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Additional News of Sports Eyents CARD LACKS CLASS AND LONG SHOTS SCORE Jjorm at Discount at Arcadia r-^and Several Good Things Are Landed [Special Dispatch to The Call] JipS ANGELES, Feb. 23.— The poorest <\ardi of- the season was tlie offering at Santa Anita today, and the absolute; lack: -of class and any definite form enabled many lons shot outsiders to RCCre brackets. There was no event .rVb. feature and the cheapest horses at Xh^-track had their inning. v J*inita. from the barn of Lucky Bald win, and which had shown absolutely \u25a0iTOthiiis: in its life, won the first race atldng odds, beating Allen Lee and AU>nberg. ' .. Yuldwood Bill, the good thing spe i:!sil. stumbled at the first turn and un .kekted' Jockey Shriner. spoiling a well Planned betting coup. "Walter Jennings surprised the talent again by putting lover Intrinsic in' the. juvenile event, .making three winners in the two days for him. something unheard of hereto fore. Joseph X sot the long delayed brackets In the third race, and at n pood price, beating Woodthorpe, held at- 60 to 1. and Virlando, with which a killing was intended. . Fills, which Andy Blakeley sent to the post last Friday with which to clean up and failed, brought home the poods today when he won in a hard iirive with Likely Dieudonne and Good- Jell ow. ARCADIA RESULTS SANTA. ANITA PARK. Feb. 23.—Seventy f.pTentli day of the wlaier meeting of the I.os Angeles raring ußsociatlon. A. W. Hamilton. t 'residing Judge. J. J. Holtman. starter. WeatU jtt clear. Track fast. ' FIRST RACE— rive and a half furlongs, raalden 3 ,year olds, selling: q.l<is. Horse and Jockey. Wt. St. Str. Fin. I>vS — Lanlta (Buftrelli 10« .'» 14 12. •'•I— Allen Lee <Cole) 102 rt 2 1 IT 11 .12-I— Altenberg (Burns* 110 2 3 1 3 6 i-Time. 1:07 1-3. Htckey I>siley. Daisy Thor)to. ; «enrj!« Guyton, HeywofHi Belle. Morea. Donatus. Clenzo Sburtr. Irene Bannister. Tortiarum, Jo .>ied' as named. Wildwood Bill fell. ' SECOND RACE— Three furlongs. 2 year old Blues, selling:. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .' ; .'Odds. Horse and Jwkey. Wt. St. Rtr. Fin. 1— Intrinsic illovrard* 105 1 2111 \u25a0*:«— t^a I'etite (Shilling) 105 2 12 2 3 S-S—L: llium (Walsh) 105 4 3131 :.' '.Mary's Lamb. My Lant, Lsdy Paret. Camera. .3irs'. Frank Hogan, Dora Payne, Cesarilass, fln -ished as named. ".'THIRD RACE— Seven furlongi, purse. 4 year yiitfs: 'and upward: tMdii. Horse and Jorkey. Wf. SU Str. Fin^ . w-sr-J f >**po X (Rice) 103 6 .'• 1 11 j-S-i—Wnodtborp* (Busslli» . .im 1 2 2 2 1 \u0084t. -I— Virlando <Quay> OC 2 12 Ski '.".Tiiae. 1:26 4-5. Teudercrest. Paul I, Dr. ;'Wei*. Wimple. Hilgert, Taby Tosa, finished *s V -FOURTH RACE — Seven furlongs, purse, 4 yerr '*b&a and upward: .<Mds. Horse end Jorkey. Wt. St. Str. Fin. :l-r— Pr. of CastOt (MusgrveUOft 4 3 3 11 fi.- I— lllusion (RU-ei 101 6 2 1 2 2 •> I— Wistaria (Mc«ee> 108 1 13 3h -.'. Time. 1:26. Aucassin. Smtrker, Third Rail, . CbVripe. Riprap. Pinand, finished as named. 1 • : .riFTH RACE— One and three-sixteenths ":mile«!, nelllng, 4 year elds and upward: i s vij O&iir. Hor>« and Jockey. Wt. St. Srr. Fin. "*-l — Arcourt (Powers) 109 3 3 1 1 h \u25a0 :«-l — Crack Shot (Musgrave). 98 11 5 1 2 h :& 2— Avontellus (Sbillin;) 103 6 2 1 3 1 '\u25a0Tlrae. 2:00. Niblick. Orena. Rublnon. Miss jO'fflcious, Brauras. Vanen. "Denisrre. Knlgfat of ,'lvanhf*. Tuvora. Joo Coyne, finished aa name], ':. SIXTH RACE— Five fnrlcags. eelllEg: -tiflrts. Horse and Jockey. Wt. St. Str. Fin. : 4 s— Fore (Shilling) 1H» 2 2h ln ! -k-'L— Bell «.f Bra*« (Pairet. .lft'i r» 3 2 2 2>4 20-I— Almena (Powers* .....110 14 4 3b ' Time. :f.» 3-S. Balerian. Garland. O'.lie Warl ••Aenie. Wells, l>a Set, finished as named. '•• -.SEVENTH RACE— Five aad a lialf furlongs, •_ tailing: odds. Horse and Jockey. Wt. St. Str. Fin. -S-l— PIIU (Wakhk 10* 2 2 I^l h \u25a0 . -i'-'l— L. Dieudonne <MeGee»..lo7 4 3 IV»2 2 . •' 2— GoodKellow (ButwelU. .107 8 13 3h vTlme. 1:06 4-5. Some Stone. Prornetheos. Roy Junior. Guise. Empire Expedition, Robert Gra7 v l>extxlsfL Solu«. finished us named. ARCADIA ENTRIES •' \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 T-JRST. RACE— Six furlongs, purse: : n^<! Mike lOr.iJVrt 103 '-• Mrike Out 10->lMlnti> 103 ': Hamper lOSiFrench Cook- 10S ,'Prtloas losjnomecrest _ 10S : Queen's <irove 103j Great Heavens 108 =; \u25a0 SECOND RACE-»Tbree and a half furlongs, . p.nrse. 2 rear ul<ls: \u25a0\u25a0 Hindoo Star ia>! Swift MacNeill ..'..112 Delm«ss lC2i Sporting Life c 112 '.Dare Do It lo2tlOkc MolKt 109 • K^tcbel 102!Anperona Itt) • Charles Fox U2;Sempronetta- 109 Temper .lLl|Myles O'Connell . . . . lU3 | . THIRD RACE — X* fnrlonss. selling: Senator Barrett ....103'St. Eluiwood 112 7'sj-lor George loO.Creston ........;... lt«J hord Nelson 108] C W. Burt 100 Halket 10D;Kerry Htt TUe Bear I'rjjLa Gloria 102 Tflin McGrath 10»iAlwln UU . McChord '..lOOjllaiel Thorpe 107 .•j>al 103 Grande lUma 10* Sir Edward li'-i •- . - 'rOUBTH RACE-^Seren furlongi>; selling: 'Whip Top I'iOilda May • 95 Fleming- I'J*! Hasty Agnea *. I<)4 ; Kthon lo3|Adrluche 104 Kennedy ..102' • FIFTH EACEt- One and an eighth miles, ~y.<i B«il I(#!Arrat:on 112 lloraelw* I<»;MerUngo ...112 \u25a0King «>f the Mist. . -KO; County Clerk 112 s I)»y Star .105)! Bye Bye II 10$) : «harley Paine 109'Mlke Jordan 103 • Lord Stanhope 1081 ' SIXTH RACE— Five furlongs, adllng: F.vadnc •. lOTiCuaplet 109 , Voltrome 107jKalart© 109 <;old Bar JO" Joseph X ........ ..109 Diamond Nose ... ...112iSir Angti* ......... 10JJ ' .SETV'EXTH RACE— One m!le. selling: Srmproni fi'iPickaway 11C Ufwrto V 111 Niblick 11C Hannibal Bey 113!Aro ...'..•. , Ui Friar of Elgin llliTeo Beach ........ .1103 Drrdger lllSMifs Naomi ..: «2 Prcsresa 11'jjSadler -119 Arcadia Selections First rare — Grrat Heavens, Strike Out, French Cook. •terond race — Mike Molett, Cliar-" ler Fox, Hindoo Star. . Third rwrf Grande Dame, lin ' i.;iorl:i. C. XV. Hurt. Fourth race— i:tbon, 'Fleming, . Adciurfae. Klfth race — I>ord Stanhope, Honrlcu, Kldst of the Mint. " <ifxth mcc — Jo«.»-ph X, Mvndos, '.Dlanoßd Xo»e. ••• Seventh race — \lblick, Tee Beach, Plckaway. THItEK HEACn SE3IIFIXAX.S DENVER. Colo., Feb. 23. — Three of the aspirants for the national cham \pronship In.*ingJes won .their place* Today in the semifinal round — William \u25a0U. Crairin Jr., the regimental cham pion: Georga C. Shafer of Columbia -university and King Smith. •." Theodore Roosevelt Pell, v former phampion. won only the first set of- his matrh against the present holder, tyylie r - Grant. MB8W» .H. H. Hackett. national champiDn, appeared In the doubles with. the old Internationalist. R. D. Little. •• Both worked splendidly together, defeating O. M. Bostwick and \V. C.Demll!e,6-l. 6-2, saining the round before the semi finals. pole: vault record broke.v \u25a0 CHICAGO. Feb. 23. — Clalr S.. Jacobs 'of the University of Chicago broke the world's indoor pole vault record to night by clearing the bar at 12 feet, 3 Inches. In the dual track meet between •the Chicago athletic association and the -University of Chicago. The unfver ' eityteam won- the. meet by. a score- of '•"SIS to 38. . Jacobs tied for third place iq the pole vault in the Olympic games In London last summer. >Ie has a -record- of 12 feet 4 inches outdoors. The Call's Handicap Forecast Ratings arc for slow track. Deduct one point for each pound overweight. NAPA NICK—ALDER GULCH— SIXTEEN : . FIRST RACE— Three and a half furlonB«; purse; maiden 2 year old colts and geldings: ?