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IF YOU WANT RESULTS Make your wants known in THE CALL'S = — Classified Advertisements VOLUME CV.— NO. 77. DETECTIVES LINK PITTSBURG AND LOCAL GRATTERS Sleaths Charge Invisible Bond Connects Bribery in the East and West Police Chief Declares Jury Fix ers Confess and More Arrests to Follow Pennsylvania Authorities Say : Cpuncilmen Paid Salaries by W: Big Corporation Dhpdch io The Call] |HS TTTSBURG. Pa- Feb - 14 -~ U is "-\u25a0f; charEred tonight that there is an l Jl\: ? jnvisible bond connecting the bribery and jury fixing in San Fran- Cjito asd the counci'inanlc "bribery and 'X'Ty -fixing in PJttsburg. .' "JLTter 3S hours of continual sweating -J>r--f ouaty detectives, live of the nine vr.?n arrested last night and early this tODrnlag fcav«* confessed and told their •s>art in the alleged attempt to bribe •itvrn'e of the CS talesmen who had been rfr'awn to try seven councilmen and tsro bankers, charged -with receiving tcrl triving bribes when they come up .Cor trial Tuesday next. ". :?evrn of the men have not been bTPugrbt to jail, bet after their capture were taken to a house near McKres- ; •X'Orw near here, where they were placed < \u25a0j'brough the sweating process. There ; has been no official notice of the ar- 1 r^fts fo far as 'the jail is concerned, j iiurit is known that these seven men] have t>?en Tralked up and down a long haU Fince 3:30 o'clock thJs morning by detective?. If they wished to sleep i thry were prodded into \u25a0wakefulness ur.t;! worn oct from their long vigil, j Five of them broke down and revealed {he whole p!oL More Warrants Issued - The revelations of fbese xnea frnjted in the israance of 12 more war 'jnts. which bad b^^n signed In blank by .AMerman ilcMaster. and turned o-vp- to Chief \u25a0VTae^oner of the county dete-ctives. Tli^y are said to impli cate several men connected with the PltlstiUTg railway company, a sub sidiary roncera. of the United Railroads ; crunpany of P^n Francisco. • Daring the preliminary hearing of itie co»incllni« i; 7j it was declared that znupy of theta were drawing sal- , ari*-* \u25a0onder axsnin^d names from the Plttsbzrg'VzCirays company, and it is] asserted that tlse confessions obtained; - . i ,trxsay fcrnlsh the connecting link. The story of these men," «aid one* deteciiTe*. "Implicates the lead ing rplrlts of big: corporations of the /•itr- Ajs fa«t as a new name is men \u25a0tioced in a cr!sili:al manner and one' prtsoiier corroborate* another, that ! Ears* !* used to 211 in one of the blanks of th* 4 0 -warrants already In the pos 'i»sfi«B of Chief Waggoner." Confessions Arc Secured Chief TVagyoMr ab*plat*ly refuses to give OTjt the xxaaies of the men rm t*tr airre^t. or ClrnlSf th* namei of the mea implicated. He declares that h* <!ar* not lodg« the in»a In jail until h» has their fnll *tx>ry. mrorn to under path, so that la cac« they decide to change it after I** "Interests" have «<*eri them, te can have them jailed Jot perjnrr, If not lor th« more serl 6u« crime.' He audtntrwledge* he has t h« - conf *^sslon*. Several oi the X3C3 -n-fler arrest, it d^olarM, at oa« i!«« -were In the '•nploy of th« PJttaburg rallwaye com ptinjv The mala of these men h«nglrg around the coart 'hous*. Tier had no apparent Income am* tio apparent <latle«. They, however, pj>p*sir'*l to tx ou frlendiy terms -with many of the talesmen called for the purpw* of trying ca*e? In the cl\-ll Ob* of fhe c<m«tr C&GC-.We* declared If-nlfftit tfcat. exactly tli« «am« vneitirAn \u25a0vr-re fol1o»f«d lv lHls t'lty a« w^re folitrwed in Sat» Frs^aclsco -w^nlch ended .In th« political <Jcat^» «n«3 degradation of Mayor ScTmltx a^4 A'oq Ruef. POPE SENDS PrJOTO TO BROTHER ADRIAN Congratulations end Blessing Received on Goide^ Jubilee [Sp*xttd Dvpddt to TU Col/] £ACEA3JE*TTO, jr ci»,c 'i», M, — Brother Adrian Tt'em^r, Ci, V. ?