Newspaper Page Text
VAF Cal's«.To7 — 1 (1910) ' ...10214 — •Xlsrin :\u25a0£**. ss. 100 102 S P of C 6» t Xlkt «t O -05.103 — <1912) 107V4 — ' .pQ.lem 6a.106',4 — SPC let 5».U5 — MV*. MtTSs. — — S P U U Gb.130 — . -N. B JPfC R5.115 — SPBU Ist r4s M\i flrt&i •'¥.?<?:« ss. 102 — SV W ~ mg4s 8S eSv* N.C K>s*..loG — Stkn G&E Gs.loo — ' ..VGJP-C Cs. 95*4 — i; C& E ss. fl7 — >V? 3 ,C« 5«. — 85 VR of SF -Is. 75 75 U ' . « < U«*4 VallcJo.Ben & . <)*k Tran «ss. — 111 "a Napa KR5s 8" 00 .Oak..Tren vis.lo4 — Val Co P 3s. 'J7*i 9S*4 \u25a0. O-.Tran "Cn5».103 v4IO4Vj \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0: '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : : :~'.':' WATER STOCKS .Maria Co '.. 52U — |S V Wat Co. 22% 32% . ':':\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0;'_ GAS AND ELECTRIC :Mut"B t. ctfs 5 — ]Pac I- com.. 1C — :•.•>\u25a0 Cal Power 27Vi 2S Stkn G & E. C 2 — •t'ac:L.;pfd.. 61 — | '^i}Z. 1.. INSCttANCE ••Cai -ivs Co.. 75 — IFJreman's Fd.150 ICO -/\u25a0.i'u'y •\u25a0 BANK STOCKS \JM -N.U Bk.l2SVji3o r.on-Paris Bk.UO — Arxfla-Qil ... 1)24 — Mer Trust ..200 220 B*ak *f C*1.3«0 — s F National. — 140 :.Fir*.i..:*"aißl..2}o — Union T Co.. — '.Vlv/irr SAVINGS BANKS <>f •* & T.. _ 31CHJ S r Sar U.. — 550 Mom S«v Bk — 150 Say & L,'6o.V— •, 125 •\u25a0Slut ;Say Bk. 70 — Sec Say 8k..G35 — :.•:•. STREET RAILROADS ;CjUir<>rni* ..122V. _ jp/ysidlo 15 23 ~. \u25a0 POWDER ..Clapt Consolldateil Co .* — SO ' • ,\;' • EUGA.B . ii!«saiian C.loC"ilo7»,i MakaweU"6 C .",4 — Honokaa S C 15>>. 16 iOuomea S V. 42 43^ \u25a0 Jluteh S. PO IS lS'/'iPaauhau RC. 21^ 22 1 .•Kiiiuica sC. — — | Union S Co.. 43' — •./"\u25a0 v' MISCELU\NEOUS Alaska P A. r.9Vi COM:!Pac Aux I" A 3U — Asso OH Co. 37<fc SS^jPac C Borax. 149';, — Cal F 0 A.IOOUIoIV-lPac T&T pfd — 81 Cat Wine A. 47Va — Do com ... 14 14^ MVi MtTm. — 115 | 50 Hutchlnson S P Co 15. 25 30 Makaueli Sugar Co 34.00 '342 Pac Tel 4: Tel (common) 14. 00 60 Spring Valley TVater Co :!2.7."» : . $1,000 Spring Val Wat gen tutge 45.. 55.25 Street— fI.OCKI Los Ang-Pae R R Ist con ss. .107.3T", J2.CrOu S p Gal 6g (1912) 107.7."/ • 12.000 Spring Val Wat gen mtge is.. 88.25" Afternoon Session ', • • Board — : •' - 10 Associated Oil Co S7.S7''a •' \u25a0 40 Associated OH CV 57.73 25 llutchlcson S P Co 18.25 .•• 10 Onomea Stigar Co 43.00 '..- 260 Pacific Tel & Tel (common).. 14. u0 •"\u25a0(- ' Street — $2;000 Cal Gbs i El G M 4C T 55.. 93.25 \u25a0 . ; '.-v- \u25a0...-\u25a0 * California Stock and Oil Exchange Bid.A^k.j Bid.Ask. ..Abnt 50 — JMonte Cristo. .2.00 3.ttO A6s<> Oil ct.SS. OO 35.25 Occidental :... 25 — Caribou — 12.00Paratfine 40 — Chi Crude .:. OS — Peerless 6.00 6.50 Claremont. 1.52H I.COl Producers — 2.25 Coallnga Pac. — s.(xi S F & McK.20.00 — 'Daisy 25 27,Sauer Dough. .1.80 2.25 Euclid 50 —".Section 25 ..12.50 — Voar .: .-. — 3l!Shawmut — «a> Fulton 2.00 — 'Sovereign 23 25 Horn? 75 — IS W& B 40 — \u25a0 ,| U\ Cruoe ... 16 21 Superior 20 — Imperial — 40.<>0!Turner CO — 'Jncction 65 75!Wabash — 1.40 Kern 50 — 1 Wolverine 25 — • SJcKittrlck .. — 40iW X Oil C 0..1.40. .1.40 — V" '\u25a0:'\u25a0 " " SALES \u25a0\u25a0: .\u25a0 Infonnal *6S Brookshlre 1.50 .'., \u25a0':.\u25a0 11^0 a. tn.— -.1200 Monte Cristo 2.R7'.<. ;\u25a0' CO- Peerless 0.2S \u25a0 ;'. 30 Associated 35.00 2 p. jb. — '.tOQ- Monte Crl* to 2.574 Mining Stock* SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE •.Fallowing were the sales on the San Francisco 'stock sad exchange board yesterday: :: \u25a0 OOMSTOCKS ";'\u25a0'•' Regular Morning Session ;iPoCon'Va M Co. 371 IK) fnl^n 23 1900 Mexican 6Gi 300 Yellow Jacket. 3C • 1 100. .Sierra NeT .. 25i .; : : ; •\u25a0 lafonasl Session •: ;«no "Andes JO 200 Goald & Cur. 12 109 Belcher 20 700 Mexican 65 \u25a0«<«> Belcher 22 COO Mexican «8 .'4OO Bullion 10] SOO Mexican C 7 : £60 Bullion ll| 000 Mexican CS 4W Bullion 12j 100 OpMr 1.22»i 1000 .Do. b 60... 18! 100 Ophlr 1.20 . *O0 Chollar O9J 300 Ophir 1.22V4 •\u25a0=\u25a0 fOp Coafldence ... COi 100 Sa vase 16 . £6QOCoa Vt M Co. 3S .'.f»o Slerrm Nev ... 25 '.-•'OO Con V» M Co. Sei «00 Inion 23 VOO Con Va M Co. 40- 1C«O Yellow Jacket. 37 A-'3O Crown Point.. 25| 200 Yellow Jacket. SS CLOSING QUOTATIONS Bi<i.A*k.f Bid.Ask. Alpta 05 07!Kectuek ..... 02 ,04 Alta — 02' Lady Wash .. — VI And« 09 lOjMexlcan 67 «S B«lcher 22 23jNew York Con — 04 Best & Belch. 32 S3:Ophlr 1.20 1.25 Bullion \u0084 11 12J0ccidental 17 — Caledonia ..'.. t»5 lO.Overman 10 12 Challenge OS 10 Potosl . 07 0V» CholUr OS m Savage 10 17 . Confidence ... 50 55' Scorpion ..... 05 07 \u25a0'Cog '.Imperial. 01 03JSeg Belcher .. 01 03 Con Va M Co. 43 41 Sierra Ncr ... 25 27 Crown Point.. 27 30 Sliver Hill ... 21 25 Exchequer ... — 25 St Louis — -«i 3 Gocid & Cur. 11 13; Union 23 25 HaJe & Sore. 16 17jUtah 01 02 >ful!a — OS Yellow Jacket. 37 39 Justice — OS! ; - TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS •; ' Regular Session— 3:3o to 12:20 1000 Atoms 0211000 Mayflower Con 15 100 Beimont bCi *>00 Montgotay Mt. 10 2000 Blue Ball ... 04 500 II Coalition, so 40 5000 Ft G Bld.clO 02 100 Round Mt S3 ' -500 Great Bend .. 21 j < Informal. Session — 12:30 to 2 p. m. COO? Amethyst .... C 3 SOO Gld Con M.S.o2tt •20t) Atlanta . ; 13 400 Gld Ccn M.7.02'i I^.ooo Atlanta .... 14 1000 Gld Con M...7.90 600 Blue Bull ... II 150W Gldfid Hub .. 01 5500- Booth 20| 500 Gld Kenauas.. 21 •spO CO3l Frac..1.07i4j2500 Gld Kewanas.. 20 : 2<iO Com Fraetlon.l.os 1000 Gld Kewanas.. in 600 Com . Frac..1.C2H!2500 Great Bend .. 20 Jf<OO.Dalsy €S 500 Homwtakß K. <*S K«00 Do. b 60... C& 1500 Jim Butler .. 1(5 500 Daisy C 7 10Q Jim Bntler .. 15 200 Daisy CCI4OOO Mayflower 17 \u25a01400 Daisy UV2OOO Midway £3 10QQ Dm B Ette C. O*» 2flO<» Nev iioldfleld. C 2 IC-O' Florence ...3.77V;, 1000 Orlg Bcllfrog.. 01 I*,oo Florence 3.75 1000 Pitts S Peak.. 75 100 Florence ...5.67 1 4 500 R Coalition. s5 46 100. Do, a 10.3.67>4 500 Red Top Ex.. <-5 1500 Florence Ex.. OS|IOOO Valley View., (to \u25a0200 Gld Con M. 7. 02 ]^11000 Valley View.. OS ISDO Gld Con M...8.00| ..;.'_» f CLOSING QUOTATIONS Bld.Ask.! Bld.Ask. Behnoot 6'i fe7!Mi(3w«y 22 24 Boston Tea .. — 05 Montana ..... — no i'ash Boy ... — 01 North Star ... 03 (4 <*V-eat Westrn. — 01 Ohio Tim .... — 01 H<?me — 01 Paymaster ... — 01 Ihd Ton .... — 01 Rescue Con .. O3 04 Jim Butler .. 1G 17 West End ... 20 34 MacNaxnara.. 34 36] Coldfield District • Adams < 01 O3',Gld KewAnas.. 39 20 Atlanta 14 — -Old Merger M. 10 — Black Ants .. — OlKJraadma 03 05 Elk B Bonan. 01 O2| Great Bend ..20 £1' Butte Ex 01 02; Git Bend Anx: — 04 Black Rock .. — 01 Grt Bend Ex. 03 04 \u25a0Blue Bell ... 03 04 Hibercla 02 03 Blue Bull ... 10 Jl Jumbo -Ex ... — jc Btte Goidfleld — 02 Kendall Ex .. — "01 Booth 20 221 Lone Star 01 06 .COD 27 — Lou Dillon ... — 02 •Com Fraction. — 1.06 Mid Pawnee... — 01 Cxunng Nation — 01 Milltown Frac. — (2 Conqueror .... 04 05! Mohawk Ex.. —\u25a0\u25a0 02 Cracker Jack. 03 04 NeT Boy ..... 01 03 Daisy -." 65 C6;NeT Goldfield.. 