Newspaper Page Text
Harbor Commissioners Will Call For Bids Today for New Wharf Pier 34 Will Be Built for Western Pacific and Will Cost $1 60,000 i — \u25a0 i — ... The harbor commissioners at their regular meeting this morning will call •for bids for the construction of pier Zi, the wharf assigned to the Western Pacific railroad. The estimated cost of The new pier is $160,000 and' it will be similar in construction to piers 42 and 44. which are leased to the Pa.clfic Mail company. The plans for pier 34 were prepared under the direction of the railroad company and the pier will be built with Western Pacific money. The railroad company will place with the harbor commissioners advance rent to the amount of the successful bid and will hold the pier on a 15 year lease. At the end of that time the structure reverts to the state. There will be a railroad track on the new wharf con necting with the southern branch of the belt railroad and through that wit.i the main lines of the Western Pacific, Southern Pacific and Santa Fe. ' Frfele to Command Manchuria The Pacific Mail liner Manchuria, Captain Daniel Friele, will sail Satur day for the orient with a large number of passengers and about 6.000 tons of freight. Captain Saunders, whose health has been broken down by the continuaus weight of heavy responsi bilities, has been granted sick leave and will remain ashore for one or two round trips of the Manchuria. The relation between Captain fc'auders' mixup with tne Manchuria's surgeon and the change of masters Is said to be direct only inasmuch as the skipper's retort ath letic was taken as a manifestation of ] an overstrung nervous system. For I several voyages Captain Saunders is said to have suffered almost continu ously from severe headaches. He is one of the oldest masters in the Harri man service and will be restored to active duty when his health permits. Bride:** Working Again The Fourth street bridge across the channel, which was put out of com mission by a launch, which knocked away one of the supports, has been re paired and Is now in good working or der. Only one side of the Third street bridge is working. One of the state dredgers recently picked up and cut the cable that operates one half of the bridge, and the board of public works has passed the responsibility up to the board of harbor commissioners. Ralph Barker, engineer of the harbor commis-. sion. has requested the board of public works to make the repairs and has p"romisea to make an investigation for the purpose .of establishing responsi bility for the accident. If the state is to blame the state will foot the bill. Meanwhile the bridge is a public neces sity of too much importance to remain out of commission while state and city are deciding the question of responsi bility. Hi lonian Makes Fnxt Hun' The Matson navigation company's steamer Hilonian. Captain Peter John son, arrived yesterday at Honolulu, just six days from this port, which is the best time in the Hilonian's career. The steamer's departure from here was de layed owing to the breaking of a valve, hut by burning a little extra coal, with the aid of the flying start given by the rush to sea of the overflowing river water. Captain Johnson more tnan made up the time lost. The Lurline will leave Kahului today for this port. I'matllla'ft Roagh Paitaagre The Pacific Coast steamship com pany's steamer Umatilla, which arrived Tuesday night from Puget sound \u25a0with 290 passengers, %vas 70 hours coming from Victoria. Southerly gale*, which lasted all th« way from Flattery to the tiolden gate, were responsible for the j length of the passage. While on Puget found the weather was so arctic that | it was necessary to keep the Umatllla's j deck machinery constantly in motion to 1 prevent its freezing. San Joan Sails Tomorrow ji The Pacific Mail steamer' San Juan, Captain Frarier, will sail at noon to morrow for Panama and way ports. Fifteen cabin and 70 steerage passen gers have booked berths, and the liner •will carry about 2.000 tons of freight, including large shipments of flour for coast ports and wine for New York. Steamer Adato Is Ashore The British steamer Adato, from Se attle, which arrived January 14 at Yokohama, is ashore on O&blzna. The deck is under water. All hands are safe, and the captain Is standing by the wreclc Water Front ?fote« The steamer Indiana, bound for this port, sailed January 18 from Mazatlan. The liner Mongolia. Captain Morton, sailed Tuesday from" Yokohama for this j port. • The steamer National City is at Fort Bragg, leaking and with rudder dam aged, as the result of having struck bottom during heavy weather. The Oceanic steamship- company's liner Alameda sailed yesterday from Honolulu for this port. The Star of Scotland, formerly the hark Kenilworth, cleared yesterday for Ladysmlth to get a cargo of coal for the use of the ships of the Alaska packers' association. The tanker Santa Maria, Captain Lebbeus Curtis, cleared yesterday for Tocopilla, via Port San Luis. - Gale Delays Ferry** Landing • "While attempting to enter the slip at Kautalito yesterday evening the ferry boat Tamalpais was blown against the end of the slip by the terrific gale which was sweeping in from the ocean. •For the next 10 minutes. the big boat lay helpless while the passengers stood shivering waiting for the crew to throw lines to helpers on shore. Finally a hawser was made fast to the landing stage and thus held against the wind the big boat made the landing ln safety. The wind blew more than 75 miles an .hour through Raccoon straits. Steamer Thor Arrives • : The Norwegian steamer Thor, Cap -taln Esrenea. arrived late last night. : five 'days and six hours from Lady [ e.mith, with a cargo of coal. <.«•<.. \V. FenTrlclc Arrive* '-•\u0084 The steamer tieo. W. Fenwick, Cap • tain Miller, arrived last night, 36 hours from San Pedro. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific EAN PESEO, Jan. 20. — Steamship Koanoke, \u25a0".Captfin Danhatn, arrived this morning from Portland with « miscellaneous cargo. • £t earner Carlos. Captala Roberts, arrlred this 'morning from Grays Harbor. S'.PMtiiMiip Santa Rosa, Captain Alexander. rWred for San Francisco via Redondo and Sf !•\u25a0:! Barbara. Oil stpumer Washtenaw. Captain Curtis, ar rived tonljfht from Portland. \u25a0 ASTOBIA, Jan. 20.— 0il tanker Argyll left '. ont today for San Krancisoo in ballast. Stearafr Tallac, oat tbi* morning for \u25a0 San . Pranclßco witU a cargo of wheat and a deck load of lumber. , Steam schooner R. D. Inmao. tritb a cargo \u25a0nt lumber from Ptiget Kmnd ten San Francisco, pot in here this morning after water and fuH oil. It ha* been bucking th* late «onth westfr for tbe pent two «J«jr» > aud bad' con- Knm^d more of bolb than anticipated when It etartotl on thf> trip <Jo*-u tbe coast. . St^am schooner . Majfftlr* arrirpd this morning fri'tn San Francisco to load luralier and return. . Bn»sm schooner South >- Bay •rrlrwl iv last vrpiiing from Kan Francisco to load lumber at tbe Hammond mill. \u25a0 Steam wb«>onw Detey Mitchell arrived in this .morning from San Francisco to load lumber. . Russian bark Dundee, which Ik now en route from Callao for th!» |K>rt. will- lewd lumber at Columbia mill at Knappton for Europe. .British steamer Tyro eric; In ballast from \u25a0•Iquique. «rri*ed off the mouth of therirer this morning and received -\u25a0 order* to proee*>4 to Tomux. B. C, and- after talciag on f fuel coal .there to twiit orders. . \u0084-'• . Army. Trnii»port» tBuford siilM January 15 from Manila.'; Tbomas snilM January '5 for Manila. M!i is si Seattle. JVEWS OF THE OCEAN Small Cargo for Mrxleo _ 7 The pover r tcßobher' Charles ' Hanson" cleared MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS i " TO ARRIVE \u25a0; From { Steamer ] Date «ray« liarbor } . . ."jOntraUa ...;.. Uan. 21 Portland & Astoria. ...; Northland .....jjan. 21 urays Harbor 1 Newburg ...... Jan. 21 V, 008 ""^ M. l\ Plant... 