Newspaper Page Text
10 __^_ HO OMS_ TO _^T-TT^f-" *}?. n ?^rwwv A COZY home for respectable ladies. 1130 Mar- ket s>t. 7t2i. under auspices of the SALVA- TION ARMY; elegantly furnished: every mod- ern convenience: steam heat, electric light and t-Sevator service: «;>otleesly clean; centrally lo- cated; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market • 1549; prices very moderate, ranging from 25c per nigiit up; special rates by the week or month. See matron, room tiZ. BALDWIN HOUSE. 74 fltli et. near Market— All modern conveniences; 220 rooms; Ssc to $1 per day. $2 to $5 per week: frep baths. BELVEDERE' Bt.. IS7. nr. Frederick — Large, n:uny front room, near panhandle and 4* car- linfs, for 1 or 2 gentlemen; private family. .CALIFORNIA St.. 241.". near Fillmore — Newly furnished mutiny room; light house keeplcg if desired: reasonable. CALIFORNIA st.. 2437. near Fill-ore — 2 nicely .. furnished rooms in private family: reasonable. .CLIPPER st., 132— Two rooms and kitchen; $12 "- tnoi;th: references. _! \u25a001-IPI'EU *-t.. 1"2 — » furnished rooms; sunny; : $21 per month": reference* required. CENTRAL HOTEL. 074 3d st.— Free baths; office chd rending room on ground flour; 500 single ' aal family rooms: 35c to $1 a day; $2 to $5 - n week. EDWARD ROLKIN. proprietor. CAPITOL HOUSE. 7:J3 Harrison st. near 3d— Itooms 13c night. $1 per week. \u25a0 DEWEY HODSE. N. E. cor. 4th and Howard ' us.— 2oo rooms; 35c to $1 day: $2 to $5 w*ek. Best la city. Free baths. EDPY ft.. IGlo— Nicely furnished tunny front room: pbone. tiatli; reasonable. ELLIS *;.. 191" — Nice Kunny large rooms, furn. . ' htirpf \u25a0 private phone; baths: rates reasonable. ULLIS M.. IGOG. near Fillmore— Large, sunny rooms, from $2..%0 up: all conveniences. rjT.LMORE st., 7r.5> — Newly furnished, sunny room; private family: cheap. $10. KULTON- Ft.. HS- Large tunny front room; rucnicß wf.tcr: reasonable. FULTON ft.. 1531— Nice light room, newly fur- nished; cheap. \u25a0 GOLDEN GATE ay., 1603— Newly furn. rooms; $2.50 up: phone, bath, running water. GBOVE Bt., 004 — Fine large front room, suitable for 2: rent S3 week for 1. $4 for 2. GROVE *t.. 713 — Elegant. sunny furnished r<v-m: rucnlng water and bath; rent reason- -shlp. HICKORY AY.. 421. COR. LAGUNA ST.— A KIC&LY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH BATH AND CLOSETS; $S AND $10. HAIGHT. st.. 771— Front parlor; eunny, nicely furelshNJ: only $10 a month. LAG'JNA st., 7^3— Nicely furalehed front rooms; <he»p rent. HOTEL AMERICA. 1045 Market st.-r-Rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat, baths, elevator; S5? to !?1 day: $2 up week. McALLISTEH st., 1445 — Nicely furnished sunny roosis: runuinp water, bath, phone: reay«nable. McALLISTEU 17t»7— Nicely furnished room, suitable for $2: Sl4 mo.: also hskpg. rooms. UcALUSTEB st.. I^70 — Sunay suite, suitable for 2 treutiemen; also single room; reasonable. McALLIS.TEI: bt.. 868 — Nice sunny front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. MrALLISTEK st., 1079 — Furnished rooms, from ;C up. ! OAK *t.. 421— Nicely furnished suite, for 2 or 3 pentiernen: pbone, running water; $15 month. OAK St.. 73(3— Nicely furnished large room, suit- able for 1 or 2 gentlemen: reasonable. . OVERLANH HOUSE. stfJ Sacramento St. below Montgomery — Now open; 200 room*; hot and oold water in every room: 25c to $2 per day. ! $1.50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIN. Prop. O'FARRELL St.. lt>42 — Nice sunny rooms; run- • rin? water in each room; reasonable rates; 2 blocks from FUlmore. PAGE st.. 79H " Brirnttfnl suany furnished front room: everything of the best: $10 month for 2. SACRAMENTO st.. 2555. near Fillmore— Fur- nished rooms: running hot and cold water; tel. St'TTEII t-t.. 203 4—24 — 2 sunny rooms. $3.50; one, $8 month; $1.50 and op; C large rooms for $27; laundry: call mornings. 'if "UK st.. S22 — Large, sunny, well furnished front room for 2 or 3 gentlemen, with every _ convenience: also large room with 2 beds for 2 ri'iitifmi-n : $1«i Tier month. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING \u25a0 BL'CHANAN «t.. C 12 — Nicely furnished rooms, and also bouse keeping rooms; rent reasonable. BUSH St.. 10S1. bet. Gough and Franklin — ].::•:£<\u25a0 £unny haute keeping rooms; also single rooms. FULTON «t.. 471 — Eeven room furnished fiat for house keeping; $70 a month. HOWARI* St.. 5C3— 3 furnished house keeping room*, coal frtove, J2O; 2 rooms. $12; 1 rm. $0. HAVES St.. 9C& — 3 Funny furnished rooms, $2.75, $3 and $4.25 per week; Lave detached bnffet kitchen*. HAMHIT ct.. «81. o2 FUIm.-re— Lerge furnished house keeping rooni, $14; another tingle. $S. LAGUNA tt.. 11C9 — Sunny, airy rooms for hskpg. ; running water; $5 up to quiet, perm, parties. McALLiSXEB st.. 1040. near Webster— Fur- nished bouse keeping rooms; $15 per month. McALLISXEU *t.. 973—1 large, sunny, complete tor house keeping; rent re*s. ; bouse quiet. McALLISTER ft., IS32 — Nice sunny bouse keep- ing rooms: hot and cold water; reasonable. MCALLISTER St.. 1502— 2 bay window parlors, with kitchen and bath: tun all day. McALLISTER Bt., 14S0 — Beautifully furnished references. exchanged; no children. O'FARRELL Bt.. 1460—2. 3 or 4 rooms, lower Coor. for house keeping; rent reasonable.! PAGE fct.. 4K1 — Nicely furnished single room; aiso 1 double room. $12 month. .PIEECE st.. 1037. near Turk— 2 large sunny room* newly furnished for house keeping; rent $22.50. BOUTX tt.. \u25a0 2(140, cor ' Sacramento — Good: 6lzed room ft.r house keeping; price $12; bath and phonf: West 2014. SCOTT st.. 1330, nr. OFarrell— Nicely furnished rooms: double beds: bath: $10 month cp. VAN NESS ay.. 719— Newly famished rooms; modem: bath: $12 up. Tel. Franklin 3562. WEESTER st.. 1209 — Front sunny rooms; »U con- v«-nipßces: reasonable rates. WALLER st.. 563— Nicely furnished front house kepping; reasonable. ICTH St., 2277, cor. Dolores — 2 very large sunny ronms: rent roasricablf to good tenants; reg- iilar kitchen: also sid» suite. 22P st.. S347— Snnny parlor suite; would furnish f"r hg'it Ikw;** keeping. Itoyiis a>u BuAHi) Of rt;uc:u A— TUE~UKESDEN 1442 FULTON ST. FIRST CLASS FAMILY HOTEL. ALTA VISTA. 1207 Gousrh st. near OTaiTell— 1 extra large, airy room, with plenty of light, with another outside room for 0 gentlemen- ftove. use of bath; first class table; ref.; rates for clique very reasonable.- BACHELORS' quarters; room and board *«5 per month. T£7 Post ft. CHOICE rooms: reflned home; grate; running wster; superior board: rer. 194S Webster St.. cor. California. DEVISADERO St.. 1325, corner O'Farrell— Nicely furnished front room, with board; running water; gentlemen; $27.50. PACIFIC ay.. 171fi — Large sunny front suite, running water and bath, furnished or anfur- nished; excellent board; also double room. PIERCE St.. 815, nr. McAllister— Furnished front rooms; bath; escellent board; 2 people. $3S monthly. WEISSTER kl. l?>io— Nicely furnished rooms and tvwM: nrlTiitr hoanling lionse. - ~~Ji2XEi^ ; A— liOTtL SAVOY. CORNER ELLIS AND VAN NESS AY. ; walking, distance; European plan; rates Jl'op; family and commercial trade so- licited; elegant lobby on ground floor; cafe an 4 grill attached: t-peci:;l rates by week or tnonth. A FIRST CLASS family hotel; moderate prices; elegantly f urnisht-d sunny roous. en eulte or single; instantaneous hot water in every room: tunny dining room, with private tablea. THE WEMPE. 419 Oak *\u25a0: phone Park 5092. ' - U ROOK LC N HOTEL, 3U9 Ist— Board aud room. pi to *t> per we«-k : rooms 50c to $1 ; weekly $2 vp; meals 2TjC. CHARIXS MONTGOMERY. HOTEL BELMONT. 730 Eddy st. bet. Polk and Van Ne*s ay. Tour- ists solicited: rea«. CHAS. R. SMITH. Mjcr. HOTEL ST. JAMES. Van Ness at Fulton— sls ii.o'ith to permanent cnests; beautiful lobby. LINCOLN HOTEL. 