*• ~ Horse and Owner. Wt. Rating. Remarks. , p.-; 4123 . XtAPA JJICK (Berry) .104--107 -. On the improve: good colt. * V FI ALD EE GUXCH (Sea Air) 105 107 : Raceg fairly good. . . 41«5 SIXTEEN (MUlinf ...... ....101 37 Ran one good race. - ; 4125 Grabanie (Forsythel . 108 92 Likely to Improve. ; 410S San Leandro (Fountain) . . . 101 91 ' Ran promisingly in one start. ••108 Wicket (Applegatc) .101 i-lt Others have shown nothing. 403<» The Klne ( Griffin t ...101 S3 "'< . 413S Italph 11. Tozer (Dalyt. 104 7« ' v ....^Salian (P. Dunne) ..10:1 .. ,B. g. Sir Dlxon-Falal»e. . J. F. Lyon IJ. F. ColVliisj 1 11 I*lo9 II Blk. g. Handpress-Kitty Kelly. BRIGHT SKIES— GRACE G— KOKOMO SECOND RACE — Six and a half furlongs: selling; 3 year olds and upward: Index. Horn- and owner. Wt. Rating. Remarks.. >>; 412<; BKIGHT SKIES (Lowe) 93 J2l Should beat this field. 4120 GRACE G (Hoag) 10» 111 Improving. 4UI KOKOMO (Ryan t \u25a0 11l JO7 Balance a mediocre lot. 009.'{ 'Keep Moving «Bedwell) 101 107 4124 Constants HUH) 109 105 4C«4 Kaneull HalMLanniKanj.!."!! »7 S3 " MINOT— APTO ORO— DAREINGTON THIRD RACE — Six and a half furlongx; selling; 3 year olds and upward: -• Index. Horse and Owner. . . Wt. Rati ng. Remarks. 4117 JiINOT (Geret) 11l 527 At bis best Just now. 404« APTO ORO (Williams) 100 1-,) Ha* had letup. 4117 DAitEIKOTON (Tnrek) 11l 114 Prefers dry going. 41.TJ Cuernavaca (Keating) 100 .107 Races fair. ; 4133 Basil (Stowe) 11l .'O3 Has gone hack. 4131 *peneen (Cotton) 103 104 Balance call for little. trijS {j[ ovannl <B *' erS * "iwaiker)II!Illl 102 3311 LlTtle MliTiater <zimuu>ri'!!:lihl ' «y \u25a0 WARDEN— FULLETTA— FIRESTONE FOURTH RACE— One and a Eixteenth miles; Stanhope handicap; $800: 3 year old« and up: Index. Horse and Owner. Wt. Rating. Remarks. (4134) WARDEN (Forsythe) 90 130 In with a feather. \ « «4141) ••FULLETTA (Bedwell) 10T. 145 An "iron" horse. (4140) FIRESTONE (William*) 120 145 Worst of weights. 4140 ••Nadsu (Bedwell) »8 145 Last race fair only. 4127 Import (Healey)' 94 130 Far from his good form. ••Bedwell entry. , , \u25a0 SEVERUS— STANDOVER— DOLLIE DOLLARS FIFTH RACE — One mile and 20 yards; selling; 3 year olds and upward: Index. Horse and Owner. Wt. Rating. Remarks. , "(4124) bEVERUS (P. Dunne) .107 137 Fresh horse and right good. 4124 STAJTOOVER (Turek) 103 330 Likeliest of contenders. 4141 DOL. DOLLARS (Eucbantn). .100 130 Last race badly ridden. 4137 'Raleigh (Miller) 97 128 Chance if well ridden. . (4117) Red Leaf iKeenei 103 127 Prefers the mud. 4109 First Peep (Dunlap) 107 120 Recent races poor. **140 .A. Muskoday (Neal) 103 .119 Of little present account. (40S1) Woolen (Rogers) V..114 117 Last rac« very clever. 3521 Remember (Hoagi 103 . 117 Has had long letup. ,' , (4USS) Okenlte (Heffner) 107 117 A mudder. 4127 Husky (Dayton) 11l 104 Running poorly. 4122 'Lord Rosslngton (Bedwell). .104 S6 Scant chance. ACE OF DIAMONDS— GYPSY KING— CONVENT BELLE SIXTH RACE— Six and a half furlougs; Relllng; 3 year old 9 and upward: Index. Horse and Owner. Wt. Rating. Remarks. • 4137 ACE OF DIAMONDS (Hlldrth)lOO 12(1 nas nice turn of eperd. 4115 GYPSY KINO (Miller) 11l 119 Slow beglnner;*last race bad. 414S CONVENT BELL (Came)... ..10!» 119 Improving. , 4147 Banposal (Cleodora) • ...104 117 Races uniformly good. 4057 *Mattle Mack (Mack> ........104 117 Anderson will ride. 3SS9 Fantastic (Flenr de Us) 109 110 Prepped at Tanforan. 3925 Fred Bent (Brannon) 11l 110 Has had long letup. 3853 Warner Griswell (P. Dunne). .lll 100 Not much. . 3020 John H (Lone Pine) 11l »5 First start of season. - 3877 Gene Russell (Weir) 10S »4 Has been freshened up. 4029 Adena (Durker) 100 »2 Might Improve. 3GIG CarmUa (Berry) »5 Sj Of little account. •Apprentice allowance. \ LIKELIEST \VINNERS— NAPA NICK, SEVERUS • The Call's Form Chart of Races at Emeryville OAKLAND, Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1909. — Ninety-third day. Weather clear. Track slow. E. C. Hopper, presiding Judge. Richard Dwyer. -'starter. . -?'-' ' " 4149 FIRS 7 RACE— Six furlong*; Belltnf; S year. olds and upward; value to first $325. Indfx.l H»ree and Owner. liVtUSt. H Vi »i Str. Fin. I Jockey. I Op. "UT 4153 Brush l"p. a (Hojroboom» l'^2 4 ... 1»i 1 21J1 8- 1.1 J. Lee.. ..I -.10.' i 0 4133 (2)BT. AVON, 4 (M. S. Cain*) 124 ft ... 8H 3 I^3 14 2X% J. Butler.... * ,- 4 , 5 (4133> (I)TOLL BOX, 3 (Bowman).. 113 7 ... 5h 8 IH4 H3 ?i KeogU 3 7-2 .4131 Antigo. 5 (Garity & D.) 127 » ... 7*is >£ 5 2&4 1 Archibald ... 15 -25 412» Miss Delanev. 4 (Strife & Co.) 119 6 ... S 2148 n 7U, 5 h Van Dasen.. "15 15 4129 (3)ROSEVALE, 3 (Williams).. 10S10. ... 11 10 1 8% 6 1 GUbert ..... « S • 4115 Platoon, a iJ. B. Dnnni...... 124 2 ... 2 2H2 2^2 1&7 2 ScorUle \u25a0'. "15 20 i 412G Descomnets. 3 (P. T. Chirm):. 110 11 ... 9 I^9 Mi »n 8 3 Tap11n ....... ' » 16-5 (40fll) O»ceoU.-3 (I.lTe Oak stable). 113 3 ... 4 \U 4 a 6 n 9 3 . Deverich .. . . 12 15 4102 Ivady Carol. G (G. H. Holle) . 122 1 .. o0 5 7 %10 4104 .E. Clark.. ... \u008410 15 40an iSIsK Highland. 3 (SchrHber).. IPS 8 ...10 8411 v it C. R0m"...... 15 25 ' Time — :21 3-5. :49 1-5, 1:16. At post 1 minute. Off at 1:40. Brutih. 8 place, 4 show: Avjii, 2 place. 1 show; Box, 7-10 show.' Winner b. m. by- Ben Brush-Miss Laudeman. Trained by E. "Hogobooin. Scratched — Billy Myer. S tart good. Won easily. Second cleverly. Third firiring. High price — Brush Up 23, St. 'At on 11-2. Delaney 20, Platoon 25, Descomnets 7-2. Brush Up out footed her field from tbe start ami was drawing away at tbe end. St. Avon dwelt right after the start, bnt speedily began to make up ground and finished stoutly. ; Toll V.ox, off in a tangle, came from far back. Antigo, Miss Delaney and Kosevale ull ' <-losed well. Platoon quit badly after JoJ lowing Brush Up closely Into stretch. Descom uets warmed up sore and could not untrack himself. Oscepla flash of early speed.- Others showed nothing. . - . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .'. V 41 50 SECo:sl> liACE— Three and a half furlongs; purse; 2 year olds; value to first $325. ladex.l Horse nnd Owner. |WtjSt. '4 V, % Str. Fin. I Jockey. I Op. Cl. 4108 lElfln Bean (I". A. Forsythe)., 07 5, 11 14 15 DererlcTi ,'. . : . 8 at (4123) (S)J. DENNEatEK (Chlnn)..lo7 8 Rn 5 1 2 1 Taplin 7 0 4132 i Warfare <Kenllworth S. F.).. 04 4 On Cl 3n C. R0e5..'.... 6 » <41OS) (2)raFLECTION (H. Grlffla) 109 3 3 M 2 n 4 Jt J. Butler 2 11-5 (4121) Olathe (G. W. Berry) 104 7 \u0084. ... 83 7 3 52 »£ Gilbert 4 23-5 Trans-AUantlc (Mmm C 0.)... 104 1 2144 Vi "> 11 Klrschbaum . 30 100 4121 (I)FIHE <F. H. Jlilden). 112 2 4n 3n 74 ScoTlile ..... 3 9-2 Donovan (B. Sehrelber) 107 9 »713 8 4 84 Keogu ...... 20 30 Klang <Kf nil worth S. F.) 109 8 "B 0 tt Upton * » •Coupled with . Warfare. Time — :24 1-5, :42 3-5. At post **> minute. Off at 2:ll»i. Beau, 5-2 place, 11-10 show; Den nerlen. 3 place, r 3-2 show; Warfare. 3-2 show.. No separate entry betting. Winner b. c. by Filisraue-Plcture Hat. Trained by R. Colnton. Start fair. Won easily. Next two ! driTing. High price — Bean 10, Dennerlen 10, Olathe 5. Kltln Beau, off none too well, outran Ms field from Mart to finish. Dennerlen and Warfare *closed with resolution from moderate beginning, lutieetion bung at the end. Olathe gamely naaile up ground. Truu.-v -Atlantlir and Fire had early speed, but <iult at end. Others never In it.' " \u25a0 \u25a0 *- - AA K1 THIRD RACE— One Hnd a sixteenth miles; selling; 8 year olds and upward; value to first ?325. \u2666 : ____J Indt-x.l Hone and Owner. IWtjSt. U Vj % Str. Fin. I Jockey. | \)p. Cl. 4139 (2)LEOATEE. a (W. Hawke) 111112 12 12 7 »,i 2 2 15 Cotton 7-£ \ 4 413 C (1)H. ROGERS, :: (S.. Emery) IW h 1:4 1 2 14 11 2 2 K. Clark..... 