny *t., in * i lie Hly «md county of t?aa Francisco, on MONDAY, January 11. 1900, at S o'clock p. m., for the purjw** °f electing a board;- of di- tt-rioTt for r tue <"n»nlus year and Uie^trana- •ctian of sucii other bußlne«i» a« may come t>e- tore JU By order of tl»e prrwldent. I A- JUILL.ERAT. Secretary.: V T-JIE annual 'tneetinj of «ln? stock . bolder* \u25a0 of. • tlir «"ai!fornU Iwurance Company will be held Hi the office of tbe company. No. 550 Saera- rif-oiu tl.. i»an • Frain'iiteo. Cal.-. -on Monday, Jsnuan- Ib. 19 f /-». at the hour of 2 n..m. .' . \V. K. DEAN, rresident. UEU. W. BBOOKS, Si-crctarj-. \ IF YOTT LOSE AKYTHlNG— Advertise j it here. It will be returned to you if an , honest person finds it. Remarkable recov- eries are brought about every day through this column. IF YOU FIND ANYTHIKG bring it to tie - i San Francisco Call \u25a0 | Lost And Found Barean ' I Third and Market Streets; Get a claim check. Have it advertised. Reclaim it if the owner does not. THE LAW— People who find lost arii- • cles are interested in knowing that the state law is strict in requiring: them to seek the owners through advertisement and otherwise, and that a failure to do- so, if proof can be shown, involves a : severe penalty. j' ; I LOST— A passbook with the Hibernla Savings and Loan Socletr of San Francisco, in the name | of HUGO L.UXDGREN, No. 331-577. The [ finder will please return to bank. Unless same is returned within five days a new book will be Issued to the applicant. LOST — One diamond, one opal ring, on 7th 6t. local to or Webster st. local from San Fran- cisco, or on Market st. to 4th. or on Kearny ft.. S. F.. or in business district. Oakland, daring week before Christmas. Reward. TRUE VAN SICKLE, 613 O. B. S. building. Oakland. LOST — A passbook with The Hibernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name cf Amalla R. BrassUle, Xo. 327-3 SO. The finder will please return to bank. Unless same 5s returned within 5 days a new book will be issued to the applicant. LOST — Umbrella, silver handle, monogram E. P. B.; on Haight 6t. between Buchanan and Web- pter. Wednesday, evening. Return to 314 Haight st. or phene Park 4937; reward. LOST — Saturday evening between Emporium and ferry, a silver purse engraved A. 11. U., con- ; talnlng Bum of money. Suitable reward, R. L. UNDERBILL. 943 Van Ness ay. LOST — Lady's breastpin ; 1 lar?e amethyst sur- rou.wiod by i»ear!s; lost Monday between Clay and Walnut and the Crocker bank. Return to i JUDGE SMITH. Grant bldg.. receive reward. LOST — Umbrella. r»n Hayes st. car, Thursday, marked * 4 M. to Jessie." Reward If returned to DR. STOKES. 452 Lyon st. LOST — A roan horse, about 1,200 pounds, branded P. B. on left shoulder. Reward for return or information to the Ferry Sheet Metal Works, 892 Folsom St. LOST — December 2S. watch fob with gold foot- ball medal attached, inscribed "Vampire A." F. C. Winners"; liberal reward. SHOWELL, 252 Cth ay. . LOST— White collie bitrb, tan head, tan spot on side and. black and tan spot on tall. Return to 1522 Golden Gate a y.; reward. LOST— Thursday, pointer doe. liver and white, twitches left front foot. Return 3C37 19th st. Reward. LOST — On Front street about Oct. C, small leather tool case and contents; liberal reward 1f finder will address box IC9O, Call office. LOST — Black and white pointer dog, Friday aft- ernoon; reward. 2431 Washington st. LOST — A gold pin, name Evelina across 2 gold pieces. Reward at P. O. box 04. Sansallto. LOST— A eollle bitch (breeding), answering to tbe name of Lassie; suitable reward. Return to 216 Eureka st. _^ LOST — Watch fob; monogram on one side, small diamond on other; reward. 33 10th st. LOST— Bunch. of keys. Leave at 128 Jones St.; reward. EMPLOYMENT WANTED EMPLOYME\T' AVAXTED---Male ACCOUNTANT, auditor, book keeper. s.vßtem- atlzer. correspondent of exceptional ability, wants position of responsibility: can handle large volume of work quickly and correctly; unquestionable references. Box 1080. Call. . ACCOUNTANT open for engagements;' labor raving systems installed; auditing of corpora- tion, mercantile and private accounts; books opened and closed; AI references. Box ,15t>2. Call office. -4 BOOK KEEPER— Educated and responsible man desires position; 10 years* experience office work; thorough accountant; city references. Box 1712, Call office. COLLECTION manager with 15 - years' experi- ence wishes to couneet with some large corpo- ration needing active, aggressive work on col- lections; am also an accountant, systematizer, organizer and office manager. Box 1704, Call. COACHMAN, gardener, wants situation; city or j. country: active, able man. of steady habits; ; good references. H. RICUENS, Denver bouse, 3d st. S. T. . -.- - . • . CARPENTER— AI. wants work jobbing or . con- tract; wood finisher; wages reasonable. • S. AY.; 309 XK r st.. or address box 1G93, t Call office. \u25a0;.-'\u25a0 CHAUFFEUR— StrictIy : first class ability, char- acter and references. .' desires first class posl- tion. Please address box 1079. Call. COMPETEXT book keeper, stenographer, office I manager, with character and ability, \u25a0 refer- i ences. knowing French and German, wishes i responsible position; age, 29; family man; can ; furnish bonds; lowest acceptable salary, $100 monthly. Box 1035, Call office. CIVIL engineer and surveyor wants position, field or office; . 15. years eiperlence- railway, municipal, hydro electric work; 1 good drafts- man and computer: \u25a0 well versed in concrete and fan bundle men: so anywhere. Address box 1078. Call. ' EXPERIENCED Fierce-Arrow chauffeur wants to tour California ; money . no object ; - best of references. Address box 1673, Call office. EXPERIENCED, Intelligent man wants position as- collector 'or outside work ; small \u25a0 salary. Address W. G. 11., apt., 24, 1000 Hyde 5t.. ... FIRST CLASS Chinese waiter desires position in |Tr»*ate family; wages $40. C5'J2 Telegraph nQoakland. \u25a0"*\u25a0> FIRST class, all around.- bread and cake baker wants position, HERMANN UEITU,' 10S 4tb st. GOOD Japanese couple as: cook and gardener; wife cook, wait at table and housework.* 1834 Buchanan Bt.. £an Francisco; phone. West '423o. GERMAN.: 3B, single, sober, steady, wants iwork on chicken ranch or private place as cboreman or any work, iv city; lenks more for good home than big wages. * Box 1715, Call' of flee. { UOXEST boy wishes position as elevator boy; | work long hours: has good experience; Japa- ; t>es»v 1713 Waller Kt. HUSTLER and worker, not afraid ,to ; buckle down to anything, age 38, . reference \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 any; one who ever knew him. wants \u25a0 position with some 'reliable firm, wholesale ' or reta 11, > where there is a future to work for; bate bad experience 8s salesman In various linen; willing to start at bottom ami. work. Box 2503, Call, Oakland.-., JAPANESE young boy : wants position v .school \u25a0\u25a0 Ury " and • couklng in \u25a0 good ' family. . HARRY, • 1«64 Post «t. <* JAPANESE boy wishes situation as \u25a0\u25a0 schoolboy .' or ha|f day work. 1315 Eddy, .«». ; tel. West 24(59. v MIDDLE v AGED German., conld make, himself \u25a0very useful in botol,' bar.'dlnlnc room or office; wants engagement : < sma l l . wages ' expected; ; Ad- dress I*. : 8.. 