Newspaper Page Text
WANT ADS OAKUND — AIAMEDA — B_RK_EV — fRUHVAIf .;.\u25a0_\u25a0 HOUSE MOVERS IiENDERSO^ i COVEY — Raising, shoring brick \u25a0 «r wood buildings, lintel raising, etc. 4SI 'JIM st. Oak. 2>Z7. Home A3l3*. LOCK SM ITII — Onklnod KEYS 'furnished at factory prices. Key Works, *"* <ir.y st. I'lioiif Oakland 0717. A 2574. SANITARIUMS Ki lV ATE home for coufinenieut; adoptions; best .. of fare. 1.".u3 Market ft.. Oakland. ,___ RUPTURE CURED rTAI.KS ON RUPTURE." by Prof. Pierce; just issued; t-opv free. PIERCE & SON, 1417 Cuest- H':t st.. AlampJa. Plione Alameda 1780. \u25a0 LANGAN & MENDENHALU 201 BACON bulld- lng. I'Dnn^ <lr.kland 1431. OAKLAND REAL KSTATIB $3,300 BUNGALOW FOR SALE BY OWNER AT COST Corner Hudson M. and Boyd t av. Designed by 'prominent architect: the most artistic and con- • renicnt ft room home In Clarcmont district; Mrell Uome In a swell neighborhood; 36 minntr>s .'roa San Francisco. 15 miautes from Oakland. Iti minutes from Berkeley; near Key • Route . and College «v. • cars; large rooms, paneled ; vralls. beam ceHings, double glass doors from , I:a!I to living aud Uining rooms, cabinet kitchen, large, cooling closet, bath fitted with highest grade fixtures, 2 chimneys with brick end tile mantels, windows In closets, cement tr«ys iv laundry: fixtures and shades to suit purchaser. Se* MR. GORDON, owner, on lircraises. or IOO3Vs Broadway, room 1. Oak- ;and: phone Oakland 3530; reasonable terms. 9X500 — Lot 50 ft.. In Perry st. near Van Buren, • 1 block from Grand ay. car line: fine terrace; £0. ft. street; select neighborhood. See owner. fTI K. 34th st.. Oakland. IiOT In Piedmont Vista. 39x112 feet; 1 block ". • from Oakland ay. car line and about 6 blocks ..••from Piedmont station of the Key Route. Tbls \u25a0A* an Ideal location for a home; is eltuated on \u25a0: Vigli ground and has a l«?autlful view; terms . 5450 cash and balance of $SOO In monthly pay- • neat* of $25. including interest. Address box \u25a0" K>!2, Call offlce, Saa Francisco. ;Jf<>J.)ERN . 5 room bungalow, just finished: .- -tR-anW ceilings and paneled walls; large brick •.\u25a0. \u25a0 .fireplace and hinged window «eats: cabinet .« kitchen: on 55th »t. For particulars address \u0084 C. C. EVERETT. SSSS T<l«-gr«ph ay.. Oaklaud. J2E NT, payer, listen: *100 down. $20 per month ". ?"ill buy a $1,400 4 room rottage: street work. sidewaiks In. Address 1420 Broadway. Oakland ."ZiVMES on monthly payments; banking interest: \u25a0we wijl build or buy you a botac. Pacific • j Home Building Co.. 952 Broadway. Oakland. SILL Oakland branch of Tie Call is at 40$ Elev- . . ecth «t.. near Broadway. Phones Sanset Oak- " "land 10f*3. Home A 357. : . BERKELEY REAL ESTATE "~BARGAiN] ; $500 down. $.'Jy per month — New 7 room liout>e: 1 block from cars; 5 blocks from t'*n- ; tral Berkeley Key Route 6tation; total price £2,650, aad our best bur. F. U. PEAKE & CO.. Berk. 3145. 2131 Ceator st. \u25a0REGENTS PARK. Cup corner: sacrifice. $400 <-a«h: no Interest <>n balan-.-e. A. 8.. 1445 \u25a0 tirwet ft.. Nortfi Berkelfr. \u25a0- FRLITVALE REAL ESTATE NEW house 4 large rooms, buffet, kitchen, batli- . r'««n end 2 closets: moijern: worth $2.00O; , j>rioe $I.(VKJ. Including piano end some furni- ture. S Preotls tt.. Fruit vsle. 1 ».!<«-k from - I'niitvale car, ju*t oft Davis St.; owner leav- inj eitr. -ALA «EDA REAL ESTATE COrZY bungalow. 5 roon-,». l)ath. laundry; pantry • ithd outbulldingF; 15 fruit trees; lot 43:d155; neighborhood ; near Park st. station. «"»:! at 1144 Repent St.. Alameda. REAL INSTATE T< Li^£ l i A^ss,^_ OAKLAND property to excUaniare for small im- • proved ranea uear good marker; a modern cot- : tfigp of <> rms.: 15 minutes' walk from business \u25a0" '-enter of Oakland. Address THOMAS E. EDK ; -12 QiiTo ay.. Oakland. Cal. 'UKAfTIITL, mcKlern, 5 room cottage; 1 block to e«r aad school; will accept nice lot as first , jmymer.t ; is offered at a big reduction, $2,250. CENTRAL REALTY IHIMPANY, 2712 Fruitvale «v.. FrnHvele. JOO acres. £hasta co.. all level; ran irrigate; • • exchange for bay property. Call or address \u2666 . R.. 1445 Omnt i»t.. North Itrrfcpley. Jockey Gilbert Wins the Week's Riding Honors '\u25a0- Jockey Gilbert eucceeded in riding "more winners than any other boy at Kmeryville last tveek, his average be . lr.x one for every day. Butler and .Mcntry tied for second place with four ".pach. Tlie record for the week in detail is as follows: ; i'\.;v j^ ;*\u25a0 g a a ' <i:lt>m j aii 0i 3 4 17 .J. Butlor 10 4 ! 1 3 8 Mer.try .-. £O 4 1 2 13 J. Lee 7 3 11 2 T»r!in 25 3 3 <i 13 "Fcoville 23 3 2 2 19 J>»rer>h 15 2 o 1 12 Mclmyre U 2 2 0 7 • Nfttrr 0 2 1 0 3 ArchlbfiM Cl 1 2 1 J7 y.. <;iark 1» 1 2 4 12 Ke.>ch 17 1 5. 3 b \u25a0 11 1 2 0 S *'. Uohk 16 1 1 3 11 • E. SnUlran 1«J I 2 2 11 t pton .- I 0 1 1 0 4 . The standir.ff of the boys who have ricd^n at least one winner since the .opening of the meeting is nov.- as fol lon-tt: ' .„• jockey " : r : I n s I "- » -'"% I 1" * * ! I ' _ O ' : \u25a0''•..'•* % -K"oj:b 1270; 44 43 31i1!i2! 18 « Oilbert ....: '234 S3 34 29,1?.5| 14 42 3. Bailor '206 31 £5 23>121 15 -42 Mentrr !IT3 SI 15 17 110! 17 27 Srori'le *. \lt)i .2S 22 27 117 14 40 Taplin 19- 28 27[ 39 101 \* 49 W. Mlllr-r.. (IX 27 23 22 6.1 20 54 A. \Yal*h '105 27 SI 251112 13 43 Notter \ S7 23 13 31 1 SS 28 57 Mc-Carthr ilSfl 22! 33 IK|lll 11 41 V. Voteen.. r.7| I*l 8 61 23 33 CO I,pton 1172! 19 21 14|11» 11 32 E. Sullivan 132! IS 12 24 OS 11 s.; C Ros«... 1153} 17 15 13 10G II SI Shilling 42i 14 fi 5| I7| 33 00 J. la* «: in 13! J2| 441 15 40 I)ev<frl<-h 8-. 11 7 4 <K\< 13 20 Klr»cUbauin US 10 15 12 70 8 33 liuvton 124 fi IS 1? 79 7 37 C. Kuwill 102 » 101 10 73 S 23 Archibald IC2 9 9| S 30 14 42 Sweet ! Si> «! c) 7 Cl 7 TA Van DuiK-n |S* 0 71 11 «4 « .% llfttix 7!< i] R] is 61 fi Sfl iio'd^tPln I*7 11! 15! Cfi 5 32 <'. Miller 41 4 £J 6 '23 J» 44 W. Mclntyro '.7 4 r,\ 6! 42 7! 27 J. H»}-M 45 4 4 .'.: 32 »' 2» Lycursriif «7 :< 4 7 1 53 4 21 F. H. Kins 18 3 O 1 14 1C 33 Boiri 157 ::; 5 1 49 3 v <:«tli>n -28 21 4| SJ 19 7 XI i:. f'l*rk 24 21 2 Cj 14 8 41 .J 3. Ctrroa IS 2 1 2 13 Hi 2S . (J3aM«T 1& 2; 3! 2| 11 11 :» «;»rj!Tau 8 2! Oj- 1 5 25! 38 Holmes y! 2! 2: « S 22 45 lintwell »| II J »i 1 ss o« Cobnni OS 1 3 7(57! 1 17 "K. Dupin 1 2 I 01 Oj TS «las :.j 22 1 lj 1 20! 4 11 lUrriufflon .: 4 1 fi « 3! 25 27, Kins 2C 1 4 4 17 4 SI Kiln .