Newspaper Page Text
14 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL Stagnation Followed by Flurry in Final Hour of Dealing New York Stock: Market • . : . •\u25a0..\u25a0--:\u25a0\u25a0-—-;\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 NEW YORK, Jan. 20.— There was perceptible growth- today of the disinclination to deal in stocks which has been evident for several days past. The first hour of the session showed a spurt of activity which seems to be due to hopeful testing operations by the profes sional element. -With the failure of these efforts to arouse lany in terest or to attract any following the market lapsed into neglect and at times into stagnation, with possibly another little flurry of activity in the final hour. Except in special cases the day's changes proved insignificant. Affairs were almost as much at a standstill in the money and exchange market as in stock?. . ' . . Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $5,584,000. United States 2s coupon advanced £4 per cent on call. ? t \>rr York Stock Lint E. F. Hutton & Co.. 430 California street. members cf the New York stock exchange, fnr ntsh the following list of bond and etock salea yesterflty: Sties I STOCKS IHigh | Imw | Bid | Ask 'Adams Express.. l 1 1 S3 I .... Allis-Chalmers .. 14»4 14% 14« i 14% I Do pfd 46 45% Amalg Copper ... 79 77% 77% '8 Axner Beet Sugar 21^ 21 21 21** Do pfd S3 85- Aroer Can Co S»4 SH Do pfd 73^4 72% 73 73H Am Car & Fdy Co 48% 45% 4SH 48% Do pfd 10S% 110 Amer Cotton OU. 48 48% 45&4 48% Do pfd 88 100 Amer Ex 200 210 Amer Ice Secur 22U 23 « Amer Linseed 13»4 13% Do pfd 23% 31 Amer Locomotive 55% 56*4 Do pfd 110H 112 Am S & Bfg Co. 86 85% 85«4 55% Do pfd 102 101% 101% 102 Amer Sugar 128 12SK Do pfd 12* ISO Am Steel Found. 9 10 Do pfd 40 50 Am Tel & Tel Co 126% 120 128 126% Am Tob pfd 92% 93 Amer Woolen 28 29% Dtf pfd 94 95 ! Anaconda 47 46% 46% 46% Utlantlc C Line. 107% 10S A T & Santa Fe. 99% 99% 99« i 99% Do pfd 101 100 V* 100% 101 Bait & Ohio 111T* 111% "I** Hl% I Do pfd 93% 94 B R T 71% 70% 70% 70% -Bethlehem Steel. 25 24% 24% 25 i Do pfd 61 53 |Cana.da Southern <32 67 Canadian Pacific. 176% 176% 176 Vi 176% !C & 0 62% 00% 61% 61% iC 4 A 65% 66% CGW Bv4 8 8% 8% Do pfd "A".. 28 27% 27 29 Do pfd "8"... 11 »% 9% 10 C&NW 179 178% 177 178 C M & St P 149% 145% 145% 148% I Do pfd 160 160% iCentral Leather. 31% 30% 31% 31% I Do pfd ..... 100% 101% Cent of N J 232 234 -Chicago Terminal 4 5 Do pfd 18% 20 C C C & St L 73 73% I Do pfd ....100% 105 Col Fuel & Iron.. 42% 40% 41% 42 Do pfd C 5 75 _Colnm H C & I. 26% 27 , Colorado South.. 66% 65% 65% 68 Do Ist pfd 54% 83 53% S4 Do 2d pfd 81% SI 81% S2 ! Coesol lia* 128% 127% 127% 128 Corn Products... IS!* IS% 16% 18% Do pfd 24% 25 ]Del & Hudson.. 179 178 177 179 D L & W 545 550 ....... D & R 0 35% KS% SS% 35% Do pfd SO% SO 80 SO% $i Diamond Match 121 122 ; Distilling Secur. 38% 38% 38% 35% DulntnSS&A.. 19% 19 19 19% " Do pfd 34% 34 33% 34% Erie 31% 30% 30% 30% Do Ist pfd 47% 46% 46% 47 Do 2d pfd 36% 36% 35% 36% .~ General Electric. 155% 155 153% 155 V 4 .Great North Ore. 71% 71 70% 71% iGreat North pfd. 144%|143% 143% 144 Havana Tob C 0..! 1 6 9 Do pfd 12 13 Illinois On 146% 145% 145% 146 Interboro-Metro . 16% 15% 15% 1» Do pfd 45?4 42% 44% 44% Inremat Paper 11% 12% j Do pfd 55% 56% ' Internal Pump.. 39% 39% 33% 39% I Do pfd 84% 84 84 84% lowa Central.... 33% 33 32% 33% Do pfd 61% 60 60% 61 ,Kan City South. 43% 42% 42% 42Ti Do pfd 73% 73% 73% 73% Lake Erie & W 20 24 Do pfd 48 54 jL & N t 122 123 Mackay 70 74% It Do pfd 69 71 Manhattan 150 154 iMarine 9 8% k% 8% ! Do pfd 26% 25% 26% 2C% Metro Street Ry. 31 34 Mexican Central. 23% 23 22% 23% Minn & St L: 68 59 I Do pfd 88 90 1M St P&S SM- 145 144 144% 144% Do pld 154% 157 ... Mo. Kan & Texas 44% 43% 44% 44% * Do pfd 75% 73% 74% 75% \u0084 Missouri Pacific. 72 71% 71% 71% iNash, C & StL. 115 120 (.......jNatlonal Lead ... 78 77% 77 77% Do pfd 106% 107% -" National Biscuit 106 107% Do pfd 119 120 N Cop M & S.. 5%! 5% 5% 5% - |N V Air Brake.. 89 BS% BS% 90 N V Central IS I % 130 130% 130% - N V C A St L 63% 55 " Do Ist pfd 104 110 Do 2d pfd 85 SS NYN H & Htfd 159% 158 158% 159 N V Ont & W.. 47% 47 46% 47 Norfolk &. Wstn. 83% 91% 91% 91% - Do pfd 88 ; 90 ....... North American. 74% 74i 74 ' 75 Northern Pacific. 140% 139% 140 140% - Omaha 152 158 Do pfd 166 167 Pacific Coast 80 82 Pacific Mail 34 34 33% 34 Perm R R Co 133% 133% 133% 133% IPeoples Gas 103 102% 102 102% Pitubnrg Coal 12 13 : Do pfd 46 48 P C C & St L 69 89% Do pfd 102 110 Pressed Steel Car 41 42 Do pfd 101% 103 Ey Steel Spgi Co 48 47% 47 48 Do pfd 100 100% Reading 138 137 187 U 137% Do Ist pfd 91 92 * j. Do 2d pfd 93 95 Republic S & 1.. 25 25 25 25% -'... Do pfd 86% 86 86% 87 Rock Island Co.. 24% 24% 24% 24% Do pfd 63% 59% 59% 59% ....... S 8 S & I Co 77 77% ....... Do pfd 109 . S li & S F Ist pfd 65 70 1. Do 2d pfd 391 i 40 Z StL&SW. 22% 23 I >...... Do pfd 52% J»3 „ Southern Pacific.. 121 120 120% 130& Do pfd 122 121% 121% 122 Southern Railway 26% 26 26% 26 i Do pfd 63% 62% 62% 63 Term Copper 44% 44 43% 44% Texa« Pacific ... 35% 55% 35% 35% \u0084 Third Ay 40% 39% 39% 40 ToIStLAW ... 5214 "61% 51 51% ! Do pfd 72 71% 71 1J 73 Twin City R T 99 100 Union B & Paper 7% 8 Do pfd 68 70 \u25a0 Union Pacific ... 180% 17f»i4 179% 179% Do pfd 96% 96% 96% 9fi% Unit Res of S F. 33 37 Do pfd 5.W 55 ?7 S C Iron Pipe 75' 76 ....... Do pfd ..... 75 76 ....... U S Express 75 85 ....'...jU S Rubber 33% 34 \u25a0\u25a0..".. ...I Do Ist pfd 104 105 '. Do 2d pfd 70 72 ". U S Steel Cor ... 52% 52% 52U 52% ' Do pfd 113% 113% 113%11i:5% rtah Copper .... 4<% 44% 44^4 45 Va-Car r, Co 46 45% 45% 45% .»„•" -LP* P fd ••-•••• • 113% 114% \u25a0J ....... Wabash ...... isa.; jn i Do pfd 49% 45% 484 43 Wells F Express 2SO' 315 Western Union .. 63% 6S 68% 69« -. Westintrhnusc ... S3 52% 82% 8351 t i i/n n n*i Do Ift pfd .......... 23 24 Do 2d pfd .............. 13 14 Wisconsin Cent.. 43 41% 41a: 41 Do pfd S4T» 63% 83% 83% , 539.8W>--total shares cold. New York Bonda . V H ret 2s reg.. 102%] Japan 4%s ....... Q\y. Do coupon 103 |Jiipan'4%s. 2d ser Sflii . Do 3s reg.. .. ..100% L SHore 4s. 1931. 85% Do coupon ....10<i%ll J & N unified 45. .101 D* 4« reg 110%lMan con gold 4s:. 88% Do roapon 120% Mcx Central 45... 84 -Amer Tobacco 4e. 7R Do Ist mc".. .... 24 : Do fc .107 Minn &St L 45..54% Amer T&T rr 4s. «2% M. K. & Texas :4s 99% Ateb geo 4« ....100% Do 2ds ........ 88 . Do «dj 4*-.. 1 .. «.-NB of Mcx con 4b 801 i Do cv 4s ......103% NY C.gen 3%*.. D 3% IK> «-v 5b 107%'NY.XH cv 6s 'ctfe.l3s - Atlantic C L 4*. 95% N 3G yen iisr. .J. 127%. J . 127% Bait Sc Ohio 4s..lortv« Nor Pacific 45.... 101 Do S%f 93% Do 3s :..... V... 74% R>w)klrn RT c 4s 84% Nor s & W ron 45.. BS% Centra! of Ga 55.105% O S Une rfdg'4«;; 94% -- tx> Ist 1ac...... 78 Pa cr u 3%«, 1915.. 95% - I»o 2d inc.. 60Vi P»>on.4s .......104% ,- Do 3d mc. ."...-'52 1 Reading gen 4*. .'.100% Tbfs & Ohio 4%«.104T4 R«"P «>f Cnba.'sk..lo3;- i:hi a Alton nu.s. 741* s 1.. &.' 1 m con r.sinu C. B & Q new 4s. 87% St L & S F fg 4s. 55% C. RI &. Pac 4*. 76 St LS W con 4s. 78% Do col 5s SB*i Seaboard A L 45.. 63^ Do refdg 4s 31% So : Pacific 45..... 91 C.C.C &SLgn 4s 98% Do Ist 4s OS Colo Indus 5s 74 Vj So Railway 6s 108% Colo Midland 45.. J?l% Tex &Pae Ists..n7 Colo So 4s 98% Tol. St L & W 4s 56% Del & Hud cv 45.101% Union Pacific 45.. 102% Den & Rio G 4s. 08 Do cv 4s 104% Erie prior Hen 4s. S6 US Steel 2d 5s .".103% Do gen 4s .... 71 Wabash lst« 112»i Hock Val 4%5. . .107% Western Md 45. . . 83% Int Met 4%s 81 W& L Erie 45... 84% Japan 4s SO% Wls Central 45... 94 < Boston Stocks and Bonds Money — I Miscellaneous — Call loans 2%@3%|Amer Arge Che m. 38% Time loans ...3 Do pfd ........ 95 Bonds — ' Amer Sugar ....... 128% ' Atchlson 4s .....100% Do pfd 128 Do adj 4s 92 Amer Tel & ffe1.126: Railroads — Amer Woolen .... 28 Atchison 9^%l Do pfd .... »* Do pfd 100% Dom Iron & Steel. 18* i Boston Elev 12S Mass Electric . .; . 13 Fltchburg pfd ...135 Do pfd .01% NY. NH & U..108 U S Stt^l .52*, Unloa Pacific ... 