47; Hotel Norden. <.7sS Howard \ st.^ PAlNTER 'and' djeoratr* wants- work from own- ers; bas tools.- Address Painter, 2771 Folsom. THE SiOr ' : FBANOISC6 Pj^LL;- aiOND AY. . JAyTUABY: 11. 1909 EMPLO YMEXT WAXTED— MaIe— -Con; POSITION wantwl by; first 'class "electrician 'acd engineer.iat ' either-electrical -work ior "steam : engineer," or both ; ' can •go s anywhere. \ Addres3 ELEC, P.: Q. rbox '324, .Oakland." - : : ; ':\u25a0 ' - PRACTICAL landscape gardener,^ up Uo;date,in. ; profession; -wants . charge t^ of .'large ':\u25a0> grounds,' public or \u25a0 private. ; liox-: 2914.'. Call^ ; Oakland. J --\u0084 SITUATION wanted— Colored chauffeur.; coach- man, butler, or valot ; ' first ' class ; - Boston • and California^ references; -strictly -. temi)erate;::go any where: Box - 4985; : Call,;? Berkeley. ; , \u25a0 STABLEMAN 1 about private j place, city i or coun- try; can also milk; sober. man; \u25a0\u25a0 good city ref- erences. Box 2912, Call, Oaklat>d.; : ;,»';\u25a0 -t. SOBER, steady 'i man', wants '-i work -J; on; private, \u25a0 place, care . of i horses; gardening. : etc.' Address It.. Portsmouth house. Clay.- St. t nr. 7 Kearny. , f STABLEMAN wanti" position ; \ steady ; ; thoroughly understands . care , of horses;'^ private place pre- f erred. Address box 1729, Call "of flc. , STABLEMAN, i 'German -i. wants; "position; good references."' Box lOCi;" Call office.',-' .;/ . ; THOROUGHLY reliable young" man'of. good >har- acter would like position, inside- or out; Ai references: age 21. - Box ICG3,; Call- office. ; ' TUANSITMAN—A'oungv man. capable^ off hand- ling-party; and superintending .. constrnctiou on city, suburban and rail way- work,- open, for en-~ gagement. W. L... box 177,' Ca11. ;> WANTED— By a man ' 30, ; posl tton ;as porter : i 2 years' experience in : ; grocery; business. -.^A'd-' dress box Call - office. ; ,-' ' ' ; ; \u25a0y. ; . YOUNG man desires position as cigar clerk; ex- . perlenced and can furnish local references. Ad- dress box 1730. Call office. . YOUNG' man will' work for his board -while at- (ending school. Address H. >D. 8.'.-j 405 Hlber- nia bank building. , •;'; \u25a0* .; : \u25a0".--" YOUNG Japanese boy wants a position as school- boy in family. GEORGE HORIS, 979 Golden • Gate ay. . . . YOUNG Chinese, thoroughly understands barroom lunch, work and. cooking, has , the -very best of references, wants to work for first class house only. . Address Jbox 1535, Call office. --: CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1051 Fillmore St., near Post. \u25a0! •\u25a0 .:.--:- - ; - : .' .-•\u25a0.- . \u25a0 HELP WANTED MALE IjELP WAXTED A A— NEW YORK FOOT • SPECIALISTS, J teach CHIROPODY; special $50 course; diplomas; f expert teacher. 20 year* .'experience.V prepares \ students In theoretical and practical chiropody; GOOD POSITIONS. 1230 Klllmore st. AA — 100 MEN to save, $2 to $4 a pair on sample] shoes; all standard makes; ?4 to .*« values; all $2.50 a pair. Drummers'. Sample Shoe Co., third floor, Hnmboldt. Bank building.- _ A — WANTED — Honest, hustling ; young ; men of good address; college or Sheldon graduates pre- ferred; profitable and steady; employment to those able to make good; only young men with red blood in their: veins need apply; • splendid opening for the one who can .get there." Call j or address Home Securities Company, 1304 ' Metropolis Bank. San Francisco. 033 First Na- tional Bank. Oakland. - - '-. A — I AM a successful stock salesman, with clients on both sides of, the bay. I could make more money If I had more of ; the right \u25a0 kind of help. To the man ; with the get np, and push hicn on his person I will show, how to make big money and land for himself a per- 1 manent position. ' The only qualifications re- quired, "hustle, honesty and integrity." 1 handle only high class propositions.- Write me for full particulars— lt will pay you to do It. References given and required. SOLICITOR, P. O. box 105. Oakland. Cal. v -.-. . *- • MAN and as cook and assistant in a- worklngmen's hotel, wages $75; short distance outof the city. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S; 1596 Sntter, cor. ' Webster. ' :-\u25a0: -\u25a0 ' .- -. -. --' ANDRE'S, 1044 LarUln— Cook, country. $40-$.",0; gardener with references;: dish washer,; $25; houseman. $25-830; cooks, kitchen help. Jan- itors, porters and others. Oakland office, 957 Franklin st. '•\u25a0--•" AUTOMOBILING. plumbing, electricity, brick laying and plastering taught by actual work in shops and buildings; advanced scholars .earn \u25a0 wages;- day and night classes; free catalogue. Coyne National Trade School, 230 Sth.S. P. \u25a0 ANY Intelligent person may earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience un- necessary; no canvassing; send for particulars. Press Syndicate, box 703, Lockport, N. Y. BOOK KEEPER wanted for all or a part of day ; few - transactions, but must be accurate. Box 1725, Call office. \u25a0;'—\u25a0\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0 .-\u25a0 '•;. FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, ™* Tel. Market 737. ; ST. 1 GEORGE nOTEL, - . HOWARD AND BTH, SAN FRANCISCO; ALSO 4TH AND J. SACRAMENTO. : REFITTED— REMODELED. : - - ;-. NICELT FURNISHED SINGLE ROOMS."- 20c ; PER NIGHT, $1 PER WEEK AND UP. ;. READING ROOM AND OFFICE: ON GROUND FLOOR ".'-\u25a0 -' " >* •* * I MADE $50,000 in 5 years In the \u25a0\u25a0- mail , order business; began with $5; any. one can do the s work at home in spare time; send for my free booklet: tells how to get started. HEACOCK, box 715, Lockport.- N. V. : . - ' \u25a0- ..--.; ••\u25a0 LABORERS and mechanics to know that Edward : Itolkin has reduced -the rooms '-at therDenvcr House," 3d and^ Howard stay,,' tor 35c. per ;day, $2 week ; • hot and • cold « water in every, room. MEN Wtd — 103 3d st., |to have shoes repaired ; sewed soles 75c, done in ; 10 minutes. MEN to learn barber trade In 8 weeks; free spe- cial inducements to next 10; : call early, get particulars. S. F. Barber College, 8 Fell st. MAN. to learn cigar making;., good pay while leaning; . steady work; $25 deposit . required. 34 Norfolk Et.. between 11th and 12th, off Folsom. MAKE money easy, quick, sure; men, women; experience unnecessary; spare or 'all-time; see what others are doing: C. O. Garrett, 0., showed 7 families, 'sold ! 6, profit $18; A. B. Verrett, La., sold- 8 one day, profit $24; N. 'Boucher orders 75 more, says. "everybody wants one;> best business I. ever -had.". Mr?. J. Brown," Pa., sold 10, : made, $30 first 3. days'.' Only 2 sales , .per . day means $36 per- week profit. Free sample to active agents. '^Famous Easy Way clothes washer, cleans ; family. wash fn 30 >to - 50., minutes,, while .- you rest. ; No work. . only move knob occasionally; \u25a0 not \u25a0 a washing: machine;: nothing -else like it; -do - chemicals, : no rubbing, no washboard or boiler; every family wants one; . easy .tn i sell.- low price, $6.- We create demand. Write today; specify territory: -act quickly. 'This 7 won't appear again. Harrison Mfg. Co., 07 Harri- son bldg., Cincinnati/,0. ' ' MEN and women to learn barber trade; 8 weeks; earn $5 -to $10 per 'week while learning; par- ticulars free. MOLER COLLEGE, 6 11th St. MOM3Y made dally, and Call Want Ads help to make It. . 