92 IS-5 4141 (3)EOTEOU, « (W. Murphy). 11l 1 X I>£.% n 4%3Vj 3li Borel ..;.... Iv 15' 4131 Mendim. a (A. F. Dayton*.... 11l 0 7y. 7 1 6 h 5 IH4 8 O.i MJller.... 15' 7 4009 Carmellna, 4 (Hoag -&., Co.): . 105 5 « 2 « <Ji It Va 7 1 5 v J. Butler 15" .".(> 4117 jJlni Ilaima, 3 (Fountain) ....'. 04 2 Sin 3 2 2 1i:.4 11 «U Deverich .... 30 T.'t 41-11 Coppers. 4 (W., 11. Spence).. 1C« 10 11 5 8 1 » £ 8 »»i 7 H \u25a0 Gilbert -1 ii 40T.1 Eckel-nail, a <C. IVFiuk) 114 « 5>i4h102 0 2 8 3 Archibald... 20 25 4y73 Velluwstune, a (Terry C 0.)... lU9 7 2 2 2 n :t I^o 0 hi Coburn ..... 30 1110 4021 BelUnence. 5 (Fleur de Us).. 11l 3101 11 11 210 a Buxton . 12 20 3957 Hampton Beauty. 3 (N.Orlean) 92 4 4 >i olißnlo 111 4 Taplin 10 •» 40H0 Banridge. 4 jB. Hchrvlber) . .,. 10« II -0 11 10 2113 12 12 S«-ovllle ..... 0 10 Tiuip — :24 4-5. :3O 2-5. 1:17 3-5, 1:44 4-3, 1 :5 l 4-5. At pout 1 minute. Off at 2:34. Legatee. 2 place, 1 show; Rogers. 3-2 place, 7-10 show; rßotrou. 3 sliow. Winner b. k. by \»Jelvi - dere-I>egacr. -. Trained by W. Hawke. -Start goofl. Won' easily. Second same. Third \u25a0 driving. High prU-e — Legatee tt-2. Coppers 11-2, Hampton Beauty 11. Legatee trailt-d flm half .mile, moved up at far turn, took, lead near paddock and galloped away from Ills coiupauy final fnrlong. Harry Rogers, off poorly, obtained lead on clubhouse turn, bnd speed to make the "pace well into stretch and came again after momentarily weak ' ening sixteenth from finish. Rotrou gradually worked Into forward contention. Mention -.'.'Si. closed well. YeUowstone. Hampton Beauty and Jim Uauna . quit badly Coppers lntor \u25a0*\u25a0 fered with at start. Others made moderate showings. • AIR 9 FOURTH RACE — Five and a half furlong*; the Reed high weight handicap; 3 year ••\u25a0Wfc- olds and upward; value to first $450. /•-.\u25a0\u25a0 :..\u25a0\u25a0.. ' . \u25a0 \u25a0 . lttd«-K.l none and Owner.. |Wt|St. V t \j % Str. Fin. I Jockey. | Op. <:i. 412S (2)FANATIC. » (Forsythe)... 115 •» ... 2%2 2*2 * 2 2 13 J. I^e ... 3 4 4140 (I)ROSE QUEEN, 8 (Koeuigs) 111 4 .;. 1 2>/41 5 1 4 211 B. Dugam... i 6-2 2 40Sfl Cresslna. « (E. J. Ramsey).. US 2 ... 3 2V..3 n 4 3 3 2'^J E. Sullivan.. 15 'fo 4050 Del Crnzador. 3 (Baldwin)... 106 fl .;. 6 1 44-3»4 4h Archibald ... 12 12 (4110) Charlie Doherty, 4 (Dunn).... 112 1 ... 4>iß»i 5 4 5 2 Scoville ...... > S 13 (3774) Cotytto, 3 (G. TV. Berry).... 116 R ... 8108107 H6 10 J. Butler.... 0-2 n 4130 Pio Pico. 4 (M. J. Dalyt...., «0 8 ... 7 1 7 2 8 5 7 2 Wrlspea .... 100 CO 4137 (B)SrX. STOCKING, 5 (Bdwl) 108 O ... 6^6n On 82& Taplin ...... 3 4 (3876) Hoyle. 3 (C. Bowman) 107 7 ..'. 9 9 9 9 Keogh „.... 20 f.o Time— :23 4-0.. :50 1-5,1:08 3-5. At post \ x h minutes. Off at 3:01^. Fanatic, 3-2 nlace, 7-10 show; Queen, 1 place, 1-2 show; CrenMna, -4 • show. • Winner b. cJ by Ballyhoo Bey-Hypo crite. Trained by R. Colston. Scratched— M adman. Trois Temp. Start good. Won goius away after a drive. Second stopping.- \u25a0 Third v easily. High, price — Fanatic 9-2, . Cruzador 20, Stocking 21-5. Fanatic followed Rose. Queen's pace most closely to stretch, got on even terms at paddock and would have won by greater margin but , for .: wilful Interference by * Dagan, who bore out in stretch. Rose/ Queen had usual high turn of speed, but weakened,' badly at.end. Cresslna always forward contender and closed nfoutly. Del Cruzador hiade \ ,-' op ground. Charlie Doberty finished fairly well; Others ran very moderately, Sliver Stocking having none of her accustomed wpeed. - \u25a0 A4E& FIFTH RACE — One and a sixteenth inlle*; selling; 3 year olds and upward: value to *HOJ firtt »325. \u25a0\u25a0•-.- \u25a0\u25a0--- -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u0084: \u25a0 -.' Index.! Hor»e and Owcer. |Wt|Bt. Vt >V, % Str. Fin. | 'Jockey. 1 Op. 7JT7 "4117 (2)ED DAVIS, 4 (F. Clancy). 1W 5 63 4•%3 % S V,.l 2 C. Ross 8 S 4045 Colbert, 4 (W. McCain) 10U 8 5«; 6 2U5 2 2 n 2 »4. Archibald ... . 7 1,1 - 4123 (DKOMANOFF, 4 (Lynch)... 109 C 3 2 2hihi y, 3ti Scoville ..... 3 IC-5 4131 Derdom, 5 tC. M0rt0n)....... 11l 710« -8 n 7 •*<, « 2%4 n Van Dusen.. 10 "11 4142 Agnolo. 6. (Fninklln' stable).". 11l -2-. 1 2 1 2>&2 1»44 2 5Vj E. Dngan. ... 5 *% 4057 Mis* May Bowdisb, a (Bedwl) 104 3 7h'»2 -6 n 5n .0 24 Taplin .. . . .". ,20 40 4117 (2)CAMBYSES, 5 <V«rian). . 114 9 8 1V47 2H» 2 94 72 Keogh ...... 2 •• 4CiC3 Prosper. 3 (E..W. Heffner)... SO 10 4a; 5 IUjS 2^B 2' B n C. H. Miller. 7 13 4124 Boloman. 0 (J. M. Crane)... . 11l 1 2h 3 2 4«i7. Vi 0 2*4 Gilbert 15 vm 4122 Orcban. a-(ErJ. Ramsey) 111 4 »1 10 1010 1010.1510 23 E., Sullivan. . 15 25 4124 San Gil, 4 <C. Reed) »..:.. 106 11.j.1 . H 11 - n n Deverich .... '40 50 Time — :24 4-5, :50 4-5. 1:17 2-5. 1:44 3-5. 1:51 1-5. At post 2 minutes. , Off at 3:27. Davis. 3 place. 8-5 show; . Colbert. 5 place. 5-2 Fhow; r Romanoff, "3-5 show.- Winner b. h. by Kls met-Juanita. Trained- by C. C McCafferty. Scratched — Ornate. Start good. -Won easily Second driving. Third easily.. High price— Davis, ll>. Colbert- 15.-. Romanoff IS-5 Cambyst-s 13-5. Orchaa 30. Ed Da vl*.' reserved behind pace first part, galloped over; leaders in stretch and won drawing . away .'. Colbert, ; i n close quarters all'the way,": finished resolutely i Romanoff, always close up, looked winner at head of -stretch,- but .weakened >nf end. Der-' i -dommadf up ground. . Agnolo and Boloman qnlt badly.'-. Others never •ln'lt.v-;.-.- :: \u25a0 4154 SIXTH . RACE— Futurity course; purse;, 3 year olds and upward; value to first $325. Index.l Horse and Owner. - )Wt|St. '4 H %" Str. Fln.l Jockey. I Op. . 73T 3853 Fireball, a (H. G. Bedwell).llO» 4 . . . 1 *; 1 2 1 *4 1 »i Taplin .. 3 11-2 4110 Oecaa Shore. -5 (Elliott &M.) 103 «..:-: 3 3 2 »i-3 3-2 14 Borel ....... "0 13 401 G. Little Slsn. 3 • (S. C. Hlldreth) 02 2 ... 2n 4:* i2M 34 Upton .....: 20 25 4130 (3)FANCY, 4 (H. Mack).... 10.110. :.."10 a 9 4h - Anderson :r. 8* S 40SS (2)LIBARO. 6 (E.J.Baldwin). 112 8 ..." 6n'6«i 42 ; 5 5.; Archibald ;.. 7-2 4 4i:tO (I)EAKLY TIDE, 4 iKI.deL.) 108 1. ... 4V, 5 I^s n 6 n Keogh ....... S-5 " 4067 Cadicbon. C (Dealy & C 0.)... 100 II .;. 8 2 8 .% 8 n 7,h; Sweet.:..;.. -20 30 4<177 Old Settler.- 4, (W.- Walker).. 105 9 ... 11 7 n 0 2 8 3 E.^Clark..... 20- 25 : (4142) Marian . Casey. 4 ( J. " I/>we) . . . 105 C ... 0 n 11= 10 2 94. J. >Butler. . . . vlO- ,1:1 3SS4 Maureunla. 3 (M1111n).. ...... 90 3 ... 5n"3 1 7:^10 I^4 E. Sullivan.. 12 ]« 2558 IWotxilander. 3 (E1N1d0)...'.. 90 7 ... 7 IJIO 3 11. 11 . Dewrich ..v. ' 20 CO Time — :24 3-5, :50 l-5..1:02 3-5, 1:12 2-5. \u25a0-. At pout: I" 'minute.'.' Off at 3:ss."".: Fireball, ;Ji-2 place, \u25a0; .0-5 show; Shore. 8 place, 3 chow; Slss. 4 show. Winner, ch.g. by: Ben VStrome-Sly Nun." Trained by 11:, G.-Bedwell. Scratched— Be Brief. Start good. ; Won drlvinpr. . Second same. Third eaully. High ; price— Fancy 10.' Early Tide. ll-s,'Mauretania'2O.^ Fireball came out frm«h and fit and had. tbe upeedtolead-all the; way,* but interfered -palpably.- with; Little Slks thrt>aghout i stretch; drive/- crowding \u25a0 her into rail and giving her no chance. to ran.VShe •-.