1 79 Vi | I>o pfd 113% COPPER CLOSE The following list is furnished by E. F. Hut ton & Co.. 490 California street. San Fran cisco. Cal.: Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Adventure .. 8% S% Mohawk .65 66 Ahmeek 150 160 Mont C & Ck. 20c 30e AUouez 30 37 Nev Cons .". 18% IJ>% Amal Cop .. 77% 78 Nev Utah ... 2% 1 3 - Am Pneumat 5% 6 Nlpisslng .... 10 10% Do pfd ... 14 15 North Butte.. 78% 79% Arcadian .... — 3 Old Colony .. COc — Ariz Coml ..36% 36% Old Dominion 54 % 55 Arnold 50c 1 jOsceola 130 131- Atlantic .... 16 16% Phoenix ..... — 1 Balaklala ... — 237 Qulncy ." 92 93 Black Mt .. 3 3% Raven 75c 77c Boston Cons. 14% 15 Rhode Island. 5 5% Bte Coalition 24 24 % Santa Fe ... 2% 2% Cal & Arlz.llß 114 Shannon 16 16% Cal & Hecla.6fio 6«55 Swift Paekg.,lol%lol% Centennial .. 30% 31% Tamarack ... — SO Con Mercury. 32c 35c Trinity ...... 15 15% Coppr Range 76% 77 Troy ........ 12c 13c Daly West.. 10 10% United Coppr. 14% 14% East Butte.. 7% 8 United Fruit. 127% 128 Elm River... 2% 2% United Land.. 1% — First Natnl.. C% 7 Un Shoe Mch 65% 66 Franklin .... — 15 Do pfd ... 28% 29 Greene Can.. 11 11% United Zinc. 25 23% Greene G &S 5c — US Coal & O 29% 30 - Granby 103 — IT S Smelters 43% 44 Helvetia 3% 4 Do pfd 48 46% Isle Royale.. 24% 24% Utah Apex .. 5% 6 La Salle ... U% 14« i Utah Cons'.. 43% 44 Majestic 75c 77c Victoria 4% 5 Mass Gas .: W% Cl Winona 5 5% Mass Mining. 5% fl- Wolverine ...150 152 Mayflower .. 55c 75c Wyandotte . . 3% 3% Miami 13% M< Yukon 4% & Michigan 12% 13 Xew York Money Market . NEW YORK, Jan. 20. — Money on call, easy^ I*4 @2 per cent; ruling rate and closing bid, 1% per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, dull and firm; 60 days, 2%®2% per cent; 90 days, 2%fe3 per cent; six months, 3@3%c I'riine mercantile, paper, 3%@4% per cent; sterling exchange, easy, with actual business In bankers' bUls at $4.8455@4.8495 for 60 days and at $4.8740 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.84%@4. 84%. Bar silver, 62c. Mexican dollars, 44c. Government bonds, easy; railroad bonds, ir regular. »w York Cotton j Market NEW YORK. Jan. 20. — The market was higher. Spot — Middling uplands," 9.85 c. COTTON FUTURES 1 Option — Open High Low Close January 9.37 c 9.56 c 9.87 c 9.62 c February ..:.. 9.52 c March 9.42 c 9.61 c 9.40 c 9.56 c April 9.54 c May 9.36 c 9.59 c 9.36 c 9.53 c June V. ..... 9.51 c July ;. 9.30 c 9.53 c 9.30 c ' 9.48 c August ''\u25a0..;. :\u25a0'...';.. 9.35 c September 9.25 c 9.21 c 9.25 c October 9.12 c 9.28 c 9.10 c 9.24 c November '.'.... 9.20 c December .....9.07c 9.24 c 9.06 c 9.21 c New York Metal Market NEW YORK. Jan. 20. — Sj»ot copper was un changed at £60 7s 3d In London, while futures were a shade lower at £61 ss. The local market was dull and ' nominal, with . lake quoted at 14.12%@14.25c; electrolytic, 13. 75<& 13.87 %c; casting, 13.62% @13. 75 c. Lead was unchanged at £13 2s 6d In London and remained dull at 4.15@4.20c in the local market. Xetr York Grain - and Prodnce NEW YORK, Jan. 20. — Wheat — Spot, firm; No. 2 red, $1.05%@1.09% elevator and $1.10% f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Dulutb, $1.20% f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.16 %f. o. b. afloat. May closed $1.11%; July $1.06U@ 1.05%. closed $1.05% Hops — Quiet. Hides— Firm; Bogota, 19%@20%c. Wool — Steady. Svgar — Raw, steady: fair refining, 3.17 c; cen trifugal,. 96 test, 3.67 c; molasses sugar, 2%c; refined, quiet; No. 6, 4.30 c: No. 7, 4.25 c; No. 8, 4.20 c: No. 9. 4:15 c; No. 10. 4.05 c: No. 11, 4c; No. 12. 3.95 c; No 13. 3.90 c; No. 14, 3.85 c. Coffee — Futures closed steady at a net decline of 15 points. Sales were reported of 36.250 bags, including February. 5.90 c: March, 5.90@ 6c; Mar. C.95(a6.05c: June. 5.90 c; Jnly. 5.80 c: September. 5.65@5.70c: October • and December^ 5.60 c: spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 7%c;-No. 4 Santos, 8%@8%c: mild, steady; Cordova, 9%@ Butter — Steady, unchanged. . Cheese — Firm, unchanged. Eggs — Steady; brown and mixed fancy. 32«5 ; 23c; fair to choice. 29@31c; western firsts, 29 %c; seconds. 2S<S29c DRIED FRUITS Evaporated Apples — The market remained quiet, with fancy quoted at 8% <5?9%c; choice. 7%<gS%c; prime, 6%@7c; common to fair, 6@ 6%c. Prunes — Unchanged, with quotations ranging from 4U<37%e for new crop California fruit up to 40-50 C Oregon fruit ranging from 40-508 to 20-308 quoted at 6%@9c. Apricots — Steady in tone, although demand continues quiet, with choice quoted at 6%<3!7c; extra choice. 7% @8c; fancy. 8% <? 10c Peaches — Firm; choice are quoted at 6Vi*3i7c; extra choice. 7%<gßc; fancy, B%@loc Raisins — Continue unsettled, with loose mus catel quoted at 4%@6c: choice to fancy seeded, 5%«t6%e: seedless, 4@5%c; : London layers, $1.50@1.60. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADES Future Grain and Provisions CHICAQO. Jan. 20. — The feature of trade in the wheat' pit today was the congestion in the May delivery, which resulted •at times .in'\u25a0 a highly, nervous market. During the greater part of tbe day. however, sentiment in the pit -was decidedly bullish, and at the close 'prices were almost at the hlehest point. * A leading commission house was reported to faavp purchased more than 1,000,000 -bushels- of the May delivery during the day and this buying caused an advance of lc for that ( option | from the low point of the session. . Other deliveries showed less strength. \u25a0 At the close May sold at $1.07%@1.07% and ."July at • 9Si*<gnß}iC Tbe corn market rloeed firm, with -, May .at 61% c and Jnly at 62%e. ; Oatg clo6ed firm, with May at 81?4@51^c and July at 46%@46%c. \u0084 -\u0084 . :? Heavy purchases of pork imparted considerable strength to provlnloDS. The close was firm., with prices op 2H@3sc compared with the. previous close, . .\ -.;\u25a0:.-: \u25a0'.\u25a0-. \u25a0" .. ' . .-; -- Eastern • Livestock ; Market . \u25a0". CniCAGO CHICAGO. - Jan.' r 20.— Cattle — Receipts., esti mated 13.000; market ' 10<&15c -lower. Beeves, $407: Texans.* $4.20@4.90: • western steers,. $3.75(5 ?.50; stoekers and feeders, $3.20<35: cow* and heifers, $1.750.3.50; calres. $5.75^9.23. •. Ho?« — Receipts, estimated 25.000; ' market • 10c lower. Light. $5.60g6.25; mixed. $5.80(36.50; heav.r. $5.S."»®C..V>:r rough.*- $5. W<36; good to choice heary. $86x6.05: pigs, $4.50@5.50: bulk of •«!«, $6.10(56.35. : - Sheep— Receipts, , estimated 20.000; , market steady to 10c lower.' ; Natives, $3.23@5.60; west ern. , $r..2."«?5.«W: * Tunings, ; $0(3.7: lambs, na tlTes, $<g7.7s::western«". $5.25@7.15. '. . KANSAS 'CITX KANSAS CITY, Jan. Ca ttle-^-Kecelpts, 8.000: market steady; to 10c i lower. . Native steers.- $3.50^6.50; do cows and heifers,:s2@6 stoekers and feeders, $3.50@5.00: : hulls. $3.20 ®5: c.ilves.;s4ii?B: western steers.. $4.25@6.25; western «•*»«•«. ta^»«s •>\u25a0*. \u25a0^(Xffa t ']F ! p^¥-rQftC3!ex \u25a0\u25a0 Hogs>— Receipts. 20.000; market 5«310c' lower. Heavy. $6.15<5 8.30:' packers' and bntchers," $6Q 6.20;* light. $5.ri0@6.0r,;' pfgs,^ $4.7505.50. " Sheep— Receipts, c,OO0; market steady." Mut THE SAN! ; FRANCISCO GALL,. .THUBSDAY, J ANUAR^ . 21 V 1909 SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS New York stocks about the same. Coppers lower. Cotton higher. Comstock. shares -lower. ' Goldfield; Con.; advances on dividend. Silyer ; and Hongkong exchange lower. n ; " Wheat, barley^ and^ other v grains unchanged. Continued rain checks trading inhay. s Bean market quiet with some minor fluctuations. Potatoes and onions, very firm with. few' changes. 'Receipts of poultry go-off well at firm prices. Butter, eggs and *cheese, quiet and, weak.: -. Pranges/in: liberal 'supply/ but steadily'- held. Cattle, sheep 'and 5 Hogs unchanged.- tons, 4 $4.50©0; . lambs, ,$0.50® 7.50; v range wethers, $4 <g7; feeders, . $3Q5!75. "- \u25a0• '-\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0'•; OMAHA " \u25a0/ }.--,.:\u25a0 OMAHA. Neb.. > Jan.* . 20.— Cattle— Receipts. 8.000; market slow: to weak," 15c; lower.* West ern steers, $3.50@5.80; Texas steers,". $3<£5.10; range cows and heifers, : $2. 