- JS 1 3 '2j 71 7 47 •McL»usrbi;n 5C 1 2j 21 SI 1 » ijuir?.: 19 1 j- 1 in! R. i« 'fSfhml<lf 12 1 ft; 4\ 7 *\u25a0 42 A. W*i:iiaui*....* I-* 1 2! li.1l! C 27 \\ood 1»! 1 O|" 4J 14| 527 SKATTSG lIKCOIIIJS BRfIKEX ' ST. PAUL, Feb. 14.— 1n a series of matched races Jiore today between Xor- : val Baptie aJ\d John Nila^on three pro f«>Fsiona! indoor world's skating r*K-,ords ifor an indoor track were broken. In t t,«> halt tMil<; ovpnt Baptio lowered his own -world's record of . 1 minute "lS'l-5 seconds, making the . diFtam-e lv 1 mln \it*"\7 i-Z seconds. Xllsson a new world's record for «li«* mile, nisk ine the distance in 2:39 S-.>. and also jowered the two mile record; croinx against time and covering- thu distance ABSTRACT OP TITLE INSURANCE Title Insurance & Guaranty Co.. 250 Montgomery Alameda County Abstract Co., 420 10th. Oakland. CITY ABSTRACT CO., Inc., 07 City Hall ay. PACIFIC TITLE INS. CO.. 420 Montgomery. STANDARD TITLE INS. CO.. Mills bldg. ACCIDENT INSURANCE STANDARD ACCIDENT CO.. Crocker bldg. ACCOUNTANTS — CERTIFIED PUBLIC JOHN R. RL'CKSTELL. C. P. A.. C. Spreckels big BANKERS N. W. nALSEY & CO.. 424 California. BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES AMEB. NAT. BANK. Merchants' Ex. bldg. Anglo-Callfornlan Bank., Ltd., Pine and Sansome. BANK OF ITALY, cor. Montgomery and Cluy. BANK OF SAN FRANCISCO. 1221 Polk. ;*:,'V-5 CROCKER NATIONAL BANK, Crocker bldg. CENTRAL TRUST CO., Market and Sansome. FIItST NATIONAL BANK. Montgomery _ Post. FIRST FEDERAL TRUST CO., Montgmy & Post. FRENCH-AMERICAN BANK, 10S Sutter. ITALIAN-AMERICAN BANK. Mntsy & Commcr. LONDON-PARIS NAT. BANK. Sutter & Sansome MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK. Chronicle big MERCANTILE TRUST CO. of S. F.. 4C4 Cal. - JJUSSO-CHINESE BANK. 415 Montgomery. S. IV NATIONAL BANK. Merchants' Ex. bldg. SWISS-AMERICAN BANK, 1432 Fillmore. UNION TRUST CO. of S. F.. 2 Montgomery. UNION STATE BANK. C9l Market. WELLS-FARGO NEV. NAT. Bnk, 4 Montgomery YOKOHAMA SPECIE Bank. Ltd.. 415 Sansome. SAVINGS BANKS (Members of Savings Bank Association of S F.) MIXHANICS' SAVINGS BANK. Mkt and Masou FRENCH SAVINGS BANK. 10S Sutter. . GERMAN S. & L., SOCIETY. 52* Callforn.a. HIBERNIA S. _ LV SOCIETY, Mkt & McAllister HUMBOLDT SAVINGS BANK. 64tt Market. MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK. 706 Market. SECURITY SAVINGS BANK, 310 Montgomery. S F SAVINGS UNION. California k Xlontgomery THE SAVINGS & LOAN SOCIETY, 101 Montgy. BONDS AND STOCKS THOMAS ARCHER. First Nat. Bank bldg. BERTRAM E. ABRAHAMSON, 251 Montgomery. ROBERT C. BOLTON. Kohl bldg. ISAAC F. BANGS. 423 Kohl bldg. DAVID S. BACHMAN. !>2O Kohl bldg. MANHEIM. DIBBERN & CO.. 453 Montgomery. CARL RAISS. 404 Alaska Commercial bide I. STRASSBURGER & CO.. 454 California. CHESTER B. ELLIS i- CO., 714 Market, opp. Call bldg. (Unlisted stocks.) BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Cal. Home Bldg. & Loan Co.. C. Spreckels bid*. Cont. Bldg. & I>oan Assn.. Market and Church. CIVIL ENGINEERS GALLOWAY 4: MARKWART, Balboa bldg. C. I- McENERNEY, 407 Balboa bldg. COLLECTIONS P. A. CURTIN MERC. COLLECTIONS. Monadnk. RAUER'S COLLECTION AGENCY. 244 Kearny. FARM AND TI3IBER LANDS PPECT & SHIDELER. 23 Montgomery. - • j FIRE INSURANCE CO3IPANIES Alliance Ins. Co. of North America. 102 Battery. AMERICAN INSURANCE CO. \t NEWARK (Gordon & Hoadley). 312 Kanaome. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO. OF LONDON. 343 Sansome. CONNECTICUT FIRE INS. CO.. 312 Sansome. FIREMAN'S FUND INS. CO.. 401-403 California IXtNDON ASSUR. CORPORATION. Pine & Sneme NIAGARA FIRE INS. CO., Pine and Sansome. North British & Mercantile Ino. Co., 212 Pine. P'ooenlx Aswir. Co.. Ltd.. of London, 340 Sansome QUEEN INSURANCE CO.. 122 Sansome. ROYAL INSURANCE CO.. 122 Samome. Sprlncfield Fire Sl Marine Ins. Co.. Kohl bldg. Seattle Fire & Marine Ins. Co.. 334 Mer. Ex. big FIRE INSURANCE (General Agent*) BURTHEAU-WATSOK CO.. 215 Sansome. EDWARD BROWN & SONS. Alaska Comm. bids ' INSURANCE BROKERS GEO. E. BILLINGS CO., 312 California. JAMES N. BLOCK. 160 Sansome. . J. B. F. DAVIS & SON, 607 Montgomery. MAX GOLDBERG. 320 Market. PAUL M. NIPPERT CO.. Inc., 244 Kearny. DAN O'CALLAGHAN, S2 Montgomery. WALTER «. SACHS, 410 Kohl bldg. JOHN D. SAKE. 19 Leidesdorff. VCRONI & HACKMEIER. 201 Hamboldt Bk. blc INVESTMENT SECURITIES BROWN-WALKER-SIMMONS CO.. Crocker bldg. E. P. VANDERCOOK. Union Trust bldg. IRRIGATED FARMS CAPT. T. F. A. OBERMEYER. 29» Monadnock. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. of N. Y. (W. L. Hath- sway manager). 222 Sansome. COLUMBIAN NATIONAL LIFE INS. CO., First National Bank bldg. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INS. CO.' (F. E. de Groat). Claos Spreckels bldg. ' 3IARINE INSURANCE CANTON INSURANCE CO.. S2O California. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 318 Mer. Ex. big Upper Rhine Ins. Co. of Mannheim, 214 Front. MINING ENGINEERS FRANK A. KEITH. Ist Nat. Bank bldg. MONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY CITY LOAN OFFICE. 621 Kearny. WINCHESTER JEWELRY CO.. Inc.. 57 Third. MUNICIPAL A CORPORATION BONDS E. H. EOLLINS & SONS, Ist Nat. Bk. bldg. TIiOWBRIDGE - NIVER CO.. Ist Nat. Bk. bldg NEW YORK STOCKS AND GRAIN' MOSS & CO., 127 Montgomery. NOTARY PUBLIC JULIUS CALMANN, 30 Montgomery. ROBERT R. RUSS. 32 Montgomery. • PATENT ATTORNEYS SONNTAG'S PAT. AO'Y. Balboa bldg.. 2d & Mkt PLATE GLASS INSURANCE PACIFIC SURETY CO.. 401 Sansome. . REAL ESTATE ARONSON REALTY CO., 1(50 Sutter. BALDWIN _ HOWELL. 316-324 Kearny. C. U. BARLOW REALTY CO., C 23 Montgomery. GEO. K. BEW. 129 Sntter. BOARDMAN BROS. & CO.. 50R California. FRANK P. BROPHY, 129 Sutter. CHARLES A. COHEN CO.. 1101 Ist Nat. Bk. big FYFE & DEPAOLI. 32»7 Mission. B. GUZZI & CO.. 23 Montgomery »v. THOS E. HAYMAN. 1000 First Nat. Bnk. bldg. KAHN & FEDER. 32!> Kearny. LANDGREBE. MACNEVIN & JONES, 525 Cal. THOMAS MAGEE & SONS. 5 Montgomery. JOHN McGAW _ CO. (successors to O. D. Bald- win & Sonh 232 Montgomery. DAN O'CALLAGHAN.' 32 Montgomery. SAMUEL POND. 204 First National Hank bldg. SHAINWALD. BUCKBEIT& CO.. 27 Montgomery J. W. WRIGHT & C 0.." 125 Sntter. ' REAL ESTATE — OAKLAND O E. HOTLE & 00.. R. B. Finance <>>.. 