Newspaper Page Text
8 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATH^n Blrtb, marrlape aud death notices sent by mall vrill not be Inserted. They must be bended In at either of the publication offices and be Indorsed with the name and residence of persons autuor- Ired to have the same puulinhed. Notices re- stricted simply to th«- ancouiicement of the event ere published once In this column free of_charee. BIRTHS IirXCAX— In this city, Fobruaxy 11. 1909, to the wife of John A. Duncan. A.Ron; Rr<;Hl>-lu thlslrity. Tebruary 11. 1909, to Mr>. Arh'»« 1.. HiigliP". " daiishtt-r. DEATHS Alden Kmma T.. — ! Holland.. James ... — Archibald. C. W.. 47 Uacksotf. \u25a0The.Klore . . «4 "J uca-liu Jo hn .\u25a0 \u25a0 C'", | Keel In* . Job.. 5 .....«» Ba£ tv . CtartS . .. « j Kelleher. Margaret. M Orcelilno, John . . r.4 , I.urhaw. C laus •--•-« «!»rk Msrparet . . 4_ ! -Magg&rt. Ihurston. 43 « tame. Henrietta M.. 4S | Morill. August 24 De Masini, Rev. | Nealon. Lena 2. I'atlior W iO'Donuell, Theresa . . s*i j Dunn, Cornelius . . — |i»'Kfeffe. John 1t...— Kncoyand. IVlicito. CO IMterson. A . I ••-•_\u25a0•- Fcrrin. Hannah ..—(Poor. Annie M.. 3 , Fuller. C <Infsat>*. Albert T — • ialliano llernardo. <U iSullivan.«"atherine 1»- «8 v;lennon. nridg-t . . a (Tweedy. ; Joseph .... 73 Oondwin. Nelli* M. 39 IVerßa, Noemi M i;rwilaum, Sarah. «0| Wbitn«-y. Mary A... .1 I Hammou.s, Mark-. . — j White, William J..45| i ALDEN— In this city. February 12. 19('9. Emm» | T dearly beloved daughter of Hie laic Seth and Kerish L. Aldf-n. and sister of Seth Frark Uii'-n of San Francisco. George L. Aluen of !'airhav«.-n Mass. : Mrs. Arthur F. Keajron ..f Providence. R- lit Mis. Charles 11. Mor- ton of Fairtiaven. >!ast-\. and Mrs. Robert A. Philip «f Meixose. Mass. .-. native of Fair- lnven Mass. (Salem and ralrliaven. Mass., and Providence. R. 1.. lepers please copy.) Friends and at-qualntancs «re respectfully invited m attend ihe fuuor»l t.ilay (Mon- «l^v» February IS, 19H9. at '1 o'clo<k p. m.. from thf mortuary rlii>)u-l of the Golden Gat* undertaking eompau.'-. -'575 Mission street near Twcnty-firet. ; AECHIBALD— In O.klsnd. Cal.. Febmary 14. Ijni9. George W., Archibald, brother of Esther . Jan»t Archibald*«a(J Mrs. James Moir of Hali- fax. N. S., a native of Salem, Mass.. aged 47 years. ASKANK— In this city. Frtiruary 13. 1909. Anaa <\u25a0 wife or Adolph F. Awiiiuhi. and mother or Mrs. Clara Stelnbcit. Mrs. Henrietta Mentz, Mrs. Alma Anfcnger Mad Adolph J. and George E. Asmann, • ua'.lvc- of Germany, aged 00 rears 10 months and IS days. «' Frientfs and acti-jaiutancew «re respectfully Invited to ntn-n.l the funeral t.^day (Mon- day t. February 15. 1»OJ>. at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the parlors of Halsted & Co., 924 Flli- moro street. Cremathm "«pr'vatei. Odd Fel- Inws' cemetery- The ofDcers and members of Bohemian eir- rle No. 200. Companions of the Forest, are requested to attend the funeral of Past 4'hlef Companion Mrs. A. Asmann, today (Mon- days February IS, JWJ. at 1 o'clock p. m., from the parlors of H.lsfed & Co.. U2i Fill- more street. MRS. C. BIELENBERG. C. C. MRS. L. SCHOLTEN. F. S. The officers and rneuil>ers of Pioneer lodge No. 1, Frieuds of the Pacific, are requested to attend the funeral of onr late friend. Mrs. A. Asmann. today ( Monday >. February is. l»09 et 1 p. ru.. from tbe parlors of Halsted * Cc. :C4 FiiJmore rtwet. rVt^-- MR. L. SCHOLTEN. Fin. Sec. ATJGXTSTIN— In Trull vale. Cal.. February 12. 39: St John, beloved ffcus!>snd of the late Cath- erine Augustin. sn.f Tether o£ JtTemias. Vlc- tor Eiuiiv and tlie'« late Marl.- L«mise Au- gusjln. a" native of Lorraine. France, aged 63 vpfirs 5 months :>nd 2U days. lYieuds snd Bcquaiu-tances are respectfully invited to -fcttend the funeral today (Moo- j day), at 2 p. m.. from tl«; parlors of H. F. j Buhr ii C., 2919 Mission street between | Twentv-Sflu aud Twealy-sixth. Interment i Mount" Olivet cemetery. It electric funeral I .ar from Twenty-eishtli and V_leu--ia street*. | BAKER — In this city. February 12. 1909. | • 'tuirles Baker, a native of North Carolina, ! aged 4G rears. A member > of Sau Francisco j eeria No* Z-, F. O. E., and Hackmeu's j Friends aud acquaintances are respectfully i invited to attend the fanerM today <Mou-i flaj-i. »t V «. m.. from tn<> parlors of liarry \ A: ' Scully. 927 Valencia street, where serv- j ices will be held under tbe auspices of San Francises *erle No. :.. F. O. E. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery. To tb<» of£<-ers and menbers of. San Fran- <•;»<•» aeria No. 5. F. O. L*. : You ere hereby notified to attend the funeral of our late broth«r. Charles Beier. from the parlors of Barry & Scullr. 927 Valencia street. By order FRANK A. COSTELLO, President. GLS POHI.MANN. Secretary. CEREGHINO— In this city. February 12. 1909. JoUn Oregliiuo. beloved husband of I.ou!>a CereghiDo. and father of Mrs. L. Burhlgnanl aud Joseph. Kmlle and Angle Ceregblno, aud brother <'f Mrs. M. Ferrettl. Mrs. A. Cere- j ghino and the late Mrs. T. Boitano, a native of Genoa. Italy, aged Zi years 4 months and 2S days. Friends and acqusintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Mon- day), February 15, at 9:.'JO o'clock a. m., from h!s late residence. _s>4^ Webster street be- j i ween Union nad Filbert, thence to Sts. Peter* ..and Paul Italian church, Dupoin and Filbert streets, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for tbe repose, of his soul, com- j menciftg at 10:30 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. CLARK— In tbis city. February 13. 1909. Mar- garet, dearly beloved wife of th«- late James t Clark, and loving mother of John. James, j Henry, Lor<»tta end liflle Clark, a native of St. Ijoulf, Mo., aged 42 years 9 months 'and 3 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully j Invited to Bttend the filers! tomorrow (Tues- <iarj. at B_M a. iv., frnm the parlors of the T'nfted rndortakers. 2'JOS Howcrd street Dear Twenty -second, thence to the ehurr ; h of St. rbarles Borromeo. where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing ' at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery.. CRANE— In Alameda. Cal.. February 12. 1909, Henrietta M. Crane, mother of Paul C. i IranVlin J.. Ruth H.. Kenneth C. Lawrence' . <". an<l Hurold C. Crane, a native of New i York, aged 48 years 10 months and 15 days, i Friends and acquaintances are respectfully j invited tn attend the funerel today <Mon- dayi. February I*>. 1909. at 2 o'clock p. m.. i from tbe Seventh Day Adventlst church, j Verdi street. Alameda. Interment Mountain j View cemetery. ; DE MASINI— In this city, February vi, l»O9, ! Uev. Father Telesphorcs de Masini, a native '\u25a0 of Italy, a *" e<J *\u25a0''• rears 9 months and 2 days, i The funeral will take place today (Mon- ! day), from St. Ignatius church, where a re- .. <ju"iem mass will lie celebrated for the re- jK,i<e ot his soul, at 8:30 a. m. Interment Santa Clara. Cal.. by 10:40 a. m. train frntn Third and Townsend fitreets. DUNN— In this city. February 13, 1909. , Cor- nelius, devoted husband of Maria Dunn, and loving father of Sister Mary Dolores (con- rent of Mercy i and John J.. F.dward I. ] Thomas F., Helen A. and the lute,- Margaret T. Dunn, a native of County Tipperary, Ire- ! land. . .j Friends are respectfully invited to" attend j tbe funeral tomorrow (Tuesday), Februarr lfi. IW»9. at *:SO o'clock a. in., from his lute residence. 