Newspaper Page Text
Down comes tie goddess from the dome of the ruined Gty Hal The Passing of the Statue is the third and lad ad in a play of angular tragedies. See article in The Sunday Gall VOLUME CV.— NO. 52. VIOLENT STORM SWEEPS VALLEY O F SACRAMENTO Telegraph and Telephone Wires Centering in Capital Are Battered Down Great Damage Caused by Wind and Rain Above and Below City Breaks Reported on West Side of River and Railroad Tracks Further Damaged Island levers ore In dancer. Wafer forms one vatt era from Rio Vista to Colusn. Track at "Webster is damaged acsin. but temporary liridce Is to be used ni dvna. Stockton region fears flood. Oregron and Washington rail roads held up. [Special Dispatch io The Call] SACRAAIEXTO. Jan. 20. — The Sacra mento valley was swept its full lengrth and breadth tonight by a xvind and rain storm which would do credit to a Texas northwester. For three or four hours it continued with terrific force, laying low telegraph and telephone wires, churning the overflow into a fury and unquestionably doing . grreat damage both above and below this city, the extent of which can not be told tonight because of demoralized telegraph and telephone conditions. Up the valley this evening, before the heaviest of the storm broke, the rain had already been heavy enough to cause the rivers to rise again, and tonight the .Feather. Yuba. American and the upper Sacramento are rising rapidly. Flood Waters Receding What effect the volume of water will have on the receding flood Is problematical. The Sacramento at Tthis point Is falling tonight and is now three and a half ftet below the- mark EeY Sunday night. It is not believed enough water has fallen throughout the valley to cause the river to rise^to this Mgh point again; Below this city the river Is dropping rapidly, and reports brought by steamer from Rio Vista, Walnut Grove and Isleton this evening are to the effect that the levees are holding. The people of the island district were afraid of a heavy wind, however, and it is impos sible to tell what As taking place in that district tonight. Island Levees in Danger When the steamer Empress left Isle ton at 3 o'clock this afternoon four boats were in readiness to carry gangs of men to any section of the island dis trict as goon as needed, but with the terrific wind of tonight it' is not be lieved men could do much to hold the water once it got over the levees. It teemed to be the general opinion in the island district that Tyler, Brannan end Reyer islands were in the worst condition, although the levees on them were holding when the steamers left this afternoon. Breaks in the levees above and be low this city during the high water of c few days ago caused the Tolo basin find several smaller reclamation 'dis tricts west of the Sacramento river to fill, and tonight there is one vast sea from Rio Vista almost to Colusa. Railroad Gang Recalled The heavy wind churned this water Into great -waves, and many reports have been received here of further breaks in the levees on the west side .of the river. The Southern Pacific work trains, with gangs of men repairing the great washout near Webster, were called in this afternoon when the wind came up, for fear the waves would wash the workmen and possibly some of the cars away. \ It is believed that a much larger stretch of track will be missing in tne morning when the train goes back. 'The track has been under water for four or five miles and has been broken in a number of places. Six Persons in River Probably .1.500 yards pf track, all told, is gone. Xo estimate will be made| by the Southern Pacific officials as to when 'trains will be- running over this : line, 'which is the direct route to San Francisco. Trains will -be operated the temporary bridge at Elvas tomor row, the officials say. Along the Yolo side of the river, near this city, a number of houseboats were overturned by the wind tonight. In one A. D. Somer, his wife and four «:h'ldren were caught, but they were rer-cucd by Sergeant Rible and-Patrol man Shields. Most of the river steamers coming up this evening tied up during the orm and came into this city late after the heavy wind had passed. Venice Island Fears Flood ISpecial Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTOX, Jan- 20.