Newspaper Page Text
The San Francisco Call Address All Communications to THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL Telephone "KEARNY S6"— A«k for The Call. The Operator Will Connect Yoa With the Department You Wish. BUSINESS OFFICE Market and Third Streets, San Francisco Open UntiJ 11 o'clock Every Night in the Year. EDITORIAL ROOMS ...Market and Third Streets MAIN CITY BRANCH ~ 1651 Fillmore Street Near Post OAJCT »vn nvvTpp i C o ,„,, c» /n«^ nn \u25a0mrwui / Tel. Sunset— Oakland 1083 uak_AND OFMCE— <6S 11th St. (Bacon Block). Te iephon^ Home— A 2376 ALAMEDA OFFICE — 1435 Park Street Telephone Alameda. 659 BERKELEY OFFICE — SW. Cor. Center and Oxford. . .Telephone Berkeley 77 CHICAGO OFFICE — 1634 Marquette Blds..C. George Krogness, Special Agent NEW YORK OFFICE— SOS Brunswick Bldg.. Jos. C. Wilberdlng, Special Agent WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT— Post 81dg... Ira E. Bennett SUBSCRIPTION RATES . Delivered by Carrier. 20 Cents Per Week, 75 Cents Per Month. Single Copiep. 5 Cents. Terms by Mall, for UNITED STATKS, Including Postage (Cash With Order): DAILY CALL (Including Sunday), I Year *B.OQ DAILY CALL (Including Sunday), 6 Months $4.00 DAILY CALL— By Singrle Month ••••. ,76c SUNDAY CALL. 1 Year • $2.50 WEEKLY CALL 1 Year ". .11.00 FOB-JGN \ "a'ly JS.OO Per Year Kxtra T>n<:TA^c-. Sunday $4.15. Per Year Extra POSTAGE ( weekly . . . - *l°o Per Year Extra Entered at the United States Postofflce as Second Cluss Matter. ALL POSTMASTERS ARE AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS. - c - Sample Copies Will Be Forwarded When Requested. Mail subscribers in ordering change of address should be particular to give both NEW AND OLD ADDRESS in order to insure a prompt and correct compliance with their request. INDEX. TO THE CALL CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOUNTANTS Col. 2. P. U ADOPTION Col. 4. P. I* AGENTS WANTED Col. 4. P. 11 APAETJIENTS ...Col. 6. P. 11 ATTORNEYS CoL 3. P. 1* AUTOMOBILES CoL 7. ?. 11 BA_ AND 6TOEE FIXTUBES CoL 1. P. 12 B ARBEES AND SUPPLIES .CoL S. P. 11 -,« : •• col. *, P. 11 BUSINESS CHANCES -CoL 1. P. 12 BUSINESS PEESONALS CoL 4, P. 18 CAEPET CLEANING CcL *, P. 18 CLAIEVOYANTS Col. ii P. 12 CHIEOPODISTS., Col. 3. P. la " CONTEACTOES AND BUTLDEES. . .CoL 2, P. 12 COTTAGES TO LET Col. 6, P. 11 DENTISTS OoL 3. P. 12 DETECTIVES CoL 2. P. 12 DRESS _A_TNO CcL i, V. U EDVTATIONAL Col- ». *• * l EMPLOYMENT OFFICES Csl. 4. P. 11 EKPLOYICENT WANTED— KALE. CcL 2. P. 11 EMPLOYMENT WANTED— FemaIe CoL 4. P. 11 FEMALE KELP WANTED CM- *. *• " FLATS TO LET '. CoL 6. P. 11 FLATS TO LET— FUEKIBHED CoL 6. P. 11 •FLATS TOR SALE— Fnrsiihed. ..... .Col. 6, P. 11 FOE SALE— MISCELLANEOUS CoL 7. P. 11 FUENITUEE FOE SALE CoL 7, P. 11 •FUENITUEE WANTED .Col. 7, P. 11 FUES CoL 1. P. U GLASS WOEKS CcL 2. P. 12 . HOESES, WAGONS AND HAENESSCoL 7. P. 11 HOTELS I CoL 6, P. 11 HOUSES TO LET— FUENISHED CoL 6, P. 11 HOUSES TO LET— UNFU_IfISHED.OcL t, P. 11 . INVALID CHAIES CoL 1. P. U INVESTMENTS .CoL i, P. II " LADIES' TALLOES CoL «. P. It LEGAL NOTICES :....... .CcL 5. P. 12 .LODGING HOUSES FOE SALE .Col. 8, P. 12 LOST AND FOUND .Col. 8. P. 11 .MALE HELP WANTED ....CoL 2. P. 11 .....C01.3, P. 11 MATEIKONIAL Col. 4. P. It MEDICAL Col. 3, P. 13 -| MEETINGS— LODGES OoL 1, P. 11 .MINES AND MINING Col. 6. P. 18 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS Col. 7. P. 11 . MONEY TO LOAN Col. 4, P. 18 .-- •• " •« Col. 5. P. 12 7SONEY WANTED Col. 6, P. 12 .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CcL 4, P. It PALMIETEY CoL 4. P. 12 PATENT ATTORNEYS CoL 3. P. 12 PAINTING & PAPEE HANGING. . .CoL 2, P. 12 PERSONALS £sl. 4, P. 12 PENSIONS CcL 8. P. 13 PHYSICIANS CoL S, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— CITY CoL ». P. 12 •• Col. 6. P. 12 REAL ESTATE— COUNTS Y CoL 8. P. 12 REAL ESTATE— TO EXCHANGE.. .CaL 6. P. 18 ROOMS AND BOAED OFFEEED. . CcL 6, P. 11 EOOMS AND BOAED WANTED . . CoL «, P. 11 ROOKS TO LET— FUE.-UNFUE. . . XJol. 4. P. 11 " Col. 6. P. 11 ROOMS TO LET— HOUSE K'P'G. . Col. 8. P. 11 •• ..*•*>•., Col. 6, P. 11 SALESMEN & SOLICITORS WTD.CoL 4, P. 11 SEWING MACHINES C«L 7, P. 11 EPIEITUALISM CoL 4. P. 12 STOEAGE AND MOVING VANS... CoL 2. P. 12 TRUSSES .Col. 2. P. 12 TITLES RESTOEED Col. 3, P. 18 TYPE WEITERS & SUPPLIES XJol. 1. P. 12 IXDEX TO Oa_lnn_,Berkeley,Alnmed_,FrtiltTale ; CLASSIFIED APyCnTISCMEXTS ATTORNEYS Col. 7. P. 18 ARCHITECTS Col. 7, P. It APARTMENTS CoL 7, P. 12 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES CoL 7. P. 12 HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS CoL 7. P. It HOUSES TO LET— Furaifihed CoL 7. P. 12 MONEY TO LOAN Col. 7. P. 12 MONEY WANTED OoL 7. P. It REAL ESTATE— OAKLAND CaL 7. P. 12 CoL 1. P. 13 REAL ESTATE— ALAMEDA CcL 1. P. 13 BOARD AND ROOMS OFFERED. . . CcL 7. P. 12 SANITARIUMS CoL 7. P. 12 TYPEWRITERS ND SUPPLIES. ... CaL 7, P. 12 MISSION chapter No. -79. 11. A. M. «UMS_. >•:\u25a0:.« meeting THIS (THURSDAY) P>"T?ss " ::v;;n;.\<; »*, >\u25a0 o'clock. Murk M«stor «Caa^f - By order of the H. P. I*£<Sa H. S. ALLEN. Sereury. . W_— fl DORIC lodjre No. 21 «. F. AA. M. Spf- it « isl meeting THIS (THURSDAY) \u25a0. KVENINO :-i S o'clock. Svouucl Vo2^ ' rrce. «105 Sutter street. i\S\ %^ J. U. GOLDSMITH. S*c. « \ PREgJDIO lodge No. 351. V. &. A. M.. _. - - King Solomon's hall. 1739 Fillmore jf^ \u25a0'. \u25a0 ftrw-t. Ser-ond degree THIS (THL'KS- V>«y ": DAY) EVENING «t 7:30 oVlock. /VVa \u25a0'.- B. I- HKSSELTISK. Sec. / \ iIDIII.ITY l.Hlpe No. 120. V. &A. M. I .'.SrwHal raeetiiijr THIS (THURSDAY) J\ . EVENING at 7:30 o'clock, King Sol- *£-&+ '. .mnon'* Jiall. Fillmore street. First y**yv \u25a0 '<J<xrei? Mesons cordially Invited. ' Tr » :\u25a0 FREDERICK BAUBY. Secretary. CAUIuKMA lodge. No. 1. F. & A. M. 11 ! Special ineothi- THIS (THURSDAY) Jf\ \u25a0 i;VENIN<;. January 21. 1909. at Tr.'JO \u25a0 :o'clo<-k. iv Corinthian tall, 2155 Sat- /\/\ . t«*r Jstrcet. Firpt degree. * ; FBANKUN H. DAY. Secretary. 11«» Suitor Kt.. room 402. . "A XICHT \VI' BURNS"— Tbe St. An- £grX . dpen's society will <•»•!. 'rniH- tti*- l.Vlth Kf£pT?£ \ anniversary. <if the l>irth of Robert "vjfiLr Burrnt \ir « Ilt«?rary pntertainment and w • .iam-e st Lyric ball. 613 l^.rlln st.. FRIDAY. . 2iM inft.. »t 8 p. in. Tickets, 50 cents, oa »«!«> tit !:'.ri'-k & <'.«.'*. 2(>5 Montfromery »l.; King's jrrocery Kfor*-, 22(1 an<J Valearia »ts., and Juhu Udd & Sons. :<K'. Vaa N>m ay. J. C. FYFE. l»resl<3cnt. . • ROBERT H. MiritßAY. fiwretary. "A NIGHT ffl' BIMINS"— Tbe St. Aa- MJBWk drew* society will <-cir))rst» Th" oae _^n£ .\u25a0 ' i:t r T , \u25a0r'.Wi ;ii»l fiftieth niinlvorsßry of '^MjOr . the birth of Robert Boras by a literary '^J""" ontcrtainiacnt and daao» «t Ljric ball, Cl 3 :..\u25a0=:•;. in et.. rniOAY. -'-d last., at s p. m. .Ticket*, 50 «ent». on nale at Elrick — CSo.'s, . 3QS Mootßomcry pt.; Kiiitr"* gpocery store, 22d *!!\u25a0: Vaicacla «ti.. ami Julin lu-id tc bon<i. 'Mi Van Nwi ar. J. C. FYFE. Presideat. ' . KOBKRT H- MURRAY. Secreury. 'ttI'CNA VISTA council Ko. ICO4. ttoral ,f* tt .. Arranum, Calumet ball. t!4<> Golden Ss&m . <;»i.- yr.. mwlf THIS <THUUSI>AY> «ss* BVEMXG." U. G. WATBOUS. Sec.: ANNUAL meeting — The regular aanual uniting . nf ilw lot owners of the Masonic Oaietery • sKsociatioß of: the city and couaty of . baa . rratu-lsco will be beld at the office of the as- -. «ocl»tlon. 297 Monadaock building, oa TUES- .I»AY. February 2. 