75(3,4.25;' canners, $2rg3; stoekers and feeders, $2.75@5.35; calves, $4«S; .bulls and stags,. $3@5.v ? Hogs— Receipts.; 15.000; market 5c to 10c lower. ; closed steady. '-' Heavy, . $6.05©6.30; mixed. ?6@6.ioriight, $s.Ss@6.os;pigs, $2.50® 5.50. V., .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0',-"-; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: :--\u25a0\u25a0• t.:-A.---- \u25a0\u25a0--:. \u25a0--,'. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0;•\u25a0• -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-*• -t ; Sheep— Receipts! 8,400; market 10@15c lowerl Yearlings, $6^6.75; lambs, $6.50@7.60J .\u25a0 lios Angeles ( Markets LOS ANGELES, -Jan.'. 20.— -Prices ;.* for 5 eggs were stationary , today, quotations showing little change from those of ! yesterday. ' \u25a0 -~ > - -'-. Local ranch candled sold for ' 38 @40c, • while the buying price for ranch, case count, was 34c. Butter . was { firm - and quoted at 77 %c *. for | two pound packages, while the actual selling price to the trade is \u25a0 80c. »' . :• Potatoes were firm, "^onions steady* and the sweet potato - market slightly improved. > .- --\ Green chile was scarce i and \u25a0 the \u25a0 price \u25a0 ad vanced to 16c*on the street. -Peas were up'.lc and beans quoted 2c ' higher. ' Cabtfage was -firm and at top price of $1.50 a sack set for, it.'--'*, \u25a0/\u25a0' . Hgps — Local ranch e<andled, . 38@40c; ' eastern fresh, 39@40c ; case count, 34c. '\u25a0 '.•'.:•. . Butter — Creamery extra. : 77% c per two pound roll, selling price to trade, 80c; creamery first, 70c ; 1 eastern extras, \u25a0 65c; . cooking butter, . 24c. Cheese— Northern fresh, 16 V,(q, 17c: Anchor large. 17c; Anchor Young, America, 18c: hand cheese. Anchor brand, "19c: eastern singles, 15c; eastern twins, 17o; eastern' Cheddars, 17c: east ern longhorns. 18@19c: eastern Daisy." l7(g)lK<-: Swiss, imported. 28@30c: Swiss, domestic, 18c; brick cream. 10@20c: llmburger. 19@20c; Tu lare, 14c; Imported Rocquefort. 42c; Edam. 36@. 37c; size case of 12, $8.50: German breakfast, $1.10; box Neuchatel/ $1.20: Sierra. $1.10 box; Canada cream, one dozen \u25a0 to box, 95c; ' Schloss kase. $1 box; Camembert,.sl box; Oregon cheese, 16<&17c. - Beans (a rwt>— Pink No. 1, $3:. lima No. 1, $4.2">(g4.50; Lsdy Washington No. 1. $4.25; small white No. 1, $5: black eye, $3.50: Gar vanza, $4.50; lentils, $7@B: bayo, $3.50. Potatoes— New local burbanks, $1.25@1.60 cwt; new highland, $1.50@2 cwt; Salinas,, $2; Lompoc, $1.75; Oregon early, rose, $2.20; north ern early rose. $2.25.' '•" '. Sweet Potatoes— Yellow local. $1.50: 'white, 50c box; red, 50c box; choice ' yellow, $1.25.-. j MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS Foreijrn Futures ! LIVERPOOL f . Wheat— March. : Mar. Jnly. Opening .7 7% 7 0% 7,7% Closing .7 7% ,7 6% : " .7.7% PARIS Wheat — . Jan. '. May-Aug. Opening 22 05 23 70 Closing ....; 22 00 23 70 Flour — • Opening 29 45 30 SO Closing .... .29 45-; 30 80 . Xortliern Business PORTLAND. Jan. 20.— Clearings, $767,384; balances, $55,965. " . SPOKANE.' Jan. 20.— Clearings, $965,309; bal ances, $195,765. ', . SEATTLK. Jnn. - 20.— Clearings, $1,200,395; balances. $167,213." : 4 TACOMA; Jan. 20.— Clearings, $623,626; bal ances, $30,370. ; \u25a0 Northern Wheat Market v PORTLAND, Ore.'. Jan. ; 20. — Wheat— Track prices: Club. 92c; bluestem, $1.05; turkey red, 95c: red Russian, 90c: yellow, 05c. ': TACOMA, Jan. 20. — Wheat — Milling: Blue stem. $1.05. Export: rßluestem, 05c; club, 90c; red, SSc. \u25a0 '" : . - - , St. Louis AVool Market ST. LOUIS, Jan^ 20.— Wool— Unchanged; medium grades combing and clothing, 19% @ 23% c; light fine, 16%(§20c;. heavy, fine, 10%@ 16c; rub -washed, 23 @31%c.: Portland Butter Market PORTLAND, Ore., .Jan. 26.— Butter— City creamery* extras, 37c; fancy outside . creamery, 35(337c; store, 18@25c. I LOCAL MARKETS San Francisco Money Market Sliver and Hongkong . exchange were lower yesterday-. Other local quotations were un changed . Loans, Exchange <. and Silver Prime mercantile paper......... 5(U10 per cent Loans on real e5tate. ......:.. ...-ti<&B per cent Sterling exchange, 60 days..... — ®4.55%; Sterling exchange, 5ight.'. ....... —«54. 88 Sterling exchange, cables. — ©4.88% . New York exchange, ..sight. •'• ••• — ® jjjj 7% New York exchange, telegraphic. — FeS "; 12% . Hongkong exchange, sight ..... -j-@ \u25a0:' 43%. ';'•"-. Hongkong exchange, telegraphic —<&. 43% ' ) \u25a0 . Silver, per ounce — @ 52 . Mexican d011ar5. ..........'. .— (Si 50 CONTINENTAL ;\u25a0£ New York on Paris .................. 515% Ndw York on Mexic0. ...;....'.. 201^ San Francisco on Mexico ... ......... 50 \u25a0- . Paris on London ............ .......... .25. 12% Berlin on London > 20.4!* AVheat and Other Grains: .: Wheat— Higher prices \u25a0 ruled in '\u25a0 Chicago ; and for futures on the San Francisco exchange. 1 . Lo cal cash quotations remained las before, with [ a very firm but quiet market. CASH WHEAT ; " California club. $1.67%@1.70: do milling. $1.70 California white Australian, $1.75® 1.85; lower grades of California, ,$1.45@1.60r northern club, $1.67%<g1.70; northern bluestem, $1.75 (51.50; northern red, $I.62Ms@liCs; turkey red, $1.7501.80 per ctl. • , ;0.-\v FUTURES ' 10:30 a. m. Session May — $1.75. ' ,-\u25a0 \u25a0--•.'' • 2 . p. '.' m. ' Session •May— sl.7s asked. \• v^ ; . ' Barley — Conditions remain unchanged, the mar ket being Inactive and featureless. . . . CASH, BARLEY Good to choice feed, spot, $1.40@1.439i; com mon to fair, $1.35<&1.38% perctl; brewing and Rhlpplng, $1.45Gg«1.52%; chevalier, $1.57%^ 1.02%..- .".:\u25a0 .. '\u25a0' .- ' . \u25a0 ; ;' \u0084., - FUTURES 10:30 a. m. Session May— sl.4o^ bid; $1.41^- asked. December— sl.lo bid; . $1.22 asked. \u25a0 "'• \u25a0v 2 p. : m. Session ; \u25a0 '\u25a0 May— sl.4oii -bid, $1-41 asked. .. yh. j Oats— tThere \ was no ' further,; change •in ' prices yesterday. -The market was quiet but '\u25a0. firm. - • Whiter $I.SO@I.W; gray, $l.SO4jl.!)0; • red. reclsaned, , for seed. $l.So(§il-95." feed lots, $1.75: @1.77% for good and $1.70(q!1.72V^ flor common: black, for seed, $2@2.:J0 asked per ctl.' / Corn-^Western - descrlptlonH jin 9 bulk >" are 2@3c i higher.- * '\u25a0• :.-\u25a0\u25a0' : '\u25a0-, .; " is, \u25a0'\u25a0.-'- :-. i: -.:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 -\u25a0 :;. . - California Email .round and large ; yellow, nom inal ;- western states , yellow, ; Hacked, :. $1.60@ 1.85;. in bulk, San Francisco track, ye110w.. 51.50; white, $1.53; mixed, -$1.50: Egyptian." nominal. ' Rye— sl.Cs@l.7o. per ctl. Flour and Farinaceous Goods Flour — California family extras. $5.50@6. 40 net \u25a0without discount; bakersV extras, $5.50(gj6.05; fu-' perfine, $4.80@4.90;; 0reg0n and. Washington, -per bbl. $4.50<ji4.75 for; family,? bakers'™ and patents ; and \u25a0 $4.25©4.50 for . cut . -off; : Kansas ; patents, $6.20@6.40; do . straight, $6(&6.20; ' Dakota pat ents,: $6; do Btrnight,: ss.Bo. per bbl. " Farinaceous '.Goods— Prices In.' packages, : net cash, no discount,". are' as follows: ,-. Graham flour, $3.10 ;. per 100 • lbs; ,« rye « flour.% $3.50; C rye ? meal, $3.30; rice flour, $B.Bo(g<7;^cdrn \ meal,- $5.25; ; ex tra cream : do, \ $3.75 ; : oat moal, $4.75; • bat groats/ $4.75; hominy..- $3.60@4;: buckwheat flour.'. $4.75; whole wheat flour, $3.80; rolled oat*,- bbls $7.25@ 8. in tacks $4. 75 ; 'extra. cream ;d<v;^rolled wheat. <bbls $5. in i sacks ' $3.«0(<j.4:.v» : pearl sbar ley. $5.40; split peas, : boxes,' $5.25@0.25 per 100 lbs. ; ;-. , . ' , . Hay and \u25a0 Feedstuff \u25a0'. -The continued stormy weather Sis, still acalnsi the hay market, "but -* prices 'are \u25a0 maintained Feedstuffsransro the same. ' . •\u25a0;\u25a0 •.-\u25a0\u25a0.• t \u25a0-..-' , Bran — $29.50(gi30 per ton'f or; white "and $28 50 @29f0r i red.*> \u25a0 • -^- '.-. •i- \u25a0 - '- Middllngs^; per ton. Shorts— -S .\u25a0.• '":":;' \u25a0:.,' v \u0084 :"•'\u25a0 Keedstuffs— Rolled - barley. 