*„ Jia« received fn-m J»c>p^ P3«s a >"*SV»srapli of the poj>e \t*^&r / iti% ati *x}U*ZTnp% c<«£ratula xUm nii6 tiae apo«tolJe t>l*j«singr for P.rotJier Adrian on tit* «*s<;aj«i<>a o* the Jatte-fs gulden jut»»le-w jLa a jseml>er of ihe Order of Franeiso*:* jMonks, Brother Adrian [js v*'J Jinowa all over the United Stitr* t;«>^aus« of his .. extensive, travele, I>ti* «M«-ai»erf of the order In California ctai»* Mm, because li*> has bee-u instrumealal in construct- Snjf many 'e«t»t>Jlsljnie«t£ for the order la Ibis state.. He ba« fe«.^ tie arcin • t*n?i lor alnn>!st eve»y fryiUiiag of the. *«>riety in Caiifm«i«.: . Anujng tiieta sic tlj<* i>tiilding «*"St. r'Antbeny's <:ollejfe at ?se-ssa &i*-oara, the rtiorctoj n-Kiiaisterj- e«^ £»'WsJ at Ix>fi Angeles,. t?'y, Bonifaee'ts (Ctwrctj, monas tery *nd 'school in S?a« Francisco and th# ditjTCh-.and r**ideß*-*s of th« Fraa d»cs.n £athei» in sSe/rraia-ent^ The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEPHOXE KEAR.W S6 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, JSO9 WEATHER CONDITIONS VnSTEnDAV— Houdjr; trac<> nf rain: nonth *t«t wind; tnaximani tpmprratarf, 56; mini muta. 4d. FORECAST. FOR TODAY— Cloudy, with show *r»; light \u25a0outbTrext wind. t'tiße S EDITORIAL ~ TeseUblp jtardenj and water *npplr. r«Et 4 Th* customary whin? nf thf grafter. Page 4 Scolding NeTada and California. race 4 C«fflmlta|ourr Loyrland'n plra. ruse 4 An ImrfstmMt in good health. I'wse 4 Legislative Nat Cochlan Bay» there in ••nomethlng rotten--' »t sUte hospital for insane at Napa; and oppose* ippropriatioos. . Pase 3 Senate is haunted by woman In black/ daugh ter of artist who painted picture* for 'state, but wai not paid. Pace 3 State building in San Francisco to be erectrd : within' next few months. . Pngc 3 GRAFT Saa Mateo graft trial* will begin Tnes j dtr - Pase 2 CITY r ;^ Margaret Illington nays hrr desire for home life , caused \u25a0 her to lea»e stage and decide to secure dlrore* frmn Daniel Frohman, who ap proves of ' the arrangement and of *K. J. Bowes. Pate 1 Mother of District Attorney Langdon is criti cally ill. Vase I Walter H. Graves, professw- of languages lit Oakland high school, wounded and robl>ed In mysterious manner. , Page 1 OH company said tn plan purchase of property of BeH estate for $500,000. Pace 1 Woman slain by brother in la^ in children's presence. > , Page 13 Many pastors discourse on Lincoln's life and character and R»t. E. Bradley describes Em-, ruannel raoreieent. Pa Re 5 "Merry Widow" welti will be one of the in- I teresting features of the kirmess. . Pace 12 : Moslc!ans* ciub In heated controTersy orer plans for concert. Pace 4 One legged watchman on dock sates drowning sailor. . Pase 3 Athletic meet and ball to be gi^en by Gaelic <Jancics clnb. ";••; - Pas* 12 New aotomobile ordinance in effect to<Jny and police motor *qnad will enforce it. Page 5 European firm to erect local factory for- un-. derwear. Page 12 Police unable to Had Pierre Ijfon, who Is accused \u25a0of atteicpticg to poi.«o r i ' two Kwmes. \u25a0\u25a0 Page 12 Bererford play, "Wlo'i T»ur Friend?** aranses Americaa judienc. : Pace S New risnreh to b# bsflt for St. Luke's: J^ilsco parisb- at Van ;-J»esa- avenue and \u25a0' Clay \u25a0troet. .