1&09, at 2 o'clock p. tn., for the of nine director* and each busi- ness us may leffslly come ln»fore tbem. * THFX». FROLICtt. .Spcroturv. "^iimG^peHfli /»HK refulsr annual meeting of the • ftock" hold* \u25a0J . or* of t lie UNION TRUST COMPANY OF SAX S..IUANCISCO will be held at- the office of lbe • corporation. 2 Moatjroajery st.f San- Franclfteo, \u25a0'•el., «n THURSDAY, the 4tb day of Febni- • *rv. 1900, at the hour of 2 oVlock p; . ia. «a wii<l dn.v. for tbe purpo*« 'vt ,*>l«»ctinjf 'a'; board ; . »>f dirwtors to »vrv«; for the onsufujs, year, itbe • njfndui^nt of its by!«ws. aad for tbe.trsnsac- r .tion of rucfa other business og may come before \u2666 * Uie me^iinie. ' CIiABLES J. DCEUlNG,,^cretarr. IF YOU LOSE ANYTHlNG— Advertise it here. It will be returned to you if aa honest person finds it. Remarkable recov- eries are brought about every day through this column. IF YOU FIND ANYTHING bring It to th« San Francisco Call i Lost and Found Bureau \u25a0 / Third and Market Streets) j Get a claim check. Have it advertised. Reclaim it if the owner does not. THE LAW— People who find lost arti- cles are interested ia knowing that th« state law it strict ia requiring them to seek the owners through advertisement and otherwise, and that a failure to do so, if proof can be shows, involves a severe penalty. LOST— A passbook with Tbe Hibernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, In the name of MARY DEERY. No. 326-S3B. The finder will please return to bank. Unless same is returned within 5 days a new book will be issued to the applicant. » LOST — Umbrella, silver handle, monogram E. P. B.; on Haißlu st. between Buchanan and Web- ster, Wednesday evening. Return \u25a0to 314 Halyht st. or phone Park 4037; reward. LOST — December 2S. watch fob with gold foot- ball medal attached, inscribed -Vampire A. F. C. Winners"; liberal reward. SHOWELL, 252 Ctb ay. LOST— January 10. gold watch, locket and fob attached; monogram O- G.; on Gutter Market *t. to ferry; liberal reward. C. G., 12 Fremont «t.. Vallejo. FOUND— Black rosary beads, vicinity of Market •t. , Finder can have same by applying at Call business office. LOST— On Market st. near Third, a $10 gold piece. Reward if returned. Cashier. Call office. LOST— Btincb of keys. Leave at 128 Jones St.; reward. \u25a0 _^__E>im^Y^LlSXT_^^AyTED--Male AAA — Real live young man, good correspondent, well educated, with energy and ability to learn, desires position where efforts would be appreciated at their worth. Box 18S3. CalL AN experienced. Intelligent young man. who must have, work as clerk, ASKS ONLY A TRIAL, t-lther in art. crockery, household. J toy*, inink «\u25a0\u25a0•] suit cases, or. -in fact, will do anything. Apply to JULIUS LOORYA, 152 Clara »treet. ACCOUNTANT, specialist on systems. Is open for engagemeats; caa Install a system for any business which is practicable aud simple; up to date methods; auditing; Al references and reasonable rates. Box 1760. Call office. ARCHITECTURAL draftsman with eastera of- fice experience wants position. Box IS7C Call office. COMPOSITOR, first class Jobber, desires posi- tion. Box ISS2, Call office, 3d and Market. FIRST class cook wants position, city or coun- try. Sunshine Employment company, 855 Broadway, room 24. I'hone Oak 3402. GARDENER wants situation; can lay out grounds, do rustic work and ornamental rock work. Address box 1880. Call office. GERMAN. 33, wants position as farmer or driver; best references. Box 1870. Call office. JAPANESE tirt=t class laundryman. having good references, wants position in private family. FRANK TANAKA, 1315 Eddy st. Tel. West 2460. JAPANESE wants to work as cook or porter; no objectloa to rooming out; best references. M. MATSU. 528 Pine st. JAPANESE schoolboy wishes a situation in fam- ily; willing to do any kind of work. Address 219S Devisadero at.; tel. West C 328. MIDDLE AGED German, could make himself very useful fa hotel, bar. dlnlag room or office, wants engagement; small wages expected. Ad- dresit P. 8.. 47 Hotel Norden. 758 Howard st PLUMBER, nonunion, wants job, hotel or apart- . ment bouse, $3.50 a day. Box 1888, Call. STABLEMAN, experienced around horses, wants position about private place or stable, city or country: can milk: a pood, reliable man with city references. Box 2935, Call office, Oak- land. STRONG, willing young man of 23 wishes work. Address box I^6o. Call office. SITUATION wanted as elevator m»n or Janitor; colored. 17C.1 7th at., Oakland. UPHOLSTERING, mattress and cushion making wanipd; expert workman; day or contract. 502 Clayton st. WANTED — By young man. 23, chance to learn cleaning, pressing and dyeing; will work for Kzuall wages to *tart: have had some cxperl- pnee. ANDEIUSOX. Phone Market 4778. YOUNG man wants to learn cleaalnjr and press- ' ing; will work for smalt wages wblle learning. ik'X 1878. Call office. t YOUNG mau desire* clerical "position, railroad preferred; have tbe best of references. Box 1574. Call office. YOUNG man. Ace 24. wishes a place in some business that has tbe time to break bim in; bss Had no experience In business; real estate business preferred. Box ISfil. Call office.; YOUNG man, expert accountant, capable of man- aging nnaaclal end of any business, wishes to make connection with reliable Institution needing auch a map. Box 1871. Call office. \u25a0 YOUNG man employed through the day wants few hours' work morpings or evenings ;\u25a0 refs. Box 1873. Call office. ..- YOUNG man wants position, bell or elevator boy; neat appearance. Box 1008. Call office. rODNG Chinese, thoroughly understands barroom lunch work and cooking, has tbe very best of references, wants to work for nr«t class bouse eoly. - Address box 1538,' Call office. YOUNG machinist wants position s«i fireman, en- gineer, elevatorman or any kind of work. Box t7fi2. Onl> office. 31 ALB HELP WANTED AAA — McDOWALL _ CO.. Employment Agents, 13 ' East - ft., '8. F. Phone ; Kearny 2958, . UIGHT OPP. FERRY BUILDING. Machine blacksmith, c0untry. ;.'.... 53.25 day Assistant track foreman, country. .$3 per day Machinist helper. ' country; '...$2" perdav K. It. WORK. COUNTRY.. STEADY WORK. 2T» laborers ". .$1.75 day 23, Scandinavians ' ..V.",'. .VT. i::\ .$52.50 month FOR A LAUGE QUARRY COUNTRY. SHIP TODAY, s 15 Italians and ' Spanish. ...... .$52.50 r month AA— lOO MEN to save $2 to $4 a pair oa sample shoes; all standard makes; $4 to $0 values; all $2.50 a pair. Drummers' Sample Shoe Co., third floor, Humboldt Bank bulldiag., y AUTOMOBILING. plumblag, electricity, brick laying and planterlng taught by actual, work ia chops and buildings; advanced scholars cara wages; day and night classes; free catalogue. Coyne National Trade School. S3O Sth. B.F, ANY Intelligent person may ' earn good income corresponding for newspapers: experience un- necessary; no canvastlnc; tend for particulars. Press Syndicate, box ,703. Lockport. N. Y. \u25a0 • BY large corporation, educated man 'of executive ability: state age and experience. Box 1881,: Call office. - WASH BOYS Wtd— Apply S. NVWoOD*_ CO..' .rmajore »ad EUU et» . . THE SAN yRANOISCQ CALL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1909. JgALE HELP WANTED-— -Contlnugd^ MURRAY _ READY, - / " : \u25a0 ' ' "-" ' •""'.' : \u25a0'''\u25a0" "7 Jf MURRAY & READY; - Leading Employment and Labor Agents, WHITE PALACE HOTEL BUILDING, 11th and Market sts.. San' Francisco. •\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084- , Phones Market 650 and 657., _ BRANCHES: A eth and FrankUn sts.. Oakland, Cal. _ * Phone Oakland 73C1. ' 2d and Main «ts. aud 121 Marchesault st, ;.. Los Angeles, Cal. , WE SHIP— S. P. JX.' R. CO. CONSTRUeriON WORK. •< \ 8 ' I*" PPVCP! (i k \fi . - - • '"" \u25a0\u25a0:-.': "\u25a0 • OREGON. -;.