Newspaper Page Text
10 9 n^si^»Js^' ii CHANCES— Coßlinnrrt^^. * GLOBE REALTY CO.. OAKLAND'S LEADING BROKERS. ROOMS 7 AND 8. 556 Broadway corner 7th. KOAIMIOUSE— *I.7OO. part cash; located In main county r<w.d. Alameda county; Oakland , curs direct; oonslsts of nicely fitted bar. large Jl «o<-lc, slot tnscblnes. electric piano, cash reg- ; ister. dance hall, private rooms, kitchen. 5 ! »x»drooiiiK. spacious gardens, trees and shrub- H Iw»tt, large liarn, auto shed, etc.; up to date fn every respect: license $7."i quarter: no other license can be had: rent $60: 5 years' lease to run: best of reasons for selling: see 'quick. Only i\ltli GLOBE REALTY COMPANY, 556 ' Umadnay corner 7th St.. Oakland. ENERGETIC man who can invest $150 snd Fervi.NMj ,>an secure au interest in a business kwJiich will prove a inouey maker; tbls is no "j:et rich <ju»ck affair." and If you are looking foe I— la kind of a proposition don't answer, for I would, not associate myself with a "•SUCKER." 1 want a conservative business- man." one who not only wants to but one who - has jrnt 10 make money. See GIX)BE REALTY «"OMPANY, boC Broadway corner 7th st., Oak- land. - ROOMING HOUSE— SI,2OO. Vi r ash. buys 24 well furnished rooms on pood street near Washington: clears $125 mo.: always full »»oa(!y r.x>oers. See GLOBE REALTY CO.. S.-,n Broadway cor. 7th. Oakland. \u25a0 GROCERY;— SL6SO: choicest of all locations: large eto-'k, *well .fixtures; doing a fine busl- r nets; cheap rent; lease. See GLOBE REALTY CO.. 856 Broadway cor. 7th. Oakland. BOOMING UOUSE— Consists of 12 elegantly fur- \u25a0 iiislK-d r<.<yrns on good street near 15th nnd Broadway; full steady roomers; owner Is sick; •Rill »c<-ept* $300 down and balance on easy 1-aymeuts. Only with GIX)BC REALTY CO., . fUS Broadway cor. 7th, Oaklantf. fls0 — Mail order business; this Is one of the best money making propositions which we have " fver lisied: our client has other business . \u25a0 «-bi<'h compels him to sell; be will teach you " tbo business. See GLOBE REALTY CO., S5O .. Uroadway c**t. 7;b. Oakland. "WVI'RY STABILE— S2.4<X»; consists of 8 good horses, harness for all; 5 buggies, surrey, 2 rra^ons, 15 i>. « r.:« :s : 2 years' lease; rent $55. |_ s-e <;UIBE REALTY CO.. 556 Bdwy cor. 7tfa. SALOON— Partner. $»00. for one of the best .-' Haying saloons in Broadway: reut $100; good ieas». See GLOBE REALTY CO., Jis6 Broad- • ick .-nr. 7th. Oakland. i'OK targai-is and quick Kides nee GLOBE REALTY CO.. : " . " 556 Broadway. Oakland. j ALWAYS RELIABLE OLD KSTABLJSHED MENSOR & TOWNLEY .Hie BROIDWAY, OAKLAND. ROOMS S9-40 OUR PAST RECORD OUR BEST REFERENCES • TELEPHONES A-1314 and OAKLAND 6SS3 \u25a0 . " OPEN SUNDAY 10 TO '2 : •W.KT.L .established manufacturing business; 6ta- j - P> products;- nicp. clean business: good profits; » \u25a0 hy's-iness that will appeal to any one; sam- .ple of goods iv our office for inspection: $I.s<M> '; Takes it". . MENSOR &. TOWNLEY, 1116 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Headway. Oakland, room 40. B-'&OQMB.t-_«e hi: nicely furnishod; clears ?20 1* shove, rent." Price 5175: genuine snap: $751 -."will-swing -this. MENSOR &. TOWNLEY, -.I-i3«; •'.Bj-oadway.* Oakland, room 40. STATKiNERY "AND NOTIONS— S4OO; rent $18: \u25a0 :+ rfice-^livlng 'room*: located ciose to large r.^vrjioo!,: .dolog a nice business. MEXSOR 4c . .C«jXVSI,KY."UI6 -Broadway. Oakland, room 40. M k;.VT.. "AIARKKT— $2,000: rent $3oi 5 year •ipa??:". caily.Vecelpts $60; horse, wagon and .bacfry;" tliis'is a snap; good corner; no oppo- rillon, . .See MEXSOR & TOWNLEY, 1116 \u25a0 Brpadtrny. Oakland, room 40. OXB of the. most central apartment bouses in Oakland can -"be bought at sacrifice; party Is. ".- coins- a.'way: clears $300 monthly above ex- ".pensrs. MEXSOR - TOWNLEY, 1116 Broadway. * MrDH I GRQCECT. Stationery. Candy and Ice Cream — • $050; \u25a0 rent *25;- lease: ltx-ated close to the • tersest school in Oakland: 2 living roomsl •MF.\?OBi- TOWNLEY, 1116 Broadway, Oak- :;'!:.;. room 40. \u25a0 t— g__ BiIXIARD I'ARLOR and CIGAR STAND — $450: ,; r»>nt J.V): "iocatpa 2 Mocks from our office: 2 " pool tables: .fine opening for 2 good hustlers. . MF.NSOR & TOWNLKYj 1116 Broad woy, Oak- : " Iftiii: .r>x>m 40.' - - -•V 'MJ-KSALK .fcfKj. a*ad commission business — "53.;: I *': •»nt-s."if.: lease; salj* at the present! • *; ; yo/KKt t0..55.000 a tnontli: best proposl- .. tion" rv'"-r j>r»senti 1 d to the people of this state. Rrt> MKN'gOB & TOWNLKY, 1116 Broadway. '-\u25a0;:;.;;\u25a0-..!• -room -40. BBT_B Jk— •A--bVlck plant to lease or for sale; Martin «< wi(icnlue..4o,ooO".capaciiy daily; unlimited quan- . titlos of fine clay: everything' ready for busi- | ne»: .Vi jnlles from S. F. en 2 lines of R. R. < <V<\ orDONNELL. M. D., 912 Devisadero st. -4*Bon> West fitZ'2. • tIt&XC#TEB3BiS~t store; most centrally located. . is liearf .of- a-nartment <-f Bprteiey; tine trade: \u25a0 pi»>d -lwase; olfjuj .-stock; <swner mnst sell on . ; ar'co\2*t-«f family -affairs.' Call at one. D." L- __J_i;N"GSK: i!>42 jgiattucu.ay.. Berkeley. "'"\u25a0 ?{WnON.'XXD. SCHOOL SUPPLIES \u25a0 iitsr .\u25a0\u25a0**\tt*s : \u25a0 rent- $2^G</: 3 . living rooms, soda • • fiimjta-lii;- Jiive -stoci: -jand fine trade; prlce'only : -..-*s>so. :•'-•-. \u25a0". . \u25a0 -..-..-. ;.-.\u25a0 .. \u25a0 . . V v .- TH-OilSiX CEAI.TY EXCHANGE. ' /MS Market yf.. -room \u25a0' 40»^10. .. T^.SOfi-r^RVstaßraot; scats 60 r receipts $100 day. *. i>at.grs.-.mon^u..' Inquire 2109" Market at. '-\u25a0' knr^V's at. your door; invest in £-A«.- nU *,t-«a«%'Mo_rtt*f pnaran'teed- by a matur- • I ire" jrojd" Jboud;.. sulifecription "of. .any *!«e «c- rcf-pieq;. foir particnia^-'pojc 107. Call. offlce. .PARTNER -laily- or gentleman w-ith *• ?C.ikVk Ijj. aiito 4>tut!ne-ps; 'pers«riel ipterview. - JOJIS HENRI, Hotels Victoria, -Bush and .- Stocktfih. sts."; ." -" -. -\u25a0•~ .. : ': ' • .".*• . runrr-RE'Etore;" conrplere. -weli" «sejeeted stock; ." >stnh.tislp»<j';4 .vears;- invoice $2."50/J;- will, sell : : . SJ%-- r !!Xv Snap. --.Have. .o°tltf'r biislaes*. -. Oak Art ; .rramp.' Co.. :-C26:'San-.P»bli» ay,, Oakland. ,<;a? (•n^ine, 1 niah wint'ed 'to'.- tiike- sales' -agency • .--rv>r-rh;j:h.>lass tngijier aavertised. and sold in \u25a0\u25a0'tt).i« territory" before, fire;- ,«iome capital' re- "iivirod/or »amf)le«-ngiaes.- B<3x 445. Call ofBce. S.<sW#-Good. -reliable :man- needed as partner in : .<"sts-*3J.Hhed- business; good stock, fixtures, etc.;! \u25a0-"-Hg nieney-.rjn. 1«> .made tils summer. P. O. •;". I)<>j; gi*." San "Rataei; . Cal. <gl>3BgE r.f a .li.fet im<»-*OWlng to peculiar clr- - <-:!msta"nces." a romp^ete real estate outfit Is . cffered".for $50 that ia •worth hundreds. Par- tlrul-trs. 1" to" 3 p. m.. 24 Sanchei 6t.. today. Jl./'fl wan.ted" w^ssist promoting 3 exceptioa- sUj,- vl^j-sical and valuable lovestlona. Address :-P:. The Call. . . TniNTKUS.'nttentiion. Will psy part cash snd -• hslaiif-/* in stock in h pilt edge mining- com - \u25a0: l lBn >'. f« r a larpp job of priuting. Address .': box ' 469. Call office. \u25a0JJAI-I*' li*tf)v«.t esiablish^d insurance buslneas; •• will giiarsuToo $200 month. Call for psrtlcn- . l*rs room 40J>. Mechanicg' Back bldg., 943 _, Market St. . * rnnPl-CRTY for ssJe or rent— Hotel in one or the • liroli^M t •»«••* fn the state: center of the oil h«-lt: prlr* $r..500; monttly rent $55. Apply box ; <~2. <-»n ofeco trOOD invpstOK'nl for lady with $1,000 Id bnitl- n^ss wliich T-iM p«y $100 p<-r month. I Address Im-c -V?,. Tall office. ; EAKKRY and dellratpssen doing » nice little ' b'i>iine»s and a fine chance to Increase. Call 1741 <;rorp ft.. Oakland. ' WANTED — Partnership in business; few hundred <I<>!!ar* to inv«iit; give full particulars. Box :, --QS4. o>n office. Oakland. \u25a0 : QOOD lnvenmeat for lady with small capital. 