1 Jan. 21 Humboldt .-......;..'. F; A. Kilburn. .Jan. 21 Rau Ulcso & Way Ports! Santa- Uos*. . ..Uan. 21 I *^ Shawmut ..... "Jan. 22 U rav , 8 Harbor • ••• .Santa Monica: ..| Jan. 22 Portland & Astoria. ... Tallac ..... . (Jen 22 Humboldt city of Topcka. Jan; 22 i h , ln * & J«P««« •: Chiyo Maru . . . Jan. 23 Sahna Cmi Arizonan ...... Jan. 23 San Pedro 1 Koanokr Jan.- 23 Portland & Astoria. . . . Xome City Jan. 21 Mendooino & Pt. Arena |Sea Foam 1..:: Jan. 24 Puget Sound Ports..... Queen .;.v ban °4 •New York via Ancon.. I Indiana ..:Uan 24 San Pedro jClaremont .. ...!Jan.',2s J all!t ' '. Marlposa ...... lj an . 25 San Pedro ....... Hanalei- ..Jan. 25 San Diego* Way Pprtslgtate of Cal:;. I Jin. 23 Portland & Astoria .... Senator ....... Jan. 25 Portland & Way Porte, o. \V. Elder... Jan. 25 San Pedro & Way Ports Coos Bay .....Jan 25 Grays Harbor Santa Barbara .. Jan. 25 Houolulu Alameda Jan. 26 Seattle & Tacoma Buckman .. Jan. 20 Honolulu ILurllne Jan. 27 Point Arcua &. Albion. (Porno .....Jan. 2S Mexican Ports |Curacao ....... Jan. 28 Cblna & Japan.. -|Asla jj j an 29 \u25a0*\u25a0 TO SAIL DestinaUon | . Steamer | Sallg |Pler January 21 — | Coqullle Rlyer ..' FlDeld . .|l2 m 2 Los Angeles Port* Central!* .. Ipm 7 Grays Harbor Corouado .. •3 pm 7 Astoria & Portland . . Homer ' . . . .•: Ipm 2 Humboldt „.. North Fork.., \u25a0 5 pm 1« Seattle & Tacoma |J. B. Stetson .... .... San Diego & Way Pwts State, of Cal 9.30 all Grays Harbor )G. Llndauer. .... .. ' January 22 — j Los Angeles Ports iS. Monica... Ipm 2 Willspa liarbor Ui.-iisr ...... Astoria & Portland... -ißainieri ßainier 3*pm ' i' Humboldt Vanguard . . 11 am 2 Humboldt F. rillburn.. 10 am 13 New York tl* a neon.. San Juan ... 12 m 24 January 23 — . . Orays Harbor. Newburjr ... 3pm T Cooa Bay M. F. Plant 3pm S Pt. Arena &. Albion... Porno opm 2 Japan &. China Manchuria .. 1 pm 42 Puget Sound Port* Umatilla ... Ipm 0 Seattle & Tacoma Watson .... 1 pm 20 Astoria & Portland Rose City .. 11 am 27 Portland & Way Ports. Roanoke ...' 1 pm 13 Astoria & Portland Northland . . spm 2 January 24 — | .' Humboldt ....iCity Topeka. 10.30 a ft San Diego & Way PortsjSanta Rosa.. 9.30 all January 25 — j Seattle &. Tacoma..... Ta11ac "...... .1 pm 7 Loa Anceles Port* G W. Elder 5 pm 13 Grays Barber Claremont .. 4pm 2 January 26 — | Loa Angeles Ports. ... .(Hanalei .... 3pm 7 January 27 — | Mendoclno & Pt. Arena'sea Foam... 4pm 4 San Pedro & Way PortsjCobs Bay . . 2pm 11 January 2S — j Liverpool & Way PortsJCorse ...... .... 19 Puget Sound Ports [Queen . 9 am Jl TO 3AIL FROM SEATTLE Destination \ . <^- jtner | Date Valdez & Seward jSanfa Clara 'Jan. 24 Seldovla & Way Ports . I Bertha [Jan. 25 ValdPi & Seward j Yucatan |Feb. 1 for Manzanillo yesterday with 54 bales hay. 337 lbs butter, .to lbs dried fruit, 274 lbs meals. 2 cs canned goods, 3 pkgs provisions, 46.432 feet lumber. 125 kegs powder. 25 cs dyna mite, 2 coils wire rope, '1 colls cordage. * pes steel and iron, 1 launch, 9 pkgs machinery. 1 cs oil, etc., valued at $3,270. Crude Oil for Chile *^ii?>7i The tank steamer Santa Maria sailed for ToeupilU and Taltal via Port Harford yesterday with 6 pkgs pumping plant, valued at $1,834, as cargo from .this port. At Port Harford the steamer wiHload 40,000 bbls crude oil in bulk valued at $24,0u0. \u25a0 \u25a0 - Export* by the Puebla The steamer City of Puebla sailed for Victoria Monday with a small cargo for the port of destination and \u25a0 other British Columbian cities valued at $5,016, and including' the following: 3.123 lbs dried fruit, 3,050 lbs raisins, 359 pkss fre«h fruits, 173 pkgs vegetables. 100 pkes onions. 277 gal* wine, 640 lbs chocolate. 421 lbs coffee, 2,500 lbs meals, 59 cs canned goods 3 cs dry goods. 20 cs fuse, 100 tins matches, 10 cs oil, 226 pkga roofing material, 4 pcs steel The fteamer also had 1.461 brs lemons, 19.000 lbs codfish, 17 pkgs Ink and 1 cs books, valued at $4,427, for Australia, and 125 cs canned goods. 100 1U beans, 150 lbs dried fruit and 3 cs polish, valued at $368, for Suva, Fiji islands. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED Wednesday, January 20. Stmr Hoquiam, Relnertsen, 34 hours from San Pedro. fitmr Porno. LllUeland, 24 hoars from Albion. Stmr Phoenix." Matsen, 24 hours from Albion; In tow stmr Porno. Stmr Vanguard. Odland, 35 hours from Eu reka. Stmr Alcatraar. Elleten, 16 hours from Delmar. £tmr Arctic, Llader,* 21 hours from Fort Bragg; bound for San Pedro, pnt In for fueL - CLEARED Wednesday, January 20. \u25a0 Stmr Hanalei, McFarland, San Pedro; Cres cent wfaarf and warehouse company. Ger stmr Acllla, Brambeer, Seattle; Kosmos line. . Br stmr Vadso, Johnson, Victoria and Van cooTer, B C; Beyftws & Co. Stmr ; Mexican. Tapley, Honolula; Williams. Dimond it Co. Stmr State of California, Thomas, San Diego; Pacific Coast steamship company. Etmr Santa Maria. Curtis, .Tocopllla, Taltal via Port San Luis; Union oil company. ' Shis Star of Scotland, RasmoMen, Ladysmlth, B C; Alaska Packers' association; Pow schr Chas Hanson, Burke, Manzanillo; Thomas Wallace. - SAILED Tuesday. , January 19. Stmr Meteor. Gollghtly/ Seattle.' , : Wednesday. January 20. ' stmr Brunswick. Hammer. Fort Bragg. . Stmr Santa Maria. Curtis, Tocopllla and-Tal tal via Port San Luis. Stmr Sea Foam. Lee. Point Arena and Albion. Ptmr Hanalei. McFarla n«l. San Pedro f*chr Bangor, Peterson. Grays Harbor." Stmr Arctic. Under. San Pedro., Rtmr Atlat, Badger. Portland. Schr Santiago, McDonald. Monterey; in tow tng Hercules. « DISASTER NEW YORK. J«n 20— Br stmr Adato from Seattle and reported arrlvpd at Yokohama Jan 14, is ashore on O Sbima: deck under waterfall bands safe; captain remains . by \u25a0 the wreck WIRELESS Stmr City of Puebla. hence Jan 18 for Seattle and Pnget towid ports — Jan 39. 6 p m, off Sius law river; light westerly wind; moderate; all well. TELEGRAPHIC POINT LOBOS. Jan 20. 10 p m— Weather foggy: wind SE; velocity 30 miles an hour; bar breaking. ' - -»^ig^^.n»i<f)iai!>.^jj>a«MSlf!w<SMa|is| DOMESTIC PORTS EUREKA — Arrived Jan 20 — Stmr Denpatch. hence Jan 19; stmr City of Topcka, hence Jan 19. - ' Sailed Jan 20— Stmr F. "A Kilburn, for San Franolßro. - TACOMA— Sailed Jan 20— Fr stmr Orse. for San Francioco; utmr. Jim Butler, for Everett. Arrived Jan 20 — Nor etmr Elsa. from Van couver. 4 , , WESTPORT— Passed -out Jan 20— Stmr Santa Monica. Kchr Allen A. for San Pedro. Passed in Jan. 1U — Stmr ChehallK. hence Jan 16.' Bar bound Jan 20 — Scbr Dauntless,: for Hono lulu: srhr Zampa. for San Francisco. - .- ASTORlA— Arrived Jan- I!V— Stmr St. Helens, hence Jan 17; stmr South < Bay, hence Jan 10. Jan 2f» — Stmr .