•/• - .^AMATH FALLS, CALOR, - , WORDEN. _— ! - DORRIS— BRAY— WBED. a"O teamsters, laborers, muckers, machine, and hand drillers,, rockmca. etc. . ' " . :, FREE FAUE.. ; '; Trackmen, spikers, . "strappers, mea for steel and ballast gangs; today. \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0:-\u25a0 '.-. v FREE FARE. WHITE PALACE nOTEL.' . SPECIAL, NOTICE., 15" NEW SINGLE ROOMS. INCLUDING BATHS; SUN AND -ELECTRIC LIGHT IN EVERY ROOM. - PER WEEK. CALL AND SEE THEM. CO SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. - • ; - FREE OF CHARGE TO GUESTS. 500 >plendldly furnished rooms. 35c. 50c and ise per day; free bath with every room; largest hotel oftlr* and clubroom on I'aciflc coast: fac- ing Van Ness ay.; baggage checked and stored free of charge; highest grade of white help em- . Ployed. WHITE PALACE HOTEL^NBVER CLOSED. 11th and Market sts.. San Francisco. AGAIN FREE FARE. Kt^-L FREE FARE. 4 TEAMSTERS— LABORERS. SAN MATEO COUNTY. 10 teamsters, San Mateo county, $GO. FREE FARE. MISCELLANEOUS. Shoe cutter, country factory, good wages. 5 farmers and wives. $50 to $60 and found, laundryman, country, $18 week. Wine cellar man. good wages. Marker and polisher, country laundry, $15 wees. . . . LATE ORDERS. . Tool sharpener and' miner, gold mine, $105. Wheelwright or woodworker, ranch, $45 and fd. Milker and butter maker. Sonoma county. -. BAKER. • LATE ORDERS. : READ CAREFULLY. MARRIED- HELP, ti Man and wife,' cook. 20 men, on ranch ;.$5O to $60, fd. Choreman and wife to cook, ranch. Butte county \u25a0 , \u25a0 .$5O, fd- Farmer and wife. Yolo co., good place, .$5O, f d, BAKERS. . Baker, country shop $60, fd. OTHERS. Cook, city restaurant ...$4O, fd. Middle aged man tend bar. country hotel. FREE FARE. FENCE GANG. - - R. R. WORK. SHIP TODAY. . 20 laborers and drillers to work on fence gang; free fore; company worl:, $<JO to $07.50 GO TO IT. FREE FARE. COME HOME TO SLEEP. SLEEP AT OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOUSE, \u25a0 NEXT DOOR TO , MURRAY & READY'S GREAT LABOR OFFICES, 11TH AND MARKET STS. 600 SINGLE ROOMS. SUN AND ELECTRIC LIGHT IN EVERY ROOM. 25 CENTS PER NIGHT, $1.25 PER WEEK, INCLUDING BATH. COFFEE SERVED FREK DAII!Y FROM 5 TO 8 A. M. FREE BARBER SHOP.- BOOT- BLACK STAND. SHOWER AND FOOT BATHS. TAILOR AND PATCHING ROOM: BAGGAGE CHECKED FREE; ALL PAPERS AND MAGAZINES AND BELLMAN TO CALL YOU: WHITE HELP ONLY EMPLOYED. OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOUSE. FAC- ING AND ADJOINING OCEAN SHORE TER- MINAL RAILROAD DEPOT. UTU AND MARKET STS.. SAN FRANCISCO. NEVER CLOSED. MURRAY ft READY. Uth and Market sts.. San Francisco. 6th and Franklin sts,. Oakland. SPECIAL SHIPMENT TODAY. FREE FARE. 20 laborers for water supply gang; com- pany work. Ship today. . .MURRAY A READY. 11th and Market, sta. ~~ . FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ~ \u25a0 .. -Tel. Market 737. . ' ST. GEORGE HOTEL. HOWARD AND BTH. SAN FRAJiCISCO; ALSO 4TH AND J, SACRAMENTO. REFITTED— REMODFXED. NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOMS. 20c PER NIGHT. $1 PER WEEK AND UP. READING ROOM AND OFFICE ON GROUXP FLOOR I MADE! $50,000 in 5 years In the mall order bnsinessi began with $5; any one can do the work at home in spare time; tend for my free booklet; tells bow to get started, j HEACOCK, box 715, Lockport. N. Y. . '\u25a0 . MEN Wtd — 103 3d st.. to have shoes repaired; 6ewed soles done in 10 minutes. MEN'S tailor wanted at 1714 Van Ness ay. BARON. • \u25a0 . ' \u25a0. LABORERS and mechanics to know that Edward Rolkln lias reduced tu<> rooms at tbe Denver House, 3d and Howard sts., to 35c per day, $2 week; hot and cold water ia .every room. MEN to leara barber trade In 8 weeks; free spe- cial Inducements to next 10; call early, get particulars. S. F. Barber College, 8 Fell st. MAN to learn cigar making; good pay while leaning; steady work; $25 deposit required. 84 Norfolk st.. between Uth and 12th, off Folsom. .~i \u25a0•.'..,'-' MEN and women to learn barber trade; 8 week*; eara $5 to $10 per week while learning;- par- -tlcnlars free. MOLER COLLEGE, 6 11th st.',-, MONEY made dally, and Call Want Ads help to make it. Advertise your wants; make, them known to tbe public through a Call Want. Ad. An investment, not an expense. ; For full par- ticulars read Call Want Ads daily. \u25a0 NEW WESTERN, 1124 Howard St.— Single rooms, 15c and 20c night; bot and cold water. PROFITABLE and permanrnt opening for high class salesman In any part of California who can show results and whose wishbone Is not where his backbone ought to lx*. Apply In per- son to R. H. McKAIO, 355-Soft Russ bldg.. cor. Buth and Montgomery sts.. 8. F. ".'." PHOTO-COUPON agents. Call at SCHAFFER'S, 72 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. " SHOES repaired by machinery; sewed soles 76c; dove in 10 minutes. 1106 Fillmore st. TKN men wanted to take nice, clean, sunny rooms. $1.50. 53S Natoma near postofflee. WANTED ~~ "— " 100 LABORING MEN To ocenpy clean single rooms at THE MECHAN- ICS' HOTEL, 919 Howard st. between sth and eth; 15«. 20c. 25c day. J1.. 5!..%0 week; good, clean meals, 10c up. SHAW BROS. > . WANTED— Young man of good address to act «» assistant floor manager in .ladles 'cloak and suit department; referenced required. Box 28S0. Call office. Oakland. WANTED— Man to travel to Seattle and care for horse on Journey for. his fare. Call at apartment 3, 14U1 California st., city, for par- ticulars., . . j \u25a0\u25a0-:. ; \u25a0;• t\ WANTED — Window trimmer nnd furnishine goods man. JOHN C. COBURN, 4110 San Pablo ay.,; Emeryville. Cal. . WANTED — 600 men to occupy rooms. 20c to 80c per night (free bath), at, the New York, 753 Howard st. , between 3d and 4tb.' WANTED— Thoroughly experienced manager and saleslady for ladies' waist , department- references required. : Box 2880> Call office Oakland. . YOUNG MEN Wtd— To/ learn-' telegraphy and station • work; -• tuition free. ; For. particularit call. room 405. Hibernia bldg.". Joncn st. CALL. , BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Fillmore' st. near. Post. BARBERS ' AND SUPPLIES BARBERS— Just arrived, ; our new Jupiter razor- the greatest that wan ever offered to the trade ; we. ppenta great ideal of fnergy;to:gct this razor and.we feel confident that if you give it a trial yoa will be more than pleased with it* price $1.5 a We also carry the celebrated Sun' set bone- We hate at all times a substantial stock .of barber chain; - and fixtures ,-': PACIFIC BARUER SUPPLY CO. - , 062 Market at."' :and ;29 Turk - Bt. - ; b* X ; PARBER 'wanted for Saturday., 112 3d st. :, .1 BARBERS — 1 have?a good .2 chair shop; will soil cheap: I must- co east; kooU business W; »: CARTER. \u25a0 Rkhmond. Cal. -;" \u25a0 x BARBER wanted; steady man.'