— At: 4 .'o'clock tomorrow afternoon Venice island will *ace a crucial test by" the ravages' of the flood waters in the streams .and rivers flowing through the. -'delta --sec-" 1 tlon. A 6 f00t. 3 inch tide .will appear at Suisun bay at that time; Should the high tide check the flow JJontiaued «n I'age S, ? Column 4 The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEPHONE KEARXY 86 THURSDAY. JANUARY 21, 1909 WEATHER CONDITIONS YESTERDAY — South wind, rain; maximum temp*ratuw, 00 deg.; minimum. 52 deg. FOBECAST FOB TODAY — Bain; high south erly wind. • **a*e 15 EDITORIAL Wby tbe jury box docs not fill. \u25a0 Page 6 Wells-Fargo dodging Inquiry. Page 6 Getting together on road building. Page 0 Chamber of commerce enterprise. . Page 6 LEGISLATIVE Assembly In arms orcr request for expla nation why legislature failed to Tote on anti racetrack measure. Page 1 In series of clashes forces farorable to race track gambling are routed in assembly Page S Tbere will be no mtl-Japantee legislation;en acted by this legislature. Page 2 Detwiler % s refuge known In Toledo and police think substantial reward would cause ar rest. * ". Page 1 Fourti juror is passed for Calhoun trial and 11 talesmen are disqualified. ' Page 3 Newtrargh sheds tears on witness stand during testimony- In his own defense. Page 5 CITY Mrs. James F. Moroney sues for dirorce ; on the ground of desertion by wealthy clubman. Page S Society woman plans career behind foot lights. Page 1 Dr. Vonwlnckcl wants proxies for clx years from members of California women's ' hos pital. Page 16 Dr. Albert J. Atkins demonstrates with "health squad" that fruit dried with sulphur Is beneficial to health. **«»e 18 Potrero arenue people oppose erection of 52,000.000 hospital oa old site. Pag*e 13 Benjamin Heath appointed superintendent of street repair, rice Broderlck, resigned. Page IS Strong array of facts amassed in 'protest i against tbe switching charges made In San Fran-' ; Cisco by the railroads. ' Page 13 Andrew Fcruseth is freed of charge of con tempt of court. Page 7 Chamber of commerce plans building of two •tory etructure In heart of downtown dis trict. Page 13 Many robberies on streetcars and from houses during sight in city and one holdup sis re ported. ;- -: j -A - Page 7 New' four story building is | being rushed to completion In downtown district. . Pace 15 Wife obtains divorce from ) husband , who had an uncontrollable habit of .swe&rlag. ,: Pace 15 United States Marshal Elliott In great tangle of official red tape. . Page 7 . Mrs. Pai tea Is granted dlroree . and will get big alimony. .-. * - ; Page 7 Woman', killed' by auto whea stepping*- iron?, streetcar.'-/ ; : \u25a0 .V.\' : \u25a0 \ ; - ,--\u25a0.•/." P«g*e 4 nival tickets named at German - hospital i as result of disagreement orer management'of'ln stitution. •*;'.*\u25a0:.. • " '\u25a0.] Page s Three officers of steamer President "rescued from drowning in the i bay. , \u25a0 . '. " Page - Miss Louise Flckert, sister of attorney, " flies deed to Island No. 2 for DaTld T. Hanbury's brQtber. ; i'.V'it . Page 4 Pretty southern woman granted .- dlroree from navy doctor for desertion. Page 5 SUBURBAN District attorney and four San Mateo Miper- Tlsors accused of misconduct. Page 1 Freshman put on California team to meet Stanford In debate for Carnot medal Febru ary 5. Page 4 Thomas Pratber examined as tl terms of Ed son F. Adams' lease to Union national bank. Page 4 Many Berkeley high school boys are 'charged with thefts and dismissed from school. Page 4 COAST \u25a0 Violent storm sweepa Sacramento ralley j and causes damage to telegraph wires, ' leTees " and railroad tracks. Page 1 Venice island Is menaced by flood and danger point around Stockton will be reached this afternoon. • | TBjtfllil .Page 2 Kecall of Mayor Harper Is, roted by prom inent citizens of Ixm Angeles assembled at call of municipal league. Page 1 Sit are killed and eight Injured in explosion in coal mine. Pace 16 : T. S. Montgomery corrals patronage, of clerk at Agnew asylum. Page 10 EASTERN Fire In Lake Michigan crib causes death of scores of workmen, many of the Tlctlms being fearfully mutilated. Page 3 Ex-Mayor Pbclan and other members rof spe cial committee Impress upon .. house committee the necessity of . San Francisco , securing Hetch Hetchy water supply. ' Page 3 Many Callfomians are given Carnegie hero medals and money. Page 4 GoTernment should keep forests and water supply from grasp of corporations. Page 4 SPORTS ; Emeryrllle stewards will Inrestlgatc defeat of Tawasentha, faTorlte In opening race Page 10 Handlcapper . Xathanson makes public weights for Lissak stake to be run at Emeryrllle . Sat urday. -".Page 9 Humphrey says Olympic club Is far ahead of eastern organizations co far as athletics are con eernt*d. _ Page 0 Thomas H. Williams' Big Chief defeats King James, favorite In. mile race at ' A rcadia. _" Page 10 John L. Sullivan 'offers purse of $75,000 'for fight between Jack Johnson' and ~ Jim Jef frieu. Page!) ; Sam Berger wants a chance to flghl Ketchel at catch weights. Willis Brltt ': says-, his middle weight champion- will, go' after.: John son. V ' 7 Page 9 Cy Morelng of Stockton comes to city cure , lease on -ball \ grounds.^^^^ I'ng;e O \ Nelson In story ofj life :" tells how j he ; , got $15 for winning his first big fight. > Page 9 MARINE Harbor commissioners will call -, tor bids today for the $100,000 wharf for the uservof the West ern Pacific Page IS LABOR '\u25a0'..[ .Members of union of tailors on women's goods are locked oat, by employers. \u0084 Page 13 MISS EDITH: JORDAN'S ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Daughter of Stanford i President tb; v Wedi Edward/ Berwick : • PACIFIC;. GROVE, 7 Jan..' 2o.— Miss ; Ed!th Jordan, only .? daughter' /of . Dr. David. Starr "Jordan, president : of Stan ford university, .yesterday announced her betrothal- to; Ed ward Jr. of Cartnel .' valley, ' Monterey 'county. Announcement •was." made at a": recep tion in Los Angeles, given, in: her honor at > the residence of- Mrs. Spaldins. .-\u25a0 / SAN;.FRi^€^ PEOPLE'S LOBBY IS DEALT BLOW BY LEGISLATORS Representative Barred From Assembly for "Daring? to Question Member Courteous Note to Al v Wheelan for Failure to Vote on Rac ing Bill Is the Cause i Solons Place Selves on Record as Disapproving Public Scrutiny 'of Acts George Van Smith [Special Dispatch to The Call] CALL HEADQUARTERS, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. ,'SACRA MENTO, Jan. 20.— With a yelp '"of out raged'dignity the assembly rose up In its sensitive might this morning,: de nounced the impertinence of any set of men which should dare to ask questions about the acts of any of Its members and avenged a • dastardly, attempt to secure an explanation of Assemblyman Al -Wheelah's failure ; to^ vote for the racetrack • interests by Ejecting 7" the people's lobby, as represented by George B. Anderson/ editor of the Pacific Out look, from the sacred precincts of I the assembly chamber!. Assembly Ridiculous Carried away by the plaints of As semblyman Al Wheelan; who resented any one other than the racetrack in terests inquiring into his failure, to be present yesterday ? .to record his vote for the recommitment of the Otis- Walker bill, and by the vigorous ora tory of Bob Beardslee and Grove L. Johnson, the assembly, demonstrated to day that it would rather be ridiculous than to concede that -the people; had any right ; to. ask questions.^ Inciden tally,iit gave concrete expression to(the resentment of spate _of its members over the presence 'ln \u25a0Sacramento 7of The'so" called "people's lobby," which has sent agents to Sacramento to v record and PT- eserv .