7. $27.50@30;' rolled oats | for i feed, , $34@37,50; <} mixed * t eed. < $2S@3«> for average lots; oilcake meal." in: 20 tonlots s^js ln'lo ton lots $,*in s;ton,lota's39; small lots $39.50; cocoanut cake or meal.'at mlllg. $25 50 in '20^and 10 and $20;ln;5Vton i ;lots,l jobbinß $2t» 00 corn meal, $37(&38; I cracked'corn; = $38@30; brooni" corn seed. \u25a0 $1:1."5 . per ; ctl ; ', alfalfa * meal - and meal falfa. Jobbing lots $24.: carload dots $23 per tou ' * Hay— Wheat/ : $19@23; 6 wheat! and ,:oat.- sista 22; tameroat,*.slß(B2l:' volunteer; wild f oat Sia @1S; alfalfa,. sls@lß.so;:stock,-$13@16- per ton • Straw— oo @Ssc: per bale.'-? '-\u25a0•\u25a0 .^;v-^ •-, < V Beans and Secifii • Baros and whites rule ; firm?' :: < Lima s'are \u25a0 weak' Other beans : stand the same. • 'Beans (per ctl)— Bayo, $3.10@3.20; pea, $4.50 @4.75; small, white,' $4.65@4.75; large white. $3.80@3.00; pink. $2.45@2.60: red, $3.85@4.25; blackeye, - $3@3.20;, llmas, $4;. red kidneys, $3.40@3.50; cranberry beans. $2.85@2.95; Gar vanzas, $2@2.50 for 6mall, ' $2.50(g;3.25 for me dium and: s3.2s@4 for large; horse beans, $1.50 @2. V \u25a0:../.'\u25a0 - 'I-. .'\u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0 : ,/ '' .\u25a0 --' J .-' '• \u25a0 '.'\u25a0;>.: \u25a0: '- .Seeds— Brown mustard,'. $4; . yellow ' mustard, nominal; flaxseed,' $3, carload lots; canary, 4c; alfalfa. 14@16c; rape, cleaned, 2@2%c; tlm otby.v nominal;, hemp, 4%@4%c; millet, 2%c. 'per lb; broom corn seed, $23.50 per ton. ;- Dried Peas— Green ; are quoted at $2.25@2.50 per ctl. " . . \u25a0 Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables x Only 6 . sacks "of peas came in . from the Los Angeles \u25a0 region*' yesterday morning, •-. but 'there was ; a heavy ; surplus unsold from the \u25a0 preceding day, and with buyers taking but little the mar ket, was weak and lower. String beans and. bell peppers [ of.- good 1 quality; found ready - sale,' but there was much 'poor stock -on hand, which > had to be sold cheap and prices for both articles took a ',wlde range |in consequence, j Tomatoes, cucum bers-and celery, were merely steady/ with; sales slow,' while j mushrooms were still in burdensome supply 2 and weak; \u25a0 with ( old . lots ; selling , down to . 10c : a ; box. . .A- box of asparagus containing 34 ponnds came -In from Grand I island \u25a0on \ the Sacramento river and . was . sold for 50c: a pound, or $17. Continued speculative activity held the potato market very strong and prices - for river goods continued :to strengthen.' Onions . were no higher, but the market ruled very firm at the recent advance. * r - PoUtoes ! (per ctl)— River whites, $1.25@1.40; Lompoc Burbanks, $1.60@1.70: Oregon Burbanks, $1.25(fJ1.50; early* rose, $1.65; sweet potatoes, $1.25<§iJ.75. . - - \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-.:\u25a0 \u25a0 :-, 0ni0n5— 51.75(^2.25 per ctl. Vegetables— Tomatoes. $1.25@1.50 ' per box ' or era te : green peas, , 5 @7c per lb ; string beans, 12%<320c per lb: green peppers, 12%<5:20c per lb for_ bell and ;B@loc for chill; summer squash, — <S — per box; garlic, B@loc per lb: cabbage, $1 per ctl; hothouse cucumbers, $1@1.50 per doz; cauliflower, 65c per doz; .carrots, 75c per sack; eggplant," — @— per lb; celery, 40@ y°c per dozen : marrowfat " and Hubbard squash, $20(823, per ton; mushrooms, 25®6Oc;per box. Poultry and Game Two cars of western poultry reached the 'mar ket yesterday, but were not placed onsale, hav ing arrived on this side of the bay too late to be hauled to the stores. Receipts of "live stock from state shipping points were 82 coops and everything received found prompt sale at stiff prices, with occasional sales of froung chickens and large hens and ducks \u25a0 being reported at a premium.- -Seventeen cases of , dressed • turkeys cajuo in and were sold at prices ranging from 21c to ji>c a pound, as to age, quality, etc. Light arrivals and ; a good demand caused a general advance in game. .Tainted wild ducks continued to figure in the receipts, but to a smaller extent tnan \u25a0on the ; two preceding days. ' r £ 0 2 nn * 7 <per doicn)— Hens, $5. @5.50 for small, W<aj for large .and- $B@9 for extras; young roosters, $7.50<§8; do extras,'. $9@10: old roostete, $4.50(&5; fryers. $6@7; large broilers, ?«hso; small broilers, $4.50(g5; ducks. $7@9 . for young .; and '\u25a0 $s@« .: for old; pigeons, $1.25; squabs $2.50(63: geese, $2.50(g3 per pair. \u25a0 Turkeys (per lb)— Dressed, 21@25c. • Game (per dozen)— Mallard ducks, $3@6;.can l"^ a cks, $3@7;^sprig, $3@4.50; gray ducks, f ??^? : -, teal> \u25a0 W&ZI widgeon. $2(&3; small, f H°@ i- '$•• blackjacks. $1,75@2; gray I geese. $3.. j0<&4.50; -white geese, $1.50@2; brant, $2.60 @3 for , large and $1.7502 for small; ra°S&s\%o°&!- 50; hßre ' «l-^@1,50; cottontail nutter,* Cheese and -Enw,'^" Yesterday- waafan"- oft "day "In "the market for eggs and dairy produce, 1 the short period of com paratively mild weather In the morning falling to bring any !. improvement ? ln trade, and ; with nearly all dealers weir supplied with every thing the general feeling . was one of j easiness^ - The top grade jof butter was %c a pound \ lower on offers to sell at 3S%c on - the exchange/with no takers. 37% c being the highest bid. The egg market was well supplied, and while the stormy weather made prospects fair for a period of light arrivals it also checked trading. Select ed pullet eggs, were lc ' lower on a sale at 39c on the exchange, that being the only change In that department. Xheese was ueglected and weak. Transactions on the exchange were confined to eggs, the sales being as follows: 10 cases of extras at 43c. -5 at, 42c, 25 at 42% c and 5 cases of selected pullets at 39c a dozen. - Receipts were 29.000 lbs butter, 5,000 lbs cheese and 855. cases -eggs. - The following are E official - quotations, estab lished by the sales, bids and offers on the floor of the dairy exchange. Prices in the street, while governed by the exchange quotations, generally range from l%c'to 2c higher, owing to the vari ous charges to be added. . . . ; Butter— Fresh creamery extras, 38% c per lb, weak; do firsts, 33c,- firm; do seconds, 27c, firm; local storage extras, 31c, firm; storage eastern ladles, 23e, : flrm.-'.; \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 - . Cheese— California: Fancy i flats, 14c . per lb. weak; do firsts, 13% c, weak; do seconds, ll%c, weak; fancy* Young 16% c, steady; do firsts, 15>Ac,' steady; storage flats, 13e. weak. Oregon: , Fancy . flats, 14c, steady; fancy Young Americas, 16c, r weak ; \ fancy \u25a0 eastern . Cheddars, 17c, steady; Oregon storage flats, 14c, firm; do loung Americas, -15c, firm. v Eggs (per dozen, cases ' Included)— California fresh extras, 42% c, ' steady; -do firsts,-, 42c, steady;" do seconds. 41c,: steady; do thirds,' 4oc, firm; selected pullets, 39c, • steady. . Storage goods — Nominal. Eks Mnrket in Nearby Countle* \u25a0 SANTA CRUZ, Jan. ' 20. — Continued I rain ma terially effects the , egg market ; \u25a0 product mar keted slowly at 40c. Deciduous! and Citrus Fruits ' Dullness continued to dominate the market for fresh fruits yesterday," , there being very little movement In anything,; and what few buyers were-around in the morning : were 'only-t aking small parcels of this .or - that . for Immediate wauls. Stocks of oranges; at nearly all of the stores wore heavy, -but there was no ' disposition on ' the part of receivers jto urge sales or ' cut prices, the high cost of the • fruit and the grow ing firmness at: shippings points causing . a gen eral feeling of -\u25a0 steadiness here." One car wa« reported in yestprday^ Grapefruit and tanger ines were also firmly held.' while buyers could btfve. obtained concessions |on lemons | had ' there been any trading In them. There was nothing new In apples, pears or. tropical fruits, r- ... <\u25a0 \u25a0.-.\u25a0 Apples (per box)- : -Fancy- Oregon » Spitzenbergs," $1.50^1.75: \ other fancy, \u25a0 99@|1.25; common to choice, 60ftC 85c. /.