\u25a0 Pase 3 SUBURBAN Bishop Don Enrique da SilTa'teaOered farewell reception. Page 5 Mowbray hall, built by public subscription in i Piedmont,' to be dedicated Thursday: . Psgc 7 C<«i"» plead for a chapel and dally rellgtous ! eerrice* at university, epeaking at Baptist church. • Page 7 \u25a0 Joe Pla^.the gardener, accused of San Rafael oTHrt£f. prepares 1o proTe alibi and Italian con sul asked for a«*irtance. Page 12 ; Eer. !; waiter E. Tanaer resigns because flock Captain TrniLttn Mogg . and crew abandon whaling •ebooner Olga, in ice and seek safety at Point Barrow. .I*«eel San Franciscan fro»n to death In snows form on Alroid de»«rt In Oregon. \u25a0*\u25a0*? \r\) Page 1 Two men killed when freight leares rails and plunges dowa embankment. Page 1 Canned chili con came is eaten with fatal result. . \u25a0-.\u25a0•'. Page I Pop* Phis sends blessings to Brother Adrian Werner. Page 1 Tltlting Salt Lake Elks brave swollen Ti» Jcana rtrer to riew bull fight. Page 3 n. B. Loodon. wanted In Vallejo for embezzle raent. "aiietted tn Reno while watching \u25a0 faro j EASTERN, Invisible link said to evnoect Ptttsborg and Ssa rraaeisro grafters. ' Page 1 Snowstorms In northern MHnlwlppl valley' and t«>ras<!«» in Alabama 'and Mississippi In.wlilch s*Teral are killed. Page 2 , Names of Taffs' cabinet Is coaflded ito hl» friends In Cincinnati. Page 2 Niagara falls blocked with. Jee for tbtrd tlm« clnee white man settled la region. Page S Ontre«», VJrind In Its work, m»y bold night »es«sont. . Pnge fl Giant wn» vmashec starboard nil oa Atlantic liner Lultanla. Page C lowa to pay homage to General Weaver, twice candiCate for tne ' pr»*!deney. Page 8 Chief Fore»ter . Pinchot write* letter, approving dry farming In the west. Page 3 FOREIGN Father • Jam** - Carroll, formerly »f Philadel phia, cooteerated bishop of . Vigan »t. Ma nila.' Pagel Yimnj: Turks can«» cabinet crtsl*. " forcing grand vlslfT to 1 resist! and sultan to appoint tbelr nomine. Page>3 Eartb<iu«V«« .. are »tlil shaking tlie . stricken towiw 'of Italy. ; Page 2 !*" Lor* ' Bereaf ord to b*"_retlred and naval career Is closed. . Pose 2 F)f ty-tw« dt-id 1b th* Pengula 'disaster are wcovf-red,.' . Pages Klng-Mawuel of Portugal wed-'Priarefc* i Beatrice. , Page 3 SPORTS - r (rood wort* um<W V»y raarVsraea •is practice shouts at St»H M«nnd raug*, PageO IMvof-nlx lila* of St. U»ry'»nA'eg« defeats All Stars by »oor« vf 2 io 0, Pace 9 <"1« -.•"\u25a0»\u25a0 field of S year olds will c<ja|p»t'iu «'all furaia «i* - rl>>', aJelUr attractiua at Emeryville n«*xt Uc-aday, .. Page « i t'ii'kz f»»* - gatlwr ai \u25a0 trtiaiug <|««rter¥ io watck hoirrg work «>ut. \u25a0 P*iCe 0 I)iri£ Hyland in t-iitl clamoriag fvf v ctiaS/-« to U,x Bsttling .: Seism, "'«ge 0 . Myrtle beat? Trails Ji«*t f>x first feoaors Ir clagjs stake «t Ingl***d« park. Page 8 Anst hil:»b fooffcsil : yH*ym. wli«» will 'depart for .Va*cWrer t&aigbt, e*pr«*» regret it lea riug C«lifor«ia, ' . l * a . 8:e ° Perr-y i.«»t***v »Ib* five mile handicap biry cip r»c* i«.».-**»*e*fini»*.. ' ';'Paie6 <>ny I.TtifNU win*; w.-on-< HiiiHjßj fi*nniF loiir nanuMil tar >"»th«n-Do*irroiinh cup, .«-<>n:fnittee. placing , MpLwiplriiu .in default \u25a0 fov. Uoinz late. . PageC j MARINE ! ''.Sr&AOaer H<v<s P. Dww |un* ialo per. w-;:ij ltujjiv-r cexro "lifted."-' : Page S MINING ; -" . Wfccorcry ot new ; mineral - dep«»it« ia . varinue jVrtioM'wfCaUforcia' uwu* i»\Jm%t\«t tmlaiaff «£*.