®; tne votes of all assemblymen and. senators on all. questions of public Interest. , " V For years Jere Burke, Walter Par ker, George Hatton, Frank Daroux or any other lobbyists representing in terests inimical t to the .people ';" have been permitted 7to stalk "around the floors of both house ordering senators and assemblymen, nominated and elect ed by the machine to vote or not 7to vote, with all the assurance of' section bosses and with the same explicit and unquestioning obedience that the sec tion boss would receive from his gang of Denounced as Disgrace 'A situation 7 which \ Governor. Gillett denounced as a disgrace to . the state developed. Upon the organization of the t thirty-eighth sesslonj both houses adopted; stringent anti-lobbyist* rules, and be it said to the credit of Speaker Stanton- that the rulehas been* strictly enforced in the house. No spectacular enforcement of the rule was to be ex pected in the senate. \u25a0 : The people's lobby is not a lobby in fact. It savprs of the 7 right kind of espionage and is not; resented by the great majority of the right thinking men in either house. The public has a right to .know what its legislators are doing and a civic organization calling itself the people's lobby placed George B. Anderson, -editor of \the : Pacific Out look,' and accredited representative of the Fresno Republican, in charge of its Sacramento office. " Al Wheelan, assemblyman from San Francisco, was among:„n g:„ those absent when the showdown between the race track and - anti-racetrack people was precipitated yesterday by the attempt of Assemblyman J. TV. Mott of Oakland to -securer the recpmrnitment of the Otis-Walker bill to the committee on publiclmorals. Courteous Letter He' received ; last night a courteous letter: signed by George; B. Anderson, as secretary of the ~ people's lobby, in which it was ; stated ; that; it -was the purpose of the lobby, to < keep a perma nent; record to \ be" placed in 1 the hands of newspapers and •clvlcVo'rganlzations and7 concluding with- these "words: -"We wish to . ask iif you have "any objection- to furnish ' us ? the j reason ' for your ': absence •so that we may enter " - it upon our 7 record." -*' : '. ' . . '• 7James^T.;Feeley of Oakland and P; F. \u25a0 Coggswell, one of the straightest Continued on Page .2, Column 2 NEWSPAPER BOATS RACE-'-CALLWINStfGJIM SACRAMENip, ; Jan: -2O.^Racm v caused .by. the -overflow, -launches bearing the San Francisco morning.- papers :carrie -today. i% FollowifigitheVexarnpleJset by' The (Tall- yesterday 7R£utoManager;^ xhartered 'a'Jaunch \u25a0and:br6ught' r iThe Gall into -this city from Davis two hours ahead of all rivals, "the"qther papers had launches to meet the train at Davis today. .* ; . • : With waves \breaking!ifiveito sixfeet;high, tliecsmaU launches headeivtowardSacfamehtd and beganlthe race Jwh^Hj meant ifi^ 'firsts : • , " MAKES DEMAND FOR RECALL OF MAYOR HARPER " \u25a0- i - i .... ' \u25a0 \u2666 Municipal J League of Los Ange* les Deals Blow to Ma» chine Politics Executive Accused of Yielding to Dictation of Southern Pacific Bureau Protection of Vice to Be Ground of Petition Asking for a New" Election [Special Dispatch to The Call] ' LOS ANGELES, . Jan.- 20.— Machine politics in Los Angeles was ..dealt ;- a staggering blow today when' 3oo"of the mostiprominent citizens of. Los Angeles assembled at the call of the municipal league and voted to 'recall' Mayor Ar thur C.I Harper. 7. 7 7 This Is the first instance in the;his tory.".'of..''American municipalities that the recall provision has been* brought into operation against a rf j city's chief executive. Yields to S. P. Dictation ; It- IsV considered significant, here, where the movement- is to be initiated, that it is * directed against Mayor Har-| per chiefly \u25a0because, as !t is alleged,' he yielded to the dictation of the Southern Pacific political bureau in the appoint ment of Jmen to important positions and that jin his official acts he has not conserved ; the, best 'interests of the citizens generally. '' ; The recall movement of today has grown out of the charge that vice has been protected in Los Angeles ?by. : the municipal commissioners appointed by the mayor, and the. members of; which, it has been proved, have been engaged in mercantile and stock ~ selling enter prises with the -mayor,, numerous liquor, dealers arid cafe ) profcr lfti^/' •• 7 ** :• : Vice^is ' Protected?