3(iTi O'olden Gat* ay.— Nicely furnished room*: modern: $2.50 week up.. HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th and Market «ts.~ Fam I!y and commercial hotel; room with detached X »«th. $1 per day; rooms with private, bath- 51. 50 per day; \u25a0 restaurant attached: moderate prices; free bus meets all trains and straships.. i MARTINET HOTEL. 1101 Geary. Rt.— Rooms, sin t gle or en suite; first class board: terms ress. NICHOLAS <The). 10 - Turk . «t.~Niee. sunny r<ion»«. hv tK«» <Isv. »r«>lt «r — onrh: - \u25a0 AAA — Beautiful, eunny upper fiat, S rooms,' bath: n?ar park and cars. 1232 12tli ay.. Sunset: " $27.50. \u25a0 " -A BEAUTIFUL HOME"— B room flat; $50: 2267. Hsyee: overlooking. G. "G. park; sunny and light; large separate yard; garden^aundry In basement; Janitor: nothing nicer In 5. F. f AS Hi; l TRY St.. 235. near . Fell— New . C room Cat «c Ut; furniture and carpet* Xarnl^- /. FIiATS TO LET— Contlnaed .__ BEAUTIFUL, sunny apartment; old Spanish mls- •slon; like priv. residence; separate entrances; 9 rms.,' ,2 baths,' l2 large closets and storeroom; beam ceilings; large open fireplaces; built-in bookcases and peats; every convenience; open on all sides; terraced gardens; rent. Including Janitor service and water. $100. Key 3848 Sac- ramento. cr. Maple. UMBSEN & CO., 20 Mont. BUSH Bt.. 1062, near Franklin— 2 sunny flats, adjoining; S large rooms each; $50 each. . BEAUTIFUL, sunny flat of 3 rooms and bath. Call BLAKE'S BAZAAR. 1108 Valencia Bt. CORNER Scott and O'Farrell 6ts. — 5 rooms and bath; rent reasonable. . ' CLAY St.. 1227, nr. Jones — New, elegant, 4 rooms and bath; marine view. . EDDY Bt., 880— Elegant sunny, upper flat 10 rooms and bath. . . .- . FULTON St., 2176 — Upper and lower 6 room flat, up to date and sunny; rents reduced.- FOLSOM Bt.. 19068. near 15th— 2 modern flats, 4 rooms and bath; rent reduced. \u25a0 , GAISER court, off Guerrero, south of 16th — Sunny 5 room flat; all modern conveniences; good neighborhood; water free; $25. . \u0084 GEARY st.. 1633 — Upper modern flat of 7 sunny rooms . and bath; rent reduced. ; JONES.-bet. Pine and California — A new sunny 6 room Cat: grand view. - - * MISSION. 2706, near 23d— 2 beautiful, sunny flats. 6 and 7 rooms each; newly tinted; reasonable. '"'"•- PAGE 6t., 445 — 7 large sunny rooms and bath; fine location and np to date. POST, 2411 — New 5 r. flat; elec, gas; lat. man- tels, tiling; elaborate porcelain' plumbing; $25. POST el. 2531— Middle flat to let; 5 nice, sunny rooms and bath. ' \u25a0 SUNSHINE— PLTtE AIR Cole Bt., 917 — Cory 4 room- apartments: sun all day; close to G. G. park; Masonic ay. cars pass tbe door; rent to suit the times. • STRICTLY modern sunny corner flats; wall beds: Janitor; lights, etc.: 4-5-6 rooms; $20 to $30. Apply 283 4th ay. . SCOTT St.. 1213. near Ellis — 7 rooms and bath; Bun every room: large garden In rear; $42.50. SACRAMENTO *t.. 3383^— Flat 5 large 1 sunny rooms; rent $25 month. WALLER St.. 227 — Sunny modern lower flat, 5 rooms and bath; reasonable to good tenant. WK'bave no trouble In renting bouses or flats to good tenants; list your property with us; do not let them stand empty. " McFAUL & EDWARDS, 330 Chronicle Bide. 2 STORY CORNER FLAT. Sacramento st., 2299 A, corner Buchanan; S rooms and 2 baths; rent $55. HIND, ROLPH & CO.. 310 California st. IST ' st. and Laurel place, bet. Folsom and Harrison sts. — Downtown flats; corner; $22.50. t;TH ay., 544 — Modern fiat, 6 rooms. and bath; stable and garage: rent very reasonable. 13TH 6t. 76, near Folsom — Sunny flat; no Ro- meo; 4 large rooms, batb, .storeroom; rent reasonable. 19TH St., 4010, near Noe — Sunny upper 5 rooms, $25. - \u25a0 : 10TH ft.. 39S6 — Snnny'upper 4 rooms; $20. FLATS TO LET-—Fnrntghed GOLDEN GATE ay., 1529— Upper flat of 4 rooms and bath, furnished complete for bouse keep- ing. Call 11 to 5. FLATS FOR SALE: — Furntwhed FURNITURE of -a 5 room flat for sale; rent $30. 14.V» i TO LET- .Unfurnished^ TO desirable people — Neat house, nearly new; 0 rcoms and cellar; sunny side of street. Mis- sion warm belt, near Mission park. 3740 2flth Bt.. bet. Onerrero ntui Dolores. HOUSES WANTED FURNISHED cottage of 3 or 4 rooms, with bath, for summer In Mill Valley; state dis- tance from station and location. Box 700, CaU office. APARTMENTS AAA — St., Margaret apartments, NE. cor. Fell and Octavia sts.; sunny, unfurnished apart- mente, 3 rooms and bath; wall beds; rents reasonable. AA— THE MACKEN, 91 Central ay. near Halght. 3 and 4 sunny rooms: bath; 2 beds; com. furn. A— CLINTON APARTMENTS 1400 JONES ST. COR. WASHINGTON. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY 4 AND 5 ROOMS: MARINE VIEW: NEAR FAIRMONT HOTEL: JANITOR SERVICE; EVERY CON'- VENIENCE. PHONE FRANKLIN 3443. r A— ST. MUNGO Apt.. 1300 Golden Gate cor. Fill- more — Elegantly furn. 3 and 4 room apt.; prlv. • exchange connecting all apt. Phone West 9020. ARDELL APTS.. 1740 PACIFIC AY.— Furnished 3 room front apartment; $37.50. DUNDEE apts.. 736 Stanyan opp. G. G. park — Newly fur. 4 r.. large, sunny; very reasonable. ELEGANT, sunny, corner apartments. 3. 4 and 5 rooms, with marine view; every modern con- venience; price right. • • . THE GABLES. \u25a0 Corner Clay and Larkln sts. FREDERICK APTS., 901 Stanyan. corner Freder- ick — 2-3-4 rooms: overlooking G. G. park; reas. HOTEL MCALLISTER. 1414 McAllister— Newly furn. apts., rms.; mod. ; low rates; free bath. ~ ~ -KENILWORTH. NE. COR. BUSH AND POWELL STS. 3 AND 4 ROOMS FURNISHED. HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENTS. COMPLETE APPOINTMENTS AND SERVICE MARYLAND APARTMENTS. 363 i Page St.— Beautiful, sunny apartments, furnished and un- furnished; new house, newly furnished; rates $30 and up: references required. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 FiUmore Bt. near Post. .^.OFFICES^. AJm^T^^ES^TO LjgT_^ MINNA St.. 221— Flat. 8 rooms and bath; $40; suitable for tailor or small manufacturer. STORE and loft, 30x120, to lease. 1021 Golden Gate jt. Rent reduced.' FURNITURE FOR SALE . \u25a0 A LOOKING GLASS, about 5x7 ft., price $65; just half price this week.- Yon may have seen them at our store. Hundreds of . mirrors for bouse and bath rooms; all go at half price at our furniture sale. H. SCHELL- HAAS, entrance 11th and Franklin Bts., Oak- land^ - \u25a0 : \u25a0 . \u25a0 FURNITURE, good and cheap at H. SCUELL- HAAS'. 403 11th nt.. Oakland. FURNITURE WANTED HIGHEST price for desks and office furniture." McCarthy Co.. 1020 Mission. ; teL Market 5630. WANTED — Office and household furniture, car- pets, piano; price and - quantities no object. 1301 Oet*Tl« «r. Tel. Went 8529. — aaa— plumbing material —half price- sinks, lavatories, closets. bathtubs, cast iron. pipe. cast iron fittings, wrought iron pipe and fittings. —bring your list— - -"\u25a0 let us figure on your material. central plumbing supply co.. 1527 market street. PACIFIC PIPE* CO>, SW. cor. Main and Howard ets~ San Francisco — We bandle second hand Pipe and Casing exclusively and can .furnish any quantity and sizes. All pipe 1 has new threads and couplings and guaranteed perfect In • every reipect. H Write or • call- for farther particulars. Phone ' Douglas 2233. CONCRETE mixers, gasoline engines, bolt cut- ting and threading machine; a full -line of wood working - machinery and contractors' equipment, all. in first clsss condition: and right prices. WILLIAM T. . MARTIN- MA- CHINERY CO.. 1277 Howard St. \u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0.'