Newspaper Page Text
.'\u25a0 '^>'-j' TO LEASE » \ •"£* ., 1 7 lsp — In the heart of the finsnclal and ..;..-. -:*-JM»le*al«» district*!, store and basement; Btorc ;."•-.. IX.WO twjuare feet, basement 19.000. square „ .. - i<rt; within half a block of new Palace hotel -\u25a0• \u25a0''\u25a0 ''-i' 7 , fllrfhcr Particulars apply to room 2, C4l \u0084 ... :*:is*lon st. Sun Francisco. ' '\u25a0'•\u25a0 --L-— J*P- S T A^* RA >TS TO LEASE \u25a0•hFdh lease — Best restaurant location in San \u25a0 : '-. Fruacisco; in Market st. near Ke_r_y, Geary :..;.. -and id: 24 hosr business. Apply THOMAS .":•; ,-..>A<;i.i: A SONS. .-. Montgomery stf ""^^ '- -. . LEGAL XOTICKS ' ' - * 7. • "NOTICE OP SALE OF STOCK FOR NONPAY- ; ' .'. " MENT OF ASSESSMENT. ' *:'.".". :•, OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY COMPANY ... -.. = location of principal place of business No. 52 .. • " .Efrventh strwt. in the city and county of San ..- tTrsu~is<-o and utaie or California. .;... Notice Is hereby given that there is delin- : .:«_cnt ui»on the following described capital stock or tb^ ocean Sbort» Railway Company on account . . or. .-!ssrs*;nent heretofore, to wit. on the 14th day ,;..-.<£ January. A. I». i»O9. levied thereupon, the . . . st:rerai amounts set opposite the names of the :.. f^syective ehsre holders as foUown, viz: •\u25a0..';\u25a0_. No. of No. of Amount! :• i,-- >tmes - Certificate. Shares. Due. ;v«ocquera«. Leon 318 100 $200.00 ; .. Bpr,vn. A. D 122 7 14 00 '. -£*'T.'\ CLas 227 100 200.00 .. \u25a0:«c; Ron - L *^"ten 588 10 20.00 •\u25a0\u25a0r-.-^S 00 - A C_9 10" 20.00 ... -tonstoßsen, S 004 • 20 40.00 \u25a0 .Vl>.mKherty. Ja* 555 12 2 4.00 :-:;* JT-fu American Bank, .;.-• •• . ,-Tilcdjroe f)00 100 £00,00 «ou«-land. M 3SI 40 SO.OO =-,3a-rtf_. M '. ....Ml- 20 40.U0 ...Jarrin. M 582 20 40 00 v.Jofcnson, 52-S 73 150.0 D - "f, n^ on - M ---- # - 6XO 40 SO.OO .... Melbourne. M. and S 540 10 20.00 ;-.; : fJ«T. J- L 573 10 20.00 . :.;Me.rn, Jobn 93 5 10.00 \u25a0 '. ; H ore *!' J - S2 ' *" »*OO - Mocoel, J 373 J3 oq : . i'JJ* I **!' i 534 60 100.00 : . .Morcel, J 80 60.00 , . Notbohm, L. X 2»4 50 100.00 •.lockwit*. Leo Jr 315 bo 100.00 : Pockwlu. Leo Jr 433 10 20.00 ..VHeulos, A 593 lo • 20.00 - Reulos. A CSO 10 20.00 Fteele. R. E 5C3 , 16' 52.00 II 1 ; w 551 5 100 ° Ana la accordance with the law and an order . W the Board of Directors, made on the 14th day of January. A. 1). 1909. so many of the shares m P ar <*l of said stock as may be necessary will be sold at t_e front door of the principal - ptt'-e of business of the Ocean Snore Railway company at jtBj t8 o ffi CP at No . 52 Eleventh street. ' \u25a0"\u25a0 i?,w c olty an<l °° uot y of San Francisco, state -of . j.-1-romla, on Monday, the Sth day of March. \u25a0 a v -. 1909 - *t 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon of said ..- -<iay, to pay said delinquent assessments upon the stock aforesaid, togvther with the costs of • •.: aqvertisiDg and tfce expenses of Bale. -'. ' I>ated this ISth day of February. A. D. 1000. ' ' i BURKE CORBET. •.-.- \u25a0 Secretary of the Ocean Shore Railway Company. . . Ration of office No. 52 Eleventh street, city -.-.\u25a0 and county vt San Francisco, state of California. .';./ • SUNSET MONARCH OIL COMPANY. .: • •-'Location and place of business, city and county •: : S>f ' Saa Francisco, state of California. ::\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0. J»otiee — There Is delinquent upon the follovr- "-"• i? K described stock, on account of assessment .:. >0.. .. levied on the 7th day oT January. 1903. . - - the 6everal amounts Bet opposite the names of /. the respective share holders, _s follows: .- ..: Names of Certiflcate V; r,Sa*re Holders ' No. Shares Amount fcfter A. F 211 22 $2.<!0 -.'. .-Klhc. Jtihn K. 265 12 1.20 :.."•- And io accordance with iavr and en order of ...tbe Board of Directors mafic on the 7th day of ;.,.a**n*ry, ioa>, ro many shares of each parcel of \u25a0 ; _a?n stock as may be necessary will be sold at \u2666; |rcbJle auction at the office of the company, at ••. £0 Clay street, in the city and county of San . FrancUeo. state of Calif crnia. on Saturday, the ,27th dsy c* February. 1000. at 12 o'clock noon " such <Jr.y, to pay such delinquent assessment .-..•-.•tbereoa. together with cost of advertising and .expenses of tale. > .-" GEO. A. DOUGLASS, Secretary. :"•'. -"-Office of company. 90 Clay ft., city and county '\u25a0• " cj Sun Francisco, state of California. I. TriftE »nni:*l meeting of the stockholders of th« .-\u25a0••\u25a0 .Honolulu plantation cotupaoy will be held on . • ' VVEDNESDAY, Febrnary 24, 1908, at tbe hour .-' . cf 11 o'clock a. m., at tbe office of the com- 2CS Market ft., room 204. for the pur- ;.."-. ' •\u25a0«?» cf electing directors for the ensuing year ;;.•:•! "•:\u25a0-!! for the transaction of such other business ; .• -s may come before the meeting; transfer .'\u25a0'= \u25a0;• books will close on Saturday, 13th day of Feb- - : '.,ruary. I&C9. at 2 o'clock p. m. By order of -.ifce rreiideat. W. J. MATSON. Secretary. ,-..\u25a0•\u25a0 Dated February 10. 1909. -. \u25a0— f- 1 — \u25a0 — ———_————_ .- -.-'THE firm lurftofore existing under the came and :.* •_-r*"«*rle cf Facre & Amour, doing business in the \u25a0i \u25a0: "city and county of San Francisco, Cal., has, y- ''..tliis 23d day cf February, 1909, been dissiolved • . : mutual consent- A. Amour has purchased \u25a0•".•\u25a0-.' the" entire interest of M. Faare in the business •- r " an' 3 vrill pay all debts due by said firm. :" . .. . .. " M. FAURE and A. AMOUR. ' -..CALL BRANCH OFFICE. ICSI Fillaior* st. : - : ;: : 'n^»r Post. ) i'-V£ CITY REAL ESTATE \u25a0 . : SPECK. PASCHEL & CO.. ;..;. :- "--CS Montgomery Ft., Mills bl<3g. .':>.. . INCOMD INWISTMENTS .-' .'557.500 — DMtivafiero transfer corner: 2 large \u25a0 : :'\u25a0 ctores and 12 apartments above; rents ;';' y '; $8,000 per Ensum; lot 106x62:6 ft. . • .S4s.tK>o— S?cond Et. corner: brick building; lot '; ."'• • • fBxSO; leased to 1 very responsible ten- >-.::\u25a0*. " ant; rent $325. ..:'--\u25a0 ,".--,' . ' "" §53,500 — Geary 1 st.; east of Van Ness; modern •:. •\u25a0 ' brick building; store and apartments \u25a0".;.". ; - above; lot 27:6x120 ft.; rents ?210. : v :fiS,5OO— Mason st.. close to Fairmont hotel; ln- \u25a0'.:'' '.'\u25a0". cciae $2,200 yearly; $10,000 mortgage can ..:: ••. remain; 6 modern fiats; lot 2S ft. front- . -5.15.,000-Steuart St.. near Market rt.; 2 story brick building; lot 20 ft. frontage; leased .'. : .' ' st $100 per month. -\u25a0513,500 — 3 Pacific ay. Bats near Polk St.; lot \u25a0:./.. 27:Cxl_7:8U; rents $150. '-•\u25a0 :*12,500 — Unusually well built flats; best loca- ,"'-.\u25a0 t!on; wann : .belt Missicn; 3 new flats; C \u25a0 :.\u25a0"•. • - rooms and bath each; rent $105. ".-"•- 'H_l,ooo— Business property; Mission warm belt; . : : " 2 stores and 4 flats; lot 25x100 rt.; rents $110. . ..: - RESIDENCES .-.' JIS.OOO — Clay Ft. corner; Btrictly modern resl- .'•\u25a0 -."•", . dence, 10 room* and batbs; hardwood \u25a0' ' : '.. floors and eTtry modern convenience; lot ,:.:"- -. ' CixB7 ft. \u25a0 -"..".$7,000 — Paronasdus Heights home; glorious view '•"-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .." ' end fcrroundings; 7 rooms and batb; lot . i ••" . 30x100 ft.; beautiful garden. V.f7.000 — Pacific Height*; Oclavia 6t.. nr. Broa<J- "\u25a0" : vrey; 7 rooms and batb; lot 25x112:0 ft. :• \u25a0;•• -• • • • /:'. "$4,000 — Richmond cottage; 5 rooms and bath; •••.. lot 25x120 ft. :..'•'\u25a0 - . SPECK. PASCHEL & CO.. ». \u25a0;. 22S Montgomery Kt.. Mills bldg. *\u25a0-\u25a0 • THOMAS E. HAYMAN . Suite 1000. First National Bank bldg. . :" Montgomery and Post. Telephone Kearny 1703. -••¥10,600— Three lii_h class new 5-6 room flats --. • near Waller and Clayton Bts., Just fln- . \u25a0"\u25a0'. '" ithpd; must sell at occe. -. 122.500 — Six high class 0 room flats; extra large ...'." . " lot with "L"; building just completed; I..: \u25a0 ne«r Devlsadero st-; rents low at $2,600 < -. pr annum; this is extra well built and - \u25a0 ' worth lnvestlgatlnif. fIG.OOO — Rents low at $2,100 per annum; six klcli riss^ sr'artmfntJ! of 4 rooms each; lot 27:6x137:«>; near Derisadero st. •• |7;000 ca«h; balance $4,000 can remain ; three new high clsxs 5-6 room flats, near Broad- way end Larkio: lot 27:6x100. : •7.000 earn; balance $5,500 can remain; Wash- • " Ington St.. Prwlillo heights; excellent .marine vlpw; lot 32x105; two nevr 6 room H* X ; . flats; all hardwood rented nt Sl.OOO per annum: nothi_g finer In the city. ? .