^ -^ '$}$ ; The i meeting: this afternoon; was- full of dramatic ; incidents. 7 Major Henry T. ? Lee, a friend of the mayor's" father, voiced r the : first 7lndictment^7 Indictment^. of /Har per. It. was the sense of the meeting that viee ' had been protected in I^os Angeles, and when O.T. Johnson, for mer police commissioner, 7moved that the, municipal league be - Instructed to proceed with the recall of Mayor Har per there was a tremendous demonstra r tion. Of the":3o0 -citizens in the hall only four voted against the resolution.' Petitions"? will^bV put in^ circulation probably tomorrow. The league ex pects to obtain 10,000 signatures. Eight thousand will be sufficient, under ; the charter provision -to compel the council to call an election. T\ ;\u25a0 - LANDS ON ROCKPILE AFTER THRiLLING RIDE - - - — \u25a0 • \u25a0 ,- . \u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0 :-.\u25a0.\u25a0-..'' .. . .\u25a0\u25a0 Miner O'Donnell Jumps From a Runaway Ore Car [Special Dispatch] to The Call] 7 NEVADA; CITY, Cal., Jan. 20.— After a thrilling. ride down a steep 'grade in' a runaway, ore car "yesterday,- and*' a flight through the air of 2007f eet;, fall ing ;< on a rocky ; hillside, Minor O'Don nell still, lives and^is likely to recover, say the physicians.^ . . O'Donnell was going down the moun-' tainMn a car from the Gray Eagle mine when the brakes refused to work and the car rushed- down at a terrific rate'lv-;': ~/\\. '\u25a0'\u25a0.:\u25a0 \u25a0,-> ' . '\u25a0 \u25a0 '. '.'" ".\u25a0}. : .'\u25a0' Seeing that it would be certain death to remain in the car, O'Donnell; Jumped"' He alighted ; 200 feet awayion . a i rock pile, ;j breaking. his ,jaw_ and 'receiving internal injuries. 7. A TENNESSEE GOES DRY DESPITE PATTERSON Governor's Veto of -Prohibition Bill Is Overridden [Special to t The \ Call] ;" NASHVILLE, Term., Jan. ; , 20'.-^fGoy ernor Patterson's ' savage veto of Vthe' statewide prohibition', bill ; was over ridden.y;Dy;>the^ legislature this "after noon in the senatelby. a vote; of 20 ;to 13^and;ln the^houseby-61'ito 36. The' surprise;. was .prohibition's ; : majority (of seven In \th"e- senate, which : liquorr-in terests had claimed. Senator. Mansfield/ whom Senator; Fort called the /'blucher from McMinn," :)' failed \u25a0 to \ speak, al-' th'o'u gh it was planned for him '. to make' the i'motion^toi^override; the yeto> = The' bill 'becomes effective: July: l' next-.; : Society Woman Plans Debut as Thespian Mrs. Charles; Platt, who plans career behind footlights. MRS. CHARLES PALTT YEARNS FOR STAGE WHl^Join Matthieufs Traveling Company Under the] Footlight Name of "Betty Borroughs^ Under th*e;stage. name : of .Betty Bor roughs.VMrs. Platt, wife of ;the cashier of -the^Pacific improvement com-* pany and sister I ' ih. : law of Horace Platt, '•\u25a0-, \u25a0'-,-'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .J:.!t^--fc<?-iv:.-.'j \u25a0.?-:-:. >..\u25a0\u25a0-:\u25a0 .-::,y;.\i president of , the vGeary" street; car com - , \u25a0 ,-. \u25a0 .\u25a0*\u25a0 -\u25a0• • k .*-.< ; ;r.v. " '. . " .' .. ".'--: *- t' pany, .will .venture. upon a career^ behind \u0084.\u25a0". " _: - '. ,- : ."* - '-_', ' • ":' j 1 , '• r \u25a0'",\u25a0", .\u25a0 ; v the footlights. -rThe : debut of the. young society \u25a0woman rwlll;r wlll; be made 'under the artistic -guidance^ of il'lrank Matthieu,' stage : managrer; ; un*d'jleadlng mah^ of. the" Frank . "Matthjeu^compaiiy 7 of - legitimate' players,, - in* ~ Shakespeare's ; 'immortal comedy, "TwelfthiNight;".fand owing . to her7own*social7^pVestige]''and;ithe \u25a0com mercial weishtTof !he?relations, she -will be a distinct theicompany; f ronr the viewpoint. of the-'pfess ''agent. * i "I have ; always felt';.that.