'to take half or whole interest In well established business. Box _>42, Call office. Oakland. fOR *ale — A good newspaper route in a rood dla- - trict in this city. Apply to J. R. LENHART. ' circulation department. S. F. Cell. . $1.000 — Grryfry and liquor store, living room: - nwlpts $I*o to $3rt day: rent $-*2.50; will sell 6! invoice. Inquire 2109 Market st. S4S0 — <;«.ir. gnH-ery and liquor storre. 3 llv. run. nrul bath: reut $25. Inquire 2109 Market Bt. «;<KJD fruit Ftatid. liearing thorough lnvestiga- ~ tion. ]212 Golden Gate ay.* ". KOAD HOUSE— 24 rwrns; for $2,800. Fidelity H*»lty <'0.. •JSr. Kenrny nt. (A. CAMERON & CO. MOVED TO PERMANENT LOCATION 714 MARKET ST.. MAGEE BUILDING Opposite- Tbe Call Room 301 — Pbo&e Douglas 4370. Where !*>« bargains are found In hotels, apart- ment and lodging Louses, flats. ELEGANTLY appointed apart, house;. 2-34 room. apts. : 87 rooms all told: rasonable rent; t down town: t'leg-ant fur. ;, making. big money; -. term*. . .' < H<»TEIj — C 3 room>; grand cor. down town: .. ebvap reut: 30 private baths; strictly modern. FINE cur. with 3<»- rooms: furniture of the N>st: rent only $150; north Market; rare «.i)«n.-«> to boy best bouwe in city; $2,800.' HAVC-."t> room, modern house to let empty. C. R. HAMERSMITH & CO.. ' . f-76 GOLDEN GATK AY. NEAR VAN NESS. A KEW r BARGAINS. FLAT, 7 rooms; choicec loca- tion. Will trade for larger house. $300— <i -ROOMS, good furniture; CHEAP. $.Vj0 — SWELL flat, all rented. PICK UP. SCC-O— MCALLISTER st. nr. Franklia; new S romn flat, CHEAP. * r^ :-„ S7OO— TURK nr. VAN NKSS; rleant $50. M'AIJJSTKB *t.. swell 10 room fiat. CHEAP. $750— KLI4S nr. VAN NESS: cheap: must sell. •J4 HOUSE KKF.PING ROOMS; clears -$150; - WlIJi TRADK. S4-COOMS. $2 room: fietn $J.V». SNAP. . OFFER WANTfJ); 35 rooms, $3 room; close in: \u25a0-. clears $lbO. (^egMl MBfM___ \u25a0•fiW*' I**1 ** EOOMING HOUSE. 6S fwwns: pays , big; : $2.50 y room; near KCTrnj- and Broadway. see us run otheb barua^*. LODGIXG HOUSES \u25a0 FOR SALE— Con. R.'H- WINSTON & CO. HOTELS, APARTMENT AND. ROOMING " , • HOUSES. ROOM 257 PACIFIC BLDG.. Market and 4th. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS SSC. BANK REFERENCES. F.STABLISnED 16 YRS. 100 rooms, with bar; furniture and; carpets cost over $7,000: furnished about 1 year. . We have been instructed to sell for $2,250. Se» us at once If you want this bargain. WINSTON & co. -\u25a0\u25a0 • \u25a0 . \u25a0 . \u25a0-.--\u25a0' $400 — 0 rooms, new furniture." rent $35. \,(5Sl> $000—18 iwms. rent $75. bargain. (556) To Lease — 44 rooms on Broadway: $4 per room. $900 — 20 nus. on Bdwy. : sunny corner. (642> $1.600 — SO rooms, rent $100.' $700. handles this snap, balance easy terms. : (555 i $3,500 — 44 rooms, apts.. baths, newly furnished, cheap rent. $2,000 cash. (499 i (4.500 — Country: hotel and bar; ' exchange for good lodging house. (543) GEO. W. ACSTIX. 1018 Broadway. Oakland. BARGAIN — 23 nicely fnrnished rooms; choicest <)f locations: modern . building; all outside rooms: running, water: tinted .walls; rent less than $5 per room; good lease:, mor.ey maker; bargain for $1,300;. part cash, balance easy payments; or will trade for rpal estate, will pay cash 'difference. " See Globe Realty Co., 656 Broadway, cot^ 7th St.. Oakland. 70 rooms, best location south of market; will '• sell at AUCTION at the price asked: reduced to- $2,500. It cost the. 'owner over $6,800 to furnish this bouse. Must be sold this month. WINSTON & CO. . : . - 20 rooms on POLK ST.: rent only $5.25 per room; . beautiful furniture and" carpets. Sea thi* at once If you want a bargain. - Houses that we have for sale don't last long. WINSTON &. CO. \u25a0. \u25a0 A SNAP— A SNAP. 100 rooms, on 6th st.; nicely furnished; price '$1,750; rent $200 per month. McFAUL & EDWARDS, 330 Chronicle Bldg. , GRGAT sacrifice; sunny NW. . corner, well in town: 44 yooms elegantly furnished at a cost of $8,000; Rudd heater; rent $4.25. per room: all rented: good Income; long lease; price $5,000. Apply 1410 Haight : st. $I.RO0 — 43 well fur. .rooms and bath: rent $140; clears $150 to $200 month. 2109 Market st. - FREIGHT FORWARDING JUDSON FREIGHT FORWARDING CO. Reduced rates for shipping household goods any- where west to everywhere east. 4th and Market sts.. room 206. Pacific bldg.: phnn** Kearny 2579. BILL COLLECTING _^ ALL bills and promissory notes promptly collect- ed. FRED J. SCHMIDT. Market. Noe. 16th. j \u25a0 BRICKWORK in all its branches; best rates. M. V. AIOWBRAY, 1308 Devisadero; West 7021. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Fillmore »t. near Po6t. - \u25a0 • LEAKY roofs made water ti-^hr. Eagle Roofing ' Co.. 302 Metropolis Bank bidg.: Kearny 3264. -.-.-.-^.-^-^.- u jTffj. : y T Ji^L J -^^.-.-^---%.^73 JAL-UM-STKIN Printing Co.. 514 Turk St., bet. Larkln and Polk: tel. Franklin 3766. H. R. KOPPS. PRESIDENT. ALL KINDS ART. LEADED AND MOSAIC GLASS. 115 TURK. PHONE FRANKLIN 1763. WE make handicraft furniture and baby car- rlages. Pacific Coast Rattan Co.. S3l Van Ness. LADIES' TAILORING : SUITS made from own material, reasonable; first class work. FRED & HRUSKA. 1512 Polk. ; ACCORDION. Bun^uTstT^ldT^pTe^ln^~buTtoiis7 button boles: mall and express orders solicited. \u25a0 STEELS. 1420 Post St.: phone .West 6428. < MACDOWELL'S Dress Making and Millinery School, 1215 Post st. near Van Ness; Oakland office. 1018 Washington. Patterns cut to order. STYLISH dress making. MRS. A. CORNELIS, 777 McAllister. \u25a0 ' ' \u25a0 . Fashionable dress making; ladies" suits, dresses made; latest design. 140S O'Farrell nr. Laguna. COMPETENT woman wishes day work. Addresw box 234. Call. 1651 Fillmore st. SHADES ADVANCE window shade factory; orders filled at «hort notice. GEO. WALCOM. 637 Turk st. _ FIRST CLASS work done at your home. S. J. JENSEN. 609 Waller st. Phone Market 5205. . CHINESE-AMERICAN RESTAURANTS HONG KONG LOW. 1754 Geary fit.; chop suey : . and noodle*; American cooking; day and night. ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out' removel by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. Office. 24 Montgomery st.; phone Kearny 5552; shop 16th and S. Bruno ay. LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO.. 62 Post, room 326; phone Douglas 2071 — Dustless clean- ing ot carpets, ruffs, draperies, furniture and . bedding. WITHOUT REMOVAL. WHEN you become disgusted' with poor work "send your carpets to J. SPAULDING & CO., 989 Golden Gate ay.; telephone Market 643. Bare Money — Best cleaning and laying now Sc yd." Phone us. Market 2289. Glsslow. 3808 22d st. WATTS— Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations; \u25a0 renovat.: laying. 560 Devisadero. Ph. Park 5(59. ADVANCE Carpet ' Cleaning Co. — Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk st. CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning; and laying. 2400 Geary st. corner Baker. Phone West 93. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore st. near Post. -\u25a0 -\u25a0' , LAUNDRIES HOXEST work, fair prices. Is our motto. Gold>n Rule Laundry. 624 Lagnna st. Tel. Park 1355. JAPANESE LAUNDRIES . JAPANESE Laundry; waist and curtain speelal- lm, Ashal Laundry. 1401 Scott:. Ph. West C 296. 33I^TORXGE^NF^IOyiNG^^N^~ Anderson Transfer and : Storage Co., mvg., pkg., sbpg., etc., sth st. nr. Mkt., No. 20. Tel. Dgl*. 2177; country mvg.; trunks stored 3 days free. , BEKINS VAN AND. STORAGE CO. Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission sts. Tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS.' CO. (Inc.)— Moving and storage, cor. 14th and .Sanchez sts.. 1 block from Mar- . ket and -Fillmore St.. cars; phone Park 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse.. 2322 FUlmore st.. Phone .West 2628. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage & Moving Co. Main offlce Eddy and Fillmore. Tel. Went 523. PAINTING I'AXD PAPEIt HANGING PAINTING, paper hanging, glazing contracts taken; lowest prices. SHIREY, 2328 Pt. Lo- bos. Phone Pac. 2164. PAINTING In all branches; paper hanging, tint- ing, plastering \u25a0 repaired ; send " for estimate. Jas. P. Hunter, 1444 Webster. Tel. West 5053. ROOMS papered,- $2.50 up: painting, tluting; send postal. • Standard, 1239 Franklin st; tel. Franklin 1899. \u25a0 ART REPAIRING '.