1172 Bdy LAYMANCE REAL ESTATK CO.. 1214 Broadway SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS FIRST NAT. BANK VAULTS. Montgmy & Post. Metropolis Trust & Say.. Vault*. Mkt tc N. M«gy WESTERN NAT. SAFE PEP. CO.. Flood Mdg. STOCKS. no\DS-r«JRAI\, COTTON LOGAN & BRYAN. 385 Pine. SURETY BONDS PACIFIC SURETY CO.. 401 Ssusorae. ~ — ~ SURVEYOR ~~~ ~~ C. L. McENERNEY. 407 Balboa bldg. TIMBER LANDS' . . JAMES I>. LACEY & CO.. 72R Monaduock bidg. MINOR-JOHNSTON CO.. 503 Fife bldg. ACETYLENE GAS MACHINES E. I>. BULLARD. 20S Market. ADDING MACHINES BURROUGHS ADDING MACIL CO.. 717.Mcrket. ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES - BACHRACH Sz CO.. 550 Market. \ AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS DEERE IMPLEMENT CO., China basin. International Harvester C 0.. .453 Monadnock bldg: PACIFIC IMPLEMENT CO., 131 Kansas. •AIH COMPRESSORS — ROCK DRILLS COMPRESSED AIR MACH. CO., Jessie _ Ecker. GEORGE K. DOW PUMP CO.. 178 First. • ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS E. J. j HALL "CO.", 527 Mission (magnetos). AMMUNITION FOR SMALL ARMS THE PETERS CARTRIDGE CO.. 008 Howard. ANTI-FOULING PAINT ~~ O. G. CLINCH- fc CO., 15C King. ASSAYERS' SUPPLIES . ? BRAt'N-KNECHT-lIEIMANN; CO.. 570 Mission. JUSTINIAN CAIRE CO.. 573 Market. ~ ART AND MOSAIO GLASS CALIFORNIA ART. GLASS WKS., 838 Howard. MUNICH- ART GLASS CO., 510 Turk. - UN ITED G LA.*3 WKS. ( H. ; R. Hopps ) .". 1 1 5 ,Tnrk ART EMBROIDERY MATERIALS CARLSON-CURRIER CO.. 114, Sansome. ASBESTOS MATERIALS H. W. JOUNS-MANVILLE CO.. 150 New Montg. Western Asbestos Magnesia Co., GO2 Mission. ASPHALT PAVING; : : BARBER ASPHALT PAV^.CO..: 1033 Monadnock. ASSAVEU AND BULLION BUYER > S. B. .G RACIER. 4«» Mojitromery. r ASSAYERStAND: CHEMISTS KINO: METALLURGICAL LAI?.. 2d ; .t: Minns. : , A UTOGRA PHIC REGISTERS AUTOGRAPHIC. REGISTER CO..; ,'!S Clementina. AUTOMOBILE MACHINIST SERVEII-FUKNCII'AUTO MA011.5C0.r 517.G. T0." : ,AUTOMOUILI3!?UPPLIKS. Chanslor & £»yos iiupply C0.,*' 1nc.,' 542 G. G. ar. THEISAN JffRAXCISCO^CALL,: MOND^- FEBM^IRY 15, 1909. AUTO LEATHER TIRE PROTECTOR PEERLESS LEATHER TIRE CO.. 450 Gold. Gate AUTOMOBILE DEALERS THOMAS B. JEFFERY & CO.. 117 Valencia HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.., 4Bo; Golden Gate. AUTOMOBILE TIRES Welnstock-Nlchols Co. (Morgan & Wright) 6oo Turk TnE FISK RUBBER CO.. 418 Golden Gate. CONTINENTAL-CAOUTCHOUC C 0. .422 Van Ness AUTOMOBILE TIRES : (WHOLESALE) THE DIAMOND RUBBER CO., 2d & Mission. . (Tires for everything.) '; ' ~ "."\u25a0'- A VERAGE ADJUSTERS «fc BROKERS JOHNSON & HIGGINS. 244 California. BABBITT METAL AND SOLDER PACIFIC METAL WORKS. 153 Ut. BAGGAGE TRANSFERRED. STORED MORTON SPECIAL DELIVERY. 3S Steuart. BAGS AND. BURLAP AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE CO., 007 Front. BEMIS BROS. BAG CO., Kansome & Vallejo. BAKER & CONFECTIONER SUPPLIES M. GETZ &. CO.. INC.. 135 Main. BATHING SUITS GANTNER & MATTERN CO.. Cal. & Van Ne". BELTING (LEATHER) H. N. COOK BELTING CO.. 317 Howard. BELTING. PACKING AND HOSE GOODYEAR RUBBER CO.. 557-01 Market. , THE GUTTA PERCHA & RUB. MF. CO., 09 Ist. BISCUITS AND CRACKERS AMERICA^ BISCUIT CO.; Battery & Broadway. , BOAT AND LAUNCH BUILDERS JOHN TWIGO & SON'S CO.. Illinois and ISth. BOILER WORKS P.AY CITY IRON WORKS . 1243 Harrison. . KE\ STONE BOILER WORKS. Main & Folsora. PACIFIC COAST BOILKR WORKS. 235 Main.. BOOK AND FILING CASES H. S. CROCKER CO.. 541 Market. BOOKSELLERS THE WHITAKER & RAY CO.. 14T Grove. BOOTS AND SHOES BUCKINGHAM & nECHT, Mission Sc 2d. . NOLAN-EARL SHOE CO.. 727 Mission. E. J. EGAN & CO.. 66J-CR9 HowaTd. GEO. H. YOUNG. INC.. 207-211 2d. BOTTLES AND BAGS THE MILLER & SONS CO., 208 Utah. BREWERIES JOHN WIELAND BREWERY. 240 2d. JOHN WIELAND 'BOTTLING HOUSE. 240 2d. ENTERPRISE BREWING CO.. 2015 Folsom. NATIONAL BREWERY CO.. Fulton & Webster. TACOMA BOTTLING CO.. 2560 Harrison. BREWERS' SUPPLIES Baner-Schweltzer Hop & Malt Co.. 000 Sacra'nto BRICK — FIRE AND BUILDING UNITED MATERIALS CO.. Balboa bldg. BROMO-SELTZER EMERSON DRUG CO.. 404 Mission. , BRUSHES — JAAITOR SUPPLIES WM. BUCHANAN. (523 Sacramento. CALIFORNIA BRUSH & SUPY. CO., 197 Jessie. BULBS AND SEEDS COLOMBO MARKET SEED CO.. 614 Front. BUILDING CONTRACTORS C. P. MOORE BLDG. C 0. .-703 Mills bid*. RfCHARD KEATING (concrete c0n.),60."{ Mission RANSOME CONCRETE COMPANY. Crocker bid. HARVEY A. KLYCE. 1044 Monadnock bldg. " GUTLEBEN BROTHERS. 044 Monadnock bldg. BUILDING HARDWARE AND TOOLS UNITED BUILDERS SUPPLY CO., CB7 Mission. W. J. DONNELLY. 11 Stockton. BUILDING MATERIAL CHUEBUCK & HARRIS. INC., 710 Mission. THE HOLMES LIME CO.. Mutual Say. Bk bldg. BUSINESS COLLEGE GALLAGHER-MARSH BUS. COL.. 125 C MarkPt. BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS SHERRY-FREITAS CO.. Front and Clay. v GREEN & FOSTER, 552 Clay. I'RED B. HAIGHT & CO., 241 Clay; also Oakld. FRED L. HILMER CO.. David & Sacramento. KINSMAN. 'GRIMES & MILLER. SIS Davis. MOXOTTI-LARIMER CO., .".2-3B Page. ROUSSEL & DAVIDSON. 4l» Front. BUTCHERS & LIVE STOCK DEALERS F. CAMES &. CO.. stock yards, Oakland. OAKLAND MEAT & PCX. CO.. stock yard%, Oak. . BUTCHERS* SUPPLIES MARTIN R. JAGER. 415 3d. CALIFORNIA GLACE FRUITS Townscnd'rf at factory. 117 S. Jose ay. T. Mkt 373 CALIFORNIA TEACHERS' AGENCY BOYNTON & ESTERLY. 717 Market CALIFORNIA AVIXES . CALIFORNIA WINE ASSN.. ISO Townsend. THE ROSENBLATT CO.. 300-322 2d. GUNDLACH-BUNDSCHU WINE CO.. Inc., 20 Cal E. G. LYONS & RAAS CO.. 430 Bryent. ITAL.-SWISS COLONY, Battery and Greenwich. LACHMAN & JACOBI, 70C Sansome. SWISS-AMER. WINE CO.. Front and Vallejo. CANDIES GRUENHAGEN BROS.; 1610 Van N>»*. CANDY MANUFACTURERS BISHOP & CO.. 125 Clay. COLLINS-McCARTHY CANDY CO.. 409 Jackson. GIMBAL BROTHERS. 325-35 Pacific. ADOLPH HROMADA CO.. 1310-30 Folsom. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO.. Battery fc. Valjo. CARBONIC ACID GAS WEST. CARBONIC ACID GAS CO., Emeryville. CARPET BEATING & RENOVATING NATL. CARPET RENOVAT. WKS.. 344 Clmrch. CARPETS AND RUGS HULSE-ERADFORD CO., 9SO-M0 Mission. HARTFORD CARPETS & RUGS." 770 Mlsolon. ' " ' CEME.MT PACIFIC PORTLAND CEMENT CO.. Pncific bid. CHEESE — OLIVES — SARATOGA CHIPS CITY OF HAMBURG CO., INC., US Oregon. CHEMICALS— INDUSTRIAL BRAUN-KNECHT-UEIMANN CO.. 578 Mission. CHINA — CERAMIC SUPPLY DORN'S CERAMIC SUPPLY STORE, 1209 Slitter CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE Anglo-Amer. Crockery & Glassware Co.. 50 Beale CIHXESE AND JAPANESE GOODS SING FAT CO.. INC.. SW. cor. Dupont & Calif. "Nanking'! Fonk.Woh Co.", Inc.. Dupont fc Cal. CHURCH GOODS — ALTARS. ETC. THE O'CONNOR CO.. INC.; 39 Taylor. , ~ CIGAR MANUFACTURES W. A. CHRISTENSEN & CO.. 131 Hayes. ~~ CIGARS AND TOBACCO EHRMAN BROS. S: CO.. IR4 Front. ] , - CLOTHIERS HOFFMAN. ROTHSCHILD & CO.. 516 Market. ERNST E. ERBK A CO.. INC.. 109 X~ Monte, CLOTH lI AT AND CAP FACTORY BLOOM BROS.. 109 New Montgomery. i " COAL DEALERS - ; ; : " ' L.