- J7.500 cash; rented lory at $1656 per annum; r\x n*>w high class 4- room flats; Guer- -.. - «"«"o at 224; mortgage of $5,000- can re- . main; extra well built • and a bargain; lot 32 ft. front. •. "53.000 cash; balance $4,600 can remain; two l:lgh clara new flats; 3d ay. and II Et., .". • . Bcawt; cbeaiwst in district. \u25a0• fo.pOO cash; balance $4,700 can remain; three EX_f:-" hlyli class in-w <; i-'^rn fiats; north sid*- " '_-" «f *tr»*t; Aslibnry district. '" ,?3,000 with only one-half cash, will buy two lysfe" • nosrly r.<n- 5-G n-on IIat«; lot 30x137:6; near Kllliprt and Broderick; well built and certainly a bargain. $i 5.500 — fix now hip- class flat*, near Broad- way and Larkin; lot 30x95; rent $2,1C0 l>er annum: may consider offer. $2,500 c-sb; rents $380 per annum; two high fa*W| daw new 5-0 room flats; with cottage at 2d ar. mid H st., • Sunset; full price i* only $7,700; owner in financial dlffi- .': • only reasoa for this sacrifice; b« •• $6,E00 — Two new 5-G room flats; lot 25x105: . n«*nr Derij-adero and Waller: mortgage ol $2.:/jti run remain; $1.000 -less /han cost jajJWI to build; must be sold. - £10.000— Three new 6 room flats, extra well • ... built; kit 1>6x125: at Dolores and 22d: miiKt sell; want offer.- . t:.uOO — Lot l'l:Cxfio *t Pine and Powell; Just tbe thing for a pair of flats. |~HAVE YOU RESTORED I ' . I , YOUR TITLE t | j yoo must do so by july 1, 1909. i 1 mcexebney decrees i ' reasonable. pebfect, guaranteed. Fidelity title restoration co.. inc.. ' J26 MONTGOMERY. ROOMS _10-211-_l2. 1 I TELEPHONE KEARNY 4778. j $2,750 cash; - elegant French flats near park; 1 year old; 10t. 25x100, east frontage;: 5 and 6 \u25a0 'sunny rooms; mortgage . $4,000 <-an rimatn; best tray 1_ tbis cltj. Apply 1410 HaJcht «U SOL GETZ & SONS. Real Estate Dealers. Room G_S Chronicle Bldg. $150 — Lots near Lckeview and cars. $250 — Level Ocean > View and Excelsior home- stead lots; $5-. monUsly. $200 ti> $400— -Near Parkside, new Sloat boule- vard and carlines. ' ,'r , ' Graded lots on 19th, _2d, 23d, 24th and 25th ars. between H, I. J, and li sts.. Sunset dlst. Low prices and easy terms. Richmond heights lots! Point Lobos, _Hth to SCth ays., A To C sts.: view of ocean, park and Spreckt'ls" lake. from $500- up. - $300 and vp — Best OecansSde lots; nny terms. Call for diagrams and ) prices. $1,000 to $3,500 — Modern cottage on easy Oceanside Branch Office, cor. n and 47th ay. Open^Daily and Sundays. SOL GETZ & SONS. OWNERS AND DEALERS, Room 328 Chronicle Bldg. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIS. Only $10,500— Worth $12,500 Rents $110 per month. v _____ ' . - . Lot 25x137:C. •3 beautiful up to date flats. Just completed; 5, 5 and 6 rooms and bsths; all sunny and ex- quMtely finished; imposing front and marble vestibule; arched and beamed ceilings; , large "" finished .concrete basement; . grand marine view, that can not be obstructed; located in choicest par,t of Ashbury Heights, 325 Freder- ick 6t._ near .Clayton; forced partition sale; owner on premises today from 11 to 3. Apply to DAVIDSON &. LEIGH, 14C5 Market st. ' $8,000. 3 flats In Hayes st. near Central ay.; $1,000 cash, balance very easy terms; should you buy-the property the rents vrould pay it off; a great bargain. Apply 1410 Halght st. ~ MISSION DISTRICT ~ $3.000 — Cottage, S rooms and batb, hard fin- ished; corner lot; concrete foundation; 29th s«. close to CUurcli; $1,000 cash, nank mortgage $2,000 can remain. 3. C. HEROLD & CO.. 407 Pine st. * BUILD on your, property! - We furnish plans, . specifications and money for that purpose. Call on us and be convinced. Northern Building Company, 710-11 Humboldt Bank bid?. FOR sale — Up to date residences, large lots, in block facing Golden Gate park and car line; 12th ay. and I Bt., Sunset district. See E. B. HALLHTT. on premises. BUILD vow while prices are at the' bottom; flats, cottages or apartments built, $300 per room. Call at 250 Monadnock building. A — ROOMS papered or tinted, $3 up; painting of every description, whitening, etc.; work guar- anteed. 1544 O'Farrell st. near Webster. $7,750 — Good speculation; 50x1-0; 8 cottages; . street bituminlzed. See owner, 253 4th ay., Richmond. FOR sale — Lots; Sunset district: 255 feet on 44th ay., 120 feet on N st., southwest coraer. O»vn- er, 1223 12th ay. D. HOULE CO., 1362 Eddy— Houses built: small payments cash. bal. mo.: lowest prices. W.SC7S. SNAP — New. artistic pair of fiats: rents for $55; $1.500 cash, bal. mo. Owner. 511 Pacific bldg. YOUR title restored under McEnerney act, $10. GALVIN. 330 Delbert block. 943 Van Ness ay. TWO pood lots for sale, cheap; near Melrose. Address box 4517, Call office. MONEY made daily and Call Want Ads help to make it. Advertise your wants; make them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. An investment, not an expense. For full par- M<iilnr« r»!i<* C»n Want Arf« dallf. « COUNTRY R ISA-. ESTATE WE are about to offer for sale 640 acres in al- falfa, in 5, 10 and 20 acre tracts. The land is situate in toe San Joaquin valley and adjoins tbe railroad depot and a thriving town, with postofflce, school, church, stores, hotel, etc. The land is all checked, leveled, ditched and carries a permanent water right. Price $100 per acre and upward; terms, one-quarter cash, balance in five equal annual payments. Each application for this property will be num- bered; first applicant will have first choice and so on till all the land offered is sub- scribed for. Each applicant will be required to deposit with the Metropolis Trust and Savings Bank of San Francisco 10 per ceiit cf . the . purchase price of his land, subject to withdrawal If, after making examination of the property, the purchaser is not satisfied with bis purchase. The sell Is rich, deep and equal to the best 1n tbe valley. The land has never been offered for sale before. Tbe small investor is offered an opportunity to buy at first cost.v Tbe sur- rounding lands are planted to alfalfa, or- chards, vineyards, vegetables, grain, etc. The land is pood, the water is good, tha climate healthful. Get busy if you want a piece of. tills land. Remember, there Is only C4O acres: and tbe farthest tract is within 10 minutes' walk -of the depot. PLANTERS' LAND COMPANY, 206 Metropolis Bank building. 1 . y SONOMA COUNTY RANCH. $8,000 — YlVt acres 1 mile from Sebastopol; on electric line: freight and paßsenger depot at one corner; paying Gravensteln apple orchard, besides 5 acres of loganberries; fine 2 story bou*e, barn, brooder house and farming Im- plements. Address MRS. J. A. ONG, Sebas- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT / Irrigated Lands . • At \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 Orland, Glenn County, California. Deep, rich, level, sedimentary soils. No hsrd pan. No bedrock No alkali. No floods. - No droughts. -No destructive frosts. Low prices. ' Easy terms. ARMSTRONG. QUATMAN & C 0.- .-227 Montgomery st." \u25a0 GERMANTOWN FARMS GLENN COUNTY 20 acre tracts adjoining German town; best soil in tbe state . fcr alfalfa; berries, fruit and garden truck; $75 per acre, including water; easy terms. PATTEN LAND COMPANY. 601 First National Bank Bldg. HOME SEEKERS. Lectures and stereoptlcon views at 2 p. m. dally on^ehama county in state board of trade rooms, ferry building, embracing tbe project of the Los Molinos Land Company ; tbe largest and most comprehensive irrigated lands proposition In tbe Sacramento valley; a model colony and success of settlers is the alia of this company. For partic- ulars see the agents, BAKER & INNES, 251 Kearny st. rooms 210-211. IRRIGATED farms ; A 1 water, Merced co. ; $75 per cere; $15 cash, bal. 5 years;. free wat*r right; Saturday excursion leaves our ofQce 2:30 p. m.. returns Sunday, , 7 p. m.; round trip ticket.; personally conducted; -Land pro- duces sweet potatoes, alfalfa, early tomatoes, melons, peaches, apricots, almonds etc.; most productive in state. Crocker-Huffman Land and Water Co., Sth floor." Crocker bldg. : WE bave colony land In Sonoma county. We have colony lands in Merced county. We have colony lands in Colusa county. Small fruit and chicken ranches throughout the state on easy terms. Call or write for list J. W. WRIGHT 4; CO., 125 Sutter St. L. W. COFFEE, Mgr. Country Dept. . . CALIFORNIA land; $1 per acre cash payment, balance purchase 90 cents per month per acre; • close San Francisco; -no taxes, no Interest; 5 acre tracts; level, rich, clear, ready to plow, Irrigated; perpetual water right; immediate - possession; particulars, maps, photographs free. STEVENSON COLONY.. 