193 Duboee avenue, thence to Mission Dolores . church, where a solemn re- .ijulem high ma«s vrill be <-elcbrated for tbe repose of bis soul, commencing at 9 o'clock p. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by funeral car fr\im Thirteenth and West Mission streets. Please omit flcwers. ENCOYAND— In this city. February 13. 1909, Felieite, dearly beloved wife of Zephiren En- coyand. devoted mother of Henry Encoyand. Mrs. M. J. MulliuH. Mrs. W. J. Needham iiud the late Trauk 'Enoovand. and sister of Julia a»d Auguste Faure. a native of Gulberts !!:\u25a0\u25a0::. s Alp<-*. France, aped CO yearn S mouths avd 14 daye. Friends and- acquaintances ore respectfully Invited, to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tues- day t. at 9 a. m.. from the parlors of the Inlted Undertakers. 2(JOS Howard street near ! Twenty -second, thence to Notre Dame dea ' Victolreu ohnrr-h. II- >!i str<H>t, where a re- >,.:!• iii mass will be celebrated for the r«^>ose \u25a0 «if her soul. ctnunieiA-fug at 10 a. iv. luter- ment Holy <'rt>gp <-eui«-ter.v. TEERIN — Iv this riry. Fcbrnarv 13. 1903. Hsu- nah. beloved wife of the late George Ferrin, «nd mother of JoL-n F<-rriu. Sirs. J. IV. M»u- niug «a<l Mrx. J. T. Shayler. and Kraliriuiother <if Clara atul alelvin Mauuiuif. Walter Sbay- 1«t Ktid ntUel ami Florence IVrrfn, a native of Mnsai-lut¥«-:tk. (MaiisacUuseitu p&pers j>!e»iiM«»i'C|)y. \ ' Friends aud .-<\u25a0\u25a0, ii.iintau. .s are respectfully larttetl ti> atleud the Ttiin-tul tWaortuw (Tm-n- F«-l,niary :<». Imi«. at H a. in., from \u25a0 the re»ld«..tic«- 172 ! ... lilake sfreit. thence to li-ilv 4'rosK <_tiri-h. whrre a iviniltin Uigh mass will Im» «>lel»r«tMl for the rej.ose.of her nui). lutt-rmi-n: Holy t'ross ceuieter.v. FULLER— In t!il» e-Ity. .February 14. 1909. t'larenee W.. dearly U<lu\.-il >*.iv of clareix-e . and. "-'ranee* Fuller. _nd grandson <jf W. I". Mitt! Mary Cuiiu'ngliaui. a uativr of San Frau- - <-i«-o, »'nl.. ng<-d 15 «!aj-s. GALLIANO -Iu this city, February 14. 1909,, at his late residence. :!11 RuxxU. avenue, Iternardo. dearly beloved liUKliaud of^ Hattis- tina Galliano. nu<l fctber of ltol>ert. Peter. Alfred and Raymond Galliano and Mrs. Pictro- . nave, a native of Italy, aged 01 years. GLENNON— In this rlty. February 13. ' UK*. Bridget, dearly -l»e!owd mother of Mr*. Frank Kelly. Mrs. Jamex M'-aney snd Thomas Glen- mui. a native of County Galway. Ireland,- aged •>'\u25a0* yetr*. \u0084 Friends Jind acquaintances are respectfully invited t» attend the funeral tomorrow 4Tuc«- «ii!j-t. «t S:l5 «. m.. from the parlors of Me. Brenrty & McOrmlek. OlTi ValepcU street near Twentieth. Thence tn the <-hur<h of rhe M«st Holy Redeemer. wh<re servjeeu will -he held at 9 a. ra. Interment .Hoi v Cross ceme- tery . aoODTTTN— In tbis city. February 12. 1909. Nellie M . Goodwin, a native of Illinois, aged S3 year*. * The funeral will - take plsee to3ay (Men- ' 4*j), February 15, 1909. at. 10 o'clock a. m.,'J from the parlors of Carew &. English, 1618 <2eary street, thenc« to Sacred . Heart : church for services. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by 11:30 a. m. train from Third and Townsend j streets. , ' GHEENBAUM— In this city, February 14. : 1900, Sarah. lx>loved mother" pf Ida and -'William 1... ("reenbanm. Mm. Hyroan Jacobs and" Mrs. Abraham Rosenberg, and Bister; of Slgmund , L.7 Henry U. and the late Charles L\ Ack- ertnan. a native of New Orleans, sJLsrt,. aged years. ', ' - ; ' "/,\u25a0<"' Notice of funeral- hereafter. ,' '•&\u25a0, HAMMOND— In this city.; February 13," ' 1900', Marie, twin of- the late Catherine, aud dearly beloved twin daughter- of Thomas" and Katie Hammond, a native, of . San Francisco. \ = HOLLAND In Oakland. February 13, 190», James, beloved husband of the- lafe " Jtilta Holland, and father of E. F. Holland, a native »of- Ireland. , - Friends and nt^jua'tltsiiees nre - rn>t>ecl fully invited to attAd. the funeral -today (Mon- I u»y>, February 1". IW9, at 5» o'clock a. m., from his -late' residence," SOI 14 lirjish -treet, thence, to St.. Mary's church., where a requiem high mass 'will be celebrated for' the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 a. in. Inter- ment St. Mary'K cemetery. JACKSOK— In Alameda/ Cal.. February 14. l»0fl, Theodore.^ beloved husband of Alice Jacknon, brother of Mm. Geonriim Appleby. Mrs. Elita- tieth tan Cleff and Oscar Jackson, nnd- uncle | of Andrew Fletcher Jackson, a native/ of New York, aged <>4. year*. i KEEGAN'-ln this city, February 12. 1909." El- len, beloved Wife of the l«te Henry I". Kee- Kau, devoted mother of Mr*. L. Suadlnger. f Mm. U. M.. Kvfe, Mra. NelCe Prlncle and Francis II .V Catherine, j James \\.. John \u25a0 I-., Joseph 1., and the late Edward C. Keesan, mid sister of Mrs. Mary Cavanaugh; Mrs. Peter Uorsey and the late Mrs. Catherine M<-yuarrie. a native of Prince Edward Island, aged C 7 yearn nnd 11 mouths. A mem- ber of the Third Order of St. Francis.- _\u25a0 \u25a0 KriendK and aequalutauces nre respectfully invited to attend the funeral today <Mou- dav) at 8:30 a. 'ua.. from ber late, residence, «43 Central aveDli* between Grove and Fulion. Mieets, thence to St. Agnes church. Page street near Masoulc avenue, where; a solemu requiem blgL mass will be celebrated the repose of her soul, commencing at 0..^0 a. tn. ! Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by carriage. KEELING-In B<-rkelcy, Cal.. F ebnjary • I*. John Stanley Keeling, dearly Moved of Cyntbae Ket'llnp. a. native of .England, aped *<« years 9 mouths, and 1« days. Frieuds and acquaintances can, view remains until 12 o'clock tomorrow (Tuesday). Fcnru- «rv JO, J 9OO, at tbe chapel of Jameson. & NiVhatfs. 2434 Telegraph avenue, Berkeley. • Interment private. KELLEHEH— In this city. February 13. 1909. Margaret, beloved wife of James Kelleber. daughter of Owen and Annie McTaggart. and sister of Richard. James. Marie and rrank McTaggart. Mr». .Violet Walsh. . Mrs. Annie McQuillan. Mrs.. Albert An Rand and Evelyn. Isabel and John McTaggart, . a native -, of Scotland, a&ed 2S years. Tbe funeral will take place tomorrow (Tues- <lavi. February 1«. lftO9. at fl:30 o'clock a . " w . , from her late residence. 4r»o Twenty- flfth avenue. Richmond, thence to Star of the Sea church where a requiem high mass ftill be celebrated for tbe repose of her soul, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. LTJCHAW— In this city. February 14. 1909, Claus-Liucbatr, a native of Mulsen, Am. Stade, Germany aged 2« years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral services tomor- row (Tuesday! at 2 p. m., at the chapel of the Old People's home, corner of Pine and Pierce streets. Interment , .by carriage. MAfifiAßT— ln Txis Angeles. Cal.. February 13. li*O9. Thurston Maggart. beloved husband of ( Miiud Maggart. father of Reva and Boyd Mag-, gart son of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Maggart, and brother of Kdward Maggart, a native of Missouri, aged 43 years. ! MORILL— In Oakland. Cal.. February 14. 