- BRIZZOLARA fz. SON. 117 Jackson; K. 4375. i CENTRAL COAL CO.. Sppar and Folsom THOMAS MORTON. & SON. Eddy and Hyde. W. G. STAFFORD & CO.. 234 Steuart. • » "~ COFFEE AND TEAS M. J. BRANDENSTEIN & CO.,' Spcar'fc Main. MCCARTHY BROS.. 11l Front. '; THE JOyES-PADDOCK CO.. 228 Fremont. COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHING R. J. WATERS &: CO.. 717 Market. COMPUTING. SCAI-ES ~ JOHN J. DUFFIE (Dayton). 3C9 Market. . Ir CONTRACTORS AND RIGGERS C. A. BLUME '"ON. CO.. 185 Stevenson. '\u25a0 CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENTS ARTHUR KOPPEL-C0., '419 Chronicle fcldg. CONTRACTOII «fc RAILWAY. SUPPLIES ' KALAS &: BENNETT CO.. 202 2d. " COPPEnS3IITHS '"\u25a0 : - OSCAR KRENZICOPPER WKS.. 212 Fremont. SANDERS & CO.. COPPKU WKS., Ucole & How. i C. W. SMITH COPPER WKS.. IC-18 Wnshlugton i CORD AGE— MANILA AND SISAL , WHITLOCK CORDAGE CO.. 34<.Sinuart. ' ' \u25a0.'\u25a0 COSTUMERS T: GOLDSTEINS CO.; S2l'Vau Ness;: DAIRY AND CREAMKUV 3IACHINEHY DE LAVAL DAIRY SUPPLY CO:. Drnnim & Hae. i .DESKSWND OFFICK FimNITURE ir.S. CROCKER C 0.. ,541 Market ' - • DISPLAY FIXTUnKS— SHOW CASES? FRAXKEL- DISPLAY FIX. CO., 1034 Geary. ;V; " "'DRAYING ~~ ! J. B. BOCARDE DRAYAGB CO.. 97 Sacramento JAS A. CLAKKDRAY CO.r 251 Pine. v ' FARNSWORTH fc RUOrtLES. 109 .< Davlj.. ' GAFFNEY DRA YAGF. fz DELIV. , CO.. CO Clay GORMAN & THOMAS, r.77. Market, apfp movlnir. DREDGING AND LEVEE: BUILDING CALIF.' RECLAMATION CO.. Merchants' Ex.; bid. -DRKSS GOODS AND LININGS A! S..BAUM.Iin Bufli. DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES SERWE &SPKlEN.CO..3Mission,A;:Frcmont.& S PKIEN.CO..3 Mission ,A;:Frcmont. ;\u25a0•\u25a0•'. .< \u25a0.\u25a0'\u25a0••". DRY GOODS V '" --:\u25a0:-\u25a0\u25a0•-: I HELLER.; KLEIN & C0..-^l'Sansomc - •.-";. ' lUfcK; ; ;'.-; \u25a0' \u25a0 * '- AMKS-HAniMS-NI.'VILI.i: "^Ci >.: >' r;n7 ; Front. l)V;<;iV<i; AM) CLEANING ! j. . ali.kc.-21 »s ;FoiKom.'.- ;-iaM i -- J.";SPAi;i.DIN(J \u25a0* C^.y-Kii-'Californla.^ , I F." Tlioma* l'arislnn ; Work?." 27, 10 th; T. M kt 1020 i ELECTRIC WIRING • STANDARD ELECTRICAL CONS., flo Natoma. ELECTROTYPERS T HOFFSCHNEIDER BROS.. 140 2d. .. v J '. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, CALIFORNIA ELEC. CON.. CO.; CBO Mission. - ELECTRICAL-SUPPLIES - ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., -726 Mission. ;- STANDARD ELEC. WKS., 117 New Montgomery TELEPHONE ELEC. EQUIP. C0., -Crocker, bldg. BROOKS-FOLLIS ELECTRIC COR. 44 2d, V STERLING ELECTRIC CO.; IS" New Montgom. ELEC. RAILWAY & MFG. .SUPPLY- CO.. S4 3d. HOLA BIRD-REYNOLDS ELEC. CO.. 527 Mlsslonr H. :W: JOIINS-MANVILLE CO.. \u25a0 159 New Montg. ELEVATOR MANUFACTURERS J OTIS ELEVATOR C 0. .-. Stockton N. - P; & Beach. VAN EMON ELEVATOR CO.. lit New Montgoni. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY : '' MURRAY & READY.. 11th and Market..' ENGRAVERS AND PRINTERS AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO.. Mer.; Ex. bldg.. ENGRAVING AND ENA3IELING CHAS. GRANDJKAN JR.. ,451 Bush. ' : ENVELOPE . MANUFACTUREU . GP.IFFIN ENVELOPE CO.. 150 Perry. ' FANCY GOODS AND. NOTIONS J. L. GRAF & CO.. 28 Sansoms (human hair).' |M_MARCUSE C 0. ,.37-39 Battery. '; S FERTILISER MANUFACTURING CAL. FERTILIZER WKS., California Market bid. HAWAIIAN* FERT. CO.. LTD..*244 California. MOUNTAIN COPPER . CO., LTD.. 150 Pine. FIREPROOFING AETNA FIREPROOFINO CO.: BulMers' Ex. bid. S. F. FIREPROOFING CO., Metropolis Bank bid. " FISH DEALERS INTERNATIONAL FISH CO., 52G Merchant. . A.I PALADINI. 520 Merchant. WESTERN FISH CO., 517 Washington. FLAGS, BANNERS AND BUNTING EMERSON MANUFACTUR: CO.;- 109 Stevenson. FLORISTS AND PLANTS SERVEAU- BROS.. 2110 Flllmore. r •- FLOUR — GRAIN— FEED . H. B. HOBSON FLOUR CO.. 304 Buckley bldg. -. \u25a0.. "- FOUNDRY WORK ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY CO.. 2D02 J9th. H. C." MACAULAY FOUNDRY CO.. W. Berkeley. FOUNTAIN PENS ~ CARDINELL- VINCENT CO.. 579 -Market. ", - - \u25a0 FRUIT AND PRODUCE-. " GARCIA & MAGGINI CO.. Drumm 4; Washington A. LEV,Y & J. ZENTNER CO.. Davis & Wash. I^. SCATENA & CO.. 104 Washington. FURNITURE \u25a0-\u25a0' t MILWAUKEE FURNITURE CO.. 941-45 Mission. GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES WELSBACH COMPANY. 351 McAllister. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES ATLAS GAS ENGINE CO.. 05 Market, v _',1 DOAIv GAS ENGINE CO.. 7-9 Ist: FAIRBANKS. MORSE & CO.. 158 Ut. ' GLUES AND GELATINES CALIFORNIA GLUB WKS.. Merchants' El. bldg. GRAIN AND BEANS BARNARD & - BUNIvER. 204 California. BRAY BROTHERS. 220 Clay. -.; . M BLUM & CO.. INC.. 55S Sacramento. J.C. C. BRUNS. 48 Clay. McMlllan-Goodchild-Colllns Co.. Dnimm st. . GROCERS •', ' \u25a0 \u25a0 .\u25a0' GETZ BROS. & CO.. 530-42 Davis. HAAS BROTHERS. Sacramento & Davl*. ROCHDALE WHOLESALE CO.. 22S Commercial TILLMANN fz BENDEL. Pine & Davis. •• WILLIAM CLUFF CO.. Spear & Mission. GUNS AND SPORTING GOODS GOLCHKR BttOS.. 510 Market. •HARNESS AND SADIU-ERV W. Davlß & Sons. 2040 Howard. Hercules harness GOLDEN WEST SADDLERY CO.. 70-74 2dr HARDWARE RAKER fc HAMILTON, Brannan. DUNHAM, CARRIGAN & HAYDEN. 100 Kansas. PACIFIC HARDWARE & STEEL CO.. 700 7th. HAY AND GRAIN CHAS. E. GOSS. 2100 Mission. M JOOST & BRO., 521 Gough. W. A. MILLER & CO.. 2CS Market. W. W. ROBINSON. 166 Town scn<l. ' . E. SALZ & SON. 525 Merchants' Ex. bldg. SCOTT & MAGNER. 453 Berry. - HEATING AND VENTILATING GILLEY-SCHMID CO., J3th and. Mission. . , W. W. MONTAGUE & CO.. Turk and Polk. HEAVY HARDWARE, IRON &' STEEL .WATERHOUSn & LESTER, 534 ; Howard, v HIDES. WOOL AND TALLOW W. 'lt. SUMNER & CO., 220 Townsend. HOISTS — GASOLINE G. W. PRICE PUMP A ENG. CO..* 33 Stevenson.. HOSPITAL & SURGICAL EQUIPMENT WALTERS SURGICAL CO.. 803 Sntter. ---____ . HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th st. near Market. CONTINENTAL HOTEL, Ellis & PoVell. C. W. Barker. Manager. v HOTEL RANGES JOHN G. ILS A CO., 527 Mission. HOUSE MOVING " D. J. & T. SULLIVAN. 