Newspaper Page Text
12 SOLD, rented, exchanged; manufacturer Eanies tricycle ctmlr. 1808 MVt rt: phene Park 2940. CALirORNIA borne industry, 214 Bth et— Bar and store fixtures; showcases always on hand. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 17-27 Franklin st. pear Market' Pbone Special 14o<. _ TJjyHsXnnEm>^Ajx^^T JjyH5XnnEm>^Ajx^^ MONARCH Visible Typewriter— ln the Monarch Visible Typewriter aU of the writing Is In full sight all the time; other makes, second band, at very reasonable prices; we rent re- pair and inspect; before purchasing ring up Douglas 4113. or call at 307 Bush st WOLF & INSENBRUCK. dealers. ALL MAKES rebuilt like new at price paid /or ordinary second band one*: f?ee before buying; inspect' tbe new visible Yost; renting a spe- cialty: 6 end 7 Items.. 2 and 4 Smiths, $25 to $45: "write for prices and samples of work. The T.rnevs-riter Exchange. 255 Montgomery «t SPECIAL rental rates; rebullts, second hand, at bargain* 1 : scppUes, repairs, desks. ALEXAN- DER & CO.. 512 Market st.; teL Douglas 2157. A No. 7 REMINGTON for sale; good as new; bargain. CaU at 414 Mutual Savings Bank building. 704 Market Bt. BKAVD new visible typewriter. $40. Pacific Typewriter Company. 107 Montgomery st. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Fillmore st n^fir Post. FURS E. E. WALLET, furrier— % to % off; best qualitr; form. 115 Kearny. now 1746-1743 Flll- more nr. Sutter. Oak. 1263 Brdwy. above 14th. <J. BARE, furrier, formerly Lacuin&nn & Co., now 1515 Bush st, cor. Van Ness ay.. upstairs. B. KANTNER, manufacturing furrier, formerly 122 Stockton et.. now 1713 Van Nest ay. P£BJraj^sVjcßrAN^BS^^£^ KREDO & CO K7 THIRD ST. E CAN BEL- YOUR BUSINESS. *«,.™v. — HOTEL, near S. F.; ©5 rms.; clears $1,600 mo. KREDO. $I,6OO— SALOON and DANCE HALL, Al stock end fixtures. $2.SOO— SALOON; $30 per day guaranteed; In- vestigate. ?SSO— SALOON; water front; doing good busi- ness. $450 — CIGAR STAND, downtown; clears $150 mo. KREDO. v SS'JO— CIGAR STAND, Bownlown cor.; big stock. Bargain. $300 — Partner, good paying business; no op- position: experienes unnecessary. Look this up. KREDO. 87 3d et $700— MEAT MARKET; good town; Al fix- tures; 2 horses, 7 living rms.; receipts $300 week. KREDO. $1.3:.0— ROAD HOUSE. Sonoma co.. Including 6 room cottage; rent $30; receipts $20 per day; bona fide In every detail. $800— ROOMING HOUSE, 14 ROOMS, WELL FURNISHED; FINE LOCATION: RENT $65; LEASE: QUICK SALE: IMPERATIVE. KREDO & COMPANY. - GEO. A. HERRICK, SOS VAN NESS AY. Business Broker. Established 1575. ' Reference: Canadian Bank cf Commerce. NuTICE — If ron want a business of any kind and can raise $200 or $3lrt) or $400 cash, come atml see me. I will loan you money cud help .\<nrger started. J have some small businesses tbat will make tbe owuer a nice living and $50 1 9 I *i '" 111 1 '13* ' ' lit £1 1 ' t'< I hare a half interest in cafe and restaurant for $125: xvant tbe partner to look after the buy- ing and the front end. GEORGE A. HER- UK'K, 80S Vau Ness ay. WOOD. COAL, HAY and GRAIN business- Good long lease; cheap rent: clears at the •treoent time good money. If you want a ; -.>i:i. t-s that is really paying don't overlook this; never before offered for sale: estab- lished for yean?. Full particulars see my agents. MENSOR & TOWNLEY. 1116 Broad- way, Oakland, rooms 3» and 40. WHOLESALE FEED and commission business. $1,200: rent $5o: lease: sales at the present time $3,000 to $5,000 month := best proposition ever presented to xhe people of this state; more . than value in sight; best of reasons for gell- ing; full particulars can be obtained with my agents, MEXSOU & TOWNLEY, 1116 Broad- ««v. Oakland, room 40. ' GROCERY— S2,ISO; rent $30; lease; bona fide receipts of $00 daUy; good horse and wagon; *c can prove to your satisfaction that this is one of the best paying groceries In Alameda c-onniy. If you are Interested in this place, «-all and see my agents, MENSOR & TOWN- I,EV, 1116 Broadway. Oakland, room 40. GROCERY aud meat market; willseU fixtures nnd invoice stock ; good corner; 5 beautiful living room?; leai>e. 3 years; cheap rent; no .opposition; located in tbe most growing sec- tion in tlie vicinity of Oakland; Al proposi- tion; en opportunity of a lifetime. MENSOR & TOUNLEY. 1116 Broadway. Oakland, r. 40. J'OR sale — Jewelry and stationery business; De- cember. 1907, and December, 1908, compari- sons; increase of sales, 25 per cent; Increase of repair work, 20 per cent; reason for Belling, uet-d of rest and change of occupation. Apply to WM. C. WHITAKER, Elmhurst, Cal. OPENING for young man with 6ome means to connect himself with established real estate and brokerage business. This proposition will bear investigation. PHOENIX REALTY EXCHANGE. t>4S Market. Mechanics' Bank Building. NEWSPAPER route on this paper, heart of the best growing section of Oakland; reason for i-elling, route has increased until I have more papers than I o«n handle and am forced to «iivlde. Apply 468 11th St., Oakland. $:>.*i0 — SL'EE fortune In this; man or woman to conduct branch More In Seattle; experience nor necessary; big money in it from start; fullest trial before you start: chance to get rii-h. Call Oakland office. 1157 7th. Oakland. I'WILL ecU to lady who wants to go in busi- ness something new In California; will «ell out- fit and formula and teach; party can "valixe good money on email inveeuuent MADAM DEi:D, pbone Franklin 98. - STABLE for sale — Small, first class, paying: .sales, boarding and livery; close investigation solicited; offer wanted; must sell at once; owner called away; no experience needed to make money. Box 4559. 3011 lfith st. PARTNER wanted in a good paying business: cxperienoe not nece«?ary; must have at least fSOO and be willing to work. Address box 1579. Call office. - .y..,-. FOR tiak-— 56,000: general merchandise store ii tmall town having cannery, winery and apple packing bouse, with good surrounding country. O 3. SEIBEL, Graton, Sonoma county. Cal. I NEED $200 to open a gold mine; will rltc a liberal proposition to any one who will furnish money; a fortune In It: will stand the most rigid Investigation. Address box 261. Call. WANTED— Party with $5,000 or $10,000 to in- vest in manufacturing business; will bear 1 closest Investigation. CaU at once, room 470, Monadnock building. NURSES AND DOCTORS, notice— 2o room san- itarium: wiU clear $500 month over expense*: rent $75 month; sunny rooms: pleasant loca- tion; Western addition: price $3.00U complete. Inquire suite 4-S. 215 Kearny st A— s4,ooo. hotel and bar; $0,000 profits in last 2 \u25a0 years; other business cause of sale. See owner. Terminal Hotel. 2d and McDonald sts., Rich- mond, Cal. TAINTING business In Berkeley; established 5 yt-ars; a good, legitimate opening In this line; own our building and have no rent to pay Address A. i. _ Co.. P. P.. box 47, Berkeley. KOB ride — RetaU candy store on Broadway, Oak- land: particulars to principals only. Apply to MARTIN M. HOFFMAN CO., wholesale con- fectloners. iA\ 17th Et.. Oakland. Cal. I'lßSr CLASS restaurant and oyster bouse with liyuor license: long lease; best downtown loca- tion; will bcU all or take partner. Box 1624 CaU office. WANTED— IO,OOO -«liafeB Artesian Oil Co.'« Ktor-k: will pay 75c share. Address box 1909, Call office. LADY or gent with small capital to invent can luake a good income. Call or address W. T CAUL. 10S9 Geary st I'OR sale — Half Interest in a small hotel; buyer 10 manage; preferably a; woman. Box 1867, ' Call office. . 