* s all. but 'went- over fence, opposite- paddock and'- then -closed well.' v Foul :j claimed,' but "'\u25a0 not ' allowed;, might \u25a0 have . been : had \u25a0 Little Sls«. finished second; 7 Ocean Shore,; having clear. soiling . *on outside, pot : plure in rioting strides. •;. Pjf ncy." off, poorly,* rnn : winning race. -<: Llsarb ' made '-\u25a0 ; np ground. Eatly Tide evidently of little aqjlount.. "Mauretania quit as it short after show- Ing *;>eed. Others always outpaced. SBtMHHBS&SHiIfeBHBHi the : san Francisco gall, wednesdjVy, -eebruary 24, ,4909. r J. R. Jeffery Address All Communications to .THE SAJV.FRAXCISCO CALL/ :j: j i Telephone "KEARNY "Sfi'^Aak .'for Call. The Operator'will Connect " You Wilh the Department Yon AVUIi. " BUSINESS OFFICE^.;..:; .V. V.: . .-. . .jlarlcet" and Thifd'^treets, San Francisco EDITORIAL R00M5. . . . . ..... . ..... . ... ...;:. . . .Market and Third Streets MAIN. CITY 8RAXCH' ; .v.;..*.i;..77. ;....... 1651 Fillmore 'Street Near^ Post OAKLAND OFFICE-468 '11th St. Jlßacon Block ),j ; |i}e?honl t 'i?me^;237s; ALAMEDA OFFICE— I43S Park Street. . . . .'.'.'. ., . ... .Telephone Alameda 559 BERKELEY OFFICE— SW.; Cor. Center and Oxford. ..Telephone Berkeley 77 CHICAGO OFFICE— I 634 Marquette Bldg. .C v George ic'rogness, Special Agent' NEW YORK OFFICE— BOS. Brunswick Bldg.. Jos. cXwiiberdlrigr; Special Agent: WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT— Post Bldg'': .V; \\ 'li::. .". .'.lra E." Bennett] SUBSCmPTIO.V RATES - . Delivered by. Carrier, ; 20: Cents Pfer Week, 75 Cents Per Month. Single _ - '\u25a0\u25a0 . i-v:-- Copies. 5 :Cents.- :^ ' -:;•\u25a0 . : .'.^. '.; : ".:. \u25a0•;;:- - 1 ?? v I *¥?"'/ T for , U J? IT^P STATES, Including Postage (Cash With. Order) : : DAILY CALL (Including Sunday), % Year -.. .7. ...:.... ;\v. -.- ... . ..-JB.oo' ?; A t, V* CALL (Including Sunday), 6 Months ...... .^ . ; . ;. . . : . '. . . . ."; . . .$4.00 ir A iV^ , CALLr ~7 By Bln ele Month . . . .:.-. ......... : . ... .-:..* 75c. SUNDAY. CALL. 1 Year ..........:.... . ... ..$2.50 WEEKLY CALL. 1 Year ... . ! . .'.-.. :............... .. . ..; '• - ' '" "-' ... . $1.00 ; FOREIGN ( P ailv ••• •\u25a0•'• ••••- •• • • : : . , - . $'8.60 "per" Year. ; Extra POSTAGE I «V n< l a , y ' * • ' • •••••• ' ••• •• • .$4.15 .Per) Year Extra ; . ;• ,. . . . . .....•..:.\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0... ..v.v..... $l.po;Per Year Extra I Entered at the United States Postofflcq asiSecond Class-Matter. '\u25a0'-' ''-.:-. ' ALL POSTMASTERS ARE - AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS. : Sample -Copies, Will -.Be Forwarded Requested/ ; ;. Mail subscribers, in .ordering": change, of .address^snould be particular i to give : . both. NEW AND, OLD ADDRESS in order to iosure a prompt. and correct. compliance with their request. -- '..•.." -j INDEX TO l THE CALL CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOUNTANTS. . . .... . . . . . . . . . Col. 5, P. 10 ADOPTION ...........; .Col. 6. P. 10 AGENTS WANTED \u0084 . . Col. 7, P. 9 APARTMENTS \u0084Col. 2. P. 10 i ATTORNEYS . .'. . . Col. 6, P. 10 AUTOMOBILES L ;. :. .Col. 3, P. 10 ; BAR AND STORE FIXTURES...... CoI. 3, P.. 10 \ BARBERS AND 5UPPL1E5. . ...... .C01. 6. P. 9 BUSINESS CHANCE 5 ... . . ... .. .. ..Col. 3, P. 10 " " ...... '..-.-..'.'...Cg1. 4. P. 10 BUSINESS PERSONALS ....... .Col. 6, P.. 10 . " •• .....:..:.:....coi.7,P. 10 CARPET CLEAN1NG........ J...... C01. 6, P. 10 CHIROPODISTS ..................Col. 6, P. 10 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. ., CoI. 4.' P. 10 DENTISTS..... ........:.,..;..C01.6,,P. 10 DETECTIVES...... ............Col. 5, P. 10 DRESS MAKING. .........Col. 4, P. 10 EDUCATIONAL Col. 5, P. 10 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. ..;w. .... Col. 7, P. 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MALE. Col. 5, P. .:» » ?•• Col. 6, P. .9 EIIPLOYMENT WANTED— FemaIo Col. 6, P. 9 . " ».;: \u25a0'-."• ..........Col. 7, P. 9 FEMALE HELP WANTED. . : . .". Col; 7, P. ' . ® FLATS.TO LET..........:.......-. Col. 1, P. W «<:., «... ];..... Col. 2. P. 10 FLATS FOR 5ALE. .....U.w...... -Col. 3, P.' lo FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS...... CoI. 2. P. 10 " \ \u2666«-.•'• " ......Col. 3. P. 10 FURNITURE FOR 5ALE. .'... '...'.;. Col. 2,. P. W FURNITURE WANTED. . . . ... . ... • -Col. 2. P- *' FUR 5.......... ..I ...Col. 3.P.10 GLASS WORKS .'.'. - .'• '•\u25a0 -Oo\. 4, P. 10 HOUSES TO LET— Unfurnished.....C ot 2, *• " HORSES, WAGONS AND HARNESSCoI. 8. P. 'lo HOTELS. .Col. I,P-W. INVESTMENTS.......:... .Cpl. 7, P. 10 LADIES' TAILORS..... ...Col. 4, P. 10 LEGAL N0T1CE5.. ......... .....J5. Col, I.P'.JJ LODGING HOUSES FOR, BALE Col. 4, P. W LOST AND F0UND..... ... .......C01. 8.P.3 MALE HELP WANTED,. ...... . • ..Col. 6. P. » MATRIMCNIAL '. . : • • Col, 6. P. 10 MAYERLE'S GERMAN EYE WATER. Col. 5. P. 10 MEDICAL. .....:Col. 0, P. 10 MEETINGS— LODGES.............^ -Col. 4, P." 9 MEETINGS— LEGAL........ ..Col. 4. P. » " " ...............Col. 5, P. 9 MINES AND MINING •.....'. .".C01.* 7. P- J° MISCELLANEOUS WANTS Col. 3, P. iv MONEY TO LOAN Col, 7. P> \u25a0«> MONEY WANTED ..Col. 7. V. i« MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. .......: .CoL 7, P. 10 OFFICES AND STORES TO LET,... C01. 2, P.iO LATENT ATTORNEYS..'.:.'.'.. .. -."C 01.*, P. 10 PAINTING k PAPER HANGING . .Col.' 6, P. 10 PEN510N5. .. . . . ... . . . ... .......... Col. 5. P. 10 PHYSICIANS..... ....Col. 5,£. iv REAL ESTATE— CITY.... .Col. 1, P. " '• ".".........*... CoU 2, P. 11 REAL ESTATE— COUNTRY. ........ Col. 2, P- « REAL ESTATE— TO EXCHANGE".*.. Col. 3. P- " ROOMS AND BOARD OFFERED... CoI. .I. P. 1° ROOMS TO L ET-FU8..UNFUR....C01.7,P.. i J ROOMS TO LET-HOUSE K'P'O:.. Col. 1, P. 10 SALESMEN & SOLICITORS W'T'D.Col. 7. P.. •» SEWING MACHINES Col. 3, x. iv SPIRITUALISM ../..........:..-.-.. Co}- \u25a0«• |' *" STORAGE AND MOVING VANS. ...Col. 6. P. « TITLES RESTORED. ..........:..•• Col. 5. P. 10 TRUSSES .........:....:.... .'; • • >^Col. 6. P. 10 TYPEWRITERS tt SUPPLIES .... - Col. 3. ?..M : \u25a0':""• . INDEX TO '. \u25a0--.-! i 6aklnnd,Berkelcr^lameda,FTiiltvale j ADVERTISEMENTS : i~^~^~~»^**f.*~r***'™~*"'*''-"'>>'™*'" * ATTORNEYS........ • ..Col. 3, P. 11 CARPET CLEANING. . . .'..*. Col. 3, P. 11 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES .Col. 3, P. : 11 FLATS TO LET...... '..:......'... ..Cd1. 3. P.*ll FURNITURE FOR BALE Col. 3, P. 11 HOUSE KEEPING R00M5.......;. C01. 3. P. 11 HOUSES WANTED..... ..;..Col. 3, P. 11 REAL ' ESTATE— OAKLAND. . .-. Col. 4, P. 11 REAL ESTATE— ALAMEDA. .. ... . Col. 4, P. 11 REAL ESTATE— BERKELEY. Col. 4, P. 11 1 ROOMS TO LET— FUR-UNFUR... Col. 3, P. 11 BOARD AND ROOMS OFFERED.. . Col. 3, P. 11 SANITARIUMS.......--. \u0084Col. 3.P. 11 TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. ..Col. 3. P. 11 MEKTIN T GS~l.odgesi '; ' \u25a0' V MiV MAST K US' ASSOCIATION ft ' >' " \u25a0 OF CALIFORNIA, !'• & A.M.— B\ > (tfiloers and member* will meet /£*& TIIIS .'(WEDNESDAYS VKVENISO KgA. In Mission -Masonic ball, liO»i8 Mi«- rfjrrzgf sion st.. to confer. \u25a0 the .TUInl- tie- \u0084',„. eree. Br Invitation of, Mission lodge >O. 109, 1" & "M. By.oriU-r of the president. ' ' »', :.\u25a0--\u25a0.-. H. J." OWENV. Secretary.- FA KXSWOUTH lodge Xo. 05, I. O. O. ;O V 1234 : Market St.— Flr»t degree M\ THIS (WEDNESDAY) KVENI.N(J, Va2f ' February 24. Visiting brothers cor- /\^A dlally lnTited. - \u25a0 : . ' T,->;' II KSOBEIV, P.eoordlng SecretHry. CKOCKETT lodge l No. 130; F. & A. - a M.— Second dejfree THIS (WEDNES- -J\ U.\\> EVKXIXU »t 7:30 o'clock. ' Secretary.. •\u25a0 • -T. " * MISSION lodge No." 109, -F. &. A. .M.