-' 830%'' Washing , ton . St.. Oakland. " : y> _\u25a0 ' . ; " . .;,\u25a0 . , ; BARBER shops,, city i and country.' bouEht and sold. CHAS. COLEMAN & C 0... 830 Market st, EMPLOYMENT zSKCTRY; of 'BARBERS' PRO^' TECTIVE UNION. L. KLEINHANS. 452 Kearny ?OR sale— Country , shop, 3 5 chairs ; : good f urnl- . ture ; ; price $200. O. X; \u25a0:. parber v shop, point Richmond, * Cal. . , _: ,- FOR sale— Barber shop. 3 Chairs. 'well furnished ' pew. : 32 1)j 'A<lPl|'.SSoutb.;Bcrkeley. r. . ' , FOR sale^-»Flrst ' class i.4 c chair • barber -i shop ; in ,* Berkeley. . Address box 42508. > Call. v ßerkeley .- FIRST/CIjASS-^ barber: .'wanted '? at ; 1049 , Market ... st..',: Oakland. "'..' .-\u25a0}/. '-:\u25a0;> /.'d \u25a0:::\u25a0'. .-\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 \h<: \ • \u25a0-. FIRST CLASS ? manicurist . wishes : position i ia '<\u25a0 a - downtowo barber,6liop.^ ; Box: 1560, Call; of flee. BARBERS AND SPPPLlEB~Contlnned r - BARBER' CHAIRS AND VIBRATORS. \u25a0" • \u25a0 We have several of , our ; last 1 year model hy- draulic chairs that we will close out at a great reduction. -If you are going In business . lt will pay you to call and see us. , ; Chairs sold on .installment of $13 down and $5 a month. ;.\u25a0 \u25a0' ' ,-\u25a0."-/.-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 •.'-.\u25a0-'-\u25a0. «"-\u25a0.. \u25a0. \u25a0- i . .*.':-. Vibrators cold on installment of $10 down and $4 a month. v : - ; = ." -. -' Several bargains in epcond band cbalrs. JAMES BARKER, INC., Phone Franklin 3SOO. :."\u25a0-,: ."\u25a0-, 94 Turk st. ..'.."\u25a0 Eugene .F..Panarlo,. ; Manager.': • - "- / FOR sale — 2 chalrr barber shop; cheap; good transfer corner. 10th and Folsom st. *-. G. A. TROST, barber supplies; salesroom, 1533 . Mason at: : A. nicely, fitted up 3 chair barber : shop for, etale; cheap rent; good location. : \u25a0 G. 8. DAISLEY. IS2 4th .st., sold his barber shop to G. C. PEFFIA'. Janyary 15, 1909. ' GOOD barber for Thursday evening, Friday, Sat- urday,, Sunday. 2503 Folsom at. . IF our wagon doesn't cull on you rrguJUirly send a postal, to BAUER. 1554 EUU st. \u25a0 . WANTED— Barber's apprentice to finish trade; goofl chance. 1227 Uapltol av.;ingleslde. WANTED— A lady barber at once; good wages guaranteed. 2817 Missioa st. near 24th. WANTED— Position by first class. lady barber; will work with m»n. Box 18S8. Call office. ; V WE have the best goods at I Bauer's, 1554 1 Ellis st. near Fillmore. Open - eve,ulngs. YOUNG barber wants steady \u25a0 Job. Address BARBER. 562 E. 11th St.. Oakland. $125 — i Mclcher revolving barber chairs, wash- stand, string of mirrore, . mirror case, etc.; terms. 720 Buchanan. . . $55-^l ' chair . barber shop; a genuine \u25a0 bargain : new furniture. 6920 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. $75 buys a good 1 chair shop; cheap rent; 1 mo. free. Apply 8020 Hun Pahlo ay.. Oakland. EItIPLO Y3IE XT'. \VANTEn---Female \ COMPETENT German j woman wishes house- work in suburbs or country by tho 15th inst. Wages $30. Add, box 1609. . Call. EXPERIENCED young woman, \ good rapid - writer, quick at figures, also able operate typewriter, desires position general work or bill clerk. Box 1643, Call office. FASHIONABLE and capable dress maker and de- signer wishes a few more engagements. $2.50 • per day, or will take home. MRS. FOLEY, 2350 Stelner Bt. Phone West 4404.. . ,-, GIRL, 10 years, wishes a position to assist In housework. Address by letter, A. T., 200 Whalen st. - POSITION as nurse to 1 or 2 children or care of invalid by capable, energetic young lady. Box ISCQ, Call office. - POSITION ' wanted ' by a reliable young woman; cooking and general housework. ' Please ad- dress by letter MISS MINNIE KUSIK, 337 Holloway ay., Ingleside. .. POSITION wanted by a young woman experi- enced ln'nurtsing; attendant to elderly lady or would do up- stairs work and assist with child. Phone Franklin 3340. or box ISSS, Call office. WANTED— Position to do cooking and general housework or second work in small family. Address E. R.. 727 Bryant et., Palo Alto, Cal.; telephone 432 V, Palo Alto. YOUNG Japanese girl wishes position as plain cook: will do light housework: has good expe- rience in sewing. Address 407 Devisadero st. Tel. West 3381. TAMA. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmoro st. npar Post. AAA — Lessons . In hair dressing and manicuring given.. Up-to-Date Parlors, 1750 Flllcaore; rates. AA— 5O LADIES to savo $2 to $4 a pair on sample shoes; all standard makes; all $2 and $2.50 a pair. Drummers' Sample Shoe Co., third floor Humboldt Bank building. , AT MISS PLUNK ETT'S, 1896 Sutter cor Web- ster-^Cook for sanitarium.- city, $50; cook for private family in city, $60;' nurse /or after- noons only, 60c a day; cook, assist small wash, city, $85; cook for small family, San Mateo, $50; 20 good housework girls, city and coun- try. $35. $30 ami $25. MISS PL.UNKETT, ISP<> Sutter cor. Webster. Hours oto 5. , AT MADAME ANDRE'S. 1044 Larkln St.— Ger- man cooks, $45 anil $10; American cook,' s3s; \u25a0 Infant's '. nurse, $35; German nurse, $30: f French maid and seamstress. $30: second girl, $:!0; young girls for" h(>usework, $25 and $30; . French nurse, $25. -. .-.\u25a0.. ..--.,. , ATTENTION — Work at home for ladles; experi- ence unnecessary; good -wages.. 1755 Sutter st. LINDO. formerly 2003 Market st. ANY intelligent person may. earn good Income . corresponding for newspapers:, experience- ua» . iicc«-«<nry; nofcanvasslßg; *<>nil for particulars. Vikyi Syndicate.- box* 785. Loctpbrt. N. Y. CHIROPODIST, experienced graduate, wants connection with baths, barber shop, health re- sort <-r parlor. Itox 291«. Call office. Oakland. GIRr^S WANTED At Andre's office. 1014 Lnrkln st. German cooks, ' $45. $40 and $35; Fi'ench cook, country, $40; fecond girl, satn« place, $30; cook, San Rafael, $40; French second girl. Alamwla, $30: French 'second, city, $26; cook for Nile*. $25; Oak- land. $30; yoiing srlrltt for housework. §25-$3 O. GIRL tor general - housework ; must be good 000k • Sivpdish or I>aiii.sli preferred. \u25a0\u25a0 1314 Bth ay., near E. l«th st., Oakland. GIRL Vv'td— For general housework and cooking; small family; good '"wages. 1253 Fulton st. ncarP^vlKfldfro. ' > GIRL for Kt-neral housework; must be good cook; 3 in f smlly. 2205 Scott st. , GERMAN-AMERICAN girl to take care of rooming house. : Apply t525 Sacranmnto st. JACKET HANDS Wtd— Kxperineced alteration bands on coats. Apply to Mrs. Richards at the 4th ami Market sts. store. S.N. WOOD & CO. LADIES Wtd — To take home work; part or full time; experience unnecessary. Trlebers.' Bulle- tin .bulldin*. 767 Market, third floor, room 4. OAKLAND ; ; Girls to maks overalls at our Oakland factory, Sd et., near Clay. LEVI STRAUSS & CO. A> ply to Mr. Darin. . . TRIMMERS -Wtd— Thoroughly experienced, for \u25a0" millinery department... Apply superintendent's ufGee. !the Emporium.. "- -• WAN TED — Woirinn cook of superior, ability for housfliold of v 2 men In Oakland ; references tnusf be of the best.: Box 2036, Coll, Oakland. WANTED — Experienced tuckera and operators on . sewing machines;" also =on ladles' neckwear; best wages; steady. work. 710 Polk st. WANTED — Tochers for Nevada; good places. FISK TEACHERB* AGF-NCjr. next to First National Bank. Berkeley. CALL •\u25a0.BRANCH: OFFICE. 