\u25a0. MOVING PICTURES: strictly INDEPENDENT; 15 new reels weekly; .don't sign over your ma- chine; only Independent \u25a0 house on coast; prices right. Pac. Coast Film Ex.; 1724. Fillmore. Cash Registers— WE DON'T BELONG TO THE TRUST. Americans, Uallwoods. Nationals; low- est price* and terms. Paclflc Coast Cash Reg- ister Co., 1292-1294 Market st. cor. Larkln. WALL PAPER, 2%c perroU'and upward; good paint. $1. a gallon;, white lead.'- 7c t per lb.; i building and rooting at greatly. reduced prices; denature! alcohol at Csc a gallon (ISS proof). - MERIGAN'S. 1447 F.UU st. Samples mailed. MOVING - picture machines, \u25a0 films \u25a0 and - supplies; largest independent - film t renters . west of Chi- cago; nothing to sign; rates reas. Independent Film and Supply Ov.. Inc.. 2d and Mkt., S. F. COME and see us— We offer brass and iron beds, bureaus,, dining tables and \u25a0 chairs: at* your, own .price.' at 11th and Franklin sts., Oakland, H. SCHELLHAAS. r : - ' -- , ' . ;, FOR rent — 2 large centrifugal pumps with a ca- pacity of 30,000 and 35.000 gallons per minute, \u25a0 respectively. Krogb - Manufacturing \u25a0 Company,' . 159 Beale . 8t.. ; San ? Francisco, . Cal. .' \u25a0 : - ; FOR sale— Silent salesman 8 L foot .show ,\ cases, wall cases, safe rand other store fixtures, v 73 Market st. \\ ~ ..\u25a0 ;' ;\- .". '.;.;'/-:::;,;/ .'. : ; : ONE sine lined fish counter, 22 feet shelving and a 10 foot counter; at 'a bargain. ; Apply at 1432 Turk st. ; y ; - FOR sale— l Clark Wise' & Co. . piano bond, for $80: good until .- Mr.rcb \ 6. ' WM.', J. \u25a0 REILLY, McCloud, Cal. :-. -- ; _ . : ,- ;>.-, .-_<_ AA— All , tlxes ', standard \u25a0- water • pipe 4 and '; screw rasing; guaranteed good as new; get our price*. Welssbaum Pipe Works. 133 llta st ;;\u25a0 . THE SAfr FRi^CISCQIO^Uf^EDNESDAJY; 1909. FOR :' SALE— Mincellnneous— Continued REDWOOD SHINGLES, No. l/$2 per,M. Wm. -F. - Yates - Lumber Co., 1350 Howard \u25a0 st. ; mill- work a 6peclalty. j :.; .'.-. s-..- - ..- : \u25a0- •.- ..\u25a0-.-..?.-. ; MOVING PICTURES; only INDEPENDENT fihn renters; no trust for us; prices right. PACIFIC COAST FILM EX.. 1724 Fillmore st. MOVING-plcture'fllms for rent; largest stock In city. TURNER & DAHNKEN. 138 Eddy st. : ' BUILDING, 75x137. to be torn down. 1055 Golden _Gate ay. Make offer. \u25a0. - : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::»\u25a0. KING'S OLD BOOK STORE, 891 Golden Gate ay. near Octavia. BOOKS BOUGHT. . f . : A— BOOKS bought. KING'S BOOK STOBJS, 1710 Market st. above Gougb. Phone Market 47C3. BOOKS and libraries bought. THE HOLMES CO.. 1108 Market st; phone Market 896. SAFES — Complete stock ot second band safes; exceptionally low prices. 950 Mission above sth. EDISON AGENCY — Moving picture machines and film*; bargains. GEO.BRECK. 70 Turk st. CABINET, MILLWORK, TURNINGS, FIXTURES. C. F. HAAS. 93 MINNA ST. FRICTION HOIST,' belt driven. 3 H. P.. In stock. KELSEY & McEVOY. 313 Howard st. SAFES— New and • second 1 band.- • The . Hermann Safe Co.. 120-130 Folsom st. GOOD redwood shingles, $1.50 per 1,000. 33 10th st. - •-. ; - - -\u25a0'• _ MISCELLANEOUS WANTS - DESKS and household furniture bought, sold and exchanged. ' OA VANAGH'S, C 25 McAllister st. Phone Market 4282. - ' DRESS SUITS. TUXEDOS AND PRINCE AL- BERTS BOUGHT. L. SKOLL. • TAILOR, 707 GOLDEN GATE AY: PHONE MARKET 4681. WANTED — To buy a good postage stamp collec- tion. 1122 Market St.. room 24. . LADIES', gents' children's castoff clothing b'ght. 823 Hayes st. nr. Fillmore. Tel. Park 6061. SECOND HAND clothing bougfct and sold. • I. M. DF. MANN, imo Market: tel. Market 2542. GAS FIXTURES AND LIGHTS , GAS fixtures and electric light supplies; 16 0. P. electric lamp, $12.50 per 100; plumbing and gas fitting. 473 Valencia st. nr. 16th: open even. , AUTOMOBILES FOR eale — Price $500 and upward; several '00 and '07 Wlnton touring cars, taken In trade for '08 cars and thoroughly overhauled by our mechanics • from our factory. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0%' , WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH, 300 Van Ness ay., \u25a0 ' . San Francisco., \u25a0 - ._- FOR sale— One l!>07 45 horsepower Oldsmoblle touring car; seating capacity 5 persons; com- plete with all extras, top, searchlight, tools, trunk carrier, prestolite tank, speedometer, etc. ; no reasonable offer refused. Apply to J. S. BOQART. 140 New Montgomery Bt. WHITE steamer at about one-half price; 30 horsepower; 190S car; fully equipped. Box 468. Call office. I ELITE AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE— New and second hand cars for sale; auto painting, wood- work and trimming. 677-685 Golden Gate ay. corner Franklin st. Phone Park 5922. SECOND HAND cars bought. Bold and exchanged, or money loaned for short term on all automo- blles. Valencia Garage. Inc.. 611 Valencia Bt. THE Pacific Aluminum Repair Works can braze your broken aluminum castings. 250 Ash ay. . HEALD'S automobile school gives the best auto training on coast. 425 McAllister st. PACIFIC States Auto Schools teach how; results GUARANTEED. 2SS Golden Gate ay. CALL BRANCH 'OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore Bt. near Post. ' HORSES. HARNESS AND WAGONS AAA— S big mares, 1.300 to 1,600 lbs; 17 big horses, 1,200 to 1,600 lbs; butcher, bakery, gro- cery horses; span of mules, harness and wagon: horses, $10 up; wagons, $20 up; buggies, $5: 2 ; big, fine express wegons at -a sacrifice; 3 top delivery wagons; 00 sets of plow, dray, light harness. Auction Rule Wednesday at 11 a. m. 565 4th St.. Oakland. WAGON and buggy horses for sale or hire. 18 Sycamore ay. ; stable bet. 17th and 18tb near Mission. . WELL built wagon, with pole and shafts; ca- paclty 3,000 lbs.; good condition. 2018 Union st. FOR SALE — 7 fine large delivery horses; 4 broke, S unbroke. Apply 1622 Broadway. Alxmeda. : Second hand top wagons, exp. wagons, bns. bus- gles. Nngent-Covey Wagon Co.. 349 Valencia. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES MONARCH Visible Typewriter— ln the Blonarch Visible Typewriter all of the writing Is in full eight all the time; other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices; we rent, repair and Inspect; before purchasing ring up Douglas 4113. or call at 307 Bush Bt. WOLF & IN- SENBRUCK. dealers. REBUILT typewriters like new at price paid for ordinary second hand ones; see before buying; inspect the New Yost Visible; renting a spe- cialty. Write for prices and samples of work. The Typewriter Exchange, 255 Montgomery st. " SPECIAL rental rates; rebullts, second hands, at bargains; supplies, repairs, desks. ALEXAN- DER &. CO., 512 Market St.; tel. Douglas 2157. BRAND n«»w visible typewriter for $40. " Pacific Typewriter Company. 107 Montgomery »t. - \u25a0 - NEW drop bead machines made and guaranteed by New Home sewing machine co., $19.50 to $24.00; second hand, $5 to $10; renting, re- palrlng. E. L. Sargeant. 531 12th St., Oakland. DOMESTIC — Best, cheapest; all kinds rented, re- paired, exchanged: needles and supplies for all makes. J. W. EVANS agent, 1658 O'Farrell Et. near Fillmore; phone West 3GOI. ALL makes at half price; easy payments; rent- , ing $2 per month; repairing. Sewing Machine Exchange, 19 4th St.; phone Kearny 4238.. BEST makes of SEWING MACHINES. $5, $3, $10; guaranteed. New Home office. 1408 Van Ness ay. between Bush and Pine Bts. SINGER, Wheeler & Wilson office; renting, re- pairing. 1616 O'Farrell St.; phone West 5781. NATIONAL automatic agency; renting, repairing. . I. S. Cohen's Sons. 1616 O'Farrell; West 5761. DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO., W. E. Jackson agent, 40 J Sutter? needles, supplies; all makes. B^tu!?s^cl£oiSu^ Franklin at. near Market.': phone Special 1457. ;'••__ furs _i _____ E. E. WALLEY. furrier— % to % off; best quality; form. 115 Kearny. now 1746-1748 Fill- more nr. Sutter. Oak. 1263 Brdwy. above 14th. G. BARE, - furrier, formerly - Lacbmann | & Co., nowl-'ilo Bnsli Ft. cor. Van Ness ay.. upstairs. _ i^^______* l BUSINESS' CHANCES _' ..',.' .V. — — ".. \u25a0/• "-'.'