1940 Folsom. HYDRAIFLIC ENGINEERS PELTON WATER WHEEL CO.. Monadnock Wdg ICE CREAM MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL ICE Cr.EAM CO.. 362 Guerrero. INDIAN' MOTOCYCLES C. C. HOPKINS, 759 Gough. INLAID FLOORS ACME HARDWOOD FLOOR Cp., 1102 Sutter.. IRON AND STRUCTURAL STEEL TAYLER & SPOTSWOOD CO.. 341 Monadnock. JEWELERS MAX ABRAHAMS. INC.. 717 Market. HENRY M. ABRAMS CO.. 717 Market. BURR W. FREER. 717 Market. GEORGE OREENZWEIG & CO.. INC., 150 Post. NORDMAN BROS. CO., 150 Post. . M. SCHUSSLER* & CO.. 704 Market. . ; JEWELRY MANUFACTURES ' TUCKEY & KLINE. 451 Bush. W. F. OEERDTS. 717 Market. S. VINNER; 451 Bush. \ ; JEWELRY MANUFACTURERS LINDEMANN JEWELRY CO.. 130 Fern a r. JEWELERS' MATERIALS ~~~* ROY P. MATTHEWS CO.. 717 Market. \ NORDMAN BROS. C 0. .. 150. Post. KE W A NEE SYSTEM WATER SUPPLY CALIFOR. WATER SUPPLY C0...5G7 Mission. KITCHEN FURMSHINGS JOHN-G. ILS & CO., 527 Mlg»lon. . LACES AND EMBROIDERIES BAUER BROS. »t C 0.. .40-55 Sansome,*' JULES LEVY & BRO.. JNC. 10-1S Sansome. ROSENBERG & CO.. 142 Sansomp. LADIE\' AND CHILDREN'S WEAU HENRYSEMERIA & CO.. Sansowe and Bush. LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS A. CROCKER & CO.. 21 Sau*ome. . '.\u25a0-\u25a0 ::i LADIES' WAISTS . NEWBAUER BROTHERS. 37-30 Battery. LAUNDRY MACHINERY ' " WESTERN LAUNDRY MACH. CO.. 58 Fremont. LEATHER— SHOE STORE SUPPLIES S. 11. FRANK & CO.. 410 Battery. V LETTER FILING DEVICES YAWMAN &ERBB MFG. CO.. 712 Mission. \u25a0i '\u25a0- LIGHTS AND GAS MANTELS WELSBACH COMPANY,; 3SI McAllister..: :, MME'A\D;CEMEST •: THE HOLMES LIME C 0.7 Mutual Say. Bk^.bldg. LITHOGRAPHERS "-.-."•: -\u25a0\u25a0."\u25a0 CALIFORNIA LITIIO., CO..' gansomp & Clay GALLOWAY LITHOGRAPH C 0..5511 Howard 0. E. 0L5EN. :. .130 Jackson cor. .Battery. ; ; LIVE Vfc DRESSED POUI/mY— EGGS SANFORD BROTHERS. 4.'UMS2 Fro;tt. LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS PA YOT STRATFORD ift-KERK; (K2 Fremont The Ulcks-Judd Co.. 450 Montcy, 270 Valencia. . ' ." \u25a0 .." LUMBER ~ ~ ACME LT7MBERCO.. Cth"andCli«nnpl. .. HART-WOOD, LUMBER, C 0.,, 354 : Bcrrr.' AIACDONALD i LUMBER CO.; \u25a0 Berry near 3d - POPE & TALBOT.fOot Of 3d. -W. ' 7 SANTA VK - LUMBH R CO/. , 17) h . a\tl '\u25a0 De Ilaro. SEYMOUR '\u25a0\u25a0& ELLIOTT." 142 Towfjend. " •\u25a0_ UNION LUMBER ' CO.: Crnekprbloi:. VAN ARSDALIMIARRIS L. CO.; sth & Brannan: / LITMBEn AND-SHi\GLES '• / ANTHONY & ESCHENr 24. California. :.S:Jm&m TROWERBUOTHERS, .7a3 Lumbermen'? bldg;: v" \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0•'\u25a0.-; LUMBER— HARDWOOD ' \u25a0':\u25a0::\u25a0- WHITE .BROTHERS. Spear, and Howard./.: V 'LUMBER M A I I OGANY VENEERS - DIECKMANN HARDWOOD : CO.T-;g44.' California. "rMiMIIEIU R; R'TIES^ POSTS; ETC.V BYXBEE > &.CLARK«.CO..:»lo.'Bwlboa;bltig. ' ," MACHINERY MIAULING: ;^< THOS.T- \u25a0"MAHER'-220jMa1n. : .-; .; : \u25a0; - ;. - 'machinery m.Cniifactures RISIiOXiI RON i.W«)IIKS vims St»-ti>)rf.-- - -. MACIiIXKnV-MKncilA\T> COMrRE,sSEI>;AIRMAGII.'<.'o.; Jessie & Ecker. A. 1.. YOUNG iMA<:il.a:«>.. 26 iFrciiiont.-;.-;?«iV>SSg- 'MACHINE.' SHOPS v AND ; FOUNIJERS \u25a0- MOOP.E & SCOTT. IRON\WKS..:Muiu & Ilrtward; MACHINE isnOP SUPPLIES MARSHALL-NEWHALL SUPY. CO., 140 Stenart .MACHINE TOOLS— SHOP: SUPPLIES PACIFIC TOOL & SUPPI-Y'CO..' 400 Mission. ' . MANIFOLD BOOKS; Paciflc Manifold Book Co.. 125 Hansford block. MANTELS. GnATES AND TILE W. W.jMONTAGUE & CO., Turk and Polk. MARINE ENGINEERS— Ship Builders UNITED ENGINEERING WORKS. 250 Spear. MEN'S : FURNISHING GOODS NEUSTADTER BROS.. Ist and Mission. V METAL POLISH • E. W. BENNETT & CO.. INC., 10th and Utah. ' MOTORS AND GENERATORS STANDARD ELEC. ' WKS.. ; 1 17, New Montgomery MO\IXO PICTURES NOVELTY MOVING ' PICTURE CO.. 41S Tnrk. « MUSLIN' UNDERWEAR C. CLEVH & C0.i « 140 Sansome. X. \u25a0 H. VESPER CO.; 203 Postal; Telegraph bldr- NOTIONS. NOVELTIES AND PIPES E. BLOCK MERC.' CO.. 57-G3 Battery. ' OILED CLOTHING AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE . CO.. CO7 Front. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO.. 587-91 Market. Oil; TANICS — SeU-MensurlnK PUMPS S. F. BOWSER & CO., Cl 2. Howard. > OIL TANKS— STEEL PLATE WESTERN STEEL PLATE CON. CO., 1016 Me- . ,; tropolls Bank bids. ' OVERALLS AND SHIRTS A. M. ARMER S: CO.. 760 Mission " ELOESSER-HEYMANN CO.. 77 Battery. NEUSTADTER BROS.. Ist and Mission. . SAMUEL & CO.. 6SI-653 Mission. ~ PAINTS AND OILS R. N. NASON & COrt'Potrero and 15tb. ; KASS-HUETER PAINT CO.. 818 Mission. KLATT-HIRSCH CO., 113 Front. . v WHITTIEIt-COBURN CO.. 301 Howard. \ PAPER BLAICE, MOFFITT &TOWNE. 1400 4th. ; ZELLERBACH PAPER CO.'. Battery & Jackson. PAPER AND FOLDING BOXES v A. FLEISIUIACKKR CO.. 134 Fremont. PAPER AND /READY ROOFING . BONESTELL. RICHARDSON & CO.. 113 Ist. PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOLOGICAI H. K. MULFORD CO.. 156 2d. / PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES . WESTERN PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 82'3d. PIANOS AND PIANO PLAYERS DEITEMEIR-WEEMS CO.. 718 Mission (& retall> PIPE CASING"AND FITTINGS LALI.Y & CO.. Ist & Folaom. PIPE RIVETED STEEL AND IRON FRANCIS SMITH & CO..' 0 Fremont. W/W. MONTAGUE & CO.. Turk and Polk. PLASTERING CONTRACTORS ! FLOODBERU & MeCAFFERY. 452 Monadnock. - PLAYING CARDS UNITED STATES P, CARD CO.. Monadnock bid. PORK AND BEEF PACKERS SOUTH S. F. PACK. &PROV. CO.. 407 Front. POSTCARDS CARDINELL-YINCENT CO.. 579 Market. PACIFIC NOVELTY CO., 570 Market. RICHARD BEHRENDT. 718 Mission. .\u25a0 POTATOES. ONIONS AND BEANS FRANK 'A. GUERNSEY, 317 Drumm. . . THE ENGLISH- WALLACE CO.. 10S Washington WEBSTER & BRODERICK. 220 Drumm. WOLF & SONS. 245 Dnimm. POTATOES. ONIONS. MILL FEED JOHN M. RATTON & BRO.. 321 Druniin. POULTRY & LIVE STOCK SUPPLIES GEO. H.CROLEY. G3l Brannan. PRINTERS' INK AND ROLLERS CALIFORNIA INK CO.. 33 Clementina. i PRINTING INKS — Phcto Kce. Suppllei i GEO. RUSSELL REED CO.. C 45 Battery. ! PUMPING MACHINERY GEO. E. DOW' PUMP. ENGINE CO.. 179 First. KROGH MANUFACTURING CO.. 149 Beale. 1 «. W. PRICE PUMP & ENO. CO.. S3 Stevenson. SIMONDS MACHINERY CO.. 12-14 Natoma. j HENRY R. WORTHINGTON PUMP CO.. 150 Ist RAILWAY SUPPLIES 1 ARTHUR KOPPEL CO.. 410 Chronicle bldg. ' - v RICE ! M. J. BRANDENSTEIN & CO.. Spear & Mission I M. PHILLIPS & CO., 62-64 Pine. • w - T. WELISCH & CO. (rice factors). 