1651, Fillmore st. nfpr Poxt. AGENTS WANTED $lo a day made selling eucalyptus acreage; sales- men wanted. Apply 10 to vll a. m.., San Tiornnnio Pin ntßt long. r.nSMonsdnock hldg. S A I,I3S M E?V and SOI.IC^TJ>Rjj^WAjVTJEp EXI'ERIENCKI) solicitor of good address ; one wltli eastern references. PACKARD,, 8 a. 111. ami 4 p. jin.".' circulation dept. CalK ".'.\u25a0 SALESMAN "WANTED - \u25a0\u25a0: " . A first class,. experienced salesman between 30 and 3? • years old * preferred, ' for the ' country: ; : gooil salary Ito good' man. Jg Joseph : Dison Cru- clblf Co.. 145 2d st. \u25a0\u25a0"'.\u25a0 .'.\u25a0"\u25a0-•. ':'•.-..,'- V- :. SOLICITOR -Wtd— First class j grocery solicitor,- : must 'understand his business thoroughly , and ' give -good :no 'others need, apply." . T.3TO Grove \u25a0st:. Oakland. • OYM kn t joffices x [ v _^.S AA— OSCAR HATSUMI. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMP. CO.. 81-MT HELP ; CITY jOR COUN- <TRY. 1513' GEARY. ST. WEST 5683. AA— Japaneso-Cbtnese etnp.- office; 'best help; city or country. 1012 Lagunast. Tel. West 1731. A. HORI, 1748 Sutter; phone West 2So3— Best Japanese-Chinese help furnished proniptly. ' H. W. HONG, - Chinese ; employment office, 803 Webster st.. Oakland. l J hone Oak 8843. :, JAPANESE Domestic -Workers' association fur. nlshes ; beat help... 1777 -Post, i Tel.West 7158. Japanese House; Cleaning Co.. 1722 O'Farrell; tel. , West. 3467;;; sweeping, washing; all gen, work. STAR emp> office •- furnishes :\u25a0 Japanese-Chinese :- help. W. KADOTA. ICOS Geary: tel. West 107. BUREAU V J. CANN, Chinese Employment Bureau — Has best class cooks or hotel help careful for family. \u25a0 770-Clnv ft.: phone 1 Douglas -3182.?~v, unpaid -wages: collected -s KN0X.7443 ' Plue—^Suits^ Ileus ' and" attachments,^ ! \u25a0' time checks cHßhctl : \u25a0 debts collected everywhere.^ It 00 SIS i> '/<> --LET— Fiira'd land" Unf urn'd A! COZY home I for respectable ? ladies, s 1130 : Mar- k et »t.V near 7thi under 1 auspices of the • SAL- VATIONfARMY;: elegantly? furnished, 1 every modern ! convenience ; s steam heat, :; electric light ; and >. elevator *; service; s spotlessly \u25a0\u25a0) clean ; ; cea- .' trally located ; I thoroughly I homelike ; | telephone ' " Market - 1349 ; 4 pricea -t very r> moderate, v ranging fromt2sc ; per* night; up: especial grates by .the \ j week^ of ; month. 3 See 1 matr0n. ..r00m: 33. ... , \u0084 A— COMFORTABLE ; FRONT, SONNY ROOM, WITH'PRIVILEGB OK.BATH; REFINED (PRIVATE FAMILY;' IF DESIRED.;; CLOSE .". TO x PANHANDLE. . ; r- .BOX \u25a0 1101 CALL. t: 1' A^ — j»tK> ? l>a venwprth • st/^nrft Bush ; ' parlor ; suite,' :^s4s;i6lngle : rooms?sl2;**s2o,*;s2s.< - : ; '^^''^RS^^^Q^^^TrS^-^^V-'-^--'''.' B st.'. 614 . Richmond ;dletrict— 2,^ 3 or 4; sunny, .-'\u25a0'• furnished . house keeping rooms; bath and toilet. Separate.; entrance.''.' \u25a0..-\u25a0;. • BALDWIN House. 74 Oth et. nr. Market— All Vj. modern conveniences; &20 rooms; Ssc to tl per . day, |2 to $5 per week ; free : baths. '•'--' r ' BKODEKICK st.; 444— 2 sunny front bay window | fur.- rooms; | separate | or itogetber;; gentlemen: BUENA VISTA ay..- 93V near Central and ' Haight — Elegant sunny room and bath; gentle- \u25a0r- man ; *12. -- ; r ;^'v;; .--.--.- ... >>... v CALIFOUNIA, sr., .2415,. near Killmore— Newly furnished sunny rooms; light house keeping if . desired;; reasonable. ,- . \u25a0 \ \u25a0 ' CA LIFOUNIA St., 2437,"-- near Fillmore— 2 nicely furnished rooms; In private family; reasonable. CAPITOL HOUSE,- T33 Harrison it. 1 near ; 3d— Rooms, 13c night, $1 per week. CENTRAL"-.- HOTEL. 674 -3d St.,' free baths. \u25a0 Office Hiid reading room 1 i>n ground floor; 600 eiagle aud family rooms. 35c to $1 a day; $2 to $5 a wgek.y EDWARD ROLKIN, Prop. , DKVISADERO et., 507-^Clean, sunny room for .2 with aboard; $s. so' per, week each. EDDY Bti, 810.. nr. . Van Ness ay— First class I furnished * rooms; . clean, - neat, reasonable; -young men ;, preferred. ... - j . ' {-\u25a0 -" - : EDDY St., : BSO— A social hall fitted ' for hons« keeping; also single rooms; prices reasonable." EDDY st.. 1610— Nicely fnrnlshel sunny front rooms; phone,'. bath;- reasonable. ' ' " "- \u25a0' : EDDY, st.. ; 002. near Franklin— Good light base- ; ment for business >. purposes. KLLIS St.. 1072— Beautifully sunny furnished . front parlor suite; light house keeping; baths; central; other rooms; reasonable. EDDY et, 970— 2 nicely, furnished' rooms; bath, phone;. $11 and $20 month. ; : \u25a0 ELLIS st., 1136— Nice Bunny furn.; room, with or without housekeeping; bath; phone W.'.S2fi9. ELLIS Bt.,\ 1110— 1 large double room, suitable : for 2 gentlemen; 1 single room; bath; phone. ELLIS st.;. 1017— Nice sunny large rooms, furn. .. hskpg; private phone, baths ; rates | reasonable. ELLIS St.. 1 «.""»(;. near Fillmore — Large, tunny rooms, - from $2.60 up; all . conveniences. ' ELLIS Bt., 119 — Desirable .sunny' rooms ia new flat; newly furnished;' reasonable. ELLIS st.. 1418— Furnished rooms for 1 or '£ gentlemen Treasonable; references. -. - ULLlSst.*, ' 104S — Large sunny front room; -run. ning water; bath; $18 month. ELLIS St., 1112— Nicely furnished single and double rooms, from ' $7 up. . - ELLIS St., KjUSVi — Nicely furnished front room; reasonable rent. . , \u25a0 : ELLIS St., 1556— Nicely, furnished single rooms; rates reasonable.. ; . » • ELLIS 6t.. 1037— 1 single room, suitable for 2 \u25a0 gentlemen. - . - ELLIS st., 150U — Furnished rooms, $2.50 a week . UP-- -- - ' - --" ' -'."' ' -.' .' \u25a0' FISLL st., 1248, near Devisadero— 'Nicely fur- nished rooms; bath; all cony.; $2 and $3 per - -week. \u25a0'--\u25a0.-:..\u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0 ' .'- . VILLMORB st.. 759 — Large sunny front alcove: 8 windows, grate, hot- and cold water, electricity and cus; suitable, for 2 gentlemen; reasonable. FRANKLIN St., 1247— Single rooms, $9; other outside sunny rooms, $1S and $20. . FRANKLIN St., 1051— Nicely furnished sunny back parlor; also 2 front rooms; bath; phone; reasonable. \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0:' FULTON, St.. 818— Large suaay front room; running water; reasonable. FULTON St., 1531— Nice light room, newly fur % - ulslieil; cheap. GEARY St.. 1139, nr. Van Ness — One large front Itay window room with Rrate. $12.50 per mo.; <mo nice comfortable side room, $0 per month; tnclndps bath, phone, etc. . \u25a0 - (iOLDEN GATE AY,, 1204— Front gunny rooms; grates, closets, . phone, cheap rent: ??.£ GOLDEN GATE • ar., 1050^Nlcely furu. front room; sun all day: 2 gentlemen; $5 week. GOLDKN GATE ay.. 1148— Largo front" room; sun all day; also blngle room?. GOLDEN GATE ay.. ; 1603— Newly furn. rooms; j $2.50 up; phone, batb, running water. GOLDEN GATE ay.. 104B— Sunny room for 1 or 2; bath;: reasonable. GROVK st.. 604— Fine Urge front room, suitable for '2; -rent $3 week for 1, $4 for 2. HOTEL AMERICA, 1045 Market St.