02 (G Desert Chief.. — WjOro 00 jo Dm B Btte C. 07 OSiPotlatch — C 8 I>mdi3d Trngl. "2 C3|Red Hills 09 11 Dixie 01 oTRed Top Ex.. 04" 05 Empire — 02 Red Top Frac. 01 — Florence 3.65 3.87 Sandstorm — 15 Florence Ex.. 04 05 Sandstorm Ex. — '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 oi France* Mhk.. 11 — 1 Silver Pick .. OS 10 G«n Wash .. — Ol|St Ives 15 17 Gold Bar Gld. — • lfe;Wonder — oi Old Con M...7.P0 7. »2 Yellow' Roue... — <v Gld Portland. 03 C>s| Yellow Tiger.. — 18 Bullfrog District .Amargosa . — OljMayfiovrer Con 16 17 'Amethyst 04 os!Mont Bullfrog. — 01 Bonnie Clare. 04 OSiMoatgomy Mt. 09 10 Bullfrog Mln. — C2jMt* Sshos Ex. — .01 Blfrg Nat Bk 03 OoNugget — 01 Gold Bar — 01 ; Orts Bullfrog.. — oi Gold Sceptre. — Ol|Shoehn Nat Bk 02 — Homestake K. 05 07 Tramp Con .. «9 10 Ljge -Harris.. — 01 j Valley View.. 03 10 Manhattan District Apr Fool Ex. — 01|Man Dexter .. 01 v 03 AUan &. Pac. — ul Man Little Joe — 01 Comet — Oil Man Mln Nev. — 01 Gold -Wedge.. — OljMineral Hill.. — 03 I Cranny <J M. — 06:XIu»tnng Man.. 02 — T.ittieGrey .. 01 02 Orig Man .... — 01 Man Broncho. — <H Pine Nut .... — 01 Man -Buffalo.. — 01 Syl Humphrey. — 02 Man Con . — .25 Thanksgiving. . 02 — Man Crescent. — OljWhale — 01 jiaii Cowboy.. — Clj ..-.'. . O!her Districts Balloon Hill.. — 03' Queen Regent. — 20 Eagle's Nest.. 05 OC Raw Burro . . — 01 nirvw .G Bid 02 O.M?aw Coalition. 46 47 FalrTtr Hcllst 01 02 Raw Mohawk. — 01 Jack Pot .... 06 -OS Round Mt.... S6 *SS .KeY "Hills ...1.35 —Vulture — 01 S Peak. 74 75 . - W. H. Avrry RHurns From J'.ai>t " -W ' H. Avers*, assistant general man-i ager* of th« Toyo Kisen Kaisna. re turned yesterday from New. York, where he has been for some weeks on business connected with the company,'s oil buslneES.;- ;-— : ; *— -'^ I PASSES CRADLE AS SHIP LEAVES WAYS Japanese ; Liner Tenyo Maru Narrowly Escapes Disaster in Nagasaki Harbor New United States Quarantine Launch Albatross Is Given Its Endurance Trial The bigr turbine liner Tenyo Maru, which arrived here a few days ago from the orient, is regarded in Japan as being under the special protection of the gods, and the passengers who were on board when the liner entered the harbor of Nagasaki think so, too. The Tenyo, bound this way, arrived at Nagasaki early in the morning and an chored in the outer harbor for quar antine inspection. After being granted pratique the liner proceeded to the inner harbor, arriving there at the moment scheduled for the launching of a great Nippon Yusen Kaisha liner. On the Tenyo, however, nothing was known of the launching. Much bunting and many small boats in evidence showed that something unusual was in progress, but as no signals warned the Tenyo, Captain Bent kept his big charge moving ahead. As the Tenyo passed opposite and close in to the ways on which the new ship rested, those on the incom ing liner were horror stricken to see the big bulk on the ways shiver and start toward the 'water. As suddenly as it moved it stopped. The Tenyo swept by and was well clear of the ways when the new ship slid into the water and went with a rush past the Tenyo's stern. It was learned later that the un programmed jamming of a block had caused the new ship to pause on its way to the water long enough. to allow the Tenyo Maru to pass by. If the launching had been without that little hitch the new X. Y. K. liner would have struck the Tenyo Maru about amidships. The Tenyo will leave here Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock with a large number of passengers, the largest num ber in fact that the new turbine liner has carried since it went into commis sion. The fact that the Tenyo has very comfortable second cabin accom* modations is becoming known, and thy liner will leave here with a full com plement of second class passengers. More than 100 have been booked for the first cabin and the liner will carry a large cargo. The boys of 'the Wllmerding school were the guests of the T. K. 'K. yes terday and spent the afternoon ram bling, over the big ship. They were on the flying bridge, where Captain Bent showed them how he made 'the sea behave, and were in the engine room, where Chief Engineer Seaver gave an impromptu lecture on the tur bine engine and the way it makes the wheels go round. Port Superintendent James Gliddon was here, there • and everywhere, an eloquent example of ceaseless industry, while in the occasional glimpses that the boys got of Lacey Goodrich there was a lesson for them in deportment and diplomacy, for the purser, is a busy man as sailing day approaches, but must accept interruptions as if he liked nothing better. Dr." Crooks, the Ten yo's surgeon, showed the boys how a uniform should be worn. Buford'a Chief a Benedick Frank P. Littlefleld. chief engineer of the army transport Buford, stole out of town Saturday, night and returned yesterday with a bride. He was mar ried at Hollister to Miss Bessie E Fin ley of that place, and later on they will make their home at 2793 Benvenue avenue, Berkeley. Mrs. Littlefleld is a native daughter. Her husband was born in Eureka, where he is well known. Littlefield has been in the army transport service for more than eight years and has been chief engineer of the Buford for two years. Captain of Mlnnosolu Here Captain C. F. Austin, master of the Great Northern steamship company's big liner Minnesota, is visiting San Francisco. His ship has been laid up for a few weeks for a general over hauling. When Captain Austin left here he was second officer of the Pa cific Mail liner Mongolia. Captain John H. Kinder, who gave up the Mongolia to take charge of the Minnesota, sent for Austin and made him chief officer of the Minnesota. When • Rinder left the Minnesota to take the management of the Pacific Coast steamship company Austin was promoted to command and still holds the job. Muer Korea In Due Friday The Pacific Mail liner Korea, Captain Andrew Dixon, is due early Friday from the orient and is bringing a large number of passengers and a valuable cargo. On board the Korea when the liner left Honolulu were 147 cabin pas sengers and . 70 Asiatics, the latter mostly Chinese returning from the new year celebration in their native land. Forty Die In Wreck BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 23. — Accord- Ing to a dispatch received here today the minister of marine states 40 per- Eons lost their lives in the wreck of the Argentine steamer Presidente Roca. The Presldente Roca went ashore and caught fire. Water Frout Xotea E. Peterson, a sailor on the steamer Hornet, fell overboard yesterday and suffered a fracture of the left wrist. The liner Alameda, which sailed Sat urday for Honolulu, was 760 miles from this port at 8 p. m. February -22, ac cording to a message received from the ship by the United wireless company. The steamers Curacao and Newport sailed February 21 from Mazatlan for this port. \u25a0 The steamer City of Sydney sailed February 21 from Acapulco for Ancon, and February 20 the Acapulco ; left An con for this port. - \u25a0 The liner Mongolia .sailed yesterday from Honolulu for China and Japan. The Matson navigation company's Hllonian sailed yesterday from Hono lulu for this port. Receipts of lumber yesterday by sea amounted to 3,598,000 feet. SHIPPING NE WS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific PORTLAND, Feb. 23.