\u25a0 : " :\ •', LOOK — High class cigar stand on : busy street ; rent only $35; 2. machines; large cash ; regis- ter; good stock;, elegant fixtures; worth, 4 times the price asked; will guarantee to clear - $150 -a- month. • \u25a0 "' '. GEO. A. HERRICK. 80S VAN NESS AY. ' NOTICE—^I have a fine little grocery . for Bale, with living rooms,' for $400; sickness the .cause.. : \u25a0.\u25a0:\u25a0•:-. ..•\u25a0, i -\u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0- \u25a0 GEO. 'A. HERRICK.; BOS VAN, NESS AY. .We manufacture for you to use'or *-tll. - \u25a0\u25a0>..: We use your i formulas .or supplyv formulas. Advice on chemical. business propositions. CHEMICAL, medical pharm leeutienl specialties; i Wide- experience,' best • equipment and help." • ,-R. R. Rogers Chemical Co., .*>27 Commercial. Hours. 8:30 to 11. ~i Kearny 150., , $350-^-Fortune in this;: big money from the start : and a chance .to get rich ; ; man •or - woman to open branch store in eastern or middle states;. ...experience .not. necessary; /fullest trial allowed here before, you commence. Call "at Oakland office. 1157. 7th -st. **-\u0084;; :v- v : .-„-.-. . AAA— I : WANT A; BRIGHT -YOUNG' MAN to take my half • interest ; in • best ( paying business _,!n S. F. ;: serious X illness * compels ; quick : sale; ."'/ $400 ; required ; ? don't . ' fail - to ,. look >: this '\u25a0 up ; full partner. 'Room 201,- 87 3d St./ - '•;:'\u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0:\u25a0 ;\u25a0;\u25a0 BLACKSMITH' shop, -doing' good 'business,' 7 with tools, stock,' 'modern house of . 5 ; rooms, with ' 5 -acres iof orchard,; all 1 in' first?' class j shape. ,' For \u25a0\u25a0 price : and description address owner, . S. j. McCORMACK. R. F. D. No. -.14. ' Los Galosh . WANTED— A - few - ladles or '• gentlemen' with means and' business ability to Invest ;tn- one • of ' the greatest Inventions in the.w orld; I have v working model.' -4For- particulars address box v 3004.v 3004. Call. Oakland.; > - '.\u25a0\u25a0,,. .-. '.\u25a0;.- -: -\u0084\u25a0 -:",->-\u25a0 - I HAVE an Invention which will have a. monopoly In its : line;': require ; $1,000 to construct; : will -'give to good," reliable investor interest In same ..that ' will ,? return ? $200^ to . $300 * monthly; - no - schemers need: answer. '.'Box 579,' Ca1l office.^.; G RAND | chance | for - steady . man ; as : partner ; es- tablished manufacturing business; pays at least $30 to ; $40 a\u25a0' week 1 each ; : experience I unneces- sary ;}; } only , $250 cash required. Call 1031 Fill- ; . . more ; st. v , room I. " . '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -; \u0084;\u25a0\u25a0( WANTED-- Reliable; man las I foreman | of : laborer*? .and that can ' invest ', $500 ,' if necessary ; \ steady work und good salary to rlghtiman..- Box 578, iCall office.-; :;.'; ,• .; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0t?-::"^'":' ' ; , ". :-.- - I n WANT , C : men : with \u25a0- $500 each ) or . 3 s men .with --.$l,OOO to join 'me in business: you earn amount invested ' every •60 days ; f grant ] interview < and -' I- 'will prove it.y.Box, 701,- Call .office..;"/.? \u25a0 BUSINESS i. people -on i tbe -watch ; for.' a .' safe > in- . T vestment twill } learn '\u25a0 something ito i their j imme-* ;/ dlate \u25a0'. advantage.-^ Call } or « write i to 'A. j K."^ S., : -; Dept. B.V 437 Hth : st. , Oakland. \u25a0 ' :: - ;, - : , BUSINESS' CHANCES—^t^ntlnned^ A— "',:\u25a0 GLOBE REALTY. C 0. ,; ' .(OAKLAND'S; LEADING 'BROKERS, . ROOMS 7 AND 8, :';I--^'?> 556 Broadway. corner 7th. * PHOVP«I J OAKLAND 2813. ..... PHONES } HQME j_r;i3, ' . ; IF you. have $100 and : want to get into anlce lunch . counter " and ; ' restaurant witn -a v pood , sober man. \u25a0 call = for^ Intecvimr. \u25a0We have a i client who has : optiou ca above placd and ' he, does not 3 wish -t» hanflle same alonu; wants | good, ! bob_: : man as • partner. Soe ', Ixiw nt • GLOBJj REALTY CO.. 856 Broadway. \u25a0','\u25a0' . ; SALOON - SALOON -SALOON -SALOON -SALOON $800 i $SOO .\u25a0'•-.- $800 $SOO - ' $800 Puts you In possession of one of the best sa- - loons on Broadway; ", elegant -fixtures; cheap rent; good lease. See GLOBE REALTY COM- PANY, 556 ' Broadway ' corner. 7th. Oakland. .' ROADHOUSE — $1,700. part cash; located In main r , county road, Alameda county; Oaklaud cars dl- , rect;- consists of nicely, fitted bar, large stock, slot . machines, \u25a0 electric piano, cash register. , dance. hall, private rooms, kitchen, 5 bedrooms,' spacious gardens, , trees and shrubbery, large •barn, auto sh.ed, etc. ; \u25a0 up to date in every re- e spect; license $75 quarter; no other license can behad;-rent $00; 5. years' lease to run;best of reasons for selling: see quick. Only >wlth GLOBE REALTY | COMPANY, 856 Broadway, corner 7th at.. Oakland. - LUNCH counter and restaurant, $200;. Al loca- 1 tlon; nicely fitted; 2 private rooms; large lunch counter; rent $30; bargain. See GLOBE REALTY COMPANY, S5O Broadway, corner 7th st.. Oakland. . \u25a0• - , .-.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.- $350 — Camlj, ice. cream, cigars and' tobacco, school. supplies; also light luuches; Al location; doing fine business; rent $20; lease; fine place for man and wife. See GLOBE REALTY CO. CIGAR STAND— SI,OOO; choice corner; elegant fixtures; large new btock; 2 -Mills \u25a0 machines, cash register; .doing $25 - to ' $35 dally; rent $60, with 5 years' lease. This is one of the best .bargains we have ever, offered. ', See . GLOBE REALTY CO., 850 Broadway, cor. 7th. PARTNER-^$100; manufacturing business, i This lH s a fine opening for right man who is not afraid of a little .work. See GLOBE REALTY CO., 850 Broadway corner 7th St., Oakland. LIVERY STABLE— WeII located; consists of 8 "fine horses,- harness for all; 5 buggies, sur- reys, wagons, 15 boarders; rent $35; 2 years' lease: bargain. See GLOBE REALTY. CO., 856 Broadway corner 7th St.. Oakland. PARTNER — $800; for one of the best located sa- loons on Broadway: nice fixtures; good stock; doing nice business; rent $100; good lease, bee GLOBE REALTY CO. CIGAR STAND— S4OO; choice corner; good fix- tures, cash register,' 2 machines; doing nice business; rent $10; free electric lights. See GLOBE REALTY CO., 850 Broadway corner 7th St., Oakland. \u25a0 ROOMING HOUSE DEPARTMENT, i \u25a0 iSftVM i OAKLAND 2513. PHONES j H o ME A 2213. HOTEL — Consisting of 4(i .elegantly furnished rooms; modern brick bldg.