1 HOTELMEN, attention! Splendid new hotel at' beaoli resort to lease; right party can make a big success. Address box 1575, CaU office. OWNER valuable beach lots Halfmoon bay wants lady partuer $1,500 cash to start grocery st place.- Room 235.- Howard hotel. S. F." J'OR- sale-r-Drujr tXote in prosperous town la Sacramento valley; price $4,000 cflsh, or real «=< « te. Ilor 1 7< «. Ca 11 office. lolt sale — A good newspaper; route In a good district in this city. lr Apply <\u25a0 to J. R. LEN- HART. circulation, dftpt. S. F. Call. GRUB STAKE Wtd— For a year In Mexico by :nin*r who knows the country." ' Address box 144:). (>ll nffice. ' \u25a0\u25a0 ; WANTED— Man with ?200 cash; average $40 - v-fx-fcly. Of h>« 2, • 122S Killmore. RESTAURANT and: cafe for Rale. Apply 3005 Miw-ion Bt. -Make offer. f.V'AP — Well ' equipped restaurant: must fell,' «*-in;r to sickness. Call at 140. Valencia st. r CALL. BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmor* ft? . ? «_«PO.U : Ai, CAMERON & CO. MOVED TO PERMANENT. LOCATION. 714 MARKET ST.. MAGEE BUILDING, . Opposite Tbe Call. Room 301— Phone Douglas 4379. Where best bargains are found in hotels, apart- ment and lodging houses, fiats. Elegantly furnished downtown ' hotel . of fi-"» rooms: reasonable, rent: doing good, business; owing to difficulty in family, at bargain. SWELL Uttle boarding . house, 28 rooms; rent $165: well and newly furn.; have 22 boarders; doing weU; want larger house: price $I,SOO. G. A. HERRICK. BUSINESS BROKER, SOS VAN NESS A Y. Elegantly furnished. 10- room flat near Van Ness, light, sunny, beautiful borne; also good income, $50 above rent and expenses. $5.">0 — Furniture in II room bonne, house full,, and paying $50 above expenses, near Jef- ferson square. G. A: HERRICK. SOS VAN NESS AY. FOR sale or exchange — tiO room lodging house with buildings and 8 year lease on ground at $75 month; house clearing $350 every month and can be made to pay more; will sell for $6,500 or will exchange all or. any part for "real estate, either California or eastern: will sell on easy terms If so desired and let pur- chaser make house pay for Itself; Investigate. PnOENIX REALTY EXCHANGE. MS Market fit Rooms 409-410. FREIGHT FORWARDING JUDSON FREIGHT FORWARDING CO. Reduced rates for shipping household goods any- where west to everywhere east. 4tty and Market lets., room 206. Pacific bldg.: nhone Kearny 2579. COLLECTIONS everywhere, liens & attachments. CHAS. H. NORRIS. 378 Monadnock building. ALL bills and promissory notes promptly collect- BRICKWORK In all its branches; best refs. M. V. MOWBRAY. 1308 Devisadero: t West 7021. ROOFING -; .. LEAKY roofs .made water tight Eagle Roofing Company. 1219 Flllmore st: tel. West 2428. FOR saloons, nickelodeons, candy stores \u25a0 and restaurants; reductions In slightly used instru- ments; see us quick. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL AND nKVTCE CO.. Inc:. 121 Bth st _^_ j_^ _; PRINTING JAL-UM-STEIN Printing Co.. 514 Turk 8t bet _JLij ; rkinittndPoUfjt^l : FrankUn3766 ;^_^__^_ H.- R. HOPPS, PRESIDENT. . ALL KINDS ART, LEADED AND MOSAIC GLASS. ' 115 TURK.- PHONE FRANKLIN 1763. WE make handicraft - furniture and baby car- riageg. Pacific Coast Rattan Co.. 831 Van Ness. ACCORDION, sunburst, side pleating, buttons, button holes; mail and express orders solicited. STEELS. 1420 Post st; phone West 6428. ' MacDowell's Dress Making and Millinery School, 1215 Post st near Van Ness; Oakland office, 1018 Washington st Patterns cut to order. COMPETENT woman wishes day work. Address box 234. Call. 1651 Flllmorerst. AUTOMATIC Tucking and Novelty* Mfg., I. H. LUBARSKY, 710 Polk. Tucking, knife pleat- lng. accordion pleating, hemstitching, shirring. LADIES' TAILORING . | SUITS made from own material; reasonable; first flaps work. FRED & REJFEK. 1512 Polk st ADVANCE window shade factory; orders filled at short notice. GEO. WALCOM. 637 Turk st r. TJPHOLSTERING L^-w^ UPHOLSTERING In your own premises: furniture repaired. JOSEPH PEARCE, 1395 O'Farrell st MONEY made daily and Call Want Ads help to make it. Advertise your wants;- make them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. An Investment not an expense. For full par- tlcnlars read Call Want Ads dally. CHINESE- AMERICAN RESTAURANTS HONG KONG LOW, 1754 Geary st ; chop suey and noodles: American cooking: day and night LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO., Lick Me, 02 Post Et, room 326; pbone Douglas 2071 — Dustless cleaning of carpets, rugs, dra- peries, furniture and bedding, WITHOUT RB- MOVAL. - ' ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on tbe floor with- out removal by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. Office 24 Montgomery st. ; phone Kearny G852; shop 16th and S. Bruno ay. LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO., 62 Post room 326; phone Douglas 2071 — Dustless clean- Ing of carpets, rugs, draperies, furniture and bedding. WITHOUT REMOVAL. 3c yd. — Phone direct to - carpet works — 3c yd. "Why" pay middlemen fancy prices? "Why?" F. A. RICE. 1805 Harrison. Phone Market 262. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work send your carpets to J. SPAULDING & CO., 989 Golden Gate ay.; telephone Market 643. Save Money — Best cleaning and laying now Sc yd. Phone us, Market 2289. Glsslow. 3803 22d st WATTS — Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations; renovat ; laying. 560 Devisadero. Ph. Park 569. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk st. CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning and laying. 2400 Geary st. corner Baker. Phone West 93. J CALL BRANCH OFFICB j J 1651 FILLMORE ST. NEAR POST I LAUNDRIES HONEST work, fair prices is our motto. Golden Rule Laundry. 624 Latruna st. : tel. Park 138.V JAPANESE LAUNDRIES JAPANESE Laundry, waists and curtain special- \%t. Asual Laundry. 1401 Scott Ph. West 6296. MOVIN^J^AjVS^^ Anderson Transfer and Storage Co., mvg., pkg., shpg., etc., Bth st nr. Mkt, No. 20. TeL Dgls. 2177; Country mvg., trunks stored 3 days free. BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO. ~ Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission sts. TeL Market 13. WILSON. BROS. CO. (Inc.)— Moving and storage, cor. 14th and Sanchez sts.*, 1 block from Mar- ket and Flllmore st cars; phone Park 2TI. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322 Fillmore st : phone West 2628. PIANOS stored, $1 per mo.; no cartage. BYRON MAUZY. 250 Stockton st; tel. Douglas 4355. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage and Moving Co. Main office Eddy and Flllmore. Tel. West 823.- 7x9. 25c; SxlO, 30c; 10x12, 35c; 11x14, 40c; 12x 16. 45c; other sizes in . proportion ;. dozens of camples in all colors .to select . from. Pacific Frame Co.. 324 Hayes near Franklin. ' PAI NTING AND PAPER HANG ING PAINTING- In all branches; paper banging, tint- ing, plastering repaired. Send for estimate. Jas. P. Hunter. 1444 Webster. Tel. West 5653.' ART REPAIRING YOSHIKAWA-KURODA CO.. Jap. art repairing; antiques a ' specialty. 416 Grant - ay." nr. - Bush. GAS v ENGINES, MINING' hoists, stationary and portable engines, j cms. distillate or crude oU. WESTERN GAS - EXGINB CO.. 22 Ist Bt ; - -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.: :\u25a0,.-.. ...:. '\u25a0'•;;\u25a0•' '"' '" TRUSSES;/ */.--"\u25a0' _____ ' CLARK, GANDION TRUSS CO.; specialists, truss fitting: lady att 1258 G. G.av. near Flllmore. ACCOUNI'ANTS AUDITS, systems, Koecial : Investigations. COOP- ER. 705 Kamm b1dg.,,.717 Mkt ;: D0ug. U342.: W. F. BECKER. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, AU- DITOR.i 222 Sheldon Mdg. : r tel. :- Douglas 648. ' ACCOUNTANTS— Certified Public JOHN R. -- RUCKSTELL, ; C.' P.* A;, 306-308 Claus Spreckels bldg.' Phone Kearny 4151. \u25a0 •>-.--\u25a0... DETECTIVES "\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ;Wot*t Conn' Detective .Agency', (licensed, bonded) : •"mwiwts W-nses : HeiTctly : :' cor."' confidential.':" 59(5 Flllanire.', Tel. Park TSSS6. IT. ; C. i G RAY." Pri n. PRIVATE detective: : confidential information: se.- / cured.' fiillTH.'frzoa Jurk et;Uel; .West 8360.. THE SAX PEAyCISCO^GALL;; THUESDAY- JANTIA^Y 21; 1909; A A — DIVORCE; Costs;' $12; quick.' quiet;: advice j ' free; no charge unless successful; title to real estate- restored;'. bankruptcy; • probating < of ; es- " tates; general practice.'.: 1028 Market st.V»r.':l2." HARRIS & HESS. • attorneys at £ law. -W. T. Hess, notary, public. \u25a0\u25a0-. Room 1112, Call ; bldg. ,i -, L." S. CLARK, , attorney at la w,- 851 Jackson^st,~ Oakland; consnltatlon free. '..Open ; evenings. ;.'. DIVORCE costs $12; ejectments $3; -advice free; all legal matters. ; Room "511,; Pacific building. GEO. D. CAMPBELL begs to : announce ; that he has removed his law office -to \u25a0 Chronicle • bldg; PATEXT ATTORNEYS ; : ' : DEWEY.' STRONG & CO.— Founded j 1800; j U. S. and foreign, patents ; inventors' guides; , 100 mechanical movements ; free. : ; 1105 Merchants' Exchange Building,' San Francisco. <; • . . HARRY C. SCHROEDER. U. S. and foreign pat- ents, 320 First Nat bank, Oakland; tel. 0,3575. SONTAG Patent Agency— Estab.' 1899. Balboa bldg.. cor. Market and 2d sts.. ' 10th -floor. MARK LANE, notary public and commissioner of deeds. 245 Bnsh Bt. : phone Temp. 2G29.' \u25a0 ?•->; \u25a0; ; TITLES RESTORED _ / - UNDER McEnerney act complete, $35. \Tltle Co.. 951-Ti Monadnock bldg.. 3d and Market sts. .; \u0084-.".'•\u25a0 _-; •""'"\u25a0 PENSIONS _ :': '- ". \u25a0:•'""• -.'-•. \ ' A— M. HARRIS, pension and patent atty., 34 Ellis 1 Et. ; references, , the many thousands for whom .1 have secured pensions: 21 ". years' practice. ~ n _.. _' EDUCATIONAL _ ; : . PUBLIC LIBRARY EXAMINATION. -An . examination of candidates :• for positions in the Public Library will be- held January 30, 1909. , Applicants must be between the ages of 17 and 30 years, and must register with the t>ec- I retury of. the board of trustees, at Hayes and Franklin sts..' before January ; 29. 1909. \u25a0:.. JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and j NORMAL CLASS. ; High school, all branches. . Prepare for college, teachers' exams., j civil service. Laboratory courses. Day, • eve."/- 943 ' Van Ness ay. - - ' " \u25a0 . - '\u25a0:\u25a0 -_'. * . , A— PAUL GERSON DRAMATIC SCHOOL— Largest training school of acting in -America; positions secured; 6 mo. graduating course; send " for catalog. . Countryman bldg.,; 915 .Van | Ness. ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, mcch v survey, \u25a0 assay, cyanide;' day,' eve.;- est 1564. "Van der Naillen School, 51st and Tel., Oakland. THE LYCEUM. 2590 Pine et.— Prepares boys and -girls for university, law, medical .colleges; teachers' ex's; here you. save time and money. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington near n'illmore; send for clr- '* cular. 1 CARA CELESTE POTTER, teacher of elocution; i special Instruction; to children. 1651 Bush St. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, mdiv. instr. math., bookkeeping, Eng..,etc; day, eve. 507 Halght. PRQF. P. LAFON, lessons In French; evening .8-10, 50c a lesson; 25c in a class.9S3 G. G. ay. PUCKETT'S SCHOOL OF DANCING— Classes Mon. and Frl., Cotillon hall. Church at Market. A— 3o DAY SHORTHAND COLLEGE. 25 3d st. Bookkpg. arith., gram., penmanship; civ.-serv. A— METROPOLITAN/ BUSINESS COLLEGE, \u25a0 ' \u25a0 925 GOLDEN GATE AY. « % \u0084 ASSAYING, telegraphy, civil and electrical engl- neering. mining, etc. Heald's. 425 McAllister. ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business College. 1256 Market st - MUNSON school of shorthand; - private Instrnc- tlon. 117 Delbert bldg.. Van Ness & O'Farrell. SPANISH or French ..In 3 months; perfect pro- nunciatlon. PROF. HIDAJX3O. 1265 Ellis st SAN FRANCISCO Business College, now located -^.at 733 Fillmore near Hayes; day and evening. - CALL BRANCH OFFICB. 1651 FILLMORE NR. POST. J PHYSICIANS ' DR. MAR DON, tbe noted doctor of Clilnese em- pire, now at 768 Clay st, S. F.: with knowl- edge Inherited through 7 generations; cures' all ailments human system is subject to by means of teas, carefully selected herbs; consult, free. DR. WONG HIM— ~" . '. \u25a0',-• -•\u25a0\u25a0' HERB DOCTOR. Permanently Located 1268 O'Farrell st. bet. Cough and Octavla. X— DR. C. GROVES. San Francisco's leading specialist for women and maternity cases; strictly private: hrs; 9-9. ;960 Market st. DR. JOS. ARDENYI. physician and surgeon; dis- i- eases of skin, genlto-urlnarv/ venereal and rec- tal diseases; 1-3,0-7:30 p. m. 1246 Eddy st MRS.' I. LEAN. C. S. P.— Healer of all Ills*. Office 874 -Eddy- Bt: lnmrs, 11 to •'>. - \u25a0 MEDICAL ; AA— DR. AND MRS.' MASON Successfully treat all female complaints and Irregularities by improved : methods,' without resorting to painful and dangerous, operations; 25 years' ; experience. . No matter what your trouble or how long standing It may be, their friendly and confidential advice -will cost you- nothing. All treatment POSITIVELY GUAR- ANTEED not to injure the most delicate " per- son. ! Those unsuccessfully treated elsewhere especially invited to call. Private home be- fore and during confinement! • ' ;\ Hours, 9 to B; '.Sundays, 10 to 12. Take elevator or stairs to 2d floor. . 220-221 AVESTBANK BLDG.. 830 Market st. AA— ATTENTION. LADIES ! DR. NORTH, 1025 Market;: phone Park 5941. World Renowned. Specialist for' Women Only. NO 'Delays or Disappointment. Relief Guaranteed. \u25a0 . By Most Superior Painless Methods Known to \u25a0 Medical Science. -.. . : . Most obstinate cases treated: utmost privacy; have fio hesitancy .if In - need of my services ; absolutely harmless. Low fees. -By consulting an eminent specialist you save -time and money. All female complaints cured. Advice free. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 6 to 9 p. m. . A— DR. D. WALTERS, 1438 Ellis nr. Webster. (One block east of -.- Flllmore) '".?', Reliable Specialist for Women ; Only. . - Hours — 10 a. in. to 8 p. m.; Sundays 10 to 2. LADIES— I POSITIVELY ; GUARANTEE to cure all female complaints. The MOST OBSTI- NATE CASES RELIEVED. My inetnods are SAFE. SURE AND PAINLESS.. RELIEF GUARANTEED OR ;NO FEE. Advice Free. Fees low. Private sanatorium If desired. J . A— DR. AND MRS. DR. PIERCE, world re- nowned specialists for WOMEN; -our treatment \u25a0is pleasant," safe and sure; you can pay a little down. Suite 502, Westbarfk building, l S3O Mar- ket st. cor. Ellis," 10 to 8* Sundays till 12. VALPEAU'S female "pills; best regulating pills sold; price $2.50 by express. Pasteur's syringes and tablets, price ' $5. • By : express : only on receipt of price. OSGOOD BROTHERS.'.- whole- sale druggists, 7th and Broadway. Oakland." \u25a0; A— MRS. DR. WELLS. . reliable ladies--' specialist for all female complaints; instant relief guar- anteed; 30 years' successful practice; home . in confinement 1524 ' WEBSTER ~ st. between Geary and Post;- office hours 10 to 5. ; - MRS. DR. WEST,. office 1293 Golden Gate ay.