— Rooms; hot and' cold' water,' steam heat, baths, elevator; 85c to $1 day; $2 up week. HAIGHT et., 736 — Front sunny fur. room, sult- ablefor 1 or 2 gents; $18 for 2: $15 for 1. HAIGHT st.T- 771— Front parlor, sunny, 'nicely furnkhed; only $10 a month. - « c LAGUNA St., 723 — Nicely furnished front rooms; cheap rent. ' ! ;, r ; MCALLISTER sL. 1445— Nicely furnished sun. rooms; run.', water; bat,h, :pbone; reasonable.; MCALLISTER st.. 1797— Nice furuUhed room, suitable for 2, $14 mo. ; also bskpg. rooms. MCALLISTER St., IS"O— Sunny suite, suitable . for 2 gentlemen: also single room; reasonable. MCALLISTER et., SUS— Nice eunny front room, suitable for ,2 gentlemen. . ' MCALLISTER st., .107U— Furnished rooms from $6 UP. - . , . ". --. ' -/;\u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0;.- OAK St., 421 — Nicely furnished suite, for 2 or 3 gentlemen; phone; running water; $15 month. OAK 6t.," 730-rNieely furnished large room, suit- able for 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. O'FARRELL St.. 'IS42 — Nice .sunny rooms; run- ning water in each room; reasonable rates; 2 blocks from Fillmore. . _ OVERLAND HOUSE, 56!) Sacramento st. below Montgomery — Now open; 200 rooms; hot and ' cold i water la every room; 25c to $2 per day, $1.50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIN. prop. O'FARRELL St., ' 1123— Large sunny room for 2 or 3 gentlemen; single rooms; running water. O'FARRELL St.. 1129— Elegant front parlor suite for 2 gentlemen; every convenience; $20 mo. O'FARRELL st... 1201— Front mod. gunny rooms; running water; small rooms, suit, light hskpg. O'FARRELL St.. ICO2, cor.- Webster— Newly fur- nlshed front and back' parlor; rent reasonable. O'FARRELL St.. 1209— Nicely furn. rooms, suit- ' able for 2; also sunny; single room: reasonable. O'FARRELL St.. 1393 — Sunny front room, isuit- able for 2; $3 per week; also hakpg. j rooms. O'FARRELL St.. 1527— Large •; front ; room, sult- . able 2; -separate, beds; \u25a0 reasonable. O'FARRELL st.. 1610— A large sunny front - room for 2 gentlemen; rent reasonable. O'FARRELL st., 12U2— Nice single rooms; also ; bouse -keeping -rooms; cheap rent." ;/ O'FARRELL Bt., lWiO— Nicely furnished single rooms .. from ; $3 \u25a0 week . wp. . PAGEet., 872— Nice, large room, suttable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; $8 for 1. $12.50 for 2; fireplace. PAGE 'st., 293— Beautiful sunny furnished front . room; everything of the best: $16 month for 2. TURK \u25a0? st., S22— Large, well furnished sunny front • rofitn, j cheap, to | two ; gentlemen; [ every . convenience ; also a room . for $10, suitable \u25a0; for.two.-. •-. , C ;V . . "3 '\u25a0 . . - CALL BRANCH OFFICE. ICSI Fillmor* m. near - Post. -„;.- : • .-:--';: J ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING BAKER ; st.', 1 2114 Vi-^4 large "sunny, rooms, fur- "'" : nlshcfl -for hotwe keeping; $20. .\u25a0-.-,.-. -\u25a0 BUCHANAN- St., 012— Nicely ; furnished rooms, j . and also house keeping . rooms ; rent reasonable. EDDY, tit.,- 927— Sunny furn.' bskpg. j rooms; gas; elec. ; laundry ; \u25a0 free bath ; phone; $20 ; month. EDDY =Rt., 810, nr. Van : Ncsa ay. — First . class ;\u25a0 house v. keeping - room ; cozy, r neat,".! reasonable. ELLIS st.,- 1124^Large,'^ sunny, elegantly furn. : rooms, \ house , keeping ; bath ;. phone ; low rear. ELLIS = 8t.,; 1551— Don't:; walk your legs off. but • come here for bskpg.' and other furnished rooms. FULTON 471— 7 r room' furnished /Bat tot. house.' keepings s7o a month. GROVE 1 St., :230— Front siilto of 2 rooms 'for ;v bouse? keeping; igas,~: electricity; rent: s4 .week; GEA R Y , st.,":' 1614-tr2 connecting rooms suitable ;for 1; kitchen, gas ranjrt!, bath;, phone;. sl2. ... HAIGHT St.;^ C73— Large -sunny : parlor; also, 2 ;-; connecting ,- rooms ; \u25a0 \u25a0 house •. keeping; 'CßSgagßgStf LAGUNA st., 1109— Sunny airy rooms, for bskpg.; B running '.; water ; ? $515 1 up to j quiet, j perm.-, parties. MCALLISTER \ 8t..- ; >. 1W6," near - Webster— Fur- L nlshed house -keeping, rooms, $15 per; month. McALLISTER st.,* 973—1 iUrge, sonny, •; complete /» for honsc keeping; rent reas. ; house quiet..?'. -. MCALLISTER' St., JS:;2 — Niceusuany house keep- -.-:. ing* rooms; s hot t and cold-water;, reasonable. >; McAllister st. , ;. 1802— 2 : bay ; window * parlors, *i.w ith V kitchen '- and \u25a0 bath ; \u25a0 sun \u25a0 all ; day.t' -> . ' McALLISTER:: st.; 1480^-Beautlfully furnished; ;;. references! exchanged; 'no; children: -:v- ,'i OAK 5t.',". 708— Elegantly fur." house keep'g suites, $20 up; also slnsie house keeplag rooms. $12."! .;' O'FARRELX.t st.% i t 1460—2,; 3Eor i 4 : rooms, 5 lower \u25a0 , floor, j for \u25a0 hoose ; keeping; \u25a0 rent r , reasonable.:.' \u25a0\u25a0\u0084 O'FARREJLL st; tf-.iaOO-T-Furnlshed " rooms for \u25a0~ house I keeping; modern. -; \u25a0-\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0".\u25a0•: -\u25a0-.-'\u25a0 .-; PAGEs st.V's 481— Nicely I. furnished slnsle room; v- also 1 * double , room.' $12 ; moatli. v. Jt -c- -.. . " -. v POSTist.T'-142S— Sultefrooms; complete hkpg; pri« fcvate -residence;* runnings water; ! reasonable. SCOTT, rtJfI 1330.* nr4 O'FarreU— rNicely j furnlsh«d ',% rooms ; 5 double beds ; \ba th ; $1 0 month up. V^u j .; : TURK) Bt.','] 822— r Large. I sunny .' room ; and ! cbnaect-" -SingJkitchcnr.veryiConveoieatfor.hous* keepiag.' TURK.Hllld.vnr.i Jeffersoa : fq.-i-Sunny. front room.} -ifS vk:- alnn tin ts\p*n'r rm.!' timn .'• hot hdtb. RIIO^I^J^OJft^JfIOUSE^ICEJEF^ TURK; st.."' 12C2.near Flllajore — 2 alcely turn. sunny-rmr.; reas. ; private honse; phone, bath. TUBK Ht.. . 1 122— Large, sunay room, saltabla for 2 gentlemen; $12 month. . TURK st.. 1205—2 large unfurnished house keep- ing rms. ia rear; rent reasonable. Apply stow. VAN NESS it., 719 — Newly furaUshed rooms; mofiera; bath; $12,0p.,TeL Franklla 3862. . . WALLER «t., 1216, nr. Masonic ay.— Large sna- v oy front \u25a0 room, suitable for 1 or 2 geatlemea; also sunny - tingle room; every convenience: direct to 3 car lines; private home; reasonable. WEBSTER st.. 120J>— Front suaay rooms; ill conveniences; reasonable .rates. . - WALLER St.. 563 — Nicely farnisbed front housa keeping rooms; reasonable. \u25a0 2D ay.; 441, nr. Geary— 4 modera sunny rooms __gp™g]gj.g-_h™'s<» kt'eplnr: pl«no: $27.80. ROOMS AXD DOAni) OFFEKED " AIiTA VISTA,' I2O7 Gough st. — Fine room,' opea fire. - connectlcs bath ; and sunny back for 2; low rate and satlsfactQry : table. DEVISADERO st.. 44S— Board and room for worklngmen; $5.50 a week. DEVISADERO st. 1323. corner O'FarrelJ— Nicely . furnished front room with board; ran ßins . ; water; gentlemea: $-7.50. NICE tome for 2 ccatlemea: large room, prettily furnished; closets, hot aad cold water; break- fast, dinner; borne comforts. I'tione Frank* Hn, 93. NICELY ' furnished suite, board for 2: strictly private : piano and " phone. Box 1533.' Call." WEBSTER st. 1310— Nicely furalsbed rooms nnrt board: private boarding bonse. ; ROOMS AND BOARD WAXTED WANTED— TabIe board Ia private family witbia . six blocks of Vaa, Ness aad Sacrameato. Box ISSfi. Call office. A FIRST CLASS family hotel, moderate prices: elegantly furnished sunny rooms, en suite or "single; lastantaneous bot water ia every room; sunny dlnlbg room, with private tables. THE WEMPE. 