— British uteamer Ka tanjra has cleared for Manzanllio, Mexico, with .IGV.S3S bushels of wheat, valued at -. $158,668. This is the first steamship . cargo of wheat to be sent there this season., j Norwegian steamer Selja. Captain Lie, which left down yesterday bound for Taku, China, carried 3,C00,000 feet of lumber valued at $72, 227. - ' ; . \u25a0 \u25a0 - : \u25a0; .•-- -:.- British ship Carmanlaa was shifted from the Oceanic dock to the mills of the Inman-Ponlsen lumber company this morning to begin loading lumber for Europe under charter to the L. « P. Lee lumber company. • : Steamer Rose City arrived this evening , from Son Francisco. - . . . v Steam schooner Nome . City arrived tonight from San Francisco. She will load wheat for return cargo. With freight and passengers, the steamer Eureka arrived at Martin's . dock tonight. \u25a0 She is booked to sail > again tomorrow. . _'-. Steamer Itoanoke is expected to \u25a0 arrive here tomorrow from San Pedro and way. ports. : - ASTOHIA, Feb. 23. — Steamer Nome City ar rived today from San Francisco and left up the river to load ; lumber for return. : -'; • Steamer Eureka arrived stdday. from Eureka' and left rip the river 'for Portland to discbarge. Steamer Olson &'Mahony, from San Francisco, arrived today - and ; left ;up the \u25a0 river to >\u25a0 load lumber for ; return. : . . Steamer Atro arrived - today • from \u25a0 Tiliaraook with a general . cargo : and lert , up the \u25a0- river ; for Portland - to discharge. : ' . . Steamer- Rose City arrived- today.; from San Francisco, one day. behind schedule.- and ; left : up the river • for 'Portland, to. discharge. \u25a0= ;:-.. - Oil ; tanker- Argyll . left out; today- for^ San Franclnco- in' ballast. j.-t :^ "j- .•' . y . " Norwegian steamer Selja - left out today - : for Manila" with. 3,600,000 feet of lumber.'. loaded at Portland. " ', .'-'-:' •'\u25a0 : -"•• > - • - - BEAXTLE, Feb. .23.— The cable - steamer THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY; FEBRUARY 2C 1909. TENYO MARU HAS A CLOSE CALL IN NAGASAKI HARBOR . NNcr Unitedw r United Stiates quarantine launch Albatross, which was given its endurance trial { yesterday, and little • Elizabeth Hobdy, daughter of the chief quarantine officer, who christened the pretty boat. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO ARRIVE From \u25a0 | Steamer I Date Mendoclno & Pt. Arena Sea Foam .... Feb. 24 Portland & Astoria... Cascade ....... Feb. 21 Portland & Way Ports. G. W. Elder... Feb.' 24 Grays Harbor Coronado . . ... . Feb. 24 Salina Crux Texan . .... . ... Feb. 24 China & Japan ........ Arabia ........ Feb. 24 Oyster- Harbor ... Wellington .... Feb. 23 San Diego & Way Ports State of Cal... Feb. 25 Point' Arena & Albion. Porno ......... Feb. 25 Grays Harbor... Santa Monica... Feb. 25 Coos Bay . ....... M. F. -Plant... Feb. 26 Humboldt ....; City of Topeka. Feb. 26 Humboldt North Fork ... Feb. 28 San Pedro Vanguard ..... Feb. 26 China . & Japan iKorea .'. . • Feb. "6 Puget Sound ........ .|Serak ......... Feb. 27 San * Pedro JHanalel .. . . .... Feb. '-'7 Hamburg & Way Ports Hermonthls .... Feb. 27 Shanghai & San Pedro Hazel .- Dollar... Feb. 27' Kahulul Hyades - ....... Feb. 27 Seattle & Belllngham.. Rainier ........ Feb. 27 San Pedro G. W. Elder.;. Feb. 27 Humboldt ;. f. A. Kilburn.. Feb. 28 Mexican P0rt5......... Curacao ..;.... Feb. 28 New York via Ancon.. Newport ...... Feb. 28 San Diego & Way Ports Santa Rosa .... Feb. 28 Puget Sound Ports.... Queen Feb. -28 Portland & Astoria.... Rose City .... Mar. 1 Portland & Way Ports. Roanoke ....... Mar. 1 Tahiti Mariposa ...... Mar.', 2 Seattle & Tacoma..... Watson •......'. Mar. 2 Honolulu Hllonian Mar. 3 San Pedro & Way Ports|Coos Bay . ... . Mar. 3 TO SAIL Destination I Steamer | Sails | Pier February 24 — Los Angeles Ports..... G. W. Elder 5 pm 13 Coqullle River..... ..„ Elizabeth ... 10 am 16 Willapa Harb0r.. ..... Daisy ...... .... ;... Mendoclno & Pt. Arena Sea Foam... 4pm 4 San Diego & Way Ports Santa Rosa.. 9.30 all San Pedro & Way Ports] Coos Bay... 2 pm 11 February 25 — Astoria & Portland.... D. Mitchell. .... ...: Los Angeles Ports J. S. Hlggins 10 am 2 Humboldt P. Kilburn. . 10 am 13 Astoria & Portland.... Cascade .... spm 2 February 26 — Pcget Sound Ports |Humboldt .. 10 am 7 Japan & China Tenyo Maru. 1 pm 42 Grays Harbor... | Newburg ... 3pm 7 Humboldt .. spm 2, February 27 — . I \u25a0- ;. --\u25a0 . \u0084 . Seattle. & Tacoma..... lChas. Nelson npm 20 San Diego & Way Ports) State of Cal. 9.SOa 11 Astoria & Portland 1 Northland .. spm 2 Pt. Arena & Albion... Porno 6pm 'Z j Grays Harbor Coronado ... 3pm 7 Seattle & Tacoma Bnckman ... 1 pm 20 Astoria, Sc Portland Senator ....11, am 27 Portland & Way Ports. G. W. Elder 1 pm 13 February 28— I . Humboldt City Topeka. 10.30 a 0 Los Angeles Ports iHanalel .... 3pm 7 March 1— I .Hamburg & Way Ports Serak ...... 12 m 19 New. York via Ancon.. Pern ..12 m 24 Puget Sound Ports.... Governor ... 1.30p 9 Grays Harbor S. Monica... '3 pm T Los Angeles Ports Roanoke ... 5 pm 13 March 2— • • f „ Sallna Cruz '.....'. ::'. . Nebraskan . 12 m 19 San Ditgo &. Way Ports Queen 8.30 a 11 March 3— • - ;\u25a0 Seattle direct Rainier .... 3pm 7 TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE ~~" Destination | Steamer. | Date Valdez & Seward | Northwestern .. Feb. 24 Southwestern Alaska. '. . ! Bertha . . . . . . . : Feb. 25 Valdcx & Seward .1 Pennsylvania .. Mar. 1 Time Ball United States branch nydrograpbic office. Mer chants' Exchange, San Francisco, February - 23, 1009. The time ball on the tower of the Ferry build ing was dropped today exactly at noon. Paclnc standard time (120 th meridian), or at Bh. 00m. 00s., Greenwich mean time. \u25a0- • • *?-i J. C. BURNETT, Lieutenant, U. S. N., lncharge. Burnside Is repairing tbe Alaskan - cable, which broke about 40 miles down sound. British steamer Keemun arrived from the orient. rli\ Tacoma, and is discharging. - - Steamer. Watson arrived tonight from San Francisco, having . been delayed en ; route by strong head. winds. x . , Steamer Bertha went to Tacoma to load part cargo for Valdez. > . \u25a0 - Steamer .Northwestern sails tomorrow for Val dez and Seward with 200 passengers, many of them for Fairbanks. Steamer Tampico returned from Tacoma .to night and was due to sail for San Francisco. TACOMA, Feb. 23. — Blue Funnel liner Cy clops; with general cargo for the orient ""and Liverpool, will leave port early in the morning. Blue Funnel liner Keemun left today for down sound ports to discharge general freight.' Steamer Tampico left port today after taking general cargo. Steamer Bertha Is In port loading for Alaska. She will leave In the morning for Seattle, from which port she leaves February 25 for Alaska. British steamer Inverlc' has finished discharg ing her cargo and is taking bunker coal pre paratory to loading for the orient.- - British bark Carradale I will . finish loading wheat tomorrow morning and will leave soon for the United Kingdom. Steamer Meteor Is at the Tacoma smelter discharging a cargo of concentrates from Tread well. SAN PEDRO. Feb. 23. — The 4 steamer Samoa. Captain Madsen, called- this morning, bound for Caspar. : . Schooner Azalea. Captain Fardelins, sailed today from Eureka. Steamer Shoshone, Captain -Asplund, , arrived this morning. 