— Ladles' specialist ; for T many years; -all. cases successfully treated ; no pain ; , no delay : from ; home; low fees; hours, 9 a; m.-to 8 p. m. SPECIALIST for. ladles; painless 1 relief guaran- teed: paid when cured; advice free.': MßS. DR. PHILLIPS. 3452 19th St. near Mission...- ;.r DR. MARY ADAM, ladies' physician; private home for confinement; 'terms reasonable. . 3004 "• Fruitvale ay. ; ; pbone Merritt 215. j> \ ROBERT G. FULTON, M.; D., leading-specialist ,--\u25a0 for, • women. 516 11th , st" near \u25a0 Washington, Oakland. ' CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 FIllmor« st '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 near. Post. \u25a0 MATERNITY HOMES S. F. LYING-IN HOME, WiWO^s. f,t., DR. IX>RD. physician in charge: confinement $25. HEALTH '>3IOVEMENT .^ SANITARIUM treatments;- massage; lady at- . tendantjApt. 23," St. Mungo^ bldg., 1300 Goldeu Gateav.: 9a.ui.1010 p. m.- •\u25a0\u25a0'-*'. - : . /-\u25a0 ' \u25a0 ; \u25a0•: .; : '; d'entists . : :: -' :: ;.'.:\u25a0''\u25a0 BOSTON PAINLESS: DENTISTS. 739 Market st, I 1 acknowledged ', to be ' the easiest : and I best pain- less extraction in: S. FFir. ir Full i set ' of • teeth," $2- gold crowns, $2; sUver fillings, i 50c. : All work . guaranteed 20 ; years.; Open \u25a0• dally \ till , 9 > p~- m; DR.r SIMMS. 1214 : Polk^st. cor. Sutter, room ; 301; ; phone^ Franklin ; . 367: ::->.; f ' : . DR. ,C. W.'. DECKER. SURGEON DENTIST— - 1316 Sutter ; above i Van- Nesa; : Franklin l l9S6.' I DR. - IRA . G. LEEK— AII 1 kinds of ; dental * work. ; 515 ; Fillmore . st : "°f •' "'^ffßiTWyi^fVtMflSßCßl DR. U: Gr BARTLETT, extracting specialist; re- B moved to 323. Geary, cor. i Powell: -Douglas 4300. HILL, DR.^ LUDLUM, 432 > Webss (now ; Mulrhead : bldg.); : : Market. Hayes' and j Larkin : ; gas \u25a0 given.- CALL BRANCH OFFICER 1051 Flllmdre st.~fnear Poyt.- '\u25a0 " \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0-." ".',«\u25a0: r rye ?• r -\u25a0.-,•\u25a0• .--:.-.\u25a0 \u0084; ..-,- \u25a0?. "I CHIROPODISTS v; FOOT, maladies; 4 fapeclalists.^JPrbf.iWellesley ' 501-2 Westbank ' bldg.. j : B3 3d.\ j.Tei.j Mkt.? 3oS6! \u25a0: CHIROPODY— I2OI \ Golden • Gate I av.U near ; Fill- : -; more s Bt.V - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .••\u25a0•.\u25a0-.•>\u25a0•..^";- : " ••'-'•\u25a0*\u25a0::• ..-;' : .'--- -\u25a0 \u25a0 , FOOT^ maladies treated by.;- most ; ; advanced i meth- \u25a0^£ods_ln' America.'^ Dr.''.Tas. *. Brown."- Emporium:' ; : Ll rAND SUtJAFXESS : Al^jO ear ! noises * positively 4'cured;Cis week .free DR.: COTTINGHAM,- 1990 , Sutter Bt. ; ! hrs.> lO-*;- __S_H__ft___^_B^^VS^_B#Z~C_-fs£3_ IE ' > i -- Tt ;'»TT"V'i *--—.--.+\u25a0*•*- • C. _-...*. t.. jj^JDOjG^A^m^CA^ DR.* > E.'r J. - CREELY. 1 1818 . Market i st. ; \u25a0} phone Mkt. 2670— Special ward for dogs: dogs boarded. l^____il_ aiATRIMONIAL - ; HONEST.' reliable, refined man in the thirties wishes tomeet a' woman \of 'means who could ;-:\u25a0; assist ~ him -; flnancially ."- in ; his business. - which - .win make : them a•» handsome 1 Income ; property to be placed in sher5 her name : if she wishes; .best of references given. Box 1793, Call office. \u25a0 YOUNG • lady ;of- 23 years; a v perfects blonde, 5 if eet 5 inches, 150 pounds, : is ' anxious * 'to meet . a gentleman \u25a0of means, i one who : can assist her financially- in the millinery, business; no triflers " need answer; ' object . matrimony. Address . box 1942. , Call office.- ' ' GERMAN, * 30," home loving, ; educated, \u25a0; of clean habits, desirous to correspond with respectable lady, with some means who would be willing to •' enable j him to finish - his studies; -object • matri- mony ; triflers and agents Ignored. . Box 1672, = -Call i office. . -:.;„. .-\u25a0"..;. ;. -: : .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-...',' \u25a0'>.\u25a0 PEOPLE of open . minds ia ving . Brigut's disease' i: or :' diabetes (or - having friends who . have) can - learn of something to : their ' advantage .by writing J. J. FULTON. 214 Ist st., : S. F. BACHELOR, - age . 47,' -' in 'good "standing, wishes ; the ; acquaintance :of lady; object matrimony. Box 1045. y Call -of flee.. v * ,r v ; :•;; IF - desirous of i companion or helpmate \u25a0 consult Mrs. Ide | Long's I matrimonial parlors,' 1245 La- guna; st; -phone West 5699;; details 25c. ''. ..-.;'. DO not., be . deceived; -the only reliable '. matrlmo- 5 nial bureau -you 1 will find at MRS. A. WOL-; TER'S, ; 1752 Geary st : ; established In 1900. GENTLEMEN find ladies of wealth and culture at tbe ; only s reliable agency, "Society Lady," 260 Hollls st. i Oakland. Details 25c. ; ' Mrs> Hughes, 935 Webster, ".wishes aU temperate, respectable ladies and : gentlemen to call. PARTIES wishing to marry call' or write Mrs. McCarthy,; 1328 Buchanan; 25c Information. PA RTIES wishing . to , marry call or write Mrs. \u25a0'\u25a0 MARTIN. -. 1722 Ellis st: details 25c. ~~^~~~~~PJERJS^^ ROD or Alice— Send some message immediately; Nick Is all bnt out MA. \u25a0 - \u0084 y BU SI^ESS PERSONALS \u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0: \u25a0:. -\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- WIGS >-.-.\u25a0 ' ;\u25a0; WIGS and toupees of my make defy detection. , I guarantee it. An artistic man wig maker waits on gentlemen; private gentlemen depart- ment upstairs. -Hair dressing, shampooing, etcv by experts only. A large stock of pure human balr goods constantly on hand. . Switches, pom-- padour puffs, etc. Mall orders receive prompt attention. I G. LEDERER, 2271 California St. near Webster.' Established 1860. :, RAG -enrpets woven to order and for sale; -also chenille wove rugs. ' silk portieres, ; handsome . fluff rugs made from your old carpets; send for circulars. Geo. Matthews, 709 sth st. Oak. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CHAS. LYONS', the London tailor. 1432 Fillmore st. bet Ellis and O'Farrell O'FARRELL st, 1652. near Flllmore — For rent, three room apartment, furnished Complete for bath and . massage. . ' MRS. *L. E. HARTMAN, baths and massage, nervous and rheumatic specialist. 408 Koenig -.; bldg., 101 Post st.,« cor. Kearny; open Sundays. MOORE Institute of Massage ; 2 attendants ; vi- bratory treatments for all gone, tired feeling; hours 10 to 9 daily. 1304 Fillmore st MAGNETIC MASSAGE— MRS. HOLSHOUSER, room 351 Pacific bldg. Phone Douglas 4440. MISS . E. M. REID, graduate masseuse: hours, 10-!>. Suite 2, 1705 O'Farrell, corner FHlmore. : MISS . IDELL; vibratory electric treatment for • select patronage only. 1906 Suiter st, S.;F. MISS WALLACE, Eastern Masseuse; baths. . 124 Turk, r. : 210, first floor, rear; 11-10; open Sun. I MISS C. BELL, 1 manicuring, face and scalp treat- , r ment Room 21. 1443 Flllmore st. BED •: WETTING speedily cured; particulars for , stamp. Nurses' Remedy Co., Dept C, Oakl'd. A— MISS A. LUND.- graduate masseuse. 1705 O'Farrell. cor. Fill., suite 3; phone West 6536. GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos- \u25a0tumes: sue, to Jahn. costnmer. 821 Van Ness.. GRADUATE masseuse. SIRS. HELEN DERBER," electric treatment. 2024 Sutter. P. West SSO2. I' ~~ I ' '_ 1 ™ CALL BRANCH OFFICE j \u25a0—— :\u25a0\u25a0 - ;'. ,' " . _L_.l" ' " , 100 l FILLMORE ST. NEAR POST —————— \u0084-,.. \u25a0''"'." -- ' " ' I'" ' v^^g^ CLAj^VO YANTjS l^J^^*~r£ : a wonderful pitiphe'tess ; name ; ;\u25a0 L. < 50c f G. $1 ; 9. 