'Advertise your wants;; make: them known to the public through ; a , Call . Want Ad. An investment, not an expense. For full par- ticulars read Call Want ' Ads daily. MEN to learn* cigar making:- good', pay. while learning; steady work. '; Apply 1 300 12th St.; ; \u25a0 NEW WESTERN, 1124 ', , Howard st.— Single rooms. 15c and 20c night; hot and cold water. OPPORTUNITY- open r- for llve v , hustling < sales- men. R. H. MeKalg. »55-350-Russ,bl<lg.. «. F. PHOTO-COUPON agents. Call at SCHAFFER'S, 72 San Pablo ar.. Oakland.; \ ,: : ;: SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS— Boyd Syllable Sys- \u25a0 tern; written with only 9 characters; no ".'posi- tions," ."ruled line*." -"."shading,''- "word' signs,'.' nor "cold notes" ; v: speedy, '. system that can bo learned in 30 days of. home study, utilizing spare time. 'CHICAGO COR- ' RESPONDENCE, SCHOOL, 627, 112 Clark st., ' Chicago. . - -'; '-'\u25a0\u25a0-.'.-..-.• SALESM EN — Com petent I salesmen , who*' have hnd • extensive local ' experience in any of.; the -high class- retail --> trades: appiy.^byiletter" only. • SHREVE- & CO., Van Ness- ar.-' and, Sacra- '•mento st. .. -.:."., :_: _ v-:v '-: .^i;:;-; : STEAM . .shovpl ;" engineer, ,''sloo,'. < increase ' to $125; one helper, $00,. Increase ' to $75; fireman, $40.- •."-•--. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 -•••\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0 -"• ---.v- ;\u25a0" :->' --' .-- • \u25a0 MURRAY & READY. 11th and Market.' SHOES repaired I by, machinery; ' sewed coles 1 75 c; done in 10 , minutes. ; . 1 100 Fillmore St. ": : > ' •"-•».- — WANTED— \u25a0'- '] ~ -'. '.IOO'-LABORING.-MEN.'--. To occupy clean single . rooms at THE MECHAN- ICS' HOTEL, 919 Howard • st. - between Cth and Cth;' lsc, -20c, 25c day. $l,'week; good, clean meals,> 10c up. i, SHAW,: BROS. : ; . ;* .„:*:; WANTED— High class cloak and \u25a0 suit buyer- with successful 5 experience, behind him." --. Apply iM It. KRAEMER, care .Central,;' Dept. /Store, Los r'-'Angelcs.'--.-. \u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'.-:. .-•\u25a0. i.---:'- -\u25a0 . . : - ; \u25a0>'-'-;. WANTED— "Young man of; good n address. to act ' as assistant floor ; manager ; In - ladies 'A cloak I and \u25a0suit' department; references 'required.* - Box : 28S0. Call l office. - Oakland. -. . -'• • • • » -' \u25a0. £ ':_ ..r. WANTED-^-COO men \ to occupy rooms,. 20c to 30c' per night (free ; bath), at sthetNew » York; 733 Howard st.. between "3d 'and '4th.':;" . '- •*\u25a0..\u25a0" WANTED— Thoroughly experienced :-T;: -T; manager and ; saleslady - for . ladies' \u25a0 waist ; department; . references f- required. Box 2880,;' Call::- office, 1 Oakland. : \u25a0 .'-.;• .:,'\u25a0- r vi- > •• ; -:; \u25a0';'\u25a0 "vJ~:. .-;.' WANTED— Driver ifor: laundry ", wagon; '£200 're- ., quired. \;i 3372, Miwlon. ; :,; / '. /;; : . 7 ' : .:j>*: BARBERS " AXD^SUpipLIES" v ' '.'- BAJtnEß:: steady; bring, tools. .' B73; Bush st. \u0084r! BARBER ; wanted for Saturday. _- 112 3d st: ' i '-'^ BAUBKIl;/ first class; ;?18. "rfS8 r .-'3d i st. 1 ;.- Win- vs chesler. \u25a0• - v ; ;*- . ; ;- '\u25a0.'\u25a0' r.-'.y \u25a0\u25a0-.•'.\u25a0 -:'. :^..^ry.. i^ For I sale— First class | barber. 1 shop ; "good ; location^ , < 34S ' Montgomery./ av.'N For,- Information inquire , 29y;Mcntgomery:av.;> .' .•' •'." \u25a0*. j BARBERS AXD SUPPLIKS-— Contlnaert /' < BARBER? CHAIRS ANDfcVIBRATORS: ! - -' We 5 haTe -. several sof \u25a0 pur * last (year \ model hr-. dfaulicchairsthntwe-wilLclose out at a great reduction. >' If you are. going in .-business it; wilt pay: you to "call and -fee us. .-'-;,' ; . -Chairs sold on iastallment of, $15 down and; Jo a month.^- \u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0-".--\u25a0"? \u25a0"-' '\u25a0\u25a0"'-<:':\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0* % '>-.;.'\u25a0 "' r ' ' ' -\u25a0\u25a0 -5s ::- ' Vil.ratorssoldoa . \u25a0 Installment^of, $10 dowotaml. $4' a' month.*-"'' *: /'/ *'< \u25a0"" i V -'* f < -. f r~. > ". -' \u25a0'. ' \u25a0' \u25a0 Several .bargains ;iu second hand chairs. '-^ '-\u25a0-." : \u0084 BARKER.-IXC, : Phone Franklin 3SU9. * '.. • ; ' ..-. 04 Tufk st. /.-'\u25a0 Eugene F.^l'enarlo, 'Manager.' • _ , BARBER>shops. city and' country, bousht'and sold." * CHAS. : COLEM AX '& CO.; BSO Market at. EMPLOYMENT SEC'TRY' of ? BARBERS' i- PRO-' -TECTIVE UXIOX.'L'.-KLEIXHAys."4S2 Kearuy. FIRST CLASS ; barber : * must-* be * experience*! in handlinß ; transient trade.* Loop- Barber [ Shop,- s '.'-" :./-"--^" -.':\u25a0'.\u25a0.. \u25a0.'\u25a0--'*.\u25a0:,'...-- FIRST, CL.'VSS " barber shop porter at 14IK? Turk st. corner; Fillmore. \ ; FORisale— Barber shop.' 3 chairs.'' well* furnished, '\u25a0.\new, ; ; 321S Adeline st.',: South; Berkeley. : FIRST : CLASS manicurist \ wishes position :in : a ; "*.. downtown ' barber shop. ;." Box; 15G0,> Call of flee. FOR sale— -Good paying *.T'ch air -lpc /shop." "420 <;.Cth :st.. ; Oakland. .. \u25a0 '.- " : '.-•,..*•• ; : >.\- FIRST • CLASS bootblack. . 003 1 Flllmore • st. cor. " ' McAMst^r \u25a0""-•\u25a0- :r :-^ \u25a0•'\u25a0"• \u25a0:••..- .: FOR sale— Best paying 10c barber shop;. runnlnc D- chairs steady; reasonable "rent; lease. 42S V 10th st..^ Oakland. .' ; ;-;.' -. '>''\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0--.: .\»*: ;-~ •-. FOIf sale— First class 4 -chair barber- shop in -.Berkeley. . Address; box : 2598.: Call. .'Berkeley. G.- A. TROST.V barber ; supplies; ' salesroom. \u25a0 1538 M:i son -st. 'v: \u25a0 A ? nicely fitted -up 3 : chair barber ' shop , for sale ; l cheap ' rent ; , good locatl on .* \u25a0r ' • . •t - MAKE tips with a "Diamond B'i razor: it's easy. Af BAUER'S. 1.'i04 Ellis st. near; Flllmore. J SELLING .'out; barber chairs from 54 to $10; also j • mirrors and wash ' bowls; i credit* given. -^SSS ; Grove st. :":. ;' / '- '"'\u25a0*. \u25a0'-' *'' ' '\u25a0 . ' .. * : STEADY, barber \u25a0 wnatod. . 525. Latnma st. ! WISH ; to buy for cash 2 or: 3 "chair barber 'shop.' •first class, with baths « preferred, outside of San Francisco;' must have lease,. B. BARBER, "general delivery. ; San- Jose. -Call ' ' " ;.' ' \u25a0 WAXTED — A i first class porter. " New Western Hotel barber shop. 1 818 . Kearny st. . ' . -. .,. \u25a0;.' -\u25a0] WANTED— A lady barber at once; good, wages guaranteed. 2517 Mission at.*, near 24tb. YOUNG barber 1 wants steady Job. Address ' BARBER. GG2E. 11th Bt; ; Oakland. y -.. $75 buys a good 1 chair shop;; cheajJ rent; 1 mo. ;-- free. -Apply 5920 San .* Pablo ay.. Oakland.' i . 3 CHAIR shop, centrally located, finely fitted up, .doing good business, low rent, s lease, .owner no barber.* must 'sell at- once; terms. 'CHAS. COLEMAX &;CO.. S3O Market st. - V - EMPLOYMENT WAXTED— FemaIe ; AWAITING Situations at MISS PLUXKETT'S, IS9« Sutter corner Webster:- A - Swedish , cook, yonng, . strong, good refer- ences," wants a place, town. or country, \u25a0 -'A .capable English infants* 'nurse, or will .take grown children. . .A neat French seamstress and . chambermaid. AtQerman cook, young/ strong,' wants. s4o to $45 a month. .. . - • \u0084 . . " A Swedish cook. Just from the east, wants a place at $45..