'from the Columbia river with lumber. Steamer -. Yellowstone, '." Captain ' Rorvlck, cleared today for the Columbia river. Steamer State of California cleared this morn ing for "San Diego." \u25a0 \u25a0Norwegian • ship Hovdlng," Captain Hansen, which put In here Friday, bound from Everett for -Lorenzo Marqnese, west coast of Africa, on account of a dissatisfied x crew; - expects to re sume'her voyaee ' tomorrow. Ten of her crew were discharged -and . their : places were . easily filled. * -'\u25a0".' • VICTORIA, Feb. 23.— The contract will be let shortly for . the construction of a twin screw wooden passenger, steamer of the approximate size ;of the Charmer, to replace; the "steamer City of Nanalmo on the Victorla-Nanalmo-Comox route, of .the Canadian Pacific coasting - service. Arrangements, have -been made for the trans fer ' next : Monday of the steamers City . of Na nalmo, - Joan, tug Nanoose and other vessels of the Esquimau and Nanaimo railway company**to the Canadian Pacific railway British Columbia coast service. ; ; \u25a0 -- ;. ; . , Army - Transports The Sherman"ls in port. The Wnrren is at Manila. The Sheridan is en route to Manila, BJKsi The Dix is at Seattle. ' The .Thomas sailed February 15 . from Manila for this port. - - . \u25a0 • ; ;•\u25a0 The Kllpatrlck' sailed. February 17 from' New York for Manila. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ; ARRIVED/ - Monday. February . 22. ' Sehr^ Santiago, McDonald. 10 hours from Mon terpy. in tow, tug Navigator. .~v Stmr Carlos. Donaldson," CO ; hours from * . WH lapa, bound - south; put In to \u25a0 land- : passengers. •,',_'. '\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :.' Tuesday,- February 23. - Stmr Bowdoln, Johnson, -30 hours ;\u25a0 from \u25a0\u25a0'- San Pedro. :.:\u25a0'\u25a0':':.\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ' -. ' . ' \u25a0 ' \u25a0:. Stmr Northland, Erlcson, 56 hoars ' from Co lumbia \u25a0 river: ?-.'\u25a0. .•\u25a0\u25a0<».;\u25a0'..:-\u25a0.'\u25a0:\u25a0,\u25a0 '•\u25a0 ; :>\. i v-.v - Stmr Asuncion, Brldgett.' 2 days from Astoria. -Stmr Homer, Hardwlck fj 43; hours from-: San. Pedro. :- \u25a0\u25a0 ;. \u25a0\u25a0-"•"..•,--'.'' > "~- .-\u25a0'-\u25a0.".:...-\u25a0\u25a0 • -"-.I "-.,"\u25a0"\u25a0•: '^... Star Charles ' Nelson, Hansenr 84 hours ; from Everett. -<*'."• ' "-\u25a0- • *-"-•' \u25a0'..\u25a0'\u25a0.'-' S -,\ '..;.- Btmr Texan,' Hall,' 7 flays and «14 hours from SalinaCruJS. . -••';•' ' "\u25a0- "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'*" Stmr City of Puebla," Shea,. 42 hours from San Diego and way ports. . - j ; \u25a0\u25a0.;.• : Stmr Hanalei, -- Sanders, \u25a065 hours \u25a0 from - San Pedro. \u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0' .--.-,\u25a0 • ' ' - : \u25a0 : '.\u25a0\u25a0->". Stmr Winnebago, Treanor, 43 hours from Coos tay.~ s .-•-'\u25a0 1 \u25a0"• •• ;\u25a0'•• •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•.--'\u25a0- .\u25a0•\u25a0 :--r.'^V-;;'.V. •' ' " :\u25a0 t Ktmr Kedondo, Bendegard,; 2%- days [from, San Pertro. i"'" '\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'- <\u25a0'•"-.; ' '\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0" • . : .-\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0'.' \u25a0•'-'-..-:. - ; Stmr F. A. Kilburn. McT/ellan, 10 hours from Eureka. ". \u25a0 .'.'\u25a0\u25a0 • ."\u25a0• .-\u25a0",: .-'.'\u25a0"^' -•..'\u25a0"..\u25a0'-.: \u25a0''\u25a0':'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 Stmr Temple E. Dorr, I Panzer,", 22 '\u25a0 hours from Eureka.". •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 .-.-"-* ; *::"'- *\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'. '\u25a0•.-\u25a0".; \u25a0-'*\u25a0'\u25a0-' :-; K v ; --- : : \u25a0> • - Stmr Hornet, - Marxen.'L 70 ; hours ; from "• Grays Harbor.!. •'"-,--\u25a0. * >'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;.- \u25a0' \u25a0"\u25a0"• . \u25a0• \u25a0;\u25a0•\u25a0' *'•"\u25a0•.•? '-\u25a0\u25a0'-•• \u25a0- Stmr : Elizabeth, •• Olse*>,"42 hours from Bandon,' Stmr Snni a Barbara, . Zaddart, 54 hours from San Pedro. \u25a0 • . _ . • Stmr Ituokman, Wood. 03 hours" from Seattle. Stmr Newburg, Norberg, 05 hours from Grays Harbor. \u25a0 v - Schr C. A. Thayer, Peterson, 12 days from Grays Harbor. ' Schr Monterey, Kelly, 14 hours from Mon terey, In tow tug Sea Bover. . Power sclir Newark, Jahnsen, 20 hours from Byxbee lauding. \u0084' ' . \u25a0 CLEARED . . Tuesday, February 23. \u25a0 Stmr City of Topelsa,..Glelow, Eureka; Pacific Coast steamship company. Stmr Hauulel, McFarland, . San Pedro; Cres cent wharf and warehouse company. \u25a0 ". Stmr Santa Uosa, . Rellly, .San Diego; Pacific Coast steamship company. Stmr City of Puebla,. Shea, Victoria; Pacific Coast steamship company. SAILED Tuesday, February 23/ Stmr City of Puebla, Shea, Victoria. Stinr Chphalls. Kottlcson. Grays Harbor. Ktmr George Loomls, •\u25a0' McKellar -Jr., .Gavlota. Stmr Tamalpais. Anderson, Astoria. . '• ' Stmr - Whitesboro, Frederlctson, Greenwood. • Rtmr National City, Linder, Fort Bragg. , :\u25a0 Stmr Maverick. Daniels, Portland. • ;> Stmr Carlos, Donaldson, San Pedro.' '\u25a0' Stmr City of Topeka. Glelow, Eureka, Stmr Hanaiel, Sanders, San^ Pedro. Stmr Whlttier, Seaman, , Port San Luis." Stmr ' South Bay, I lal vorsen. j Eureka. Schr Henry Wilson; Sanders, Grays Harbor. -WEATHER REPORTS POINT LOBOS. Feb 23, 0 a. m.— Weather, fofrsy; wind, northeast; velocity,. 6 miles per hour. \u25a0 - - s •\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0- \u25a0 . ' \u25a0 \u25a0 ..,..- POINT REYES, Feb 23, 0 a. m.— Weather, dear; wind, south; velocity, -13 miles per hour. FARALLONES, - Feb 23. 0 . a. ra. — Weather, cloudy; wind, east: Telocity, -4 miles' per- hour. TATOOSH, Feb 23, 6 p. m. — Weather, raining; wind, southeast; velocity. 27 miles per hour*-,.. WIRELESS : V. \u25a0 ' Stmr St. Croix, from ! Newport News* for San Francisco and Seattle— Feb 8, 445 miles southeast of Cape Hatttras. 1 • . \u25a0\u25a0- '. . :\u25a0\u25a0» , BY UNITED WIRELESS . Stmr . Asnnelon. from Portland for Ran I Fran cisco — Feb 22, 12 noon, off Cape Blanco. Stmr Alameda, hence Feb 20 for - Honolulu— Feb 22, 8 p. m., 760 miles off San Francisco.' Stmr Colonel B. L. Drake, hence Feb 20 for Seattle— Feb 22, 7 p. m., SO miles north of Capo Blanco. - "''\u25a0 \u25a0 ; TELEGRAPHIC .' £' POINT LOBOS, Feb 23, 10 p. • m.— Weather, cloudy; wind, southwest; velocity, 5 miles per hour. DOMESTIC PORTS SAN PEDRO— Arrived • Feh 23— Stmr.* OrVrs Harbor, from Wlllapa ; . stmr Shoshone, from - Co lumbia river. . \u25a0'; \u25a0 \u0084 ;\u25a0 . Sailed Feb . 23— Stmr ; State of - Calif ornla, for San Diego: schr Azalea. \sr Eureka; stmr.Yel lowstone. \u25a0 for San Franels&>. ' - ASTORIA — Arrived Feb 1 23— Stmr Rose City, hence Feb 21 : strnr \ Eureka, from Eureka and Coos. hay: stmr. Olson "& Mahony, hence Feb 19; stmr Norn* City; hence Feb 10. . >.. - , Sailed Feb 23 — Nor stmr, Selja, for orient. Sailed .Feb 23— Stmr Argyll, for ; San Fran. clbco. -."'\u25a0' '\u25a0.