-Majestic, from Winslow; stmr Daisy Mitchell, heooe Jan.lß. Railed Jan 20 — Stmr Tallac, for San \u25a0 Fran cisco. ~\, \u0084 \u25a0 Arrived Jan 20— Stmr R Ddnraan. from Ever ett and nailed for San Francisco. AafiHWHWii SOUTH BEND — Sailed Jan \u25a0 20— Stmr ' Welles ley, for San Franctsco.- SEATTLK— Arrived Jan 20— Barge Two Broth rrs. from Nanfiimo. Bpteafiaaflftit, WiWW^|»'Jlikli SEWARD— Arrived \u0084 Jan 20-^-Stmr ; Portland, from' Bea t tip' and nailed for.'Valdej!:. . < \u25a0 SKAGWA V—ArrivedY — Arrived Jnn \u0084 l!>-^Stmr . Cottage CitT.-from Seattleand sailed Jan 2Ofor Seattle. I * VAI/DEZ — Arrived Jan * 13— Stmr, ' Yncatan. from Seattle and sailed Jan 20 for; Cordova. CORDOVA — Arrived Jan '^OrrStinr .Yucatan,' from Sesttlc via Yalde*. PORT PAN T^UlS— Sailed Jan . 20— Stmr -Asun cion, for Ran Francisco: stmr Coosßay, for Ran Petiro. . Jan 19 — Stmr'; Washtenaw,- for San Pedro. \u25a0 'HWiili IMilifliW^V. ' - Arrived J«n IR— Stmr.?- Wssktraaw, fmin As toria. Jan 10— Wmr RootL. Vi«w«t J*s XV. •tfr.r Con* . Bur.- f;«»ng» * Jr.n Ifc. , - : SAN PffHßO— Arrtwrt *m 50— JTor wrarr fiKft; from AntofaM*ts ; , "frar Curloc \u25a0 henc* " J"«b '- 19: utmt Wafht^naw. fmm "Tort San <• Luis: r'stmr Santa Rosa, from San Diego; ' schr nugh'Hogan from Tillnmook ; ' .-, • ' • " ; . ,v : . : : Sailed Jan ', 20— Stmr* Carlos and . Santa ' Rosa.' for Ran '- FrxncUco. " . . " \u25a0 • . \u25a0 .. . -..• .* SAN DlKGO— .««ilrd Jan ' 20-^Llghtßhips and tender*, for San Francisco. \u25a0 , : \u25a0 .'-, ' REDONDO— Arrived' \u25a0 Jan ; 20— Schr Roderick Dbn. In towtujT Navlpn tor. hence. Jan lS;-Etmr Shna Yak. hence. Jan IS. ' \u25a0 f . . j Railed, Jan 20— Schr Fred E Sanders, for ' Ta- j corr<a."^»B)tMMqgnßßßQßk^BHßßp^gjMßßpsfj| TATOOSH, Jan 20— Weather, raining; wind 1 THE SANe WJlEti; JANUARY 21, 1909. I Weather Report , \ Cnlted .': States : Deiiartraent of Agriculture — Weather Bureau,.S an Francisco/ Jan. 20,. 1909. RAINFALL : DATA: Last -- - Seasonal ? Normal \u25a0 Stations-^- 24 hours. • to date, -to date.' Eureka ; .... ..J...'.0.5S -24.04- '-'21:81'- Red Bluff ....../. .\'J ' , Vi. 54 . i"12.57i "12.57 Sacramento ...V... 0.72, -10.85 f : 0.31 Mount Tamalpais :Vl.<s1 1> * • 20J13 : 11.02 ' San Francisco' /.;.. : 1;29'-. 11.04 10.87 San Jose •'...'.'.... .V.0.U2 ' 6.85 '\u25a0•) .-. 6.86'; '. Fresno: ........... V'v.:. ":.... si. 4.(50 ' Independence '...... ..'.-;-\u25a0<- - 4.52 .4.59 \ Sail Lcis OblsjK)...-'. 0.24 > 11.31 '.. 8.00 Ix>s Anseles .... .'. 0.01 '.".44 6.85 ' San Diego .:.....».....* 3.10 .. 4.53 , '"\u25a0 - : -| ' ; S \u25a0. ? -3 : -.:;"S''' : -» ?' STATIONS. 1 ; • c- 5 =r \u25a0\u25a0:•:•\u25a0\u25a0 :%:;".$-s'/- :- ; - : ? 'J . - - ,- a . -o . \u0084 . \u25a0 . -...:. Baker ........ .20. -IS M 842 SB ~ Cloudy Tr. ; Boise ...... ...29.04 .12- ~ 42 SB " Cloudy -.10 Eureka ...\29.42 CO C 4 SB" Cloudy- .24 , Flagstaff • ..20.54/48 32 SW Cloudy Tr. Independence . . 20 . 72 .riß. r iB • 48 . SW- Cloudy .00 ' Kallspell .....29.60 44V'a? S*> Clear '.00 Los Aujpeles ..30. 0S 58 50 S Haln Tr. Mt; -Tamalpalß 1 48 47 SW Rahi - .0.". North Head '-..SO .'lß 44 '42 - Bain •• .22 l J hoenlx ... 2«.».U2 70 ,'\u25a0 46 . . NW Pt.Cldy .00 Pocatello 20.78 48 :40 E Cloudy VTr. Tt. Reyes Lght2o .so 55 40 S Ualn .45 Portland ......20.20, 40: 44 V NE Rain .32 Ited; Bluff ,-.\.'JU.&i'. 54 52 .SB Rain .62 Reno .........2<J.60 48 38; SK Cloudy Tr. Rosebunr ... ..29.14 f>4 '48 'SE'l.Raln- .24 Kacrainento .".'.29. «S- 50 .54 SE Rain .48 San DiejfO ....SO. 10 "58' 52 SW Cloudy .00 San Francisco .29.CS- 00 .'2 S Rain ' .40 San Jose .....29.76 CO H' SE ! Rain .30 San L. 0bi5p0. 30. 02 50 52 SE Rain .16 S. E. FaraUon.29.C4 56 VI :S • Rain .48 Spokane- ......29.54 42 40>E Rain Tr. •Summit ...... .... 41 '38 R Snow .70 Tacoma ......29.30 46 42.' N Rain .06 Tonopah. *.„.'... 29. 84 44 "36 SE Cloudy .00 WalU :;;...... 29. 80 54 44 SE %Raln '.00 Wlnnemucca ..29.00 50 42 SW Rain .00 Vuma .'.- .29.94 7C 46 W Clear ..00 'Average snow on ground. 00 inches. SYNOPSIS ; The most sorere Btorm of the season ' appeared suddenly off ; tbe ; Oregon coast :: and will prob ably move rapidly southeastward, causing high southeast wind - and heavy rain > over most -of California. The storm vrlll also cause heavy snow, in the Sickiyou coast ranges. Sierra Nevada and Sierra Madre.-^-^S&fIrSJS^-saSJ?.^ \u25a0" : • ' \u25a0 ' ' ' Southeast etorm warnings are. displayed along the entire coast and warnings of high south winds have also been sent- to Interior towns. The* following high winds tre : reported:' Point Reyes.^CO miles, south; Farallones,- 40, south; Eureka 34, ifoutUeast; Sacramento 44, southeast ; San Jose 2S, southeast, and Wlnnemucca 26, southwest, x . FORECAST San Francisco and vicinity— Rain Thursday ; high : southerly wind. Sacramento valley — Rain :: ' Thursday;' brisk to high south wind. - . San Joaquiu valley — Rain Thursday ; high south winds. - Santa Clara valley— Rain Thursday; high' south winds. ' \u25a0 •\u25a0 ' \u25a0 Los Angeles and vicinity — Bain Thursday, brisk to high south winds.- - •<\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 / • A. G. McADIB, District Forecaster. Time; Ball I United , states branch hydrographlc ofOee, . Mer chants' Exchange, San Francisco, January .20. 1800. • v , • ' . Tee time ball on the tower of the Ferry bully ing was dropped tQday exactly at noon. Pacific standard time (120 th meridian), or at Sh. 00m. 00s., Greenwich mean time. \u25a0 . \u25a0J. C. BURNETT,, \u25a0' ; Lieutenant. U.S.- N.. In charge. San, Bloon and Tide UnUed States coast and geodetic survey — Time and heights of tides at Fort Point. For city front (Mission street wharf > add. 2s minutes. ' . THURSDAY. JANUARY. 2I :. \ ' Sun rises . ... . . ..... . ... ................' 7:22 Sun sets ......r... 5:23 New moon ..Jan. 21, at 4:03 p. in. First quarter moon ....Jan. 28, at 6:58 a. ro. tTime| I'fimel jTime - lTluie Jan) Ft 1 JFt I -i — j Ft f Ft |HW lL W? HW • jli W ' 2!.. 1 0:or> 4.5! <l:2S| 3.2 10:15 6.3 5:25—1.5 22.. 1 o:4ti - 4.6] 6;20l 2.8 11:05 6.2 6:10-7-1.4 2H..| 1:27 . 5.«J e:ls| 2.6 12.-U0 6.1 6:35—1.1 24.. 2:00 R. 2 7:101 2.6 12:55 5.7 7:40—0.8 23.-2:47 5.3 8:0S 2.4 1:55 6.3:8:25-0.1 2C 3:2S 5.4 9:10 2.1 3:OS 4.8 9:20 0.7 27. .1 4:12 5.5 10:20 1.7 4:30 4.3 lO:0S .I^s 25.. 4:56 5.5 11:20 1.4 5:56 .4.1 11:00 ' 2.1 IT. S. Branch Hydrogxaphlc Office . 1- A branch of. the ' United .Stale* uydrogruphic office, located at the Merchants' Exchange, is maintainod in San Francisco : for : the benefit of mariner*, without regard' to nationality and free of expense.- Navigators are cordially Invited Ito visit the office, where complete seta of charts and sailing directions of the world are kept at hand for comparison and reference and the latest information can always be obtained regarding lights, dangers to navigation -and matters of In terest to ' ocean ' commerce, p- . \u25a0 \u25a0 • J. C. BURNETT, Lieutenant, V. 8." N., ln charge. south; velocity C miles an hour. ,• ' ,v . Passed in Jen 19— Stmr Falrhaven, hence Jau 18 for Tacoma. , - Passed ln Jan 20 — Stmr Hyades, 'hence \ Jan 18 for Seattle; atnir City of Puebla, hence Jan 18 for Victoria., • : MONTEBFA— SaUed Jan 20— Ship Falls of Clyde, for Honolulu. " " ' . NEAH BAY— In port Jan 20— U S stmr Daniel Manning \u25a0- . , : : EVEBETT — Arrived Jan 20 — Stmr Falrhaven, ; hence Jan 16.' .