% . . > \u25a0 .A Finnish laundress — also a young Swedish \u25a0laundress. • • , r- \u25a0\u25a0'.- . \u25a0\u25a0 -1 Open at 9. . Close at 5 p. m. Telephone nura- 'ber, 'West Gs2^. \u0084 \u25a0\u25a0 '"•\u25a0... \u0084 • \u25a0\u25a0•"- :"\u25a0\u25a0/\u25a0".-;\u25a0 •'\u25a0 COMPETENT German/ woman"' wishes • house- \u25a0' work in suburbs or country. by the 15th- inst. Wages $30. Add, box -1009, Call. \u25a0 COMPETEXT young lady stenographer desires to change ..- position for place }. where •\u25a0 neat, .accu- rate, j faithful- work lis . appreciated ; also good *~, ; penman; . 4 ; .years'- experience.';. Box ; 1692, Call. EXPERIEXCED ladles' tailor, dress maker; I all styles; suits made to -order;; also gowns;- fit guaranteed; few. engagements per, day. : 1130 Market St.; phone Market , 1549. E. BARSS. EASTERN 1 lady of refinement | desires position in home 'with pleasant 'surroundings - as , com- panion or house keeper: compensation j secondary consideration. Box - 2909. \ Call /office, Oakland. EXPERiEXCED young .woman,' good-rapid • writer, quick at figures, also able operate typewriter,- desires position general 'office work \\ or • bi!l clerk. . ;Box 1043, i Call - office. .:. ", >i '• " FASHIONABLE and capable dress maker wishes / n few \u25a0 more : engagements,' " $3 ' per . day, or at home. ; Phone .West 4404. : _„ . GERMAN girl, first class waitress, wants place I for parlor and waiting, or chamber work aad sewing; wages $35. 826 Turk st. GIRL,' 10 years, wishes a position to assist in housework. .Address .by letter, •A. 'C, 200 Whalen 8t.. . r ; '.\u25a0\u25a0 '; . ; . ' ; \u25a0- HOXEST, Japanese woman wants situation ;. good . 7>ook ;, small , family inA the. city., XQBU.-.1531 - Post, st.. Tel. ;West'Oo7S. ...--:,.'".-\u25a0: , .. V \u25a0\u25a0 .'\u25a0 JAPAXESE girl . wants position -in small | family •' for general' housework and plain cook,- with i references. .. G. : MORISUYE, - 2919 Pine St., ." phone West; 1604.- ,i -\u0084.;'.. XBW YORK"<lt;ess -maker," experienced, good . j copyist, leading houses; city; r#ferences; $2.10 per, day. 819 Baiter st.. corner Turk.' PRACTICAL inuree. wishes engagement; '$15 a week; city or country.. Box 06, main P. O.; ; pbope Market 2847. . \u25a0 RESPOXSIBLE ''woman wants 7 position as ' house .; keeper or care'of roaming house;' refs. ! 176' Oak.' WANTED— In gentleman* family, position .as companion and - assistant to ,' lady; good dress . maker : first class family only need answer. '.Box ICS7.- Call office.'. . '.-. X" YOUNG lady "-stenographer -with .'4- years', cx- ' perience. -.'wishes position; . salary . moderate ; good reference. ' Phone Pacific 70S. Address 171 ICth cv. nr. California st. -..-..:' YOUNG woman; wishes general' housework. Ad- dress MRS. SUMXER, Aloha> hotel, 24th and ; Mission sts. .' '";\u25a0'-,; - / \u25a0'.<'\u25a0 FEMALE lIELP WANTED AAA— Lessons .In s hair \u25a0: dressing and . manicuring -'.( clveu. Up-to-Date Parlors,'l7sO Flllmore; rates. AA — 50 LADI ES ; to j save ;; $2 to •$4 •a : pair on . sample shoes;; all standard. makes; all $1! anil -, $2.50. a' pair. j»- Drummers',- Sample .Shoe t Co., - third floor Ilumbnldt- Bank building. . , A-:— I i.WAXT.j a good ! woman' solicitor; one ; that can talk convincingly;; school teacher •or col- lege graduate preferred, -x The ; work \u25a0 is ' easy, congenial.- \, profitable. c permanent:; time' your own;' written references exchanged. SOLICI- TOR. P. O. box 105, Oakland. Cal. y ;.-.\u25a0 AT,- MISS PLUXKETT'S registry, 1 1890 Sutter -•corner Webster: V- ' * \u25a0 ,~ A cook,: private. family,- city, -(private family \u25a0-. references necessary) J. ./...'. . *.^ . .. : : . . . •.-.-. $ CO A cpok for small- American family.-. ln city:. s4o A German c with knowledge^ of ' German " cook- ; Ing . ;. ... . ; . ... . . .:.... .'r r. . : . . .... . .;; ..540 A" nurse for: 2 children,- place in, city, refer- ; «*nces '. . . ; .............. .'.' . .... . : . . .'. . . ; . :530 A • cook for first class . private boarding . house, . city ......... . . ....... : ..... ....... ..r... .$4O A parlor * maid - and . waitress for American : family ,< city. ... .r. . . . .- . ...... . . . . . \: .$35 A French eteamstress and chamber, maid. Oak- • laud .--.v. ;'."'. . . .". ..". 7. .'.t:'..V7'.v::'. ...:. ' r . .$35- Ten other cooks for private places: ... .s.'ls! to $45 Twenty, housowork girls for city, - also for all; 1 "\u25a0 parts : oJ . th« - country,': also) for .-, ranches and - • \u25a0, •• hotels lZ: :^T7f""i .". ".'\u25a0. .' • •'. .'. H. ":'.'*. . . r. is2s to $45 ANY : Intelllecnt I person | may - earn good | Income \ \u25a0\u25a0 : rcrrespond ing -, tot- newspapers ; r experience un- necessary ; no canvassing ; send for, particulars. Press . Syndicate, box 785. '] Lockport. - N.\ Y. * s BOSTON x modiste,, special prices: evening gown* '.< a specialty. - 10S3 , Clay.^ st. " cor. • 12th, parlors - 13 and 14. Phone Oakland. 67so. - : -. \u25a0'. -GIRLS WANTED At MRS. ANDRE'S. 1044 %LarkinLstr— German r cooks. $55. : $45 • nnd $40; | l^ench •' nurse, ; $35; .;•\u25a0\u25a0 French * second •; girl, • $30; ; coofe - nnd* downtalrs work ;in : small « family," : $30; ; maid ; and ' seam- ;" stress,--' $35 ; 5 young ; girls ; for s housework,- $25 and $30;. chamber. mald.:hotel.'s3o;:numy.s3o; ;- French girl as \u25a0 companion. : $25. . / ' . '..'-.'\u25a0. .'-.'\u25a0- _ . GIRL for general housework;? must be good cook; \ Slnsfomlly.-; 2205 Scott ; at. :•' ; : t JACKETS HANDSt Wtd^Experlneced .alteration hands on:coats. rApplyito.Mrs." Richards at the ; ? 4th and Market sts. store. WOOD & C 0 .% OAKLAND \^ -- Girlslto make 'overalls at our Oakland factory, 8d i «t. \u25a0; near « Clay. LEVI STRAUSS &\u25a0: CO. Ap- ;ply/;tol-Mr.-Davls.P~. :; : ;'- : . ; -.";'{;' '\u25a0;??'/'. " -.* " LADIES Wtd— To • take ', home (work jtpart 'or- full ' •:\u25a0 time ; " experteßce unnecessary; YTrlebsrs,*'- Bulle- ivi tin :• bulldlng.T.767 j.Marke t, '\u25a0\u25a0! tv Ird '. floor; ', room > 4." TRIMSIERS^Wtd-^Thoroughly.rexp'erlenced.tfor ?';niillinery.^d*parthjenh'*.'"Ap I ply < v superintendent's *\u0084; offlce^thej Emporium. . '.-•/.>/..;.. :^;tv^...r TRAINED nurse. ; who * desires j position I more i re- "vuiuneratlvc^aud ; less; exacting. Address box Call; of fl>e.; -.; :: . ' ,' -..":',.. ..:;,-;.'.' ;; WOMAN , ; for,- general ? housework'.^, cooking '% anil \u25a0Z. occasional ; care : of.' child^ Jn ?A ; small * apartment ; \u25a07? German \u25a0? or> Swedish ~ preferred : ' ; reference a re- ( '.' quired." :'v Apply ' room ; sl2,-" Crocker ; bldg.,' Mon- t V day.^'toio.'p.iin.* -'''.\u25a0 ,'*;-. T .:-"-'. -"'*.,.>,.; . .-.•'.•\u25a0. - ; -; : WANTEb^ATn?aVnrt>un'^'s*VdlshlißlrlTror:'Ben^ :Z eral if, housework : & roust .'; understand : * cooking ; : ,'.jrefereiiceB"rrcqulrcd:> wagesf $35.'* . Call : 2311 •; -Broad way. '... < v*-j.'-,./^-..i-.rU'.. \u25a0"-,»-. '.\u25a0'.'•-:': -V.. ,/j;-,,V;.v*'i .WOMAN = Wtd-^ Young .* woman • or :- girl < to y ; help V'; with ; housework.* cApply i 1900 \u25a0 Ashby at.'; Berke- >;lfy,^^ ; ;:;;v;.:'a ! ;;-.ii?.-:' ; . v .a-"v,;- r ;: : -.r-; .