141 4 Market st. S. V. FRUIT, VINE AND ALFLFA LAND; 20 acre . tracts; within 2 miles of Livingston, on S.I P.. JO miles south of Turlock; $75 per acre, with water direct from Crocker-Hoffman canal; easy terms; immediate possession. *— B-H-WM-feAgHM * LIVINGSTON LAND AND COLONY CO., Livingston, Cal." MODESTO IRRIGATED LANDS. - t Free illustrated lectures dally at ' 3 p. ra. on this rich and -productive section of California, state board of trade, ferry building.- For litera- ture and information call on H. 11. WHITMORE, Stanislaus county representative, STATE BOARD OF TRADE, ferry bulldlnp. - $240 a month Income; price $2.900,' -half -cash: 8 acre : poultry.-, ranch ; near Petaluma; '\u25a0' good house, barn;- henhouses, 1,000 ..laying hens, 1,000 chicks hatching, horse, wagon. ' cow, ; In- cubator, : etc' A genuine bargain. -: WELLS 4; BANGS, 300 Chronicle bldg. FREESTONE— For 6ale or exchange; fine 27 room hotel with 1 acre surrounding 1 , or more land if desired: excellent summer i resort, right at: depot of N. W." P. R. R. Address 1. T." WARD, Freestone; Sonoma Co., Cal. > THOUSANDS of chickens; buy a chicken farm on • the Cotatl ranch, near Petaluma ; several hun- dred families already raising thousands. Apply to the COT ATI ? CO.. 310 California «t. . San Francisco.' owners ; of property." " ,,- • V \u25a0 \u25a0 FIVE < and 10 \ acre homes In Alameda county ; rich; level land, with' 2 railroads;- 2 stations on ;- the land; cheap;: $23: down "and $10 per month." > Rich \u25a0 Valley \u25a0 Land Company, 546 \ Market : st * ' G RIDLEY,' Blgjrs and 'Sunset f colonies— Choice' \u25a0 'fruit; alfalfa and orange irrigated land sold on cany term*. For . particulars \ 299 - Monadnock bldg.. 681 Market wt^T. F. A. OBERMEYER.-y FOR hale — (Jmtlewan's country seat; woods,' lake, acreage ; $40,000. \u25a0 Owner,'; box 1981," Call office. , $3.soo— New 7 room, houce. \u25a0\u25a0W- block 18th st.'car i line. :_. W. J. REALTY CO., SOO Market st^ .. \u25a0 \u25a0 --.*\u25a0-\u25a0-..-•.... • :\u25a0;- \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 r -' - •\u25a0-\u0084 THE SAN CALL, WEDNESDAY^ FEBRUARY 24, 1909. COUNTRY REAL : ESTATE— -ContJn-ed ?SoO— s4oo cash ; |20 acres Al orchard land or - chtcken ranch; wood and water; near Sebasto- pol,. Sonoma county. : WELLS &? BANGS, 30C Chronicle building. ' CONTRA COSTA county real estate for sale; send for list. D,> J. WEST. ' Martinea. , Cal. - RANCH bargains— Stock. : grain,- fruit or poultry. C. V. SHIPLKY.-546 Market at., room I."--'" FOR farms, stock j ranches and timber lands see McFAUL & EDWARDS. 330 . Chronicle bldg. MONEY made daily, and Call Want Ads help. to make it.- Advertise your wants;* make; them . known to the public through a Call Want Ad." An investment.: not an expense. : For. full par- \u25a0 tionlor^ rewd rwn.xVjint Afa daliT.- <r > ' -"' REAIi ESTATE TO EXCHAXOE . DANDY s•' room cottage; up to - date; i plas- tered, paneled; wrlls tinted; ' one block to sebool: and care. " Price cut t0' 52,200. Will \u0084 accept lot :as « first • payment." CENTRAL REALTY CO.. 2712 \u25a0 Fruttvale , ay.,- Frultvale. , CALL at our office and look over. exchange list; improved farms to exchange " for city or Oak- land property. .. McFAUL & EDWARDS, 327 Chronicle building. TO EXCHANGE .~~~~ Lots, cottages, flats and business property In Oakland, to exchange. What have you? D. F. MINNEY. 423 11th Et., Oakland. GOOD, colonial, 0 room house; large 10t,'.'!4x174; chicken house, etc.: will exchange for ranch. , W. E." JOHNSON.. 232- San Pablo aT.. Oakland. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore st. near Post. . ' ', •'\u25a0\u25a0-; - \u25a0 \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0 : _ SA>' RAFAEIiItEAIi 1 ESTATE _ WE make a specialty of homes in Rons, San Anselmo ami San Rafael. Consult -us before buying or renting either, improved or unim- proved property, large or small.' ; ' E. E. HOFF & CO.. 007 4th St.. San Rafael. Cnl. SAXTA ROSA HEAL ESTATE WRITE for . list of income bearing ranches to James H. Pray.' Santa P.osa. Cal. SAXTA CRUZ REAL ESTATE "' . '. HOMES, investments, lots, ranches, acre proper- tlew. BROWN & WILSON. Santa Cruz. Cal. LARKSPUR REAL ESTATE FOR sale at a sacrifice— a beautiful cottage: Just built; 5 rooms, bath. J. DONNOLLY, Lark- spiir. ' ..-\u25a0\u25a0•- PROPERTY WASTED WANTED— Lots between H and J sts.. Sunset \u25a0 district; our client will pay. cash; prices must be reasonable. J. W. WRIGHT & CO., 125 and 127 Sutter gt. f . ..-.-•\u25a0:.\u25a0 .^ OAKLAND ALAHEDA B_RKH_Y f RUITVALE v^ m • . . _ '-\u25a0'\u25a0- \u25a0 '-- "'•• EMPIiOYaTEXT OFFICES JAPANESE Emp. and House Cleaning Co., 537 Clay »t.: tel. Oakland 1384. Home A 2448. SPECIAIi NOTICES PHONE your wants to Baldwin, Oakland 3953. General repair shop; guns and motorcycles for trade or sale; rooms and board; meals at all hours: short orders. 1221 Frnnklln St.. OnV?, MISCEIiIiAXEOUS AVAXTS HIGHEST price for good castoff " men's clothes and shoes. R34 W«3h.: tel. Oakland 0793. FLATS To' LET— Berkeley FOR RENT— S32.SO; G room flat over store; den- tist's office; North Berkeley. For rent — $22.50; 5 room flat; North Berke- ley. Apply U. J. SQUIRES CO., 2100 Vine St.. Berkeley. -- ' \u25a0 \u25a0• -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . ".i FRUITVALE ar., 2017— Cottage: 5 large rooms, h«th. hasement. gas: on car line; S2O. - HOUSES I WAXTEP WANTED — A furnished house of 4 rooms In Oakland, Berkeley or Alameda; references ex- chanced. Box 306. Call office. ROOMS TO LET — Oakland XEAT, sunny room In private family; newly and .\u25a0 recently furnished; gas, electricity, privilege of batb and phone and on carilne; rent reasonable. This room must be seen to be appreciated. Address 1527 Telegraph ay,, Oakland. HOTEL ST. PAUL, 523 12th st. coru»r Clay- Rooms 50c a day up; $2.00 week np; special rate by the mouth; open all night. -,- JEFFERSON St., 917. between Bth and Bth, Oakland — A Funny house keeping room snlt- able for bachelor; 2 minutes' walk to 7tb nnd Broadway S. P. depot. 3TH St., SIS, near Jefferson — Grand, snnny fur- nished room, $S: cozy single room, with large clothes closet, $7; gas and bath free;-*no stairs; convenient to business center. . THE Oakland Branch of The Call Is at *4C3 Eleventh st. near Broadway. Phones Sunset Oakland 1083. Home A 2375. OAKLAXD HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS ALICE st., 1317 — 1 sunny large room, suitable for 2," with privilege of light house keeping; use of batb. laundry, large yard and phone; close to center of town and S. P. locals; rent reasonable. Phone 0257. • TWO or more unfurnished .bay window house keeping rooms in East Oakland; fine location; tear car line and S. P. local and walking dis- tance to Broadway. Call 540 3Sth Bt., or phone A 3078. THREE. furnished house keeping rooms; rent $10 per month; near Key Ronte. 607 Sycamore st. 17TH st., sCs— Snnny rooms ' in private family; running water, bath and laundry; house keep- \u25a0 ing privileges; very central; rent reasonable. THE Oakland Branch of ' The Call is-at 463 Eleventh st. near Broadway. Phones Sunset Oakland 10S3. Home .A 2378. \u25a0 ROOMS AXD BOARD— Berkeley FIRST . CLASS board and room for businessman in private family; home privileges; near cars and trains. 2444 Ashby, east Telegraph; phone Berkeley ."IS.'. \u25a0 - - ROOMS AXD BOARD— Oakland '"\u25a0 MARKET St.. 1406— Furnished room and board in private family, near Key Route and within walking distance of town. \u25a0 \u25a0 FURNITURE FOUSALB LOOKING GLASS, about 5x7 feet, price $05, Just half price, this week; you may have seen .them at i our store; hundreds of mirrors . for house and bathrooms; all go at hq lf price at our fur- niture sale. 11. SCHELLHAAS, entrance 11th and- Franklin h(s.. Osklnnci. - \u25a0 CARPET CIiEAXIXG MATHEWSON'S Carpet Beating Works— Carpet laying, uphols.; mattress making, feather ren. 315 E. 12th St.." Oak. Merrltt 505. Home 81655 HOUSE MOVERS V HE^DE^lS^Nr_rCoVEY— Sl_{slngrshorhig brfek or wood buildings, lintel raising, etc. .481 22d st. Oakland 2C57. Home ASISS. . ANTIQUE FURNITURE XE OLDE CURIOSITIE SHOPPE— Mahog. tables, " chairs, bureaus, • desks, davenports \u25a0 and \u25a0 curios -bought and sold. Cor. 7th and Brush. Oakland. TRUNKS SUIT CASES and bags, pocketbooks,' purses and deg collars at Oakland Trunk Mfg.- Repairing \u25a0 a, specialty. : 50 San Pablo ay. opp. 'lsth St.- THE Oakland Branch of ; : The \u25a0 Call : is at 468 Eleventh st. near Broadway. Phones : Sunset Oakland 1083. Home A 2375. age iv axd moving vans __ bekins,; \u25a0 Of Course. \u25a0'.'