- ' \u25a0 \u25a0 . . \u25a0 \u25a0 . . j PORT TOWNSEND— SaiIed Jan 20— Br ship Marlon Inglls, for Hadlock. • \u25a0 - •- KETCHIKAN— SaiIed Jan 19— Stmr Santa Clara, for Seattle; stmr Northland, for Seattle. ISLAND PORTS ' HONOLULU— SaiIed Jan 20— Stmr Alameda, for San Francisco; Fr ship Champlgny, for Van couver. " - "' , .' ; Arrived Jan 20 — Stmr Hilonian, hence Jan 14; Fr' bark Buff on. from Liverpool via Hobart.Vv - Sailed Jan 20 — Stmr Virginian, \u25a0 for KahuluL EASTERN PORTS NEW YORK— Arrived Jan „ 20r-Stmr Colon, from Colon. . \u25a0 '" ' FOREIGN PORTS PORT SAlD— Arrived Jan 20-^-Br. stmr Oanfa, from Liverpool for Seattle. YOKOHAMA— Arrived Jan "2— Br stmr Pinna, from Pay ta via Honolulu. :. ; --v- Sailed Jan- 19 — Stmr Mongolia, for San Fran cisco via Honolulu. / .;••:\u25a0\u25a0.- IPSWlCH— Arrived Jan Fr. baric Rene, hence. Aug 11.. '\u0084 - ; SYDNEY— -Arrived Jan 16— Br etmr Strathdon, from New York. : - .. \u25a0 HONGKONG — Sailed Jan 16— Br etmr 'Empress of Japan, for Vancouver. . ; . MAZATLAN— SaiIed Jan 18— Stmr Indiana, for San Francisco. ; : \u25a0-- •. • OCEAN STEAMERS PLYMOUTH— Arrived Jan 20— Stmr- Oceanic, from New York for Cherbourg and Southampton, 1 and • proceeded. ' - NE ; ; W YORK— Sailed ' Jan > 20— Star Finland, \u25a0 for Antwerp:' stmr Teutonic,' for Southampton. ! PORT SAID — Arrived '\u25a0 Jan 20— Stmr . Oanfa, from Glassrow and Liverpool,; for Tacoma. .:\u25a0' SOUTHAMPTON — Arrived Jan 20— Stmr Ad riatic: ."from . New York ; stmr Raiser Wllhelm der Grosse. fr«m New-York.- .-,•-. r - . . , . . : HONGKONG — Arrived prior -, Jan 20 — Stmr Korea, from San Francisco via IJonolulu and Yokrfhama. and not as ; before. •'.;' : -.- GENOA — Arrived -Jan 20— Stmr Barbarossa, from New; York.. . , • • ; Memoranda Per utmr Phoenix— Carried away rudder at Al bion «nd eot rope foul of the. rndder and came here for repalr»:ih"tow of stmr Porno. • *;\u25a0 Schr Espada, ly lnjj at section 1 of the' sea wall, in - a heaTy • undertow; • parted ; lines '\u25a0 and drifted Into the utream and \ anchored.' " - - .-.,_ ' Stmr " Hoqniam, :r: r - from i San " Pedro i this af ter noon.-sJan" 20.- reports , bar rery -rongh'-and breaking.*--;/;: ; •'•••.'\u25a0 -?:\VS".'i ? i '..- \u25a0\u25a0'. \\'--, • Pilot boat America .. returned « from .\u25a0 sea '•* this afternoon. Jan 20 X on nncount of bar breaking. .SEATTLE, -; Jan.- 20— Stmr,^ Dora.\ from Seattle for Alaska. , preTlously . reported - passed Ketchi kan! in ;\u25a0 tow at - stmr Farallon , leaktnir. is : return ing to 1 hi* port:, due to arrive Friday :, - .- FORT BRAGG, Jan : 20-^-Stmr; National i City," at \u25a0\u25a0thlt'. port, for SA Francisco, struck dnrlnjt heavy tvoathcr : and had rudder 'damaged and is leaking. - \u25a0 ."\u25a0^LUJUJILiIt'iB/WlHli THROWS SELF ' BEFORE CAR * William :: Cabl,itz, ; bricklayer, •appar ently :•' demented, . made r . a'^dlve ; In front of :-a<Glen v 'Parkycar at^ Mission > and Fifth streets yesterday/afternoon in an attemptUo'end-hlslife." .-The:car,;how-' ever.^was ;not' moving ; at ia? great -rate of rspeed and : Cablitz was r knocked* to the curb, .'sustaining' only? minor;:in juries. He will be, examined as to his sanity, this morning. < :\u25a0--•; :, - >.= John'-Nichols,* so6;Union avenue,* was struck by a, swiftly- moving car, at Post and .vFillmore streots-:>lateV>yesterday afternoon i and i. thrown * to \ the aground in an -unconscious .condition.^ it is, pos- Flble. : the man/ has* sustained >. a- fracture of : the; skull. -'SS®SB(SBBS£A : ' ! \u25a0 PAYOTj TO GIVE* LECTURE Supervisor, Hen ry,Payot will L - gives his illustrated Vlecture; on" Venice,,: tonight at 'B; o'clock 'att the' Potreror nurses'? set tlement; Nineteenth *; and? Iowa; streetß? Atl'the irecentiConcert ? given .there K by Mrs.S Nicholson .and Mrs 'VWinchesteriof Oakland J the • sum : of > $22.76 -wag * netted for the Italian} quakei sufferers*- xThe \u25bc*«•»! whlch ! Payot; presents ?of /the -his toric * and 3 scenic i glories *of -are the*onlyf ones; he: saved vfrom^theJ fire 1 those'of all : the' other: Italian; cities'be ing destroyed. v*The?Hfe of itheUarrious eityibyithe/Adrlaticandithe^plcturesque architecture, are> vividly; set forth in the^viewsr.,!. " v "':- \u25a0 :-\u25a0\u25a0 "r---^ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 c i There^arft<onlyitwoispecie3 of pois onous. 1 snakes, lmPennsylvanla-^-the rat tlesnake and the copperhead. NEW BUILDING FOR RETAIL DISTRICT Four Story Edifice Will Be Ready for Occupancy ) Early in August .: \u25a0 Suiter street will . have shortly an other' flne buildings between :; Kearny street and Grant avenue, for before the first 'of 'August C. G. Dall's four story class ; A. building will be ready for'oc cupancy. iiSiis \u25a0 It .will have a frontage -of 25 feet Yon Sutter. street, with : a "depth •- of ; 82 • feet; and .will (present;: ay fronts almost J: of glass, ; for the windows , are -exception ally large. It-will ; be- used for.: stores and ,| lofts and - the :' agents,. Bonni fleld,' Jeffries & Ryan, are "besieged with; inquiries ' fromyprospectlve \rten-*\ r ten-* ants. r -\u25a0'. '•'.\u25a0-...'.\u25a0'.,' : ',\u25a0'-"\u25a0 -.-. ';;•\u25a0:- "-: : . The . building will : cost in the neigh borhood of 530,000. . CAR HITS BURNS* AUTO Special ; Agent 'William J.,. Burns /of the district attorney's 'offlce^ was ; riding in an automobile ,^ yesterday .'J morning when ;\u25a0 the "\u25a0\u25a0 machine \u25a0 was : ; struck j -by ; a Flllmore" Btreet'electric;.car. \u25a0 : Neither Detective 1 Burns : nori his : chauffeur - was injured;"-althpugh the automobile" was slightly damaged. \u0084 : REAL, ESTATEJ TRANSACTIONS x Charles' H. -\ Rodney.; to • Herman J. Kolkman and' wife, lot in S line- of Broad street, ~ 395 - X of Plymouth avenue, E 25 by S 125; $10. May P. Hagerty to . Anders . Thorsen, lot In S line of -. Liberty street, '25 - E of Sanchez, • E 23 by.S' 114; $10.. ; Joel A. Eastman and wife to 'Mary 'Martlp, lot -SO, block 15. Lakevlew tract; $800." ' Alice AS Uonzel et «1. . to Protestant Episcopal church in j the diocese , of . . California^ lot in S line- of - Sagatnore-Btreet,- 150 \V- of Capitol ave nue; W 40 by S' l2s; $10. \u25a0 \u25a0"Herbert E.- Law and Grace -W. Law to Joshua L. Greenwood, lot In E line of Pierce street, 25 S of Chestnut, S 25' by E 100; .slo.' % \u25a0'- J.^ Lee Norton (wife)' to ; William H. Norton, half iof lot E line of Locust street, 100 S of Sacramento, S 32:7^, by E 137:G; $10. William H. Saylor •to Anna Law, . lot] ln W line of Eighteenth avenue,' 125 N of Lake street,' X 25 by W 120; $10.- \u25a0 r * ' Homestead . realty company . to Callle ' Gosland. lot In NE line of Somerset street, 150 SE of SiUimaft.SE 25 by >'E 120r><$10.' : . . • W. C. : Voorsanger to Eva : C Vooreanger, lot In E line of Stockton street, CO N oi Broadway, X 40 by E «J9; $10. J.B. Potter realty company to Enos I. Flleger, lot 28, block S. Reis tract grant. ; James 11. Seymour to James H.Plnkerton and wife, lot ln N line of Fulton street, 103 E of North Stanyan, E 23, N 121:25, SW 25:01,- S 121.98; $10. : Frank Leveronl to Teresa Cassasa, "lot in N line of W street, 52:6 E of Seventeenth avenue, E23by N 100; $10. - . , . \u25a0 r : W.R. Lipsett and wife to Oscar H. Ferguson, lot at E corner of Uacon and lon streets, NE 240 by:- SE 200; $10. ; :.:\u25a0•: - ;\u25a0\u25a0 ,"-\ ; \* \u25a0? Margaret' A. Gallagher to Mary A. Gallagher, lot at 'NE comer of Hayes and Buchanan streets, E 31:3 by N72;'glft. : . . , \u25a0\u25a0/. \u25a0 Title " insurance and guaranty company 'to Octavla A. Dowd, lot In " N line ' of California street, -110 E of Leavenworth," E 27:0 by N 112:6; $10. ; ; L .: . V y - Elizabeth E. Smith, deceased, by,-administra tor, to Margaret Drum et ai:. 