1009.. August," <k-arly beloved son of Paul and Mary Morill, and "brother of George and Christ Morill. Mrs. Emma Harrier and Mrs. Annie Geisenhoffor. a native of Altooffa, Pa.,- aged 'H years 3 months and 10 days. j Friends and acquaintances are respectfully I invlte"d to attend the fnneral services tomor- \ row (Tuesday). February IG, 1908. at 2 o'clock p. m.. at the Trinity German Luth- eran church, southwest corner .of 'East .Flf- teentb street and Seventeenth avenue. Inter- ment Mountain View cemetery. - KEALON— In this city. February 14. 1909, I^ena. dearly boloved mother of Harold and Willie Nealon. daughter of Mrs. Mary Smith, and sister of Mrs. James Fern and George' and Hrrtha Smith. a native of San Francisco, Cal.. aged 27 years 7 months and 25 days. Remains at the parlors of H. F. Sulir & . Co.. 2919 Mission street between Twenty-flfth and Twenty-sixth. O'DONNELL— In this city. February 13, ; 1909, Theresa, beloved wife of John O'Donael], 3 na- tive of Wi»eonsln, agtd r>2 years and 3 mouths. Friends and acquaintance*- are- respectfully invited to atiend die funeral today ..- (Mon- day t. at 10 o'clock a. in., from the parlor* of " I». 1. Kenny & Co.. 1719 Eddy street near Scott. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, l.y. 11:30 o'clock train from Third and Town- f And -streets. ; .;.,- ; :.i_ . * O'KEEFTE— In thta city. February 14.' 1909, j John Russell, beloved husband of Lizzie I»ucks O'KeefTe, and rather of 4tussell 1,, nud Aliln O'Keefff. a native New Yofk. j PETTERSON— In San Rafael. Cal.. February, 13. 1900. Andrew F. Petterson." beloved husband of Emma M. PeUerson. and father of.Ogcnr F. and Alfred H. Petterson. v Mrs. ,C. (A. Olson and Mrs. I. C. Mastrup. a native, of I Sweden, sged «\u2666? years. A member of Tamal- I pals lodce No. 90. K. of 11.I 1 . \u25a0 •. . : "- t\u25a0 . \u25a0*\u25a0 , Friends and acquaintances are respectfully. I invltfd to attend tbe funeral tomorrow. (Tues- day). February 16. 1909. at 10 o'clock, from the funeral parlors of Edward Eden. * 814 G street. wh«re srrvireß will be "held under-the auspice* of Tamalpais lodge -No. 60, K. or.f • r. Interment Mount Tamalpals^ cemetery. POOR— In Oakland. .Cal.. February 14, . 1809. Annie M. Poor, beloved mother of Mrs. A." G. Davis of Oakland and Joseph Poor- of Ash- land, a native o,f *fame, aged- 73 years and 6 days. - £"2j* * \u25a0'-'\u25a0/. ' BPOTTS— Iu "this cl(y, February 14, 1909, -.Al- bert Tunstall Spotts, bf loved husband^, of Susan Russell 'Spotts. and,"lovlng brother.. of Mrs. Theodore; Z.Blakeman. and Mrs. Charles '. M . . Ke^ney, a' native of Louisville. Ky, # (Louls- ; vIIIp. Ky. .and New York "papers please cqpy.) Notice, of -funeral hereafter. j SULLIVAN— In VallcJo.'Cal.. February 13. 1909. | Catherine Dow Sullivan, loving wife of;'tbe ; latp James Sullivan. • a native of Glasgow. Scotland, aged '7B yArs 4 months and 3 days. • Friends and acquaintances are Invited to at- j tend thp fuueral today (Monday).' at 2:30 , p. m., from uor late residence, 6f>3 Alabama ! street. Interment Masonic .cemetery, Vallejo. TWEEDY — In thin city. February 13. 1909, Jo- ; seph Tweedy. ' beloved bnsband of '\u25a0 Mary \u25a0A. [I Tweedy, and father Qf James W. and tbe late Henry. Mary. Lizzie. Nellie. Annie and Clar- ence V. Tweedy, a native of New Brunswick, aped 73 years. Friends, ore respect fnllv. Invited- to attend tbe funeral . tomorrow (Tu^dny). February 16. j Bt 10 •. »\u25a0« from -the cb»fw?l of N." Gray & I Co.. /2196"^>arj'.. street corner of Devlsad'ero. j Interment *Hol/~X"ros» cemetery, by carrlagn.' l'j Remains at tbe parlors of N. \u25a0 Gra*y;&' Co. VEROA-rln this rlty, February 13. 1909, Noemi ! -Verga, .dearlrvbeloved daughter, of. G-D. and , Maria Verga. v and sister of . Volta, < Adurto Klldia and Romolo" Verga, a native of San . Frxnclsco, Cal., aged 1 year 5 months and _•* days. - . " \u25a0 \u25a0 „ \u25a0 Friends and acquaintances are respectfully i invited to attend the funeral services, today i Monday i. February ; 15. 1909. at .-1 o'clock p. m.,' from her parents' residence, 732 Val- Irjo street. Interment Italian cemetery.- • , WHITNEY— In Contra Co«a county J- Cal.. near i I>auville. ; February 13, 1909, . Mary A . ' Whlt- r ney, widow of. tbe late A. D. Whitney .-and i mother of W. -A. Whitney of Ogden. Utah; i -C» T. Whitney of Portland, Ore., and F. C. Whitney of Orovllle, Cal., a native : of New York, awl 71 years 4 months and 3 days. . \u25a0 WHITE — In".- this • city, February I.V 1909.. Wll- '\u25a0 Ham J. -White,- a native of California, aged *j . _t><)ut 45 years.' • H«-maliiK at Charles J . B. Metzler'g under- - t - taking parlors. 1892 Folsom street. AUTOMOBILE IS STRUCK BY" AN A LAM EDA CAR R. Kirkliant Blair and Party Re ceive Injuries OAKLAND. Feb. 14— Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirkliam Blair of Alameda, while auto riding with i two young/woraen frlends^nvere painfully Injured in' an aoc-ld**nt about 9 o'clock .toniKlit.,, ""rii^ mai'liine In wlilch' tht-y .Were, speeding 'sHJdde«t In front/of AlamedaV oar -. No. 214 just soutli -, of-'. the ..Webster, street! liritlgf and wan '• struck on the'slde by tlie street car'flnd badly smashed.' The four o<-< i upants- :of the auto* 'were thrown to the street. . receiving: numer-' ous'-,cuts * and >: bruises*. • ."It. Klrkhanr Blair is a prominent^ Ala meda business man and a-son.of>the i late'.Lao ry:Yarde ! Btiller. \u25a0\u25a0 • : - \u25a0-•-•:\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0-.' . - \ E. F. HU^rdN & CO. 4»0 Callfornln St. TfK Doujrlas 24«7 St. Francis Hotel.* Tel. Donclaa 3952 Members New YorJt Stock Exchange \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0/. \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0-" ;. \u25a0•.\u25a0•.\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 - .:\u25a0 ' Pioneer Hoove - .. Private Wire to Chicago and IV err York • 'R. E. SIULCAHV. Maaasre*; flgE^S^iilfoAyd^ Steam Schooner Helen P. Drew Limps in With Lumber Cargo Shifted Ship SHenaridoah Drags; Anchors Half Mile iri I ?:Heayy : EaHy, Morning Blow The\steam schooner Helen P.j.Drew put -into 'port "yesterday i with 'her ;deck cargoof lumber shifted. The^rew^was on^the way: from- Greenwood to San Pedro, when". itl v ran\'into-a heavy gale. The force of the etorm caused the deck load! to* shift to* port" to such an extent that taptain^Guriderspn'was compelled to put into .this *i>ort.; -He; ran his vessel up. to Mission' -street' wharf., where the crew trimmed the cargo. The vessel later : left for! he ( r!d.e9tination., James Johnson,'- a passenger- on the Drew, • jumj/ed' ashore when .. the .vessel docked. • iHe/'Haid he ; wrfiild finish his voyage td;Mari 'Pedro by rail-^-and "no more sea- for' him." , Thepre^'^'as IS hours making the run from' Greenwood.' Message". Prom Hilonlnn 1 -The Matsoh" navigation -.