— .a \u25a0: - -Special meeting THIS (WEDNESDAY) *£%. .-EVENING- at -7:30 o'clock. . Third de- rLrfl ; gree. FRANK .W. SMITH, Secretary.: -™. STAUtt KING lodge No. 344,." F. &..A. . .'*\u25a0: M.— Second degrefi THIS WEDNES- >WU, DAY) EVENIXO at 7:30 o'clock. ' A^\ H. . F. WRIGHT, Secretary. ' \u25a0.'.^.\u25a0-'. SYRACUSK lodgo No. ' 38,' K. of. P., ' US.: • meets THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVE- T^rf/ ; \u25a0\u25a0 Nl>>"(}' at 40S Van ", Ness ay.' near "'tfgiljr Fulton Rt. 'Visiting Knights wt "'"*fi?vJpk« CCU "i). It. CADWALT,AI)EU, C. C.'. \J^** PHIMI' H. VELEY, X.of R..& g- . \u25a0AUSTRIAN MILITARY AND BENEVO- %-tttr~* LENT association moots •TlllSMfflfcH (WEDNESDAY) EVENING. FeVruai'y t§f^|f' '24, at National hall. -.560 Fulton st.. t w «* w nt 7:30. o'clock. ; All ' members', are reqnested to 'attend. Important business." By order -of -\u25a0- - N. M. : METRO VICH. President. , OEORGE- MOSTAIHNICH, ftec. Sec. .•'..- MASTEK MARINERS' \u25a0 Bene.Tw-'^- - C-. - L lent association — All mpmlicrs [(feHffSfc^^^ ixxi-. requested fo attend : a BHrtfrntißWiiiiuM '\u25a0- Bpeelal meeting on . FRIDAY.-. I) H)||Biijil" V -February 20, mOO.rnt 12::;o fi^jJ^CSi^v^ p. m.. In the hall <if the nsso- I ©SS*SBSEZai9~ relation; 82- Market fat.,- San WPz*^- \u25a0 - \u25a0.-•' •: Francisco, . for the purpose of- \u25a0..';.;:': J attending : the funeral.'-of\ our' late : brother, . GEOKOEM.- ANDERSEN. . - '."'\u25a0\u25a0-".'A.'- P. LORENTZEN," Recording Secretary .' ; i4^o>^^MßETl^S~l^gal^;^>^.v>-^ THE i annual meeting of the ' stock holders -of * the HakaliutPlantationCompnny- held on \u25a0 vWednesda.r,-March'!3,;'lUoo,Tat ;tho f hour.'of s 11- o'clock a.rm.; at;tbe ofAce ofthe company, 2CB Market St.; room 210, San Francisco, Cal., . for.' the purpose : of : electing- directors for v the ensuing '\u25a0 year^and A fur,.the<conBideratlon .and .trausactiou ofsuch other bustuess aa may come before . the , meetln?.;r Transfer \u25a0 lx>oks \u25a0 will close ' on . Saturday, February * 20. , 1009. -; Byj order of " tbe prest'laat. j. •/ H. W. THOMAS. Secretary: \u0084 Dated February ; 10, - 1 909. : ','. ], ; ; . .. . . ..^ THE annual . meeting; of .t he stock -\u25a0 holders ? of \u25a0 .the Paauhau- Sugar -Plantation Company ;: will * be^heldion. Saturday.; March. 0, ..'lSW),^ at* the. - . hour . of - 11" o'clock -. a. , m.v at * the \u25a0 office* of ; the ' \u25a0J company, .. 2G3 v Market - *t. " \ (room -210), v San : Francisco." Cal:,' n for the purpose of electing- dl- ' ; rectors for ; tl»« . ensuing : year.-; and * for, the con- •; ; Blderation': and "transaction 'of , such : other * busl- ". J neKB"as'may. r como.before..the;meetinjr. \u25a0\u25a0;.-' " : : Transfer .:*. books v will . close '- WEDNESDAY, 1 24, ,1900. '.^' \u25a0'-/. '\u25a0':. u v '. .:. , \u25a0..— , .-, , A-,-: ' '- ; ..HAW. THOMAS,? Secretary. . . Dated; February. 19," 1809.";.^: •;p;-.v-' ( ::-;'.;". - _ MEETl.VGS—iesnl^Contlnued ANNUAL - meeting of ' the' stock holders of tb,e X Oceanic Steamship Company will be held on TUJiSDAY, MarcK-0.-lOflO, at tiie-liour of 11. o'clock a. ,m.. in the office of the- president s of ,thecqmpany,'eoClay st.. San; Francisco. Cal..- , ror the purpose; of • electldg f. directors for the ensuing year .and.for- the. consideration and ; transaction of sueh 1 other. buslnr«s as may conic e-^e -^\ the mee ting. Tranafer book* ,will- close on February 27. 1900. .By order of ! the presj- • - ?w SifS -'\u25a0»•- W;'-THOMASr Secretary. " --\u25a0 Dated February 20. -1000. >-\u25a0*• : .-. j -"\u25a0 JF. YOU -LOSE \u25a0ANYTmNG^-A4>erti»V I\u25a0' \u25a0It here. It will be. returned to you. if: aa : honest .person finds it. \Eemarkable fecov- • erles arc brought about every day thrtuch .this column, '•: fvr \u25a0'< • '. ? \u25a0-• -,' , . IF YOU FIND ANYTHIKG orinsr "it to ~ " "toe "*;.'.;\u25a0\u25a0."\u25a0 :v. „-\u25a0\u25a0 ""•'"\u25a0'• i.:."^.' »\u25a0-'"- >"* \u25a0' ESnn Francisco Calf ,1 '..'•- " l.utt ami Found Bureau S Tbird-imd Market Streets >' f \u25a0 : A^Qet a claim chect v'Have' it*adverti»edi Beelaim it if theowner does not. '• • > .' i • THE LAW— People who find lost S arti- cles are interested .in knowing that the -~ etate. law. is . strict ' in . requiring them to - - .seek \u25a0'\u25a0 the. owners - through advertisement \u25a0' \u25a0 and otherwise and that a failurs to do **o if proof • can 9be shown • javolres * ' ; *.; severe penalty.',,;.-:, \u0084 ' .\u25a0.;.'".\u25a0-.;/. \u25a0 * .^ \u25a0 \u25a0 -' " " ' ' - ' . . — . LOST—Wedn£s'day, V February"- 3/;1n I Ftultvale near'or on way .to.B, -.HI station, an Intaglio • w . a f n cnBCm - mounted in gold -and platinum. . Finder s please., ceturn to . or communicate with' A. IV.HANSEN.-. care S. F. Chronicte.- s: Tt, ,and receive $5 reward. ..-".-• ' LOST— Between Piedmont park and San Fran- cisco, Tuesday. February 23, gold brooch set with a diamond, valned as a keepsake. Re- turn to 22 Stanley, place, Rincon hill, and re- ; ceive reward. ' -^ . LOST— Saturday, February 20. pearl horseshoe brooch. Return to 1001 Waahingtpn St.; reward. LOST— A white and yellow pointer; 1 year old"? Reward 1332 Stevenson at. Lo^^ A al cad necklace. Finder ploaseire- tnrn to 1301 Octavia St.; liberal reward. R ™m L cu v , keyBtone wlth Chl p n' m«"-lf. ! gold with white circle in center; keepsake "w2rd- t0 ; - * ' M " l 9 Ln ? lulD^ San -Francisco; I —— —mm — — _ — — .— EMPLOYMEXT' WASTED— MaIe fvDALliY'f* DEMARTINI, \t t, ACCOIJNTANTa AND AUDITORS, Make a specialty of keeplna books of firms whose Dimmest does not warrant 'the employment of a regular book keeper: terms ! reasonable. Room 1102 Humboldt Bank bldg. Phone Doug. 3Q4Q. ADVANCED student in stenography wishes work : for office .or home; • city; writes 75 E£ fln.P l ?"i? : «" own tT P ewrl t«- Address \u25a0 box COS.: CaII office. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0_ .-. > CHOREMAN 1 or handy young man about place. ;. ranch or. dairy, care for horses, milk and gen- eral all aronnd work. Box 3005. Call. Oakland. COMPETENT, 'nil around offlceman wishes re- sponsible position; can furnish references and bonds. Box 655, Call office. ' CHAUFFEUR desires permanent work, city or country; thoroughly experienced; 0 years In a the business; not afraid of, work; very best city references. ; Address M.. 1568 Jackson st. COOK and porter wishes - situation, saloon. In ' city.' . Box 630. . Call' office. . ... CAPABLE man who thoroughly understands book . keeping and accounting in. all Ua branches Is „. desirous of securing clerical position; have had . 8 years' experience In tha insurance business ; - *>'<* of references and . aatiuf action assured, \u25a0 Box- 145, Call office. - -, " \u25a0:\u25a0• EXGIXEER,. .with long" years' experience as •;»Jraftsmau awd. machinist," wants employment Box 058. Call office.' ... .. : EXPERT- male Bteno and office assistant desires ..position:'. :<alary- $10;; employed at present. Box . 03S.' Call' office.'.. •\u25a0 ..\u25a0:\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 .-..-•,,.»-\u25a0.- . ... GIBBS' Employment "Bureau.. 330 .Puclfle build- . ing,- '-plion* Douglas 979.— Foreman on bread and • cakes wantH.' position. 1' .... ',' \u25a0' -\' •' » GlBBS*. 'Employment. Bureau, 330 j Pacific: build- I Jug, .phone- iJougias' 87U — Camp. cook- and dish .' . wa«her wants. position. . !. \u25a0:;:. •'."\u25a0- ; .; ;. GARDENER, la mlsi'iipe | and S vegetable or- care • taker;.