*l^ hud; it ; in> me," , 'said Uhe-'embryo'''actre''ss,!in' her' home .in; Sausalito/ '"Itjmaajepn^posi tively-unhappy i to ;&o ,to^ a; theater /and watch others treadingr^the while. I jWas ; forced 'to. remalnVseated 111 bn;the 6ther7 side 'of the/footUghts.^/^^ \u25a0* Seeks; Stage: Honors ;" •? - : :' ."There is nothing in;motoririg, yacht-j ing Vor \u25a0' pink teas," the;* ; thesplan-to^be continued , rather .'^wearily., •: '''A-'*, certain amount ; of enjoyment -at -the time.^pef-: haps, but"no\ lasting'' satisfaction. J; \ Not) ttiat' l am unhappy with-my^husband^ fartfrom^it^.ifßupposeltriererare/ifewi people > happier \u25a0 than v-we .rare. ; 'But I wanted ; do' something; worth \u25a0.while. . . X "I would have tried 'before,* but I^uh derstand; that. theatricalf ; managersi' are not^aiwaVs". polite- in informing, one that no positions are open. As I,.anv in .;a position where I ;do , not have to stand ins'ults,;l never attempted to, secure an engagement -, from ' strangers." Mrs. Platt 5»wlll# appear >in 7 the *role qf^Maria; in -."Twelfth? Night" as soon aaithe'^floods' I which^have; inundated;, the irine'rary. of ; the Matthieu company "of legitimate = players'! ; havei .subsided.* The roster '\u25a0 of ,;the company \u25a0 readsjin spots like? a page from '."Who's ;Who." \u25a0 and many of the' members besides having prominent ;. connections i have a genuine talent'for ex'poundlng the thesplan art. : -frV'Miss.-yirglrila : Lalrd":.wlll]probably / be o^?^loia,";SaidyMana'ger^^Matthieu ' ; last* night,' (in l" talking.' of '; his. (plans,' "and she: has : rehearsed 'the-; part; with*; dili-^ gehce7^and promise.-'. Harry Spencer Continued ; on Page 2, C olnnin *- 3 \u25a0jf New S<m'Fr«Ja*co^jc«^"»rc l !^be'sho»3ni'"in a icnes of J 1 f ]i SixFull Page Dnwings in Color You will want to keep these pictures. I The Er it appeus Sunday in j ; The Sunday Call \u25a0 \ DETWILER'S REFUGE KNOWN TOLEDO Police Believe > Follow- Offer p! Siibstan- "'.,\u25a0 • .;.] , tial? Reward [Special' Dispatch Jo the Call]] " ; <-*iTOLEDO, * Ohio.vjan. • 20.— The search for I A: \u25a0: K. I>e twiler, the ' Toledo "-: tele phone'-.millionaire,.'.who .is •wanted*."'-' in San VFrandsco -: on', graft charges in con nection • with' • the'- ;Home y telephone coinpany.l'' was* resumed by the '."local police today.. ; -.;. .'\u25a0' '.. -Detective Burns, who, is assisting the San jFrancisco^prbsecutor. . Francis ,: J. Heney. notified \ police '"\u25a0 here : today .that^the' detective department -. of -»\u25a0, San Francisco >has : run down practically^ all 'the ; men~ who' ."wanted" except the .Toledo millionaire^, and ; the search for^-him ">willi'b"e- pushed vigorously." \u25a0 ; ' ! *;The 'dispatch, from San Francisco!fur ther states that the department there has .determined .that;i)etwiler.' Is • not In Ohio. r but- that he Is within 500 jnlles of Toledo, where, he" has 'been " ever since he ; 'disappeared. <' Burns says they are also cognizant of the fact ; that certain local ; people : : have \u25a0 been" in "communica tin, with - betwiler regularly. \u25a0 since he left the '"city.*'" • < -The . truth ; of . these - statements was confirmed » tonight by a . close friend of Detwller,' who, works .in . the Detwiler establishment.- ! -He w stated' that - the To ledo''millionaire's family i and his at torneys ' know !. of -Detwller's ".where abouts .and* that several of ODetwiier's business associates are -in constant communrcation -with him. \ '\u25a0 :*, I, * 'It i is. believed here that 'if -a. substan tial -'reward' were \u25a0 offered' for "his ar rest: Detwiler ; would * be>in ': the • hands of ,* the California "authorities in less than '4B hours. MARYjGARDENiOBJECTS TO I CAVAIIIERI ANDiRESIGNS Prima Donna Peeved by Engage- - ment of ;Italian';Singer ; . [Special to The Call] V NEW YORK, \ Jan. 20.— -Mary :\u25a0 Garden has resigned ; from the Manhattan > opera company 'because I Impresario Hammer steln'-eng-agred^Cavalleri'ito sing. ' r CMlss Garden' said. tonight: '; :.':. " /."ItMs -true that<l .