1410% Geary st. near, Octavla. GENTLEMAN.. 3O. poor, ; would like to marry a lady with means from 30. t0 45 years of age. Box 1336. Call office. : . . MRS. WASSMER: elalr.. palm., planet reader; hr^. 10 to 8. 1103 Laguna near Turk; basement. MRS. SHAFFER.' test j and business medium; clalvoyant: sittings daily. 907 'Buchanan st ADOPTION . MATERNITY villa— Children boarded or adopt- p<l. 1410 -Bth ft.. Alameda. SPIRITUALISM MR. DICKSON'S materializing seance Friday night. Readings, daily. 510 18th St.. Oak- land. Last seance January 29. ' Phone Oak : 5131. -,jf .-.-. \u25a0. .- \u25a0 v ...;. - - -,= ;. ,;-\u25a0. :"\u25a0- > A — Mrs. J. J. Whitney, trance medium and llfo reader; sittings daily: full reading $1. at her liome. 1164 O'Farrell: by mall. 4 questions $1. ~ -•'- MME. EMERT. \u25a0 Occult scientist. Readings dally. 1010% ' Wash- Ington St.. rm. 1. Oakland. Hrs. 10-5; np sign. MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD— CircIes Sun., Mon., Wed., Friday 8 p. m.; readings dally 10-4 p. m. 1439 Fillmore st. .. MRS. SEAL, spiritual minister; consultations dally: officiates at > marriages, funerals. 788 McAllister. . RETURNED— Miss M. Wille. great crystal seer- ess and- medium, can be conuslted on all/af- fairs: 10 to 8. 1309 O'Farrell corner La guna. DR. HOWLAND. the noted honest reader; circle tonight ; readings daily.:. 1230 Fillmore st"?- ; " : CUTTING. REV. F. ; R.— Hours ; 8 to 5 dally; meetings Sun., Tues., Frl., 8 p. m. 1183 Ellis. MME. VIGARS. removed to 824 Lacuna st, cor. McAllister. Circles .nightly ;- readings*: dally. ; MRS. SEAL, splrituar reading:' readings . daily; officiates at marriages, funerals. 786 McAllister. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Flllmore St. near - .r»o«:t. -\u25a0' -\u25a0- -- -..-,- \u0084. .-.-.- - - .-- -\u25a0 : -. .\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0-. ; ; palmistry, MME. BUSHNELL, expert palmist, 20 yrs. * 209 Kearny. 9 to 5 ex. Sunday. Tel. Douglas 3670. CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist, card reader; 25e, sOr-. XI. »13 Broadway. ' Oakland. MUSICAL ".-INSTRUMENTS. "'\u25a0;\u25a0/; STORAGE pianos almost given away; -sacrifice. Storage Co.'a.-; 415 Van Ness ay., and Whlte- " head's Storage, v 405 San Pablo ay.. Oakland: PRIZE .-" coupons .'and- certificates '; issued ' by the different piano houses ; accepted by . HORN- PNG'S. 619 San ; Pablo ' ay.. Oakland. -;.....-• \u25a0;'\u25a0-,-; STEIN WAY upright: 9 fine: condition; also walnut case Estey upright- and Stelnway square, from $75 up. BOWERS & SQN. 529 McAllister Bt A— ALMOST ; new ?, : upright. cheap. . JOS. SCHMITZ & C0... n0w 621 Van Ness nr. Turk. A GOOD ; piano f or ; rent at 1 $3 a month..; '. " . '\u25a0 t v SCOTT CURTAZ PIANO C 0.." 560 Hayes <t. CIHCKERING upright, piano, good : order, ?90; cash or. terms. ; Phone Franklin 2121.^ - DRUMMER'S : sample | piano will ; be I sold \at I f ac- tory price; terms accepted.;' 1466 Bush sf« ; PIANOS to rent: no cartage this month. BYRON \u25a0MAUyy, 250 Stockton. Bt.-j-;jn-.':-;-.-,.-.".y,.-.. \u25a0 FISCHER - piano, ! good -\ as \u25a0 new, '\u25a0 cash '\u25a0> or tlmi. 1 . -~ Any . reasonable.' offer.^ - 90S . Van ' Ness , ay. : $123 — First- class" upright: nearly: new; ''\u25a0• must 'I be -;.- sold. -HORNuyG'S. 1554- Etldy near tFlllmore. NE W •: pianos ' for i rent,"> $3 - per i month ; - : rent '" al- \u25a0 lowed If purchased. -^STATHAM; 24 Hill: st.>.->: CALL : BRANCH OFFICE. 1051 FillB>or» > st; -.v,. v , near* Post ; : ; '..'.\u25a0 \u25a0 ' \u25a0'.-"'. X -; MONEY .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; TO LOAN ~^ : / \ % \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 $ -.- \u25a0% \u25a0{.\u25a0s sT I T^T?~^T~T : ~T V 7sT W * f LOANS: ON SALARIES $ * -. A new. company, advancing, money with- , $ * out mortgage or indorser to \u25a0. v $ > -RAILROAD -EMPLOYEES $ J -:/STREKTCAR>-EMPLOYEES i 5 % rv. RETAIL"*^ AND ICLERKS $ » ..;, or: any man: or; woman holding a' permanent- $ j'r salaried position. -" ; -"-- \u25a0-.-\u25a0-'• ~ $ I . EMPLOYEES . CREDIT I CO., : $ f Room 424,f4th ' tloor. ; Monadnock : Bldg., i $ * \u25a0 3d; and Market sts.. $ I ; Offlce* Hours '8:30 a.", in.>to:6 f p., m. $ § ;\u25a0;'- x Monilay,-i\Yednesday.' and. Saturday v even-"-" $ $.; ings. until « o'clock.'- . ; - $ S :\u25a0:s:.., 4 \u0084;.$... y- $ : -,,, ji :.' $ .;' : ' $..-,'.s \u25a0\u25a0'$ .. $ \u25a0 .:$ AAAA— NEW -YEAR'S MONHY.. "" . ; I : : ; SALARY.? LOANS.^;; SALARY^ LOANS. :';; Start ?the ? new "year right -by. settling all scat- ;\u25a0 \u25a0 tered debts.,- 'We ; will loan ' you 1 enough \u25a0 on • your / J..VSALA R Y^'-i to ' pay, all 1 these bills : and : give you additional -, money; besides." -Just on: your ; plain \u25a0 note; ; no ;indorser^no i publicity.'^ Your . employer I neverj knows; of - any s transactions I at ' our! office: -."Pay; us ? baeVi in' weekly 1 ori monthly - payment*.' r Rebatcs*glvetif:lf£pald-before?due. ' - ' . V "---'• WKSTERNiLOANiCO.," . :.. . :•- .40S -Call', bldg .7. 3d v and; -Market sts. - - \u0084 * igrj*. Open • S :30 ; to 616 1 p.i m: ; ! also s Monday,'; Wednes- _.,;. flay j and Saturday ;• cveniDgs , until ' 8,.p. • Mr :-f^£' ; ;: .v^M ON E YVTOML a^*~Coja«nn<gd - J AAA— HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. . "- • Get our. terms when about to borrow on FUR- NITURE, PIANOS, > HORSES and VEHICLES. We i will 1 save • you . money.' - Rooms 357-9 Pacific building (3d floor). 4th and Market sts. Phone 1 Douglas 3265.racfe*€lKX^ge&g^l^g&»g&£ciSEi>& Oakland of flee. 518-19 First National Bank bldg. A— CALIFORNIA'S Largest Pawnbrokers, " ' Liberal ' loans on diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, furs,. etc.; banking rates: ladies', private office, fire and burglar proof vault on the premise* . CALIFORNIA' LOAN OFFICK. " "... Formerly \u25a0 known as . Goldwater's* v- 841 [Broadway, near 6th at; Oakland. MONEY LOANED on furniture, pianos and other security;- lowest; rates;- most: favorable terms 'in the, city; 6ee •. others," 'then ; see me and be convinced; I will save you money; $2.23 weekly j repays $50. 10 an. Phone Market 3039. GEORGE W. MILLER. \u25a0 3009 16th st, SW. corner Mission, room 35. MONEY; loaned" salaried people and . others upon - their ; own -. names without security; cheapest ratesp easy I pOf-ments; ' offices In , 66 principal . i cities; -save \u25a0 yourself : money . by getting our terms first. \u25a0> TOLM AN, 'room 137, 787 Market St., S. F.. and room 9. 460 13th st. Oakland. MONEY— MONEY— MONEY. Salaries^ — Chattels. . Life ! Insurance PoUcies. ; ; Wage Earners' \u25a0 Investment - and Loan Co., ' •v '- -- 443 Pine st. __ ADVANCES . made ou diamonds* and juivelry at lowest rates; safe deposit vaults; greatest pos- sible care taken. - BALDWIN JEWELRY CO., \ Van f Ness and • Sutter.' . •;\u25a0- . ;'. ».'\u25a0 - . .- LOWEST rates, | quick ; deals, no delay— Loans on second mortgages,- estates, legacies. Undivided . Interest. -\u25a0 When you need money see HERMAN • MURPHY, 546 Market, st. San ' Francisco. . ANY- amount on real estate,' first or second mort- gages, or on any security: no delay; low rates. O. W. BECKER, 2111 Fillmore near California. AAA— Loans to salaried people. THE WHITE CO.. 367: Monadnock bldg. ; phone Douglas 3250. MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES. J.H.! FULLER. KEY ROUTE INN. OAKLAND. MONEY to loan at low rates of interest on real estate.. HEROLD & LEVITSKY. 