*, choice central loca- tlou; clears $250 monthly above all expenses; rent $5 per room; 7V6 years' lease; this is one of the best known hotels in Oakland; bar- gain; $4,500. Sec . GLOBE . REALTY CO. BARGAIN — 24 nicely- furnished rooms on Broad- way; clears \ $ll>o monthly;' rent $75; good lease; bargain; $2.000. Sec GLOBK.CO. BARGAIN— 23 nicely furnished rooms; choicest of locations; modern building; all outside rooms; running water; tinted walls; rent less than $5 per room; good lease; money maker; bargain for $1^00; 'part cash, balance easy payments; or will trade for real estate, will pay cash difference. See GLOBE REALTY CO., 850 Broadway corner 7tb st., Oakland. ROOMING HOUSE— Consists of 12 elegantly fur- nished rooms on good street near 15th an 4 Broadway; full steady roomers; owner is sick; will accept $300 down and balance on easy payments. Only with GLOBE REALTY CO., S5O- Brondway corner 7th St.. Oakland. j BARGAIN — $1,250. part cash; 50. we1l furnished rooms; Al location; modern building; running water every room: money maker. See GLOBE REALTY CO., 85G Broadway corner 7th st. ROOMING HOUSE— I 4 nicely furnished rooms; choice location;, full steady roomers; modern building; sunny rooms; rent $60; bargain, $900. See- GLOBE REALTY CO., 556 Broad- way corner 7th St.. Oakland. ______ ROOMING HOUSE— SI,2OO. half cash, buys 2i well furnished rooms on good street near Washington; clears $125 month; 'always full steady roomers. See GLOBE REALTY CO., SSC Broadway corner 7th st., Oakland. FOR bargains and quick sales see J GLOBE REALTY CO.. 556 BroadK'ay, Oakland. WELL established firm wishes -a partner with $2,000; one who is a plumber or wishes to learn the trade preferred. Address P. O. box 03, Reno, Nev. SALOON — Prominent corner saloon on East St.; - must be sold at sacrifice \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 now. Address Wholesale Liquor nbuse. box 599, CaU office. FOR sale — A good newspaper route In a good dis- trict In this city. Apply to J. R. LENHART, circulation department, S. F.Call. FOR SALE — First class butcher business In fine locality: \u25a0-3 - wagons: . cheap" rent. H. J. SQUfRES CO.. 2106 Vine st.. Berkeley. CIGAR stand, a . bargain. $175;, owner leaving city; trial given; Market st. corner. Call at once.-'ICOI Market st. cor. 12th. REAL estate- business; splendid Opening; only $50; worth a thousand. Particulars 24 San- chez st. - . , FOR sale, on account of other Interests, paying bakery and delicatessen. CaU 1741 Grove St.. Oakland. . BAKERY for sale; rent $55; will stand full In- vestigatlon; daily receipts $35. ,1000 Market St., Oakland. FOR sale — Restaurant and Berkeley real estate by owner. 2110 Addison St., Berkeley. FIRST CLASS hotel.. 41 rooms, nicely furnished; bargain. J. J. MORRIS, real estate. Palo Alto. DELICATESSEN store for sale; good trade; near San Francisco. Box 52b. CaU office. " RESTAURANT for sale; long lease ; low rent. ' Inquire 358 Montgomery ay. \u25a0 \u25a0 CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 FUlmore st. near . Post. - .r : ' . LODGING HOUSES FOR SALE . . A. CAMERON & CO. 714 MARKET ST.;" MAGEE BUILDING, Opposite The Call, Room 301— Phone Douglas 4379. Where best bargains are found in hotels, apart- •- . ment. and lodging houses, flats. SWELL downtown . hotel ;". 100 rooms; 40 pri- vate baths; cheap rent; 10 yearV lease; elegantly furnished: easy terms; big bargain. BEAUTIFUL corner house; 30 rooms; hot #nd cofd water; best furniture: rent $150; north Market, close in: first class location: bargain. TO "LEASE— 3B rooms. • finished 2 weeks; only 2 blocks from Market: hot and cold water. ' \u25a0 FREIGHT FORWARDING^ JUDSON FREIGHT FORWARDING CO. Reduced rates for shipping household goods any- where west to everywhere east. 4th and Market sts.. room 200. Paclflc hldg.: phone Kearny 2579. __ -M __ t __giiiL^s^b^^n^^^x., ALL bills and promissory notes promptly collect- <fcd. FRED J. SCHMIDT. Market. Noe, 16th. COLLECTIONS everywhere, "liens & attachments. CHAS. n. NORRIS. 378 Monnrtnwfc- hnllcUng. BRICKWORK In all its branches; best rates. M. V. MOWBRAY. 130S.Devisanero: West -7021. , A^__ _•]_. LEAKY WALLS ; CURED i_ T '-""V" ''LIQUID koNkEß^T''"'"'-^ Will do It.- Applied by us or your painter, i WILLKOMM BUILDING SUPPLY COMPANY. Tel. Douglas 325. :-v lni'Telntma st. _^^uj«Tjiiny£LAj^ H. R.KOPPS. PRESIDENT. -'.•. ALL KINDS ART, LEADED- AND i MOSAIC GLASS. 115 TURK.. PHONE FRANKLIN 1763. \u25a0BABY CARRIAGES '•\u25a0' WE., make handicraft .furniture and - baby." car- riagi'S.Paclflc Coast Rattan Co.. 831 Van New. LAD^ES > TAILORING ;..'-..\u25a0: SUITS' made ' from own "'material,'; reasonable; first class work. \u25a0 FRED & HRUSKA. 1512 Polk. ACCORDION, Bunburst,'> Bide-. pleating,;; buttons, .\u25a0 button boles; mall and express orders solicited. STEELS. 1420 Post ' st. ; phone -West 0425.y . .-V MACDO WELL'S 1 Dress \u25a0,-, Making j' and - Millinery '; School, 1215 Post st. near Van Ness ; Oakland office. 1018 Washington. • Patterns cut to order. COMPETENT woman wishes day work. - Addreaw b0x; 234. Call. 1651; Fillmore. st. V/ : W i CALL BRANCH OFFICE, . 1051 Fillmore at. near .\u25a0• POSt. ' •.-.'-:.\u25a0,. :\u25a0,\u25a0:-.-\u25a0,'\u25a0:.\u25a0,--\u25a0\u25a0 {\u25a0-\u25a0.--,\u25a0 :_\ \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 r ' ; ; WISTDOW ?SHADES -' -''"\u25a0 > ,' ;: " r ' ; " ADVANCE window shade factory; orders filled at ; short \u25a0 notice, t GEO.^WALCOM. - 637 . Turk st. y- - \u25a0'•' -'\u25a0' \u25a0 DRESSING : !-;.' -.'•,"\u25a0 v MERCHANTS' J window dressing ? and '1 show ? card ~ service.- 006 Market' st; phone Franklin 1097. FIRST '.CLASSi work- done iat your :\u25a0 home. v S.^ J. > JENSEN.' 609 Waller \u25a0 Bt.? Phone • Market : s2os. chinese-Am^rican I restaurants HONG ; KONG ; LQ W.11754 ', Geary Jst ; f chop i suey Afid noodles; American cooking; daj _a«i _igUt. -{ : :k ; -;>' rCARPErr-CLEANIXO ALL carpets and rugs : cleased -on the floor with- out ' removel ,bys U. F. COMPRESSED AIR ' CLEANING, CO.* Office; : 24 -Montgomery; St.; : -phone Keenly 5532; shop 16th and S. Bruno ay. LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO.. 62 Post, room 526; phone Douglas 2071— Ddstless clean- 1 ing of ', carpets, . rugs.-- era peries. furniture and bedding. '; WITHOUT REMOVAL. .- ''\u25a0'\u25a0».' : 3c yd. ; : For - the Best - Carpet Beatiui:— 3c yd. Phone Market 2-6-2. F. A. Rice. ISCS . Harrison. \ 3c yd.— Carpets Cleaned at -Right Price — 3c yd.- WHEN . j-ou become disgusted with . poor work I 6end your carpets to J.* SPAULDING& CO., i OSS Golden Gate: av.; ; telephone Market C 43. ' Save Money— neat cleaning and laying now Sc yd. j .Phone us, Market - 2250. Glsslow. 3SOS 22d st. ' WATTS— Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations; renovat.; laying. s(iO Devlsadero. Ph. Park 56». ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk St.. CONKLIN: BEOS., carpet cleaning and Icylng. 2400 Geary st. enrner Baker. Phone West 03. _ \u25a0-. 'JAPAXHSB LAXIXDItIES JAPANESE Laundry ; "waist and "curtain special- lst. Ashal Laundry. 1401 Scott. Ph. West C 296. STORAGE AND MOVING VANS Andersop Transfer and Storage Co., mvg., pkg., ehpg., etc., sth st. nr. Mkt., No. 20. Tel. Dgls. 2177; conntry mvg.; trunks stored 3 days free. BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO. Fireproof Warehouse. 13th - and Mission sts. Tel. Market ,13. WILSON BROS. CO.* (Inc.)— Moving and storage, cor. 14th and Sanchez sts., 1 block from Mar- , ket and Fillmore st. cars; -phone -Park '271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322 FHlmore st. Phone West 2628. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage & Moving Co. Main office Eddy and Fillmore. Tel. West S2B. _ PAIXTIA'G AND PAPER -HANGING PAINTING in all branches; paper banging, tlnt- , ing, plastering repaired; send for estimate. Jas. P. Hnnter, 1444 Webster. Tel. West 5053. Painting, papering, glazing; contracts at lowest prices. Shirey. 232S Pt. Lobos : tel. Pacific 2104 ART RKPAIRIXG ' YOSHIKAWA-KURODA Cof; Jap. are repairing; antiqueg a specialty. 416 Grant ay. nr. Bnsh. ' BASKETS L. D. HUGHES. BASKET MAKER of all kinds. 1922 Mission st.: formerly 1707 Geary st. GAS ENGINES'- _ MINING hoists, stationary and portable engines, gas, distillate or .crude oil. WESTERN GAS ENGINE CO.. 22 Ist St. /w< _OICTO£SJIXDJ«OTORCYCLES FULL line of Pierce cycles and Snell bicycles; \u0084 sundries; special on repairs. J. T.~ CHICK, 230 San Pablo ay. ELECTRIC PIANOS . FOR e-aloons. nickelodeons, candy stores and restaurant; reductions in slightly used Instru- ments: see us quick. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL AND DEVICE COMPANY. Inc.. 121 sth st. v __^ - TRUSSES CLARK, GANDION TRUSS CO..specialists. truss fitting; lady att. 1253 G. G. ay. near Fillmore. .