\u25a0':, - WANTED— Good 'girl 1 to*: dofcooklng. and ? general . housowork : wages $25. '\u25a0;: Call • Monday.-? So : Palm' : Qa^Niir.v California: st;^ :\,: \,- \u25a0? ; '; y..' .-\u25a0-.-,^:-*'/: j ; - WANTED— Lady SeollcitorK for i';lauudry;f salary 55 aud ! commission."^ Box s 1005,1 Call : office. \u25a0' - FEMAJLEJ^HpLTOWAJtfTKp^ WANTED-^-Saleslaaies" at once? Call ; today ; (Supi". i> day) ; beti vIO *a. j m.* and 4 « p.; m.V; Golden Gate : Cloak ; Housed 1040-10 CO Market st.'; near. Jones. WANTED — Teachers ? for * Nevada ; .-; good places.'^ . FISK / f TEACHERSV AGENCY, .; next ti» First ' ;'; ' National '-. Bank.-- Berkeley. - *-\u25a0•"' -- - - -="-*\u25a0 T.z- : i ' WAXTEDi AGENTS^-$36 a: WEEK. EXPENSES PAID; XO , 'EXPERIENCE : REQUIRED; t photo pillow, tops,. . 30c ; i enlarged : portraits,' ' frames," i lowest prices ; . free t samples ; % catalogue. '\u25a0*. Dept. \u25a0 C, • RITTER ~ ART.STUDIO^CHICAGO. lU.V ;. ' - j: LIVE -Rents'', wanted, '\u25a0 either; spx, to" sell Luxn% :: (new, discovery); hair. tonic; 100 per cent profit; ,! "r particulars ; free. ,' Address ; the II."'. E.*; fciTIB-. ;: -;: BENS \u25a0 CO.', Dept. v C. 5764 \u25a0 McCa 11 . 5t. . , Oakland. $10 . , a \u25a0 day . made selling eucalyptus acreage; silcs-r • men r-' wanted."; Apply '10; to ;11\u25a0; a: Bernanlo Plantations. ?5!*S Monadnook bldg. - | SALESMEN and MEN ; or pwomen : ; fiexlble steel : <loor mats.' \u25a0or sa-' :. lobna; ' half: price, f IG7C Geary . St.; room f». . SOLICITOR : Wtd— Fir%t : class - grocery i solicitor, must understands his 'business thoroughly and I give good -;references; no 'others 'need apply. 5339*Grove>t^: Oakland.;. ;^;V^-.-' - '•\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0:-, SALESMEN? to' sell advertising novelties; '\u25a0 com- \u25a0 mission basis; I ' ordinary -salesmen -make $100;* week: .- SHAW -ADV. \u25a0 CO.. Kansas ; Clt/r Mu.:-'?-' WANTED— Salesmen; : experienced premium men; ' ; ; no others need > apply : : something new : for.' I»U9. I-'ULTON METAL 'WORKS. *FnltonMli.:c' c - Ii WANTED — Salesmen to sell side line. to hard-. ' ware 'dealers :.\u25a0 good' commission.-',' The: ZIEG- : LER '•: NECKYOKE; CO.;; Coffeyville,^ Kan»as.J.- WAXTED— SALESMEN ; AND DEALERS' toi sell our;talloring:dlrect l '.to ; .the'consumer;'.ourillne 7, of . samples contains '500 of 1 the nobbiest styles •f ;. of ;. woolens ; t quality ' of . : materials i» • the best ; ; . workmanship \u25a0 and ;.: fashions - : very '; snappy ; • you - will never, lose a- customer ) with obr, line;. many. : of our ;" local .• dealers \u25a0' and J - salesmen '• sell ,- from " ?l,oooi to $5,000 a: season. 7 Write , today, and a secure this ; big , line | for , yiour, town' cxcludlvely. Also : want i experienced ; tailoring .-• salesman; to •'•travel nnd appoint dealers;- we pay, salary and commission; -our "road. ".salesmen >selK-from $10,000 - to- $25,000 per • season ; -this -Is - your opportunity^- If < you are \u25a0 experienced. ''-'' Address C. W." WORTH Mgr.; Dept. 15. Lock Box , 360,' - Chicago. III. ' ;: \u25a0-'.-*>- -.-• .;..*,-•\u25a0\u25a0;.' ; AA— OSCAIi H HATSCMI. . . JAPANESE-CHINESE .' EMP. >• CO;. 5 BEST 'HELP ; > CITY OR . COUN- TRY. . 1513jQEARY;ST. ,;,WEST>S6BS.'v -•- •'?; A A-^apanese- Chinese^ emp.;' of fleer best help; elty' * or. country.*; !.IGI2 Laguna . St.." Tel. VWes,t^l73l. ; A;. HORI;T, 1748; Sutter;. paone.»West2So3— Best , i Japanese-Chinese help furnished promptly. >:.-. , ;\u25a0,; \u25a0, H. W. HONG," Chinese employment office," Webster st., '.Oakland... i Phone Oak-5843. ' - JAPANESE Domestic Workers' : association fur- nishes ; best help.? 1777 Post. " Tel. West : 7lsB. Japanese House Cleaning Co.; 1722 O'Farrell; tel. 'West - 3467; sweeping, 'washing; all gen. work. STAR - crap, office furnishes Japanese-Chinese help. * W. KADOTA, 1608 Geary; tel. West 167. CALL BRANCH ' OFFICE - - * \u25a0-\u25a0 -- - •-. : . \u25a0'. - i , ; ; l 1651 FILLMORE ST. NEAR POST . ; . ." , \u25a0 _ . . . - - ' '.-\u25a0-. ..."'" I . : EMPLOYMEXT BUREAU' ~^« J.-CAXN. Chinese" Employment Bureau — Has best class cooks or hotel help ; specially careful for family." 770 - Clay phono Douglas 31fi2. UNPAID WAGES -COLLECTED KNo'xT^S^Pine— SuTtsTTie^T^alßd^Xtta^hmentsT _ time checks cashed: debts collected everywhere. ROOMS^AND BOARD ROOMS TO LET— Fnrn'd nml Vafurn'd A COZY home : for respectable ladles, 1130 Mar- ket st. , near 7th, i under ; auspices of the SAL- VATION ARMY; elegantly furnished, every modern convenience; steam heat, electric light and elevator service ; T . spotlessly "clean ; , cen- . trally located ; thoroughly homelike; telephone * Market 1549;,. prices: very.- moderate, . ranging ' from \u25a0• 25c per night up ; special rates \u25a0by tbe week ' or : month. . See i matron, room 33. A— COMFORTABLE FRQXT SUNXY ROOM, WITH PRIVILEGE OF BATH; REFINED PRIVATE FAMILY: BREAKFAST IF DESIRED. CLOSE TO PANHAXDLE. i . BOX 1101, CALL. ; ASHBURYa St., 657. . cor. : Haight— Xewly ' fur- . nislK-d sunny rooms; reasonable; day, -week or: .month. '-,- . •:."•\u25a0'»; '.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 v : \u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \:.' BALD WIN House, -74 • Cth • st. nr. Market— All modern conveniences;: 220 rooms; -35c to $1 per day, $2 to $3 per week; free baths. - * BRODEItICK St.; 444^-2 sunny fronUbay window - fur. i rooms ; separate 5 or., together ; 1 gentlemen. BUEXA VISTA ay.. 035. near Central and .Haight — Elegant sunny room and bath; gentle- man ; $12. v ' ---:;\u25a0.-. --\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0:'.,•.,--'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0•• CALIFORNIA .-St.,: 2415, near Flllmore — Newly . r furnished sunny -rooms; light bouse keeping, If \u25a0•; desired; •reasonable. :'\u25a0::•. ,-—.'\u25a0 :-':. 1 CALIFORNIA- st:; 2437. near Fillmore— 2 nicely 9 furnished rooms ; in private family ; ( reasonable. CAPITOL'- HOUSE. -733 , Harrison st. near 3d— Rooms, 1 5c night, $1 per week. \; CENTRAt - HOTELV 574 3d Bt, ifree baths. .Office and ; reading room ' on ground floor; 500 single and 'family rooms, 35c to $1 a day; $2 to $5 a week. EDWARD ROLKIX, Prop. .EDDY st.'. -; 005— 2 \ sunny," front, bay : window, ; neatly ' furnished rooms with running water, 'single or en suite; rent reasonable. : : EDDY st. , SBo— :a social hall ; fitted for house keeping ; also ; single rooms ; prices reasonable. EDD V . st. . -\u25a0 1610— X icely f urnishel sunny front rooms ; phone, bath ; * reasonable. EDDY st., 902, near Franklin— Good light base- ;\u25a0 • ment ? for.: business .' purposes. .*. * V v; ,_ " ; : , EDDY st., 970— 2 nicely .furnished rooms;, batb, '.phone;* $11 ;'and 's2o? month.- ; .^: . '.; .; EDDY' st., 952-r-Large, ; sunny, front room for 2 0r.3 gentlemen; -bath, phone; rent $20. »_ ;• EDDY; st., .806— XlcelyJ furnished front 'sunny : room;* running. water; closet.; • ELLIS - St.. - v 1072— Beautifully . \u25a0. sunny -*. furnished front-parlor suite; light house keeping; baths; .