\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0:'-' \u25a0\u25a0 ,' ' ••. . ; \u25a0•- \u25a0-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 - • -• •- .• _...-. WESTPORT (Wenh.)— Pasned In Feb ?3-i-Stmr Centralla. hence Feb 19 : \ stmr • Carmel.l. hence W.& J.Sloane Office Desks, Tables, Chairs, Complete Line 649-657 Mission Street Canadian Pacific Less Than Four; Days at Sea I Weekly Salllns Betrreen Montreal, Que- bec and Liverpool. , Two days on the beautiful St. : Lawrence River and the shortest ocean route to Europe. • :-.; . ' Nothing • better on \u25a0 tbe Atlantic than - our Em- \u25a0 presses. \u25a0 \u25a0 Wireless : on i : all * steamers., • ':. First class $90, . second $50, one - class ! cahin $45 Ask any L ticket agent, " or* write \u25a0•: for : sailings, rates and booklet. - - E. E.. PEMN, G. A., 77 ELLIS ST., San Francisco/, Cal.-. ;.;s-f§^^^ luondon— Paris— Hamburg, \u25a0'• '\u0084 LS Amerika;(new)..Feb. v 27v 27 Deutschland... ..j^r. 11 Pretoria*. .V.'. . .'.Mar.l 6 Pennsylvania. .r. Mar. 'i 13 I T^ A I VW^ V ' a - A ? ore *» p^'aiVar," 8 | Ml« B , Naplei and Genoa S.: S. \ HAMBURG j ...... . . t^March 23. Mxiajr"*; 11 •• \u25a0\u25a0 BATAVIA. ...*. ..... : . JAprll 13, Jjuno r 8 \u25a0•• MOLTKE.. -.:.-:..".. J*H April 27, i lit June* 10 •Calls^Aiores." '^Gibraltar, JNaples and: Genoa. TOURIST; PEPT. ; FORITIUPS EVERYWHERE.": Hamburg- American lilne, 160 Powell; St. (Xear.ElHa). S. F. V Phone, Kearny 2046. Coinipagaie Generale^^Transatlabtiqiae '•'\u25a0 y: '\ DIRECT -"LINE Tt6 = HAVRE-PARIS. /.; ' • Sallins: every I Thursday.": Instead : of j Saturday, . at 10 \u25a0 a. : m. r from pier 4-,"-: North . river, j foot ; of Hortonist^-f^.'-^-.j^y'''^"- \u25a0'.,\u25a0\u25a0 - :: :- ".;"-\u25a0\u25a0 : i'"- First '•\u25a0 class to Havrp." $77.50 \u25a0 and i upward ; ' siec-' ond! class. to. Havre,' sso and upward.: GENERAL' AGENCY?; FOR "UNITED * STATES 'AND * CAN-. ADA.I 19 State i st. 1 ; } New iTork.iVJ. :i F. $. FCG AZI.^ Manager I Pacific i Coasts 630 1 Montgomery "\u25a0 st.Ti San 1 Francisco.^ TickeU ' «olfl * by ; ? ail - railroad i tlcktf t i Weather Report^ \u25a0 -''- United States .'. Department of ." Asfriculture— Weatner Bureau.! San Francisco. Feb.. 23, 1900.:;' - * RAINFALL DATA . : \ •: . * Last - Seasonal Normal \u25a0-Stations^-- 24 hours." •' to date; todate. Eureka .:............ 0.00 17.32 30.32 Red 81uft;.....;....'. 0.00 23.95< 10.00 Sacramento ";...."..'.:.; 0.00 19.40 13.52: Mount. Tamalpnis..,. . 0.00 . 31.65 15.91 San Francisco. .". ..... 0.00 - 21 .99 15 .79 San, J05e.....'. ...0.00 15.19 '.'9.78 Fresno; vr:r.".V."r..V.;' 0.00. 8.53 . .6.25 Independence ..... ..".'O.OO • 7.5)5 . 6.14 ; San Luis Obispo.'.;... 0.00 27.30 13.36 Los Ange1e5. . . .". . ...-.' 0.00 16. 0S • 10.54 San , Dieg0. .......... : 0.00 6.86 0.83 •\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*.' I S ¥ ='\u25a0 3 . -?5 •STATIONS. § • s P 5 =f , '\u25a0£» ; S %\u25a0:\u25a0 .Z \u25a0 \u25a0?r? r ,r> ;•\u25a0 : - y '<l. • \u25a0 , /.:\u25a0'\u25a0- Baker ...... . .30.24 _58, 30 N Cloudy .00 ; Eolse :. . : . . . . ; .30.32 46 30 SE Cloudy '.00 Eureka.'."...... GO. 10 5G -38' S- :Cloudy .00 ; Flagstaff,- .:;.' r.30.24 .34 ; 0 -,E «;."' Clear ' .00 ] Fresno .....'.. .30.24 C 2 40 -SE Clear - .00 Independence .•.30. 18 54 30 SE Clear -00 Kallspell ; . . ;. . 130.20 32 22 S\V Cloudy -Tr. Los Ange1e5.. ..30.28 64 41 SW Clear • .00 Mudena A :'. . . ; . . 30.383 0 .38 "32" 32 12 E ; * Clear . 00 Mt. Tamalpalß.3o.lß 54 48 S Cloudy • .00 North -Head.... 29. 9tf 4S 40 SE Cloudy .08 Phoenix V. . .*. .". .SO.2S 58 34 SW ; Clear \u25a0:\u25a0'; .00 Pocatello ;...'..i;0.42 32 6 8E Pt.Cldy .00 Pt. Reyes Lt. .30.14 56 47 S aoudy .00 Portland ..'....30.04 '48 38 E Rain .08 Red 81uff... ...30. 22 54 38 ' SE Cloudy .00 Reno '......;.. 30.18 54 V 22 SE Cltmdy .00 Roseburg "'...... 30.06 ; 54 42 •NH Cloudy > .00 Sacramentor....3o.22; 58 '40 SE Cloudy .00 Salt Lake.. ..; .30.42 36 20 NW Pt.Cldy . 00 5an; Dieg0..... .30.28 64 40* NW Clear .00 San; Francisco.. 3o. 2o C 2 46 E ' Pt.Cldy .00 San, Jose.. •...;. 30. 20 .03 30 NW Clear, .00 San L. 0bi5p0. 30. 28 .64 : SB. NW Clear . .00 BE. Farallon...So.lS 54 48 S Cloudy .00 Spokane ......30.20 42 32 E Cloudy .00 Summit.. :.r...".. :-: 54 21 NE Clear *.00 Tacoma .. . . .'. .30.00 52 38 8W Cloudy Tr. Tatoosh ..::.. .29. 88' "48 38 S 'Rain .08 Tonopah : . . . . .30.38 44 18 SE ? Clear * .00 Walla i. Walla.; .3o.lo 58 33 N ' Cloudy .00 Winnemucca ;. 30:28 46 20 S Pt.Cldy, .00 Ynma . \u25a0:..-... •.30.28. 64 42 N Clear .00 . : - 'Average snow on ground, 213 inches. , - :\u25a0 \u25a0;.'\u25a0; \u25a0-\u25a0: -SYNOPSIS - \u25a0-.'.'. v \u25a0 A moderate disturbance overlies the • coast of Washington and has already caused rain as far south '". as - Portland. ' There * probably, will be showers -Wednesday in I the \ northern counties of California. Pleasant weather prevails at most points in -. the state, with temperatures - nearly n0rma1. ..." Afternoon | temperatures In I the great valley average about CO degrees.- - .' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0) The relative humidity at Red Bluff was 78 per cent and ; at Fresno 68 per cent. . \u25a0 : : .FORECAST -' • San . Francisco \u25a0. and vicinity — Cloudy Wednes day/with showers; fresh- south winds. • \u25a0. Santa Clara valley— Cloudy Wednesday, .with showers; fresh south winds." • -i Sacramento -." valley — Cloudy Wednesday," with showers; brisk south winds. «•« • San ,' Joaquln valley — Increasing . cloudiness Wednesday, probably showers by night; moderate south winds.- .;.\u25a0> ' - '\u25a0.'-*" Los iAngelfg and vicinity— Fair \u25a0 Wednesday ; light north winds, changing to south. : .. \u25a0 - A. G. McADIE, District Forecaster. Son, Moon and Tide United States coast and geodetic ' survey— Time • and heights of tides at Fort Points For city * front (Mission street wharf) add 25 mlnntes. .. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 "~*" Sun rises ...:. G:49 Sun sets - ........ .... . . . . .......... ... 5:59 First quarter m00n. ..... .Feb. 20.. at -3:40 p. m. Full moon i... ....... .March 6,-at 0:47 p. m. |Time \u25a0v - ; • |Time Time Time -> - Feb) 1 Ft | Ft j Ft I Ft |HW JL W • H W , >\u25a0\u25a0 L W 24:. 2:35' 8.5 8:46 1.11 3:04| 4.8 8:50 1.5 25.'. .3:171-6.3 9:40 1.0 4:25 4.4 0:38 2.1 26.. 4:04 5.5 10:54 0.7 6:04 4.0 10:35 2.7 27.. 4:55 8.4 12:05 0.5 7:2S 4.1 11:36 3.1 28.. 5:56 5.4 1:16 0.2 8:40 4.2 U. S. Branch HydrogTopbic Office A branch of the • United States hydrographlc office, located at: the Merchants* Exchange, is maintained >In San Francisco for tbe benefit ' of mariners, without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators are cordially Invited to risk tbe I office, where complete sets of charts and sailing directions of the world are kept at hand - for .comparison - and reference I and - the latest Information . can . always be obtained re garding lights. : dangers to navigation and mat ters of Interest "to ocean commerce.- . \u25a0--.-; / J. C. BURNETT, , " Lieutenant, : U. S. N., in charge. Feb 19; stmr Saa Jaclnto, hence Feb 19; strlir Westerner, hence Feb 19. " Passed out Feb; 23 — Stmr Svea. for San Fran cisco ; i stmr - Saata Monica; I for Saa Francisco. PORT SAN LUlS— Sailed Feb 23— Stmr Coos Bay, for San Francisco; stmr Santa Rita,* for San Francisco. .'