* \u25a0 YOSHIKAWA-KURODACO.. Jap. are repairing; antiques a specialty. 416 Grant ay. nr. Bush. "BASKETS ; ; L. D. HUGHES. BASKET MAKER of, all kinds! 1822 Mission st.: formerly 1707 Geary st. GAS ENGINES ' MINING hoists, 'stationary and portable engines gas, distillate -or crude oil. WESTERN GAS KXGIXg-CO.. 22 Ist st. -•;\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ..-...- TRUSSES CLARK, GANDION TRUSS CO.'.specialists, truss fitting; lady att. 1258 G. : G.~ a y. near Fillmore. WLVYJJRJLE^S^GERMAN EYE WATER USE Mayerle's German eye water ONE DAY~and notice the wondcrfnl effects: bright, strong and healthy eyes will be the result ;v price 50c.~ by niail 65c.» GEORGE MAYERLB,> German expert optician. 114 ft G.C. S. IV Phone Park 3153. A 9 c PV- x -T A -r VTS - • ' AUDITS." systems,". special Investigations. '.' COOP- KR. 005 Keren-. bldg.. 717 Mkt.; Kearny 5959. W: F. BECKER, PUBLIC .ACCOUNTANT. AU- DITOR. 222 Sheldon hide: -tel. DoiicUh ms. ACCOtINTANTS — Certlfled L Public JOHN R. BUCKSTELL; C. P. \u25a0 A^?^V3oB^CUus > Spreckelw hnilrtlng.". Phone Kenrny 4151. \u25a0 ."'. - -.. XOTA HV PUBLIC V ~~~ MARK. LANK.' notary pnblic'and commissioner of dee*l(». 24.*. Rn«h «'t.:>nhone T»mt>.' 202». ' - '-. \u25a0 ;'DKTECTIVG.S..'. West Coast I>etectlve Agency /(licensed, bonded*; .conducts cases. secretly: cor.. confidential. >.-:,K>6 Fillmore: .Tel. I'ajk 5550. x. C.UBAY, Trln. THE; SAN ••.-FRANCISCO CALIj, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1909 AA— DIVORCE: Costs; $12; quick; quiet; advice I fre*»;- no -charge unless successful: .title to real ' estate ". restored: bankruptcy: probating of -es- tates ; "general practice." 102S Market St.. r.. 12.' COM PLETE divorce for $32." including all \u25a0 costs • 'a.- reliable lawyer; \u25a0 1122 Market st.V room 31. - - JOHN F.HANLON. 'attorney at 1aw, '542 Pacific building; phone Douglas 2799.", v•\u25a0 . , CHAS. A. SMITH, attorney at law.' rooms 1105-7. Call building,; Phone Kearny 4GSS. . NATIONAL Law k and , Collection Co.. , 601-602 Cochran blflg.", "251 Kearny st. Phone Kry. 2093. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law; WAT.'. Hess, notary-publics J*oom;1112,;Call building. ;:St" L. S. CLARK. "attorney, iat, law,: Bsl Jackson Bt.; Oakland: consultation "free: open evenings." PATENT ATTORNEYS DEWEY, STRONG -A , CO.— Founded \ I860; U. S. andr" foreign patent*; inventors' •< guides; 100 ir.echanlcal .' movements free. 1105 Merchants' Exchange building. San Francisco. \u25a0. ; -' :" - - ,~ ..;-.•\u25a0 HARRY C. SCHROEDER. U. S. and foreign pat- ents.'a2o First Nat.^ bank, 'Oakland ;?tel. 0.3575. SONTAG Patent Agency— Established 1899. Bal- t>on hH?;. cor, -Market and 2d sts..' 10th floor. jTITi^ES RESTORED .'\u25a0'\u25a0['_ UNDER McEnerney act; % complete,' $35. = Title Co.. 951-3 Monndnock hldg.~. 3d and Market sts. '_ "\u25a0";_'\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.'- '-.'pExsioys '"\u25a0'-\u25a0'. \u25a0'\u25a0- Av '-' A— M. HARRIS, pension and patent atty.. 34 El- lis st.; references, many thousands for whom I j _have_secnred pensions: 21 years' practice. ": ; STEWART School— Rare opportunity to remedy i defects in early education; any hour, day or evening; Instruction private.- 533 Hayes st. near Fillmore. JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and NORMAL CLASS. High school, all -branches. Prepare ' for - college, teachers' exams., civil service. Laboratory courses. Day, eve. 943 Van Ness'av. . \u25a0 . \u25a0".\u25a0* y ::\" \u25a0; . '\u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0 : ELOCUTION, piano, • mandolin, violin, guitar, French, Spanish, German taught' at Women's Educational Union for $1.50 per month.- 1061 Laguna st. .corner Turk. • ENGINEERING— CiviI." electrical, mining, mech. survey, assay, cyanide ; day, eve. ; est. 18C4. Van der :»alllea School, 51st and Tel.,' Oakland. THE LYCEUM, 2390 Pine St., • prepares boys and girls, for university, • law, medical' colleges; teachers' ex.'s; here you save time and money. ITALIAN gentleman .wishes to . exchange . lessons twice a week for English : seriously. \u25a0 Address MEATI, box 499, Call offlce. 1651 Fillmore st. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL •OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington near Fillmore; send for -cir- cular. - - -- . .-". • -...\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 • . \u25a0 TWO year scholarship In i the Snell Acad>my, Berkeley, • Cal., : for sale."- Address E; H. WUHRMAN, San Jose, Cal. • . A— 3o DAY: SHORTHAND .-COLLEGE,- 25 Si st. Bookpg., arlth.. -gram., penmanship; civ. iwrv. SPANISH-: &" Comnj. forms; best practical meth- od, Castilllan pron. PROF. ACED. 1932 Maeon. CARA CELESTE POTTER, teacher-of elocution; special instruction;' to children. 1651 Busk st. PROF. T.: A. -ROBINSON, lndlv.<instr. main.. bookeeplng,\ Eng., -.etc.; • day, eve. 6QJ. Ualfht. PUCKETT'S SCHOOL OF- DANCING— Classes Mon. and Ft!.- Cotillion hall. Church at MarHet. A— METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. '. 925, GOLDEN GATE A Y. - ' ASSAYING, telegraphy, civil ; and electrical engi- neering, mining, etc. Heald's, 425 . McAllister. ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business College.- 1256 -Market -st. • MUNSON School, of. Shorthand: private instruc- tion. 117 Delbert bldg.. Van; Ness & O'Farrell. SPANISH or French. in 3 months: perfect pro- nunciation. PROF. HIDALGO;- 1265 Ellis st. SAN FRANCISCO : Business College, now located at .733 Flllraore nr.- Hayes; dty and evening. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 i'lllmore at. near Post. • -\u25a0:-\u25a0 - \u25a0..--\u25a0.-\u25a0 \u25a0 PHYSICIANS \u25a0 ATTENTION. - LADIES.- J Yogi Medical Adepts and bloodless surgeons. Offices. 506-7-8 West bank : bldg., 830 Market st.; reliable, specialists for' woraep. W'ben suf- fering'from any ailment' consult these skilled pjij-slclans. , Cure when others- fall. Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p.' m. ; ...-.\u25a0..\u25a0'.-... DR. MAR DON. the noted doctor of Chinese em- pire, now at 768 Clay st.. S.F.; with knowl- edge ioherited through.-? genera tlonu; cures all ailments human system is subject to by means of teas, carefully selected herbs; consult, free. DR. WONG HIM— •. HERB DOCTOR. Permanently Located 1268 O'Farrell st. -bet. Goush and Octavia. DR. JOS. ADDENYI, physician and surgeon; dia- bases of skin, gcnlto-iirinary, veneral and rec- tal diseases; 1-3, 6-7:30 p. m. 1246 Eddy st. X— DR. C. GROVES. San Francisco's leading specialist for < women and I mnternlty cases; strictly : private: lira. 9-9. 966 Market st. MRS. I. LEAN, C. S. P.— Healer of all ills. Offlce 874 Eddy. St.: hours. 11 to 5. . . . MATRIMONIAL HONEST, reliable, refined gentleman,- In the thirties, wishes to meet a woman of means; object matrimony ; one who could assist; him . linanclnlly in bis business, which will make them . a handsome income , property ; all can be placed in her name; I am a good. businessman, one any woman is. safe in meeting; very best of references given; strictly confidential. P.O. box 171, city.; \u25a0-•-.; i. ' : \u25a0 - \u25a0"'\u25a0 : ' '\u25a0• . ;•-. YOUNG, widow, just out 'of ncr weeds. Is anx- ious to meet highly respectable and educated gentleman, one \ of means; object . matrimony. Box 420, Call offlce'.' -..'V BACHELOR." honorable American. .37, owns of- . flee business,- desires : acquaintance of "nice" girl, - wltli 'means; object matrimony."; Kindly give ' particulars In first ' letter; strictly cosii- dentlal. Address MASARINE, care Calvin, 309 West 43d St., New York city. : WOUKINGM AN " (40) seeks to get * acquainted with elderly girl of. mature age or -widow (no ' objection to child), to form j further acquaint- ance; object, matrimony. Box .436. ; Call offlce. GERMAN widow", 25 years." fine house "keeper, . desires the acquaintance, 0f .. : honorable gentle-, man of means; object matrimony.. Box 500, Call offlce. , :,...;. . ;. . GET. married;; send for list,' with photos, and postofflce addresses tret. Address C. M., P.. O. box -121.. Oakland. Cal. HIGH CLASS folks visit "Mrs. de. Long's, tuatri- monial. parlors nnd .are Invariably pleased with " results., 1245 Lagnna. West Seija.' I'etalls '2oc. DO. not bedeceived;- the only, rellnble inntrinio- Jiial bureau you; will; find at MRS. 