24 Calif. ROOFING" CONTRACTORS FORD & MALOrr. Marlposa' St. at lowa st. -Phone Market 1590. - - ROOFING MATERIAL FORD & MALOTT. Mariposa St. at lowa st. . Phone Market 159(5. • H. W. JOIINS-MANVILI.E-CO.. 159 New Montg. Western Asbestos Magnesia Co., ttttt Mission. ROPE, BLOCK AND TACKLE Foard-Barstow Ship Chandlery Co., 145 Steuart. SELLERS & MADISON CO.. 04-B8 Market. RUBBER BOOTS AND SHOES GOODYEAR RUBBER CO.. 587-91 Market. RUBBER GOODS "" GOODYEAR RUBBER CO.. 557-91 Market. RUBBER STAMPS . PATRICK & CO.. 12C Bush. TULLY RUB. STAMP WKS. (10c line). 20 Main. RUGS 3IADE OF OLD CARPETS SAN FRANCISCO RUQ WORKS, 1122 Sntter. _ _ - ______ HALLS SAFE CO.. 143-149 Main. PIITSBURG SAFE CO.. 15 Bealc. SAIL MAKERS— COTTON- DUCK E. HENRIX. 120 Howard. SIMPSON & FISHER. 113 Howard. _________ LESLIE SALT -CO.. Mission and 3d. . \~='' ' SAWS SIMONDS MANUFACTURING CO.. 14 Natoma. SCALES AND TRUCKS HOWE SCALE CO.. 143-149 Main. , JAMES GEDDES & CO. (Standard). 521 Market. SCHOOL FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES THE WHITAKER & RAY CO.. 141 Grove. C. F. WEBER & CO.; 1151 Polk. (Ciiurch and theater furniture.) SEED GROWERS C. (.'. MORSE & CO., 43-50 Jackson. - «HEET COPPER— Soldering Copper PACIFIC METAL WORKS. 153,15t. • . . -^ SHEET IRON WORK ( HEAVY) BAY CITY IRON WORKS. 1243 Harrison. KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS".' Main & Folsom. SHEET METAL WORKS ~~ Crunan's Eagle Cornice Works. 19 City Hall ; av. : SHINGLE!* - ' : PACIFIC REDWOOD SHINQLE CO.. 110 Market. SHIRTS, NIGHT RORES, PAJAMAS PAUL B. HAY. 7SS Mission. . -^ \u25a0 . ________ __ ' B. HART & BROTHER. i 4 Sansome. NONOTUCK SILK. CO.. 3104 Sixteenth. \u25a0 Soda Water Apparatus and Supplies ~ JOHN v SIULHERN.^ 140 2d. \ SODA AVATER LABELS ~ WESTERN CARBON. ACID GAS CO., Emeryville SPOOL ANDI EMBROI DERY SILKS CARLSON-CURRIER CO.. 114 Sansome. STATIONERS— PRINTERS— BINDERS U.S. CROCKER CO.: 230. Brannan. - Schwabacher-Frcy', Stationary C 0.,: 42/Sutter. . The Hlcks-Jmld Co., 450 Montgy, 270 Valencia. '• E. C. HUGHES C 0.,: 725 Folsom. ISAAC UPHAM - C 0. .; 104- Battery. ' PA YOT. STRATFORD & KERR. li 2 Fremont.'^ . STKEL TANKS " '• ' BAY CITY IRON WORKS. 1243 Harrison. KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS, Main & Folsom. PACIFIC COAST BOILER WORKS/ 235 Main. STORAGE ANDIMOVING r PIKRCE-RODOLPII, STORAGE CO.. Eddy & Fill. t- ,"-' V- STOVES'AND RANGES A W.;W. MONTAGUE & CO.MTurk and Polk. . \u25a0 STOVES— METALS— PI.UMBI.VG :.-'. Holbrook. \u25a0Merrill ; & Stetson.' Cth ;. and Towusend. STRUCTURAL, IRON- WORK RAY. CITY IP,ONiW()RKS.I243 Harrison.' : : : :;:;ev;:?H--vSIIfiAR.; i .".-''\u25a0 '. \u25a0" . LOUIS SARONI. 735, Baftery. \u25a0 .; INSTRUMENTS " " j; C. Sala ; (ngt V/. & L.E . Gnrley). 4S 2d. repairs .SURPRISE SUCTION i PACIFIC-UTILITIES CO.., Monadnock. bids. \u25a0.'•\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0 TAILORS' TO TIIBTHADB .'•-•'\u25a0 AMERICAN? WOOLEN MILLS.. 100 NewtMontg. :. ' TAUiORS' TRIMMINGS ~ C.-W.'n.:FQßl);Ji:;co..,in4 Sutter. , , , . TANKS (STEEL) :. BAY;CITY IRON': WORKS.' I243 Harrison. TELEPHONES AND'SWITCHBOARDS Kellogc Switchboard & Supply Co.rlst & Mission TKLEPJIONK sKLEC.'- KQUI P. CO. r Crocker .: Wdg. AMES-TIAHniS.NF.VILLF., (•«>..' TO7 'Front. "iTHBATEIi: : A NI>\ CH URCH SKATING '\u25a0/ TIHUWHITAKERUt'RAV. C 0..; 141' Grove. J . 'J-'-'"".- siTOVS S'IVATIONEIIY^ ' ',T SADLEU CO., 7SX MUaion.'i" : f ' TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES HIRSHFELDER _ MEANEY.I72 Sutter. C. A. MALM Jt CO.. 2GC Bosh. Mills bids. PACIFIC TRUNK & BAG CO.. 317 Front. ROMADKA BROS. CO.. 45 Lick place nr. Sutler. TYPE FOUNDERS \ KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY. 63S Mission. \ TYPEWRITERS lu '_ 'M. ALE!CANDEC & CO.. 512 Market. •UNDERWEAR.* KNITTED) GANTNER A MATTERN CO., Grant »v — Post- "v" UNIFORMS — AMERICAN WOOLEN MILLS. 100 New Montg. VARNISHES TAMM & NOLAN CO.. 151 Fotrtro. VEniCLES- DEERE IMPLEMENT CO.. China basin. PACIFIC IMPLEMEyT CO.. 131 Kansas. ~ WAUPAPER IT HE BROTHERS. 717 Market WAREHOUSE DANFORTH WAREHOUSE CO.. Bdway & Batry WHIPS AND LASHES W. Davis ft Sons, 2040 Howard, dealer'a prlc* list WINES AND LiaUORS WfCHMAN. LUTGEN & CO.. 431 Clay. BERTIN & LEPORI (Isabella vineyard). 1520 Washington. " HENRY CAMPE & CO.. 123 Second " HANLEY MERCANTILE CO.. 162 Eddy. ROTH ft CO. 115 Front. ' .SUTTER WINE & DIST. CO.. 319 Front. WINE MAKERS' SUPPLIES OCCIDENTAL SUPPLY CO., 530 noward. WIRE AND WIRE ROPE JOHN A. ROEBLING'S SONS CO.. 624 Folsom^ I WOOLENS AND TRIMMINGS ARNSTEIN, SIMON & CO.; 3d & Mission. J. BAUMGARTEN & CO.. 073 Market. A. W. CARP. 700 Mlsalon ' BUTCHERS A. DECOURTIEHX CO. Douglas 4025. KATZ BROTHERS. Docglan 4344. . BUTTER. CHEESE AND EGGS A.JW. FINK (est. 1S71). Donglas 3737^- FISH AAD OYSTERS E. BONFIGLI. Dougla» N 8713. -^ FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BROWN & BAUCHON. phone Donxlas 3741. A. BEKTA CO.. phone Douglas 3743. OMEY & GOETTING. Douglas 87C1. POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCE O'BRIEN. SPORTORNO & MITCHELL. D. 5822. R ESTAURA NT — OYSTERS MA YES OYSTER HOUSE. Douglas 3713. TI:. I With the Musical, folk -I Walter Anthony AT DREAMLAND rink the Constab ulary band of 86 Filipinos -will make its musical debut in San Francisco tonight. "Much has been said and written about the musicianship of thi3 unique company, organized by Taft when he was In the Philippines, which now comes to this country to take part in the inaugural ceremonies that will place the White House latch key in Taft's pocket. That the players are versatile can not be doubted, for they transform their organization from a huge military concert band into a symphony orchestra with the greatest ease. Every member of the band plays more, than two Instruments. The sym phony department will be heard at each concert to be given In this city. The band will play tomorrow after noon In Oakland at Ye Liberty theater; tomorrow night, it will be heard for the second and last time at Dreamland rink,' and Wednesday night Sacramento will be visited. Then It goes on to Washington under the command of Colonel, Mark HersJ-ey. U. S. A., the band being the only large musical ag gregation in the service of the United States government, except the Marine band which Sousa used to direct. • Local singers and players are to be congratulated