-company's steamer I*Hilonian1 * Hilonian sent a* wireless mes sage ;af 8 - o'clock - Saturday:- night'- 1 ad | vising that*!the. vessel, at that time was 874 miles ,off c this \u25a0 port,' : with weather fine, and'A&.U-V .well on - board. The Hilonian sailed frenn this port February 10, bound for Honolulu. , . - ; \u0084, | I.urllne »nra Honolulu The. steamship Lurlirie sent a wire less late Saturday night,' stating that it was: 340 miles from Honolulu. The Lurline rfeft-this' port February 5 for' Honolulu with:thebark Mohican in tow. Shennndnnh <«*oe« Adrift The ship. Shehandoah,' which was ly ing ,: at anchor : off -. Alcatraz island, dragged' its anchors yesterday morninc for a quarter 'of "a -'mile before'the mud hooks held.. A strong ebb tide-ac companied by 'a stiff breeae caused the trouble.: .*y - . . About; &\u25a0\u25a0 year, ago the Shenandoah, when trying to. enter the bay, ran onto Duxbury reef, and but. for the prompt help of fugs," would' have been wrecked, flnford I)n r Today The transport Buford'is due to arrive late today or early, tomWWw morning from the Philippines , It .has on board a- large number \u25a0 of . casualß and the Philippine constabulary band s which is to play at Taffs inauguration^ \V To] Goon D ry dock The transport Logan "will leave the transport dock at 6 o'clock tbis morn ing: for Hunter's dry dock. It will sail for the Philippines March 6. Drift* Toward : Black Point --[' The" ship Henry Failing, which was anchored, off Alcatraz, , was caught by a heavy gale yesterday morning, and before Captatn Anderson could drop a second anchor, the vessel was carried down the bay andlanded up off Black point. A*strong ebb tide was runfiing at the time. .;-.-? I<nmbeT Receipt* Lumber receipts from the north coast yesterday by sea amounted to 1,970,000 Jeet. . • , , l'ut« Into »«h Day -. A telegram Was received yesterday from Tatoosh stating that the steamer Tiverton had. put into Neah bay. where it had come to-~anchor. ; The Tiverton was bound from Port Ludlow for this port. ' • . \u0084 4 \u25a0 \u25a0 . -\u0084. ..Due Enrly Todny ;/"'-' The Toyo Klsen Kaisha ' company's steamer Tenyo Maru, is due to arrive early today ..from the orient. Alameda Dne Tninnrron The Oceanic steamship company's steamer Alameda is due to arrive to morrow from. Honolulu. SHIPPING^NEWS OF COAST Items, of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific \u25a0 ASTORIA, Feb. 14.— Steamer Homer left to tra \u25a0 Fr * nclfco wlth f r *'K ht an <l Passen . Steamer Yellowstone left today for San Fran rlsco with 550.000 feet of lumber, loaded at Port- g Steamer Eu«ka left » today, "for Eureka and Coos bay with. freight and pasfenger* Steamer Breakwater arrived, today from Coos bay with freijrtii and passengers. .'• > \u25a0 - \u25a0- SAN PEDRO, Feb. 14.— Steamer Claremont, Captain (hrlgtenson, arrived from Grays Harbor with lumber. . : . . Stramer George W. Elder. Canialn Jensen, de layed last night, cleared today for Portland ' Steamer Ilanalel. Cflptaln McFarlane, cleared today for San Francisco with passengers and freight. . - ; . • - P^. , ;>-\u25a0•-. Steamer Helene;* Captain Anderson, arrived this afternoon from Raymond wl tin lumber."--" i Oil steamer Whlttier. Captain Rennie. arrived this afternoon, from San Franciftco and cleared for San ' Diego ., -• ;-;\u25a0.*' • $%Sm ;"Steamer Queen, j Captain Jepsen. cleared 'this morning for San Diego with freight and passen ger*. '.-,:\u25a0-. , i Steam»r Wasn. Captain Wehman, arrived from Coo« hay with lumber.' , \u25a0 . » :-~ Tank steamer Argyll. Captain Dfckson, cleared today for Portland with crude oil. \u25a0 Aririr, TrsHporti. \u25a0 Tbe Logan is In port. v- • ' •Th"! Crook Is in -port. • • Tbe Bnford sailed February 7 from Honolulu The She/man 1» In port. The. Warren hi at Manila. ' Th«« Sheridan, outward bound, arrived February 13 at Honolulu. \u25a0. : , - . The Thomas sailed January 28 from Guam for Manila. . . , . _ •'-V. • '•\u25a0-'". The Dlx in at Seattle. '• '\u25a0 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ">V"ARRIVED ' "> V- tr ... '• '; '• Sunday. . February, 14. \u25a0' Stmr Aleatraz^El'esen, 7 hours from Delmar; y\E HAT£ MOVED OUR SAX ; FBAXCISCO pifFICE TO i- THE FiRST XATIOXAL BA>K BUILDING, TOST AXD MOXTGOMEBT STREETS, AXD HATE OPEXED>AX 0F r FICE IX LOS AXGELES AT FIFTH AXD SPRIXG STREETS >*T IX THE SECURITY BUILDIXG. .' - ; BOSTON MEMBERS OF THE SAX FRANCISCO ' _ ' PWTPArO , ' -^^* *^ BO JVO ' EXCH ATVCiZS , ' MOV EM ENTS OF STEAM ERS '\u25a0'\u25a0' \u25a0*\u25a0 • .\u25a0.'/.' \u0084-..*\u25a0' TO ARRIVE - -- -N-Sw-'From J ' ..-: . | i" Steamer- . | . Date San Pedro &.""Vay PortslUoos 8ay.:...-|Feb.' 15 Seattle .... J.. .... ....|j.-B. Stetson. .jFeb. .15 tf endocino , & . Pt. ArenalSea Foam. . .*. . . jFeb." 15 Coqullle -Ulver... .'....[ Fineld .. .^..\u25a0..;|Feb. 15 Humboldt ..:.v..... Worth Fork . . . . • Feb.. 13 San Pedr0........ . <; • W. Elder.. . Feb. 15 Portland & Way Por tsi ltoanoke ...... JFeb. . 15 China- &' Japan. .'..;. ..trenyo -Mara.'... Feb. 15 Portland & Astoria iltose City...... Feb. 15 Humboldt ..... ... . (•\u25a0. A. KllburnV. Feb. 10 San /Pedr0....... ;..'.".'. centralla ...... Feb. 16 San., Pedr0...'. .'........ (lanalei .....t. Feb. l'J San- Diego & Way*. Ports Queen .'.'.."...'.". Feb. 16 New York via Ancon.. t'eru •• Feb. lfi Honolulu >.......;..-... Mameda • • • Feb. 3 1G Puget Sound Ports.... Ulty of Puebla. Feb. 1C Seattle & Tacoma..... Watson ....... Feb. -IB Seattle & Tacoma rallac . •'•'•'• Feb. 16 Huraboldt '........ |Dlty of Topeka. Feb. 17 Point Arena &' Albion. l t'omo •••• Feb. 18 San .Pedr0.... .... . jL'lareinont . ..... reb. 18 Sau Diego & Way Ports State of Cal... Feb. 19 Sallna Crux.. ...;.*..... Texan Feb. 19 Sab .Pedro, t . : ;.". ;. > i -;; Itoanoke ...\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Feb. 20 - '\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0, V : . '-.- ...' -TO SAIL'"-:.' ° ' : '\u25a0- ' " '\u25a0-•' N Deatlnatloq | Steamer | Salla |P)er . February 15 — >*:| r.os Angeles Ports. ... ,|S., Barbara., lpm 2 lios Angeles Ports Roanoke ... 5 pin 13 Grays - Harbor.. if!. Monica... 4pm 2 Willapa' Harbor .|L>aisy ...... •"-.' •••- Hunxholdt .:;.....-.... Vanguard .. Ipm 2 •San Diego & Way Ports State of Cal 5».30a, 11 Portland & Way Torts. U. W. Elder 1 pm 13 San Pedro & Way Ports Coos Bay... 11 • February 16—. ,':- . - . Coquille- RlTer -.. Flßeld ..... 2 Grays'. Harb0r.....:.-. . San .Taclnto. 2pm 2 Japan & : China. ....... Mongolia ... lpm 42'/ ! February 17 — -\u25a0 - - • . Rrays Harbor...... Chelialls -..."....' .*l* Srays Harbor;; ; ..'Centralla .. Spm ", 7 Humboldt \u25a0 ...:..... ...IF. Kllburn.. I pm 13 Los Anpeles Ports. ... . Ilnnalei .... 3pm 7 Puget Sound Ports Queen.- ...... I.SOp 9 Mendoolno-& Pt. Arena 3ea Foam. .. 4pm 4 Humboldt .. w..... North Fork.. 5 pm [16 Febmary IS — •' " HUo direct. .|Enterprlse .. 12 m 10 Humboldt IL'ity Topeka. 10.30 a n San Diego & Way PortsiL'lty Puebla. 9.30 all Grays Harbor...... ...iClaremont .. 4pm 2 February 19 — | New York tli Ancon..|Oity of Para 12 m 24 Seattle & Tacoma. .-. ;.|Tallac .....! 3pm 7 Astoria .& Portland. .. .iNome City..! spm 7 i February 20-^ : | ! Pt. Arona & Albion... ]Pomo .. Ifi pm 2 Honolulu ....V. ...|Alameda ...111 «m '7 Seattle & Taooma UVatson . . . . I 1 pm 20 Astoria- & Portland .... Rme City... ill nra 27' Hawaiian Ports Arlzonan ...|l2 m| 23 TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE ! Destination >.