~~ Is simple and perfectly harmless eye remedy for children und adults. .TRY IT ONE. DAY ' And notice . the wonderful effects. Bright, strong ami healthy eyes will • be the result. -At all druggists', or. \u25a0 send Coc in money order direct to GEORGE MAYERLE, Graduate Ger- * man Expert Optician, 1140 Golden Gate ay., S. F. Phone Park 3153. , Per \u25a0. dozen bottles, $5. _ ____ AUDITS, systems, special Investigations. COOP- ER, 005 Kfitm bldg.. .717 Mkt.; Kearny 5059. W. F. -BECKER. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, AU- DITOR. < 222 SiteMon hldg.: tel. Doiielas fi4S. - JOHN R.r RUCKSTELL. C. P. A., 3CG :SC-S Claus Spreckels building. ' Phone Koarny 41S1. _.X.OTAKY JPH^SMS^^^^ MARK LANE, notary public and commissioner of «lPO(ls. 245 Bnsh st. : nhone Temp . 2029. i *~~~— "™— **~~~~~~*** i^^—^-— — — — — West Coast Detective Agency, (licensed, bonded); conducts cases secretly: cor. .confidential. 898 Fillmore. Tel. Park .^."O. T. C. GRAY. Prin. _ <^^^^^ ; AT^rOß^ AA — DIVORCE:, $12; quick; quiet; advice free; uo charge unless successful; title to real estate restored: bankruptcy; probating of es- t ates; general practice. 102S Market St., r. 12. ; COMPLETE divaree for $32. Including all costs; a reliable lawyer. 1122 Market st.. room 31.' - JOHN F.IIANLON. attorney at law, 542 Pacific . building: phone Douglas 2799. CHAS. A. SMITH. -attorney at law, rooms 1105-7, Cnll building.' Phone Kearny 4C5.8. NATIONAL Law and Collection Co.. 601-602 Cochran bldg.. 2ol. Kearny st. Phone Kry. 2093. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law; W. T. Hess, notary public. Room 1112. Call building. L. .S. CLARK, attorney at law. .851 Jackson st, O^klnid: eon«nltntion fre<^ otien evening*."' . PATF.NT ATTORNEYS DEWEY, STRONG & CO.— Founded 1860; U. S. and ' fqrelga " patents; inventors' guides; 100 • mechanical movements free. 1105 Merchants' Exchange building. San Francisco. - HARRY C. SCIIROEDER. U. S. and foreign pat- ents. 320 First Nat. bank. Oakland: tel. 0.3575. SONTAG Patent Agency — Established 1899. Bal- l«w Md".. nrr. Market nrol 2<l st«.. 10th floor. TITLES. RESTORED UNDER McEnerney act: complete, $35. Title Co.. fIM-3 Monadnock bldg.. 3<l ard Market nts. ; pensions . A— M. 1 HARRIS, pension and patent, atty.l 34 El- lis st.; references, many thousands for whom I hnve seiMifrt pensions: 21 years' nractlce. - '' - EOUCATIONA L . STEWART School— Rare opportunity to -remedy defects in early education; any hour, day or evening; Instruction .: private. \u25a0 . « .\u25a0 : ;\ 833 Hayes* st. near Fillmore. \u25a0-\ JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and NORMAL CLASS.' High school, all branches. Prepare for college, teachers' exams., civil \u25a0 service. Laboratory courses. Day, -eve. 943 • Van Ness ay. ;.. ; . \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0•.\u25a0 .- \u25a0\u25a0< :. '- . ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, mech. survey, assay, cyanide; day, eve. ; est. 1564: : Van'wder ,i.alllen School, 51st and Tel:, Oakland. THE LYCEUM, 2590 Pine st.. prepares. boys and girls > for , university, ; ; law, medical colleges ; < teachers'; ex.'s; here you save time and money. THE BERLITZ. SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— '2531 Washington • near Fillmore; 'send for cir- : cular. .\u25a0' a ".:'>_ "',;\u25a0..',- "\u25a0 \u25a0".'-: DANCING— PUCKETT'S SCHOOL,. Classes Mon., "Frl.: graduates , Wed. \u25a0 Church ! and Market sts.. SPANISH & Comm. forms; best practical meth- od. Castilllan pron. PROF. ACED, 1932 Mason. PROP. T. : A. 'ROBINSON. indiV. .instr. math.. \u25a0 | bookeeplng, - Eng.v etc. ; day. eve. 507 Halght. A— METROPOLITAN- BUSINESS COLLEGE, \u25a0 r . '. 925 GOLDEN GATE AY. ;- _ ' ASSAYING, telegraphy, civil and electrical engi- . neerlng, mining, etc.; Heald's, 425 McAllister. ALL court -reporters i rpcommend Gallagber-Marsh Business College/: 1250; Market st. - .:;-•-; MUNSON School .of- Shorthand;; private: lnstruc- \u25a0 ., tlon. > 117 • Delbert \ bldg.; .Van Ness. & | O'Farrell. SPANISH -or French In 3 months; 'perfect pro- : nuneiatlon.v PROF., HIDALGO, .1265 1 Ellis st. SANj FRANCISCO College, now located nt 733 Fillmore ~*nr.^.Hayes: day and \u25a0 evening. J _:..v. : -i-PHYSICIANSi -PHYSICIANS > . - \u25a0 ' attention; ladies. '<;, \u25a0-.' - ; -\u25a0; v ;' * Yogi Medical Adepts and ' bloodless surgeons. ' 'Offices, 506-7-S>Westbank. bldg.;' 830 Market I St.; reliable speclallsta i for women."* When suf- fering from. any ailment. consnlt these skilled ' : physicians. i^Cure.:; when -> others, fail. . Hours 0 '-= a.'<'B-p. - : m.'s ." ' .- : . \u25a0-.-,, DR. MAR DON.- the' noted doctor of Chinese em- ... plre, s now >at 70S , Clay St.; • S.< F. ; with r knowl- , . edse;lnherited-through.7 generations; cures all .ailments human system, is subject, to by means V of , teas. [ carefully.; selected [herbs; \u25a0 consnlt. : free. WANTEl>— Capable j physician and I surgeon to ; in- \u25a0 4 vest ' : ?500 •In •• compmny / with :\u25a0 salaried ' position." ;.' : or ; to -attend, few .-office calls ' daily : for „ office ;rent.'^ Address box (!32. : Call office.: .-•:.• .... DRT- WONG HIM— : -.v ; -." \u25a0--..- - ~" : -HERB ? : DOCTOR. Permanently Located \u25a0.-;. 12C8 ; O'FarrelH st.v bet.* Gongh , and ; Octavla.l H DR." JOS. ADDENYI. physreian f and r* surreon: dls- •\u25a0\u25a0:." eases - of | skin.'S genito-prlnary,'^ veneral and ,rec- : : tal , diseases ; 1 1-3,1 6-7 :30 : p.t m .T 1246 > Eddy | st. '/ 1 MRS :.\: .\ IH LEAN,' * C: l^ S:t P.-^-Healer; of • aU ; Uls."' Office :. 874 • Eddy . St. ; * hours,". 11 H to 5. MATRIMONIAL REFINED and highly cultured -American ' girl of musical ability and talent, aged IS years; a perfect blonde, good figure, and an adept at classic dancing. Is anxious to meet a gentle- man of 20 years of age; -one who can Uelp J her better her condition- I am ambitious, or ; happy disposition- and home loving; to right party will consider matrimony. Bos 640, Call. YOUNG widow, auburn type, perfect figure, lov- ing disposition, is desirous to meet man of same disposition; object matrimony. Address box W3, Call office. . - i YOUNG man. member of . aristocratic family . from Europe. " would like to meet young re- , fined lady; object matrimony. Box 524. CalL WIFE wanted— Frenchman. 38. 5 feet 10, darls Ualr and eyes; income $250 monthly; home lov- ing; no vices; object matrimony. Box 6i>&, Call. GET. married; send for list, with photos and postofflco addresses free. Address C. 11.. P. O. box 121. Oakland, Cal. - HIGH CLASS folks visit Mrs. de Long's matrt- - monial parlors and are Invariably pleased with ' results. 1215 La.guna.- West 56t)9. Details 23c. DO not be deceived; the only reliable matrimo- nial bureau you will find at MRS. A. WOL- TER'S. 1752 Geary st.; established In 1900- GENTLEMEN find ladles of wealth and culture at the only reliable agency, "Society Lady,' 260 Hollls St.. Oakland. Details 25c. GENTLEMAN. 3C, wishes acquaintance of lady; object matrimony. Box 675. CaU office. MRS. HUGHES. 935 Webster, wishes all temper- ate, ' respectable ladles acd gentlemen to call. MEDICAL AA— DR. AND MRS. MASON Successfully treat all female complaints and irregularities by Improved methods, -without resorting to painful and dangerous operations; 25 years' experience. No matter what your trouble or how long standing It may be. their friendly and confidential advlee will cost yon nothing. All treatment POSITIVELY GUAR- ANTEED not to injure the most delicate per- son. \u25a0' Those unsuccessfully treated elsewhere, especially Invited to call. Private home- be- fore and during confinement. . Hours, a to 8; Sundays. 