10t5, 21 "and 22, block N50. 1 Bay Park homestead; $100. 7 v Johanna' Roussel to- Walter "John Roussel, lot In V. line of -Pitch street," 100 S of Folsom, 525 by: E. 60;: gift. '. . Joseph- Eastwood to- 'Samuel' Altshnler and wife, lot at S corner' of Second ; and Silver streets, ;SE 70 bySW 120; -$10. - - . ? Easter ;B. Stewart (formerly Brown) :to Mary Daby, i lot at *-SE comer -of ' Collingwood and Twentieth streets, E25 by- S 110; $10. : - Mary. Itatticau to Michael P. Lyons, r lot ln S line: of -Duncan street, 75 E of Dolores, E 25 by S 64; $10.. " , : v Henrietta Slttenfeld et al. to Emile E. Kahn. lot In N line of , California street, 139:5 W of Kcarny, hW.i 50 by \u25a0N ? 137i6; : $10. ;% ?~ ' rr- \u25a0'- "" " i I Pnrktlde realty comoany. to Eliza be th.L. Green, lot .In E linaof Elghieenth *»etiue,t 300 N of . T street, N 25 by E : 120, - and five other pieces; $10.-;. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ? - ' - \u25a0-: \u25a0\u25a0:. •\u25a0--.\u25a0 \- \u0084 - Same to Henry T. Mitchell, 'lot in S line of Rtetreet. 57:6. W. of Twelfth avenue, W 50 by S 100; $10. -\u25a0-/; . . . '" - : . \u25a0: Mercantile trust company to Pacific title in surance company, lot commencing at'point 133:6 N of. California street and 64 E of Montgom ery,' N -14 in XE 4:2 ;.510. . . \u25a0 '\u25a0; Paciflc title Insurance company .to William Glselman, trustee < Hastings . trust, estate, lot. In E \u25a0 line' of • Montgomery street. 135:314: N. of California/ N 27:G>by E6S;9; $10. \u25a0 Behrend Joost arid wife to Jessie A. Norman, lot In W line of Lincoln avenue,- 27:8 S of Clarendon avenue, S 25:1, W 10G:7, N 25, E 107:4;. $10. Edward 0. Travis ' to Serena Travis, lot ln W. line of Buena Vista street, 23 . N of Cprtland avenne, N 25:8 by W 70; gift. -.-•\u25a0. . . Bruce Cartwrijcbt, to Adda Evans,' lot at SW corner of Union -and Devlsadero ' streets, S 25 by W- 97:3; $8,000.- : V . George Baldwin Crittenden and wife to Llly.J. Wilson, lot in' S line :of Golden Gate avenue, 82:0 W of Pierce street, V? 27:6 by S 110; = $10. . Emily L. Oegood et'al. to E.^L. Burford, lot at S corner of .Bacon, and Hamilton streets, SE ! 400 by SW 240: $10. ' i Roundy realty company to . Richard Victor Me-* Alllster, lot in SW line of Dwight street,: 50 SW of Cambridße; SW: 63:4 by SE 100; $10. \u25a0\u25a0%•%&&£ '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 William ' Wolf >to William Wolf congregation, lot In 8 line of Geary street, 6S:O W of Octavla, W te8:» by,S 120; $10." ; 0 "; . \u25a0 • Stephen Cassinelli to Frances E. Casslnelll. lot in SW - line ; of • San s Bruno road. 100 N W of Way land ; street. , SW 75 by S W 120, and pne : othor piece ;? gift. ' \u25a0 Helen L. Btoltz to Oscar W. Thunberg, lot ln : S line of California street. 50 W of Elghthave nue.-W'32:6 by S 70; $10.' •;-.•-. I Christina- Ettlln to John'Dammeyer. lot In. E or NE line of Concord avenue, 150 S of Cross street, SSO by. E 120: $10., • - ; : • Annie E-. Davis; to: Davis realty company, lot 47. block 16. Reis tract; $10. • . Homestead "realty , company to Matthew C. Warnock et al; lot in NW line of Laidley street, 213 SW of Roanoke, SW 25 by N 100: $10. - James : A. Fagothey to Kathcrlno Lv Fagothey. lot ' In E line of .Thirteenth avenue,- 225 N of J street, N 25 "by E 120, -and one other piece; Joseph Bello to Augustus Mary .Webb "et " al. \u25a0' one- third of lot in. E line of Castro street, 100 S of Sixteenth. S '3o by,- E 115;- $10. .\u25a0 •, , Livingston i Brothers ; to s Edgar 7 Kiefer, ; three nftliß'of lot at NW- corner of O'Farrcll^and Fill-' j more- street «,N 29:6 by W',100; $10. - Isabel .Wocker to M. C: Shepherd Investment company.- lot In- ,W line of Twenty-fifth' avenue, IS6 N of Lake street. N ; s2. by- W. ; 120: $10.V> Thomas ; F. Butler to same, :\u25a0 lot ; in W line of Capp street,' 40 S of Eighteenth, S- 30. by. W osrsio/;.'.:.- :;,\u25a0, -•.'./,.-\u25a0...-\u25a0• •\u25a0:• : \u25a0/- • •:\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 .:, • A. \u25a0\u25a0 B.- Baldwin - and wife to Mary Jane Lin forth.' lot in '•\u25a0. E * Hue " of \u25a0 Castro / street, ~ l. r >3:2 v N of Laidley. • S 25:5. SW 17:8, N. 31:0% ; $10, ; :; :. Harvey W.i^ Walter" and wife to Eliza Moran, lotiln'E line of, Castro street,. sl:6 N of Eliza beth,. N 25 ,by; E ' lt)s ; ' $10. y. ;\ " V \u25a0 . Douglas realty compauy ; with . Dyer: Brothers- Steel ; and cast* iron \u25a0• work ; for - building ou gore, Market- and' Eddy streets, vW^ 177. -5,: SU27:O^, E:t 218 :7 %,-.;' for j$C 0 per ton ; for steel, i $u4 ; per ton - for : cast, iron : and ; $30 per ton tor bases. ; ; I i Red I Men's Hall' association with City construc tion .- company— Repairs east walK of two story and^basement : brick building on N Golden Gate avenue. 137:6 ,WKOf Leavenworth,, W52:6,-:S 57:6; : E^22.?5v50,i ; E?60:f1;^51.750. :..- .. V -,V;' -\u25a0::- Marks r. Brothers iwlth \u25a0 L. % and iE. Emantiel— .. Store fixtures i for store lin i Commercial : building In : S : line .' of < Market street \u25a0 between ; Fourth and Fifth; ?10,300.i : \u0084 ; : V; -\u25a0\u25a0:•;'.; '):\u25a0 •\u25a0 < ;;/ ATLANTIC) \u25a0': OCBATiI I TRAVEL \u25a0\u25a0' p\ST^EXPIiESS I 'SERVICB ) ;v ,"' : PnYMOUTH-CHEBBOimrt— Kals.Wm.D.Gr.'.Feb.i 2 Raiser,- T\m. - ll.Ular.tv2 CeclHe r." ".". . i'•"• • Feb.' 16 Cecllle s. 1 -..; .'. ; Mar. \u25a0 2.'! TWIN* SCREW PASSRXGER SERVICE :.-;;-T^rBREMEN^DmECT— 10^a.-m;^ > - '\u25a0 rhemnltz *.'.:. rr. Jan: '-S Zleten :. .. .'. . . . v.Keh. IS Brcirlau >: :'V^t: 71 FebVi-* tP- ; Fr'd'h -Win :;.Feb: 23 \u25a0~tCalls at- rij-month: and. Cherbourg.'; c ; ;. -• . \u25a0MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE :; GIBRALTAR— ALOIERS-NArLES-GENOA.; ; - . \u25a0 Saillnsf-Ht^H \u0084«.* m.,; \u25a0•;--;. : - . . .-:. K r Albert' ' .*.".:. Jan. 30 [*K.-KurfuerBt.-.:. Feb.' ll tNeckar - "...:.". Feb. \«i|Barbarossa -..;.. ;Keb. 13 V,' tDoea 'not oallUt , AlSlers-and: Genoa.";>^ ..;; V^'Oalls J. at iMadclra,* i Gibraltar, s. Algiers. * Genoa, thMioe X proceeding i- on i? Orient erulse. \u25a0. Good ' ac- coramodatlonsJaTailablefUoiGenoa:; '-. Nortb^Gerniiin 1 Lloyd Trnvelefa' Checkn k OBLRICHS l&i CO;;?5 -i Broadway^: New; York. ROBERT CAPELLE.I G. ? A. J\ C.V 230 Powell St., opp.P St. \u25a0£ Francis ?= Hotel," San Frnneisco." ; Tele- phofae'j:Kpirny,ti47f>4.^ ' .'- \u25a0 - : •;- \u25a0 • \ Compagnie % Jenerale 1 "DIRECT UN E. TO JHAVREPARIS ' \u25a0 ' SalllngJeTeryi. Thursday, '? ! instead '- of ':. Saturday, at ' 10 i a. i'm'^i from ipier ;, 42," North ; rtTerr,. loot of Morton ;et. - -\u25a0 -'-i-^ '-\u25a0"'"\u25a0":\u25a0- 'lZ'l'vl'"'' l ''' : \u25a0"-'\u25a0 -.. :; . X' First -jclaßg sto j Havre. • $" * .50 , and | upward ; I eec- onfi • class : to 1 Harre.'J $50 and * upward. . GENERAL \u25a0\u25a0AGENCY;*} FORIi UNITED « STATES f AND i CAN- ADA.llOlStateist^NewS-York.