*\u25a0\u25a0- Pa*»eH S^lN FRANCISCO, MONDAY,; -15^ rI9Q9: PROF. GRAVES WANDERS DAZED AND WOUNDED Mystery Surrounds Predica* men t of Oakland High . School Instructor Loses Memory and Goes to the Ferry With Gash in Throat and Many Bruises Suffering intense agonY \u25a0 from • an ugly gash in his throat and numer ous other lacera tions and bruises on .his body, Walter H. Graves,, professor of lan guage s, in the Oakland high school and distin guished among scholars as an eminent authority upon the Greek language, talked blindly into the ferry building, early yesterday morning and 'was taken to the harbor- emergency hospital by. Policeman Casey. The story, related by Graves — and 'that portion of his ex periences which he has been unable to tell — enveloped him in a -deep mystery, which the police have been unable to unravel- > *: , n For six hours Saturday night Graves wandered aimlessly about "the city/ and so.far as is known was not seen by any person. From a" jumbled account of his experiences, .which he narrated at the harbor, hospital,' he fell victim to thugs shortly after. 5 o'clock Satur day afternoon, when' he left the Prin cess theater, where he, had witnessed the matinee performance. \u25a0 From- that time until 1:30 o'clock Sunday morning, when , he* was found at the ferry build ing, his mind , was a plank and^hls at tempts to explain—^way the mysteries of his evening of harrowing . experi ences only, served to make tne ; affair more puzzling. , . . c . Loses His Memory . When seen at his home, 142S Seventh avenue, Oakland, yesterday afternoon he made a feeble effort to tell what had occurred just before his mind had been dimmed. \u25a0 According to this state ment he had taken two drinks in a sa loon near the Princess theater."' One_ of these . visits to the saloon was' made during. the intermission inthe perform ance and the other at its close".' "After that," he said ' yesterday, "I can not remember what happened, and I am even unable to relate what hap pened to me at the harbor hospital." The police rwere inclined to' believe that Graves "was attacked; by -thugs intent upon robbery, as his gold, watch and chain, overcoat and J3o. were miss ing. His purse, relieved. of its contents, was found in his pocket and a valuable diamond ring was left untouched" on his finger. His clothes were bespat tered with mud and filth and- his hair bedraggled. In every way his appear ance was strongly indicative of brutal treatment, but the police, have been un able to get the merest clew upon which to work. •:, Begs for Ferry Ticket Graves arrived at tlie ferry depot at 1 o'clock yesterday morning* in" a dazed condition and first attracted attention by begging for i a ferry boat ticket, stating that he had lost his pocketbook and would pay later for the ticket. ThtuMbe ticket seller refused to do. Policeman , Casey, on . watch at th« depot, observed the unusual appearance of the man \u25a0 «nd accosted, him. but Graves could" give no clear accountof himself, and Casey assisted him to the harbor hospital. His wounds were dressed and early yesterday morning: he was taken to his home in Oakland, lie fell into a deep. stupor at the hospital while the surgeons were dressing his wounds, ; but rallied later when an un successful attempt was made to; solve the mystery. v Professer Graves ha» aeeupied a chair in the .Oakland hlsli school .for about 10 years. 'He was formerly professor of Latin and recently \u25a0 was, mailo head of the : department of languages. '' He is widely known' en this" coast .as "a linguist.. " :. . . Says Son Vlctl m of .. Th _ie ves \u25a0V.William I£, H. Graves/father of the injured " man, :. when soen at- h"iß '.Oak land .home last night, could' throw no light upon the mystery,' but coincided with the general belief, that his son was the victim ef thieves. ' The elder Graves, saidr "My sun's memory failed himwhile he was stand ing in front of the, Princess theater. After}' that ' tie' does not ; remember.'any