-4 years in charge last place; ' highly fpcommeaded- by - prominent . local men. ; "Box 720, Cull office. ; -. ----.-... HARDWARH, salesman -desires position;, experi- enced in general and; builders-h ardware. A FREEAR..3OI2 Grove' Bt., Berkeley. \u0084..,. I WOULD like a position in which I could aA- " vance; : smffll wages to start; medium educa- , .'tlon: good monager. Box 4507, Call office. JAPANESE/ first class' rook, wants position In private family: has good references; wages $11 a week. HIGASHr, 1615 Post at. Tel. West '\u25a0 5T43» \u25a0 v . : t "* - : .- : .* . ; " *> JAPANESE, with best references; excellent pri- vate family, cook; .- French, German, pastry; fan^y. cakes, any style cook; high wages. Box .:.. 4546.-. Call office. \u0084- .1; : . , :. . JAPANESE good ' boy wishes situation as school >.- boy.V-C": MATSU. -1533B t Geary at. r \u25a0, , • MAN .and \u25a0'wife -want -situations: .man good all Isarouodj man: woman- good cook." Address -box 45G8. Call office. 1651 Flllmore at. -; MARRIED- man," wife' and 2 children, : Germans, "".Jwlsh to take caro of- a private-place orranch; . understands all ranch work;. handy with tools; •3 wife. f if.. wanted, . would do -housework; gooa . references. : Address O. L., CU» Vau Ness ay.: ".' phone .Franklin 2518.. \u25a0\u25a0::,.-. \u0084'. „.'•\u25a0. POSITION wanted -as ,book 'keppor or any' office work .that will. pay', a good salary. Won't it • .' pay you to-be assured tha t your work is done 'accurately 'and: well? . Say; sloo to start.\wlth \u25a0 advance after ability Is 'demonstrated; best of , city. references. .80x' 721; 1 Call' office: \u25a0-...- ;--r SITUATIOX Wtd— Young man," experienced book -'"keeper;; and officer man, capable of - taking .'. charge.', several .years' ; experience '\u25a0\u25a0 In \ sawmill ' and retail lumber, business, would ro to the country, or ' any place at moderate : salary; • ex- \u25a0 '.; 'cellent references." 80x. .613;- Call office. ' SITUATION* ..wanted : as | watchman; best of refer- .. ences;: I -am a steady,', sober, and Tellable man. .Address box 037., Call -office. -. -.\u25a0\u25a0.- . STEXOGRAPHER,'- accountant, , expert court and :. legal,', wishes. desk. 7 room> for public work with- ' ' nominal : salary; for . services. ,. ; Box 633, ; Call. •: t TWO milkers 'capable of < milking : 30 cows want .-..positions; state wages... CHAS. DE HAAN, box :- \«s.i Call 'bf flee. \u25a0 ..y ;."-,\u25a0\u25a0 . r v . ; TRAINED male nurse,-0 years* experience, wishes -\u25a0\u25a0- position.' ; private.- or « lnstitutional / wort. Phone . 'Park 6444. . - , ;- .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;.•;.,..., -\u25a0 \u25a0 ;-.- . WANTED-^Permanent \u25a0situation --by graduate ;>; > civil engineer •. and construction* superintendent; • experienced 'in concrete and rock wtfrk, founda- ;-'. tlous, ' - bridges, 'and Irrigation work -v : " and (dredging.;- 80x:534;Ca1l office. - \u25a0\u25a0> , : WANTED— By .a ' first class pastry cook ' and \u25a0 -cake. baker. "work-in , hotel' or • restaurant. "• 72C ;,\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Flllmore st. --, ,-.-\u25a0\u25a0. \?-^r. i/ ;-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0;- / .-; WATCHMAN— Middle .; aged '\u25a0 man wants position •* : as \ watchman ; , sobers and ,' reliable. "Box' 547 J-- Call 1 office. r'y^ >.'r\j \u25a0'•> •,-\u25a0" \u25a0-\u25a0.\u25a0.'-•.. \u25a0 ..,' \u25a0 'WANTED— Yoong S man » desires Vchore •: work : or \u25a0\u25a0 hook • keeping.* morning : and • evenings, • for room. \u25a0 ; :; \u25a0;/;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 r ; YOUNG Frenchman wishes acquaintance of young ; al>out;f 16 , to U8 -years,'; for 'conversa- ' t Ion ' in j English. > Call ? from s 10 > to: 12 * o'clock," . C3i. Montgomery^ st. .-.-\u25a0;\u25a0 , \u25a0..'- tT:. .',. \u25a0'.'\u25a0: ..: EMPjLOYMEX T y WA\TED-^Male—Coß. YOUNG man of" 24 wishes position, either In of- \- flee or. some outsJde work ; can use typewriter I and !Is conscientious . worker: . can furnish the *.bt-Bt, of references ; was formerly- employed. tn the office' of a wholf sale liquor house; fatr sal- ary erp^cteJ. Address box SSI, Call office. YOUXG man 'wants position; can take care- of - horses, cows, \u25a0 etc.. and has some farm espe-. rlenee. Box CO6. Call office. YOUNG .Chinese boy .wants position .as, janitor c aDd housework.-' waiter:- "peaks English well. Address WOXG SING. 1101 Stockton gt.; '.\u25a0itv. YOUNG man wants employment, repairs in fac- tory; good machinist. -lathe -hand, brass fln- lther. nt.~. Box T.2S. fall offlre. . _ >I ALE H EliP WAX TED AA — 100 MEN to save $2 to $4 a pair on sample shoes; all standard makes; $4 To SG values; all i $2.00 . a pair. Drummers' Sample Siwe Co., third Boor. Hcmboldt Bank balldlcg. AT COSTIGAN & CO.'S. 4 aad C Fell st. .--\u25a0- ,-:- Phone Market 2000-. ..- '-. - For Large Company— See Boss Here. 10 Greek laborers, board self. 82 day. •1» Italian laborers." board self.- $2 rtav. 5 laborers, city, board yourself. $1.75 day. 10 laborers, board with company, $1.75 day. 5 young men, willing start at bottom, to work . for . advertising . company, steady i work, if AXDRH'S office, 10J4 Larkin st. near Rutter—" : Restaar.ant^cook», ?25 and,?22a week; first class , second cook, *?\u25a0';. *'w>fc,. prirate family. \u0084$35; porter, hotel, $40: kitchen hands, pantry- , men.- etc. . Oakland office. 957, Franklin st. AteroilOßlMXG, plumhing, -electricity . brick \u25a0 laying and plastering taught by actual wcrk In - shops . and . buildings ; ad vaneed i scholars earn \u25a0wages; day and night 'classes;, free catalogoe. Coyne ; National Trade School. -23a~ Stb. S. F. BRIGHT young man. between ages of 22 and 25. with .mechanical". ability.- to learn sewing ma- •cbine-' -adjusting: good wages, wnlle learning. :• Box,- 640... Call, office. \u25a0 \ ''" . . \u25a0 BUSBOY witn experience. Grand" Central cafe, ;.fMW Market st. . •.'.- '\u25a0. '.:.:..--.• "" .;,,. BUTCHER -BOY Wtd— Young many- bet. the age :.<st IS-2O,',tQ'drlve'*R butcher, wagon, "Apply at ;157Q 7th St.. center store, Oakland. , ; . CirAttT^lE-^PJease Cpine ( home \u25a0to j 23f1: \u25a0 lonesome \u25a0 night*. V- v . -'\u25a0..-. •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,;; r FATHER. : •- :free employment office. • \u25a0 ?s; r ; , ' . ; Tel. : Market. "737 .. \u0084, \u25a0 " ",*•\u25a0' "; geougb hotel.. • • \u0084\u25a0 .^howard' and sth. San francisco; : also '4th -and j. sacramento. "\u25a0•...;': ..refitted— hemodeled.. xicely ' furnished single rooms. 20c .: pep. night. $1 per week and up. -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 HEADING ROOM AND OFFICE 1 j - •>.:ON> GROUND FLOOR. FIRST-CLASS offlceman.' 25 to 30. years old; : must -he rapid, acenrate and have executive - ability; state »ala,ry expected. Box 722. Call. GIBItSV Employment Bureau^ 330 Pacific. \u25a0- build- v - ingi. phone. Douglas 079— Yonns white man for - general housework: $30 a month anit found. LABOR', accounts collected; attachment* and \u25a0 liens. CHAS. H. NORRIS. 378 Monadnock bldg. LABORERS and mechanics to know -that Edward . Rolkln has reduced .tbe. rooms "at the .Denver .... House. 3d . and -Howard sts.. to 350 \u25a0 per day, !$2 week ; hot and cold . water In . every - room. ' PHOTO-COUPON agents. Call at SCHAFFER'3, \u25a0 72 San Pablo 'av.. Oakland. - - MAN wanted to learn barber husl-ness in barber • shop by- practleal - barber., who will teach yoa ! quicker and better than any institution. Apply \u25a0 (ift7 Broadway, Oakland. -'..