- | Steamer | Date I Valdez Tia Juneau....[Ohlo ...... 1 Feb. 16 Valdez & Seward K'orthwestern \u0084|Feb. 24 Southwestern Alaska... |Bertha ...|Feb. 26 returned - hecause weather ' was too . rough " to allow loading. Stmr Nome Cfty, Hansen, 72 Jiours from As toria. Stmr Helen P. Drew. Gunderson. 18 hourß from Greenwood, bound for San Pedro; put In to shift cargo. • . Stmr Brunswick, Hammer, 15 hours from Fort Bragg. . . , \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Stmr Olson & Mahony, Payne, 64 / hours from Astoria. ' . Stmr Jim Barter, Olsen,»B<s hours from Grays Harbor. \u25a0 ' ' . Stmr Santa Barbara. Ztddnrt.' 75 hours from Grays Harbor, . bound south; put in to land;pas sen jers. . Stmr Norwood, Martin, 70 hours' from Grays Harbor, bound south; put In to' land passengers. Schr Monterey, Hasklns, 12 hours from Mon terey, in tow tug Navigator. . OUTSIDE BOUND IN 10 P. M. Schr-Okanogan and two /our masted schrs. • v: v.v- 1 SAILED , !}nnday,' February 14. Stmr Doris, Olsen, • Raymond. Stmr Asuncion. Brldjett,' Portland. <, • Br stmr Tymerlc. Mcllwalne; Sydney, etc. Stmf James S. HlfcKins,' Illggins,' San Pedro. Stmr Maverick. Daniels, Seattle. ;• Stmr:Pomo, l.illeland, Albion river. -if ;1 - Stmr Norwood, Martin. San Pedro.' . *\' '\u25a0 Stmr Helen P. Drew. Gunderson. San Pedro. Schr Albert Mpyer. Johnson," Puget sound. ,"' Scbr Mnhukona, Marstpns, Port . Townsend. \u25a0'.\u25a0 Schr Santiago, McDonald, Monterey, In' tow tug ; Herculeß. - WEATHER REPORTS POINT LOBO.VFe'b I*. 0 a.. m.— Thick; wind, east; velocity. 8 miles per hour. \u25a0 — • POINT UEYES. Fob 1 », 1) a.' m.— Light .ranr: wind. Boutheast: velocity. 12 miles per Imur. - FARAM.ONES. Feb 14.. 9;. a. m.— Cloudy; wind, south: velocity. 0 mile* per hour. .. | TATOOSH, Feb 14. ft a. tu.— Cloudy; ~wind, northeast; .velocity, 24 mites per hour. BY UNITED WIRELESS Stmr Hilonian, hence Feb. 10 for Honolulu — Feb 13. 8 p. m., 874 miles from San Francisco. Stmr Lnrline, henoe Feb 5 for Honolulu, with bark Mohican In tow— Feb 13, S p. m., 340 miles from Honolulu, i . ! Stmr Colonel E. L. Drake passed Tatoosh at B' p. m.: cloudy, light rain, with wind south west, about 20 miles per hour: smooth sea. .>Stmr Jim Butler passed' in Grays Harborat ft. a; m. . '.Stmr Tenyo Maru will arrive about noon Mon day.' : : : \u25a0 ' ."! \u25a0-•.",-. . TELEGRAPHIC %~Ji \u25a0 Vii-V.'f, POINT LOROS. \FeI>,I4. :10p. m.— Weather, cloudy; wind, south: velocity. .l 4 miles per hour. • DOMESTIC PORTS , SAN DIKOOj-Arrlved Feb 14— Stmr Centralla, from San Pedro. TATOOSH— Passed Feb 14— Stmr Tiverton. from sen. 'and anchored In Nenh bay; . . ASTORlA— Arrived Feb 14— Stmr Breakwater, from Coos bay. ;",- \u25a0 \u25a0 •, • Sailed Feb ; 14— Stmr Alliance., for Coos bay. -XEAH BAY— Anchored Feh: 14— Schr Alpena. from Tacoma. for Sun Frnnciscoj - v ; TA COM Ac-Sailed Feb 14— Nor strar Cecil, for Quartermaster harbor*.' barge. Oregon, .for Na nalmo: Nor utmr Mathilda;' for Knrope. , • COOS ' BAY — Arrived Feb 14— Stmr \u25a0. Lakme. hence Feb 12. : - - -"" ' Sailed - Feb 14— Stmr.Redondo, for San Fran cisco. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 -. \u25a0 \u25a0 ' :.,<-.\u25a0 l. \u25a0 \u25a0 -. \u25a0\u25a0 EUREKA— ArrITed Feh 14f-I?tinr Temple E. Dorr.' hence Feb 12:'- strar F^'A?..Kilburn. hence Feb'l3: stmr J.\T. Loceie.' hence Feh 12. > SEATTLE— Arrived Feb. 14— Stmr Santa: Rosa. : X Report United • States department 'of agriculture— Weather bureau.' : San Franclsco/i Feb. - W,- 190&. : " \u25a0 \u0084 \u0084 \u25a0-'. BAIXFALLiDATA . : '' • -• - ... -'-Last-.' . "Seasonal 1 - "• -. .Stations — . - \.-24hrs.. " 'to date.' Normal. Eureka' . .. . ... ...:;-0.0l :**• J 34.79 ;- "25.08 ' Red.81uff, :.......:. 0.00 ', 25.10: "-'. 15.71 Sacramento ;...'. :.".. J O:ol*',-"i 18 51 • ::-12.37: :-12.37 MtT' Tamalpais •.;:.. 0.01 :\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a029:4s: \u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a029:45 :« •\u25a0 14.6*5 San^Franclsco;/..:;. ,Tr.- '\u25a0.' ••'\u25a0 20.80 14.55 Sin -i Jose-.....-.-.....- Tr. : -'. - 14.32 :.. '9.06! Ftesno t : \u25a0...:.:..-..:.-,• O.<W:-.': 8;27 ;'.5.8»; Independence >",.:;..- 0.00 ' 7. 91*-. r5.75r 5.7S San -Luis \u2666)bispo-..K0.00".- "2B.'S.S 12.30 Ix)»' Angeles * r. .'.'. r O.(K}-' \u25a0 \u25a0 l«;O7 ;\u25a0; \u25a0 \u25a0 " 9.CG j San Diego . . ...... . 0.ft0".;- . ' - a.sq e.2~ \u25a0-.".\u25a0.\u25a0-• a\u25a0 . -=» 2 ~si \u25a0\u25a0 '3:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 "." t"s \u25a0 '\u25a0' ' -\u25a0-' ""''"" 5\u25a0- = • '-"3 "i 2*;- "\u25a0' JJ2 \u25a0stations, j,. • j?: --;. ::?\u25a0;; ;*=•\u25a0 -.ff:. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-<».'\u25a0\u25a0 p \u25a0, 3 \u25a0 \u25a0 * t '. . • - r*. i • > ; -\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0:>:\u25a0\u25a0 -."- ?>---.5- .?•>.-:; .- :: ; .': : ;, Baker . . ;-. . . . .30.26 40 . SO S Cloudy Tr. Boise ........ 30. 3t>"4fi'S4 s* : Rain. Tr. Eureka -.:..... 30.22 58' 48 SE ~ 'Cloudy .01 Hsgstaff .....30.18 42' 12 >'E Clear " • .00 Fresno ..'.... .30.34 60-40 SW- ; Cloudy .00 Independence V. 30. 28 . M . .. : W ; . r Clear .00 Kallspell . ..'-.. 3<».28 22 *14 NW 'Snow \u008404 Ixw Angeles ..30.22 6(5- 4S: SW . Pt.Cldy .00 Modenai ...'. ..30.32 30 . .' XX 'Pt.C'dy".t!O Mt.-Tawalpals. 30.35 4<; -41 . SW f Cloudy -'- .01 ] Aorth' Head •.„.\u25a0»(). OS . 50 - 42>*S v .' Cloudy -.10 ! Phoenix i:.-.-.-.:30. 121 «« -38 i AY \ Clear .00 1 Pocatello ::ji).34 • .is ' so '. s •'.--, Cloudy ' .00 ! Pt. Reyes- Lt£:30.2"J?52 4S »S > Rain ."" .0.1 Portland ...;.30.1G 4« 4(> E^-." "-Rain- . \u25a0 .IS Red Bluff ....30.34 54 48 -SB V Woudy .60 Rtno- :3u.28 na 2S '.W> : Pt.'Cldy .00 RoselHirg . . . . . ;30. 18 .58 44 , W . Ra iji . ". 02> Sacramento ...30.3a 54 4« ; Kr: U.'liwdy - .01 j Salt -Lake . .. :30.34. SSJ . .— SK iriotidy .00 San Diego 30. 20 HO : ; 44 X W i Clear \u25a0 ' .00 Sau Francisco. 3o.32 50 •' 4« SB :: i i'loudy Tr. Sau ; Jose •-.'..-.. 30. :a» «O" 40 NW'Cloudr 'Tr. ! S. Luis m>l»pt>.3o.t!,S 6C. 4S NB ' Pt.Cldy ".00 : k. .E...Fara110n.30.30 52 .50 s'• " «;lou(ly .OU\ Spokane ......30.18.34 IS X ,\W •Summit ..... .... . 45 24. Sff -Pt.Cldy .<ft> Tacoma, 3«».O8 52 34 SV\'Mt«ln .08 Tatoosh .... . .30.00 48 3tJ *-.SW. v Rain "-. ' .04 i Tononah ...... 30. 3S 44 2« SR " Pt.Cldy .00 W»lla-.. 30.20 32 20 S : Pt;Cldy -.00. wlnnemucfft: -.30.30 4H' 2<t SW Cloudy :«xr lnma: \u25a0.-.. . k . . .30.14 72 44 -X * .'Clear ' .00 *Arerag'e snon- on 'ground 224 Inches.' - •>" -^ '• . - .- . '-. SVXOI'SIS \u25a0 ', •'- •.\u25a0'\u25a0' • strirm remainit nearly , stationary off.the Washington coast and "Vancouver Island.: It has caused rain over Washington, Oregon and Idaho and *- clone "the Calif ornla \u25a0; coast .from San- Jose northward. \u25a0 Cloudy weather preralls xenerally in all districts. The pressure continues to rise slowly * over the' entire coast, but .the 1 winds eontinne from the' south and showery weather U protrable orer central 1 and northern California Monday, with fair weather In the south.', The humidity at Red Bluff. Is 82 per cent and 'at Fresno 79 per cent. • - - - ; , - : ' - 'FORECAST "." * San Francisco \u2666 aud vicinity — Cloudy weather : with showers Monday; light southwest wind. -Santa Clara ralloy— Cloudy with showers Mon day; light west wind, f . ' ,\u25a0 Sacramento valley— Cloudy wltli 'shower* Moa •lay;-light .south' wind. -- .' : . /. .