thing until he was taken toithe emer gency' hospital. I believe that he was struck from behind while li<*.was stand ing on the sidewalk and then dragged into"; gome house and; robbed. His foyer-* coat and watch, were missing 'and. all the money he hari, r amounting to about $30, was gone. His head wasicui.nnd bruised, in piany, pla<.es . and' he bled copiously during UienlKht." .' Profeppor Gravee^may.' not^be"abl«". t4 resume * his work for some: tim^y t r , LOSE SCHOONER BUT ESCAPE TO POINT BARROW Captain Mogg and Crew of the Olga Have Thrilling Ex perience in -Arctic v f. Whaler Becomes; Hopelessly Wedged in the Ice and Is Abandoned :!, [Special Dispafch to The Call] SEATTLE. Feb. 14.— Captain William , Mogg and hls'crew of four men la the whaling schooner Olga, long- believed to' have been lost In a gale at seaj-15 months ago, are allveand spending the Arctic winter at Point Barrow. ? The news- comes In a letter., from Captain Mogg written November/ 1, 1908, ; and dispatched by Eskimo' messenger to Teller 1 City, 800 miles -over; an. almost | Impassable ' trail, thence by dog. team routes . through Nome and St. ; Michael to : Valdez and by steamer, to PugeL sound. I Caught in Icebergs The'Mogg expedition left Port Town send In* June, 1907, equipped as a;whal-. ing venture in. waters of the Arctic al most unknown and equally unexplored. It had the backing of the g-eograpMcal society of London, and planned to go to the Banksland district.; a region that has not been visited by white people' since the visit of Explorer Captain Me - Clure in 1832. The actual destination of the expedition was Point Cape, Prince Albert, nearly 2,000 miles north east from Point Barrow. \u25a0 / After" unsuccessfully combating the ice •:' on the ; Banksland shores during the brief summer season of 1907 and 1908,- the voyage ended In bringing; the I schooner fast in the icebergs 3SO miles frdm Point Barrow. A refuge was sought for the' present winter and" to outfit for renewed attempts at progress, northward the next summer.' Vessel Abandoned in Ice J \u25a0-'. A description of the Jong stay .0n.4 the bleak shores oC • tb<r nninhkbltetl 'Arctic island- furnishes a thrilling account>of Arctic adventure. ; In a career of 25 years whaling and; sailing the ! Arctic, Captain Mogg-wrltes 'that- he has never seen, such quantities of ice as assem bled . many ' miles . from shore -lines as prevailed during the. last open . season. Every mile- of progress that his little command was: able to make was at tended by danger of being crushed be tween gigantic bergs or- massive. Ice fields. The' season whereby the vessel could hope to navigate commenced July 20.' .September 7, off Flaxman island, nearly 400 miles 'from Point Barrow, the vessel became hopelessly wedged between the rice/and was abandoned. EAT CHILI CON CARNE WITH FATAL RESULTS Canned Variety Cause of Con- vulsions That End in Death LOS ANGELES.' Feb. 14.— Mrs. H.E. Bennett-Is dead and her husband ha» but a slig-ht/chance- for 'recovery as a resuH of eating canned chili con came Saturdaylnlgbt. . ; Shortly Rafter, eating the .chili, Mr Bennett, who is connected with a real estate and insurance concern, began td feel ill! and sobn'fell to the floor. Mrs. Bennett summoned a physician, but had hardly left the telephone when she was also, overcome, '-and -when the doc tor arrived' he found the two uncon- Bclou«.on thftfloor. t *\u25a0 -''.