10 to 12. Take elevator or stairs to 2d floor. 220-221 WESTBANK BLDG., S3O Market Bt. AA— ATTENTION. LADIES* DR. NORTH, 1025 Market St.; tel. Park 5941. World Renowned Specialist for Women Only. No Delays or Disappointment. Relief Guaranteed. By Most Superior ! Painless Methods Known to Medical Science. Most obstinate cases treated; utmost privacy; have no hesitancy If In need of my services; absolutely harmless. Low fees. By consulting an eminent ! specialist you save time and money. All female complaints cured. Advice free. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 6 to 9 p. m. AA— ROBERT G. FULTON. B. A.. M. D. 51S 11th st. near Washington. Oakland. 20 years ago I graduated from 2 leading uni- versities. Since then I have TREATED WOM- EN'S AILMENTS EXCLUSIVELY. It Is to your advantage to consult the most successful and trustworthy specialist. Advice free. Fees rea- sonable. Hours, 10 a. m. to 6p. m. Phone Oak- land 5455. DR. ROBERT GREENLEAF FULTON. 516 11th st. bet. Washington and Clay, Oakland. DR. ABBOTT, the well known ladles' specialist. GUARANTEES RELIEF In" aU disorders of women by reliable, painless, scientific methods. Private maternity sanatorium If desired. CONSULTATION FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Hours, 0 to 9. Sundays. 9 to 2. 1550 ELLIS ST. NEAR FILLMORE. A— MRS. DR.- WELLS, reliable ladles' specialist for all female complaints: instant relief guar- anteed; 30 years' successful practice; borne In confinement. 152J WEBSTER st. between Geary and Post; office hours 10 to 5. MRS. DR. WEST, office 1293 Golden Gate ay.— Ladies' specialist fur many years; all cases successfully treated; no pain: no delay from home; low fees: hours, 0 a. m. to S p. m. SPECIALIST for ladles; painless relief guaran- teed: paid when cureAt advice free. MRS. DR. PHILLIPS. 3452 19th st., near Mission. DR. MARY ADAM, ladies' physician: private home for confinement; terms reasonable. 3004 Fruitvale ay.. pbone Merrltt 215. MONEY made daUy. and CaU Want Ads help to make it. Advertise your wants; make them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. . An investment, not an expense. For full par- tionl»r« remi Cnll \r»nt Ati< ____ MATERNITY HOMES S. F. LYING-IN HOME. 1191 Oak Bt. nr. Park— DR. LORD, physician In charge; confinement $25. - \u25a0 . ' CHIROPODISTS DR. J. W. LEVY, surgeon chiropodist, r. 304-305. . Phelan bldg.. Mkt. at O'Far.; b. 9 to 6 p. m. CHIROPODY— I26I Golden Gate ay. near Fill- more st. __J DENTISTS BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS. 739 Market st., acknowledged to bo tbe easiest and best pain- less extraction In S. F. Full set of teeth, $2: gold crowns. $2: silver filings. 50c. All work guaranteed 20 years. • Open dally till 9 p. m. DR. C. W. DECKER. Phelan bldg; rooms 308- 9-10.. 700 Market St.; phone Kearny 1630. DR. SIMMS, 1214 Polk St.. cor. Sutter. room 301; phone Franklin 307. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AU kinds of dental work. 515 FUlmore st. . near Oak. DR. U. G. BARTLETT. extracting specialist, re- moved to 323 Geary cor. Powell: Douglas 4300. HILL. DR. LUDLUM. 432 Webs. <now Mulrhead hlrtg.l Market. Hayes and Larhln: gas given. CATAnRII ANI> DEAFNESS, ALSO ear noises positively cured; 1 week free. DR. COTTINGHAM. 1990 Sotter St.: hrs. 10-4. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. E. J. CREELY, ISIS Market St.; phone Mkt.2(*»7(V-^Speclal ward for dogs: dogs hoarded. ' :^r&§rpfi spmi^iisM^^i'^' REV. HANLEY. teacher of new thought; spirit- ual healer; test clr. Sun.. Wed.. Frl.. 8.: class Mon., Thurs.; readings dally. 516 18th, Oakld. AA— MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, ordained trance spiritual medium; full reading $1. at her home. • 11C4 O'Farrell st.: by letter. 4 questions. $1. MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD— Circles Sun.. Mon.. Wed.. Frl., S p. in.; readings daily, 10 to 4. 1439 FUlmore st. DR. lIOWLAND'S readings today 50c; circle 25c. tonight. 1230 Fillmore: everybody^. welcome. CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card reader, 25e, 50c. $1. 913 Broadway. Oakland. Prof. Schreler, • 1009 Golden Gate, spiritualist; special readings 50c; divine heaUng. MRS. WASSMER. 1103 Laguna St.. gives >con- : sultations on. nil affairs of Ufe; honrs 10 to S. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Flllmoro st. , near Post. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0> ' - ADOPTION Painless confinement; children boarded or adopt- ed. Maternity Villa. 1416 Sth St.. Alameda. ; BP SINES S PER SON ALS MY wigs and toupees at perfectly. I make them bo that- they are thoroughly ventilated and airy. \u25a0 It Just takes a tulnuta to adjust. them. I ' \ have made wig making a life study and guar- antee every one I make. Gentlemen's prtvatt department upstairs. Experienced man la charge. Hair dressing, .dyeing, etc. by arf- lsts culy. Large stock :of switches, pompt- dour*, etc. G. LEDERER. 2271 California Bt. uc-ar Webster. Mall orders receive prompt _ attention. Established 18fi8.. * BIRTHSTONES — Dft not be without yours; it . brings you luck and happiness; I am the man .who cuts precious .Btones;. to introduce - other gem offers I will mall your birthstone for 50c. i F. ESTERLIN. lapidary. 222 Kearny St.. S. V. MRS. LOUIS HOTOP. ©54 Grayson St.. West Berkeley, was .relieved of large tumor without pain or knife by the MAGNETIC HEALERS. 709. Telegraph' av.. Oakland. Phone 7742. ,* MRS.' MOORE, magnetic massage: nervousness. \u25a0 . Indigestion. ; poor circulation; given by, an expe- . rlenced nurse. 1304 Fillmore; hours 10 to 0 .dally; walk In. - ANY person having witnessed the running over '»\u25a0 of a. lady 'at -Van Ness ay. and Sutter st. No- . vember 13. 100 S. will bestow a great favor by sending their address to box 595. Call office. WANTED for adoption. *\u25a0 a brunette girl from 2 to '.) months old In an excellent, tine Louifc. .\. \ 1416 Sth st.'. Alameda. - -.'- \u25a0\u25a0 OO r ELECTRO-RADIATOR treatments for rheuma- "tlsin. Suite t. 215 O'Farrell corner PoweU; ' formerly 311 Van. Ness av. ' \u25a0Qi&s3&Bitgtß BED- wetting speedily cured; particulars for • f tamp. "* Nurses' Remedy Co., dept. C. Oakland. '\u25a0'.- Cal: - - \u0084.'\u25a0" •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0"=-\u25a0-.'\u25a0 \u25a0 •-.*\u25a0-> UNCALLED for suit*, overcoats and trousers at "less than cost at CHAS. LYONS*, tbe London \u0084 tailor. 1432 Fillmore st. bet. Ellis and O'FarrelL MRS. L. E. HARTMAN. baths and massage. nervous and rueuu-.a tic specialist. 40s Koeni£ f 'bid*.. ' 101' Post st. cor. Kearny; open Snndays. MAGNETIC-MASSAGE — MRS. .HOLSHOUSER. ...Tel. Doug. 4440; 351 Pacific bid.. 4th and Mkt MISS CV BELL.'. manicuring.'! face and scalp treat- _£ ment.' ' Room ; 21. ; 1 443 Fillmore, st. . MISS ;. IDELL; : \u25a0 vibratory " electric \u25a0 treatment for > select patronage only. : lOOti Sutter :st..-S.K. TEMPLE of: Health Medicine Co.; J."W." Roberts' -U.-D.. now located 2CS Market. -25 California! BUSINESS PERSOXALS— Contlnaed \riH<* P M REID, graduate ' masseuse: hours 10*. Suite 2. 1705 O'Farrell corner rinmore. GR\DU\TE masseuse. MliS. HELEN DERBER. electric treatment. 2024 Sutler. P. West 8802. MISS WALJUVCE. Eastern Masseuse: baths. 124, Turk, r. 210. Ist floor, rear: 11-10: open Son. GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos- tumes; roc, to Jaon. costmner. 821 >an Ness. MRS E M^KEENDLr electro-masMge. baths. 1214 C Scott St.: hrs. 10-12; 1-5: >-9. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1631 FUlmor. St. near Post___; " MUSICAJj^IXSTJjniENJTJ^^^^ REMOVAL BARGAIN SALE— WurUtzer nickel •lot pianinos, orchestrions harps P^ers. <f OT nianlno rental reduced to $li» per mo. PETER P BACIGALUPr * SONS. Ml Market -»t.. San Francisco. - STEINW \V uyricht. fine condition, $273: Estey. $-'5- other uprights from $ICO up. BOWER 3 & SON. 520 McAllister st. FOR SALE— Very cheap. No. 4 Orchestrion; good as new; M. Welte & Sohnes. Frledberg. N. V.. makers. Apply 1313 Partc st.. Alameda. - BYRON MAUZY gold medal pianos. 250 Stock- ton st.. Union square. TeL Douglas 4333. $9G buys imported Erard piano; good condition; cash or time. 903 Van Ness ay. GREAT bargain offered In fine Decker Brothers' \u25a0 piano, slightly used. 1466 Eush at. A— Almost new upright, cheap. JOS. SCHMITZ, & CO.. now 621 Van Ness nr. Turk. A GOOD piano for rent at $3 a month. SCOTT CURTAZ PIANO CO.. SBQ Hayes st. PRICE pianos everywhere first, then •examlaa storage pianos 415 Van Ness ay. $125— First class npr!zM: nearly new; must be sold. HORNUNO'S. 1554 Eddy near Flllmore. NEW pianos for rent. $3 per month: rental al- iovryrt If ram-hased. STATHAM. 24 HIU »t. M OXEY^_T(VJi O _A3V~~~~~~~~ $$$$$$$$$$ - $$$$$$$$$< $$$!ss*s* SALARY *$$*$$*$! 11*1111* LOANS. lliiff! *$$$$$ $$$$$$ $ $ $ J $ We are a "NEW LOAN $ $ $ $ $ Ssss COMPANY." loaning money *ff* $$ $ to strictly "SALARIED PEO- $$ $ $ $ PLE" on taelr plain notes, without $ $ $ security, iudoraer ur publicity. Lowest $ $ rates in the city. • $ YOUR EMPLOYER NEVEK KNOWS. S t We take nothing out in advance and • 9 you can pay us back weekly or monthly. S 5* WESTERN LOAN CO.. $S $ $ $ 408 Call bldg.. 3d and Market. $ $ $ * $ $ $ Open 8:30 a. m. to tf p. m. $ i $ * $ t $ S $ Also Monday. Wednesday $ $ $ S $ SSS S * S and Snttinlav evei*- $$* $ $ ? $$$$$$$ Ings till 8 o'clock. $$$$$$* |$I|sSsss $««sssss* $$*SSSSSSSSSSSSJJ<SJSS $JtJS ;s??s?sss?sssssss??s>ssssss» oiiilss * i i i * » o I ; - LOANS ON SALARIES t $ A new company advancing money with- t $ cut mertcacp cr indcrser to t C . . RAILROAD EMPLOYES. t $ STREETCAU EMPLOYES. f $ TELEPHONE EMPLOYES. \u2666 $ EETAIL AND WHOLESALE CLERK 3 $ S cr any man or wouiaa buldias a permanent S $ salaried position. ' * % EMPLOYEES CREDIT CO.. S $ Rccm 421, 4th coor. llonjdaoct Bid;.. $ 1 3d and Market sts. I O $$$$$$$$>»»»<> AA^V— HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. Get orr terms waen abont to borrow on FUR- NITURE. PIANOS, HOUSES and VEHICLES. We will save you money. Uoonw 357-a Pacific building (3d floor). 4th and Market sts. Pbona Douglas S2GC.. Oakland ofJie. 51S-19 First National bank bldg. MONEY loaned salaried people and others upoa their own names . without security: cheapest rates; easy payments; offices ia 68 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. room 951. Phelan bldg.. S. F.. and room 0, 4CO 13th st., Oakland. A— CALIFORNIA'S Largest Pawnbrokers. Liberal loans en diamunds. Jewelry, sealskins. furs, etc.: banking rates; 'ladles' private office; fire and burglar prwif vault on the premises. CALIFORNIA LOAN OFFICE. &41 Brondway near 6th St.. Oakland. MONEY— MONEY— MONEY Salaries — Chattels Life Insurance Policies Wage Earners' Investment and Loan Co.. 44a Pine st. ANY amount: lowest rates on first and second mortgages on real , estate, legacies, undivided interests. estate* in probate; no delay, ii R. McCOLGAN. 2H Montgomery St.. r. 314-313. j Any amount on real estate, first or second inortv srages, or on any security: no delay; low rates. O. W. BECKER. 2111 Fillmore near California. ADVANCES made on diamonds and jewelry at lowest rates; safe deposit vaults; greatest pos- sible care taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO.. Vaa Ness and Sutter. LOWEST rates, quick deals, no delay — Loans on second mortgages, estate*, legacies. Undivided Interest. When you need money see HERMAN MURPHY. 546 Market St.. Saa Francisco. R. B. AUSTIN CO. loans money to salaried peo- ple; Investigate our credit system. Rooms 353-3. Pacific bnilding. 4th and Market »ts. SALARY loans — Ladles and gentlemen without security: notes and commercial payer bought. 313 Merchants* Ex. bMg.: phone Douglas 1411. MONEY to loan at low rates nf Interest on real estate. HEROLP & LEVITSKY. 407 Pine »t. A— LOANS on salaries.. HOME CREDIT & IN- VESTMENT CO.. 523 Pacific bldg.. 4th & Mkt. ON furniture, pianos, etc.; strictly private. BECKER. 2111 Fillmore st. near California. CASH loaned to salaried mm on. note without indoreer. MORRELL. 922 Monadnock hldg. ON furniture and pianos: $15 up: no removal; no com. TREMAIN. 72G Buchanan nr. Have*. SALARY loans; other proposition*. San Fran- rtsco Pi«.M.r,nt A-pn<*v. _411 Pacific hoildlng. MONEY WANTED ' $15,0C0 at 6 per cent net. long loan, on down- town income property; principals only. Box P,oofi. CaU. Oakland. FINANCIAL AA— A 'REAL CAPITALIST ~~ Wanted to furn lah $S,UUO to $20,000 to handle leadin? staple. Interview to get particulars Box 4543. CaU office. CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT D. E. BESECKEE. 24S PACIFIC BLDG. "ABBOTT buys bonils"*— Ocean Shore. Market st. Hank and- Cal. Safe l>er>. bonk*. 1"2 Bnsh at. BO.YDS FOR SALEt ARE yon buying or selling stocks or bonds? Call oa PETTIS & BURBECK. 333 First National , bank building, Oakland. __ INFOR3IATIO.V WA.VTED ANY news of Uezzle Rogers. 50 years old. dark curly hair, dark complexion, supposed to be la San Francisco, will be thankfully received by .his brother. J. P. ROGERS, box W. Walnut Springs. Tex. ' . ANY jipr.MiU ha vine witnessed the running over of a lady at Van Ness ay. and Sutter st. No- vember l.t. lOva, win besrow a 'great favor by sending their address to box 695. CaU office. WANTED— lnformation of MRS. IDA RUSSELL, who resided at 317 Eddy st. about S year 3 S2U. Adilrews box 702. Call offic?. INVEST3IENTS ' _ ' STOCKS AND BONDS FOR QUICK SALE. \u25a0 H.OOtt Ocean. Shore K. R. bonds at.. $630.00 . s(>O shares Mouterty Coal Company at. 15 300 shares Cal. Pressed Brick Co. at... !35 500 shares Hubbard Elliott Copper at.. ' 85 20 shares People's Water. Co. CS.Oo Oto shares H<mg Rapid ITess at * 33 110 shares United Wireless preferred. "S 0C 1.000 shares Pacific Fruit Cooling and V. .33 Address P. O. box 754, San Jose. CaL THE secretary ofJa Nevada gold mining com- pany wishes to interest additional, capital for more aggressive development: this Is «n« oC the best prospective producers and Is close to the latest fensatloaal strike la Nevada; everr mining facility, at hand; now at work on the \u25a0'\u25a0tirt P «Sn TFT F« w *^fl < 5f o* olo ™ tavestort to pot mp * 10,000 to $20,000: principals only; bank nt. erencc*. Address Secretary, box IS4. CalL WE can sell you any active unlisted stock 20 to *0 per cent below any other bona flde prices; market letter and quotations on re- <ine»t; can make quick and prompt sales of all p rM^ f l^; tot . ks ttnrt bonds. CHESTER B. M.LIS A .CO.. 714 Market st. •>•' .-_; OIL LAND. kJ™ iVsT Ot ,H n ? la the °" district of Kern which I would like to leas*: make me an offer. Address box 54. Call offtce. $300 of stock In gold dredging couipaay for sate: £?f nn P * r ff* n \u2666 dl V dei!tl3 absolnte «y assured;. full information to Intending purchaser. Box 97 Call office. • * OIL shares have doubled and trebled in price- are on the-jwom; my oil and mlnln S market KERR, 368 Bush st.. Saa Francisoo. Cal. . McCARTY wireless telephone — Important Infor- mation for stock holders. Room 40. Bactm bnilding. Onkla-id. JUNES AND .MINING / ALLGEWAHR BROS. CO.. assaying In all Its branches: accuracy guaranteed; send for maU- . Ing. envelope. 313,6 th st.. OakUnd. G ®__P«lf m » I S««n. rich, ore bought; cash; assay tar 50^ Pton_________ > .. 131 3t _, >t nr Htm J at^ Contlnaed to J^rxt Past