-. p San JoaqDin valley— Cloudy Monday, with snowers in north portliwi; light southwest wind. Los Angeles. and vicinity— Fair Monday: light west wind. - - . ' G. H. WILLSOX, "Local j Forecaster. : San, : Moon and Ti da Lnlted States toast and, geodetic nurrey— Time and heights of tides at > Fort Toint. For city front (Mission street , wharf) add 25 mln£t*s. ;:-• -- MONDAY, KEDRUARI'^IS • \u25a0--*\u25a0\u25a0 Sun ri5e5....... ...... ;.; ;•. .. t : oo Sun sets. " '. '. . 5J49 New m00n...............Feb.,20. at 2:43 a. m. I. iTlmel |Time| ITimel ITlmel Feb IFt I —^| Ft h (Ft (> — ib-rirtT IL.WI 111 W| Kl^ W| , - .|H W| ; 15.. 1 0:14! 3.1 r.Mf.J 5.5| 1:47| 0.01.0:251 4.2 l«..l 1:24) 3.2 7:11»[ 5.81 2:4Oj— 0.5110:111 4.4 17. .1,2:251 5.2 B:2(i|| 3:30|— 0.01i0;52 -.\u25a0!.» 15.. 1 :3:25| 3.0[ 0:17[ C.2| 4:l7|— l.l|U:3»| 4.9 IT. H. Braoeh Hydrosrraphlc , Office A branch" of the United States hydrographle office. located at the. Merchants' Exchange. Is maintained tn Ean Francisco' for < the benefit'of mariners, without regard t»> nationality and free of expense. Xavlgators are cordially Invited to visit, tbe office, where complete^ sets'.of' charts and sailing directions of the world-a re-.kept .at hand for comparison 'and reference and'the-latest information can always he" obtained regarding lights, daugers to navigation and matters of .in terest'to oeenn commerce. v * ** J. C. BirnNBTT, Lieutenant. I*. '5..; X.. In- charge.." benoe Feb 11. ' >' '.' \u25a0 . Sailed Feb 14—Stmr Colonel E. L. Drake, for San Francisco. . \u25a0 \u25a0 > \u25a0•' " " - BALRARD—Arrived Feb 14—Nor' «tmr Eir, from Tacoma. .•"•-••': -" -.\u25a0 . . RAX PEDRO—Arrived Feb 14—Stmr Wasp, from Coos hay; stmr, Hanalel, .hence Feb 11: stmr '• Claremont,' from Port I-os Angeles; stmr : ftueen, hence Feb 12. Sailed Feb 14—Stmr George W. Elder. • fc.s Eureka,. Astoria and. Portland.-, via. San . Fran: clsco:'stmr (Jneen. for San.Diego; stmr Hanalel, for San Francisco; stmr Argyll, for San Fran cisco. • ' \u25a0 - . • •\u25a0 ' •— .-\: - ISLAXD PORTS- < • .' ' HONOLKLU—Arrived Feb , 14—Bark : Alden Besse, from San, Pedro;. Kisatata, . front \. Sailed'Feb-14—German «hip> Marie Hackfel'd, I for Victoria. —^' .» ' • •' \u25a0»: ,--.*.*. OCEAN' STEAMERS - ! ,NEW ,YORK-^Arrived Feb J4—Stmr.Caronla. •from -Flume. Naples and Gibraltar:' stmr 'Ma donna, from \u25a0 Marseilles and .Naples; stmr St.' ! Paul, from Southampton. . . i *tl<*niornn<l:t Stmr % Tiverton. frcrni'l.udlow Teh 13 -for. San Francisco, is reported as passing in at; Tatoosh Feb 14.; evidently returning, and later is re ported as anchored in Xeah hay." •- - ' . : Stmr XoraeCitr reports .schr Okanogan. "from Gamble for San -Francisco, Is anchored off. Dux bury reef. * \u25a0" ' ! \u25a0«'. \u25a0 Ship Henry Failing .drifted . from "Alcatras island •to below- Blacky point -in stron? \u25a0 ebb tide: PACIFIC OCE.W TR A VRI, ••\u25a0"^g\C «s*«v Stearoem Cleave .'Broadway -ygAi=-5Q5v Wharves ( Piers 9 f and 1 1 ) . Yi*Z_- '" > : VNlft ':\u25a0 LOW- KATES. -INCLUPIXG rVv®®! V*l BERTHS "AXD -VEALS. I ( \Wtffll' ) SPECI AL ROUND TRIE' V^O* . ",FORfLOsVAXGELES ' SAXiDIEOkO . : . ;SAATA. BARBARA, STATE CAT... Feh. IS. 21, 27.' Mar. .VOiSOa.m. QUERN* ...... "........*..: Mar. 2.-9:30 a. m. t:iTV«ri*:;ni.A.::..'.Feb.lB, Mar.S,,ft:BO a. m. SAN r TA"ROSA'..y:......-.. .....Feb. 2*,, 9:30 a. tn. | FOR SEATTLE. ! TACOMAi< ' VICTOR! A^A\pr.yA>COIIVER,.Bi C_, PIIGET,SOU.\DA>D^i,ASKAXPORTS S A NTA R( »S A . : . . .'. . . :": . " . . Mar. \l. > 1 ;' SO p. tn . Qt;EEN -A: ..... ::.Yt\Cf4'i i Mar. ,7. 1 :30 p. m. CITY PUEBLA 23,- Mar.*l3. 1 :30 p. m. (FOR -EIfREKA^V HUMBOLDT BAY) CITY OF . TOPEKA'lrvri^ ... .'.j .:.;...; ...Feb. IS. 23, SS.Mar^B.^lO." 15. 10:30 a. m.- • And Every. Fifth. Day - FOR '.» MPiXlCO— Giiaymnii, ' 3iazatlan, ;!'» Pax, Kn.vnnda, Snn Jo«p del Cnbo, Masdnlena Tiay, Snntn Roxalln* Curacao.. ..:v.. j Vi';-.;:;*^;.^Mar:"'.T. 10 a. m . AI.ASKAX CRUIisES?IOOO 'Steamship SPOKANE ' will leave Seattle 11 p. in., June 15, 30, July 15, 30, Aug. 14. ' Right reserved, to change, this schedule. TICKET /OFFICES "t" SAN FRANCISCO— 3:MarketBt.;*H2 Market «t ' and Broadway Wharf. Telephone Kearuy, W>\ j General Offices "......... ... ...... i jo > Market st. Freight Oftlce :. \u0084. ..... Broadway Wharf I Oakland Ticket Office .\ ......: . :".9€s Broadwcy I C; D.DIfNANN. it. P.A.; San Francisco/ I TOYO KISEN KAISHA IORircNTAI, STEAMSHIP COMPAXV) S. • 8. • ."Tenyo Maru 1 ' (Omits Shan_rhai Call) : : . o *o' '.'.ir - i* \u25a0 ' ' " Vr* ' • ;.' •••••- Friday, Feo. SB, 1909 !• I* .5»» 0ll I*1 '*» r » •••.\u25a0.. Friday. Mar. 19, 1909 S.^S. Chiyo Maru '.... ...Friday .Apr. 16, IM9 \u25a0 Steamers tall from: company's jilfM " : \om" 4"* 44. near f.M.t of S^ininU st.V. I ' p. ra.. ' f i>r , VokT>l haniu and Hongkoii g ,>(.-alllug,at.Huu6liilu.-KolK., lUlojco*. NaKasakl nnd .Shanulial/aiiirionuf.-tlu* atlloiiKkong ,wlth. «tfamcra » for r Manila.'- India et.-.'No car»;o received on IxiarU on dty of sail- ing.. Uuiiiid trip tlctft* at 'reduced. rateV. . ""— >\u25a0 For/ frcljtliti. nnd. passage apply at ornep.; 240 Jaiu.'< , KIo«»<l ' building-./ W.> II ." A VEU Y."^ \u25a0• \u25a0 • i-•\u25a0i -•\u25a0- '.'\.: : , '\u25a0 '.-•'Assistant ;<.>ncral^Manas'eri HAMHI 111 II s - S.Alameda Vails. 11 aVm. TAHITI'ANDXEU'.ZEAI.AXD-S.'S; - Mariposa sails Ilia.'' m.;-. Mar. ilo.'i Spl." Tahiti ' ;,;, round trip J125.: Welllngton't $2W. , R. T. ' OCEANIC :i-1NK, ; ;r,7.-»;Mkt. : tel. : iKe'a"rn*yil_3l".? \u25a0 ( ATI;.VXTio' OCEAVrTRAVEr/ ' r i Compagnie^Qenerale tpansatlaiitique MRECTJ.I.INE Til UAVRBiPARIS," J Sailing _; every ?,Thursdt«.r. ; lnsterfd;- of ; Satnrda.f/ at jlO \u25a0*. * m.r from ; pier 42. : Norths river, ifoot of Morton, ?t.~;-; :.;.'*. ;T. .\u25a0".*,'..,.\u25a0• •\u25a0'V :• •\u25a0\u25a0;*\u25a0 Tlrtt < flaw \u25a0 to , Havre .; $77..".0 . « nd i upward '•\u25a0 aec- ond'cla?s*,to.Hayrer $.v> anflnpward. -iRENER IL AGENCY: \u25a0 FOR v UNITED ' f?TATKS?'AND -CAN- ADA, V 10 'State ; *V;"i New York.-(r..T.*:F.'i Fl'GAZI,': Manaper < Pacific ; roast."' fiSO ; Mont pofnery i st.V San Francisco. V \u25a0 Tickets •\u25a0 sold • by s all j itSltetd 1 tifitt tituu..: \u25a0::/:: . \u25a0\u25a0 : •\u25a0 -> .-..-- - i AUGTIONSALES 'ffVX^TO Head City Work Horsea Must j£lz\ Be Sold at Auction in Oakland __K3=k -.- Wedce»day, Feb. 17th," at 11 a. m. 10 blsmares. weigh from 1.-400 to 1.600 lhs.; IS big draft horses, all over 1.300 lbs.: 21 gen- eral . business \u25a0 horses for the': butcher. abater an«l grocer; .1 bay. stallion.' record 2:15U: excellent, stylish roadster,- «a*e for latlv: S complete single rigs. - 3 double team rigs. and a lot of footsore horses;. 22. vehicles,, from a - buggy to a dray: 5G nets of. all kinds of harness. Xote this, sale, 5C5.4th st..' Oakland. • \u25a0'- • '.>;: J. W.-MEDEIROS. Auctioneer. 