? .:' j, '-: 1070, Broadway; near ; 12th St.- ~ roofing: ANY kind of roofs repaired- or painted." A lIIL- MAN. » SOB East \u25a0 12th - st. Phone Merrltt 450. : ._''\u25a0•'-: : ' MAXWELL /runabout,-"' thoroughly >V ovehauled; •fully -guaranteed; .a bargain. \u25a0;\u25a0 The Maxwell - ' Agency.- l. r >s » l2th st.i ! Oak.'. \u25a0 'A."--- C. • Hull prop.: JBWRITER: S : NEW and ; second 5 hand ? typewriters \ bought c and \u25a0-\u25a0 sold, rented, '"repaired, a* guaranteed. \u25a0'-- SMITH : . BROS., * 402 : 13 th st.l Phone -' Oakland i 12... ;. GEO. E. MERRY— Smith Premier.' agent;:'all -makes : repaired."-" 878 «- Broadway. •: Oakland. ''\u25a0\u25a0'-_.\u25a0• \u25a0-• --.^\u25a0-sanitarium's;/: : " : .'.-V.."; PRIVATE , home ; for r con_nement ; adoptions; best ; of care.ri 1303 Market st.'.^ Oakland. : '\u25a0 ; . ; -.;. j ;;;; r _;; RUPTUReTcURED ; ! .•* : "TALKS ON; RUPTURE.'l" by ; Prof. ! Pierce;' Just I \u25a0 Issued;' PIERCE & SON,*l4l7i Chest- '\u25a0-> nut \u25a0 st.": 'Alameda. Phone . Alameda - 1780. -i \u25a0 \u25a0 = * ZA^QA^&^MKSVK^HAIX^^t^A^O^M^ ;;lng.fPhone Oakland; 1431.^ ;,- • —•__.„ \u0084. OAKLAND ALAME.U BERKELEY f RUITVALE ————— _— —_—'\u25a0—\u25a0———————— —————\u25a0—•________^ \u25a0^' : OAKIiAJVD RE Al. ESTATE : ".\u25a0'.-: FORCED 'TO - SELL. \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0'.: . .--\u25a0- : ; $2,500 — A brand new;. bungalow on a good sized f -lot In Santa Fe tract; $1,000 cash, la very easy monthly: payments, s will .buy- this ' little home; very | large, .; artistic and com- plete and more; spacious than. the ordinary' . 0 room cottage. . r ' ' .... •" '-(14) OWNER NEEDS MONEY. , - $3,000 — So Is sacrificing his; little home on sSth St., near Grove st. : car line and only 3 blocks to the Key; Route ; station. :f This t cottage: contains 5 large sunny rooms and Is .on a llost s 32:8 , by ; 100; terms- $1,200 flown, balance either .oir mortgage or easy, monthly payments. -.!- \u25a0 (13) . PIEDMONT RESIDENCE SACRIFICE. 57,500^ — A v fine, modern- 2.: story ,home in' Oa- k land's most select residential' section, con- taining 8 large. : sunny . : rooms, situated on" a fine terraced Hot ; and 'commanding, an unobstructed view -of the bay and moun- ' tains;: beautiful - surroundings. /- For - full particulars don't r fall to see us. " : -20 PER CENT ON TnE INVESTMENT ? 4,ooo— Pair of ; flats near Telegraph ar.' . and Key Route station; on large lot, having a western exposure; each flat,- contains 5. large rooms and lirinp.s In an Income of 20 per cent net. If you are looking . for a first class investment \u25a0be sure to: In- vestigate this at ouee, as it will not last long. \u25a0 ' \u25a0», • r: -: FINE CORNER FLATS. "\ $G,ooo— Palr"of 5 and C • room, flats on .a fine northeast corner lot, 57x63. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 These flats are well finished, having hardwood- floors, beamed celling and ;.; paneled walls; ar- tistic electrical fixtures; -garage, in rear.' In regard to termsUsee ' • nOLCOMB REALTY CO.. INC. , . (INVESTORS ,OF CAPITAL) ' ' .:. .308. San- Pablo -av.; ; Oakland, Cal. FOR sale B or S exchange^-Magniflcently located * large lot, 50x150; best built 2 story house; with 1 7 foot full sized basement; Swiss chalet style; large living room, open ; fireplace, cove celling, high- paneling with stein shelf, window seat, bookcase and magnificent view, of Oakland and bay; large dining- room, open! fireplace, fluish same as living room ;• large \u25a0 kitchen and pan- try, with cooling \u25a0 closet; > Btoreroonr and toilet • fine large reception hall; with beautiful open staircase; second story has 3 large bedroom», each has large closet, bathroom and toilet sep- arate, and large sleeping porch ; stable or garage, 14x24; fruit trees and garden; all street and sidewalk work- done; a" splendid home for some one;-at a bargain; see this and make an offer. 209 East Oafc-st., bet. Peralta ay. and Prospect st. ; take 4th ay.'cars. . -, 15 % NET— BUI' IN OAKLAND— IS % NET. New sunny. apartment flats, right In town; with all latest modern equipments; 1 built by day's work; fully occupied and leased long before com- pletion' to local prominent . businessmen; this choice • property pays: 15 per, and Is .lo- cated near the new $2,000,000 Bankers' hotel and in the center of Oakland's marvelous growth and improvements; In less -than 5 years the lot will be worth the present cost of improvements and lot; will sell for cash or terms. For further par- ticulars see R. J. PA VERT, owner, practical, ex- perienced builder and architectural designer; of- fice, rooms 21 and 22, . 1015^, Broadway;, hours,' 2 to 3 p. m. \u25a0 1 . ; "• . . ... PIEDMONT PROPERTY . Desirable lot, 89x110 feet, near Oakland ar. car- line and short distance from Piedmont, station; '\u25a0 near corner of Howard ay. and -Nace St.; for : tale at a sacrifice sized lots in same block being held at $1,305 and upward. -Will cell this lot for $1,150 on terms as follows: • $450 cash and balance in monthly, payments of $25, including interest. Owner, box 444, Call of flee, San Francisco. BEAUTIFUL view and a cozy cottage are a fine but rare combination: we have one of 5 large rooms and up to date ' for $750 cash, j balance , monthly; handy to Key Route and cars; price $n,600. LUTTRELL & CO.. 10C7 Broadway. RENT payer, listen! $100 down. $20 per month will buy a $1,400 4 room cottage; street work, sidewalks in. Address 1420 Broadway, Oakland ; HOMES on monthly payments; banking interest; we will build or buy you a home. '\u25a0\u25a0, Pacific Home Bnildins. Co..- 952 Broadway. Oakland. THE Oakland Branch of The Call Is at 408 Elev- enth st. near Broadway. Phones Sunset. Oak- land '10S3. Home A237.~>. . BERKELEY REAIi ESTATE FOR sale— s3,ooo; 2 cottages on 1 lot; 1 5 rooms, .the other 3 rooms; lot 35x102 ft.; an ideal location; 102 ft. east of Sliat luck; must be seen to be appreciated.' For ' home or in- vestment. Apply to owner, MRS.- J.DIEHL, 1624 ililvla st., Berkeley, Cal. Phone Berke- "ley 3322..' r >..-•. .- .\u25a0:\u25a0...-\u25a0. -«: : --'i THE Oakland branch of The Call 1s at 468 Elev. - enth «t.; near -Broadway. Phones Sunset Oak- land 10S3. Home ASS 7. - FRUITVALE REAL ESTATE BID ON A FRUITVALE LOT. ' 40 feet front, highest point; all Improvements; on Foothill boulevard, in Stelnway terrace, on Aqua Vista' st. opp. Railroad a y., with trees on; price. $712.50; I have paid $225 on the lot. but need ready cash, so make me a bid -by Saturday, the 20th. on $225 which I. bave paid, paying balance at $10 per month to owner: lot will go to highest bidder. W. R. WEB& Republican office, Fres- no. Cal.: tel. Main 220. inn Oakland Branch of The Call- Is at - 168 Eleventh Et. near Broadway. Phones Sunset O.ikinnd ifIRS. Tlome A 2375. =:s: s •\u25a0\u25a0- -i.^-.-v DO YOU WANT to buy or sell » a lot or A HOMB IN ALAMEDA! L-.W. McGLAUFLIN.. Sl?n of the checker board, f ' .Citizen's Bank building. Phone — Office; Alameda 1G59; Home. Alameda 810. COZY bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, laundry, pantry and outbuilding; 15 fruit trees; lot 49:6x155; beautiful neighborhood; ; nr. Park st. : station. Call at 1144 Regent St., narrow gauge. The Oakland Branch " of The Call Is at 463 Eleventh . st. neor . Broadway. Phones Sunset Oakland 1083. Home A 2375. : . - HE AL^ESTATE^TO^EX HSj^SJS, OAKLAND and Berkeley real estate of all kinds and rooming : houses to exchange for country " property. Write or see me for good exchanges. J. IT. EPSON. IQfiS Broadway. Oakland. IVEAVS OV THE ; OCEAN ' .: Exports for: Honolulu - The steamer Alameda, sailed for Honolulu era Saturday with cargo valued at $105,950 and in- cluding the. following: ; l4o bbls f10ur,' 20,840 lbs ma1t,:8,350 lbs salt, 10,000 lbs bran. 20,944 lbs beans, 1,714 lbs garvanzas, 265 lbs peas; 381 ctls barley, 15,728 lbs and 68 cs meals,' 1,165 cs canned g00d5, : 25,870 lbs^ butter, 7,638 lbs and, 7 cs cheese, '45 cs eggs, 4,6f1t0 lbs nnd •20 pkgs dried fruit,~4oo lbs raisins, 25,603 lbs lard; 2,007 lbs nnd 2 pkgs. nuts, 1,837. pkgs fresh fruits, 1,133 pkgs potatoes, 182 pkgs onions," 102 pkgs vegetables, ' 2.C00 lbs garlic, 15,150 v lbs ' * fresh meat, 500 lbs and 2 cs fresh fish. «,003 - lbs and 18 cs dressed poultry, 4,327- lbs dried fish, 10,358 .lbs and 117 cs bread, 14,600 lbs codfish, 63 bbls 15 hf bbls and- 3 .tierces salmon, 4,384 lbs and 41 cs candy, 1,604 lbs and 7 cs: chocolate, 01 cs coffee, 4,261 lbs tea, 14,553 gals , and 20 cs wine, 138 gals and 103 \u25a0cs whisky, 25 cs ver- mouth. 