\u25a0 r --'U: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0V- \u25a0:\u25a0'.. v' ; ; >. \u25a0Pears— Winter vNellls,' $1.25@1.75 per box; cooking varieties, 50@75c. ' : Citrus Fruits (per box)— Navel oranges, $2® 2.50 for fancy, - $1.50@2 for , choice and $1.23@ 1.50 for standard; tangerines, $1.25@1.75; grape frnlt; $3@3.50s for -s seedless; lemons," $2.75 (g;3 for fancy, $2@2.50 ' for; choice and $1125@1.50 for standards ; 'limes; is 4 <§;5 . - \u25a0 . . :. ;-. Tropical Fruits — Bananas. 7r>c(gsl. 2s per bunch for Hawaiian and ! s2@3l for \u25a0Central' American; pineapples, $1.50@2.50; per dozen.. ' Dried Kruitn, Raisins,! Nuts 1 ; and Honey : ; Fruits— Evaporated it apples. \u25a0•5@6%c; apri cots, ,-;7@10c; , fancy . - moorpark, * 12'/i@l3c; peaches, ; 4@4%c for standards, \u25a0 s@6c for \u25a0 choice and 6»£c for- ; fancy ; V pears,. 4<y:7%c;/ pitted plums,: TV, @8c; ; nectarines,' s(g6c; .figs, 2@4c prun.«s, :4 size vbasis-,; 2%@3i/3C, -with a pre mium for the larger .-sizes, v . .', ••: ;V- '..\u25a0- -;V • Raisins— Clusters— None < left. \u25a0' London layers-^ 2 crown. $1;15; v - crown, $1.25; .-•>, Beededr"4(gi 4%c; ' seedless; 2^@2%c; Thompson's - needless, 3c .\u25a0; for,; unbleached; j loose ., muscatels, V S%c , for \u25a0 4 crown, "- 3c ) for . 3 "\u25a0 crown ! and ' 2 %c \u25a0 for : 2 \u25a0 crown.* •Nuts—Almonds. "u nonpareils,^ ll%@l2c; - IXLi,' 10%@llc; v.ner plus ,'ultra.v, :10c; 'Drake. 0»4c; languedocs, ; B%(ffioc; v : hardsbells, i 6%(gj7c. : . Wal nuts— O^c * per lb K for .; No. *l> sof tshells," '< 6c - for No. • 2 ' do: > chestnuts, - B@loc ' per; lb : for Italian ; filberts, il2%@l4c;ipecans,Ms@l7c. ? . :Z • -'\u25a0'\u25a0 Honey— Water .white, '-comb, .13 }$c; white, : 11@ 12c; :.llght i amber," 10@10V6c ; * dark , amber, 9© 10c;^'water '" whlte,%">' extracted,' nominal; \u25a0; white.', 7@Sc; •- light - amber^* 6^@7c; dark :> amber and candled.- 4V4<?£sV,c perlb. \u25a0' ' : -" ','''\u25a0- , I Beeswax — 27(&28c per^lb; for. light and 23@24c for-dark : .\u25a0--•. \u25a0--• -.. \u25a0\u25a0-.- -\u25a0 ''\u25a0 \u25a0 : \u25a0 • . \u25a0- . :,- Provisions i Cured Meats — Bacon, 8 to . 10 . lbs, . 16^c ; <10 to 12 Ibs,tls%c: ;Ilgbt"m«dlnm;>l4c;>medium,-]l4c;i bellies. i 14 . to , 16 lbs, 15 Vic; sugar: cored; i 6 to 1 8 Ibs.:ißc; B,to lOlbs.UT^c: 10. to 12 lbs,U6%c; fancy .- sugar * cured,""-;- 22c ?. per '< 1b : f English ;- cured bacon;* 6 to : 8 i lbs," 17% c: ?8 : to \u25a010 - lbs, , 17c ; ; 10 to 12 ' lbs. ; ";:i8%c;-r* eastern q sugar J cured?- hami.'7lsc for medium i and ! 15c | for \u25a0 light; . extra' fine I brands; 15& C; '•> California 4 hams, s 14c ;>; mess t beef,* $13.00 per bbl;; family.^ sia.&o; extra '.family;; $14 :^ extra prime S pork.V. $20.50 ; ,% clear.""- $22; £ megs, l $21 ; i pig pork. $25 ; i ptgrs'.i feet.-; $5 ; for. half i bbls; i s2.3s for 20 lb'kcgs nnd' sl.3U. tot: kits;; smoked. beef,; 19&' @20c per lb.iS,* ':,' + Cv'k..;v- -V^-- '-^^>r~ : ?iu.= . \u25a0 s:iL.ard--Tlorces quoted 'at Re for,- California •com pound ; and s 12c 1 for; California ' pure ; • eastern 'com pound X Si4c sf or •1 1 tierce S and ; 8&C ; for : 6 1 tierces ; eastern s pure,"S 12 4 c 5 for 5 tierces ; i half I bbls,-: pure,' 12Hc;^50:lb tlns,?l2iierjlO:lb.t!ns, 1 :12%c;!5 lb tins; ]2^c;i3ilbtins.-.l3p^.v-: \u0084-.:; ' \u25a0 v Cottolene—One - half bbi; ; 10c ; \u25a0'? 3 half » bble, O T 4c; ilt; .tierce," o%c; \u25a0 2 ; tierces, - S'ttc: . 5 tierces, j Hides, Tallorr, Wool \u25a0 and Hops •>t Hldes-^-Culls and brands "sell 'about %^ile' un der" quotations. 1 ' Heavy salted '• steers, 13c ;^ me dium, .-.1 2 c; < light,; 10% c;, cowhides, lOV^c for heavy. 10% c for light; stags, 7<gS%c; salted kip, 12%@13c; salted veal, 15c; salted calf. 16c; dry hides,, 19@19%c; 'dry: kip, 18% c; dry calf, 24c; dry stags, - 12@15c; dry. veal. 21c; Mexican dry hides, -]«%c; v Mexican dry salted do, 13c; Mexi can pickled,> 15c; ; sheepskins,- shearlings, 20@40c each; short. wool, 40@65c each; medium. 75<S00c each; \ long: wool." $1(5,1.30; lambs, 1541 75 c; horse hides, salt, ' $2.50@2-75 for large and $1.75@2 for medium, 75c@51.25- for small and 25@00c for colts; horse ' hides,* dry,"' 52&2.25 . for \u25a0 large and $1.25® 1.75 for medium, 50c@$l for small and 25 @50c for colts; deerskins, dry Mexican, 28@30c; dry salted do, 24@26c; pickled do, 20c; dry Cen tral American, >26@30c;. goat skins, prime an gora, 75c@$l; medium; 40(?t 60c: large hair goats, 25@3r>c; medium, 20c;, small, s@lsc. Tallow— No. 1 rendered, 4%@5%c; No. 2, 3% @4%c;, grease, :2@4c. .:-'....•- ... - > Wool— Spring clip s (free) . Humboldt, year's sta ple," 16@ 19c; San Joaquin, v7%@llc; southern coast,' " 6% @9%c ; ; Nevada," 9@l4c per lb. Fall dip, ; northern mountain (free) , 7% @8%c; defec tlve,'s@6c/ Oregon— Valley, 14%@17c per lb.' • Hops — Prices' to growers are from 5c to 10c per lb. \u25a0;- ';\u25a0 • - '>.";'-.\u25a0\u25a0"-: Meat Market DRESSED MEATS /"Slaughterers' rates to dealers are as follows: Beef — 7%@Si4c per lb for steers, 6%@T%c for cows and heifers. - ' \u25a0 V Veal— 9@9%c for large, and 9%©10% c for small.. . ; Mutton— Wethers, 10@llc: ewes, 9@lOo per lb. I Lamb— l 2 %c- per :ib;- spring lamb, 15c. Dressed Pork (per lb)— 9%@loc for light and B%<?j9c for heavy. -' • » *~-v - LIVESTOCK MARKET . •The following, quotations are for good, sound livestock -.delivered , In ;- San Francisco, gross weight:.- • \u25a0 \u25a0 -.- - \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 :. ..'.'.\u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0 ,- ; .'v -.. CatUe— Steers, No." 1,4% @4%c; second qual ity, 4@4%c; third quality, 3%c; cows and heif ers. 3% &8% c for No. 1; second quality, . 3%e; third quality, 2% @2%c; thin, 2@2%c;» bulls and stags, 2@2%c; thin bulls, 1%@1%c. Calves-r-5c per lb for light, 4%c 'for medium and 4c for heavy. ,r. ... \u25a0 Sheep— Wethers, 4%c per lb; ewes. 4c per lb. > Lambs — 5%@5%c per lb. ' - Hogs— loo to 200 lbs, 6@6%c; 200 to 250 lbs. 5%<&5%c; 250 to 300 lbs, 5%<35%c; boars 50(2 60 per cent, stags 30@40 per cent and sows 10® 20 per cent off from above quotations.- General Merchandise Bags— Grain bags, 6%@6%c, buyer June-July; San Quentln bags.. 6%c; wool. bags, 7%c for A and 6%c'forß. .;' Coal— Beaver Hill, $7; Pennsylvania anthracite egg. $16 per ton; Wellington, $8; New Welling ton. $9; Coos bay, . $7; "Australian house—Rich mond, etc., $9; Standard Richmond. $8: Cumber land, $15 in bulk and $16.50 In sacks; Welsh an thracite. $15; coke. $14 per ton In bulk and $18 in sacks; Rocky mountain, $9.50 per short ton. Oils— Quotations are for barrels. Linseed. 69c per gal for, boiled and 67c for raw: cases. 6c more; castor oil, .\a cases. No. 1, 75c; Baker's AA, cases. $1.13@1.15; China nut. cases. 76@ 86c per gallon; cocoanut oil." in barrels. 's7% @ 61c for IXXX, 55@58%c for No. 1 and 52%<§j56c for No.; 2, according •to quantity ; extra bleached winter sperm oil, 65c; natural winter sperm oil. 60c; natural whale oil, 05c; extra winter bleached lard oil, 85c; No. 1 neatsfoot oil, 65c; herring oil. 40c; . salmon oil. 35c; boiled fish oil, 35c; paint oil, 35c. • : -Coal Oil, Gasoline, etc.— Water white. Iron barrels or drums, 10c'; 150 deg. oil, Iron barrels or drums, ;ll%c; special do, 12c; pearl oil. In cases, 17c; astral, 17c; star, 17c; extra star, 20c; Elaine, 26% c; eocene, ; 20c; red crown and motor gasoline, in bulk, 14% c; in cases, 21% c; No. \ engine, distillate, in drums. 8c; No. 2 do, 7c; cases. 7c more; 86, deg. gasoline, in bulk 30c, la cases 37% c; varnish makers' and painters' naphtha, in bulk lie. in cases 18% c. Turpentine— 6sc per gallon in cases and 58c in drums and Iron barrels. \u25a0 :\u25a0; •\u25a0\u25a0• . " - Rosin— Per - barrel of -280 lbs: E. $5.80; F, $5.85; G, $5.90; H, $6.10; WW. $10.40. Red and White Lead— Red, B%@9c; white, B<as%c per lb. •.-.'„ - : . - REFINED SUGAR MARKET • - The Western sugar refining company quotes as follows, -terms -net: cash: Standard granulated (fine or coarse) , 5.55 c; f rnit granulated, 5.55 c: crystal. donilnos,' in cases, 8.55 c; tablets. In half bbls, 6.05 c; tablets. In boxes, 6.30 c; cubes and A crushed/ 5.80 c; powdered, 5.65 c; candy granu* lated, : s.6sc;,confectioners'. 