- . ; . ; Mrs. Bennett died atll o'clock Satur day .'night. after suffering horribly from convulsions. , Bennett's chances of re covery are- Klight. FRACTURE OF WRIST HAS SERIOUS RESULTS A\bther^ of 'District \u25a0 Attorney Langdon, In Critical Condition Mrs. Anna 1 "Lanifdfin. mother of Dis trict A ttorney • W. "'\u25a0 11. "Langdon, la crit ically ill Vt her home as the. result of 'a broken ''Vwriat •sustained on; New/ Year's morniris^and ia under. the constant care of two physleianiCandLi two; nurseier. " Mrs.' L.arigden slipped and ; fell \u25a0 on ; the steps of her heme. and besides fractur ing -her wrist; sustained; several, pain ful \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 bruises' and suffered 'frem •sheok. She appeared* to rally -and until a few days*fl go was ; tlious h t . to be': Blowly'; re covering... . :..---.''-, ; " : Home days age Biie Buffered a relapse and Drs.vOallwey. and 'Shumate were summened TlmTHediatelyl. and.: ordered Mrs I>ang(lon \u25a0 v nder f t He care ef . nursfee. Oh account ' of 'her <advanced , age "her condition is regarded ai^eritical, • SAN FRANCISCAN FROZEN :\u25a0 DEAD ON ALVdIbyDEsWRT Henry Miller^ Nickel Loses His Way in Sriewsterm BUIiNS, Ore., Feb.. 14.— Henry Miller Nickeij:23years,Gld,'grandsbn bf Henry "Milley,Hmniionaire|catU_e^andiland t "own-. er,' was found frozen" to* death- on Aj,- Void desert., in .thi'Xpouth, end "'of ; !this county'February.:;!^".:/', ;:•; -:- '^ I Nickel, I whose -lionie''is in Han. Fran-, cist'o. Imd'' been .visiting';. at .^the" Alvoid ranch : r for,. the flasj -'_t.hreei monies, 'and, it is .supposed, -'.was ; OU C r^' n X horsei' back and; became •lost,, when -over iaken by. a! snowstorm;'. .... . * *:£;\ v'; ' ".1 fThe>ody / will" be ': shipped /Ui "Ban rranclsca.;V~. #• :: . \u25a0\u25a0 " "\u25a0\u25a0 ,\u25a0.'.'"\u25a0'"{ MARGARERT ILLINGTON SAYS :"l crave, domesticity, ' home) life and chil dren: I want to darn socks." I "I left. Mr. Frohman beoßuse I could -not \u25a0be-'happyon the :\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0. '\u25a0.'"\u25a0' sta'fle. 11 -;: ;. " : .' Frohman Gives His Consent I Margaret Illington,-; the - beautiful • actress, ; arid her husband, who have I agreed oh, separation and .divorce. . REALTY DEAL MAY FREE BELL ESTATE Oil Company Said fo Plan Pur= chase of Remaining Prop :| erty Jor $spp,oooX Financial salvation Is at last- in* sight for; the "estate of ;, Thomas* Bell, who d!ed ,in this- city leavrng-property val ued at $1,000,000, which later deterior ated inVa'startllng. manner. . Six months ago the Union' oil company -"purchased the estate*, f0r '5446,000^4, 000 acres of. land/- In" he v oil? belt- off Santa jMaria, Santa \u25a0'- Barbara.' county— and now. .lt is understood' that -the', same ; company \u25a0 is seeking ,to ; buy the 'remaining: 10,000 acrVsTof the. original tract for J500.Q00. If that "sale, lß;conßu'mm:tted the estate will not only, be freed from debt, but \u25a0vvlll be' in; a. position to bet aken out of: probate. .At --the 'present outlook :the , estate will' .'.. settled- up during the com- ing.summer,- and Mrs.'.Theresa Bell.'the widow, will receive 5100,000 and 'the five surviying. ; B«'ll children and rArthur S. "llolman.: widower oC i Mrs. '.. Bell' 3 daughter," ,will' receive'^O.OOO. each. , .".. ', The S.inta'Barbarai oil lunds bear ahe same relation 'to' the Bell" estate that the Western Pa e.ilic* stock ? bears toward the California 1 safe "deposit - and trust company: Previous to ; the discovery of oil on' the land' the; lf. ( >0». acres earneTl little .more V than / $l;S00 v for the estate- It-Was heavily nyortgased.CthV San 'Fr:incis<o v aaving;s Uinion; holding.; a mortgage ' of ;$179,060; 5179,060 : on ' the property* \u25a0 Last ;JuiVe. according" ; to ".