1,300 gals spirits, \u25a020 cs champagne, IGS pkgs : beer, 52 gsls alcohol, - C.546 ft lumber, 35 rolls roofing, 25 bbls tar, 192 pkgs . paints, . 187 bdls and 51 pcs pipe, 150 bdls metal laths, 177 bdls - and •* 70 pcs steel ; and - 1r0n, ., 15 pkgs • ma- chinery, 864 -lbs opium, 70 pkgs drugs, -3,800 lbs tin plate, 673 lbs copper, 22 pkg»' bicycles, 5 au- tomobiles i and " 12 cs f parts, *12 - pkgs acid, -94\u25a0 cs soap, 68 ' pkgs : wagon material, 9 pkgs ' agricul- tural implements. \u25a0• 2,800 ' bricks,: 15 'col ls rope,' 75 pkgs electrical goods." 1C cyls gas, -788 lbs seeds, 275 cs and 20 bbls oils; CG bdls oars, 228 cs car- tridges, 6,000 lbs tobacco, 13 cs cigars and cigar- ettes, 32 .- cs hats. 148 pkgs 1 dry goods, ." 63 cs boots 'and shoes. 28 rolls and , I .; cs ; leather, ' 15 pkgs saddlery. 2+ pkgs rubber goods, 150 pkgs tank material, -457 lbs wax. v \u25a0 The ; steamer ; also had ' $7,550 In gold and $2,950 in silver coin;.- \u25a0 .: '. Tonnasc EnKiiKCinenU ; ; - The British C ship Marlborough ' mills char- tered, for 5 lumber; from Pujret sound i. to JValpa-" ralso direct ' at 40s, and . the barkentlne Georglna, on Puget. sound, :1s engaged^ for .the same busi- ness thence to a direct nitrate port at < 38s. - ' The barkcntlne- Good', News, "which; made. port from,- Puget sound '.on 1 Monday, was chartered prior ; to . arrival f for " ; asphaltum .' from here •to New-York at $5.25. -" '\u0084 .Notice to': Mariners ;, San \u25a0 Francisco ' entrance I (List of Lights,^ Bnoys and Daymarks.; Pacific s coast, . -1908, page 22)— Notice sls - hereby j given ; that • four : fathom bank west end buoy - No.; 1,: a black flrstclass can, re-" ported adrift February > 20,' i was replaced ; Febru- ary; 23, • 1909.' -"\u25a0-' \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0 '--"\u25a0', ' -'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0„- ' R. -\u25a0 F. - LOPEZ, Commander, . U. S. N. . ' A Kent McKenzlc of Seattle \u25a0 Resigns " (SEATTLE," Feb.- 5 23.'— D.'McKenzie; for three 1 years * general v agent • for \u25a0 the • Pa- cific '.Coast steamship /'company,*', has tendered* his ; resignation ; to, ta^e, effect March q n.'.^ He" will -be ; succeeded by E C. Ward ,of .San - Francisco, v who -has been V; associated - .with - the 1 Harriman steamship ..lines." , >< : ..^ .' v: *, / "ROB '-- MEXICAN" , POSTOFFICE— San Diego Feb. 23.^-Robbers last • night : entered I the ! govern- ment * postof flee J at i Tla s JuaniC^; just ? across s the line sj in ? and t secured 3 51,400 ?In - Mexican currencyjjesides a' lsrpe quantity; of stamps.; The safe ; was not \u25a0' "blown. V-i which? leads ; to I the ' be- lief i that .. the i thieves ; were | eitlier I persons \u25a0 who lat some "time ;had : lfnrnpd : the ' Ci>mblnatlon for j that the • saf ft i was . loft - unlocked by ; Postmaster VAn- gulo.- , This, he denies.; ..."_. ' : '"-'.>V-'t ',-\u25a0-- : • : J JAPANESE i IS ' DROWNED^-Sallnas, ; Feb; : 23. : A" sailboat containing; throe f Japanese I capslied on the j Salinas •> river 3. yesterday.-: One " of : the \u25a0 Jaaa. tese,- A. Sato, was drowned. •-.••- **\u25a0 -.--.'- . *-„ ES|RTHS, -MARRIAGES, DE3ATHS >' Birth, marriage and death notices sent* by mall will ''not be inserted. They must be banded l , n at elther;of the \u25a0 publication offices and be Indorsed with^ the name ' and residence of- persons author- ized !,to .have . the same! published. Notices .re- 1 strlcted simply to the announcement of : the. event j are published once In. this .column free t of , charge. | MARRIAGE^ LICENSES j The following marriage licenses .were Issued in I San : Francisco -Tuesday, . February ; 23, 1909: ; BONINI-^GRASSI— Luljti Bonlni, \u25a0 31, Stege, and . Virginia Grassl, 21,' Tiburon.'.- ;•''.{ BORLAND— MCCARTHY— WiIIiam J; Borland. ."23, •; and' Annie .McCarthy, 24... both of 1757 ... .Union Bt. ' r ,.\u25a0', ,--.-;; • BRUCE-^DE " REVERE— Jonas H. , Bruce. 42, 1256. G01den Gate ; ave., and. Anna de Revere, ' -31, 1254 Golden- Gate; ave. :/ COMISKY— DALY— Hugh Comisky, 21, 252 East *f St.- and Kitty Daly, 18, 3390 San Jose aye. COONTZ— RITCHIE— MerriII M. Coonta. 23, 7G7 Capp .st., and Esther.' L. Ritchie, 18, Salem, ;:' Orteon-.'ff-y.:,/- CROWLEY— KELLY— DanieI McL. Crowley, 33, Hotel Jefferson, and Lucille I. Kelly, 18, llo- \ tel ; Arlington." • DEZURICK— MAY— MiciiaeI A. Deznrlck; 28, and Anna H. May, --IS, both of 230 Scott st. GOSLINER— SCHWARTZ— Arthur Gosliner, 30, 1021 Devlsadero St., and Roselie Schwartz, 21, ,1726 Sutter st. » '\u0084 _" .\u25a0; HARRIS— KENNEDY— Grover Harris, 24.V and Alta : Kennedy, 24, both of 1440 Market St.. HAWKINS— COLLINS— Edward C. Hawkins, 21. ; and ; May Collins, 21, -both of .10(50 Kentucky -..street.; .•--<, ;" - '.-'.'".\u25a0' .... "\u25a0 •. . .v. v " LIEBES— BROWN— Benjamin Llebes. 21, 1314 ? Pacific ' ave., and Hilda A. Brown, 18." 1400 r*i Sutter. St. V 1. •_ MARX— EDWARDS— George Marx, 21r-Los An- .- geles;, and : Mary B . Edwards, 18, _Wheatland. MINDHAM— FLOOD— John T. Mindham, 21. 354 Athens St., and Nellie F., Flood. IS, 355 :; Dorest. . ... . - \u25a0•'••:\u25a0 NEWMAN— LADEWIG— WiIIiam A. Newman^ . -1, and Adrlenne I^adewig, IS, both of 130 'Dolores" st. NEWMAN^- YON SCHONHDEB— KarI C.; A. . Newraan, 37/54 Delaware aye., and Rosa 11. Yon Scho-uueb, 34, 2715 Sacramento. st. PERDUE— WIENHOLZ— John vR. Perdue, 22, \u25a0Hotel Irwln, and Genevieve R. Wienholr, IS, t. 533 Rlchland aye. POWERS— RADFORD— Thomas' J. Powers, 21. 110 .- Fair , Oaks .St., and Lilian . Radford, 18, '\u25a0'. 2553 Folsom st. - - . ' . \u0084'" SMITH— ROGERS— Lara A. . Smith, 34, Regent hotel, and Gladys L. Rogers, IS, 1821 Polk : street. '"<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0} r.-.^v •\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•'\u25a0 ;\u25a0/-,.- '.*v v -"..i Oakland, Feb. 23.— The following, marriage licenses were issued today: . - ALLEN— HAYES— James A: Allen, '24.. and ' Anna: G.- Hayes, 24, both of. San Francisco. CAGNEY— RANDOLPH— CIarence Cagney. 22. Holllster, and Grace j Randolph, - IS, - Oakland. EOMURIAN— TEYENIAN— Dickson Eomurian, 29, and Makrouhe Teyenlan, 20, both of . Oak- land/ , JAMES— COTTON— WaIter L.: James. 23, Duns- muir, and Eunice M. Cotton, 20, Point Rich- / mond. - \u0084 •-.- LE CLERE— SULLIVAN— Rene le Clere, 35, and ' Julia Sullivan, 30, both of San Jose. MODDO— KRATT— Frank Moddo, 26, and Olga Kratt,' 22,; both of Oakland. NOLAN— SMITH— Dennis C. Nolan, 22, Oak- -land, and Rebecca Smith, 21,- College City. SPENCE— TOOMBS— Harvey Spence,* 28, and Agnes E. Toombs,* 24, both of Alameda. MARRIAGES ASHER— KIERVE— In this city, January 27, 1909, bysthe Rev. Dr. J. Nleto, Max K. Asher > and -Lillian, Bertha Kierve. - \u25a0' COVELL— JOHNSON— In Elmhurst, Cal., Feb- rnary 21. ,1909, by the Rev. J.. P. Gerrior, Marcus V. Covell of Elmhurst and Jessie B. Johnson of Santa Barbara. t GANS— GUCKENHEIMER— In this city, Feb- ruary , _1, 1909, . by : the Rev. Dr. J. Nleto, Leo Gans and Clara Guctenbelmer. . LAMAR— HUGHES— In this city, February 26, 1909, at the Church: of the Nazarene, by the Rev. C. W. Welts, Albert E.: Lamar and Estella-F.. Hughes, both of San Francisco. LOEB— KAUN—In this city, January 24, 1909, by the -Rev.. Dr. J. Nleto, Joseph Philip Loeb , and , Amy ; Cordelia Kahn. ROSS— LEVY— In this city, February 7, 1909, by the Rev. Dr. J. Nieto, WUllam W. Ross and May Edith Levy.. SLOSS— ESBERG— In this , city, • February 8, 1909, Vby the Rev. Dr. J» Nleto, Joseph Sloss ; and Edith Esberg. : , DEATHS Ah Xl ..9 Meneln, Francois J. 49 Anderson,Capt.G.M.'4o Nemeck, John A 40 Broderlck, Nona .. 31 O'Connor. Alicia M.. — Bruns," Edward ...32 Perrey, Leon ..."....78 Chapman. Lillian.. — Itamon, Anselum. . . . 76 Clancy, T. J..(Mass) Rahwyler, Bertha... 40 Coleman, Mrs.M.M. — : Rivers' ....... (Infant) Courtney, Julia ...27 Schulz, Louise* ...... 73 Delaporte, A. G... 83 Scrufre.. George. .... 48 Doherty, Catherine. — Shanahan. Margaret. 9 Dowllng, Thos. A.. — Smith, Lizzie A..;. — Elliott,- Evelyn E... — Smith, Gabrlella 71 Fllnn, Patrick ' T. . SO Sullivan. E. J. ..... 33 Flynn, Ann Jane... 27 Sylvester, \u25a0 Emma ..1 42 Gianninl, L.r. (lnfant) Trespaille, Martin.. 68 Holbrook, Chas. U. — Villalobos, Thos 74 Hons, Wm. J. A:. 30 Yon Helms. Kate. .. 63 Johnson, David ... 14 Ware, -Anna M..... 45 Keogan, Katherine.— White, . John \u25a0 . . . .'; .;— Le Seur, George.. 