6sc;, confectioners' -A, 5.55 c; confection ers' crystals, 5.63 c; magnolia A, 5.15 c; extra C, 5.05 c; golden C, 4.95 c; D, 4.85 c; extra fine granu lated, 5.35 c. \u25a0' Barrels and 50 lb bags 10c. half barrels 25c. boxes 50c more per 100 lbs for all grades..:- Monarch' bar is quoted over and above the price j for standard fine - (cane) granulated 1& 100 lb bags as follows: Bags, 100 lbs, 35c; bar rels, 45c; half barrels, 60c; 40 lb tins, cased. $2.05; 35 lb tins, cased. $2.05; 10 lb tins, cased. 10 In a case, $2.70; 8 lb tins, 8 In a case, $2.70; 30 lb boxes, 85c. No extra charge for putting up bar In private packages.- -,' \u0084 .. ; r' The / California- and - Hawaiian sugar refining company quotes as , follows: - Granulated basis, 5.55 c; I "Higrade", bar, 5.00 c; powdered, 5.65 c; A crushed, 5.80 c;, berry, 5.55 c; C. & .H.- extra fine dry; granulated, , 5.55 c; coarse dry granulated, 5.55 c; confectioners'* A, 5.55 c: confectioners' crys tal, 5.65 c; cubes, 5.80 c; bricks, 5.80 c; extra fine granulated- (100 lb bags only), 5.35 c; excelsior A. 5.15 c; extra C, 5.05 c; golden C, 4.95 c; yellow D. 4.85 c; H& E. crystal dominos. 8.55 c. Additional per 100 lbs: In barrels and 50 lb bags, 10c more; half : barrels. . 25c more; boxen. 50c more for all grades. Bar. in 35 lb and 40 lb tins. $1.70 more; in 10 lb tins, \u25a0 $2.35 more. Minimum order, car load t weight. V • Pacific . Codfish— Prices show a number of changes. v The 1 Union fish . company quotes as follows:'. Bundles, small, - whole, 50 lb bales, 4%c ; , cases, regular, large. ' whole, 1 100 lb boxes, 5%c; cases extra, 100 lb boxes, s^ic; cases, eastern style, $6.50; Anchor brand, 6%c; narrow gangp, 1 6%c;- Silver 'King, 7%c; Golden State, 7c;. White Seal, middles. 10@10%c; Sea bright, blocks, 7%c: oriental blocks, 6%c; Crown brand,, tablets, 7%c: Pearl tablets, 7%c; 5 lb boxes fancy boneless,' 10c; "2 lb boxes fancy boneless, 10% c; half barrels, pickled cod,' $5.50 each. 1 \u0084-\u25a0 : . -. ; * THE COFFEE TRADE Position of : Brazilian Coffee From a Statlittical Standpoint -The ' New York circular of Henry ' Nordllnser &'• Co. says: \u25a0 . ':;\u25a0/;\u25a0 '\u25a0 ' \\ \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-.'.. \u25a0 ;- •. '.'Shortly - after \u25a0we £ issued ' our last report of the . 15th ultimo ' that part -of the government agreement with -the underwriters to the £15, 000,000 , sterling \ loan which' covers the man ner and periods of liquidation of the coffee col lateral : was published. In; accordance with said agreement the liquidation of the coffee is to be distributed over a - period of 10 > years.- : The publication |of these conditions ( had gan Imme diate . and good effect. "• Bear operators started to- cover, > and. some {\u25a0 importers :. who., had hedges out ; against \u25a0' their - coffee • began 'to take - them in. - This ; was f ojlowed by an | agitation for \u25a0. an import', tax •\u0084 on coffee",in this, .which brought ; 1n .,. a /new- : set of, buyers -and encour aged.some of our interior distributors to make purchases : more , '. liberally : - than ; heretofore. .Whether or not jan import . tax on coffee will be proposed 'is •. not . as yet • positively :. known, , but If proposed iit will \u25a0; no \ doubt meet with strong opposition, as such a tax is generally unpopular. At- any '. rate ;. the ; tariff \u25a0 question J will not , come up in. the present session of ' congress." \u25a0 r -'"The* Sao -Paulo " government •: agreement pro vides . for ' the sale of 500,000 \ bags during the fiscal * year; of mOO-10. : COO.OOO bags , In : 1010-11. 700,000 bags in 1911-12, SOO.OOO bags in 1912-13, etc. -'\u25a0 \u25a0 ' '\u25a0\u25a0 z. ", •-- '\u25a0\u25a0 - - : - T '\u25a0' -\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 J---.M \u25a0: '.."While the actual position of; Brazil \u25a0' coffee has . shown \u0084s ome ', improvement " : through' the ex traordinarily large , deliveries | from % port stocks during the last two months, ; resulting -in • deliv eries: of/ Brazils the -six - months of .the present.: crop : year >of '7.854.000 . bags * against f1,065,000 bags: last year, .7,124.000 bags "in 1900, 6,242,000 bags \u25a0 in , 1905 and r 6,100,000 ' bags In 1904, rthe .prospective position .Is, not at all promislns.V especially as -the next -Brazil crop will be "millions of bags larger than' the -present one/ "Furthermore * the . limitation of • exports ' to which : the government \u25a0of Sao Paulo J is commit ted'will; tend to' pile up <in ;the- Htate 'of Sao Paulo i an ; unwieldy 1 quantity of .« coffee, as .will readily be^seencby taking^as an. exam ple ? the • probable \u25a0 result of the • present and ' the next. crop. "-*•\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0>\u25a0", \u25a0! '\u25a0>,'' '\u25a0>'-'" '- ; ' ;. \u25a0 ' : • •\u25a0\u25a0-..: . . •> = "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 j,,."The': present •' .Santos : crop - will \ probably amount -to \u25a0 10.000.000 . bags, t Whatever may .be the i excess of • production •. over exportable • quan tity I In . future years t will • have sto \u25a0 be • added •; to the stock • carried in I the . state -of Sao Paulo, and thus 1 tbe I effect |of I the valorization j scheme will be t. brought * home \u25a0• to J the planters - In : a telling manner. •/ The '\u25a0' planters ' are - 1 already, facing the dllemmk • i of l; having;. .to •-. pay; an extra" export tax*of ;about 'sl^per"bag this* year; until- the 9,000,000 . bag ," limit is reached . and ; on \u25a0 9,500,000 next^flscalv year. .I.They '\u25a0are • allowed, however, to export a : larger quantity by paying a , further tax iof•; 20 * per * cent ;' on r the .t excess , over these Etipnlatert ;\u25a0 quantities,"" '; which', tax is '.generally considered .l prohibitive^' I \u25a0'* ;. '• *\u0084 -....\u25a0*'• v- "AH this is done to enable' the Sao Paulo gov ernment :. to i pay' interest \u25a0on Its • coffee \u25a0 debts and other ; charges > and '\u25a0 to v! enable said ' government to : liquidate - its . coffee i, holdings « without f \u25a0\u25a0'• too much competition . on 'the part, of • the planters.". ':\u25a0'\u25a0 :'~\'.\. , . .-. :: Receipts -of. Produce r \ ; , - " FOR {WEDNESDAY,/ JANUARY >20 "\. ; Flour,*- qr - sks .'; .". . \u25a0 ' 546 Leather, : rolls .\u25a0 ... 35 ', Wheat,'- ctls A . .'. 1 ' 4S.J Tallow, ; ctls .... 30 Barley,' ctls ..\'. 2.16 T. Hides. No ...... 460 Oata; : ctls V. . . .* . ; SOO Pelts, -No ...;....\u25a0 13.1 Beansi a sks : . . : ;. 061 Limp. ; bbls v. .... 500 i Corn.*, ctls \'~. .'. ; '.. ; :'.-\u25a0\u25a0 '.' CO Sugar. . ' ctl9 ,' 3,700 Middlings, '. sks ) ;". ;\u25a0' \u25a0'/\u25a0 50 Brandy, ' gals ; .'. • . 1 00 Potatoes/ sks . . . ' I.RIO Wine. >' gals ;". . . . :.25,500 Onions," sks -.'...V 370 Apples, <\txa ...... 410 Hay, j tons :rV....V: rV....V -337 Oranjies, \u25a0•', bxs •.... - 800 Straw, J tons \u25a0. '. ".'/""\u25a0 \u0084-. 7> Lnmber," M-. ft. ".'. ; --< 20 Wool,' ,sksfr;...': , COj Raisins, - bxs ....• 1,500 Rolled ;; oats,- sks 5S5[ .-•..; : '",-," OREGON.' r.L \u25a0 '\u25a0 Flour.; qrisks. : . .11,470 Middlings, -' sks ...• - 24 Wheat, 'ctls ; .":;\u25a0. 11, 315 \u25a0 V * Zt- : .?'- ;\u25a0' \u25a0 : \u25a0 WASHINGTON Flour.'lqr. sks. .. .20.8161 Feed, V sks '. . .V. . . : . 614 .Wheat,' ctls : v:..10,255i;- / * _ stock;mahket Comstocks J Still : Active \u25a0 " but '_- Lovrer— y "GoldfleldlCoiui Advanced on : Re "ported} Dividend";. -V- : ;ii,There :,was ?a.%. fairlbuslneis^ofi $64,000, in ; bonds on '\u25a0'. the -}' stock ' and f- bond ' exchanse. .•" but stocks were quiet. First national bank sold at $240. Fireman's fund , Insurance was ex-dlvldend at $5. Associated oil was higher, selling up to $37.25. There was continued activity In the Corn stocks, but quotations. w«re' lower throughout the list. The market 'showed no especial teA ture/ : :-- v \u25a0•-\u25a0;-•- \ \u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-'-\u25a0-.\u25a0-•- \u25a0 ; ._.