407 Pine st. ANY Bum.-lst 2d, 3d mart.; Interest in estates. •••8.-McCOLOAN. rs. 314-315. 26 Montgomery nt A— LOANS on salaries. HOME CREDIT & IN- VESTMENT C0.,' 523 Pacific bldg.. 4th. & Mkt ON furniture, -pianos, etc.;. "> strictly private. BECKER, aill Fillmore st near California. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without Indorser. MORRELLr 922 Monadnock bldg. ON. furniture ana pianos;' sls up: no removal; no com. TREMAIN. 726 Buchanan near Hayes. SALARY loans; other propositions. \ San Fran- clsco Discount ; Agency. 411 -- Pacific hjilldlng. CALL , BRANCH -OFFICE, 1651 Flllmore St. 'near Post. \u25a0 - - ' ' ' 1 '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0_ MOXE Y jyAXTED WANTED-^-Some" party to make me loan of $400 Phort length of time; interest no object; will give, first /class security. Answer,, glv- Ing >ate of Interest desired. : Box 1890. Call. WANTED— Loan •of \u25a0 $350. 2 per cent month for 3 years. Address box 1906. Call office. 1 _-'J_ _.- :'\u25a0 INVESTMENTS- - ; THE Glendora | Mutual Water Company' of Glen- dora.. Los Angeles county, Cal., offers for sale its $35,000 6 per cent 20 years' serial bonds secured by-trust deed covering all its property. . Bids will be received \u25a0 up " to and opened on . January 30, 1909,' at 2 p. m. For further par- ticulars address Glendora Mutual Water Com* " pany, -' Glendora, \u25a0\u25a0' Cal. ': \u25a0•- WE can sell you any active unlisted stock 20 to /SO.per cent below • any other bona fide prices; : market letter and quotations. on request; can - . make quick and prompt sales of all active un- listed stocks and bonds. CHESTER B. ELLIS & CO.. 714 Market st $I.OOO— OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS -FOR SALE AT $660 ". EACH.- >'-\u25a0 . " . \u25a0 : \u25a0 \u25a0 -",. ' ;.- '\u25a0 - :.- , :.-\u25a0 D. E. BESECKER. 248 PACIFIC BUILDING. OIL shares have doubled and trebled in price; are on v the boom; my.' oil and mining market letter will keep you posted: it is free. J. E. KERR, 368 Bush st. San Francisco. Cal.. CAPITAL wanted to develop rich placer claims; large area on Eldorado creek. Klondike. Ad- \u25a0\u25a0•-ilresa-A. E. L., 4753 Point. I>obos aye. I,ooo, shares Pacific Jupiter Steel Company for sale at 10 cents per share. Box 1752. Call. McCARTY WIRELESS— Large block for sale, cheap. .40 Bacon block; phone Oakland 6955. CALIFORNIA SAFE \u25a0 DEPOSIT AND TRUST - ACCOUNTS AND OCEAN SHORE BONDS BOUGHT. D. E. BESECKER. 248 PAO. BLQ. "A BBOTT buys . BONDS" ; C Ocean Shore, Market st. Bank. Cal. Safe Pep, book!-. 132 Bush st ; MINES AND aiINING A REAL SNAP. AN UNEXPECTED AND UNUSUAL circum- stance . makes it possible to make 10 to 15 per cent per month. on" a $3,000 cash Investment in working mine; this is genuine; immediate action necessary.. 5...T; CIIAPIN, - room T, Bacon building. Oakland. » ABLGEWAUR BROS. CO., assaying in all Its - branches: accuracy, guaranteed; send for mall- ing . envelope. :-. 313 6th st. Oakland. - GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought, cash; assaying 50c. Piorfper -Assay Co.. 131 sth st nr. Howard. ;j - / _-'\u25a0' _\u25a0'-_ -'\u25a0_ LEGAL NOTICES -\u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0'_ . .';-^;'.^ ANY. person baviug claims : against R. -.W.'LIN- VILLE' for material or- labor furnished on B Vicksburg st. job. near 22d, are hereby noti- fied to present same to L. ARTHUR' & SON, 1230 Ist av.,.' before . January 25, 1909, at 1 which time -any money due him will be dis- tributed. ; : . . TO whom Itrmay concern— Take notice that the partnership hitherto existing between Alexan- der W: Leonard and H. G Cox at 1368 Geary st has been dissolved,' Alexander W. Leonard retlrlne. . . _ - , - REAL ESTATE BALDWIN & STETSON, 147 Sutter st - BUILDERS, ATTENTION! LARGE CORNER - 9 grand .marine view lots from .87:6 to 137:6 feet deep ; Al ; Ideation ; flats would sell rpatllly; owner will take part cash; price $16,000: '* cheap at $20,000. BARGAIN:ON DEVISADERO ST. . $6,000— 7 rooms* and bath; 2 story; in first class *s _ condition; rent $40; owner refused $50 for lease. . \u25a0 \u25a0 • / \u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0* , \u25a0 *:.... $12,500— Howard Lx»tween 3d and 4th; 25x80 feet; -mortgage $6,000; can't be equaled. $3,750—50x120 ft;- sth ay. near B st .:.?•\u25a0 ,'A. iWe have many; choice building lots In the Richmond 'district Mail address for list of good buys. *\u25a0 $13,000— McAllister ; st.-; 35x100 ft. ; mortgage $5,750; choice. for. apartments. $s,2oo— Hyde St., near Jackson; double frontage; "oxl2o ft; good sale for 9 flats; one of .tbe best rent producing districts in the city. : $15,000— Ashbury flats, 7-6-6 rooms; rent $1,520; -.'--•: 25xlir.. \u25a0 : \u25a0 $24,500 — Rent $2,600; choice Mission corner, 6 flats and 1 store;' high basement; 30 ft '.lor. . . \u25a0'. \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 'SNAP: SNAP! SNAP! I .. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. ; . : Just . the bargain you I are looking for. x PRICE REDUCED TO $5:750 TO EFFECT i QUICK SALE ! ! - Mortgage of $3,500 at 6 per cent can remain. Modern j cottage of ; 5 ; large rooms and bath ; sun \u25a0In .every, room: '< high Abasement, with 1 finished room ; v beautiful garden; -lot- 25x137:6;. on;. the sunnytslde of. Sutter st. -near. Devisadero.' " '.:\u25a0\u25a0. THE LOT ALONE: IS-: NEARLY' WORTH THE MONEY. :' ' Getl busy and look Into this.'. ;- Is is the biggest bargain offered, v- : LIPMANi&.HIRSCHLER.:.. 2SS Montgomery st. 1 ;; Phone — Douglas 3644. '•.•.\u25a0/-' . -FOR SALE. ;.- v \u25a0;--.-\u25a0 Pays \u25a0 12VG ; per.: cent — Three good .flats on i Franklin st. ;\u25a0 rents ,$l9O per month.' Price V ?is,ooo.v" 'r '\u25a0 .-\u25a0"*\u25a0 i; ~- - -\u25a0' -~ \u25a0;,- - •:" \u25a0, - Pays 12 per •; cent— New *• 2 story colonial H building of : 4 - apartment i'• flats in .Western .addition;, rents $150, per month. ' Price $15,000. ;\u25a0. \u25a0. Pays "- 12 .per >. ceut-^-Saeramento . street; ; 4 apartments/.flats; on.smallicoruer; rents $100 1 per * month. ; Price •* $10,000. y ' , -:'-\u25a0:\u25a0 $5.500-^-2 .; modern flats in, '-\u25a0 good section- of -' .' Mission U district ; ,- rents "j $47.50 \u25a0 per ; month. . : 7 s '\u25a0'\u25a0; $3.600r-Douglass « st : ";= cottage ,- 5 : -. rms. . and • :\u25a0 bath ; ; modern , improvements ; T floored I basement, cement : walks, roomy t back f yard. ,\ - - . THOMAS I MAGEE '& \u25a0- SONS,-- 5 Montgomery .' st. . \u25a0_ ..-;. .r PhonetKearny. 563. ' HAVE YOU; RESTORED' ' I YOUR TITLE? I ; ; . 1 : you : must do so.l : .' BY ' - - -. - .JULY 1, 1909. i'.'S ':; '\~ McENERNEY 'DECREES : t j REASONABLE, PERFECT, GUARANTEED . ' FIDELITY {TITLE RESTORATION ' C 0. ,: INC. V "I 26 MONTGOMERY, ROOMS 210-211-212' I- ' : TELEPHONE KEARNY ,4779 I - : TITLEStESTABLISHED: 1. . . '.IJNDER'McEXERNEYfACT. '\u25a0 \u25a0 . f:-;-The j publ I"., records >xa mined daily, for encroach- mentsiindloyerlap<>-and. ; our, clients promptly ; no- tifledi where. tlieir interests are:affected. - .-.-', '.-'.-\u25a0: LA W.YERS**,TITLEi COMPANY. : ; ..' 3OO-1-3-5-71 CLUNIEi BUILDING,'. -"'" ' > — 'i Sr W> corneivCallf ornla and' Montgomery, — * : JIEAJ :^SJ^TE---CoiitinnedS $4.250— An ~old lady : must sacrifice corner prop- .erty In; South S. F.