-have -resigned. 1 wilu not ; allow \u25a0an Italian to 'sing ray French -roles." . 'It- was^ reported: late- tonight that Hammerstein'hadi yielded .to Miss ' Ga rden .and Cavalieri wiii f not ! sing '^Thaia." PRICE ITVE GENTS. ACCUSES 5 SAN MATEO OFFICIALS Grand Jury Files Charges Against Prosecutor and .. Supervisors Plan to Defraud County in the Courthouse Contract Is .. rVIICgCU District Attorney's Rumored Plea for Immunity Ignored by Inquisitors Sheriff Faces Loss of Job for Alleged "Willful Neglect of Duty" * Officials Accused by San Mateo Grand Jury Of willful and corrupt misconduct in office: District Attorney Joseph J. Bul lock. 'Supervisor D. E. Blackburn. Supervisor J. H. Colemaa. Former Supervisor Joseph De benedetti. Former Supervisor J. C. Elker enkotter.' Of willful neglect of duty: Sheriff Robert S. Chatham. ALLEGATIONS IK ACCUSATTOjr HZ TDTUra»,BY THESAJT XATEO GSJLSTD TOBY AGATSfST BISTBICT ATTOajTZY BULLOCK AND rOTHt BTEPEBVZSOM.* * That on September 21, 190*. District Attorney Bullock and Supervisors "Blackburn, jColeman/." Debenedetti " 1. and Efkerenkotter "corruptly. se- ' with agreed intent and purpose** 'prepared and delivered to the -county clerk a contract for alteration on the dome of the new • courthouse, to cost $2,991, entered into with the J. J. O'Brien construc tion company of San Francisco. That they made an effort, through Bullock, to have the county clerk enter this contract: ln the minutes .of the board of supervisors as hav ing been passed 'at a regular meet ; Ing on September 8, 1908, and regn • larly attested by the clerk.;. That this was done "for the heneflt "of the J. J. O'Brien construction company" and to "cheat. Impose .''upon and defraud the county of San • Mateo." ALLEGATIONS AGAETST BHX&T2T -\\> ,KOSEaT 8- CHATHAJC That on election day, November ' 3. ;1908. Sheriff Chatham permitted . Clifton West, a prisoner In the -'county Jail, to escape from his - custody. , Chatham allowed West to leave jail and vote." PBO3ABLE &£CO3OCE2n>ATIO3rS Of TBZ SAX HATZO GBA2TD 7TTBY. That suit be brought against Treas- \u25a0 ,'urer P. P. Chamberlain and 'the | . First- national bank of Redwood City to recover interest due on ' deposits -of public funds. ; That the supervisors consider the ab rogation of portions of the con tract on the new courthouse held "by the J. J. O'Brien construction . company, of this city. That Architect Glenn Allen, engaged in supervising "the construction of th« new courthouse,' be removed from office. \u25a0 : [Special Dispatch to The Call] REDWOOD CTTT. Jan. 20.— Rejecting the circuitous overtures of District.At torney Joseph J. Bullock of San Mateo county to the effect that if granted im munity he would go before the grand jury, confess his reputed misdeeds and fling the lid clear off the political cor ruption of the county, the grand -Jury today filed accusations against the of ficial, 1 charging him with 'willful and corrupt misconduct in 'office. If the case Is proved Bullock will be ousted from 'his office. district attorney Is not alone. Supervisors .J.'^H. Coleman and D. E. Blackburn and ex-Supervisors . Joseph Debenedetti \and "Julius Caesar Elker enkotter are accused with him. .In dictments against the officials and , for mer officials may be returned later. Sheriff Also Accused Sheriff Robert •S. Chatham -was also accused. He ., was \u25a0 charged ,, with . willful neglect of duty and he ; stands to lose his j job 7 if the .charge, the/truth of which he admits, la proved befor* a Jury. . .\ ' % ; •• "". "Attorney Archer, Kincaid prepared. all the accusations at the request of Fore man Sneath ' of "the r grand jury. 'rThe wrath that has ; been \u25a0 dangling over the heads ., of the members -of the notorious political "ring" descended this afternoon. The accusation against Bullock ' was filed -by the grand Jury with Superior .Judge Buck, and tha court announced, in accordance • with the ' law, ; tl^t . he would ask District