'A.'-WOL- .TER'S. , 1752 Geary, st. : : established -in 1900. GENTLEMEN find ladles of wealth and. culture at the only « reliable -agency, ."Society Lady," 260 Holllß. Ft.; Oakland. . Dotails 2.V. MRS. HUGHES. 033 Webster, wishes all temper- ate. * respectable and gentlemen to call. ' '\u25a0: . '"_";_\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 "MEDICAL r -"".\u25a0.-' __;~~ AA— DR. -AND 'MRS. MASON . Successfully . treat? all. female complaints' and irregularities 'by- -Improved 'methods, without resorting- to painful and dangerous operations; 25 years' experience. No '.matter ' what your trouble or bow long; standing it may be, their friendly and \u25a0 confidential advlee • will cost you nothing. . All ; treatment; 1 POSITIVELY; GUAR- ANTEED not to injure itbe^ most delicate per- son. . Those unsuccessfully ' treated . elsewhere, especially Invited ~ to .', call; Private ' home : be- fore and, during confinement.. -,-4-.> ': '- Hours, . ».to;8;; Sundays, 10 to 12. • Take ' elevator- or ; stairs ". to ; 2d floor. 220-221 WESTBANK BLDG., 830. Market st. AA— ATTENTION. < LADIES .-. '.-." : \u25a0 i DR. NORTH,;' 1025 Market ; phone Park . C 941." World • Renowned '• Specialist \u25a0 for i. Women Only.' No Delays.or ' Disappointment.' . ' \u25a0-"-\u25a0 • -\u0084; v : -\ * Relief. Guaranteed/ v ' By : Most Superior -Painless: Methods -Known to .. . \. : "i Medical Science. . '. " Most, obstinate"; cases: treated; utmost have no' hesitancy; if In' need ', of •my .• services; . , absolutely harmless. - Lowfees. ' By consulting , ' van '; eminent . . specialist .-, you -, save .« time ; and , . money. ' i' All ' female \u25a0\u25a0' complaints • cured. : . Advice , free.-.,10a.'m.. to 4'p.':ni.rand 6;to 9-p. m. • AA— ROBERT G.; FULTON, B. A.. M. D. -;-.:,.; :-»l6.lUh' st.'rneariWashlngton,' Oakland. : '\u25a0 20 > years \u25a0 ago : I \u25a0 graduated ; from • 2 « leading ; unl- i versitles.". Since, then I have TREATED- WOM- EN'S * AI LMENTS i EXCLUSIVELY." 1 : It , 13 to your advantage;- to i; consult t the ' most successful . and I trustworthy free. '\u25a0\u25a0 Fees rea- 1 sonable.""- Hours/'IO arm.- to 6 i»."m;'Phone Oak- land 5458."' -\u25a0'?:.' - -- 1 . '. \u25a0 ".;s DR.V ROBERT i G REENLEAF.I F ULTON. 516 11 th ; St.- bet. -Washington r and ' Clay/. Oakland. DR.' ABBOTT, the well 'known ;la«lles' 'specialist ;- GUARANTEES \u25a0 RELIEF ;>In * all fn disorders of women; by; reliable.- painless, ' Scientific methods.' Private > maternity * sanatorium I If : deslred.*si -= CONSULTATIONi FREE AND S CONFIDENTIAL. '•':-\u25a0\u25a0•<* Hotim.'* o { .to : .R."'-SnndayB.'f 9? to- 2.--' , ;i. r ..V) KLLIST.ST.'-NEARiFILLMORE. " A— DR; p AND^.\[RS.':DR:i- PIERCE. -world re- : nowncd specialists fvri WOMEN: !our j treatment is pica sant;; safe and sure;.. you.' can pay. a little "\u25a0 down." 1 . !=ui:e \u0084 502.' : "W'estbank.; Imllding.'. fC,y '. Market : st. ;<-or. ; EHl«.U", to .S;; Sundays . till ; V>; M RS.- DU. ,.W F.ST.T offlcft j 1 'HKi; Golden Oa 1 c ay.—a v.— ' IJidlesV^pecialist'for.niany.'j-eiii-sj.aH cases sue- •;cecsfnllyUn-aicd;'no.paln:ino delay from home- ,-loWi£ees; ; Uouri^a i._.UoB y. _%. A— MRS. f DR. - WELLS, reliable ladies' specialist : fop alii female ; complaints : ; instant relief guar- • I anteed ; jCO years' i successful I practice ; I home |in .s 1524 \u25a0WEBSTER' st. between Geary; and Post ; offlce . hours lOto 5. \u25a0\u25a0- : - SPECIALIST ; for : ladles ; s painless : relief guaran- , teed : pay when cured ; advice free." MKS. DR. PHILLIPS, 3452 10th st. near; Mission .: . : DR. MARi", ADAM.., ladies'/ physlcion: prlvnto ' home for , confinement : » terms ? reasonable. r 3004 Frultvale ay., phone Merrltt 215. , , ".-;. . ; '.' CALL . BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore St. near' Post. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0','\u25a0 -; \u25a0;-;.- HOMES S. F. LYING-IN HOME.* 1191 Oak st. nr. Park— \u25a0 DR.* LORD, - physician in charge; confluement Sanitarium , treatment; massage: ,lady attendants 'Apt. 23." St. Mungo bldg.:- 1-800 G. G. ay. ; 9-10. WANTED— Professional nurse or experienced 'Uady .; physician -to -start '\u25a0 private"' sanitarium; have furnished honse; fine location. Box 4991. Call offlce. Berkeley. : -:- ; "CHIROPODISTS \u25a0 - FOOT treatment*, .chiropody : and pedicuring. MRS. M. 2 HERBERT, suite 31-32. 246 Powell. I DR. J. W. LEVY, surgeon chiropodist, r. 304-305, Phelau bldg.,Mkt. at O'Far.: U. ft to 6 p. m. CHIROPODY— I26I Golden Gate ay. near Flll- more at. \u25a0 -V . \u0084 : .\u25a0-.,\u25a0 \ *:- \u25a0'' ~-'; : .;'"-.-. \u25a0": DENTISTS BOSTON PAINLESS, DENTISTS. 739 Marketst, acknowledged to be the easiest and best paln- r less extraction in S. F. \u25a0" Full set of. teeth, $2; Kold . crowns, $2 ; silver" filings, 50c. .'All work \u25a0 guaranteed 20 years. Open. daily .till, ft p. in. DR. C. W. DECKER, Phelan bldg;» rooms 308- 9-10., 760 Market -st.; : phone Kearny- 1630. DR. SIMMS, 1214 Polk st., cor. Sutter, room 3QI; phone -Franklin 367. . .\u25a0'.-\u25a0' DR.IRAG. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. ,515 : Fillmore st. > near Oak. - DR. U. G.BARTLETT, extracting specialist, re- moved t0>323 Geary cor. Powell; Douglas 4300. HILL, DR. : LUDLUM. 432 Webs, (now; Muirhead bldg.) Market. Hayes and Larkln; gas given. ALSO ear noises \u25a0 positively cured; '. 1 ; week . free. DR. COTTINQHAM. 1090 Sutter St.; hrs. 10-4. DOG AND CAT JJO^PITAL^^^^ • DR. E. J. . CREELY, ISIB 'Market J«t.~; phone _S____!7o— Speclalvj^rdfordoKMj_dogstjoarded. J BUSINESS^ PERg P-^AI ? '"}} /?.J-h MY wigs anil toupcies fit perfectly j I make them bo that they are, thoroughly ventilated and airy. •It Just takes a minute to adjust them. 1 1 , have made wig. making a life study and guar- ' antee. every one I make. Gentlemen's private department upstairs. Experienced", man in charge. Hair dressing, dyeing, etc.. , by art- ists only. Large stock of switches, pompa- : flours, etc. G. LEDERER, ' 2271 California st. near Webster. Mall orders receive prompt attention. \u25a0 Established 1566. MRS. LOUIS • HOTOP, 954 Grayson St., West Berkeley, was relieved of largo tumor' without pain or. knife by the MAGNETIC nEALERS, 709 Telegraph ay;, Oakland. \u25a0 Phone 7742. BED wetting- speedily cured;* particulars for stamp. Nurses' Remedy Co., dept. C,' Oakland, \u25a0 Cal. -\u25a0;\u25a0- -.-\u25a0\u25a0- . UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than 'cost at CHAS. LYONS', the London tailor. 1432 Fillmore st. bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. MRS. L. E. HARTMAN. baths and massage. ' nervous and rheumatic specialist. 408 Koenig I bldg.. 101, Post st. cor. Kearny; open Sundays. : MOORE Institute of Massage; 2 attendants: vi- bratory treatments for all gone, tired feeling; hours 10. to 9 dally. 1304 Fillmore st. MAGNETIC MASSAGE — MRS. HOLSHOUSER, Tel. Doug. 4440; 351 Pacific bid.. 4th and Mkt. MISS C. BELL, ninnlcurlng. face and scalp treat- ment. Room 21,-1443 Fillmore st. MISS WALLACE,: Eastern Masseuse: baths. 124 Turk. r. 210, Ist floor, rear; 11-10; open Sun. MISS ,E. M. REID, graduate masseuse; hours 10-9; Suite 2. 1705. O'Farrell corner FUlmore. GOLDSTEIN CO., theatrical and masquerade cos- tumes: sue. to .Tahn. eostniuer. S2l Van Ness. MRS. E. M. KERNDL. electro-massage, baths. 