-: \u25a0\u25a0; The announcement from" New York that the "merger" had declared a dividend of 30c. pay able March 31, sent that stock op from $7.95 to $8.10. Otherwise the southern Nevadas were quiet - and unchanged. i- Oil -stocks ex-dividend yesterday were: Home, 2c; Peerless, 6c. . - The ' total output of ore from the \u25a0 Tonopah mines. for the past week was 5.173 tons, of an estimated value . (the shipping ore being valued at $60 a ton and the milling ore at $25 a ton) of $129,325. The Tonopah company sent 3.050 tons, the Belmont 600 tons, the Montana-Tonopah 723 tons, the Midway 100 tons, the MacNamara 250 , tons. West End 150 tons and Jim Butler 300 tons to the mills, making the total ship ments for i the . week to the mills 5.173 tons.' lAt the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Fireman's fund insurance company the following directors were elected: Charles R. Bishop, J. C. Coleman. Charles Page, W. 11. Brown, George A. Newhall, Henry RosenfeM. John . Bermingham. Arthur A. Smith. J. .B. Levison, Bernard Faymonville and William J. Dutton. The directors have re-elected the fol lowing officers: William J. Dutton. president; Bernard Faymonville, vice-president; I. J. B. Levison, second vice president and marine sec retary; Loots Welnmann. secretary; Herbert P. Blanchard, assistant secretary, and Thomas M. Gardlner. treasurer. The total Income for the past year amounted to $4,464,083; losses paid, $2,363,150; commis sions, expenses, etc.. $1,636,335; leaving net profits for 1908 of $559,597. or within about $400 of 35 per cent on the capital of $1,600,000; out of this $160,000. or 10 per cent on the capital stock, was paid to the share holders In two semi annual dividends. Dnrlng the year the assets of the company were increased $514,112. re- Insurance reserve $71,164 and net surplus $402,717. .'-.-•'< The California fruit canners* association paid a regular monthly dividend of 60 cents per share today. Assessment Directory, Comstock Mines Company — No. Del. Board. Sale Day. Amt. Yellow Jacket. . .31 Dec. 20 Feb. 3 .15 Exchequer ......12 Dec. 26 Jan. 20 .05 Savage .........13 ; ' Dec. 31 Jan. 28 .10 Andes 69 Jan. 4 Feb. 2 .10 Caledonia 76 Jan. 4 Jan. 29 .05 Chollir :;.. 0 Jan. 7 Feb. 3 .10 Con. Imperial... 6s Jan. 17 Feb. 11 .01 Alpha 10 Jan. 30 Feb. 23 .05 Sierra Nevada.. 16 Feb. 8 Mch. 5 .10 Gould & Curry.. 13 Feb. 12 . Mch. 9 .10 L.Washington.. 22 Feb. 15" Men. 12 .05 Bullion 13 Feb. 15 Mch. IS r - .05 Overman 30 Feb. 15 Mch. 11 .10 STOCK AXU BOND EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY. Jan. *0— 10:30 a. m. UNITED STATES BONDS Bid. Ask.J ' Bid. Ask. 4s or cp new — — |Ss qr c0np.,.100% — MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Ala A W ss. — 100 O Trac Cn 5« 93 — \ Asso Oil ss. 90*4 94 O Trac Co 3s — - 90 Bay CPO C5.104U105 O W gtd os. 96 9S Cal CO Ra.103 — Ora Cable 65.110?4 — Cal G & E g Pac G Im 4s. 85fe 89 m &cf 5s 92^93 P E Ey 5a. .104 — Cal st O 53.100 — Pac L&P 6a. 95% — Cal Wine ss. S4 87^ Do gtd 35.. 99^ — C C Wat 53.101 — Pac T&T ss. ©4 98 Do g mgss — 95 Pt C H 6s. — — Ed El LA 55.101 \u25a0 — P & O R 6s. — — Ed L&P 6s.lOßVi — Powell st 6&..102 — P& C H 65.105 — ' Sac EG&HS».IOI — H C &. S 55.105 105% SF & 5JV5«.114%115^ Hon R T 65.106 — SF,O & 5J35.104 104 V, L Tahoe Rss 99 — Do 2d mgss 90 924 LA Elec 53. — — , Do Coa Ba. — .—. — , LAO &Elss 97 — SJ& SCR 4%a — — LA Ry 65.. 109^110 Sierra R 68..100 — LAL gtd 6s. 98% — S P of A 6s LAP lem, 58.108 106 ft (1909) ....100 — LAP Cal 55.103 — (1910) ....101 103 Marln W Ss.loo 102 S P of, O 6a Mkt st ,0 68.104% — ' (1912) 107^107% Do lem ss. — 108% SPC 'I c g 55.113% — MV& MtTSs. — — 3 P B R 68.129^130 N R of C 55.114%115H SPRR Ist r4s 95^4 93% N P C U ss. — 101% SV W g m?4s 88% 87 NC Ry 55.. 105 — Stkn G&E 65.100 — NO P O ss. 93? i — U G * E 6b. 97 98% N El Co 68. — 95 UR of SP 4s. 73 73% O GL&H 55.101% — ValleJo.Ben & Oak Tran 65.110%112% Napa RR5s 87% 00 Oak.Tran 58.103 105 Val Co P 6s. 96% — OTran Cn55.102 . 103% • WATER STOCKS : >v, Maria t C0 '..'62%- 60" |S V.Wat Co. 81% 31« i GAS AXD ELECTRIC Mut E L ctfs' 5— {Pac L cora..'ls — Pac L pfd.. 60 — jStkn.G &E. 52 — INSURANCE Cal Ins Co.. 75 — |Flreman'a Fd.l«o 167% bank Stocks Am Ntl Bk. — 128% Lon-Parls Bk. — 135 Anglo-Cal ... 88 — Mer Trast ..205 235 Bank of Ca1.367% — SF NaUonaL — — . First NatnL.239 .245 Union T Co.. — — SAVINGS BANKS Ger S & L. — 3100 S F Say U..529 — Hum Say Bk — 150 Sar & L So.. — 125 Mut Say Bk. 60 SO Sec Sar 8k..335 — STREET RAILROADS California ..122% — (Presidio ..... 14% 30 POWDER Giant Consolidated C 0 ; . .. y .' 7S . -,TO • " SUGAR Hawaiian C.101% — iMakaweti S C 33% 35 Uonokaa S C 14% 15 (Onomea S C. 40% — Hatch SPC 11% 17ft Paanhaa S C. 20% 21 Kllauea SC. — — [Union S Co.. 4d — % MISCELLANEOUS Alaska PA. 61% — Pac Aux F A 3% — Asso Oil Co. 37 37% Pac C Borax.lso — Cal F C A.101%102 Pac T&T pfd 78 81 Cal Wine A. 47 — Do com ... 13 14 MV&.MtTm..— 115 SALES 1.--,;-- " " Mornlnc iSesslon Board — ' 27 Fireman's Fnnd " Ina 160.00 50 First Nat" Bank ....240.00 100 Hutchinson S P Co 17.57% 5 Onomea Sugar Co ....40.75 $4,000 S P Arizona 6s (1909) .....100.25 Street— ? " nCOOOS'P.R R-lst refdg 4s 95.50 122,000 United R R of S F 45.. .73.00 \u25a0v \u25a0 . , Afternoon Session Board — • 116 Associated Oil Co .....37.00 25 Associated Oil C 0 .............. 37.25 . 15 Associated Oil Co 87.12% 25 Cal Fruit Canners' Assn ..101.50 5 Firrman's Fund-Ins C 0........ 160.00 60 Spring Valley Water Co 31.12% $6,000 Cal Gas & El G M & C T 55.. 53. 25 $5,000 Los Ang Pacific R R Ist con 55.108.00 $2,000 S P Branch Ry 65...".......125>.75 $9,000 SP Arizona 6s (1900) ...100.25 $1,000 Spring Val Wat gen mtge 45.. 86.50 \u25a0 $5,000 United R R of S F'4s 73.00 -California Stock and Oil Exchange ' Bid. Ask. I , Bid.Ask. Asso Oil ct.36.62ii — Pipdmont ..... 22 — Brookshire ...1.50 1.60 Plnal 9.73 — Caribou ..... — 12.00 Producers ....2.25 2.50 Chi Crude ... 07 — Rice Ranch .. — 1.10 Euc1id......". 50 —Rico-.. 1.05 — Four .... 32 —Royalty ..2.50 — Globe ....... 15 — Sacramento ..1.00 — Fulton ..2.00 — Saner Dough... — 2.20 Graciosa ..... — 50 Shawmut ..... — .80 Home — &-' SoTerelgn .... 25 28 111 Crude ... 30 S.W & 8. ...."; 40 75 Junction ..... 65 73 Sterling ...... \u25a0 — 5.00 Kern ........ 25 —Superior ,20 — Kern BlTer.. — 11.00 Thirty-three ..2.00 , — Linda Vista.. 50 60 Turner ....... 60 McKittrlck \u25a0. . 50 — Wabash ..... .1.00 1.40 Monte' Cristo. — 2.03 Wolrerine .... 25 — Mountain Girl 24 80 W X Oil Co.. 1.00 «:'— Occidental ... 25 — West Union. — 100.00 rarafOne .... S2 \u25a0 — Prla Theater., -r- "80 Peerless* 5.50 — . \u25a0 SALES 11:30 a. m.— » 235 1 Pinal ; • . . . ' 10.00 1000 Mountain Girl .29 . - 2 p. m.— . I .-\u25a0 = 100 Producers '. 2.30 Mining Stocks , SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE were the sales on the San Francisco stock and exchange board' yesterday: \u25a0 . COMSTOCKS -. Regnlar Morning Session 500 Alpha ......*. Ct 600 Mexican 1.17U 1000- Alta ....... :.\u25a0 04 S00 Mexican .... 1 . 12 '^ 600 Andes :...... 25 800 Ophir ....... '.1.80 • v 300 Belcher ...... S3 200 Ophir ........ .1.05 ; 2100 Belcher ...... 52 300 Ophir ......l.S7r» -800 Belcher .. 55 100 Ophir .... 1.85 ( 100 Best ; & Belch. <>0 20OO Orerland ..... 25 1200 Caledonia .:.. 34 600 Potosi ........ 34 , 200 Caledonia .... 35 600 Potosi ........ 33 ' IlOO'Challenge. .... 85 2900 SaTag© ... 47 100 Challenge .... 38 100 Scorpion . 11 200 Challenge .... 37 1400 Se* Belcher .. 11 : 200 Choi lar ;....".. V6 300 Seg , Belcher .. 12 . viOOCbollar ...... 27 600 Sierra NeT... 40 400 Chollar :..... -3 1000 Sierra Ner ... 41 • -\u25a050O Con. Imperial.' ,06 S00 Sierra NeT ..." 42 '\u25a0 SOO Con .VaM Co. :»2 400 Sierra NeT ... 43 , 2900C«n.Va;M*O- 84 100 Union '....;... CO • 800 Con VaM. Co. M 000 Union ; .' 5.<4 100 Con-Va M Co.. 93 1800 Union 59 1S00 Crown i Point.. 71 .500 Union 57 700 Exchequer ... 00 1^0 Tel Jacket.. 1.171$ 800 Gonld &;Cur.' 24 l,T00 YeUow Jaeket.1.10 - 800 Gould' & ; Cnr.'.l'5 200 Yellow Jacket.l. 15 -300 Gonld & Cur. 23 200 Yel Jacket.. 1.124 1900 Mexican 5... ..1:20 700 Yellow i Jacket. 1.05 1200 Mexican .. . .:1.15| 100 Yel < Jacket..!. 