upon the success of Mac kenzie Gordon's season of recitals In this city and in Oakland, the last con cert of which was given yesterday afternoon at Christian Science hall. They were a success financially and artistically, and they proved to Man ager Will Greenbaum, /the local and sometimes coy impressario, that when the right artist is secured it does not matter to the music patronizing public whether he happens to live in San Francisco, or in Odessa or Xew York. : A community indicates its musical fertility not so. much In what it im ports as in what it raises, just as a farm discloses Its possibilities In what the farmer does not buy. We need, it seems to me, a little more cul tivation, a little more attention paid to our own artists and a more generous support of our own musical institu tions; then, when the great visiting ar tists plaj- and sing for us. we will have well established standards of compari son, and we will know better how to appreciate the foreign imports and pos sibly will learn to measure our own ar tists in a Juster and more appreciable spirit. We may find out that the best is not always the Imported. Mackenzie Gordon's final concert yes terday afternoon was, I am informed, well attended arid the audience was appreciative of 'the tenor's offerings. Eugene Blanchard also was well re ceived for his piano numbers, and the recital, In spite of unkindly skies, was a big success. I. ..... ..« Mrae. Frieda Langendorff. the noted mezzo soprano, will 'sing at Christian Science hall Thursday night and Sun day, afternoon. A- novelty on her first program will be "The Cry of Rachael," by Turner Salter, a-syoung composer : whose works are attracting much at tention just now. -: Mme. Flora Karp Hellbron's piano numbers will include Chopin's varla ; tlons. opus 12, a work rarely if ever : heard in. this city. The Oakland con cert has been postponed from . Friday afternoon until - Tuesday afternoon, February 23. Wednesday night Mme. : Langendorff will; supply the program for, the. third concert of the St. Francis musical art society. . She will *be as sisted by the-Lyric string quartet. •* • : Soon we will hear In America an other, violin prodigy. Since Mlscha El man, the 18 year old Russian violinist flashed across the continent in a stream of .beautiful tone, we have been walt ' ing for, another 'rising .comet. '•'• It ha 3 , come. - Its ' head " is just above the horizon, and the critics of Vienna and Prague . are the .musical .astronomers who made the discovery. His name Is SaschaColbertson:' ;His given .name 13 Russian,'. and' his Christian patronymic is:;"Atheriean;. ; that \u25a0is to say. he Is < a Russian-American and -he. has .been studying- In .Prague and growing in mental and. physical , stature, v XlnaAy enthusiastic critics h&ve * called ' him v M a j come Ito life," "a second ' Ku bellk,"/and. so forth. He may be El man's- twin soul. He plays ; everything and anything and 'all. with: the ~ ease, so 'tis said; of the virtuoso born and bred, and of :the violinist by divine" Hght. A concert tour of Europe 13 being planned for,.him.: and- after* that 'we shall^hear him. If. the fire of .his precocious genius Is 'notl burned, down 'to the ashes of mediocrity: before then. . . \u25a0•" * • ' ;\u25a0 * \u25a0 .The sons: recital -to .'.he fgriveri.-to morrow^, night; by 'Caroling -lialstead Llttle-under the auspices of the Berke ley 'Iptano club at WllklnV hall In the college .town promises to be well at tended ami intftrestinc:. The slnjfer.will b* '. .'assisted *^Gj"ula Ormay.. pianist. .Another, interesting recital Ip-prom ised^by th* friends and admirers pf Miss: Edith Mote Smith,. who" will. make hpr,del)iit as a soprano tomorrow after nortn*at Sherman. Clay ;&\u25a0 Co.'s 'assembly hall, 'Kearny and gutter streets. NEW MINERAL FINDS THROUGHOUT STATE Deposits of Talc, Aluminum, Coal and Oil Are Discovered by Prospectors Interest Centers in the Petro leum Field in Lower Part of Monterey County New mineral discoveries have been made in. four sections of California re cently to which Importance Is attached. A large deposit of tale lias been uncov ered at Glendale, in Hum bold t county. Aluminum is reported to have been dis covered near Nevada City. Monterey county reports the discovery of oil in paying quantities In the Priest valley. A ledge of high grade coal is reported to have been discovered in Cajon pass. In San Bernardino county. Theso four discoveries taken in conjunction and occurring practically at the same time would be considered significant in any mineral state. . :. v v.. - \ y * •>•:•-— -^- \ ' Of the four the greatest Interest nat urally attaches to the reported oil dis covery In Priest valley, which is in tha lower part of Monterey county and not many milesjJistant from King City. The Standard off- company has been lookinff for oil in that neighborhood for some time and a number of rigs erected by the big oil .corporation have been oper ated in several places in southern Mon terey county. Petroleum In 1901 sur passed gold in total value of output for the first time in California. The aver age price of petroleum was consider ably lower then than it is now. The indications are that the petroleum out put for 1908 will be found to have dis tanced gold produced in that year by a large amount. Hence th& discovery of any new oil field, on a rising market, is important. Concerning the find in the Priest dis trict the Salinas Journal said: From present indication* and Judging from repoKfs at ham!, Lonoak has proven a find, for several bits of startling news were received ta Salinas yesterday morning: by local stock holder*. wn» ars now rejoicing at the prospects of * gusher baring been unearthed. Tbe present deptli of tbe well Is 1.100 feet.' Yesterday morning at 8 o'clock 150 feet of oil w«< measured In th» well, which Is a 10 Inch boring. The work wa» commenced for the day and after a three foot: strata of shale had been drilled tbe well wan emptied of the drills and over -joit feet of oil was measured. This amount of oil Is equivalent to approximately ' 1,500 barrels. Tbe company Is not able to preserve the oil which Is belns taken from the well, but large tanks are to b» erected. \u25a0 / . . • The news of the aluminum find In Nevada county is supplied by the Gras«* Valley Union. A part of