-^J.IiF.IFUGAZI.* Manager i Pacific r Coa«t^ 630 i Montgomerjri st.TS San Francisco. • Tickets sold llyJtllB railroad :; ticket agenU^MHBHS WBW DALL BUILDING, WHICH WILL SOON BE FINISCHED CONVEYANCES GIVEN UP BY SCHOOL DIRECTORS Buggies and Janitors Involved in Move for} Economy The board of education decided . yes terday , to' give up' the three " buggies which'have been at the service of the directors for facility in traveling from school to school. , President O'Connor used one of the vehicles and, in the old regime, Di rectors Altmann and Boyle the two others. President O'Connor willingly relinquished his claim to a conveyance and neither Thomas Hayden nor Mrs. Kiricaid thought ; that they had 'need of the buggies formerly . used by their predecessors. .-..-,, -. . « The , salaries of • janitors and jani tresses were also adjusted. There 'Is an appropriation, of $61,000 for janitor service,; and the board found that . If the, present outlay,, were continued there would be aderlcit of $3,000 at the end of the fiscal year. . Janitors will naw be paid $5 a month for;:each actual that they attend to ,and- when >there are more than 10 rooms $4. 50, f0r each additional room. jury coxvicrrs Jiilkmax J.. Kennel jof the: New, Boss dairy. Seven Mile house, San Bruno road, was convicted by a jury in Police Judge IJeasy^s,. court yesterday afternoon of selling: watered milk and ;was ordered toi appear; for sentence r oh Saturday. Kennel had been; fined. many times and on the last: occasion Judge Conlan told him the. sentence- would be six months in jail wtihout the- option of a flno. Kennel asked; for a transference of his last case to' Judge Deasy> court and de rhandeda-trlal by; Jury.' He will prob ably get the limit. ... ...... BLAMES DOCTOR FOR BLI.\DXESS Alleging that he hag ; completely lost the useiof his left eye by. reason of un skillful treatment by a specialist. Max Moses 'yesterday \u25a0- sued Robert D. Cohn for $10,063 damages. .Attorney Llle T. Jacks, who prepared the complaint, states that Moses went to Cohn, who is a' qualified physician and surgeon, De cember 1, 1907, for: treatment. He aft erward made -daily visits, and In all paid Cohn $63. The complaint avers that the loss of sigrl'.t in the eye was a result of Cohn's'.unsklllf ul treatment. PACIFIC OCEAN TRAVEL v"^'Tc"e s *v " Steamers . Jeare Broadway /Q^2~^2^SK LOW RATES. INCLUDING rVvI^SK! V\ BERTHS AND MEALS. I I Y^^^l I SPECIAL ROUND TRIP X&slX ~~}& FOR LOS ANGELES y^TO^d^y SAX DIEGO SANTA BARBARA STATE OF CAL. .Jan/ 21, 28: Feb. 3. 9:30 t. m. QUEEN:.... .....:...: ..Jan. 25, 9:30 a. m. ClTi* OF PUEBLA .........Jan. 31, 0:30 a.' m. SANTA 1 R05A.,. . ......... . .Feb. 6, 9:30 a. m. , : FOR SEATTLE, TACOMA, VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER.y B. C., PUGET SOUND AND ALASKAN PORTS SANTA R05A . . . . . . . . ...... Jan. 24, 1 :30 p. im. QUEEN-' . . . . .r, .T.Tr.V. .". . . .Jan. 30. 1 :30 p. m. CITI* 4 OF PUEBLA .......... Feb. 5, 1 :30 p. m. FOR EUREKA, (HUMBOLDT BAY) ,~ CITY OF T0PEKA*. . , : . .... . . /. . ; . . ... . . .".. . ...Jan. 24, 29, Feb.' 3, «; 13. IS,, 10:30 a. m. . And Erery , Fifth Day Thereafter. FOB/MEXICAN PORTS--GBaynia«i, Mai- ntlan, Ln I'nr, Euscnada, Snn Jose del Cabb, , Maedalena Bay, Santa \ Rosalia. CURACAO. . '.:.'. .'. Feb. 7,\ Mar. .7,, 10 a. 'm: ' ALASKAN CRUISES, 1009 ' Steamship SPOKANE will i lea»e - Seattle 11 p. m.V Juno 15. 30. July 15, 30. ? Aug. .14. = 'Right' reserved : to, change, thi* schedule. ; ; TICKET OFFICES t SAN FRANCISCO— 3' Market St.. 112 Market Bt. •and Broadway Wharf. * Telephone ' Kearny 492. ; ':\u25a0 GeneraHOf flees. ..:'.'.'. . .TT;. . ... .112 ; Market: at. Freisht (Office. . .: . . . ...... Broadway -Wharf Oakland* Ticket 0ffice. . .'. . : . . . ... .968 Broadway :\u25a0 \u25a0C. I). \u25a0 DUNANN/: G. ; P. - A.".; San Francisco. . Toyo Kisen Kaistia (ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY) 8/ S. .'.'Chiyo Maru' ' ': ..'"... Saturday, ' Jan;. 30, 1909 S. S.\"Tenyo Maru" . . .". .. .'.Friday, T«b.~ 26, \u25a0 1909 S." S. r VNippon , Maru I ,' . V. . . Friday, j March 19, ' 1909 . ' Steamers \ sail ~ from - company's » piers, - Nos^- 42, 44,' near, foot : of : Second - st:,-? 1 p.' m.v for Yoko- hama and 'Hongkong;? calling at Honolulu,* Kobe < Hioso) ,"* Nagasaki ; and Shanghai, 1 : and , connecting at t liongkons : with \u25a0; steamers i for I Manila, , India, etc. ;No cargo? received; on board on -day of sall- intr.'- Round trip: tickets at reduced rates. -• .\u25a0For ? freight * and* passage -\u25a0 apply *at office, 240 James Flood building. .'-.W. 1 H. AVERY, : ,- - ..-Assistant, General JManager. \u25a0 "*• "\u25a0\u25a0';-: IX CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME Program^ofj Spring^ Tours 'to . Japan, ;. : Chlna,iSlberia," etc., for the asking. " THIGiS^COOK <&; SOIV ' 32 POWELL^ ST.. • SAN FRANCISCO , HONOLULU— S.- S. Alameda jsalla "ll"« a:- m. s"Jan..3o, . 'ot>.- Special round trip $110. first class. TAHITI I 'AND a NEW." ZEALAND-^S. \ 8: i \u25a0: Marlpofia ' sails *1 1 •• a. • m. ' : Feb. i 2. : Special ' round : r; trip?. Tahiti ,-s $123, > Wellington, - N., 2., \u25a0 $280 i '\u25a0''\u25a0 round J trip, v- ' -'' : - "•'"'\u25a0">. ",:''\u25a0' ' ' -v ; -- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0! jBCKANIC;LISE.i 673 : Mkt.f«t.;LtcI. Kearny 1231. BAY ANbfL\TERURBAN;RbUTESy* \u25a0^MAJ^iiSLAND^NAyY^ /^ysHeJoi^Napaj^St^-'Hejlerna ; ST. ; HELENA-NAPA VALLE , V^' ROUTE 1 Montlcello" S"-; S % Co.j'and ; Napa - Valley. 1 Eltctrlc R.'R.'fCo.^Close, connections.^^ •:;>: .;; C. v-'g^^ojuxdl'trips^ daily— 6 \u25a0 \u25a0 ' > Boats^ learei San t-' Francisco j.7:f>o, '•* *o :43 r a. F m:. 12 :30 \u25a0 n00n,1 3:15,T 6:00,'^8:30 . p.*i m.-^&^mfgSSi 4J San ? Francisco 3 landings and : office, -Clay street ; vrharf .'£ north I end > ferry s bulldlng.T' Market street ferry.H Meals U' la icartMg COULDN'T REFRAIN FROM CURSING WIFE Mrs. Nicholas H. .-lawlor-. Ob- tains --Divorce From Husband Who Abused Her \ A man who gays he finds it impos sible to express himself without inter larding."his sentences wfth curses was discovered yesterday in the person of Nicholas"; H. Lawl or, an employe of the board of, public works, who unsuccess fully; contested the divorce suit of. Mary C. -Lawlor in- Judge Van Nostrand's court. Mrs. 'Lawlor complained that her/ husband 'dally applied : vile epithets tocher,' cursing her. on the slightest provocation. \\ La wjor took the witness stand 1 explained that he was an Involuntary swearer and meant no harm to his' wife. ..