44 Werren, Ella ......41 Luhrmann, B. ....44 Wood, Benjamin ...88 Lyons, James .....28 Woods, Hannah ....22 Martin, Mary A.. 74 AH Kl— ln the city and county • hospital, Feb- ruary 21, 1909, Ah Xl, a native of California, I . aged 0 years. ANDERSON— In this city, February 22,- 1909, at his late residence, 265 Jersey street. Cap- tain George -M. Anderson, beloved husband of . Emma , Anderson, a native of Sweden, aged ; 4G years 8 months and 18 days. A member of Master Mariners'. Benevolent - association and Mission lodge No." IG9.F. & A. M. ... Friends ; and acquaintances are respectfully • invited to ' attend the . funeral Friday, - Febru- , ary. 20,': 1909,^ at -2 > o'clock p. m.. from Mls- . . slon Masonic temple, 2GGB Mission street ; be- . twecn Twenty-second \u25a0 and .Twenty-third, un- der the auspices of Mission lodge No. IG9, F. & A. M. Interment Woodlawn cemetery, by 1 electric i funeral . car ' from Twenty-eighth \u25a0\u25a0. and Valencia streets. - " .' '; BRODERICK— In t this ' city. ' February 21. 1909, \u25a0'. Nona, beloved wife of Kugcno.C. Broderlck, beloved \u25a0 daughter of the late Thomas and; H- o' nora McKeaguc, ' and beloved sister of Mrs. ' Joseph -C. Casey, Mrs. Thomas Mcßride and the late ; Mrs. Frank C. Dowllng and P. C. ; McKeague, ; a : native vof San Francisco, Cal., aged 31 years. '.'.:;. t - Friends .* and - - acquaintances are .. respect- fully .. Invited to attend the . funeral ' today (Wednesday), February 24, y 1909. at 9:30 .:, a. m.," from her late residence, 3663 Seven- . tcenth .street, thence to -Mission Dolores :- church, where a requiem ; high \u25a0 mass will be \u0084; ; celebrated for ; . the' repose' of her soul, com- . mencing at 10 o'clock a. •\u25a0 m. ' Interment Holy Cross \u25a0 cemetery,' ; by electric funeral . car from } . Thirteenth /and ' Mission streets. . :.' '- SRUNB— In this city, February- 22. 1909. Ed- : .- ward,; beloved son of J'ohann and Meta Bruns of 3 Germany, : and \u25a0- devoted \u25a0" brother . oorf r Her- man, '-; Charles ;H.,\ William, Henry and Julius ..^Bruns :- of - San Francisco, •.: Mrs. \u25a0•\u25a0 Kellper and John Bruns of New York and Albert ISruns of Germany, a. native of. Germany, aged 32 years. < A member of the Hannoveraner vereln. ! . :• \u25a0 Friends ;' and . acquaintances ; are . respectfully Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thurs- day), at 2 p. . m., from the parlors ' of H:' F. Suhr & \u25a0'\u25a0 Co., - 2919 - Mission : street between . Twenty-flf th and -, TTcenty-stxth. Incineration I." ,0. . O. -F.!. crematory. \u25a0 • ' :; • CHAPMAN— In - Oakland, Cal., : February 23, ' n 1909, \u25a0 Lillian M., . beloved wife of M . \u25a0C . Chap- ' man, ' and « mother.; of - Melvin; C Chapman \u25a0 Jr. Friends ' and : acquaintances are . respectfully \u25a0 Invite*' to' attend; the funeral services "this .• .. (Wednesday) v,- afternoon, : February ' 24," 1909." - at' l:3o o'clock, at her late 'home,' B7 Montecito avenue, 4 Vernon ; Heights, \u25a0; Oakland, y Interment ..private." ; ' CLANCY—A", month's : . mind " anniversary requiem \u25a0 high : mass ' for • the \u25a0' soul ; of ! , the ) late l Thomas \u25a0-" J. r Clancy : will •be celebrated tomorrow (Thurs- day),, at 9 o'clock/- IQ Mission Dolores church.' COLEMAN— In this city; February 21, 1909. Mrs." ' : M.-'.' M. ••' Coleman,'--.' beloved i mother •• of ' 'Minnie '; Fortune . and ? the . late ; Gus -.• Coleman, grand- .' mother of : Marian ; Coleman, : and sister of the late Mary Morris, a. native 'of ; Ireland." The funeral will take place today ( Wednes- day), v - Februarys 24; ; - at t 9 :a. -m.,-*from the . parlors of McGinn Brothers,' 182 C rEddy,, street, i thence to St/i Ignatius church,] where a solemn '; : requiem ; mass will . be celebrated for , the '\u25a0 repose ':•\u25a0\u25a0 of ; her • soul,*' commencing at , 9 :30 . a."; m.': Inter- T. ment < Holy/ Cross : cemeterr.^S'.^ff i\|HH THIU Brf COTJRTNEY— In this Tclty, I February .. 23, 1909, 1 ; :\u25a0 Julia; ?. beloved (wife sof ' Cornelhis. Courtney, =; \u25a0 and . mother - of ." Leonard '\u25a0:, B.; \u25a0 Marion - F. • and \u25a0 Edward . \u25a0: C. : . Courtney," a ;; native '. of • County . Kerry, i Ireland," aged i 27 years. ' ': . ' v'7 ! ;. The « funeral '.'\u25a0• will s - ± take ;place: tomorrow "1 (Thursday)?, at s 9:15 , o'clock \u25a0 a.", ra.; from : her '\u25a0 '\u25a0-:'-. late << residence, ,'349, '349 '\u25a0' Preclta '-; avenue. :i thence ' to \u25a0 St . ' Peter's church/;, where a 5 requiem ; hl(th 1 mass : will ) be | celebrated ] for'; the,; repose', of Jher > soul.'t commencing aat i 9 :45< o'clock Via." .m.' In- .'{ terment « Holy* Cross; cemetery. "-•.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0: '-_\u25a0 \u25a0 ' ' DELAPORTE— In ? this ? city, I February ; 23, 1909, \u25a0~3 Andre Gustave ": Delaporte;> beloved .husband of '''\u25a0 the? late "Marled Louise'^ Delaporte. l^; and c,'be- . loved i father - of ] Camllle; > Ernest, i George, Ed- ward, -Alfred 5 and '• Louise :Delsporte,i- a native -li'of . Paris, j France,^ aged 83 years and 3 months. private." v\" v_ - : ' DOHERTY— lnlipakiand, c Cal.V; .•': February 23, T " 1909. i Catherine iM.'i Doherty.- beloved 'sister of \u25a0> Cbarles • F.T- Daly ' of i Portland,.' Ore.;j a • native \u25a0:\u25a0;> nf t Ireland jjßßpfljfllj \u25a0.*-"•-"_\u25a0\u25a0• DOWLINQ— In ;.i this (city,- February \u25a0 _2,-1909/ "•"Thomas • AY.i dearly j- beloved • husband * of ' Ger- : Strode .- Dowling,'^ father ; of \u25a0; Mary j Dowllng, r and . tfoUier '- of • John,". Mary^-Agnea- and Irene I Dowlins. Mrs. D. C. Ileger and Mrs. F. \u25a0 Dreishmeyer. a na tire of Nerada'county. Cal. i • >-'. friends are respectfully - inTited • to at- tend the funeral- today (Wednesday). Febru- ary 24, M00D, at 9:30 o'clock; a. m., from hla late 'residence, 9o' Scott; street, thence .to- Sa- ; cred : Ileart church, where • a requiem mass will be : celebrated for the repose of j hla soul, coinmenclns at 10 o'clock. Interment (private) Uoly Cress cemetery. , " y ;£_. ' San Francisco council r No. 613, Kniphts of . Columbus—The members of • this couacll will plt-ase - assemble at Sacred Ileart church, .Fell and Fillmore streets, this (Wednesday) morning. February 24. liiOO, at 10 o'cloct. for ;the . purpose of attending the funeral of Our deceased brother. Thomas A. .Dowllnjr. J. G. MORRISSEY. Kul«ht. ELLIOTT— In this city. February 23. 1909, , ETe- lyu Elizabeth. beloT*-d " daughter of Hamilton S. ami Lillian X. : Elliott, a natlTe.of San ..'; Francisco, Cal. . riINK— In this city. February 22, 1009, Pat- rick :T., belOTed father of James J. Fllnu. Mrs. C. P. Kennedy and Mrs. J.T. CosgroTe, a native of .Tipperary, Ireland, ased 80 years. The funeral will take place today (Wednes- day ) ,". February « 24, . 1000, . at 9 o'clock a. m.. from the parlors of Carew & English. : 1613 Geary street, thence to St. Agnes church, where a requiem liigh mass, will be celebrated • for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:50 a. ni. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by elec- trle funeral car from Thirteenth and Minion -.streets. FLYNN— Id this city, February 20. 1900. Ann Jane, .beloved, wife of Edward F. Flynn. "- mother of ? Winefred and Edward F. Flynn. I daughter of Joseph P.. and the late Katherine •M. Garslde, and sister of -Irs. W. It. Hamil- ton, Mrs. A.Steele. Mrs. .N. Aufenanger, Mrs. Felix. Burghelll , and Daniel and Thomas Gar- \u25a0 side, a: native of Philadelphia. Pa., aged 27 years. (Philadelphia papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respect-" fully invited to attend the funeral today B (Wednesday), at 0 o'clock a. 111., from her late residence, 63 Zoe street, thence to St.' Rose's :. church, - where ' a requiem high mass ' will be : celebrated for the repose of her soul, eom-r mencing at 9:30 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. * . GIANNIKI— In this > city. February 22. 1909. T I.ouls, dearly beloved and only child of Sebas- \u25a0 tian and Violet Giannml. and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. F. Lennon and Mr. and Mrs. Louts (iluniilnl, a native of San Francisco, Cal., aged 3 months and 21 days. - ! Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to , attend the funeral today (Wednesday), at' 2 p.- m.. from the parlors of U: F. Suhr & Co., 2919 Mission street be- -tween ' Twenty-flf th .and Twenty-sixth. Inter- ment Italian cemetery, by carriage. HOLBROOK— In this city. February 22. 1900, I Charlet) 11 . Holbrook, beloved husband . of Jo- sephine M. Holbrook, and father of Mrs. Daisy Holbrook Hare and C..H. Holbrook Jr., a na- tive of St. Albans, Me. .