419 Oak gt.; phoae Park 5002. BROOKLYN HOTEL, 36S Ist— Board aad room. $U to $8 per week: rooms 50c to |1; weekly $2 up; meals 25c. CHARLES MONTGOMERY. HOTEL. BELMONT 730 Eddy st. bet. Polk and Vaa Ness ar. Toar- l?ta solicited; reas. CHAS. R. SMITH. Mgr. HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th aad Market sts.— Fam- ily and commercial hotel; rooms with detached batb. $1 per day; rooms with private batb. $1.50 per day; restaurant attached; moderate . prices ; \u25a0 free buss meets all trains sad stmsalps. HOTEL ST. JAMES. Vaa Ness at Fultoa— Swell rooms; $15 monthly to permanent euests. LINCOLN Hotel, 305 Golden Gate ar.— Nicely furnished rooms; modern. .$2.50 week .up. MARTINET HOTEL, 1101 Geary St.— Rooms. single. In suit; first class board; terms reas. WINCHESTER HOTEL, 70 3d st near Market— 600 single and family rooms; 100 baths; now open; location and price the same as formerly; single rooms 50c per day; famllj. $1 aad np; -office and lobby on ground floor: free baths. and also free pus to and from all depots aad ferrieg. ROLKIN A SHARP. Props. CALL BRANCH I { 1«51 FILLMORE ST. NEAR POST I AAA— Yon will find all the desirable fiats and dwellings la the city listed at the STERLING. Come and get printer lists. It will save yoa ranch time and trouble. The lists are free aad our reading clerks can clve yoa special Infor- mation on many of the houses . contained la them. STERLING FURNITURE COMPANY. 1049 Market st. "A BEAUTIFUL HOME"— 6 room flat; $30; 2287 Hayes; overlooking G. G. park; sanny and light; large separate yard; cardea: laundry la basement; Janitor: nothing nicer in S. F. BELCHER. 7&B, nr. Vnta and Market— sll; lower rear flat, 3 sunny rooms, ia tine order; \u25a0 opea today. CALIFORNIA st. 1454. nr. La r tin— Artistic four room gunn.v apartment flat: choice location. CASTRO St., IG7A, nr. 15th— Upper 4 saaay r. and b. : rent reasonable; adults. ELLIS st.. 1982. few feet east of Devisadero— Lower 4 rooms, bath, $22.50. FOLSOM -st. -"190GB, near 15th— Modera, upper flat. 4 rooms and bath: rent $20. FLAT to let; 4 rooms, aad bath; $13. GEO. RYAN, Army and Condon. GOLDEN GATE ay.. 1012.. near Lagana st— 7 large, sunny rooms; runnlar water; rent $40; perfect condition. GEARY st. 1522. near Lagnna— Sunny 7 room -flat; modern; In good order. LUCKY St.. 32— For rent. 5 rooms flat. 3 rooms newly furnished. Inquire evealngs between G and 8 o'clock. . . .' . PAGE at. 443 — El«-?ant flat. 7 rooms and bath; snany. fine location; Bear 3 lines of ears. STRICTLY modern flat*, sunny comer, 4-5-6 rooms: *wall beds; Janitor; $20 to $30. Apply '' 25=3 4th hv. . . WALLER st. 1727 — Light sonay flat, 5 rooms; batb; large hard finished basement; reasonable rent to pood tenant. UTH ay.. IZSBJ near 11 st. Snnset— Flat. 4 sua- ny rooms and bath: rent reduced. MONEY made daily and Call iVant Ads help to make it Advertise your wants; make them known to the public through a CalJ Wsat Ad. A a Investment, not an expense. For fall par- tlcnlars read Call Want Ads dally. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1631 Fillmore st. Bear Post FLATS TO. LET — Furnished - Al — 0- rooms, newly furnished, lower flat; a good __ngnjj_no idpalprs: r<»asnn«M<». Box 254. Call. : FLATS FOR ; SALE — Furnished FURNITURE for 7 room flat; everything aew; electric lights, phone; rooms rented; desirable location; must sell oa account of leaving city. 1175 Ellis et:.. \u25a0' FOR sale— r Furalsbed flat. Apply 712 Fillmore i .St.. 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. \u25a0 GREAT bargain, sacrifice If sold at once, $230; "' aewly furnished, modern, sunny 5 rooms; cheap; no reasonable offer refused. 454 Fred- f rick st. ' . \u25a0 . COTJ^AGE^JTOLET 17Tir st. 4300, nr. Hat tie— Modern cottage, 4 largo rooms ; gas ; large yard : reat $18. TO LET — Cottage; 5 rooms aad bath; $18. GEORGE RYAN. Army and Condon., - HOUSES TO LET— FurnUhed $0-^-4 room . shingled house; sunny. 140S 17th ay. Pnoth. Tnke Kentnckv earn. HOUSES TO LET — Unfurnished FOR rent at snap— Entire house (formerly Tait's cafe), including Pompeiiaa room aud large ban- quet rooms; suitable for hotel or rooming ' bous> ; perfect arrangement throughout far club; runnlDg water—and telephone in every room.. For particulars apply renting depart- ment HARRY J. MOORE FURNITURE CO., 735 Eddy st. near Van Ness ay. FILLMORE at.. ; 747 — Fine 12 room house; per- •\u25a0 feet repair: lnrge unnny rooms: tfiO. OFFICES AXD STORES TO LET $45 — Coiner (store. Flilmore-Fell; . suitable for ' stationery or Indies'.- gents' fornrshings. \ ' .APART3IEXTS A— CLINTON APARTMENTS. 1400 JONKS ST. COR. WASHINGTON. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY 4 AND 3 ROOMS; MARINE VIEW: NEAR FAIRMONT -'-.-HOTEL; 1 JANITOR' SERVICE: EVERY CON- VENIENCE. PHONE FRANKLIN 3443. A— ST. MUNGO ,APT. T~" - -'1300 Golden Gate ay. cor. Fillmore. \ .Elegantly furnished 3 and 4 room apt.: private exchange connectiaar all apt. Phone, West 0020. ADELINE apartmeats.o-10 Eitdy st— 2. 3 and 4 , room aptg.;. modern;, central, rates reasonable. CAMBRIDGE Apts.. »2J> Pine st— Elegaißtly furn. . • and nnfurn. apu. ; modern equip. • Fraaklln 3719. CLIFTON APARTMENTS. 14:J6 California st— 9 -room front apt: sna all day; gas raase; gtZSO. DUNDEE apts.; -730 Stanyaa opp.' G. G. park— .U Newly, fur. 4 r.J large, sunny; .very reasonable. FREDERICK APTS., 901 Stanyan. corner Freder- ick — 2-3-1 rooms; overlooking G. G." park: reas. ;i I-'.-. . KELLOGG APARTMENTS. T 2205 j Sacramento st. near Laguaa ; 7 unfurnished V- rooms I and * bath ; : elevator, janitor. 1 hot : water. j etc. ; ' uew ' aad ready for ; occupancy January il, ,-,.09. "Apply ion . premises.* \u25a0; ,-,--. <? -^> MARYLAND \u25a0 apartments. 383 Page it— 4 room .unfurnished apartments: , private baths, ho: - find cold water: Janitor and elevator service t : Rates; s4o to $45. : • , ' THE ELLIBTO.V apartments. 677 Ellis st o New v - light, '; Bunny, ; 2 rooms and bath, wall j. , beds, cas . stoves. - ." \u25a0. , ',-.\u25a0 THE : CALIFORNIA APARTMENTS. 2124'Ca11- : i ; forala',Bl. j ; near^Bnchanan." ; THE G ABLEST Clay ; aad Larkla— 4 room ! suany i corner j apartments;, references.-, \u25a0 ' 10TH 274-^-4 ; larg*. .' aonay roum» «>«* •—•*•; FURXITURE FOR . SALE : AI.V'T It *wfa!, Mabel? $20,000 worth of faral- ture kolim; at our January mI«;'w« discouat everybiKiy's prices. H. SCHELLIIAAS. Tho Busy Corner. 11th and FranSUo *ta.. OakUatl. FURNITURK. rood ana cheap, at U. SCBKLL* HAAS'. 40S 11th »t.. Oakland. . J. BERNSTEIN. 1623 Market st. buys aad selU furniture; pays highest price. Tel. Park 4570. UI'HOLSTKRING on your own premls**: furnl- tor* repaired. JOSEPH PBARCK. \Xa O^Farrell FURjrrrpßE waxted WANTKD— Offica aad household furniror*. car- pets, piano; price and qoaatitles co object. 1301 Octavta at. TtL West 3529.. HIGHEST price for desks aad oftlee farnirnr*. '. McCarthy Co.. 1020 Mlmtlon: tel. >r^rk»»t HKW. CAS FIXTURES AXD LIGHTS GAS fixture* aad electric Ilgat nuppUe»; ga« table lamps, 51.50 np complete; plmnhiu; aait ras flttics. 473 Valencia st. sear 16th; opea evenings. FOR » A LFi— \u25a0Ml»c^llaneo-» - FOR sa!e— Hawaiian Ma^ic Liniment, receipt aad privilege to make, eel! aad use my nama for the state of Calif crnia: fortane ia It for right party; pronjlaent wholesale bouses carry It; small capital required to ma If. Particu- } lars, address D. R, JURGENS. 