- ', . ." • . TACOMA— Arrived f Feb 23— Stmr Tampico, from Seattle; stmr Bertha, from Valdez. Sailed Feb 2.1 — Nor stmr Elr, for west coast; Br stmr Keemun, for Seattle. • •Sailed Feb 23 — Stmr Tampico, for Seattle; Br straa Cyclops." for Yokohama. i \u25a0 SOUTH BEND— Arrived Feb 23— Stmr Ray moad, hence Feb 10. Arrived*- Feb 23 — Stmr Jim . Butler, hence Feb 19. SAN DIEGO — Arrived Feb 23 — Schr Oregon, from Tlllamook. * • DELMAR— Arrlvea Feb 23— Stmr Helen P. Drew, hence Feb 22. -POINT LOBOS— Passed south' Feb 23— Nor Btmr- Mathilda."^ from Tacoma. for Grecnock. TATOOSH— Passed inward Feb 23— Stmr Wat son, hence Feb 20, . for Seattle. .NE AH BAY — Passed In . Feb 23 — Independent asphalt scow No. 2. in tow tug Independence.- FORT BRAGG— Arrived Feb 23— Stmr James S. Hlecin*. hence Feb 22. COOS BAY — Arrived Feb 22 — Stmr Grace Dol lar, hence Feb 10; schr Metha Nelson, from Al tata. - Feb 23— Stmr Czarina, hence Feb 20; stmr Nann Smith, hence Feb 20. BELLINGHAM— Arrived Feb 23— Stmr Shasta, PACIFIC OCEAN TRAVEL r Steamers leave Broadway /ffi£*SeCj\. \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0•'WharTes (Piers 9 and 11). foZ_L -^S\ LOW BATES. INCLUDING W/W<IW BERTH AND MEALS. j / Ys>E|l ] I SPECIAL ROUND TRIP Vk.\ J&y FOR IjOS ANGELES \Sii-ri»/ SAN DIEGO \u25a0 X^TStJ^ SANTA- BARBARA STATE CAL. . . ........... .Feb. 27, 8:30 a. m. QUEEN... ...... A.. .Mar. 2, 20,' 8:30a.v m. C IT Y PUE8LA .'. . .... . . . .^1ar. 8. 28. «( :30 a! . in. S/ HOSA.Feb^ 24, Mar. 5, 11, 17, 23,' 9:30. a. m. G0VERN0R. .. . . ... . . . . . . . .Mar. 14, 9:30 a. m. FOB SEATTLE, TACoiMA, VICTORIA AM) VANCOUVER, B. C^ PUGET SOUND AND ALASKAN PORTS CITY OF- PUE8LA. . . . . .... .Mar. 13, 1:30 p. m. GOVERNOR.... '.'.I. ..Mar.' 1, 10,, 1:30 p. m. QUEEN . r .". . . .'. . . .7. .... .Mar. 7, 25, 1:30 p. tn. .; FOR- EUREKA (HUMBOLDT ; BAY) CITY OF T0PEKA......................... Feb." 28, Mar. !5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 10:30 a. m. And Every Fifth Day Thereafter. \ . FOR MEXlCO— Guaymnii, " Mazatlan, La Pac, : Ensenada, San Jose del Cnbo, Magdnlena Bay, Santa Rosalia. CURACA0. '. '. . . :. ..... ... . . . . ; .Mar. ,7, 10 a. m. ALASKA CRUISES 1000 Steamship SPOKANE . will 'leave* Seattle, : 11 1 p. m., June 15, 1 30, July. 15, 30, Aug. 14. *> j . Right reserved to change this schedule. \u25a0 :', , ; v 'ticket^offices t " SAN FRANCISCO^-3 Market st. Market st. i 'and . Broadway^ Wharf .' ,* Telephone ; Kearny. 492. Oakland Ticket 0ffice.. . .. .. ... . .1056 Broadway ?C. D.^pUNANN^G. P. A.,' San rrancisco. ; TOYO KISEN KAISHA (ORIENTAL * STEAMSHIP COMPANY) 8 S. "Tenyo Marii" (Omits Shanghai Call)::VV. .... ... • . .••' •'• • .... .'. .T.rriday, Feb.' 2B, 1909 B S. ."Nippon Maru".."..*. .Friday, Mar.* 19, 1909 S. 8. 1 "Chiyo Maru" .'.."... Friday, : Apr. • 16, 1909 \u25a0: Steamers sail from . company's piers, Nos. 42, 44, near \u25a0 foot of - Second st.; ; 1 ; p. , m.; - ; for Yoko- hama \u25a0 and ' Hongkong, calling at ' Honolulu,. Kobe (Hlogo),' Nagasaki and Shanghai, 'and connecting at Hongkong : with steamers - for i Manila, > India, etc: "'No cargo ' received on. board on day of sail- ing. "* Round i trip \u25a0 tickets : at ; reduced • rates. " : \u25a0 .'*' For .freight ? and passage apply -at office, 240 , James Flood building. v- W. H. AVER Y.* - -v * ' . .^ ;,l '"- ;V Assistant General Manager. -^ ITAHITI AND NEW ZEAIAND--S. S. Mariposa sails 11 a. m\. Mar. 10. Spl. Tahiti S3 round : trip $125.% Wellington, 1 $260. 8.-T.' ; UAUAI 111 II / 8. : sails -II MlmllLlJLlj om.- March. '00. Special LL l lVJ?.yi'V"^*r: } round -trip,- $llO first class. 1 : OCEANIC; LINE;; 673 Mkt.; tel^ Kearny 1 1231^ % BAYIANbIINTEBURBAN/ ROUTES %\u25a0 YalleioV Napa^St; Helena \u25a0 ST. t HELKWA-NAPA'^yALLEY^BOUTE '' '-'\u25a0'- Montlcello' S. v SSt:. t: Co.^and : Napa i Valley : Electric R. R;- Co." Close connections >-^-, : \u25a0•".\u25a0.;t; ;:<j^round i daily— c • : .. Boatsl leave ' San 5 Francisco ',7:oo, i '0:45: a. m.,' 12:30 moon,i noon,> 3:15,*; 6:00.~? ?8:30 \u25a0 p.' m._ ~ \u25a0'"• San' Francisco > landing \u25a0 and -of Oce; ' Clay * street : , wharf ,-\u25a0\u25a0 north \ end > ferry building, ; Market * street • ferry. a> Meals j a la^carte/ \u25a0 \u25a0 . - "-\u25a0 • \u25a0- : .i-- = ' 'A Phono 9 Kearny i 406. r -\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 ': •:>" -.\u25a0\u25a0"- T"' """"^"-i \u25a0;\u25a0 V'Lajxajiavy. jwd; direct, : •\ 1 hence . Feb 18, to load for San ' Pedro. UMPQUA RlVEK— Arrived Feb 21 — Schr Louise, from- San l'edro.^fWnQpleMMKßPßV Sailed Feb \u25a0 22— Scbr , Lily.- tor San Francisco. POINTV-RHYES— l'assed Feb 23— Xor itmr Ma thilda," • from Tacoma, I for Oreenock ; atmr Kath erine. from ' Redondo, for Eureka. - EUREKA— Arrived Febf 23— Stmr North Fork, hence Feb 21. \u25a0\u25a0,' • \u25a0 --- ; Arrived ", Feb : 23— Stmrs Acme and ; Roanoke, hence Keb 22; stmr laijua. from San Pedro; stmr J. J. Loggie, from San Pedro.' -.' -*•' Sailed Feb 23 — Stmr. George W. Elder, for San Francisco., . PORT LUDLOW— Sailed Feb 23— Ger stmr Serak, for San Francisco. . • MONTEREY— SatIed Feb '23— Stmr Melville Dollar, for San Francisco. -HOQUlAM— Arrived Feb 23— Stmr San Jacinto. hence Feb 10. -. , ; • . ' SEATTLE — Arrived Feb 23— Br stmr Keemun, from Yokohama; ' stmr Nebraskan, from Sallna Cms, via San Diego. . \u25a0 : Arrived Feb 2U— Stmr -Watson, hence Feb 23. 'EASTERN PORTS NEW YORK— Sailed Feb 17— Br stmr Foxton Hall; for Victoria. . - : Arrived. Feb 22 — Br stmr Charcas, from Valpa raiso. Feb 2S— Stmr Isthmian, from Philadelphia. .PHILADELPHIA— Arrived Feb 22— Stmr Ore gonian, .from- Puerto Mexico. ' DELAWARE BREAKWATER— SaiIed Feb 22— Stmr Isthmian, for New York. BOSTON— Arrived • Fftb . 22— Br stmr Hudson, from "Manila. -\u25a0\u25a0 - • • \u25a0 -^ ISLAND PORTS MAHUKONA— Arrived Feb ltt— Schr Defender. hence Jan 26. "1" 1 - I«^s!w33ifMlßifiKS9aßji1 «^s ! w33ifMlßifiKS9aßji HONOLULU— SaiIed ' Feb 23--Stmr MongoUa. for Yokohama and Hongkong; stmr Hllonian, for San Francisco.-. , . i Arrlrtd Feb 23— Schr Dauntless, from Grays Harbor. " FOREIGN PORTS . BRISBANE-^Arrlved Feb 21— Br stmr Aorangl, from Vaneon ver. . . \u25a0 • CHERBOURG— Arrived Feb 20— Fr bark Ba bln .Chevaye, from Antwerp, for San Francisco. HA VRE— Arrived Feb 21 — Ger stmr Serapis, hence Nov 2.- \u25a0 DUNGENESS— Passed Feb 21— Fr bark Bolel dleu, from Hamburg, for San Francisco. \ BEACHY HEAD— Passed Feb 21— Br stmr Uganda, from Oregon, for United Kingdom. VALPARAISO — Sailed, Jan 6 — Br stmr Volga, for New York. *i^W»JpSSF . In port Jan 20 — Br stmr Croydon, for Oregon. ANTWERP— SaiIed Feb 20— Br ship Pegasus, for San Francisco. :iipljWiil.