- central ;* other , rooms ;' reasonable. "/ ELLIS st., 1156— Xice sun£y furn. room.; with or without. housekeeping; bath; phone W. 8268. ELLIS 5t.,% 1116— l! large double room,* suitable /for ; 2 gentlemen ; 1 . single \u25a0 room ; - bath ; phone.' ELLIS Bt.,nui7— Xlce sunny large rooms, '; furn. . : hskpg ; : private ; phone, ; baths; rates . reasonable. ELLIS St.; 1656, r near Flllmore-^-Large, sunny •rooms, from; $2.50 up ;? all , conveniences. ELLIS 4 st.,- 119— Desirable ; sunny - rooma in new .-.flat;; newly furnished;, reasonable.' "~ ELLIS \u25a0; st.; J l4lB— Furnished rooms for < 1 or " 2 \u0084;g entlemen; reasonable;; references. - ELLIS st.'.'lWS— I Large sunny -front room;- run- rr, nlngi water; I bath ; . $18^ month. V- y k. ELLIS st., :. 1112— Nicely ; furnished' single ; and -:'i double •\u25a0 rooms,^from-s7^np.. \u25a0 '._. _ r \u25a0'\u25a0"-\u25a0\u25a0 . ELLIS ; st.Vi 1509 %-^Nicely * furnished front room ; :.;' reasonable. rent./ r".V'-' r - ' ;: • : *-'\u25a0 • : ELLIS'st., ,1556— Xicely furnished single rooms; 1} rates "reasonable. •' ; ' . .' \u25a0\u25a0 ; :-r-\: ELLIS st., ;1037-r-l single .ropm,' suitable for 2 *j gentlemen.^ '-• ' ' \u25a0':'-• •- ' ' - - . -• \u25a0 ---^ ELLlSist.,;loofl— Furnished rooms, $2.50 a week \u25a0.;Mp^-'.i:-:;. t: ..' >" \u25a0 •^-'' v^-:- - :-:>: -:> : '- \u25a0-:\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0--". l . FILLMORE st.t'^uO-^Largesunny.front alcove; 6 - :-wlndowB,->£rate.ihot and cold-water.- electricity I 1 aud : {.-as;! suitable ' for i 2 gentlemen; ; reasonable.' FRANKLIN J st.i 1541— Newly > furnished, , sonny '-1 rooms; for „:,*\u25a0', : ;::; ••\u25a0: ":- -.' \u25a0"\u25a0 .- "' ;.. FRANK LI X , st. , ; 1247— Single . rooms, , $0 ; other v- outside i sunny > rooms, $18 and $20. -.'. FRANKLIN E i st.; r 1051— Nicely 'furnished /. sunny! back parlor; also -2 front rooms; bath;- phone; reasonable.,^' .V V" \u25a0- ..'.\u25a0; FULTON ft st., > SlS— Large ..sunny < front room; 3 ,rnnnlng£water; reasonable. . FULTON * St.. 7 ls3l— Nice light , room, - newly f ur- ?:;nlshed;?cheapnv^^:-:^ '\u25a0--",/' \u25a0- "."".;.* '\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 "\u25a0 : - GEARY,' st..' j 1800-r-Xew \ furnished rooms by ; the ;\u25a0" day ,>. week ior I month,'- Including . : bath ; -, $7, ' $8, f)?lo,':sl2 : per.montb.' .v :,,:•.;\u25a0'' -,'•"\u25a0..-. GEABYi 5t.'.,U39. nr."-Vatt : Ness a v.'-^-Nlce rooms, ' |S,^. $Ip i and "; fl2 ; per * month ; " phone ; , batb ln- --icludedv;'.'^.'.':. ' - : . :-':'\u25a0-'\u25a0 '''-,\u25a0- ' --.''- \u25a0•' GOLDENi GATE Hoso— Nicely -furn. front i,;, room;;snn;an;day;.2jgentleroen; $5 week. ; v GOLDEN t GATE T\ ay. ; ; 1143r- Large .; f runt ; room ; \u25a0^ sun ? all 1 day;* also 'singled rooms. : *:^ .* - : GOLDEN 'GATE ; ay..": 1603— Newly; furn.. rooms; fc? $2.50 jup;Spbone,"Sbath,xrunnlng . water. • GOLDEN " GATE ' a y.'. :. 1040— Sunny t room ' for 1 or ;• 2; »bath ; 'i reasonable, y> \u25a0 -:.vw \u25a0>':\u25a0*.*; '\u25a0\u25a0 -_ - , ;-.- GROVE j st.T? 5O4-^Flne; large : front room. . suitable fi: for, 2 : * rent \u25a0$3 -.week < for,' I,':.1 ,' : . $4 for 2. \u25a0\u25a0-..- GROVE- st?;T54O-^Newly; f lirnisbed '['. room ; suitable k:^ for ; 2 '; working jgirls'or; meu ;? bath;' day, - week A: otJ^ month ;£,very 3 reasonable, t" -\u25a0„,\u25a0;•':>\u25a0-.;•", '- \ HOTEL ? AMERH"A,-1045 Market st.^-Rooms;i hiot ,v; and? cold i waters eteamV heat, ; . baths, elevator; ; .'-, '/ .XK-V-;':-" HAIGHT . st.l*; liOo,*! corner.; Pierce-^-2 , ; large, : nicely r ' furnished I bedrooms ; J bay i window,^, gas. : closets, : f^T batb ; i in t borne | of ( public s school;; teacher ;•. rent \u25a0 ROOMS 'TO LET— Continued HAIGHT st.,; 736--Front sunny rfur. room, sult- ,-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 able , for., 1• or 2 ' gents ; ; $1S for 2 ; $15 \u25a0 for 1. HAIGHT^: st., '771— Front parlor, sunny, nicely "\u25a0 -furnished;*, only* slQ ia raontli. •\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0 - >\u25a0< »\u25a0\u25a0 : HOTEL OAK.', lCl ' Fell St.. i 2 blocks from Mar- ;v; v ket — Large sunny front, rooms; free 'bath; hot 4 v ; and 'cold -water iii all rooms. ; S* ...— ' I LAGUNA 'st., 1210— To rent; newly furnished •rooms, 'suitable for house keeping; hot/water '.\u25a0;"' and bath; rent; very ' reasonable.' , LAGUNA st, 723 — Nicely furnished front rooms; .Vcheap rent." ."..-. ., '\u25a0-'\u25a0..'. '..'.-... MCALLISTER =st.. 1445— Nicely furnished sun. : - rooms; : run; water:'- bath., phone; reasonable. MCALLISTER st.V-1797— Nice 'furnished room. suitable for. 2.~5^4 ; mo. ; * also bskpg. rooms. \u25a0 MCALLISTER st.; IS«O— Sunny suite." gnltable " for 2 gentlemen: also slugleroom; reasonable. MCALLISTER St.; S«>S— Nice . sunny front room, .suitable f or , 2 ". gentlemen. -.-.. \u25a0_ .'.. •; .- - SCOTT. st;",'lC6l,"cor. Sutter — Front corner suite.. V. new./lectrie. and gaa. light.; batb. : etc.; ; reas. ; MpALLISTBU t*t.. 167U— Furnished rootEi from ,--.SC up..-- .*T:..- : .~ -.'.--...• -. ; ..:..:\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 -•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0 - ¥ j OAK st.,' 42l— Nicely furnished suite, for 2 or 3 gentlemen; -phone; -water: .$l5 month. OAK i St., JfiS-^Nieely. furnished large room, sult- ;able,for 1" or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. O'FARRELL'. st.V-ilS42— Nice sunny rooms: ran- :• nlng :. water ' In \u25a0 each • room ; reasonable rates ; 2 ' -blocks' from -Fillmor*.-.- -- \u25a0 . -. \u25a0 \u25a0 OVERLAND HOUSB. ; SGO - Sacramento st. below ; .: Montgomery— rNow - open; . 20<i ..* rooms;, uot and •' cold-water int every room; 25c to $3 'per, "day. -:\u25a0'-. $1.50 .-ta'gS^ per, week. :'."EDW.<ROLg IX. '.prop.- O'FARKELL st;.il23— Larger sonny room. for 2 ;.7or iZ; gentlemen;, single ; rooms;;, running "water." O'FARUELL St.. 1129— Elegant front parlor suite Y-for^ .gentlemen;- every convenience r CO mo. OTA RRELL 5t..' 1201-ri Front moil, snnny rooms; running water;. small rooms." suit. ; light hskpg. O'FARRELL St.. IW>2. cor. .Websttr— Newly f ur- . nlshed front and back, parlor; rent -reasonable. O'FARRELL St.. 1209— Nicel/ fura.' rooms.- sult- able ( for '_•; also sunny single. room: reasonable. O'FARRELL St.. ' 1395 — Sonny front " room." ' sult- able for 2; $3: per: week;, also hskpg. rooms. O'FARRELL. et.. 1527— Large -front room, sult- ". able- for 2; separate- beds; ' reasonable. * O'FARRELL- st..' ,1616— A large- sunny front -room- for 2 gentlemen;;,rent- reasonable. '\u25a0>\u25a0 - ; O'FAHRELL- »t","- 12C2— Nice - slnete •; rooms; also ;; house? keeping, rooms:' cheap »rftnt.*c*'. -? » O'FARRELL st.. 16C3— Nicely^Inrnlshed single \u25a0 rooms . from , $3 weak .. np. ", -_j J'4 $2(WSMBSM PAGE St.. 372— Nice. large room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; $S for 1. $12.50 for 2; fireplace. PAGE \u25a0 St., - 293— Beautiful sunny furnished front - room; everything of the best; $16 month for 2. TURK st.. S22— Sunny front hall bedroom and pother rooms, $10 a mouth; also a large bay window room, 2 double beds, * suitable for 3 young men, each $0 a month. \u25a0' WASHINGTON st.,, 2S2G— Private home; a spa- » clous • furnished \u25a0 room, with modern conven- __lenceg: gentlemen only; references reqnired. / ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING BUCHANAN St.. 612— Nicely furnished rooms, . and also house keeping rooms; rent reasonable. BUENA VISTA ay., 035. near Central and .Haight — Elegant sunny room and bath; gentle- 1 man; $12.'