07 Vi •j :> ; . Informal ; SeMion* V. 4200 Alpha ...;... '0716100 Mexican ......1.10 1000 Andes ....V... 24. 200 Mexican, ,...;.1.05 5400 Andes.f.:.'.:.'. -23 300 Mexican ;....!. 07% 400. Belcher ....... 51 4700 Mexican ...:1:12V, ;300 Belcher."..:..., ?0 1200 : Do," s 10.:.. 1.10 1200 Best & * Belch.'; 70 1000 ; Do, \u25a0\u25a0 b * 15 .". 1 . 12 V, 300;Caledonia.:v...- 33 WV) Do. b 6O..1M2U :, ; 100 Caledonia: ..:*. -S4 2000 Do. bJK>.:1:17V 1000 Challenge .... 3711000 Da. p 60. .. . J.« 500 Challenge 35 300 Vo, » 30....1.1W 2500 Chollar \u25a0.- . 25 GOON Gould « C. \u25a0« 1000 Do. b 30... 2« 100 Opblr ....... I.'J 450 Confidence. 1.37% 600 Ophir J.W 2600 Con ViM Co. 93 300 Ophir ......I.S-^, 200 Con Va >I Co. 02 200 Potosl «i" 000 Con Va M Co. 04 200 Savage -Jj 600 Con Va M Co. 95 100 Savage ... \u25a0*• 500 Do. » 10... »4 500 Savage ••> 600 Do. s 30.:. 03 400 Sierra Ncr ... 40 1000 Do, s 60... 9'- 200 Sierra Ncr ..: 42 1600 Crown Point.. 01 SSOO Sierra NeT ... 41 1 200 Gould & t'ur. 24 4(>OO Do. * «0.... 4o 2500 Gould Jfc Cur. 23 300 Silver Hill ... 80 1500 Gould &. t'ur. 22 1500 Union 37 500 Hale & Norc. 44 1100 Unloa ........ M ; 100 Hale & Norc. 43 sm Union 3" 1100 Justice OC 1700 Union •"» 800 Justice ....... 07.100 Union «« 700 Kentuck .00 700 Yellow Jacket. 1.03 100 Kentuck ..... 0»| ' -' CLOSING QUOTATIONS Bld.Ask. ? BM.Ask. Alpha 07 09 Kentuck CS 1« Alta OS t« Lady Wash .. — ' °1 Andes ....... 23 '24 Mexican 1.101.12 Belcher 47 50 N Gould AC. .32 S3 Best it Belch. CO 71 New York Con 03 05 Bullion .. 34 38 Ophir I.SO I.«J Caledonia 34 SB Occidental .... W 23 1 Challenge .... 35 36 Overland .....25 — Chollar 25 2C Overman 23 50 ...1.37 —Potosl 30 32 Con Imperial. 08 07 Savage 45 4. Con Va M Co. 83 95 Scorpion « 12 Crown Point.. 6t 85 Seg Belcher .. 12 I.* Exchequer ... 49 51 Sierra Ncr ... 41 4- Gould & Cnr. 23 . 24 Silver HUI ... 29 — Hale &. Norc. 42 44 Cnion SJ» 6n Julia 11 .—Utah ......... 07 UH Justice 06 OS Yellow Jacket.l.o2 l.Ou TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS Regular Session— o:3o to 12:30 100 Atlanta 16 10 Gld Coo M...R.00,, 2000 Blk B Bonan. 01 10 Do, • 5.—.. 3. 00^ 1000 Blue Bull ... 11 1000 Great Bend .. <Wi 500 Booth 24 4500 Grt Bend Ex. 04 500 Com me.. 1.17% 2000 Hlbernla. s 3. OCt 1000 Crack Jck.slO 04 20.600 Homestte X 0)4 3000 Daisy «8 1000 Do, • « «» "SOO Daisy 69 1000 Lona Star .... 07 1000 Do. s 5. ... 68 10CO Lone Star .... P« 1000 Do, s 30... 68 500 Midway 24 600 GM Con M.7.87% 1000 Pitts 3 Pk.aS 85 50 Gld Coa M...7.85 100 Raw Coalition. 5O 88 Do. • 10...«.00j 500 West End ... 34 Informal Session — 12:30 to 2 p. m. 2000 Adams 03 600 Homestake K. 0$ 2000 Adams 04 1000 Jim Butler .. 17 2000 Atlanta 15 200 Jim Butler .. 1* 600 Atlanta 16 2000 Jack Pot Oft 20CO Blue Bull ... 12 500 Jumbo Ex .... SO 1000 Com Fractlon.l.2o 1500 Mayflower Coo VO 500 Daisy 69 1000 Midway 24 500 Daisy 70 500 Montana 77 200 Do. • 3.... 6» 3500 Orig Rawhide. 04 600 Florence 4. 45 1500 Oro • 13 200 Do» sB 4.45 100 Pitta 8 Peak.. 85 8000 Florence Ex.. 05 1300 Raw Coalition. 5O 250 Gld Coa M...T.90 ICO Raw Coalition. 51 2500 Gld Coa M...8.00 500 Raw Coalition. S4 100 Gld Coa M.7.87% 1000 R*d Hills .... ,14. 200 Do, s 5. ...8.00 100 Ton Extea ... -IS 100 Gld Con M...8.05 SCO Ton Extea ... 4 ft 200 Gld Con M...8.10 SCO Ton Extea ... 43 1500 Gld Kewanas. 20 2000 Tramp C. • 5 00 2000 Great Bend .. 18 600 Wait Ead ... 8* 6000 Grt Bend Ex. 04 -ctoarxo quotations ; i ' .. . 1 NEVADA \u25a0 ; ! : i : ' ' ; Tonocah District ; Belmont 80*1.00 MonUn» 75 80' Boston Ton .. — 05 Norta Star.... 03 ' 04 Cash Boy ... — 01 Ohio Ton .... — 01 Great Westrn. — 01 Paymaster ... — 01 Home .- — 01 Rescn* Con •• 08 04 lad Ton .... — 01 Ton Bxten .«• 4S — Jim Butler ..IT 18 Ton of Nay.» — 6.25 MacNamanu- 83 — West End \u0084% 84 85 Midway 23 25 GoldSeld District Adams ...... 03 04 Gld L Strik*. 01 02 Atlanta ...... 15 17 Gld K«wanas>. — 2O Black Ants .. — 01 Gld Merger IL. 10 11 Blk B Bonaa. 01 02 Grandma ..... 04 00 Blk Bntte Ex 01 02 Great Bend ..IS 10 Black Rock « — 01 Grt Bend Anx — 04 Blue Bell ... 04 05 Grt Bend Ex. 04 00 Blue Bull ... 10 12Hlbernla ..... 03 ©4 Btte Goldfleld 01 02 Jnmbo Bx .... 1» 20 Booth 23 24 Kendall — 13 COD — 8S Kendall Ex .. — 01 Colombia .... — 10 Lena Star .... 08 07 Columbia Mt. 15 — Lou Dillon ... 01 02 Com Fraction.l.l 7 1.20 Mayne 01 03 Comas Nation — 01 Mid Pawnee... — 01 Conqueror .... 06 OS MUltowa Frac — OX, Cracker Jack. 0* 05 Mohawk Anx.. — 01 Daisy 69 70 MohawJc Ex .. 01 «>U Daisy Ex- ... — 01 Ncr Boy ..... 01 02 Desert Chief.. — 04 Xcv Goldfleld.. 02 «C Dm B Btte C. 08 10 Oro .......... 12 1". Dmdfld Trngl. OS 04 Potlatch ..... OS Dixie 01 02 Red Hills 13 15 Dominion .... — 01 Red Lion .... 02 F-mpire 01 03 Red Top Ex.. ©5 tirt Esmeralda ... — u2jßed Top Frac. 02 04 Florence 4.45 4.47 Sandstorm .... 20 Florence Ex.. 04 06(Sandstorm Ex. — 01 Frances* Mhk.. 10 12! Silver Pick ..09 lrt Gen Wash . . — OX Silver Pick Ex 03 Gold Bar Gld 20 — Vernal 02 w:t Gld American. — 03 Wonder ...... — 01 Gld Con M...8.07 8.10 Yellow Tiger.. 16 .l» Gld Eureka... 01 — Yellow Tod .. — 01 Gld Portland. 03 06 Bullfrog District Alliance — 01 Llge Harris .. _ 01 Amargosa ..» — 01 Mayflower Con 09 10 Amethyst .... 02 03 Mont Bullfrog. — 01 Bonnie Clare.. 04 05 Montgomy Mt. 07 'vS Bullfrog Mln. — C3»Mtg JSh.« Ex. -^- m Blfrg Nat Bk 04 05iOrig Bnllrrog M 01 i« Gold Bac .... — .01 1 Tramp Con ..08 10 Gold Sceptre.. — 01! Valley View.. W ._ Huxaestake K. 06 o?iYankee Girl .. — 01 Manhattan District Apr Fool Ex. — Oil Man Dexter .. 03 — Atlan & Pac. — 01 Man Little Joe 01 Comet — 01 Man Mia Nev. — 01 Gold Wedge.. — 01 Man Red Top. — ©1 Granny G M. — 06 Man Shonbar.. — 02 Little Grey .. 01 02| Mustang Man.. 02 Man Belmont. — 01 Orig Maa " . . . . '\u25a0 ; 0 1 Man Broncho. — 01 line Not .... 01 02 Mia Central.., — 02 Syl Humphrey. — 02 Maa Con .... — CS Thanksgiving. . 04 Maa Crescent. — 01 Whale ....... — oi Maa Cowboy.. — 01 Other Districts Crowa Pt Gib — 15 Pitts S Peak.. 83 8B Eagle's Nest.. 05 06 Queen i Regent. — 2J Fairvw G Bid 03 05 Ramsey ...... — «5 Falrvw Hallst 01 02 Raw Burro . . — 01 Fairvw Eagle. — S5 Raw Coalition. 55 — Jack Pot OS 00 Raw . Mohawk. — 01 Mazsma Hills 20 — Raw Qneea . . 43 — Nev Hills ... — 1.55 Round Mt .... 83 — NeT Wooder.. — 02 Vulture ...... — 04 Orlg Rawhide. 04 06 LODGERS ARE ACCUSED OF STEALING JEWELRY Detectives Search in Vain for Property and Release Couple S. M. Llnch. an insurance solicitor/ and his wife, "who live at 43 4 Castro street, were arrested yesterday morn ing by Detectives M. V. Burke and Gallagher and their names registered on the detinue book at the city prison pending an Investigation as to the dis appearance of $3» worth .of Jewelry belonging to Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones, their lodgers. Mr. and Mrs. Llnch occupied the two rear rooms in the flat and Mr. and Mrs. Jones the two front rooms. Mrs. Jones went shopping Tuesday after noon and at night her husband's watch and ' several pieces of jewelry were missing. . The detectives made a thorough search of the rooms occupied by Llnch and • his wlf 9 without discovering any of the missing jewelry, and they were released from custody yesterday after noon. IXSTALL JTEW OFFICERS Army and Navy parlor of the Native Sons of the Golden West installed Its newly elected officers for the ensuing year \u25a0 Tuesday evening. The new offi cers are: T. O'Leary. past president; John M. Glennan. president; John Kelly, first vice president; Harry Slebert. sec ond vice president; ."William McGuire. third ..vice president; G. mar shal; Gus Herring." Inside sentinel; J. Eagah. ' outside^sentlneL Physicians— Dr. J.\W. Smith. Dr. George R. Carson. Dr. A. A. O'Neill. - \u25a0- 7. Past President O'Leary was presented with a diamond studded' badge -by -the members during th© social session which followed the installation. \u25a0• E. F. HUTTOM & CO: <90 . California St. . Trl. Doastan 3487 St. FrancU Hotel. Tel. Donglaa 3953 Members New York StocK Exchange . > Pioneer House P-Ht* t • Wire to 'Ch lea go aj» j *jC» ym "Vorlr H. E. MIIiCAHY. Maaare*