1214 C.Scott. Scott St.; hrs. 10-12; 1-5; 7-9. MISS IDELL; vibratory electric treatment for select patronage only. 1900 Sutter St.. . S. F. GRADUATE masseuse. MRS, HELEN DEUBER. electric treatment. 2024 Sutter. P. West 8802. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Fillmore st. near Post. \u25a0 \u25a0 . .- n _^_____;J_ _ - __ . ADOPTIOX v ;;^ . jj- r ;\\ MATERNITY villa— Children boarded or adopt- e«l. 1416 Bth t;t.. Alameda.- — — . * —————— ————-. ( S PIRITUAjNI S M j V__ ; MRS. L.« H. KINNAIRD, circles Sun.. Mon.. ! Wed., Fri., Sheadings daily, 10-4. 1439 Fill- ' more st. PROF. SCHREIER, 10CU Golden Gate ay.; spir- itualist; special readings today, 50c.; divine . healing. DR. HOWLAND'S readings today 50c; circle 25c, ; tonight. 1230 Fillmore; .everybody welcome. -.:, MRS. WASSMER, 1103 Laguna St., gives con- sultations on all affairs of life; hours 10 to 8. MME. EMERT— Readings dally, 1010%' Washin- g ton st.. Oakland, rm. 1: hrs. 10 to 5; no sign. _ _ r ..'., p ,AVA l f?. T - Ry^-^^-n:^^^~^L-.;R y^-^^-n:^^^~^L-.; CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card reader; _-_2fi<v So<*. SI. 013 Broadway. Oakland. REMOVAL BARGAIN SALE— Wurlitzer nickel slot pianinos, orchestrions, harps, players. SLOT pianino rental reduced to $15 per mo. PETER BACIGALUPI & SONS, 941 Market '\u25a0st.; San Francisco. : ' i STEINWAY upright,' fine condition. $275: Estey. $225; other uprights from $100 up. BOWERS & SON. 529 McAllister st." . - A BYRON MAUZY piano check for gale; reason- able. . Box 314, Call office. . ' $95^-Eilers bond on new: or second hand piano; cheap. Box 390, Call office. '\u25a0\u25a0.;. :""'\u25a0- " \ BYRON; MAUZY gold medal pianos, 250 Stock- ; ton st.. Union sqnare. Tel.- Douglas 4355. ,- $9O buys imported Erard: piano; good condition; cash or. time. 90S Van, Ness nv. GUEAT, bafgaln offered In fine Decker Brothers'. . piano, slightly used. . 1466 'Bush' st." -. '\u25a0. A— Almost new upright, cheap. MOS. SCHMITZ, . & CO.. rimy 621 Yon Ness, nr. Turk. A GOOD piano for rent at $3 a rnonttu ; • S SCQTT CURTAZ PIANO CO.. ofM> Hayes st. PRICE 'pianos \ everywhere \u25a0 first, ; then - examine storage' pianos.- 415 Van Ness nv.- - ; $125-^-Flrst class upright: nearly new; must l>e sold. ' HORNUNG'S. 1554 j Eddy near rl'lHmore. NEW pianos for reut," $3; per month; rental al2 lowed If purchased. STATHAM. 24 Hill st. - MOIVEV TO LOAX / ' o .$. $.$ $:.s,ssss $ : $ o $. LOANS ON SALARIES \u0084-/"$ $ A . new " company ' advancing: money, ;wlth- $ $ out mortgage or indorser to ' . $ % RAILROAD EMPLOYES. $ $ STREETCAR EMPLOYES. $ : $ •'•:,:\u25a0 . . TELEPHONE ' EMPLOYES. -,$ ' $ : ;'. RETAIL AND -WHOLESALE CLERKS $ $ or any man or woman holding a permanent $ $ salaried position.' •\u25a0 •\u25a0- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-::\u25a0'\u25a0 % ' $ - EMPLOYEES CREDIT CO., $ $ Room 424,* 4th floor. Monadnock Bldg., - $ $, ' 3d and Market Bts. - : $ * % % -$..:'s.-s;;\u25a0s',\u25a0:s; $.-$ $ $ O . AAAA— LOANS TO SALARIED . PEOPLE. .' .We only lona to people who are strictly work- , -Ing- on a "SALARY,'.' ..without -.indorser,. se- : • cnrlty or. publicity.' ; Lowest rates,"; easiest , pay r . ments - and .-. rebates ; are '' given ?if " paid before ; due. , Your employer v never ; knows. -\u25a0• \u25a0' . \u25a0 : WESTERN-' LOAN ' COMPANY,'^. . -40S Call building, corner 3d and Market sts. "Open 8:30 to C- p. I m.;" also open -Monday, < j Wednesday and Saturday 'till 8 p. m. \u25a0; AAA— HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO/ . . Get our terms when 'about .to borrow on>FUR- ; NITURE,; PIANOS,,; HORSES and VEHICLES." > | We •• will save you. money. . ; Rooms , 357-9 ; Pacific • boildlng (3d -floor), '4th and. Market -sts. Phone Douglas 32(55.- :;•':;.••.-. ;. . Oaklapd : office. 518-19 \u25a0 First •National bank lildg. A— CALIFORNIA'S ."Largest^Pawnbrokers. - Liberal . loans on > diamonds.^ jewelry, '- sealskins, : furs,- etc. :; banking rates;: ladles'- private : office;- : fire and -burglar; proof vault ; on ; the > : premises. ; -CALIFORNIAiLOAN OFFICE. : . • '\u25a0 S4l Broadway -nears Oth -st.;; Oakland. MONEY loaned: salaried '\u25a0 people i nnd .others upon j I their - own -names; nJthout' security: cheapest rates: .easy; payment?; % offices In ;60; 60 ! principal : cities ; save - yourself x- moneys by y getting , our ' terms first. TOLM AN, room 137.V757. Market .st.. S. F.. and room >Q.'. 4oo :l3th, ft:,: Oakland; ' MONEY— MONEY— MONEY . ~~ \u25a0 -.\u25a0 " Salarien— -Chattels - , .Life "Insurance .^Policies ' \u0084 \u25a0 Wage .Earners' r Investment and • I^osn Co., = . '. -'."-u:;." pin»». st.... -;\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u0084-;\u25a0..,\u25a0: :".f-.-,-... : -, ANY ' Amount ; -, lowest rates : on ' first . and • second .' -.'mortgages on-.reiil : rstate.'^le)cacies,.;un(llvlded 1 , v " interests.'.- pstaies i;in : ,-probato; no \u25a0 rdelny.; R.MrCOLGAN. :2f»MontEornery>t..;r.-.11 t-:n.-..-- ' Any; amount f on ;real>Rt«te,-iflrst?or-;Seconfl mort-' ' jigHges.^or oniany;RPCurlty:ino delay; Mow rates^. • i -0. iW.\ BECKER,* 21H^Fillmore near California.- MOXEV TO LO AX— Continued ADVANCES r made *6n \u25a0 and -Jewelry rat •lowest rates: safe deposit- vaults: greatest pos-" Bible s care. taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO., --Van'^Nc-sg'- and Gutter. - ;> -\u25a0 ' c \u25a0;\u25a0 •''\u25a0-\u25a0' LOWEST, rates. s qnict deals, no' delay— Loans ' on s second .mortgages. 1 ' estates. w legacies/ .Undivid«l interest. When' you need money see : HERMAN ; MURPHY. 546 Market St., San : Francisco.- '< R. B. AUSTIN CO.; loans money to salaried peo- ple; investigate our credit system. Rooms 353-5, .- Pacific.: building, '4th; and Market -gts.v • w SALARY loans— Ladies ' and '\u25a0 gentlemen- without security ; ; notes ' and commercial • paper bought. : 313 Merchants" Ex. bldg.; phone Douglas 1411. AAA-~Loans to ', salaried i people. ; THE \u25a0'- WH ITE CO.. 367 Monadnock bldg.; phone Douglas 3250. MONEY |to loan at low ratesof interest on real estate. * HEROLD & LEVITSK Y. . 407 Pine st. A — LOANS on salaries. HOME CREDIT & IN- VESTMENT C 0., -523 Pacific bldg.. 4th & Mkt. ON ''\u25a0 furniture.' - pianos. : etc. ; " strictly private. \u25a0 : BBCKEIt. 2111 FUlmore st. near California. CASH ' loaned ' to ; salaried men on ' note . without lndoreer. MORRELL. 922 jMonadnock bldg. \u25a0 ON "furniture and pianos: -'$15 ; up; ino* removal; no com. TREMAIN. 726 Buchanan nr. Hayes. SALARY loans; other propositions. : San Fran- claco Discount Agency, 411 Pacific .building. MONEY made daily and Call Want Ads help to make it. ; Advertise' your, wants; make, them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. Au investment, not an expense. For full par- _ticulars read Call Want .Ads .daily. $2.*i,000 wanted on property Valued at over $100.- 000; gilt edge: investment; 2 to 4 years. Box 303, Call offlce. \u25a0 MONEY wanted on Improved real estate; will pay 8 per cent net. 3126 Fruitvale ay. WANT $12,500 on first class property, worth $45,- 000. Box: 304. Call office. \u25a0 -\u25a0'\u25a0 IXVESTOIEXTS . THE secretary of a Nevada.' gold mining com- pany wishes to interest addlfional = capital for more aggressive development; ; this Is • one of the best prospective producers and Is close to the latest sensational strike In Nevada; every mining facility at baud; now at work on the property; want one or more Investors to put up $10,000 to $20,000: principals only; bank ref- ! Address Secretary. : box 184,' Call." WE can sell you any active . unlisted stock, 20 to SO per cent below, any other bona fide prices; market letter and - quotations on request; can make quick and prompt sales of all active un- listed stocks and bonds. CHESTER B. ELLIS, & CO., 714 Market st. 51 ; f *>°— ° CEA * V SHORE RAILWAY FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS FOR SALE AT $650 EACH; $100 BONDS AT. $07.50. " D. E. BESECKER, 248 PACIFIC; BUILDING. CITY -businessman -will invest $10,000, more or \u25a0 less, in Bnbstantlal business enterprise wither without his. services. Will only, consider letters giving nature of business.' P. O. box 372, S. F. $500 of Btock in gold dredging company for sale; 100 per cent dividends absolutely assured; full Information ''to intending purchaser. -Box 97. Call office. OIL shares have doubled aud trebled in .price; are on tbt: l>oom; my oil and mining market letter will keep yon posted; It is free. J. E. KERR. 3CB Bush st.. San Francisco, Cal. • OIL LAND. I ha ye SO acres of land in the oil - district of • Kern which. I would-llke to lease; make me an offer. Address- box 54,- Call office. - MeCARTY wireless telephone— lmportant Infor- mation for* stock holders. Room 40, Bacon building, Oakland. FOR sale — 3-'>o shares McCarthy wireless, or any part, at $•».;• Call 507 Pacific building. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, ICSI Fillmore et. near Post. \u25a0-...- . . _ FiaTAXCIAL WANTED — Names nnd addresses. of persons who purchased stock In the Burlingame Typewriter Coaspany, relying on the statement < that the machine could- be \u25a0 snecessf ully worked on one wire. Address or call In confidence. EDMUND BURKE, 347-34S Mills bldg.. San Francisco EDMUND BURKE. EUCALYPTUS, , THE FORTUNE BUILDER oO pet. . to 300 i>ct. : annual profits; highest 1 in- dorsement- of state and government; safest of nil Investments; ' easy payments; get In'now . with the best company on .the market - PACIFIC EUCALYPTUS CO.. 253 Bacon Block. Oakland. Cal. A A— A REAL CAPITALIST Wanted to furnish $5,000 to $20,000 to handle leading staple. Interview to get : particulars. 1 Box 4543, Call office. "ABBOTT BUYS BONDS": , Ocean Shore, Mar- . ket st. . Bank and Cal. SafeDep.' books; will ! sell Ist mtg. Ocean Shore By. 5 per cent $100 | at $06.' 51.000 at $650; buy now. 132 Bush st. | WANTED— Goldfleld Connecticut mining stock. WALTER E. LOGAN, room 17." Bacon block. Oakland. • ; EXPERT incorporating: reasonable. Corporation Law Company, 798 Monadnock building. . CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. D. E. BESECKER, 243 PACIFIC. BLDG. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore st. near |- Post. \u25a0\u25a0 .— - \u25a0 . .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 FOR SALE ARE you buying or selling stocks or bonds? Call on PETTIS& BURBECK, 333 First National bank bnllding, Oakland. "' LEGAL NOTICES ~~ SUNSET MONARCH OIL -COMPANY. | Location and place of business, city and county of San Francisco, state of California. ! Notlee-^-There is delinquent upon the follow- ing described stock, : on account of ' assessment No. 7, levied on the 7th day of. January, 1909. the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective share holders, as follows: Names of : Certificate Share Holders No. Shares Amount Baker, A. F. zu 22 $2.^0 Kiha, John K.; L . ......'..- 265 - 12 :'\u25a0 1.20 And .In accordance with law and an order . of the Board of Directors made on the . 7th day of January/ 1009, so many shares of each parcel of s-jch stock as may; be necessary will" be sold at public auction at the office of the company, at 90 Clay street, In the city and county 'of San Francisco, state of California, on Saturday, the 2. til day of ' February, 1009, ?at 12 o'clock noon on . such . day, * to pay such ; delinquent : assessment thereon, together, with cost -of advertising and expenses; of sale. . - : GEO. A. DOUGLASS. Secretary. Ofuce of company. 90 Clay st.. city and coaiity of San Francisco, state of California. ~ ANNUAL uiectilig of stock holders of the Kll- auea Sugar Plantation Company— The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Kllaue* tMigar Plantation Company will ' l^ held on TUESDAY, February 23. 1909. at the'hour of 11 o clock \u25a0a. ra.. at the offlce of the com- panj-, ;. 268 Market st. (room 210). San Fran- cisco, Cal.. for the purpose of electing direc- tors for thq ensuing year, and for th^ colsld- eratlon and transaction of . such . other business . as may come ; before * the meeting. \u25a0 \u25a0, Transfer l^n T nl olose Ol > Saturday, ... February, 13, 1909. t By , order of the president: - ' \u25a0'\u25a0 • • • •' H. W. THOMAS, Secretary. Dated February S. 1909.: .' THE annual meeting of the stock holders of the S^R^.,^ 8 , 1 ! 11 * 11011 company will , be : held on WEDNESDAY, ; February 24, the hour of 11 ocloekta. m., at the office of the com- pany, 2CS Market St.. room 204. \u25a0. for the pur- pose of, electing directors for the ensuing year and for the; transaction of sach> other business as may^come. before .the -meeting -....transfer books will close on Saturday, ; 13th day of Feb- ruary. 1909, at 3 o'clock p. m." By order of j the president. ." . •-\u25a0\u0084 v/- \u25a0 >W- J. MATSON. Secretary. Dated 'February 10, '1900.^;* NOTICE to the Public: .r Tlie firm of X.. H.r Hop Keo Company of 1000-1002 Dupont st. has dls- . solved partnership with Nr, Ting Qua! and Ng •f Ting Wo. have sold their entire interest to us and from 1 this ' date on. February : 9 • 1000 we wUI responsible for any bills contracted by them."- ;, : - - . ... (Signed) .;••••-'\u25a0 K.;H: HOP KEE. COMPANY P. M.. ELLIS ha» sold barber shop; poolroom and -cigar stninl to DanChudencin.' :;182 Mission M. : : ' _ MIXES AXD MIXIXG '-, ALLGE WAII It i BROS. CO.'. j assaying in all Its • branches : * accuracy ; guaranteed ; i send for mall- \u25a0'. lng. envelope. -j- 313^ 6th » St.. , Oakland.. "\u25a0- GOLD," amalgam,. rich ore bought; cash; assaying 50c. Pioneer Assay Co.. 131 sth Howard. , B^?r GJ^^,~ C « rner '\u25a0 lot f or ' ; Bale ;' Address box '.oli. 'Call office.. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0... : . . , HAVE YOU RESTORED I YOUR TITLE? | YOU. MUST DO SO BY :JULY;I.' l<>o!>. \, I. McENERNEY- DECREES | ' REASONABLE," PERFF.CT," GUARANTEED.' FI DELITY ' TITLE RESTORATION . CO;; INC. 'I! 20 MONTGOMERY, ROOMS 210-211-"l" f ' j; {/TELEPHONE KKARNY 4779.." |"" A ; CHANCE IN \ A; LIFETIME— WiII •: sell place \u25a0with ; about 40 cottages. T large t hotel ;t 12 room \u25a0summer i resort : ;, modern 2ga rden ", nud i orcha rd • ; ' acys . In ; olives: f brick s factory: -. latest l ma- ;;ch inery ;'.\u25a0'\u25a0 capacity^ 30.000;;- -bricks t per day: cattle.'itools.'.^wogous.'J carriages.' ' etc.T ; ; necessary- for first : class | resort ;, healthful*: pop- ,; ular- and j <iul«-t : " ahva.vs; good =. patronage: fS ISO \ncrrs igood farming i lund: S priced very .\u25a0 reason- f i; able; twill » accept J small ? amount t <-ash,* balnn'-e . --'; on *\u25a0 mortgage. [on i account * owner a old ' aud sick : ,« ; willing * to ; exchange ' for '\u25a0 city ? -iropprty." Full - particulars \ by/, calling ou > J. » M_l'E*B, 1235 ' . Goldea",Uat« m« * \u0084 .-: \u25a0 ' "';>"\u25a0 . -.V ; •'; j CITY"reI\I/.ESTATE — Contlnaed $17.500— N .: W.. corner; one of the choicest, pret- /..; tlest,". most? Ideal apartment sites 'east of Van Ness antl south of Sutter;. in line of great im,- .'provements;; s2oo,ooo building going up on op- posite •, corner; mortgage -of - $10,000 " recently msde with bank can remain. - : •\u25a0 PROGRESSIVE REALTY CO., 346 Jlar&et .MY .EXTREMITY IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY s $6,500 — was $7.000 — 3 almost new flats. 4. 5 , and 5 r. and !>.; wetr built and laid oat; shin-, gled front." pillared vestibule, red tile eaves. Call tt LDj 6th ay. . .\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 IF jou can spare. the time, and it don't rain, , :: drop- in and let me show you two of the finest * fia t * i n ' town " ffopr p $5,000,' or a 5 room cottage for $3,250, and a lot for $2,750. at 1410 . Haight st. I HAVE "got three new beautiful fiats I am go- ing to sell within a week: cost $11,000; make : me ; a ' reasonable 'offer and they are yours. I mean this, so don't delay..; 1410 Haight st. $5.750- : -Cottas?,* G rooms and bath, on lot 25x100; . Oak' St.. ucxt to, corner' Devisadero: must be \u25a0 sold: :, lot - nlone ! worth « the price: half cash. ROTHEUME.L _ CO.. 247. Russ building. $725 " each — $100 : cash, "balance.