* \'.-;r •. .: w« .. i. ';.... -.-. \u25a0.-. \u25a0\u25a0. , EDDT St., -810— Nice, clean furnished and bous^ keeping rooms; phone, batbr reasonable. - EDDY St., 927 — Sunny furn. hskpg. rooms; gas; elec.; laundry; free bath; phone; $20 month. ELLIS st..: 1124— Large, sunrfy, elegantly f urn. rooms, bouse . keeping ; . bath ; . phone ; low rent. ELLIS st.. 1551— Don't walk your legs off. but come here for hskpg. and other furnished rooms. ELLIS Bt., 1072 — Nicely furnished, sunny, front, - alcove suite, with .toy kitchen: also sunny, front parlor, with or without house keeping; . rent reasonable. \u0084 ;. FILLMORE St.; 759 — 2 sunny rooms in rear; ' completely furnished for honse keeping: $14. FULTON St.; 471— 7 room furnished flat for house keeping; $70 a month. H st.. 4C21, opp. park — 1 room flat; $1S; gas range; on carline. . . , -..-..• HAIGHT gt.; 681. off Flllmore— Front and back parlors; hskpg.; water, gas; neatly fur. $18. HAIGHT St., 673 — Large sunny parlor; also 2 connecting rooms; house keeping. LYON St.. 632. near McAllister— 3 outside extra sunny hskpg. rooms in modern middle flat, -with private family; adults. - .. . LAGUNA St.. 1109— Sunny airy rooms for hskpg.; \u25a0 running water ; $5 up to quiet, perm, parties.' MCALLISTER. St., 1048, near Webster— Fur- nished house' keeping rooms. " $15 per "month. % MCALLISTER St., \u25a0 1449— Nice front - and bact i house . keeping rooms; reasonable. . ; . MCALLISTER St., 973 — 1 large, : sunny,- complete for hoase keeping; rent reas.; house qultft.- . MCALLISTER st., 1532^ — Nice sunny bouse keep- ' ing rooms; bot; and cold water; reasonable. MCALLISTER St.; 1727— 3 elegantly furnished connecting honse keeping rooms. MCALLISTER st., ISO2 — 2 bay window parlors, with kitchen and. bath; sun all day. MCALLISTER . s t. . '\u25a0 14SO— Beantif ully furnished ; : references exchanged; no 'children. OAK " St., . 816— To let. suite of rooms; ' closets, gas range; water;; furnished; $18. OAK st, 706 — Elegantly fur. house keep'g suites, $20 up; also single house keeping rooms. $12. O'FARRELL. St., 14C0 — 2, 3 or 4 rooms, lower floor, - for ' bouse ; keeping ; rent . reasonable. O'FARRELL st., 1390— Furnished rooms for ' house keeping; modern. '. O'FARRELL st., 1626, near/Fillmore— 3 sunny connecting rooms, complete; gas range. PAGE St., 481— Nicely furnished singla room; ••also 1 double room, $12 month. SCOTT* «t., 2040, cor. Sacramento— 2 neatly fur- nished sunny attic rooms - for house - keeping; . running .water and gas; only $10 a month. Phone West 2014. \u25a0 s ;,,. r-y.-. :r . , . SCOTT St.. 2040, cor. Sacramento — 2 or 3 neatly furnished sunny rooms for house keeping (reg- ular kitchen); also single room for house keep- ing if desired: running water. Tel. : West 2014. SCOTT st., 1330, nr. O'Farrell — Nicely furnished j rooms; double beds; bath; $10 month np. : TURK st., 822— Large,' sunny room and connect- ing kitchen; rery convenient for house keeping. TURK. 1116, nr. Jefferson sq. — Sunny front room. $5 wk. ; also sin. sleep's rm.. $5 mo.; bot bath. TURK St.. 1202. near Fillmore-r2 nicely furn. sunny rms.; reas.; private house; phone, bath. TURK. St., :\ 1122— Large, sunny room, suitable :for.<2' gentlemen: $12 month. TURK st.,. 1205-^-2 large unfurnished house keep- j : ing. rmg. in rear; rent reasonable. Apply stor<». VAN" NESS • ay.. 719— Newly furnished rooms; modern; bath; $12 np. Tel. Franklin 3562. -.- WALLER st., 1246, nr. Masonic ar. — Large sun- ny front room, suitable for 1 0r, 2 gentlemen; . . also sunny single room; every .convenience; direct to 3 car lines; private borne; reasonable. WEBSTER ; BtV, 1209- 1 -Front sunny rooms; all ..» con veniences; reasonable rates. . WALLER Bt.. 5C3 — Nicely furnished front bouse •\u25a0\u25a0; keeping rooms; reasonable. WEBSTER St.. IS6O, apt. 7—l or 2 sunny front '.rms.;. use of kitchen; no other roomers. Phone West 7771. -....\u25a0;'•-.\u25a0 11TH ay. ' South, ''1533— 2 < rooms complete; rent Vsl2.'- !>-\u25a0\u25a0 .-;...-•' \u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0 ; \u0084 •;. 17TII -st.,-14026— 2 .or; 3 . rooms with use of ; kitchen;, sunny; very reasonable. CALL " BRANCH : OFFICE. 1651 Fillmore %st. V^nejr^ojt^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^jV^^^ \u25a0\u25a0 Brooms -and , board offered ,'^ AAA — BROADWAY,"^ 1720— Large a sunny rooms, /elegantly- furnished; prirate baths; " marine ';" view ; stable; and > service first class. BRYANT • St.. i 2074. near 19th— Newly furnished \u25a0" room t for ,'2. respectable ? people. in private fam- ily. lth excellent board; very reasonable. ' ; . DEVISADERO .- St.: ! 44S— Board and room for- '\u25a0 i workingmen ; '„ $5.00 a 1 week. * DEVISADERO st.;: 1325. corner O'Farrell— Nicely • ; furnished i: front, -.-, room - with board;" running , water; ; gentlemen; ,s27,so. . : : HOWARD 'at.?- 2520— Furnished rooms with board :• S for a young, men; also table boarder wanted.: > NICE home' for 2 gentlemen; large room," prettily \u25a0 furnished; : closets,*, hot and cold water; \u25a0 break- • fast, • ' dinner; fj home ; comforts. - \u25a0 Phone - Frank- --.Hn-OS. -:.;-;-'...\'.^ •-'.-.•-..•\u25a0----.' '.-;.- -•-. \u25a0\u25a0 O'FARRELL ; st .; , 1235^-Sunny 'room - with . board, ' ; 2'genU;: homelike:- reasonable., - PINE \ st.V; 2310—1 large .completely furnished : double \u25a0 room. i 2 gentlemen; 'excellent board: also \u25a0\u25a0'.-/> single .; room : reasonable. - .Tel: J, West • 2140. . FURNI SHED rooms and board. , 533 , Stelner at. WEBSTER st.; ' 1310— Nicely furnished , rooms \u25a0*:.* and -board; private boarding 'house." - 223-1 « PaclOo • a v,-^l V single and 1 double room, ;\u25a0 with board. ." ; i ... \u25a0 ! CALL".': BRANCH- OFFICE. 1651 Flllmore -st ! near : Post.- "*" ~ '-\u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0 .: - - i — — — — — — — —^— — «^— — — . : HOOMS AXD BOARD WAXTED i Cc.\w>^'r:a' 1 :-'.- -'oC-^O^.C^r-^.'-JiiljLZ"- '..,"„-'„:' -- ; ; ' WANTED^-^Room 'and board'for:3 children, ages . 5. ; », ; v 10,*- for $33 \u25a0 a month ; •in Catholic family; Berkeley; preferred." Box 1703, -Call office. HOTELS A^FTRST^LA^^fa^uT^oteX^nodTrwtTpr^ elegantly, fnrnlahed -sunny rooms, en suite or J single; Instantaneous bot water In every room: | sunny dining room,' with private tables. TUB i WEMPE. 419 Oak St.; phone Park 5082. j BROOKLYN HOTEL, 3CS Ist— Board and room. > 1 $t> to fS per wick: rooms 50c to $1: weekly $3-' • np; meals 25c. CHARLES MONTGOMERY, i «""" HOTEL BELMONT 730 Eddy st. bet. Polk and Van Ness ay. Tonr- Ista solicited: reas. CHAS. P>.' SMITH. Mgr. HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th ; and Market sts.— Fam- - lly and commercial hotel; rooms with detached * bath. $1 per day; rooma with private bath. $1.50 per day; - restaurant attached: moderate ' prices; free buss meets all tralna and stmshlps. HOTEL ST. JAMES. .Van Ness at Fulton— Sweli ) rooms; $15 monthly to permanent guests. WINCHESTER HOTEL. 76 3d st. near Market— * 600 Btngltt and family rooms: .100 baths; now open; location and price the same as formerly: .'