<frMlWlt*it wji w&t' 1 agjaaj ST. VINCENT— SaiIed Feb IS— Br stmr Strath earn, for Puget sound, via Japan. Feb 21 — Br stmr Strathnairn. for ' Antwerp. SINGAPORE— SaiIed Feb 20— Br stmr Teucer. for Liverpool. HilnrjffHl jjntM*s HAMBURG— In port Feb 15— Ger ship Llsbetb, for San Diego. _^. '•,; MAZATLAN— SatIed Feb 2(V-Ger strar Her monthis, for San Francisco. Feb 21 — Stmr Cura cao, for San Francisco. ." • : \u25a0 \u25a0 PORT NATAlv— Arrived prior Feb 23— Br stmr Cranley. from Norfolk, for Manila. PANAMA— SaiIed Feb 23— Stmr Acapulco. for San Francisco. - -aa4>tywa^g*g|lg'- l *Jfetf HUlJi— Arrived Feb 22— Br stmr Uganda, from Oregon/* - - - . DUBLlN— Arrived Feb 22— Br star Janeta. hence Dec 1. \u25a0 CALLAO— Sailed Jan 24— Br bark Procyon, for Tacoma. GUAYMAS— SaiIed Feb 7— Sehr A. P. Coats, for Townsend. In port Feb o— Nor stmr Christian Bora, for San Francisco. • • ". \u25a0 SANTA ROSALIA— In port Jan 31— Ger bark Schnrbek, Ger ship Alsterdamm. Br ship Spring bank. Br ship Ballachnllsh., Br ship Oltvebank, Br ship Chiltonford. Br ship Levcrnbank. ACAPULCO— SaiIed * Feo 21— Stmr City of Sydney, for Ancon. \u25a0 \u25a0 • W ." - OCEAN STEAMERS NEW YORK— Arrived Feb 23— Stmr Kaiser Wllhelm. from Bremen. BREMEN— Arrived Feb 23— Stmr Kronprinjes sin Cecil le. from New York. LIVERPOOL— Sailed Feb 23— Stmr Ivernia. for Boston. SYDNEY. X, S. W.— Arrived Feb 22-^Stmr Aorangl. from Vancouver, via Honolulu and Brisbane. . DUBLlN— Arrived Feb 22— Stmr Janeta, from San Francisco. GIBRALTAR— Arrived" Feb 23— Stmr Canoptc. from Boston, for Genoa. Naples, etc., and pro ceeded; stmr Barbarossa, from ' New York, for Naples and Genon. and proceeded. BOULOGNE— SaiIed Feb 23— Stmr NoorJam, from Rotterdam, for New York. ST. VINCENT. C. V.— Sailed Feb 21— Br stmr Strathcalm. from Portland. Ore., for "Antwerp. MARSEILLES— Arrived Feb 23— Stmr VenezU. from Np*t York. - . \u25a0 CHERBOURG— Arrived Feb 23— Stmr Kron prlnxessln Krelle, from New York. BOSTON— Sailed Feb 23— Stmr Saxonla, for Liverpool. Memoranda Br ship Crown of India, from Oregon, at Queenstown Jan 25, reported shipped a heavy eea Jan 7. lat 25 deg N, long 41 deg Vr, vrblch damaged lifeboats, started cabin bulkhead and caused poopdeck to leak. On coming to anchor at Queenstoivn lost anchor and 120 fathoms of chain. | Fr bark Eugene Fautrel. at . Antwerp Feb 1 from * Oregon, reports having met - with heavy weather on Oct 28 and Jan 18. during which she sustained sundry damages on deck and had sails carried away. \u25a0 .'\u25a0Vv--"* I LONDOX. Feb 22— Br stmr Empress of China, from Hongkong for Vancouver, previously \u25a0 re ported .at Kobe damaeed, will make temporary repairs before proceeding. RAILWAY TRAVEL, /^m#y\ TRAINS LEAVE PfPf SAN FRANCISCO vSx Market St. Ferry Leave for— |Ail.| PJI. Bakersfleld 8.00 8.00-10.00 Chicago . ... 8.00-10.00 Fresno 8.00 8.00-10.00 Grand Canyon... | ... 8.00-10.00 Hanf ord ; . 8.00 8.00 Kansas City 8.00-10.00 Merced 8.00 8.00-10.00 Stockton ........ 8.00 4.00- 8.00-10.00 Stockton. Oak- dale & Sierra Ry points 9.45 Tulare 8.00 8.00-10.00 ._ Vlsalla 8.00 8.00-10.00 Yosemite . ... . . . 8.00 ... California Limited through to Chicago leaves at lOiOO p. na. • OFFICES: 673 Market Street and Market Street • Ferry Depot, San Francisco , .1112 Broadway, Oakland Northwestern Pacific R. R. Co. SOUTHEKX DIVISION',. JAX. IS, 19O», VIA SAUSALITO For Snunnlltn, Mill Valley, San Ra- fael—Daily, except Sunday — Every 40 minntes from 6:40 ft. m. until 10 a. m.; hourly until 4 p. m., then 4:40 and every 40. minntes until 6:40 p. m.; then 8:00, 0:43 p. ra. and 12 m. On Sundays every 40 minutes from 6:40 "a. m. to 8:00 p. ra.: then 9:45 p. m. and 12 m. . For Fairfax— Week days^ — 8:40, 7:20, 8:00. 11:00 a. m. (3:00 p. m. Saturdays only), 4:00. 4:40, 6:20 and G:00 p. m. Sundays — 8:00. 9:20, 10:00. 10:40. 11:20 a. tn. 12 m., 12:40, 1:20, 2:00, 2:40, 8:20, 4:00. 4:10 p. m. : ."..,• •--i-.-. : - ' For San Quentla— Dally — 8:00 a. tn. and 2:00 p. m. " 8:00 a. m. dally for Cazadero and way sta- tions. " - -• 1.. . . '; . 3:00 p. . m. Saturday, only \u25a0 for Cazadero and way stations. \u25a0• VIA.TIBUROX For Tlbtiron, Belvedere and San Ra- fael— 7:35. :'.'»9:10.' 11:00 a. m.; (»12:30 p. m. Saturdays only), 8:30, 5:10, »ti:3O p.m . dally. On Sundays additional trips at 8:00 a. in.. 12:30 and 6:30 p. m., for San Rafael and Inter- mediate points. \u25a0 - . y ; 7:35 a. m. dally for Petalnma, Santa Rosa. Healdsburg, - Cloverdale, Ukiab. Willits,' Sber- wood. \u25a0 Sebastopol and way stations. 7:35 a. m. dally, except Sunday, for Glen El- len, Guerneville, : River ~ Landing and way . sta- tions. . . . ' .\u25a0 . .- •. . '• 8:00 a. m., Sunday only — Petalnma, Santa Rosa. Healdsburg. Cloverdale,, Glen Ellen, Guer- nevllle. .; River Landing and way s rations. " 11:00 a. m. for Petaluma, Santa Rosa and way stations. -• 3:30 p.m. dally for Petaluma, Santa Rosn. Healdsburg, Cloverdale,' Uklah, Gnerneville, Se- bastopol ; and way stations. • , \u25a0- \u25a0. \u25a0'• 5:10 * p. '. m. dally for Petaluma, Santa Rosa,' Glen : Ellen • and way , stations.' . .' -\u25a0 . " '•;. *To Tiburon \u25a0 only. • . :, »_\u25a0*::: - \u25a0Pacific Transfer Company's agents ar* anthor- ized = to cheek baggage direct - from residence. ~ - Ticket Offices, north I end I Ferry Building and 874 Market street. Flood Building. \u25a0g[l%ttlß&± MUIR WOODSy l||||i MT. TAMALPAIS \u25a0'^llgsf VIA SAUSALITO FERRY yß%r FOOT OF MARKET STREST ' - IT LKAL HOUPATB-SOWPAY TOB ' t?.lnfrrwba_ - li.UsltVatx . UTanl-ilt " VfZEX. jgUN-' WEEK SUN- WEEK SCX- I;DAY 'PAY' DAY' J DAY ' ' DAY " DAY '-\u25a0S-SS 1 -1 : 55* \u25a0 t ? :25 » 11:0 °* ?:25a 10:56 a -2:00» 10:00 a I:3Si 12:20» 1:32? 12 16? •4:40p '11:20. ©3:00p f:4op 4:34p ; I:3fr ..-..:.;. 12:40p 4:40p 3:05p «B*so> ..3:otp ...:.... .2:00 p........ 4:46 p........ 4:41p ........ 3:20p .v.-...-;. 6:05» .v; \u25a0\u25a0;.:•. 6:Qlp -\u25a0• •Saturday only.- \tMonday onlv. \u25a0; oTamalpaw only. Ticket Offices— Sausalito Ferry acd 872 Market. v - - General Officesj-Mfll Yalltj-. Califoraia. \u25a0 ~ OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY (12th ?and '; Mission)— Dally ex. Sunday— Vr". : 0:30a,^ 1:45p,-; B:40p. r ; Ar. : -.7:35 a." 9:10a,^5: JOp.. Sundays— Lt.: "8:30 a, * -10:10 a,- 12:15 p. 5:40 p. Ar.:.:; 8 :10a,": 11 :50 a, . *i:33p, - Silpy." •Granada' Express— No atops. y-' '. -\u0084--- • ff — ~- AUCTIONSALES, Wait for Our Next Bi; Sale if You Want Good Sound Well Broke Horaes Tuesday, March 2, 1909 FIVE CARLOADS 150 HEAD OF THE FA- MOUS DOUBLE SQUARE BRAND MARES AND GELDINGS. Weighing from l,10» to 1.600 lbs. Thes* horses are gentle and ready to go to work. WESTERN HORSE MARKET E. STEWART * CO.. ACCTIONEEKS AND LIVE STOCK DEALER 3. 525 10th It it Brvant. .^ iS At PUBLIC AUCTION. WEDNESDAT, Feb. ,24. at 11 a."m.. In Oa'staail — 10 Biff Mares. welshln? 1.3C0 to 1.600 lbs; 31 Bis Work Horses, 1,300 to 1.660 lbs; 28 General Business Horses, suitable for Butcher. Dairy, Bakery: 17 city foot nor© Ping*: 4 Mnles; 1 Trotting Bred Standard Stallion, mark 2:15*4 1 1 fast Runner. can run *4 jn 23 seconds. >• mil* in 49 seconds; 24 Vehicle, from a bugyy t oa rtray: 44 sets all kinds of /larness. 5G5 4th *t.. Oakland. ; J. W. MKPEIROS. Auctioneer. .5a 5^ AUCTION 1 Any one needing anything in the line of horses, buggies, wagona. cart* or harness, watch for th» bis ad for the sale at the Duboce Stable*, oa Valencia near 13th. Thursday, February 23, U a. m. Everything must be as represented, or money refunded. Ontaide hone* sold on commis- sion. WM. CLOUGU, Auctioneer. Phone Park 2723. J RAILWAY TRAVEL y^TtfrnS^ Trmias !