1322 Sth st. W. Berkeley. Cal. PACIFIC PIPE CO., SW. cor. Mala aad Kowanl sts., Saa Fraactsco — We handle second hand ripe and Canlas exriasrvely and caa fnrnisa any quantity aad sizes. All pip* bas new \u25a0 threads acd couplings aad fraaraateed perfect . la every respect. Write or call for farther partleul«rs. Phone Dousrlss* 2233. FOR SALE— Mtwcellaneon!*— Conttnned. * CONCRETE mixers, gasoline eafiaes. bolt cat- : ' tins aad tbreadlnt: machine ; a fall Mac cf woodworking macbiaery aad contractors* equip- . ment. all ia dm class condition and right prices. WILLIAJI T. MABTIN. 340 Pacjfls j boildiag. WALL paoer. 2»ic per roll and upward. Gowl paint. $1 a gallon- White lead. 7c cer Ih. ; buildias sad roofing «t sreatl.v reduced prices. : Denatured alcohol. 65c a zalton (ISS proof*. ' MEBIQAN'S. 1447 EIIN »t. Samples mailed. MONEY made daily sad Call Want Ads help f> make it. Advertise your wants: make them kaowa to the public through a Call Waat Ad. An investment, not aa expense. For fall par- tlcßlars read Cill Waat Ada dally. LATHE!*— I 4 la. by d ft. turret lathe; 14 in. by ft ft. with lever attachmeat: 10 la. by 4 ft. speed lathe. FOWLER METAL CO.. tC'4 Branpaa »t. ! Cash Registers— WE DON'T BELONG TO THIS TRUST. Americans. Hallwoods. Nationals; low. est prices and terms. Pacific Coast Cast* Res- Uter Co.. 1292-1294 Market at., cor. Larkla. FOR sale — Pltieon ranch, containtag about $00. mostly homers: also chickens and ducks; ;S year lease. 2_» Sacramento St., West Berke- ley. Cal. .' REDWOOD SHINGLES. No. 1. $2 per M. Wm. F. Yates Lumber Co., 1350 Howard st. ; mill' work a specialty. AA — All sizes standard water pipe sad screw csslas; guaranteed good as aew: get our prices. Welssbanm Pipe Works. 133 11th «f.* FOR sale — One IS foot triad— lll; one 3 lncb cylinder deep well pump, good as new;., sin \u25a0 larce tanks. Artdivs box 43. Stetre. Cal. \u25a0 MOVING PICTURB machine* aad parts: tickets 12e M. PACIFIC COAST FILM EX.. 1721 Fillmore st- SAMPLE LINE FURS retailed at cost: ML'KFS. STOLES AND NECKPIECES. X 2.00 UP. Room 413 Westbaak bldg.. S3Q Market cor. Ellis. BEAUTY — Blue Dane blti-h. 8 months old. Call at 1211 O'Farrell st. near Gough. KING'S OLD BOOK STORE. $91 Goldea Gata ay. near Octavla. BOOKS BOUGHT. CORLISS engine. 100 horsepower. SPECK MFG. CO.. 2130 Folsom st SAFES — Complete stock of second band safes; exceptionally low prices. 05© Mission abov» Jtb. ' MOVING picture films for rent; largest stock la city: tickets 13c M. Turner £ Dahnkea. 1850 KIIU. A— SCHOOL BOOKS bousrtt aad gold. KlNU'd BOOK STORE. 1719 Market at. above Gougb. SCALES, coffee mills. ci>ee»e cutters, trnckn. meat sllcers. J. Gedde* & Co.. 521 Mkt.. S. F. I EDISON AGENCY— >rovlng plctnre mscWnea an i films: bxrgaias. GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk st. BOOKS and libraries bcusut. THE HOLMK^ CO.. 115>t Market Ht.; phono Market SSO. FRICTION hoist, belt driven. 3 ha,. In stock. KELSEY A McEVOY. 313 Howard *t. SAFES— New aad second hand. The Uermaua Safe Co.. 120-ir.O Folaom st. FINE pedlsreed bull terrier pups for sale. 14>;> Fairview St.. Berkeley. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1601 Flllmore at. near Pest. \u25a0 • MISrELI^A.NEOUS WANTS WANTED— Second hand quicksilver retort ! of from one to two ton capacity; mast be la rood order aad economical. Address J. H. BYLES. box 254. Coallaga. Cal. FROM 1 cmv to 200: good, first claws grade. »c thorocshbred Jerseys. GEO. A. SMITH, \u25a0 Cor- coraa, Cal. DESKS ami household furniture bought, sold and exchanged. CAVAN'AGU'S. 625 McAllister st. Phone Market 4252. DKESS SUITS. TUXEDOS AND PRINCE AL- BERTS BOUGHT. L. SKOLL, TAILOR. 707 GOLDEX GATE AY. PHONE MARKET 4.631. A — Ladies' and geatv cast off clot hi n« bough r, etc. Wm. Morris. 933^ McAlatr..tcl.Park C23T.. MARKET St.. ISU2— House of 18 rooms; also large store. SECOND HAND clothing bousht and sold. I. M. DE MANN. 1810 Market: tel. Market 2342. WANTED — To bay f?ai»le caasry bird; stata nriee and rater*. I>. M.. 4T3 Vermont at. se\vix« MAcmx Est ; •_ . : CALL at New Home office for lowest prices oat all makes of sewing machines: new dropheada. 515.50; second haad. $3; aeedles *t wholesale. E. L. BARGEANT. 531 12th wt.. Oaklaad. DOMESTIC — Best, cheapest; all kinds rented, re- paired, exchanged: needle* and supplies for all makes. J. W. EVANS, araat. 16.M O'FarreU «t. aear Fillmore; phone 'West 3601. BEST makes of SEWING MACHINES. |5. t% ' $10: mummteed. New Borne oWce. 1408 Vaa Ness ay. bet. Bash aad Pine sts. ALL makes at half price; easy payments; rent- lag, repairing. LARKIN - BARDIE. 19 4th it. DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO.. W. E. Jacksoa agent. -H>4 Sntter: needles, snoplles: all makf>«. • AUTOMOBILES ' S PASSENGER 1908 White steamer. 30 dd.. fatly equipped; ma less tbao 8.000 miles: as j cood as new; bargain. Box 13' JO. Call office. FOR SALK CHEAP— ' r " •or, Royal Tourist. '07 Fraaklia Model "O." 'OS Locomobile. \u25a0 All ia first cUss condttioa; an xwawmabl* offer refused. Inquire QOO Moaadnock bids. FOR SALE — Price $500 aad upward: several 'OO and '07-Wiatoa toorlag cars, takea ia trade for *CS cars aad thoroughly 'overhauled by our - mechanic* from our factory. WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRAXCH. SOO Vaa Ness «».. I . Saa Fraaclaco. \u25a0 80 hp. White: run last summer: 190* ear: fally • equipped; about bait price. Box 1620, CalL ! ELITE AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE— N«w aad secoad hand can for sale: aato painting. wood> work and trimming. C77-KB3 Golden Gate ay. corner „ Fraaklln. Phone Park 0022. .' SECONI* HAND cars bought; sold and exebaaged. or nuoey loaned for short term on all sntomo. bile*. Valencia Garage. Inc.. 611 Valencia at. HKALD'S antomobllo school glvw the best auto tralalng oa ccaat. 425 McAllister it. FOR sale at a bargaia. 1 Cadillac toartng car. Apply ISOI Halght st. . PACIFIC State* Auto Schools teach bow; results \u25a0 ftP.-IRANTiTErV - *SS Golden O:itt» »\u25bc\u25a0 \u25a0' - HORSES. HARNESS AXD WAGONS AAA- — K> vehicles of every description. $10 up: 120 sets of barne«s. $2.00 up; oO head of mares and horse*, mules and ponies. $10 cp: hor«e, wagoaa.aU barnws, $30 up; hor*.-. .' buggy anil harneaa. $25 , up: burros . aad doo- keys,^slO up; 1I.01X) plow chains: horses ami rigs for hire. ' Auction h.i!» Saturday at 11. a - m. * - Open Sunday. 5tK» 4tn St., Oakland. (Will trade. \ . - -.:_\u25a0'\u25a0 HORSE, buggy; the finest complete business , i- -oatflt for sale. ln«iulr» 270 Ist st. . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- Second baad top \vagoa*. txp. wagoas, , bos. bug- gies. Nnzeat-Covey Wagon Co.. 343 Valencia BUY vtnjr harness and horse teffstery from C. V. ' MOREL. 437 Market st. : moderate prtee*. FOR sale— 3 nn« yuuns delivery horses. . IKCJ ; ..- \u25a0 Broadway. . Alametla.' ;'.'\u25a0'<\u25a0\u25a0 ? NEW and second bund delivery w«goas aad bu«-" tlw-'-VM/WBHTSTH CO., M P»W *t. BRAZIXG ".CAST_ IRON , WE braze broken cast iroo, atumlanm sad brass. \u0084 rKARIS BRAJtIXO TTORKS.' 2O3'MsIa- st. ~~ \u25a0 \u25a0 Continued oa ae_t P««» .- _C9____W____B_____H_____________B_ k .r- i 1 11