- $(525, $10 : per • month: 10 large lots in the Mission: part of a ; large estate: no redaction for cash; Interest « • per cent. -Box 422. Call offlce. " ROTHERMEL & ,CO.. 247 Russ J bnlldins. have some jtoo<l bargains In city ••• property: also , houses. aud lots in Berkeley. Oakland and Ala- meda; get our new catalogue. - - $O.IOO— EASY to own fine home: Waller and Masonic; • 7 rooms and finished attic: ' coal grates;, lot alone' worth $3,750; seeing is believing. 1410 Haight st. " . " FOR sale — Up to date residences, .large lots. In ' block facing , Golden Gate park and car line; 12th ay. and. I st.. Sunset "district. See E. B. HALLETT. on premised. . \u25a0 ' WANTED —^To buy. lot about 30 feet front, be- t«-een"l4th. Army,- Folsom and Dolores sts. Address, with size and price, L. M., box 33C. - Call office. ..." '••'--\u25a0' FOR -sale — House and lot on 9tiiav. near Point Lobos; lot 25x120: can be had on easy pay- ments. B. SCHAPIRO Sz CO.. 320 Phelan bldg. IMPROVED business property. 00x104 feet. . 24th and Harrison sts. Call or address 422 62d St.. • Oakland. Cal. MRS. MARY F. FEHRENHOLTZ. 5. AND 6, room modern : homes; high basement: large .lots; arranged to suit buyer. See to- day. -•*\u25a0 11th ' ay.". above J , st. OWNER.- A— ROOMS papered or tinted. $3 np; painting of every description, whitening, etc.: work guar- 'aiiteed. : 1544 O'Farrell st. near Webster. $7,750 — Good speculation; "50x120; 3 cottage*; street bltumlnized. . 'See owner, 253 4th ay., ' Richmond. . ' ' ' ' , SNAP — New, artistic pair of CaU: rents for $55; $1.500 cash, bal. mo. Owner. 511 Pacific bldg. YOUR title restored under McEnerney act. $10. GALVIN. 330 Delbert block. 943 Van Ness ay. TWO good lots for sale, cheap; near Melrose. Address box 4517. Call office. . $7.300^-TWO modern fiats np to date. 12SI 4th ay... Sunset. • CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 FUlmore at: near \u25ba Post. . . . . : gAXTA CItUZREtI. ESTATE HOMES, investments, lots, ranches, acre proper- ties. BROWN & WILSON. Santa Cruz. Cal. . WANTED — Lots between H and J sty. Sunset district; our client will pay cash; prlcea mast j be reasonable. J. W. WRIGHT & C 0...125 and 127 Sntter st. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . *~ "* """ < " COUS'TRV REA I. ESTATE GERMANTOWN FARMS. GLENN COUNTY. IDEAL FREE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. FREE WATER BIGHT. Adjoining thrifty town. Deep, gravely loam soil; no alkali, adobe or bardpan. Pronounced by U. S. government soil expert an Ideal soil for al- falfa, and now producing 10 to 12 tons per acre, also for finest citrus and stone fruits, berries and vegetables. Positively the bfst 20 acre Irrigated farms In the state today.. Sold by the owners at half price \u25a0 of similar lands and on easiest terms. See us about It now. Special inducements to February purchasers., I PATTEN LAND COMPANY, First National Bank Building, suite 601. THB University of California is indebted to the late M. Theo. Kearney of Fresno. California, for the. greatest raisin vineyard In the world. : Twenty-five years ago Mr. Kearney bought, these lands, (lying a few miles west of Fresno." ,' for $5 per acre. . He immediately planted his great vineyard, and for nearly 20 years he tc , ceived -a fair, rate; of interest on $3,000 per ' acre; he was enabled to live la luxury and to . travel annually abroad. At his death he be- i queathed \u25a0 his vast estate to the university. ' Every young man In California might learn "a lesson from these facts. Our Kern county lands offer similar opportu- nities for any Industrious man who i* willing to begin now. Our lands are rich and water . abundant. White for our illustrated circular. PLANTERS' LAND COMPANY, 200 Metropolis Bank Bldg. v : ; j THE SACRAMENTO VALLEY. , THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. : One of the Best Alfalfa and Orchard Districts in '. the United States. FREE — Stereoptlcon lectures daily. 11 a. ra. and 2 p.~m., at the State Board of Trade, Ferry building, San : Francisco; 450 beautiful views, ! showing entire east side. LANDS In large and small tracts at reason- - able prices, easy terms. ] EXCURSION every Saturday. Reliable in- formation given "on each section. Address ' M.' C. COATS. Authorized Representative. ' \u25a0State Board of Trade. Ferry building. , WE ARE SELLING THE EARTH LARGE LOTS 50x150 ft.: $400 r->; ,10 per cent DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. This beautiful tract Is sur- :ronnded by fine shade trees 30 feet high. 2 blocks from new school building costing $30,- ' 000. Only 7 minutes-w alk from. station. Buy a lot and make money. Build a borne, stop ; paying rent. - - . - WE WILL HELP YOU. SEE PENINSULAR REALTY CO.. 262 Main «t. " opp. ,S. P. DEPOT. San Mateo. Cal. \u25a0 •«. ' GERMANTOWN FARMS \u25a0 ~ - v • ."•",:'\u25a0 GLENN .COUNTY ] 20 acre tracts adjoining Gcrmantown; best- soil Jn the . state for alfalfa, berries, fruit and - ." garden -track; $75 per acre, • Including water; ' . easy terms. PATTEN. LAND COMPANY • -001; First National Bank Blilg. ] WANTED IN EXCHANGE From owners, good ranches where men can make atliving; from $2,000 to $10,000 In value, in ex- ' change for Oakland. . Berkeley and Frultvale homes, at cash values. Describe your ranch as," be fair,- and we can exchange it for you. > Country Dept. UOLCOMB REALTY COMPANY (Investor of Capital), ' 300 San Pablo ay., * , Oakland. Cal. • IRRIGATED farms; Atwater, Merced connty; 1 $75 per acre; easiest terms; free water right; excursion to Atwater. Saturday " leaves our of- • flee -2:30 p. m.,: returning Sunday, 7 p. m.; 1 round. trip ticket $5.15; picture lecture on At- , water district daily at State: Beard of Trade y. Ferry building. 1 to 2 p. m.- Crocker-Huffman ' Land and Water Co.. sth floor Crocker • bldg. CALIFORNIA land, \u25a0 $1 per acre casjj payment. I balance purchase 90 cents per month per acre: ' - close San Francisco; no taxes, no Interest* 5 acre* tracts: level, rich, clear, ready to plow. - Irrigated; - perpetual water right: Immediate possession: particulars, maps, photographs free . STEVENSON COLONY.I4I4 Market St.. S. F. FRUIT, VINE AND ALFLFA LAND; '20 acre ;, .tracts; within 2. miles of Livingston, on S. P , "10-mlles south of Turlock;.s7s per acre, with : water direct from Crocker-Huffman canal; easy terms: immediate possession. LIVINGSTON LAND. AND COLONY CO.. ' • • Livingston. Cal.- . - FOR sale— 2sMJ acre ' da iry r ranch; 100 acres now ' \u25a0 ? in. alfalfa; 'new C room house, bathroom, etc.; , new/ barn; i land all under Irrigation; windmill nn<l tnnk at house; artesian well- for stock. : <i Price ; $14,000; ' party going away. . For terms \u25a0'. write -GEORGE I. VAUUHAN. Gustlue, Mer- ced county. Cal. ' \u25a0 ' ! MODESTO IRRIGATED LANDS. .-Free Illustrated lectures dally . at 3 i>. m. on l this and- productive section .of California, state. board of trade, "ferry.; building. For litera- ture and 'information call on H. 11. WHITM.ORE. ; Stantslaus county representative, STATE BOARD OF- TRADE, ferry bnilding. WANTED-^Acreage iv Santa Cruz or Santa Clara • county;: will exchange; 2oox3oo ft.' suitable for wareh<JU^e or factory, switch >track. near water. etc.; Oakland. - value • $3.000: ' clear: • have -a"«o • ft.; $1,000.' U L. M. SALSBURY, iHiS ' ' '. Broadway. Oakland. Cal. . . .FINE., vineyard ' land, -the best in . the .state: \u25a0 proven In; the state fair at Sacramento; small • : and 'large 'sold:: terms: to stilt;; also town lots. \u25a0V;' JOS. ; A- JESSE. T Oakley .: Contra 1 Costa eoonty . . THOUSANDS of. chickens;; buy a chicken farm on j ;" - the Cotatl .ratirh..near IVtalum«;»everarhnn- . \ r dred - families -nlrpndy raising thousands." Apply " " - to; the , COTATI :; CO..