-.'• MEN to learn barber; trade «n S weeks; free spe- -.clal laUtscements to next. 10: call. early, get liarticnlars,. S. F* Barber College^ & Fell »t. MEN and women to learn barber trade;. B weeks; .earn $5 'to .slo. per week- while learning r par- - tlcnlars free.' MOLER COLLEGE, 6 Uth st. NBW WES.TERX. 1124 Howard -St.— Single rooms, 15e and 20c night: hot and cold water. ORIENT Employment Agents^ — Reliable help far* Dished;; Chinese amKJaapnese cooks, servants and butlers of all descriptions our specialty. 714, Webster st.. Oakland.. Phone Oakland 3101. RESTAURANTMAX,' take full charge of medium, priced place, will* consider partner If O. X, B«x 719,. Ca11-office. . / THREE good min/ag' stock agents wanted;, most tw well recommended; fln^ proposition: big com- mission: apply. Immediately. .Dimond I Grocery .C 0... Upper Krnltvale. - ... ...... TAILORS wanted to. stay away; from Oakland and Marshall Steelof Berkeley, as local 20^ ;j.T. Of^U. A., was .locked out February , J- for rejecting a., reduction of 33 1.3 , per ceut .In wage scale. .; Headquarters of Local 26G are at .Labor- Council, ball, Sth St. and Broadway, Oak- laud. \u25a0-»:. '-i-'.-, ,V « ' •'•'-; \u25a0"»<-* :k?V?y»* '".'\u25a0'• \u25a0*- WAXTEIV^-Man'to* join co-operative cigar mana- • fact«rlhg r company;. ?2s required; steatlr work. :3pc,i2tb Kt. .'.\u25a0';\u25a0". -. • ,--'-, --'-- \u25a0 -=H-i. \u25a0->-•.'\u25a0:•' 1 WANTED— 6OO men. to occupy rooms. 20c t0. 30c per night, (free bath), at the Xew Yorkr. 753 Howard, at. between 3d and 4th.: y,.}- /> i : '.. . . . -- \u25a0WANTED— -' f: -' .'.'\u25a0 \u25a0 100 LABORINGMEN " To occupy "Clean single 'rooms- at THIS 01110^ • NAL MECHANICS' HOTEL. • 019 Howard at between sth and Cth; 15c. 20c. 2Sc day; $1. $1.50 week; good, clean meala, 10c up. SHAW BROTHERS. . YOUNG .roan vrantod to take charge of office; book keeper and stenographer: $1,000 cash In- vestment .in company . required. - Box 628. Call. YOUNG MEN FOR RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE Exam, in San Francisco May 15; Intending appli- cants should . begin preparation AT ONCE; cample questions and "How Government Posi- tions Are Secured" sent free. Interstate - 5eh001n.635 lowa .ay.. Cedar Rapid*. la. YOUNG . men wanted to learn telegraphy and station work; tuition fre*. For particulars call ' room 405. Hlbernla building. Jonei st. . 200 PAIRS second hand and uncalled foe shoes chean. IPS Sd st.i-'- JIARHEItS AX^SUPIMjIES BARBERS— We offer Bome^XC^Kno7JAL~Da^ gains in second hand BARBER OiI. VI US. Ten No. 147 KOKEN hydraulic, pedestal , bas« chairs ' in 'dark "brown leather. These chairs are all In "EXCELLENT con- dition and are sold with onr ABSOLUTE UK- I.IMITKD. GUARANTEE; $40 rash or $44 on time; eaxy payments to responsible parties. I . ' We also have a Xew Berningbaus and Koch's ' Chairs at surprisingly' low prices. , If you are not ready to. buy chairs at pres- ent, yon can secure one or more by pay lug a small deposit NOW. ' Bee these hargatns at once; DON'T DELAY; - they will sell quickly. DECKELMAN BROS.. INC.. 162 TURK ST. ' BARBERS' SUPPLIF.S BARBER CHAIRS AND VIBRATORS We have several |of our last year - model hy- draulic chairs that we will close ont at a great reduction. If you are go4og in business It will pay yoa to call and *cc. us." ' N .Chairs sold on installment of $15 down and $3 a month. , Vibrator* sold, on 'installment of $10 down and $1 a month. ' . . . <»- \u25a0 . Several bargains In second hand chairs. JAMES BARKER, INC.. Phone Franklin 3SOO. - 94 Turk tt. - EUGENE F.'PAXARIO. Mgr... BARBERS— We are \u25a0 offering special values In towel: urns, regular $4 and $4.30 now $3;. our Jupiter razor has proven a repeater; every one ..guaranteed; price $1.50; the Sunset hone Is becoming more popular, because of Its cutting quality, giving a razor a smooth, keen edge; - jw4 carry a complete line of furniture and fix- 1 • tnrcs wblch .we . sell ;on -Installment basis. Pacific . Barber Supply Company, 1)02 Market "it., 29 Turk st. '<\u0084--- • BARBERS — We have cash customer! to buy food paylajr shops .*. having reasonable rent. TOLZ'S. i3l Market st.; Bancroft bldg. BARBERS' union No. 14S — Office removed to 343 Van Ness ay.; tel. Market BS9. \u25a0 . CHARLES KOCH, Secretary. BOOTBLACK wanted' in' barber', shop at 417 Pine st. ' - ' \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0-. ! EMPLOYMENT SECRETARY OF BARBERS' PROTECTIVE UXIOX. A. \u25a0 UNGER. 102 Ist '.St.; phone Kearny 2187. ELDERLY barber- wants a Job, city or country, \u25a0s with or wltnout board; tmall wages. 563 Wal- ler St.. ~ , , - FIRST CUASS barber: guarantee $17 a week. -.Hotel, Arcade. Oakland. r" \u25a0\u25a0 . FIRST. CLASS, steady barber wishes position in > country town^-Box 4560, Call office. FOR'sale— Small barber shop; -low rent; Invest!- ""gate. \u25a0 For Information call at 222 Market st. r •FOR -rent — Bootblack' stand.- Apply at . Bonlta .Bar, 1832 Fillmore st. ' .' . *~ ' PARTNER" wanted — Barber has 5 years* lea**. .\u25a0 low; rent, on lars« hotel- barber shop: transfer - .cor. CHAS. C. COLEMAN & CO.. BSO Mkt: »t." SEM.INQ ' out barber chairs ami basin, credit; for second • hand chairs. \u25a0•" SM Grove St.- . THREE- chair- barber. shop with, s living rooms, . . $35 per. week clear, for. sale, or will trade for barber Bhop In. country town. Bent '4s6o, Call. TWO chttr barber. 6hop for sale; price $C 3; rent ' -$10.50; gas free." 597 4th. st. cor. Brannan. .- ; WANTED — A barber: steady Job;. sl9; In coun.. try. > Address . JACK BBOWN. box 12S, Los VBanos. Cal. . ' . WOULD "like to buy a fair paying barber shop for cash. \u25a0 \u25a0 Box ' 4584. Call offlee. .. ?^m^YMKW : WAATED-l.> mnle BRlGHT v young, lady wants position as book keeper; plenty " of references ;>. phone Kearny . 5378, or call room 211. 060 Market «t.' : j BCKIK KEEPER.I Btenographer or bill clerk; .ex- '\u25a0porlenced in impl« v ment.vrae«llcln<> or nwiU onier ', business: best references^ Box 440. Call office. COMPETENT- woman, wishes house' clean Ing and washing; 5 also window.^ cleaning;' good, honest, : J reliable worker.-. 'Address L. E. : W.," box'4o7. 'Call office. "" l .^"' ;*-< -V .' • -. .. .\u25a0 COMPETENT ScaadtnaTlan woman.- first clasa cock, all . branches, ;' Irishes situation, city oe country; references. ' Box 4jtts. Call of floe. EXPERIENCED saleslady, suits and millinery, 13 'years. la business, desires a position.; cap- . . able of . tatlng-' cijat?e ef. -department. Ad- drc-sa box «C 3. Call e£2ce. . F.\SHIOXABL£ . dress roaier wishes .^ engage- ment by the day In famlllss. Phone Oakland 542:t r - - - I UlUh to team magazine work and receive small '\u25a0\u25a0I-. salary besides. Apply California Home Jotir- nal, 330 Jackson st.. San Francisco. - MIDDLE AGED,." German, lady, with daughter, first clasj <c«'tt. all around goo<l worker, wanta a Job In the country; daughter old enough to help: wages $13 • per month- and foumt J»c danphter;. no -bachelor n?c<l apply. MRS. I*. .Al'til'ST,' Xapa. Cal. NORTH Oernißn, eUncatetl widow, with 8 year old, boy. wlsbfs position to motherless children; goo«l nurse;, also busiuess. wqmaa; best, refer- ences: i.ti objections to country. MRS. 'O. BECKER. 