\u25a0 single rooms SOc per day; family. SI and np: office and lobby on ground floor: free baths. and also free bua to and from all depoU and • ferries. ROLKIN k. SHARP. Props. HOUSES, FLATS, ETC~ FLATS TO LET • - \u25a0 AAA—^Yoowlll flnd'allthedeslrable flats aaj" dwelllnjs la the dry listed at the STERUXO. Come and get printer lists. It will save you mucb time- and trouble. The lists are free and . our reading clerks can give you special Infor- mation on many of the houses contained la - them. STEELING FURXITURB COMPANY. .' __^ 104 ft Market st. - "A BEAUTIFUL HOME"— S room flat: $50; 2287 Hayes; 1 overlooking G. G. park; snnny and - light; large separate yard;, garden; laundry tv . basement: janitor; nothing nicer In 8. V. ANGELICA »t.. 64A, off 19th. near Valencia— ' . Modern : 3 rooms, buffet, kitchen and bas»- • ment: $18. BAKER St.. 1323 — Upper flat to let; 6 sunny ; rooma and bath; porch and yard. • ' BAKER st.. $34, nr. Golden Gate ay. — A hand- some new sunny Cat, 7 larje rooms; reception . hall. \u25a0 . BUSH St.. ICC2; near Franklin— 2 larje flats. * sunny rooms each; parlor floor; rent $50 each." ' • BELCHER. 7SB, nr. 14t_ and Market— *U; , lower rear flat. 3 sonny rooms, la floe order; \u25a0 . open today. . - CALIFORNIA st.'. 2273. nr. Webster— Elegant new upper flat of 9 room* and finished social hall: $C 5; 2 fiata ia bnlldlng. - CUMBERLAND St., 272. bet. 19th and 20t_. off Qtnrcb — 5 large, ' sonny, modern rooma anil bath: $22.50. ' .- \u25a0 ELLIS St.. 1952, few feet east of Devlsadero— -» Lower 4 rooms and batb; $22.50. -. ' FOLSOM and Army sts. — 9 elegant sunny flat;*' ' of 4 rooms and batb each; rents $20 and $21: open for Inspection. Apply CENTER A SPA--- PER. COO Market at. . . , \u25a0- FLAT to let; 4 rooms and bath; $13. GEO. RYAN. -Army and Condon. , GOLDEN GATE ay.-. 1012. near Laguna st. — 7 large, sunny rooms; running water; rent $40; perfect condition. \u25a0 GEARY st- 1322. near Laguna — Sunny T room flat;, modern; Id good order. HAVES St.. 925. near Flllmore — Mortem 3 and 6 room bay window flats; rent reasonable. HAIGHT. 583, near Flllmore — tt tars* nanny' \u25a0 .rooms; rent $55; 2 floors; fine for renting rooms. JACKSON St.. 1020. near Mason — Modern new flat 0 rooms and bath; sunuy side. \u25a0 ' : LYON St.. 415, near Hayes — Fine modern flat; 6~. large sunny rooms and batb: low rent. \u25a0\u25a0'£ NATOMA St.. 1316, near 14th— Modem up to date flat. 4 light rooms and bath; rent $2X. O'FARRELL st.. 1345—7 rooma, bath, baaement.. . yard; upper; sunny. - * JOHNSON ay.. 17A. Richmond district — Six room .flat, wita bath: only $22.50 per month: new. PAGE St.. 445— Large sunny flat. 7 rooms and bath; 3 blocks off Market at. TREMOXT ay.,.170, nr. Frederick St.— 2 sunny modern 4 room upper flats; rent $25; also lower flat;,rept $20. " - ' WALLER St.. 172T — Light sunny flat,- 5, rooms*; bath; large bard, finished basement; reasonable rent to good tenant. - \u25a0 SPRUCE St.. 4H. near Sacramento— 2 new. pret- ty, sunny flats. 4 and 5 rooms: nice locality. TURK St.; 10— Flat of 1 sunny rooms. \u25a0»\u25a0 22D St., 3550—5 room flat wit_ bath; bay win- dows, double ' parlors; rent ebe_». MONEY made dally and Call Want Ads help to make it. Advertise your wants; make them known to tbe public thronsh a Call Want Ad.' An investment, not an expense. For full par- ticulars read Call Want Ads dally. rs|f FL-VrS*- FOR SALE * : , 53,300— Rents $420. ' Sacrificed for immediate sale. - Two flats on a main street near KHliwre and Union; newly renovated; street blrumintzed 1 : can secure loam, of $2,000. O.H. FERGUSON, room 231. 62S Montgomery st. 1 ' FLATS 1 TO LET— Furnish**! WELL paying 10 room furnished flat for'sale at 1?k» than half its value: part terms. Call 165_ O'Farrell st. hetwe*i» Fillmore and Webster. - FLATS FOR. SALE— Furnl*l»«d FURNITURE for 7 room flat; everything new; electric lights, phone; rooms rented; desirable location: must sell on account of leaving city. 1175 Ellis St. -- \u25a0 ' \' r SWELLEST located 14 rooms; everything com- plete, including piano, machine; leaving for* England; it clears $64 over rent; $700; snap. .< 1114 Turk st. ______" FURNISHED flat of 6 rooms; must sell tmmedl- atery: a bargain. Call at 3283 Mission st. >•\u25a0« ..'V * _ - CQ^^A^E^ TJOjJLET ; i\u25a0 -^ COTTAGE of 5 rooms and bath; rent $20. 3213 Folswn st. . Key at 350 Precita »y. > \u25a0 „ j TWO 3 room cottages. 155 and 157 Dnooce ay.. near Valencia st.; rent $12.50. ' ' . r. TO LET — Cottage; 5 rooms and bath; $18. GEORGE RYAN. Army and Condon. -. HOUSES TO LET — Furnished . $6—46 — 4 room shingled bouse: sunny. 1408 17 tb ay. South.- Tnkf Kentucky ran. '. HOUSES TO LET — Unfurnished FILLMORE st.. 747 — Fine 12 room house; per- ter.t repair: large* mranv rooma: IfiO. > CORNER store. Fell and -Flllmors- sts. DESK room. Monadnock bids.. 91t> month. Ap- ' ' ply loom 375. ..;-'\u25a0 _^ LARGE store and living apartments for rent, very reasonable. luiuire of POSTLEU BROS., corner 19th: and Shotwell -sts.- " '\u25a0 \u25a0 STORES ON AXD NE.IR WATEU FRONT 2 stores. East near Washington; on Washington near East: new 2 story steel and brick boild- , ing; 2 frontages; ske 90x115; will lease «n- tire or divide to salt; stores on Sacramento near. Market: small store East near Clay. K. . ,L.'HILL & CO.. Real Estate. 6 East st. opp.' : ferry bnlldlng. APARTMENTS ADELINE apartments. C_o Eddy St.— 2. 3 and 4 room apts.: modem; central, rates reasonable. CLIFTON APAKTMENTS, 143S California st,— s . room front apt.; sun all day; gm range: $12.50. DUNDEE apt*., 736 Stanyan opp. G. G. park — >.- 1 Newly for. 4 r.; large, sonny; very reasonable. FREDERICK APTS.. 901 Stanyan, corner Freder- i lck — 2-3-4 rooms; overlooking G. U. park: reas. -.-"\u25a0•. KELLOGG APARTMJBNTS, - 2205 S.icramento st. near Laguna; '7 unfurnished rooms and batb; elevator, janitor, bot water,. etc.; new and ready for occupancy January I. '09: $60to $SO. Apply on premises or at 22C5 .' California st. . .- ' . KENILWORTH. NE. COR.. BUSH ANI> POWELL STS. 3 AND 4 ROOMS FURNISHED. '.-'- HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENTS. COMPLETE APPOINTMENTS ANI> SERVICK. MOZART APARTMENTS— Just completed; Wal- nut hnd Sacramento sts.; Z and 4 rooms; $22.50 ,:to $40. -\u25a0-:-,....\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0- \u25a0 . . . ' . MARIE ANTOINETTE— A 'few left: choice _ . : '. room^ apartments: private: hall. batb. large . 'closets, plenty of light, 'Corner Pine and Leav- euw«_th. • MARYLAND apartments. SKJ Page st. — 1 room ~ unfurnished apartments; private baths. . hot and cold water: Janitor and elevator »crvlc»._, Ratea $40 to $45. PACIFIC AVENUE APARTMENTS. 1720 Pacific . ay. turn, and nnfnrn. apartments. TI!E CALIFORNIA APARTMENTS. 2124 Call- " fomia = st. near . Buchanan. . I^. THE GABLES. 'CIay and Larkln — I room sunny;. : corner apartments; references. .' 10TH ay., 274— 4 large, sunny rooms and bath; ~ >tx\ ' --\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 • \u25a0 \u25a0 • . HOTELS FOR SALK. " FOR SALK — JO : ntotn "house, all bnprov*?-, m«-nti«. finely furnlsberl. R.»>m H. 6»>l S.-wv .^ramento st.'. of KearnT. \u25a0-- - - \u25a0 Contlaued to Next Pag* _^_^__H__MH_ai_a__aM_B__a___s_____B__i_H_^_ 9