- 310 California st.. San t; Francisco.' owners of property. .' . ', GooDMncome : ranch, cheap; '.".OaiTe* well'im- .\u25a0 proved:; alfalfa. <t>ws. ;• team »m|. wagon: -In- come $125 per month: price $3,750. Address j dwncr. \->\ TJ. I^iihrcp. \'»\. RANCH bargains— Sfock.'graln/.fnilt or poultry. '\u25a0 IC..V.;BUirL_Y..3iS1 C..V.;BUirL_Y..3iS Market it... room L. .' (| CODXTRT HEAL ESTATE— Contlaae^ 13 -ACRES fine level land. *; >' mile 'from Mer- ~ ced. adapted to fruits, alfalfa: water rlsht; $100 per acre. $500 down. Improved farm* ac $20 per acre. J. E. RUSSELL. Merced. Cal. ! GRIDI.EY. Bigss and/Sunset colonies— Cholcß froit, alfalfa and oranpe Irrigated land sold oh easy terms. For particular* 209 _Monadno<-l£ bldg.. 631 Market st. T. V. A. OBECMEYER. FIVE and 10 acre home* In Alameda county: rich, level land. . with '2 railroad*. 2 statwrns «m th» land; cheap; $:."\u25a0 down and $10 per month. Rich Valley Land Company. 540 Market »t. FOR the best list of country property, farm.*, fruit -and potiltrr ranch*"-, stock ranches, ai- falfa and timber lands send for new catalogue. ROTHERMEL-A-CO,. "47 Rasa bid?.. I. $S0O — $400 cash; 20 acres Al orchard land or ! chicken ranch; wio-1 and water: near Sebastn- pol. Sonoosa county. WELLS & BANGS. 30H | Chronicle "bnildiny. • FOR sale — Gentleman's country seat: woods, lake, acreajre: $40.0l!0. Owner, box 1981. Call office. FOR farm?, stcik ranch*-* and timber lands we MeFAUK & EDWARfiS. SJQ- Chronicle bldg. 640 acre resort ranch for fcate at $20 per «i"re. Address; W.'-E. REYNOLDS. Santa Rosa. Cal. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 . Fillmore st. near Posf. REAI^ESTATB TO EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE. 400 acre farm ia Nebraska: $22 per acre; would like ranch lv Contra Costa county. . First class stock hardware, harness and grocer- ies in live city in Iowa: want income and vacaat lots In Berkeley or Oakland; $25,1)00 stock. 4 flata In Berkeley; rents $1,220 per annum; price $12,000; will take lots in payment. MARQUIS. 2710 Elmwood St.. Berkeley. STOCKS AND BONDS' FOR QUICK SALE. $1,000 Ocean Shore R. R. bonds at $«0.00 500 shares Monterey Coal Company at .!•"» ".OO shares Cal. Pressed Prii-k Co. at. . .\u25a0>."• 500 shares Hubbard Elliott copper at.. .«•*• 7 shares Chiapas Rubber Co. at 35.C*> 52S shares Hoa? Rapid Press at -33 v 110 shares United Wireless pref. <stampedt at 3.oft 1.000 shares Pacific Fruit Cooling and V. .S3 Addres9 P. O. box 754. San Jose. Cal. WANTED— WaInut orchard: say 20 acres; bear- Ing, if possible, from owner for cash buyer; mnst produce income, be sood soil and pric» right; buildings not . essential: buyer ready when rain stops. Send description, prlca and terms to Cocntry Dept.. HOLCOMB REALTY CO., (Investor of Capital) 20tt San Pablo ay., Oakland. Cal. CALL at our office and look over exebang* list; "T Improved farms to exchanse for city or Oak- land property. - McFAUL Se EDWARDS, 327 Chronicle bnilding. TO EXCHANGE Lots, cottages, flata and business property In Oakland, to exchange. What have you? D. F. MIXNEY. 422 llta St.. Oakland. WANTED— Ranch from $6,000 to $13,000. Ad- dress R. D. 1. box 220. Fraltvale. Cal. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. IMI Flllmora »t. nenr Post. PROPKRTY TO LET __^ rwi _,^ w , IN Sonoma (Sonoma co.). to rent or lease for « months •or longer. 2 story 10 room boose. 10 acres fruit trees: water, soil and climate un- surpassed; splendid roads for driving; close to town and depot; about 2 hours to city. Ad- dress MRS. L. V. EMPORAN. Sonoma. Sonoma co., Cal.. or MRS. M. V. CUTTER, 1054 Lar- tin St.. S. F. COUXTRV PROPERTY WAXTED CHICKEN ranch of about 10 acres wlti cot- tage. Alameda connty: buyer waltlnsc. LUT- TRELL & CO.. 10»i7 Broadway. Ookland. OAKLAND AIAMHM KRKHiY fROnYAIE _4 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES JAPANESE Emp. and House Cleaning Co.. 837 Clay -st.: tel. Oakland 13M. Home A 2448. ' SPECIAL XOTICES PHONE yonr wants to Baldwin. Oakland 8953. General repair shop; puns acd motorcycles for trade or sale; rooms and board: meaU at all hours: short orders. 1221 Franklin »t.. Oak. . MISCELLANEOUS ' HIGHEST price for good castoff men's e!othe« and shoes. S;:4 Wash.: tel. thikiari'l «7'.W. FLATS TO LET—AlamfJa TO let — Upper flat of 5 rooms and bath. Apply 1249 Park St.. Alumetla. lIOUSESjn[> LET — Oaklaml — KTriiUhed FOR rent — Nicely furnished house. C rooms; lawn, garden, storehouse, chicken yard: all complete; 2 blocks from Key Runte at Sonth ; Berkeley; IS3I or 731 62d st. l*tween Grove 1 and Dover; owners . goiuj; east for • few.: months. .: \. BARGAIN— Neat furniture for 7 room-* for sale;- will rent house If desired for %Z'l per. uion;li- Apply at 770 20th St., Oakland, for terms -uo, fnmitt7r*». • " HOUSES TO LET— Alameda — Furnish^! . BUNGALOW, 4 rooms, at beach: secluded; nice grounds; boat; near 7th st, station. 7US Cen- tral ay. FRUITVALE ay . .2017 — Cottage: 5 large rooms, bath, ba^craent. -gas: on car line. LIESE ay."; 1507 — Cottage; 4 rooms, gas, bath. pantry, basement: largt* lot: \u25a0*> chicken hoi:s*"». HOUSES WAXTED WANTED— A furnished house of 4 rooms ia Oakland. Berkeley or Alameda; references ex- chauced. Box PAiti. Call oftice. " NEAT, stinny room in private family; newly an<t recently furnished: gas. electricity, privilege oC bath and phone and on «-ur!iu<-; rent reaaouabie. This room mnst be swa to be- appreciated. Address 1527 Telegraph ar.. Oakland. HOTEL ST. PAUL. 528 12th st. cornel <'1»y - Rooms. soc a <lay up; $2.^ week up; special rate by the month; open nil night. JEFFERSON st.. 017. between >>th and 9th, Oakland — A sunny house kcepinit room suit- able for bachelor; 2 minures' walk to 7th and . Broadway S. P. depot. 17TII St., S«J3 — Snnny rooms In private family ; running water, bath and l.inndry; hous» Seep- ing privileges; v*ry centra!: rent r»»soTi»blff. THE Oakland Branch .»f Tiie fail is »t 4t» KlfT; ' enth st. near Breadwav. I'bvnes Sunset •>a*^ i land IPS.". Home A2n7.*». OAKLAXD HOUSE KEEPIXG ROOMS ALICE St.. 1317—1 sunav liirse rwm, suitable for 2. with privilege of light house keeping; use of bath, laundry, large yard nnd phone; i close to center of town and S. P. locals; rent '" "reasonable. . Phone 9257. FURNISHED light house keeping room. $1.30 per week. 942 .Magnolia »f.. Oakland. TWO furnished house keeping r<x>ms near loc»l and cars; adnlts. Apply 1030 sth ay.. East ' Oakland. , THREE furnished house keeping rooms: rent $ttl I month: nenr Ker Route. i*f>7 Sycamore st. FIRST CLASS board and room for businessman la private family; home privileges; near car* and trains. 2144 Ashby. east Telegraph; phone Berkeley r>lS.~». Iit^OJIISTO^K3>^^"SSiSS HARMON St.. IS.SOA, Berkeley— A large fnr- nished -front room; halt block Aleatraz sta- t!on: $.S. ROOMS AND BOARD — Oakland MARKET St.. ,1190 — Fnrnished nxira and board In private family, near Key Route and wkuin walitlnr distance of town. ROOMS A.VD^DO^IID— -Alaniedn FURNISHED rooai and board: overlook Ins aaj; for 2 bnslnessmen or women: log nre. A<!«lre*s box "2027. Call office. Oakland. T 77^ FURXITUKE FOR SALE AH', yes -—the. installment man will hold yoa np. after -a short time. Buy furniture cheap .for cash at H. SCHELLHAAS'. eatrauce 11th ami Kr-nklln *t*.. «»ilrit-n«!. IIATHEWSON'S : Carpet Beatlns Works— Carpet litylnc, u*>hols. ; mattrexs making., ffather ren SIC E. I2th St.. Oak. Merrltt .W». Homf» Bl'>.<"*» ROOFIXfi ANY kind of roof*, repaired or painted. A HIL- MAN. 508 East T-'tli at. Phone Merritt 45»». TY PBVVS IT Ei«S jVSp S V I*PI .IES SEW anil second Imud typewriters bought and : oolrt. \u25a0.. rented, repaired. g-vnranteed. yjllTH BROS., -tig l^tii st. Phoiw Oakland 12. GEO. E. -MERRY— Smith Premier ag»nt: nl\^ makes repaired. - S7tJ Broadway. Oakland. , .. ' Continued to Xext P«^%