- A ttorney T." Z.'l3lalfeman,:\vho; represents Mrs^'Bell, 4 ( ooo':acres • of the tract' was sold ; to; the Union *oii 'company 'for 's446,o.B6^ half \ot wliil'h"amount Was paid \u25a0irTJcash.; 'That . enabled"; the , ! ettle \vith- the'savings* union" and clear the title';' to; the entire ; property: .'The -bal ance 'of the pjiyirierit is due ;' Jun o, 1 5; ,Viext-- ; Itywni ? *bV;sufficient''ao,">meetVa^ outstanding/ claims.' \u25a0 -._'. '.'.\u25a0• Tot- the 10,ftfl ft, acres i still- unsold, 3.800 is ;clHirned ; to jitei oili bearing.: It -is' held for $506. 0f 6, Blakeman said 'last"even ing"- 'The attorney;. would /not -discuss thY r possibilities" {otj an "immediate : *ale to : the':oircorupany t ';^ ' : " 'Zj* > : ; Aaothe*^ Th^Callk great colored - S*^^^> P^SP* illu^ra&ag; j^fe jySan Francisco \u25a0 '" ::j '''''"^*^__r^r ' ' ' ' ''. i call " Stage success did not satisfy \ me.- It ' was bumiiig^e* candle at TWO MEN KILLED AS CARS OVERTURN Track j Spreads, ; Derailing. Part of Freight Train With ; Fatal Results [Special Dispatch to The Call] \ GILROr, Feb. . 14.— Two men, sup posed to be Darwin "Wiegarr of Trini dad, Colo., 'and Ambrose ; Glenn Searle of Oakland, were killed today by freight cars overturning at - Betabel, a small station on the coast "line between Gil roy and Sargeants. • \u25a0;".The. men jwere evidently stealing a ride v on extra No. 25>3, a north I bound freight. v« "Whilje/passlng^Betabel, where, on^ccount of the recent heavy rains.a section^of the track j had spread, the train % v,-as derailed and a portion of the long string of freight cars was over-, turned 'down- a small embankment. "Papers found upon the persons of the victims of the wreck lead to their prob able identification.' They • were cigar makers by. trade.' Searle is thought to have lived at 10S3 Adeline street. Oak land.': ; .; '-v ~'\ • \u25a0\u25a0 • -'• ' • •' - * \u25a0.':\u25a0' ; "The v accident ha 'pj^nVd. shortly after noon and : the^track, was. cleared of the debris :by .10 o'clock this ;eventng._ Reg ular service was resumed at* that ; time. Both of the . men,. were well dressed and had : none -of .-the appearances*.- of the ordinary hobo. • HARRIMAN" TO REMAIN; ; v IN TEXAS UNTIL APRIL Don't Want to Hear of Wall \u25a0Street, but Says 'Tm Resting" '/\u25a0* BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. ; Feb. If:— E. ;H.; H. Hafrlman- and: party left- Birmingham c^n" a epec'al train* for San ".'Antonio. Tex., .' where, 'it Is j understood," Harri man .will re'mafn until April 'ln!an' ef fort; to, regain, his health. " .' "Marriman.; received" about" 50 promi nent men 'of Birmingham, who called tpVpay. 'their respects. \u25a0 Men who -had known 1 him; before remarked upon' hU' pale":and weakened appearance. /..One man,- thinking, the railroad mag nate would Jikete see' some of. the late New York newspapers, took . a bunch of; them' to the. car. "but Harriman thanked - him . arid waved them aside with the remark: ."'I don't* want' to^hear of Wall street.' I 'am Treating." * \u25a0 FATHER^ JAMES CARROLL ~: AIADE^BISHOP OF VIGAN Impressive Ceremonies Per* -formed in, : Manlla Cathedral • : iIAN'ILA, . Feb. r"H.— Father James Carrol!, "\u25a0 formerly of Philadelphia, was today 'consecrated bishop of Vigan with impressive ceremonies . -at the ;" Manila cathedral -in. the .preaeucebfi" score*' ef clerjry'jand' an- iminense-coneregation. Papaipele^ateAgius officiated and" was "assisted rr ' by,; .