^ containing 3 stores and -.20 rooms: building cost $7.000: r lot 75x100; will sell for $4,250 If sold at once. " $6.000— 3 flats/ 4 rooms and bath each; lot 25x100; '.mortgage $2,500 can remain. $13,500— 8 flats. Ellis St.: lot 60x75; ; rents $195 -per month; mortgage $6,000 can remain- Apply ' \u25a0 ' D. STERNSCHER. ._- 'i Room 26, 2195 . Bush st. , cor. Flllmore. $3,3oo— Rents $420. • -. \u25a0 Sacrificed, for immediate sale. Two flats on a main street near Flllmore and Union; newly . renovated; street bltnmlnlzed: can secure loan of $2,000. O. H. FEBGCSON, room 231. 62S Montgomery ; st. . ,' * : ' -' .- ' MONEY made dally, and Call Want Ada help to . make It - Advertise your wants; make them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. . An Investment, not an expense. For full par- tlculars read CaU Want Ada dally. FOR sale — Beau tHul 17 room house and lot. 31:6 xIS7:6, at 1140 Oak st bet. Devisadero and Broderick sts. ; $4,000 cash and mortgage of $6,000. Inquire of J. E. WHITE, 729 Monad- nock building. MODERN homes, 5 and 6 rooms: large lots and basement : ' terms. Eleventh avenue, above T, Sunset Owner. . ' .. \u25a0 : " . $5.500 — Modern 6 room house In 3d ay.; It would pay you to investigate this. GEO. E BEW & CO.. 129 Sutter st. \u25a0 ; LOTS in Fulton st. bet Cole and Clayton; half cash, balance time. KANE & CO., 215 Montgomery st. " 1 " '\u25a0. \u25a0" . I want, to buy a vacant lot for cash; corner preferred. Address. box 1343. Call office. CALL BRANCH i OFFICE. 1651 FlUmor* it near Post. M______________. — __________ ! COUNTRY REAL ESTATE FOR sale— lo,ooo acres In subdivisions to suit purchaser: situate In the great artesian belt in Kern county; soil rich and deep; surface \u25a0 level; abundance of free water; 'convenient to railroads. This land will produce deciduous fruits, grapes, sugar beets, alfalfa, vegetables, hay, grain, and In fact anything that is grown In the great San Joaquin valley. Tbe lands aU around are being occupied by thrifty settlers. If you want to raise hogs and cattle, or if you want to plant eucalyptus; If you want an in- vestment, or if you want to make for yourself i a home, now Is your opportunity. This is about the last of -the great tracts In the San Joaquin valley to be bad at the extremely low price for which It is offered, and at terms within the reach of all. For price, terms and further information, apply to - \ „ PLANTERS' LAND COMPANY. 1306 Metropolis Bank • Building. FOR sale — -A few choice 20 and 40 acre, tracts In - the famous Turlock - irrigation district; abun- dance of water," good roads, new school; for fruit and vegetables, alfalfa and stock raising this land has no superior. * - To parties who will Improve we wUI sell these lands on extremely . liberal terms of $5 per acre cash and $5 per acre per annum - till the land Is paid for. We are authorized to sell only 16 tracts of 20 acres each on these terms. In order to take advantage of ; this, call or write at once - • . -.- PLANTERS' LAND COMPANY, 1306 Metropolis Bank Building. WE will give you a farm and trust It and you ' to pay us from half of what It produces for you each year. This is a special proposition on a . few of our best nieces of Irrigated land in the Jordan-Atwater tract In tbe San Joaqnin valley. If you have confidence In yourself equal to our fa till in the land the bargain's made. Land in this section has paid for Itself la 1 year. We offer easy cash terms, if you pre- . fer. Write us today for fuU Information. CO-OPERATIVE LAND AND TRUST CO., (Incorporated for $200,000) Address Palo Alto, Cal. Branch office at* . Merced, Cal. RECLAMATION PROJECT, SACRAMENTO VAL- ' LEY — An opportunity Is offered the small in- vestor whereby he can buy any part of 3.000 acres for same price and terms as large capi- talists have paid for over "60.000 acres. Plans practically completed for levee work and formation of district No better land anywhere. River and rail transportation. An extraordinary Investment See • •\u25a0 -- - JOSIAH E. GREEN. Sl5 Crocker bldg.. S. F. MODEL chicken ranch, 6% acres, sandy loam; new house, tank and windmill; good water; family orchard; horse, cow and young chickens; farming tools; cheap for cash. J. CHRISTIAN- SEN, R. D. No. 2, box 76, Chapman lane, Peta- luma. ' . - - MODESTO -IRRIGATED LANDS Free illustrated lectures dally at 3 p. m. oa this rich and ' productive section at California state board of trade, ferry building. For liter- ature and Information call on H. H. WHIT- MORE, Stanislaus county representative, • STATB BOARD OF TRADE, ferry building. . CALIFORNIA land. $1 per acre,. cash payment, balance purchase 90 cents month per acre: close San Francisco; no taxes, no Interest; 5 acre tracts; level, rich, clear, ready to plow, irrigated: perpetual water rights; Immediate possession; particulars, maps, photographs free. STEVINSON COLONY. 1414 Market St.. S. g. FRESNO LANDS— AII on time; • few 20 and 40 acre tracts, two miles from Fresno city; ditches made; abundance of water, with water rights; price $125 per acre, all on time, to parties who will Improve. PLANTERS' LAND CO.. Metropolis bldg.. -San Francisco. THOUSANDS of chickens; buy a chicken fans on the Cotatl ranch near Petaluma; several hundred families, already raising thousands. Apply to the Cotatl Co.. 310 California st. San Francisco, owners of property. MONEY made dally, and Call Want Ada help to . . make It Advertise your wants; make them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. An Investment, not an expense. For full par- ticulars' read Call Want Ads daily. WALNUT land. Contra Costa county; several \u25a0 plots of about 10 acres each: on county road: about 1 mile from R. R. station ; near line of new electric road from - Concord and Walnut Creek to Oakland : no better walnut or fruit OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME. 500.000 acres grazing lands on Pacific Slope; 50 per cent suitable for agriculture; In tracts to suit purchasers. Address P. O. box - 945, Sen Antonio, Texas. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— A well Improved 16 acre ranch IVi miles from Nlpomo; stock, tools and furniture, all for $3,500; mortgage $900; improvements alone worth the price. MRS J. F. WEST. Nlpomo., CaL EXCELLENT farm. 3.880 acres, located east and adjacent to Santa Fe Ry.. In Merced and Madera counties; terms 1-3 cash, balance in 4 annual payments at 6 per cent, E. T. CUNNINGHAM. Le Grand. Cal. 5 and 10 acre homes In Alameda county; rich, level land, with 2 railroads. 2 stations on tbe r land; cheap; $25 down and $10 per month. . Rich Valley \u25a0 Land Company, I 546 Market st. $4.500 — 2 new flats on San Bruno road; lot 50x 120;. will sell or trade for lot south of Merket; will pay difference if .- needed. D. STERN- SEHER. room 2C. 2195 Bush st. cor. Fillmore. THEGepford ranches, consisting of 6SO acres. all improved and under cultivation and irrlga- - tlon; in tracts from 10 acres and up. CaU or . write H. L. GEPFORD, Laton. CaL \u25a0 ; . GOVERNMENT LANDS. Fertile alfalfa, grain and fruit lands. $2. 50 an acre and np for a short time: going fast Pacific Land Co.. 110 Bacon block, Oakland. • GRIDLEY. Biggs and Sunset colonies— Choice fruit, alfalfa and orange Irrigated lands; sold on easy terms. - For particulars caU or address T. F. A. OBERMEYER. 270 Van Ness ay. $SoO— s4oo cash ; 20 acres Al orchard land or , chicken ranch; wood and water: near Sebasto- pol. Sonoma county. WELLS & BANGS. 306 Chronicle building. - FOR sale— Beautiful 17 room house and lot 31:6 x 137:6 at 1140 Oak st between Devisadero and Broderick: $4,000 cash and mortgage of $6,000. Inquire of J. E. "WHITE. 