the account was as follows: Mining for mineral other than goM and cop per Is among the possibilities of tbe near futurw Id Nevada connty, and a recent find that 1» no-.v being actively exploited with skill aad eaplial presents " those possibilities so emphatically that they may assure a new piiase in raining in the vicinity of Nevada City In the near future. TU* Ond referred to is no less than an ore of alumin um, and appareutly existing la such Quantities as to raise tfae hope that sooner or later an aluminum manufacturing lndoatry o-i a Iar;» and ramifying scale may b* launched. Speci mens of the aluminum ore are now in Nevada City, and th«» facts in relation to the discovery, extent and location are in the poraem>iOß of * few businessmen, beside the discoverer and lo cator. A broad dike of banxlte— the technical or* scientific mloeraloglral name fur a certain or* of aluminum — has, been uncovered In a district contiguous to Netnrta City. The find was m*ria while a gold bearing quartz ledge was bclc; prospected. The locator of the bauxite claim days that there are several thousand tons of the ore in sltrht now. and further Investigation will b* made on the ground and In the laboratories. The Daily Humboldt Standard said that the talc was found by David Minor. A bed was uncovered that Is two feet thick. This article continued: Men have been passing by and practically ©v»r the ground for years, yet ncbody suspected the existence of the talc bed. Had It not been for the fact that Mr. Minor Is aa old tlm prospector the talc bed wonhl not have been dreamed of. It came to tbe surface in the shnp« of a narrow ribbon of peculiar red soil which the prospector at once concluded was Indication of a •'faalt.'* He accordingly get to work, sod after digging a lon* the lead. In tb» cours* of a few rods came upon a. bed of talc about two feet thick. Owing to stormy weatner the bed has not yet been opened. A discovery that 1* cacsin? some local Interest at ,'Arcata id the finding of goU] In som« stream emptying Into Mad river. Tbe parties who have made the discovery have been exhib iting placer gold at Arcata. Gold has often been wasbed out of Mad river, but this latest find Is regarded the iiiuik promising yet made. • • • The coal deposit In thp Cajon pass was found by Frank Burham of San Bernardino county. A ledge three feet wide, according to Burham. has been traced across three sections, in all of which It has been located. Burham with a force of men la driving a shaft along the ledge and is taking out coal near the Cajon station. • • • . A large gravel proposition, which Is owned by eastern men and situated near Grovnland In Tuolumne county, so the Mother Lode Magnet said, will be operated on a big scale. The Magnet also said: There arc rumors around of two big mining deals regarding some well known prop erties in this section. If these deals are con summated great benefit will result. Ontslde mining men are becinnln; to realize that a biz low grade proposition such n-t the mother lode presents Is a safe place In which to lnve«t capi tal. Mining deal*, which heretofore bavft been looked upon by many as a gamble are now viewed In a more conservative tight, and conse quently more money that In the past iias been Ikeld back is now being Invested in mines. Thvr* are many mining properties along the. mother lode that are n«.t only paylnz. buthav* »»«rr Indication cf continuing so for years to come. In thi* district 'are several l<i!e min~s that. If reopened and I worked in an Intelligent manner, could be made bullion producers. • • • . Reports concerning operations In mines -that have large plants are re ported- by local papers as follows: Twenty stamps of tlx» Central Kur«ka mill In Amarfor county are »t work on ora of tb» Sou»!> Eureka mine, of which 100 tons are transported over a tram each day. The Increased ontput for the £oata Eureka, mine !» largely good grm<l» ore. £!nktag »t the Central Kureka is pro gressing. Elghty-flve feet of new «Uaft was re ported for January, which makes the shaft 2.12 ft feet deep. The old shaft U badly raved from the 1.. 50n level down. The nrtv start Is at a steeper Incline and will soon be In solid ground and will make a much better permanent shaft-. The Argonaut mine Is reported to be derel«f». Ing In great shape. There Is a^nndaace of or« In sight. A bar of . bullion weighing 1*52 ounces w3j» shipped from the Valparaiso mine, situated in Mnrphy's gulcb. At 51S per ounce the bar would be worth nearly $3.OW>. This ontpnt J» the product of four or five months' work, but it if not the total product. During that time two smaller shipments have been made. According to the Nevada City Miner Transcript, as a result of the plan for reopening the Pittsburg, Poto3l and \u25a0other Gold Flat quartz mine by the Weisbeln combination, other properties In the east belt of Nevada county will be put into operation, which have been Idle for a long while. Among such is the property known as the Mowhe : gan and Gold Flat. These two claims. ; covering 3.000 feet of. lode.- west of the other three properties named. • • • Tt« Ccnolla mine in Nevada county will be started again, the necessary money having been afcised for that purpose. The Conolin paid well for some years, but had a run of hard luck for some time. At the 300 cross cut good ere has been struck. The Grass, Valley Union aaid: , Having bonded the Benoit estate and already opened the . old Modoc finn«>! through the in strumentality of O.; Twltclieli. a - company of \u25a0 GoldSeU) eapliaHtrs will do extensive . de velopment work on the property, whU-h.'U ft conies up to expectation*/ will b» pur»-h«s»<t and worked np on a;larg«*. scale. The Thomis Berrlman property may also be purchased Uy tbe same people., -•-\u25a0•-.'*.• * i rGold discoveries in Sierra county were reported by the Downievllle Mes senger, which' said: Some very rich spwlnien r»>k w«.» i{ivnr«rn| In the shaft at.. the lle«t Slar mm» last week. • ioo»l pa.vla? quarts t#eo f'.un<l In tbe tonwli »t varioc* llir*!> horeiofnr*. ,bwt nothing «o prrnn-; I«li2 »s tliat retenttr nncovered. ' ; -i<r>me rich ' specimen rock ' w»« taken tram, t!»> shaft at the np«lvstar m !:»•». at Allegtuar. ! tb^.w'-ck. .Rich rock has been taken from ; «eT» eral-i»faces iv tbe tunuel tlurlns tlie Lut few uiuulUi. I 11