-"As i far /as the . bad language Is con cerned," he i said, "I don't think I can talk without- using it. I have done so all my life. That is. the only fault I havfer l ' , - ; ' : /"Have you endeavored to rid yourself of sthiß5 thiB habit?" asked Lawlor's lawyer. Attorney Frank * Burke. - ;• , , "Yes,; I have,' but I can not do It," an swered \ Lawlor. *' . • As-tHetestlmony. showed that Lawlor had struck his wife, as well as cursed her,: the judge granted her a divorce. Divorces were granted yesterday as follows,: By Judge Sturtevant— Cora Morris from Samuel Morris, assertion; William J. Loveland from Nellie' May Loveland, desertion. Suits for divorce were filed by Wini fred iTruby against James Michael Truby, willful neglect; Hyman Silver-** man against Dora Sllverman, desertion; Lewis F. Thorn against Sara Eleanor Thorn, desertion; Mary E. Kahn against John R. Kane, cruelty; Lena Welk against Victor H. Welk. willful neglect; R. Margaret f Miller against Charles R. Miller,. desertion; David J. Fitzsimmons : against Alice Fitzsimmons, cruelty; .William G. Vojgt against Irene -Volgt, desertion.,, \u0084 ". ; RAILWAY L\CORPOIL\TED Articles of incorporation of the.Clear, Lake " Northern railway company, formed to build a railroad from Lake port in Lake county- to Pleta In Men doclno county,,were filed in San Fran cisco yesterday. The company is cap italized at $1,000,000. The directors are R. C. Burnett. San Francisco: Marion Vecki, San Francisco: R. M. Sims. -Berkeley; W.- I. Brobeck. "Berkeley, and Edwin Schwab, San Francisco. Each director has subscribed for seven $1,000 shares, making the paid up capital $35,000. • - STANFORD'S BAXQUET AXD BALL The installation of the officers of Stanford parlor No. 76 of the Native Sons* of. the Golden West, recently In ducted into office,, is to be followed by what Is termed the "installation ban quet" at the Hotel St. Francis on Satur day. January 30. This parlor will give its twenty-third anniversary ball In the Hotel Fairmont Tuesday, February 23. It-Is to be a dress affair and the num ber of invitations will be* limited." POUCEMBX IX TROUBLE Policeman Elmer E. Fugit left his raincoat in a saloon on January 17 as the weather, had cleared and yesterday Captain Alooney filed a charge against him with the- secretary of the police commission for. visiting a saloon while on duty. Policeman James Kirby was found asleep on a doorstep in Guerrero street near Twenty-sixth early | Monday mornlngr by Corporal Cobhey and yes terday a charpre was filed agrainst him by Captain McManus, '\u25a0 RAILWAY TRAVEL 4«J^L^V TRAINS LEAVE. PiPf SAN FRANCISCO \JmLS Market St. Ferry Leave for JA.M. \ P.M. ~ Bakersfleld "...".. 8.00 8.00-10.00 Chicago ... S.OO-10.00 Fresno ......... 8.00 8.00-10,00 Grand Canyon... :.. 8.00-10.00 Hanford SIOQ 8.00 Kansas City 8.00-10.00 Merced ......... S.OO .8.00-10.00 Stockton ........ S.OO 4.00- S.OO-10.00 Stockton, Oak- i V ; "dale & Sierra Ry points ..... 9.45 Tulare .:....... 8.00 8.00-10.00 Visalia r... .8.00 8.00-10.00 Yoserolte. ....... 8.00 ... California Limited through to Chicago leaves at 10:00 p. m. : OFFICES: 673 Market -Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, San Francisco 11 12 Broadway, Oakland Northwestern Pacific R. R. Co. SOUTHERN • DIVISION, JAX. IS, 1900, VIA SAUSALITO " ; For Sansalito, Mill Valley, San Ra- fael — Dally, except Sunday— Exery 40 minutes from 6:40 a. m. until 10 a. m.; hourly until 4 p. 111., then 4.40 and every. 40 miantes until 0:40 p. m.; then S. 0:43 p. m. and 12 m. ' On Santlays evrry 40 minutes from 6:40 a. in. to 8:00 p. m.: then 9:45 p. m. ana 12 a." - For Fairfax— Week days— 6:4o. -7:20. 8:00, 11:00 a.i m.; (3:00: p. ai. Saturdays only), 4:00. 4:40. 5:20 and 0:00 p. s m. .: Sundays— S:oo. 9:20. 10:00.. 10:40. 11:20 a. m.. 12 m. 12:40. 1:20. 2:00. 2:40. 3:20, 4:00. 4:40 p. m.'. r '..-.. - •• --- . For = San Quentln — Daily — S:00 a. •' m. and 2:00 r '\u25a0"l^iraiSf'tf > 'll^ l Mf*lßP"MrißffilFißll|fi "8:00 a., m.^ dally for Cazadero .and way stations, "v. -\u25a0-''.->.--. T- 3:00 p. -m. ; Saturday only for Cazadero and way -stations. • VIA TIBUROX 1 For Tlburon, Relvedere and Saa : Ra- fael— 7:33." -»9:10. 11:00 a. m.; (!;2:30.p.,m. Saturdays - only) 3:30, : 5:10. *6:30 p. . m. dally. ;\u25a0\u25a0 On X Sundays , additional trips at 8:00 a. m.; 12:30 and 6:30 p.m. for San Rafael and Inter- mediate points. .-. ' ' \u0084' ,7:33 a. ra.' 7 dally, for Petalama.' Santa Rosa. Healdsbure. CloTerdale. Ukiah. Wllllts. Sher- wood; Sebastopol \u25a0 and iray : stations. . '7:35 '-.a.' m.- dally, except Sunday, for Glen- Ellen. GuerneTllle. RUer Landing "and way. stations.. . " . ' *•-; 8:00 -a.* m. .Sunday only — I'etalumn. Santa Rosa.; Healdsbursr. . CloTerdale. Glen Kllen. Gaer- nevllle.YßlTer Landing 'and way statkms.- .11:00 1 air m.'. for -Tetaluma. Santa Rosa and way ' stations. •.: ; _;\u25a0 • ; • 3:30 ip.'i m.-* dally for Petaluma. w Santa- Rosa. Healdsburc. CloTerdale, - Ukiah, ; r GuerneTlUe, Se- bastopol and way stations. ''•f&B&S&Sk 1 5:10; p.' m.*- daily ; for Petaluma; Santa Rosa. Glen ; Ellen j and , way stations. v : . •To' Tlburon: only. . . -" ' -Pacific Transfer Company's Ajrents are an- tborlzeil to rhfe» hstrrn^f dJrect-from residence.' \u25a0 .Tloket Offices. - North - End Ferry : Building and 974 . ilarkot S Street. Flocrt Biilldtne. MUIR WOODS MT. TAMALPAIS VIA SAUSALITO FERRY \u25a0 T-'.~^B2fT' " '""\u25a0 "\u25a0' \u25a0 v "FOOT OF HARKET STUaET i Uii -JF LESAL HOtTOAYS-SUHDAT TIMt ' It.Sw Frtucbta . iT.HilrWKto • > It. Imafcik : -tWEEK: -SUN-- WKEK <SUN-r WEEK SUN- DAY. \u25a0 PAY/- DAY • DAY DAY _ DAY 10:00* : 8:40 a t7:26a 11:0Ca '.'7:25 a 10:5Sa \m? 10:00 a 1:36p 12:26f» I:J2p 12:16» •4:40j» ;il:2oa e3:oQf> 1:40p 4:34? 'i:3Bp .......; 4:40P 3:05p *B:5Cp 3:01p ...:.... 2:00 p........ 4:45b ........ v 4:41 a ....../\u25a0 3:20p .-..:;•:.'\u25a0 6:Q» ........ 6:01 i» .•Saturday only? "f Monday only. ©Tamalpais only. : ' Ticket Offiws-Sausalito Ferry and 872 Market. ? • .CSeneral Office*— Mill VaJJey, Califonua. 6ceXn shore \ (12tb 'and . Mission)— Dally '\u25a0 ex. Sunday — L».: 9:30 a; 1:45 p. 5:40p. -.-.- Ar.:. T:33a. 6:10 a. 5:10 p. Sundays — Lv. :.-.'• 9:30 a.? •10:10 a- 12:15p, "5.40 p. Ar.: 9:10a.- 11:50a, •4:30p/3:l0p." 'Graaada Ex- press— No ' stops. AUCTION SALES By order cf the late 'heirs of H. M. Black & Co., one, of th« oldest and »«st wajton aad car- riage mfss. In S. F.. I will sell at auction * 2 rockavrays, buses, coupes, Usat, aad heavy bus- Kfe», mat ppqdlia? and grocery wagons, ri« of •»cry description tt>o numcrcos to mention. Don't miss this sale, as It will be a chance of a life- time to pet a high cradf rls at your own price; also at zhf >nmp tlaie and place I will sell "5 nets of wori. drl^lnir a»d ehaln harness with 2 lar?e conslsnasenf** of con£r:ictln~ mnttts of over 100 horses and mares. Sale Thursday. 21st. at 11 a. in. at Detxice Stables. 13:b »t. near Valen- cia. Every' horse must be a* represented or money refunded. Outside stock sold on romml*- sion.'- Sale rain or shine. Fhcne'ParS TiUtl. WM. CLOi;«»H.- Auctioneer. .-fe Wt l 5-S ; SATURDAY. January Zk at 11 a. m.. hss auc- | tiou sale; SO head- of bis uiaren. - horses and males. .They weigh from l.iiHJ to l.Tuo pounds. Single and spans, suitable for ram-b.- plow aud general delivery, oft* Fourth St.. Oakland. PROMOTING BI« AUTO SHOW [Special Dispatch to The Call] SAN JOSE. Jan. 20. — Victor A. Han- cock, manager of the Auditorium rinlc in this city. Is an automo- bile show, which I 3 arousing the lnter- i est of the motorists and auto dealers of the entire roust. Alt of the garage men of this city have ensagrod space for the event, which will run here from February 17 . to 21 inclusive. Several San Francisco dealers in motor sup- plies and sundries have arranged' to place exhibits also. The show will open with a motor parade. In which the best decorated cars will receive silver tro- "phles. RAILWAY TU.VVEL S\'tH^i>±. Traini 1«»t« tad ar« Jw i w^g\*J San Francisco; \^^^/(/j Faoai Jan. 10. 