1254 Kdtly at. REFINED Swiss lady wants position, as rot- erness or companion; German. French. Eng- lish: fine needle worker: 5 years," experience: pood references. MISS 8., X. W. C. A.. 1243 O'Farrell st. KELIAELE woman, stood cook, wants position in private family: rooU wages; references. Ad- dress 712 FiUasore st. RELIABLE Frenchwoman wished a posltton as -\u25a0chamber maid and eesmstress, cr care of frown child; no objection to the country. Apply 843 Oc-luTia at. near Goldeo Gate it. t ItEKIXEP widow with a younj man «oa would Hie to take charge of a home for par- ties going east or to Europe for a visit: very capable, and can give the best of references. Address bus 475, C«II office. RELIABLE woman waqts a position as honso keeper la a fauillv of adults. Address 430 Shotwell st. pear 13th. . lIEFINED liernian x'irl wishes position aa lady's i:iaid or car»« grown chUrtrea or waiting. • Call - cr ad<lresa ICtJA Lexlugtou ay. between lid and 10M> st.<. \u25a0 WOMAN wants wort In a family b7 day or wee*. Call nil week at X"» Natoma st. j WOJUX otct 50. first class cock aad lanndres*. ' wants posltton: references. Box 3D07. " Call. Oakland: phone Oakland SOO5. WANTED — Sitnation la private famUy: first class washer and ironer. LIM WAX, 567 Du- pont »t. WIDOW desires position as companion and nurs« to Invalid; highest references furnished. Address M., box 331. Call office. .-.. YOUNG lady, thorocphly experienced boole keeper and stenographer, versed in average office de- tails with excellent references, would consider offer cither in city or country at very mQderita salary. Box 543, Call office. ~TOUX<} Germaa cook wishes place la private r<rmlly; wajres $35; best references. Address or call. 13-13 Oak gt.. between a and 12. YOCNU woman experienced In general office work, expert stenographer and typist, own ma- • el'lne. desires work to do at home, ocwitl «wer>t rxwlrtmi p«rtMn of rtav. Box 540. Call. FEMALE HELP WAITED .AAA— Lessons la hair dressing and manicuring I given. Up to Date Parlors. 1150 yillmore; rates. AT MRS. AXDIIES. ll>U Larkiu »t.— Cook. M*«ilo I'ark, 540 to $45: chamber, maid and aeam- . stress, ?;'5; bemsfwork girls for Menlo, . Corte Madera. >!!!! Valley, *•_'.-. and *:!0; French sec- ond girl. $IT> to $30: French nurse, $U0; dining rcom girl. Nevada. $.'.v. \u0084 i ANY person • having"* witnessed- the running over i cf a lady at Van, ' Ness ay. and Sutter st. No- vember 13. 190 S. will bestow a great favor by sending their address to box 595. Call office, BAUM'S SAMPLE TRIMMED HAT PARLORS— I am certainly giving better value and style 1b my line of $5 ladies' trimmed bats than can b* found in the city. My assortment is the largest. • I am -loci ted on the 6th floor. Pacific Bldg, 4th and Market, rooms &U-CO2-604. aad my rent aaving Is my customers' profit. I have also adde<l a line ranging in price from $7.50 to $15. whica arc money axver*. No millinery profits here, but legitimate prices. ' Spring line la- now ready. EXPERIENCED— chocolate dippers waated; steady employment: -gocHt pay. Apply after 10 a. m.. LEHNHAUDT'S, IIST-U33 Broad- way. Oakland. * X FIRST CLASS ceok and < second girl. same. .. house, 340, .$23.. reference*: maid and seam- . stress, city. $30; second girl for 2 la family. £ $30; pantry .gbrl-for a delicatessen place. $S - .a .week ;\ good; coofr. references, ,$45; second .. girlj- San.. Mjitro... $3(>. referencear. cook for . R«s» Valley, $40; -second girl far San Rafael. j SM; . French nnr»* for -1 cliUd. $30. MIS 3 :. PLUNKEyt. ISOT Sutter st. . \u25a0 \u2666'\u25a0• ;Gl Rlt- f w e<v>k Ins an.l • housework ; small f aai Sly ;"~ ; . car fare paid. 50 7ta ay.. Richmond. - 8 iGHIL-Wtd — G<K>4;DlaWt cook.;- small family. 1381 .y. y $atrg.mvnto «t.';-. apply. & to lw -• ' .; . ' LAIKF.S Wtil — Ti> take ctim« work; -part or fali - tkner*. experience nnnecessary. Trisbers, roomi .. 213^213, Pacific bldg.. 4th and Market." : ~" : .....'... .'.,\u25a0", • Girls to make overalls at ocr Oakland factory. 3d st. near Clay. LEVI STBAUS3 * CO. Ap- ply to Mr. Davis. RELIABLE girl to do general honseworlc. la- qnlre 0 to lg a. m.. 1 Scott st. TRIMMER Wtd — Al. Fresno; first class position. Aptfy Mailer & Unas Co., Folk at. between Sutter and Bash. ' WANTED — Girl to cook and do housework. 1840 O'Farrell it. WOMAN wanted to help with housework in pay- ment of honsc keeping room. 822 TnrK st. . WANTED — Tea.-hers for Nevada; good place*. FISK TEACHERS', AGENCY, next to lirat National Bank. Berkeley. ;\u25a0;.{ YOUNG lady wanted" to attend Jewelry store; " call at 11 today. Humana tone Co., 1308 Flll- more *r. . . • . . - \u0084 . . . YOUNG girl wanted to wait at table. Apply 23." Church bt. . YOUNG LADY Wtd— Experienced type- writer and office as«ititaut. Appiy-room Oul. 693 Mts- ; sioo st. NVwmnn I'oot Curd Co. A^GEj^^ WAXTEP ~~~ AGEXTS. exclusive territory, new patented clothesline holder: bip: soll^r: no competition; 100 per cent profit: sample 2Se silver. 9 Wash- ington Patent Company. Slt> Globe block. Seat- tie. Wash. ' ..• \u25a0 : . SAJJJSJJIEX^nd SOLICITOILS WASTED Ull h high grade traveling - salesman, and earn $100 to $500 per oionth and expenses. - Score.** of our graduates who bad no former experience as salesmen are dnlng It. 1 Stf can you. W» will teach yon to be one in 8 weeks by mall, and. through onr /FREE EMPLOYMENT BU- REAU, assist yon to "secure a good position. Hundreds of calls for oar graduates. If you want to iacrcas* your earning power from 2 to 10 times, our Free Book, "A Knight of tha Grip." will show yoa how. Write (or call* for it today. Address Xatlonat Salesman* Training Association, 712-B Mi: ls building, San Francisco; branches New York. Chicago, Kan* sas. City, , Minneapoli- - --, >.- ,-,„<\u25a0- SOLICITORS Wtd— First class: land proposition; I subdivision*; must be good closer: liberal com- mission. Apply 2 p. m. today 437 Monadnocic building. \u25a0 . SALESMEN Wtd— Hustlers only; coma etrfv. Room 574. Monadnock building. 3 IXTELLIGEXT solicitors of good addresa wno -can give referenco as to their ability, honesty . and sobriety. See PACKARD. 8 to 9 a.m. and 4 to & p. in., circulation department. Tbs . UA'PAID. WAGES COLLECTED ..,.,... — — \u25a0 . , ....... KNOX, 443 Pine— Suits, liens and attachments, - tlm«* rheck* cashed: <lfht.i <-oilpcti'<t ev«»rrwh>re. emp. Co.;- best help guak.: city or country. 1513 geary st. west 5658. AA — Japane3e-CUtnese Kmp. aftice: best help; I \u25a0 city or • country. ICI2 Laguna st. ; tel. West 1731. . - \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0- '^ A.-UORI. 174S Sntter; phone West 2So3— Best : Japanese-Chinese help furnished, promptly. • EMPLOYMENT office— Ladies wishing glrla and girls wishing positions phono SCO. or call 333 ~ Minnie st,. San Mateo. li. W. HONG. Chinese employment office, SCS \u25a0 Webster St.. Oakland. Phone Oak. 53*3. J. CONN', Chinese cap. bureau; Chinese : coots rpecial. hotel or fam.. 770 Clay ; t. Douglas 31 62. JAPANESE 'House Cleaning Co.. 1007 Poli St.. 1105 Post st. Best tteirv. Phone Fraailln 3737. JAPANESE Domestic Workers' association fnr- nishea best help. 1777 Post. Tel. West 7153. STAR crop, effiee fsrnigliea Japanese-Oilae«9 li»lr>. W. KAHOTA. IWH tfrnry: tet. West IBT. nOO.^IS TO Ltrr— Knr. and Uafur. 'AA— \u25a0 \u0084\u25a0\u25a0... SUNNY front, alttlng room and connecting bed- . rcom, comfortably farnisaed; use of bstn; en Ploe tt.. near Powell; private family; refer- ences required; stilt&bto for 2 gentlemen; rent $25 per month. Box 443. Call office. WITH BATH; ALSO PHONK. . '. ON ALL CAR LINES. NEAR PANHANDLE. G. G. PARK. ' » .. NO OTHER ROOMERS. • BOX 537. CALL. Continued to Aext Pase . v 9