«»»• «aJ >r« imt pfeSyV San Francisco) \&4^2yo7 Feosi Feb. 7. 1909 >^C|^r FEURY DEPOT \u25a0 \u25a0i"^ "\u25a0 ,- Foot o { Market Street Leaya —\TA OAKLAND PIER— Arrival 6^oa Hayvard, Nile?, gaa Joss 748*. 7.00 a Kichaiotid, Port Costa. Beckia, Sul- ' Kin. Duon, Sacramento, ltosetiDs, Maryjville, Reddiaj, DuMmuir.... 7.C8» • • 7.00 a Bmira. Vacaville. kumsey 728 m 7.00 a Davis, 'Woodiand iMarjsville. Oro- ville). Williamg, Uazicell. WiDona. Hamilton. Cornint Ked Bluff. . . 7.25» ' 7.20* Richmond. Port Costa. Jfaxtinei, Byron, Traey, Stockton 7.08s 7.40» Valkjo. Napa. Caliatoga, Santa Horn. Martines. gas Ramos, Dougherty, _-.• Plwsanton /. 6.08 », 7.40 a ftuea. Pleacsaton, Livnicore, Al- ' tamont, Lathrop. 5t0ckt0n.......; 7.28^ 7.40 a Tracy. Loa Banos. Kerman, Frejoo, t' Honford, Viaaiia. 4J28» B.ooa Rassd. Newark, Centenrffla Baa _^. Jo«, Loa Gatos. Wrljbt. laarel 6.43t B^oa Port Coa*a, Martiner Byron. Tracy. Stockton. Merced. Fresno, Goafaeq J'w-tioa (Hiniord), Visaiia, Porter- 4 «— ,vilie. BakerifidJ 4.48* B^oa T; osemits Valley via Mereed 4.48 a 9.00 a Nilea. livermore. Stociton(*llilton), Valley Hprinj, lone. Sacramento. 4.28 i 9.00 a Sonora. Tuolumae and Anj«J« 4.28 • 8.00» Atbatio Fjtpress— Saar»mento,Tn» kee, Oiden. Salt Lake City, leaver, • Kansas Cky. .-. 7.23 a 10.00 a The Overland limited— D«nver. Kansas City, Om.iha, CLicajo..... 8.28 i • 10.20* VaJlejo, Mare Idand. Naps |I^3» 10.20* Los Angeles PaassnjK— Port Costa, Martines, Byron, Tracy, Stockton, Herceii, Fresno. Eaaford. VuaUa, Tulve. Baker-field. Los Anz-'e»... 7.43» 10.40 a Goldfidd Pasa^-Port Costa. Benkia. Saenuneato Trnekee. liaxea. Mina. Toaopab. GoIdS eM. Laws, Keeler.. 7,48 a 10.40 a Maryjville. Chico. Red Bluff 4.28» 1.20p Niles. San Joae and Way Station •.. 2.48 a 1.40b UasseL Alvarado, Newark, Agaew, • SaaJose 9.58> . 2.20s Benieia. ssnisun, Saeranento. 1.08? 2^op Portland Express (via DavisXjWi*- liatna^ Willows, Red Bluff. Weed. (Mucdoel, Holland, Klamath Falia>. Aahl«nd, PorUand. |2^B» 3JJOI Benida. Winters.. Sacramento. Wood- • - . la*L Marytvills and Oreviile ; 10.48 a 3.00 a San Leaadro. Niles. 8aaJ0at....... 9.28» 3.20 a Port Costs. Martines, Byron. Mo- desto, Mereed, Fre-ro. 12.08* 3^o? Via Tiburon, West Napa. Et. Helena. Caßstor* 10.30* 4.00p Yallejo, Napa, C&liitoga. Santa Rosa, . Martines, Eaa liaruon, Dougherty, " livennore...."..; 9.23 a 4.00 a Niles, Tncy, Stockton. Ledi. 10.28 a 4.40p Eia. Leandro. Bay ward. Nilea, j 18.28 a Pieasaoton. Livermore \JI 1.48 a 6.00 a Tlie Owl Limited— Newman. Loa ?.-\u25a0 Banos, Msndota, Fresno, lulare, • Bakersfleld. 1-os A-p!a H.43S 8 JOp RosxelL Saa Jose. Los Gatos. Wr^at . 8.48 a ' 6.20b Ban Leandm. Nile*. -Sjo Jote 7.48 a 6.40 a Richmond, Pinole, VaUejo. Port Costa. . • j Benida. Suisun, Sacramento — Rose- « '\u25a0-.'. •' ville, Lincoln, Marysviile, Oroviile. . 1 1.28 a 6.20p Eastern Express — Ogdea, Pueblo, Denver. Kansas City, St. Louis, dicazo.,... Pors . Costa. Beaicia, Eaersmento, Reno. Sparks 7.28» ' 6.40b Hyvward. Miles and S«n Jose. 8.48 a 17.00? VaUejo, Port Costa, Martiaes. Bay PoicS aal VTny Stations {II.I 8» 8.20p Oregon Express — Sacrameato.Mirjv villa. Red Jin i. Asfcland. Portlaod, Pujet Sound and East 9.48 a 9.00 a China aad Japan Fart M»il— 0; l;n. Chey enas, • Denver, Eaniaa Qty. Omaha. Chioz.3 3^Bi COAST LINE \u25a0\u25a0 jftaT-rfhinl aud Town sen <l Streets) ; tS.25a Loop — 23d Street, Visitackm, South San Frandtco. Valencia St. tS^Sa t5.40» Loop — VaJeoeia Bt. Ocean View. - Cemeteries, South San Francisco. 23a Street. 3.1 and Townsend t3-50a 8.4 C» gauth Saa Francisco. San Joae. Gil-) : roy. Hollister. Pajaro. Watjonville. I a Knm SanU Cro».Bo older Creek.Gleswood, I OJH »' -Dd Monte. Monterey. Pacific Grove. J i B.ooa The Coaster — Saa Jose. CastrovHle, L Salinas. Foledad. Chsnafor. P»» Robles Hot Sprmea. Saa Loia - / Obispo, Pitmo, Oeeaoo, Cundalnpe. ' Barf, Lompoe. Santa Barbara, v ?• -V Ventura, Oxaird. Lps Anj«!es 11. 43? B.ooa Watsonville. SaaU Crua. Bonlder Creek, Glenwood. Dd Mont», Mon- terey, Pactfio Grove 11.45* 8.20 a South Sin hmciico, Fa!o Alto, San Jose, Way Stations....... 7.35« 8.20 a Los Altos. Monta Vista. Loi Gates. . 1 1|*4^ , 0.00» San Jose. Gilroy. SaHnaa, Chan-ler. Paso Robles Hot Sprints. Eaa Luis Obispo— Loa Gato*. Wrijbt, Laurel —Trea Pino*.— Santa Crui. Del . Monte. Monterey. PaciSo Grove.. . fe 4.OGJ j 10.40 a South San Francisco. Burlicjiais, > \u25a0> Saa Uateo. Palo Alto. San Jose.... f1.30a ' 10.40 a Los Altos Monti lista. Los Catos.. I.loa '. 211.16 a Bay Shore, Visit* cion, San Brano.. i 1.20 a \u25a0 IUOa Valencia St.. Oceaa View, Colaia, . >. - -Cemeteries, Baden. Saa 8run0..... U5) . 1 1 .40 a South Saa Frsa etaco. Ean Jo*« ..... 1 3.20 a ' 12.001 South Saa Francisco. Palo Alto. Sac ,'\u25a0 J05e..... 8.40 a t2.00? Ijoa Altos. iUttfx Vista. Los Gatos.. t3-20i ' 2. 1 Op Bay Shore. Visits cion, San 8ran0. ... 4.43 a 3.00p Del Monte Ei press— San Jose, Gilroy, Chittenden, W'atsonviUe, Santa, Crux, Dd Monte. Monterey, PaciSo Grove,' Salinas. 1230*". 3.20p South San Francisco, San Jose, GO- • roy. liollister. Tr e- Pines. 1028 a {4.00b Sunset Express— Tucson. Drmiui, El Past>, lloostoa New Orleaas, Prso Robles Hot Sprints, San Lois Obispo. Saata Bar bara, Los Angeles. 1 1.40 a 4.00? Pajaro. Watnn ville. Santa Crui. ... 11 .45> ' 4.03 a Dei Moote. Monterey. PaeiSe Grove. - 1 1.43s 4.00 a Kansas City. St. Lon is. Chics t0.... 11.40* 4.20» South San Francisco. San Jose... 1 9.00 a t5.00p San Bruno, Sin Mateo. Palo Alto. Saa ' Jose and Way Stations 9.40* t3.05a Loop— 23d Street, VisiUcion. South - San .Francisco, Valencia - Street. t3.13i t5.20p Redwood, Palo Alto. Maj field. Saa, \u0084 c Jose l.lOp t5.208 Los Altos. Monta Vista. Los Catos.. t7.20» ' t5.25s Burlineame. San Mateo. EanJo-0... T3^oi 5.30» Loop— Valencia £t» Ocean View. Cemeteries; South San Francisco. 23dStreet. 3d aad Townsead 8.40 a; 5.40p South Sao Fran cisco. Saa Bruno, Saa Mateo, Redwood, Palo AlUvJSanto Oars. Saa Joae. toe Gates, Wrijat. 7.40 a $5.40? Lo- Altos Monta Vista. Los Gatos.. J5.40» tS.OOp Millbrae. Earton. Sen Mateo, Pab Alto. ' Msy field. Los Altos, Mont* Vista, Los- Catas, Wright t3JSC» B.Qjf 73i Strest, - Fuitaeion. South Sin' •- »~ Francisco. Valencia Street ..... 7.!5*» fS.25p Loop— Valen ro Street. Otttn View, Cemeteries, South Saa Francisco. - 23<1 Street, 'Sdwnd Towtttend t7.4o*i 8.30» South San Fran cisco. San Jose " 5.40» B.oop Los Anjtles Passen mt— San Mateo. - - Redwood, •' Palo Alto. San Jose, GOrny, Salinas. '.' Chanjlor. Paso Robles Hot Sprints. San Luis .Obispo, Pumo, SanU Barbara, Los . Ancsies 8.38* I 1.45p South Saa Francisco, Palo Alto, San 1 7.20» Jaw.-...; .:...... ..\u2666-...\u25a0:; I 7^oa * fl.OOjr Sacramento River Steamers... -...'.. tll«30a Uaion Transfer Company agents collect baes*s9 and cheeks on trains of Southern PaeiSs and deliver tc residence. They are authorixed to cheek bastags direct from residence. \u25a0 • -\u25a0----\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0-. ; .' a for Morninr: " .— ' ' >.'""\u25a0 - f for Afternooa ' A W 13