1909 •^ v " \u25a0 \u25a0*^ . - Foot of Market Street Leave — VI A . OAKLAS l> Fl£K~ .. Aitlt9 6.*a«Jlayward.XUes. 5aaJcx... ....... 7JJS* 7.00 a lUchnjoml. Port Co*ta. her.icis, £vi- . stin, Dixon. Sacraiaeato, lioserille, •1 - MaryaTilte. lJriidirs. l)«asaiuir.... 7.23p 7.00 a Oajir:i. Vacavilif, ltnoeey 7.25? 7.00 a DaTis, Woodland (ilsryimile.- Oro- S \u0084 , villc). V.'iilix-ns, Mazneil, Viiilowa. Ilatnitton. Corniny. Re-1 Bluff. .. 7.29J 7.40 a Vallirio, Napi, («iistoc3, Santa Kcts, Jlartinea. San Racion 9.25» 7.40 a Silesi lieasanton, LivfrEore, Al- tansont, Lathrop, Stocktcn........ 7.289 7.4 C& Tr icy. Loa Bacos, Kermaa, Fresno, Hanford. Visalis 4.23? B.ooa RiesaeJ. Ntwark. Centerrille. San Jose. Los Gates. Wright. Laurel S.4By 8.20* Port Costa, Xlar tines. ISj roa. Tracy. Stockton, Merced, Fmno, GoxLra Junction (Hanford), Viaalia, Portet- ville. BakersSeld 4.43? 8.20 a Yo»emif» Valley tia Mereed " 4.43? 9.00 a Niles, Lirermora, Stockton ('Milton), Valley Sprint lone' Sacramento. 4.2Ep 9.00« Sanor:i. Tuolumn 9 and Ar;r!s 4.28? 9.00 a A'Jaatij 1-ixpresa — Sucraaietito.Trae- BEKr ke». O& den. Salt Laic City. Dsnter. Kan.«i City 7.23? 9.40 a Itichraond, Port Costa. Martinet.... 6.43? 10.00 a The 0/erbtnd Limited— Dealer, ' • Kansi* City, Omshs. Chicago \u25a0 8.28p 10.20 a Vallejo. Mars Island. Nap» 1 1.28 a 10.20* LO3 Anscle* Paste ngtr— Port Ccsta, Jljru.-ies, Byron, Tracy, gtockton, llerceJ. Fresao, Hanford, Viaalia, Tulare. B;i!«ersfieM. Lo» Anstles... 7.48? 10.40 a GoldSslJ Pass,— Port Cosia.liniiua. Sacrameato Truclcee. liiien. lliua, Tonopab. GoldSeid. La*». Kerier.. 7.43 a 10.40 a MvysTille. Cliico. Ited likfF 4.28p 1.20 a Xiiis. Saa Jose end T.'aj Stations. . 2.48? 1.40? R!i«el AlTarido. Newark, 4jcew, San Jose 9.55p 2.00p Saturday oalv, Eunterf Train— Livermore. iraey. Newman. Cus- tiae. Los Banos, Fxebaugh, Fresao. J10.230 2.Z09 nenici:i. Sniiun. Sacramento... 1.06? j 2.20? Portlaasl Etprees (»ia Dn^ii). W2- Ua.'as. Willoirs, Red Bluff. W«d. (MaeOoet. Holland. Elaaath lahs). AiMaad. Pottlanrf. 12.23? S. 00? Bastcb. Winter*. Sacra mreto, TTood- . lii.iJ. Maryavills and Ororilie !0.48a * 3.0 C? S.ta Lssaiiro, Kilts. Eaa J05e....... 9.28 a 3.20? Port Costa. Marlines. Byron. 3Io- «lesto, Slerc? d. i'r wno.. 1 2.08? 340? Viallboron, WestJTana. St. Helena, CaUatoM 10.30 a 4.00? Valleja. ilartinei, Saa Rascn. Kapa, Caiistoga. Santa Rosa. O.CBa 4.00» Niles. Tracy. Stockton. Lodi 10.28 a 4.40? San. Leaadro. Hazard. XileaJ 13.28 a Pleasantoa." Li»err00re.. ........ I }ll.4fia 6.00? Tlio Owl Limited — Newman. Lo« llanos, Mo biota, I'resco. Tulars. . . BaJcßrsSdrJ. Lcs A ngeles .......... 8.48 a S. 00? lU* ell. Sia Jose. Los iCs'.rs. Wtijht. 8.48 a .5.20? Sia Leandro, Nile*. Fs» J05e. ...... 7.48» 6.40? Vailsjo. Port Costa. Kanicia. Suisun. Sacramento — RcjCTflle. Lincoln. Jlarytville. Orovflla. 1I^S» .o^oa Eastern Express— Ojdtn. Pueblo. Dati*er. Kansas City, St. Louis, . Chicago Port Costa, Benici*. Eacramento, Reao. Sparks 7.28? 8.40? H-wward. Niles and Fan Joe? 8.42 a J7.00? Vallejo, Slartines aatl Way Static::?. 1 10.33? 8.20? Oregon Express — Escramento.Jlsr:'*- ville. Ue.ldinx. Weed Portland. Pusst Sound and East. 9.48 a 9.COJ Chi.-»:i and Japan Fast Mail— O^ien, Cheyesn?, Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago 3.23? 8.00? Satorday only Hunters' Train— Saa Jose and Way Stations, vh Newark. J8.28? COAST a-INtE **"lTlilrtl niul 'I'owtiseud . fS.ZSa Loop — 23d Street, - Vieitacicn, South San Francisco, Valencia 5:. t3.35« t5.40a Loop — Valencia St. Ocean Vie>. •" Came! •rtes^fio nth San Fmneiseo, S3d Street, 3d and Townsind. t3.OCa 6.40 a South San Franeifeo. Ssn Josr. Gil- ] ray, Hollistsr, Pajaro, Watsor.viiie. I „ »-,, SanUCru3.Boul«!erCrrfk.C!tnwocd, I B " 50> Del Monte. Monterey. PariKoCroTe. J BJXte Ths Coaster — San \u25a0 Jone. C'astroT-lle. Salinas Poledad". Qaaalor. Paw Rob Us Hot Springs. . San Luis Obispo. Pizmo. Ooeano,', Guadalupe. Surf, Lozspoc. Sunta .Barbara, Ventwn, Oxnard. Los Apples.. .. 11.43> B.ooa WatsonviUe. S.mta Crni. Boulder Creek. Glen-wood, Eel Uonte, Mon- terey. Pa«no GroT» II .43? 8.20 a South Saa Palo Alta, Ban Jose. Way Stations.. 7.33 a 8.20 a Los Altos. Uonta Vista, Lcs Gates. . {'\u2666 3 40^ 9.00 a Saa Jose. Gllroy. Salinas^ Clacslor, -Paso llobles Hot Spring. Saa Lais Obispo— Los Gatr>9. Wright. Laurel — Tres Finos.— Santa Crni. Eel Hunts. Mooter ey , Pacific Grove- * 4.CC? 10.40 a Santh Saa Francisco. Borluitame, Saa Mateo. Palo Alto. Fan Jose 6.30 a 10.40 a La* Altos Uonta _\Uta. Los Oatns. . I.los .1 1.15 a Bar Shora, Yisitacion, Pan Brnuo-. J1.20? 1 1.30a 1 Valaoeia St., Oceaa V'W. . Cohna, . \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-', Cemeteries, Baden, Ssn Druro.... . 1.35? 1 1 .43 a SojtH rf vn l-'raa eiw-o, f .in Jore t8.20* 2.00? Sonth Saa Francisco, Fab Alto. Etc Jose.../.... .................... 8.40 a t2.00j las Altos. Mtnra Vists. LosGatos.. |3.209 2. 1 0? Bay Store, Visita rion. Saa Bruno 4.45? 3.00? Dal Mont* Express— Saa Jose. Gitray. Chi tts mien, Wattor.ville. Suit 1 Crus. Del Mont?, llonterey. PaciSa GroTt, Salinas 12.30? 3.20? South San Frandseo, Saa Jose. Git- -' - - roy. Ilollister, Tres Pines 10.26« 4.00? Stmset ' Expra ss—T a cwin, Drminc. El Paso. (laiistoa - New Orlrars, Paso ' llobles Hoi - Sprirzt, Sen Luis Obispo. San ti Bar bai s. I.os Ar;«e». 1 1.40 a 4.00? Pajaro. Wat .mm tille. \u25a0 bants Cms. ... I Msp 4.00? Del llonta, lion ter ey . Pacific Crore. 1 1 .43? 4.03? Kansas Ci:y. St. I.b iiw. (.iiirsEo.... 1 1.40 a 4 .20? South Son Fra nci ko, Fan Jete . . . 1 9.00 a ta.OO? San Bruno. Saa Mi teo. Piio Alto. Saa Josoand Way Sta »ion» . . r. 8.40 a 15.05? Loop— 231 Street, ViiilaciOD, Pcnth '-•\u25a0'. S.i;i Francisco. Valraria - Street. 16.15? ' t5.20? Reivood, Palo Alto, l.'ajfitld. San Jose... ..V -I.IOb tS.2oal«s Altos, MonU Villa. LosCatuc. t7.20? 15.25 j Burliasime. Sari Jl.ttro. £"«n Jore.. . J3.20p 5.30? Loop— Val ea eia St., Ocf«n View. Cemeteries. So nth can I raarueo, 2JI Strest, 11 and Towuered ...... C.40? 5.40? South 3.ia F ran cisco . Saa Bruno. Ssa Mateo. Ksdvood. PuloAUo. S-anta - dart. Saa Jose. Jxa (Utc*. T\ r:jht. 7.40 a ; J5.40? Lo» Altas Montx VisUr. !.< s Catrs. . :3.40» tO.OO? MiHorae. Histon. San Mateo, Pa!o \lto. May lifld. . Ir» Alto», Slonta Vistrt. Lna Cstn*. fright tB.ooa 6,03? 231 Street, Visita cir a. South Saa. Frandw. Valencia Street .... 7.13? 1 8.25?. Loop— Valsa eia Street. Otena View. , Orj-teriei, . Sauth Sna Jranebco,. 23J Street, 3d and Town fend ...... "7.40? ;•, 6.33? SmihSan Francisco. "San" Jose. .... 5.40 p. 8.00? Loa Angeles Passea eer— Sao Ma tee-, / R^lwood. Palo Alf o« Ssa Jow. Gilmr. 3nliaa», , Candor. ' Paso . ~- . Roblas Hot Springs, ftn lm» . * Obispo. Pisno. Santt Barbara. Lea \a??!!'s \u25a0\u0084::..'..... • --- 8J30% .. 11.43? So-itaSan Frsacisco. Pab Alto. San \ 7.20? Jose. \u25a0...\u25a0.... ..-...:\u25a0•\u25a0• ...-...• J 7-30? *\u25a0 f 1.00? Sacramento Rirg SteMners........ tlt^O? '"UafauaTTraarfer Cnmpauv «?ents collect larc»*9 and heck« on trains of Southern Paeifia aad defiverto estdeaee. Th«r are atrthoriied to ebeak bajaas9 direst rom rc*ideac«. ' . ' . a for Mornin?. \u25a0 'fhr Afteraooa. ~ tSuaday ez»pUd iSuaciay oaly - 15