-Archbishop \u25a0 Harty 'and Bishopc Hendrick and f>ougnerty»* " PRICE FIVE CENTS. "When I found Mr. Frchman would keep me en the stags my loie died." "! would lows to tell you I will marry Mr. Bowes, but 1 cannot say that" Beautiful Actress Says She Yearns for Home Life and Children Husband Approves of Bowes, ' and She Would "Love to TeIT of Coming Marriage Weary of Slage and Its Trials and Anxious for Chance to Darn Socks MARGARET ELLINGTON- wishes to exchange the thunderous ap plause of thousands of jeweled hands, rising from the darkened pit of a theater, for the faint little dap q£ two tiny palms. The fame, the glory, the praise that would peur to her over the footlights if she chose to stay on the stage under the management: 4>f her husband, Daniel Frohtnan, head of the theatrical trust, has been discounted by the young? woman. She has quit the stage and she has decided to secure a divorce • from Frohman. Now she is a rest cure patient at the Clara Barton hospital at Post and Gough streets. Seen at the hospital yesterday afternoon, she af firmed the statement made regarding her future "plans by Edward J. Bowes, who is living at the Hotel Normandi© at Sutter and Gough streets. Craves Home Life "I am to get a divorce from Mr. Frbhman," she said, "and I would love to tell you that when I am free I 3hall marry Mr. Bowes, but I can't say that now, you know. But I 'did not Jeav« Mr. Frohman to marry Mr. Bowes or you or any one — I left him because I could not be happy on the stage. The life of an actress is abnormal. I cravw domesticity,- home life, children. I want to, darn socks." . Mrs. Frohman, as she might now be known since she has dropped the stage iand; probably molted the brilliant feather of her stage name of IlHttif ton, would not say just when she would apply for a decree of divorce, or where. It will not be In New York or in Cali fornia. The retired actress agreed that the laws of California w«re not pro pitious ' toward those who set their lance 'at a new golden -ciTclet before the smith had filed away the first ring. But there will be no contest. Husband Approves of Bowes v "jir, * Frohman approves- of Mr. Bowes," said the handsome woman who would "love to tell" that she will contract an . alliance with tc« San Francisco real estate promoter as soon as »he Is.fre^ . The isosceles triangle, with Frohman as the short aWe, that is presented fn the " IHtngtbn case, is a concise drama which may . be. twisted someday and offered to Frohman for presentation. ' Mrs. FTOhman has been at the sani tarium for a week. She is attended by her private physician, a woman. Dr\ L. M. Welzmiller of New York. AN though the severe practice In rest cure cases Is. that the patient sljall not receive visitors nor discuss thrilling incidents, Mrs. Frobman was permitted •yesterday to receive an intervfew«r. Reclines fn Luxury Tfc« actress was found !n a com-* modloua room on the second floor »f the hospital. Sfce was half r«cltnlns against -pillows that were supported by a rest. •• \u25a0 A bed stand swung over the white counterpane. 1 On it was a cluster of pale :\u25a0 yellow acacia bloagoms with ' which Alias Illhagton toyed as she talked. She wore a heavy silken peig noir ever: her pink* beribboned muslin. \ Her dark brown hair was enjoy ins un • fettered liberty!" screening her tore ; head, framing her, flushed cheeks and, barring her dark brown eyes at times j with- a flimsy web. Her rounded fore arms,, reached , out from the silken | sleeves that the jeweled fingers might ; play ;With : the acacia - blossoms A sparkiing jeweled bracelet with an In credible number of brilliant facets cir cied! 'her left' wrist, and on a ttageroj her left hand a huge, amethyst ring i Mnolderert- wittr its violet' light. On an other couch reclined I>r. Wllzmlller. On a.stand near at "hand w«V heavy »U->