729 Monadnock bldg. FREE booklet. "Hlckman Land. Smlll Irrl- gated Farms," head Turlock district. L. W. JEFFERSON REALTY CO.. SSO Market st WE have for sale. ; exchange or rent ranch?*, - farms and city \u25a0 property. McFAULL & ED- WARDS. 327 Chronicle bnUdlng. 1,200 acre stock ranch for sale at $15 per acre. W. E. REYNOLDS. Santa Rosa. OtL land in. the state; bottom prices. J. H. MAC- DON'ALD &: CO.. 1052 Broadway. Oakland. THE . Oakland "Branch of The Call Is at 463 : Eleventh st N near Broadway. -Phones Sunset Oakland 1083:- Home A 2375. \u25a0 . . \u25a0 CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Fillmore St.- near \u25a0 POSt. -"•-'-* -..---\u25a0 - .>*\u25a0-.- ..\u25a0.--.,- --.;.- LARKSPUR REAL ESTATE COTTAGE-^-County road; 8 (rooms, bath, coro- \u25a0 plctely ' furnished. . Living % room 18x20; - mod- . ern « Dlnmblng: lot 50x100. 1.. Terms. : Apply C. :F. -Harvey. : SO: Fremont wt. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-. '; : r SANTA CRUZ REAL . ESTATE HOMES, Investmenu. lots, ranches, acre proper. tie*. 1 BROWN.* WILSON. Santa Crnz. C»l. MILL VALLEY: REAL ESTATE ' $450— Cor. .Blythedale : and Locust ays. ; sewer, water, street work: a bargain; TamalpaU park \u25a0 tract: lot 146. GEO. KROG. 1378 Ocean blvd. REAL' ESTATE TO EXCHANGE EXCHANGE— SS,OOO; 2 " new city i flats; lot 25x y-120; 'income .$4O per month; mortgaged * for : .1 $2,ooo: ; want small- improved .ranch .in = any of \u25a0'. bay .") counties for equity ;• might assume small .'\u25a0 - mortgage.'>*^3fi^R_Sfei__9Kh>|tdh_H_MH__i PLANTERS* HAND CO.. ; 1306 •_ Bunk builiiiuff. 7tjacres— Wisconsin land,- 5 miles, from «-ltv. ft»r ». acreage V property.*. lot*, horses and wagons or .. merchandise, .or what " have you? 'i' Address , Charles Norliaj^ ~Pr) n i • * T m**Jfl f "liVn-j. • Cal, '• : OAKLAND AIAMEDA BERKttfY fRUITYAIt JAPANESE^ Emp. and House Cleaning^ Co.. S~7 Clay St.; tel. Oakland 133*. Honre A 2443. JAP. Emp. Agency— Uen. contractors. 3SI Sit* ,t. Oakland: tela.. On!; £153. Home A4PI3. SPECIAL XOTJCES__ ___ LADIES and gentlemea wDo wish good washiu-r and Ironing, go to Sim Chons Lung Chines* laundry™ slti 7th st. Oakland. Work neatly and nicely done; responsible; send postal card and we will call. LEB PHONG, manager. ' ROOMS TO LET— Onklaiid^^^^^^ _OTEL*^T?T : Aiuir^2rii2^strr^oJmer Clay- Rooms 50c a day up; $2.50 weet up; special * rate by the month: open all night. 17TH st. 519. between San Pablo and Telegraph ava.. Oakland— Furnished, sunny. _n_le room. $6 per month: close In. , ___ 9TH st. 276. Oakland— Comfortably furnished rooms; modest prices. ' THE Oakland branch of The Call la at 468 Elev- enth st. ne«r Broadway. Phones. Sunset Oak- land 10S3. \u25a0 Home A 2375. OAKLAND HOUSE KEEPING ROOM" SUNNY house keeping suites: 2 rooms each; all conveniences ; close in. 1277 Webster st THREE elegantly furnished rooms for house keeping to T private family; bath. gas. elec- tricity and use of laundry; rent reasonable. Address 1327 T»>graph a*.. Oakland. TWO furnished house keeping rooms near loctl and cars;ad_t3. Apply 1030 sth ay.. Eant Oakland. r jL. 2 FURNISHED rooms for light house keepfcrT} reasonable rent 031 Magnolia st. Oakland.. 1 FURNISHED bay window room 'orhouse keeping In East Oakland. Apply 540 3Sth St. : phone A-3075. ROOMS .TO J.ET— Alameda^ LINCOLN ay., 2216. Alameda— Elegant furnisfcwl and house keeping room : centrally located. sunny and all modern conveniences; rent rea- sonable^ - LINCOLN ay.. 203R, Willow station. Alameda— a nicely fnmished. sunny rooms for gentlemen. ROOMS TO LET— Berkeley HARMON ISS6A. Berkeley — A large fur- nished front room; half block Alcatraz sta- tlon: $«. __; ROOMS AND BOAslD— Fmltrale INVALIDS or convalescents given best of care In refined family In beautiful country home on hills north of Fruitvale; best of board; fln<» view; fresh air and pure water. Phone Mer- rttt 1070. HOUSES TO LET— Oakland— Furnlaheil THE Oakland Branch of The CaU Is at 463 Eleventh st near Broadway. Phones Sunset Oakland 10S3. Home A 2375. APARTMENTS THE STETTINER." ~~~ Suites, furnished and unfurnished: 2, 3 and 4 rooms; every comfort and elegance. 33d and Telegraph ar. - - " . ~*^ . \u25a0 LODGING HOUSES FOR SALE TRANSIENT corner; 23 rooms; cheap for cash. 475 flth at. corner Washington. Oakland. ELECTRIC PIANOS SNAPS— I Peerless. Uke new. $-150; 1 electric banjo, like new. $250; terms or cash discount VAN BROS.. 37th and San Pablo ay.. Oax- .. land. Piedmont 3946. AUTOMOBILES BARGAIN in a Maxwell runabout; also a 20 bp. Doctor Maxwell, with top, glass front, speedo- meter and clock. Presto tank, spare tire*. Maxwell- Auto Agency. I.V» 12th at..' Onklnmt. FURNITURE FOR SA LE AIN'T It awful. Mabel? $20,000 worth of furni- ture going at our January sale. We discount everybody's prices. H. SCHKLLHAAS. th«* Busy Corner, 11th and'Frackltn sts., Oakland. THE Oakland branch of The Call is at 48* Eleventh st. near Broadway. Phones Sunset Oakland 1083. Home A 357. NEW and second hand typewriters bought and sold, rented, repaired, guaranteed. SMITH BROS.. 462 13th st Phone Oakland 12. GEO. E. MERRY— Smith Premier agent: all makes repaired. 876 Broadway. -Oakland. AIICIIITECTS _'___,__. B. H. FALLMER, architect and builder — Store fitting. Jobbing done at lowest prices. 894 47t0 at: phones H-6796. Piedmont 2967. ANTIQUE FURNITURE XE OLDE CUBIOSITIE SHOPPE— Mahog. tables^ chairs, bureaus, desks, davenports and curios bought and wold. Cor. 7th and Brush. Oakland. nOUSE MOVERS HENDERSON & COVET— Raising, shoring brick or wood buildings, lintel raising, etc. 4SI 22d St.. Oak. 2tf57. Home ASISS.- - ' CARPET CLEANING MATHEWSON'S Carpet Beating Works— Carpet laying, uphols.; mattress making, feather ren. Sl5 E. 12th st. Oak. Merrltt 535. Home 81653. HOUSE CLEANING JAPANESE Day work Co.. 610 E. 16th St. East Oakland; phonea Merrltt 3638. B-1632. LOCK-SMITH — Oakland KEYS ' furnished a t factory prices. Key Works, 855 Clay St.: phone Oakland 6717. A-2574. SSJIEKIS ANY kind of roofs repaired or painted. A. HIL- MAX. BOS East 12th »t: phone Merrltt 450. _^ TRUNKS \ TRUNKS and SUIT CASES AT OSGOOD* S DEPARTMENT DRUG STORES OUR $7 TRUNK A WINNER. *\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0- SANITARIUMS PRIVATE home for confinement; adoptions* h*«t of care. 1303 Market st. Oakland.- MEDICAL DR. DUCROU'S female" pTTu"arV sure and safe : best regulating pUls sold; price $2. Wishart'a dmy utore. Oakland. . RUPTURE CURED I^I^~ON~iuPTURE." by"prof~^ierce. last Issued; copy free. PIERCE A SON 14 it Cheatmit St.. Alameda. Phone Alameda nm ATTORNEYS LANGAN & MF.NDENHALLTI^oTiBA^O^rbDIIdr ing: phone Oakland 1431. •«««* MONEY TO LOAN , (250,000 to loan on real -estate R*oeka *•>.! bonds. PETTIS i BURBECK. 333 Flrft Va tlonal bank bnUdlng. Oakland; *' ;, I MONEY WANTED ~^ Amounts up to- $10,000 at S per cent net for mtsr loans. DU RAY SMITH. 1015 Broadway ™l' , j OAKLAND RE.IL ESTATE NEW cottage of 5 large rooma. large entry hall ; pantry, enclosed porch, with stationary tubs' etc.; a eoay plat-e; Urge lot; »uuny side , f r street: walking distance of local, «n"eise« to a car lines., . Owner must have so^J e ™*»s « . party \u25a0 who can pay half cash *!.i; the placer, price reduced to f'Jw r£ * feS days. If you want a bargain i n a house 7dnn : T ~~ =T ~^\ ; fr«n Iled;uont -tation of the K^ouV l^: !• >d Weal location fur « s»oiue: .J, .itaated oa hfgU ground aud ha« a benatiful vie w- »»» iliigailiii.