2& AUCTION SALE — Will sell without lfmlt or reserve RflU**ad of big ' horses and mares. ;Ju«t what the , fanners need; 20 \u25a0\u25a0 head \u25a0of bnsln.ess and buggy horses. These horses will average in age from 4 t« 12 years. . All stock must be as represented or no sale. • . a • SALE FRIDAY. FEB." 19. at. ll "a. m. Den- ver Horse and Mule Market. 10th and Harri- son sts. , S. CLARK. Auctioneer. Calif ornians on Travels «- NEW YORK, Feb. 14. — Californlans are registered here as follows: From San Francisco — 11. V. Ramsdell, at the Waldorf-Astoria; J. F. Pennoyer. at the Savoy; L. B. Fuller, Mrs. U B. Fuller, at the Plaza hotel; P. f. Govan, at the Marie Antoinette; Miss A. E\ Mills. Mrs. W. H. Mills, at the Wood ward; A. Horman, at the Manhattan; J. L-.Aurencan .at the Westminster; J. O; Ryan, at the Marlboroueh; C. C. Boynton. at the Holland; W. Ellis, C. F. Ewell, J. R. Munson, at the Grand ho tel; L.. Baird. at the Latham: U. R. Grant, at the Grand Union; C. L. Row land, at the Grand Union; J. G. Baillle. at. the Churchill: Mrs. H. B Denby. at the; Broadway Central; G. ,H. Hooke. Mrs.. G. H. Hooke, at the Park Avenue; J. Rausch. Mrs. J. Rausoh. at the Hoff man house; W. H. Terrall, at the Hotel Churchill; R. Webber, at the Grand Union: '.JVC. Ryan, at the Empire; D. M. Schenfleld; at the Bristol . "From Los Angeles— J). G. Sniff, at the Holland: Miss C. Olsen. at the Hotel Wellington; P. H. Lewis, at the Bel mont; C. 11. Thompson, at the Wolcott. \u25a0From San Jose — W. K. Jamison, at the Herald Square; F. A. Steele, at the St.* Andrew. .- • From San Diego — W. H. Stubbs, at the Churchill. r Sacramento— H. C. Fieher, at the. Grand "Union. • \u25a0 .- -- • SCANDINAVIAN SINGERS * ' GOING TO SEATTLE FAIR Grand Bazaar Expected to Make Trip Possible . The United Scandinavian singers of San Francisco will hold a grand bazaar In Cotillion hall. In Church street, for four days beginning March 4. The pro ceeds from" the affair will be devoted to the financing of the society's trip to Seattle during the-Alaska-Yukon-Pacl fic, exposition. . Many Jnteresting feat ture» have been planned fx>r tho bazaar, among which will be a voting contest between the various singing societies to decide which is the most -popular or ganization. The executive committee i» charge of the affair is composed of the following: Emile Hogberpr. chairman; William Jansen. vice chairman; Hjal mer Brunell, Lambert Glsslow. W. K. Johnson. Axel Ongman, R. Widness, T. K./Engh. Klaus Olsen. A. Hagerud. E. Glenwood. D. Lundin. J. Pearson. C. ! R. Gardelius. Axel Anderson. RAILWAY TRAVEL CTllilSst TRAIN'S LEAVE P^P SAN FRANCISCO \M$$S Market St. Ferrj Leave for— | A.M. 1 P-M. Bakersfield ..... 8.00 8.00-10.00 Chicago .. .. ... 8.00-10.00 Fresno' ... .. 8.00 8.00-10.00 Grand Canyon: ..t '. . . 8.00-10.00 Hanford" 8.00 8.00 Kansas City. Merced 8.00 8.00-10.00 Stockton S.OO 4.00- 8.00-10.00 Stockton, Oak- ' dale *; Sierra ' Ry points ....'. 9.45 Tulare ;........ 8.00 8.00-10.00 Vlsalla '. 8.00. 8.00-10.00 Yoeemite 8.00 | ... Cnllforala Limited through to Chlvngn . . leaven nt 10:0O p. m. OFFICES: 673. Market Street. and Market Street . Ferry Depot, San Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland Northwestern Pacific R. R. Co. SOUTHERN" IJIVISIO.V, JAX. IS, 1909. i;.;' • VIA SAUSALITO . For Sau.allt o. Mill \u25a0 Vallry, San Ra. fael— -Daily,, except Sunday — Every 40 minute* from 6:40 a. m. until 10 a. m.: hourly until 4 p.m.. then 4:40 and every 4O minutes until 6:40 p. m.; thon 8:00, 9:45 p. ra. and 12 m. . • On Sundays every 40 minutes from 6:40 a. m. to^8:00 p. m.:-tb«-n 0:45 p. m. and 12 m. • Knlrfax — Week days — tt:4o, 7:20, S:CO' lt:00 a., m. (3:00- p. m. Saturday* only). 4:f>o. 4:40. 5:20 and 6:00 p.m. ' , '. Sundays— B:oo. P:2O. 10:00. 10:40. 11:20 a. m.. 12 m., 12:40, 1:20, 2:00, 2:40, 3:20, 4:00. 4:40 p.'-m.- \u25a0 ' • \u25a0 For San Qnentln— Dally— -8:00 a. -m. and 2:00 p. m. \u25a0 S:oo,a. m. daily for Cazadere and way sta : tionv. . • .'-. .3:00 p. m. Saturday only for Cazadero and way stations. " t VIA TIBURO.V . For Tiburon, Belvedere and .San Ra- fael— 7:3s. *9:10. 11:00 a. m.; (*12:30 p. m. Saturdays only), »:30. 5:10. *6:SO p. m. dally. • On- Sundays' uddttlonal , trips 'at S:PO a. m.. 12:S0 and (":30 p. m., for San Rafael and inter- mediate points.. ' 7:35 a. 'm. *oally for Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Heaiasburfr. Cloverdale. I'kiab. WlUits, Sher- wood. Sebsstopol and way stations.' 7{3."> a.m. dally, except Sunday, for Glen El- len,' GuernevlUe.; River Landint; am) way stations. 8:00 a. vi... Sunday only — Petaluma.' Santa Rosa. Healdsburg, Cloverdale. \u25a0 Glen Ellen, Guer- n«vllle. River- landing and way stations. 11:00 a. in. for I'etaluina. Santa Rosa and way station*. .'•\u25a0\u25a0., 3:30 p. m. daily •' for Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Healdshurr. -ClgTerdale. Uktah, Guemeville. Se- bastopoland way stations. *>:10. •p. ni. daily for - Petaluma, Santa Rosa. Glen - Ellen and way stations. •To Tiburon only. •-• . -'-, ' „ Pacific Transfer Company's agents are author- ized to check baggage direct from residence. Ticket Office*, north end Ferry HiilMlng and 574 Market street,. Flood building.' tMUIR WOODS MT. TAMALPAIS. VIA SAUSALITO FERRY ' FOOT Of MARKET •TREET LttAl HOUOaYS-SUHDaY TIMI iT.tHfrutba Lf.MdfWMfa If. Tail-Jli WF.KC SUN- WEEK SUN-." WEEK SCX- DAY \u25a0 DAY . _DAY_;_ DAY DAY DAY 10:00 a 8:40 a t7:25a 1 1 : 0 C* 7:25* 10:5t» 2:O0p 10:0U 1:36p 12:20? 1:32; 12:1€* •4:40? 11:2<U 03:00? 1:40? 4:34? I:3f> ........ -12:40p 4:4Cp 3:05> ?8:50p 3:01 i .'..\u25a0..... ; 2:00? -; 4:45 p........ 4:41pl ......:. 3:2U>' • 6:Q5p 6:01» •Saturday only. ' .tMon Jay only." only. \u25a0v" • 'f ieket OiEm»— S_u_Jito Faro' asd 872 Market. - ' G«n-r»lOffio»t— JtiUYaiky. Cbiii-rak. OCEAN^itORE RAILWAY • (12th" aud Mission) — Dally ex. Sunday— l.T.: 9:30»,vr:4.%iH 5:4 Up. • Ar.: 7:35 a," 9:10 a. ;".:10p. S«unday«-rLv. : 9:30 a- -•10:10 a. s 12:13 p. 5:40j«. Ar.: -O^lOa, 11:50 a- *4:35p,' 5:10 p. *Granada Express^— No stops. --.'- BAY AXI) jixTTr^RURBAX-ROIITES MARE ISI^ND Vallejo, ; '-Napa, St. Helena • ST. HEI.RXA-.VAPA .VALI.KV KOUTK j \u25a0^Mnntlcello S. S. Cn.. and.Napa Valley Electric ' R.'.R. Co. • Cl"«*" connections. ;'. \u25a0 . • j ft— 'rot.xd; trips 'daily—* rßnats -l^ave: San Francisco ;7:(X», *9: 45 a m 12:3o;noon.;3:15, R:00,\.»8:3f> .p.«m. \u25a0 " " \u25a0 -.; San 4 Francisco L la ndlnz rand ifflce. Clay, ttre-t wharf, north ; end ferry ? building. Market atiri- ferry: .IMeals a, la carte. 1 ; •", Phone ; Kearny 4^«. | «)__uida navy yard direct. AUCTW^ALES AT AUCTION FEB. 16 SO Broke Horses from 1.050 to 1.-W. 20 Heavy Draft Horses from I^-00 to 1,.00. Also 20 sets Heavy Truck Harness All Doable Square Brand. Finest ever lanueu here now on exhibition. i^ O au'pur"poU e "i«.r bn*e «.«..»* S Hd- ''Tera^C-sh-lO per cent deposit reanired at "Remember^th-e d.f. rain or .hlae. Febmar, ie * " '^TnSS kSbS mabkxt f STEWART A CO.. Auctioneers and Liv^- .t£k 'Srv 027 Tenth street at Bryant. Sa3 Francisco. Cal. _, to? JSs 5 -^ Monday, February 15, at Duboee Stables on Valencia Street Near 13th I will sell II larse assortment of horses vA mares, wagons, huggies. cart* and harness or all kinds F.verythins mmt b* as represented or mone* refunded. OutsUle stork sold on eom- mi-slon. Phone V*t± T.Z3. Sale p«»ttlve. raia "r shine. >YM. CLOCGH. Auctioneer. RAILWAY TRAVEL , > *NyN v Tralaa F«av« t«J are Im* f&GSmsEm San Franciscol , I^4«______Jf J \zG^/f^\s/jtf Fnou Fib. 7. 