-' Friends - are respectfully invited to attend the - funeral services, today (Wednesday), February 24, 1909, at 2 ' o'clock p. in., at his late, residence, 2SOI Fillmore street. Interment private. HONS— In this city. February 23. 1909. Wil- liam J. A., beloved son of Meta and the late Frederick Hons,' and devoted brother of Fred Sons and the late Mrs. Emma Sheehan, a na- tive of San Francisco, Cal.. aged 30 years 11 months and 17 days. A member of Golden West lodge No. 322, I. O. O. F. 'Remains at the parlors of 11. F. Suhr & Co., 2019 Mission street between Twenty- fifth and Twenty-sixth. JOHNSON— In Vista Grande, San Mateo county, Cal., February 22. 1909. Darld, dearly beloved son of Mrs. . Mathilda Johnson, and brother of' Gust, Emil, Curl, Johnnie. Mamie and v Hannah Johnson, a native of Jollet, 111., aged 14 years. s months and 29 days. The funeral will take place today n (Wednes- day), February 24, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m., from the residence of his mother at Vista • Grande, Han Mateo county, , Cal. Interment Cy- press Lawn cemetery. \u25a0 . . KEOGAN— In thia city, February 23. 1909. Katherine, dearly beloved danghter of Mrs. Katherine Keogan, and sister of John and Laurence " Keogan and Mrs. McMillan, a na- tive of San Francisco. ( Friend 3 . and acquaintances are respectfully v Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thurs- day), February 23, 1909,- at 9 o'clock a. m., from her late residence, 60 Hollls street, tbenee to Holy Cross church, where a re- quiem high mass, will be celebrated for the s repose of her soul, commencing at 9:3o 'a. 'm. * Funeral private. Interment Holy' Cross ceme- j tery. \u25a0 IE BEUR— In this city, February 23. 1909. George, beloved husband of Maude T. Le Seur (nee Ulrleman), a native of Lonz Island, N. V., aged 44-years 4 months and 22 days. (New l'ork papers please copy.) LUHRMANN— In this city, February . 22, 1909, Bernhard, beloved husband of the late Sophia ' Luhrmann, and brother of J. H. Luhrmann of Birmingham, Ala., a native of Vegesack, Ger- many, aged 44 »years. •Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral today (Wednesday). February 24, 1909, at 10:45 a. in., from the parlors of 11. F. Subr & Co., 2919 Mission street between Twenty-flf th and Twenty-sixth, where the services will be held under .'the auspices of the Ain't Llllenthaler rereln. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery, by 11:30 a. m. train from Twenty-fifth and Va- lencia "streets. LYONS— In this city, February 22. 1909. James, dearly beloved son of Annie and the late Timothy Lyons, and loving brother of Thomas, Joseph and ' David Lyons, Mrs. D. Coleman .and the late Timothy Jr. and John Lyons, a -native of San Francisco, Cal., aged 23. years and 6 months. '•\u25a0-.- • . \u25a0 The funeral will take place today (Wednes- day), at 9 a. m.. from the parlors of Mc- Avoy & O'llara, 2224 Market street near Fif- teenth, thence. to St. Vincent de Paul's church, * where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated" for the repose of his soul, com- mencing :at 10 o'clock a. ,m. - . Interment (strictly private). Holy : Cross cemetery. MARTIN— In Oakland. Cal.. February 23. 1909, Mary A. Martin, beloved wife of the late Thomas .C. Martin, and devoted -mother of Thomas, Leo. Frank and Augustin Martin, Mrs. J. R. Himes and the late Ambrose J. Martin, a native of England, . aged 74 years. * Friends are ' respectfully Invited to attend the funeral" tomorrow (Thursday), at 9 o'clock a. • m., - from her late residence, "1170 San Pablo avenue, thence to St. Frances de Sales - church, - where .a ' requiem high ' mass will be celebrated for the repose : of her . soul, com- 'menclng at 9:30 o'clock. . Interment St. Mary's cemetery. ' . • MENEIN— In this city. February : 23, 1909, Francois Jean Mencln, beloved husband of Mrs. Marie Mcnein, ' and beloved • father of Mrs. - Martha , Santlnl and Louis Meneln, a native ' . of France, \u25a0 aged . 49 years. NEMECK— ln, this city. February 23. 1909. John Alfred, beloved husband of Clara Nemeck. and " loving father of Jack A. Nemeck, a native " of Cleveland,- O.; 'aged 46 years 8 months and 23 days. A member of Court Golden Gate No. 003, Independent Order Foresters. . ' Friends • and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the \u25a0 funeral services • tomor- row (Thursday), February 25, 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m., f rom ! the funeral chapel of ' Charle3 H. J.. Truman. 1909 Mission street be- tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth. Interment Cy- press Lawn ' cemetery. O'CONNOR— In • this city, February 22, 1909, Alicia M.v beloved wife of James F. O'Connor, mother of Alice O'Connor, and sister of James H., William F., Katherine and " Alice Doyle, a native of San Francisco, Cal. (Virginia City and Nevada papers please copy.) ' "1 Friends are . respectfully Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thursday), at 8:30 -o'clock a. m.. from 313 San Jose arenue. thence \u25a0 to ' St. James church, where a requiem \u25a0mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 a.: m. Interment Holy -- Cross cemetery. , PERREY— In this city, February 22, 1909, Leon Perrey, a native of Paris, France,' aged 7S years. * t \u25a0p&*3p9_S- ' -• ' , ; - Friends :and acquaintances are : respectfully Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thurs- * day), February 23, 1909, at? 12:30 o'clock. \u25a0 from the parlors of .G. * laccberl . & Co., 1548 r Stockton . street between Union and » Green. \u25a0 Interment Mount Olivet cemetery. 1 by carriage. RAMON— In - this city." February -23, An- selcm ; Ramon, beloved husband of s Carmaita ; Ramon, and devoted father of Jesse A.. Oro- vida and the late | Arthur - Ramon, a native of Spain, aged -76 -years 7 months and. 13 days. BAHWYLER— In Mill Valley," Cal., 'February 22. 1909. Bertha Rahwyler, beloved wife of Alfred Rahwyler, loving mother -of "Alfred, ' Irma and Infant : son \u25a0 Stuart Rahwyler, ' daugh- ter of George 'and' Louisa Obenauer, and sister * of. George, Alfred, Henry and Adolf : - Obenauer, -a . native of San Francisco, Cal., aged 40 years. : ' . - - Friends and \u25a0 acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the s funeral services tomor- row (Thursday), February. 23; 1909, at 11 'o'clock a. ni..- from the \u25a0: residence of her }\u25a0 parents, \u25a0; 2206 r Pine : street. ' Interment Cypress ; . Lawn • cemetery, \u25a0by \u25a0 electric ; funeral car from ; Twenty -eighth and Valencia streets. - RrVEHS-^in this city. February 23, -1909." Frank ; Edward, ' dearly >- beloved ". and only : child of . Frank and May Rivers, and . grandiion . of Mrs. \S."'B." Rivers and J. Lucey, . a native of San %\u25a0% \u25a0 Francisco." Cal.', \ aged 9 \u25a0-\u25a0 months and -, 20 days.' SCHOLZ— In • •-' this ? city, "; February :Z\, 1909. -Louise; iWlfe." of the- late 'Captain -Charles ' Schulz, -. and \u25a0" beloved \ mother of \u25a0 Mrs. Nelson ' ' Herby-and Frit*, -Paul, Max,. Otto and Ernst SehuU.V a native of Danzig. Germany," aged - 73 "years 3; months and 22 days. . - - Friends 5 and -: acquaintance* are., respect- \u25a0" '-"fully invited 'to .attend v the" funeral? today ''(Wednesday),' February: 24, 1909,: at 10 o'clock r ».">" m:,' 1 from .her. late ; residence, 010.V Fulton ; street /near Octavla.: Cremation Odd , fellows' '. ' cemetery. _ . .-. r* - BCRXTrRE— In this city. February 21, 1909, > George \u25a0 Scrufre, • aged 4S years. -\u25a0; SHANAHAN— In tbls city,' February 22. 190». £:i Margaret :-'E.:" dearly ; beloved : danshter -~ of 1 : ; Michael -and i the : late • Anna > Shanahaa. lovinsr . 'sister .1 of : Catherine > Frances ; Shanaban.' devoted ;* jfrauddaughter « of Mr. and Mr*. Hofinaijter. and niece ; of ., Mrs. ", James : L»>onard.^- a - ntttive • \u25a0of San ' Fra_cisco,'_Cal.,- aged 9 years 7 months "\u25a0and 10 days." : . ' . .. ./\u25a0"> • 1 * The funeral* will take; place/ jday/(Wedne»- - day),' at 9:30 • o'clock a. . m.{ from her Ut» residence.* 13 Whitney street. Interment (prt- ,vate>. Holy, Cross cemetery. SMITH— In Alameda Sanitarium. Cal.. Febrn- iary 21. 1900, Lizzie A. Smith, beloved dangh- ,'ter of W. C. R. Smlrh and the late Contadora oe Smith, ami loving sister of Mr*. Janu-s SI. Dow, Mrs. C. J. Nicholas. ; Mrs. COUIT.I Tucker., Mrs. Jennie Coad Sprasue and the late Minnie. Charles and Walter Smith, a na- tive of Redwood City. Cal. The fnneral services will take place today (Wednesday). February 24. UKTJ. at 11 oVlock *- m.. at the residence of Mra. C. J. Nicholas. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery, by eleo- 2010 Emercoa street. Ashby station. Berkeley. \u25a0J, '" ner »l car from foot of • Market street. . San FrancUco, leaving at 12:20 p. m. •^Officers am] members of Excelsior circle No. 2. C. of V. of A., are requested to attend the funeral of our late companion. Miss L. Smith, this (Wednesday) "morntng. at 11 o clock, at 2010 Emerson street, Berkeley. Take Key Ronte boat. By order of > ELIZA BURT. Chief Companion. SMITH— In this city. February 23. 1009. G«- brtelU B. de Smith, wife of the late Mark . R. Smith Sr.. and dearly beloved mother ot Mrs. W. J. Smith and Edward R.- Smith, a native of San Jose, Cat., aged 71 years. - SULLIVAN— Iv this ettr. February 23. 190». Edward J.. dearly beloved son of the late -Thomas and Julia Snlllvaa. and lovtnir brother of Thomas L. Snlllvan. Mrs. Charles Gal- . lagher. and the late Mrs. -James Meaner and Annie. Minnie. Maggte and Daniel Snlllvan. a native of San Francisco. Cal.. aged S3 years 9 months and C days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend th« funeral tomorrow (Thurs- day), at 8:30 a. m.. from his late residence. 826 Alabama street, thence to St. Peter's church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for tbe repose of his soul, commencing at 0 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. SYLVESTER— In thia city. February 22. 1909. Emma, dearly beloved wlfa of Charles B. Sylvester; - daughter of Mrs. Saran Samuel, and sister of Louis. ' Albert, Julius. Sam and Gus Samnel. a native of Sacramento. Cal-. aged 42 years and 3 months. (Sacramento and Portland. Ore., papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Wednes- day), February 24, 1900. at 10 o'clock a. m.. from the parlors of Tbeodor Dierks ft Co., 900 Devlsadero street corner of McAllister. Interment Hills of Eternity cemetery, by 11 :.'!(> a. m. train from Third and Townsead streets. TRESPAUXE— In thia city. February 22, 1909. Martin, beloved husband of t'hrlstiiwr Trea- pallle. and father of Victor Trespaille. a na- tive of Toulcsse, aged 63 yean 1 months and 10 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Wednes- day), February 24. 1909, at 1:30 p. ra., from the parlors of D. I. Kenny & Co., 1719 Eddy street. Cremation I. O. O. F. ceme- tery. VILLALOBOS— In thia city. February 21. 1909. Thomas Villalobos. a native of Mexico, aged 74 years. YON HELMS— In this city. Febrnary 23. 1909. Kate yon Helms, beloved wife of Thomas yon Helms, and mother of Mrs. G. Rogerson, s native of England, aged 53 years 11 months •'and, 23 days. WARE— In this city, February 22. 1909. Anna . M. Ware, beloved wife of James S. Ware, and mother of Mrs. Maud Mitchell and Frank J., Anna X., Ruth V., Muriel G. and Harden S. Ware, a native of Philadelphia, Pa., axed 45 years. (Philadelphia papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral today (Wednesday), at 11 o'clock a. m.. from her late residence. 2502 Gongb street near Filbert. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by car- riage.^,- WHITE — In ' Monte Rio. Sonoma county. Cal.. February 20, 1909. John White, a native of Australia. Past Sachem of Bald Eagle tribe No. 75. Imp. O. R. M. Remains at th<» chapel of Crais, Coehran & Co., 1169 Valencia street near Tweuty- thtid. -s WERREN— In Oakland, Cal.. February 23. l»n». Ella Werren. wife of Emanuel Werren, mother of Walter. ; Jesse and Harry Werren of Dak- land, and daughter of Mrs. R. C. Kennedy of San Lorenzo. Cal., a native of Crescent City, Del Norte county, Cal., aged 41 years 1 moatii and 2C days. \u25a0WOOD— In this city, Febrnary 22. 1009, Ben- jamin, husband of Alice G. Wood, a native of Woburn, Middlesex county. Massachusetts. j aged SS years 7 months and 25 days. (Woburn. Mass., papers please copy. ) The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Thursday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. at his late residence. 5 Eugenia street off Point Loboa avenue. Interment private. WOODS— In this city, February 23. 1909. Han- nab, dearly beloved wife of John Woods, a na- tive of Ireland, aged 2- yean. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Thursday), at 1 o'clock, from th» parlors of J. C. O'Connor _: Co.. 770 Turk street. j Interment (private). Holy Cross cemetery. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Isabella - Sharp, deceased (by execntor). to George Frederick GraV*. lot In X line of Florid.* street, 113 S of Twenty-fifth, S 25 by B 100; $10. Xat Raphael and wife to Barry Wlssmann and wife, lot at SB corner of Twenty -first ave nue ami Clement street. X 90 by S 100: $10. . S. Ducas company to Peter Mac Donald. lot in W line of Flora street, 230 S of Bay View, S 25 by W 120; $10. , iS. Wenger and wife to CnarWs E. Wenger. one-quarter Interest in lot In S line of Mission street. 70 E of Second. S 100 by E 30; $10. Bay Shore building company to Georgo W. Wilson and wife, lot In N\V Una of Hahn street. 99.63 NE of Vlsltaclon. 21.30 ty NW 100: grant. Bay Shore building company to " William StephensoD, lots 19 and - 20, block .44, Rets tract; grant. Sarah Patek et al. to John Martens, lot ia W line of Lark In street. 67:5% S of Sacra mento, S 50 by W 100; $10. Bay Shore building \u25a0 company to Lena Bet tamler and wife, lots 1 and 2, block 29, Rets tract; grant. Martha E. Sherwood to William H. Schooler, lot in S line of Twenty-first street. 180 E of Castro, E 25 by S 114; $10. Anna Hartwicfc to Oscar E. Dalbey et al.. lot In SW line of Chenery street. 213 SWotW ot Boanoke. SW 25 by SE 125: $10. * Dewey Coffin et at. to Michael Newman, lot 348 In gift map 2: $10. Bay Shore building company to Samuel Green and wife, lots 9 to 12. block 59, BeU tract; grant. Leopold Welnstein and wife to Jtts» W. Shulta, lot In' NE line of Thirty-slxtn avenue South. 75 SW of L street. NW 23 by SE 100; $10. , Bay Shore balldlos company to Loci* W. Hol llngworth. lot 4S. block 55, ReU. tract: grant- Leopold Welnstetn and wife to Joseph "G. ' Taylor and wife, lota 2 and 4. block E. Silver terrace: $10. . Joseph de Forest to Robert L. Lewis, lot In SW line of State street. 'B93 SB of Levant, SE 140:6. W 150 to point opposite beginning, N 50: $10. - G. A. Fables and wife to Charles Werner and wife, lot in E line of Congo street, 25Net Flood. N 50 by B 100; $10. Leopold Welnstein and wife to Oorge Y. Morton, lot In N'E line ej Thirty-sixth avenue South, 100 SW of L street. NW 25 by KB 100; $10. Ernest W. Hartmann to Charles Kelson Phil lips and wife, lot 16, block K. Park lane tract; $1,800. Sarah Rice to Benjamin F. 'Rice, lots 23 and 24. block 2S. Sunny side: $10. Nellie A. Duprey to C. C. Richards, lot at NE corner of Third avenue and Hugo street. X 85 by E 82:6. beins part of court. E 7:6 by N SO; S. Ducas company to Mary L. Mac Donald. lot In W line of Flora street. 200 S of Parnassus avenue. 3 50 by W 119:10; $10. Bnildins Contracts - Anna Gotellwlth Campa &. C».— Three story frame at XW corner of Lombard and Dupent. T. A. He'aly 'with Ran&otph construction com pany — All work ' for two story and basement frome In 'W- line of Twenty-sixth avenue, 200 N of Lake street. N 50 by W 120; $4,840. .C. S. Brundajre . with Cox Brothers — All work for seven two story frame buildings In E line of Ninth ' avenue. 175 S of X street. S 175 by B 120; $22,750. ' R. J. and H. A. Tanssig with H. Van Hecs & Co. — To erect a two Bat building " In N line of Clay, 110 E of Cherry, E"2T:6 by N 120; $9,807. \u25a0 ••• F. , Stoesser with Lacey Brothers — Plumblnsr, etc.; for bnildins at SB corner, of Twenty-sev enth and Guerrero streets. E 91:6 by S 50: , $1,041. George n. Connell with Master Brothers — All " ' work . except - plastering, mantels, shades, finish i hardware and ga» • fixtures for two story and -. i basement frame bnildinsr ttwo Uats» in B line ! of F.ureka street. 275 S or Nineteenth, 3 23 by ; E 120; $3,750. Georgia na A. and Thomas F. - Kernan ," with Madlcr, Norman & Ownby — All work for alter ations and additions at 132 Vlcksbur? street: J2.050. ; INDEPENDENT OF THE TRUST - y — :—: — ...FOR... Seventy-five Dollars I Will Furnish: HEARSE, TWO CARRIAGES, EMBALMING, SHROUD AND CLOTH COVERED CASKET JULIUS S. GODEAU Main Office*: 3123 Bnah St. Weat 2899 and 1305 Franklin St. nr. 17th, Oakland .; '\u25a0 Phone Oakland 4043. 'Branch: ' 305 Mont some ry Ay. Temp. 3368 > Asabniaace a'ad - Carrlase. to Illra - /• ' ' *"/\u25a0" "* ' "* "j. 11