1609 • - s^c7?o' * \u25a0 FERRY DEFOT V *-I*-^ Foot of Market Street Leave —VIA OAKLAND PIER— ArriTel 8.40 a Hsy wird. NUeJ, Saa Jote . . . -. . 7 J)B» j 7.00 a Richmond, For: Costa, Ijcnicia, Sui- \u25a0 tun, Diian, Sacramento, lloscvilit, , Uarytville. Krddiag. Dunamuir.... 7.28» 7.CO* Elmira, Vicaviil*. Uumsey 7.23? 7.00 a Davis. Woodland (Mnrysvilie. Oro- vilK-j. Williams, Jlwtii. Wiiloivs, Hamilton. Cornioz. Ked Bluff. . . 7.23? 7.20» Richmond, Port Costa, Mirtinn. i Bj-ron, Tracy, 5t0ckt0n.......!.. 7.08? 7.40 a Vallejo, Xapi. Caiistoca. .Santa Rosa. Mar tines, dta Ramon. Cocsherty, PJtasantoa .'. 6.08? 7.40 a NUea. Fleasanton, Livrncore, At- - \u25a0 t.ircoat. Lathrop. 5t0ckt0n........ 7.23 * • 7.40 a Trncy. Lot Bases, Kermaa, Fresno, i lLinford. Viaalia 4.28? B.ooa Hii<s»J, Newsr'i. Centarvills. San Jose. l.os Gatoa, V.rijhJ. Lauiel 5.48? 8.20 a Port Costa. Jlartines. Byron. Tracy, Stockton, Merced. Fresno, Goal en J>;nc:ion (llanford), \inlia, Yctt:t- * jille, Bakersfidd 4.43p 8.20 a Yosemita Valley via llerred 4.48? 9.00 a Niles. LJTermor*. Stockton (*UUton>. Vall«y* eprirj. lone, Saenmento. 4.28 a 9.00 a Sonora. Tuoiuiaae and As_f!> 4.18» - 9.00 a Atlantio Hxprew— Siicrainento, Trus- tee, Ogden. Salt Lake City. Denver, Kansa City 7.28» IO.OO« The Overland limited— Denver, Kan&ui City, Om: ha. Cbicajo 8.23» 1 0.20 a Vallejo. Mar; Island, Kapa II .2Ba 10.20 a Los Angeles l'stsencet— Fort Cents. Mirtinej, Byron, 'lraty. Stoc'-ton. Merced, Fresno. Hanford, Tidare. Bale erifi el d. Los A n *->•. . . 7.48» 10.40 a GoldfiflJ Pass.— Fort Coeta. Umicia, t-acrnra(«ntf> Truekee. iiaxen, M:n:i,' Tooopah. GntdSeld, Law*. Keeicr.. 7.42* 10.40 a M«ry«ville. Cliico. Ked liluff 4.2C> 1.20b Ktlet, Saa Jose and TVay i:lation>. . 2.48? 1.40> Itussel. Alvarado. Newar!;, >.;ue*, San Jose 9.58? 2.20» Beaicia. Siiiaun. I.OS? 2.20? Portland lCzpren (via Davis). Wit- liam*, Willo'Ts, Hfd Bfuff. Weed. (Muedoft. Honaad. Khmiiih Falls). Asiiland. Portland 12.28? 3.00? Benieh, Winters. Sacramento, AVooU- hnl. Marysvills and Oroviile 10.48 a 3.00? Fan Leuidro. Xiles, fan Joie 9.28 a 3.20? Port Costa. Martinez, lijron, ilo- deito, MereeJ. lre«io. 12.08? . 3.30s Vianbarou. West Nap.% St. Helena, Cafijtori 10.30 a 4.00? Yallejo. Napa, CaHstogi. Santa Roaa, JHrtinex. t>aa Kamuu, Dougiertj-, Livenaore 9.28 a 4.00» Nile*. Trney. Stockton, Lo«li. ... 10.23 a 4^o? Saß.-LMndro. Uayward. 18.28« Fleanstoa. Livermor* I {11.48 a 5.00? Tlie Oml Limited— Penman. Lot -•»*.\u25a0 Banos. Jtlsmlota, Fremo, Tulare. BaiefsfieJ.), l.os An_»lrt % .. 8.48 a 5.00? R-ivell. Saa Jot*. Lot Gates, vl rijH* 8.48 a B.Z0» S»it Le.tadrn. Nilej Fa» Jo?e 7.43 a 6.40? Riciunqnd. Pinole. Valtejo. Fort Co tta. ISenicia. Suisus. Sacramento — Rose- ville. Liacnla, J.'ar. nviiie, Oroviile. . 1 1 .25» 6.20? Eutern Express— Ot'ien. Fnebto, IVjiver. Kansas City, St. Louis, Ctiic3ir> P.lrt Cotta, Benieia, Saeraaiento, Reno, Sparki 7.28? 6.40? Havwvi, Nilrs and Fan Jose. 6.43p J7.00? Vallejo, Port Costa. Martinet. Bay Poiat sn.l Way Station! 111.18? 8.20? Orejon Evprets — Snrrameuto.Mirr*. ville. Ueildinc Ashland. Portland, Pustt Sound and I_ut, • 9.48 a 9.00? China and Japan Fatt Mail — Ogden, Cheyenne. . Denver. Kansas City. Omaha. Chkajo 3.25? \u25a0 COAST LINE \u2666«mi>lrtl aud Tomisemt Streeis> t5.2Sa Loop — 23d Slrtet, VialUcion, ,- ' Saath San Francisco, Va!esci» St. t8.35» t3.40a Loop — Valencia St., Ocean View, . ..;•;, '-; Cemeieriet. South Sin Francisco, 23d ' - StresV IJ and Towniend fS.SOa 8.40 a South Saa Francisco, San Jctr. Gil- ] . roy, Hollitter. Pajara. TCatnnville. I » «<w SantaUrui,Bou!derCreek.t;:enwood. I B-ao * Del Monte, Uonterey. Pari£e Grove, j B.ooa The Coastar— San Joie. Castroville, Salmis, Soledsd. Chaaslor. Faso Itobles Hot Srrinis, San Lois - \u25a0 - Obispo, Pumo. Oceano, Giuidalape, Sort. LonipoT. Saata Barbara, Ventun, OiaarJ, Los Asples.... IMS? B.ooa Watsanvill", Saata Cr.ij, Bnulder Creek, Glenwaod, Del llonts, Jlon- twer. Pacific Grove 11.48? 8.20 a So;ith San Fr.incisco, Palo A!to, Saa Joie, Way Stations 7.35 a 8.20 a Los Altoa, Monta Vista. Los Gatot. . { If^oJ 9.00* San Jote. Gilroy. Salinas. Chanrlor. ' Paso Robles Hot Springs. San Luis Obiipo— Los <ivn\ Wti(bt. Laurel —Ties Piijos,— Santa Crtii, Del M'inte. Monterey, Pacific Grove.. . 4.00? 10.40 a South Saa r'r«ncu>co. Burliogajne. * SaaMateo, Palo Alto. Saa Jose.... 6 •3oa'** , 10.40 a Los Alias Monta \i»ta. I.os fiatot.. 1.109 {11.15* Bar Shore, Visits .-ion. San Bruno. . 1 1 -20? 1 1.30 a Valencia St.' Ocean View. Colma, Cemeteriet, Bid en. San 8run0..... 1.35? 1 1.40 a South S:u» l"m:ici-r 0 . San Jore 1 8.20 a 12.00? South Saa Fraoeiaro, Palo Alto. Sa& Jose 8.40 a tZ.OO? Los Altos. Mania Vistt. lc-C-tns.. f3.20? 2. 1 0? Bay Shore. Viaita bob. Saa 8run0. . . . 4.45? 3.00? Del Moats Express— San Jcs?, Gilray, Chitteadea. W.-tjon ville, SaaU Crnt. Del Monts, Uoaterey, PiciSa Grove. Salina* 12.30? 3.20? South Sar« Franciico, Saa Jose, G^ roy, llofistfr, ire< Fiaos 10.25 a [A-OOp Sttnset Eip-rw - i'u-.^->. Drnting, .K.I Paio, Houston New Orion*. Pa<t> Roblea Hot Spines; Sin l.oia Obispo. Saa ti Bar bara. Ics Angeles. 1 1 .40 a 4.00? Pai:»n>. Watson ville. Santa Cmi. ... 11.45? 4.00? Del Monte. Monterey. Pirtfie Grove. I MS? 4.00? Ksns.ii C.ty. SJ. Loui*. Chics g0. ... 1 1.40 a 4.20? South Saa rraßcisro, S&n Jose... 1 9.00 a tS.OOu &t3Bri:no. Sin IU tro. Palo Alto, San Jaeail Way. Stations.... 9.4Ca t5.05? loop -23: Sir eet, VL«!tacicn, South San.- Jranewco, Valenria Street. t6.15? f5.20? Redwood. Palo Alto. Majfield. Saa Jose l.iop 15.20s Ln.V.:i\ Uonta V^ta, Los Catos.. t7.20? T5.25? Burtiazsme. fort llateo. ian Jore... 1J.20? « 8 30? Loop — Val en em St.. Ocean View, Cemeteries, &» atk Saa Iraaeisco. 231rftreet. 3.1 ami Town wti.l . . 8.40? 6.40? So:u!i3anFraaeiseo, han Bruno, Saa Mate}. Redwood. Palo Alto, ?»r.ta i * C!ar.a,San Jose. lot C»tos. V.'r'gat. 7.40 a i J5.40? I/w Altos Mnnu Vista. Los Ga!«». . J5.4U? tS.OO? Minbrae. Paston. Snu JUteo. . Alto. ILny field. 11.«1 1 .« .Altos, lloula M . «-- J'J*^ Lit Gates. .Wri-Ht... $B.OCa WJK} XSA Street, \ iwtacion. South Saa FranciMj. -Va!entia Street 715p t8.23> Loop— Vales cis Strfet. Orean View, Cetneterie*. South tan lr»uci»co, "3.1 Stresr. 3.1 nnd Taw mend t7.40? ' 8^0? South Ssn-F ran eisro. San J05e..... 5.40? BUW? Loi Ac.-ie.i Passenger— Son Us Iro, A 'Red-.vmdL Pilo >lto. . Saa Jose. * G2roy. Salinas. Chanslcr. "Paso i'iob!e* Hot Spring San I.vis BW , Obispo, Pumo, Santa Barbara. Lot Anj-les 8.30 a 11.45? South Saa Francisco, Pito Alto, Sani 7.20? •>"^». f 7^o? _tI-00?t I -00? Sacramento Rivtr Steannra.. tH^3? Union Trsnst'er agents collect bacjf>£e and ehf?ki oa trains of Southern I'aciao »nd delirer tt ; residence. They ar« authorised to ebeelt bassag- direct i tram re<itT<n»e. • » . \u25a0 . t far Merninf. m tor Aftemocn i Taanday ezeepted. JSuaday onlyj • {•—Want to Trade, Buy or sell?—. J— USE CALL WANT ADS— ' x"-^x "-^ \u25a0—\u25a0 - I '-'.- '- i i &